HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2553 (2) DRAFT NATURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT US 70 Kinston Bypass Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, North Carolina STIP R-2553 WBS Element No. 34460 THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit Natural Environment Section May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC TABLEE OF CONNTENTS 1.0 INNTRODUCTTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 ETHODOOGY AND UALIFICTIONS ........................................................................ 1 MMLLQAA...... 3.0 HYSICALESOURCES ....................................................................................................... 5 PPRR........ 3.1Soils ........................................................................................................................................ 5 ......... 3.2Water Resoources ............................................................................................................................ 8 4.0 IOTIC RESOURCES ............................................................................................................ 10 BB........ 4.1Terrestrial Communitis ..................................................................................................... 10 ee........ 4.1. Terretrial Commuity Impacts ..................................................................................... 10 11snn....... 4.1. Wetlad Impacts ............................................................................................................ 11 22nn....... 4.2Invasive Secies ................................................................................................................... 12 pp........ 5.0 JUURISDICTIONAL ISSUUES .......................................................................................................... 13 5.1Clean Watr Act Wates of the U.S ................................................................................... 13 eerr........ 5.2Clean Watr Act Permts .................................................................................................... 18 eeii........ 5.3Coastal Ara Manageent Act Ares of Enviromental Cocern ................................... 18 eemmaannnn.... 5.4Constructioon Moratoriaa .............................................................................................................. 18 5.5N.C. River Basin Buffe Rules ............................................................................................ 18 rr........ 5.6Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Navigableaters ...................................................... 18 WW.... 6.0 EENDANGEREED SPECIES ACT PROOTECTED SPPECIES ....................................................... 18 6.1Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act ..................................................................... 23 ...... 6.2Endangered Species At Critical Hbitat Desigations ..................................................... 24 ccaann.... 6.3Essential Fish Habitat ......................................................................................................... 24 ........ 7.0 EFERENCS ......................................................................................................................... 25 RREE........ Appendi A Figures xx Figure 1. Viciinity Map Figure 2. NRR Study Ara Map TTee Figure 3. Waer Resources Map t Figure 4. Terestrial Comunities rrmm Figures 5a-5q. Predicted Sreams and etlands withn the DSAs ttWWii Appendi B Natural esources Smmary for the DSA Coridors xxRRuurr Appendi C Habitat reas xxAA Figure 6. Poteential Red-Cockaded Wooddpecker Habiitat Area Usinng C-CAP Daata Figure 7. Potntial Red-Cockaded Woopecker Habitat Using Aeial Imagery eeddirr Figure 8. Potntial Rough-eaved Loostrife Habita Area within Craven Couty eeLLeettnn Figure 9. Poteential Rough-LLeaved Looseetrife Habitatt Area - Leon and Torhuntaa Soils Appendixx D Metadataa LIST OFF TABLES Table 1:Soils in the NNRTR studyy area ......................................................................................................... 6 Table 2:Notable waer resource in the NRT study are ................................................................. 9 ttssRRaa.... Table 3:Terrestrialommunitie and C-CA types withi the NRTR study area ......................... 11 ccssPPnn.... Table 4:Wetlands inn the NRTR sstudy area .............................................................................................. 11 Table 5:Invasive extic plant spcies known o occur in enoir, Jone, and Crave counties ....... 12 ooeettLLssnn.. Table 6:Jurisdictioal stream ipacts withi each DSA orridor ................................................... 17 nnmmnncc.... Table 7:Jurisdictioal wetland ipacts withn each DSA corridor ................................................. 17 nnmmii.... Table 8:Federally potected speies listed fo Lenoir, Joes, and Craen counties ........................ 19 rrccrrnnvv.. Table 9:Coverage o terrestrial ommunities within each DSA corridr ...................................... B-1 ffccoo.... Table 10 Jurisdictional charactristics of waer resource crossing Crridor 1 .......................... B-2 ::eettssoo.... Table 11:: Jurisdictional characteeristics of watter resourcess crossing Coorridor 2 .............................. B-3 Mayy 2013 i Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 12: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 5 ............................ B-4 Table 13: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 11........................... B-6 Table 14: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 12........................... B-7 Table 15: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 31........................... B-8 Table 16: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 32........................... B-9 Table 17: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 35......................... B-10 Table 18: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 36......................... B-11 Table 19: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 51......................... B-12 Table 20: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 52......................... B-13 Table 21: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 53......................... B-14 Table 22: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 56......................... B-15 Table 23: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 57......................... B-16 Table 24: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 61......................... B-17 Table 25: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 63......................... B-18 Table 26: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 65......................... B-19 iiMay 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC 1.0INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing to construct a multi- lane facility on new location in Lenoir County, North Carolina.As it is currently defined, the Kinston Bypass would consist of a four-lane, median divided freeway facility from US 70 near LaGrange in Lenoir County to US 70 near Dover, on the Jones and Craven county line (Figure 1, Appendix A). The proposed project is designated in the 2012-2020 NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as STIP Number R-2553 and described as “US 70 Kinston Bypass, Four-Lane Divided Freeway on New Location.” The following Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) has been prepared to assist in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the North Carolina State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the proposed project. This project has been designated as a pilot project by the North Carolina Interagency Leadership Team, which includes using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data as the basis for alternative development, alternative evaluation, and selection of the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative/Preferred Alternative (LEDPA). The intention of pilot projects is to reserve detailed field investigations for the LEDPA. Therefore, traditional methodologies were not always possible for portions of this document. This document follows NCDOT’s most recent NRTR guidance where possible (NRTR Template, July 2012; NRTR Format Guidance, November 2012; Preparing Natural Resource Technical Reports, December 2012). In instances where the pilot project is unable to follow the traditional guidance, a detailed explanation of the methodologies used is included in Section 2.0. There are 17 Detailed Study Alternative (DSA) corridors being evaluated within this NRTR. The NRTR study area was developed around these 17 DSA corridors and includes each of the 500-foot DSA corridors and all areas between the corridors. The NRTR study area and the DSA corridor numbers are shown on Figure 2 in Appendix A. Field verification of the data used in the development of this document occurred between March 22, 2012 – November 29, 2012 and February 27, 2013 – March 27, 2013. Field verifications included NCDOT staff, URS staff, and agency personnel. Specific dates, attendees, and the purpose of each field verification are listed in each applicable section. 2.0METHODOLOGY AND QUALIFICATIONS As detailed above, this project is a North Carolina Interagency Team pilot project. The intent of these pilot projects is to use GIS data in lieu of detailed field studies during the preliminary stages of project development. Therefore, the methodologies followed in this NRTR rely heavily on the use of GIS data, and do not include detailed field studies. Base mapping for the project was developed using ArcGIS, ArcMap Version 10. DSA corridors designed in MicroStation were overlain on 2010 ortho-imagery and United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic quadrangles to choose an appropriate NRTR study area. Base mapping also includes NCDOT road and railroad layers, county and municipal boundaries, and stream and waterbody layers from NC OneMap. Once the NRTR Study Area was determined, all analyses performed as part of this NRTR were clipped to the NRTR study area boundary. Clipping is a GIS exercise to obtain the features of 1May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC one layer that fall within the boundaries of another given layer. The NRTR study area is approximately 211 square miles (Figure 2, Appendix A). North Carolina’s Coastal Change Analysis Program Regional Land Cover Data (C-CAP) were used to identify terrestrial communities in the NRTR study area. These community types were verified with aerial photography and USGS topographic mapping. Typically, terrestrial communities presented in an NRTR are classified based on species composition and topography. This approach differs from classifications presented within C-CAP data in that C-CAP data are based more on land cover type (residential or forested), resulting in a much larger number of classes than typically identified in an NRTR. In order to remain consistent with the number and types of terrestrial communities typically presented, the C-CAP classes were initially grouped into larger terrestrial community types based on similarities between C-CAP classes. Aerial imagery was used to verify the classifications shown by the C-CAP data to ensure that they were grouped properly. During aerial verifications, it was discovered that some of the C-CAP classes were actually better-suited to be placed with other land cover types than those which they were originally grouped. Upon identifying this, these C-CAP classes were re-grouped into terrestrial communities accordingly. This was first discovered with the ‘developed open space’ C-CAP class. Initially, ‘developed open space’ was suspected to include agricultural areas. However, upon inspection of aerial photography, it was determined that ‘developed open space’ was almost always being used in conjunction with residential areas and appeared to include manicured lawns and parks. Such lands are generally classified as ‘maintained/disturbed’ in traditional NRTR documents. Therefore, ‘developed open space’ was grouped with other classes that were developed residential and/or commercial lands into a single ‘maintained/disturbed’ terrestrial community type. A similar discrepancy was noted in the ‘bare land,’ ‘grassland,’ and ‘scrub/shrub’ classes. Both ‘bare land’ and ‘grassland’ were often found along the edge of ‘cultivated’ or ‘pasture/hay’ classes. Through inspection of aerial imagery, it appeared that the majority of these areas were part of the connected agricultural activity. While some areas shown as ‘bare land’ fell in residential areas, over yards or open maintained fields, the majority appear to be in some sort of agriculture; therefore, these classes were placed in the ‘agriculture’ terrestrial community type. The placement of the ‘scrub/shrub’ class was somewhat more problematic in that it appears to cover both cutover areas (presumably cutover of pine plantation) as well as young pine plantations. The decision was made to place the ‘scrub/shrub’ class along with ‘evergreen forest’ in a ‘pine plantation’ terrestrial community. Through aerial photography, it is evident that the largest and most contiguous of the ‘scrub/shrub’ classes and the majority of ‘evergreen forest’ are in pine plantation. The remaining groupings were straight forward and combined all other forested non-wetland types into ‘forested upland’ and all wetland types into ‘palustrine wetland.’ The terrestrial community types and C-CAP classes that comprise them are outlined below. For the purpose of this NRTR, the wetland community ‘Palustrine Wetland’ and an ‘Open Water’ community are being grouped with the terrestrial communities since they are included in total 2May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC acreage calculations for the study area. Metadata for the C-CAP dataset are located in Appendix D. Maintained/Disturbed Developed open space o High intensity developed o Medium intensity developed o Low intensity developed o Agriculture Bare land o Cultivated o Grassland o Pasture/hay o Pine Plantation Evergreen forest o Scrub/shrub o Forested Upland Deciduous forest o Mixed forest o Palustrine Wetland Palustrine emergent wetland o Palustrine forested wetland o Palustrine scrub/shrub wetland o Open Water Water o The C-CAP classes assigned to each terrestrial community were grouped in ArcGIS, then clipped to the NRTR study area to determine the acreage of each community present within the NRTR study area, and clipped again to each 500-foot DSA corridor to determine the acreage of each community within the DSA corridor. Two ArcGIS models were used in order to assess potential stream and wetland impacts for the project. A jurisdictional stream model was created by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and a jurisdictional wetland model was created by NCDOT. The jurisdictional stream analysis was completed by NCDWQ for this pilot project. The data generated for the project consisted of stream lines within the three US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Level IV ecoregions that were present in the larger project study area for the entire project. The ecoregions present were Rolling Coastal Plain (RCP), Carolina Flatwoods (CF) and Southeastern Floodplains and Terraces (SEFT). Jurisdictional stream models were developed for the RCP and CF ecoregions and were created by utilizing 20-foot grid cell digital elevation models (DEM) generated from bare-earth Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data and subsequent terrain derivatives and other ancillary data as variables. The models were developed in SAS 9.2 as binary logistic regression models. The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flowlines were used for SEFT in lieu of a model due to this ecoregion being heavily manipulated and impractical to model accurately. NHD is similar to USGS 24k hydrolines, but does not include ‘double line’ streams and polygons that appear in USGS 24k line. All 3May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC procedures used to collect stream data for the three ecoregions are collectively referred to as the ‘DWQ Lenoir Model.’ Metadata for the Model are located in Appendix D. The outputted data from the most recent version of the DWQ Lenoir Model (January 29, 2013) was clipped to the NRTR study area to determine which streams are located within the NRTR study area, and clipped again to each 500-foot DSA corridor to determine which streams are within each DSA corridor. Named streams were labeled (S1, S2, S3, etc.) in numerical order according to watershed moving from west to east across the NRTR study area. Streams subject to the Neuse River Buffer Rules were identified based solely on their presence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. For the purposes of this document, streams absent from the topographic mapping were not considered to be subject to buffer rules. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for buffer applicability at this time. Wetland data were derived from a wetland prediction model completed by NCDOT Natural Environment Section (NES) for this pilot project (April 15, 2011). The layer depicts wetlands of Lenoir County and portions of Jones and Craven Counties. Similar to the DWQ Lenoir Model, the model utilizes 20-foot grid cell DEMs generated from bare-earth LIDAR data and subsequent terrain derivatives and other ancillary data as variables. The model was developed in SAS 9.2 as a binary logistic regression model. The wetland model used for this project is an aggregate of five different models (based on ecoregion), each applied to one of the discrete areas for which it was developed. The ecoregion boundaries were edited based on terrain data to improve the accuracy, which in turn, improved the model accuracy for each respective region. The applications of riparian and non-riparian within each of the ecoregion models were based on a riparian shapefile that NCDOT digitized based on terrain data and aerial photography. The resulting models included: Non-Riparian Rolling Coastal Plain Wetland, Riparian Rolling Coastal Plain Wetland, Non-Riparian Flatwood Wetland, Riparian Flatwood Wetland, and Floodplain Wetland. These data were also verified through multiple field surveys with the resource agencies. Field verifications of the wetland model took place on March 22, April 11, April 19, and June 7, 2012. Tom Steffens of USACE and David Wainwright of NCDWQ were in attendance, along with Leilani Paugh and Morgan Weatherford of NCDOT, Sandy Smith of Axiom, and Susan Westberry of URS. Complete wetland model metadata are located in Appendix D. The wetland model resulted in a wetland prediction raster file. The original raster file was converted to a polygon layer in order to assess potential wetland impacts of the project. First, the raster file was converted to an integer file such that geoprocessing could occur. Next, the Raster to Polygon tool was used to convert the integer raster to a single polygon layer (that included the five different wetland types listed above). The resulting polygon layer was then clipped to the NRTR study area to determine the acreage of each wetland type located within the NRTR study area, and clipped again to the 500-foot DSA corridor to determine the acreage of each wetland type located within each DSA corridor. The identification of potential habitat areas for federally threatened and endangered species was also determined through the use of ArcGIS. Potential habitat areas were determined using the following sequence: consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), identification 4May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC of suitablle C-CAP laand class types, verificatiion of C-CAAP areas throough aerial pphotography,, and presence//absence of NNorth Carolina Natural HHeritage Proogram (NCNNHP) elemennt occurrences. Once thee exercise waas complete, areas of pottentially suittable habitat that may require field verificatiion were diggitized in ArccGIS. The princcipal personnnel contribuuting to this ddocument weere: Principall Investigaator: Sussan Westberrry, AICP, PWWS, CPESCC, LSSIT Education: M.SS. Botany, 2003; B.S. WWildlife Ecoloogy, 1999 Experiennce: EnvvironmentalScientist, UURS – North Carolina, 20005-Present EnvvironmentalScientist, Sttantec, 2003-2005 Bioologist, US FForest Servicce, 1999-20001 Responsiibilities: Wetland and strream field sppot checks, nnatural commmunities asseessment, T&&E asseessment, andd document ppreparation Investigaator: Lauura Andersonn Education: B.SS. Geographiic