HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8021017_Historical File_20190404ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 4, 2019 University of North Carolina - Wilmin on Attn: Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs c/o Mark Morgan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs -Facilities 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 P3 Freshman Housing and the Hub High Density Project New Hanover County Dear Mr. Morgan: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete, modified State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on April 1, 2019. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, complies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 as amended by Session Law (SL) 2008-211 and subsequently amended on January 1, 2017 (2017 Rules). We are hereby forwarding modified Permit No. SW8 021017 dated April 4, 2019, for the construction of the built -upon areas (BUA.) and stormwater control measures (SCMs) associated with the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 10, 2024 and the project shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and does not supersede any other agency permit that may be required. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in future compliance problems. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Division. Please refer to Attachment C for a detailed description of the current proposed major modification and a list of all the past modifications approved during the effective period of the permit. This permit incorporates two previously approved permits (SW8 160103 and SW8 170907) in their entirety and as modified by this approval. The documents previously approved for SW8160103 and SW8 170907 are incorporated by reference and are considered enforceable parts of this permit. This cover letter, attachments, and all documents on file with DEMLR shall be considered part of this permit and is herein incorporated by reference. Please replace the plan set previously approved for SW8 021017 with the attached modified and approved versions. Please replace the application (SWU--101), supplements, operation and maintenance agreements previously approved for SW8 021017 with the attached modified versions which also incorporate the applicable documents from SW8160103 and SW8 170907. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The written petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or visit their website at www.NCOAH.com. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Christine Hall in the Wilmington Regional Office, at (910) 796-7215 or christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. __ EN �. a_ _ orth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ;j�jj Wilmington Regional Office 1 127.Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 NOM WOUNA DopwbnW Of Effd °"'°"m ° '°°� /� 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 021017 Page 2 of 2 Sincerely, tx— ,'.�� S. Daniel Smith, Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Enclosures: Attachment A — Designer's Certification Form Attachment C — Permitting History Application Documents GDS/canh: 111StormwaterlPermits & Projects\20021021017 HD12019 04 permit 021017 cc: Richard Collier, PE; McKim & Creed, Inc_ Galen Jaimson, PE; UNCW Litif Kaid. PE: State Construction Office Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In compliance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, including 15A NCAC 02H.1000 as amended by Session Law (SL) 2008-211, and subsequently amended on January 1, 2017 (2017 Rules) (collectively, the "stormwater rules"), PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO UNC Wilmington P3 Freshman Housing and the Hub Riegel Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County FOR THE construction, management, operation and maintenance of built -upon area (BUA) including one (1) area of redevelopment as well as one (1) wet pond and one (1) area of permeable pavement ("stormwater control measures" or "SCMs") as outlined in the application, approved stormwater management plans, supplement, calculations, operation and maintenance agreement, recorded documents, specifications, and other supporting data (the "approved plans and specifications") as attached and/or on file with and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (the "Division" or "DEMLR"). The project shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with these approved plans and specifications. The approved plans and specifications are incorporated by reference and are enforceable part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 10, 2024 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until the permittee files a request with the Division for a permit modification, transfer, renewal, or rescission; however, these actions do not stay any condition. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit for cause as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and NCGS 143-215.1 et.al. REDEVELOPMENT. The redevelopment portion of this project is exempt from State Stormwater permitting requirements under the following conditions: 1) The project must be constructed as shown on the plans submitted to this Office; 2) the proposed redeveloped BUA of 31,648 square feet does not exceed the existing BUA of 38,009 square feet; and 3) The proposed stormwater control sheet flow and a piped collection system provides equal protection of surface waters as the existing stormwater control sheet flow and a piped collection system. 2. BUA REQUIREMENTS. The maximum amount of BUA allowed for the entire project is 638,294 square feet. The runoff from all BUA within the permitted drainage areas of this project must continue to be directed into the permitted SCMs. The following specific requirements pertain to the BUA on this project: Page 1 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 a. SCM BUA LIMITS. The SCMs labeled Pond 1 and Permeable Pavement 1 have been designed using the runoff treatment method to handle the runoff from 596,022 and 17,012 square feet of BUA, respectively within the delineated drainage areas. The BUA for future development within Pond 1 is limited to a total of 192,602, which includes 2,602 square feet allocated to the P3 project, 130,000 square feet allocated to the future recreation area, and 60,000 square feet allocated to a future dining hall. This permit does not provide any allocation of BUA for future development within the delineated drainage area for Permeable Pavement 1. 3. SCM REQUIREMENTS. The following requirements pertain to the SCMs on this project: a. WET POND SCM DESIGN. The wet pond SCM is permitted under the 2017 MDC and is based on the design criteria presented in the sealed, signed and dated supplement and as shown in the approved plans and specifications. This SCM must be provided and maintained at the design condition. b. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT SCM DESIGN. The permeable pavement has been designed under SL 2008-211 to handle the design rainfall depth and will bypass the 10-year, 24-hour storm event through the provided outlets. The following design criteria have been permitted for the permeable pavement and it must be provided and maintained at the design condition: Area 1 a. Type of Permeable Pavement (PP): PICP b. PP design type: Bypass c. H drolo is soil group of subgrade: A d. Grass Managed Credit: 75% e. Total Impervious Area Before PP Credit, ft2: Total PP Surface Area, ft2: Treated as Pervious (759/6), ft2: Treated as Impervious for density calculations (25%), ft2: Adjacent Impervious Area directed to PP ft2: 17,012 8,518 6,388 2,130 8,494 f. Total Impervious Area After PP Credit, ft2: 10,624 g. Design Storm, inches: 1.5 h. PP top of aggregate base layer elevation, FMSL: varies i. Bypass/ Overflow elevation, FMSL: 42.48 j. PP bottom elevation at the Subgrade, FMSL: 41.85 k. Provided aggregate depth, inches: 7.5 I. SHWT elevation, FMSL: 39.75 m. Underdrain Diameter, inches: 6.0 n. Expected Infiltration Rate, in/hr: 8.32 o. Time to Drawdown, days: 0.02 p. Receiving Stream / River Basin: Burnt Mill Creek / Cape Fear q. Stream Index Number: 1874-63-2 r. Classification of Water Body: C, SW c. PLANTING PLAN. The wet pond SCM landscape planting plan shown in the approved plans shall be followed in its entirety during construction. After the plants are established, the operation and maintenance agreement must be followed. d. FOUNTAINS. At this time, a decorative spray fountain has not been proposed within the wet pond. Decorative spray fountains will be allowed in the wet pond if documentation is provided demonstrating that the proposed fountain will not cause resuspension of sediment within the pond or cause erosion of the pond side slopes. e. IRRIGATION. If the wet pond is to be used for irrigation, it is recommended that some water be maintained in the permanent pool, the vegetated shelf is planted with appropriate species that can handle fluctuating conditions, and human health issues are addressed. Page 2 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 f. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT. The following considerations pertain to the infiltrating permeable pavement: i. The permeable pavement must be installed by a qualified individual, certified in the specific construction techniques required for permeable pavements. ii. During the installation of the permeable pavement, special care must be taken to avoid compaction of the underlying subgrade soils. A direct measurement of the soil's infiltration rate must be taken immediately after excavation and before the aggregate is placed. Infiltration rate testing shall be conducted by an appropriately - qualified professional. The results of the testing shall be given to the designer of record for review. If the soil test shows that infiltration rate(s) that are lower than the rate(s) used in the final design, then the designer shall check the calculations and may need to adjust the design. iii. The permeable pavement must be protected during site construction such that no sediment -laden runoff is directed across the permeable pavement surface. Areas upslope of the permeable pavement must be stabilized with a substantial stand of permanent grass cover prior to construction of the permeable pavement. iv. The proposed stormwater runoff conveyance and collection system and the impervious areas must be constructed and maintained at the dimensions, elevations and grades as shown on the approved plans. V. For each section or terrace of permeable pavement, at least one observation well shall be provided. vi. Permeable Pavement signage must be clearly and permanently posted to prevent use by inappropriate vehicles as well as the deposition and storage of particulate matter. vii. Trees overhanging the permeable pavement should be avoided. viii. Concentrations of oils, grease, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals shall not be stored or handled where they may enter the permeable pavement. ix. At no time shall the approved permeable pavement be paved over or repaired with any type of conventional paving material. 4. STORMWATER OUTLETS. The peak flow from the 10-year storm event shall not cause erosion downslope of the discharge point. 5. VEGETATED SETBACKS. A 50-foot wide vegetative buffer/setback must be provided and maintained in grass or other vegetation adjacent to all surface waters as shown on the approved plans. The setback is measured horizontally from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, from the top of bank of each side of streams or rivers, and from the mean high waterline of tidal waters, perpendicular to the shoreline. a. BUA IN THE VEGETATED SETBACK. BUA may not be added to the vegetated setback except as shown on the approved plans. b. RELEASE OF STORMWATER NOT TREATED IN AN SCM. Stormwater that is not treated in an SCM must be released at the edge of the vegetated setback and allowed to flow through the setback as dispersed flow. 6. RECORDED DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS. The stormwater rules require the following documents to be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds: a. ACCESS AND/OR EASEMENTS. The entire stormwater conveyance system, including any SCMs, and maintenance accesses must be located in public rights -of -way, dedicated common areas that extend to the nearest public right-of-way, and/or permanent recorded easements that extend to the nearest public right-of-way for the purpose of inspection, operation, maintenance, and repair. b. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. The operation and maintenance agreement must be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds. c. FINAL PLATS. The final recorded plats_must reference the operation and maintenance agreement and must also show all public rights -of -way, dedicated common areas, and/or permanent drainage easements, in accordance with the approved plans. Page 3 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 d. DEEDS. The permittee shall incorporate specific restrictions and conditions into a facility management plan or another legal instrument in lieu of deed restrictions and protective covenants. 7. CONSTRUCTION. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the on -site stormwater system will be repaired immediately. a. SCM OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT. During construction, all operation and maintenance for the project shall follow the Erosion Control Plan requirements"until the Sediment -Erosion Control devices are converted to SCMs. Once the device is converted to a SCM, the permittee shall provide and perform the operation and maintenance as outlined in the applicable section below. b. SCM RESTORATION. If one or more of the SCMs are used as an Erosion Control device and/or removed or destroyed during construction, it must be restored to the approved state stormwater design condition prior to close-out of the erosion control plan and/or project completion and/or transfer of the state stormwater permit. Upon restoration, a new or updated certification will be required for the SCM(s) and a copy must be submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office. 8. MODIFICATIONS. No person or entity, including the permittee, shall alter any component shown in the approved plans and specifications. Prior to the construction of any modification to the approved plans, the permittee shall submit to the Director, and shall have received approval for modified plans, specifications, and calculations including, but not limited to, those listed below. For changes to the project or SCM that impact the certifications, a new or updated certification(s), as applicable, will be required and a copy must be submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office upon completion of the modification. a. Any modification to the approved plans and specifications, regardless of size including the SCM(s), BUA, details, etc. b. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of BUA or to the drainage area. c. Further development, subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of any, all or part of the project and/or property area as reported in the approved plans and specifications. d. Altering, modifying, removing, relocating, redirecting, regrading, or resizing of any component of the approved SCM(s), stormwater collection system and/or vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. e. The construction of any allocated future BUA. f. The construction of any permeable pavement, #57 stone area, public trails, or landscaping material to be considered a permeable surface that were not included in the approved plans and specifications. g. Other modifications as determined by the Director. 9. DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of the project, the permittee shall determine if the project is in compliance with the approved plans and take the necessary following actions: a. If the permittee determines that the project is in compliance with the approved plans, then within 45 days of completion, the permittee shall submit to the Division one hard copy and one electronic copy of the following: i. The completed and signed Designer's Certification provided in Attachment A noting any deviations from the approved plans and specifications. Deviations may require approval from the Division; ii. A copy of the recorded operation and maintenance agreement; iii. Unless already provided, a copy of the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants; and iv. A copy of the recorded plat delineating the public rights -of -way, dedicated common areas and/or permanent recorded easements, when applicable. b. If the permittee determines that the project is not in compliance with the approved plans, the permittce shall submit an application to modify the permit within 30 days of completion of the project or provide a plan of action, with a timeline, to bring the site into compliance. Page 4 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 10. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. The permittee shall provide and perform the operation and maintenance necessary, as listed in the signed operation and maintenance agreement, to assure that all components of the permitted on -site stormwater system are maintained at the approved design condition. The approved operation and maintenance agreement must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals. a. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED. If the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the permittee shall take immediate corrective actions. This includes actions required by the Division and the stormwater rules such as the construction of additional or replacement on - site stormwater systems. These additional or replacement measures shall receive a permit from the Division prior to construction. b. MAINTENANCE RECORDS. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of the Division. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 11. PERMIT RENEWAL. A permit renewal request must be submitted at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. The renewal request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 02H.1045(3). 12. CURRENT PERMITTEE NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES. The permittee shall submit a completed Permit Information Update Application Form to the Division within 30 days to making any one or more of the following changes: a. A name change of the current permittee; b. A name change of the project; c. A mailing address change of the permittee. 13. TRANSFER. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. Neither the sale of the project and/or property, in whole or in part, nor the conveyance of common area to a third party constitutes an approved transfer of the permit. a. TRANSFER REQUEST. The transfer request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 02H.1045(2) and must be submitted upon occurrence of any one or more of the following events: i. The sale or conveyance of the project and/or property area in whole or in part; ii. Dissolution of the partnership, corporate, or LLC entity, subject to NCGS 55-14-05 or NCGS 57D-6-07 and 08; iii. Bankruptcy; iv. Foreclosure, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2013 121; b. TRANSFER INSPECTION. Prior to transfer of the permit, a file review and site inspection will be conducted by Division personnel to ensure the permit conditions have been met and that the project and the on -site stormwater system complies with the permit conditions. Records of maintenance activities performed to date may be requested. Projects not in compliance with the permit will not be transferred until all permit and/or general statute conditions are met. 14. COMPLIANCE. The permittee is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of this permit and the approved plans and specifications until the Division approves the transfer request. a. REVIEWING AND MONITORING FOR COMPLIANCE. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed BUA for the entire project does not exceed the maximum amount allowed by this permit. The permittee shall review and routinely monitor the project to ensure continued compliance with the conditions of the permit, the approved plans and specifications. b. APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. A copy of this permit, approved plans, application, supplement, operation and maintenance agreement, all applicable recorded documents, and specifications shall be maintained on file by the permittee at all times. c. DIVISION ACCESS. The permittee grants Division Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours to inspect all components of the permitted project. Page 5 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 d. ENFORCEMENT. Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the requirements of the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21. e. OBTAINING COMPLIANCE. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of modified plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. OTHER PERMITS. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the permittee from obtaining and complying with any and all other permits or approvals that are required for this development to take place, as required by any statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which are imposed by any other Local, State or Federal government agency having jurisdiction. Any activities undertaken at this site that cause a water quality violation or undertaken prior to receipt of the necessary permits or approvals to do so are considered violations of NCGS 143-215.1, and subject to enforcement procedures pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Permit updated, modified and reissued this the 4th day of April 2019. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Daniel 9mith, Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 021017 Page 6 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 Attachment A Certification Forms The following blank Designer Certification forms are included and specific for this project: • As -Built Permittee Certification • As -Built Designer's Certification General MDC • As -Built Designer's Certification for Wet Detention Pond Project • As -Built Designer's Certification for Permeable Pavement Project A separate certification is required for each SCM. These blank certification forms may be copied and used, as needed, for each SCM and/or as a partial certification to address a section or phase of the project. Page 1 of 1 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 AS -BUILT PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION I hereby state that I am the current permittee for the project named above, and I certify by my signature below, that the project meets the below listed Final Submittal Requirements found in NCAC 02H.1042(4) and the terms, conditions and provisions listed in the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SCM #? Check here if this is part of a Fast Track As -built Package Submittal. Printed Name I, County of Signature a Notary Public in the State of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of 120 and acknowledge the due execution of this as -built certification. (SEAL) Witness my hand and official seal My commission expires Permittee's Certification NC -AC .1042(4) T -- - CP e ted / N/A op d A. DEED RESTRICTIONS / BUA RECORDS 1. The deed restrictions and protective covenants have been recorded and _ Y or N contain the necessary language to ensure that the project is maintained consistent with the stormwater regulations and with the permit conditions. 2. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants has been Y or N provided to the Division. 3. Records which track the BUA on each lot are being kept. (See Note 1) I Y or N B. MAINTENANCE ACCESS I 1. The SCMs are accessible for inspection, maintenance and repair. Y or N 2. The access is a minimum of 10 feet wide. Y or N 3. The access extends to the nearest public right-of-way_ Y or N C. EASEMENTS - -- — - — 1. The SCMs and the components of the runoff collection / conveyance system are located in recorded drainage easements. y or N 2. A copy of the recorded plat(s) is provided. Y or N E D. SINGLE FAIVT[LY RESIDENTIAL LOTS - Plats for residential lots that have an SCM include the following: Y or N 1. The specific location of the SCM on the lot. Y or N 2. A typical detail for the SCM. Y or N 3. A note that the SCM is required to meet stormwater regulations and that the lot owner is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article Y or N 21 if the SCM is removed relocated or altered without _prio_ r ap rop val. _ E. OPERATIONAND iVSA_IN_TENA_NCE AGREEMENT f Y or _ _ _ 1. The O&M Agreement is referenced on the final recorded plat. u _N Y or N 2. The O&M Agreement is recorded with the Register of Deeds and appears in y or N the chain of title. F. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN — maintenance records are Y or N � kept in a known set location for each SCM and are available for review ..being G. DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION FORM — has been provided to the Y N I Division. or Note 1- Acceptable records include ARC approvals, as -built surveys, and county tax records. Page 1 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 Provide an explanation for every requirement that was not met, and for every "N/A" below. Attach additional sheets as needed. Page 2 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 AS -BUILT DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION GENERAL MDC I hereby state that I am a licensed professional and I certify by my signature and seal below, that I have observed the construction of the project named above to the best of my abilities with all due care and diligence, and that the project meets the below listed General MDC found in NCAC 02H.1050 in accordance with the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division, except as noted on the "AS - BUILT" drawings, such that the intent of the stormwater rules and statutes has been preserved. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SCM #? Check here if this is a part of a Fast -Track As -Built Package Submittal per .1044(3). Check here if the designer did not observe the construction, but is certifying the project. Check here if pictures of the SCM are provided. Printed Name NC Registration Number SEAL: Signature Date Consultant's Mailing Address: City/State/ZIP Phone Number Consultant's Email address: O Circle N if the as -built value differs from the Plan. If N is circled, provide an explanation on Page 2. OO N/E = not evaluated (provide explanation on page 2) GO N/A = not applicable to this SCM or project. Consultant's Certification NCAC .1003((3) & General MDC .1050 Q.As-built ONX, ©NrA �. TREATMENT REQUIIMEM EN TS 1. The SCM achieves runoff treatment. Y or N 2. The SCM achieves runoff volume match. Y or N 3. Runoff from offsite areas and/or existing BUA is bypassed. Y or N 4. Runoff from offsite areas and/or existing BUA is directed into Y or N the permitted SCM and is accounted for at the full build -out potential. 5. The project controls runoff through an offsite permitted SCM Y or N that meets the requirements of the MDC. 6. The net area of new BUA increase for an existing project has Y or N been accounted for at the appropriate design storm level. 7. The SCM(s) meets all the specific_ minimum design criteria. — Y or N ---- B. VEGE'TATED SETBACKS / BUA -- -..-- - 1. The width of the vegetated setback has been measured from Y or N the normal pool of impounded waters, the MHW line of tidal waters, or the top of bank of each side of rivers or streams. 2. The vegetated setback is maintained in grass or other Y or N vegetation. 3. BUA that meets the requirements of NCGS 143-214.7 (b2)(2) Y or N is located in the setback. 4. BUA that does not meet the requirements of NCGS 143-214.7 Y or N (b2)(2) is located within the setback and is limited to: a. Publicly funded linear projects (road, greenway sidewalk) b. Water -dependent structures c. Minimal footprint uses (utility poles, signs, security lighting and appurtenances) 5. Stormwater that is not treated in an SCM is released at the Y or N edge of the setback and allowed to flow through the setback as dispersed flow. Page 3 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 --- -- OAs-built ` TN/E ON/A i C. STORMWATER O : LETS — the outlet handles the peak flow Y Iv from the 10 year storm with no downslo e erosion. or D.. VARIATIONS 1. A variation (alternative) from the stormwate'r rule provisions —' — Y N has been implemented. or 2. The variation provides equal or better stormwater control and equal or better protection of surface waters. Y or N E. COMPLLANCE WrM OTHER REGCfI.A.TORY i PROGRAMS has been met. I Y or' F. Sl7ilrG -the volume of the SCM takes the runoff from ail surfaces into account and is sufficient to handle the required storm { Y or N depth G. CONTAM1 HATED SOILS — infiltrating SCI's are not located Y or N i in or on areas with contaminated soils. H. SIDE SLOPES_ l . Vegetated side slopes are no steeper than 3H:IV. Y or N 2. Side slopes include retaining walls, gabion walls, or other Y or N surfaces that are steeper than 3H:IV. 3. Vegetated side slopes are steeper than 3H:1V (provide Y or N supporting documents for soils and vegetation). L EROSION PROTECTION 1. The inlets do not cause erosion in the SCM. Y or N 2. The outlet does not cause erosion downslope of the discharge Y or N __point during the peak flow from the 10 year storm. J. EXCESS FLOWS — An overflow / lamas has been provided. , - Y or N K. DEWAIERING — A method to drawdown standing water has 1 Y or N been provided to facilitate maintenance and inspection. j L. CLILANOLTAFTER CONSTRUCTION -- the SC .N4 has been Y or N cleaned out and converted to its approved design state. F M. MAINTENANCE ACCESS I 1. The SCM is accessible for maintenance and repair. Y or N 2. The access does not include lateral or incline slopes >3:1. Y or—N IN. LL' Z1ls11J A 94 UAL" l(.:A I WiN 5 tJ A 1-- MACK Y'l.'Wt UT) — � The designer is licensed under Chapters 89A, 89C, 89E, or 89F of Y or N Ytap (t�neral Ctafi�tPe Provide an explanation for every MDC that was not met, and for every item marked "N/A" or "N/E", below. Attach additional pages as needed: Page 4 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 AS -BUILT DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION FOR WET DETENTION POND PROJECT I hereby state that I am a licensed professional and I certify by my signature and seal below, that I have observed the construction of the project named above to the best of my abilities with all due care and diligence, and that the project meets all of the MDC found in NCAC 02H.1053, in accordance with the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division, except as noted on the "AS -BUILT" drawings, such that the intent of the stormwater rules and the general statutes has been preserved. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SCM #? Check here if this is part of a Fast -Track As -Built Package Submittal per. 1044(3). Check here if the Designer did not observe the construction, but is certifying the project. Check here if pictures of the SCM are provided. Printed Name NC Registration Number LIMLIX Signature Date Consultant's Mailing Address: City/State/ZIP Phone Number Consultant's Email address: O Circle N if the as -built value differs from the Plan/permit. If N is circled, provide an explanation on page 2 ON/E = not evaluated (provide explanation on page 2) ON/A = not applicable to this project or SCM. This Certification must be completed in conjunction with the General MDC certification under NCAC 02H.1050 I Consultant's Certification (MDC .1053) _p OlAs-built (DIME 3N/A A. Forebay / Depths / Fountain 1. The available Sediment storage is consistent with the approved Y or N plan and is a minimum of 6 in. 2. Water flow over the forebay berm into the main pond occurs at a Y N non -erosive velocity. or 3. The provided Forebay Volume is 15%-20% of the main pool Y N volume. or 4. The Forebay entrance elevation is deeper than the exit elevation Y N into the pond. or 5. The Average Design. Depth of the main pond below the Y N permanent pool elevation is consistent with the permitted value? or 6. Fountain documentation is provided. Y or N B. Side slopes / Banks / Vegetated Shelf 1. The width of the Vegetated Shelf is consistent with the approved Y or N plans and is a minimum of 6 feet. 2. The slope of the Vegetated Shelf is consistent with the approved Y N plans and is no steeper than 6:1. or --__- C. As -built .Main Pool / Areas / Volumes / Elevations 1. The permanent pool surface area provided is consistent with the Y N permitted value. or 2. The Temporary Pool Volume provided is consistent with the Y N permitted value. or 3. The permanent pool elevation is consistent with the permitted Y N value. or 4. The temporary pool elevation is consistent with the permitted Y N value. or Page 5 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 i -TAs-built T-N/E ON/A E D. Inlets / Outlet / Drawdown j 1. The design volume draws down in 2-5 days. Y or N IL 2. The size of the Orifice is consistent with the permitted value. Y or N 3. A trash rack is provided on the outlet structure. Y or N 4. Hydrologic impacts to the receiving channel are minimized from Y N the 1 yr 24 hr storm discharge? or 5. The inlets and the outlet location are situated per the approved Y N an and avoid short-circuiting._ or E. Vegetation 1. The vegetated shelf has been planted with a minimum of 3 Y N diverse species. or 2. The vegetated shelf plant density is consistent with the approved plans and is no less than 50 plants per 200 sf or no less than 24 Y or N inches on center. Provide an explanation for every MDC that was not met, and for every item marked "N/A" or "N/E" below. Attach additional pages as needed: Page 6 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 AS -BUILT DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION FOR PERMEABLE PAVEMENT PROJECT I hereby state that I am a licensed professional and I certify by my signature and seal below, that'I have observed the construction of the project named above to the best of my abilities with all due care and diligence, and that the project meets all of the MDC found in NCAC 02H.1055 in accordance with the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division, except as noted on the "AS -BUILT" drawings, such that the intent of the stormwater rules and the general statutes has been preserved. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SCM #? Check here if this is a part of a Fast -Track As -Built Package Submittal per .1044(4). Check here if the Designer did not observe the construction, but is certifying the project. Check here if pictures of the SCM are provided. Printed Name NC Registration Number SEAL: Signature Date Consultant's Mailing Address: City/State/ZIP Phone Number Consultant's Email address: O Circle N if the as -built value differs from the Plan. If N is circled, provide an explanation on Page 2. OO N/E = not evaluated (provide explanation on page 2) OO N/A = not applicable to this project or SCM This Certification must be completed in conjunction with the General MDC certification under NCAC 02H.1050 Consultant's Certification (MDC 1055) — OAs-built QN/E ON/AJ _ A. DESIGN / DRAWDOWN 1. Washed aggregate base material has been used. Y or N 2. The provided amount of permeable pavement surface area is consistent with the approved plans. Y or N 3. The amount of non -roof adjacent built -upon area is consistent with the approved plans and is directed onto the permeable pavement Y or N surface and does not exceed the required 1:1 ratio Aa/A . 4. The runoff from adjacent pervious areas is prevented from reaching the permeable pavement except for incidental, Y or N unavoidable runoff from stable vegetated areas. 5. The permeable pavement infiltrates the design volume to the bottom of the subgrade within 72 hours. Y or N 6. If the permeable pavement was installed as a detention system, the drawdown assembly releases the stormwater stored in the Y or N aggregate in 2_5 days. B. SOILS/ SHWT / S_UBGRADE 1. The hydraulic properties and characteristics of the in -situ soils y N conform to the soils report. or 2. For infiltrating permeable pavement, the lowest point of the stem is a minimum of 2 feet above the SHWT. Y or N 3. For infiltrating permeable pavement, if the lowest point of the system is less than 2 feet above the SHWT, the soils have been Y or N modified to assure drawdown within 72 hours. 4. The in -situ soils have been removed and replaced with infiltration Y or N media in accordance with the approved plan. 5. Infiltration media has been placed on top of in -situ soils. Y or N Page 7 of 8 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 021017 T- - -- -- TAs-built ,T 0N/E ON/A C. CONSTRtiCTION 1. At least one capped observation well has been provided at the low point of each permeable pavement area? y or N 2. The subgrade is terraced in accordance with the approved plans and has at least one capped observation well within each terrace Y or N section. 3. For PICP and concrete grid pavers, an edge restraint has been used around the perimeter of the permeable pavement. y or N 4. The subgrade for infiltrating permeable pavement was graded when it was dry and there was no reci itation. y or N D. CERTIFIC_ATION 1. The infiltration rate of the pavement surface is at least 50 inches _ per hour using a head less than orequal to four inches. y or N 2. After installation, the permeable pavement was protected from sediment deposition. y or N 3. The site is complete and stabilized. Y or N Provide an explanation for every MDC that was not met, or for every item marked "N/E" or "N/A", below. Attach additional pages as needed: Page 8 of 8 Attachment C - Permitting History P3 Freshman Housing and the Hub Permit No. SW8 021017 Approval Date permit Action BIMS Version Description of the Changes 1/6/2003 Original Approval 1.0 Subject to the 1995 Rules. 1 pond to treat Parking Lot 0. 622/2018 Renewal 2.0 1. Removing the originally permitted pond and Parking Lot O.To simplify permitting, the permittee has chosen to design the entire site to 15A NCAC 02H.1000 effective January 1, 2017 (the 2017 Rules) with a 1.5" design storm.and forego vested rights to the previous set of rules as previously permitted. 2. Constructing a new, larger pond (subject to the 2017 MDC) across the road to handle the nmoff from the expanded drainage area that includes the proposed P3 Freshmen Housing project as well as a future recreational field and a future dining hall. 3. The majority of the approved plan set shows the base bid; however the built -upon area approved for the P3 Freshman Housing project is based on the alternate bid which is considered the full buildout condition and includes additional internal sidewalks and hardscaping as shown on CS-100ALT. These 4/4/2019 Major Modification 2.1 alternative bid features are all internal to the drainage area so no additional infrastructure is required to collect the runoff. 4. The expanded project and drainage area encompasses a portion of the previously permitted Hub project area (SW8 160103) and all of the Graham Sidewalk and Landscaping Improvements project area (SW8 170907). The layout of the sidewalk between Graham and Hewlett is also being revised. Both SW8 160103 and 170907 are being incorporated into this permit and the permits have been rescinded. 5. The expiration date associated with the previously permitted Hub project (SW8 160103) is being maintained and is used as the expiration date for this project due to the system proposed to treat the runoff from the Hub is not changing. Page 1 of 1 FDEMLR USE ONLY Date Rweived Fee Paid Permit Number 15 19W � cJ D � o Applicable Rules: Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal SW - 2008 ❑ Ph 11- Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ Mgmt Plan: State of North Carolina E C E I V E Department: of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources MAR 04 2019 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOJy. This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): UNCW P3 Freshman Housine 2. Location of Project (street address): 601 South College Road City:Wilmington County:New Hanover Zip:28403 3. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): North on Wrightsville Avenue from South College Road to Wood Dale Drive. Left on Wood Dale Drive to UNCW Camous - Reigei Road. Turn Right on Riegel Road and then Left on Walton Drive UNCW P3 Freshman Housine Project is immediately on the left (west side of Walton Drive) 4. Latitude:34° 13' 12" N Longitude:77° 52' 08"`W of the main entrance to the project. II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. a. Specify whether project is (check one): ❑New ®Modification ❑ Renewal w/ Modificationt tRenewals with modifications also requires SWU-102 - Renewal Application Form b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit numberSW8 021017 , its issue date (if known)2002 , and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ❑Partially Completed* ® Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project (check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DEMLR requesting a state stormwater management permit application, list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous name of the project, if different than currently proposed, 4. a. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks; information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑LAMA Major ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater ZSedimentation/Erosion Control: 20.59 ac of Disturbed Area ❑404/401 Permit: Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, Project/Perri-tit Number, issue date and the type of each permit:NEWHA-2019-006 UNCW P3 Housing 5. Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? ❑No ®Yes If yes, see S.L. 2012-200, Part VI: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/rules-and-regulations Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 1 of 6 III. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. a. Print Applicant / Signing Official's name and title (specifically the developer, property owner, lessee, designated government official, individual, etc. who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:University of North Carolina - Wilmington Signing Official & Title:Mark D. Morgan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs -Facilities b. Contact information for person listed in item 1a above: Street Address:601 South College Road City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28403 Mailing Address (if applicable):601 South College Road City: Wilmington State:NC Zip:28403 Phone: (910 1 962-3101 Fax: (910 j 962-4185 Email:morganm®uncw.edu c. Please check the appropriate box. The applicant listed above is: ® The property owner (Skip to Contact Information, item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Informati a� 2b below) E ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below.) MAR 0 9y 2019 2. a. Print Property Owner's name and title below, if you are the lessee, purchaser or developer. is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): BY Property Owner/Organization: Signing Official & Title: b. Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address: City: Mailing Address (if applicable): City: Phone: ( 1 Email: State: Zip: State: Zip: Fax: ( 1 3. a. (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization:Galen Jamison, PE Signing Official & Title:Project Manager, Assistant Director of Architectural and Construction Services b. Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address:601 South College Road _ City:Wilmington State:NC Zip:28403 Phone: (910 ) 962-7450 Fax: (910 ) 962-7522 Email:jamisong®uncw.edu 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits: State Construction Office Point of Contact:Latif Kaid, PE Phone #: (919 ) 807-4100 Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 2 of 6 IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Stormwater runoff from the P3 Project will be collected in a storm drainage network and conveyed to a Wet Detention Pond (SCM-1). SCM-1 will discharge into an unnamed tributary to Bradley Creek 2. a. If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑ Other: Date: b.If claiming vested rights, identify the regulation(s) the project has been designed in accordance with: ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 30.31 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0.00 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: 0.00 acres 7. Total Property Area (4) - Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) - Total Surface Water Area (6) = Total Project Area':30.31 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water (NHM line or Mean High Water (MHiN) line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or MHI line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA). Non -coastal wetlands landward of the NHW (or MHM line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = 45.15 % 9. How many drainage areas does the project have? 3 Drainage Areas (For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Dramage Area _ Drama a Area _ Drainage Area _ Drainage Area Receiving Stream Name _ Stream Class * See Attachment - B Stream Index Number * Total Drainage Area (sf) On -site Drainage Area (so Off -site Drainage Area (sf) Proposed Impervious Area** s % Impervious Area** total Impervious" Surface Area Drama a Area _ Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ Drains a Area _ On -site Buildings/Lots (sf) On -site Streets (sf) On -site Parking (sf) On -site Sidewalks (sf) Other on -site (sf) Future (sf) Off -site (sf) ' Existing BUA*** (sf) Total (so: * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: htW.Y portal.ncdenr.orghoeL& q[ps/csu/classiFications " Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. ***Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development. Do not report any existing BLIA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new B UA. Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 3 of 6 | } } }k|�Kl�# 2 lll�a§!■.§§|� ■$2�=arm ,� � � , a a « 92#!�K m: 7.g%,; ; ;f.5 �)|�K■�| §������,:§�� ■ }, $ |)Rc4�2 qk#�■§■■��k§ § �|- ;7�� § m ■ ■f§ ee;© , �. g s � � } k|§#�§ N� ■ ■|;i■� ■ ■■ ; ■ y.., � � k � �-��#��7 ■ 1������2��2� # # §f■�2§■ qR R i|§f¥� ■ ;�§ =EQ 2 �■ ; , & or . �I|!;||! }}��`�l!|!|! \`° !I§k22|22�42 � �!! 11. How was the off -site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation. Proiects in Union Countv:Contact DEMLR Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened & Endangered Species watershed that maybe subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per 1 SA NCAC 02B .0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from hU://12ortal.ncdenr.org/web/w4/ws/su/bmR-manuaL VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted.and reviewed by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/maps.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing, in the space provided for each item. All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from hft: / / 12ortal.ncdenr.org/web/­wq Zws /su/ statesw/ forms docs. 'ti 1. Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenants Form. (if required as per Part VII below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed, signed and dated) and O&M PA190 agreement(s) for each BUT. 4. Permit application processing fee of $505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review, refer to 6419, http://www.gpyhelp.org/ages/onestol2exl2ress.html for information on the Express program and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) //��'�,,,� 5. A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/managementfor a, the project. This is required in addition to the brief summary provided in the Project Information, item 1. 6. A USGS map i4entifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1/2 mile of the site boundary, include the 1/2 mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed, signed and dated calculations (one copy). 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5" x 14" (sealed, signed, & dated), including: a. Development/ Project name. b. Engineer and firm. c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. e. North arrow. f. Scale. g. Revision number and dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of C impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers, the MHW or NHW line of tida III CEIVE waters, and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impo d MAR 0 3 2019 structures, the banks of streams or rivers, and the MHW (or NHW) of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings & distances. BY. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures. m. Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans, not as a separate document). Form SW-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 4 of 6 p. Vegetated buffers (where required). 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations (Please identify _ elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs. Include an 8.5"x11" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs, the report should also include the soil type, expected infiltration rate, and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO: Schedule a site visit for DEMLR to verify the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 10. A copy of the most current property deed. Deed book: Page No: 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC): Provide documentation from the NC Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item la, 2a, and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned. hft://www.secretaiy.state.nc.us/CorRorations/CSearch.aVx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions, outparcels, and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary, a table listing each lot number, lot size, and the allowable built -upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from httplportal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/state-stormwater- forms does. Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner, it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm (such as a consulting engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project (such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer:Richard M. Collier, PE Consulting Firm: McKim & Creed, Inc. Mailing Address:243 North Front Street City:Wilmmft on State:NC Zip:28401 Phone: (910 ) 343-1048 Fax: (910 ) 251-8282 Email:rcollier@mckimcreed.com IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information, item 2 has been filled out, complete this section) I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item 2a) , certify that I own the property identified in this permit application, and thus give permission to (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item 1a) with (print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information, item 1 a) to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal, which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 GCEIVE MAR 01 2019 Page 5 of 6 BY' °As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that if my designated agent (entity listed in Contact Information, item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement, or pending sale, responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Stormwater permit reverts back to me, the property owner. As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days; otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signature: Date: a Notary Public for the State of County of . do hereby certify that before me this _ day of personally appeared . and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person Iisted in Contact Information, item 1a) Mark D. Morgan certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H .1000 and any other applicable state stormwater requirements. Signature:, Date: 2� Z:; /9 I, Ia nd F. Alt. r , a Notary Public for the State of eth&n N a. , County of do hereby certify that 01arm L. M6tQi2,r- personally appeared before me thisAJ!day of February A01 q " an wledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires FIVE MAR 012019 BY, Form SW-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 6 of 6 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director April 4, 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality University of North Carolina - Wilmington Attn: Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs c/o Mark Morgan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs -Facilities 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Permit Rescission State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 160103 The Hub State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 170907 — Graham Hall Improvements New Hanover County Dear Mr. Morgan: Reference is made to your requests for rescission of the subject Stormwater Management Permits received on March 18, 2019. Staff of the Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources (DEMLR) in the Wilmington Regional Office has inspected the project and confirmed that these permits are no longer required because they have been replaced by permit number SW8 021017 issued by the Division on April 4, 2019. Therefore, in accordance with your request, Stormwater Management Permit Nos. SW8 160103 and SW8 170907 are rescinded effective immediately. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please contact Christine Hall in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215. Since�ply, S. Daniel Smith, Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS\canh: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2016\160103 Inactive\2019 04 rescind 160103 \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2017\170907 Inactive\2019 04 rescind 170907 cc: Richard Collier, PE; McKim & Creed, Inc. Galen Jaimson, PE; UNCW Stormwater Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Permit Files �� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources .05 f. Fw •/� Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmingtor4 North Carolina 28405 910.796,7215 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 4:04 PM To: 'morganm@uncw.edu'; jamisong@uncw.edu'; 'rcollier@mckimcreed.com' Subject: SW8 021017 P3 Freshman Housing and The Hub Attachments: SW8 021017 - P3 Freshman Housing and The Hub.pdf The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) completed their review of the Express Stormwater Permit Application for the subject project. Attached is the cover letter and permit issued on April 4, 2019, which will be mailed separately, along with any other supporting documents. Please direct any questions to your reviewer, Christine Hall. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS MAIL Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II 910-796-7388 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Nort!! Carnkna Public. Records Law and may be discloser) to third pwfies 4L;*'MCKIM&CREED March 29, 2019 Christine Hall North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: "Express" 3,d Submittal SW8 021017 UNCW P3 Freshman Housing Via Email and Hand Delivery Dear Christine: ENGINEI_RS SU9{ , E Y 0 R S PLANNERS 04999-0014(40) It 1.41 .. t This letter serves as the response to your add info letter related to "Express" Project SW8 021017 dated March 25, 2019. We have input the comments in the add info letter with responses directly below. The responses correspond to the calculations or drawings applicable. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(v): The response to item 3.c of the previous request for additional information indicates that the grass pave system was considered pervious however no supporting documentation was provided. As noted in item 3.c of the previous request for additional information, the grass pave system is a type of plastic turf reinforcing grid, which is a type of permeable pavement. As previously requested in Item 3.c of the March 8, 2019 request for additional information, please provide a cross-section on the plan demonstrating that the grass pave area will not be impervious or partially impervious as outlined in G.S. 143-214.7(b2). However, if the subgrade is to be compacted, then it is considered an impervious or partially impervious surface and must either demonstrate that it meets the requirements of permeable pavement or be considered as built -upon area. Response: 243 :,. r 1 h Fr n r S r r e a In review of the detail from the GrassPave manufacturer, it does depict compacted subgrade therefore it should be considered impervious. We measured „ �, 1,Y _ , c i the area of GrassPave and found it to be 13,443 sf. This is now incorporated into the Proposed Conditions and incorporated into all calculations. To provide for the additional BUA, we reduced the future BUA under the recreational -fields by 20, 000 sf. ?10.343 1042- Fox 1 _.251 . = 282 ,.mckimcreed.. om Christine Hall, Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-NCDEMLR "Express" 3,d Stormwater Submittal SW8 021017 Page 2 2. 15A NCAC 02H. I 042(2)(g)(vii): a. The storm drainage plans (sheets CM101-CM103 and CM105) no longer include the structure name. Please provide two copies of these plan sheets with that structure name layer turned on. Response: The layer was previously frozen on CMI01-CM105 plan sheets. We have corrected this issue and provided two (2) copies of CM101-CM105, signed, sealed and dated, with the appropriate structure labels. b. As noted in Item I Lb of the previous request for additional information, several structures on the structure table either have two inlet inverts with no outlet inverts or vice versa. Please check that details for Structures CO-1354, CO-1356, CO-1365, CO-1366, Ex-SCI 42(l), and YI-B137 are accurately presented.. Response: This issue has now been corrected. All of the pipe invert elevations and slope were correct however, several of the pipe directions (start node to end node) were reversed. This condition would then return two (2) invert in 's or two (2) invert out's. We have corrected this and provided two (2) copies of updated sheets CM401 and CM402, signed, sealed and dated. c. The text on plan sheets CM701 and CM702 are not displaying properly. Please provide two sheets with the text issue resolved. Response: The text on sheets CM701 and CM702 has been corrected to read properly. We have provided two (2) copies of CM701 and CM702, signed, sealed and dated. 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(2): In response to Item 6.b of the previous request for additional information, it is noted that equation 3 was used to determine the average depth. Please update the second #2 item under the wet pond MDC section of the supplement to reflect that the vegetated shelf is not included in the calculation of average depth. Response: We modified the second #2 item under the wet pond NlDC supplement reflecting that the vegetated shelf was not used in calculating average depth. An updated Wet Pond Supplement, signed and sealed, is included, and we will email you the digital version. Christine Hall, Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-NCDEMLR "Express" 3rd Stormwater Submittal SW8 021017 Page 3 4. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(3): Please clarify how a total sediment storage volume of 39,170 cf was determined. The stage storage tables report that the incremental volume between an elevation of 21 and 22 in the main pond and forebay as being 11,073 cf and 716 cf, respectively, for a total of 11,789 cf. Response: This has been updated appropriately. The sediment volume is 11,073 cf and 716 cf (main bay and forebay respectively) for a total sediment storage volume of 11, 789 cf. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g), .1042(2)(h), .1042(2)(i), .1042(2)(m), and .1050(16): Item 14 of the previous request for additional information noted that CG504 had not been signed, sealed or dated and asked that two signed, sealed, and dated copies be submitted. The recently submitted revised plan set omits plan sheet CG504. Additionally, the pond design has been revised since it was originally submitted. Please submit two copies of the revised CG504 that is signed, sealed, and dated. Response: Two (2) copies of revised sheet CG504 are provided, signed, sealed and dated. 6. Due to the insufficiency of the application, please submit a $500 fee for the additional review required for this application (in accordance with Session Law 2003-284, Section 11.4A(b)). Response: Included with this resubmittal is a check in the amount of $500.00 Following your review of the 3rd Submittal, if there are any additional edits needed, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, McKim & Creed, Inc. 1t1 Richard M. Collier, PE Assistant Vice -President Enclosures: Two (2) sets of revised calculations (cover page sealed) Two (2) copies of the revised wet pond MDC supplement Two (2) copies of revised plans: a. CG504 — Wet Pond Detail Sheet b. CM101-CM105 — Storm Drainage Structure/Pipes c. CM401-CM402 — Storm Drainage Structure and Pipe Tables d. CM701-CM702 — Storm Drainage Profiles CC: Mark Morgan, UNCW Galen Jamison, PE, UNCW Peter Aranyi, AIA, Clark Nexsen v i MCIQM&CREED UNCW (P3) FRESHMAN HOUSING "Express" WILMINGTON, NC NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC 2rd Submittal "Express Review" Revised Calculations Prepared for: University of North Carolina - Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared by: v M OM&CREED 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)343-1048 Project #4999-0014 (40) 1 Q-( A %0. SEA, �� = - March 29, 2019 022574 C APR � 120`I� G FA w E cr d C c 0 e 09 cl W C u Z C1 14 N N L to LL i i 1 a a - m n n ei ^ O u G LD ' c K X � z w w Q Q Q Li Q LL Z u u u Q Q eo e a .O �"� O N e'� 0 W M l�D �; L o Ln P, im 'L Y C N - mCn Li y G w o o N CL E '� '^ ro CuE = a v 0 0 0 E E a m v ~ m O U E 3 m` `p a O O m Q U to a)Q V C - > > c '^ '^Iq Q ry 7 7 a` 'o a` o c E o - U d �. t', m y ' v 2 E m m v a am m Z C w a o_ p u E "O E E E v m o .�. m M W W yo E E o m o +19 C C oa w r cc a H a` a d?� U d Y m m m m � M 'p m n m m m 1p0� n 8 n m O 'O U O7 m Y a In F- Q N m N W m IIn m m IN a a aD 0 10 = m C U C7 o o m 2Y C m cc N C. O O O N O O O O N 10 AS L v I n O' In G Y ^ G m a = N a_ O O Iq O O N O O O O G y fNr7 rP. m 0 In m x Y m y1 O O In In0 N I, O O O O a 0 m U m m a N Q N V In m m 7 U a 2 W r 'm m x m N_ m CO m_ N O 0i O N O v O O O o fD U m n n In 9 fn a a b Y a 3 m 0 _ � So 9N W S m m O �' N N N O m �C 0 O O O O m o U r m n n O In m F m m C 0 m m G 00 O In c� m Q n w p. v � 0 o I%l In Npp 6 m o m r.. m o 0 0 0 a d v U n m rn m m a I m m co C D N a d ~ E a � a m m Cm Z E cL m Z d a v�¢ ¢ a m E m s v n a m •� �O 1p 7 m 'X m c .0 d) `m I C C Z LLm01 tll C C 01 U IV •p C 2 E j t N w c V c -R O 0 m U m v1 IL o 5 o-Q m c ? 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LL LL LL LL N M n n n LQ � O l0 O 4 N14 e�-I w 52 a a sit 0 0 UjJ j o ED- co a y; �o L u Q Cl. 4 0 L ,N n x % Z v a I a e°Q v Q •p V � � C5 l5 ;5 ° `v ° p E v o cc 1 c Q IM o u 0�i obi off, 3 A 3 c c zLn itC, zo` c' .V4 W W W W Z 0< Ir cr Z LL Rt r-I W I� N c-I u 00 00 ry 01 N e-I Ln O N mt O >n i bD C N C LLI i 00 •LO "O N E C M cu i� 01 „+ f h f0 O Q O Q Q Q Vl N Q lV 4 Q ' u1 O V L L0 a1 . 7 o N M J J 7 :3 7 _ Ol L o f a 02S CL ¢ H Ln N u u a a O , L E p £ N o O co :` Q +. hC0 N N }CL m O1 C C0 Op Q. w �paf E O 0O ' O �' $ m IA a-IL�6 Ll LL Uj d Y L.a CL c� h• , O ►- z lr O O O O O¢ O ¢O¢ ¢O W W W W cc cc cc I W- Q Q Q Q VI co O '� Go O m O C 0 .. U LL LL LL LL Q (n W) V1 Ln O O m Q fir= d tl0 m C m m u (U Q Q y d d +� [p aJ N co Q a CL E y 41 ., m o E w c .a E y y J m m y_ u D X w O a .�w i e = 3 L3 m +. m N LL O •` ix ui O N CD G O LLn O cl L� c a N O Ln ti ` o ® i oaJ ZL. dim Q a aLn ,o' Q 9� m N O v + > IL 0 F� Q QZO % C CJ C 0 0 Ln 0 3;5 0 0 0 i`-1 3,h�3.2 n 2 W z c cc Li •-; W W W W cc Z � � cc Ir R Ir Z II F,�, WO O v un J i OMrvi L- CfIL-JL-JL-JL-- L-JL-i ai O N W N co O S LL AIL CDC W E C . O .-. y m N - m " _0 O � Ln t r Ln m O a m m m o 41 W v v Q a Q m i3 .tLn Q Q y EA ` Q O •� O •� U C y d Q CL y a(A Q O_ Q E O O ' y Y J m E E cc m d0 CDC C y Q_ O_ VJ Y 3� .:... !0 N D_ E E O 3 - L +� y O m iA- CL L.L w w d N Q C Y OC F- Z 01 �' N 01 P! ce G m LL `ti `ti `-el 0i 7 3 N W W W W Cy Q Q Q VI of of of E L' �3 ' 00 h a--Id ri O co O O O � c O a+ c a, as OC LU W C V Z L m E E wr\ 3. H C m 07 C. -W Y w (U Q m y c w r •� Q rn ` m * 7 L O a O 0 ? 7 Q O a 5• 'i 03 o a E o f0 — -ai N Y J _ - 00 w E uD m o0 Ln C L c c w aL n Co in a O LU c3 O W LL LL LL LL .. .. O Go a ivy O O O C r1 O ko cm v O Am .�. O o O a,CL Ix 0 j ` N E Z v O� v a C Ito a0+ Z L ` ` Q N Q c o v O_ O i O Q 0 O O O 4 Q u + CC Chi Ifw v z. Q 0 0 u O Z W Li cc Z O cc w w cr c Z G' C Q Q' Z LL r-1 O 00 00 l0 w O O a-1 r4 ^ O n ',•:4 m 41 c W •1p C -. f0 m O ++ 0 0 0! 41 Ln [0 O A ro c`n0 v O• 0 v Q Q f0i Q Q j 7 O_ 7 7 C' w L j o_ o_ _o a o c�yy Q a n E o' o' CCL W m 0 CL 41 of to x x O co a LL u W W a z I aL MDC-1: Main Pool Surface Area and Volume (a) The Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) Method Vmp 0.87 HRT Ts DV Equation 1: Vmp = 0.87 * HRT/T, * DV 183,439.98 0.87 14 5 75,303.77 183,439.98 DV = Simple Method 0.46 45.15% 30.30 ac 1.5" Design Storm Rv % Impervious DA (b) The SA/DA and Average Depth Method USED EQ-3 SA/DA Ratio per Equation 3 1.60 DA Main Bay SA/DA Main Pool Area and Volume 30.31 ac Provided SA Required SF = SA/DA Ratio * DA(sf) 21,113.05 SF 21,783.00 SF MDC-2: Main Pool Depth DaV9 VPP APP Equation 2: Davg = VPP / APP 6.03 131,433.75 21,783.00 6.03 Da„y VPP Vshelf Abottom_of shelf Equation 3: Davg = (VPP - V.h lf) / Abottom of ,hell 6.04 131,433 75 49200 21,693 00 6.04 Vshelf D,. Pp_pool Wmax Vshelf = 0.5 * Depthmax over shelf * Perpyol * Width,ubmerged shelf 492.00 050 65600 3.00 492 MDC-3: Sediment Storage Main Bay (12") Forebay (12") Total Sediment Storage Design entire wet pond, then add minimum 6-inches for cleanout. Recommend > 6-inches deep 11,073 716 11,789 CIF MDC-4: Location of inlet(s) and outlet No short-circuit. If baffles, they must extend up to temp pool elevation. MDC-4 has been met with current design MDC-5: Forebay Main Bay Forebay % Required Volume = 15 to 20 % Main Pool 131,434 CIF 20,372 CIF 15.50% Forebay deeper at inlet then outlet Between 15% and 20% ?? non -erosive velocity Acummulation of 75% = cleanout MDC-6: Vegetated Shelf Vegetated shelf around pond. 6-feet wide; 6:1 slope MDC-7: Draw Down Time Draw down design volume between 3-5 days MDC-8: Protection of Receiving Stream Limit discharge to the 1-year, 24-hour Storm (pre) Provided around entire Pond Draw down with a 3.5" Orifice at Elev 30.00' Existing 1-year, 24-hour= 40.7 Proposed 1-year, 24-hour= 11.72 NOCEIV4' All I 1111, P Fountains If fountains then add appropriate documents None 10: Track Rack Must have trash rack for large items Provided 11: Vegetation Read this MDC in the C-3 Wet Pond Provided. See Details on Sheet CG504 ECEIVE APR 0 12019 9Y:__ VNCW - P3 PROJECT NC DEQ Retention Requirements P3 Project Development Summary Friday, March 29, 2019 r Stormwater Pond (SCM-1 Bottom of Pond Elevation - Main Bay I 21.0 IFT Value selected by designer Bottom of Pond Elevation - Forebay 21.0 FT Value selected by designer Sediment Storage Elevation - Main Bay 22.0 FT Value selected by designer Sediment Storage Elevation - Forebay 22.0 FT Value selected by designer Pond volume below sediment storage elev. (Main Boy Sediment Storage Volume F 11,789 CIF + Forebay) Permanent Pool Elevation 30.00 FT Value selected by designer Temporary Pool Elevation 33.00 FT Elevation of the next -highest outlet Submerged Vegetated Shelf Width 3.00 FT 1/2 of 6-foot Shelf Max Depth of Vegetated Shelf 0.50 FT Depth Perm Pool Elev - Bottom Shelf Elev Perimeter of Permanent Pool 656 FT Main Boy Only Average Depth Provided 6.04 FT See formula below Required SA/DA Ratio for 90% TSS Removal JE1.60% % Value from 90% 7SS removal chart Required Permanent Pool Surface Area 21113 SF (Req'd SA/DA Ratio)*(Total Drainage Area) Provided Permanent Pool Surface Area 21,783 SF Value from stage -storage calculations (Main Bay Only) Flow Path Basin Length 318 FT VoluefromCAD Basin Width �108 �FT Value from CAD (average) Basin L:W ratio 3 Basin length/basin width Flow Length 325FT I�AFT Distance from nearest inlet to outlet structure Flow path width Required surface area length Flow path L:W ratio 3 Flow length /flow path width Forebav Permanent Pool Volume 131,434 CIF Total Total pond volume between permanent pool elevation sediment storage elevation (Main Boy Only) Total Required Forebay Volume 26,287 CIF 20% of permanent pool volume Provided Vulurr a -Forebay 20,372 CIF Provided Provided volume between permanent pool elev. & storage elevation Total Forebay % of Permanent Pool 15.50% % Total between 15-20%-OK Drawdown Diameter of Low Flow Orifice 3.50 IN Value selected by designer Weir Elevation of Outlet Structure 33.00 FT Elevation of the next -highest weir Total Elevation Head Above Weir Invert 3.00 FT Total elevation head above center of orfffce Average Elevation Head Above Weir Invert 1.00 FT 1/3 of total elevation head Cd, Coefficient of Discharge 0.60 Value selected by designer Q, Flowrate Through Low -flow Orifice 0.32 CFS Q=Cd*Weir Area *sgrt(2*32.2*Avg Head) Drawdown Time 2.71 DAYS 1.5" Runoff Volume/Flowrate through Wier/86400 ECEIVE APR 0 12019 UNCW - P3 PROJECT Stage -Storage Calculations for the Proposed Wet Detention Pond (SCM-1) 3/29/2019 Stage/Storage Above Permanent Pool Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 30.00 26,883 0 0 Permanent Pool 30.50 27,950 13,708 13,708 -Top of Shelf 31.00 29,758 14,427 28,135 32.00 32,299 31,029 59,164 33.00 34,994 33,647 92,810 * Temporary Pool 34.00 37,538 36,266 129,076 35.00 40,239 38,889 167,965 35.50 43,010 20,812 188,777 * Top of Pond Stage/Storage Below Permanent Pool Main Bay Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 21.00 10,529 0 0 +•••Pond Bottom 22.00 11,617 11,073 11,073 ­ -Sed. Storage 23.00 12,722 12,170 23,243 24.00 13, 872 13,297 36,540 25.00 15,048 14,460 51,000 26.00 16,255 15,652 66,651 27.00 17,490 16,873 83,524 28.00 18,754 18,122 101,646 29.00 20,256 19,505 121,151­-Top of Forebay 29.50 21,693 10,487 131,638 +•-•Bottom of Shelf 30.00 21,783 10,869 142,507­-Permanent Pool ECEIVE APR 0 12019 UNCW - P3 PROJECT Stage -Storage Calculations for the Proposed Wet Detention Pond (SCM-1) Forebay 1 Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 21.00 407 0 0 -Forebay Bottom 22.00 1,024 716 716 -Sed. Storage 23.00 1,320 1,172 1,888 24.00 1,650 1,485 3,373 25.00 2,015 1,833 5,205 26.00 2,405 2,210 7,415 27.00 2,835 2,620 10,035 28.00 3,295 3,065 13,100 29.00 3,790 3,543 16,643 -Top of Forebay 30.00 5,100 4,445 21,088 +-.-Permanent Pool Stage/Storage Below Permanent Pool Total (Main Bay ¢ Forsbay) Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 22.00 12,641 716 716 --Pond Bottom 23.00 14,042 13,342 25,130 F-Sed. Storage 24.00 15,522 14,782 39,912 25.00 17,063 16,293 56,205 26.00 18,660 17,862 74,066 27.00 20,325 19,493 93,559 28.00 22,049 21,187 114,746 29.00 24,046 23,048 137,793 30.00 26,883 14,932 152,725 -Permanent Pool Equation 3. Average depth when the shelf is submerged and the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation T�PP-Vshelf �� = a bottomo fshel f Where: Da-q = Average depth in feat Vf2p - Total vofume of permanent pool (feW) Val-ar = Volume over the shelf only (feet) - secs below Ab"onar;nd, Area of wet pond at the bottom of the shelf (fest2) vshak! -* 0.5 * Depth,.. Per!rreter.,,, p,,, * 1dthaubm.j4a4j:.%w e,aheFp Where: Drru var shCf - Depth of water at the deep side of the shelf es measured at per.mar,ent pool (feet) Perlmeterpm„,mnawd = Perimeter of permanent pool at the bottom of the shelf (feet) W dths.ewa o sge:L _ Ndth from the deep s,de to tjhe dry side of the shed as measurer! at permanent Foot ffeeat;. IECEIVE APR 0 12019 13Y' 00 Lnowwmrti,Tf'M O MI-1,-OrM0r-M O O O O O r O r r r r O O O N CC) r M r O = E O O O O r r N N Cc Q� a`$ s O— 0 0 M O M w N w w M O O 1- r M W N w ti O O N O LA O co r M 00 L O O O O r r r N N N N M UJ 0 0 0 r w.2 o Q d O MM F- N - WW -VvMVWMD 6 M Ci 00 Q O Q Q �Lo N(V M644 W 666 rr r U) O r N M— N CO (� O M a N r 00 �Ln0r-- NN0N X X X >+ t! ®` OWNWMMOOO Lo co co co co u7 LA N N M M O 1` 't r M co M N O ui r ui M O r N N M v Lo Ln Co f� d 0 N O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NCCf) _0 o �� V tofOOO^MNO r 'O cl � N mIt ,4Z**U /K[ /( CREED Project #:04999-0014 ;'� iV.lri Energy Dissipater Design Date: March 15, 2019 Project Name: UNCW P3 Student Housing (SCM-1) Inlet flowrate 42.88 cfs Total Inflow = 85.76 cfs Pipe diameter 30 inches 2 @ 30" RCP Inlet pipe slope 0.4 percent Des. flow velocity 8.74 ft/sec �i•1.1• f•I i•i• ��1 i•�i•i•i• �i•i•�f•i•i•1 ��i•� �f•i•1 i_�i•i• �1.1 - 1 i•\�i•�i• �I �i•\i•i•i•�l i•��it i i•i•i• �i•i•1 i•i• �i•�1 i•i•��i•1 i•i♦i♦i♦�l i•i♦i♦i•i`: �i♦f♦i•i•f•1 i•i•i•i•f•1 1 i•�i•i•i•I Zone from graph above = 2 Inlet pipe diameter 30 in. Inlet flowrate 42.9 cfs Inlet velocity 8.7 ft/sec Material = Class B Figure 8.06.b.1 4 5 6 7 Pipe diameter (ft) Length = 15.0 ft. Width = Stone diameter = Thickness = 7.5 ft. 6 in. 22 in. 8 9 Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Zone 7 Zone 5 Zone 4 10 Zone 3 Zone 2 Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 1Jo DNS Nam. J�Pr Of *?'PA b�.l�� ►r.l� iW(e+ ?, C-4 A4* 4AErtft.s � ECE1VE MAR 18 2019 1903xx RipRap Outlet Sizing_SCM l.xls 3/15/2019 BY. IWMProject #:04999-0014 Energy Dissipater Design Date: March 15, 2019 Project Name: UNCW P3 Student Housing (SCM-1) Outlet flowrate 57.91 cfs Pipe diameter 36 inches Outlet pipe slope 0.5 percent Des. flow velocity 8.19 ft/sec 25 20 5 0 0 1 Zone 12 3 Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 36 in. Outlet flowrate 57.9 cfs Outlet velocity 8.2 ft/sec Material = Class B Total Outflow = 115.82 cfs (*See note below) 2 @ 36" RCP Figure &06.b.1 4 5 6 Pipe diameter (ft) 7 Length = 18.0 ft. Width = 9.0 ft. Stone diameter = 6 in. Thickness = 22 in. Zone 7 Zone 5 Zone 4 8 9 10 Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone Material Diameter I Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class 1 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class H 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 1 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual *NOTE: The outlet flowrate is assuming half of the total outlow based on 2x36" pipes discharging from SCM-1. The outlet protection/dissipator pad dimensions are 18'xl8' to account for both outlet pipes. MAR 18 2019 1903xx_RipRap Outlet Sizing_SCM l.xls 3/15/2019 6. ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director March 25, 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality University of North Carolina - Wilmington Attn: Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs c/o Mark Morgan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs -Facilities 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 021017 UNCW P3 Freshman Housing New Hanover County Dear Mr. Morgan: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a modified Express State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on March 4, 2019 with additional information received on March 19, 2019. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information: i�. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(v): The response to item 3.c of the previous request for additional information indicates that the grass pave system was considered pervious however no supporting documentation was provided. As noted in item 3.c of the previous request for additional information, the grass pave system is a type of plastic turf reinforcing grid, which is a type of permeable pavement. As previously requested in Item 3.c of the March 8, 2019 request for additional information, please provide a cross-section on the plan demonstrating that the grass pave area will not be impervious or partially impervious as outlined in G.S. 143-214.7(b2). However, if the subgrade is to be compacted, then it is considered an impervious or partially impervious surface and must either demonstrate that it meets the requirements of permeable pavement or be considered as built -upon area. 2. 15A NCAC 02H. 1042(2)(g)(vii): 1,e The storm drainage plans (sheets CM101-CM103 and CM105) no longer include the structure name. Please provide two copies of these plan sheets with that structure name layer turned on. elf. As noted in Item 11.b of the previous request for additional information, several structures on the structure table either have two inlet inverts with no outlet inverts or vice versa. Please check that details for Structures CO-B54, CO-B56, CO-1365, CO-B66, Ex- SCI 42(1), and YI-B137 are accurately presented. 1,z— The text on plan sheets CM701 and CM702 are not displaying properly. Please provide two sheets with the text issue resolved. �3. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(2): In response to Item 6.b of the previous request for additional information, it is noted that equation 3 was used to determine the average depth. Please update the second #2 item under the wet pond MDC section of the supplement to reflect that the vegetated shelf is not included in the calculation of average depth. ✓4. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(3): Please clarify how a total sediment storage volume of 39,170 cf was determined. The stage storage tables report that the incremental volume between an elevation of 21 and 22 in the main pond and forebay as being 11,073 cf and 716 cf, respectively, for a total of 11,789 cf. RQ2> 4 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of E9ergy,Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 niomr+caaouwn °*rheioto1eNYOOin°'0o"4.e 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 021017 Page 2 of 2 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g), .1042(2)(h), .1042(2)(i), .1042(2)(m), and .1050(16): Item 14 of the previous request for additional information noted that CG504 had not been signed, sealed or dated and asked that two signed, sealed, and dated copies be submitted. The recently submitted revised plan set omits plan sheet CG504. Additionally, the pond design has been revised since it was originally submitted. Please submit two copies of the revised CG504 that is signed, sealed, and dated. 6. Due to the insufficiency of the application, please submit a $500 fee for the additional review required for this application (in accordance with Session Law 2003-284, Section 11.4A(b)). Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). The requested information should be received in this Office by March 29, 2019, or the application will be returned as incomplete. Please note that only two letters requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program. If the information is not satisfactorily provided after the second request, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit to the Express Program, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express Coordinator for the next available review date and will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request, prior to the original due date, to the Division at the email address provided below. The extension request must include ajustification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted to the Division, which shall be no later than 5 business days past the original due date. Please remember that extension requests delay the issuance of the final permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Christine Hall Environmental Engineer GDS/cash: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2002\021017 HD\2019 03 addinfo 2 021017 cc: Richard Collier, PE; McKim & Creed, Inc.; via email Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 9:36 AM To: 'Richard Collier'; Brock Daniel; jamisong@uncw.edu; Mark Morgan Cc: Weaver, Cameron; Peter Aranyi (Clark Nexsen) Subject: RE: [External] RE: request for additional info, P3 Freshman Housing, SW8 021017 Attachments: 2019 03 addinfo_2 021017.pdf All, Attached is a pdf of the second request for additional information for the subject project. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Please also remember to label any packages submitted with "EXPRESS". Thanks! Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 "°+I'Iitt Compares I) c'it, ft;.,,P this ..rrir-�^�' �f ct ' f!?e c'?�. C .'S SUL,t.:.. its .. f:S-:< M Cal ciin? Ftrbl ,, P,e, -,Ord L.., (,p tz .;; , : , ;,d, to t "' ^alas From: Richard Collier<RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 4:52 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com>; jamisong@uncw.edu; Mark Morgan <morganm@uncw.edu> Cc: Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov>; Peter Aranyi (Clark Nexsen) <PARANYI@ClarkNexsen.com>; Richard Collier <RCollicr@mckimcreed.com> Subject: [External] RE: request for additional info, P3 Freshman Housing, SW8 021017 ¢yet .e t c#ick links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspiciaus email as an attachment to I Christine: Please find attached the digital version of the Express P3 Freshman Housing 2"d Submittal. The plans and calculations are being delivered to your office. Use the link below to download a full set of the 2nd Submittal Package. vM`KRV&caEED Hand Delivered TO:NCDEQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 ATTENTION: Christine Hall WE ARE SENDING: ❑ Originals ® Prints ❑ Specifications ❑ Calculations LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 19, 2019 PROJECT NO: 04999-0014 1 TASK NO: 4 RE: UNCW - P3 Housing Stormwater Permit Resubmittal TRANSMITTAL NO: PAGE 1 OF 1 ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Samples ❑ Other - Quantity Drawing No. Rev. Description Status 2 CM402 Stormwater Pipe Tables G MAR 19 Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 2. Make Corrections Noted 3.Other 4. Amend & Resubmit 5. Rejected - See Remarks REMARKS: 243 NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (910) 343-1048 FAX (910) 251-8282 °°: File, McKim &Creed, P.A. McKIM &CREED, INC Signed rjad4 C�ze Brock Daniel Senior Designer v MCKIM&CREED ENGINEER SURVEYORS P L A N N E R S March 15, 2019 04999-0014 (40) Christine Hall North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: "Express" 2nd Submittal SW8 021017 UNCW P3 Freshman Housing Via Email and Hand Delivery Dear Christine: This letter serves as the response to your add info letter related to "Express" Project SW8 021017 dated March 8, 2019. We have input the comments in the add info letter with responses directly below. The responses correspond to the calculations or drawings applicable. 1. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(a)(iv) and .1042(2)(g): The exhibits for the project area and drainage area do not include the future parking spaces currently located within the Cross City Trail permit area approved under SW8100405; however, built -upon area has been allocated for these future parking spaces. Please confirm if these future parking spaces have been included in the overall drainage area for this permit and/or if this area is considered another future sub -drainage area to the pond. If these areas are included in the overall drainage area, please demonstrate so on the plans. If these areas are not included in the overall drainage area, please consider including them to avoid a future major modification to the permit. 2.43 North Front Street Response: The BUA for the future parking spaces is included in the calculations as Future %V i in i n e i o i, . NC 28401 BUA. We have modified Exhibits B, C, and D to incorporate the area of the future spaces into the P3 Project Area, and the P3 Drainage Area to SCM-1. 2. Recommendation for 15A NCAC 02H.102(2)(a)(iv): The 2,602 sf of 910.343 i o a future BUA allocated to the P3 housing project appears to be dedicated Fax 91 U.251 82E2 for the future parking with no additional BUA for potential future wwv:.mckir• cr-:ed.com ECEIVE MI, 11116 improvements. It is understood that there is future BUA dedicated to the future recreation area and dining hall. If these three allocations of future development are for each of the three projects individually, then there is little to no future BUA remaining for the P3 project. To provide more flexibility in the future, please reconsider the future allocation to the P3 housing project area. Response: The P3 Freshman Housing project as shown on CS-100 ALT incorporates all intended BUA for the project. Therefore, we have not added any Future BUA to the P3 Project Drainage Area. Future BUA remains for the future Recreational Area and Dining Hall. 3. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(v): a. The sidewalk and landscaping improvements approved under SW8170907 around Graham Hall are not shown on either the existing conditions or proposed site plans. Please confirm if these improvements are still intended to be constructed or are no longer proposed. Response: The sidewalk is now shown clearly on the Exhibits A-D. The BUA from the original permit is incorporated into this permit package and we have shown and included an additional sidewalk in the Graham — Hewlett Courtyard. b. The BUA shown on the exhibits differs slightly from the BUA shown on the bid alternate site plan. For instance, the design of the utility building, the sidewalks between the utility building and Building 1, and the design of the fenced utility area between the parking lot and Building 3 were different. Please confirm the proposed site layout is presented consistently between the exhibits and the bid alternate site plan sheets. Response: The plans are all reprinted with this submittal. There was a change in the Regional Utility Building that had not been updated in the plan set. Its correct BUA was incorporated in the previous submittal. All plan sheets have been updated. CS-100 ALT provides the BUA accounted for in the permit and calculations. c. The site plan indicates that a subsurface reinforced turf is proposed for fire access. These types of surfaces generally are either compacted or use structural support such as a plastic turf reinforcing grid, which is considered a type of pervious pavement. Please confirm, if this surface was considered as BUA, infiltrating permeable pavement for BUA credit, or a pervious surface. If this area is an infiltrating permeable pavement, please update the application package to document the design and that it meets the requirements listed in 15A NCAC 02H.1055. If this WKW&CREED area is considered to be a pervious surface, please provide a cross-section of this area demonstrating that it will not be impervious or partially impervious as outlined in G.S. 143- 214.7(b2). Response: The adjacent grass pave system is considered pervious. This area will only be driven on in afire emergency. Any other vehicles on this access will remain on the concrete portion and not on the grass pave. 4. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(f): The incremental volumes of the main pool and forebay presented in the stage -storage calculations at an elevation of 30.0 appear to consider a height of 1 ft instead of the provided 0.5 ft difference. Please confirm the information presentedinthe stage -storage tables. Response: We have updated the CG-504 sheet and the calculations I supplement as necessary to correct this item. The forebay berm top elev = 29.00' or 1.0' below permanent pool. 5. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(1): a. Please confirm that the chosen sizing method (SAIDA or HRT) is being used to only size the main pool surface area and volume and does not include the forebay. The surface area presented and compared against the minimum required surface area is for the entire pond, including the forebay. Response: We used the SAIDA Method to size the Main Bay. WE have provided an additional calculation sheet that outlines the MDC's required for a Wet Pond. The calculations, drawings, and supplement has been updated to reflect the appropriately sized Main Bay. b. The third #1 item under the wet pond MDC section of the supplement reports the total permanent pool volume, including both the main pool and the forebay. Please only report the main pool volume in the third #1 item under the wet pond MDC section of the supplement. Response: This item has been revised on the supplement form. 6. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(2): a. The average depth calculation was based on the entire pond, not just the main pool. Please determine the average depth of just the main pool. Response: This has been corrected. Please see the added MDC Calculations for the revisions. b. The supplement indicates that the vegetated shelf was included in the calculation of average depth of the main pool; however, the calculations show that Equation 3 was used. Equation 3 excludes MCKIM&CREED the vegetated shelf from the average depth calculation. Please confirm the information is presented consistently. Response: We used Equation 3 in the average depth calculations for the Main Pool. This is incorporated in the added MDC Calculations and revised in all other calculations. The calculations now show that the shelf was excluded in the average depth calculations. 7. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(5)(a): The calculations based the percent of forebay volume provided against the total permanent pool volume provided (main pool and forebay). Please compare the forebay volume against the main pool volume only. Response: With the corrected Main Pool sizing, the forebay has also been sized appropriately and presented in the revised plans and calculations. 8. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(5)(b): The supplement reports the depth at the forebay entrance is 12 inches while the depth at the forebay exit is 78 inches. The forebay entrance must be deeper than the forebay exit. Please reconsider the depths presented on the supplement and/or the forebay design. Response: This has been corrected in the calculations and supplement form. The depth at the inlet of the forebay is deeper than the outlet of the forebay as required. 9. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(3) and (5): The supplement reports the clean -out depth for the forebay as 66 inches which appears to relate to 15A NCAC 02H.1053(5)(d) that indicates when maintenance activity is to occur. However, the supplement is intended to document the design condition of the wet pond. In the sixth #5 item under the Wet Pond MDC, please report the provided sediment storage, which appears to be 12 inches. Response: This has been corrected in the calculations and supplement form. The depth is now presented correctly as 12-inches. 10. 15A NCAC 02H.1050(4): The flows reported on the provided energy dissipater design calculations do not appear to be consistent with the peak discharge from the 10-year storm event shown in the Hydraflow Hydrograph Report. Please provide additional documentation or engineering calculations demonstrating that the inlets and outlets of the SCM will be non -erosive during the peak flow from the 10-year storm event. Response: The 10-year flows are taken from the Hydraflow modeling. As there are 2 outlet pipes we provided the outlet pad calculations by single pipe and then doubled it. The corrected outlet pad sizing is shown on the plans, details, and in the V MCMM&CREED calculations. 11. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(vii): Please double check the details of the stormwater collection system. a. In comparing the proposed stormwater collection system, the proposed elevations, and the pipe information, several areas do not appear to provide positive drainage. This is evidenced by the negative pipe slopes on CM402. Please ensure the runoff will be directed to the wet pond. Response: All runoff from the proposed P3 Project is directed to SCM-1. The negative slopes shown previously have been corrected on the revised plans and tables. The main trunk line always has flowed correctly into the SCM-1, it was some of the roof laterals that were reversed. b. The invert for YI-A88 is set at -0.5. Response: This has been corrected. c. Several of the pipes have mislabeled details. For instance, the details for CO-B54 and CO-65 include two invert out (INV OUT) elevations with no invert inlet (INV IN) elevations. Labels for several of the stormwater collection system structures could not be found on the storm drainage plan (CO-B55, CO-B33, B130, and B131. Please make sure the features of the system are identified. Response: This has been corrected 12. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iii): Please provide the boundaries of all wetlands on the plans or a note on the plans that none exist. If a note is already on the plans, please provide a citation of where it can be located. Response: A note has been added to the plans that Wetlands do not exist onsite. See sheet CX100 Note 4. 13. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(ii.): Please provide two plan size copies of the permit boundary exhibit with northings and eastings that have been signed, sealed and dated to include in the plan set. Response: These are provided in this submission including seal and signature. 14. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g), .1042(2)(h), .1042(2)(i), .1042(2)(m), and .1050(16): The following plan sheets were not signed, sealed, and dated: CG100, CG105, and CG504. Please provide 2 copies of these plan sheets that have been signed, sealed, and dated. MCMM&CREED Response: All plan sheets have been appropriately signed and sealed. Two (2) copies of the revised plan set is included. 15. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2): Please email the supplement form to the email address provided below so that it can be preserved electronically per the regulatory requirements. Response: Corrected supplement form was been emailed on March 15, 2019. 16. The express additional information review fee has been waived. If a second extensive request is needed, a fee may be assessed at that time. Response: Noted, and greatly appreciated. Following your review of the 2nd Submittal, if there are any additional edits needed, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, McKim & Creed, Inc. I�j IV, . Richard M. Collier, PE Assistant Vice -President Enclosures: Two (2) sets of revised calculations (cover page sealed) Two (2) sets of the revised application, O&M, and supplement Two (2) sets of the revised plan set dated March 15, 2019 CC: Mark Morgan, UNCW Galen Jamison, PE, UNCW Peter Aranyi, AIA, Clark Nexsen v MCIQM&CREED ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director March 8, 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality University of North Carolina - Wilmington Attn: Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs c/o Mark Morgan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs -Facilities 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 021017 UNCW P3 Freshman Housing New Hanover County Dear Mr. Morgan: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a modified Express State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on March 4, 2019. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information: e/1..+ 15A NCAC 02H. 1 042(2)(a)(iv) and .1042(2)(g): The exhibits for the project area and drainage area do not include the future parking spaces currently located within the Cross City Trail permit area approved under SW8 100405; however, built -upon area has been allocated for these future parking spaces. Please confirm if these future parking spaces have been included in the overall drainage area for this permit and/or if this area is considered another future sub -drainage area to the pond. If these areas are included in the overall drainage area, please demonstrate so on the plans. If these areas are not included in the overall drainage area, please consider including them to avoid a future major modification to the permit. Ok . 2. Recommendation for 15A NCAC 02H.102(2)(a)(iv): The 2,602 sf of future BUA allocated to the P3 housing project appears to be dedicated for the future parking with no additional BUA for potential future improvements. It is understood that there is future BUA dedicated to the future recreation area and dining hall. If these three allocations of future development are for each of the three projects individually, then there is little to no future BUA remaining for the P3 project. To provide more flexibility in the future, please reconsider the future allocation to the P3 housing project area. 3. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(v): Ck a. The sidewalk and landscaping improvements approved under SW8 170907 around Graham Hall are not shown on either the existing conditions or proposed site plans. Please confirm if these improvements are still intended to be constructed or are no longer proposed. v/b. The BUA shown on the exhibits differs slightly from the BUA shown on the bid alternate site plan. For instance, the design of the utility building, the sidewalks between the utility building and Building 1, and the design of the fenced utility area between the parking lot and Building 3 were different. Please confirm the proposed site layout is presented consistently between the exhibits and the bid alternate site plan sheets. c. The site plan indicates that a subsurface reinforced turf is proposed for fire access. These types of surfaces generally are either compacted or use structural support such as a plastic turf reinforcing grid, which is considered a type of pervious pavement. Please confirm if this surface was considered as BUA, infiltrating permeable pavement for BUA credit, or a pervious surface. If this area is an infiltrating permeable pavement, please update the application package to document the design and that it meets the requirements listed in 15A NCAC 02H.1055. If this area is considered to be a pervious surface, please provide a cross-section of this area demonstrating that it will not be impervious or partially impervious as outlined in G.S. 143-214.7(b2). D:- W_ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Nrmeral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 g -4 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 021017 Page 2 of 3 v 4. 1.5A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(f): The incremental volumes of the main pool and forebay presented in the stage -storage calculations at an elevation of 30.0 appear to consider a height of 1 ft instead of the provided 0.5 ft difference. Please confirm the information presented in the stage -storage tables: ,,.5._ 15ANCACO2H.1053(1): >a. Please confirm that the chosen sizing method (SA/DA or HRT) is being used to only size the main pool surface area and volume and does not include the forebay. The surface area presented and compared against the minimum required surface area is for the entire pond, including the forebay. The third # 1 item under the wet pond MDC section of the supplement reports the total permanent pool volume, including both the main pool and the forebay. Please only report the main pool volume in the third # 1 item under the wet pond MDC section of the supplement. 6. 15, � CAC 02H.1053(2): a. The average depth calculation was based on the entire pond, not just the main pool. Please determine the average depth of just the main pool. —� b. The supplement indicates that the vegetated shelf was included in the calculation of average depth of the main pool; however, the calculations show that Equation 3 was used. Equation 3 excludes the vegetated shelf from the average depth calculation. Please confirm the information is presented consistently. 1%7 15A NCAC 02H.1053(5)(a): The calculations based the percent of forebay volume provided against the total permanent pool volume provided (main pool and forebay). Please compare the forebay volume against the main pool volume only. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(5)(b): The supplement reports the depth at the forebay entrance is 12 inches while the depth at the forebay exit is 78 inches. The forebay entrance must be deeper than the forebay exit. Please reconsider the depths presented on the supplement and/or the forebay design. \'e19. 15A NCAC 02H.1053(3) and (5): The supplement reports the clean -out depth for the forebay as 66 inches which appears to relate to 15A NCAC 02H.1053(5)(d) that indicates when maintenance activity is to occur. However, the supplement is intended to document the design condition of the wet pond. In the sixth #5 item under the Wet Pond AMC, please report the provided sediment storage, which appears to be 12 inches. V//1"O. 15A NCAC 02H.1050(4): The flows reported on the provided energy dissipater design calculations do not appear to be consistent with the peak discharge from the 10-year storm event shown in the Hydraflow Hydrograph Report. Please provide additional documentation or engineering calculations demonstrating that the inlets and outlets of the SCM will be non -erosive during the peak flow from the 10-year storm event. 11, 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(vii): Please double check the details of the stormwater collection system. ✓a. In comparing the proposed stormwater collection system, the proposed elevations, and the pipe information, several areas do not appear to provide positive drainage. This is evidenced by the negative pipe slopes on CM402. Please ensure the runoff will be directed to the wet pond mob. The invert for YI-A88 is set at -0.5. c. Several of the pipes have mislabeled details. For instance, the details for CO-B54 and CO-65 include two invert out (INV OUT) elevations with no invert inlet (INV IN) elevations. 7 d. Labels for several of the stormwater collection system structures could not be found on the storm drainage plan (CO-B55, CO-1333, B130, and B131. Please make sure the features of the system are identified. ✓i2. 15A NCAC 02H. I 042(2)(g)(iii): Please provide the boundaries of all wetlands on the plans or a note on the plans that none exist. If a note is already on the plans, please provide a citation of where it can be located. State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 021017 Page 3 of 3 1'13. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(ii): Please provide two plan size copies of the permit boundary exhibit with northings and eastings that have been signed, sealed and dated to include in the plan set. 14. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g), .1042(2)(h), .1042(2)(i), .1042(2)(m), (16): The following plan sheets were not signed, sealed, and dated: CG100, CG105, an CG504. ease provide 2 / copies of these plan sheets that have been signed, sealed, and dated. ✓15. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2): Please email the supplement form to the email address provided below so that it can be preserved electronically per the regulatory requirements. 16. The express additional information review fee has been waived. If a second extensive request is needed, a fee may be assessed at that time. Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). The requested information should be received in this Office by March 15, 2019, or the application will be returned as incomplete. If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit to the Express Program, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express Coordinator for the next available review date and will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request, prior to the original due date, to the Division at the email address provided below. The extension request must include ajustification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted to the Division, which shall be no later than 5 business days past the original due date. Please remember that extension requests delay the issuance of the final permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, (%Wwe qa& Christine Hall Environmental Engineer GDS/canh: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2002\021017 HD\2019 03 addinfo 021017 cc: Richard Collier, PE; McKim & Creed, Inc.; via email Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File ` Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Friday, March 08, 2019 2:27 PM To: 'Richard Collier'; Brock Daniel; jamisong@uncw.edu; Mark Morgan Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: request for additional info, P3 Freshman Housing, SW8 021017 Attachments: 2019 03 addinfo 021017.pdf Gentlemen, Attached is a pdf of the request for additional information for the subject project. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Please also remember to label any packages submitted with "EXPRESS". Thanks! Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources - State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 'Nothing Compares i=rnaii 1 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 3:47 PM To: 'Richard Collier'; Brock Daniel Cc: Galen Jamison (jamisong@uncw.edu); Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] Revised Exhibit B and New Exhibit C (P3 Drainage Area Map) The northings and eastings are fine but it needs to be on a signed, sealed and dated plan sheet as part of the plan package per .1042(2)(g). Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Efnail correspondence to and fr,c)f,ei this address is subject to the North Caratina Pobiic Records Law and may be disclosec'to th rd p, From: Richard Collier<RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 9:09 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Galen Jamison (jamisong@uncw.edu) <jamisong@uncw.edu>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Revised Exhibit B and New Exhibit C (P3 Drainage Area Map) External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send ail suspicious email as an attachment to Christine: Attached Is the updated 0&M Page 4 of 4 with the accurate Temp Pool Elev of 33.00 Within the narrative and calculation documents we provided an exhibit of the overall project area with Northing and Eastings on each point of the boundary. We determined that B&D on such small boundary line segments was very hard to maintain or read. Will these coordinates be acceptable as a substitution for B&D? Or, we can create a B&D map that approximates the overall project and drainage area and apply bearings and distances to longer line segments. Which would you prefer? Richard From: Hall, Christine <Christine.HaII@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 8:53 AM To: Richard Collier<RCollier@mckimcreed.com>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Galen Jamison (lamisong@uncw.edu) <iamisong@uncw.edu>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Revised Exhibit B and New Exhibit C (P3 Drainage Area Map) Gentlemen, I was going back through the package delivered late Friday afternoon and realized that the letters requesting the two permits be rescinded were from McKim & Creed, not UNCW. Only the permittee may request permits to be rescinded. Please provide letters from UNCW asking for those permits to be rescinded as soon as possible. Also, it doesn't look like several of the items we discussed in the meeting were updated. The 0&M agreement still lists the temporary pool elevation as 32 and I did not see bearings & distances on the project area (.1042(2)(g)(ii)). Since these are minor and the review can still continue, they will be included in the letter requesting additional information. In the meantime, since this was delivered after noon on Friday, these projects will be logged in as received on 3/4/19. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hallifncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 8:37 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Galen Jamison (lamisong@uncw.edu) <jamisong@uncw.edu> Subject: Re: [External] Revised Exhibit B and New Exhibit C (P3 Drainage Area Map) External �' yverify. vial email. Do not click li[�ti[ n�t�!rrients unless you vent .Send all sus �civus emaaf as an attachment to. .,f � i a I # l,'• Thanks Christine. We are amending Exhibit B and it's table as recommended. Yes, looks like a layer was off on Exhibit C, we will correct. We appreciate all your help and comments. Will be delivering the package this afternoon. Richard M. Collier McKim & Creed (910) 520-7754 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 8:53 AM To: 'Richard Collier'; Brock Daniel Cc: Galen Jamison (jamisong@uncw.edu); Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] Revised Exhibit B and New Exhibit C (P3 Drainage Area Map) Gentlemen, I was going back through the package delivered late Friday afternoon and realized that the letters requesting the two permits be rescinded were from McKim & Creed, not UNCW. Only the permittee may request permits to be rescinded. Please provide letters from UNCW asking for those permits to be rescinded as soon as possible. Also, it doesn't look like several of the items we discussed in the meeting were updated. The 0&M agreement still lists the temporary pool elevation as 32 and I did not see bearings & distances on the project area (.1042(2)(g)(ii)). Since these are minor and the review can still continue, they will be included in the letter requesting additional information. In the meantime, since this was delivered after noon on Friday, these projects will be logged in as received on 3/4/19. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 'A oth.mg C.or f-,Ores Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina PUblic Records Lavii and maybe disclosed to third patties. From: Richard Collier <RCollier@ mckimcreed.com> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 8:37 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Galen Jamison (jamisong@uncw.edu) <jamisong@uncw.edu> Subject: Re: [External] Revised Exhibit B and New Exhibit C (P3 Drainage Area Map) ernal e Its unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to sru—C. crate. ..- . Thanks Christine. We are amending Exhibit B and it's table as recommended. Yes, looks like a layer was off on Exhibit C, we will correct. We appreciate all your help and comments. Will be delivering the package this afternoon. -.. J i 0.aG f k"I l PARID: R05511-003-001-000 NC STATE OF Parcel 601 COLLEGE RD S Alt ID 314713.03.8441.000 Address 601 S COLLEGE RD Unit City WILMINGTON Zip Code - Neighborhood CHBC3 Class GOV-Exempt Government Land Use Code 821-Educational Living Units Acres 648.92 Zoning O&I-1-OFFICE & INSTITUTION (GENERAL) Legal Legal Description (648.92 ACRES) UNIVERSITY OF NC @ WILMINGTON Tax District WM Owners (On January1st) Owner NC STATE OF City RALEIGH State NC Country Zip 27603 THE DATA IS FROM 2018 ECEIVE MAR 0 4 2019 U"-- •""-.r.t+,,,.,._,-- nCZI1 nnz not nnn11i12 Pin In f Fcr DEQ Use ONLY 1 a+R1 �O Reviewer , North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality b a fj Request for Express Permit Review j Time 51i� 6e\k I7�V7 Ll Time' �� ianriTt: �'.. FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permits) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the application package of the protect location. Please include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region -Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;alison.davidson(Mncdenrgov • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791-4203; david.leefncdenrpov • Mooresville or Winston Salem -Marcia Allocco 704-235-2107; marcia allocco(cDncdenr goy • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or iyn.hardisonAncdenroov • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver910-796-7303 or cameron.weaverOncdenrgov NOTE; Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: UNCW - P3 HOUSING County: NEW HANOVER Applicant: MARK MORGAN Company: UNCW Address: 601 SOUTH COLLEGE RD. City: WILMINGTON, State: NC Zip: 28403-_ Phone: 910-962-3761, Fax: 910-962-7140, Email: morganm@uncw.edu Physical Location:UNCW CAMPUS (SEE EXHIBIT) related tc this Proigct P:PI' S E&S E&S Other -- Project Drains into BRADLEY CREEK waters — Water classification SC:HQW:# (DWR Surface Water Classifications Map) Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin. Is project draining to class ORIN waters? N, within '/z mile and draining to class SA waters N or within 1 mile and draining to class HQW waters? N Engineer/Consultant: RICHARD COLLIER, PE Company: MCKIM&CREED Address: 243 NORTH FRONT ST. City: WILMINGTON, State: NC Zip: 28401-_ Phone: 910-343 1048, Fax: _ = Email: rcollier@mckimcreed.com PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE $ # JOBS SEC T iON ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY felt 7 �?'Dl9' ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWR, ❑ DCM, ❑ DEMLR, ❑ OTHER: SECTION TWO: CHECK ONLY THE PROGRAM (S) YQU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ® 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream calls — Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination: _ # of stream calls — Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (_linear ft or _acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ® High Density -Detention Pond 1 # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Infiltration _ #Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Bio-Retention _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density —SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ElHigh Density -Other _ # Treatment Systems / 0 MOD: ❑ Major ❑ Minor ElPlan Revision ❑ Redev. Exclusion SW (Provide permit #) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed. (CK # & Amt. (for DEQ use)) SECTION THREE —,PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJEC'T.I;fgr both scouina and express,meetina r -, nest, Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ® No Wetlands Delineation.has,.been completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval bf Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No Fee_ Split for multiple permits: (Check# Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ® YES: .1 5acre(s) Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ® No 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance (❑ Maj; ❑ Min) 1 $ SW (❑ HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen) $ 401: $ I LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ I NCDEQ EXPRESS March 2016 UNCW P3 HOUSING WILMINGTON, NC NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC NCDEQ NARRATIVE FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Prepared for: University of North Carolina - Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared by: v VM M&CREED 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)343-1048 Project #4999-0014 NOVEMBER 2018 PROJECT SUMMARY The P3 Housing project will deliver approximately 1800 new student beds through a Public/Private/ Partnership (P3) at UNC Wilmington. The student beds will be housed between four (4) multi -story buildings that will supplement existing on -campus housing and will establish a campus quad to enhance the student housing experience. The new student housing will include pedestrian walkways, student parking, and other site improvements required to facilitate utilities and solid waste disposal. The State Construction Office (SCO) is the review and approval authority having jurisdiction over all documents required for construction. EXISTING CONDITIONS The project site is situated in the southeast portion of the UNC Wilmington campus. It is bounded by the Blumethenthal Wildflower Preserve to the north; the intramural recreational fields and Walton Drive to the east; and Riegel Road to the south and west. A portion of this site is currently made up of (13) two-story housing buildings which will be demolished as they are aging and in need of repair. There is also existing parking and walkways which will be redeveloped to better serve the new housing plans. The existing topography has an average slope just under 1.0%. Stormwater runoff on the site currently drains into the Bradley Creek watershed. Bradley Creek has a current surface water classification of SC; HQW. Based on the USDA National Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey, the underlying soils within the project area are predominantly Baymeade fine sands (Bn), Murville fine sand, (Mu), Pantego loam (Pn), Seagate fine sand (Se) and Urban (Ur). See soils map in supporting documentation of this report for more detailed information. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION There will be (4) student housing buildings, a single service yard building for the domestic and fire pumps, and (4) utility buildings to house chiller equipment for individual buildings. The total proposed impervious is 7.84 acres which includes parking and any hardscape associated with pedestrian walkways and gathering areas. A Certificate of Approval has already been issued for Stage 1 Erosion Control plans and included a General Construction Stormwater Permit. The intent of this initial permit was to allow early installation of some erosion control measures, clearing and grubbing, and demolition of existing (2) story student housing that is in disrepair. EIn RIEC MAR 13 20 BY• All temporary erosion control measures will be installed prior to the start of any significant land disturbance activities; this excludes those minimal activities required for installation of the measures. These measures will protect against offsite sedimentation during these early phase construction activities. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT A student dining facility with associated parking and pedestrian access is currently planned for developing the northern portion of this site. There is also a plan to redevelop the existing recreation area such that the final build -out of this site is synchronized and coordinated. We included future allocations in our stormwater management calculations to account for these development plans. We anticipate +/- 26 acres to drain to a regional stormwater pond located across Walton Drive from this site. Weaver, Cameron From: Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 4:16 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Richard Collier, Tim Clark Subject: [External] Express Stormwater Submittal Meeting Request Attachments: Express Permit Request Package.pdf ;Faciernal_ernaii. Don- k links-ar apen a;tacisr�n.l_.....�enfl�l];:s�spiciau._a��,a�ayttachm�nt.tc Hey Cameron, As previously discussed, we would like to get a submittal meeting scheduled for an Express Stormwater Permit. The attached document and information should be what you need to get us on your schedule. If there's anything else you require, please let us know and we will get it to you. Otherwise, please let us know once you have a date. Thanks, Br ocic IDanaei I ::,zninr t ..-- siciler T 91.0.J;4,3.Itr4i� 24 l'7lRi tip Fi C4'FNC. 221:01- bdanieI00mckimcreed.com I www+mckimcrPed.con-ii Voted "Best Firm To Work For" '.­ot�p, Fo serid r repa file larger t lam 20NIB please click here Disclaimer ;,'s rn .; ; c rld iiy iik's try wismitted 'xitid it re coniidenti_l >,md ir. ildec sole6�y for the use of the individual or entity to t,vh ''n they a.-e addroFsed. Ir NC;. Fv_ rece i'i,tA tills e-mail in errcr p1._ :se nobfN; the system m8nc 2;'.r. ple asi' note that any viev 5 or opinSons in Chis <'.-•mJi: are solely t7,osc of the ?lithQ; _ ,!Odi do r':ot nee".:essadly reprz EEpi;t those of the corn any. Finai!y, tile! vecip:enC .3;,ou;a ch-_c`=_ this e-mzai! ;:nti any ; .t chrncnts for tPe presence of viruses. The comr);my accepts no liabilit v f3­ �nv darna:;ii caused LMy viru_ "rarlE•mitted by dlis !--.Al. 1 1 - --._ `�--•=.. ._;:�-��` i ! �I.1 �_ ;'... :_ICI_; i-��l.!� '11 � .. � w cr •.y�k.,. z� JI!-•u1 1 i i I m t1. iif- RCIO, ffl MO1l�M I— '•i :t � Q 110 Of s, o L.LLLJ I cic cl co- VHV�10 4f, £.�•.'y -�•1'i ti•, 5 S •�' �I;.' i •, � 5'l., ` ia'1 J•` .. �..._ ! , ..... I � l' O iJ .• .' t'''n i. •i ti. ,..: 4F.: i�•"^<`a wRa LU a+T L =_= Weaver, Cameron From: Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 3:34 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Richard Collier, Tim Clark Subject: [External] FW: Express Stormwater Submittal Meeting Request Attachments: 181128_Overall Site Plan.pdf MAN 9 %rnal email. npt click [inks or Open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Hey Cameron, I received your voicemail and have attached an 11x17 version of our current site plan for the P3 Housing project. I believe this is what you requested and should provide a better visual of what is being proposed for this site. It is primarily the construction of (4) student housing buildings with associated parking and essential site improvements. The SCM located across Walton Drive will treat all of the new impervious plus additional BUA allocations for future development of a rec area and dining hall located to the north of Buildings 3 and 4. Please review the attachment along with our narrative, which we previously submitted, and that should paint a more clear picture of what we're proposing. I assume you are still working with Christine on getting us a submittal date scheduled? Thanks From: Brock Daniel Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 4:16 PM To: 'Weaver, Cameron' <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com>; Tim Clark <TClark@mckimcreed.com> Subject: Express Stormwater Submittal - Meeting Request Hey Cameron, As previously discussed, we would like to get a submittal meeting scheduled for an Express Stormwater Permit. The attached document and information should be what you need to get us on your schedule. If there's anything else you require, please let us know and we will get it to you. Otherwise, please let.us know once you have a date. Thanks, Brock i0aniel T ff 4.::J.4.'. �)4V— C] 4 itl iF t'i�ni. J:.. �: � V1tili�i 284 t." bdaniel(&mckimcreed.com I viviwanckimcreed.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" - Zvveio G?roap -VeAeA, I \VX \%,.4L yzv4. T.--) �.encl a file larazi- r.hgn 20MB please click here Disclaimer This :-nd any t:-. 4Itw-1 ccofidz-itial and intendo,." ;7jk Iv U Ll�,-; the individual or uitiu- tc. t.- Y are acids 2S, A. If you, 11Z.-V.1 3 in e. i �r plc,;?s-,, notify the s', rote that any vieA .; ur oc , 1is present, J' 4, ,Oii� e-rTijil Ntc 6' A,< ol aCo not ncccss.-.:il, :i-''L Fi dly, tho ci: the company. Ont� shouid cl,,. Liis o-rnJi ..nv ,ttl-- Orr —2 m-,.;enco of vii-MC;S. CQ171PF'Iy acc-,is oD lic:'L-Hity iiD!, an;, wirn�qe cF-s:- by any V. u-:- 1'rans1T.�;'tC,-: 6,- il. e 2 C�v( UNCW (P3) FRESHMAN HOUSING WILMINGTON, NC NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC NCDEQ NARRATIVE FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Prepared for: University of North Carolina - Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared by: 46 M iW 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)343-1048 Project #4999-0014 (40) ECEiVE MAR 0 4 2019 BY.- It f fff = '� SEAL��'�'= March i, 2019 022574 a' •• UNCW (M) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 1.0 - PROJECT SUMMARY The UNCW P3 Freshman Housing project ("P3 Project") will deliver approximately 1,800 new student beds through a Public/Private/ Partnership (P3) at UNC Wilmington. The student beds will be housed in four (4) multi -story buildings that will supplement existing on -campus housing and will establish a campus quad to enhance the student housing experience. The new student housing will include pedestrian walkways, student parking, and other site improvements required to facilitate utilities and solid waste disposal. The stormwater management plan for the P3 Project is to provide a wet detention pond (SCM#1) for the treatment of the appropriate design storm event and provide attenuation of the post development runoff for the 2-year storm event. Discharge from SCM#1 will be conveyed thru an outlet structure and outfall pipe to the unnamed blue line tributary to Bradley Creek. The P3 Project will treat the built upon area to the 1.5" Design Storm. The alternate site plan (see plan sheet CS-100ALT) illustrates all built upon area (BUA) at the time of full buildout. The full plan set illustrates the improvements associated with the base bid and may not include all BUA as shown on CS-100ALT. nis narrative and associated stormwater permit; analysis, calculations, and documentation are based on the full buildout BUA as illustrated on CS-100ALT. The P3 Project Permit Area is 31.50 acres. The P3 Project Permit Area (see Exhibit-B) is comprised of the following: 1. Proposed P3 Project Area (includes SCM#1 Area) 2. Future Recreational Field Area 3. Future Dining Hall Area 4. Existing The Hub and Bypass The SCM#1 Drainage Area is 30.30 acres (see Exhibit-C). This drainage area is comprised of the following: 1. The in mediate area surrounding the P3 Project Area (including the SCM#1 area); 2. The existing recreational fields and area of a future dining facility adjacent to Price's Road and north of the P3 Project; 3. The existing runoff from Graham -Hewlett Hall roof drainage, courtyard and sidewalks; 4. The existing parking Lot O for Graham -Hewlett residents; 5. The existing expansion to parking Lot O (permitted in 2002); and 6. The existing service area north of Belk Hall . McKIM&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project P a g e 12 UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative The P3 Project Permit will amend the following stormwater permits: 1. Major Modification to SWM Permit SW8 021017 (Parking Lot O - 2002 Expansion) 2. Rescind SW8 160103 (The llub) 3. Rescind SW8170907 Graham Hall Improvements 2.0 - EXISTING CONDITIONS The P3 Project site is situated in the southeast portion of the UNC Wilmington campus. It is bounded by the Blumenthal Wildflower Preserve to the north; the intramural recreational fields and Walton Drive to the east; and Riegel Road to the south and west. A portion of this site is made up of thirteen (13) two-story housing buildings which are being demolished (University Apartments). There are existing parking lots and walkways which will be demolished / redeveloped to better serve the new housing plans. The existing topography has an average slope of approximately 1.0%. Existing elevations range from a high of 44.0' AMSL to 34.0' AMSL and drain generally to the east. Stormwater runoff on the site currently drains into the Bradley Creek watershed via an unnamed blueline tributary. Bradley Creek has a current surface water classification of SC; HQW. Based on the USDA National Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey, the underlying soils within the project area are predominantly Baymeade fine sands (Bn) [A soil], Murville fine sand (Mu) [A/D soil], Pantego loam (Pn) [B/D soil], and Seagate fine sand (Se) [A/D soil]. See soils map (See Exhibit-D) and curve number results in the supporting documentation of this report for more detailed information. See Exhibit-E: USGS Quad Map. 3.0 - EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMITS (Exhibit -A) 1. The P3 Project is within an established portion of the UNCW Campus. The majority of the area was constructed prior to the enactment of the NC 1988 Stormwater Permitting requirements. Belk Hall, Galloway Hall, Graham Hall and Hewlett Hall, Parking Lot O adjacent to Graham -Hewlett, the loading / unloading zone east of Galloway Hall and north of Belk Hall, the on -campus apartments and walkways, and the two surface lots known as Parking Lot P were all constructed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. See Exhibit-K existing aerial mapping and historical archive data for more information on the Pre-1988 areas. 