HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005088_Fact Sheet_20210618DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NC0005088 Facility Information Applicant/Facility Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC / Rogers Energy Complex Applicant Address: 526 Church St., Charlotte, NC 28202 Facility Address: 573 Duke Power Road, Mooresboro, NC 28024 Permitted Flow (MGD): Not limited Type of Waste: Industrial & domestic Facility Classification: II Permit Status: RenewalMajor Modification County: Rutherford & Cleveland Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: Broad River/UT to Broad River (Outfall 106) State Grid: G11NE Stream Classification: WS-IV USGS Quad: Chesnee Drainage Area (mi2): 849 - Broad River Basin/Subbasin: Broad/03-08-02 Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 287 Broad River 303(d) Listed? No Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 440 Broad River I3UC: 03050105 30Q2 (cfs) 635 Broad River Regional Office: Asheville Average Flow (cfs): 1460 Broad River Permit Writer: Teresa RodriguczSergei Chernikov, Ph.D. IWC (%): 7.7 -(002) 3.1 (005) Date: 4/3/20183/30/202 0 SUMMARY Duke Energy Carolinas operates the Rogers Energy Complex (REC); formerly known as Cliffside Steam Station; a two -unit coal fired steam electric generating facility. Units 1-4 have been removed from service. The station now operates only two units; Units 5 and 6. The total combined output is 1500 megawatts. Each unit has a Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system. The site has an industrial landfill for combustion byproducts where fly ash, bottom ash, gypsum and WWTP sludge is deposited. Water for cooling is withdrawn from the Broad River. Both units use cooling towers for heat dissipation. Blowdown from Unit 5 is discharged to the ash basin. Blowdown from Unit 6 can be used in the unit's make up water or discharged to the ash basin. The receiving water is the Broad River, class WS-IV waters in the Broad River Basin. Previous permits had this section classified as C. The correct classification is WS-IV and it will be modified in the permit. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 1 REC is subject to EPA effluent guideline limits per 40 CFR 423 - Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category. The facility is also subject to the Cooling Water Intake Structures Rules (40 CFR 125) effective October 14, 2014 and to the North Carolina Senate Bill 729 - Coal Ash Management Act. This permit is being modified to make the following changes: - - { Formatted: Normal, Left _ _ - -� Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt 1). To adjust the Technology Based Effluent Limits for Total Arsenic, Total Mercury, Total Selenium, and Nitrate/nitrite as N for Internal Outfall 004 (FGD wastewater) in accordance with updated 40 - - l Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt CFR 423.13(g)(1)(i). Please see the table below for details. Pollutant Existing monthly average - daily Modified monthly average - daily. maximum limit maximum limit Arsenic 8.0 µg/L -11.0 µg/L 8.0 µg/L -18.0 jig/ L Selenium 12.0 µg/ L - 23.0 µg/ L 29.0 µg/ L - 70.0 µg/ L Mercury 356.0 µg/ L - 788.0 µg/ L 34.0 µg/ L -103.0 µg/ L Nitrate/Nitrite 4.4 mg/L -17.0 mg/L 3.0 mg/L - 4.0 mg/L - - - --( Formatted Table --(Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt - - {Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt - -(( Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt --(Formatted: Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt - - { Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt 2). To extend compliance schedule for FGD wastewater from 12/31/2021 to 6/30/2022 This time is-- - - \ Formatted: Normal, Justified, Right 0 needed to properly initiate biological treatment system and adjust physical/chemical equipment for Formatted: Font Book Antigua, 11 pt consistent performance. The request is based on the experience with the similar systems at Roxboro, { Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt Marshall, and Allen facilities. 3). To reduce instream temperature monitoring frequency at Outfall 005 from Weekly to Quarterly.- - - l Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt Currently, the facility operates cooling towers on the remaining two power generating units. The recent report demonstrated that the existing conditions defining the temperature mixing zone and effluent temperature limits are being met. Furthermore, the facility is complying with the state temperature standard and frequent instream monitoring is no longer necessary. All the remaining terms and conditions of the permit remain unchanged. PROPOSED SCHEDULE Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: February 23,2021 (est.) A_pril 2, 2021 (est.) STATE CONTACT If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Sergei Chernikov at (919) 707-3606 or sergei.chernikov@ncdenr.gov. Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt 13 1 CHANGES IN THE FINAL MODIFICATIOIN • :The optimization requirement was added to the FGD Effluent Page (Internal Outfall 004) in --(Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt 3 response to the SELC comment. • The Deadline Extension for the FGD wastewater (Internal Outfall 004) was reduced from 6 months to 3 months in response to the SELC comment. - (Formatted: Font: Times, 12 pt, Bold, Not Small caps 'f Formatted: Normal Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt J fFormatted: Normal, Left Outfall Descriptions: Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 2 - - { Formatted: Left The ash basin receives wastewaters collected in the Yard Drainage Basin (effluent from the domestic WWTP, cooling tower blowdown from Unit 5, landfill 1 achatc, floor drains, treated FGD wet scrubber water, limestone unloading and storage ar a, and stormwater), sluiced ash, cooling tower blowdown from Unit 6, equipment backwashes, boiler blowdown, drainage from recirculating cooling systems, demineralizing resin, cooling water from h at exchangers, rinse water from limestone unloading and storage area, stormwater, low volume waste including flight conveyor quench water overflow), and miscellaneous waste streams. This outfall discharges to the Broad River. This outfall was closed in 2016. This was an emergency outfall from the yard drainage basin. If the wastewater from the FGD system is not used in Unit 6 it is treated in the FGD WWTS which consists of equalization tank, reaction tank, flocculating clarifier, and gravity filters. The effluent is discharged to the Yard Drainage Basin. A new treatment system will be installed for the FGD wastewaters. The effluent of the treatment system will be combined with the effluent from proposed outfall 005 before discharging to the Broad River. Proposed Outfalls: Outfall-005—New--Wastewater-Treatment-System A new tr atment system will be installed to tr at wastewaters from the holding basin effluent (RO reject, stormwater and Unit 6 sanitary system), Unit 6 cooling tower blowdown, landfill 1 achate, Unit 6 process sump (mechanical drag chain overflow, and low volume waste including flight conveyor quench water overflow) Unit 5 proce:r .,ump (sanitary sy.,tem, low volume wa.,tes, mechanical drag chain overflow and cooling tower blowdown), and ash basin dewatering/ decanting. The FGD WWTS di -charge (Internal Outfall 004) and heat exchanger non contact cooling water will be combined with the discharge from the WWTS before discharge to the Broad River. The tr atment system will be a physical/chemical tr atment system with flow equalization, pH neutralization, coagulation and flocculation, and filters. This outfall will discharge to the Broad River. This will be an emergency outfall from the Basement Basin if a significant rain event overflows the system. An existing structure will be used as a holding cell for process wastewater, tr ated sanitary wa.,tewater and .,tormwater that currently go to the P 5 yard ba.,in. The effluent from this holding cell will be pumped to the ash basin during normal operations. When the new WWTS starts operations the holding cell will receive stormwater runoff from Unit 6, RO reject wastewater, Unit 6 treated sanitary wastewater and proce:r and stormwater from Unit 5. Effluent will be pumped to the new WWTS. An auxiliary basin will hold excess water during storm events. The emergency outfall will discharge to the Broad River. This will be an emergency outfall from a new holding ba.,in if a .,ignificant rain event overflows the system. This holding basin will receive stormwater, coal pile runoff, gypsum pile runoff, limestone pile runoff and flows from the holding cell auxiliary basin (stormwater runoff from Unit 6, RO reject wastewater, treated sanitary wastewater and proce:r and stormwater from Unit 5). The effluent from this holding basin will be pumped to the new WWTS. The emergency overflow will discharge to the Broad River. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renew lMajor Mod Page 3 Outfalls 104 discharge seepage from the ash basin into the Broad River and Outfall 106 discharges, seepage to an UT to the Broad River. A Special Order by ConGcnt ("Special Order"), EMC SOC 17 009, also addresses Outfalls 104 and 106. In this Special Order, these outfalls are called "engineered seeps." Duke Energy shall follow the requirements of the Special Order with regard to these engineered seeps, including but not limited to the requirement that if any of the engineered seeps are not di -positioned (as described in EMC SOC 17 009 § 2(c)(3)) following decanting of the ash basins (as described in EMC SOC 17 009 § 1(a)) at Rogers Energy Complex, Duke Energy shall submit an amendment to its groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plan for the Rogers Energy Complex describing how any of the non dicpocitioned engineered seeps will be remediated in a manner sufficient to protect public h alth, safety, and welfare, the environment, and natural resources (as described in EMC SOC 17 009 § 2(d)) COMPLIANCE REVIEW/PROPOSED ACTIONS This outfall is subject to the Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG) in Table 1. Table 1. ELG Outfall 002 Pollutant v (DM} Monthly lEr ELC Alai 50 mg/I 30 mg/I 40 CFR 423(b)(4) (monthly 423(b) is,) (daily max) Oil & Crease 20 mg/I 15 mg/I 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (4) pH 