Informatioon Science, 22008 Experiennce: GISS Analyst/Planner, URS– North Carrolina, 2008--Present GISS Analyst, AAmalgam LLLC, Mount Plleasant, Micchigan, 2007-2008 Responsiibilities: GISS Mapping aand Analysisand T&E asssessment 3.0PHYSICAAL RESOUURCES The NRTTR study areea lies in the Southeasterrn Plains andd Middle Atllantic Coastaal Plain physiographic regionns of North CCarolina andd straddles thhe following North Carolina Level IVV ecoregionns:Southeasstern Floodpplains and Loow Terracess, Carolina FFlatwoods,aandRolling CoastalPPlain. The NNRTR studyy area extendds one mile ffrom the outside edge off each DSA corridor, and includees all area beetween DSAcorridors (FFigure 2, Apppendix A).TTopographyy in the project vicinity iss comprised ofbroad interstream divvides with geentle to steepp side slopess dissectedd by numerouus small streeam channels and major river floodpplains and asssociated terraces. The Neuse River flows through thee NRTR studdy area. Elevvations in thhe NRTR stuudy area rangge from six to 38 feet aboove sea level. Land use in the project vicinity coonsists primmarily of agricuultural fields and pine plaantations outtside of the CCity of Kinston. The NRRTR study aarea containsthe City of KKinston, whiich is made uup of residenntial, infrasttructure, commmercial, annd industrial land uses.Rural resideential areas, small commmercial businnesses, an airrport, the Neeuse River, annd a large swwath of river floodplainaalong the Neeuse River arre also preseent within thee NRTR sttudy area. 3.1Soils The NRTTR study areea contains pportions of Lenoir, Joness, and Cravenn counties.TTable 1 conttains the soil tyypes presentt within the NNRTR studyy area. The LLenoir Counnty Soil Survvey identifiees 38 soil typess within the NRTR studyy area, the Joones Countyy Soil Surveyy identifies 220 soil typess within thhe NRTR stuudy area, andd the Craven County Soiil Survey ideentifies 11 sooil types withhin the NRTRR study areaa. Mayy 2013 5 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 1: Soils in the NRTR study area Mapping 1 Soil Series Drainage Class Hydric Status County Unit Alpin fine sand, 0- AnB Excessively drained Nonhydric J 6% slopes Autryville loamy 2 fine sand, 0-4% AuB Well drained HydricJ slopes Bibb soils, BB Poorly drained Hydric L frequently flooded Blanton sand, 0-6% 2 Bn Moderately well drained Hydric L slopes Chewacla loam, 2 Ch Somewhat poorly drained Hydric L frequently flooded Coxville loam Co Poorly drained Hydric L Craven fine sandy 2 Cr Moderately well drained Hydric L loam, 1-4% slopes Croatan muck Ct Very poorly drained Hydric J Craven fine sandy 2 Cv Moderately well drained Hydric L loam, 4-8% slopes Goldsboro loamy 2 Go Moderately well drained Hydric L, J sand, 0-2% slopes Goldsboro loamy 2 GoA Moderately well drained Hydric C sand, 0-2% slopes Grifton sandy loam Gr Poorly drained Hydric L Grifton fine sandy Gt Poorly drained Hydric J loam 2 Johns sandy loam Jo Moderately well drained Hydric L, J Kalmia loamy sand, Ka Well drained Nonhydric L 0-2% slopes Kalmia loamy sand, 2 KaA Well drained Hydric J 0-3% slopes Kalmia loamy sand, 2 Kb Well drained Hydric L 2-6% slopes Kenansville loamy Ke Well drained Nonhydric L sand, 0-6% slopes Kinston loam, Kn Poorly drained Hydric L frequently flooded Lakeland sand, 0- 2 La Excessively drained Hydric L 6% slopes Leaf loam LePoorly drained Hydric L 1. County abbreviations (L = Lenoir, C = Craven, J = Jones) 2. Soils which are primarily nonhydric, but which may contain hydric inclusions 6May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 1: Soils in the NRTR study area (continued) Mapping 1 Soil Series Drainage Class Hydric Status County Unit 2 Lenoir loam Ln Somewhat poorly drained Hydric L Leon sand Ln Poorly drained Hydric C, J Leon sand Lo Poorly drained Hydric L Lumbee sandy Lu Poorly drained Hydric L loam Lynchburg sandy 2 Ly Somewhat poorly drained Hydric L, C, J loam Meggett fine sandy Me Poorly drained Hydric L, C, J loam Muckalee loam Mk Poorly drained HydricJ Masontown mucky fine sandy loam and Poorly drained and very Muckalee sandy MMHydric C poorly drained loam, frequently flooded Murville fine sand Mu Very poorly drained Hydric L, J Norfolk loamy 2 Na Well drained Hydric L sand, 0-2% slopes Norfolk loamy 2 Nb Well drained Hydric L sand, 2-6% slopes Norfolk loamy Nc Well drained Nonhydric L sand, 6-10% slopes Norfolk loamy 2 NoB Well drained Hydric J sand, 1-4% slopes Norfolk loamy fine 2 NoB Well drained Hydric C sand, 2-6% slopes Onslow fine sandy 2 On Moderately well drained Hydric J loam 2 Onslow loamy sand On Moderately well drained Hydric C Pactolus loamy 2 Pa Moderately well drained Hydric L, C sand Pamlico muck Pc Very poorly drained Hydric L Pantego loam Pe Very poorly drained Hydric L Pantego loam Pn Very poorly drained Hydric J Pocalla loamy sand, Somewhat excessively PoNonhydric L 0-6% slopes drained Portsmouth loam Pr Very poorly drained Hydric L Rains sandy loam Ra Poorly drained Hydric L, C, J Stallings loamy 2 St Somewhat poorly drained Hydric L, J sand 1. County abbreviations (L = Lenoir, C = Craven, J = Jones) 2. Soils which are primarily nonhydric, but which may contain hydric inclusions 7May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC Table 1: Soils in thee NRTR stuudy area (coontinued) Mapping 1 Soil SerieesDrainage ClasssHHydric StatuusCounnty Unit Stockadeloamy SxVerypoorly drainnedHydricJJ fine sand Tomotleyy fine Tm Pooorly draineddHydricCC sandy loaam Torhuntaloam ToVerypoorly drainnedHydricL,CC, J 2 Umbric oochraqualfsUoPooorly draineddHydricLL Wagramloamy 2 Wb WWell drainedHydricLL sand, 0-6% slopes Wagramloamy Wc WWell drainedNonhydricLL sand, 6-10% slopes Wagramloamy sand, 10-15%Wd WWell drainedNonhydricLL slopes Wickhamm loamy 2 Wk WWell drainedHydricLL sand, 1-6% slopes Woodinggton loamy Wn Pooorly draineddHydricLL sand Woodinggton fine Wo Pooorly draineddHydricJJ sandy loaam 1. County abbbreviations (L == Lenoir, C = Crraven, J = Jones) 2. Soils whiich are primarilyy nonhydric, but which may conttain hydric incluusions 3.2Water Reesources Water resources in thhe NRTR stuudy area are part of the NNeuse RiverBasin (USGGS Hydrologgic Units 030020202, 030020203, and 03020204). The NRTRR study area iincludes 33 named streaams and numeerous unnammed tributariees of each off these streamms. The NRRTR study arrea also inclludes one unnaamed tributarry to Mosleyy Creek, twoo unnamed trributaries to Jumping Ruun, and two unnamedd tributaries tto Rattlesnakke Branch, bbut not their main stems.. These wateer resources are listed in TTable 2 beloow. Figure 33 in Appendiix A shows tthe location of these watter resourcess. Table 2 ccontains the named wateer resources wwithin the NNRTR study area and thee named wateer resourcess outside of tthe NRTR sttudy area thaat have tribuutaries withinn the NRTRR study area. The Best Usaage Classification and Deesignation coolumn contaains the assiggned NCDWWQ Best Usaage Classification as well as any otheer notable water designaation. These include Claass C Waterss (C), Nutrient Sensitive WWaters (NSWW), SwampWWaters (Sw), Anadromouus Fish Spawwning Areas (AFSA),Shellfish Grrowing Areaas (SGA), Prrimary Nurseery Areas (PPNA), Primaary Inland NurseryAAreas (PINAA), Outstandding Resourcce Waters (OORW), High Quality Waaters (HWQ), and/orwaters within a water suppply watersheed (WS-I, -III, -III, -IV, oor –V). Water resources withhin the NRTRR study areaa that are loccated within a Federal Emmergency Managemment Act (FEEMA) floodwway are listeed in the fifthh column. No streamms within thhe NRTR stuudy area appeear on the NNorth Carolinna 2012 Finaal 303(d) listt of impairedd waters. Mayy 2013 8 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 2: Notable water resources in the NRTR study area # of Best Usage Within NCDWQUnnamed MapClassification Designated Stream Name IndexTributaries IDandFEMA Numberwithin NRTR Designation Floodway Study Area C;NSW Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) AFSA, PINA, Yes 185 WS Watershed C;Sw,NSW Falling Creek S2 27-77 Yes 87 AFSA Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes 70 WS-IV; Bear Creek S4 27-72-(5) Yes 9 Sw,NSW Mosely Creek S5 27-77-2 C;Sw, NSW Yes 5 Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw, NSW No 5 Walters Mill C;Sw,NSW S7 27-77-2-1 No 5 Pond WS-IV; Squirrel Creek S8 27-75 Yes 2 Sw,NSW Whitley’s Creek S9 27-76 C;Sw,NSW Yes 12 White Mash Run S10 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSW Yes 6 Gum Swamp S11 27-77-3 C;Sw, NSW Yes 21 Creek Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW No 14 Clarks Branch S13 27-80-4 C;Sw, NSW Yes 8 Lucy Branch S14 27-80-5-1 C;Sw, NSW No 2 Spring Branch S15 27-80-5 C;Sw, NSW Yes 6 Vine Swamp S16 27-101-15-1C;Sw,NSW No 5 Wheat Swamp C;Sw,NSW S17 27-86-24 No 26 Creek Briery Run S18 27-81-1 C;Sw, NSW Yes 34 Taylors Branch S19 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW Yes 4 Stonyton Creek S20 27-81 C;Sw,NSW Yes 56 Yadkin Branch S21 27-79 C;Sw,NSW Yes 22 Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw, NSW Yes 9 StrawberryC;Sw,NSW S23 27-80-7 Yes 15 Branch Jericho Run S24 27-81-2 C;Sw, NSW Yes 19 C;Sw, NSW Mill Branch S25 27-80-8 Yes 11 SGA Heath Branch S26 27-80-9 C;Sw, NSW Yes 18 Rattlesnake S27 27-101-15-2C;Sw,NSW No 2 Branch* * The main stems of Mosley Creek, Jumping Run, and Rattlesnake Branch are not within the NRTR study area. Tributaries to these water resources are contained within the NRTR study area. 9May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC Table 2: Notable wwater resources in the NNRTR studyy area (contiinued) # of BestUUsageWithin NCDWQUnnamedd MapClassificcationDeesignated Streamm Name IndexTributariies IDanddFEMA Numberwithin NRTTR Designnation FFloodway Study Areea Beaverrdam S2827-83C;Sw,NNSWNo12 Branchh BoneGGray S2927-82C;Sw,NNSWYes2 Branchh C;Sw,NNSW Mosleyy Creek* S3027-84Yes1 SGAA C;Sw,NNSW Harrys Branch S3127-84-3Yes7 SGAA C;Sw,NNSW Traceyy Swamp S3227-84-1No22 SGAA C;Sw,NNSW Gum SSwamp S3327-84-1-1No2 SGAA C;Sw,NNSW CoreCCreek S3427-90No11 SGAA Hallamm Branch S3527-86-24-1 C;Sw, NNSWNo4 Jumpinng Run* S3627-77-1C;Sw,NNSWYes2 * The main stems of Mosleey Creek, Jumpiing Run, and Raattlesnake Brancch are not withinn the NRTR studdy area. Tributaaries to these water resources are coontained within tthe NRTR study area. 4.0BIOTICRESOURCCES 4.1Terrestriial Communnities SixteenCC-CAP typess were identiified within the NRTR sstudy area.TThese types were groupeed into six terrestrial commmunities (wwhich includdes one wetlland type annd open wateer) typical off those discussed in traaditional NRRTR documeents. The C--CAP categoories, their reespective terrestriaal communityy designationns, and total acreage witthin the NRTTR study areea are shownn in Table 3. The wetlandd type and oopen water wwere includedd so that theiir respectivee acreages wwere accounted for. Terreestrial commmunities are sshown on Figgure 4 in Apppendix A. 4.1.1Terrestriaal Communitty Impacts Terrestriaal communitties in the NRTR study aarea may be impacted byy project connstruction ass a result of clearing veggetation, gradding, and paaving of porttions of the NNRTR studyy area. Terreestrial community data are ppresented in the context of total coveerage of each type withiin the NRTRR study areea in Table 33. Potentiall terrestrial community immpacts within each DSAA corridor arre shown in TTable 9 of Appendixx B. Mayy 2013 10 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 3: Terrestrial communities and C-CAP types within the NRTR study area Terrestrial Community Coverage (ac.) C-CAP Type Developed open space High intensity developed Maintained/Disturbed 12,138 Medium intensity developed Low intensity developed Bare land Cultivated Agriculture 59,863 Grassland Pasture/hay Evergreen forest Pine Plantation 28,274 Scrub/shrub Deciduous forest Forested Upland 5,378 Mixed forest Palustrine emergent wetland Palustrine Wetland 27,490Palustrine forested wetland Palustrine scrub/shrub wetland Open Water 2,010 Water TOTAL 135,153 4.1.2Wetland Impacts The Palustrine Wetland terrestrial community type listed above includes the C-CAP wetland types palustrine emergent wetland, palustrine forested wetland, and palustrine scrub/shrub wetland, accounting for 27,490 acres of the NRTR study area. The NCDOT wetland prediction model, however, estimates approximately 36,443 wetland acres within the NRTR study area. Results of the wetland prediction model are presented in Table 4. The Non-Riparian wetland hydrologic classification includes results from the Non-Riparian Rolling Coastal Plain Wetland and Non-Riparian Flatwood Wetland models. The Riparian wetland hydrologic classification includes results from the Riparian Rolling Coastal Plain Wetland, Riparian Flatwood Wetland, and Floodplain Wetland models. Spot field verification of the wetland model results within the NRTR study area was conducted on November 29, 2012. Tom Steffens of USACE, Travis Wilson of NCWRC, and David Wainwright of NCDWQ were in attendance, along with Leilani Paugh, Chris Manley, Jim Mason, and Morgan Weatherford of NCDOT, and Susan Westberry of URS. Wetland community types may be impacted, bridged, culverted, or re-routed as a result of the proposed project. Table 4: Wetlands in the NRTR study area Wetland Hydrologic Classification Area (ac.) Non-Riparian17,551 Riparian18,892 Total36,443 11May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC 4.2InvasiveSpecies Speciestthat appear oon the NCDOOT Invasive Exotic Plannt List for Noorth Carolinaa will be identifiedd and their ppresence noteed, where appplicable, duuring field innvestigationss once a LEDDPA has been chosen. The Univversity of Geeorgia Centeer for Invasivve Species annd Ecosysteem Health maintains a databaseof exotic plaants and theiir occurrence by county.. Table 5 coontains the sppecies from that databaseknown to occcur within LLenoir, Jonees, and Craveen counties tthat also apppear on the NCDOTInvasive Exxotic Plant LList for Northh Carolina annd their threat status. NCDOTwill managee invasive pllant species as appropriaate. Table 5: Invasive exotic plant species known to occurr in Lenoir, Jones, and Craven counties 11 Commonn Name Scientificc Name ThreatLLevelCounty Mimosa Albizia julibrissin Moderatethreat L AlligatorrweedAlternanthhera philoxeeroidesThreaatL, J, C AsiaticddayflowerWatchlist L, J, C Commelinna communiss Braziliann waterweedEgeria deensaModeratethreat L, C Japanese knotweedReynoutriia japonicaThreaatL, C EnglishiivyHedera heelixModeratethreat L Japanese hop HumulusjjaponicusWatchlist C ShrubbylespedezaModeratethreat L, J Lespedezaa bicolor Sericea leespedezaLespedezaa cuneata ThreaatJ, C Japanese privet Moderatethreat C Ligustrumm japonicum Chinesepprivet Ligustrumm sinense ThreaatL, J, C Japanese Moderatethreat L, J, C Lonicerajjaponica honeysucckle Chinaberrry Melia azeedarachWatchlist L, J Japanese stiltgrass Microsteggium vimineuumThreaatL, J, C Chinesesilvergrass Miscanthuus sinensis ThreaatC Marsh daayflowerThreaatL Murdanniia keisak Parrot feaather Myriophyllum aquaticcumModeratethreat J milfoil Princesstree Pawlowniia tomentosaaThreaatC KudzuPuerariammontanavarr. lobata ThreaatL, J, C Multiflorra rose Rosa multtifloraThreaatJ Giant sallviniaSalviniammolestaModeratethreat C Johnsonggrass Moderatethreat L, J, C Sorghumhhalepense Chinesettallowtree Triadicassebifera Watchlist C ChinesewwisteriaWisteria ssinensis Moderatethreat J 1. County abbbreviations (L == Lenoir, C = Crraven, J = Jones) Mayy 2013 12 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC 5.0JURISDIICTIONALL ISSUES 5.1Clean Waater Act Waaters of the U.S. Jurisdictiional streams and wetlannds that weree predicted tto occur withhin the DSAA corridors byy the DWQ Leenoir Model and the NCDDOT wetlannd model aree shown for eeach of the 117 DSA corrridors on Figurees 5a through 5q in Appendix A. Alll jurisdictionnal streams in the NRTRR study areaa will be designnated as warrm water streeams for the purposes off stream mitiigation. Corridor1 contains tthe potential for 48 streamm crossings. The propoosed alignmeent would crooss Buck Braanch and twoo unnamed ttributaries too Buck Brancch, one unnaamed tributaary to Walterrs Mill Pond, the Neusee River and 116 unnamed tributaries tto the Neusee River, Falliing Creek annd 16 unnamedd tributaries tto Falling Crreek, Southwwest Creek, MMill Branchh and one unnnamed tributtary to Mill BBranch, Traceey Swamp aand two unnaamed tributaaries to Traceey Swamp, ttwo unnamedd tributariees to Gum Swwamp, and twwo unnamedd tributaries to Core Creeek. Corridor2 contains tthe potential for 58 streamm crossings. The propoosed alignmeent would crooss Buck Braanch and twoo unnamed ttributaries too Buck Brancch, one unnaamed tributaary to Walterrs Mill Pond, the Neusee River and 99 unnamed ttributaries too the Neuse RRiver, Fallinng Creek andd 18 unnamedd tributaries tto Falling Crreek, Southwwest Creek aand one unnaamed tributaary to Southwwest Creek, Briery Run annd six unnammed tributaries to Briery Run, two unnnamed tribuutaries to Taaylors Branch,oone unnamedd tributary too Stonyton CCreek, Jerichho Run and tthree unnammed tributariees to JerichoRRun, one unnnamed tributtary to Healthh Branch, Trracey Swammp and three unnamed tributariees to Tracey Swamp, twoo unnamed trributaries to Gum Swammp, and two uunnamed tributariees to Core Crreek. Corridor5 contains tthe potential for 65 streamm crossings. The propoosed alignmeent would crooss Buck Braanch and twoo unnamed ttributaries too Buck Brancch, one unnaamed tributaary to Walterrs Mill Pond, the Neusee River and 117 unnamed tributaries tto the Neusee River, Falliing Creek annd 18 unnamedd tributaries tto Falling Crreek, six unnnamed tributtaries to Brieery Run, onee unnamed tributary to Taylors BBranch, Stonnyton Creek and five unnnamed tributtaries to Stonnyton Creekk, Beaverdaam Branch aand one unnaamed tributaary to Beaverrdam Branchh, one unnammed tributaryy to HealthBBranch, Traceey Swamp annd three unnnamed tributtaries to Traccey Swamp, two unnameed tributariees to Gum Swwamp, and twwo unnamedd tributaries to Core Creeek. Corridor11 contains the potentiaal for 45 stream crossinggs. The propposed alignmment would ccross Buck Braanch and twoo unnamed ttributaries too Buck Brancch, one unnaamed tributaary to Walterrs Mill Pond, the Neusee River and eeight unnammed tributariees to the Neuuse River, Faalling Creek and ten unnammed tributarries to Falling Creek, Petter Creek and two unnammed tributariies to Peter Creek, Soouthwest Crreek and threee unnamed ttributaries too Southwest Creek, Mottt Swamp andd one unnaamed tributarry to Mott Swamp, Strawwberry Brannch and threee unnamed trributaries to Strawberrry Branch, oone unnamedd tributary too Mill Brancch, Tracey Swamp and thhree unnameed tributariees to Tracey Swamp, onee unnamed trributary to GGum Swampp, and two unnnamed tributariees to Core Crreek. Corridor12 contains the potentiaal for 52 stream crossinggs. The propposed alignmment would ccross Buck Braanch and twoo unnamed ttributaries too Buck Brancch, one unnaamed tributaary to Walterrs Mill Pond, the Neusee River and eeight unnammed tributariees to the Neuuse River, Faalling Creek and Mayy 2013 13 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC ten unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Peter Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Peter Creek, Southwest Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and four unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, seven unnamed tributaries to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and two unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 31 contains the potential for 43 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and 12 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek and four unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Peter Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Peter Creek, Southwest Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and three unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, one unnamed tributary to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, one unnamed tributary to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 32 contains the potential for 50 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and 11 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek and four unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Peter Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Peter Creek, Southwest Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and four unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, seven unnamed tributaries to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and two unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 35 contains the potential for 43 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and 12 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Whitleys Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Whitleys Creek, Southwest Creek and four unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Clarks Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Clarks Branch, one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and four unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, Tracey Swamp and two unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 36 contains the potential for 40 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and 12 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Whitleys Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Whitleys Creek, Southwest Creek and four unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Clarks Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Clarks Branch, Spring Branch and one unnamed tributary to Spring Branch, one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch, one unnamed tributary to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, one unnamed tributary to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. 