16 . ► McIQM&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project page 13 UNCW (M) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 2. SW8 021017 - Parking Lot O Expansion Permit: In 2002 this stormwater permit was issued for the installation of the Parking Lot O expansion near the intersection of Riegel Road and Walton Drive on the UNCW Campus. See Exhibit -A for more information. 3. SW8160103 - The Hub: This project, which consists of a permeable pavement infiltration SCM was permitted and constructed in approximately 2016. See Exhibit -A for more information. 4. SW8170907 - Graham Hall Stormwater and Landscape Improvements. This permit was issued in 2017 for the installation of a permeable paver sidewalk on the west end of Graham Hall and proposed drive isle and parking spaces in the courtyard. See Exhibit - A for more information. See Exhibit-L: Existing Stormwater Permit Drawings. 4.0 — PROPOSED P3 PROTECT MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SWM PERMITS 1. SW8 021017 - Parking Lot O - Expansion 2002: a. Major Modification to incorporating the existing BUA (to remain) and proposed BUA 2. SW8160103 - The Hub: a. Rescind Permit. Drainage areas will be incorporated into the P3 Project Permit Area, however, are not included in the SCM#1 Drainage Area. Refer to Rescission Letter dated February 27, 2019. 3. SW8170907 - Graham Hall Stormwater and Landscape Improvements: a. Rescind Permit. Drainage area will be incorporated into the P3 Project SCM#1 DA. Refer to Rescission Letter dated February 27, 2019. 5.0 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION There will be four (4) multi -story student housing buildings, a service yard and building which will house the domestic water and fire service pumps, as well as chiller equipment for the four (4) buildings. The P3 Project proposed built upon area is 13.83-acres which includes parking and any hardscape associated with pedestrian walkways and gathering areas and the future recreational fields and dining hall. See CS-100ALT. A Certificate of Approval was issued for Stage 1 Erosion Control and includes an NPDES General Construction Stormwater Permit. The intent of this permit allows early installation of erosion control measures, clearing and grubbing of the P3 Project area, demolition of the existing two-story student housing structures, installation of Sediment Basin 1 (future SCM#1), ENGINEERS S4&CREED UNCW P3 Project P a g e 14 UNCW (M) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative relocation of water services that exist under the area of Sediment Basin 1 footprint, and miscellaneous underground utilities (not considered as built upon area). Erosion control measures will be installed prior to the start of significant land disturbance activities; this excludes those minimal activities required for installation of the measures. These measures will protect against offsite sedimentation during the early phase of construction activities. The P3 Project will have multiple stages of erosion control throughout the duration of construction. The stages are based upon the general contractor's logistics and construction sequencing. 6.0 - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT An approximate 20,000 SF student dining facility with associated parking and pedestrian access is planned for the northern portion of the stormwater project area. There is a proposed plan to redevelop the existing recreational area (north of. the P3 Project) such that the final build -out of this site is synchronized and coordinated. Future impervious allocation is included in the proposed stormwater management calculations for SCM#1. Future Dining Hall BUA = 60,000 SF- Future Recreational Area BUA=150,000 SF. 7.0 - P3 PROJECT PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT An approximate 1.20-acre Wet Pond (SCM#1) will be constructed for the stormwater management of the P3 Project. SCM#1 will provide the required water quality treatment (see section 6.0 above) and peak flow attenuation of the 2-year and 10-year 24-hour storm events. See Exhibits F, G, H, I & J. Storm Event Pre -Development Runoff Post Development Runoff 2-year, 24-hr storm event 56.06 cfs 38.48 cfs 10- ear, 24-hr storm event 106.19 cfs 115.82 cfs SCM#1 is designed to collect and treat runoff from the existing conditions described in sections 2.0 and 3.0 above; proposed P3 Project construction; and future planned development located north of the P3 Project area. McIGM&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project P a g e UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative Exhibits: 1. Exhibit - A: Existing Conditions 2. Exhibit - B: P3 Project Permit Area 3. Exhibit - C: SCM#1 Drainage Area 4. Exhibit - D: NRCS Web Soil Survey Mapping 5. Exhibit - E: USGS Quad Map 6. Exhibit - F: Pre And Post Development Curve Number Calculations 7. Exhibit -� S. Exhibit - H: ham_,.,,.D,,�� aw 9. Exhibit - I: Outlet Structure Floatation Design and Outfall Riprap Sizing 10. Exhibit - J: Hydraflow Results for SCM#1 Storm Routing (2, 10, 25, 50, & 100-Year Events) 11. Exhibit - K: Existing Aerial Photographs for Pre-1988 Areas & Archive Data from Randall Library 12. Exhibit - L: Existing Stormwater Management Permit Drawings MCFMV&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project P a g e 16 Exhibit - A Existing Conditions S 2 11 4 E D CI B a w PARKING LOT L (FUTURE PARKING DECK) BWETf ENTHAL WILDFLOWER PRESERVE m. m GALLOWAY (built Pre-1987 y �I _ 10 EXISTING PERMITTED--! PROJECT BOUNDARY (THE HUB) TO BE RESCINDED n s - OVERALL I PROJECT LIMITS . J STUDENT RECREATION CENTER f P3 STUDENT HOUSING PROJECT MILLENNIAL LIMITS 40 j �y E ING s CA, S ` 4 ; ENTS° wilt a-1988) `/��,. EXISTIN ARKING LO P ilt Pre-198 EXISTING DA 1 (built Pre-1988) TING!'M 20 \ ;§a mL t11 r�� Ru am BARKING' D. 0, •.. LOT J � { EXISTING PERMITTED — PROJECT BOUNDARY (GRAHAM HALL IMPROVEMENTS) TO BE RESCINDED / i F ' j SCHWARTZ, i HALL rf I II-- LIONFISH bRfVE I' � I I EXISTING PERMITTED PROJECT BOUNDARY (PARKING LOT "O") f EXISTING TO BE MODIFIED a oo PARKING LOT O. nF J (built Pre-1988) �r \ TIDE DRIVE �SL.i� 1 `'•w .. RIEGEL ROAD �� I WOOD DALE EXISTING PERMITTED PROJECT BOUNDARY OVERALL DRIVE (CROSS -CITY TRAIL) PROJECT LIMITS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED iJl \CW. UnNersKy of North Cmline at Wilmington Student Housing Public -Private Partnership 601 S CG9ege Rd, Wdminngglopn, NC 29403 Balfour Beatty Campus ` 1ms Balfour Beatty Construction SCO# 18.19231-0iB DEBIGNM CLARKNEXSEN 1523 ELIZABETH AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 704 377-BBOD CLARK NEXSEN LICENSE NUMBER: G1028 A MMMM CREED CIVIL ENGINEER 243 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 910.343.1048 PROFESSION SEW_ SFAL -` 2b74 = 03-Ot-2019 SUBMIT. STORMWATER PERMIT SET REVISIONS — NEY RAN LEGEND OVERALL PROJECT LIMITS AND NEW PERMIT LIMITS P3 STUDENT HOUSING PROJECT LIMITS EXISTING PERMIT WSW81709U INDE TO GE RESCINDED (GRAHAM (G EXISTING PERMITWSWS021017 TO BE MODIFIED I (PARKING LOT 0) W"'CO F`� `9 TO BEI RESCINDED HUS-PERMEABLE PAVEMENTI SHEEP Lei`+-'-J✓ INFILTRATION SCM) EXISTING CONDITIONS WITH \ti EXISTINGESPERMIT WSWS 160103 TO BE RCINDED PROJECT LIMITS AND PERMIT BOUNDARIES (THE HUMYPASS) r\7>\'7 7j EXISTING PERMIT "M ION05 UNCHAN,\(ROSMAImT�L) D EXHIBIT -A - I� SCALE' 111: DESIGN. TRCJBPD DMMN TRGSPD REVIPW. WC Exhibit — B P3 Project Permit Area 2 E A C B PARKING LOT (FUTURE: PARKING DECK) 3 BLUETHENYHAL WILDFLOWER PRESERVE BELK HALL (bull[ P-1988) !I m GALLOWAY (bui@ Pre-1988) a 0 PROPOSED P3 HOUSING-J FUTURE BUAJ PROJECT BOUNDARY WOOD DALE DRIVE PERMITTED PROJECT BOUNDARY FOR SW8100405 (CROSS -CITY x .. Rptofix LIONFISH DRIVE TIDE DRIVE PROPOSED P3 HOUSING PROJECTBOUNDARY (MAJOR MODIFICATION TO SW8021017, PARKING LOT"O" { 1 ! ate,+1.�. RIEGEL ROAD I 1\> `� Student Housing Public -Private Partnership 601 S College Rd, Wlmingtan, NC 28403 Banwr gem calms Swum BaHOUP Beatty consbwom SC0918.19231-01B tv CLARKNEXSEN 1523 ELIZABETH AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 704-377.8800 CLARK NEXSEN LICENSE NUMBER: C-1028 4, _AC &CREED CIVIL ENGINEER 243 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 910.343.1048 PROFESSIONAL SFAL =%y EA6'IMriQ' `ter: 03-01� 2019 s"TTN STORMWATER PERMIT SET REVISIONS LEGEND NEW PERMIT LMITS NEYRAN ••= FUTURE DINING AREA - PROJECTLIMITS f-A-4-A-I - FUTURE RECREATIONAL FIELDS --- -� PROJECT LIMITS - P3 STUDENT HOUSING PROJECT LIMBS THE HUB BUILDING AND PERMEABLE PAVEMENT TO REMAIN \� THE HUB PASS AREA SHEET To REMAIN PROPOSED CONDITIONS WITH \ 1 EMSTING PERMITfIBW31ODID3 ^ PROJECT LIMITS AND PERMIT BOUNDARY '{ TO REMAIN UNCHANGED LU `�_ j (CROSS CRY TRAIL) :.. FUTURE EXHIBIT-B ® eD a tea• rev SCALE I, DESIGN. TRCIBPD DWWN TRCIBPO RENEW WIC Exhibit - C SCM#1 Drainage Area 4 5 16 ---] T TA 10"'-''[ A T E 10 c B Yr. BLUETHENTHAL WILDFLOWER PRESERVE: PARKING LOT L ,. (FUTURE PARKING DECK) STUDENT RECREATION , CENTER I 'ICHWARTZ HALL FUTURE DRAINAGE AREA ' FOR DINING HALL AND REC AREA 12.16 ACRES TO z REGIONAL WET POND / -' - r � ' ' I AREA TO REGIONAL WET POND AT — — ULTIMATE BUILD -OUT 30.30 ACRES A, P3 DRAINAGE AREA LIONFISH DRIVE eALLowriv Q 18.14 ACRES TO (b 'It P 1988) ' O� DI R REGIONAL WET POND g THE HUB R Gil }. .UTILITY BLDG BUILDING 1 . "• f' .. GRAHAM HEWLETT - ' 4 - -- • 1 PARKING LOT J I (built PrB-1988) (bulk Pre-19B8) - - \JIIIIJ r 'Lf THE HUB - DRAINAGE AREA TO PERMEABLE. PAVEMENT SCM I_ (0.40 ACRES) t 1 - THE HUB - RIEGEL ROAD BY-PASS FUTURE BUA DRAINAGE AREA 70 REMAIN (0.80 ACRES) WOOD DALE DRIVE TIDE DRIVE LEGEND ULTIMATE BUILD43UT DRAINAGE AREA P3 STUDENT HWSING aa-aaaaaaaa DRAINAGE AREA (PROPOSED) I DINING HALL AND RECREATION AREA - - - - - - POST DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA (FUTURE) THE HUB PERMEABLE PAVEMENT SCM (TO REMAIN) THE HUB BY-0 (TO REMAIN) ® BP PO W 6PIMPW"I'l scA;F " e> UNversit7 of North Carolina at Wilmington Student Housing Public -Private Partnership 601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC M03 Balfour Beatty carom solutions Balfour Beatty iwuction SCO# 18-19231-01B DESIGNM CLARKNEXSEN 1523 ELIZABETH AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 7D4-3T7-8800 CLARK NEXSEN LICENSE NUMBER: C-1028 CIVIL ENGINEER 243 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 910.343.1048 Pwssim-sm ff1L N': 2 22874 '- ��'a'!RD IL CC�•a 03-01-2019 SUBM1TN. STORMWATER PERMIT SET R&SIONS - — KE RAN P3 HOUSING DRAINAGE AREA MAP EXHIBIT-C DESIGN. TRGBPD DRAWN TRCiBPD REV EW RMC P3 PROJECT PERMIT BOUNDARY DATE: 03.01.19 SCALE: 1 " = 200' POINT LAT/LONG DATA # LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1 173048.13 2341080.46 2 173044.64 2341086.74 3 172974.53 2341210.61 4 172964.15 2341204.72 5 172942.33 2341243.22 6 172952.74 2341249.12 7 172886.26 2341366.58 8 172876.61 2341361.26 9 172860.76 2341372.26 10 172840.57 2341376.34 11 172832.39 2341376.74 12 172807.40 2341371.35 13 172767.63 2341431.90 14 172755.69 2341424.73 15 172751.77 2341422.00 16 172743.34 2341411.04 17 172725.83 2341438.35 18 172736.49 2341442.18 19 172742.28 2341445.17 20 172754.59 2341451.77 21 172743.33 2341468,91 22 172730.80 2341488.27 23 172716.80 2341510.50 24 172704.01 2341531.69 25 172676.37 2341574.47 26 172633.44 2341640.21 27 172620.25 2341661.33 28 172595.30 2341698.73 29 172586.46 2341712.93 30 172581.25 2341721.38 31 173064.05 2342026.45 32 173023.89 2342089.95 33 172978.98 2342198.88 34 173040.04 2342235.86 35 173042.61 2342237.52 36 173055.80 2342245.36 37 173071.78 2342266.60 38 173071.85 2342266.95 39 173065.25 2342302.80 40 173056.79 2342316.20 41 173069.86 2342375.30 42 173091.90 2342389.50 43 173135.17 2342391.44 44 173255.40 2342328.47 45 173250.40 2342228.68 46 173043.91 2342099.39 47 173083.21 2342038.55 48 173256.13 2342147.81 49 173262.30 2342152.41 50 173463.68 2342281.90 POINT LAT/LONG DATA # LATITUDE LONGITUDE 51 173564.46 2342231.99 52 173820.10 2342104.95 53 174162.46 2341995.87 54 174213.52 2341981.03 55 174314.01 2341936.57 56 174384.16 2341885.04 57 174426.65 2341828.03 58 174440.33 2341809.28 59 174534.82 2341865.42 60 174534.75 2341880.50 61 174561.47 2341838.22 62 174547.64 2341845.13 63 174454.55 2341789.81 64 174481.96 2341752.30 65 174269.50 2341639.38 66 174237.52 2341621.48 67 174074.98 2341531.56 68 173994.03 2341488.51 69 173959.32 2341467.87 70 173902.08 2341436.33 71 173863.07 2341416.70 72 173797.74 2341382.89 73 173751.33 2341409.79 74 173759.14 2341361.76 75 173767.60 2341308.19 76 173783.68 2341317.32 77 173791.25 2341303.99 78 173803.71 2341311.06 79 173819.98 2341282.41 80 173808.39 2341275.83 81 173831.38 2341235.32 82 173823.73 2341207.63 83 173824.36 2341202.11 84 173827.80 2341195.91 85 173856.85 2341144.87 86 173867.13 2341150.66 87 173884.67 2341122.13 88 173873.75 2341114.13 89 173876.21 2341103.17 90 173861.33 2341092.33 91 173837.04 2341129.75 92 173819.09 2341141.52 93 173795.33 2341137.32 94 173779.39 2341128.36 95 173709.84 2341250.85 96 173700.70 2341245.69 97 173693.07 2341259.18 98 173680.30 2341251.97 99 173678.46 2341255.23 100 173667.43 2341249.00 POINT LAT/LONG DATA # LATITUDE LONGITUDE 101 173660.86 2341240.98 102 173668.48 2341227.48 103 173659.34 2341222.32 104 173640.93 2341196.06 105 173624.92 2341187.53 106 173614.87 2341184.91 107 173614.65 2341182.30 108 173613.03 2341179.85 109 173610.58 2341178.57 110 173607.76 2341177.52 111 173603.98 2341175.31 112 173613.53 2341153.81 113 173625.02 2341108.39 114 173623.57 2341108.29 115 173613.34 2341119.92 116 173570.50 2341153.50 117 173552.50 1 2341159.00 118 173532.52 2341158.85 119 173507.50 2341149.50 120 173465.29 2341122.58 121 173470.28 2341112.42 122 173425.78 2341087.47 123 173405.12 2341083.82 124 173389.52 2341072.32 125 173369.36 2341058.89 126 173384.15 2341030.40 127 173318.38 2340992.00 128 173357.00 2340925.00 129 173348.00 2340919.50 130 173338.97 2340932.32 131 173330.07 2340921.06 132 173317.35 2340912.18 133 173332.00 2340885.53 134 173343.09 2340867.09 135 173349.53 2340853.77 136 173326.59 2340836.90 137 173340.24 2340794.25 138 173327.38 2340789.70 139 173315.13 2340824.67 140 173300.27 2340817.79 141 173297.00 2340828.50 142 173295.61 2340834.89 143 173305.81 2340839.33 144 173304.50 2340859.00 145 173324.40 2340881.57 146 173320.31 2340888.27 147 173300.50 2340866.50 148 173291.76 2340899.94 149 173196.15 2340849.20 150 173167.17 2340857.13 POINT LAT/LONG DATA # LATITUDE LONGITUDE 151 173163.72 2340867.01 152 173157.94 2340882.31 153 173277.63 2340946.83 154- 173264.45 2341001.35 155 173236.03 2341053.33 156 173220.73 2341081.02 157 173184.23 2341147.84 158 173174.38 2341141.48 159 173066.60 2341074.15 160 173063.39 2341073.34 173058.76 2341073.90 L62 173051.23 2341077.45 173048.13 2341080.46 Exhibit - D NRCS Web Soil Survey Mapping 3 Soil Map —New Hanover County, North Carolina 3 ki (UNCW-P3 HOUSING) - i; � 2354M M10 2359A0 23fi670 Zi6/50 Zi5(i30 2i5910 O` w 71 Rl� row ■ or 9 f � � r 34' 13 4 N I l •. Al 34 13' 4' N 2354M 2355'10 Zi6fi90 Zi M 235750 Zl6B30 Con 3 3 DiMap Scale: 1:3,230 if printed on A portrait (8.S' x 11") sheet d Metes N 0 45 90 180 770 k - Feet 0 150 300 600 900 A Map projection: Web Mercator Comer 000rdlnates: WGSB4 Edge tics: UTM Zone 1M WGS84 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/9/2018 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 o. m 2 0 N i a 0 z a e� z LLI J a. Q 5 m 0, o ) U, m m 0c VD � U UJ a`��f0� � m N 3c0 m O T O m°N�' C ° Z � O U O LA a1 ,c O C � O N O m E C v .0 � E m `—° m Q c n m21 m a°i-- U E � wa E E m �Q aM�m co `� :5CD co c o .� m p mmw . 3 fa mr-E� E O t O Z w °mwm` Z °ao Z N N —�'s aci V E y U ° CL o d w c w m Qo r o O m 0 3 E U W m m° 0 Q U ° O m r 3 m m N 7 m b a) E U yr O C fLll m 0_ co L o m T m m O m y _ m r, o 30 `m m a rn o 0-•- m y of 0 m s .r ° o a� OAA .0 m i c� o m E� a ai °c w w L 0 ym E. a o a�vL 2 ° z w-u o o m° :° ° N m >. N N O N U v W w ; 'N N to a t r o co cn E u °J� v) w a.c 0 m= m> Z m m 3 0-0 'o m E 0 o mm .0 m� Z U �¢ g ° y m m o a) oa wm E � � a) �' aEi N cd mn' So U m a°i :: Of m m id � m a1 m E " -o 'E 0.00 T O O O °N O C W C L {O U N Q❑ r 'O y a°i E �' >,E 7 in ?�« y O � � m `o l0 d O O. m am ur E N —o m°��;� �� °'oc E m cmi °_o mm oar b 2Q ao mn =v�o wO0 y cn E Elc a� ai m C {C w vi y N EN'� 7 0 c�nm N 0 aa�i to r (A aTi — Eo O �o °% N o nari m H � w CD W E— w d E m U� 0 m 0" 0 a v Q m F- o w w _ U) U cn N E f5 F- 00 d M c m n m O U LL t N _ W = W Im O m O C m q .m. m O m m L ¢` T En CO m E �" o m a o cn in Z > t O � a cn in m a x n o A ¢ � � v e a 0 cn m O 0 rn m <n o• C 0 c nE a C C a G G p m_ 0 CL > n to > d .. n % d c O co nO w w T n> nm w ' o yw LL ° Oi °m U— in �J._ 0 => C Co 1 7 ° C -cCa -OC in m cn (n U3 in U) d E 0 O 'a a�i m 2 e+ o ti © n in ¢ cn Soil Map —New Hanover County, North Carolina UNCW P3 HOUSING Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbel Map Unit Narne Acres in A01 Percent of AOI Be Baymeade fine sand, 1 to 6 percent slopes 5.2 23.7% Le Leon sand 0.2 0.7% Mu Murville fine sand 8.0 36.6% Pn Pantego loam 0.2 0.8% Se Seagate fine sand 8.3 38.2% Totals for Area of Interest 21.8 100.0% _ Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/9/2018 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Exhibit - E USGS Quad Map SCALE 1:24000 FEET Exhibit - F Pre And Post Development Curve Number Calculations �MCKIM&CRIEEID SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION PROJECT: DATE PREPARED: 1/14/2019 UNCW - P3 HOUSING DESCRIPTION: PREPARED FOR: UNCW SCS METHOD FOR CURVE NUMBERS ENGINEER: PREPARED BY. REVIEWED BY: BPD RMC PROJECT NO.4999-0014 PRE Development % Coverage by Hydrologic Soil Group Soil Type A B C D Baymeade fine sand 237,243 Murville fine sand 563,444 Pantego loam 126,418 Seagate fine sand 332,397 1,259,502 28.91 Total = 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 81.2% 100% SCS CN by Hydrologic Soil Group Weighted % Land Use A B C D CN Coverage Grassed Open Space (Good) 39 61 74 80 72.3 72% Newly Graded Areas 77 86 91 94 90.8 0% Impervious 98 98 98 98 98.0 28% 100.0% Corepoelte CN = 79.48 NOTES: 1. SCS Runoff Curve Numbers taken from NRCS TR •55 Table 2-2a, and City of Wilmingotn Standards Manual Table H-2, page 5-53 2. Soil data taken from NRCS Web Soil Survey. McKim Creed, Inc. 243 N Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) 343-1048 1of1 FKIM&CREED SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION PROJECT: DATE PREPARED: 1/14/2019 UNCW - P3 HOUSING DESCRIPTION: PREPARED FOR: UNCW SCS METHOD FOR CURVE NUMBERS ENGINEER: PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: BPD RMC PROJECT NO.4999-0014 POST Development % Coverage by Hydrologic Soil Group Soil A B C D Baymeade fine sand 237,243 Murville fine sand 563,444 Pantego loam 126,418 Seagate fine sand 332,397 1,259,502 28.91 Total = 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 81.2% 100% SCS CN by Hydrologic Soil Group Weighted % Land Use A B C D CN Coverage Grassed Open Space (Good) 39 61 74 80 72.3 57% Newly Graded Areas 77 86 91 94 90.8 0% Impervious 98 98 98 98 98.0 43% 100.0% Composite CN = 83.34 NOTES: 1. SCS Runoff Curve Numbers taken from NRCS TR-55 Table 2-2a, and City of Wilmingotn Standards Manual Table H-2, page 5-53 2. Soil data taken from NRCS Web Soil Survey. McKim Creed, Inc. 243 N Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 29401 (910) 343-1048 1of1 TABLE H-2 SCS Curve Numbers for Various Cover Conditions Hydraulic Soil Group Percent Cover Description A B C D Impervious Fully Developed Urban Areas Open Space Poor Condition (<50% grass) 68 79 86 89 Fair Condition (50-75% grass) 49 69 79 84 Good Condition (>75% grass) 39 61 74 80 Impervious areas Pavement, roofs 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 87 89 Urban Districts Commercial and Business 89 92 94 95 Industrial 81 92 94 95 Residential areas (by lot size) 1/8 acre (town houses) 77 85 90 92 1/4 acre 61 75 83 87 1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 1 acre 51 68 79 84 2 acres 46 65 77 02 Agricultural areas Pasture, grassland Poor 68 79 86 89 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow (mowed) 30 58 71 78 Brush Poor 48 67 77 83 Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 30 48 65 73 Woods and Grass (Orchard) Poor 57 73 82 86 Fair 43 65 76 82 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods Poor 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 30 55 70 77 Row Crops, straight, good 67 78 85 89 Row Crops, contoured, good 65 75 82 86 Small Grain, good 63 75 83 87 Farmsteads 59 74 82 86 Source:SCS TR-55 (SCS, 1986) 5-53 85 72 65 38 30 25 20 12 TABLE H-1 Hydrologic Soil Groups for Local Soil Types Map Hydrologic Soil Type Symbol Soil Group Ba D Bayboro • Be Al Baymeade Bh * Baymeade-Urban Land Complex Bp * Borrow Pit Cr C Craven DO D Dorovan JO D Johnston Ke A Kenansville Kr A Kureb Ku * Kureb-Urban Land Complex La A Lakeland Le B/D Leon Lo * Leon -Urban Land Complex 1 Ls C Lynchburg Ly B/D Lynn Haven Mp * Mine Pits Mu A/D Murville Nh A Newhan No B Norfolk On B Onslow Pm D Pamlico Pn B/D Pantego Ra B/D Rains Rm A Rimini Se A/D Seagate Sb * Seagate -Urban Land Complex St C Stallings TM * Tidal Marsh To C Torhunta Ur * Urban Land Wa A Wakulla Wo B/D Woodington Wr C Wrightsboro * Requires field Judgment A/D Refers to drained/undrained. Sources: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, USDA-SCS, 210-V1-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986. 5-52 Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Table 2-2a Runoff curve numbers for urban areas -V Cover description Cover type and hydrologic condition Fully developed urban areas (vegetation established) Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group Average percent impervious area 2/ A B C D Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.) 3(: Poor condition (grass cover < 5096).......................................... Fair condition (grass cover 50% to 75%).................................. Good condition (grass cover > 75%)......................................... Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. (excluding right-of-way)............................................................. Streets and roads: Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding right-of-way)................................................................................ Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) .......................... Gravel (including right -of -way) ................................................. Dirt (including right -of -way) ...................................................... Western desert urban areas: Natural desert landscaping (pervious areas only) At ..................... Artificial desert landscaping (impervious weed barrier, desert shrub with 1- to 2-inch sand or gravel mulch and basin borders)...................................................................... Urban districts: Commercial and business................................................................. Industrial............................................................................................. Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre or less (town houses).......................................................... 1/4 acre................................................................................................ 1/3 acre................................................................................................ 1/2 acre................................................................................................ 1 acre................................................................................................... 2 acres.................................................................................................. Developing urban areas Newly graded areas (pervious areas only, no vegetation) 5/ Idle lands (CN's are determined using cover types similar to those in table 2-2c). 68 79 86 89 49 69 79 84 39 61 74 80 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 83 89 92 93 76 85 89 91 72 82 87 89 63 77 85 88 96 96 96 96 85 89 92 94 95 72 81 88 91 93 65 77 85 90 92 38 61 75 83 87 30 57 72 81 86 25 54 70 80 85 20 51 68 79 84 12 46 65 77 82 77 86 91 94 i Average runoff condition, and Ig = 0.2S. 2 The average percent impervious area shown was used to develop the composite CN's. Other assumptions are as follows: impervious areas are directly connected to the drainage system, impervious areas have a CN of 98, and pervious areas are considered equivalent to open space in good hydrologic condition. CN's for other combinations of conditions may be computed using figure 2-3 or 2-4. 3 CN's shown are equivalent to those of pasture. Composite CN's may be computed for other combinations of open space cover type. 4 Composite CN's for natural desert landscaping should be computed using figures 2-3 or 2-4 based on the impervious area percentage (CN = 98) and the pervious area CN. The pervious area CN's are assumed equivalent to desert shrub in poor hydrologic condition. 5 Composite CN's to use for the design of temporary measures during grading and construction should be computed using figure 2-3 or 2-4 based on the degree of development (impervious area percentage) and the CN's for the newly graded pervious areas. (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 2s USDA United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Engineering Division Technical Release 55 June1986 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds TR-55 To show bookmarks which navigate through the document. Glick the show/hide navigation pane button , and then click the bookmarks tab. It will navigate you to the contents, chapters, rainfall maps, and printable forms. Exhibit - G NCDEQ Retention Requirement Summary with Attacbments A. and E tared-P-� -)-e-2 6eA A ccA c Ut GA:vv�,� . Exhibit - I Outlet Structure Floatation Design and Outfall Riprap Sizing Bouvanev Calculations for Pond Outlet Structure UNCW - P3 PROJECT Riser (Box Only, w/o Footing) Riser Inner Width 4 It Riser Inner Length 9 ft Wall Thickness U 5 ft Riser Depth 6 it Riser Inner Volume 216 of Riser Concrete Volume 84 cf Total Buoyant Force 18,720 lb Concrete Weight 12,600 lb Desired Factor Of Safety 1.25 Total Weight Required 23,400 lb Additonal Weight Required 10,800 lb Volume of Additional Concrete Required 150 CF Calculations for Additional Required Concrete: Poured Concrete (Bottom of Riser below Outlet Pipe) Base Width 5 ft Base Length loft Required Base Depth 3.00 36 inches Set Depth to min 1.5 ft Poured Concrete Volume (Bottom of Riser) 75 CF Volume of Additional Concrete Required 75 CF Footing/Base Base Width it Base Length 11 it Required Base Depth 1.14 14 inches Set Depth to min ft Concrete Base Volume 83 CF Calculation Summary Riser Inner Volume Riser Concrete Volume Poured Concrete Volume Footing/Base Volume Total Buoyant Force Riser -Concrete Weight Poured Concrete Weight Footing/Base Concrete Weight Total Resisting Force Factor of Safety Calculations sy: BPD Date: 2/26/2019 Project: 04999-0014 216 cf 84 cf 75 of 83 cf 28,548 12,600 lb 11,250 lb 12,375 lb 36,225 lb 1.27 Exhibit — j Hydraflow Results for SCM#1 Storm Routing (2, 10, 25, 50, & 100-Year Events) Hydraflow Fable of Contents 190219 Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gpw Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Watershed Model Schematic..................................................................................... 1 Hydrograph Return Period Recap............................................................................. 2 2 - Year SummaryReport......................................................................................................................... 3 HydrographReports................................................................................................................... 4 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition...................................................... 4 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................... 5 Hydrograph No. 3, Reservoir, Routed...................................................................................... 6 PondReport - SCM-1.......................................................................................................... 7 10 - Year SummaryReport......................................................................................................................... 8 HydrographReports................................................................................................................... 9 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition...................................................... 9 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................. 10 Hydrograph No. 3, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 11 25 - Year SummaryReport....................................................................................................................... U HydrographReports................................................................................................................. 13 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 13 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition ........... :...................................... 14 Hydrograph No. 3, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 15 50 - Year SummaryReport....................................................................................................................... 16 HydrographReports................................................................................................................. 17 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 17 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................. 18 Hydrograph No. 3, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 19 100 - Year SummaryReport ....................................................................................................................... 20 HydrographReports................................................................................................................. 21 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 21 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................. 22 Hydrograph No. 3, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 23 Watershed Model Schematic HydraflowHydrographsExtension for Autodesk® Civil 3D®2019byAutodesk,Inc. v202O 1 i legend JWL Origin Description 1 SCS Runoff Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir Routed Project: 190219_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gpw I Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph Return Period Req ydra w Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph No. type hyd(s) Description (origin) 1-yr 2-yr 3-yr 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 100-yr 1 SCS Runoff --- ----- 56.06 ----- ------ 106.19 127.55 146.94 167.37 Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff ---- ---- 69.78 --- ---- -- 126.77 150.79 172.46 195.22 Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir 2 ------ 38.48 ------ ---- 115.82 142.42 162.25 183.39 Routed Proj. file: 190219_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gpw Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph Summary RePor ydraflow Hydrogrephs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 31082019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cis) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation M Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 56.06 1 737 270,742 ---- ----- ----- Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff 69.78 1 732 296,376 -- ----- ---- Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir 38.48 1 748 233,290 2 33.91 125,616 Routed 190219_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 2 Year Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph Deport Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 1 Pre Developed Condition 4 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 56.06 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 12.28 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 270,742 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 4.50 in Distribution. = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 30.300 50.00 40.00 30.00 a#I1I1] 10.00 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 1 Pre Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 l � �] 30.00 K41110] 10.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) .Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3130 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Post Developed Condition 5 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 69.78 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 296,376 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 4.50 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = ((12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 30.300 Post Developed Condition Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 70.00 70.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 3 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 3 6 9 Hyd No. 3 Routed Hyd. No. 3 -- 2 Year Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 = 38.48 cfs = 12.47 hrs = 233,290 cult = 33.91 ft = 125,616 cult Q (cfs) 70.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 H1 1* 0.00 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 2 IF Total storage used = 125,616 cult Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Pond No. 1 - SCM4 Pond Data Contours -User-defined contour areas. Average end area method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 30.00 ft Stage 1 Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) 0.00 30.00 1.00 31.00 2.00 32.00 3.00 33.00 3.50 33.50 4.00 34.00 4.50 34.50 5.00 35.00 5.50 35.50 Culvert / Orifice Structures [A] Contour area (sgft) 26,104 29,830 32,384 34,994 36,321 37,861 39,016 40,385 41,768 [B] [C] [PrfRsr] Incr. Storage (cult) 0 27,967 31,107 33,689 17,829 18,496 19,169 19,850 20,538 Weir Structures Total storage (cuft) 0 27,967 59,074 92,763 110,592 129,087 148,257 168,107 188,645 [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 36.00 3.00 6.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 26.00 50.00 0.00 Inactive Span (in) = 36.00 3.00 96.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 33.50 34.50 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 2 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 2.60 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 28.00 30.00 33.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Broad -- - Length (ft) = 50.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 1.00 1.00 0.00 n/a N-Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 ExfiI.0n1hr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Multi -Stage = n/a Yes Yes No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Note: CulverVOrifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risen; checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- --- -- 0.000 1.00 27,967 31.00 42.63 oc 0.22 is 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 --- -- 0.221 2.00 59,074 32.00 42.63 oc 0.32 is 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- --- -- 0.324 3.00 92,763 33.00 42.63 oc 0.40 is 0.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- --- -- - 0.401 3.50 110,592 33.50 42.63 oc 0.43 is 9.63 is - 0.00 0.00 --- --- - 10.06 4.00 129,087 34.00 47.75 oc 0.46 is 16.68 is - 30:61 0.00 --- --- -- --- 47.75 4.50 148,257 34.50 108.47 oc 0.36 is 21.53 iC -- 86.58 0.00 -- - - -- 108.47 5.00 168,107 35.00 148.89 is 0.20 is 16.28 is --- 132.41 s 45.96 - - --- --- 194.85 5.50 188,645 35.50 161.25 is 0.15 is 11.98 is -- 149.12 s 130.00 - - --- 291.25 Hydrograph Summary Report ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 300 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 106.19 1 737 516,337 ----- --- --- Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff 126.77 1 732 546,718 ---- ---- ----- Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir 115.82 1 737 483,210 2 34.54 149,985 Routed 190219_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 10 Year Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3138 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 1 Pre Developed Condition 9 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 106.19 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 12.28 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 516,337 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 7.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 " Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 30.300 100.00 40.00 20.00 to 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 1 Pre Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 - oU �9 UIVR 20.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) "ydr®graph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Post Developed Condition 10 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 126.77 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 546,718 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 7.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 30.300 MI O 1, 100.00 40.00 20.00 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 2 Post Developed Condition Hyd. No. 2 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 M11118If ANIA 40.00 20.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydroegraph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3138 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 3 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 3 Routed Hyd. No. 3 -- 10 Year Friday, 03 / 112019 = 115.82 cfs = 12.28 hrs = 483,210 cuft = 34.54 ft = 149,985 cult Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 -6 11 40.00 20.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 TI= Total storage used = 149,985 cult Time (hrs) 12 Hydrograph Summary Rep®r ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 127.55 1 737 623,845 ---- ----- ---- Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff 150.79 1 732 655,171 ----- ----- - Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir 142.42 1 736 591,553 2 34.68 1! Routed 190219 Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 25 Year Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 ydrograph Report 13 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hyd. No. 1 Pre Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 127.55 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.28 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 623,845 cuft Drainage area - 30.300 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 8.05 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 " Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 30.300 Pre Developed Condition Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 1 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 140.00 140.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 — 80.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 000 - 000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3138 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Post Developed Condition 14 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 150.79 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 655,171 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 8.05 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 " Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 30.300 Q (cfs; 160.00 140.00 f 414111 100.00 40.00 20.00 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 i- 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Repo 15 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hyd. No. 3 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 142.42 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.27 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 591,553 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation = 34.68 ft Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage = 155,236 cuft Storage Indication method used. Routed Hyd. No. 3 -- 25 Year 140.00 120.00 100.00 :1 IX, 1-.11111I] 40.00 20.00 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 :o ie, 40.00 20.00 0.00 -'-- 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Total storage used = 155,236 cult 16 Hydrograph Summary Reporfi ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 146.94 1 736 722,428 ------ ----- ---- Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff 172.46 1 732 754,269 ------ ----- ----- Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir 162.25 1 736 690,567 2 34.80 160,025 Routed L19C219—Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 50 Year Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 1 Pre Developed Condition 17 Friday, 03 11 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 146.94 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 12.27 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 722,428 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 9.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 30.300 Q (Cfs; 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 - It It 40.00 Q (Cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 E-11I1I17 40.00 20.00 0.00 1 i . .,--% I I I I I I I ... 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) Hydrocgraph Report 18 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hyd. No. 2 Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 172.46 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 754,269 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 9.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 30.300 Post Developed Condition Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 180.00 180.00 160.00 160.00 140.00 - 140.