HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070309 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070620•N :.w E'y BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. 308D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200 - Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Telephone (919) 841-9977 - Fax (919) 841-9909 S June 19, 2007 Mr. Ian McMillan 401 Oversight/Exp Review Permitting Unit North Carolina Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 RE: Additional Information Requested Blalock's Glen Subdivision DWQ Project # 07-0309 BLC Project #: 60030 Dear Mr. McMillan: JUN 2 0 2007 DENR • WATER aUALITy WETWbt AND STORMWATER BRANCH We received NC Division of Water Quality's May 14, 2007 letter requesting additional information regarding stormwater management for the subject project. On May 29th, Mr. Keith Roberts, PE and I met with Ms. Annette Lucas of your office to discuss the various stormwater requirements for the project. As requested, attached is a full-size sheet of the project plan at a scale of 1" = 100'. Because of the project size, we have also include an 11x17 key sheet of the project showing the locations of larger scale insets (1" = 60') to aid in the review process. These plans show the topography, streams, wetlands, buffers, lot lines, roads, and the locations of all stormwater BMPs proposed for the project. Level spreaders are proposed to provide diffuse flow for every swale that discharges to a riparian buffer except those at the proposed road crossing and two drainage easements in which discrete conveyances of stormwater will not be constructed. Grass swales are proposed at the road crossing (Aquadale Drive) to provide stormwater treatment prior to discharging to the riparian buffer. Rip rap dissipaters are proposed to provide nonerosive flow for every swale discharging to a wetland. Stormwater calculations, level spreader calculations and worksheets, grassed swale calculations and worksheets, rip rap dissipater calculations, and operation and maintenance agreements for each type of proposed BMP are also attached. These stormwater BMPs are numbered on the plan sheet and cross referenced on the worksheets and calculations. As mentioned above, discrete conveyances of stormwater will not be constructed within the drainage easements between lots 29 and 30 and lots 80 and 81. Therefore, no diffuse Mr. Ian McMillan June 19, 2007 Page 2 of 2 flow provisions are proposed. However, the following note will be included on the final plat of the subdivision to ensure continued compliance with the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. "Any future grading or piping within 20' Drainage Easement will require diffuse flow provisions approved by NCDWQ prior to construction. " If you have any questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 841-9977. Sincerely, BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. Z-Z JenntrA. Burdette Environmental Specialist Attachments c: Lester Stancil - Stancil & Associates Received 05 31 2007 14:31 May-31. 2007 12:17PM Blalock's Glen Subdivision Storm Drelnege No.9361 P- 3 Inlet Do C I (In/hr) 025 (cfs) pe ze Length Hw H 1 2,30 0.5 8.5 9.8 24 64 2.0 0,8 2 2,67 0.5 8.5 11.3 24 64 1.7 0,2 3 6.51 0.7 8,5 38.7 36 132 3.3 1.2 4 2,90 0.5 8.6 12.3 24 64 1.9 016 '5 91.48 0.3 8.5 200.0 48(2) 88 4,8 1.2 6 0.44 0.6 6.5 2.2 18 156 1.5 0,6 7 1,61 0.6 615 8.2 18 100 1.5 0.6 8 1.00 0.8 8.5 5.1 18 100 1.3 0,4 Dlsslpatore Outlet a 025 (cfs) Plpe Size Slope Vel (fps) Dissipator D50 1 9.8 24 5.5% 14.0 8'x16'x24" 13 2 11,3 24 1,7% 9.5 61x12'x18" 8 3 38.7 36 0,5% 7.8 9'x18'x18" 8 4 12,3 24 5.9% 14.0 VX16'x24" 13 5 200.0 48(2) 3,3% 14.0 8'40'44" 13 6 2.2 18 3.9% 4,6 5'X6'x12" 6 7 8.2 18 0.6%. 4,5 5'X8'X12" 6 8 511 16 1.0% 6.0 5'x9'x18" 6 Sediment Basin Design Basin Dim, Do (Ac.) D9 (Ac.) C 010 Sq.ft Sediment Volume Weir 1 1,3 7.5 0.25 13,5 5,881 40'x150'x3' 15' 2A 0.4 4,6 0,25 8.3 3,617 25'x1 45'x3' 12' 2B 0.1 0.9 0.25 1.6 684 19'48'4' 10' 3 0.7 1.2 0.25 2.1 920 22'x44'x3' 10' ' See attached analysls Received 05 31 2007 14;32 May,31. 