HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061747 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070619~9 car t~~rY ~au~Har ur~,~~rn~~~r er €~~se~~~ va~~~s 1 C~'i C;1~ HALL PtA~A + t?l1RHAP.~f, ~~ ~~?~~ 9'19.5~rU.~3~6 + fax ~19.56U.~3~ 6 w~v.t~t~rhams~c.gov Highland Park Properties, I_LC ATTN: Fred Smith, Jr. 44Ct Riverwoad Drive Clayton, NC 27520 March 1 ~, 2047 RB: Storrnwater Facility t~peration and Maintenance Permit Agreement For the Twa Wetponds at Highland Phases 1A and 1 B Dear Mr. Smith: Please end enclosed a fully executed cagy of the above referenced agreement. This document was taken to the Durham County Court House, on this date, to be retarded and will appear in Book 5538, Page $87: Upon receipt of the recorded agreement, a copy will be forwarded to you. if we can be of further assistance, you may contact us at (919} 560-4328. Sincerely, ~; Rhonda Spivey Administrative Assistant Stormwater Services ("'I Ertc~irretir'ir-rt~ '"1 5tcrt ~Er r Serr"rtes Strec±t Ar(aitrtenanre ~ rr~r,~~~rbra~,~, Q~~~od~~ JUN 1 9 2007 ,a~rmNOSU~os~~ ~sac1 Thar~c~s Are ~fcaper~~r~g fry C1~~rharr~ t f .~ ~~~~ C'i~ c~~ ~r~rFttaa~a f~~~f~ur°t~ta~ja~t ~rf I'a~frfic~ ttir~Y~s•, f~f C'it~~ Duff ~'fu-°.z"a, ~r`r lff~i~~ Lac{r~farr~a, ~a C ~?;~7t~ f f t`. Ft~' f°t, .. °r" ~~,~ ~~~ L~~~fa~~ar-traa~~a~aa taf'1'ta-latac ~~~c~r~s - ~Sit}r-rat f6~~~atr~r ~Se~r-~~i~~c~i T.1i~istc~n, If)1 ~'rtt° f~'uJf 1'fu.i~ ,3"a t~"f~Jf~r~, l P'~Tf: ()F fJI2I~II CP~Rt)I_.I?~rl C'C)t`'~IT'Y" ()k-' I~L`IZI.I~~i~~I T()KMVv~°I'Ek 1 AC°tl.l'T'Y AGI~F<F..MF~i"I" ~itil`~ C:{}~'I"~~~5~'I" VIItSIC~IV {)S?~{l;~ `I't~IS AGREI~I~`1FN'T, r~tetde and. fi:,tttcred utter this~day of~ , ~c~_.y and bet.w•een Highland. Park Praperties, I~I~C. t"l~ert7tittet~") ;i~~~i the City of T~urhatrt, a ~lctrth C;arctlina trtuttic:ipal ecrrpcrration ("C°ity"). F~~rLkr,?rc~rrnd a. This r~~reenteatt cetncerns the. ps~tpet:taal ntaintenance cif a stctrmwater facility {"tltc Facility") {rn pr~~pct•ty oo~rnecl I?y tltc Perrt~ittee, and relatc,d regirerttertts re~ardin the 1~arcility. The City has adopted, asid fa•«rn tinge tit tithe ti~till ad(rpt, stormwater mana~etnertt re~ulatictns applicaktIe to certain real property in which F'ertrtittee. ltcrlcls ~trt interest. That prcrper•ty is generally located cart the earth and south sides of "i"erry Itaarl, i~; approacimately ~l_,St~tl ~~et of the intersec ion of "ferry Road and calybroak Road, is ccrmrnctnly knct~~~n as Iiit;hltnct Igstrk. 1'haseti t'1 and ti3, and is described in the deeds reccrrde""~ with. the Durham County Register of I)ec~ti ~ apt th~~ i~~iittwilt ttt.~e~k ~tnd pa==~. nurttbers: Deed >Firaak 5045, Pate 27. This de;velaprttent hc.re<tftcr is refer°red try ~~, °'tl~,~ I~s~.;pert~''. G'~ ithin the Property may kre a particular tract or group of tracts owned kry tl~e F'ermittee cspc~n wF~ic9~ tPte Pai;ility i~s Irtcated. That proper-ty is found at Plat Book [ ~, Page [___.-____~_.~.._~. aad is 1.,p~"i+~~ct Cdr in thi4 A~reea-tte;ttt as "the Site". Within the Site are twcr stcrrsttwater facilities: 5tarm~-ater Wet Panel I3 dV4'PB) and Stormy°ater ~'~et Pond. I) (~'YPD}. WI'tt is designed to have a t.110-yr, 24-hear starch event surface area and hydraulic depth of 1G,947 square feet and 5.43 feet, respectively, and is generally located in the southeastern quadrant of the site and adjacent to the prapased intersection of Genesee Drip a and Horsemint Drive, `["he Site and the Property may be the same (see definition of Site in c. below}, WPD is designed to have a l0ay°r, 24-hour starn~ event surface area and hydraulic depth of 17,304 square feet and 4.55 feet, respectively, and is generally located centrally within the site and is adjacent to the intersection of Terry l~aad rand Shartleaf l~ri~=e. `The Site and the Property mayr be the same {see definition of Site in c. bela~v~l. l~, The ~C'ity's ~~rdinartces require; that stcrrrttwater facilities be created and tnaitttrtined on scarce prcr~erties- The oa-dinances further require that, before an occupancy pertttit may be issued fur any structcu-e constructed t4•ithitt st Property ~r~~hich includes a stcrrm~~rater 1`acility, the owner rrtust enter into an ~green~ent r~~ith the City tct pro~idc: for the crlreratiott and rttaiartenance ctl'the Facility. Tltis ~greerttent is intet7ded to comply with. that t°equiren~~ettt, c. I9e#-initicrns. The ~r•rtts defined afrctve are supplc,~ttentc:d lay the fcrllowin~; terms, which, as used in this A~reeme;rrt, <tre del'incci as follcr~~~s: "I )irectcrr of Pcrblie V1'c>rkg" means the; City"s Uircterr of l'uhlic Wcrrks err his err her designee. "C"ity Mrna~er'° means the Durhartt ~'ity Manager or• art Assistant City Manager. "F"acility" means tllc pril•atel~r-t>L~~ned stctrtttw,tter cc7ntr°crl facility that is the srihject crl'tltis ~~re:rtttent, rind that Satisfies the recl~ciretnctits cif the City's ordinances acrd re;gulaticrns for such lacilities. "Pertttttee" ntc:atts the liar°ty execettirtg thin; Agre;eattertt w°th the C:'ity ttncl suc;iesscrr owners c7f tktu Site:.. "l'erscan" irai:lcsdcs naturtrl pexrsc~n~;, be~~~~ls.•,~ trtr~t~, joint ~~enttares, governments. gcavc.rnnaental suhdi~~isions, gca~~:rram~ natal a~.~c.rac res, ftrrns, c•orpc-?a<rtrcarass <3~~,aca<rtroras, p<artncrshrps, <and other Ier~<al t,ntrtres. "Property" rta€°ara~; the. f.u-~r ~levr:Ivlarn~nt tla~~t, When rfe~°elcrl3~d, regtrirLS ti stcarrtau~at~~r Facility tc? ~er~re ir. "Site " atae=arrs the cane tar more Ic:ats car trar<ts within the. Property, one cat' which contains the.. sttarrtr~vater Facility, In ra rt~sideattirrl develr:apaaaerat. Brach lots will tae.: those that. are intended to be owned kay~ aII residents, through a honai.ca~,vners' asscaciatitan, lra norr~4~i~l~~~'ri l develcapraaents and ~apartnaents, tlae Site will generally.tac the: s~arrae ors flee Prop<.rty. "Tra~~ ~;r" nchicl, ~ w~~'?. cora4c.