HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210299 Ver 1_Macon County - B236 - Historic Archaeological - No Eligible Sites_20210614 Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 12 16-02-0117 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: NA County: Macon WBS No: 17BP.14.R.156 Document: Minimum Criteria F.A. No: NA Funding: State Federal Federal Permit Required? Yes No Permit Type: NWP 3 or 14 and TVA Project Description: The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 236 on SR 1396 (Ray Creek Road) over Left Prong Burningtown Creek in Macon County. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project is defined as a 600-foot (182.88 m) long corridor running 300 feet (91.44 m) east and 300 feet west along Ray Creek Road from the center of the bridge. The corridor is approximately 150 feet (45.72 m) wide extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on either side of the road from its present center. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project’s area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) There are National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project’s area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed). Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 12 16-02-0117 RECOMMENDATION TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) conducted an archaeological survey and evaluation for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 236 on SR 1396 (Ray Creek Road Road) over Left Prong Burningtown Creek in Macon County. The fieldwork was carried out in May 2016 by Michael Nelson. One archaeological site (31MA781) and an isolated find (31MA789) were identified within the APE during the survey. Site 31MA781 consists of low density scatters of non-diagnostic prehistoric lithic debitage, and 31MA789 consists of prehistoric isolated ceramic sherd. TRC recommends both resources as ineligible for the National Register under all four criteria, and no further archaeological investigations are needed for this project. I concur with this recommendation as the proposed bridge replacement project will not impact significant archaeological resources. If the project expands and impacts subsurface areas beyond the defined APE, additional archaeological consultations will be necessary. In addition, this state funded project requires a Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 26(a) permit. A copy of this form is being provided to TVA for their use in their Section 106 compliance including Tribal consultations as appropriate. Copies of this form are also being provided to The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Map(s) Previous Survey Info Photos Correspondence Signed: 7/25/16 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 12 16-02-0117 Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed an archaeological survey and evaluation for the replacement of Bridge No. 236 on SR 1396 (Ray Creek Road) over Left Prong Burningtown Creek in Macon County. As defined by NCDOT, the survey area (Area of Potential Effects [APE]) for archaeology is a 600-foot (182.88 m) long corridor running 300 feet (91.44 m) east and 300 feet west along Ray Creek Road from the center of the bridge. The corridor is approximately 150 feet (45.72 m) wide extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on either side of the road from its present center (Figure 1). BACKGROUND RESEARCH Previously Recorded Sites: A map review and site files search was conducted by Michael Nelson of TRC at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) Western Branch on April 21, 2016, which supplemented a previous NCDOT review. There are two previously recorded sites (31MA258 and 31MA431) located within a one-mile radius of the project area, but neither is within or adjacent to the project APE. Site 31MA258 is an isolated find of a single flake recovered from a small saddle south of the project area. Site 31MA431 is a vertical timber lined shaft and numerous prospecting pits associated with historic mica mining located northeast of the project area. Historic Map Review: Topographic maps and other historic period maps were examined for information on natural or cultural variables that might have affected site locations. The Price and Strother map (1808) does not depict any information west of Buncombe County. The MacRae and Brazier map (1833) depicts Franklin and Burningtown Creek to the northwest. The Kerr map (1882) also depicts Burningtown Creek, but little detail around the project area. The APE is within an area that was ceded by the Cherokees in the Calhoun Treaty of 1819. There are no detailed maps of Cherokee homesteads at that time, but one 640-acre Citizen Cherokee Reserve, that of Six Killer, was surveyed around the confluence of Burningtown and Wildes creeks some distance to the east of the APE (Riggs 1988:49–51). As the area was outside Cherokee control when the 1837–1838 U.S. Army map was developed, that map does not provide detail on the APE or immediate vicinity. The 1906 USGS Nantahala quadrangle is the earliest map that shows detail in the project area; it depicts a road running northeast-southwest along Burningtown Creek with a crossing at the approximate project area (Figure 2). Two structures are shown northwest of the crossing. The 1933 Macon County soil map depicts a road crossing Burningtown Creek similar to the current configuration, with two structures at the western end or just west of the project APE (Figure 3) (Devereaux et al. 1933). The 1935 Burningtown Bald planimetric map depicts a similar road and creek configuration, with a single structure well to the west of the APE (Figure 4) (USGS 1935). The 1942, 1957, and 1976 Wayah Bald quadrangles also depict a single structure west of the APE, which appears to correspond to a standing structure (USGS 1942, 1957, 1976). Soil Types: According to the USDA soil survey, two soil types are within the APE. The floodplain is composed of Dellwood gravelly fine sandy loam (DgB). The Dellwood series is moderately well drained with a slope of less than 5 percent. Although it is subject to frequent flooding, it retains some site potential. The hillside to the north as well as the adjacent southern hillside is made up of the Evard- Cowee complex (EvE). This series is also well drained with slopes of 30 to 50 percent, and is unlikely to contain archaeological sites. FIELD WORK RESULTS The archaeological field survey included shovel testing (STs) at 10-m intervals in three of the four quadrants of the APE, with additional tests excavated for site delineation as needed (Figure 5). A total of Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4 of 12 