HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00140_CEI_20210611 SENT VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY: NO HARD COPY WILL BE MAILED. June 11, 2021 Timothy Barth, Town Manager Email: manager@columbusnc.com Town of Columbus SUBJECT: Compliance Inspection Report Columbus Collection System Collection System Permit No. WQCS00140 Polk County Dear Permittee: The North Carolina Division of Water Resources conducted an inspection of the Columbus Collection System on 5/11/2021. This inspection was conducted to verify that the facility is operating in compliance with the conditions and limitations specified in Collection System Permit No. WQCS00140. The findings and comments noted during this inspection are provided in the enclosed copy of the inspection report entitled "Compliance Inspection Report". If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-296-4686 or via email at mikal.willmer@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Mikal Willmer, Environmental Specialist II Water Quality Regional Operations Section Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ATTACHMENTS: inspection report Ec: LF Jason Phillips, ORC DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Compliance Inspection Report Permit:WQCS00140 Effective:02/01/15 Expiration:01/31/23 Owner :Town of Columbus SOC: Contact Person: Region: County: Directions to Facility: Polk Asheville Jonathan Kanipe Effective:Expiration:Facility:Columbus Collection System PO Box 146 Columbus NC 287220146 Title:Phone:828-894-8236 Secondary ORC(s): 828-894-8236Phone:990185Certification:Jason Howard PhillipsPrimary ORC: CS1,System Classifications: On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: NC0021369 Town of Columbus - Columbus WWTP Secondary Inspector(s): Primary Inspector: Inspection Date:Exit Time:Entry Time: Phone: 05/11/2021 10:00AM 01:00PM Mikal Willmer 828-296-4686 Stephanie A Williams Facility Status: Permit Inspection Type: Reason for Inspection:Inspection Type: Not CompliantCompliant Routine Collection system management and operation Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions General Sewer & FOG Ordinances Capital Improvement Plan Map Reporting Requirements Inspections Spill Response Plan Spills Lines Manholes Pump Stations (See attachment summary) Page 1 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQCS00140 05/11/2021 Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Town of Columbus Routine Inspection Summary: Mikal Willmer and Stephanie Williams, with the Asheville Regional Office, conducted a compliance evaluation inspection of the Town of Columbus' collection system on May 11, 2021. This inspection was conducted to determine whether the system is being operated and maintained in compliance permit no. WQCS00140. Jason Phillips, ORC, was present and assisted in the inspection. The facility was found to be compliant at the time of the inspection. Please review the comments and recommendations noted during the inspection. SUO: The Town's sewer use ordinance allows for the regulation and enforcement of grease traps throughout the collection system. Mr. Phillips stated he is generating a form for facilities to fill out and submit showing proof of routine grease trap maintenance. As a reminder, it is within the Towns authority to establish and enforce a required minimum cleaning schedule of grease traps. CIP: Town is in the process of finalizing their 10-year CIP (2018-2029). The Draft document was provided to ARO staff after the inspection. Map: Map is housed in local GIS software. All manholes, lines and pump stations are visually represented. The Town will need to add taps and the most recent sewer line project when they obtain updated software. Please note, if the Town does not want to invest in new GIS software, a system wide map can be created and maintained onsite. The requirements of system maps can be found within the Town's collection system permit. Pump Stations: All pump stations are being checked as required by permit. The Hospital Lift station and BP lift station alarms and pump were operable at the time of the inspection. The hospital lift station had significant grease build up, but floats still appeared to be operable. Corrosion was occurring within the wetwell and on the wetwell hatch. This should continue to be monitored to prevent equipment failure. Please note, the Town will need to take steps to further enforce their grease trap ordinance if this station continues to receive excessive amounts of grease. The wet well should be placed on a more frequent cleaning schedule until the issues upstream are resolved. Last documented grease removal appeared to be in August. Mr. Phillips indicated they are in discussion to upgrade the LS this coming year and are revising grease trap monitoring requirements. Annual Report: Flows are currently under 0.2 MGD. Should annual average flows increase over 0.20 MGD, an annual permofance report for the collection system and WWTP will be required and will need to be distributed to system customers. Page 2 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQCS00140 05/11/2021 Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Town of Columbus Routine General Yes No NA NE Is there a properly designated primary ORC and at least one back-up of proper grade? Are logs being reviewed by the system management or owner on a regular basis? # What is that frequency?Weekly # Are there any issues being addressed currently or any in the planning stages? Is there a specific pump failure plan available for all pump stations? Does plan indicate if pump parts/new pumps are in spare parts/equipment inventory? Are new/significantly upgraded pump stations equipped with anti-corrosion materials? Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? # Is permit expiring within the next 6 months? If Yes, has the Permittee applied for renewal? Columbus Public Works staff has reduced from eight employees down to three. The Public works director is also the back-up ORC. Mr. Phillips indicated they routinely discuss system issues and projects. Comment: Sewer and FOG Ordinances Yes No NA NE Is Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) or other Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is there a Grease Control Program that legally requires grease control devices? What is the standard grease trap cleaning requirement in the FOG ordinance?Inspect monthly and pump as necessary Is Grease Control Program enforced via periodic inspections/records review? Is action taken against violators? # Have satellite systems adopted an equivalent or more stringent ordinance? Is grease/sewer education program documented with req'd customer distribution? # Are other types of education tools used like websites, booths, special meetings, etc? If Yes, what are they? (This can reduce mailing to annual.) FOGs education is posted on the Town's website and sent out with customer bills. The Town is now using "Nixle" for open communication with Town residents. Town staff report that all new commercial customers are required to have grease traps or grease interceptors. Additionally, the Town is working on a form for users to submit showing proof of pumping. Additional enforcement action will be taken as necessary in accordance with the Town's "Grease and Oil Control" ordinance. Currently, the Town has not reported any major obstructions to their lines from excessive grease discharges. Grease is primarily seen entering the system from homeowners. FOGs education is sent to targeted areas when/where grease is noted in the collection system. Comment: Capital Improvement Plan Yes No NA NE Has a Capital (CIP) or System Improvement Plan been developed and adopted? Is it designated for wastewater only or does it have a dedicated section? Page 3 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQCS00140 05/11/2021 Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Town of Columbus Routine Does CIP cover three to five year period of earmarked improvements? Does CIP include description of project area? Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Does CIP include known deficiencies? Does CIP include forecasted future needs? The Town is in the process of adopting the CIP which covers 2018 to 2029 (draft reviewed after inspection). Previously adopted CIP went through 18-19. Comment: Map Yes No NA NE Is there a overall sewer system map? Does the map include: Pipe Type (GS/FM) Pipe sizes Pipe materials (PVC, DIP, etc) Pipe location Flow direction Approximate pipe age Pump station ID, location and capacity # Force main air release valve location & type # Location of satellite connections Is the map being updated for changes/additions within 1 year of activation? The Golden Leaf Grant project was just completed and needs to be updated within the ArcGIS map of the system. CS staff indicated the Town was searching for a company to update their GIS system or change software. See summary for additional details and recommendations. Comment: Reporting Requirements Yes No NA NE # Have there been any sewer spills in the past 3 years? If Yes, were they reported to the Division if meeting the reportable criteria? If applicable, is there documentation of press releases and public notices issued? Is an Annual Wastewater Performance Report being filed with the Division, if required? Is the report being made available to all its sewer customers? # How is it being made available? Flows to the wastewater treatment plant are currently under 200,000 gallons per day. Please note, should annual averages flows begin to exceed this threshold, the Town will be required to begin distributing an system annual report. Comment: Inspections Yes No NA NE Are adequate maintenance records maintained? Are pump stations being inspected at the required frequency? # Is at least one complete functionality test conducted weekly per pump station? Page 4 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQCS00140 05/11/2021 Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Town of Columbus Routine Is there a system or plan in place to observe the entire system annually? Is the annual inspection documented? # Does the system have any high-priority lines/locations? Are inspections of HPL documented at least every 6 months? Are new lines being added to the HPL list when found or created? The ORC is currently recording the required elements for inspections and routinely checking LS functions. Currently these are kept in a planner for ease of recording during daily maintenance activities. Recommend transferring the required maintenance activities to a central and standardized location to ensure HPLs, ROW clearings, pump station checks etc. are being completed at the required frequency. Comment: Spill Response Action Plan Yes No NA NE Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers Response time Equipment list and spare parts inventory Access to cleaning equipment Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Does the Permittee appear to respond within 2 hours of first knowledge of a spill? Columbus historically has had very few SSO within the system, but appear to respond as soon as possible. Please review and update any personnel contacts within the spill response plan. Comment: Spills Yes No NA NE Is system free of known points of bypass? If No, describe type of bypass and location Are all spills or sewer related issues/complaints documented? # Are there repeated overflows/problems (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? # If