~ ;assign or alienate all car a portion tali' an interest in the Site car Pcr:alaert~', 'l`a'arrst`e.rs dcr ~,~ ~ iracltrdc ~acc~rasiticans caf tnort~~ages tar simihu- eaacuraatarances. 2- 1=•"ec;~: Title C) ~iraitara; (.:.canstructicm tray; aecticans acid Maintenance. Thc: Pe.r°rraittce shatll ~~ruse the l'tallca~aFing to tae dcane: ir. At the; finer= taf~ delio~°ering this Agreement executed by the Permittee to the City, pay the. stcarrnkvater pe;rraait fee in the ~amtaanat cfcatcd`nained key the. Dirc:cttar caf Public Wc~rlcs: b, Provide. to the City an c~apinion cat` title of the Pa•operty car the Site, as directed h}- the C~'ity, ley ar~a ~attcarraey licensed to pa•actice law era. North tv'aroliraxr and update that tapinion to the tinge cat` recording this A.grectaaent. The tapinicara(s) shelf shcaa~= that the ptarty car• parties executing this A,greemene have title, era tee, to tyre Property, or° era flee Site. The; Drrectcar taf Ptihlic Wcarlcs shall indicate ~°hc,ther the c~Pinic>n shall pertain eta the Prca~erty car the Site, if such ;are clii'ferent. The opiraic>ra shall indicate nca Iieras or° encuraabranc;es that the Director caf Public Vv"arks de~nas tt> interfere with thc. C`it~°°°s htavin~.? adeclirate security in acccar•dance with Serxican fi. c. ~'cansrruct the Facility in aa;ctarciiance with the planes approved by flee Director of Public l~%car~ks. In the event the. pl~rns depict the phased ~tanstruction of the. Facility, the Perr~aiitee shall construct those irarproveraaents required t~tar the f-first plaa5e t;at a nainirnum) acrd ptast a horrcl ire ran amount r;stablishecl fay the City fear tlacase inaprcavemcnts rater ccan~:tructed prior tca r°ecev~ing a Certificate caf t~ccuparacy {CO} fear the first urger, "1"he bored may tae r°educetl, in tlac; discr°ctitasa of the C."itp°, as errch additiontal }chase i~; corrrpleted. The Facility nau~;t be. eoratfala;tc;cl larior• tt? tyre release taf' the last five CC.)s tree- the: Prcaperty; d. Inspect flee Facility, perform r°outirae raaaiaatenance ore the Facility, and rnak~c all necessary repairs tc:a the Facility, all a,~: clire;cted by ttac Director of Ptitalic Vtr'orks. This shall. include the follow'sng wtark: Ctr•ass and ~'e~etative C'over•. A. Design, install arrd maintain landscaping around the t{atility so chat it will neat reduce the capacity or• hindea- the operation and narairateraarace caf the 1=~acility. 13. l~~Iraintrrin the veget<rtive cover of the Facility to prevent erasion, C. lrjcc;ept as provided in 2 {d) (:i} {I~ be1c~~~°, rnca~~ the area as needed tt~ prev~ernt the: brass and rather plants t:cattaer than. maintained shrubs arad trees} from exceeding ra height caf ttfteen { lS) inche;s. I). I~cep opera chantaels free of uradesirakale growth arad tnairataisaed to the design crosti-sectican arad ~rrc a as shoti~~n ore the Plans, and keep the l~teg;ht caf the vegetatitan can the slopes and bottom frcaan exces;dirae eight (S? inches. t°;, eplace landscrape materials that fail eta live tend l~rcacper, as required by flee Director of Public W car-ks. l/mbarakataerats. Slo es and Daraas. Inspect and repair eraabanlents, slcape5, and dramas for daraaage _~_ fI'aatal ertYsican, 5y~~lt~'~?lat*~~,,, ~atttttlai kacrrrt~EC~s„ attd wCacltky L'e-getsrtrcata. iii. Keraatasal 4rrrd l~ ,i~~~+k ut °I`r~a4h, l:)~bris 4tn~i ~ciimer~t. ~°~. k.eela tlac.l ~;-ilit~t'S tatlt;t structure cle-area taf' al# blcacka~es. l3. C°lean tktt~. cttanne;ks attd ~i;~;•~ ,~~ necessary tca iartt~lide tear the free ecanveyance tat stttrnttit=at<„r air lesi€;nccl. C`. lZerrtcae=e tk;~bris anti sediment as needed tca maintain the pritaaary cautlet capacity ~tnci i~acility sttarrc ~>r>??ira~~' ~~~heta tkte depth caf the F~tcilit~~ has been reduced by mc~r°e thrrtr carte {t } #'t>cat tx~,rta tktc desita d~:p~1,. ~,,r. ,,~•hen the, Facility's sttarae ~mc>lume has beery re.duccd by t~~~eaaty percent, ~#i` ~ a fr+~raa the design ~ ~alutaae. l). Ra:mcal°e ~tll ~;eciirttent fr<am sediment. #'ctrc.b:tys, traps, and katsin~. i~. Insects, f)d<aa-s, ::read Aim ~. 1~laintaira tta;~ 1';.;;ility ita a rttataner tca ccantrcal cadcars anti a#~ae ita the extent tkattt the Directtar to#' Prtblie ti~itarks i?;~~~;rrnrnes tta be nect;ssstry. l3. 4faply, ~r>lac:tt ~tnd as directed by the Directtar taf Public VVcarks, a larvicide apprcaved kay the kyurir.arra +C"caurtty ii<ezrltka Delaartment fear insect ctantrcal, and take lather measures tca ccantrcal insects rs tiir~_.rcl f~} the Directtar tat Publii: Wtarks. F~nr ir~~; 'Vtatktin in dais rl~reenaent i4 interadcd tca prevent the Perraaittee trtam laiacin~ fencing rtnd. tath,`r 4r•crar•ity rTreasures near tar arcaund the Faclity-> prtavided that the Permittee shakl first submit ix:f~arttr~,titart t.srt the. propcased ccanstructitan tta the Directcar tat` Public Works anti obtain her ccntstnt. '1'"he Dr'ectcar tat ukalic Wtarks shall. grant 1>ertaassitan if she finds that the fencing and Bather nac:asures will nt7t interfere with the Facility. l~ltathirtg in dais Agreement is intended to affect the Peraaaittee's tal~alig<atitata, if any, tca cxercase. care with respect tca perstatas who may enter the Site. e. ~°ause floe Facility tv be inslaee.ted, fay a registered. prtafessieanal engineer ur a registered landscaiae <rrc ktitect, can. ara annual laasis beginning tame year after the Facility„ is accepted. by the Directcar caf Public Works atat#, alter eac:la nspectican, t~~ithtaat 4pecific request by the C'ity', prv~ride the D%rectcar caf Public Wcarks with tuwt> ctaiaies taf such. r°efatart. The F'zrc;ilit~«~ is crt~cepteci uptan the Dire char caf k~rztalic V4'carks acceptance taf the as-built plans caf the l°aciht~~. - f. if the l)irecttar caf 1-'ublic ~'carics a°eastanably determines that the .Facility is in need caf mainterrancc. car repair car cattier wtark, slat. shall sea ncatiy the Pertaaittee, wlata shall prcaaaaptly take nc;cessary acticans tca taaaintaiat ctr rela<tir• tkae l~xacility~, int;itrciing dtaing <iny wtark sfaecifie_d by the Directcar c7f Public; Wtarks. _~_ "l~r<raxsfer° caf tla~~_ p___r~~~,t~LL Il the 1'~°r~ra?