14May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Corridor 51 contains the potential for 38 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and 11 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Whitleys Creek and one unnamed tributary to Whitleys Creek, Southwest Creek and five unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and three unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, one unnamed tributary to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, one unnamed tributary to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 52 contains the potential for 45 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and 11 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Whitleys Creek and one unnamed tributary to Whitleys Creek, Southwest Creek and five unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and four unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, seven unnamed tributaries to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and two unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 53 contains the potential for 43 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, Walters Mill Pond and three unnamed tributaries to Walters Mill Pond, White Mash Run, the Neuse River and three unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Gum Swamp Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp Creek, Southwest Creek and one unnamed tributary to Southwest Creek, Briery Run and six unnamed tributaries to Briery Run, two unnamed tributaries to Taylors Branch, one unnamed tributary to Stonyton Creek, Jericho Run and three unnamed tributaries to Jericho Run, one unnamed tributary to Heath Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 56 contains the potential for 50 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, Walters Mill Pond and three unnamed tributaries to Walters Mill Pond, White Mash Run, the Neuse River and 11 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Gum Swamp Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp Creek, Briery Run and six unnamed tributaries to Briery Run, one unnamed tributary to Taylors Branch, Stonyton Creek and five unnamed tributaries to Stonyton Creek, Beaverdam Branch and one unnamed tributary to Beaverdam Branch, one unnamed tributary to Heath Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 57 contains the potential for 47 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, Walters Mill Pond and three unnamed tributaries to Walters Mill Pond, White Mash Run and three unnamed tributaries to White Mash Run, the Neuse River and 11 unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek, one unnamed tributary to Gum Swamp Creek, three unnamed tributaries to Wheat Swamp Creek, five unnamed tributaries to Hallam Branch, five unnamed tributaries to Stonyton Creek, Beaverdam Branch and one unnamed tributary to Beaverdam Branch, one unnamed tributary to 15May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Heath Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 61 contains the potential for 45 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, White Mash Run and three unnamed tributaries to White Mash Run, the Neuse River and three unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek, one unnamed tributary to Gum Swamp Creek, three unnamed tributaries to Wheat Swamp Creek, five unnamed tributaries to Hallam Branch, Stonyton Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Stonyton Creek, Briery Run, Jericho Run and three unnamed tributaries to Jericho Run, Southwest Creek and one unnamed tributary to Southwest Creek, one unnamed tributary to Heath Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 63 contains the potential for 46 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and nine unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Peter Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Peter Creek, Southwest Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and four unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, seven unnamed tributaries to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and two unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, two unnamed tributaries to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. Corridor 65 contains the potential for 39 stream crossings. The proposed alignment would cross Buck Branch and two unnamed tributaries to Buck Branch, one unnamed tributary to Walters Mill Pond, the Neuse River and ten unnamed tributaries to the Neuse River, Falling Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Falling Creek, Peter Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Peter Creek, Southwest Creek and three unnamed tributaries to Southwest Creek, Mott Swamp and one unnamed tributary to Mott Swamp, Strawberry Branch and three unnamed tributaries to Strawberry Branch, one unnamed tributary to Mill Branch, Tracey Swamp and three unnamed tributaries to Tracey Swamp, one unnamed tributary to Gum Swamp, and two unnamed tributaries to Core Creek. The total stream impacts for each DSA corridor are shown in Table 6. Detailed stream impacts are shown in Tables 10 through 26 of Appendix B. These impacts are based on the DSA corridors and the crossing geometry of the preliminary crossing locations. 16May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 6: Jurisdictional stream impacts within each DSA corridor DSA Corridor Total Stream Crossings Total Stream Length (ft.) Corridor 1 (Upgrade 48 35,826 Existing) Corridor 2 5845,938 Corridor 5 6546,282 Corridor 11 4530,003 Corridor 12 5239,299 Corridor 31 4328,808 Corridor 32 5037,855 Corridor 35 4335,137 Corridor 36 4027,156 Corridor 51 3826,760 Corridor 52 4536,056 Corridor 53 4332,877 Corridor 56 5033,229 Corridor 57 4735,564 Corridor 61 4535,368 Corridor 63 4636,095 Corridor 65 3926,799 The total number of wetland acres within each DSA corridor is shown below in Table 7. Table 7: Jurisdictional wetland impacts within each DSA corridor RiparianNon-RiparianTotal Wetlands DSA Corridor Wetlands (ac.) Wetlands (ac.) (ac.) Corridor 1 (Upgrade Existing) 48 64112 Corridor 2 115206321 Corridor 5 132241373 Corridor 11 13496230 Corridor 12 10681187 Corridor 31 135107242 Corridor 32 10792199 Corridor 35 109198307 Corridor 36 141204345 Corridor 51 136134270 Corridor 52 108119227 Corridor 53 122201323 Corridor 56 139236375 Corridor 57 135268403 Corridor 61 126230356 Corridor 63 15083233 Corridor 65 17898276 17May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC 5.2Clean Waater Act Perrmits The propposed projectt has been deesignated as an EIS for tthe purposess of SEPA doocumentatioon. As a resuult, a Sectionn 404 Individdual Permit ((IP) and a Seection 401 WWater Qualitty Certificatiion (WQC)wwill likely bee applicable. The US Arrmy Corps oof Engineers (USACE)hholds the finaal discretionn as to what permit will be required to authorizee project connstruction.AAdditionally,, the projectwwill likely reqquire a Buffeer Authorizaation from NNCDWQ for impacts to bbuffers subjeect to the Neuse River Basiin Buffer Ruules. 5.3CoastalAArea Managgement Act Areas of Ennvironmenttal Concernn There is ppotential forr the presencce of Coastall Area Manaagement Act (CAMA)AAreas of Environmmental Concern (AECs) within the CCraven Counnty portion oof the NRTRR study area. CravenCCounty is onee of the 20 ddesignated cooastal countiies for Northh Carolina. The portion of the NRTRR study areaa within Cravven County contains threee named strreams (Tracey Swamp, GGum Swamp, and Core Crreek) and a laarge floodpllain wetland system assoociated with Tracey Swaamp. These strreams and/orr floodplain wetlands could be consiidered AECss by the Diviision of Coaastal Managemment (DCM)). AEC determinations aand potentiall impacts wiill be determmined once a LEDPAhhas been selected and foormal consulltation with DDCM has beeen completeed. Lenoir annd Jones couunties are noot designatedd coastal couunties for Noorth Carolinaa. 5.4 Construcction Morattoria Construcction moratorria will likelly be requireed for the prooposed projeect. The Neuuse River is designateed as both ann anadromouus fish spawnning area annd a primary inland nurseery area. A moratoriuum could bee expected duuring spawnning season. Final deccisions regarrding moratooria will be mmade during the project mmerger proccess. 5.5N.C. Riveer Basin Buuffer Rules Streamside riparian zzones withinn the NRTR sstudy area arre protected under proviisions of the Neuse Riiver Buffer RRules adminnistered by NNCDWQ (15A NCAC 022B .0233). SStreams subjject to the Neeuse River BBuffer Rules that cross thhe DSA corriidors are ideentified in Taables 10 throough 26 of Appendix B. SStreams subject to the Neeuse River BBuffer Rules were identified based soolely on their ppresence on 24k USGS ttopographic mapping. PPotential imppacts to proteected streamm bufferswwill be determmined once aa LEDPA haas been seleccted and formmal stream ddelineations have been perfformed. 5.6Rivers annd Harbors Act Sectionn 10 Navigaable Waters The Neusse River is cconsidered a NavigableWWater under Section 10 oof the Rivers and Harboors Act. 6.0ENDANGGERED SPEECIES ACTT PROTECCTED SPECCIES As of Deecember 26, 2012 the USSFWS lists twwo federallyy protected sspecies for LLenoir Countty, seven fedderally proteected speciess for Craven County (Deecember 26, 2012), and ttwo federallyy protectedd species for Jones Counnty (December 3, 2012). These speccies are showwn in Table 88. A brief desccription of eeach species’’ habitat requuirements foollows. Habitat requiremments for eacch Mayy 2013 18 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC species are based on the current best available information from referenced literature and/or USFWS. Biological Conclusions have been rendered where appropriate based on GIS data review and scheduled field reviews with resource agencies. If detailed field surveys are required, then Biological Conclusions will be prepared separately from this document. Table 8: Federally protected species listed for Lenoir, Jones, and Craven counties FederalHabitatBiological 2 Scientific Name Common NameCounty 1 StatusPresentConclusion Alligator American alligator T(S/A) Yes Not Required C, J mississippiensis Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon E No No Effect C oxyrinchus Dermochelys Leatherback sea turtleE No No Effect C coriacea Red-cockaded Picoides borealis E Yes Unresolved L, C, J woodpecker West Indian manateeE Yes No Effect C Trichechus manatus LysimachiaRough-leaved E Yes Unresolved C asperulaefolialoosetrife Aeschynomene Sensitive joint-vetch T Yes No Effect L, C virginiana 1.E – Endangered; T – Threatened; T(S/A) – Threatened Due to Similarity in Appearance 2. County abbreviations (L = Lenoir, C = Craven, J = Jones) American alligator USFWS optimal survey window: year round (only warm days in winter) Habitat Description: In North Carolina, American alligators have been recorded in nearly every coastal county, and in many inland counties (up to the fall line). The alligator is found in rivers, streams, canals, lakes, swamps, and coastal marshes. Adult animals are highly tolerant of salt water, but the young appear to be more sensitive, with salinities greater than five parts per thousand considered harmful. The American alligator remains on the protected species list due to its similarity in appearance to the Endangered American crocodile. Biological Conclusion: Not Required There is habitat for American alligator present within the NRTR study area. Habitat is present within the Neuse River and several of the larger stream and swamp systems within the NRTR study area. A review of NCNHP records (December 2012) indicates element occurrence records for American alligator within the lower reaches of the Neuse River within the NRTR study area. 19May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Atlantic sturgeon USFWS optimal survey window: not required; assume presence in appropriate waters Habitat Description: Atlantic sturgeon occur in most major river systems along the eastern seaboard of the United States. The species prefers the near-shore marine, estuarine, and riverine habitat of large river systems. It is an anadromous species that migrates to faster- moving, upriver freshwater areas to spawn in the spring, but spends most of its life in saltwater. Large freshwater rivers that are unobstructed by dams or pollutants are imperative to successful reproduction. Distribution information by river/waterbody is lacking for the rivers of North Carolina; however, records are known from most coastal counties. Biological Conclusion: No Effect There is no habitat for Atlantic sturgeon present within the NRTR study area. The NRTR study area is more than 31 miles from waters which could be considered estuarine (New Bern) and more than 40 miles from the mouth of the Pamlico Sound. A review of NCNHP records (December 2012) indicates no records for Atlantic sturgeon within or within one mile of the NRTR study area. Leatherback sea turtle USFWS optimal survey window: April – August Habitat Description: Leatherback sea turtles are distributed world-wide in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. They are generally open ocean species, and may be common off the North Carolina coast during certain times of the year. However, in northern waters the species is reported to enter into bays, estuaries, and other inland bodies of water. Major nesting areas occur mainly in tropical regions. In the United States, primary nesting areas are in Florida, however nests are known from Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina as well. Nesting occurs from April to August. Leatherback sea turtles need sandy beaches backed with vegetation in the proximity of deep water and generally with rough seas. Beaches with a relatively steep slope are usually preferred. Biological Conclusion: No Effect There is no habitat for leatherback sea turtle present within the NRTR study area. The NRTR study area is more than 40 miles from the mouth of the Pamlico Sound, and more than 70 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. A review of NCNHP records (December 2012) indicates no record of leatherback sea turtles within or within one mile of the NRTR study area. Red-cockaded woodpecker USFWS optimal survey window: year round; November – early March (optimal) Habitat Description: The red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) typically occupies open, mature stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years 20May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC of age to provide foraging habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than one-half mile. Biological Conclusion: Unresolved Desktop habitat analysis began with the identification of potential habitat areas based on C-CAP data. Figure 6 in Appendix C displays the results of this analysis. Scrub/shrub and evergreen forest layers were used to identify pine forests. Through previous field investigations, it was discovered that young pine plantations had often been identified as scrub/shrub community types. Evaluation of these areas against aerial photography was then performed. This resulted in the identification of 94 potential forested areas that would require further investigation. These areas vary in size from less than 20 acres to more than 100 acres and, based on aerial imagery, appear to range in age as well. These areas are shown on Figure 7 in Appendix C. Gary Jordan of USFWS was consulted on the project via email on November 8, 2012. He noted that the only known occurrence of RCW for Lenoir County is a historical record, and that there is probably only a minimal chance of the presence of RCW, but it is prudent to consider since there is potential habitat for the species. Field evaluations of the 94 potential sites were conducted during the week of March 25, 2013. Approximately 28 sites were visited during that time. The 28 sites visited were concentrated in the western portion of the NRTR study area. None of the 28 sites visited represent suitable nesting habitat for RCW. Marginal foraging habitat was present in some areas in the form of 40 to 60 year old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations, however, these areas were small in size and disjunct from anything representing nesting habitat. There were no longleaf pine forests present/observed within any of the sites visited. Most of the sites contained loblolly pine forests and/or plantations, mixed pine and hardwood forests, and young overgrown plantations. Representative photographs are located in Appendix C. Field evaluations are on-going and the remainder of the 94 potential sites identified in Figure 7 in Appendix C will be visited and evaluated during the summer and fall of 2013. The Biological Conclusion for RCW will remain Unresolved until field evaluations have been completed. A review of NCNHP records (December 2012) indicates one element occurrence record for RCW along the extreme southern edge of the NRTR study area. The edge of the element occurrence records is more than one-half mile from the nearest DSA corridor. This occurrence record is shown on Figures 6 and 7 in Appendix C. West Indian manatee USFWS optimal survey window: not required; assume presence in appropriate waters Habitat Description: West Indian manatee have been observed in all the North Carolina coastal counties. Manatees are found in canals, sluggish rivers, estuarine habitats, salt water bays, and as far off shore as 3.7 miles. They utilize freshwater and marine habitats at shallow depths of five to 20 feet. In the winter, between October and April, manatees concentrate in areas with warm water. During other times of the year habitats appropriate 21May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC for the manatee are those with sufficient water depth, an adequate food supply, and in proximity to freshwater. Manatees require a source of freshwater to drink. Manatees are primarily herbivorous, feeding on any aquatic vegetation present, but they may occasionally feed on fish. Biological Conclusion: No Effect There is marginal habitat for West Indian manatee present within the NRTR study area. The NRTR study area is more than 31 miles from waters which could be considered estuarine (New Bern) and more than 40 miles from the mouth of the Pamlico Sound. However, a review of NCNHP records (2011-12 data distribution) indicates element occurrence records for West Indian manatee that extend into the Neuse River at the very edge of the NRTR study area. These records begin within 500 feet of the NRTR study area and extend into the Neuse River downstream of the NRTR study area. It is unlikely that the species travels any further upstream within the Neuse River. The closest potential crossing of the river by one of the DSA corridors is approximately one mile upstream of the mapped extent of the species. Rough-leaved loosetrife USFWS optimal survey window: mid-May – June Habitat Description: Rough-leaved loosestrife, endemic to the Coastal Plain and Sandhills of North and South Carolina, generally occurs in the ecotones or edges between longleaf pine uplands and pond pine (Pinus serotina) pocosins in dense shrub and vine growth on moist to seasonally saturated sands and on shallow organic soils overlaying sand (spodosolic soils). Occurrences are found in such disturbed habitats as roadside depressions, maintained power and utility line rights-of-way, firebreaks, and trails. The species prefers full sunlight, is shade intolerant, and requires areas of disturbance (e.g., clearing, mowing, periodic burning) where the overstory is minimal. It can, however, persist vegetatively for many years in overgrown, fire-suppressed areas. The plant is known to occur on the Blaney, Gilead, Johnston, Kalmia, Leon, Mandarin, Murville, Torhunta, and Vaucluse soil series. Biological Conclusion: Unresolved Desktop habitat analysis resulted in the identification of what appears to be marginal habitat for rough-leaved loosestrife within the Craven County portion of the NRTR study area in the form of maintained roadside rights-of-way and pine plantation/agricultural ecotones. No optimal habitat areas were detected during desktop analyses. It is likely that the plantation/agricultural edges are maintained on too frequent a basis to support the species. However, both Leon and Torhunta soils are present within the Craven County portion of the NRTR study area. There is an approximately eight-acre patch of Leon soils located directly adjacent to an approximately 140-acre patch of Torhunta soils. The desktop habitat analysis process is displayed in Figures 8 and 9 in Appendix C. A foot survey of the areas identified in Figures 8 and 9 in Appendix C will be conducted during the optimal survey window (mid-May to June) during the summer of 2013. A Biological Conclusion for the species will be made upon completion of the foot survey. 