Yes, is there a corrective action plan? Customer complaints are documented on work order forms and retained by public works staff.Comment: Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aerial Lines Yes No NA NE Please list the Lines/Right of Ways/Aerial Lines Inspected: HPL crossing horse creek near BP Lift Station (highest flow LS). Are right-of-ways/easements maintained for full width for access by staff/equipment? If No, give details on temporary access: Is maintenance documented? Page 5 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQCS00140 05/11/2021 Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Town of Columbus Routine Are gravity sewer cleaning records available? Has at least 10% of lines older than 5 yrs been cleaned annually? Were all areas/lines inspected free of issues? Town has approximately 18 miles of sewer line. Records indicated at least 10% of lines are being cleaned annually. Comment: Manholes Yes No NA NE Please list the Manholes Inspected: Walker St. and Peak St. Manholes. Are manholes accessible? # Are manhole covers/vents above grade? Are manholes free of visible signs of overflow? Are manholes free of sinkholes and depressions? Are manhole covers present? # Are manholes properly seated? # Are manholes in good condition? # Are inverts in good condition? Is flow unrestricted in manholes? Are manholes free of excessive amounts of grease? Are manholes free of excessive roots? Are manholes free of excessive sand? Are manhole vents screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Manhole covers are at grade. Walker St. manhole receives flow from the BP Lift station. Manhole appeared free of obstructions and showed some signs of corrosion. Peak St. manholes were repaired and realigned. Town moved sewer lines out from under several buildings to increase accessibility. Comment: Pump Stations Yes No NA NE Please list the Pump Stations Inspected: BP & Hospital LS # Number of duplex or larger pump stations in system 5 # Number of vacuum stations in system 0 # Number of simplex pump stations in system 0 # Number of simplex pump stations in system serving more than one building 0 How many pump/vacuum stations have: # A two-way "auto polling" communication system (SCADA) installed?0 # A simple one-way telemetry/communication system (auto-dialer) installed?1 For pump stations inspected: Page 6 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQCS00140 05/11/2021 Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Town of Columbus Routine Are they secure with restricted access? Were they free of by-pass structures/pipes? Were wet wells free of excessive grease/debris? # Do they all have telemetry installed? Is the communication system functional? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted ? Does the sign include: Owner Name? Pump station identifier? # Address? Instructions for notification? 24-hour emergency contact numbers? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? # Is there a backup generator or bypass pump connected? If tested during inspection, did it function properly? Is the back-up system tested at least bi-annually under normal operating conditions? # Does it have a dedicated connection for a portable generator? # Is the owner relying on portable units in the event of a power outage? # If Yes, is there a distribution plan? If Yes, what resources (Units/Staff/Vehicles/etc) are included in Plan? Portable generator at HS lift station has a quick disconnect installed. # Does Permittee have the approved percentage of replacement simplex pumps? Is recordkeeping of pump station inspection and maintenance program adequate? Do pump station logs include at a minimum: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? Inspecting and exercising all valves? Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? Each pump station has a dedicated generator on-site. The BP lift station receives the heaviest flow. Variable speed motors were recently installed. The grinder pump is currently bypassed. The HS lift station receives flow from 70-unit nursing home and the hospital and had excessive grease build up and corrosion. See summary for details. Comment: Page 7 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70F7AAC8-6317-4C0B-8D03-D1F27D5490D0 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 70F7AAC863174C0B8D03D1F27D5490D0 Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: WQCS00140_CEI.ltr.docx, WQCS00140_CEI.insp.pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages: 8 Signatures: 1 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 2 Initials: 2 Mikal Willmer AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) 217 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27699 Mikal.willmer@ncdenr.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original Jun 14, 2021 | 09:46 Holder: Mikal Willmer Mikal.willmer@ncdenr.gov Location: DocuSign Security Appliance Status: Connected Pool: StateLocal Storage Appliance Status: Connected Pool: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Mikal Willmer mikal.willmer@ncdenr.gov Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: Jun 14, 2021 | 09:47 Viewed: Jun 14, 2021 | 09:48 Signed: Jun 14, 2021 | 09:48 Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Stephanie Williams stephanie.williams@ncdenr.gov North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: Jun 14, 2021 | 09:48 Viewed: Jun 14, 2021 | 11:39 Signed: Jun 14, 2021 | 11:40 Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted Jun 14, 2021 | 09:47 Certified Delivered Security Checked Jun 14, 2021 | 11:39 Signing Complete Security Checked Jun 14, 2021 | 11:40 Completed Security Checked Jun 14, 2021 | 11:40 Payment Events Status Timestamps