~i~~<~ prc~c.~scs trx'1`rnnsfr.r any intere~;t in the siit~, the Perrtaitt~.~ ~h~lk, 1>ri{as• tta t•°ar~~i~°~°: <a. '~tatit}~ the intenttctt "1"rartsferee thzt it i~ rt:tluireci tca execute ern A~rc;e.nxent, in a farm ~tplxrcx~°eel tay° this. 1)iret;tcar caf' l'rrblic '4~'r}rks, atxd deli~~er tlxe apprtapriately executed Agreement tta the City, alcang with title {spinirara` r•c:~;arding tlae~ ca~~•rrership by thc'T"ransferee; arxcl b. Il'the itcndetl "l`ransteree is ara o~~tners' associatican, unit cxwner's association, tar hcarraec:awner°s` as~cac~i<rtion. pro ,•idc, the.. l~irc,ctor• cafi' Public ~•`tarl:s ~r scafay of• the associatitaax°s rec;orcled dec:laratiora. In addition, l~er•naittee nxrsst ensu~`e that the declar°atitara pr~a~°icles. i. "1'laat the. Facility is a Dart cat the ctamrtacan element; and shall be strbjei:t tta tlxe ~1~reernent; ii. 'l'lxat the requirements of this Agreement shall recei~•e the highest pricarity fear expenditures by the associati<arx e~c;ept for City atxd County assessments. act valorem property taxes, irxsurarzsue, rtnd atay c>ther expenditcsrt~s t~rltich are required lxy law tca lxave a higher pricxrit} ; iii. That a s~h.~i <~t~: fund shall be nxaintaineti fxy the asscaciatiorx for thc; ret:canstructiort and repair of tkxe facility, separ~rte frtarxa the fund{s.} for routine maintenance caf the Facility anti frcarxx all otlxer farads; i~ . That. tlac reconstra:rctitxn ~xnd repair fund shall ccantaira at all tittxs:s the dollar ~anataunt reascan~ahly determined triarxx time tc:a time by the L~irecttar txt~ ~'ublic'or~s to be~ ad~uate tca pay f{xr the prc7bat~lc reconstrut;tion arxd repair cost fcxr a three-year per°icad; that the fund shall he listed a5 a separate brae in tlxe. asscaciation's hrrtlget; and it shall kae kept ira 4an account. irxsured by the >t~DIf' or by arac:atlxer• entity acct:ptalale to the C)irector cat Pcrbhc V~'orks; ~. L?pcara thc; ~rtate of ~I3 caf the memlaers cxf tlxe cxsscaciatican> special. assessments shall be changed• to eat;lx mcrxalxer tat the. asstat;iatitan, to pay for thc, ohligaticans under this Agreerxaent; ~ i. 'C`hat, to the extent permitted by law, the sc.~sociation shall. next enter into voluntary disstalution urtlcss tlxe facility is transtcrred t.o a C'erson wkxta lta:~ executed an agreement. tf the l'ermittee Tr•an~;f'crs, car• per°mits the Trasxsfer tat, an interest without complying with tlxis Section 3, that failure to comply shall prat. iraaalidate the'I'ransfer, but Transferee shall remain obligated trntier this Agreement. In addition, the City atxay irx its discretion ret{uire the surety referred to 'rn Sectitaxx 4 to pay the City ,came car trll caf` the Face Amount. {defirxed in tiec~tion ~). ~. BcandlS~:~tE, ittrF lrx of°eler to secasre the Permittee's cxbligaticans under this Agreenxent, the l'er•nxittee shall. ira~sxxetliatt;ly tlcli~t c r• ua the. City cane <ar nacare laonds, sureties, tar similar instruments which are acceptable to the City in substance, farm, aril gtaaraartor, irx tlxe~arxxount of see-enty-three thousand, i~ve hundred, and. thirty-one dolCars (73,5~~~1.f~O), whiclx is tc~~enty (2t.)j times the average arxnual maintenance cast for both facilities etambinexl as estimated by the T~irectcar c:>i' Ftrblt 1~'tarks. `T"he bcatxd car° rather in;:trument 4hall rerxxain irx effect permaraenily urales tht~ City caf Iaur•harxa tlay its City Managcrj grad the T'ermittee execute an Agreeaxxent, under the tal'#~icial seal. taf the. City caf' 17urhsxm, statirxg that "tCac. k'erraxittee's obligation under Section ~ cat the Stc>rwater facility Agreement antl C`otirera~nt raxade can [date] bet~~•eetx the City of T)urham arxd [nanxe of Permittee~ taa provide a bond or ta~thc.r irastrnxent liras been changed as hallows [stating the new requirement car that it has been clirninated ~ "' Cf tlae. I)iret°tcar• sjt Pulalic. Vv'orks potties the E'errxxittee that an instrunxent, surety, car cattier gtraranttar is uraact;eptahle tca tlxe. l7irector of l~ulalic 4~v'cxr~ks> tlae Pertaxittee shall, withirx tlair•t~° ("3{}}days substitute an acceptable instrutxxerat, surety, car cxther° trarant€ar or pay the City the l=ace r~nxount. _~.. ~. f~-7t~t tats ~ntrv ~>n ~it~, Thy I'cr~nrittee 17er~hy ~r~rrtts tra the City the right <~(-ita~rc:+s, c~r~~;4, and re>a•e~~ <av~r Land ~tc;reas~ ti~~ i~rcaper°ty and the- `site for the, purpcas~. t~f ttaspectin~; the I°actiity and fear Che purpcasc; caf tort°ircttn~, reiaatrtt:~. F ., i~t~ jra~., ant€ mairatairrin tiae at;iiaty <rnd tv.xrrcisin~ the. cattier rights of the C"ity that. bare. prca~~ac€ed #caf- by this '~ ~°~°,r~:~rat. (~. it~,medies i~or ~~i,}l~{bons; I~ieaa can. Pro aerty~ I~uturc fJbiations Secured. a. if the Perrrritt~ ,-:,ils to perform its cabii~~ations under this A~reeanent, the City ;ty send ncatirc. to the i't::raaaittee tea tien~aand tla<a' ;; sta perfot°m, if the Pcrmittee fKail` to corrapiy with sueh demataci within thirty i3{)} days frrarn the tiara cat artEailirt~f thc'rec~af, the City Wray enter th< Pt°operty and the Site and perforrrt scarne car ~-#€ cat the tivork that. the Pets .iEr;~~ n bas retiaaia•eti tea dca in c~arryin~ out its ob€i~ations undc~a° this A~,reement, sand the City may dta 4tny caf sut;h In c,rk ~ ~ tine l~irec.tcar caf I'uialit~ Works deeraas apfsropriate Co pi<ace the f~raciiity ita propem° wtarking conditican. The I'erriaittc;c: ~;l:~all pay the; City fttr the era:t incurred by the C:aty tea do tiara wcark, includita~ reascanahle eam<aunts, c4ai~°u€<+tti.