2001 12:17PM Blalock's Glen Subdivision - Phase II Storm Drainage No•9361 P- 4 Inlet Do C I (inlhr) 025 (cfs) Pipe Size Length Hw H 1 2.30 0.5 8,5 9,8 24 40 1,7 0.1 2 2.82 0,7 8.6 16.8 24 124 2.4 1.1 3 2.64 0.8 8.5 13.5 24 184 2.2 1,1 4 0.48 0.8 8.5 2.4 18 64 0.8 0.1 6 0.88 0.7 8,6 5.2 15 144 1 A 1.2 6 0.48 0,7 8.5 2.9 15 60 11 0,1 7 2.94 0.5 8,5 12.5 24 104 1.9 0,8 Dlealpatore Outlet Q Q10 (cfa) Pipe Size Slope Val (fps) Dissipator D50 1 9.8 24 1.0% 7,0 6'x12'x18" 8 2 16.8 24 1.5% 5.9 6'x12'x18" 6 3 13.5 24 015% 5.7 8'x12'x16" 6 4 2.4 18 211% 6.4 5'X12'X18" 6 5 5.2 15 0.8% 4.8 4'x5'x12" 6 5 2,9 15 5.4% 8.9 4'x8'x18" 6 7 12.5 24 1.2% 8,0 6'x12'x18" 8 Sediment Basin Design Basin Dist. Da (Ac.) Do (Ac,) C 010 Sq.ft Sediment Volume Weir 1 0.6 2,8 0.25 5.1 2,217 34'x68'x3' 10' 2 0,9 21 0.25 4,8 2,076 33'x66'x3' 10' 3A 1.0 7.2 0.25 12.9 5,622 40'X145'x3' 10' 313 1.0 18.1 0.25 32.7 14,247 40'x145'x3' 10' 4 1.0 0.9 0.25 1.6 692 20'x40'x3' 10' 5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.9 377 15'x30'x3' 10' 8 0.5 2.9 0.25 5.3 2,312 35'x70'x3' 10' Received 04 02 2007 16;24 4Pr• 2, 2007 2:11PM NITROGEN SWALE CALCULATIONS BLALOCKS GLEN SUBDIVISION WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA No-8785 P- 1 SUBMITTED BY, DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 1401 AVERSBORO ROAD, SUITE 206 GARNER, NC 27529 (919) 625-0411 :PAX (919) 772-3437 CARD••,, SEAL 2 ~ 01 02,3728 •?? •w 0 ?NE:E? Q`ti Received 04 02 2007 16:24 Apr. 2. 2007 2:12PM NE SSWA L6 (2) O.L- CI /A ?(• 1J (r ?J? S•74 lk, 3.1 CIS N W lciw ec C (I ) JAR= 3 ?? . 01, Cl(?: 7cis 5E Swi?w- (3) Q,,9 C ( pt - (. ? ) ( S.-7 6 Sw ? P, iF (y) bA- .3 AC.. No.8785 P- 2 Received 04 02 2007 16.25 Apr - 2- 2007 2:12PM GRASSED SWALE #1 No-8785 P- 6 HYnPlAUHC RESULTS Disohergrt dx o low Paaad rr Weloal(y ppt) Alga (900 Hydn?ic Fe6usR aural De 0 0.1 1.99 3.51 0.29 0,27 ?RE?NER RESULTS 3 actoe iUt:31UN r-HLUIULNLT: U hrelydorced Vagat,adon l S - 0.0100 11 1 L Width t?2.00 N Not to Scale Reach Material Type F'ha a DO Yoe SoIITy?pe Maming'a'n' Pemtisaibls V. ate alpty Reroerlu St t! a Danei Sheer Saeta (pit) Shear Stren [pan Factor Straight Uraelnlereed Bunch 0.030 1.20 0.17 20.59 STABLE C 75.sn E:* Low 0.050 0.023 217 STABLE Received 04 02 2007 16:25 Apr. 2. 2007 2:12PM GRASSED SWALE #2 HYDRAULIC P Diar wgo My) Peak Flaw peliad 1h WeAQ*11Pd Area Iea.lU I Hydraulic f Nmmel e h It p.1 0.1 1.91 1.60 0.15 0.15 Mod No.8785 P. 5 LD Width =T.00 It Nei In Scala Reach MOM Tune Sta le Pattern live Cbee Do. V22 a Dwmlty or ype Manninai'n Parmisyble shoal Stress (PyQ Calculated Sheer Stress (PSO 6alely Factor Remarks 9(reipht Ihaekrlorced 0uneh 0.030 /.20 0119 22,02 STABLE C 75,95%. Clay Loam 0.050 0,025 1,94 STABLE Received 04 02 2007 16:24 Apr. 2. 2001 2:12PM GRASSED SWALE #3 No.8785 P- 4 E, HYDRAULIC RESULTS ao me cfs Peak aw l Period hn vabik? pe ea (WO y eul a Rmt t Normal Depth 1111 0.0 CO 1.96 0,30 0.07 0.07 L" bdl"T.00 ft Not to Scale each a I T 391 Typc Manrinp'* Permissible Cakufated SafaV amm I Ste Pattern a 5haar5treea(p9f1 Shea9heu (psf Faclor Slraipht Unr*WIDIced OM& 0.030 4,20 0.19 23.42 STABLE C 75.95% Clay Loam 0.050 0.024 2,95 STABLE Received 04 02 2007 16;24 Apr. 2. 2007 2:12PM GRASSED SWALE #4 No,8785 P. 3 Ditcherpe rle Perak Fbw milad (by) Velucily (fps) Area (cq.lr.] Hydraulic Radu Fl Normel De kh Ik 0 0.1 l.el o.ai 0.09 0.09 3 acres (DESIGN FHEQUENCY: Llrveinf0reed Wegel l 5 = 0.0400 11 Ln ,wf49n,?'00 kr Not 10 Scale Reach Maler Phaee Ve T e ShcType Mennngs h arniasibls Calctlated 9ekety Remarks staple Parterh Denei Shear Streaa (PSI] ghear ghee [psn Feckor 61rayhk LIrioHcrced Bunah O,D3o 1.20 0.21 19,65 STABLE C 75.95% ClgyLoam 0.050 0.029 1,73 STABLE Received 04 10 2007 09:24 APr.10. 2007 1:11AM No.8846 F. 2 DWQ Project No, 0 7- 1930 2 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : A o ?y 217 Contact Person, I0n/1e- /R cc rJ64 eJ Phone Number: 0 119) Swale ID: w Q Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area Max. Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm Max. Velocity from 10 Yr. Storm Min. side slopes Steepest Effective Slope Cover Crop Ion' ft. 3 ac. Z ac. 1.99 fps 7.1119 fps 3:1 ratio .0 tuft c r,kss (at least 100 ft. per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swals) (on-site and off-site drainage to the Swale) (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum,. a complete stormwater management plan submittal Includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional Information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project, Aopftants Initials KMA- Vegetation Plan provided on plans ,Cmil The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted IrM,C Swale carries only stormwater flow r4mg -Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. Kk11 Plan details for the swele provided, K IK Plan details for the Inlets and outlets are provided, ESK Check dams provided, KJ4X-- The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing, KKK The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Received 04 10 2007 09:24 APr.10. 