22May 2013 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC AA review of NNCNHP recoords (Decemmber 2012) inndicates no rrecords of roough-leaved looosestrife wiithin the NRRTR study area. Sensitivee joint-vetchh USFWS optimal survvey window: mid-July –– October HabitatDDescription: Sensitive joint-vetch groows in the mmildly brackiish inter-tidaal zone wherre plants are floooded twice ddaily. This annnual legumme prefers thee marsh edge at an elevaation near the uppeer limit of tiddal fluctuatioon, but can aalso be foundd in swamps and on river banks. Sensitive joint-vettch normallyy occurs in arreas with higgh plant diveersity wheree annnual speciees predominaate, and can grow in sandd, mud, gravvel, or peat ssubstrates. BBare too sparsely veegetated substrates appeaar to be a miicrohabitatfeeature of crfiitical importaance too this plant. SSuch microhhabitats mayy include acccreting point bars that haave not yet been coolonized by perennial sppecies, areas scoured outt by ice, loww swales withhin marshes, mmuskrat “eat outs” wheree this rodent removes all of the vegettation withinn a small porrtion of the marsh, storm damaaged areas, aand the saturaated organicc sediments oof some inteerior mmarshes that hhave local nnutrient deficciencies. In NNorth Caroliina, stable occcurrences hhave been found inn the estuarinne meander zzone of tidall rivers wherre sedimentss transportedd frrom up-riverr settle out annd extensivee marshes arre formed. AAdditional NNorth Carolinna occurrencesaare also founnd in moist too wet roadsiide ditches anand moist fields, but thesse are not considereed stable poppulations. Biologicaal Conclusioon: No Effecct AA review of NNCNHP recoords (Decemmber 2012) inndicates no rrecord of sennsitive joint-- vetch within tthe NRTR sttudy area.TThe only largge swamp syystem presennt within the CCraven County portion off the NRTR study area iss Core Creekk. Core Creeek is not tiddal annd is heavilyy vegetated. It does not contain suitaable habitat for the speciies. In an emmail dated Novemmber 8, 2012,, Gary Jordann of USFWSS states that the known hhistorical occurrence off the species within Lenooir County iss highly queestionable, ass the only reecord prredates 19000. He goes oon to state thhat habitat foor the sensitiive-joint vetcch is the sligghtly brrackish, inteertidal zone oof coastal maarshes wheree plants are flooded twicce daily. Hee does not vieww the Neuse RRiver in Lennoir Countyas potential habitat for ssensitive joinnt- vetch. Sensittive joint-vettch is not a sspecies that wwarrants signnificant amoounts of timee or efffort within LLenoir Counnty. Based oon Mr. Jordaan’s statemennts and the aage of the onnly otther record oof the speciees within Lennoir County,, the Biologiical Conclussion for the sppecies is No Effect. 6.1Bald Eaggle and Goldden Eagle ProtectionAAct Habitatffor the bald eeagle primarrily consists oof mature foorests in proxximity to larrge bodies off open watter for foragiing. Large, dominant treees are utilizzed for nestinng sites, typiically withinn one mile of oopen water. Within thhe NRTR stuudy area, thee banks of thhe Neuse Rivver present ppotential baldd eagle nestiing habitat. AAdjacent agrricultural fieelds and smaall forested aareas could pprovide foragging habitat.. Howeverr, the NRTRRstudy area iis fragmented by sporadiic developmment and swaamplands thaat do not repreesent ideal neesting or foraaging areas. Mayy 2013 23 Draft Natuural Resources Technical Repport STIP RR-2553, Lenoirr, Jones, and CCraven Countiees, NC A revieww of NCNHPP records (Deecember 20112) indicatess two elemennt occurrencee records forr bald eaglle within thee vicinity of tthe NRTR sttudy area.OOne of the reecords is locaated approximmately one mmile outside oof the NRTRR study area and is listedd as a historical record.TThe other record was doccumented in 2009 and is located alonng the Neusee River withiin the NRTRR study areea between DDSA corridorrs 1 (Upgradde Existing) and 53. Due to thhe presence oof suitable hhabitat for thee species andd a documennted occurreence within tthe NRTR sttudy area, suurveys for baald eagle shoould be condducted once aa LEDPA haas been chossen. 6.2Endangered Species Act Criticaal Habitat DDesignationss As of Deecember 26, 2012 the USSFWS has noo listed Critiical Habitat DDesignationns within Lennoir Countyoor Craven Coounty. As off December3, 2012 the USFWS hass no listed CCritical Habittat Designattions within Jones Countty. 6.3Essentiall Fish Habittat Identificaation of Esseential Fish HHabitat will bbe coordinateed with the NNational Oceanic and Atmosphheric Adminiistration (NOOAA), Natioonal Marine Fisheries Seervice (NMFFS) and NCDOT’s Biologicaal Surveys Grroup. Mayy 2013 24 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC 7.0REFERENCES “Definitions of Waters of the United States.” Code of Federal Regulations Title 33, Pt. 328.3, Revised 2004. EDDMapS. 2012. Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System. The University of Georgia – Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. http://www.eddmaps.org/. Last updated May 8, 2012. “Endangered Species Act.” Title 16 U.S. Code, Pts. 1531 et seq. 1973. “General Regulatory Policies.” Code of Federal Regulations Title 33, Pt. 320.4®, 1986. Griffith, G.E., Omernik, J.M., Comstock, J.A., Schafale, M.P., McNab, W.H., Lenat, D.R., MacPherson, T.F. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina (map scale 1:1,500,000). U.S. EPA. Corvallis, OR. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management. 2001. CAMA Rules & Policies: The Coastal Area Management Act. http://www.nccoastalmanagement.net/Rules/cama.htm N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 1999. Internal Guidance Manual - N.C. Division of Water Quality Stream Classification Method. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2000. Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy: Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers.N.C. Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B .0233. Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-214.7; 143-215.3(a)(1); S.L. 1995, c. 572; Temporary Adoption Eff. July 22, 1997; Temporary Adoption Eff. June 22, 1999; April 22, 1998; January 22, 1998; Eff. August 1, 2000. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2003. Redbook. Surface Water and Wetlands Standards. N.C. Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B .0100 & .0200. Amended Effective April 1, 2003. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2012. Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2012 303(d) Final Report). August 10, 2012. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2012. NC Water Quality Classifications. Neuse River Basin. Based on Classifications as of February 8, 2012.http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=b9835c93- f244-4bc3-9282-4a58d98310da&groupId=38364. 25May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program. 2012. Natural Heritage Element Occurrence. Nheo.shp. ‘2012-12 data distribution’. Received March 21, 2013. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2012a. NRTR Template. Revised July 2012. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2012b. NRTR Format Guidance. Revised November 2012. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2012c. Preparing Natural Resources Technical Reports. Project Development and Analysis Branch. Approved December 20, 2012. Version 2.2. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2012d. Invasive Exotic Plants of North Carolina. Cherri Smith for the N.C. Department of Transportation. N.C. OneMap. 2012. Geographic Data Serving a Statewide Community. Geospatial Portal. http://data.nconemap.com/geoportal/catalog/main/home.page United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1998. Hydrologic Units-North Carolina (metadata). Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2012a. Soil Survey of Craven County, North Carolina.Available through Web Soil Survey (WSS), http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda,gov/app. Unpublished. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2012b. Soil Survey of Jones County, North Carolina. Available through Web Soil Survey (WSS), http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda,gov/app. Unpublished. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2012c. Soil Survey of Lenoir County, North Carolina.Available through Web Soil Survey (WSS), http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda,gov/app. Unpublished. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2012a. Hydric Soils. Craven County, North Carolina. Tabular Data Version 12. Tabular Data Version Date July 3, 2012. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2012b. Hydric Soils. Jones County, North Carolina. Tabular Data Version 15. Tabular Data Version Date July 6, 2012. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2012c. Hydric Soils. Lenoir County, North Carolina. Tabular Data Version 10. Tabular Data Version Date July 6, 2012. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2007. National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. May 2007. 26May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2012a. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina: Jones County. Updated December 3, 2012. http://www.fws.gov/nc- es/es/countyfr.html United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2012b. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina: Craven County. Updated December 26, 2012. http://www.fws.gov/nc- es/es/countyfr.html United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2012c. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina: Lenoir County. Updated December 26, 2012. http://www.fws.gov/nc- es/es/countyfr.html United States Geological Survey. 1978. Rivermont, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5-minute series). United States Geological Survey. 1980. Deep Run, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5-minute series). United States Geological Survey. 1982. Dover, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5- minute series). United States Geological Survey. 1983a. Falling Creek, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5-minute series). United States Geological Survey. 1983b. Grifton, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5- minute series). United States Geological Survey. 1983c. Kinston, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5- minute series). United States Geological Survey. 1983d. LaGrange, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5-minute series). 27May 2013 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Appendices Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Appendix A: Figures Kinston Bypass Snow GREENE 11 102 £ ¤ Hill Ayden 13 STIP Project No. R-2553 COUNTY £ ¤ Hookerton 258 Figure 1 903 Vicinity Map 123 PITT COUNTY Grifton Legend Project Study Area DSA Corridors WAYNE 11 US Highway COUNTY NC Highway State Road GTP 55 Local Road 58 Railroad Global TransPark (GTP) La Grange Walnut GTP Complex Boundary £ ¤ 55 Creek 70 Kinston Stream/River Waterbody 55 Municipal Area £ ¤ County 70BUS 903 £ ¤ 70BYP CRAVEN COUNTY 11 ¯ Seven 02.5 Dover Springs Miles 55 May 2013 £ ¤ 70 Cove 55 City 58 11 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, £ ¤ USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 258 903 41 Virginia Tennessee DUPLIN North Carolina 11 COUNTY Pink South LENOIR JONES Carolina Hill Georgia COUNTY COUNTY 41 Kinston Bypass Snow GREENE 11 102 £ ¤ Hill Ayden 13 COUNTY STIP Project No. R-2553 £ ¤ Hookerton Figure 2 258 903 NRTR Study Area 123 PITT COUNTY Grifton Legend 57, 61 Project Study Area 57 NRTR Study Area WAYNE 61 11 DSA Corridors COUNTY Railroad 5, 56 Global TransPark (GTP) 5, 56, 57 5, 56 County 55 58 US Highway 61 La Grange 53, 56 2, 5, 53, 562, 53 NC Highway Walnut State Road 53, 56, 57, 61 £ ¤ 55 Creek Local Road 70 Kinston GTP Complex Boundary 2, 5 55 Stream/River All Corridors 2, 53, 61 £ ¤ Waterbody 70BUS 2, 5, 11, 12 903 £ ¤ Municipal Area 1, 2, 5, 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 70BYP * call out boxes indicate DSA corridors CRAVEN 11, 12, 31, in each segment 32, 63, 65 35, 36, 51, 52 COUNTY 2, 5, 53, 11 56, 57, 61 31, 32 31, 32, 63, 65 ¯ 1, Upgrade Existing 12, 32, 11, 12, 31, 35, 52, 63 2, 5, 53, 32, 63, 65 63, 65 Seven 56, 57, 61 02.5 Dover Springs 12, 32, 12, 32, Miles 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 52, 63 55 52, 63 51, 52, 63, 65 May 2013 £ ¤ 11, 31, 70 36, 51, 65 Cove 51, 52 11, 31, 51, 65 All Corridors 55 35 City 58 11 35, 36 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, £ ¤ USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 258 903 41 Virginia Tennessee DUPLIN North Carolina 11 COUNTY Pink South LENOIR JONES Carolina Hill Georgia COUNTY COUNTY 41 Kinston Bypass PITT 123 COUNTY STIP Project No. R-2553 GREENE COUNTY Figure 3 Grifton Water Resources Map £ ¤ 258 903 11 Legend NRTR Study Area DQW Lenoir Model Streams 58 DSA Corridors 55 Global TransPark (GTP) La Grange County US Highway £ ¤ 55 NC Highway 70 Kinston State Road Local Road Railroad 55 £ ¤ Municipal Area 70BUS 903 £ ¤ 70BYP CRAVEN COUNTY ¯ 02.5 11 Miles Dover May 2013 55 £ ¤ 70 55 903 JONES This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, COUNTY 58 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, 11 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. LENOIR COUNTY Virginia Tennessee North Carolina £ ¤ DUPLIN 258 COUNTY South Carolina Georgia GREENE ¬ « COUNTY ¬123 « PITT STIP Project No. R-2553 58 COUNTY £ ¤ 258 Figure 4 Terrestrial Communities ¬ « 118 ¬ « 11 Legend NRTR Study Area DSA Corridors County ¬ « Terrestrial Communities: 903 Agriculture ¬ « 58 Forested Upland ¬ «Maintained/Disturbed 55 Pine Plantation ¬ « £ ¤ 55 Palustrine Wetland 70 ¬ « 11 Open Water £ ¤ 70 ¯ ¬ « 11 02.5 CRAVEN Miles £ ¤ 70 LENOIR COUNTY May 2013 COUNTY ¬ « 55 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, £ ¤ NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, 70 JONES USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. COUNTY ¬ « 11 Virginia ¬ « 58 Tennessee £ ¤ North Carolina 258 DUPLIN COUNTY South Carolina Georgia Kinston Bypass STIP Project No. R-2553 S6 S72 258 Figure 5a 70 Predicted Streams S73 S76 and Wetlands 903 58 Legend S146 S184 S160 S158 S138 S167 NRTR Study Area S126 S133 S153 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S2S170 S149 70 S121 S134 70 S185 Stream/River S122 S130 S140 S161 Wetlands within Corridor S1 S182 S124 S124 S202 S132 S174 S150 Wetland S154 S175 Sheet Match Line S148 S156 DSA Corridors 11 70 S181 US Highway S159 NC Highway S152 State Road S157 Local Road 258 02 Railroad Miles County Global TransPark (GTP) Municipal Area S157 Kinston S152 258 Corridor 1 S3 Upgrade Existing May 2013 S32 CRAVEN COUNTY S25 S194 S79 S193 S195 JONES LENOIR This map is for reference only. COUNTY Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, COUNTY Dover Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S198 58 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 258 70 S200 S201 70 02 70 Miles 258 Kinston Bypass GTP STIP Project No. R-2553 S59 58 258 903 Figure 5b S64 S63 S62 Predicted Streams S60 and Wetlands S65 S66 LENOIR La Grange Legend COUNTY NRTR Study Area S6 S72 Stream/Rivers within Corridor 70 S77 Stream/River S78 S73 Wetlands within Corridor S76 Kinston Wetland S147 S113 Sheet Match Line S117 DSA Corridors S125 70 S119 US Highway 11 S131 S184 S146 NC Highway S158 S165 S126 S2 State Road S153 S124 S138 S149S145 S167 S121 S130 S134 Local Road S122 70 S182 02 Railroad 11 Miles County Global TransPark (GTP) S58 Municipal Area 11 S65 55 S60 S59 258 S18 S64 S24 S62 Corridor 2 S67 S66 58 S141 Kinston 55 S177 May 2013 S77 S179 S173 S78 11 S123 S1 S114 S3 70 S191 70 This map is for reference only. S187 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S192 11 CRAVEN USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S32 S193 COUNTY 258 S198 258 70 Dover 55 58 70 S194 S200 S195 LENOIR Cove 02 70 S201 COUNTY City Miles JONES COUNTY 258 Kinston Bypass GTP STIP Project No. R-2553 S59 58 258 903 Figure 5c S64 S63 Predicted Streams S62 and Wetlands S60 S65 S66 LENOIR La Grange Legend COUNTY NRTR Study Area S6 S72 Stream/Rivers within Corridor 70 S77 Stream/River S78 S73 Wetlands within Corridor S76 Kinston Wetland S147 S113 Sheet Match Line S117 DSA Corridors S125 70 S119 US Highway 11 S131 S184 S146 NC Highway S158 S165 S126 S2 State Road S153 S124 S138 S149S145 S167 S121 S130 S134 Local Road S122 70 S182 02 Railroad 11 Miles County Global TransPark (GTP) S49 S47 S51 Municipal Area S1 S20 S50 S60 S28 S59 S53 S56 55 58 Corridor 5 S163 S63S66 S120 55 May 2013 S180 LENOIR S1 COUNTY 11 Kinston CRAVEN S116 COUNTY S188 S190 11 S189 70 This map is for reference only. 55 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, 11 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S32 S193 55 S198 258 S192 S195 258 70 Dover 55 70 S194 S201 Cove LENOIR 02 58 70 City COUNTY Miles JONES COUNTY S200 258 S6 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 S72 S73 S76 Figure 5d 11 58 Predicted Streams and Wetlands S146 S167 S158 S138 70 S126 S2 S122 S149 S134 S121 70 S182 S130 S145 S124 S124 Legend S2 S155 70 NRTR Study Area S186 Kinston S183 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S171 Stream/River 11 Wetlands within Corridor S1 Wetland S162 S112 LENOIR 258 903 Sheet Match Line COUNTY DSA Corridors US Highway 58 NC Highway 55 S80 State Road 55 S94 S12 90355 Local Road S96 S99 Railroad 02 S22 S89 County S3 Miles S95 S100 Global TransPark (GTP) Municipal Area CRAVEN COUNTY Corridor 11 S198 S196 S195 May 2013 S32 Dover S197 58 S87 S199 JONES S89 S22 COUNTY S94 This map is for reference only. S3 S23 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, S96 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S200 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S201 70 258 LENOIR 70 COUNTY 02 70 Miles 258 S6 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 S72 11 S73 S76 Figure 5e 58 Predicted Streams and Wetlands S146 S167 S158 S138 70 S126 S2 S122 S149 S134 S121 70 S182 S130 S145 S124 S124 Legend S2 S155 70 NRTR Study Area S186 Kinston S183 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S171 Stream/River 11 Wetlands within Corridor S1 Wetland S162 S112 LENOIR 258 903 Sheet Match Line COUNTY DSA Corridors US Highway 58 NC Highway 55 S80 State Road 55 S94 S12 90355 Local Road S96 S99 Railroad 02 S22 S89 Miles County S3 S95 S100 Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston Municipal Area S32 CRAVEN Corridor 12 COUNTY LENOIR COUNTY S194 May 2013 S193 S195 S81 Dover S83 S23 S198 S92S86 S87 S88 S82 S94 S89 S84 S91 S22 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S3 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, S96 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S200 58 258 S201 JONES 70 COUNTY 70 02 70 Miles 258 S6 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 11 S73 S72 S76 Figure 5f Predicted Streams 58 S149 and Wetlands S121 S158 70 S126 S184 S124 70 S134 S122 S127 S178 S2 Legend 70 NRTR Study Area S155 Kinston S171 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S128 Stream/River S186 11 Wetlands within Corridor S183 S1 Wetland LENOIR 258 S112 Sheet Match Line COUNTY S162 DSA Corridors US Highway 58 55 NC Highway S80 903 55 State