~~i trradcr €ar°oceciures estah(isheti by tlae Director of°PuLaiic Works, for tine C'ity':: a~-erhead and use of'City cm~aic~~~'e'°V. c;cluiptaaent, and prcaperty. [merest shah act~rr; ota those monetary obli~atacatas caf the Pernaittee at the raft; of c~rae .,•?ti otae-ia<alf percetat t 1 !'z~ r }per nacaa~ath atntil paid. Without litaaitin~ cattier retaaedies aavcaalab€e to the C:itY, itacluditag recour4e tc~ the. band caf° other instrurruc:tat referred to in Secti<an 4, it is agreed that those nloraet~ary cab€i~~ati<ans :shah ht° a lien can. the Site atac€ may be ccaliected as unpaid taxes in ar~ctard~ance ~vitia N.C.C,.S. it{)~1-l~):~. If the City ec}liects on tine bond, iettcjr caf credit, car other instrument furnished pursaaatat to this; A~reetaaetat the pr°ta~.eecis sh~ai€ he ~applieci t<> the arnotrrats duct. uaader this paragraph ataci the 1'errrzittee shall replace Che i7trnGitsec~urity tea the full f;tte ar7acaunt, itt Section 4. b. Tlais r~~r~ ~°r:;t~rat gray iaa enforced ray any remedy available in lati~- or in etiuity, inc_iudanl; but tact lirniCed to iaajatnetiv°e relief. The; a~rnedaes provideed lay than Section. Ci are currauiative, and are ita addition to any cattier remedies available tc} the C"aty. c. The. i'crtaaittee slaali pay an attorney's fee caf fitCcen percent { 1 S~r~) cai'the outstandan~ balance o#' the anacaum o~~=e-ci to the: Cary under Secfiican (a(aj o#'Chis Areemem if the balance is rollec;ted by tar thrtau~h aaa attcarney at l~aty-. Ti-ac liability taf a surety car cattier i'erson guaranteeing the Permittee's cabligataons uncles this tl~recnaem shaall itac°lude srici <tttcartaey°'ti f'cc~;. ci. The City raaay withhoid any car all permits tar other approvals necessary tea complete the development of~ the Prcaperty i#~ the:, Pcrtaaittee hats failed tea perFor its obligations under this Agreement. '7, Reledrse of L,icra b ° Certi#~icate. 4a. Duty tea Fua•taislt a Certificate -- C)n the a°eciuest caf` any ca# the Persons prescribed in suhclivisi<ara (a) {i} helcativ, sand ulaon the ccandition prescribeci by sarbsecti<an tat {ia} below, the I)irectcar of Public Wtarks shad. furnish a ss=ritCen ce ~~ `t~-e~~E° statang the amount of any monetary liabilities ov+=ed by the Perrnittee tea the City pur~4uatat tza this .~~.~re~mcr~t (Ei ~~mther i~~ith ttny intt:resi anci casts accrued thereon) that are a lieaa can the Prcaperty car the Site. _5_ 'ltct ~=f~ty '~'I<ikc~ Re~~ae~t -- Any cif tf~e ftallc~u iaa~ F'ers<>ns ~taall he entitled tca rkyuest tht~ ~c:rtif`ic<ate.: 1'~. Aat octi=ner- of tltc Pr<;:~perty; 13. :fin occuprtr~t of° tltc I'roltc:rty; C. :~ l'ersttrt lta~ in;~ ~t lie n cttt the. Prc~pea•t~,T; [:). A l'crscttt tray°in~~ sr fe~tl interest. ~~r estt-te in the f''rz>~erty; P, A Perscttt It~tvin~ r crtntract in purchase tin lease the Propert}~ s:ar a Pcrsctaa havirt:~= ctantrae:terl ta> niikc to lc?<ut secured It~~ the Propea°ty, F. Tate authatrizd went tta• att«~•ney ctf 4~ny Pcrsrtn cie.scriberf in subdivisions {a~ (i} r;:A.} thro€~~~11 ii. Daaty ctf' F'er5trn :4=fakiat Reyur°st -- The TJirectc}r t~f t~ublic V4~c~rk sl~ail nett be ~•egatirecl ti? f'urni*;}a a c°ertif`ictate rEri'~ ~~ tl~c 1-'crsrtat ta~~tkin~ thc. regrtest specifies ttte name rtf the )?errnittee, specifies the l3ctctk and .Pa~~e iat tlae office c~#` l~e~~i~ter of° Deeds e~hea•e this A~rc:eanent rtt` a ttrematrancluan therec:tf is recorded, <tnd larovides a copy rtt. the first Itrt~e ,,#'thiti Ada°eeataent. lt. Relaanc°~ ctn the Certificate: -- When. rt certificate Itas Item issued as provided in Section 7ta) aboaJe, 4tli at~crnetsu•y liabilities orv~ed pursteant tct this Aft°ec.anent that Rave ace.rucd against the :site. or fhe Prctpc:rty foa` the. l:teritd covere:cl by. tttc cea°tificate shall cease to he a lien a~aittst the Pi•ciperty,, except tee the extent of ixtctnettu`y 3i~rttiiities stattecl tct be clue in the cc;i°tificate> as trt all Yersoits i~tttainin such a certificrite rand theia• successors in rrt~;r~::~t e~~ho i•cly can the certificrite: i. lay ftciyin~ the. ait~ount of mc>net4iry liabilities stated thcreiit xo be a lien ott the Property; ii. 13y= lturchasin~ or leasing the Fropc~rCy; or i'ti. lay lending m«irey secured lty the E'rctperty. c. ~~'ithe~tut luriitin~ the effect of this Secti{an 7, it is agreed that no oral statement inadc by any City eittpli?}fee as to the ttntraurtt of ttutnetary liabilities that are a lien ctn. the Propexty pursuant tct this A~reei~rent shad bind tfie C; itv. S. Warranty, "The l'eratiittee co~lenants with the City, that Permttee is seined ctf~ the Property and the Site in I't:e sin7ple, has the ri~rl~it tct crtnv=ey the: same iit fee simlale, that title is f`a°ee and clear rtf all ettcumbrancc.s, anti ih:at Perniittee ~~=ill. wari~.rnt and defend the. title :i~ainst the last°ful cltiitrts of all persons wlrrtinsctever e:xce:pt for the excel~tioits stiited in the attorney's opinion ctf title pa°«vided in accordance with Section 2 tbl al~t~,-e, ~~. l~Tcttice. ti'Vl~eii ai notice is reclttired r~r permitted. by this agreement, it shall be liven iii writing trt the City= delivered trt t ~e Director of Public Works, Itil City blot( Plaza, Durham, NC 277C}l, or tipon the Perittitte;e, at Hihiand Park Properties, I..I..C, 4U(} Riverwoad Drive, ~l~,yton, NC 2752b; A.tt.en.tion: ltillr. Fret( Smikh Jr. if mailed, the notice shall he l~ty certified nail, return receipt, requested. 'T'hese 4tdclresses mays he criata~ecf ()y' sendin~x ct notice of` the new address attached tct a copy of this af;reentent. 