2007 7:11AM No.8846 F. 3 DWQ Project No. P7- 0309 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : 1 naG s G - Contact Person' 4nnP _&& be. c _ e_X Phone Number L2l 'S.L? ?ZD Swale ID: 9 4 ) Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area Max. Velocity from 2 Yr, Storm Max. Velocity from 10 Yr, Storm Min. side slopes Steepest Effective Slope Cover Crop /00, ft. .9 ac. .3 ac. 1.94 fps 2. l 2 fps ratio , ftfft 009 II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST (at least 100 ft. per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the Swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submitlal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project, Applicants Initials AkA Vegetation Plan provided on plans ^t- The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted Knd Swale carries only stormwater flow llmL Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. M4 Plan details for the swale provided. Xn,c Plan details for the inlets and outlets are provided. IVA Check dams provided, Z_The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing, KA The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Received 04 10 2007 09:24 Apr,10. 2001 1:11AM DWQ Project No. 0 7 - 0 30 9 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : " Contact Person: f4 / Phone Number: Swale ID: _f C3 Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area Max. Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm Max. Velocity from 10 Yr, Storm Min. side slopes Steepest Effective Slope Cover Crop II, REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 1 pn' ft. f S Be. 1 Be. /. LS fps fps 1" 1 ratio ,o4 _ Rift C &hj6 _ No•8846 P- 1 (at least 100 ft, per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the Swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (2 fps max,) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why, At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicant Initials /cM Vegetation Plan provided on plans 4#14 The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted XAIA Swale carries only stormwater flow K,I,g Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. JC,bLE Plan details for the swele provided. Plan details for the Inlets and outlets are provided. XA< Check dams provided, "R The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing. K,41C The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided, Received 04 10 2007 09:24 Apr•10. 2001 1:11AM No.8846 P- 4 DWQProject No.? p7-19309 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Contact Person: n,a r? 1R/o/oct (lone4 Phone Number; ( 719) a - 20 Swale ID: Sw ? Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area Max, Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm Max. Velocity from 10 Yr. Storm Min. side slopes Steepest Effective Slope Cover Crop 1001 ft. 3 ac. , 1 ac. 1187 fps . o L fps 3 t # ratio .o4 Rift (at least 100 ft, per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) II, REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to Indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal Includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials A9y% Vegetation Plan provided on plans r The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted A Swale carries only stormwater flow ale Water table depth is greater than 1 foot, ffAo Plan details for the swale provided, Plan details for the inlets and outlets are provided. Check dams provided. The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing. kM?_ The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. GRASSED SWALE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Name of Project: Blalock's Glen Address: T!,__ oro9osc-? "Lo1'rl s.y,7 : j /ge424- A/ 1-2-11 0?4 Al /; 44 s? 'flA 6?r, La-* C_ C rye 3?i?) •rsz l?i//o? !fin /Jr .%? i P?'aaEu ??. ?J?i Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: caSyL 074 1t7;e,,, Co> ??. MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY FREQUENCY Post-construction monitoring-inspect for vegetation, Check after every heavy rainfall for first 6 months settling, erosion, or concentrated flow following construction. Remove excess sediment, especially from the Once annually upstream edge, to maintain original contours and grading Repair any erosion and regrade the swale to ensure Once annually that the runoff flows evenly in a thin sheet through the swale Inspect vegetation and revegetate the swale to Once annually maintain a dense growth of vegetation Mow grass to a maximum height of 6" Twice annually GRASSED SWALE ID LOCATION ON SITE (DESCRIBE) HOW WILL IT BE ACCESSED? Nhl Lt,-a14/e- .fir S?rta n Crossi4 ofa le Qr.-V. va- 3 5 6 Pagel of 2 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Dianne Blalock Jones Title: Owner Address: 7885 Panther Lake Rd. Dillow Spring. N.C. 27592 Phone: Signatt uate: !I - ! 