HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5210602_Property Deed_202106161 .04 Excise Tax Recording 71me, Book and Page Tax Lot No. Parcel Identifier No. Verified by County on the day of 19 by Mail after recording to Randall B. Pridgen DILL, FOUNTAIN, HOYLE & PRIDGEN, L.L.P. This Instrument was pr?pared by Randall 8. Pridgen Brief description for tt.e Index I — NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this day of December '19 94 . by and between GRANTOR Mary F. B. Draper Stephen B. Draper and wife, Jud,,th H. Draper GRANTEE Draper Family Partnership 1213 Alta Vista Lane Rocky Mount, NC 27803 Enter In appropriate block for each party: name, address. and, it appropriate, character of entity, IL, carporation of partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall Include said Parties, their heirs, successors, and designs, and hall Include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. 'in WITNESSETH. that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee In fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated In the City of I Township, NASH County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows - SEE ATTACHED w-447&Aaf "01 '�Llbl A— Fo- 14� 3 0 1976 9) 1977 1 4Z C ...— -­ 0 Paae page 3 .01 PARCEL I BEGINNING at a point in the southern property line of Alta Vista Lane, 192.45 feet easterly from the intersection of the southern property line of Alta Vista Lane with the eastern property line of Glenn Avenue, corner between Lots 1 and 22, Block 0, as shown on map hereinafter referred to; thence with the southern 1roperty line Of Alta Vista Lane, N. 800 44, E. 20.03 feet, u. 05* 7, B. 60 feet to the corner of Lots 21 and 221 thence S. 4* 43' B. 175 feet to the corner between Lots 5, 6, 21 and 221 thence S. 850 171 W. 80 feet to the corner between Lots 2, 4, 5 and 22, thence N. 46 431 W. 173.4 feet to the beginning, being Lot No. 22, Block G, as shown an map of "Section 3, Cedar Brook, owned by R. R. Braswell and others* made by W. F. Beal, February, 1947, and recorded In Map Book 2, Page 109, Rash County Registry, and being the same property conv yed to Hatcher B. Kincheloe by deed dated March 11, 1980, from Oliv: E. Harris, widow, recorded in Book 1060, Page 129, Nash County Registry. Beginning at the southeast corner of the Blanche T. Cummings tract on Turkey Creek, marked by a concrete monument on the North side of -the creek; thence along the line of Blanche T. Cummings and the line of I.H. Hinton and the line of Uvelt Wiggins N. 7 deg. 001 E. 3315 feet to the center of State Road No. 1158t marked by a concrete monument an the South side of the road; thence along the center of State Road No. 1158 S. 79 deg. 24, E. 462 feet, S. 75 deg. 50' E. 75 feet, and S. 63 deg. 321 H. 916 feet to a point at the intersection of the center line of State Road No. 1157; thence S. 2 deg. 23, W. 946 feet to a concrete monument, Bruce Murray's corner, thence along the line of Bruce Murray N. 87 deg. 281 W. 792 feet to a concrete monument, Bruce Murray's corner; thence along the line of Bruce Murray S. 2 deg. 54, W. 2143 feet to Turkey Creek, marked by a concrete monument an the North side of the creek; thence up the creek as it meanders to the beginning, containing 76.9 acres as shown on plat of Docia Murray Farm prepared by A. W. Boswell , Registered Land Surveyor, from a survey made by him August 23, 1966, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, at page 178, Nash County Registry, and being a part ox the Nineteenth tract described in deed from Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Trustee, at al to Julian C. Brantley, Jr. et al recorded in Book 547, at page 423, Nash Country RegJstry. See also deed from Nancy B. Wilson and husband to Julian C. Brantley, Jr. et al recorded in Book 547, at page 438, Wash County Registry. The conveyance of Parcel 2 is subject, however, to the life estate of Mary F. B. Draper in all merchantable timber, standing, lying and growing upon said Parcel, which said life estate is herein specifically reserved. PARCEL 3 Beginning at a concrete monument, the -northeast corner of