6 to 9 SU 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (1) As per 40 CFR 423.13 (h) (1) (i) and (k) (1) (i) bottom ash and fly ash transport water shall not be discharged, compliance with this section shall be as soon as po^.,ible beginning on November 1, 2018 for fly ash and November 1, 2020 for bottom ash, but no later than December 31, 2023. Duke has submitted the following proposed schedule for meeting the rule: Bottom a.,h: An underneath the boiler mechanical drag .,y.,tem will be in.,talled and will be operational by November 1, 2020. This technology will not generate bottom ash. Fly ash: dry fly ash is handled dry at this facility. DMR review: DMR data were review for the period of January 2011 to April 2016. There were no violations of permit limits. Table 2. DMR Summary Outfall 002 Parameter Average T Maximum Minimum Flow 6.753 29,8 0.40 (MGD) TSS (mg/1) 6,8 18 < 5 Temperature °F 66,4 883 45.5 O&C (mg/1) <5 <5 <5 Total Nitrogen (mg/1) 0,93 1.5 0,54 Total Phosphorus (mg/1) 0.09 049 0 (S.U.) 7.1 8,6 64 pH Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renew lMajor Mod Page 4 - - -( Formatted: Normal ▪ - - { Formatted: Left - - -( Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal • -( Formatted: Normal { Formatted: Normal .( Formatted: Left Formatted: Normal Formatted: Normal, Left Formatted: Normal tFormatted: Normal, Left /1/1 u t Formatted: Normal 1,1!/ /// t Formatted: Normal, Left iiuii r i /// / ,t Formatted: Normal �1/n i/ / k Formatted: Normal, Left u n i / &( Formatted: Normal n • //i ' Formatted: Normal, Left // 'l Formatted: Normal -( Formatted: Normal, Left ▪ -( Formatted: Normal • - - (Formatted: Normal, Left - l Formatted: Normal Formatted: Normal, Left Formatted: Left 1 3 1 11 1l 1 3 RPA Outfall 002: The need for toxicant limits is based upon a demonstration of r asonable potential to exceed water quality standards, a Gtatis,tical evaluation that is conducted during every permit renewal utilizing the mot recent effluent data for each outfall. The RPA is conducted in accordance with 40 CFR 122.44 (d) (i). The NC RPA procedure utilizes the following: 1) 95% Confidence Level/95% Probability; 2) a:rumption of zero background; 3) use of detection limit for "les,., than" values; and 4) str amflows used for dilution cons,ideration based on 15A NCAC 2B.0206. Effective April 6, 2016, NC began implementation of dissolved metals criteria in the RPA process in accordance with guidance titled NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards, dated June 10, 2016. The current permit included monitoring for various metals to evaluate the impact from FCD wastewaters. A reasonable potential analysis was performed for arsenic, cadmium, chlorides, sulfates and thallium. A r asonable potential analysis was conducted on effluent toxicant data collected between January 2011 and May 2016. Pollutants of concern for the decant wastewater included toxicants with positive detections and a^.,ociated water quality standards/criteria. None of the parameters presented reasonable potential. TOXICITY TESTING: Current Requirement: Outfall 002 Chronic P/F @ 7.14% using Ceriodaphnia Recommended Requirement: Outfall 002 Chronic P/F @ 7.7% using Ceriodaphnia Instr am waste concentration is based on the maximum monthly flow during the previous permit eyele, This facility has passed 21 out of 21 toxicity tests during previous permit cycle. Mercury Evaluation: Table 3. Mercury Data Evaluation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 tt of Samples - 18 1-2 42 13 1-2 Annual Average, ng/L 3.1 1.8 1.7 1.5 14 Maximum Value, ng/L 11.30 3.50 340 3,90 2.30 TBEL, ng/L - 47 WQBEL, L 159.1 ng/ Annual averages are below the TBEL and WQBEL, no limit is required for mercury. Table 1. Monitoring Requirements/Propo.,cd Changes Outfall 002 Parameter Flow T-S requirements I Monitor Monitor 30 mg/1 MA 100 mg/1 DM Changca No changes Daily maximum for TSS changed to 50 mg/L Basin 15A NCAC 2B.0505 MA 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) DM 10 CFn 123 (b) (s,) coat p:te raise ff is discharged through this outfall - - {Formatted: Left Formatted: Left, Right: 0" ▪ - - {Formatted: Left 1 • - - { Formatted: Left ▪ - - {Formatted: Left - - (Formatted: Left • - - ( Formatted: Left - - [Formatted: Left ▪ - - -( Formatted: Left • - - [Formatted: Left Oil & Crease 15 mg/1 MA 20 mg/1 DM No changes, 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) Total iron 1 mg/1 MA 1 mg/1 DM No changes 40 CFR 423.12(b)(5) Only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renewa Major Mod Page 5 - - { Formatted: Normal { Formatted: Normal, Left - - { Formatted: Normal - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal � 1 13 1 1 - - { Formatted: Normal Total cooper Total chromium Total zinc 1 mg/1 MA 1 mg/1 DM Monitoring 101 µg/1 MA 111 µg/ 1 DM 0.2 mg/L MA 0.2 mg/L DM 1.0 mg/L MA 1.0 mg/L DM State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B .0200. Only monitored during discharge of metal cl aning wastes. Water quality limits more stringent than ELC. 