1.. - u • Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I Nancy S. Stancil , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina County of Johnston , do hereby certify that Dianne Blalock Jones personally appeared before me this 12th day of April 2007 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing grassed swale maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, :y CO ? A\ o SEAL My commission expires 7-4-2009 Page 2 of 2 Received 05 31 2007 14:31 May-31. 2007 12:16PM w 0 U. LL: a _. -j U) W O) r LOA N J J r r r W J Of N W = 4,-- N- rr O-Cnm MM ? ? ?- r r r r J O o 0 0 0 0 W ?- W Q Q d Q Q J N(OCO ww O m C6 H N G1 r Q N N N N N V Q Q O ? 6 6 O o Q N N Cl 0 N O O WNCODMNM W Q O C O O o a J W W w r N ?) J IX Q 0 No,9361 P- 2 Received 05 31 2007 14:32 May-31. 2007 12:17PM i. PROJECT INFORMA Project Name : _ Contact Person: _ Level Spreader ID:. 1 Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope grass DWQ Project No. 0-7- 0301 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (please complete the following information): N o . 9 3 6 1 P- 5 a leau ars Phone Number- (911) 42!5?6Adl 1 ft. (perpendicular to flow) 2 • ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to (he level spreader) ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (6`yc for forested, leaf littler cover, 8% for thick ground cover)' cfs to. B cfs ound c or grass, canopied forest with leaf litter gro Max, Discharge from a 10 Year Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip/Buffer Vegetation , Pre-treatment or Bypass Method III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to Indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. !f a requirement has not been met, a(tach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation end maintenance agreement, An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Level spreader is at least 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or 100 ft per cfs in canopied forest with leaf litter. ?.11A Pre-Form Scour Holes are on flat slopes only OeAV, No structures are located in protected buffers' If bypass method specified in the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document: Bypass method is specified (if applicable) and plan details and calculations are provided Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located In protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided, The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Level spreaders in series can be used on slopes of up to 15% In forested areas with leaf littler cover or on slopes of up to 25% in areas with thick ground cover or grass If designed according to the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document. This potentially requires a minor variance in protected buffer areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located in Zone 1 of a protected buffer area. Received 05 31 2007 14.32 May-31, 2007 12:17PM 1. PROJECT INFORMA Project Name : ?. Contact Person, Level Spreader ID; Z. Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Maxlmum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope grass DWQ Project No. 0-1- 0301 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (please complete the Al .000-1 it. ec. 8C, % Max. Discharge from a 10 Year Storm .8 .6 cis Max. Discharge to level Spreader IV. I CIS Filter Strip/Buffer Vegetation . Pre-treatment or Bypass Method r it, REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST formation): Phone Number: No, 9361 P, 6 (perpendicular to flow) (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (on-site and off-elte drainage to the level spreader) (6% for forested, leaf littler cover, 8% for thick ground cover)' thick ground coy or grass, canopled.forest with leaf litter group cover Initial In the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. !f a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An Incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials 14== Level spreader Is at least 13 it, per cis for thick ground cover or grass or 100 ft per cfs In canopied forest with leaf litter. _&11p Pre-Form Scour Holes are on flat slopes only No structures are located in prolected buffers' If bypass method specified In the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document: Bypass method is specified (if applicable) and plan details and calculations are provided Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located In protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided, The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party Is provided, ' Level spreaders In series can be used on slopes of up to 15% In forested areas with leaf littler cover or on slopes of up to 25% in areas with thick ground cover or grass If designed