HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070814 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070515DWQ;~ ~~ 6~ {' l ~ ~ Date ~~SSCX~"1 Who Roviowod.~ ~ ~1~~'~,~ . . ~ Plan Detail7ncompleta - ^ P~baseprovide a looation map for the project. ' ~] Please show alI stream impacts including ali fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the.site plan. • . . ~. Please show atl wetland impacts including,fill elopes on the site plan. • ~ ~ ~ ~ .~,etr ,~ ..,~ ~; ~, .~~ ~~.~ •~!~a vhh~~i L1~ ~ ;6~ ' ~~~,~~ <.'~5;,g~d ~~~ ~~~r~~~~~t~ .~~~~y 5hdws ~ ~ wry ~~,. ~) ~ ~. ' - ,~: . ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts oh the site plan. ('4, , % g ~,,~„~ ~~i,a~1.~~,~,.,,x ~} S. Q Please indicate proposed Lot layout ae overlays on the Bite p1aa. ^ Please iadicata the location of the protected buffexe as overlays oa the site plan. ^ Please Locate a1I isolated. or eon-isolated wetlands, •streaxus and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aqustio life passage. ^ Please locate any planned•eewea lines on the safe plan. • • ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management praettcos as required by (~C . j~ Please provido detail for the stonnwator manageanar-t practices as required by c3C 77^ ~~ •Pleaso specify tho percent of project iinpe~rviouanees aroa based on the oedmated built-out conditions: ^ Pleaseindieato all stormwatca~,o~falle on the sitopYaq. _ • • ^ Ploaso'indioate the diilitse flow provision moaaures do the site plan. . ^ Ploase iadicate,wT;othec' or not the proposod impsata ahmady been oo~ductod. . • Avoidance, and/or Afinimtaatbn i~ot Provided ~ • • The labeled as on th®plana door not appear to be necessary. Please ~elimiaate the . or prbvido additional . informatlott•as to why tie n~aceesary for this~projeot • .'^ This dffioe bolioves that the labeled on tho plans as. can be moved, or reoon$guroci to avoid the impacts to tho ' . PlesBO revise the plena to avoid thQ impacts. , . , •• ^ This't}Lflce believea~th+at the . •labeled on tho pleas as• can be moved or rocen8gurod to;minimize tho impacts to'tho ' . Please rovise the plaice to minimizo the impacts. .' .. _ ~ • , ^ Tho etormwster dischatgoe at tho location on the plans labeled will.not prcivide difl~so flow tln+ough tho buffer because ' ~ . Please xevise the plans end provkk oslculatIons to •show that dii~fise~8ow will be achieved Ohroiigh the entire buifer. If it is not possible to achiova diflbse flova throngh.the entlro bui~'ar'then'it may bm aooeseary to provide stormwater managanpit practices that ranove nutrtents:bofore the atormwater can be diachargod through the,bufl'or. ' , ~ . Oilier ~ . ~ .. ~ ' ' f ^•. The ~plicatlon feo was insuifloient•becauso~ver 1S0 feet of slroam ar-d/or.ovor 1 acre of wetlsnd'impaets wero requestod. Pleaso . provide ~ ~ .' This additions! fee mua# be receivoc~ before your application can be reviewed. ~ . ^ Please comphebo Soction(a) on the appGiioation. - ~'~ ' .. ^ Pleasopmvido a sued Dopy of the application.' ^ Please provide ~ , copies of the application, . copies of •the alto glass and other supporting information: ~ . . ^ ~, Pleasasubmit oleotronic Cp,D Sles showizxg ~ ;.via ornaid to ian.momillan®nomdil.not and CD: • • Mitigation -~, ~ U-(YlOl~rti'~ O-~ ~.~(U~r~l ~.~..Ot 1 t~1(~C~ l,~ 1~~ b-e- ~r1C~~-l'~ '. ~ ~{~16~n: reC~;~ off- ~-~-~,e._, rts~°-s-1~~ `~l.Csc~ . -rhe. G{X~uCtar1~ • ~ of compensatory mitt on is required for this projdot. • Please provide'a cplnpeasatory mitigation plan.. Tlio plan must eonform•to thar~quiranonts in 15 A NCAC 2H :OS00•smd must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ' ^ Please indicatewhich 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' . ~~~ ~ t~o_rir r i~ar i O~n rvufi 9a.~iorl, ~-. ~Et~ ~• . . ~ ac ' ~ ~wu-c3.~n •rYu~ ~ ~ ~n . i~l.~-o~e~. cl..cr~x~,~ -~-~ d~~. ~r~carl«.1