Road S94 55 S12 Local Road S3 S96 S99 02 Railroad S22 S89 Miles S95 S100 County Global TransPark (GTP) Municipal Area CRAVEN COUNTY Corridor 31 S198 S196 S195 May 2013 S32 Dover S197 58 S87 S199 JONES S89 COUNTY S22 S94 This map is for reference only. S3 S23 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, S96 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S200 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S201 70 258 LENOIR 70 COUNTY 02 70 Miles 258 S6 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 11 S73 S72 S76 Figure 5g Predicted Streams 58 S149 and Wetlands S121 S158 70 S126 S184 S124 70 S134 S122 S127 S178 S2 Legend 70 NRTR Study Area S155 Kinston S171 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S128 Stream/River S186 11 Wetlands within Corridor S183 S1 Wetland LENOIR 258 S112 Sheet Match Line COUNTY S162 DSA Corridors US Highway 58 55 NC Highway S80 903 55 State Road S94 55 S12 Local Road S3 S96 S99 02 Railroad S22 S89 Miles S95 S100 County Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston Municipal Area S32 CRAVEN Corridor 32 COUNTY LENOIR COUNTY S194 S193 May 2013 S195 S86 S198 S81 Dover S83 S23 S92 S89 S82 S84 S91 S22 S96 S88 S87 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, S95 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S94 S3 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S200 58 258 S201 JONES 70 COUNTY 70 02 70 Miles 258 S6 Walnut Kinston Bypass 70 258 Creek STIP Project No. R-2553 S72 11 S73S76 58 Figure 5h LENOIR 903 S149 COUNTY S126 Predicted Streams and Wetlands 70 S121 S166 S143 70 S118S118 Kinston S129 Legend S139 11 WAYNE JONES 258 NRTR Study Area S176 COUNTY COUNTY Stream/Rivers within Corridor 70 Stream/River S81 58 S1 Wetlands within Corridor S86 Wetland S82 Sheet Match Line S93S23 S101 DSA Corridors S92 11 S97 S104 S102 55 US Highway S105 S9 S15 NC Highway S103 State Road 903 S107 S3 S109 S109 Local Road S13 02 Railroad S111 S106 Miles County S108 Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston Municipal Area S32 S194 LENOIR Corridor 35 70 COUNTY S193 Dover S198 May 2013 S86 58 CRAVEN S195 S82 COUNTY S92 S23 JONES This map is for reference only. COUNTY Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S200 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, S104 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S201 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 258 S15 70 S107 02 70 Miles 258 S6 Walnut Kinston Bypass 70 258 Creek STIP Project No. R-2553 S72 S76 S73 11 58 Figure 5i LENOIR Kinston S149 COUNTY S126 Predicted Streams and Wetlands S121 70 S166 S143 S118 70 S118 S129 11 Legend S139 WAYNE JONES 258 Sheet Match Line S176 COUNTY COUNTY Stream/Rivers within Corridor 70 Wetlands within Corridor S1 DSA Corridors Stream/River Wetland S23 S93S23 S101 NRTR Study Area S199 S97 S104 S102 903 55 Railroad S105 S9 S15 Global TransPark (GTP) S103 County S107 S3 S109S109 US Highway 58 S13 NC Highway 02 S111 S106 11 Miles State Road S108 Local Road Kinston Municipal Area LENOIR S198 Corridor 36 70 COUNTY S196 S195 S32 Dover S197 May 2013 58 CRAVEN COUNTY S199 S23 JONES This map is for reference only. COUNTY Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S200 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, S104 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S201 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 258 S15 70 S107 02 70 Miles 258 S6 S72 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 11 S73 S76 Figure 5j Predicted Streams 58 and Wetlands S126 S149 S121 70 S166 S143 Legend S172 70 NRTR Study Area S118 Kinston Stream/Rivers within Corridor Stream/River S129 11 Wetlands within Corridor S137 Wetland S151 LENOIR 258 Sheet Match Line COUNTY S142 DSA Corridors S1 US Highway 58 55 NC Highway 903 55 State Road S94 55 S85 Local Road S96 S99 02 Railroad S22 S9 S89 S3 Miles S95 County S90 S100 S98 Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston Municipal Area S32 CRAVEN Corridor 51 COUNTY LENOIR COUNTY S194 May 2013 S193 S195 S81 Dover S83 S86 S198 S23 S92 S87 S88 S82 S94 S89 S84 S91 S22 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S3 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, S96 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S200 58 258 S201 JONES 70 COUNTY 70 02 70 Miles 258 S6 S72 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 11 S73 S76 Figure 5k Predicted Streams 58 and Wetlands S126 S149 S121 70 S166 S143 Legend S172 70 NRTR Study Area S118 Kinston Stream/Rivers within Corridor Stream/River S129 11 Wetlands within Corridor S137 Wetland S151 LENOIR 258 Sheet Match Line COUNTY S142 DSA Corridors S1 US Highway 58 55 NC Highway 903 55 State Road S94 55 S85 Local Road S96 S99 02 Railroad S22 S9 S89 S3 Miles S95 County S90 S100 S98 Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston Municipal Area S32 CRAVEN Corridor 52 COUNTY LENOIR COUNTY S194 S193 May 2013 S195 S81 S86 Dover S83 S198 S23 S88 S89 S82 S94 S84 S92 S91 S22 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, S95 S87 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S3 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, S96 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S200 58 258 S201 JONES 70 COUNTY 70 02 70 Miles 258 LENOIR Kinston Bypass 903 COUNTY STIP Project No. R-2553 Figure 5l Predicted Streams 58 and Wetlands GTP S59 258 S64 S63 Legend S62 NRTR Study Area S60 S68 S65 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S66 Stream/River S10S11 S2 Wetlands within Corridor Wetland S69 Kinston S71 La Grange 58 Sheet Match Line S70 DSA Corridors S74 S75 S6 S72 S7 US Highway S76 70 NC Highway State Road S73 Local Road 02 Railroad Miles County Global TransPark (GTP) Municipal Area 11 S65 S59 S60 58 258 S58 S68 S64 S18 S10 S2 S24 S62 Corridor 53 S67 S66 55 S71 S11 55 S141 S69 S177 11 May 2013 S70 S173 Kinston S114 55 S123 S179 70BUS S1 S3 70 70BYP S191 This map is for reference only. S187 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S192 11 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. CRAVEN S32 258 S193 COUNTY S198 258 70 Dover 55 58 S195 70 S194 S200 Cove S201 LENOIR 11 02 70 City COUNTY Miles JONES COUNTY 258 LENOIR Kinston Bypass 903 COUNTY STIP Project No. R-2553 Figure 5m Predicted Streams 58 and Wetlands GTP S59 258 S64 S63 Legend S62 NRTR Study Area S60 S68 S65 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S66 Stream/River S10S11 S2 Wetlands within Corridor Wetland S69 Kinston S71 La Grange 58 Sheet Match Line S70 DSA Corridors S74 S75 S6 S72 S7 US Highway S76 70 NC Highway State Road S73 Local Road 02 Railroad Miles County Global TransPark (GTP) S49S53 S50S168 S51 Municipal Area S164 S20 S47 S28 S120 55 S65 S56 S63 S180 258 S169 S59 S1 S68 S163 S136 S64 S69 S116 S2 11 Corridor 56 58 S66 S188 S62 S70 S60 S189 S71 55 S75 S11 May 2013 S10 Kinston CRAVEN 11 COUNTY S190 70 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S32 S193 11 258 S198 258 S192 S195 Dover 5558 70 S194 S201 Cove LENOIR 11 02 S200 70 City COUNTY Miles JONES COUNTY 258 S6 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 11 S73 S72 S76 Figure 5p Predicted Streams 58 S149 and Wetlands S121 S158 70 S126 S184 S124 S134 70BYP S122 S2 Legend Kinston NRTR Study Area S155 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S135 Stream/River 11 S115 Wetlands within Corridor 70 Wetland S1 LENOIR 258 S112 Sheet Match Line COUNTY S162 DSA Corridors US Highway 58 55 NC Highway S80 903 State Road S94 55 S12 Local Road S3 S96 S99 02 Railroad S22 S89 Miles S95 S100 County Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston Municipal Area CRAVEN Corridor 63 S32 COUNTY LENOIR COUNTY S194 S193 May 2013 S195 S81 Dover S83 S23 S198 S88 S82 S89 S86 S94 S84 S92 S91 S22 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, S95 S87 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, S3 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, S96 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S200 58 258 S201 JONES 70 COUNTY 70 02 70 Miles 258 S6 Kinston Bypass 70 258 STIP Project No. R-2553 11 S73 S72 S76 Figure 5q Predicted Streams 58 S149 and Wetlands S121 S158 S126 S184 S124 70 S134 70BYP 70 S122 S2 Legend Kinston NRTR Study Area S155 Stream/Rivers within Corridor S135 Stream/River 11 S115 Wetlands within Corridor 70 Wetland S1 LENOIR 258 S112 Sheet Match Line COUNTY S162 DSA Corridors US Highway 58 55 NC Highway S80 903 State Road S94 55 S12 Local Road S3 S96 S99 02 Railroad S22 S89 Miles S95 S100 County Global TransPark (GTP) Municipal Area CRAVEN COUNTY Corridor 65 S198 S196 S195 May 2013 S32 Dover S197 58 S87 S199 JONES S89 COUNTY S22 S94 This map is for reference only. S3 S23 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, S96 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, S200 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. S201 70 258 LENOIR 70 COUNTY 02 70 Miles 258 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Appendix B: Natural Resource Summary for the DSA Corridors Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 9: Coverage of terrestrial communities within each DSA corridor Maintained/ PineForested PalustrineOpenCoverage DSA Corridor Agriculture DisturbedPlantation Upland Wetland WaterTotal (ac.) Corridor 1 (Upgrade 1,493 857 367 152 18 93 6 Existing) 1,906 Corridor 2 412850 315 72 232 25 Corridor 5 415 1,036 314 75 273 4 2,117 1,589 Corridor 11 341731 329 33 150 5 1,596 Corridor 12 437716 284 20 136 3 1,622 Corridor 31 308776 343 35 155 5 Corridor 32 405762 300 22 141 3 1,633 Corridor 35 368749 396 44 181 7 1,745 1,718 Corridor 36 271753 424 57 204 9 Corridor 51 266717 371 40 171 10 1,575 1,584 Corridor 52 363703 328 27 156 7 Corridor 53 240813 317 67 226 25 1,688 1,900 Corridor 56 242 1,000 317 71 266 4 2,031 Corridor 57 220 1,034 379 99 295 4 Corridor 61 217915 361 92 265 25 1,875 1,683 Corridor 63 390757 338 21 171 6 1,676 Corridor 65 294771 383 34 185 9 B-1 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 10: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 1 Corridor 1 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 578 1,730,929 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S161 27-(75.7) NoNo 834 1,411 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S160 27-(75.7) NoNo 480 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S185 27-(75.7) Yes No 203 1 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S150 27-(75.7) NoNo 159 3 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S148 27-(75.7) NoNo 58 4 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S156 27-(75.7) NoNo 740 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S181 27-(75.7) NoNo 283 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S159 27-(75.7) NoNo 10 1 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S152 27-(75.7) Yes No 587 11 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S157 27-(75.7) Yes No 171 14 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 563 30,360 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 791 / 675 2 / 42 Yes UT to Falling Creek S167 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 510 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S146 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 513 167 Yes UT to Falling Creek S182 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,682 1 Yes UT to Falling Creek S138 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 208 167 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,054 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S153 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 513 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S154 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 443 1,946 Yes UT to Falling Creek S140 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 377 8 Yes UT to Falling Creek S174 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,883 14 Yes UT to Falling Creek S133 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 452 32 Yes UT to Falling Creek S175 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 643 2,042 Yes UT to Falling Creek S130 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 205 78 Yes UT to Falling Creek S132 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 70 14 Yes UT to Falling Creek S170 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 220 32 Yes UT to Falling Creek S202 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 587 469 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 539 35,955 Yes Mill Branch S25 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA Yes No 720 1,621 Yes UT to Mill Branch S79 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 688 136 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,043 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 1 Total 35,826 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-2 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 11: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 2 Corridor 2 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 595 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) NoNo 249 699 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S179 27-(75.7) NoNo 428 11 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S114 27-(75.7) No No 525 2 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S123 27-(75.7) NoNo 471 215 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 563 30,360 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 791 / 675 2 / 42 Yes UT to Falling Creek S167 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 510 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S146 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 534 254 Yes UT to Falling Creek S182 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,749 78 Yes UT to Falling Creek S138 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 172 1 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 345 / 394 1 / 10 Yes UT to Falling Creek S153 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 2,516 700 Yes UT to Falling Creek S130 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 205 78 Yes UT to Falling Creek S131 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 411 4 Yes UT to Falling Creek S165 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 523 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S145 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 255 1 Yes UT to Falling Creek S117 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 611 376 Yes UT to Falling Creek S113 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 374 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S147 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 359 8 Yes UT to Falling Creek S119 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 715 122 Yes UT to Falling Creek S78 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 604 69 No UT to Falling Creek S77 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 680 / 808 422 / 514 Yes UT to Falling Creek S125 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 32 1,031 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 792 41,173 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S187 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 129 1 Yes Briery Run S18 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 524 8,663 Yes UT to Briery Run S64 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 169 89 Yes UT to Briery RunS65 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 980 117 Yes UT to Briery RunS62 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 544 1,045 Yes UT to Briery RunS63 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,143 54 Yes UT to Briery RunS60 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 615 608 Yes UT to Briery RunS66 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,620 201 Yes UT to Taylors Branch S59 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 58 21 No UT to Taylors Branch S58 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 545 306 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S67 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 532 93 Yes Jericho Run S24 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 539 3,178 Yes UT to Jericho Run S141 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 360 55 No UT to Jericho RunS177 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 887 16 Yes UT to Jericho RunS173 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,205 32 Yes UT to Heath Branch S191 27-80-9 C;Sw,NSW No No 523 62 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S192 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 541 545 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 2 Total 45,938 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-3 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 12: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 5 Corridor 5 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 593 1,813,817 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) NoNo 249 699 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S169 27-(75.7) NoNo 502 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S168 27-(75.7) No No 413 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S163 27-(75.7) NoNo 1,160 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S164 27-(75.7) NoNo 112 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S120 27-(75.7) NoNo 495 6 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S136 27-(75.7) No No 297 2 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S180 27-(75.7) NoNo 298 82 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S116 27-(75.7) NoNo 374 16 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S188 27-(75.7) NoNo 611 307 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S189 27-(75.7) NoNo 808 299 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S144 27-(75.7) NoNo 4 304 No WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 563 30,360 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSANoNo 791 / 675 2 / 42 Yes UT to Falling Creek S167 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 510 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S146 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 534 254 Yes UT to Falling Creek S182 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,749 78 Yes UT to Falling Creek S138 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 172 1 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 345 / 394 1 / 10 Yes UT to Falling Creek S153 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 2,516 700 Yes UT to Falling Creek S130 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 205 78 Yes UT to Falling Creek S131 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 411 4 Yes UT to Falling Creek S165 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 523 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S145 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 255 1 Yes UT to Falling Creek S117 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 611 376 Yes UT to Falling Creek S113 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 374 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S147 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 359 8 Yes UT to Falling Creek S119 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 715 122 Yes UT to Falling Creek S78 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 604 69 No UT to Falling Creek S77 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 680 / 808 422 / 514 Yes UT to Falling Creek S125 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 32 1,031 Yes UT to Briery Run S64 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 169 89 Yes UT to Briery Run S65 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 980 117 Yes UT to Briery Run S62 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 544 1,045 Yes UT to Briery Run S63 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 1,143 54 Yes UT to Briery Run S60 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 615 608 Yes UT to Briery Run S66 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 1,620 201 Yes UT to Taylors Branch S59 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 58 21 No Stonyton Creek S20 27-81 C;Sw,NSW YesNo 668 7,484 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S51 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 64 66 No UT to Stonyton Creek S49 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 229 111 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S53 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 514 106 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S47 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 64 663 