according to the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document. This potentially requires a minor variance In protected buffer areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located in Zone 1 of a protected buffer area, Received 05 31 2007 14:32 May-31, 2007 12:17PM I, PROJECT INFORMA Project Name : Contact Person: Level Spreader ID: DWO Project No. 01- 0301 DIVISION OF WATER i~!UA',,; IY f,ZVE!. SPREADER WORKSHEET (please complete the followingI?nformation): J. 00- -1 A IVAr Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Maximum Filter StripiBuffer Slope grass 5-0 ft. ac. _ 39 ac. Max, Discharge from a 10 Year Storm g ON Max, Discharge to Level Spreader .? cis Filter StrlplBuffer Vegetation . Pre-treatment or Bypass Method 7i rt_A ,a7A.+ p;rl REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Phone Number: No•9361 P. 7 (perpendicular to flow) (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (B% for forested, leaf littler cover, 6% for thick ground cover)" 1 ck ground cover or ra , canop led forest with leaf litter groun c Initial in the space provided to Indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requlremenf has not been met, attach an explanation. of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result In a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Inl i Is --1 &e= -.--Level spreader is at least 13 ft, per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or 100 ft per cfs In canopied forest with leaf litter. Pre-Form Scour Holes are on flat slopes only ?A, No structures are located in protected buffers' If bypass method specified in the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document: Bypass method is specifled (If applicable) and plan details and calculations are provided Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located In protected buffers, Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided, The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided, Level spreaders In series can be used on slopes of up to 1 b`?a In forested areas with leaf littler cover or on slopes of up to 25% in areas with thick ground cover or grass if designed according to the Oraft Lovel Spreader Design Option Document, This potentially requires a minor variance in protected buffer areas. In rany event the second level spreader cannot be located In Zone 1 of a protected buffer area. Received 05 31 2007 14:33 May-31, 2007 12:18PM I. PROJECT INFORMA Project Name : Contact Person: Level Spreader ID:. ?c Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Maximum Filter Strip/suffer Slope grass DWQ Project No., D 3 0 1 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (please complete the S q ft. % g Max, Discharge from a 10 Year Storm Z L cfs Max. Discharge to Level, Spreader cfs Filter Strip/Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method ?A C_ =Tx-z 4r,'' II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Phone Number: No-9361 P- 8 (perpendicular to flow) (on-site and off•alte drainage to the level spreader) (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (B% for forested, leaf littler cover, 8% for thick ground cover)' round cover or ras canopied forest with leaf litter groundcover Initial In the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal Includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement, . An Incomplete submittal package will result In a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project, A li ants Initials Level spreader Is at least 13 ft. per cis for thick ground cover or grass or 100 ft per cfs in canopied forest with leaf litter. Pre-Form Scour Holes are on flat slopes only No structures are located in protected buffers' If bypass method specified In the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document: Bypass method Is specified (if applicable) and plan details and calculations are provided Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located In protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided. The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party Is provided. ' Level spreaders In series can be used on slopes of up to 15% in forested areas with leaf littler cover or on slopes of up to 25% In areas with thick ground cover or grass If designed according to the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document, This potentially requires a minor varlance In protected buffer areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located In Zone 1 of a protected buffer area, Received 05 31 2007 14:33 Mav,31. 