1 #). Alta 44'aiver ctf Preach. If~ the City waives any breach of any cthligat%on ctr covenant in this Agrecntent, that ~~~<~i~=c r shall ntat c~trt~;titute rt a~rtiver e~f any other ctr kuture ttre<tch Elf the same ctr any rather c~tali~;atictn ctr cc~~=cnttnt. 'l"ltc C.'ity's f'arilure t<t eserci~,e <any ri~l~tt trxtder tlai~: r~ ~a~eezx~eatt ~;ltttll not i;<tn:~titute a waiver ctf' that a-i~?ht. -- I la. t~re.~:rtar?rat l3inclira~ until Cit~Vt_aives ~~rr.erraerat. This t'#~reeraaent rand all the ccavenants in it shrall laintk l'earaas9 ~,°: ,it, :rl the C;ity releases l"erraaittee ita writing, signed by the l:)ixector aF E'arblic car•ks, from the abli~rrti~:errs raF dais r~ ~r€c:araent. ~°he C'it}~ ~l~<rll r°ele&ase Perraaittc,e ~rt~m the r~bli~ratie~ns e~f tt7s A~:reen-rent u~l~c;n <a re5kar-arisihle ~anrf }'inrancirilly caka<ahk~:. G.i~t~~~.~tr °araw signed an agreement with the City. The responsibility anri firaaracial capacity c~F rrny srrccc~.,scar• shall be siett~r~a;n~°~l ~c}lel~ hu tkae City in it;~ reaascynahla c}i~cretican. I l b. C°~aven;:ants Nereiaa t~~ craa ~4=ith the Land. The rabligations of~ this :b-greement r°un i~•ith the Prcapc;rty rarac} a~itia tkac Site and skaall kaiaad tall caurr~ers rai' zany interest. in the Prolaert}r and. the; Site. N{awever, where the. City leas. by t~;~r•itte n release descrihed in l l a alarave, accepted. an ra~~•ner rai'the Mite as tieing responsible rand Financially e:apahle, rraad such succcssr~r~ ownr:r awns the:. Site. but nat tlae Property, than. this Agreement shad thercrri'ter run sralely ~n~ith flat Site grad rant with the:. Property. lay way c?k~ exraraaple rand not limitation. all owners cal` arty interest in the Sit~°. shrall he jairatky grad se~~crally liable Co ftril~ill the: Pr;rnaittec's obligations under this Ar~eerrr<,rat as if each c>l'thenr were tlac° I'c;r°raairtee. llnlcss the context other~~°ise rec}uires> the tec•rn "~'trnaittee" in thi4 .~grec:naent incluckes akl such. owra~:rs. l "?. l3enetit tat'thi~; ~~reeraaeaat. ra. The, a}:~}~rcaval by the City or any empirayce of the City raf any }clans ar of any wrack referred to in than Aarecaaaent shall not create: any liability in the City ar its ref#t~ers, cafftcial~;, car etnplc~ye~:s fc~r the ~r}ans car the work; but nratkaing kaerrin is intended to release any other Perscata Fcar gray li<ability far those. plans or wcar•k. b. The., }aeri`t}rraaarace k)y the. City or ring emk~lrayee raf floe City of rainy ulcark referred tra in this r~greeraae.rat shrill neat c°reatr:. any liability iaa the City car its o(`t~ice;r•. 4>ti icial~, crr rsanplrayees for the wcark; but. nathiaag hesrein is iratencieci try rcierac rrtty r>ihc'r }'~~r~c;~wrt`ar any kirrbility fear that work. c. Eair;e}at ira tkae extent r~thenuisc; explicitly pr<avided in this Agaeeraaeaat, this ~lgrec rxaerat is not intended tea 1>e: fear the kaenefit raf'rany F'ersran rather thorn the Parties hereto and their heirs, successors, and a5si~ns. I ;'~, Irati r° _ retatiara o#` this ~ rreeanent, Unless thr° context rectuires otherwise, tlae singular iracludc;s the plurai> the. plural includes the singular, grad the neuter includes the masculine and feminine. "I'lae captions and titles crr~ Fair c<anvenience only, and are not try be used try iraterpr~et the Agreement. The wards "inclaade"' anti "inc.ludin*'~ rneaaa, respeetiveiy, "inclurie but not limited ira", rand "including but prat limited to". Norrdis~:rimintatir>n_I'olic .The City cai' Durham crppose5 dise:riminatican on the basis cai'race and sex and urges all ot` its c:antr.~,;t~ars tea pravic}e a fair opparturaty Fear minorities anal wcarnear tea participate in their wcark force grad as suhcantra~ i~ r ~ <<nd vc;ndors under t_'ity contracts. I ~. Se.~~eralaility. Intl <rlidatican of anv term ar pre>s~•isian in this Agreement by a catrrt of ccarnpetent jurisrlir:tir~n shrall nc>t invalidate the reraaaarirag terrnsRand prra~~•isiaras. [N ~jlTl'VES-S ~~`HER)~t)F, the paarties heretra have respectir°ely set their hands and .seals, car if' cc>rpcar;:ate, have e.xee°uted this r;rnder serak by their prraper afFia:ers, the date first abo~~e written. -7- Fd9~hlanci Park I'rcrpertie~, I,LC` 4°I"a~'I°I+; U~ NORTIi (":~Rt~I.,INri Prifated Name: ~. .~_..~_ ~. C!C)L~NTY C)F TlL~RHAIYI ., }. ,~,_ ~~_ a ~.. a a~catary calalie. tear said Ccatanty and Mate, certify that ~'i ~ laer~;caaa~atly tap fae~ared t}efcare nae this day, (l) stated. that }1e car she i4 ~~ a~aana~;r ~~~' III larwid Perk I'rta`p~a-#ies. I.,I~,C', a liaa-aited lahlity ccan-apan~t vranized and exiscin~ aarader the laws cat` ~tcart}a ~"Gar<alaat&a, {`?} <ac~knca~~-}edged that the fcare~cin,~ instr•aaaaaent caa•rie~; can in the aas~aa} way the business caf the L}..,C ~iaac} ~ ~~ <atkracawled~;ecl e.xec~aatic7ra caf the t~are~cai~a~ ccatatr~act/deed with t}ae City cat' Dua•h<aara can behalf' caf said c~aaaala;:tny. T}airy the:..._.._..._~ da}' <?t Vly c~cara~rrai~;sican exlaires: .x1TT`~ I3~': ~~ ~~~t~i ~ t~ ~ ~'`~t='•~» Ntatary public ~~** ~ ~ ~~~~. ~~ ,fir. ~~ _`"~,y ` "~,,,'~{? ta`#;~ , ~~ g 'I'I'I( (,~+ Li f d~ w_. ~"it t~~}erl~ t~-~, ~ ,~_ pity I1~araaer [~~'~Itax ~~tuniti~a~al deal] t . S'I'A"I"F1 C.}I~ NORTH E',~~I2t:)I~1~^~~'-,.r~ .,°,~ ~ ,,, ~C'~~F~' OF DLRI-IAI~~ b.~. ~~., }, _~~~"... , a aacatary public, ira aaad fcar the Ccaunty ~f Dixr}aam, Ncarth C'<trcalina certify that e'~, Y`~ °-~f r laerscanally aplaeared ~efcare e this day atad ~ackncawled~ed that helshe is City Clerk caf the C'.ITY ~ ' DL~RH.AI~'I, n aaataraicipal ~~arpcrratican, and ihat by <autla~rity daly ~i~en sand as the. act of the City, the carecain~ ccantract wras signed iaa its aaarrae by its """ City'~tana~c:r, sea}ed wit.}a its cc>rpcarate se~al> grad. rtttested by }ait~aselftherse}f as its said City Clerk: car 1~?eputy City C'}erk. l~1 itnc;ss ra~;~r hand seed ncataa-i~al seal, the __~ day c~rf ~~ ' a ~-~1 , 2f}`.