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) m Hyd No. 2 Hydrograph Report 19 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 31M 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 3 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 3 Routed Hyd. No. 3 -- 50 Year Friday, 0311 / 2019 = 162.25 cfs = 12.27 hrs = 690,567 cuft = 34.80 ft = 160,025 cuft Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 E04a 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 Total storage used = 160,025 CA Time (hrs) 20 Hydrograph Summary Report ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 167.37 1 736 827,209 ------ ---- ----- Pre Developed Condition 2 SCS Runoff 195.22 1 732 859,323 ---- ----- --- Post Developed Condition 3 Reservoir 183.39 1 736 795,545 2 34.93 165,362 Routed 190219 Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 100 Year Friday, 0311 / 2019 Hydrograph Report 21 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension forAutodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hyd. No. I Pre Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 167.37 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 12.27 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 827,209 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 10.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] 130.300 Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 Hyd No. 1 L Pre Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 — 100 Year Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 U111111 20.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydrocgraph Report 22 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 Hyd. No. 2 Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 195.22 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 859,323 cuft Drainage area = 30.300 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 10.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 30.300 Post Developed Condition Q (off) Hyd. No. 2 -- 100 Year Q (off) 210.00 210.00 180.00 180.00 150.00 150.00 120.00 120.00 90.00 90.00 60.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 0 00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 Time (hrs) Hydrocgraph Report 23 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 3 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used Q (cfs) 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 90.00 60.00 30.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 3 Routed Hyd. No. 3 -- 100 Year Friday, 03 / 1 / 2019 = 183.39 cfs = 12.27 hrs = 795,545 tuft = 34.93 ft = 165,362 tuft Q (cfs) 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 fill Emil] 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 Total storage used = 165,362 cult Time (hrs) Exhibit — K Existing Aerial Photographs for Pre-1988 Areas & Archive Data from Randall Library r W. �r LL ti R cn CD m �2 :...r ,.. r` , . k w �� `..F.','rS3F ,,• 'ice, ��, �„ ^ LU MIS CL r CM LL G �. c� p c c a U W Apr. Archives , Buildings Ft Landmarks > Hewlett Hall Date Opened: 1978 Abbreviation: HE Namesake: Addison Hewlett, Jr. (1912-1989) Above, Hewlett Hall circa 2004. Below, portrait of Addison Hewlett. Buildings Et Landmarks: Hsvvlfl t Hall Building History This residence hall opened for occupancy in 1978 and was appropriately called 'Dorm '78.' This structure shares a common lobby with Graham residence facility. In April 1979, the building was dedicated as Hewlett Hall. It currently houses 200 students. Namesake The Honorable Addison Hewlett was a staunch supporter of higher education. A native of Wilmington, Mr. Hewlett was born in the Masonboro Sound area, the seventh generation of his family raised there. He had a life long love of sports and played locally as a 2nd baseman with the Clam Diggers team. He was a veteran of World War II, who carried a small pouch of Masonboro Sound soil with him to Europe. Mr. Hewlett, a graduate of Wake Forest College and Law School, held the position of Town Attorney for Carolina Beach (1951-1976). He served as a member of the State House of Representatives (1951-1959) and as Speaker of the House in 1959. In the 1960s, it was with his persuasion that the State Budget Committee included funding for Wilmington College. Mr. Hewlett was a member of the Wilmington College (1963-1967) and UNCW Board of Trustees (1973-1981), serving as Chairman 1975-1977. He is the first person to receive the Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from UNCW. Because of his ardent support over the years, Hewlett Hall is named in his honor. Addison Hewlett was, "classified as a man who believes in services for the people, education and efficient organization of government." 1,4-.-.,.a../.-1-/--,L+.....t 11121Pin 1n Archives , Buildings £t Landmarks , Graham Hall Date Opened: 1979 Abbreviation: GR iNamesake: Frederick Bolles Graham (1906-2000) A, Above, Graham Hall circa 2004. Below, portrait of Frederick Graham. Buildings & Landmarks: Gar aharn Building History This residence hall opened for occupancy in 1979 under the name of 'Dorm '79.' Designed as a multi -functional, space saving structure, it has a common lobby with its twin facility, Hewlett Hall. The dedication ceremony to rename the building as Graham Hall was held in November of 1985. It currently serves as home to 200 students. Namesake Mr. Fred Graham played an instrumental role in the development of Wilmington College. He was born in Wallace, North Carolina and moved to Wilmington as a child. After his 1924 graduation from New Hanover High School, Mr. Graham attended University of North Carolina Chapel Hill where he earned a degree in Commerce (1928). He worked for Wilmington Savings and Loan bank (now Wachovia Bank), eventually becoming Vice President. He graduated from Stonier School of Banking, Rutgers University in 1948. Mr. Graham was one of the original members of the Wilmington College Board of Trustees (1958-1969) and served as Chairman (1968-1969). The leadership he provided while Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee established the uniform Georgian architectural style currently used by all UNCW structures today. It was also during his tenure that the present site of the campus was selected. In recognition of his driving vision for the UNCW campus, this residence hall was named in his honor. t.44..,,.. in:t....,,..., ­__ .a,. _. t. i ..tt , ,+: ,� i ..t+:_, , n.�t ��n t,,._....t 1 /11t Plnl n Exhibit - L Existing Stormwater Management Permit Drawings 1.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND MAINTAIN ALL NECESSARY BARRICADES AROUND THE WORK AND SHALL PROVIDE PRETECT10N AGAINST WA70 DAMAGE AND SOIL EROSION. 2.) COMPACTION OF THE BACK FILL OF ALL TRENCHES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO THE DENSITY OF 05% OF THEORETICAL MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (ASM D6981 BACK FELL MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE FROM ROOTS, S7UMPS, OR 07HER FOREIGN DEBRIS AND SHALL BE PLACED IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 6 INCHES IN COMPACTED FILL THICKNESS A REPORT FROM A GEOIECHNICAL ENGINEER MAY BE REWIRED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR CORRECTION OF ANY TRENCH SETTLEMENT WITHIN A YEAR FROM THE DATE OF APPROVAL WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 3.) MAXIMUM SLOPE OF EMBANKMENT SHALL RE 2.0 FEET HORIZONTAL TO 1.0 FEET VERTICAL OR PER APPLICABLE JURISDICTIONAL REGULATIONS. xA rnvrvaw wN— ,m ltnYA,.a ML AJ EneLLGU. ALL rKUPU 2U CONTOURS ARE FINISHEDGRADE 5.) . THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSURE THAT POSITIVE AND ADEQUATE DRAINAGE IS MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. THIS MAY INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO. REPLACEMENT OR RECONSTRUC71ON OF .EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES THAT HAVE BEEN DAMAGED OR REMOVED OR REGRADING AS REWIRED BY THE ENGINEER. EXCEPT FOR THOSE DRAINAGE ITEMS SHOWN AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS AND HAVING SPECIFIC PAY ITEMS IN THE DETAILED ESTIMATE. NO SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIEfMENT. 6.) EXCESS EARTH CUT MATERIAL. IF ANY, SHALL BECOME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SHE UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED 70 BE PLACED ON SITE BY THE OWNER. 4) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ANY AND ALL EXCAVATION AND MATERIAL SAMPLES NECESSARY 70 CONDUCT REQUIRED SCIL TESTS. ALL ARRANGEMENTS AND SCHEDULING FOR .THE TESTING SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY. &) SOILS TESTING AND ON -SITE INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT OEOIECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE COPIES OF TEST REPORTS 70 THE CONTRACTOR. -THE OWNER AND THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVES AND SHALL PROMPTLY NOTIFY THE OWNER, HIS REPRESENTATIVE AND THE CONTRACTOR. SHOULD WORK PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR FAIL TO MEET THESE SPECIFICATIONS EL) ALL PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE FACE OF CURB AT THE GUTTER. 10.) DETENTION POND TO BE USED FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. POND TO BE RESTORED TO ORDINAL DESIGN ELEVATION AFTER GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. tmue* P.v08A MAC -seat 1'-PC 909 MARNET SMAFET � W2ARNCIOPL NC 42, 1 = 9••W��/•K�9� (910) 762-4P00 8099OKODN ANSMIe NC GNmMa SC BAgHk ' L bm m SWUM= Mim.ta GA H KC AmAOt b Ch fttlt. NC Rd NC WImN91sa NC REMIED FIR DAME Y.EI Y 2W2 APPROVALS ou nw�nn n- ID41 2010Y471.YR. 1 DOING CONSINUCDON mE GR CT-IpMOE tID PALE ,O/6/G2 WANT DWG DRAINAGE PIPE DATA LINE NUMBER FROM STRUCT. NO. TO STRUCT. NO. . Pipe Type/ CI.. Pipe Size In) LENGTH SLOPE (s) I UPSTREAM INVERT (ft DOWNSTREAM INVERT ft 1 d-2 - END III 18' 14 LF + O. 32.57 3250 2 CI-1 d-2 15 0.50I AMZ7 3Z57 3 d-3 d-2 15 68 LF 4 END D-1 awLM 15 86 LF 5 S. DI-1 R N 18 18 LF 0. 7 6 DI-1 JB-1 24 24 LF 7 MH-1 JB-1 CL II 3 42 LF 2.36 B END MH-1 CP III 1 B LF 51 9 END MH-I m 24 121E 1 10 .IB-1 OUTLET 5 LF -2. p NOTES: M. THIS TRACT IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE C ACCORDING 70 FEMA FIRM COMMUNITY -PANEL NO. 370171 0005 C, MAP REVISED: NOVEMBER 4. 1957 2. VERTICAL DATUM IS PRELIMINARY AND PROVIDED BY DRAPER ADEN ASSOCIATES, APEX, N.C. 3. LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE BASED UPON VISIBLE ABOVE GROUND IMPROVEMENTS AND LOCATIONS OF MARKINGS BY UNC-W PHYSICAL PLANT. ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UMIJMES NOT SHOWN HEREON MAY EXIST. CONTRACTOR MUST CONFIRM PRESENCE OF UTILITIES WITH APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. BEFORE DIGGING. LEGEND g SIGN —UE— UNDER GROUND ELECTRIC TR ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER LIGHT ® STORM DRAINAGE MANHOLE — SO — STORM DRAIN. —w-- WATER o METER CG VALVE -¢- FIRE HYDRANT -- G — GAS LINE ® DROP INLET GAS VALVE �• I I PROPOSED INLET PROTECTION —�L D— UNITS OF DISTURBANCE -- cl— PROPOSED SILT FENCE __<m_ PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED TREE PROTECTION FENCING 36.58 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION am am arm PROPOSED DRAINAGE BOUNDARY WETLAND NOTE: NO WETLANDS EMST ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS PER MR. ROB MOUL. LAND MANAGEMENT INC.. CERTIFIED WETLANDS ECOLOGISTS AND CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONCURRENCE. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20-- 40 60 SCALE: 1 "=20' _] UNC WILMINGTON UNCW SURFACE PARKING LOT '0" 3 801 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD CODE 49728, ITEM 304 5 WILMMINGTON, NC 28403 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN Y6.P 6 - 2BP 1 r I NO !MPERVIOUS IS BEING ADDED TO EXISPING "OTHER" PERMIT BOUNDARY SW8 040123 . i � rFip• 7 CM Nap 14, Q. `�..--- � � �^� 'fie � .•r i 3% 4v SW8 160103 (2016) The Hub - UNCW by McAdams 0 MAP LEGEND PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS (ROAD) (8,371 SF) PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS (ROOF) (8,494 SF) PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS (SIDEWALK) (6,436 Sr) PROPOSED PERMEABLE PAVEMENT -' (8.518 SF) E)ISTING IMPERVOUS (16,841 SF) PERMEABLE PAVER DRAINAGE .AREA (17,250 SF) ®iii■ NEW PERMIT BOUNDARY (96.389 SF) GRAPHIC SCALE u o 6 !o w inch = 30 I PRELiMINA ZY IN—, -- Vi l' 'k:I,E'.SED FOR CO:+S7RS;C: ic; 00 00 N G C 6,6 O N y., eh 00 M 00 O et 10 0 i/1 o0 •-� N O �O N d• yy--�� Op UIn Ch M a, M O 00o `D O� O _00 t� M O end' O O O O o tt `0 P7 iG l� Q1 O� M a $' Q't U •.• VJ N In �D 4 O v1 N O In N O d N `D o 0 0 0 0 00 v'� O �M.. 0 0 !! U n T! n l� — O o y 00 00 eq O o iy N �O a-' RS a a� � y V � ��yy ^ NNN a C yy y r�yy v ��v�cnFoOOri� 0��OO� Otr� tntertek July 24, 2018 UNC - Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5910 Attn: Mr. Galen M. Jamison email: iamisongO-uncw.edu Professional Service Industries, Inc. 5021-A W. WT Harris Blvd. Charlotte, North Carolina 28269 Phone: (704) 598-2234 Fax: (704) 598-2236 Re: Report of Additional Services Seasonal High Water Table Assessment and Infiltration Analysis Proposed Freshman Housing Development UNC - Wilmington Wilmington, North Carolina PSI Report No.: 0511856-2 Dear Mr. Jamison: Professional Service Industries, Inc., an Intertek Company, is pleased to submit this letter report of Seasonal High -Water Table Assessment and Infiltration Analysis performed by Land Management Group, Inc. for the proposed Freshman Housing Development at the campus of UNCW in Wilmington, North Carolina. These services were performed in accordance with PSI Change Order No. 0511856-2 dated June 29, 2018, as authorized by Mr. Galen Jamison of UNCW on July 2, 2018. The findings of the site investigation are included in this letter report. We appreciate the opportunity to offer our services to your project and look forward to working with you. Please call with any questions you may have, or if PSI can be of additional service. Very truly yours, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Andrew O. Steege, PG Senior Geologist www.intertek.com/building ton LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP wc. Environmental Consultants July 18, 2018 Andrew O. Steege, P.G. Intertek PSI 5021 West W.T. Harris Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28269 Reference: Soil. Borings for Stormwater Assessment for the Proposed Dormitory Expansion Project for UNCW, Wilmington, NC. Andrew: On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Land Management Group, Inc. evaluated the proposed stormwater areas for the proposed construction of additional dormitories at UNCW, Wilmington, NC. The project site is located on the east side of campus and just off Riegel Drive. The purpose of the evaluation was, to describe the soil profile, quantify the depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT), quantify infiltration rates for the project engineer. The site plan is shown in in Figure One. Figure 1 Appendix A contains the soils map and the soils legend, from NRCS. The soil profiles onsite most closely resemble the Baymeade, Murville and Seagate series. The soil profile descriptions in Appendix B show the recorded depths from the existing surface. LMG was asked to provide the infiltration rate for each soil boring. Standard auger borings extend to 60 inches below grade. The site was evaluated at a depth that is 24 inches above the SHWT, where feasible, which is the required separation by NC DENR DWQ. Permeability was measured by a double -ring infiltrometer for the horizon 24 inches above the SHWT. Seasonal high-water tables within the soil profile are determined for each profile based on morphological features. Permeabilities for other layers are estimated by field texture and soil morphology. SHWT and soil permeability is shown in Table One. Complete soil profile descriptions are shown in Appendix B. TABLE ONE: Soil Contemporary Soil Permeability Depth Boring (inches/hour) (inches) (inches) est. ST 1 26 6.50 2 ST 2 11 7.50 0 ST 3 54 9.50 30 ST 4 23 37.50 0 ST 5 19 12.50 0 ST 6 >60 1.75 36 ST 7 13 6.00 0 The official published description and physical and chemical data for the soil series is for Baymeade, Murville and Seagate by the USDA Soil Survey for New Hanover County. The soil borings most closely resemble the Baymeade series. The Baymeade, Murville and Seagate soil series description are shown in Appendix C. In summary, this site has an area that is proposed for stormwater basin placement. This area has soils with contemporary seasonal high-water tables that range from 11 to >60 inches from the soil surface as shown in Table One. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions with this report or if you wish for LMG to perform any additional site specific studies in accordance with the NC DENR DWQ guidance memo. If you have any questions about this report or need any additional information I may be reached at 910-452-0001, 910-620-1137 or at gqMLer@h.ngropp.net. Sincerely, G. Craig Turner Senior Consultant Land Management Group, Inc 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-452-0001: Office 910-452-0060: FAX 910-620-1137: Cell cturner@ lmgroup.net N.C. Licensed Soil Scientist, #1091 www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net - Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 Appendix A Soil Map Unit Legend Fur AyesmOt'q132 t6TJb I83 9<Y 38.6 lam ebeD'Y%31 le ITlym an] ra 5.3Y W 1.1 8dt rmm lmaeamlaevrl nse +one+t r Appendix B Soil Profile Description TABLE ONE: Dormito Expansion BORING# HORIZON: DEPTH COLOR EWT/OWT TEXTURE STRUCTURE CONSISTENCY PLASTICITY PERM(in.) (iST1A Fill 1 0-16 10 YR 312 sandy loam to loamy sand wk., fine, sbk. friable non-plasticST1A j Fill 2 16-26 10YR 4/3 sandy loam to loamy sand wk., fine, sbk. friable non -plastic ST1A Fill3 26-33 10YR 514 sand loam wk. fine sbk. liable non lastic ST 1A CG1 33-55 10YR 4/3 26/>60 loam sand sin le rained friable non lastic ST 1A CG2 55-60 10YR 6/2 coarse loam sand sin le rained liable non- lastic Boringterminated at 60" Physical Water. >60" on 7-12-2018 SHWT: 26" ST 2 A 0-8 10 YR 311, 811 loamy fine sand wk., fine, sbk. friable non -plastic 6-8 ST 2 E 8-11 2.5Y all loamy fine sand single grained liable non -plastic 7.5' ST 2 BH 11-21 10YR 3/1 11/55 loamy fine sand/fine sandy loam1-2 fine, sbk. friable non -plastic ST 2 BG 21-39 10YR 5/1 loamy sand single grained friable non -plastic 2-3 ST 2 CG1 39-55 10YR 4/3 loam sand single rained friable non -plastic 4-6 ST 2 CG2 55-60 10YR 6/2 coarse loamy sand single grained liable non -plastic 6-10 Boring terminated at 60" Physical Water. 55" on 7-12-2018 SHWT: @ 11" ST 3 A 0-6 10 YR 8/1, 41 loamy fine sand single grained loose non -plastic >20 ST 3 E 6-14 10YR 8/1 fine sand d loose non -plastic >30 ST 3 BWH 14-19 10YR 4/3 loamy fine sand d friable non -plastic 6-10 ST 3 BWH 19-45 10YR 5/4 loamy fine sand . friable non -plastic 9.5' ST 3 Cl 45-64 10YR 811 fine sand Wsinglegrained d liable non -plastic >20 ST 3 C2 54-60 10YR 7/2 54/>60 fine sand d friable non -plastic >10 Boring terminated at 60" Physical Water. >60" on 7-12-2018 SHWT: 0 54" ST 4A A 0-3 10 YR 711, 5/3 loamy fine sand single grained friable non -plastic 37.5' ST 4A E 3-15 10YR 711 1 loamy fine sand/sand single grained 1 friable non -plastic 1 1.5-2.0 ST 4A BWH 15-23 10YR 613 loamy fine sand, fine sandy loam single grained liable non -plastic 4-8 ST 4A BWH 23-48 1 10YR 712 23/>62 loamy fine sand/fine sand single grained liable non -plastic 12-16 ST 4A Cl 48-62 1CYR 412, 44 sandy clay loam wk.. fine, sbk friable non -plastic 6-8 Boring terminated at 62" Physical Water. >62" on 7-12-2018 SHWT: 23" ST 5 A 0-10 10 YR 3/1 loamy sand/sandy loam wk., fine, sbk. liable non -plastic 12.5" ST 5 E 10-19 8/1, 612 loamy sand/sand single grained liable non -plastic 12-16 ST 5 BH 19-24 10YR 2/1 19/>60 loamy sand massive friable non -plastic 2-3 ST 5 BGC 24-29 10YR 41 sand single grained friable non -plastic 12-16 ST 5 BH' 29�8 10YR 2/2 loamy sand wk.,fine,sbk. friable non -plastic 4-6 ST 5 CG 1 48,60 10YR 42 sand single grained friable non -plastic 10-16 Boring terminated at 60" Physical Water. >60" on 7-12-2018 SHWT: 19" ST 6 Filll 1 0-19 10 YR 4/3, 311, 7/1, 413 loamy fine sand to fine sand wk., fine, sbk. friable non -plastic 4-6 ST 6 BT1 19-28 10YR 5/3 sand/loamy sand wk., fine, sbk. friable non -plastic 5.6• ST 6 BT2 28-40 10YR 5/6 loamy fine sand single grained friable non -plastic 1-2 ST 6 BT3 40-46 10YR 614 loamy sand single grained friable non -plastic 4-5 ST6 BC 46-60 1 10YR6/4.612 >60/>60 sand single grained friable non -plastic 6-8 Physical Water. >60" on 7/12-2018 SHWT: C l >60" ST 7 A 0-9 10 YR 3/2 loamy sand wk., fine, sbk. friable non -plastic B 0" ST 7 E 9-13 10YR 6/1 loamy sand single grained friable non -plastic 10-12 ST 7 BH 13-39 10YR 211 13146 loamy sand massive friable non -plastic 1-2 ST 7 E' 39-46 10YR 512 loamy sand single grained friable non -plastic 4-6 ST7 CG 46-60 10YR411, 512, 211 loam sand/sand loam single rained friable non -plastic 2-3 Boringterminated at 60" Physical Water. >46" on 7-12-2018 W SHT: 13" values with an "" are measured values Appendix C Physical, Chemical and Morphological Description of the Baymeade, Murville and Seagate Soil Series LOCATION BAYMEADE NC Established Series Rev. REH:ENH 07/1999 BAYMEADE SERIES The Baymeade series consists of deep, well drained soils with moderately rapid permeability. They formed in loamy and sandy marine sediments of the lower Coastal Plain. Slopes range from 0 to 12 percent. Mean annual temperature is 63 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is 54 inches. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic Arenic Hapludults TYPICAL PEDON: Baymeade sand --on a 3 percent slope under mixed hardwood and pine. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) A--O to 3 inches; dark gray (10YR 4/1) fine sand; weak granular structure; loose; many fine and medium roots; many uncoated sand grains; moderately acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (2 to 10 inches thick) E--3 to 12 inches; light gray (IOYR 7/2) fine sand; single grained; loose; many fine and medium roots; slightly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 15 inches thick) E/Bh--12 to 36 inches; very pale brown (1OYR 7/4) fine sand; single grained; loose; common irregular bodies of friable organic coated sand that are dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) and brown (7.5YR 4/4) (Bh) make up about 12 percent of this horizon; many fine and medium roots; moderately acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (0 to 26 inches thick) Bt--36 to 49 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) fine sandy loam; weak coarse subangular blocky structure that parts into weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. (5 to 40 inches thick) BC--49 to 58 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) loamy fine sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable; few fine roots; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 17 inches thick) C1--58 to 75 inches; mottled white (10YR 8/1) and very pale brown (10YR 7/4) fine sand; single grained; loose; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. C2--75 to 78 inches; very pale brown (10YR 8/3) fine sand and loamy fine sand; single grained; loose; moderately acid. TYPE LOCATION: New Hanover County, North Carolina; Wilmington, 0.5 mile south of Dawson and Sixteenth Streets on west side of Sixteenth Street road bank. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness is 35 to more than 60 inches. Reaction ranges from very strongly acid to slightly acid, unless limed. Some pedons have extremely acid A and E horizons. 9 The A or Ap horizon has hue of 1 OYR to 2.5Y value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 1 or 2 or is neutral with value of 4 to 6 with common clean grains that are white or light gray. Texture of the A horizon is sand, fine sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand. The E horizon has hue of 1 OYR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 8, and chroma of 1 to 6 or is neutral with value of 6 to 8. Texture is sand, fine sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand. The Bh portion of E/Bh horizon or Bh horizon, where present, is granular to massive with hue of 5YR to 1 OYR, value of 3 to 7, and chrom..a. of 2 to 8. The F horizon, where present has hues of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, values of 4 to 8, and chroma of 2 to 6 or it is neutral with values of 6 to 8. It is sand, fine sand, loamy sand or loamy fine sand. The Bt horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles are in shades of yellow, brown, or gray at depths below 25 inches in some pedons. A gray matrix may be present in the lower Bt horizons of some pedons. Texture is commonly sandy loam or fine sandy loam but some pedons are sandy clay loam. The lower Bt horizon may occur as lamella of sandy loam. The BC horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 2 to 8. Mottles are in shades of yellow, brown, or gray in some pedons. Texture is loamy sand, loamy fine sand, sandy loam, fine sandy loam or in some pedons sandy clay loam. The C horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 1 to 8 or is mottled in shades of these colors. Texture is sand or fine sand or stratified sandy, loamy, or clayey material. Some pedons have thin discontinuous Bh bodies in the C horizon. COMPETING SERIES: Ailey, Blaney, Chipola, Chiso Coosaw, Garcon, Gome , Kenansville, Remli Ten Tomahawk, Uchee, and Valhalla in the same family. Closely related soils are the Alaaa, Eustis, Kureb, Onslow, Ste, Wagram, and Wakulla series. All of these soils except Kureb lack irregular intermittent Bh bodies in the E/Bh horizon. Kureb soils lack argillic horizons. Onslow soils lack an arenic epipedon and contain gray mottles indicative of wetness in the Bt horizon. Seagate and Valhalla soils have continuous Bh horizons. Seagate soils have poorer drainage. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Baymeade soils occur on broad, gently sloping surfaces of the lower Coastal Plain, generally above 20 feet. Slopes range from 1 to 12 percent. They formed in (stratified) interbedded sandy and loamy Coastal Plain sediments. The mean annual precipitation ranges from 47 to 60 inches and mean annual temperature ranges from 53 to 74 degrees F. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the competing Kureb and the Blanton, Foreston, Goldsboro, Lakeland, Leon, Norfolk and Rimini series. Blanton soils have a Grossarenic epipedon. Foreston, Goldsboro and Norfolk lack an arenic epipedon. Lakeland soils lack light gray E horizons and an argillic horizon. Leon and Rimini soils have continuous Bh horizons, and the Leon soils have poorer drainage. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; slow runoff, moderately rapid permeability. Measured watertable levels at two sites show that the water table is 45 to 60 inches below the surface in December to April and other wet periods. 10 USE AND VEGETATION: Most of these soils are in forest of mixed hardwood and pine. Native vegetation is turkey oak, long leaf pine, dwarfed huckleberry, small myrtle, wire grass, and astor. Large areas are in residential and urban uses in New Hanover County. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Lower Coastal Plains of North Carolina and possibly South Carolina. The series is extensive. MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: New Hanover County, North Carolina; 1973. REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are: Ochric epipedon - the zone from the surface to a depth of 36 inches (the Ap and E horizons) Arenic feature - the zone of sandy sediments from 0 to 36 inches (the A, E, E/Bh horizons) Argillic horizon - the zone from a depth of 36 to 58 inches (the Bt and BC horizons) ADDITIONAL DATA: None TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation NCO083 BAYMEADE 0- 12 59- 63 190-250 46- 57 20- 70 SOI-5 F1oodL F1oodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NCO083 NONE 4.0-5.0 APPARENT DEC -APR 60-60 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0083 0-36 FS S 0- 0 100-100 0- 8 1- 3 NCO083 0-36 LS LFS 0- 0 100-100 5-13 1- 4 NCO083 36-49 FSL SCL SL 0- 0 100-100 8-26 2- 6 NCO083 49-78 LFS S SL 0- 0 100-100 0-12 0- 3 SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll NCO083 0-36 4.5- 6.5 .5-1. 0- 0 6.0- 20 LOW NCO083 0-36 4.5- 6.5 .5-1. 0- 0 6.0- 20 LOW NCO083 36-49 4.5- 6.5 0.-.5 0- 0 2.0- 6.0 LOW NCO083 49-78 4.5- 6.5 0.-.5 0- 0 6.0- 20 LOW National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 11 LOCATION MURVILLE NC+FL Established Series Rev. AG 07/1999 MURVILLE SERIES The Murville series consists of very poorly drained soils that have rapid permeability in the A horizon and moderately rapid permeability in the Bh horizon. The soils formed from wet sandy marine and fluvial sediments. They are in flats or in slight depressions on broad interstream areas of uplands and stream terraces in the Coastal Plain. Slopes are less than 2 percent. At the type location, the mean annual temperature is about 63 degrees F., and the mean annual precipitation is about 50 inches. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Sandy, siliceous, thermic Umbric Endoaquods TYPICAL PEDON: Murville fine sand --on a nearly level slope under pond pine with understory of gallberry, smilax, and canes. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Oe--2 to 0 inches; partially decayed leaves, moss, and twigs. A--O to 8 inches; black (N 2/) fine sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many roots; many clean quartz grains; loamy feel and appearance from organic matter; very strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (6 to 11 inches thick) Bh--8 to 45 inches; black (1 OYR 2/1) fine sand; massive; very friable; few roots in upper portion; sand grains mostly have dark films or coatings; few clean quartz grains; loamy feel and appearance from organic matter; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (24 to 45 inches thick) C--45 to 70 inches; pale brown (1 OYR 6/3) fine sand with thin strata of sandy loam and sandy clay loam; single grained; loose; streaks of light gray (I OYR 7/1); few old root channels; very strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: New Hanover County, North Carolina; about 0.5 mile north of junction of U.S. Highway 421 and N. C. Highway 132, along N. C. 132 and east 1600 feet along canal in wooded area. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 30 to 60 inches. Humus in the A and Bh horizons gives the sandy material a loamy feel and appearance. The soil is strongly acid to extremely acid. A thin Oa or Oe horizon can be present in some pedons. The A or Ap horizons have hue of 1 OYR to 5YR, or they are neutral, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 0 to 2. There are few to common clean sand grains. Texture is sand, fine sand, loamy sand, loamy fine sand, or mucky analogues of these textures. Intermittent Eg horizons from 1/4 to 2 inches thick occur in fewer than 50 percent of the pedons. The Bh horizon has hue of 5YR to 1OYR, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 1 or 2. It is sand, fine sand, loamy fine sand, or loamy sand. Few to common uncoated sand grains may be 12 present and some pedons may have very thin discontinuous lamellae of clean sand. The sand grains in the lower horizons may have thin humus coatings with hue of 1 OYR to 5YR, value of 4 to 5, and chroma of 1 to 4. Some pedons have a BEg or Eg horizon below the Bh horizon. Where present, the BEg horizon has hue of 1OYR or 7.5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 3 or 4. The Eg horizon has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2. Texture of the BEg and Eg horizons is sand, fine sand, loamy fine sand, or loamy sand. Thickness of the BE or Eg horizons ranges from 0 to 20 inches. Pedons that have either of these horizons also have a B'h horizon below them that has similar properties to the Bh horizon. The C horizon, and Cg horizon where present, is dominantly fine sand, sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand, but may have lenses or strata of loamy material at depths of 50 to 80 inches below the surface. The C horizon has hue of 1 OYR to 5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 3. The Cg horizon has the same hue and value range, but has chroma of 1 or 2. Some pedons may have thin layers of darker -colored material. COMPETING SERIES: These are Boulogne,, Lynn Have and Wesconnett series. Boulogne soils have sola thicker than 80 inches, are fine sand or loamy fine sand only, and have firm or very firm Bh horizons. Lynn Haven soils have continuous E horizons. Wesconnett soils have a B'h horizon, and in addition are sand or fine sand to depths of 80 inches or more. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Murville soils are nearly level and are on flat or slight depressional areas on Coastal Plain uplands and stream terraces. They formed in wet sandy marine or fluvial sediments . Slopes are less than 2 percent. Near the type location, mean annual temperature is about 63 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is about 50 inches. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These include the Baymeade, Kureb, Leon, Lynn Haven. Rutleae, and Torhunta soils. Baymeade, Kureb, and Leon soils are better drained and are on higher landscape positions than Murville soils. In addition, Baymeade and Kureb soils do not have a spodic horizon. Lynn Haven, Rutlege, and Torhunta soils are in the same landscape positions as Murville. Lynn Haven soils have continuous E horizons, Rutlege and Torhunta soils do not have a spodic horizon. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Murville soils are very poorly drained. Permeability is rapid in the A horizon, and moderately rapid in the Bh horizon. The water table is at or near the surface most of the time except during summer months or where artificially drained. Depth to the seasonal high water table ranges from 0 to 1 foot from November to May. USE AND VEGETATION: Chiefly in cutover forests of pond pine, with a few scattered loblolly, longleaf pine, and red maple. Slash pine grow in the southern part of the range. Understory vegetation includes sweetbay, redbay, swamp cyrilla (red titi), zenobia, inkberry (bitter gallberry), large gallberry, greenbrier, switchcane, fetterbush lyonia, blueberry, loblollybay gordonia, southern bayberry (waxmyrtle), and a ground cover of sphagnum and club mosses, chainfern, broom sedge, and switchcane and maidencane in open areas. Where frequent burning has taken place only the understory species are present. 13 DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina and Florida. The series is of moderate extent. MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: New Hanover County, North Carolina; 1973. REMARKS: The Murville soils were formerly included in the Ridgeland series. However, Ridgeland soils are in a mixed mineralogy family. The April 1993 revision of this series changed the subgroup classification from Typic Haplaquods to Umbric Endoaquods. Diagnostic horizons and soil properties recognized in the typical pedon are: Umbric epipedon - the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 45 inches (A and Bh horizons) Spodic horizon - the zone from 8 to 45 inches (Bh horizon) MLRA(S): 153A, 153B SIR: NCO085 TABULAR SERIES DATA: SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation NCO085 MURVILLE 0- 2 59- 70 190-290 45- 60 10- 90 SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NCO085 NONE RARE - APPARENT - 60-60 SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0085 0- 8 FS S LFS 0- 0 100-100 2- 8 2- 11 NCO085 0- 8 MK-S MK-LS MK-LFS 0- 0 100-100 2- 8 9- 22 NCO085 8-45 FS S LFS 0- 0 100-100 2- 8 2- 10 NCO085 45-56 FS S 0- 0 100-100 2- 8 0- 4 NCO085 56-70 VAR - - - - SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swil N00085 0- 8 3.5- 5.5 2.-9. 0- 0 6.0- 20 Low NCO085 0- 8 3.5- 5.5 9.-15 0- 0 6.0- 20 LOW NCO085 8-45 3.5- 5.5 2.-8. 0- 0 2.0- 6.0 LOW NCO085 45-56 3.5- 5.5 0.-2. 0- 0 6.0- 20 LOW NCO085 56-70 - - - - National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 14 LOCATION SEAGATE NC+SC VA Established Series RAG/Rev. JAK 02/2008 SEAGATE SERIES MLRA(s): 153A-Atlantic Coast Flatwoods, 153B-Tidewater Area Depth Class: Very deep Drainage Class (Agricultural): Moderately well drained or somewhat poorly drained Internal Free Water Occurrence: Moderately deep, persistent Flooding Frequency and Duration: None Ponding Frequency and Duration: None Slowest Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderately high (4.23 to 10.00 micrometers per second) Landscape: Lower Coastal plain Landform: Marine terraces, flats, flatwoods Geomorphic Component: Talfs and dips Hillslope Profile Position: Not assigned Parent Material: Sandy and loamy marine deposits Slope: 0 to 3 percent Elevation (type location): 7.6 meters (about 25 feet) Frost Free Period (type location): 217 days Mean Annual Air Temperature (type location): 17.2 degrees C. (about 63 degrees F.) Mean Annual Precipitation (type location): 1350 millimeters (about 53 inches) TAXONOMIC CLASS: Sandy over loarny, siliceous, active, thermic Typic Haplohumods TYPICAL PEDON: Seagate fine sand, cultivated. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--O to 20 centimeters (about 0 to 8 inches); dark gray (1 OYR 4/1) fine sand; single grained; loose; many fine roots; many clean sand grains; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (8 to 20 centimeters thick, about 3 to 8 inches thick) E--20 to 30 centimeters (about 8 to 12 inches); light gray (10YR 7/1) fine sand; single grained; loose; few medium roots; moderately acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 30 centimeters thick, about 0 to 12 inches) Bh--30 to 58 centimeters (about 12 to 23 inches); dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) fine sand; massive; friable; many weakly cemented nodules; many sand grains coated with organic matter; few clean sand grains; strongly acid; abrupt irregular boundary. (5 to 65 centimeters thick, about 2 to 25 inches) BE--58 to 71 centimeters (about 23 to 28 inches); brown (IOYR 5/3) fine sand; single grained; loose; few fine weakly cemented concretions; many sand grains coated with organic matter; common clean sand grains; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 25 centimeters thick, about 0 to I Oinches) 15 E'--71 to 91 centimeters (about 28 to 36 inches); light gray (1 OYR 7/2) fine sand; single grained; loose; few fine and medium brown (I OYR 5/3) concretions; moderately acid; clear smooth boundary. (0 to 25 centimeters thick, about 0 to 10 inches) Bt--91 to 102 centimeters (about 36 to 40 inches); brownish yellow (1 OYR 6/6) sandy loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; many medium distinct light gray (I OYR 7/2) iron depletions; sand grains are coated and bridged with clay; few faint discontinuous clay films on faces of peds; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary (0 W 20 centimeters thick, about 0 to 8 inches) Btg--102 to 200 centimeters (about 40 to 78 inches); light gray (1 OYR 7/1) clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; firm; plastic; sticky; very strongly acid. (12 to 100 centimeters thick, about 5 to 40 inches) TYPE LOCATION: New Hanover County, North Carolina; 0.4 mile north of junction of North Carolina Highway 132 and U.S. Highway 421, 300 yards west of U.S. Highway 421, 20 feet north of field road; USGS Wilmington, NC topographic quadrangle; lat. 34 degrees 08 minutes 33 seconds N. and long. 77 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds W., NAD 83. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Depth to top of spodic horizon: 25 to 50 centimeters (about 10 to 20 inches) Depth to loamy horizons: Greater than 50 centimeters (about 20 inches) Depth to bedrock: Greater than 200 centimeters (about 78 inches) Depth to seasonal high water table: 50 to 75 centimeters (about 20 to 30 inches), November to April (originally, 1.5 to 2.5 feet) Thickness of the A and B horizons: 90 to more than 150 centimeters (about 36 to more than 60 inches) (Effective) Cation Exchange Capacity: 1 to 5 milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil in the A horizon; 1 to 2 in E horizon; 2 to 7 in the Bh horizon, and 4 to 8 in the Bt horizon Shrink -swell potential: Low Organic matter content: 0.0 to 0.5 percent in the A and E horizon; 0.5 to 2.0 in the Bh horizon; and 0.0 to 0.2 in the Bt and C horizon Soil Reaction: Extremely acid (3.5) to moderately acid (6.0), unless limed Other Soil Features: The Bh horizon contains 0 to 50 percent, by volume extremely weakly to moderately cemented nodules RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL HORIZONS: Ap or A horizon: Color --hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, chroma of 1 to 3 Texture --sand or fine sand Clay content: 0 to 3 percent E horizon (where present): Color --hue of 1 OYR to 5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 1 to 3, or is neutral with value of5to8 Texture --sand or fine sand Clay content: 0 to 3 percent 16 Bh horizon: Color --hue of 5YR to 1 OYR, value of 2 to 5, chroma of 1 to 4 Texture --sand, fine sand, or loamy fine sand Special Features --This horizon is friable to firm, most sand grains are coated with organic materials; clean sand grains range from few to common. Clay content: 1 to 5 percent E' horizon (where present): Color --hue of 1OYR or 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, chroma of 1 to 4 Texture --sand or fine sand Redoximorphic features (where present) --iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, or gray and masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown Clay content: 1 to 3 percent Bt horizon (where present): Color --hue of 1 OYR or 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8 Texture --sandy loam or sandy clay loam Redoximorphic features (where present) --iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, or gray and masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown Clay content: 10 to 35 percent Btg horizon: Color --hue of IOYR to 5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2, or is neutral with value of 4 to 8 Texture --sandy clay loam or clay loam Clay content: 10 to 35 percent Redoximorphic features (where present) --iron depletions in shades of brown, yellow, or gray and masses of oxidized iron in shades of red, yellow, or brown COMPETING SERIES: None GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Landscape: Lower Coastal plain Landform: Marine terraces, flats, flatwoods Geomorphic Component: Talfs and dips Hillslope Profile Position: Not assigned Parent Material: Sandy and loamy marine deposits Slope: 0 to 3 percent Elevation (type location): 7.6 meters (about 25 feet) Frost Free Period: 190 to 240 days Mean Annual Air Temperature (type location): 14.4 to 18.3 degrees C. (about 58 to 65 degrees F.) Mean Annual Precipitation (type location): 1015 to 1475 millimeters (about 40 to 58 inches) GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: Baymeade soils --do not have a continuous spodic horizon; on higher parts of the landscape Kureb soils --do not have a continuous spodic horizon and have less than 5 percent fines to a depth of 2 meters; on higher parts of the landscape Leon soils --are poorly or very poorly drained, on lower parts of the landscape 17 Lynn Haven soils --do not have an underlying argillic horizon and are poorer drained, on lower parts of the landscape Mascotte soils --are poorly or very poorly drained, on lower parts of the landscape Murville soils --do not have an underlying argillic horizon and are very poorly drained, on lower parts of the landscape Olustee soils --are poorly drained, on lower parts of the landscape Onslow soils --have thinner sandy surface layers Rid e� land soils --do not have underlying loamy B horizons DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Drainage Class (Agricultural): Moderately well drained or somewhat poorly drained Internal Free Water Occurrence: Moderately deep, persistent Flooding Frequency and Duration: None Ponding Frequency and Duration: None Slowest Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderately high (4.23 to 10.00 micrometers per second) USE AND VEGETATION: Major uses: Woodland or urban development Dominant vegetation: Where cultivated --corn, soybeans, peanuts, and blueberries Where wooded --turkey oak, post oak, red oak, longleaf pine, and loblolly pine. Some native understory plants are wax myrtle, pineland threeawn, bushy beard grass, little bluestem, bitter gallberry, large gallberry, and dwarf huckleberry DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Distribution: North Carolina and possibly South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Extent: Moderate, about 15,000 acres. MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: New Hanover County, North Carolina; 1974. REMARKS: 08/1985. The classification of the Seagate series is revised to comply with the addition of Cation -exchange activity classes in Soil Taxonomy. 