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S50 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 83 2 No Beaverdam Branch S28 27-83 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 66 212 No UT to Beaverdam Branch S56 27-83 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 543 170 Yes UT to Heath Branch S190 27-80-9 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 501 1,151 Yes * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-4 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 12: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 5 (continued) Corridor 5 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S192 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 541 545 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum SwampS195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Gum SwampS194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Core CreekS200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,291 35 No UT to Core CreekS201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 565 123 No Corridor 5 Total 46,282 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-5 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 13: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 11 Corridor 11 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 519 1,686,555 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S183 27-(75.7) NoNo 39 8 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S112 27-(75.7) YesNo 627 17 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed 30,427 / Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 561 / 533 Yes 31,271 UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 791 / 675 2 / 42 Yes UT to Falling Creek S167 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 510 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S146 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 513 167 Yes UT to Falling Creek S182 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,476 78 Yes UT to Falling Creek S138 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 210 167 Yes UT to Falling Creek S145 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,124 12 Yes UT to Falling Creek S155 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 507 66 Yes UT to Falling Creek S186 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 500 43 Yes UT to Falling Creek S171 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 382 8 Yes UT to Falling Creek S130 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 205 78 Yes Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 660 44 Yes UT to Peter Creek S162 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 262 6 Yes UT to Peter Creek S80 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 759 3 No Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 603 1,503 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 440 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 573 144 Yes UT to Mill Branch S199 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 390 202 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 544 2,068 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S196 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 145 5 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S197 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 543 315 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 755 656 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,391 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 11 Total 30,003 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-6 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 14: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 12 Corridor 12 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 519 1,686,555 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S183 27-(75.7) NoNo 39 8 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S112 27-(75.7) YesNo 627 17 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed 30,427 / Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 561 / 533 Yes 31,271 UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 791 / 675 2 / 42 Yes UT to Falling Creek S167 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 510 6 Yes UT to Falling Creek S146 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 513 167 Yes UT to Falling Creek S182 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,476 78 No UT to Falling Creek S138 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 210 167 Yes UT to Falling Creek S145 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 1,124 12 Yes UT to Falling Creek S155 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 507 66 Yes UT to Falling Creek S186 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 500 43 Yes UT to Falling Creek S171 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 382 8 Yes UT to Falling Creek S130 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 205 78 Yes Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 660 44 Yes UT to Peter Creek S162 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 262 6 Yes UT to Peter Creek S80 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 759 3 No Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 608 1,801 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 498 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 296 175 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S88 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 575 57 Yes UT to Mill Branch S84 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 479 70 No UT to Mill Branch S91 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 516 89 No UT to Mill Branch S92 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 504 145 Yes UT to Mill Branch S86 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 622 559 Yes UT to Mill Branch S82 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 779 259 Yes UT to Mill Branch S81 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 71 821 No UT to Mill Branch S83 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 46 163 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 12 Total 39,299 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-7 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 15: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 31 Corridor 31 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 519 1,686,555 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S183 27-(75.7) NoNo 39 8 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S112 27-(75.7) YesNo 627 17 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S127 27-(75.7) No No 1,360 5 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S178 27-(75.7) No No 514 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S128 27-(75.7) No No 502 8 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 534 31,271 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,160 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S155 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,308 66 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 519 10 Yes UT to Falling Creek S186 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 513 43 Yes UT to Falling Creek S171 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 382 8 Yes Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 660 44 Yes UT to Peter Creek S162 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 262 6 Yes UT to Peter Creek S80 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 759 3 No Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 603 1,503 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 440 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 573 144 Yes UT to Mill Branch S199 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 390 202 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 544 2,068 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S196 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 145 5 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S197 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 543 315 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 755 656 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,391 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 31 Total 28,808 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-8 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 16: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 32 Corridor 32 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 519 1,686,555 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S127 27-(75.7) NoNo 1,360 5 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S178 27-(75.7) NoNo 514 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S128 27-(75.7) No No 502 8 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S183 27-(75.7) No No 39 8 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S112 27-(75.7) Yes No 627 17 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 534 31,271 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,160 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S155 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,308 66 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 519 10 Yes UT to Falling Creek S186 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 513 43 Yes UT to Falling Creek S171 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 382 8 Yes Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 660 44 Yes UT to Peter Creek S162 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 262 6 Yes UT to Peter Creek S80 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 759 3 No Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 608 1,801 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 498 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 296 175 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S88 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 575 57 Yes UT to Mill Branch S84 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 479 70 No UT to Mill Branch S91 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 516 89 No UT to Mill Branch S92 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 504 145 Yes UT to Mill Branch S86 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 622 559 Yes UT to Mill Branch S82 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 779 259 Yes UT to Mill Branch S81 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 71 821 No UT to Mill Branch S83 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 46 163 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 32 Total 37,855 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-9 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 17: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 35 Corridor 35 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 683 1,670,729 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S166 27-(75.7) NoNo 738 1,062 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S143 27-(75.7) NoNo 533 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S118 27-(75.7) NoNo 1,563 578 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S129 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 3,606 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S139 27-(75.7) No No 609 5 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S176 27-(75.7) No No 507 675 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S93 27-(75.7) NoNo 1,059 93 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S97 27-(75.7) No No 204 71 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S101 27-(75.7) No No 670 157 Yes WS Watershed Whitleys Creek S9 27-76 C;Sw,NSWYes No 1,078 269 Yes UT to Whitleys Creek S102 27-76 C;Sw,NSWNo No 1,051 54 Yes UT to Whitleys Creek S103 27-76 C;Sw,NSWNo No 621 335 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 565 180 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S105 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 78 33 No UT to Southwest CreekS106 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 481 309 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS108 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 95 133 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS109 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 784 / 413 146 / 54 Yes Clarks Branch S13 27-80-4 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 682 / 778 373 / 155 Yes UT to Clarks Branch S110 27-80-4 C;Sw,NSW No No 73 31 Yes UT to Clarks Branch S111 27-80-4 C;Sw,NSW No No 191 83 Yes Spring Branch S15 27-80-5 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 516 494 Yes UT to Spring Branch S107 27-80-5 C;Sw,NSW No No 181 248 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S104 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 606 195 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 412 / 578 133 / 1,467 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S92 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 462 77 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S86 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 767 559 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S82 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 779 259 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S81 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 55 821 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 35 Total 35,137 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-10 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 18: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 36 Corridor 36 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 683 1,670,729 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S166 27-(75.7) NoNo 738 1,062 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S143 27-(75.7) NoNo 533 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S118 27-(75.7) NoNo 1,563 578 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S129 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 3,606 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S139 27-(75.7) No No 609 5 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S176 27-(75.7) No No 507 675 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S93 27-(75.7) NoNo 1,059 93 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S97 27-(75.7) No No 204 71 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S101 27-(75.7) No No 670 157 Yes WS Watershed Whitleys Creek S9 27-76 C;Sw,NSWYes No 1,078 269 Yes UT to Whitleys Creek S102 27-76 C;Sw,NSWNo No 1,051 54 Yes UT to Whitleys Creek S103 27-76 C;Sw,NSWNo No 621 335 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 565 180 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S105 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 78 33 No UT to Southwest CreekS106 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 481 309 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS108 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 95 133 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS109 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 784 / 413 146 / 54 Yes Clarks Branch S13 27-80-4 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 682 / 778 373 / 155 Yes UT to Clarks Branch S110 27-80-4 C;Sw,NSW No No 73 31 Yes UT to Clarks Branch S111 27-80-4 C;Sw,NSW No No 191 83 Yes Spring Branch S15 27-80-5 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 516 494 Yes UT to Spring Branch S107 27-80-5 C;Sw,NSW No No 181 248 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S104 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 606 195 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 412 / 578 133 / 1,467 Yes UT to Mill Branch S199 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 390 202 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 544 2,068 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S196 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 145 5 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S197 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 543 315 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 755 656 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,391 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 36 Total 27,156 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-11 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 19: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 51 Corridor 51 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 515 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S166 27-(75.7) NoNo 738 1,062 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S143 27-(75.7) NoNo 533 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S118 27-(75.7) NoNo 691 / 507 3 / 3 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S172 27-(75.7) NoNo 692 49 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S129 27-(75.7) No No 1,277 4,456 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S137 27-(75.7) No No 534 272 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S142 27-(75.7) YesNo 286 8 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S151 27-(75.7) Yes No 575 4 Yes WS Watershed Whitleys Creek S9 27-76 C;Sw,NSWYes No 547 1,292 Yes UT to Whitleys Creek S85 27-76 C;Sw,NSWNo No 714 640 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S90 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 742 259 No UT to Southwest CreekS98 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 858 81 No UT to Southwest CreekS99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 603 1,503 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 440 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 573 144 Yes UT to Mill Branch S199 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 390 202 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 544 2,068 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S196 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 145 5 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S197 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 543 315 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 755 656 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,391 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 51 Total 26,760 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-12 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 20: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 52 Corridor 52 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 515 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S166 27-(75.7) NoNo 738 1,062 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S143 27-(75.7) NoNo 533 1 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S118 27-(75.7) NoNo 691 / 507 3 / 3 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S172 27-(75.7) NoNo 692 49 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S129 27-(75.7) No No 1,277 4,456 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S137 27-(75.7) No No 534 272 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S142 27-(75.7) YesNo 286 8 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S151 27-(75.7) YesNo 575 4 Yes WS Watershed Whitleys Creek S9 27-76 C;Sw,NSWYes No 547 1,292 Yes UT to Whitleys Creek S85 27-76 C;Sw,NSWNo No 714 640 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S90 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 742 259 No UT to Southwest CreekS98 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 858 81 No UT to Southwest CreekS99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 608 1,801 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 498 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 296 175 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S88 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 575 57 Yes UT to Mill Branch S84 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 479 70 No UT to Mill Branch S91 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 516 89 No UT to Mill Branch S83 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 46 163 No UT to Mill Branch S92 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 504 145 Yes UT to Mill Branch S86 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 622 559 Yes UT to Mill Branch S82 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 779 259 Yes UT to Mill Branch S81 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 71 821 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 52 Total 36,056 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-13 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 21: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 53 Corridor 53 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No Walters Mill Pond S7 