HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201347 Ver 1_UPDATE?FINAL STREAM Impacts_20210617Strickland, Bev From: Megan Bollero <megan@cws-inc.net> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 9:20 AM To: Johnson, Alan Subject: Re: [External] Re: [Non-DoD Source] Lower Coddle Creek Interceptor (SAW-2021-00521) Attachments: Attachment E_RevisedlmpactTable.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Alan, I have attached the revised impact table. Thanks, Megan Bollero On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 9:00 AM Johnson, Alan <alan.johnson@ncdenr.gov> wrote: If you will also provide the revised stream impacts Thanks Alan DWR Division of Water Resources Alan D Johnson — Senior Environmental Specialist NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Regional Operations 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 i Phone: (704) 235-2200 Fax: (704) 663-6040 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Megan Bollero [mailto:megan@cws-inc.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 3:54 PM To: Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Crystal.C.Amschler@usace.army.mil> Cc: Johnson, Alan <alan.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Re: [Non-DoD Source] Lower Coddle Creek Interceptor (SAW-2021-00521) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Crystal, I have received responses to your questions and have listed their answers below in red. - will the construction corridor be maintained at 40' within the entire project corridor, or at least in wetland and stream impact areas, or was the revision only at stream impact locations? The construction corridor will not be maintained at 40' along the entire project. Where the proposed alignment crosses wetlands and streams we will add notes to address the need to limit the construction corridor to 40' at those select locations. - If stream impacts have been revised then there should be revised plans that reflect those changes. Please provide the revised plans. They should have the revised plans by Monday - Krysta's previous request for additional information she requested clarification on the project purpose. You indicated the following: "The purpose of this project is to increase sewer capacity to this area. The existing sewer line will be left in place and remain active and the new sewer line will be installed parallel to the existing line." The PCN provides the 2 following information regarding the purpose: "The Lower Coddle Creek Interceptor project involves installing a new sewer line running along Coddle Creek. The proposed sewer line will be placed next to an existing deteriorating sewer line that will be abandoned. This project will provide for future wastewater needs in Cabarrus County." This information is contradictory. Can you please clarify if the old line will be abandon or if it will remain active They new sewer line will run parallel to the existing sewer, and the existing one will remain in place and active. -Assuming that the most recent information is correct and that the line is to increase capacity; what is the need for the increase in capacity? Is the line being constructed to service existing residential development or is it being built to service new development that is coming to the area? The Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) needs to install a parallel large diameter sanitary sewer main in order to provide additional capacity for the existing sanitary sewer main. Anticipated industrial development at the old Philip Morris plant and population growth within Cabarrus County are the drivers for this project -And lastly, typically with utility line projects, there should be information identifying what each end of the line is tying in to in order to establish a single and complete project and better understand the purpose. As such, please provide some information on the end and beginning points of the sewer line and why this line is a single and complete project in itself. At the downstream end of the project, reconfiguration of the existing sewer is required to accommodate the connection of the proposed 48-inch sewer. The connection points, as shown on sheet SS-2 and SS-3, tie into two existing manholes which combine sewer flow at a downstream 60-inch main. Additionally, the two existing manholes will need to be removed and replaced within the same position due to internal corrosion and the expense associated with coring into the manhole wall to make the new pipe connections. The upstream connection point will require the installation of a diversion structure (labeled #105 on plan sheet SS-31) over top of the existing 30-inch sanitary sewer main. The diversion structure will allow WSACC to set a weir elevation in which sanitary sewer flow will be diverted from the existing 30-inch main into the proposed 36-inch main. This will provide capacity relief to the existing 30-inch main. As part of the installation of the diversion structure, the 30-inch main extending from the diversion structure to the existing manhole 010288 upstream will be removed and replaced with a 36-inch diameter pipe in order to match the existing sewer main size upstream of manhole 010288 Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Megan Bollero 3 On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 4:31 PM Megan Bollero <megan@cws-inc.net> wrote: Hi Crystal, I will reach out to the engineer to get these questions answered and I will get back to you. In regards to the Schweinitz's sunflower I wanted to see if you wanted us to coordinate with USFWS or if you wanted to. Thanks, Megan Bollero On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 3:48 PM Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Crystal.C.Amschler@usace.army.mil> wrote: Hi Megan, I've reviewed the original submittal and the new information provided and I do have a couple more questions. It looks like that subsequent to meeting with Alan on site, the construction corridor was reduced to just 40' wide. This is consistent with NWP 58 which requires work corridors to be no more than 40' unless justification for a larger corridor is provided. With the additional information you provided revised stream impact tables to reflect these changes. My questions/comments are as follows: 1. will the construction corridor be maintained at 40' within the entire project corridor, or at least in wetland and stream impact areas, or was the revision only at stream impact locations? 