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) Total nickel, total silver r�r,.,n�o ester ooeeky Eliminate monitoring Total cadmium Monitor -weekly Monitor Monthly Total selenium, Total arsenic Total thallium, total lead Monthly monitoring Monthly monitoring No requirement Meniter- Mentlly Meniter- Monthly Monitor Monthly Previous permit had monitoring to • evaluate impact from FCD. There is no ELC for these parameters and no reasonable potential to exceed wqs. Maximum predicted concentration greater than 50% of the allowable Pollutant of concern for ash. Total mercury Monitor monthly No changes, Pollutant of concern for ash. Reeasonable potential to exceed EPA .- Pollutant of concern for ash. Total Hardness BOD5 Fecal Coliform No requirement No requirement No requirement Quarterly monitoring 30 mg/ L MA 45 mg/ L DM 200/100 mL MA 400/100 mL DM Collect data for RPA Outfall discharges tr ated domestic wastes Outfall discharges treated domestic wastes Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus pH Quarterly Monitoring 6 to 9 SU No changes, No changes, State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B 00 To meet the requirements of the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, the facility needs to dewater the ash pond by removing the interstitial water and excavate the ash to deposit it in landfills. The facility's highest discharge rate from the dewatering process will be 1 MCD. The facility submitted data for the standing surface water in the ash pond, interstitial water in the ash, and interstitial ash water that was tr ated by filters of various sizes. To introduce a margin of safety the highest m asured concentration of a parameter was used in the RPA. RPA analysis was done for arsenic, cadmium, chlorides, aluminum, TDS, copper, fluoride, lead, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, zinc, barium, .,ulfates and thallium. None of the parameters .,howed rea.,onable potential. This outfall is subject to the ELC in Table 5. These are new limitations promulgated November 3, 2015. The permitter has to meet the limitations as soon as po^.,ible beginning November 1, 2020 but no later than December 31, 2023. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renew lMajor Mod Page 6 l Formatted: Font: Book Antigua Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - -1 Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal (Formatted: Font: Book Antigua Formatted: Normal -( Formatted: Left - - Formatted: Normal Table 5. ELG Outfall 001 Pollutant Monthly ELG PH TSS 6 to 9 SU 100 mg/I 30 mg/I 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (1) 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (11) Oil and grease Total Arsenic Total Mercury 20 mg/I 11 µg/1 788 ng/I 15 mg/I 356 ng/I 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (11) 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) Total Selenium Nitrate/ nitrite 23 µg/l 17 mg/I 12 µg/1 4.1 mg/I 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) 40 CFR 123.13 (g) (1) (i) The new rule establishes compliance dates for the new limitations. Permitter must meet limits as coon as pos.,ible beginning on November 1, 2020 but no later than December 31, 2023. Duke requc.,ted a compliance .,chedule to evaluate, in.,tall and te.,t a new treatment .,ystem with a propo.,ed compliance date of December 31, 2023. Duke estimates 22 months for technology evaluation, engineering design, and citing. 27 months are estimated for procurement, 16 for construction and 15 for startup and optimization. The permit will require compliance by December 31, 2023. Table 6. Monitoring Requirements/Proposed Changes Outfall 004 - Formatted: Normal Formatted: Normal, Left • Formatted: Normal Formatted: Normal • Formatted: Normal • Formatted: Normal fFormatted: Normal Formatted: Normal XFormatted: Normal • Formatted: Left • Formatted: Normal fFormatted: Left • - - -( Formatted: Normal Monitoring requirements Changes Flew TSS Oil and grease Total Arsenic Total Cadmium Monitor Monitor Ne-Monitor Monitor Monitor No changes Limits of 30 mg/1 (MA) and 100 mg/1 (DM) Limits of 15 mg/1 (MA) and 20 mg/1 (DM) Add limits of 11 µg/I daily max and 8 µg/I monthly average Remove monitoring Total Chromium Monitor Remove monitoring Chloride Monitor Remove monitoring 15A NCAC 2B.0505 40 CFR 423.13 (b) (11) 40 CFR 423.13 (b) (11) 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) Internal outfall, not a parameter of concern. Internal outfall, not a parameter of .- concern. Internal outfall, not a parameter of Total Mercury Total Nickel Monitor Monitor Add limits of 788 ng/1 daily max and 356 ng/1 monthly average. Remove monitoring 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) Internal outfall, not a parameter of Total Selenium Total Silver Monitor Monitor Add limits of 23 µg/1 daily max and 12 µg/1 monthly average Rcmovc monitoring 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) Internal outfall, not a parameter of Total Zinc Monitor Remove monitoring Internal outfall, not a parameter of concern. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 7 - - -1 Formatted: Normal, Left - - { Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - { Formatted: Normal - - -( Formatted: Normal - -( Formatted: Normal - - Formatted: Normal - -1 Formatted: Normal - - -1 Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal Nitrate/ Nitrite No monitoring Add limits of 17 mg/1 daily max and 4.4 mg/1 monthly average 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) Proposed Outfalls: n.ttfall 005 rr...., Vast,... ate Tr .t en Syst.. nA/ LS) This new outfall will discharge tr ated process wastewaters from the plant including low volume wastes and cooling tower blowdown. This tr atment system is expected to be in place by the end of 2018. Proposed limits and monitoring requirements are described in Table 7. Table 7. Monitoring Requirements/Limits Proposed Outfall 005 Parameter Flow recittiremen1s Monitor Basis 15A NCAC 2B.0505 Oil & Crease 30 mg/L MA 50 mg/L DM 15 mg/L MA 20 mg/L DM MA 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) DM 40 CFR 423 (b) (9) coal pile runoff is discharged through this outfall 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) Total lion 1 mg/L MA 1 mg/L DM 40 CFR 423.13 (b) (5) Parameter only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes Total Cooper 251 µg/L MA 272 µg/L DM State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200. Parameters only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes. Total Chromium 0.2 mg/L MA 0.2 mg/L DM 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) Total Zinc Total Hardness Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus pH BOD5 Fecal Coliform 1.0 mg/L MA 1.0 mg/L DM Quarterly Monitoring Quarterly Monitoring 6 to 9 SU 30 mg/L MA 45 mg/L DM 200/100 mL MA 400/100 mL DM 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) Collect data for RPJ\ State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B .0200 Outfall discharges tr ated domestic wastes Outfall discharges treated domestic wastes THE Whole Effluent Toxicity Total Cadmium, Total Mercury, Total Selenium, Total Arsenic, Total Thallium 28 µg/ L DM Chronic toxicity test at 3.14°,G State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B .0200 State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200 Only applicable if the decanting and dewatering is discharged through the WWTS Autf-a11-002$ Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renew lMajor Mod Page 8 - { Formatted: Normal - - {Formatted: Left Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal, Left .- - - -( Formatted: Normal Formatted: Normal t - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal • - - -( Formatted: Normal Formatted: Font: Book Antigua t- - - { Formatted: .- - - { Formatted: - - [ Formatted: Normal Normal Normal Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt - X Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt Formatted: Normal - X Formatted: Normal • Formatted: Font: Book Antigua • XFormatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt 1 Formatted: Normal Formatted: Normal • XFormatted: Normal "(Formatted: Font: Book Antigua • XFormatted: Normal XFormatted: Font: Book Antigua • XFormatted: Normal fFormatted: Font: Book Antigua • - - -( Formatted: Normal This outfall will discharge from the Basement Basin only during excessive rain events (100 yr 24 hr rain). The holding cell will collect stormwater runoff from Unit 6, RO reject wastewater, tr ated sanitary wastewater and proce:r and stormwater from Unit 5. Table 8. Monitoring Requirements/Limits Proposed Outfall 002B Parameter Flow Limits/A4enitering requirements Monitor Basin 15A NCAC 2B.0505 w TSS Oil & Crease 30 mg/L MA 100 mg/L DM 15 mg/L MA 20 mg/L DM 40 CFR 423.12(b)(3) 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) Total iron 1 mg/L MA 1 mg/L DM 40 CFR 423.13 (b) (5) Parameter only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes Total cooper pH BOD5 Fecal Coliform 251 µg/ L MA 272 µg/ L DM 6 to 9 SU 30 mg/L MA 45 mg/L DM 200/100 mL MA 400/100 mL DM State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200. Parameters only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes. State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200 Outfall discharges treated domestic wastes Outfall discharges treated domestic wastes Whole Effluent Toxicity Acute episodic test State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200 And-all-002E This outfall will discharge from the proposed Holding Basin only during excessive rain events (100 yr 24 hr rain). The holding cell will collect stormwater, coal pile runoff, gypsum pile runoff and lime.,tone .,torage area runoff and flows from the Basement Ba.,in auxiliary ba.,in (.,tormwater runoff from Unit 6, RO reject wastewater, treated sanitary wastewater and prose.,., and .,tormwater from Unit 5). Table 9. Monitoring Requirements/Limits Proposed Outfall 002C Parameter LimitsiAlenitering requirement Basis Flow Monitor 15A NCAC 2B.0505 TSS Oil & Crease Total lion Total Cooper 30 mg/L MA 50 mg/L DM 15 mg/L MA 20 mg/L DM 1 mg/L MA 1 mg/L DM 102 µg/ L MA 111 µg/ L DM MA 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) DM 40 CFR 423 (b) (9) coal pile runoff is discharged through this outfall 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) 40 CFR 423.13 (b) (5) Parameter only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200. Parameters only monitored during discharge of metal cleaning wastes. pH BOD5 6 to 9 SU 30 mg/L MA State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200 Outfall discharges treated domestic wastes Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renew lMajor Mod Page 9 - - -(Formatted: Normal, Left • - - --(Formatted: Normal -( Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal • - - -(Formatted: Normal • - - -(Formatted: Normal • - - --(Formatted: Normal -( Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal .- - -( Formatted: Normal • - - --(Formatted: Normal • - - { Formatted: Normal, Left t- - { Formatted: Normal { Formatted: Normal - - Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal • -( Formatted: Normal 45 mg/L DM Fecal Coliform 200/100 mL MA 400/100 mL DM Outfall discharges tr ated domestic wastes Whole Effluent Toxicity Acute episodic test State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200 Outcans Inn and 106 ..trusted ut alla. t - - -( Formatted: Normal .- - - -( Formatted: Normal Two constructed seeps, Outfalls 104 and 106, discharge from the ash basin into the Broad River .- (104) and an UT to the Broad River (106). A Special Order by Consent ("Special Order"), EMC SOC 17 009, alto addres.,es Outfalls 104 and 106. In this Special Order, these outfalls are called "engineered seeps." Duke Energy shall follow the requirements of the Special Order with regard to these engineered seeps, including but not limited to the requirement that if any of the engineered seeps arc not di.,positioncd (as described in EMC SOC 17 009 § 2(c)(3)) following decanting of the ash basins (as described in EMC SOC 17 009 § 1(a)) at Rogers Energy Complex, Duke Energy shall Rogers Energy Complex Station describing how any of the non dispositioned engineered seeps will be remediated in a manner sufficient to protect public h alth, safety, and welfare, the environment, and natural re.,ources (as described in EMC SOC 17 009 § 2(d)1 Table 10. Toc drains Coordinates and As.,igned Outfall Numbers ID Latitude Longitude Outfall number S1 'O?" 104 35°13'3.5" A'°^ S 6 13' 6.3 44' 53.7" 106 35° 81° RPA Seeps A RPA was conducted for the seeps. RPA was conducted for total arsenic, cadmium, chlorides, total chromium, total copper, total l ad, total boron, total mercury, total molybdenum, total nickel, was 0.032 mgd. The maximum flow recorded for toe drain 106 was 0.164 mgd. The flows were multiplied by a factor of safety of 10 for the RPA. Ba.,ed on the RPA Outfall 106 include limits for total aluminum and total din olved .,olids. These outfalls will have monitoring requirements for fluoride, total mercury, total barium, total iron, total manganese, total zinc, total arsenic, total cadmium, total chromium, total copper, total 1 ad, total nickel, and total selenium, chlorides, nitrate/nitrite, total d.'.,olved solids, hardness, turbidity, conductivity and limits as described in Table 11. Table 11. Monitoring Requirements Proposed Toc Drain Outfalls Monitoring: Parameter Flow pH TSS Oil & Cr ase reEtulrementsUtnitsiMeR4tefiftgdiillt Monitor 6.0 to 9.0 S.U. 30 mg/1 MA 100 mg/1 DM 15 mg/1 MA 20 mg/1 DM - - { Formatted: Normal - - ( Formatted: Left - - { Formatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal, Left t , , { Formatted: Font: 11 pt • --(Formatted: Font: 11 pt { Formatted: Normal, Left { Formatted: Normal, Left { Formatted: Font: 11 pt Formatted: Font: 11 pt fFormatted: Normal - - { Formatted: Normal, Left { Formatted: Normal 15A NCAC 2B.0505 - -{ Formatted: Normal State WQ .,tandards,15A NCAC 2B .0200 -4-- - {Formatted: Normal 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) Formatted: Normal 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) - - { Formatted: Normal Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent v lMajor Mod Page 10 - - { Formatted: Normal 316(b) REQUIREMENTS The permitter shall comply with the Cooling Water Intake Structure Rule per 40 CFR 125.95. The Division approved the facility reque.,t for an alternative .,chedule in accordance with 40 CFR 125.95(a)(2). The permitter shall submit all the materials required by the Rule with the next renewal application. The rule requires the Director to establish interim BTA requirements in the permit on a site specific basis based on the Director's best professional judgment in accordance with §125.90(b) and 40 CFR 401.14. The existing closed cycle system at REC is one of the pre approved compliance alternatives for impingement in accordance with §125.94(c)(1). EPA also considered it as a pre approved BTA for entrainment, but excluded it from the rule due to the cost concerns. Based on this information the DEQ has determined that the existing closed cycle cooling system meets the requirements for an interim BTA. 316 (a) CWA The thermal variance and temperature mixing zone once included in the permit for outfall 002 is no longer applicable. The special conditions referring to the variance and mixing zone were eliminated. FISH TISSUE STUDIES The facility performed fish tissue analysis for arsenic, selenium and mercury as required by the permit. The Division reviewed the information and concluded that all the fish tissue levels reported are below the Department of H alth screening values. INSTREAM MONITORING The current permit did not require instream monitoring. The proposed permit will require monthly up.,trctiam and down.,tream monitoring for total ar.,enic, total .,clenium, total mercury, total total hardness (as CaCO3), temperature, turbidity, and total dissolved solids (TDS). SUMMARY OF CHANGES: 1. Eliminated outfall 002A since it has been shut down. 2. Added effluent pages for outfalls 002B, 002C and 005. 