16-02-0117 20 shovel tests were excavated. All shovel tests measured 30 cm in diameter and were excavated to subsoil or hydric soils or a minimum depth of 75 cm below surface (cmbs). All soils that were not obvious fill were dry-screened through ¼-inch mesh. Standard techniques were used to describe each shovel test in terms of depth, stratigraphy, and artifact recovery. The northwest quadrant is encompassed mostly by a wooded sloped bank that was visually inspected, but was not shovel tested (Figure 6). Four shovel tests (STs #72–75) were excavated in the northeast quadrant along a small strip of land between Left Prong Burningtown Creek and a small drainage ditch alongside Ray Creek Road (Figure 7), and four shovel tests (STs #76–79) were excavated in the southwest quadrant, in a moderately wooded area that ends on a low-lying floodplain along the creek (Figure 8). All shovel tests in the northeast and southwest quadrants were negative and ended either at the water table or coarse sandy loam with pebbles. Twelve shovel tests (STs #80–91) were excavated in the southeast quadrant (see Figure 6) and identified one site (31MA781) and one isolated find (31MA789). 31MA781 Site 31MA781 is a small, low density, non-diagnostic prehistoric lithic site located along a wooded terrace adjacent to a drainage ditch (Figure 9). The site is bounded by the drainage ditch and Ray Creek Road to the north, a low lying hydric terrace to the west (alongside the creek), the APE to the south, and consecutive negative shovel tests to the east. The site measures approximately 35 × 18 m and likely extends outside the APE to the south (see Figure 5). Isolated find 31MA789, which consists of a single prehistoric ceramic sherd, is located approximately 40 m to east and may be associated with 31MA781. Soils across the site consisted of an 18–20 cm thick dark brown (10YR 3/3) loam plowzone (Ap horizon) that was underlain by dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/6) clay loam to clay. The recovered artifacts consist of four non-diagnostic chert debitage fragments that were recovered from three positive shovel tests. Site 31MA781 contains a low density of non-diagnostic artifacts collected from shallow plowzone deposits along a low terrace. While it is likely that the site extends south to the edge of the landform outside of the APE, given the low artifact density and lack of evidence of intact deposits, site 31MA781 as defined within the APE appears to lack the potential to yield further information about the prehistory of the area and is recommended ineligible for the National Register under Criterion D; the site also is recommended ineligible for the NRHP under Criteria A, B, and C. No further work is recommended. 31MA789 Site 31MA789 is an isolated find consisting of a single eroded prehistoric ceramic sherd collected from the plowzone in a shovel test (# 87) at the far eastern end of the APE; additional shovel tests excavated at 7.5-m intervals to the north, south, and west were negative. No delineation shovel tests were excavated outside of the APE so it is possible that 31MA789 extends farther east along the terrace, which widens outside the APE. Soils at 31MA789 were similar to those encountered at 31MA781. The sherd cannot be definitively assigned to a specific series, but is likely an eroded Qualla complicated stamped specimen. Due to its isolated nature and the lack of associated features and intact deposits, 31MA789 appears to lack the potential to yield further information about the prehistory of the area and is recommended ineligible for the National Register under Criterion D; the site also is recommended ineligible for the NRHP under Criteria A, B, and C. No further work is recommended. Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 5 of 12 16-02-0117 CONCLUSION Based on the results of the background research and field survey, there is no evidence that National Register eligible archaeological resources are situated within the APE of Bridge No. 236. Consequently, no additional archaeological investigations are recommended for this project as currently defined. Michal Nelson Archaeologist, Asheville TRC Environmental Corporation REFERENCES Devereaux, R E., E.F. Goldston, and W.A. Davis 1933 Soil Survey of Macon County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Kerr, W.C. 1882 Map of North Carolina. North Carolina State Board of Agriculture. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ncmaps/id/537. MacRae, John, and Robert H.B. Brazier 1833 A New Map of the State of North Carolina. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/181/rec/1. Price, Jonathan, and John Strother 1808 First Actual Survey of North Carolina. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/520/rec/1. Riggs, Brett 1988 An Historical and Archaeological Reconnaissance of Citizen Cherokee Reservations in Macon, Swain, and Jackson Counties, North Carolina. Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1906 Nantahala, N.C./S.C., 15-minute topographic map (1:125,000). 1935 Burningtown Knob, N.C., 7.5-minute planimetric map (1:24,000). 1942 Wayah Bald, N.C., 7.5-minute topographic map (1:24,000). 1957 Wayah Bald, N.C., 7.5-minute topographic map (1:24,000). 1976 Wayah Bald, N.C., 7.5-minute topographic map (1:24,000). Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6 of 12 16-02-0117 Figure 1. Location of Bridge 127 and Bridge 236 Project Areas and newly identified archaeological sites in Macon County. Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7 of 12 16-02-0117 Figure 2. Bridge 236 project area as shown on 1906 USGS Nantahala quadrangle. Figure 3. Bridge 236 project area as shown on 1933 Macon County soils map. Project Area Project Area Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 8 of 12 16-02-0117 Figure 4. Bridge 236 project area as shown on 1935 USGS Burningtown Bald (Wayah Bald) planimetric map. Project Area Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 9 of 12 16-02-0117 Figure 5. Map of Bridge 236 APE showing shovel test and site locations. Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 10 of 12 16-02-0117 Figure 6. Bridge 236 APE; sloped bank in northwest quadrant (from southwest quadrant), facing north. Figure 7. Bridge 236 APE; shovel testing in northeast quadrant, facing southeast. Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 11 of 12 16-02-0117 Figure 8. Bridge 236 APE; shovel testing in southwest quadrant, facing northeast. Figure 9. Bridge 236 APE; site 31MA781 along wooded terrace, facing east. Project Tracking No. “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AFFECTED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 12 of 12 16-02-0117