the Governor Wiggins tract in Fernie Whitley's line; thence along the line of Governor Wiggins N. 89 deg. 201 W.J062 feet to a concrete monument in J. B. Evans* line; thence along the line of i. H. Evans y i 5 dig. 291 H. 526 feet to a concrete inonuii6ntl thence along the I n4'6i� j,' H. Evans N. 63 deg. 05, W. 551- feet to a concrete 'monument, Bruce Murray's corner; thence along the line of Bruce Murray N. 3 deg. 55' E. 533 feet to a concrete monument; thence I continuing along the line of Bruce Murray N. 5 deg. 301 E. 521 feet ��o a point in the center line of State Road No. 1158, marked by a !concrete monument on the South side of the road; thence along the ,line of Percy Richardson, Jr. S. 83 deg. 30, E. 560 feet to a concrete monument, a corner for Percy Richardson, Jr.; thence along the line of Percy Richardson, Jr. N. 3 deg. 50, H. 1303 feet to a concrete monument, Percy Richardson, Jr. I a corner; thence along the line of Percy Richardson, Jr. W. 83 deg. 25, W. 684 feet to Moys or Harp Branch, marked by a concrete monument on the East side of the branch; thence up the meanders of said branch in a northerly BOOK1474PAoE 723 11*1 1�11 Book� 1474 Page� 722 Se Paae page � .01 direction to a concrete monument in the line of the Dr. J. C. Brantley, Jr. at al Whitley Farm (Spivey Land); thence along the line of the Dr. J. C. Brantley, Jr. at al Whitley Pam (Spivey Land) S. 84 dog. 301 E. 1855 feet to a concrete monument in the line of Jack Whitley; thence along the line of Jack Whitley and the line of Mrs. Marvene B. Whitley 6. 6 dog. 201 W. 1529 feet to a concrete monument, Mrs. Marvene B. Whitley's corner; thence along the line of Mrs. Marvens B. Whitley S. 85 deg. 001 E. 728 feet to the center line of State Road No. 1141, marked by a concrete monument on the West side of the road; thence along the center line of State Road No. 1141 S. 11 deg. 37, W. 729 feet and S. 14 dog. 541 W. 812 feet, Pernie Whitley's corner, marked by a concrete monument on the West side of the roadl thence along Fernie Whitley's line N. 05 dog. 441 W. 548 feet to a concrete monument, Pernie Whitley's corner; thence along the line of Fernie Whitley S. 6 deg. 401 W. 408 feet to the beginning, containing 136.7 acres as shown on plat of Docia Murray Farm prepared by A. W. Boswell, Registered Land Surveyor, from a survey made by him August 23, 1966, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, at page 178, Wash County Registry, and made up of the Twenty-fourth Tract, Twenty- seventh Tract, Thirtieth Tract and a part of the Nineteenth Tract described in deed from Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Trustee, at al to Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al recorded in Book 547, at page 423, Wash County Registry. See also deed from Nancy B. Wilson and husband to Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al recorded in Book 547, at page 438, Nash County Registry. PARCEL 4 Beginning at a concrete monument, the southwest corner of the Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al "Stone Farm" in the W. M. Morgan Estate line; thence along the line of the Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al "Stone Farm" N. 83 deg. 20, E. 493 feet to the center of S. R. No. 1157, marked by a concrete monument in the western right of way of said road; thence along the line of the Julian C. Brantley Jr. at al "Stone Farm" and the line of Paul Strickland S. 84 deg. 45' E. 628 feet to an old iron stake and Black Gum in a drain; thence along the drain in a southeasterly direction 930 feet to an old Black Gum in Harp's Branchl thence down the meanders of Harp's Branch 1127 feet to an old iron stake in the line of the Julian C. Brantley, Jr, at al "Whitley Farm"; thence along the line of Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al "Whitley Farm" N. 87 deg. 30, W. 69.5 feet to a concrete monument, cornering; thence along the line of the Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al "Whitley Farm" S. 6 deg. 311 W. 710 feet to an old lightwood stake in a branch, the northeast corner of the Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al "Vaster Farm"; thence along the Julian C. Brantley, Jr. at al "Vaster Farm" N. 85 deg. 10' W. 1125 feet to an old iron axle, Uvelt Wiggins' northeast corner; thence along the line of Uvelt Wiggins N. 85 deg. 101 W. 512 feet to a point in the center of S. R. 1157, marked by a concrete monument an the East side of said road; thence continuing along the line of Uvelt Wiggins S. 71 dog. 55* W. 384.7 feet to a concrete monument, a corner of the Pulley Land; thence along the line of the Pulley Land and the line of the B. C. Taybron land IN. 10 deg. 05, H. 945.5 feet to a concrete monument;- thence continuing along the line of the B. C. Taybron land U. 6 deg. 45, H. 739.2 feet to an old IiShtwood stake the,southeast corner of the,W. M. Morgan Hetatel thence - alon§!, M 118 feet to.-thi;beii'nn'fi'n�g;�—,',c"o-ntaining'76.gai:'r�esias"-'"own cmilat of Harp Farm-preparedt yVAF W.-Boffifell ;I�Aegfgeered i!Ed rSui4;BY,5i A from 'a 8urv;Y-,-"d' '-r 2,:!967,,';.'4_vKich mfa0iii-x6carded MAIKShikRDecembe in PlIt Book �71,' _aUjp4;j4i7 W! h County RdgiBtiy, _'ijid being, the -gas �WW6fi�;_Aiji�Abed Fourth- and Fif ih in deed fi6m4eoples Bank E.- Trust Company, Truste"ONetf."a"l-Ato- "julian C. Brantliiy�,- Jr. at al recorded .1.01 kounty Regidtr - See also deed from in Bo6k 547 aelpffeJ423i, ' ancy: B. Wi1jso'nQPan&j'jIi�s. Ito Julian C:'Brantlei, Jr. at al recorded inlBirbkI55 __ J438, Nash C6unty Registry. BooxlOpau 721 P­ -- , I 0 0 Paae - Pne i 40 E LESS AND EXCEPT Lots numbered 1 through 12, inclusive, as shown on map entitled "Final Plat of DRAPER SUBDryisION "A* by Robert T. Newcomb, III, RLS, dated October 10, 1989, recorded in Map Book 19, Page 4, Nash County Registry. THERE ARB NO CROP ALWERENTS BASES OR OUO2M CONVEYED HERMITS. boA474PAGE V5 Book. 1474 Page� 722 Se4 41 � .01P The property herainabove described was acquired by Grantor by Instrument recorded in A map showing the above described property is recorded In Plat Book page TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances tbe%. b6I.n&1Ag to the Grantee In fee simple. ED Co rn 3. —L- And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor ill seized of the premises In fee simple, h C'3 r t onvey ' P the same In fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Gravor:_twi we rit and r defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions bereina rrgt d. C13 Tltle to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions 4Z T.!Kl CS C-i b. cri (n CO rrj cc IN WITNEAS WHEREOF. the Grantee be, hereunto .02 bli hand , COFP*r&t* name by It. duly A.M.e..41 M ... s and Its seal to be hereunto aboVe arrItI.. to be s�neil in it. der an yea. tint ------------------------------------------- ................... (corporate Name) ;. :.. — ..M� ­ -------- ---------------- (SRAtJ MA 41 DRAPER By_ ------------------------------------------ .............. .... EN_ It ----- * .. .................. CSZAI,) ­---­----------- ---- P ... Id—t ATTEST -------- ----- ---------------------- (BEAL) ---------------------- ........ ............................... ........... -------------- 8 .... ta'y (corporate seal) 0 ALASKA 14 ------- ------------------------------------------------- �VIEAL) MOMMMAXX - MRD -JUDICIAL - DISTR Moll, 1, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that 't ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Granite.. Per .... Y PP ... ad before on. thl: der 1111 Ilk-111ii!:� e;2t the foregoing Instrument. Wilmew my p hand and official stamp or, seaL th Ap- T 4ASY or ........... ... fl� my comminion ------ - .4au'k, Notary Public NORTH CAROUNk County of 1, trim certify that �Vften Dfaptir bd- ILkd 16 0 - -orapey ri'll personally appeared before me this iiiiy iMickn6vviedged the due execution of the foregoing ;fl T WITNESS my hand and official seal or stamp, this 9134 - MY Commission evires- 70( Th. f.r.r.ine ...... . .1 ------ -- ------------ ---------- ------------ --------------­-­--- .......... Nobel" on) PLIfie b I" mrl. I was in, ad .'ded h d& do. le sockjml - Pap Thb_rQ_ dild It ektalm W_ "33m. Mamma jw "baeoi new. be94474fia 726 0 Oereby ............