2. If stream impacts have been revised then there should be revised plans that reflect those changes. Please provide the revised plans. Regarding the purpose of the projects: 1. Krysta's previous request for additional information she requested clarification on the project purpose. You indicated the following: "The purpose of this project is to increase sewer capacity to this area. The existing sewer line will be left in place and remain active and the new sewer line will 4 be installed parallel to the existing line." The PCN provides the following information regarding the purpose: "The Lower Coddle Creek Interceptor project involves installing a new sewer line running along Coddle Creek. The proposed sewer line will be placed next to an existing deteriorating sewer line that will be abandoned. This project will provide for future wastewater needs in Cabarrus County." This information is contradictory. Can you please clarify if the old line will be abandon or if it will remain active. 2. Assuming that the most recent information is correct and that the line is to increase capacity; what is the need for the increase in capacity? Is the line being constructed to service existing residential development or is it being built to service new development that is coming to the area? 3. And lastly, typically with utility line projects, there should be information identifying what each end of the line is tying in to in order to establish a single and complete project and better understand the purpose. As such, please provide some information on the end and beginning points of the sewer line and why this line is a single and complete project in itself. The PCN you previously submitted to Krysta indicates that there is suitable habitat for the Schweinitz's sunflower within the project corridor, that surveys were done for the sunflower during the optimal survey window and no plants were found and as such, that the project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the Schweinitz's sunflower. I agree with this assessment and as such, I need to conduct informal consultation with FWS to ensure they concur with the not likely to adversely affect determination. The information indicates that the survey was conducted on October 21, 2020. Can you provide a copy of that survey report for me to forward to FWS? Let me know if you have any questions regarding this email and feel free to give me a call if you'd like to discuss anything further. Thanks , Crystal C. Amschler Project Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext 4231 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: 5 http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cmapex/f7p=136:4:0 From: Megan Bollero <megan@cws-inc.net> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 10:13 AM To: Johnson, Alan <alan.johnson@ncdenr.gov>; Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Crystal.C.Amschler@usace.army.mil>; Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven. L. Kichefski @usace. army. mi l> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Lower Coddle Creek Interceptor (SAW-2021-00521) Hello All, I just wanted to make sure everyone received the additional information I sent for the Lower Coddle Creek Interceptor project (SAW-2021-00521) on April 30 and see if I could get clarification as to which USACE PM is handling this project. Thanks, Megan Bollero, WPIT Project Scientist Carolina Wetland Services Inc. 550 E Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 Cell:(757)-576-6433 www.cws.net 6 Megan Bollero, WPIT Project Scientist Carolina Wetland Services Inc. 550 E Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 Cell:(757)-576-6433 www.cws.net Megan Bollero, WPIT Project Scientist Carolina Wetland Services Inc. 550 E Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 Cell:(757)-576-6433 www.cws.net Megan Bollero, WPIT Project Scientist Carolina Wetland Services Inc. 550 E Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 Cell:(757)-576-6433 www.cws.net 3/10/2021 Submission Completed 2h. Comments: Permanent wetland impacts are the result of converting forested wetland to herbaceous for the utility -line maintenance easement. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. "S." will be used in the table below to represent the word "stream". 3a. Reason for 3b.lmpact 3c. Type of 3d. S. name* 3e. Stream 3f. Type of 3g. S. 3h. impact* M type* impact* Type* M Jurisdiction width* Impact length S1 Permanent Permane Culvert Stream R Intermitten Corps 3 20 crossing nt t Average (linear (feet) feet) S2 Construction Temporar Fill Stream R Intermitten Corps 3 40 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S3 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream R Intermitten Corps 3 107 restoration nt Stabilization t Average (linear (feet) feet) S4 Construction Temporar Fill Stream Q Intermitten Corps 2 70 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S5 Construction Temporar Fill Stream P Intermitten Corps 6 75 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S6 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream P Intermitten Corps 6 151 restoration nt Stabilization t Average (linear (feet) feet) S7 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) 38 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 148 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Form/Submit 13/25 3/10/2021 Submission Completed Sg Permanent Permane Culvert Stream N Perennial Corps 3 20 crossing nt Average (linear J (feet) feet) S1 Construction Temporar Fill Stream N Perennial Corps 3 50 disturbance y Average (linear � j (feet) feet) S11 