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GW1-2021-00652_Well Construction - GW1_20210203
. 1�I. _ ��.E211T.1AL w�L c+aNs'1�n�C'rtaN�08t� N=&C.,wa&&Dqm n =its=dNe wA Beao =s-DWisi m of Wdw Qw ty WIML COWRAC T OR MC.ATION ff 3 1.WELL CONTRACTOLD d. TaP OFCASw e W V FrAtweLmdadwe Top ofcw"wMaketed evorbdowowd Mftw maywow" a vatlence In aacordaii0s wilt 15A ICAO2C AM (Atdnntm)j Name 0.YEW(0 m): IAMM OF TES[ i ric o L: DOWNECTIONt 7Ype rZY Atnowt g2-C 4,,� wag conve orQ5mpalry"am ,/ vTREEt'ADDRESS n.tc J��'l S� WATMZOR S(dio )-- a:4 y Air,�. C-. 02 02-7 r"M To FiorgVTa CW(WTown Slaft zp Coda Horn .. � To Fton_To ( �7 2 LMdoresstY#Wd Materiel Area Dods-Phone tnutd�er 7. CASRM Depth T 2.WELL 054X MATWW. T b' % !;hie.2/ SlIE W E.L 1DSP - WELL CONSTRIiCZtON PERIUT,CM ,2 d -P o �. - To Ft,_ Flom Ta R OTHLRLASSOCWTW PLC fie? S.WML USE(Che*Ap Boo MonlaftD PubkU $' Depth McEncd ISM 310 AaftofteM ReawasrA Irosefte Ftoitt 0 To_FL i Udge t o Down (99 Use) 0 m e 5 DATE DML.ELED Z�_L- ell- 02.f1 F��To I tyt. T lW COHPLETW ' ©V AMK3 Plo M s Slot sh e Lwww 4.WELL L.00AMM- _�-i�an ed ��� COUM !C. 041�t 4 To, et et CITY. +e tv uirr Ftt- Ta Ft., Irt, kL 1 _Q Ai r►c �ris� a2 749 va Ftan;__.___Ta I FL i DrL kL {Stree!tYaloe,[fie. r.9iid!abiod.id No.,tercel.?pCodN IL SAWMAVL3.PAML TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: ,W=ops a Vaftr D Flat 0 LUige a Depth � she MGM" d�ardc - FL ( v1 t L 1My be in I Ft*nL_To IAMTWE tL.o -� � 101MUM saw Or Rm%_To Ft LONGrrWE 4)©_ Z 9° J a2• r179' maderfg fom�t Fmo_ _To F2 Latitutlellangmude souraw)IfGPS O Topogmpldc map 11ALI•Jt M LAG Frain To Fottrratiatt DescaiptiaR (1lorw6art afweLl trnGatbe srramn atr a U.S(#S Expo►naL►axed p , �. � •I t �L9diedtb Era>tt ng C',PS) S' ,` I S r/ * e- l t S.FACLtnY-rs*sm=ateebmneo mevoisacma, l NAME OF FACitSiY�..�__. SLRLEETADORESS s ` CftorTaxm Sf9ts Zp`t5de I COWACTPL:R" � r=�ri�J�tpt ,✓+ 6�r f� MALLttIGADDRESS 19 b Sty/7n RrG+r/s l" i�G - 5 j//J►= 12c_ a-7oy8T— lz. C11irorTown stow rocods G/ell Wa,S G,Pon le Y - SO-12- 6 -Pol area Dods- PMatte number LVIELL OETA!!S; tootOnr atACCORDAUMwrni f5Aw==YYBJ.OQIb'ttitlCftOPt5rA1 DAMkAt TMrACWfaFTM a.TOTAL Q t? ieeoCtm ToIMVM r.awr+M h. to M WUL R#wPUM EMOTtNG IVIOX? YESU NGo /''�D t;.WATER IMML Below Top of `C esbW 6 7 T. TUBE C�71FL®VIVB.L CONTRACTOR DALE (Use'+"'IfAbove Top ofCs" -'L .i PRINrTR NA�PERSON CONSTRUCTING TM WELL i SUbMft the OdginL{tp the Dltt►k*jn Of Wi er Queft wftft 30 do& ASK bwo am Mbt yam GW.lb 1917 Ltla9 tom..Rdafth,,NC 2M94INT Pharite Nu.(919)T33-Tots fMd stffl8. Rev l= P