02/2008. Seagate soils typically do not have sufficient organic carbon content in the spodic horizon for classification in the Humod suborder. Additional information is needed to determine the correct taxonomic placement. The most likely classification is Oxyaquic Alorthods; however, the Alorthods great group is being studied and major revision is anticipated. Seagate soils will remain as historically classified until a future investigation can be completed. Diagnostic horizons and soil characteristics recognized in this pedon: Ochric epipedon--the zone from the surface to a depth of 30 centimeters (Ap and E horizons) Albic horizon --the zone from 20 to 30 centimeters (E horizon) Spodic horizon --the zone between depths of 30 and 58 centimeters (Bh horizon) Argillic horizon --the zone between depths of 71 to 168 centimeters (Bt and Btg horizons) Series control section --the zone from 0 to 200 centimeters ADDITIONAL DATA: N.C. State University Soils Department Laboratory Data. 18 National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. 19 vvM`KIMecREED Hand Delivered TO: NCDEQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 ATrENT1ON: Christine Hall WE ARE SENDING: ® Originals ® Prints ❑ Specifications ® Calculations LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: •' `ar� � � Zp f `� ' LLL PROJECT NO: 04999-0014 TASK NO: 4 RE: UNCW — P3 Housing Stormwater Permit Submittal TRANSMITTAL NO: PAGE 1 OF 1 ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Samples ® Other - Quantity Drawing No. Rev. F Description Status 1 Check # 194015 Express Application Fee G 1 Check # 194016 Permit Rescission Fee G 1 Check # 194017 Permit Rescission Fee G 1 Signed Stormwater Management Permit Application G 1 Signed Operation & Maintenance Agreement G G 1 Rescission Letter for Permit No. SW8160103 (The Hub) 1 Rescission Letter for Permit No. SW8170907 (Graham Hall Improv.) G 2 Stormwater Management Narrative and Exhibits F 3 Stormwater Permit Plan Set F Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 4. Amend & Resubmit 1005r_� c" David Ortner, Rouse Properties File, McKim & Creed, P.A. w/ enc 2. Make Corrections Noted 5. Rejected - See Remarks 243 NORTH FRONT 3.Other NC 28401 (910)A3�i048 FAX (910) McKIM & CREED, INC Signed t4t< C�w Brock Daniel Senior Designer Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 8:34 AM To: 'Richard Collier' Cc: Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: [External] FW: NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permit Applications. Thanks for checking. I'll go ahead and work with Cameron to schedule a submittal date for you based on your assurance that the 1.5" design storm will work for the pre-1988 BUA. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 -h-�:i ,. ``lJfi G �1 )?�:.`r 'rP;.: f�? �.�� ili .i (C•.r'7i ':`?; :.=?!' Cii i F I . _ i i. ,a^ j J the it <. �•• !ir. 1d i. !n ,ti; f ; r1�r;dt Garr,r,?a t-'ur�.��,:, Fc�cf: �;is L�.�A a� �,�,, be �e1.:.:,,, .., c; E�: r rrd parties. From: Richard Collier<RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2019 5:50 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permit Applications [open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspi 5- I as arEattachm Christine: Thanks for the email. I have recalculated all of the existing BUA and proposed BUA for the complete P3 Project. Using the Total Proposed BUA + the Existing BUA (to remain) + Rec Field Future + Dining Hall Future, yes the proposed SCM-1 can provide the 1.5" storm treatment requirement. The existing BUAto remain includes the transfer of BUA from The Hub and the Graham sidewalks. I have attached PDF copies of these calculations for you review along with a modified Narrative. I think if these look ok to you that I'd like to schedule the submittal meeting (as soon as we can)..... Thanks again, Richard Collier, PE I Asst ti' : , . ' ' ns T q 10. -343P. 1048 1 C 510.52(�, - From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 3:22 PM To: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permit Applications Richard, Thank you for your email. I understand the importance of this project and am eager to ensure the outstanding issues are addressed so that this project can be scheduled into the express program and that the permitting process can be accomplished within the designated express timeframe. I appreciate that you are open to the suggested permitting path forward. With that in mind, I do have two additional notes based on your 2/4/19 email and revised narrative that accompanied it: 1. Your email asks about using the fast track program for this project. This project does not qualify for the fast track permitting process because it overlaps adjacent permits putting them out of compliance (15A NCAC 02H.1043(1)(c)). In order to submit to the fast track program, the overlap would have to be avoided or those permits would have to be modified / rescinded appropriately, which are the same actions being recommended. Additionally, under the fast track program, the entire site would be required to meet the 2017 rules, including using the 1.5" design storm for the entire site. 2. The first two items under Section 4.0 (Proposed Modifications to Existing SWM Permits) discusses pre-1988 BUA. Item 2 continues on to reference 15A NCAC 02H.1001(5) regarding prior authorizations. If these areas have building permits that were obtained prior to 1988 and are not changing, then they are not subject to the stormwater requirements and would not be required to be collected and treated [15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(d)]. However, if this existing BUA cannot bypass the SCM collection system, then the existing unpermitted areas shall be included in the sizing of the on -site SCMs [15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(b) and .1050(1)] and would be subject to the 2017 rules and a design storm of 1.5" [15A NCAC 02H.1019(6)(a) and .1050(1)]. This is no different than how other projects were handled that could not bypass runoff from pre-1988 BUA (SW8 980128 is one example from UNCW). Will the SCM be able to handle the pre-1988 runoff that cannot be bypassed at a 1.5" design storm? If I can get assurance that it will, then I am comfortable moving forward with scheduling these. Please advise if you are wanting a scoping and/or submittal meeting. Thanks again! Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall n•cdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2019 3:22 PM To: 'Richard Collier' Cc: Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: [External] FW: NCDENR Stormwater Management Permit Applications Richard, Thank you for your email. I understand the importance of this project and am eager to ensure the outstanding issues are addressed so that this project can be scheduled into the express program and that the permitting process can be accomplished within the designated express timeframe. I appreciate that you are open to the suggested permitting path forward. With that in mind, I do have two additional notes based on your 2/4/19 email and revised narrative that accompanied it: 1. Your email asks about using the fast track program for this project. This project does not qualify for the fast track permitting process because it overlaps adjacent permits putting them out of compliance (15A NCAC 02H.1043(1)(c)). In order to submit to the fast track program, the overlap would have to be avoided or those permits would have to be modified / rescinded appropriately, which are the same actions being recommended. Additionally, under the fast track program, the entire site would be required to meet the 2017 rules, including using the 1.5" design storm for the entire site. 2. The first two items under Section 4.0 (Proposed Modifications to Existing SWM Permits) discusses pre-1988 BUA. Item 2 continues on to reference 15A NCAC 02H.1001(5) regarding prior authorizations. If i.hese areas have building permits that were obtained prior to 1988 and are not changing, then they are not subjectto the stormwater requirements and would not be required to be collected and treated [15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(d)]. However, if this existing BUA cannot bypass the SCM collection system, then the existing unpermitted areas shall be included in the sizing of the on -site SCMs [15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(b) and .1050(1)] and would be subject to the 2017 rules and a design storm of 1.5" [15A NCAC 02H.1019(6)(a) and .1050(1)]. This is no different than how other projects were handled that could not bypass runoff from pre-1988 BUA (SW8 980128 is one example from UNCW). Will the SCM be able to handle the pre-1988 runoff that cannot be bypassed at a 1.5" design storm? If I can get assurance that it will, then I am comfortable moving forward with scheduling these. Please advise if you are wanting a scoping and/or submittal meeting. Thanks again! Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 4.fi3.,:;,. l..; 3mpare'_i - .. Lwwl "Uv&St)O10eifLx' iO .:t,u IS bar. t6%: X Vb Pil�J�l� From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2019 10:13 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] FW: NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permit Applications External email. Do not dick links �ir open attachments unless you verify. Sand aU su*clou s email as an attachment to Christine: First of all let me apologize for all of the hoopla surrounding the P3 Projects SWM Permitting. It has never been my intention for the final permit preparation to have escalated to the heights that has occurred. So for my part in this drama I sincerely apologize. I received the email information below and attached from UNCW on Monday afternoon, this following the weekend of preparing the package I provided to your office on Monday morning. I hate that I was not copied on your email by UNCW on Friday afternoon, which would have made the package I sent out Monday follow the guidelines to permit based on your email. Hopefully you have not spent entirely too much time in review of the package. The bulk of it is still pertinent, but I need to incorporate the permit modifications and recensions (which is being completed now). I have sent a request to Cameron to pull the SW8 170907 (Graham Hewlett Sidewalk and Landscape Permit) and we come down and copy that file to incorporate and rescind this permit by incorporating it into the P3 Project. The plans and pond design calculations provided on Monday are still accurate, I believe that the permitting revisions, Drainage Areas, and BUA computations will be the revisions sent in this week. The Permitting Plan for the P3 Project is as follows (and please let me know if I've missed anything): 1. Modify SW8 021017. This will be the New P3 Permit — overall. $4,000 fee for major mod. 2. Modify SW8 160103. The modification will leave The Hub Permit as the infiltration system only and will move the DA and BUA associated with the By -Pass DA (redevelopment portion) into the P3 Project. I received yesterday all calculations and submittal info from McAdams that was permitted in 2016 for The Hub. $500 fee for permit mod. 3. Rescind SW8 170907. Incorporate this DA completely into the P3 Project. $500 rescind fee. 4. Modify SW8 100405 (Cross City Trail, Phase IIIA). This may lag behind the initial submission due to signatures from the City Manager, and I'll need to have their engineers review my permit revision talcs and package. Sorry for this delay. $500 mod fee when submitted. Do you see anything that I've missed, or need to expand upon in the submission? Again, I apologize, and I look forward to working with you to complete the P3 Project SWM Permit. Thank you, 2ic'iard Collier, PE I A.ss Vice Preside°nt T c.10.343.1048 ; C 10.520.77S�= 24.3 North Ff o. i _ `:'Vilmington, NC 28/ 0'. rcollie(amckimcreed.com I www.mckimcreed.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" -- Group 44t� NICK-1-vi &CR ED fir, :'C�.nfd 11-:-% ' �!;7!e ?.(r v. F please click here From: Jamison, Galen <iamiscrg+J�.�nciv.cci+.!> Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 2:49 PM To: Richard Collier <R(,ollier . �mchirncreed.com>; Patrick, Rachel W. <patrickrvj(i�uncw.edw Morgan, Mark <mi?mgm. (4?t.l:"icw.cdu> Cc: Peter Aranyi (Clark Nexsen)<PARANYiL-,jClari-.:f4e��sen.com>; DerickJ. Ritter (Clark Nexsen) <rlritt-;2r iaar';Nexst.::n. ri> Tim Clark <T(;Iark a,r:ukirncrc;�d.com>• Goltz Dave <d11-'*� 0 h?Ifor+I-bept�= :as.c�r1>;'Colb -- - -_. - - - — . r Y Willis' <mvilli.-0 batfourbeattvus.corn>; Stoneking, Tony <stgr_vLj[1- ari 1l�u+y+_�s�, a�i. �►s. ;:._> Subject: RE: NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permit Applications Richard, Please see Christine's email which outlines a little different plan than indicated in your narrative. I don't see any holes in Christine's plan and it does seem to be the best plan forward. Noted difference inc!ude mcdir•/ Lot O expansion SW VI in iieu of rescinding; and rescind SW8170907. Other comments: Why is the pond attenuating the 10 year post development? Is this even required? Area 3 roof drainage was also constructed prior to the 1988 SWM rules. The HUB permit will need to be modified to account for the increase in BUA. Page 3, item #? says no modification is necessary. The cross city trail SWM will need to be modified for the increase in BUA within it's boundary. SW8170907 isn't showr on the exhibits. The narrative reference 1" but shouldn't it be 1.5" storm? Galen From: Richard Collier <RCollie rgmckimcreedcom> Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:14 AM To: Jamison, Galen <ia� misong@uncw.edu>; Patrick, Rachel W. <oatrickrw@uncw.edu>; Morgan, Mark <morc-,,nm_ uncw.edu> Cc: Peter Aranyi (Clark Nexsen) <PARANYlPCIarkNexsPn.com>; Derick J. Ritter (Clark Nexsen) <dritter@ClarkNexsen.com>; Tim Clark <1Clark@mckimcreed.com>; Goltz, Dave < ±-Toiiz@b4lfourbe-att us.com>;'Colby Willis' <cwilillis bcattyus_rom>; Stoneking, Tony <tsto ppKi n Fr.@ halfnirrbeattuus.com> Subject: NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permit Applications Importance: High Galen / Rachel: Please find attached the following documents for NCDENR - Stormwater Management Permitting that need to be executed by Mark Morgan and notarized. I would like to pick these up this afternoon if at all possible. 1. SWU-101- Express Stormwater Management Application 2. SSW Fast Track Application 3. O&M Agreement for the Wet Pond (SCM-1) Other Items attached are Existing and Proposed Impervious Surface Exhibit Maps, and the SWM Permit Narrative. Let me know if we can pick up later today, Thanks. Richard Collier, PE I A,s( Vice pr -,70, 43 N,;r ., I.,, t 'Areet, WiIn,,irc t',- rcollier(amckimcreed.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" - Zr: r r "_s',' = please click here Disclaimer T3. -- _ .. n`• 'ilLl .i ilF. ,G C� CCni r.' 1 S' :c L:..io of 01jal or entity t.. !=;'Tit 9e_y Ir, ::-.?d 4? `' . `4 _:J t J -n- ii .:'i'r•oi" ( :' 7.', I::ii } i,i, ;-YStc.i ,il'' l i°ease nc't,n lu-,.at any Vk_,iYS Cr opinioc, in t'ii: =-m::' ai" sol_.'' i^3t 6 ? eL!thc.': .d di i:.: r:Lc-�sarily 1 `;'Ct, l: i!':OSb CS ilia coi:ipany. lil rly, file C'3CI171F'n: ,i,ould ch;::'. LA?.' -m'il ' arly ...t •c,..: nts fc r L P'..,;.=..`n::: it vii",,,' s. To,- i' ..") my .'cc)?p's 110 II%ihil jty iCr r y deirna-g? cause ,y : r". viriia ir;:X".:° r _d ; v `L.iis e-,. i:. Dis'Aaaimer fills -mail end , nv f files tra smit.�_•^d v,,ith it c,re conFid =.ntial acid intended )ir.•dy POf• thy: us4 of bti (iilaividLr.31 or entity to whom they are Cddrossk..d. if you n, v� � rLceiv-ed ti,a -m J. in error .please ncbity tiic sysa...,ni manacier. Please note that any vieXs or opinions r: < ,Mated is this maii ;:r_ -ai :iy ti iosa of t;`. '. jth.)r ;:'nd do na:: n wee.;::= "ih; re_t� i"�sorit th•osrz of the ecfnpany. finally, the r� cini�nt sli ot.Od chez!',. s o-rnadi and ally .-Wchnients i, ., Li� nresonc_- d: viruS'S. -f'i!£ Corrlparly accepts no liability for any danlagpe caused i-,y an,, virus transrnitt:,d by thi_:- e-mail. 4 WILMINGTON, NC NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC NCDFQ NARRATIVE FOR STORMIWATER MANAGEMENT LNT Prepared for: University of North Carolina - `Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared by: CMED 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401. (910)343-1048 Project #4999-0014 (40) February 03, 2019 ECE'V FED 0 2010 BY: y UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 10 - PROJECT SUMMARY The UNCW P3 Freshman Housing project ("P3 Project") will deliver approximately 1800 new student beds through a Public/Private/ Partnership (P3) at UNC Wilmington. The student beds will be housed between four (4) multi -story buildings.that will supplement existing on -campus housing and will establish a campus quad to enhance the student housing experience. The new student housing will include pedestrian walkways, student parking, and other site improvements required to facilitate utilities and solid waste disposal. The stormwater management plan for the stormwater project area is to provide a wet detention pond Q for the treatment of the appropriate design storm event and provide attenuation of the post development runoff for the 2-year and 10-year storm events. Discharge from SCM-1 will be conveyed thru an outlet structure and outfall pipe to the unnamed blue line tributary to Bradley Creek. The P3 Project total Stormwater Project area is 29.74-acres. This area is comprised of the following areas, see Exhibit - A and B for detailed information: 1. Area 1: the immediate area surrounding the P3 Project; 2. Area 2: the existing recreational fields and area of a future dining facility adjacent to Price's Road and north of the P3 Project; 3. Area 3: existing runoff from Graham -Hewlett Hall roof drainage, courtyard and sidewalks; 4. Area 4: existine harking Lot O for Graham -Hewlett residents (built prior to 198$ stormwater permit requirements); 5. Area 5: existing expansion to parking Lot O (permitted in 2002); 6. Area 6: existing service area north of Belk Hall, and 7. Area 7: The Hub facility constructed in 2017. The P3 Project stormwater drainage area overlaps existing NCDEQ Stormwater Management Permits; 1) SW8100405 Cross -City Trail, Phase IIIA; 2) SW8 021017 Parking Lot O; and 4) SW8 170907 Stormwater Improvements at Graham and Hewlett Halls. It is the intention of this project to: aV 1. Rescind SWM Permit SW8 0210107 and issue a new stormwater management permit for the P3 Project. 2. SWM Permit SW8 100405, the Cross City Trail Phase IIIA (City of Wilmington) has a minor SWM boundary overlap. We propose to maintain SW8100405 boundary, adjust P3 Boundary, and treat the impervious surface overlap under the P3 Project SCM-1. ,:Rs UNCW P3 Project P a g e 12 UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 3. SW81601.03, The Hub does not have a boundary overlap. BUA proposed under the P3 Project that overlaps The Hub boundary is covered under impervious surface area within the original permit SW81.60103, therefore a permit modification is not necessary. 4. SW8170907 Graham Hewlett SW Improvements, to resolve its SWM boundary overlap. D xhibits A _a_nd B depict the overlap conditions. 2.0 - EXISTING CONDITIONS The P3 Project site is situated in the southeast portion of the UNC Wilmington campus. It is bounded by the Blumenthal Wildflower Preserve to the north; the intramural recreational fields and Walton Drive to the east; and Riegel Road to the south and west. A portion of this site is made up of thirteen (13) two-story housing buildings which are being demolished. There are existing parking lots and walkways which will be demolished / redeveloped to better serve the new housing plans. The existing topography has an average slope of approximately 1.0%. Existing elevations range from a high of 44.0' AMSL to 34.0' AMSL and drain generally to the east. Stormwater runoff on the site currently drains into the Bradley Creek watershed via an unnamed blueline tributary. Bradley Creek has a current surface water classification of SC; HQW. Based on the USDA National Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey, the underlying soils within the project area are predominantly Baymeade fine sands (Bn) [A soil], Murville fine sand (Mu) [A/D soil], Pantego loam (Pn) [B/D soil], and Seagate .fine sand (Se) [A/D soil]. See soils map and curve number results in the supporting documentation of this report for more detailed information. 3.0 - APIACENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT Exhib%t-A 1. The proposed project is within an older portion of the UNCW Campus. The majority of the P3 Project stormwater project area was constructed prior to the enactment of the 1988 Stormwater Permitting requirements. Belk Hall, Galloway Hall, Graham Hall and Hewlett Hall, Parking Lot O adjacent to Graham -Hewlett, the loading / unloading zone east of Galloway Hall and north of Belk Hall, the on -campus apartments and walkways, and the two surface lots known as Parking Lot P were all constructed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. See Exhibit - A for more information on the Pre-1988 areas. 2.. SW8100405 - Cross -City Trail, Phase IIIA Permit: In May 2010 a stormwater management permit was issued for the installation of a 10-foot wide multi -use trail throughout portions of the UNCW Campus. This permit is a combination of low density and high density permitting. See Exhibit - A.for more information. 400'MCKIM&CREED UNCW P3 Project Page 13 UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 3. SW8 021017 - Parking Lot O Expansion Permit: In 2002 this stormwater permit was issued for the installation of the Parking Lot O expansion near the intersection of Riegel Road and Walton Drive on the LNCW Campus. See Exhibit - A for more information. 4. SW8160103 - The Hub: This project, which consists of an underground infiltration SCM was constructed and permitted most recently. The Hub project is outside the P3 Project stormwater area. See Exhibit - A for more information. 5. SW8170907 - Graham Hewlett Stormwater Improvements: We understand that this permit has an overlapping area however, we do not have a copy of the permit for analyzation. 4.0 -.PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SWY1 PERMITS 1. The existing Pre-1988 impervious areas within the P3 Project stormwater area remains untreated to date. These areas either drain directly into an outfall ditch / stream via storm drainage piping system, or overland flow crossing grassed areas prior to entering the drainage outfall - unnamed blueline tributary to Bradley Creek. a.. The P3 Project will provide stormwater quality and quantity treatment for the impervious area (Pre-1.988) by treating the first 1.0-inch of runoff. Further, this BUA will meet the pre -development runoff discharge of the 2-year and 1.0-year storm events by providing stormwater quantity control and release. 2. As addressed under 15A NCAC 02H .1001 (5) Prior Authorizations, these Pre-1988 areas were never permitted and thus drain directly into the blue line stream - providing no treatment at all. Building permits were issued Pre-1988 and thus qualify for the Prior Authorization exemption for permitting under these regulations. The P3 Project L� ' proposes to collect these areas and treat the first 1.0-inchlof runoff and provide pre/post development runoff attenuation. Further, the rules in 15A NCAC 02H .1003 (1)(b) and (3)(d) provide guidance on calculating project density and design requirements for expansion of an existing development. 3. SW81.00405 - Cross -City Trail, Phase IIIA: a. The proposed P3 Project does not propose any modifications to the existing permit conditions and stormwater management practices employed. 4. SW8 021017 - Parking Lot O: a. The P3 Project will rescind this permit. Existing BUA included under the current permit will be incorporated into the new stormwater permit treating the first 1.0- inch of runoff (based upon its original permitted design requirements), water quality volume. Further, this BUA will meet the pre -development runoff discharge of the 2-year and 10-year storm events by providing stormwater quantity control and release. 41. • MCICM&CREED UNCW P3 Project P a g e 14 UNCW (M) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 5. SW8160103 - The Hub: a. Currently, any overflow or bypass flow from this infiltration system is routed through the Lot O, SW8 021017, stormwater treatment device. 'The P3 Project will extend the existing outfall piping from The Hub and Graham Hewlett storm drainage into the P3 Project and provide treatment in SCM-1. b. Existing pervious areas (grassed lawn area) within The Hub's treatment area will remain pervious except for two (2) fire lane access roads, see Exhibit - B. The proposed impervious surface for the fire lanes was included under The Hub's stormwater management permit. An oval walkway area was permitted as BUA under the permit and the fire lane BUA from the P3 Project is less than the original permitted BUA and will be treated in SCM-1. 5.0 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION There will be four (4) multi -story student housing buildings, a service yard and building which will house the domestic water and fire service pumps, as well as chiller equipment for the four (4) buildings. The P3 Project proposed impervious is 12.53-acres which includes parking and any hardscape associated with pedestrian walkways and gathering areas and the future recreational fields and dining hall. A Certificate of Approval was issued for Stage 1 Erosion Control and includes an NPDES General Construction Stormwater Permit. The intent of this permit allows early installation of erosion control measures, clearing and grubbing of the P3 Project area, demolition of the existing two-story student housing, installation of Sediment Basin 1(future SCM-1), relocation of water services that exist under Sediment Basin 1 footprint, and miscellaneous underground utilities not creating impervious surface. Erosion control measures will be installed prior to the start of significant land disturbance activities; this excludes those minimal activities required for installation of the measures. These measures will protect against offsite sedimentation during the early phased construction activities. The P3 Project will have multiple stages of erosion control throughout the project. The stages are based upon the general contractor's logistics and construction scheduling. Future submittals on erosion control are: 1. Stage 1A and 1B: Stage lA is for the initial construction of Buildings 3 and 4 and associated infrastructure. Stage 1B continues Buildings 3 and 4 construction, including vertical construction, and adds in the remaining Parking Lot O for demolition and reconfiguring into the new Parking Lot O. Parking Lot O could not be completely demolished until the end of the Spring 2019 semester. Mq< M&CREED ti s a}: Of NL ..:: UNCW P3 Project P a g e s UNCW (M) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 2. Stage 2: This stage will begin construction of Buildings 1 and 2 and associated infrastructure and complete parking Lot O and new Parking Lot P. Buildings 3 and 4 will be turned over to UNCW for students use during Stage 2. 3. Stage 3: This stage completes Buildings 1 and 2 plus all associated site improvements. The buildings will be turned over to UNCW for students in Stage 3, and the general contractor will demobilize from the P3 Project Site. 6.0 - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT An approximate 20,000 SF student dining facility with associated parking and pedestrian access is planned for the northern portion of the stormwater project area. Also, there is a proposed plan to redevelop the existing recreational area (north of the P3 Project) such that the final build -out of this site is synchronized and coordinated. Future impervious allocation is included in the proposed stormwater management calculations to account for this future development by others. Future Dining Hall BUA = 60,000 SF; Future Recreational Area BUA=150,000 SF. 7.0 • P3 PROJECT PROrOSE;D STORMWATER MANAGEMENT An approximate 0.94-acre Wet Pond (SCM-1) will be constructed for the stormwater management of the total P3 Project. SCM-1 will provide the required water quality treatment (see section 4.0 above) and peak flow attenuation of the 2-year and 10-year 24-hour storm events. Storm Event Pre -Development Runoff Post Development Runoff 2-year, 24-hr storm event 53.49 cfs 36.26 cfs 10- ear, 24-hr storm event 101.32 cfs 100.36 cfs SCM-1 is designed to collect and treat runoff from the existing conditions described in sections 3.0 and 4.0 above; proposed P3 Project construction; and future planned development located north of the P3 Project area. MCICM&CREED =` UNCW P3 Project P a g e 16 UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative Exhibits: 1. Exhibit - A: Existing conditions map; 2. Exhibit - B: Proposed conditions map; 3. Exhibit - C: NRCS Web Soil Survey Mapping; 4. Exhibit - D: USGS Quad Map; 5. Exhibit - E: Pre and Post development Curve Number calculations; 6. Exhibit - F: Existing and Proposed impervious area spreadsheet, including the design storm event; 7. Exhibit - G: SCM-1 Wet Pond Sizing Spreadsheet; 8. Exhibit - H: Outlet Structure floatation design; 9. Exhibit - I: HydraFlow Results for SCM-1 storm routing (2,10, 25, 50, and 100-year events); 10. Exhibit - J: Existing Aerial Photographs for Pre-1988 areas; and 11. Exhibit - K: Existing Stormwater Management Permit Drawings adjacent to the P3 Project. ,�. MCMM&CREED ?ENGINEERS SURVEYORS KANNERS UNCW P3 Project 17 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Friday, February 01, 2019 9:26 AM To: jamisong@uncw.edu; 'Alexanderj@uncw.edu' Cc: Weaver, Cameron; Mark Morgan; Scott, Georgette Subject: FW: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Galen /Janet, I tried to send the email below to Mark but I understand he is out of the office today. Before I respond to McKim & Creed with a path forward, I wanted to give UNCW the opportunity to review. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 N, Z.. -"Nothing Compares EmaO c%wrs } o. c•ni�c� ah.s as,- is .O!"'..=i' to tPaa North CGS: L'no N1 b!1,e r ii: . i .+a y: d1., sc! SP! S�. �� C? From: Hall, Christine Sent: Friday, February 01, 2019 9:10 AM To:'Morgan, Mark' <morganm@uncw.edu>; Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Mark, I understand that the project is being built by private entities. I also understand the complications surrounding the cross city trail permit with the city being the permittee. Georgette and I have talked about the situation and I feel we have a compromise that will help resolve most of the issues quickly and save money in permitting and consultant fees. What I'm suggesting is: 1. modifying SW8 021017 (Parking Lot O) to cover the proposed project (as requested by McKim & Creed) - $4,000 major mod HD fee rescinding SW8 170907 (Graham Hall sidewalk and landscaping improvements). This area is in the proposed project area so I'm assuming it is in the DA for the new pond and will now be treated, correct? - $500 rescission fee 3. for the redevelopment area under SW8170907 (the Hub) either: a. incorporating both of the Hub drainage areas into this permit, which would allow SW8160103 to be rescinded. Based on the proposed project area, there should be no changes to the design, calculations, or information presented for the permeable pavement (DA 1) so it should just be a matter of including the information on a new application. The plans, supplements, O&M, etc. could be moved over from SW8 160103 and referenced in the modified permit. - $500 rescission fee only incorporating the redevelopment area into SW8 021017, which would require a modification to SW8 160103 to remove the overlapping area. This would be a good option if it is desired to create a divide in the master permit areas through here as shown on the preliminary master plan exhibits - $500 exemption fee. 4. UNCW provides a plan of action with a timeline to resolve the cross city trail. I understand that some of this is outside your control, but we need some goals to ensure the wheels are in motion. Please let me know if there are any concerns or issues with this approach. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine. hall OLncdenr.gav 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 1T:•wlr coa?j:pVni1P?IirE? !{1 aliF_i':;`J';1 i'le`S c:. ��> S: 'i .'e;� _ , :`a t E Nn'r4h Gr,roW7a Pt b1i( Hall, Christine From: Richard Collier <RColli&@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 3:26 PM To: Hall, Christine; Brock Daniel;jamisong@uncw.edu; Rachel Patrick (UNCW Architectural Services); Mark Morgan (morganm@uncw.edu) Cc: Weaver, Cameron; Scott, Georgette; 'Colby Willis'; Goltz, Dave Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Attachments: UNCW P3 Freshman Housing Project SW Narrative_2019-01-30.pdf 6'i4nr al email. Do not ctkck Has or open Christine: you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attactrnenty I recently left a voicemail on your office phone, and in the event that you do not receive the message timely I wanted to summarize the message in an email. As you are aware, the UNCW P3 Housing project is a new student housing project on the UNCW Campus. We have the stormwater management submittal package prepared for the SCM to collect and treat the BUA from the project however, as we have discussed, there are adjacent stormwater permits with project areas that overlap the P3 Housing Project Area. I fully understand the need to resolve these permit overlaps. My request would be to have the P3 Permit Package reviewed and then UNCW and I will work with NCDEMLR, City of Wilmington, etc. to modify permits with overlapping stormwater project areas. It is not out intent to ignore the process of cleaning up the adjacent permits, but rather to expedite the approval of the P3 Housing Permit so that BUA and vertical construction may begin on -site. I respectfully ask that this option be granted, and provide you my professional assurance that I will immediately follow up with permit modifications to clean up the project area overlaps. I provided another Scoping Meeting Request form on Monday with an updated Project Narrative however, I have not heard back regarding a meeting data and time. I will be prepared at this meeting to provide a full submittal package for the P3 Housing Project. I appreciate your time and energy in this matter, Richard Coiiier, PE I Asst Vice President T 1,10.343.1048 1 C 910.520.7-/5,4 243 North Front, Street l M3i!mington, NC 28401 Kollier0mckimcreed.com I www.mckimcreed.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" - Zwei,7 Group To Fend me a file larger than ''t?MB please click here From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hal I@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 2:37 PM Hall, Christine From: Scott, Georgette Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 4:36 PM To: Richard Collier; Hall, Christine; Brock Daniel; jamisong@uncw.edu; Rachel Patrick (UNCW Architectural Services); Mark Morgan (morganm@uncw.edu) Cc: Weaver, Cameron; 'Colby Willis; Goltz, Dave Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Please wcrk with Christine on Express and on the hest way fc:v,,.-rd to get this res owed. Thank you Georgette Scott State Stormwater Program Supervisor Department of Environmental Quality Office (910) 796 7215 Fax (910) 350-2004 G eo rg ette. ScottC&- n od en n a ov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 No!;,"I) Carc,irm PubU:-. ' ,ilv an-d I]P ;:a `: "a . °o third N+at-A s. From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 4:25 PM To: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov>; Hall, Christine <Christine. Hal I @ncden r.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com>; jamisong@uncw.edu; Rachel Patrick (UNCW Architectural Services) <patrickrw@uncw.edu>; Mark Morgan (morganm@uncw.edu) <morganm@uncw.edu> Cc: Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov>; 'Colby Willis' <cwillis@balfourbeattyus.com>; Goltz, Dave <dgoltz@balfourbeattyus.com> Subject: RE: [Lxternal] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing a =T External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment. Y Georgette: Thank you very much for this consideration. My pledge to you and NCDEMLR is that I will have the P3 overlapping permits (3) submitted to your office for review and approval within 30-days of execution of the P3 Stormwater Management Permit. We will begin working on the matter immediately so that all parties can review, discuss, and execute modification permits. Our team greatly appreciates your assistance in this matter. Just let me know how and when to proceed with an Express Stormwater Submittal for the P3 Housing Project. Sincerely, Richard Collier, PE I Asst Vice Pesir::�nt T 910.343.1048 ; C 910.520.7754 243 North Front Street I Wilmington:. NC 28401 RCollier(@mckimcreed.com I www.mckimcreed.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" - Group i"c sen`s: rn.E. a file !.� r er ' ha'p. 2r:�MB please click here From: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 3:48 PM To: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall @ncdenr.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com>; jamisong@uncw.edu; Rachel Patrick (UNCW Architectural Services) <patrickrw@uncw.edu>; Mark Morgan (morganm@uncw.edu) <morganm@uncw.edu> Cc: Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ ncdenr.gov>; 'Colby Willis' <cwillis@balfourbeattyus.com>; Goltz, Dave <dgoltz@balfourbeattyus.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Richard, We will proceed with this project. However, this is the last permit action we will grant for UNCW until the overlaps are corrected. Please give us a timeline for getting these corrections completed. Once we get that we will proceed with this project. Georgette Scott State Stormwater Program Supervisor Department of Environmental Quality Office (910) 796 7215 Fax (910) 350-2004 Georgette. Scott[aD-ncdenr.aov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 r vPthing Compares �. I -.;-It ,# certespondc'..cc t: trr f o-n this address is subje-c' C iilf 'ur.1 / Curolinu Pubu Law and may be disulcsf'.d to _ 4 p::a,66 =;3. From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 3:26 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.HaII@ncdenr.gov>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com>; iamison�@uncw.edu; Rachel Patrick (UNCW Architectural Services) <patrickrw@uncw.edu>; Mark Morgan (morganm@uncw.edu) <morganmLuncw.edu> Hall, Christine A From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 6:28 PM To: Hall, Christine; Brock Daniel; jamisong@uncw.edu Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Attachments: UNCW P3 Freshman Housing Project SW Narrative-2019-01-28.pdf, 2019-01-28 _REQUEST FOR EXPRESS form-UNCW P3 Housing Project -FINAL (SCOPING REQUEST).pdf Importance: High f i ert tic+ rat . Nr tSeen aril 1vspsctuus on ?I as. ate �t� '� resit to Christine and Cameron: Thanks for the review of our expanded narrative for the UNCW P3 Housing Project. Yes, I agree that we need to have a scoping meeting to review and discuss various outstanding items. I am attaching the completed Scoping Meeting Request Form and a revised Stormwater Narrative. I trust the previously provided expanded narrative will suffice as the background documentation for the scoping meeting request. Please let us know the first available date for our scoping meeting. I think we all will agree that these requests began in mid -November 2018 and we would greatly appreciate a scoping meeting soonest. Thanks, ��c R"�rd �.k Nler, PE I r1 ssL 'b°Fii^e ! rc".i-.Jent }i...J'�• t.Ty I lty i°.:°1{.7.,S�V.! t�J' 24*� NwIth Fro Czree VIOrr inC:toni, N# 28401. rcollier(&rnckimcreed.com ; www.mckimcreed.