~~ °~. ~ ~!l~ c aaaaa~~~a<.aaa ex area: ~`~~ ~ ~ Notary I'uh}ic _~_ DURHAM City of Durham ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'~'~ Public Works Department Stormwater Services Divisions 1 8 b 9 I01 City Hall Plaza, Durham, North Carolina, 27701 ~, ~ Mme Telephone (919) 560-4326 FAX (919) 560-4316 Wet Detention Pond Design Summary Stormwater Management Construction Plan Review: A complete Stormwater management construction plan submittal includes a wet detention pond design summary for each pond, design calculations, plans and specifications showing pond, forebay, inlet and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMAT ON , / Project Name: NJRh~~~ Ft+R~~ .StJalcl/J.~Sfzr~ Phase Phase lA d-lB Tax Map Number: ~ - y1 ~od'I PIN: ~ai~--o ~~ - 0 6a Case #: 00 ~ -3~%S Design Contact Person: ~.. Dr?Lr,~~n1L Q!eotrJ,vt Phone #: (~) 2_~- a 79G Legal name of owner: $U,,1 ~o re sf- 5'u.s !hS' Owner contact: Kef,f-i, ~(`auJ~..l Phone #: (919 19~- 777 Owner Address: / ~ `/ ~1 % a'-6 eRti r~// ~lAf2 (.,~ ~ Pf /~/ ~` /11 C 2 7~S~~f Deed Book Page # or Plat Book Page# for sw basin pr ert For projects with multiple basins, specify which pond this worksheet applies to: PD~I Does the proposed pond also incorporate stormwater detention?~ No Detention provided for: ~( 1-year ~ 2-year ~ 10-year ~ other ~tD 0 ~ R Elevations Pond bottom elevation N6~.3 ft. (floor of the pond) Permanent pool elevation ~ 6 ~ • 3 ft. (invert elevation of the orifice) Temporary pool elevation ~f 6 ~'. g ft. (elevation of the discharge str•uctan•e overflow) 1-year storm orifice/weir elevation y 6q ~ S ft. (invert elevation) 1-year storm water surface elevation y 7 / . S7 ft. 2-year storm orifice/weir elevation ~f 7 l ~ 6 O ft. (invert elevation) 2-year storm water surface elevation 4 72. 16 ft. 10-year storm orifice/weir elevation 4 7 / ~ 6 0 ft. (invert elevation) 10-year storm water surface elev. N ~ 3.9_L__ ft. Emergency spillway elevation N /q_ _ ft. (invert of emergency spillway) Top of embanlanent/dam 476.25• ft. (elevation) Maximum water surface elevation ~{ 75.2 5 ft. (from max. storm pond can safely pass) / 0 0 - Y~Q, Depth from design storm to s R 5 ft. • Lowest orifice elevation Areas Permanent pool area provided 8 / / © sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) -_-f - - Minimum required perm. pool area ~ ~ 1 ~ sq. ft. (calculated surface area required) Design storm surface area _. f._g~~ sq. ft. (Specify frequency event: IDD _ year) Drainage area 13, 2~-{ ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the pond Q~~~oe~~ JUN 1 9 '1007 1METI,AN~A~1 A~~AMATF.R Discharges (Specify only applicable frequency events 1/2/10) j OD ' yk'. Predevelopment 1-yeaz 6. 1 Z. cfs 2-year 10-year ~/. ~~ cfs ~ ~. ~~ cfs ~ C f5 32 CC' Post-development w/o detention ~,l .7 8 cfs S ~~l , ~~ cfs G.2, . /S cfs /4.2. Z9 ~S ~1 With detention LA, P. # 8~ p 3 ~ (. ~ 7 cfs cis Ste /~ , /D. 57 cfs ~,~ 7/ cfs _ ~ S. ~ c~S 2 7, '76 o~'S ~"~. ~~ _ Cl`-S oet c 4 - Volumes Permanent pool volume _ cu. ft. (combined volume of main pond and forebay) Temporary pool storage volume cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay volume 1 S 3 cu, ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Hydraulic Depths ~~~`~/g096~ 2 y ft Z . ~ Volume of normal pool divided by surface area of normal pool Volume of temporary pool plus the volume of the normal pool divided by surface area of temporary pool 4, 3 7 ft. ~7y, G~ 9~/d,956~ Other parameters SA/DA ~ l , D 7 7 ~~om DWQ table) Diameter of orifice /, .~ in. (must provide draw down over 2 to S day period) Draw-down time S 7 hrs Depth of orifice below perm pool /Z in. (orifice inlet depth below permanent pool) Design rainfall 7. g in. C-j0~ -YR- Design TSS removal $J~ % (minimum 85% removal required) Footnotes: 1. When using the SA/DA tables from the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, linear interpolation may be used for values between table entries.) Riser/Principal and Emergency Spillway Information 1-year storm orifice/weir diameter /3..5 in. length -'"' ft. 2-year storm orifice/weir diameter in. length z. I ft. 10-year storm orifice/weir diameter - in. length ~~ ~ ft. !0~ -year storm orifice/weir diameter "' in. length z~, o ft. Principal spillway Emergency spillway diameter~(Z in. width ft. side slopes /~ .l slope~% II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum hydraulic depth of 3 feet) b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the pond volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff for water quality design storm. d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. e. Riprap outlet protection, if provided, reduces flow to non-erosive velocities (provide calculations). f. The pond length to width ratio is greater than or equal to 3: 1. g. The pond side slopes above the permanent pool area are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated shelf with a slope no greater than 6:1 is provided around the perimeter of the pond (show on plan and profile and provide a vegetation plan). ~~ i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. No woody vegetation is permitted on the embankment. ~~ j. A surface baffle, trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. Flat top trash racks aze not acceptable. " ~ k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each pond including access to the nearest right-of- way. 