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 396 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 71 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S74 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 283 300 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S75 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 800 11 No White Mash Run S10 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 56 2,082 Yes C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 595 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S114 27-(75.7) No No 525 2 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S123 27-(75.7) No No 471 215 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S179 27-(75.7) No No 428 11 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 1,287 22,529 Yes UT to Falling Creek S70 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 756 785 Yes UT to Falling Creek S71 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 36 10 No Gum Swamp Creek S11 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW YesNo 617 3,282 Yes UT to Gum Swamp Creek S69 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 33 185 No UT to Gum Swamp Creek S68 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 734 128 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 792 41,173 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S187 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 129 1 Yes Briery Run S18 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 524 8,663 Yes UT to Briery Run S64 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 161 89 Yes UT to Briery RunS65 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 977 117 Yes UT to Briery RunS62 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 544 1,045 Yes UT to Briery RunS63 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,143 54 Yes UT to Briery RunS60 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 615 608 Yes UT to Briery RunS66 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,620 201 Yes UT to Taylors Branch S59 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 58 21 No UT to Taylors Branch S58 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 545 306 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S67 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 532 93 Yes Jericho Run S24 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 539 3,178 Yes UT to Jericho Run S141 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 360 55 No UT to Jericho RunS177 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 887 16 Yes UT to Jericho RunS173 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,205 32 Yes UT to Heath Branch S191 27-80-9 C;Sw,NSW No No 523 62 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S192 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 541 545 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 80 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 261 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 53 Total 32,874 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-14 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 22: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 56 Corridor 56 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No Walters Mill Pond S7 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 396 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 71 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S74 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 283 300 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S75 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 800 11 No White Mash Run S10 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 56 2,082 Yes C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 593 1,813,817 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S169 27-(75.7) No No 502 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S168 27-(75.7) No No 413 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S164 27-(75.7) No No 112 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S163 27-(75.7) No No 1,160 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S120 27-(75.7) No No 495 6 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S136 27-(75.7) No No 297 2 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S180 27-(75.7) No No 298 82 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S116 27-(75.7) No No 374 16 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S188 27-(75.7) No No 611 307 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S189 27-(75.7) No No 808 299 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S144 27-(75.7) No No 4 304 No WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 1,287 22,529 Yes UT to Falling Creek S70 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 756 785 Yes UT to Falling Creek S71 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 36 10 No Gum Swamp Creek S11 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW YesNo 617 3,282 Yes UT to Gum Swamp Creek S69 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 33 185 No UT to Gum Swamp Creek S68 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 734 128 Yes UT to Briery Run S64 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 169 89 Yes UT to Briery RunS65 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 980 117 Yes UT to Briery RunS62 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 544 1,045 Yes UT to Briery RunS63 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,143 54 Yes UT to Briery RunS60 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 615 608 Yes UT to Briery RunS66 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,620 201 Yes UT to Taylors Branch S59 27-81-1-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 58 21 No Stonyton Creek S20 27-81 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 668 7,484 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S51 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 64 66 No UT to Stonyton Creek S49 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 229 111 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S53 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 514 106 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S47 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 64 663 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S50 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 83 2 No Beaverdam Branch S28 27-83 C;Sw,NSW No No 66 212 No UT to Beaverdam Branch S56 27-83 C;Sw,NSW No No 543 170 Yes UT to Heath Branch S190 27-80-9 C;Sw,NSW No No 501 1,151 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S192 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 541 545 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 56 Total 33,229 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-15 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 23: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 57 Corridor 57 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No Walters Mill Pond S7 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 396 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 71 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S74 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 283 300 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S75 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 800 11 No White Mash Run S10 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 1,234 238 Yes UT to White Mash Run S61 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 540 636 Yes UT to White Mash RunS54 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 578 155 Yes UT to White Mash RunS57 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 525 133 Yes C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 593 1,813,817 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S169 27-(75.7) No No 502 120 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S168 27-(75.7) No No 413 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S164 27-(75.7) No No 112 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S163 27-(75.7) No No 1,160 102 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S120 27-(75.7) No No 495 6 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S136 27-(75.7) No No 297 2 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S180 27-(75.7) No No 298 82 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S116 27-(75.7) No No 374 16 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S188 27-(75.7) No No 611 307 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S189 27-(75.7) No No 808 299 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S144 27-(75.7) No No 4 304 No WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 628 19,621 Yes UT to Gum Swamp Creek S48 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 1,443 180 No UT to Wheat Swamp Creek S46 27-86-24 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 521 137 Yes UT to Wheat Swamp Creek S37 27-86-24 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 1,039 151 Yes UT to Wheat Swamp Creek S39 27-86-24 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 765 134 No UT to Hallam Branch S36 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 611 366 Yes UT to Hallam Branch S38 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 203 / 601 259 / 226 Yes UT to Hallam Branch S40 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 260 160 No UT to Hallam Branch S41 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 95 20 No UT to Hallam Branch S42 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 781 18 No UT to Stonyton Creek S43 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 519 490 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S44 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 622 459 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S45 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 598 51 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S47 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 529 590 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S53 27-81 C;Sw,NSW No No 515 106 Yes Beaverdam Branch S28 27-83 C;Sw,NSW No No 64 212 No UT to Beaverdam Branch S56 27-83 C;Sw,NSW No No 543 170 Yes UT to Heath Branch S190 27-80-9 C;Sw,NSW No No 501 1,151 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S192 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 541 545 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 57 Total 35,564 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-16 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 24: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 61 Corridor 61 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No Walters Mill Pond S7 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 396 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 302 71 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S74 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 283 300 Yes UT to Walters Mill Pond S75 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 800 11 No White Mash Run S10 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 1,288 238 Yes UT to White Mash Run S61 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 540 636 Yes UT to White Mash RunS54 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 578 155 Yes UT to White Mash RunS57 27-77-2.5 C;Sw,NSWYes No 525 133 Yes C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 595 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S114 27-(75.7) No No 525 2 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S123 27-(75.7) No No 471 215 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S179 27-(75.7) No No 428 11 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 628 19,621 Yes UT to Gum Swamp Creek S48 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,443 180 No UT to Wheat Swamp Creek S46 27-86-24 C;Sw,NSW No No 521 137 Yes UT to Wheat Swamp Creek S37 27-86-24 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,039 151 Yes UT to Wheat Swamp Creek S39 27-86-24 C;Sw,NSW No No 765 134 No UT to Hallam Branch S36 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 611 366 Yes UT to Hallam Branch S38 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 203 / 601 259 / 226 Yes UT to Hallam Branch S40 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 260 160 No UT to Hallam Branch S41 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 95 20 No UT to Hallam Branch S42 27-86-24-1 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 781 18 No Stonyton Creek S20 27-81 C;Sw,NSW YesNo 610 5,653 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S52 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 640 152 Yes UT to Stonyton Creek S55 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 548 126 No UT to Stonyton Creek S67 27-81 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 532 93 Yes Briery Run S18 27-81-1 C;Sw,NSW YesNo 524 8,663 Yes Jericho Run S24 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW YesNo 539 3,178 Yes UT to Jericho Run S141 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 360 55 No UT to Jericho Run S173 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,205 32 Yes UT to Jericho Run S177 27-81-2 C;Sw,NSW No No 887 16 Yes Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 792 41,173 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S187 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 129 1 Yes UT to Heath Branch S191 27-80-9 C;Sw,NSW No No 523 62 No Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S192 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 541 545 Yes 257 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 565 123 No Corridor 61 Total 35,368 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-17 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 25: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 63 Corridor 63 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 514 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S115 27-(75.7) NoNo 506 66 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S112 27-(75.7) YesNo 1,691 41 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S135 27-(75.7) No No 501 4,934 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 534 31,271 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,160 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S155 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 543 84 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 519 10 Yes Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 660 44 Yes UT to Peter Creek S162 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 262 6 Yes UT to Peter Creek S80 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 759 3 No Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 608 1,801 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 498 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S88 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 575 57 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 296 175 Yes UT to Mill Branch S81 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 71 821 No UT to Mill Branch S82 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 779 259 Yes UT to Mill Branch S83 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 46 163 No UT to Mill Branch S84 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 479 70 No UT to Mill Branch S86 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 622 559 Yes UT to Mill Branch S91 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 516 89 No UT to Mill Branch S92 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 504 145 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 659 3,034 Yes 247 / UT to Tracey Swamp S193 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 5 / 217 No 4,977 UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 2,116 678 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S194 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 135 261 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,542 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 63 Total 36,095 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-18 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Table 26: Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources crossing Corridor 65 Corridor 65 Within Best Usage Subject to NCDWQ Index Designated 303(d) Length Drainage Stream Name Map ID Classification and Buffer Number FEMAListed(ft.) Area (ac.)** Designation* Rules*** Floodway Buck Branch S6 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 821 173 Yes UT to Buck Branch S72 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 1,345 21 No UT to Buck Branch S73 27-77-2-0.5 C;Sw,NSW No No 246 3 No UT to Walters Mill Pond S76 27-77-2-1 C;Sw,NSW No No 596 15 No C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, Neuse River S1 27-(75.7) Yes No 514 1,741,311 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S112 27-(75.7) YesNo ,1691 41 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S126 27-(75.7) NoNo 677 4 No WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S149 27-(75.7) NoNo 907 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S121 27-(75.7) NoNo 654 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S134 27-(75.7) NoNo 537 720 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S122 27-(75.7) NoNo 813 9 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S115 27-(75.7) NoNo 506 66 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S158 27-(75.7) No No 249 699 Yes WS Watershed C;NSW,AFSA,PINA, UT to Neuse River S135 27-(75.7) No No 501 4,934 Yes WS Watershed Falling Creek S2 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA Yes No 534 31,271 Yes UT to Falling Creek S124 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA No No 1,160 2 Yes UT to Falling Creek S155 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 543 84 Yes UT to Falling Creek S184 27-77 C;Sw,NSW, AFSA NoNo 519 10 Yes Peter Creek S12 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 660 44 Yes UT to Peter Creek S162 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 262 6 Yes UT to Peter Creek S80 27-78 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 759 3 No Southwest Creek S3 27-80 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 596 27,830 Yes UT to Southwest Creek S99 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 639 176 Yes UT to Southwest CreekS100 27-80 C;Sw,NSW NoNo 624 175 No UT to Southwest CreekS95 27-80 C;Sw,NSW No No 22 51 No Mott Swamp S22 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 525 1,246 Yes UT to Mott Swamp S96 27-80-6 C;Sw,NSW No No 2,112 126 Yes Strawberry Branch S23 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW Yes No 603 1,503 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S89 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 440 64 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S94 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 547 94 Yes UT to Strawberry Branch S87 27-80-7 C;Sw,NSW No No 573 144 Yes UT to Mill Branch S199 27-80-8 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 390 202 Yes Tracey Swamp S32 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 544 2,068 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S196 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 145 5 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S197 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 543 315 Yes UT to Tracey Swamp S198 27-84-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 755 656 Yes UT to Gum Swamp S195 27-84-1-1 C;Sw,NSW, SGA No No 1,391 80 Yes UT to Core Creek S200 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 1,291 35 No UT to Core Creek S201 27-90 C;Sw,NSW, SGA NoNo 565 123 No Corridor 65 Total 26,799 * The Best Usage Classification and Designation column contains the assigned NCDWQ Best Usage Classification as well as any other notable water designation. These include Class C Waters (C), Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW), Swamp Waters (Sw), Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas (AFSA), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Primary Inland Nursery Areas (PINA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ), and/or waters within a water supply watershed. **Drainage areas were calculated using NCDOT’s Watershed Delineation Tool. This tool uses both LIDAR and flow accumulation data to estimate drainage areas. These are estimates only. ***Determination of the applicability of Neuse River Buffer Rules was based solely on their presence or absence on 24k USGS topographic mapping. NRCS soils mapping was