HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01707_Well Construction - GW1_20210209 VULL CONSMUCTION REM� (GW-1) For r i Use L Well Contractor Information: " wenCom®ctaaName FROM TO D) I10N .3 5 3 5 •. 5�R. �O8 NC Well Con6cwCatiSeafimNmnber I-&.OUTEgCA.SII�IG fin imTb easedrie@a ORLum FROM TB DU1r E= TffiCMMS MATFRIAt l l�+l+tTYf'10..'U _�!'�'� `•�'• � R 1�I m. C=VuW Nmce _ 2.wen Cons4 3�- 3 5 •action Permit#: FROM ro DIAIAZM *s•T�*•*. Lw aff wft=ue nen cmranwxlon permits CL&Li1C Cowz.Sam va w2m an) -{ 33 R 0;/FS, m /Gt t 3.well Use(check well use): tz Water Supply WeIL• ;17:SCREEN FROM TO I•I DIAMEM • SLAMSIZE I IffitKKESS I MATERIAL OAV u ltmd ommicipJPubleC 8 iL in. oGeothemaal(Heado&r4oling Shy) * Waw Supply(single) o1z l/Con mercial OResidentW Water Supply(sbwed) 18.'ROUT f3krigation , OWells>100,000GPD FROM I TO MAT:" ZNMACEMMMMOD&AMovxr Nor-water supply Well: 0 fL 3 R AA i OMonrtoring OR=wm ft ft ' Injection Wen: r ,J w { DAgmferRecbarge ❑GmundwaterRemediation 19 SA1�ID/�tAVELPACB tt -zsi ,_ OAgdfa Storage and Recovery OSdinfty Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL I n NACW0 rMsaeD OAquiSer Test OStosmwater Dminage fL Orpeam uW Technology ❑Snbsideace Control $ R la OG aI(Closed loop) OTracer =:2a'-DPMJA iG LOG.attachViBdi aatsli"eel5'if- `. ❑Geolhemal(Seafio JCoolmg Rd m) o0dw( under#21 Remaads) FROM To Drsarn riox(�r a�l/i.etc eic t S 8' I 4.Date Well(s)Completed: well LD# $ ti Sa.Well Loeafro IL F�ayrowr name �Mg(if��) R ti �rese 1, )- . � / / I y tz 1 > ArId—.., [�,i :, :2L:R - Comay _ ParcelMezr5cadonNo.(W 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutedsewnds or deal degrees: of"a field,one ladlong is ) ' 22.Certification: 50 W / 1 i � -5 -2 6.Is(Are)the wen(s): Loermanent or OTemporary Sig�oaauc o e11Ca Dace j l� Bysigmig tfasfor�l �tlottlx�rrll(s)was(were)ownaaeettd fnaa�dmnoewa 7.Is this a repair to an eastiiig wen:- 'awe. or o 15ANC4C 02C:0100 or 15ANC4C 02C.0200 Weff Coavwrbn Stmft s and Saar a cap ffddsisargnrrjmGzdbmwm,rrlla=""Moaao +oQaaaa3e3qDw;0,A=orafrhe gfdwm=dl=b.=p dI d d,,dw,.rnaw,xr { ,q.9i wider 021 rem uft secrim oron the bm�E of rlasforsa —U-Site diagram or 2"donal wen details: 9.For GeoprobrMPT or Clnaed-Laop Geothermal Wells " You may use the back ldf this page to provide additional sell=mtructian info consauctiou,only 1 GW 1 is needed. Indiwt'a TOTAL NIT1v1 (add'See Over'in Rema6m Box}You may aLco attach additikval pages jf y ��• '''] 'C� V � 2�SIIBMiTFAL Il�LST'RUCTIOxS . Fos otal well dspth below land surface: ( D� � !` (ft) 'T aadffpk ioel/s Ilse all deprhsf (ermnple-3(a)Z00'and 2(�100� -, �r c GW-1 wit5in 30 days of weIl rnmpletios per the followirg: 4••, l, �`°.'�4''� �'�rl:C2�3a. For An Wells: Original£o� to Division of Water Resources (DWR; 10.Static watxr keel below top of casing: �� E�a��i�'•(tt} � �LI - 1617 MSC,Rol ' NC 27699-1617 Ifva—kvd is above I.J.Borehole diameter. 24b.For Injection WeIIs:COPY to DWR,Underground lajection Control(IUC Ptogram,1636 MSC,Meigh,NC 27699-1636 12.WeReonsftection method: R O'�a hq .: •`1' (ie.� caw���) 24c.For Water SnDphi and Open-Loon Geothermal Retara Weft COPY to th cormry environmeinai hiea=aepartnent of the caniy worse mstaired t . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells1`redo' over 1 l3PD:Copy to.DWR,CCPCUJ- 13a.Yield(gp* Method of test: vli-- Permit Progr�,1611 MSC, NC 2769 9-1 6 1 1 13b.D➢sinfection type: Amount: Fam GW-I No*Carolina Depar mmt ofEavfrommmW Quality-Divi of W'doer Resaases Revised 6-6-201