2007 12:18PM I, PROJECT INFORMAL Project Name Contact Person: -1 Level Spreader ID:, Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope grass (perpendicular to flow) (on-site and off-alto drainage to the level spreader) (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (6% for forested, leaf littler cover, S% for thick ground cover)' is ground cover or gr , canopied forest with leaf litter groun c DWQ Project No. 0-7- 0301 N o , 9 3 6 1 P- 9 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (please complete the Phone Number: 1.7- ft. .Y ac. 7 eNc. /D Max. Discharge from a 10 Year Storm 6 cfe Max, Discharge to Level Spreader /?- cis Filter StriplBuffer Vegetation , Pre-treatment or Bypass Method tl. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial In the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanatlon of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal Includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An Incomplete submittal package will result In a request for additional Information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. A Ilcents Initials Level spreader Is at least 13 ft, per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or 100 ft per cfs In canopied forest with leaf litter, ?o Pre-Form Scour Holes are on flat slopes only No structures are located In protected buffers' If bypass method specified In the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document: Bypass method is specified (if applicable) and plan details and calculations are provided Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip Is hydraullcally and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located in protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided. The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Level spreaders In serles can be used on slopes of up to 15% In forested areas with leaf littler cover or on slopes of up to 26% In areas with thick ground cover or grass If designed according to the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document. This potentlally requires a minor variance In protected buffer areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located in Zone 1 of a protected buffer area. LEVEL SPREADER SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (1/2007) A level spreader system includes: a forebay, diverter box, level spreader, riparian buffer/vegetated filter strip, and flow bypass channel. Name of Project: Blalock's Glen Subdivision Address: The subdivision is located west of the intersection of Starburst Lane (SR 3825) and Willow Winds Drive in the Brookstone Subdivision, east of Angier Wake County North Carolina Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY FREQUENCY Post-construction monitoring-inspect for vegetation, Check after every heavy rainfall for first 6 months settling, erosion, or concentrated flow. following construction. Inspect Diverter Box and clean and/or make repairs. Once a month and after heavy rainfalls/storms. Look for: • Clogged inlet or outlet pipes. • Trash/debris in the box. Inspect Forebay + Level Spreader. Clean and/or Once a month and after heavy rainfalls/storms. make repairs. Look for: • Sediment in forebay and along level spreader lip; • Trash and/or leaf buildup. • Scour, undercutting of level spreader. • Settlement of level spreader structure (no longer level; you see silt downhill below level spreader). • Fallen trees on level spreader. • #57 stone washing downhill. Inspect the Riparian Buffer and the Bypass Swale Once a month and after heavy rainfalls/storms. and make repairs as needed'. Look for: • Damaged turf reinforcement or riprap rolling downhill. • Erosion within the buffer or swale. • Concentrated flows downhill of level spreader-look for gullies or sediment flows. Mow grass to a 6" height. As needed during growing season. Remove any weeds/shrubs growing on level spreader Once a year. or in swale. 1 NOTE: Contact NC Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Unit at 919-733-1786 BEFORE any work in Protected Riparian Buffers. . Page 1 of 2 LEVEL SPREADER NO. LOCATION ON SITE (DESCRIBE) HOW WILL IT BE ACCESSED? 