HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071063 Ver 1_401 Application_20070619Q~~~oe~~ JUN 1 9 2007 DENR -WATER OIIALITY VYETIANDS AND STORAhM11TER BRANCH --`_. 2007065 the fallov~efng Fa a`u abbreviated applicai3wn farm far those applpiug for a 40X '4'4afe, Q~ly Cer~ficafion to. ioaapact l;C {Federal Energy Regulatory CvztumxssEun) regulated Take shore ar bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of 1?nglneers Permit G??30. Plus Applic$fian cannot be used for Voetla~-d or stream impacts. Plessa provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well ss a non-refundable applicatia>a fee to the Division of Water Quality of ~QQ.40 liar impacts of fo lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lane bott~s>;r of greater or equal to 1$cre. .A.l-plications should be sent to: :Division of'I~Vater Quality'Wetlands Unit :RG:'si1 lVJ[a~ Service Center g2aleigh,lV'c z~r~9~-~~0 : - l~ Applicant Information. 1. OwnerlApplicaut Info~omatibn Name: 1~~ i ~i„Oln~~7' Mailing ~'0 6 0'x L(.~ ~or Ny,~a {-A~E' Rts~ set 1 ca~~ to .~- EFiiC C. AISt~~ Hag~aeury Br.:rui: US Army Corps ofi Engineers cs ~s} t~~a-ea.a, x:~ ~~i- ~j~~1~. ~~ f~ ~e Pat1E o1 W~u se``''i3ola~d 4 ~u' 1G~ Falcagt.. MC: }2.7~,~r 15-5614 i ~:k ~11~f~';'f'S$e~~ Telephonz I~Tumber: 3 ~ ;.~4 ~ - 3Z o Fl Fax 1~Iumber: 336 - 59~ ~.3 2!8_ E-mail Address: C bct r k~ ~_ ~ ttit ba re rrta: 1 • co+-» r _.~_..~.~-- 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization lett~r- must be atrached if tha A ;ent has signatory autl~ozity for the own~/applicanG) Name- 1~tc ~ 1 R., r fie.. r company Affiliation: yr+.~ ~•,,•.,~ w,aK0. xe/ ~.-- MailiYSg .~4ddress: _.__._~.__._ Telephone Number: Fax Number: ,.~~__.___.._,,. E ma>Z Address: II: Project In£o><mation Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect u- local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detaileds~te plain showing property boundaries and developmbut plans iu .ralatio~ t~ surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below'ta make a hand. sketch of youxproject. Also, seethe example below for guidanrs. Both the vicinityn~p 3n.1 site plan must include ascale- and north arrow. The footprints of all buildup:., impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. 1. Location ~J _ County:_.~1''Sbn Nearest Town ~~~~-- _ ~~ubdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number); S - ~~~ %~t.sr.~"~r,~ lairections to site please include road. numbers, landmarks, etc_ (This is nc~t~-~~_~.- necessary if an adequate v~iciniry map is included):. ~rr,rn R..:~v r ~~~ ~ ~{; a 1~ ~, a,,, u cc . s S t S~ier~ pr i ~.c.._ ` 5 r. i~~ -Q~ -- ~jvh,SG~" 6sti e ~r~~- L.~-r i ~ av~ , ------ 2. De~tnbe the existiua 1 use or condition pf the site at the time of this application i N o0 (~p ll ~ o+ f0 b e (',~ ~!'C G~ Tv ~'tg Z(~(:~~ . -- 3. Property size (acres): ~ '--.-----__.__..-. 4. N-aarest body of ~~rater (stream/river/sound/ocean/L~ke): `.~_-~i_,~.-. S. Describe the purpose o the proposed work:~~•~-~ rv'n St °r-1 --_----,--- _ ~ 5 re, 6. List the type ofequipzneut to be used tc construct the project~~~ c..~a~o ~~~c~C. 7. Amount of impact (includi~ all excavation, baclsf`iIl, aip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level im square feet or acres: t'LS 1C 3 j = ~~1 ~ 8. a..~ount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rig, ~~1~, retainng walls, etc.} above the normal pool lake lev I and 50 fzet land-ward in square feet or aeres:_ !LS 7~ . SD = C~ZSD b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land- ward t be impacted (number of trees for instance): ~~ _.---w~__ _ _ v - m Sr ~-ecs _ ~~pl>licant/Agent's Signature a ~.------~-_.......~ (4gent's signat~s~e is valid only if an authaxi~ation letter from the applicant is ~~rovide:d.) cnn /..^n~ • ~ G oocJt ~Q t!`' r~ x23 Zs' !Pty aoauiraate~r ~ fie i~t~For~t a,~ ~ ~ta~a ~~?~a~ ~cte nsiane a i, Svs~r ~ ~ !~. ~ ~p~l ~~: '~~ ; prepa~~dE e~1ki~Dfi1 +~~ ~o~ide ~1's~n~ ,~~ ~ronetia~ ~ c~ ~Rp ~~ fill bu ~e played ~ba+~ 1 E l~ani9 ~ic~t~ .3~ l.ac~ticut~ oaf r"e~ yap ~ flt 1 +C~ ~~ Ali below #~ l~l t~~ ~~ra~n ~~ 't'ie iu~r o~ ae~~r~o~~,~ s ~s 'ups, re~unicr~ +~++~x ~a~c$, ems. - . :a~ 'fie at~an of ara~ Sian oc ~adgir~ 6r~ae twit E~~~d f~iar~. Ei~ 'rf.~ ,cif ~r~tirt~~ ~ «:an~ot~. ~ - cnn/rnn•~ aoocu ~~-•- ---- ------