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, a note requiring clean out and vegetative cover being established prior to use as a wet detention basin shall be provided on the construction plan. m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the pond for maintenance and emergencies. Valves used shall be plug valves. A ~RASff Pv~P W ~~-L ~~ (JSE~ t ~ RC6;E~~ 1~, n. Anti-floatation calculations are provided for riser structure. o. A plan view of the pond with grading shown is provided. p. A profile through the forebay, main pond and spillway is provided. Water surface elevations are shown on the profile. q. Riser structure details are provided. ,~ r. Compaction specifications for the embankment are shown on the plan. s. A minimum of 10 feet has been provided for the pond embankment top width. Consideration should be given to the use of anti-seep collars, filter diaphragms, anti-vortex devices, watertight joints, clay core and cutoff trench. Note: Executed Stormwater Facility Operation and Maintenance Permit Agreement, payment of permit fee ($2,000 per facility), and payment of surety are required prior to construction drawing approval. I FILE N0.3D,3JD -' ~ Page of ranghn & Me Ifon P.O. Box 1425, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-6600 219 W. Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 Engineering • Architecture • Surveying 1318-F Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806 (828) 253-2796 1909 Ailor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 546-5800 /1 20468 hartwVell Center Drive, Suite ApCornelius, NC 28031 (704) 895-9051 Date ~ /~6 Job ~` ~ ~~~ ~AI~ 1~- Int. r_ 01~~ B i i i ~~ ~, i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I ,- .. ~~ _ , _..~ _ ! - -~ T_ . ~ r- -- ~ Y-- ~ __! .. i ~ i ~ ~ i i -- -- - '- -___ - ~ ~ i ~ ~ , ---- ~-- ; -- - -- - -.---Y- - -a-- -~--- - -- - -- - ,- ~ r ~ ~. ~ - - ~ i i i i, i ~ i~ I i ~ i ( i i i ~ i~~ i 1 ~ ~ _ _~_ i i _t ~.~ ----' - ~____-~-- i fir, .~~_ ~ ' C ~~~ . _~ 3 .~Z y -~i~c~---__ ~__._ i i _ ~ _- , Q ~--_ - -_ - -- - I F -- - - - - -- --- --l-F- I~ --,- ._ -q---- -~ c , -. i 1-__ _. ~ '~ ~ ~ v'© i_ - -~-- - ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ,.__ ~ - , --- - ~ -; ~ i r -, ,~ ~~ _ i~ ~ ~ i l~ ~ ~ l ~ --- `~ --- ~ --- - ~ --- -- ~ - ---- ,. ---.r_ _ .., _.._ , _._ _ .- - _ _.__ r--- r -- -- , i ~ ~ ~ i __ i ~ ~ ~ - - -- --- - ~ - i ~ ~ i ~_-.__- ___ ~ ._ ~-- ~._-- -- _, ,-- ----~- F--- - - - t _ ,- -- T--- i_ ~ I i ' ~ ~Oi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. - _- ~ - ' ' 1 _ i I i ~_.~ _ - _ -~_ _ ~~.~. x _ ~ -r-- ~ ~ - ~ ' '4'- - - - - - - - -- i--- i _ __ ~. i ~/, d , d ~. - ~ `~' -- ~ ~. ~. ~ ,~ ~ ~ f ! ~~ D5 i i i i =- ' ~, D 7 7 ._ - - T - -_ r- - - - - _ ~ .----- - - ? - ~ - ~ ~ 1_. ~.-_ C i T_ i ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ i .~ i ~ ~ i ~ I -.~- a ~~`~ ' ~ ~. .-._E ~___. _ -.-. ~ ~--7- i__ E _-+-____'-_ 1 ! ~ I i i ~ __- a ~ ___. - -- __ _ -- i i ~ t i-- i ; I ~ i ~_ ~ I ~ _ . ~^ ~_ t i ~ i ~ a - , _ ~ ,_ i ~ i i ~ i 1 6 i--- i.- -_~_.. --. ~ i I 1 ~ i /y/ i .._ ~ ____ _ ._ 1. _ - ~ __- i ~ ~ i i ~.~~e_..i2_~.__ -- - , - -- - , ~: ~55~-1'~' ;1 ' i i 1 _' ~ ( ~ i + -. _ ....__ ~..._... i -- - ...,-......._ ~1 ~ ( i '(1 ~ •~ ~ O I ~1 ! i 1 J r ~~~!~ ~- ---i ----r i - - I ~ j 1 _- l .._ I_, a --.,-_..-... 1 M ___ , ~- - i' -i. -- i i ~p .~ 0 0 0 00 1~ M tfl tn tn l~tnr ~- O IL I~ M NC00 C d' O~ r ~ I~ f~ f~ tf)'O,N e- N f~ O a- OU?I~ ' W ~„~ h O d' r N N O M (D M (O ~I' N o OD I~ODOO .- O I~ O O N to M 0 tA r to .a7 (p.(QOD ~ T r r l'~ r ~.T. T ~ ` Q r >~ O N N O O O tn O (Om00 ~" h tn l~ l~ 0 co e~ d r (p Cp O tn oD M O;s~N N M M N OO O ~ M an > .-. r ~ (~ ~ r N Op f~OM ~- O ' ~ N ~ Nr-tn w, M r M (O OO rn tn~oN ~t ~1 tn oO N CONtn W ld '~: rc-N N M ~' to ~ MrnO T £ C . 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ d O O O O i~ M d' t~ M,~~- tn tn tn h ~ N M~M M to e e > ~ ~+ M fD r M tfl h O M ~f f~tq€~ O O O tn M t~ ~ 1 (O (O 'd' o0.-'f~ ~ ~ e0 ~ ~- r M ° ~ to 00 N c0 r- cD ~t70 N t~ 11) .- e- r N NNM ; N M E O ~ ~ V d O O O O f~ (D N N CO~(O M O T N tn r-~-O (D (D '7 t0 M ~ 00 ~ d' r M o0 I~ N O ~- ~ ~t M (flCDN tn ~-- f~ N I~ M c7_CO ~ ~+ ,- T M M ct 'd' tn~'~t II II ~ ~ ° ~ o o ~. n , _ O ld C W ~ I~ O r O Cp u7 M M ~ t` f~ (D O [t r ~- N M to o0 r N ~ f~ tt f~ ~ ~" 3 ~ O O (O ~ ~ ~ O N ~ I~ ~- t` N ti M -- ~ O ~ ~ w `'"' N N N M M ~ 'tt ~ 'tf] ~ Z O V Q Q F- .y d ~ ~ 00 M O O to N ~ ~ ~ A ~ O M O M (O (D~r * N tn (fl O I~ ~ I~ <- ti m m ~ ~ m ~ M M O tn O pp tn r r[ ~T r~-I~ N Op ~ O tn O tOoON d 01 ~ N r NN N N M M ~I' tn tn~(O t,. ~. 7 ~ ~ O O (q G C V. LL ~ O LL W ~ o mo ~ d' O N N O M (O t- M Md' I~ I~ N O T Cfl f~ tf~0 ' C ~ ~- (p CO M N T O N V QO N O O to N toO M ' r- cr Cp M tn N M t~ c~N tn M ' O tn 0 ~1 O ~ ' ~ t ~ `~ •- M tf) f~ 00 N '~ I~ M t[ ) N r ' .- r c~ i N ea r~ r r N M cl tn C~cD (~ G1 ~ ~ ; 2 ~ V to m O N O M ~ d' tn N 00 M O (D M r tn Nt~ O r- ~f O (D O M M MN ~' d' ti M (O I~ Mc*~ 00 ` ~ ~- M N (O s- fp e- M(D O N t~ (O tn ~' ~ tc~ I~ p ~ $ r ~- C~j r r d'r N r CO i~ 00 0 O N 00 r I O Q. ~ O M ~ r r r CO M T Ch In N ~- ~- a- c- r N I~ 0 O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 ~ N ~ ~ C W ~ v to O 00 O ti' Cfl d' m tn ti Cn O ON tO M O OD O O CO I~ ao M r tD tn I~ ~- nj ~ M c~ ~ O I~ O N CO r tD r- M t7 M N ti to to ~' ~ O ~ ~ M ~ e- r N N M '7 to O Cp CO 1~ M O p ,- > Q Q r c- r ~ O O O CO f~ O f~ N O r'N O O N ~f' I~ M O'tn 0 d ~' O r r l~ i~ r ~[D r 00 (l7 r O ~ N V O ` f~ O ~ O ~ 00 tn rCO r N N ~- 0 0 00 Q N ~+ r T N N M tn~ CO tD f~ o0 0 0 0 c- r r r- ~- 'o C W m O ~ ~ N M M ~ D to CD fl I~ Cfl M O a0 (O 0 c7 ap C3 O I~ T I~ N ti M ~ ~ ti to r> co tiN ~ CO CO ( CO ( ( C ~ d o ~ w Riser Anti-floatation Calculations Highland Park Subdivision Structure: Given: Formulas Calculations: Detention Pond B Riser Diameter 7 ft Riser Height 4.6 ft Concrete Unit Weight 150 ft3 Water Unit Weight 62.4 ft3 Desired Factor of Safety 1.5 Factor of Safety =Volume of Displaced WateNVolume of Concrete Anti-floatation block Riser Area (ft2) _ ~- 38.465 Anti-floatation Block Diameter (ft)' 10 10 10 10 Anti-floatation Block Depth (ft) 1 1.33 1.67 2 Factor of Safety 1.1 1.4 1.8 V o K~ 2.1 1 Anti-floatation block diameter should be minimum 2' larger than riser diameter. d E F= ~ c c ~ '~ N ~~, ~> e0 ~p 3a d ~ o~ d Y Cf ~- `o °' t%1 c R ~ Q _ d H a•°i .N N '~ to N N 3 O ~.