1 Back of lots 48 & 49 on Sebring Lane Drainage Easement 2 Back of lot 83 on Punchinello Place Drainage Easement 3 Back of lot 82 on Punchinello Place Drainage Easement 4 Back of lots 72 & 73 on Parizade Street Drainage Easement 5 Back of lot 68 on Allaire Drive Drainage Easement 6 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Dianne Blalock Jones Title: Owner Address: 7885 Panther Lake Road, Willow Springs, North Carolina 27592 Phone Signati Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, '4 • , a Notary Public for the State of CI)kZ& 17 ? County of do hereby certify that 19, personally appeared before me this day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention bas maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, N? PU LAC SEAL My commission expires Page 2 of 2 RIP RAP DISSI PATOR #3 HYDRAULIC RESULTS IDDisc?harge Peak Flow Velocity (fps) Area (sq.fl] Hydraulic Normal I fdsI Period (his] Racfmfl D th fl 32.9 0.1 1.96 16.83 RGS 0.76 LINER RESULTS Rockl(Riprap (n=0100) I I S-0.0290, 1 L Bottom 1 3.0 Width=20.00 It 30 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabiFty Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Calculated Safely Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear SOess lP=0 Shear Stress (ps0 Straight Rock Riprap Unvegelated 4.33 1.31 3.17 STABLE 13in 11,41: rc Input Screen,, RIP RAP DISSIPATQR #7 Discharge Peak Flow Velocity(fps) Area(sq.ft) Hydraulic Normal (ds) Period Bus) RadusBl) Depth fl 7.0 0.1 1.98 153 0.27 0.30 LINER RESULTS RockRiprap (n=0100) I I I S = 0.1000 1 L Bottom J 1 3.0 Width=11.00 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Calculated Safely Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Densily Shea Shen Ipso Shear Stress IPsB Straight Rock Floap Unvegetated 4.33 1.85 2.34 STABLE 13in '?acF: to I rgva[ S creep RIP RAP DISSIPATOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Name of Project: Blalock's Glen Subdivision Address: The subdivision is located west of the intersection of Starburst Lane (SR 3825) and Willow Winds Drive in the Brookstone Subdivision, east of Angier, Wake County, North Carolina Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY FREQUENCY Post-construction monitoring-inspect for settling, Check after every heavy rainfall for first 6 months erosion, or concentrated flow following construction. Inspect Dissipator. Clean and/or make repairs. Look Once a month and after heavy rainfalls/storms. for: • Sediment in dissipator; • Trash and/or leaf buildup. • Scour, undercutting of rip rap. • Fallen trees on dissipator. • #57 stone washing downhill. Inspect the discharge area and Riparian Buffer and Once a month and after heavy rainfalls/storms. make repairs as needed. Look for: • Riprap rolling downhill. • Erosion within the discharge area or buffer. • Concentrated flows downhill of dissipator- look for gullies or sediment flows. DISSISPATOR ID LOCATION ON SITE (DESCRIBE) HOW WILL IT BE ACCESSED? Inlet #3 Willow Winds Drive cul-de-sac Drainage easement Inlet #7 Seabring Lane cul-de-sac Drainage easement 1 NOTE: Contact NC Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Unit at 919-733-1786 BEFORE any work in Protected Riparian Buffers. Page 1 of 2 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Dianne Blalock Jones Title: Owner P S D Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, Nancy S. Stancil , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina County of Johnston , do hereby certify that Dianne Blalock Jones personally appeared before me this 14th day of June , 2007 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing grassed swale maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, e?\?enan1is;r41///// S••.Sr SEAL My commission expires 7-4-2009 Page 2 of 2 Address: 7885 Panther Lake Road, Willow Springs, North Carolina 27592 -, INSET B , A 1 I A r,. ?? - - ------- ---- ----/ R« Int•td , 555? `????''''''' n 71 1 l I ?, INSET l / 'x I / / ? 49? - ?, ?? J1 l cou orriAm INSET C I INSET A INSET F.t o _ p?q f\ JURMIMONAL INSET G .rrn¢rsntc77oxet l WRTfANW AAW T ! WA77AN13 BASE MAP AND SURVEY DATA PROVIDED BY ?? STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIONAL LAND \\ SURVEYOR PA \ = ,;,/ ?\ STORMWATER DESIGN AND ROAD CROSSING DESIGN PROVIDED BY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC v//? \\\\ \ \ REVISIONS: SURFACE WATERS & WETLANDS OVERALL IMPACT MAP ADDED STORMWATER INFORMATION INSETS F & G 6/19/07 BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC ••N•• GRAPHIC SCALE DATE: 04/18/07 1" = 300' SCALE: 1" -300' w EBURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB 308-D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200 - Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 300' 0 300' 600' CHK'D BY: JAB Telephone (919) 841-9977-Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 S FIGURE # 3 - G R S W A /. JURISDICTIONAL ' WETLANDS -GRASS ; 00 _ SWALE / #2 N GRASS ' SWALE' ' DALE DRS, S 3NE: APRON IMPACTS 8^,Nx20'Ex24"THk G SS-/ X50=13" ZONE 1 = 7740 SF ALE j 0.178 AC 3 ZOA 2 = 2885 SF 0.066 AC BASE MAP AND SUR E ATA PROVIDED BY CHANNEL = 109LF STANCIL & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, PA JURISDICTIONAL STORMWATER DESI D ROAD CROSSING WETLANDS _ 50 SF DESIGN PROVIDED 'fJ'EVELOPMENT 0.001 AC CON.S_ULT1k4'SE`RW-"ES, INC GRAPHIC SCALE IMPACT MAP N 