not consulted for these determinations. Potential impacts to protected stream buffers will be determined once a LEDPA has been selected and formal stream delineations have been performed. B-19 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Appendix C: Habitat Areas Kinston Bypass PITT 123 COUNTY STIP Project No. R-2553 GREENE Figure 6 COUNTY Potential Red-Cockaded Grifton Woodpecker Habitat Area £ ¤ 258 Using C-CAP Data 903 11 Legend NRTR Study Area DSA Corridors NCNHP Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Element Occurrence Data 58 Evergreen Forest and Scrub/Shrub C-CAP Types 55 US Highway NC Highway La Grange State Road Kinston Local Road £ ¤ 55 Global TransPark (GTP) 70 County Municipal Area 55 £ ¤ 70BUS 903 £ ¤ CRAVEN COUNTY ¯ 02.5 11 Miles Dover 55 May 2013 £ ¤ 70 55 903 JONES This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, COUNTY 58 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, 11 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. LENOIR COUNTY Virginia Tennessee North Carolina £ ¤ DUPLIN 258 COUNTY South Carolina Georgia Kinston Bypass PITT 123 COUNTY STIP Project No. R-2553 GREENE Figure 7 COUNTY Potential Red-Cockaded Grifton Woodpecker Habitat Area £ ¤ 258 Using Aerial Imagery j j j 903 j j j j j j 11 Legend j j NRTR Study Area j j j Potential Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Habitat j j Photo 8 j NCNHP Red-Cockaded j j j Woodpecker Element Occurrence Data Photo 6 Photo 5 58 j DSA Corridors Photos 9 and 10 j 55 j US Highway Photo 7 La Grange j NC Highway j State Road j j j Photo 4 £ ¤ 55 j Local Road 70 Kinston j Global TransPark (GTP) j j County j Photos 1 and 2 j j Municipal Area j j 55 £ ¤ Photo 3 70BUS j 903 £ ¤ j j CRAVEN COUNTY j j ¯ j j j j j j j 02.5 11 j Photo 11 j j Miles Dover j j May 2013 j 55 j j j j j j j j £ ¤ j j j j j 70 j j j j Photo 12 j 55 j j j 903 j j j j j j j j JONES This map is for reference only. j j Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, COUNTY 58 Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, j Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, j j 11 NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, j USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. j LENOIR j j j j COUNTY j Virginia Tennessee North Carolina £ ¤ DUPLIN 258 COUNTY South Carolina Georgia STIP Project No. R-2553 Figure 8 LENOIR Potential Rough-Leaved COUNTY Loosetrife Habitat Area Within Craven County Legend NRTR Study Area Leon and Torhunta Soils DSA Corridors CRAVEN COUNTY County £ ¤ Municipal Area Dover ¯ 01 Miles JONES May 2013 COUNTY £ ¤ This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. Virginia Tennessee North Carolina South Carolina Georgia STIP Project No. R-2553 Figure 9 Potential Rough-Leaved Loosetrife Habitat Area Leon and Torhunta Soils CRAVEN COUNTY Legend NRTR Study Area Leon and Torhunta Soils DSA Corridors County Municipal Area Dover ¯ 00.2 Miles May 2013 JONES COUNTY This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. £ Virginia ¤ Tennessee North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Photos 1 and 2. Loblolly pine forest in extreme western portion of study area. Largest pines noted during surveys. Forest is small (20 acres) and bordered by US 70 on the north and young scrub pine forest to the south and east. Not contiguous to any other habitat. Photo 3. Middle-aged loblolly plantation Photo 4. Loblolly plantation Photo 5. Mixed pine-hardwood forest Photo 6. Loblolly plantation overgrown with greenbrier Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Photo 7. Young loblolly plantation Photo 8. Older loblolly plantation Photo 9. Mixed pine-hardwood forest Photo 10. Overgrown young loblolly plantation Photo 11. Thick pine forest Photo 12. Overgrown young loblolly plantation Draft Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-2553, Lenoir, Jones, and Craven Counties, NC Appendix D: Metadata Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Coastal Services Center (CSC) 20090428 nlcd raster digital data Charleston, SC NOAA's Ocean Service, Coastal Services Center (CSC) This classification is based on Landsat TM scenes p014r035 4/11/2006 p014r036 4/11/2006 p015r035 4/21/2007 p015r036 4/21/2007 p015r037 5/4/2006 p016r035 10/15/2005 p016r036 7/27/2005 p016r037 4/25/2006 p016r038 10/15/2005 p017r036 5/21/2007 p017r037 5/2/2006 \\rd17.ad.urscorp.com\rduprojects\Jobs3\31826742_Kinston Bypass\GIS\Shapefiles\CGIA_Data\GIS_Data_CGIA_Original_20101020\nlcd nlcd This is a final classification. This data set is the 2006-era classification of U.S. South East Region, zone 58. This data set utilized 11 full or partial Landsat scenes which were analyzed according to the Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) protocol to determine land cover. To improve the understanding of coastal uplands and wetlands, and their linkages with the distribution, abundance, and health of living marine resources. en 20050727 20070521 REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground. Date of the Landsat scenes Complete 5 years -77.940478 -77.284790 35.502951 34.931581 1624531.712206 1673971.712206 1483445.864330 1538916.520257 None Land Cover Analysis ISO 19115 Topic Category ImageryBaseMapsEarthCover None Coastal Zone U.S. South East North Carolina South Carolina None, except for a possible fee. Data set is not for use in litigation. While efforts have been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the state of the art, NOAA, cannot assume liability for any damages, or misrepresentations, caused by any inaccuracies in the data, or as a result of the data to be used on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog Raster Dataset According to an accuracy assessment performed by Sanborn, for zones 55/58 2001 landcover, the overall accuracy is 81.2% and 0.793 Kappa. The 2006 update is based on updating the change areas between 2001 and 2006 imagery, and overlaying the results over 2001 land cover. Therefore the accuracy of the 2001 product is a sufficient indication of 2006 update accuracy as well within +/- 4.05% (percent area change from 2001). The following methodology and results are from the accuracy assessment of the 2001 zones 55/58 dataset conducted by Sanborn. A total of 1508 points are located in US Coastal zones 55/58. (Errors of Omission/Commission) 0 Background (N/A) 1 Unclassified (Cloud, Shadow, etc)(N/A) 2 High Intensity Developed (79.2%/79.2%) 3 Medium Intensity Developed (52.8%/37.3%) 4 Low Intensity Developed (45.8%/57.9%) 5 Open Spaces Developed (78.3%/85.5%) 6 Cultivated Land (86.4%/93.7%) 7 Pasture/Hay (80.6%/74.6%) 8 Grassland (71.1%/60.4%) 9 Deciduous Forest (48.8%/63.6%) 10 Evergreen Forest (92.7%/96.6%) 11 Mixed Forest (40.7%/44%) 12 Scrub/Shrub (60.3%/67.7%) 13 Palustrine Forested Wetland (88.3%/82.5%) 14 Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland (71%/72.1%) 15 Palustrine Emergent Wetland (77.6%/75%) 16 Estuarine Forested Wetland (N/A) 17 Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland (100%/100%) 18 Estuarine Emergent Wetland (100%/95.3%) 19 Unconsolidated Shore (100%/84.8%) 20 Bare Land (93.8%/77.9%) 21 Water (90.1%/100%) 22 Palustrine Aquatic Bed (100%/50%) 23 Estuarine Aquatic Bed (N/A) 24 Tundra (N/A) 25 Snow/Ice (N/A The validation points were both collected in the field and photo interpreted. The sites were selected to capture the physical and spectral diversity of the land cover. Because the starting point for this classification was the NLCD data produced by the Southeast GAP, this data layer was utilized in identifying potential AA sites. Segments created with Definiens software were buffered in one pixel to eliminate edge effect. Segments smaller than the assessment's minimum mapping unit of 3x3 pixels were eliminated. The remaining segments were summarized by the NLCD data and segments with a majority class equaling less than 90% were removed. The remaining segments were entered into the pool of potential AA sites. The field sampling then focused on labeling these segments with the goal being to collect a minimum number of 50 samples per class with samples stratified geographically to ensure that the diversity of the landscape and imagery was captured. Sites collected in the field were then verified in the office using the triple date imagery to ensure consistency with all dates, and classes with less than 50 samples were supplemented with photo interpreted sites. For some classes, the minimum of 50 sites could not be achieved and as many sites as possible were used. These classes and their actual sample numbers are: Deciduous Forest (33); Mixed Forest (25); Estuarine Forested Wetland (0); Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland (2); Palustrine Aquatic Bed (6); Estuarine Aquatic Bed (0). These classes are either rare or scattered in the area making it difficult to locate homogeneous sites for these classes. Accuracy assessment sites were QC'd to ensure that edge effects, heterogeneity, and sample size would not adversely affect the assessment. In addition as some of the class definitions were refined through the draft review processes, the AA database was updated to reflect these changes. A total of 1,292 accuracy assessment points were used excluding urban classes. Post-Processing Steps: None Known Problems: None Spatial Filters: None Tests for logical consistency indicate that all row and column positions in the selected latitude/longitude window contain data. Conversion and integration with vector files indicates that all positions are consistent with earth coordinates covering the same area. Attribute files are logically consistent. Data does not exist for all classes. There are no pixels representing class 16 (Estuarine Forested Wetland), class 23 (Estuarine Aquatic Bed). Class 1 (Unclassified) is intentionally left blank. All pixels have been classified. The NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP): Guidance for Regional Implementation, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Report 123, discusses the interagency effort to develop the land cover classification scheme and defines all categories. Landsat scenes were geo-referenced by Eros Data Center. Spatial accuracy assessed by MDA Federal is found to be to within 2 pixels accuracy. There was no terrain correction in the geo-referencing procedure. MDA Federal 20090428 C-CAP zone 58 2006-Era Land Cover Classification remote-sensing image Charleston SC NOAA's Ocean Service, Coastal Services Center (CSC) http://www.csc.noaa.gov/landcover DVD/CD-ROM 20050729 20061020 Date of the Landsat scenes NOAA CSC NOAA CSC This dataset was created by MDA Federal. This classification is based on Landsat TM imagery from the MRLC 2006 database. The study area is zone 58, U.S. South East Region. Pre- processing steps: Each Landsat TM scene was geo-referenced by USGS (United States Geological Survey) EROS Data Center. Then MDA Federal staff verified the scenes for spatial accuracy to within 2 pixels. The data was geo-referenced to Albers Conical Equal Area, with a spheroid of GRS 1980, and Datum of WGS84. The data units is in meters. At-satellite reflectance was performed on each scene and the tasseled cap transformation applied. All of the image data used was Landsat TM 5 or 7. The mosaicked dataset was used for classification. Change Detection: The next step was to determine the areas of change between 2006 and 2001. The change detection algorithm used is the Cross Correlation Analysis process (CCA) developed at MDA Federal. This copyrighted procedure produced 2 Z-score files per scene of likelihood of change. These files were thresholded and mosaicked to create a binary change layer for that scene. All of the binary files were mosaicked to create a change layer for the entire study area. A focal majority was run on the change layer to fill in some clumps to make sure all of the change was accounted for. The change layer is a slight over-estimation of change to make sure to include as much change as detectable. Classification: The classification of the change areas was a mixture of automated and manual approaches. The change areas were removed from the 2001 classification. The areas with no change between 2006 and 2001 were used as training for a Classification and Regression tree (CART) analysis of the changed areas. Modelling and hand-editing were used to further refine the CART output and create a final classification. The classified change areas were overlaid on the 2001 C-CAP product to create a 2006 C-CAP classification. Attributes for this product are as follows: 0 Background 1 Unclassified (Cloud, Shadow, etc) 2 High Intensity Developed 3 Medium Intensity Developed 4 Low Intensity Developed 5 Open Space Developed 6 Cultivated Land 7 Pasture/Hay 8 Grassland 9 Deciduous Forest 10 Evergreen Forest 11 Mixed Forest 12 Scrub/Shrub 13 Palustrine Forested Wetland 14 Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland 15 Palustrine Emergent Wetland 16 Estuarine Forested Wetland 17 Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland 18 Estuarine Emergent Wetland 19 Unconsolidated Shore 20 Bare Land 21 Water 22 Palustrine Aquatic Bed 23 Estuarine Aquatic Bed 24 Tundra 25 Snow/Ice 20090428 CRS (Coastal Remote Sensing) Program Manager NOAA Coastal Services Center Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) CRS Program Manager mailing and physical address 2234 S. Hobson Ave. Charleston SC 29405 USA 843-740-1210 843-740-1224 clearinghouse@csc.noaa.gov 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. EST. M-F Classification Unknown NOAA Coastal Services Center Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) CRS Program Manager mailing and physical address 2234 S. Hobson Ave. Charleston SC 29405 USA 843-740-1210 843-740-1224 csc@csc.noaa.gov Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Eastern Standard Time Metadata imported. C:\DOCUME~1\jwderry\Local Settings\Temp\xml228.tmp 20100928 13165800 Raster Grid Cell 1950 1738 28.446490 28.446490 8 1 Upper Left TRUE Default 1 matrix coded TRUE GRID row and column 28.446490 28.446490 meters Albers Conical Equal Area 29.500000 45.500000 -96.000000 23.000000 0.000000 0.000000 North American Datum of 1983 Geodetic Reference System 80 6378137.000000 298.257222 GCS_North_American_1983 NAD_1983_Albers nlcd.vat C-CAP zone 58 (U.S. South East Region) as delineated by NOAA using scene boundaries, hydrological units, and county boundaries unknown Table 16 Rowid Rowid OID 4 0 0 Internal feature number. ESRI Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. VALUE VALUE Integer 4 0 0 COUNT COUNT Integer 4 0 0 RED RED Double 8 0 0 GREEN GREEN Double 8 0 0 BLUE BLUE Double 8 0 0 CLASS_NAMES CLASS_NAMES String 32 0 0 OPACITY OPACITY Double 8 0 0 NOAA Coastal Services Center Clearinghouse Manager Clearinghouse Manager mailing and physical address 2234 South Hobson Avenue Charleston SC 29405-2413 USA (843)740-1210 (843)740-1224 clearinghouse@csc.noaa.gov Monday-Friday, 8-5 EST Downloadable Data Users must assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. ERDAS Imagine image file (.img) 1.658 1.658 CD-ROM ISO 9660 ISO 9660 format allows the CD-ROM to be read by most computer operating systems. none 20120601 20090706 NOAA Coastal Services Center Metadata Specialist Metadata Specialist mailing and physical address 2234 S Hobson Ave. Charleston SC 29405 USA 843-740-1210 843-740-1224 csc@csc.noaa.gov 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST. FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001-1998 en local time http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile {9F775F09-2616-4A4F-B28D-F44F40FF97E7} 20100928 13165800 FALSE 20120601 11093900 20120601 11093900 Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog nlcd 1624531.712206 1673971.712206 1538916.520257 1483445.86433 1 -77.940478 -77.28479 35.502951 34.931581 1 ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata DIS_ESRI1.0 dataset file://\\rd17.ad.urscorp.com\rduprojects\Jobs3\31826742_Kinston Bypass\GIS\Shapefiles\CGIA_Data\GIS_Data_CGIA_Original_20101020\nlcd Local Area Network 002 1.658 Raster Dataset NAD_1983_Albers 2 1 1738 28.44649 Meter 1 Meter = 1 Meter(s) 1950 28.44649 Meter 1 Meter = 1 Meter(s) 20120601 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Charles Wakild, P. E. John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary January 29, 2013 To: Leilani Paugh, NCDOT Natural Environment Unit From: Periann Russell, NCDWQ Transportation Permitting Unit Subject: Delivery of Updated Final Stream Map for Kinston Bypass Study Area For the last several months DWQ has been working to improve the Carolina Flatwoods headwater stream model. We have improved the consistency and accuracy for this ecoregion by recalibrating the model, reducing the number of variables in the model and removing known ditchlines from the model streamlines; please see the updated table below. The attached shape file includes the stream map created by DWQ for the Kinston bypass study area. The map consists of stream lines for five EPA Level IV ecoregions; they are Rolling Coastal Plain (RCP), Carolina Flatwoods (CF), Mid-Atlantic Floodplains and Low Terraces (MAFLT), Southeastern Floodplains and Terraces (SEFT) and Swamps and Peatlands (no streams in this ecoregion). As previously discussed, United States Geological Survey (USGS) stream lines were used for SEFT stream lines. The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flowlines were applied to this ecoregion and provide more flexible and complete stream line data than USGS 24k hydrolines. NHD is similar to USGS 24,000 hydrolines, but does not include “double line” streams and polygons that appear in USGS 24k lines. NHD flowlines are also attributed with descriptive data that may be useful in calculating stream impact lengths. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6300 \ FAX: 919-807-6492 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer Map Description The study area stream map includes an attribute table with the fields listed in Table 1. The use of NHD flowlines in SEFT resulted in some inconsistency of stream line continuation and alignment across ecoregion boundaries, e.g., a modeled stream may be present in the RCP but not continue into the SEFT, or the stream may be present on both maps, not in alignment. Since DWQ has a higher confidence in the modeled streams and the LiDAR-derived topography than in the NHD flowlines, these few inconsistencies were not edited across boundaries. Additionally, stream lines may stop or start at ecoregion boundaries due to DEM shifts in the original data layers delivered by Michael Baker Corp. The DEM shift issue was discovered during this project and has been resolved for future mapping projects. Table 1: Attribute Table Definitions Field Description Values Grid Code stream 1 – is a stream M-RCP/CF Model F-Field Determined NHDFType558-Artifical Path (center line of SourceSource of stream line stream) NHDFType460-Stream/River NHDFtype336-Canal/Ditch 63h-Carolina Flatwoods 65m-Rolling Coastal Plain EPA Level IV Ecoregion65p-Southeastern Floodplains and Terraces ecoregion 65n-Mid-Atlantic Floodplains and Low Terraces Date Field data Field date collected Length of stream Length segment in feet Headwater Stream Model Accuracy General observations and field verification of the modeled streams indicate that in most areas overestimation of stream length occurs due to pronounced ditching in valleys and in wetlands that occur in pronounced, narrow valleys. Overestimation is also associated with low elevation roads that were misclassified as streams (Figures 1, 2 and 3) and extension of streams into ponds and lakes. Errors associated with ditches, wetlands, roads and ponds were removed using known field data, 2010 aerial photos, DOT roads, and USGS 24K hydro polygons. Many of the ponds shown on the 24k polygon file do not exist on the ground, so all final decision to remove were made based on the 2010 aerial photos. Accuracies of the model vs. field stream length are listed in Table 2. For comparison, the accuracies of USGS stream length vs. field stream length are included as well. Table 2: Headwater Stream Model Accuracy ModelUSGSUSGS FieldStreamModelStream SiteLengthStreamLength Length(ft)Length(ft) AccuracyLength(ft)Accuracy RCPLCB2077024657119%30241146% LCC2334828320121%42423182% LCD5085059728117%4709493% Total 94968112705119%119758126% RCP CF On022252210593%5758256% Le029581907195%10234107% Co029481887994%882593% TotalCF213142005594%24817116% TotalStudyArea116282132760114%144575124% Please call or email if you have any questions. I can be reached by phone at 919.807.6478 or email at periann.russell@ncdenr.gov. cc: Cheryl Gregory (DWQ-TPU) Morgan Weatherford (NCDOT-NEU) Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3