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream N Perennial Corps 3 130 restorarion nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S1 Construction Temporar Fill Stream M Intermitten Corps 2 60 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) SIJ Construction Temporar Fill Stream L Intermitten Corps 2 70 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S1 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) SIji Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 140 restorarion nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S1 f i Construction Temporar Fill Stream K Intermitten Corps 4 75 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S1 1, Construction Temporar Fill Stream J Perennial Corps 4 75 disturbance y Average (linear J(feet) feet) S111 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream J Perennial Corps 4 150 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S1 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 80 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S20 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 160 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Form/Submit 14/25 3/10/2021 Submission Completed S2 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear J (feet) feet) S22 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 140 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S23 Construction Temporar Fill Stream I Intermitten Corps 4 58 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S24 Permanent Permane Fill Stream I Intermitten Corps 4 12 crossing nt t Average (linear (feet) feet) S25 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S2 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 175 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S2 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S21I Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 150 restorarion nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S29 Construction Temporar Fill Stream G Intermitten Corps 4 18 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S3 Permanent Permane Fill Stream G Intermitten Corps 4 12 crossing nt t Average (linear (feet) feet) S3 Construction Temporar Fill Stream G Intermitten Corps 4 10 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S3 'Permanent Permane Culvert Stream G Intermitten Corps 4 20 crossing nt t Average (linear (feet) feet) https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Form/Submit 15/25 3/10/2021 Submission Completed S33 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear J (feet) feet) S34 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 155 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear � � (feet) feet) SM Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S31I Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 145 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S3 Construction Temporar Fill Stream D Intermitten Corps 2 50 disturbance y t Average (linear (feet) feet) S3 Permanent Permane Culvert Stream D Intermitten Corps 2 20 croSSing nt t Average (linear (feet) feet) S39 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 170 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S40 Construction Temporar Fill Stream BB Perennial Corps 3 18 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S41 Permanent Permane Fill Stream BB Perennial Corps 3 12 crossing nt Average (linear i (feet) feet) S4 'Construction Temporar Fill Stream E Perennial Corps 30 90 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S43 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream E Perennial Corps 30 180 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S44 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Form/Submit 16/25 3/10/2021 Submission Completed S4 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 156 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S46 Construction Temporar Fill Stream C Perennial Corps 4 63 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) SO Permanent Permane Fill Stream C Perennial Corps 4 12 crossing nt Average (linear (feet) feet) S41I Stream bank Permane Bank Stream C Perennial Corps 4 235 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S49 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 75 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S50 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 177 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S5 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 75 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 160 t restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S53 Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 70 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S54 Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 120 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) S51i Construction Temporar Fill Stream B Perennial Corps 40 60 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S5fi Stream bank Permane Bank Stream B Perennial Corps 40 127 restoration nt Stabilization Average (linear (feet) feet) https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Form/Submit 17/25 3/10/2021 Submission Completed S5 Construction Temporar Fill Stream A Perennial Corps 3 20 disturbance y Average (linear (feet) feet) S511 Permanent Permane Fill Stream A Perennial Corps 3 12 crossing nt Average (linear (feet) feet) ** All Perennial or Intermittent streams must be verified by DWR or delegated local government. 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 31. Total permanent stream impacts: 3,216 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 1,762 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 4988 3j. Comments: Temporary stream impacts are the result of open cut sewer crossings and dewatering devices. Permanent impacts are the result of stream bank restoration, bank stabilization, and permanent crossings via culverts and at grade crossings. Total loss of waters is 80 If. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Form/Submit 18/25