3. A separate effluent page for the dewatering of the ash ponds (Outfall 002) was added to the permit. PI ase see Special Condition A. (2) 4. Special Condition A. (24) Section 316(b) of CWA was updated to reflect the new regulations. 5. Special Condition A. (8) Section 316(a) Thermal Variance in the old permit was eliminated since the facility no longer requires a thermal variance. 6. Special Condition A. (26) Ash Pond Closure was added to the permit to facilitate the decommissioning of the ash ponds. 7. Special Condition A. (13) Instr am Monitoring was added to the permit to monitor the impact of the discharges on the receiving str am. 8. Special Condition A. (25) Applicable State Law was added to the permit to meet the requirements of Senate Bill 729 (Coal Ash Management Act). 9. Special Condition A. (23) Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant was added to the permit to as.,ure compliance with the 40 CFR 133.102. 10. Special Condition A. (28) Electronic Reporting was added to the permit describing requirements for electronic reporting of DMRs. Starting December 21, 2016, federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and specify that, if a state Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Renew lMajor Mod Page 11 Formatted: Line spacing: single, Tab stops: Not at 0.25 + 0.63" + 3.18" + 3.81" + 6" - - - Formatted: Line spacing: single, Tab stops: Not at 0.25 + 0.63" + 3.18" + 3.81" + 6" 'f Formatted: Normal, Widow/Orphan control - Formatted: Font: Book Antigua, 11 pt Formatted: Right: 0", No bullets or numbering does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 11. Special Condition A. (29) Notification of Start up Outfall 005 was added to the permit. Changes to the September 21, 2016 draft permit: - - { Formatted: Right: 0" 1. St am Electric ELG In September 2017, the EPA delayed the implementation date for .- - - Formatted: Normal, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering effluent guidelines for the St am Electric Power Generating Point Source Category to allow time to revise some of the BAT limitations for FGD wastewaters and bottom ash transport water. The arlicst compliance date for the FGD wastewater in §123.13(g)(1)(i) and for the bottom ash transport water in §123.13(k)(1)(i) were delayed from November 1, 2018 to November 1, 2020. A rcopener was, added to outfall 004 .,pacifying that the Division may reopen the permit to implement limits a., revised in the ELC.,. 2. Seeps Discharges Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfalls 102,103, 110, 111, 113,114, 115, 116, 117, 121, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, and 132 were eliminated from the draft permit transmitted on September 21, 2016. The seeps will be covered under a Special Order by Conocnt. Constructed seeps 104 and 106 will remain in the permit. 3. Added monitoring for lead and TDS for dewatering and decanting in rcoponoc to EPA - - - { Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering comments. 4. The footnote under outfall 002 requiring physical/chemical treatment was modified to allow the installation of tr atment if it is necessary. 5. A statement was added to condition A. (6) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for outfall 005 to require submittal of Form 2C Parts V and VI within 180 days of commencement of operations. 6. Special conditions for inotream sampling and fish tio.,uc monitoring were modified to clarify requirements (Sec A. (13) and A. (14)). 7. The mixing zone for outfall 002 was removed from the permit. Recent data chows that the temperature standard is not exceeded at outfall 002. The Division does not consider that the mixing zone in the current permit is justified since the conditions arc different from when the mixing zone was established. 8. Added limits for 126 pollutants for outfall 005 since this outfall will discharge the cooling tower-blowdown, 9. The groundwater monitoring well construction and sampling condition was eliminated from the permit. 10. Special condition A. (30) Compliance Boundary was added to the permit. 11. The groundwater compliance boundary map was added to the permit. Outfall 005 Temperature Mixing Zone: Duke requested a mixing zone for temperature for Outfall 005. Outfall 005 is a proposed outfall that will discharge among other flows, the cooling tower blowdown. A Cormix analysis was developed to evaluate a mixing zone. Both summer and winter conditions were considered in the analysis. The model was run under conservative a^.,umption such as the use of maximum design flow rate of 6 MGD for both summer and winter and a sensitivity analysis resulted in the use of the most conservative river depth. Summer Analysis The summer maximum effluent discharge temperature was estimated as 100°F. Maximum ambient temperature was recorded as 86.3°F. Winter Analysis The winter maximum effluent discharge temperature was estimated as 93.7°F. The minimum ambient temperature was 35.5°F. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 12 t- - - { Formatted: Normal The temperature water quality standard has two components: not to exceed 2.8 °C (5.04 °F) above natural background and not to exceed 32 °C (89.6 °F). The critical condition modeled for the summer was the maximum temperature. The critical condition modeled for the winter was the temperature exceedance over background conditions. The model includes the following ac.,umptions/ inputs: gulf-all-005 Flow 6 MCD Max summer temperature Max winter temperature Outfall structure 100 °F 93.7 °F 36" pipe followed by 10 feet wide rip rap channel Summer 7Q10 287 cfc Winter 7Q10 440 cfc Summer max temperature Winter min temperature 86,31F 35.5 °F Summer AT 3.3 °F Winter AT 58.2 °F River width 200 ft (60.9 m) River depth Model results: 2.5 ft Mi hig Zene nt,tm . Taal (y) Dilution Summer 130 m (426.8 ft) 37 m (121.4 ft) 471 Winter 145 m (476 ft) 24.5 m (80.4 ft) 10.8 A mixing zone will be implemented comprising a distance of 145 meters downotr am of the outfall and 37 meters wide. The mixing zone length is maximized for the winter condition and the width is, maximized for the .,ummer condition. For both .,ummer and winter conditions the effluent i- buoyant providing for passage of fish through the mixing zone. The mixing zone shall not result in acute toxicity, prevent free passage of aquatic organisms, result in offensive conditions, produce undesirable aquatic life or result in a dominance of nuisance species outside of the assigned mixing zone; or endanger the public h alth or welfare. Temperature monitoring will be implemented upstream and downstream at the edge of the mixing zone to evaluate compliance with the temperature criteria outside of the mixing zone and to verify the model predictions. If model predictions arc not validated the permit will be reopened to implement more stringent requirements. • - - -Formatted: Left ▪ - -Formatted: Left • { Formatted: Left - Formatted: Left The permit includes requirements to submit a mixing zone verification study and an assessment to verify that the mixing zone does not prevent the pa --age of fish around the mixing zone. The ac.,ec.,ment would include a biological component but is not intended to be a full BIP demonstration due to the greatly reduced area of the hi.,toric thermal mixing zone. The .,tudy is intended to confirm the projected impacts of the discharge that were presented in the CORMIX model. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 13 PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: May 2, 2018 Permit Scheduled to I:rue: June 16, 2018 NPDES DIVISION CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Teresa Rodriguez at (919) 807 6387. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 14 t - - -( Formatted: Normal { Formatted: Left, Tab stops: Not at 2.5 { Formatted: Normal, Left r---{ Formatted: Normal 3 t- - - { Formatted: Left, Right: 0" Modifications included in the final permit: 1. The discharge from Outfall 106 was reclac.,ified as discharging to a UT to the Broad River. The RPA was reviGed which re.,ulted in the implementation of limits for TDS and aluminum. 2. Sampling frequency for metals during dewatering was modified to weekly. Total bromide monitoring was added to the monitoring requirements. 3. Sampling frequency for total arsenic, total mercury and total selenium during decanting was modified to weekly. Total bromide monitoring was added to the monitoring requirements. 1. A footnote was added for the decanting and dewatering effluent pages that requires the facility to discontinue the discharge if pollutant levels r ach 85 % of the allowable concentrations and to report the event to the Division. 5. Footnote 8 for outfall 005 was modified to clarify that monthly monitoring is required during normal operations and during decanting. In addition, the fecal coliform sample type was changed to grab. 6. The downstr am sample location for the instr am monitoring required by special condition A.(13) was modified to approximately 250 meters from the discharge. 7. Special condition A.(24) was modified to require the .,ubmittal of materials required by the 316(b) rule by 3.5 years from the i:ruancc of the permit and to add language stating that the Division determined that operating and maintaining the existing Closed cycle recirculating system meets the requirements for an interim BTA. 8. The Division evaluated the schedule of compliance for the FGD limits and determined that Duke did not provide sufficient justification to delay the completion of the project until December 31, 2023. The compliance date was modified to December 31, 2021. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005088 Rent i lMajor Mod Page 15 Formatted: Font: Book Antigua Formatted: Normal, Left, No bullets or numbering - - { Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"