1"=60' so' o so' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC •'"N"•- DATE: 04/18/07 CHK'D BY: JAB 'W E'. BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB REVISED: 308 D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200 - Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 .. + S Telephone (919) 841-9977- Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 INSET A X X ISOLATED V _I ' 'l ? WETLAND JURISD IONAL ` WETLA \ 1 1. ) 1 1 IMPACTS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS = 321 SF 0.007AC \ 1 ?, ISOLATED WETLANDS = 324SF \ 0.007AC I ISOLATED I WETLAND \ 1 I I / 11511 I BASE MAP AND SURVEY DATA PROVIDED BY STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR,PA STORMWATER DESIGN AND ROAD CROSSING DESIGN PROVIDED BY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC 1, r GRAPHIC SCALE IMPACT MAP N V. = 60' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION 60' 0 60' TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC DATE: 04/18/07 CHK'D BY: JAB W EBURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB REVISED: 308D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200-Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 S Telephone (919) 841-9977- Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 E I B i I I ?- , \l I I I (4 9', LtvEt SPREADER #1 \ I I 119 L.F. I ?0 PUBLIC DRAINAGE / EASEMENT 1 ' i (N i f I LLJ N N 1; - ? 40 l BASE MAP AND SURVEY DAT? PROVIDED BY STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, PRbFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, PA ' STORMWATER DESIGN AND ROAD CROSSING DESIGN PROVIDED BY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES' INC GRAPHIC SCALE LEVEL SPREADER # I N 1"=s0' so' o so' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC ''••N•••• DATE: 06/05/07 CHK'D BY: JAB •W E'j BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: 'I'MB REVISED: 308D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200 - Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 Telephone (919) 841-9977- Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 INSET C ** + S 93 ?f ?o \ 9P os P?f Ea$_ment Drain U 7 Q- E o N LE`cL SPREADER 112 L.F. ? / / /C / / r WITHIN WILL R APPRC DIMSIC CONST i ; J 50' Riparian Buffer IKISee Detail / BASE MAP AND SURVEY DATA PROVIDED BY \ STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR,PA STORMWATER DESIGN AND ROAD CROSSI DESIGN PROVIDED BY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC , GRAPHIC SCALE LEVEL SPREADERS # 2 & 3 N 1"=60' 60' 0 60' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC -''•N DATE: 06/05/07 CHK'D BY: JAB zw E•, BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB REVISED: 308D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200-Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 S Telephone (919) 841-9977- Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 INSET D LEVEL SPREADS R it . ?-`? , i? 26 I i LEVEL SPREADER #5 124 LF. r` 1 20' PUBLIC OnAINAGE , ) / /' f LEVEL SPREADER #4- i ` 34 L.F. BASE MAP AND SURVEY DATA PROVI BY STANCH- & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIL ND SURVEYOR, PA STORMWATERMSIGN AND ROAD CROSSING DESIGN PROVIDED BY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC GRAPHIC SCALE LEVEL SPREADERS # 4 & 5 N 1"=60' so' o so' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC ''••N•''• DATE: 04/18/07 CHK'D BY: JAB ?W a BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB REVISED: 308D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200 -Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 Telephone (919) 841-9977- Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 INSET E S r/ 1 ? 3/ INLET #7 NV. IN=247.1 DA=1.61 AC 34 ?- 0 33 i #3(INLET #3) S E LTtNG,SERVI?ES, W4C / GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 60' RIP RAP DISSIPATOR # 3 N 60' 0 60' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC I _r FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC ''??N??'• DATE: 04/18/07 CHK'D BY: JAB w E BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB REVISED: 308D W Millbrook Road, Suite 200 -Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 S Telephone (919) 841-9977- Fax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 INSET F GRAPHIC SCALE RIP RAP DISSIPATOR # 7 N 1"=60' 60' 0 60' BLALOCK'S GLEN SUBDIVISION TRIPLE J DEVELOPMENT, LLC FUQUAY-VARINA, WAKE COUNTY, NC '...N..'• DATE: 04/18/07 CHK'D BY: JAB w E'3 BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB REVISED: 308D W Mil [brook Road, Suite 200-Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 6/19/07 Telephone (919) 841-9977- Pax (919) 841-9909 PROJECT #: 60030 S INSET G