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" - Zw� eig Gr:)::p To send me a file larder than 20MB please click here From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 2:37 PM To: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com>; jamisong@uncw.edu Cc: Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 2:37 PM To: 'Richard Collier'; Brock Daniel;jamisong@uncw.edu Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing I have had a chance to look through the expanded narrative submitted last week. Section 1.0 of the narrative identifies that only two permits are impacted by the proposed project area. However, based on Exhibits A and B, there are two additional permits impacted: SW8 160103 and SW8 170907. Section 3.0.4 of the narrative indicates that SW8 160103 is outside the project area associated with the proposed project. This statement is not true. SW8 160103 is comprised of two drainage areas — one forthe permeable pavement and one for the redeveloped area behind the hub. Because of this second drainage area — SW8 160103 is impacted by this proposed project. SW8 170907 is not addressed in Section 3.0 but the project area shown on the Exhibits include the area covered under SW8 170907. Section 1.0 continues on to note that SW8 100405 will not be modified. The exhibits show improvements within the project area of SW8 100405. Section 4.0.2 notes that the proposed project will "clear up the existing drainage area overlap" but does not provide any details nor do the exhibits support that overlap is being avoided. In order for this proposed project to be submitted, any overlaps with adjacent permits must be resolved. This could be modifying SW8 100405 at the same time to remove the overlapping project area or removing the project area associated with SW8 100405 from the project area of this proposed project. Section 4.0.1 notes that the pre-1988 runoff will be treated at the 1.0 inch design storm. The design storm under the 2017 rules is 1.5 inches. 15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(b) and (d) notes that existing development is not required to be collected and treated — only the increase. However, when existing development is being redeveloped, the redeveloped areas of the project must also demonstrate compliance with G.S. 143-214.7(a2) per 15A NCAC 02H.1001(1)(f). If the existing development cannot bypass the collection system or if it is not desired to bypass the collection system, then the runoff shall be included in the sizing of the SCM at its full built -out potential using the design storm from the current rules (and .1050(1)). The only time a design storm of 1.0 inch can be used is if the project can demonstrate a prior authorization under the 1988 or 1995 rules (referto 15A NCAC 02H.1001(5)). Since there are still issues that need to be resolved, I still think it is best to schedule a scoping meeting to discuss stormwater. Please submit a scoping meeting request form to schedule. Christine ball Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office •910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 to ^i?!: h wa-; thnis .:`!'lire is : s �ii i1, :'ct to the UNCW (P3) FRESHMAN HOUSING WILMINGTON, NC NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC NCOEQ NARRATIVE FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Prepared for: University of North Carolina - Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared by: 46 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)343-1048 Project #4999-0014 (40) ,A �'` �► 10 `� •'• January 16, 2019 - SEAL. < �� 022574 s FIVG I N • ` , "SRC Ni . G. ° t� UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 1.0 - PROJECT SUMMARY The UNCW P3 Freshman Housing project ("P3 Project") will deliver approximately 1800 new student beds through a Public/Private/ P artnefship (P3) at UNC Wilmington. i ne student beds will be housed between four (4) multi -story buildings that will supplement existing on -campus housing and will establish a campus quad to enhance the student housing experience. The new student housing will include pedestrian walkways, student parking, and other site improvements required to facilitate utilities and solid waste disposal. The State Construction Office (SCO) is the review and approval authority having jurisdiction over all documents required for construction. The stormwater management plan for the stormwater project area is to provide a wet detention pond (SCM #1) for the treatment of the appropriate design storm event and provide attenuation of the post development runoff for the 2-year and 10-year storm events. Discharge from SCM-1 will be conveyed thru an outlet structure and outfall pipe to the unnamed blue line tributary to Bradley Creek. The P3 Project total stormwater drainage area is 28.91-acres. This area is comprised of the following areas, see Exhibit — A and B for detailed information: 1. Area 1: the immediate area surrounding the P3 Project; 2. Area 2: the existing recreational fields and area of a future dining facility adjacent to Price's Road and north of the P3 Project; 3. Area 3: existing runoff from Graham -Hewlett Hall roof drainage, courtyard and sidewalks; 4. Area 4: existing parking Lot O for Graham -Hewlett residents (built prior to 1988 stormwater permit requirements); 5. Area 5: existing expansion to parking Lot O (permitted in 2002); 6. Area 6: existing service area north of Belk Hall; and 7. Area 7: The Hub facility constructed in 2017. 1(60103 -1 t 7 U F O? � �s Z The P3 Project stormwater drainage area overlaps two (2) existing NCDEQ Stormwater Management Permits; 1) SW8100405 Cross -City Trail, Phase IIIA; and 2) SW8 021017 Parking Lot O. It is the intention of this project to modify SWM Permit SW8 0210107, as its drainage area collects the majority of the P3 project drainage area, and not modify SWM Permit SW8100405. Exhibits A and B depict the overlap conditions. McIOS.4&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project D ct i e 12 I ­fl, [q UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 2.0 - EXISTING CONDITIONS The P3 Project site is situated in the southeast portion of the UNC Wilmington campus. It is bounded by the Blumenthal Wildflower Preserve to the north; the intramural recreational fields and Walton Drive to the east; and Riegel Road to the south and west. A portion of this site is made up of thirteen (13) two-story housing buildings which are being demolished. There are existing parking lots and walkways which will be demolished / redeveloped to better serve the new housing plans. The existing topography has an average slope of approximately 1.0%. Existing elevations range from a high of 44.0' AMSL to 34.0' AMSL and drain generally to the east. Stormwater runoff on the site currently drains into the Bradley Creek watershed via an unnamed blueline tributary. Bradley Creek has a current surface water classification of SC; HQW. Based on the USDA National Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey, the underlying soils within the project area are predominantly Baymeade fine sands (Bn) [A soil], Murville fine sand (Mu) [A/D soil], Pantego loam (Pn) [B/D soil], and Seagate fine sand (Se) [A/D soil]. See soils map and curve number results in the supporting documentation of this report for more detailed information. 3.0 - ADJACENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMITS (Exhibit -A) The proposed project is within an older portion of the UNCW Campus. The vast majority of the P3 Project stormwater project area was constructed prior to the enactment of the 1988 Stormwater Permitting requirements. Belk Hall, Galloway Hall, Graham Hall and Hewlett Hall, Parking Lot O adjacent to Graham -Hewlett, the loading / unloading zone east of Galloway Hall and north of Belk Hall, the on -campus apartments and walkways, and the two lots known as Parking Lot P were all constructed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. See Exhibit — A for more information on the Pre-1988 areas. 2. SW8100405 — Cross -City Trail, Phase IIIA Permit: In May 2010 a stormwater management permit was issued for the installation of a 10-foot wide multi -use trail throughout portions of the UNCW Campus. This permit is a combination of low density and high density permitting. See Exhibit — A for more information. 3. SW8 021017 — Parking Lot O Expansion Permit: In 2002 this stormwater permit was issued for the installation of the Parking Lot O expansion near the intersection of Riegel Road and Walton Drive on the UNCW Campus. See Exhibit — A for more information. . McIO%4&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project n a " e 13 UNCW (M) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 4. SW8160103 — The Hub: This project, which consists of an underground infiltration SCM was constructed and permitted most recently. The impervious portion of The Hub project is outside (not part of) the P3 Project stormwater area, and the pervious portion directly north of The Hub is incorporated into the P3 Project stormwater area. See Exhibit — A for more information. 4.0 - PROP. MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SWM PERMITS (Exhibit - B) The existing Pre-1988 impervious areas within the P3 Project stormwater area remains untreated to date. These areas either drain directly into an outfall ditch / stream via storm drainage piping system, or overland flow crossing grassed areas prior to entering the drainage outfall — unnamed blueline tributary to Bradley Creek. a. The P3 Project will provide stormwater quality and quantity treatment for the impervious area (Pre-1988) by treating the first 1.0-inch of runoff, water quality volume. Further, this BUA will meet the pre -development runoff discharge of the 2-year and 10-year.storm events by providing stormwater quantity control and release. 2. SW8 100405 — Cross -City Trail, Phase IIIA: a. The proposed P3 Project does not propose any modifications to the existing permit conditions and stormwater management practices employed. The drainage areas overlap under the two (2) existing permitted conditions. The P3 Project stormwater area will clear up the existing drainage area overlap. 3. SW8 021017 — Parking Lot O: a. The P3 Project will modijy this permit. Existing BUA included under the current permit will be incorporated into the modified design permit treating the first 1.0- inch of runoff, water quality volume. Further, this BUA will meet the pre - development runoff discharge of the 2-year and 10-year storm events by providing stormwater quantity control and release. 4. SW8160103 — The Hub: a. Currently, any overflow or bypass flow from this infiltration system is routed through the Lot O, SW8 021017, stormwater treatment device. This will remain unchanged under the P3 Project Modified Permit. b. Existing pervious areas (grassed lawn area) within The Hub's treatment area will remain pervious except for two (2) fire lane access roads, see Exhibit — B The proposed impervious surface for the fire lanes is included within the modified P3 Project stormwater permit area and is treated under the 1.5-inch design storm requirements. 4. FMNEKIIvI&CREED UNCW P3 Project P a g e 14 UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative 5.0 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION There will be four (4) multi -story student housing buildings, a service yard and building which will house the domestic water and fire service frumps, as well as chiller equipment for the four (4) buildings. The P3 Project proposed impervious is 11.29-acres which includes parking and any hardscape associated with pedestrian walkways and gathering areas. A Certificate of Approval was issued for Stage 1 Erosion Control and includes an NPDES General Construction Stormwater Permit. The intent of this permit allows early installation of erosion control measures, clearing and grubbing of the P3 Project area, demolition of the existing two-story student housing, installation of Sediment Basin 1 (future SCM-1), relocation of water services that exist under Sediment Basin 1 footprint, and miscellaneous underground utilities not creating impervious surface. Erosion control measures will be installed prior to the start of significant land disturbance activities; this excludes those minimal activities required for installation of the measures. These measures will protect against offsite sedimentation during the early phased construction activities. The P3 Project will have multiple stages of erosion control throughout the project. The stages are based upon the general contractor's logistics and construction scheduling. Future submittals on erosion control are: 1. Stage 1A and 1B: Stage 1A is for the initial construction of Buildings 3 and 4 and associated infrastructure. Stage 1B continues Buildings 3 and 4 construction, including vertical construction, and adds in the remaining Parking Lot O for demolition and reconfiguring into the new Parking Lot O. Parking Lot O could not be completely demolished until the end of the Spring 2019 semester. 2. Stage 2: This stage will begin construction of Buildings 1 and 2 and associated infrastructure and complete parking Lot O and new Parking Lot P. Buildings 3 and 4 will be turned over to UNCW for students use during Stage 2. 3. Stage 3: This stage completes Buildings 1 and 2 plus all associated site improvements. The buildings will be turned over to UNCW for students in Stage 3, and the general contractor will demobilize from the P3 Project Site. 6.0 - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT An approximate 20,000 SF student dining facility with associated parking and pedestrian access is planned for the northern portion of the stormwater project area. Also, there is a proposed plan to redevelop the existing recreational area (north of the P3 Project) such that the final build -out of this site is synchronized and coordinated. Future impervious allocation is included MIcICM&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project P a a. e 15 UNCW (P3) Freshman Housing Project Stormwater Permit Narrative in the proposed stormwater management calculations to account for this future development by others. Future Dining Hall BUA = 60,000 SF: Future Recreational Area BIJA=150,000 SF. '.0 - P3 PROJECT PROPOSED STORM WA i ER MAN AGEMEN i An approximate 0.94-acre Wet Pond (SCM-1) will be constructed for the stormwater management of the total P3 Project. SCM-1 will provide the required water quality treatment (see section 4.0 above) and peak flow attenuation of the 2-year and 10-year 24-hour storm events. Storm Event Pre -Development Post Development Runoff Runoff 2- year, 24-hr storm event 53.49 cfs 36.26 cfs 10- ear, 24-hr storm event 101.32 cfs 100.36 cfs SCM-1 is designed to collect and treat runoff from the existing conditions described in sections 3.0 and 4.0 above; proposed P3 Project construction; and future planned development located north of the P3 Project area. Exhibits: 1. Exhibit — A: Existing conditions map; 2. Exhibit — B: Proposed conditions map; 3. Exhibit — C: NRCS Web Soil Survey Mapping; 4. Exhibit — D: USGS Quad Map; 5. Exhibit — E: Pre and Post development Curve Number calculations; 6. Exhibit — F: Existing and Proposed impervious area spreadsheet, including the design storm event, 7. Exhibit — G: SCM-1 Wet Pond Sizing Spreadsheet; 8. Exhibit — H: HydraFlow Results for SCM-1 storm routing (2,10, 25, 50, and 100-year events); 9. Exhibit —1: Outlet Structure floatation design; and 10. Exhibit — J: StormCad 10-year storm drainage network tables (pipes and structures). :. IM q<11\4&CREED ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS UNCW P3 Project P a ^ e 16 CI B r P3 Project Area PRICE Future Dining Hall and Recreational -rea i l`�, A- ��a` ' FUTURE DINING HALL 71�'.t PROJECTBOUNDARY Graham/Hewlett Halls (pre-1988) ~` Ih� - -t Parking Lot O (pre-1988) STUDENT t`I RECREATION CENTER Parking Lot 0 Expansion ,e FUTURE RECREATION AREA BLUETHENTHAL y ~ Z,' \ PROJECT BOUNDARY WILDFLOWER\� -� Belk Service Area PRESERVE l "\� 'L SCHWARTZ HALL I Portion of The Hub Project , PROPOSED P3 HOUSING PARKING PROJECT LOT L BOUNDARY (FUTURE A"6 PARKING DECK) t 4 I IIa r D \ EXISTING4— "_ PARKING LOT P I — BELK I-IAL��\ �1 .''� e,� �('built Pre-1988) PROPOSED P3 HOUSING (bunt Pre 1988} r . �EXISTM ON•CAMUS` e a II PROJECT BOUNDARY — a & APARTMENTS (bui re-$988) r P 94 I t r r m GALLOWAY �, E �- 170NFISH DRIVE built �gk —�- _'�' a e XIs A PERMITTEDPROJECT BOUNDARY ti - ` ' �V = •' -F-ate',; I 9' ,Y` I FOR SW8 021017 -- `tio RKIISTING T O ) PA i' (PARKING LOT "O" N ' LOT O �,a n Si2PAl�ts. j (built Pre 1988){ GRAHAM HEWLETT PARKING/ (built Pre-1988) (built Pre-1988)g P, l LOTJ a '` r' o y F\ ` TIDE DRIVE --- 'a PERMITTED. PROJECT BOUNDARY FOR SW8 160103 PROPOSED P3 HOUSING (THE HUB) PROJECT BOUNDARYf- /' RIEGEL ROAD WOOD DALE PERMITTED C"r] PROJECT BOUNDARY J DRIVE FOR Sw® — (CROSS -CITY Y TRAIL) TRAIL) '=a" �� ,y 1,44 Univertiy Gf Nrlh Camfina at W hingbn Student Housing Public -Private Partnership 601 S College Rd. Whinglon, NC 284M Balfour Beatty T1,tge-8 8011ii tt8 9890UP Beady SCO# 18-19231-01B 061GNER CLARKNEXSEN+, 1523 ELIZABETH AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 28204 7D4-377-8800 CLARK NEXSEN LICENSE NUMBER: C-1028 CKTM&CREED CIVIL ENGINEER 243 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 910.343.1048 0F.IO s s513—& RINIS10. aEYRAN EXISTING CONDITIONS WITH PERMIT BOUNDARIES EXHIBIT -A D IGN TRMa .- T"'M REVIEW RMC s IIIIIIIIIRI o ' PRICE ' FUTURE DINING HALL - ] / l--=— pnmsCT BOUNDARY | �^/ / ~ { | ` aruosw7 ' nscnsAT0w ^ ' \ | � ' cswTsn ' / ~ ' ` FUTURE RECREATION AREA oLueTHsm7x*L �/ ~ / ` '~"=C'"""°"^n, wuoF�o�sn � '------' �./ -- pnEasnvs ' __ /Z **LL � PROPOSED pv� pxmmwm vovaINn PROJECT LOT vnuwo^n ~ � V=uTuRe pAmmwo oson _ ~ BELK HALL (built Pre-1988) A 7 (THE HUB) ', PROJECT onuwo^n, m/^mm nmr�o.,*���'*u�� mIEmeLmo*o '- ----�� WOOD DALE PROJECT BOUNDARY DRIVE�qoov~o^n' (CROSS-CITYTRAIL) -__-- psnwnrs ) ^ PROJECT BOmwo^R, / FOR SWmocmn (PARKING LOT "0n - - ' TIDE DRIVE A-5 C-L88KmE X-Ssm 1523 ELIZABETH AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 29204 | ��^»«`»um«&CR«EE4 CIVIL ENGINEER 28401 910343.1048 243 NORTH FRONT STREET PROPOSED CONDITIONS WITH PERMIT BOUNDARIES ���U�Ul�� �-�^ |oc�o |~�� °GN== . wN �mm R�� 34* 1Y 26'N M Soil Map —New Hanover County, North Carolina 3: (UNCW-P3 HOUSING) b 235SO 23%M M5M 235Hi0 2MO 34' 13 26'N % 41 e., A 'E 1p 4R. A, 34P 134'N ff 34P 134'N 2M= 235510 239M 2�750 2358?D Li Map Scale: 1:3,230 ffprirted on A portrak (8.51 x 11") sheet N 0 45 90 4M 0 ISO 300 600 Map projection: Web Mercator Comer coordinates: WG584 Edge bcs: UTM Zone 1M WG584 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/912018 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 0 Q 0 Z a 0 RLU V W J C� C fo a a a m E N 3 0 O T N a E i0 L a m 'o cn w U 0,0 O rn c:i E S o to 0 IL E N Ew »- ED o ZCL ° _ ° uoio0 L E am ° c i .010 C.O+ O L a aTi a n T L Y E O E w�o E w m rnP Y O C C O c°n a=i E rn aEid� c a ai i0 �ycocci wE_om 07 r a ayi q � 3 M o G 19 U 2 +O. CL,1 O L� O E � C — N rn O N y O C C O .E E y g�am�a E 2 Q —°�� 0 a A 0��� W E M 0ccooE d O co 1110, r N j Q G a y L O i w ❑ y O N _ tq N (D v y� O N 2= Z ZO N w= r ya E Q w (n = a 07 a M a w Q N r 3 V y t o I Eo w wM o2 =Q Q 3 �E Lo L fq C N W mew O Q O =O ,% Q mm o p°� ; Cl) `° c o� y O 0 O g 0)L O� C 2a a� m E N O� = y O a E �' m w d M E m d nn N N o o- -0 = 0 v OW .0 N N N 2 awi a cd h a'c ° 9 Q m= N w m> Z d 3 N °�aY'o =O O O Q' Z N U= ID lC !0 a)O N _� C C T N Z j L N to L N to U W to L❑ O1 Ulco 7 «LM 0-N 0 Q TE fn �U)2 .O-. 3 � � � w ( 2 � `O .0 M oam - E LD d o•o'o cf6i E o c m ID r c a 2q m00 con t 1a o u°1i uoi M M uNv � m 0 w m'o @a � ay yM = 2 E0 =0 w0 °:�' o'a� c a� E m$ d E O O cn�U w a=o¢ m t ,� H o o 7 cnco) O !n w O— ❑r� L H c°� an w n m LL U 1O t a T _ co y a c rn x w o w v cm�. ¢` o y w m w o �° a y _ y u co w m L C o m w cn > O co �' rn o M ° aj 4 � A r C � U. o 4 Q C }} 0 In w O CL Q O N C C O C O O co d °«3 d > J > IL > w 2 w m n EE o w ° n ° o ° ^ _ O O m C a 1 o o a CO c O c n n z.y m ° uJ °o R° d U.O 3 n fQ a� a d =LL O L to C O y O O U O O O O _ C O 0 _ _O N` C C _ _ID O U C C 7 C w V m Q w w fA C m coU U O a J J i 2 i a U U O Fn U VJ a c w �o • .� aw ^i a - J� w Soil Map —New Hanover County, North Carolina UNCW-P3 HOUSING Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acr= in AO! Percent ofi ACI Be Baymeade fine sand, 1 to 6 percent slopes 5.2 23.7% Le Leon sand 0.2 0.7% Mu Murville fine sand 8.0 36.6% Pn Pantego loam 0.2 0.8% Se Seagate fine sand 8.3 38.2% Totals for Area of Interest 21.8 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/9/2018 t Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 SCALE 1:24000 FEET iVl"l�lli� , t -REED SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION PROJECT: DATE PREPARED: UNCW - P3 HOUSING DESCRIPTION: PREPARED FOR: SCS METHOD FOR CURVE NUMBERS ENGINEER: PREPARED BY: BPD PROJECT NO.4999-0014 PRE Develooment % Coverage by Hydrologic Soil Group Soil Type A B C D Baymeade fine sand 237,243 Murville fine sand 563,444 1 /14/2019 UNCW REVIEWED BY: RMC Pantego loam 126,418 Seagate fine sand 332,397 1,259,502 28.91 Total = 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 81.2% 100% SCS CN by Hydrologic Soil Group Weighted % Land Use A B C D CN Coverage Grassed Open Space (Good) 39 61 74 80 72.3 72% Newly Graded Areas 77 86 91 94 90.8 0% Impervious 98 98 98 98 98.0 28% 100.0% Composite CN = 79.48 NOTES: 1. SCS Runoff Curve Numbers taken from NRCS TR-55 Table 2-2a, and City of Wilmingotn Standards Manual Table H-2, page 5-53 2. Soil data taken from NRCS Web Soil Survey. McKim Creed, Inc. 243 N Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910)343-1048 1ofI ��,'-NFIQM&CREED SCS CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION PROJECT: DATE PREPARED UNCW - P3 HOUSING DESCRIPTION: PREPARED FOR: SCS METHOD FOR CURVE NUMBERS ENGINEER: PREPARED BY: BPD PROJECT NO. 4999-0014 POST Develoament % Coverage by Hydrologic Soil Group Soil Type A B C D Baymeade fine sand 237,243 Murville fine sand 563,444 Pantego loam 126,418 Seagate fine sand 332,397 1,259,502 Total = 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 81.2% 100% 1 /14/2019 UNCW REVIEWED BY: RMC 26.91 SCS CN by Hydrologic Soil Group Weighted % Land Use A B C D CN Coverage Grassed Open Space (Good) 39 61 74 80 72.3 57% Newly Graded Areas 77 86 91 94 90.8 0% Impervious 98 98 98 98 98.0 43% 100.0% Composite CN = 83.34 NOTES: 1. SCS Runoff Curve Numbers taken from NRCS TR-55 Table 2-2a, and City of Wilmingotn Standards Manual Table H-2, page 5-53 2. Soil data taken from NRCS Web Soil Survey. McKim Creed, Inc. 243 N Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) 343-1048 1 of 1 TABLE H-2 SCS Curve Numbers for Various Cover Conditions Hydraulic Soil Group Percent Cover Description A B C D Impervious Fully Developed Urban Areas Open Space Poor Condition (<50% grass) 68 79 86 89 Fair Condition (50-75% grass) 49 69 79 84 Good Condition (>75% grass) 39 61 74 80 Impervious areas Pavement, roofs 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 87 89 Urban Districts Commercial and Business 89 92 94 95 85 Industrial 81 92 94 95 72 Residential areas (by lot size) 1/8 acre (town houses) 77 85 90 92 65 1/4 acre 61 75 83 87 38 1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 30 1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 25 1 acre 51 68 79 84 20 2 acres 46 65 77 82 12 Agricultural areas Pasture, grassland Poor 68 79 86 89 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow (mowed) 30 58 71 78 Brush Poor 48 67 77 83 Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 30 48 65 73 Woods and Grass (Orchard) Poor 57 73 82 86 Fair 43 65 76 82 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods Poor 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 30 55 70 77 Row Crops, straight, good 67 78 85 89 Row Crops, contoured, good 65 75 82 86 Small Grain, good 63 75 83 87 Farmsteads 59 74 82 86 Source:SCS TR-55 (SCS, 1986) 5-53 TABLE H-1 Hydrologic Soil Groups for Local Soil Types Map Hydrologic Soil Type Symbol Soil Group Ba D Bayboro Be A Baymeade Bh * Baymeade-Urban Land Complex Bp * Borrow Pit Cr C Craven DO D Dorovan JO D Johnston Ke A Kenansville Kr A Kureb Ku * Kureb-Urban Land Complex La A Lakeland Le B/D Leon Lo * Leon -Urban Land Complex Ls C Lynchburg Ly B/D Lynn Haven Mp * Mine Pits a Mu A/D Murville Nh A Newhan No B Norfolk On B Onslow Pm D Pamlico Pn B/D Pantego Ra B/D Rains Rm A Rimini Se A/D Seagate Sb * Seagate -Urban Land Complex St C Stallings TM * Tidal Marsh To C Torhunta Ur * Urban Land Wa A Wakulla Wo B/D Woodington Wr C Wrightsboro * Requires field Judgment A/D Refers to drained/undrained. Sources: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, USDA-SCS, 210-V1-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986. 5-52 Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Table 2-2a Runoff curve numbers for urban areas U Cover description Cover type and hydrologic condition Fully developed urban areas (vegetation established) Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group Average percent impervious area v A B C D Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.) W: Poor condition (grass cover < 5096).......................................... Fair condition (grass cover 50%to 75%).................................. Good condition (grass cover > 75%)......................................... Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. (excluding right-of-way)............................................................. Streets and roads: Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding right-of-way)................................................................................ Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) .......................... Gravel (including right -of -way) ................................................. Dirt (including right -of -way) ...................................................... Western desert urban areas: Natural desert landscaping (pervious areas'only) _v ..................... Artificial desert landscaping (impervious weed barrier, desert shrub with 1- to 2-inch sand or gravel mulch and basin borders)...................................................................... Urban districts: Commercial and business................................................................. Industrial............................................................................................. Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre or less (town houses).......................................................... 1/4 acre................................................................................................ M. acre................................................................................................ 1/2 acre................................................................................................ 1 acre................................................................................................... 2 acres.................................................................................................. Developing urban areas Newly graded areas (pervious areas only, no vegetation) al Idle lands (CN's are determined using cover types similar to those in table 2-2c). 68 79 86 89 49 69 79 84 39 61 74 80 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 83 89 92 93 76 85 89 91 72 82 87 89 63 77 85 88 96 96 96 96 85 89 92 94 95 72 81 88 91 93 65 77 85 90 92 38 61 75 83 87 30 57 72 81 86 25 M 70 80 85 20 51 68 79 84 12 46 65 77 82 77 86 91 94 1 Average runoff condition, and I. = 0.2S. 2 The average percent impervious area shown was used to develop the composite CN's. Other assumptions are as follows: impervious areas are directly connected to the drainage system, impervious areas have a CN of 98, and pervious areas are considered equivalent to open space in good hydrologic condition. CN's for other combinations of conditions may be computed using figure 2-3 or 2-4. 3 CN's shown are equivalent to those of pasture. Composite CN's may be computed for other combinations of open space cover type. 4 Composite CN's for natural desert landscaping should be computed using figures 2-3 or 24 based on the impervious area percentage (CN = 98) and the pervious area CN. The pervious area CN's are assumed equivalent to desert shrub in poor hydrologic condition. 5 Composite CN's to use for the design of temporary measures during grading and construction should be computed using figure 2-3 or 2-4 based on the degree of development (impervious area percentage) and the CN's for the newly graded pervious areas. (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 2 5 USDA i United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Engineering Division Technical Release 55 June1986 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds T-55 To show bookmarks which navigate through the document. Click the show/hide navigation pane button , and then click the bookmarks tab. It will navigate you to the contents, chapters, rainfall maps, and printable forms. 75 m .92 0 ❑ (j c c U Z E �a o c m c 0 a�i e m F aU A (I I II I If1 I i ` I OI ❑`i I I I 0 w� I I i E 0 �I a U I I i C% O. a c c 55 fA d a� c w a� E w cm.0 Z 000 Z0 3n ao aL 0 rm a ? a 0 E 0c o E 0 3C7 nam m❑ c m o �a f c w m H a� a.i C w Aa .a a ao m i LL cn o m N N !E o c 0 o' U Z - I M 8 coE o tm .9 I °' m UE o� E Z D m 2 o coSl _ E N � a c c m U U U La w rn c 0 r � aai r c a c p N c r �.3 c _ Y N c Y c E E y o o e c ( m o m E c .y L c� �`- O Q. O L ,` W ; w m �0 . c N 0 -O m ` c m e o. o m E 0 a. E 0nim 0' °-0T A c'- ci a- m E w c E s:Eo w 0 a0_0 000 � fA d E NaY$ U `Ec c C a=W U E La)0 Val 0.p) �C 'Oa 41 jL M N 3 o m ma n m aai 0_dv_ a�w m N L > Q0 y U o m c o o .c-oa m LD ,Qom E d-m r- a€ E � o m c ro wma ° w cm m •- 3 CO (D 3c.� aciacio � o c o ii.0 a c ti o m m � 'E'S :E m ' C m E O `o E `o U C _ . m C o _ . 5 m c rn O f6 C _0 co w R4 4) U) V ol ui E .13 ui Lu _A, 0 1 p Lo I 0—'A: .� .1 oMCD > z SE 0: co, cm z co r 7 CL M'o Go (% Im C 6 ro C'. (D C%. —0 vi E al C- -1 E 0 Co 10 ID CX cm al 11 'a 4? a CI. = 9 al ff WE a r- ; 0❑ 0 C 4m m — E 0 0 A1 E cc CM, LCff i C 0 0 CL 0 'a a. D 0co1 E 11 1 E -01 O� wt 0 CLI .61 0 � A E: —11 --c9 1 z :E! E M. 0. �m '10 Qm moc° t! E 0 ar- 3 Ei —1 Ei E I f , I�D 1 , m D 4ol 2 0 >1 E = al, > E ! a E 1 -t=, El 0- r_ w E i a — 0 -a w! al =1 oi a I cm! 11, 1 CL 0 0: U)i 0 c 13D All ME 1 M4 ro I'M L; rl I - 0 E v a I caco I � f 2 0 ai 61 , 6 'D i� 'm 0 3 cr -0 D m i 0 06 .9. 8: cL E, - m I S 0 > a.) 0 E:R a lii w E i E E V � m 1 C. af c),,00 cL a Cl ID: 6! ar- A 'A 0 CO CL El 1. 'a j 0-0 W D' > CL 01 0' of U) A, !. 11 CL Cl C%l cn w 1 UY 0 a i <! 'A C: 00 S V i C; > C3! vi, 6 i C!: > ID CL P- m If C, ELI C4" to > C) CLI '0 Z .0od r C IL CD 0 C m I 02 9 0 L) 32 cl. 9) .0. 0 > to .0 0 1 0 0 U) CL 5! 0 0 a 'D E I :E -18 ,UJ CL: C� w r- 0. c 0; 0 0 m W. 0: 01, a ID 9 E 1 CI -J 'A' 0 (n 1 0 = 0 < s . a -g 'A m E E mm 0 ol co 0 tm Inj m 2� L) ji r= 0 S .0! wj r 4) '0 Lo il , 1 0) = W. '0 S tj a I a E m Oi 3;'j 2�; 05, '0 0 E 81 0 0�, Z CELL, LL CL 0 to 8 C w I - N,� I S .0 CL co S 42 XLU E r rj v•�o o ts SO 0 'r- 'A :3 a > 0 CL M 0 E 0 CLi r o 10 E a w dl w o Fr- I CL m 0 — '* 's 0 It < 14: 19 91=, .9 0 ILL :2 c m M�u Ju t . 1 co QD 0 0 = = E; Lul . . 0 2 0 LZL I-OL C. t co 1 c - ? "d r "a I > w 2 r <'I :E c I c f W I rj) , I = ; I t zo C11 m 0 0 .0 a 0 ol Ew.l .l tl 1 cc 1� .4: 'm 0 E AL 3 A LU 8 > a ga I 'A, C, C', 0 CL wl < 1 'E Lu 1 [E 9 i r I m I M. ol ol LnI U) w, i 2, Operation &Maintenance Agreement Project Name: Project Location: UNCW P3 Housing UNCW Campus Cover Page Maintenance records shall be kept on the following BMP(s). This maintenance record shall be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired, or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the pollutant removal efficiency of the BMP(s). The BMP(s) on this project include (check all that apply & co Bioretention Cell Quantity: Dry Detention Basin Quantity: Grassed Swale Quantity: Green Roof Quantity: Infiltration Basin Quantity: Infiltration Trench Quantity: Level SpreaderNFS Quantity: Permeable Pavement Quantity: Proprietary System Quantity: Rainwater Harvesting Quantity: Sand Filter Quantity: Stormwater Wetland Quantity: Wet Detention Basin Quantity: Disconnected Impervious Area Present: User Defined BMP Present: g O&M tables will be added automatically): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): at the comer of Walton Road and Lionfish Location(s): Location(s): I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed for each BMP above, and attached O&M tables. I agree to notify NCDENR of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. * Responsible Party: Title & Organization: Street address: City, state, zip: Phone number(s): Email: Signature: County of personally appeared before me this Mark Morgan UNCW, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs - Facilities 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 910.962.3761 , a Notary Public for the State of , do hearby certify that day of acknowledge the due execution of the Operations and Maintenance Agreement. Witness my hand and official seal, Seal STORM-EZ Version 1.4 My commission expires O&M Manual Date: and 1/16/2019 Page 1 of 5 STORM-EZ 1/16/2019 Version 1.4 O&M Manual Page 2 of 5 Wet Detention Pond Maintenance Requirements The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. Important maintenance procedures: Immediately after the wet detention basin is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin should be watered twice weekly if needed, until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). No portion of the wet detention pond should be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. Stable groundcover should be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. _ If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain should be minimized to the maximum extent practical. - Once a year, a dam safety expert should inspect the embankment. After the wet detention pond is established, it should be inspected once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance should be kept in a known set location and must be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the BMP Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then plant a erosive gullies have formed. ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer application. Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of approximately six inches. long. The inlet device The pipe is clogged. Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged. Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary to smooth it over and provide erosion Swale. control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or Remove sediment and replace with clean stone. covered in sediment (if applicable). The forebay Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if a depth greater than the possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it original design depth for will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. sediment storage. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The vegetated shelf Best professional practices Prune according to best professional practices show that pruning is needed to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. dying. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. _ Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. STORM-EZ 1/16/2019 Version 1.4 O&M Manual Page 3 of 5 Wet Detention Pond Maintenance Requirements (Continued) The main treatment area Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if a depth greater than the possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it original design sediment will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. storage depth. Algal growth covers over 50% Consult a professional to remove and control the algal growth. of the area. Cattails, phragmites or other Remove the plants by wiping them with pesticide (do not spray). invasive plants ewer 50% of the basin surface. The embankment Shrubs have started to grow Remove shrubs immediately. on the embankment. Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and consult a professional to remove beaver activity is present. beavers. A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to remove the tree. the embankment. An annual inspection by an Make all needed repairs. appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs repair. (if applicable) The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The outlet device is damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the local NC Department of Environment and Natural damage have occurred at the Resources Regional Office. outlet. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. STORM-EZ 1 /16/2019 Version 1.4 O&M Manual Page 4 of 5 Wet Detention Pond Design Summary .+ret Pond C WET POND ID SCM-1 FOREBAY Permanent Pool El. 30 MAIN POND Permanent Pool El. 30 Temporary Pool El: 32 Temporary Pool El: 32 Pretreatment other No Clean Out Depth: 6 Clean Out Depth: 6 than forebay? [;; Sediment Removal El: 24 Sediment Removal El: 24 Has Vag. Filter? No Bottom Elevation: 23 Bottom Elevation: 23 STORM-EZ 1 /16/2019 Version 1.4 O&M Manual Page 5 of 5 lr Ch !'I 0 N Lr "I NI 10 T m M wW, W 3 F- 1 E 3 H C w a d 0 U z C A IS Lu ce w 7 7 w cc Lu cr .' u a V s U u a, ':.:� u a; LL . u LL u LL u 2 - Ellm, a N LSO lWW' C9YQ Ln Lf O ai O e4 z n al U. W W W'"t; p' W �•:'•i W , ;v .�+Q U U U Fri. rFF C0 `en •. . Or-I-gr �: O LT 0n �. O 00 0�0.".:�� 00 _.. LSO N 01 tri N ^ N M Q! Ln Rt ei v 10 cu Q W CC W oC W CC �.e W '.' CC f W wz of u a u Q u a U a i U =Q LL u LL u LL u LL LL U U ,u u Q Q 4, C 00 00 to I" co 00 ULILILII O 4 f0 u u C L 4S L V 1 cu L} a + N in O '�. Q. > M `7 L t CC. Q "0 a-t C ti f0 i N .f r i 'X z C 4 m a1 .W.. 7 7 N> m N L y`'EE , 0i w O L O >> �U boa L Q y1 .•' . •. o' 3 :? 3 o L. Y +.. 7 C C O 0 UD 7 .� m O �' 7 > .. '' O O c c 0 o } m a d b y y _c 'f0 Q a Q CL .., F C .. ai -'� G C a C C w L Co. Ca .. L L L C C on tw " pL � 0. .� C O m O Y ,- L i Q. O o i11 = cr > Q Q_ o O O L X L X: :' ai L L L L 7w �4 .2 pd A '0 U p. D r CL w 2 � o T: E It gg E Eu E. Ic 2 20 LU E E 2 CL -E 4a Zu w - w cc w cc m a Ln aq M m Po 14 -o M o S 0 LPQ r-: N d ci w u C O CL O M a. 0 tg CL E V 2! z G W cc a m a 3� U Z W W W z Z C K K Q Q Z Z LL LL 1 aa b o rj a! w An T m V N c w ° d E m E 2 o u C > _ m U I:v C •' � cu cu w E m m 'aa IC iYr.0 W U M..Q _IC''� ~ in O a m m O_ m g me='j c a2 aCL o:J•. « E w o y m u m C. ( E E E p g W O O v? 3 ja is �. w mu > > E E 40, °J y % o. I ,m v t, 10 c +, o o. E E t V W a` = m i'n a O ¢ u :^ 0 3 3 c c o Lq �aOc w a` z z K K .-i .•i C b W O a M O. Z M 7 .LL. R E E f/1 C E O. O ID d 0 to x e i= cc cc Z Q Q Z u N 00 a b Ln o ^ o P3 Project Development Summary Pond Daft Stormwater Pond (SCM-11 Bottom of Pond Elevation - Main Bay Bottom of Pond Elevation - Forebay Sediment Storage Elevation - Main Bay Sediment Storage Elevation - Forebay Sediment Storage Volume Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Submerged Vegetated Shelf Width Max Depth of Vegetated Shelf Perimeter of Permanent Pool Average Depth Provided Required SA/DA Ratio for 90%TS5 Removal Required Permanent Pool Surface Area Provided Permanent Pool Surface Area Flow Path Basin Length Basin Width Basin L:W ratio Flow Length Flow path width Flow path L:W ratio Forebav Permanent Pool Volume Total Required Forebay Volume Provided Volume- Forebay Total Forebay % of Permanent Pool Drawdown Diameter of Low Flow Orifice Weir Elevation of Outlet Structure Total Elevation Head Above Weir Invert Average Elevation Head Above Weir Invert Cd, Coefficient of Discharge 4, Flowrate Through Low -flow Orifice Drawdown Time UNCW - P3 PROJECT NC DEQ Retention Requirements Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Value selected by designer Value selected by designer Pond volume below sediment storage elev. Value selected by designer Elevation of the next -highest outlet Main Bay ONLY See formula below Value from 90%TSS removal chart (Req'd SA/DA Ratio)*(Total Drainage Area) Value from stage -storage calculations 318 FT Value from CAD 108 FT Value from CAD (average) 3 Basin length/basin width 325 FT Distance from nearest inlet to outlet structure 127 FT Required surface area / flow length 3 Flow length/flow path width 114,062 CF Total pond volume between permanent pool elevation & sediment storage elevation 22,812 CF 20% of permanent pool volume 21,603 CF Provided volume between permanent pool elev. & sediment storage elevation 19% Total between 15-20%-OK 3.00 IN Value selected by designer 32.00 FT Elevation of the next -highest weir 2.00 FT Total elevation head above center of orifice 0.67 FT 113 of total elevation head 0.60 Value selected by designer 0.19 CFS Q=Cd"WeirArea•sgrt(2•32.2*Avg Head) 3.39 DAYS 1.5" Runoff Volume/Flowrate through Wler/86400 r'QVMi4.17. A.i,Yyu lkPli� nl Hti.P iRM�• sue anan';s nP.ng P•ChpRq nem me svarape eepm,-•m,..nron Average Depth formula: . vpp-vsherf V v Mortomefsheir riheoe a � : Rwape aeph n Nm iv rextl+m+.od ftl+ w.. vc]sesor.rme vier uti,Mn7-see Oehr: 1r�e. MN d'MtpNtldMO bawd neaMR(ked) �� 9A'aeGIR...w.w.'PMmo�..,,rw'Mmm..a..a�n.w•w j e D...�.w • �Ndn.Ytt wmwmntacw atlMWop+n!40, �aM ev i wr .W i414nCae.-...o.. • Fpan WVsotrdPwlle'+n<IM�a: n,e eamm ui ne VAa'b - e...,•..• NCAYiSanM OMPoft p'M ery sd..1 snpf as meotiuna a po!nesntPmt:esU UNCW - P3 PROJECT Stage -Storage Calculations for the Proposed Wet Detention Pond (SCM-1) 1 /15/2019 Stage/Storage Above Permanent Pool Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 30.00 26,104 0 0 -Permanent Pool 30.50 28,574 13,670 13,670 -Top of Shelf 31.00 29,830 14,601 28,271 32.00 32,384 31,107 59,378 -Temporary Pool 33.00 34,994 33,689 93,067 34.00 37,661 36,328 129,394 35.00 40,385 39,023 166,417 35.50 41,768 20,538 188,955­-Top of Pond Stage/Storage Below Permanent Pool Main Bay Cumulative Contour Incremental !Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 23.00 10,947 0 0 --Pond Bottom 24.00 11,975 11,461 11,461 -Sed. Storage 25.00 13,034 12,505 23,966 26.00 14,120 13,577 37,543 27.00 15,236 14,678 52,221 28.00 16,381 15,809 68,029 29.00 17,554 16,968 84,997 29.60 18,453 9,002 93,998 +--•Bottom of Shelf 30.00 20,292 18,923 103,920­-Permanent Pool Forebay 1 Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 23.00 1,783 0 0 ­-Forebay Bottom 24.00 2,168 1,976 1,976 -Sed. Storage 25.00 2,581 2,375 4,350 26.00 3,024 2,803 7,153 27.00 3,494 3,259 10,412 28.00 3,993 3,744 14,155 29.00 4,521 4,257 18,412 --Top of Forebay 30.00 5,812 5,167 23,579 --Permanent Pool UNCW - P3 PROJECT Stage -Storage Calculations for the Proposed Wet Detention Pond (SCM-1) Stage/Storage Below Permanent Pool Total (Main Bay + Forebay) Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 23.00 12,730 0 0 -Pond Bottom 24.00 14,143 13,437 13,437 ­ -Sed. Storage 25.00 15,615 14,879 28,316 26.00 17,144 16,380 44,695 27.00 18,730 17,937 62,632 28.00 20,374 19,552 82,184 29.00 22,075 21,225 103,409 30.00 26,104 24,090 127,498••-Permanent Pool Equation 3 Average depth when the shelf is subnwrged and the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation VPP— Vshel f Dave = Ab ottomo f shel f Where- Dal$ = Average depth: in feet VPP - Total volume of permanertt pool ;feet3) V3hW = V-51,u!-te ewer the shelf only (fee:) - see below Abomm.istw= Area of wwst pond at the bottom of the s:tekZ fee?: vo.l = 0.5 t Depth.., a,aui ' ?a-ij-r f!arp rm p,a' ` Width suI.,,. ad par: a: aj kt Where: Dawx a, sAw Depth of werazzer at the deep side of the sitar: as measured at permanent pool (feet) :apr?:�rs tsr amr" _ Perimeter of permanerti aoi at the bottom of the shelf (fleet) W'lathwt"�. PM Vtlidth front the deep side to the dry side of li shelf as measured at permaner I pool ;feet) Coastal Counties SAIDA Ratio Reference: SAMA Ratio for TSS Removal Surface Area/Drainage Area Permanent Pool De ft Impervious % 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10% 0.78 0.61 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 20% 1.48 1.04 0.87 0.70 0.52 0.35 30% 2.18 1.65 1.39 1.13 0.87 0.70 40% 2.96 2.26 1.83 1.39 0.96 0.78 50% 3.65 2.87 2.35 1.83 1.31 1.96 60% 4.35 3.31 2.78 2.26 1.74 0.13 70% 5.22 3.92 3.22 2.52 1.83 1.31 80% 5.92 4.52 3.65 2.78 1.91 1.57 90% 6.53 5.05 4.18 2.96 2.44 1.74 100% 7.13 5.92 4.87 3.83 1 2.78 1.83 BUA % 43.80% Req'd Ratio 1.15 6.88 0.00 0.54 0.90 1.01 1.37 1.80 1.91 2.01 2.50 2.90 O) C 0 0 LL. '3 T C 0 O m d a lz ZM t b00 c0 It l0 Cl) co �GOrnao N co N a) m E E ? m > > �3 7 > N C `0 r > LL o w o c Cl5 m o� � U � E m a`)`m>'om IrwdliH a a a a O 0I0LO OMI-N co N M N N � v0 M L 0I CD t t mw .cm a�. E ? 2 o li � a) U O) �a� o U CO m U CC) H O O O W d LL F- 14 d 0 m m LL e O. ro m L � C �a a LL a� U C 0 O co LL LL #.#f► �t N °�° } *; 0 C. a LO m a o.�{ coon cn N c a c O 0 E m m E p 'c O o a a� E y 0 0 10 .� - w 3 cr C v m r � C W ? N LL Of .a) O p O w 7 Q:.0) 0 G ❑ C E 0 67 Q J N C� > C " V m 3 0 LyyQ 0 W C C O L « tl01 a7 O CQ'$ N 0 a7 Y C C V y T C o o r LL �13: a7 [C O O i:� V (M C m L 0 46 ,.., Q' U O p« c`�❑ `Um��y vEa'� co N a) rA V0i t0i_i w C N w 15 C to i.1 2 pOj tTl 7❑ O 0 3 C i3� WWF-- U 00 HQ>Q 0 ao mm �U) (L E 0 O 'm m O) C J m m d ci m m Q0co U Watershed Model Schematic HydraflowHydrographsExtension for AutodeskO Civil 3D®2019byAutodesk,Inc. v202O Legend HXd. Origin Descdptlon SCS Runoff Post Developed Condition Reservoir Routed SCS Runoff Pre Developed Condition Project: 190115_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gpw I Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph Return Period ReHCdraflbw Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3139 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph No. type hyd(s) Description (origin) 1-yr 2-yr 3-yr 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 100-yr 1 SCS Runoff ------ ----- 66.58 ----- ----- 120.95 143.87 164.55 186.26 Post Developed Condition 2 Reservoir 1 ------ 36.26 ----- — --- 100.36 124.54 147.42 171.12 Routed 3 SCS Runoff ---- ---- 53.49 ------ ----- 101.32 121.70 140.20 159.69 Pre Developed Condition Proj. file: 190115_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gpw Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph Summary Report ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 31082019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 66.58 1 732 282,780 -- --- --- Post Developed Condition 2 Rcservoir 36.26 1 740 246,979 1 33.37 105,811 Routed 3 SCS Runoff 53.49 1 737 258,322 ---- ---- ---- Pre Developed Condition 1901 15Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 2 Year Tuesday,, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph Report 4 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 66.58 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 282,780 cuff Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 4.50 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 " Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 28.910 60.00 "III, FI1111C 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 70.00 M1I11 Qi 1 1 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report 0 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3138 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used 50.00 -i1Id+] K�1 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 Hyd No. 2 Routed Hyd. No. 2 -- 2 Year 6 8 10 12 Hyd No. 1 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 = 36.26 cfs = 12.47 hrs = 246,979 cuft = 33.37 ft = 105,811 tuft Q (cfs) 70.00 l�1If 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Total storage used = 105,811 cult !J E.: nu mbport v Hydraflow HydrograpPihs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Pond No. 1 - SCM-1 Pond Data Contours -User-defined contour areas. Average end area method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 30.00 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 30.00 26,104 0 0 1.00 31.00 29,830 27,967 27,967 1.80 31.80 31,868 24,679 52,646 2.00 32.00 32,384 6,425 59,071 3.00 33.00 34,994 33,689 92,760 3.50 33.50 36,321 17,829 110,589 4.00 34.00 37,661 18,496 129,085 4.50 34.50 39,016 19,169 148,254 5.00 35.00 40,385 19,850 168,104 5.50 35.50 41,768 20,538 188,642 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 60.00 3.00 12.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 26.00 50.00 0.00 Inactive Span (in) = 60.00 3.00 96.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 33.50 34.50 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 2.60 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 28.00 30.00 32.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Broad - --- Length (ft) = 50.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 1.00 1.00 0.00 We N-Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in/hr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Multi -Stage = n/a Yes Yes No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Stage (ft) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 - 2.00 1.00- 0.00 ` ' 0.0 30.0 -i Total Q Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s) Stage I Discharge 60.0 90.0 120.0 150.0 160.0 210.0 240.0 270.0 300.0 Elev (ft) 36.00 35.00 34.00 33.00 32.00 31.00 1 30.00 330.0 Discharge (cis) Hydrograph ReportY -Hydrafl" Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3138 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 3 Pre Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 53.49 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 12.28 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 258,322 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 4.50 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 28.910 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 3 Pre Developed Condition Hyd. No. 3 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 i 1 11 KI 111 10.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Summary Report ydratlow Hydrographs Extension forAutodesk® Civil 31382019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 120.95 1 732 521,638 --- ----- ----- Post Developed Condition 2 Reservoir 100.36 1 740 4@r - •' 34.28 139,850 flouted 3 SCS Runoff 101.32 1 737 492,651 -- ----- ----- Pre Developed Condition I 190115_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 10 Year Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph Report rV Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3130 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 120.95 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 521,638 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 7.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CPI) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 28.910 Q (cfs) Post Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Year 140.00 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 2 4 6 Hyd No. 1 Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 .4 11 40.00 20.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report "Q u Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk(D Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 2 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 100.36 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 12.33 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 485,547 cuff Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation = 34.28 ft Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage = 139,850 cuft Storage Indication method used 120.00 100.00 . 1 1Ii1 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 2 Routed Hyd. No. 2 --10 Year Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 1I11 40.00 20.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 1 ® Total storage used = 139,850 cult Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 3 Pre Developed Condition II Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 101.32 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 12.28 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 492,651 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 7.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 28.910 W11111IR - $ 40.00 20.00 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 3 Pre Developed Condition Hyd. No. 3 --10 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 :� .6M 40.00 20.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 06 Hydrograph Summary Report ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v202D Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuff) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 143.87 1 732 625,116 ---- ---- --- Post Developed Condition 2 Reservoir 124.51 1 738 588,944 1 34.50 148,371 Routed 3 SCS Runoff 121.70 1 737 595,227 --- ----- --- - Pre Developed Condition 190115_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 25 Year Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 IJ Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 31302019 by Autodesk, Ina v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 143.87 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 625,116 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 8.05 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 28.910 ` 611147 W111I11 100.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 :1 11 60.00 40.00 r1 1re, 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3DO 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. Routed Tuesday, 01115 / 2019 = 124.51 cfs = 12.30 hrs = 588,944 cuff = 34.50 ft = 148,371 cuff Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 160.00 160.00 140.00 140.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 - - 60.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 - - 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 2 y L� Total storage used = 148,371 cult Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension forAutodesk® Civil 31382019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 3 Pre Developed Condition la Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff. Peak discharge = 121.70 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.28 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 595,227 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 8.05 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 28.910 Q (Cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 I Is 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 3 Pre Developed Condition Hyd. No. 3 -- 25 Year Q (Cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 3� Hollis] 20.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) r Hydrograph Summary Report ydraflow Hydrographs Extension forAutodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 164.55 1 732 719,667 ---- ----- --- Post Developed Condition Reservoir 147A2 1 737 683,431 ? 34.67 154,757 Routed 3 SCS Runoff 140.20 1 736 I 689,287 -- --- -- Pre Developed Condition 1901 15Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gp Return Period: 50 Year Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph Report "E d Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. I Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 164.55 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 719,667 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 9.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 28.910 Q (cfs 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 010 Ui 14 20.00 Am Post Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 - Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report '6 0 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D®2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No_ 2 Tuesday, 0 1 / 15 / 2019 = 147.42 cfs = 12.28 hrs = 683,431 cuft = 34.67 ft = 154,757 cuft Routed Hyd. No. 2 — 50 Year Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 1 ® Total storage used = 154,757 cult uu Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 3 Pre Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 140.20 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 12.27 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 689,287 cuft Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 80* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 9.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] 128.910 Pre Developed Condition Q (off) Hyd. No. 3 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 160.00 160.00 140.00 140.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 - 60.00 40.00 _. -- — 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 3 Time (hrs) ZU Hydrograph Summary ReportH ydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 186.26 1 732 819,900 ---- ----- ---- Post Developed Condition 2 Reservoir 171.12 1 736 783,609 1 34.80 160,241 Routed 3 SCS Runoff 159.69 1 736 I 789,260 ---- ---- Pre Developed Condition 190115_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.g Return Period: 100 Year Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hydrograph Report Au �Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3130 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01115 / 2019 Hyd. No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 186.26 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 12.20 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 819,900 cult Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 83* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 10.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(12.430 x 98) + (16.480 x 72)] / 28.910 Q (Cfs) 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 90.00 60.00 30.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 1 Post Developed Condition Hyd. No. 1 -- 100 Year Q (Cfs) 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 •1 We .9 !X 30.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report LL Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Hyd. No. 2 Routed Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Developed Condition Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM-1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. Routed Hyd. No. 2 -- 100 Year W141111f 150.00 120.00 01111ri] Tuesday, 01 115 / 2019 = 171.12 cfs = 12.27 hrs = 783,609 tuft = 34.80 ft = 160,241 cuft Q (cfs) 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 Emil] "OI7 0.00 -' _z-. i i �.... - - - 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 160,241 cult Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 Tuesday, 01 / 15 / 2019 Hyd. No. 3 Pre Developed Condition Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 159.69 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 12.27 hrs Time interval = 1 min Hyd. volume = 789,260 cult Drainage area = 28.910 ac Curve number = 80* Basin, Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of cone. (Tc) = 25.00 min Total precip. = 10.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) - ((8.100 x 98) + (20.820 x 72)] / 28.910 Pre Developed Condition Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 --100 Year Q MS) 160.00 160.00 140.00 140.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 3 Time (hrs) Hydraflow Table of Contents Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3138 2019 by Autodesk, Inc. v2020 190115_Wet Pond Routing_049990014.gpw Tuesday, 01115 / 2019 WatershedModel Schematic..................................................................................... 1 Hydrograph Return Period Recap............................................................................. 2 2 - Year SummaryReport ......................................................................................................................... 3 HydrographReports................................................................................................................... 4 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................... 4 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Routed...................................................................................... 5 PondReport - SCM-1.......................................................................................................... 6 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition...................................................... 7 10 -Year SummaryReport ......................................................................................................................... 8 HydrographReports................................................................................................................... 9 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................... 9 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 10 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 11 25 - Year SummaryReport ....................................................................................................................... 12 HydrographReports................................................................................................................. 13 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................. 13 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 14 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 15 50 - Year SummaryReport ....................................................................................................................... 16 HydrographReports................................................................................................................. 17 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................. 17 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 18 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 19 100 - Year SummaryReport........................................................................................................................ 20 HydrographReports................................................................................................................. 21 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Developed Condition .................................................. 21 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Routed.................................................................................... 22 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Pre Developed Condition .................................................... 23 F E C 1 12' RCP IE 33.45' Ga er r@+I 12 C B LANDSCAPE BUFFER \ w\ w\ \: YARDII VLET � RIM 32.651, IE OUT�7:56'- t-- �y 50' E E ssMH SPILL RIM 34. 4'.��.`\ / IE �s I I I \ I �MI I, {• 11� IN,26 IEO(VT -SCAR #1 ANGLE IRON: l I I I 'VX4 4'X 3' LONG PROVIDE CHAIN AND LCCK J TYPICAL EACH SIDE. FOR WHEEL HMOLE� HMO CRANK FOR i I '' GALVAN¢EO IYV[3H6• GATE VALVE TRASH RACK I I _ TOP EL=33.2 I PRECASTCONCRETE BOX - I 1 f I I ��-�+--� / / 6'PVC WRIT TURNED GOWN ELBOW EL (31.0) (175') HOLE DRILLED IN CAP ! ' DI GATE VALVE — — — — — ' FILL WITH GROUT / / ` 12' i _-- OUTLET PIPE WE So-CL-V RCP / OUTLET PIPE IRV. 2 D BIDE r BOTTOM BOTTOM INVEL=265� 1 N I I I DE / AC EISSAREA 11 I SECTION VIEW r DI GATE VALVE 8 WHA DCRANK I I I I I I FOREBAY I < 1' a EXPANSION I ANCHORS TYPICAL EACH SIDE $2' - 30' RCP d I4 SPAr'Sr r I I 2• ANGLE IRON I 30° RCP / / LONIX X�xx G TYPICAL EACH SIDE ° EIN IE OUT1_- \ \ - — SBMH -B) aO4 NOUCT NO 57 ST� RIM 35,25' FB1. iAeMCPFn wNI NOW-,R01YN IE IN 32.36' PLAN VIEW (5 -- .1 OR A RD F FO-) IE IN 32.10' Td+ OF STOVE Al 11-1 EIEVPnDR. _. }2 p - - - - " _ IE OUT 28.51' s uEr POIJ' E�ICY SPILLWAY SECTION a MH EX-SBMH 7.�� -- OIRLET SiAUCTURE STA??? _ _ xorroacWr_ TO cue RIM=35.15 _ INV IN=27.80' LIO- D_ R_ EVE OVERFLOW STRUCTURE RIP-MP2'N FOR03AY BEAN (BEE DETAIL) Y NCAOI ❑A55 B PoP-RAP (�' B) Wnl NOn_wO cn TOP OF POND EL. 35.5 AP Rm EO GEYITFx mt GATE VALVE OR FAB OR APNROVAL) NOEANE lH EWTEMPORARY POOL EL.39.2 3 5.0 �1 .. _PERMANENT POOy .31.0 _..._�ERMIWENT POpL.EL.3�g_... .—. _ 8.51E OF2 38-RCP®1,5 5 FT 2 FOREBAV BERM EL W.0 (( ABTM C.. %III PIP 1z A 1 FOREBAY 2 2 MAIN BAY .".ts ( R T 3 MAINTENANCE O O 1 2 JOINTS fA BENCH INV EL 28.0 /_SEDIMENT CLEANOUT EL.24.0 � � _3� I 9�' INV EL 28A SEE PLAN 6INVERT" FCRESAY BOTTOM II+ iSALUMINUMANTISEEP SEE PLAN FOR EL. 23.0 POND BOTTOM EL. 23.0 COLLAR SPACED 5 FT BFT � BELOCUTOFFTRENCH SEDIMENT VEGETATED SHELF W CYR) f CLEANOUT i 6:1 SLOPE TYP. EL. 24.0 TUMMY AMPOW MOMIN NOT TO SCALE UNC ♦��' UnAelaly of No* C=Me at WIMington Student Housing Public -Private Partnership 601 S College Rd, Wilmmg(on, NC 28403 Balfour Beatty 11'51V71w s@1�'.sajls Balfw Beatty SCO# 18-19231-018 V " CLARKNEXSEN 1523 ELIZABETH AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 704.377-111100 CLARK NEXSEN LICENSE NUMBER: C-1028 MCKIM&CREED CIVX ENGINEER 20 NORTH F RONT STREET VDLMMTON" NORTH CAROLINA 'wi 110.3A310 0 PROFESS ONRL SEAL Ak* = = 72574 = ,'•.rep, �Nc�;.. SUB —AL 23 OCT 2MT B EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT DRAWINGS ReABKee NEY PLW - i( I �\ 4r� { I 1 SHEET STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS CG504 OBIGN T MPD DMINNTRGBPD RENEW RMC Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2019 8:30 AM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Brock Daniel Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing To schedule a scoping meeting, I will need some indication of the path forward they are thinking about to address the issues as well as any questions that they will be looking to have answered. It can either be in an e-mail or in a revised narrative. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 'Noti ;ti:g Compares F_2r7^if correspor: ;1 r;:,o io and from t!; r•:.�u , ;� ; i• G.r' to the From: Weaver, Cameron Sent: Monday, January 07, 2019 5:49 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine..Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Hi Christine. Brock called me late. He is going to respond to your last email and told me that yes, they want to sit down and discuss the questions that we have concerning the permit overlaps. He said he would try to clarify what they think about that and any other current questions to be discussed. I told him you may want further clarification in the request narrative before we set a scoping meeting date this month so let's talk tomorrow to solidify what we need. Cameron Cameron Weaver Environmental Assistance Coordinator NCDEQ-Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. r• Wilmington NC 28405 910-796-7265 Cameron.Weaver@ncdenr.gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 5:04 PM To: Brock Daniel <BDaniel cm ckimcreed.com>; iamisong@uncvj.edu Cc: Richard Collier <RCoIi1ierrnckimcreed.com>,- Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing I haven't seen a response to this email chain and wanted to follow-up to see if there have been any updates. Are you still interested in a scoping meeting? Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall ncdanr. ov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 ZOO 'r... ' f�.`.'.'- �lh•.. 1���. CGz 4,F,t' _1 ref From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 4:05 PM To:'Brock Daniel' <BDaniel@mckimcreed.corYr>; iamisong@uncw.edu Cc:'Richard Collier' <RCollier@mckimcreed.com>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Brock, I talked further with Cameron. The fee costs can be found on the website I sent earlier and will depend on which path you and UNCW selects to resolve the overlap in permits. The permitting timeframes have not changed. The last item, impacts to other permits, is something that you need to discuss with UNCW. They have a good idea of their permits and the impacts of adding permitted areas. If you can talk with UNCW and discuss options for moving forward with permitting, the best I can offer this year is a short phone call Thursday morning. Otherwise, a sit down scoping meeting can be scheduled in 2019 if you can submit the appropriate form requesting that meeting. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Hall, Christine From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2019 5:06 PM To: Hall, Christine; Brock Daniel; jamisong@uncw.edu Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: Re: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Extr E'r,�i emafi. Do not c5rA links ur open attachments unim,,rvu verified, Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Christine: Yes, we remain interested in a scoping meeting. I will send to your our project narrative and exhibits to schedule the meeting by Friday. How soon does it look like the meeting can occur? Richard M. Collier McKim & Creed (910) 520-7754 From: Hall, Christine <christine.hall@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 5:03 PM To: Brock Daniel; jamisong@uncw.edu Cc: Richard Collier; Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing I haven't seen a response to this email chain and wanted to follow-up to see if there have been any updates. Are you still interested in a scoping meeting? Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 NI Z.. - '''Nothing Compares .r�'?�:. C+'i rc'.yE-.. „•!:...' to is c!iL ,`" to tl?e h9''f.���L;fL.-..'Y". _,yp7j partLA-m From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 4:05 PM To:'Brock Daniel' <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com>; jamisong@uncw.edu 1 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 4:05 PM To: 'Brock Daniel'; jamisong@uncw.edu Cc: 'Richard Collier'; Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Brock, I talked further with Cameron. The fee costs can be found on the website I sent earlier and will depend on which path you and UNCW selects to resolve the overlap in permits. The permitting timeframes have not changed. The last item, impacts to other permits, is something that you need to discuss with UNCW. They have a good idea of their permits and the impacts of adding permitted areas. If you can talk with UNCW and discuss,options for moving forward with permitting, the best I can offer this year is a short phone call Thursday morning. Otherwise, a sit down scoping meeting can be scheduled in 2019 if you can submit the appropriate form requesting that meeting. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 �1,'ir3r GUl?e'Sr 11I:i =J) L rti( ;; hG!!ie si?!s .:?ClaliE . i 15 S It y' :i Ii/i ; `Uf"�!1 t.`•wtr':,'t1-a. PL, hi-" lR-oco/ T C '., 'ci•''f:' :�T�?1 �'.'� r)• rd' s . �J:. ,J 1, tiilrc7 t3.,. From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, December 10, 20181:05 PM To:'Brock Daniel' <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing I was not planning on scheduling any more scoping meetings this year. What questions do you have? Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine, haliOncdenr.00v 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Incr�l COCr'sponcjence tc ;;:n.� I•;oPn rlll�: ciC�tG"sS r sur��evt rG the North Card Vna PuNic , c: ,r ;, ' G ., Gnd' Tray he drsranseu to ;!'r• From: Brock Daniel <BDaniel. jmckimcreed.com> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 1:01 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine _Hail@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Richard Collier <RCoili�pr - mckimcreed.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing r External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. send ail suspicious emaii as an attacnt to ! Hey Christine, Thanks for getting back to us. I know you were out of the office for a few days last week. Would you be willing to sit down with Richard and myself to briefly discuss what you've outlined below and how we best approach this with regard to fee cost, permitting timeline, and minimizing impacts to existing permits? I think we could clear things up and have a clear cut plan if we could have 20 to 30 minutes of your time. Please let me know if this is possible, and if.so, what works best with your schedule. Thanks From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hail@ncdenr.go> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 11:57 AM To: Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Richard Collier <RCollier . mckimcreed:com>; Weaver, Cameron <cameroa� n.w�aver ncdenr.,-ov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Thank you for the exhibits. The express request received on 11/15 is asking for a submittal meeting to modify SW8 021017. Per the express program guidelines and fee schedule, projects cannot be scheduled into express if they impact or overlap another permit or cause another permit to become out of compliance. The only exception is if the permitting action(s) necessary to resolve the impact(s) is also submitted to the Express program at the same time. (refer to item II under footnote 2 of the Express fee schedule) Your email indicates that you are anticipating guidance from DEQ on how to handle. The choice is really up to you and your clients on how to handle. Between modifications and/or including these other permitted areas into a single permit and rescinding the old permit(s), there are many available options to resolve the impacts. As far as permitting fees goes, the cheapest would be modify one permit to cover all impacted permitted areas ($4,000 fee) and ask for the others to be rescinded ($500 for each rescission). However, at least two of these permits are located in several of the proposed master plan areas (SW8 160103 and SW8 100405). Plus UNCW is not currently the permittee of SW8 100405 —the City of Wilmington is and only they can sign off on any modification / rescission. Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 11:57 AM To: 'Brock.Daniel' Cc: Richard Collier, Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing Thank you for theoexhibits. The express request received on 11/15 is asking for a submittal meeting to modify SW8 021017. Per the express program guidelines and fee schedule, projects -cannot be scheduled into express if they impact or overlap another permit or cause another permit to become out of compliance. The only exception is if the permitting action(s) necessary to resolve the impact(s) is also submitted to the Express program at the same time. (referto item II under footnote 2 of the Express fee schedule) Your email indicates that you are anticipating guidance from DEQ on how to handle. The choice is really up to you and your clients on how to handle. Between modifications and/or including these other permitted areas into a single permit and rescinding the old permit(s), there are many available options to resolve the impacts. As far as permitting fees goes, the cheapest would be modify one permit to cover all impacted permitted areas ($4,000 fee) and ask for the others to be rescinded ($500 for each rescission). However, at least two of these permits are located in several of the proposed master plan areas (SW8160103 and SW8 100405). Plus UNCW is not currently the permittee of SW8100405 —the City of Wilmington is and only they can sign off on any modification / rescission. Are you asking for a scoping meeting? Or do you have a preferable permitting option that avoids impacts and/or resolves the impacts and just seeking advice on how to get them scheduled for submittal? Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine"hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 'Nothing l sl t Email h is iiil�jii.L73 a!2U f :a; be clis0rosed !L thy-1. f-'.IIIilcP . From: Brock Daniel <BDaniel@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2018 5:21 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall @ncdenr.gov> Cc: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Subject: FW: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing �-_7� ! .: r. + .. xternal email. Do not click links or open _mta ai, suspicious email as an attachment to Hey Christine, In response to your previous emails and questions, we put together the attached exhibits identifying the project boundaries for existing, proposed, and future development areas. The existing project boundaries for developed areas currently under permit were created by overlaying digital drawings with our existing conditions plan. The University provided us a digital file containing construction/permit documents for many of the areas on campus currently under permit. You will see where we've identified each of the areas currently under permit that fall within the boundary of our proposed project. The following information further explains how the P3 Housing project will be integrated with the areas currently under permit: SW8 160103: The Hub common area behind is not affected by our project, that is to say the pervious paver areas incorporated into the infiltration system. The grassed lawn area directly north (behind) the paver area is in our permit however, we are maintaining it as pervious surface except the fire lane access drives. This area is incorporated into the P3 Housing SWM Pond. SW8 100405: Understand on state lands and ROW. Attached is a plan showing the P3 project limits adjacent to the Cross -City Trail low density project area. SW8 021017 Parking Lot "O" will be reconfigured, as shown, to allow for Building 1 construction and new parking. The entire area of this permit will be incorporated into the P3 Housing Site Plan and the runoff will be collected and treated by the proposed regional wet pond located across Walton Drive. As far as the permits listed above, our intent would be to just modify these permits as necessary. However, we are anticipating guidance from DEQ on what the desired approach will be. In response to your previous question about the permittee, it will remain UNCW for this project as well as for future development of the recreation area and dining hall. In response to your question about Parking Lot "P", it will temporarily serve as a laydown area for materials during construction and will eventually be eliminated with the redevelopment of the recreation area. I believe that covers all of your questions, but if there's anything else, please let us know. Thanks. From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hal l@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2018 9:49 AM To: Richard Collier <RCollier9mdKimcreed.com>; Brock Daniel <BDaniel,?mcl<imcreed.com>; Weaver, Cameron <ca rneron.weavet-o nccienr.pov> Cc: Hall, Rhonda B <r.honJ-9.hal1(@nrdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing SW8160103: Have you conducted a file review on this file? The project area covered under this permit extends beyond the building itself. It includes improvements to the common area behind the hub. SW8 100405: Have you conducted a file review on this file? Being state property, there is no ROW along Riegel Road. This section of the trail maintains a low density project area. Please provide a close up site layout of the area demonstrating that the site improvements will remain outside of the cross city trail permit project area. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources - State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct chri�t5ne.haII@nc enr.gov 111 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 ' Nothing Compares - 01- Emadcanrespondef7ce to and f1rorn the North Carolina Public Records Law,--.-' fl7ird ;tar =e,s. From: Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2018 9:39 AM To: Brock Daniel <BD.-:niel@mckin►crzed.com>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall(ancdenr.Rov>, Weaver, Cameron <ca meron.weaver@ ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hall, Rhonda B <rhonda hall@ncdenr.�ov> Subject: [External] RE: UNCW / P3 Housing ! +► i ternal email. Do not click links or open nts unless e . Sendpicious errs s a achrne O Christine: Good Morning. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! In response to your email below I offer the following comments: 1. SW8160103forthe Hub: a. The UNCW P3 Student Housing Project proposed will not impact or modify The Hub SWM Permit. Our project is adjacent to that project and maintains its overflow outfall. Predominantly, The Hub is an infiltration system and we will not amend this primary treatment. 2. SW8170907 for sidewalk improvements at Graham / Hewlett: a. I am unaware of this project and its scope. We will investigate and provide input back on this permit. 3. SW8 100405 for the U NCW portion of the Cross City Trail (currently issued to the City of Wilmington) a. The Cross -City Trail and its associated SWM permit is within the Riegel Road ROW and is unaffected by this project. We are not adding to or removing any portion of the Cross -City Trail. Let me or Brock know if you have any additional comments. We would like to schedule the SWM Express Meeting as soon as possible. Thanks, Ric,-ard Col ier, PE I Asst (Vice nr.�-'dent T 1.0.343..10APT 9 C 9101.520.77✓4 243 'Nortin FronL- Street :'}iclr;;i .:,,tor•, i'vC_ 2!:'401. RCollier(a)mckimcreed.com I www.mckinicreeG.com Voted "Best Firm To Work For" - Zi4t-c Croup �1�`x.€€V1I"EI�Ir) `i'o ;end rri�, de- larger than 7.0M18 please click here From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Er�a! 0ncdenr.gov,> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 5:03 PM To: Brock Daniel <RDaniel@mckimcreed.corP.>; Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com> Cc: Weaver, Cameron <car3ie i._r-in.Ni_eaverrcDricden_ r._ fjcv_> Subject: UNCW / P3 Housing In looking at the recently provided site plan and express request, I have a few questions. The site plan appears to show that the proposed improvements will impact more than just SW8 021017. Have you looked at the following files to confirm there is no impact to those as well: SW8 160103 for the Hub SW8 170907 for sidewalk improvements at Graham / Hewlett SW8 100405 for the UNCW portion of the Cross City Trail (currently issued to the City of Wilmington) SW8 170907 likely won't be impacted unless the project "spills" over from what is shown on the site plan but it is important to note that there is an adjacent permitted area. It's hard to tell from the size of the site plan, but it looks like parking is proposed in the low density area approved for the Cross City Trail under SW8 100405. Are you planning on modifying one or all of these permits? Will any need to be rescinded? Also, I see in the narrative that this is a public / private / partnership development. Will UNCW remain as the permittee? The site plan appears to indicate that Parking Lot P will be cut off and no longer be accessible from Walton Drive. Is there a proposed alternative access or is that a future project? That's all the questions I have at the moment. Thanks in advance! Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall dDricdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 LI L Disclaimer I-nd -X ill 1,2 L -',L U' 1 0- 1 LO they Tr -c r,�c v' Jr s w in le C U�,C�-, T_ i 1". -ii, r _S� Cil, 1. _'ierlt --fly .:1 V 1: ivt/ fcw, iny r .m k,-WS-": c civ j, t.,E� r ,I- b -./ .. '.-- Disclaimer it are. -1v v1p iis e-rnai,' :r pl,., it� tiizit [ _;aws or "'PitlionZ ICI -L;ii-,, ,Pe aijCi­ ,r.4 Cn i c 6.2 Ay, the relcil)ient any barnage caused .:,i- e-,r.JI or!J my at'Uchrn_..,W:s for the C. -.1ce viru� F! 1 o con x by �Ci r a C :777 0 i jr Y, L r Lift ..y,:•�s-i-.F /'�{lf. If L. �I'^f�'; w l.I �'^ Tr' y'A,RT47+M�lT��i_F - Iv j yi7�x` ,�'�'. �. S Q y _. .._......... 02 a. ! !" 1 � F K Pf6G£1. � U Q M9 LT 03 R ] 0. Ll — - -------- 4 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 5:03 PM To: 'bdaniel@mckimcreed.com'; 'rcollier@mckimcreed.com' Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: UNCW / P3 Housing In looking at the recently provided site plan and express request, I have a few questions. The site plan appears to show that the proposed improvements will impact more than just SW8 021017. Have you looked at the following files to confirm there is no impact to those as well: SW8 160103 for the Hub SW8 170907 for sidewalk improvements at Graham / Hewlett SW8 100405 for the UNCW portion of the Cross City Trail (currently issued to the City of Wilmington) SW8 170907 likely won't be impacted unless the project "spills" over from what is shown on the site plan but it is important to note that there is an adjacent permitted area. It's hard to tell from the size of the site plan, but it looks like parking is proposed in the low density area approved for the Cross City Trail under SW8 100405. Are you planning on modifying one or all of these permits? Will any need to be rescinded? Also, I see in the narrative that this is a public / private / partnership development. Will UNCW remain as the permittee? The site plan appears to indicate ghat Parking Lot P will be cut off and no longer be accessible from Walton Drive. Is there a proposed alternative access or is that a future project? That's all the questions I have at the moment. Thanks in advance! Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 N-Z ^Nothing Compares