- 3 0 m .n m E 0 m 'r:+ m C .` lC 3 a~ -~ m .~ N N (h L s~~ •c co in rn ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. O O 'O N ~ O ~ ~ tq N N ~ rs C > N C C N J !Z ~(9 f0 ~~4='C c33o•~•~ •c az' a~U000 ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ mao~oo.~ ~I-HOzz~ c d (~ rn N N O d ~ O m ~ N m ~ Q L ~ N N ? Q ~ ~ ~ ~ N .~ C ~~ II d ~ N o o E d a _ Q ~ F- ~ U ~ C r N I~ II Q II ~ ~f° a 3 0 0 dC~~ Q O to C ffl O la 7 E U li I- c 3 a~ o~ ao ~ N N L ~ ti ~ ~ N NIO r cD O N ~ ~ ~ f0 ~ L O (O ~ N .... O N1~ N (fl M Q O V O N r a Fo- d ~"' C 3 d O 'C r N W :° F~- Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph i ti d ~. type Hyd(s) escr p on (origin) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 SCS Runoff ---- 17.19 24.83 ---- 60.64 74.37 ----- 106.88 Area 1 -Post 2 SCS Runoff - 17.93 25.77 --- ------ 62.50 76.55 - 109.77 Area 2A - (A.P. # 3) 3 SCS Runoff ------ 4.81 8.07 ---_ __-_ 24.15 30.53 - 45.99 Area 3A -Pre + 10% 4 SCS Runoff ------- 41.57 56.26 --- ---- 121.97 146.25 ---- 202.69 Area 3B -Post 5 SCS Runoff ----- 1.58 2.79 ------- --- 8.82 11.24 ------ 17.13 Area 3C -Pre + 10% 6 SCS Runoff - 5.25 7.79 -- - 19.80 24.48 -- 35.63 Area 4A -Post 7 SCS Runoff - 0.02 0.05 - --- 0.28 0.38 ---- 0.64 Area 4B1 -Pre + 10% 8 SCS Runoff --- 0.43 0.71 ------ ------ 2.13 2.71 --- 4.11 Area 462 -Pre + 10% 9 SCS Runoff 22.88 29.96 - --- 60.90 72.06 ---- 97.75 Area 463 -Post 10 SCS Runoff - 2.93 4.11 -- - 9.42 11.47 --- 16.29 Area 4C -Post 11 SCS Runoff - 5.26 7.58 - -- 18.27 22.40 -- 32.17 Area 5 -Post 12 SCS Runoff - 31.02 40.78 --- --- 82.45 97.46 ----- 132.00 Area 6A -Post 13 SCS Runoff --- 1.87 2.86 ------- ------ 7.56 9.39 ----- 13.80 Area 6B -Post 14 SCS Runoff ----- 0.48 0.64 ------- ------ 1.34 1.60 ---- 2.20 Area 6C -Post 15 SCS Runoff --- 1.17 1.82 -- --- 4.93 6.15 -- 9.13 Area 6D -Post 5 SCS Runoff -- 0.11 0.33 ---- ----- 1.97 2.73 ----- 4.67 Area 7 -Post 17 SCS Runoff - 10.58 14.04 ------ ----- 29.26 34.79 --- 47.56 Area 8A -Post 18 SCS Runoff -- 1.25 2.34 ------ ------ 8.13 10.49 ------ 16.40 Area 86 -Pre + 10% 19 SCS Runoff - 20.62 27.24 --- -- 55.55 65.78 -- 89.35 Area 9A -Post 20 SCS Runoff - 1.38 2.33 ------ --- 7.05 8.93 -- 13.57 Area 9B -Pre + 10% 21 SCS Runoff - 0.83 1.08 ---- --- 2.12 2.50 - 3.36 Area 9C -Post 22 SCS Runoff - 2.05 2.73 -- -- 5.74 6.85 - 9.42 Area 10 (A.P. # 9) 23 SCS Runoff -- 1.63 2.29 - -- 5.33 6.49 - 9.21 Area 11 (A.P. # 10) 24 Combine 1, 6, 22.28 32.49 ---- 79.75 97.77 - 141.15 A. P. # 1 25 Reach 8 0.33 0.57 -- - 1.83 2.34 -- 3.59 Area 4B2 (+10%) to A.P. 2 26 Combine 7, 9, 10, 2 25.72 34.27 ------- - 71.40 84.94 -- 116.27 A. P. # 2 (+10%) 27 Reach 24 17.51 26.49 ---- --- 69.38 86.24 -- 126.45 A. P. # 1 to A.P. # 4 28 Combine 12, 13, 14 194.11 45.46 - --- 94.57 112.45 -- 153.83 Subtotal A.P. # 5 29 Reach 3 2.78 5.95 - -- 23.30 30.11 - 45.97 Area 3A (+ 10%) to A.P. 6 30 Reach 5 1.39 2.46 ------ ---- 8.41 10.81 ----- 16.68 Area 3C (+ 10%) to A.P. 6 Proj. file: Post_050206 Const-100 yr new pond1.gpw Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph o. type Hyd(s) description (origin) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 31 Combine 4, 16, 29, 045.10 64.21 - 153.38 187.75 ---- 268.58 A.P. # 6 (+ 10%) 32 Combine 4, 29, 30, 45.06 64.03 - ----- 152.09 185.85 --- 265.10 A.P. # 6 w/o Area 7 33 Reach 18 1.14 2.17 -- --- 7.85 10.22 -- 16.04 A.P. 12 (+10%) to A.P. 7 34 Combine 17, 33 11.19 15.46 - ------- 35.42 42.97 -- 60.79 Subtotal A.P. # 7 (+ 10%) 35 Combine 19, 20, 21.78 29.25 - -- 62.15 74.23 ------- 102.32 Subtotal A.P. # 8 (+10%) 36 Reservoir 34 3.45 5.77 -- - 19.44 31.06 - 42.47 A.P. # 7 w/Pond A 37 Reservoir 19 5.33 8.80 ------ 27.76 40.26 - 50.93 Pond B Outflow 38 Combine 20, 21, 37 6.47 10.57 - - 33.71 48.63 -- 64.29 A.P. # 8 w/Pond B 39 Combine 7, 9, 25, 23.01 30.24 -- --- 61.99 73.54 ---- 100.24 Pond C Inflow 40 Reservoir 39 6.92 8.76 --- ---- 27.59 30.47 ----- 36.01 Pond C Outflow 41 Combine 10, 40 7.91 10.44 --- ------- 31.98 36.47 ----- 46.19 A.P. # 2 w/Pond C 42 Reach 41 6.96 8.97 --- - 28.01 31.76 --- 39.93 AP #2 (w/Pond) to AP #4 43 Combine 2, 11, 27, 242.68 62.72 ---- - 165.19 203.34 ---- 292.06 Subtotal w/Pond @ AP #4 44 Reservoir 12 10.04 17.97 --- ---- 53.64 68.94 ------- 91.80 Pond D Outflow 45 Combine 13, 14, 15 440.94 19.54 ----- -- 58.78 75.74 --- 103.60 A.P. # 5 w/Pond D i Reservoir 32 10.37 17.75 - -- 58.69 95.46 ----- 199.07 Pond E 47 Combine 16, 46 10.48 18.06 - 60.54 98.13 -- 203.69 A.P. # 6 w/Pond E 48 Reach 43 39.13 58.32 --- ---- 158.04 195.51 ---- 282.78 AP # 4 w/Pond to AP #6 49 Combine 45, 47, 48 60.37 94.85 - -- 274.80 367.10 --- 583.22 Subtotal AP #6 w/Ponds Proj. file: Post 050206 Const-100 yr_new pond1.gpw Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 37 Pond B Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Storm frequency = 1 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 19 Reservoir name =Pond B Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 Pond B Outflow Hyd. No. 37 -- 1 Yr Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Peak discharge = 5.33 cfs Time interval = 2 min Max. Elevation = 471.57 ft Max. Storage = 22,446 cult Hydrograph Volume = 58,176 cult 9.00 6.00 3.00 0 00 Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0 3 5 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 27 29 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 37 Hyd No. 19 Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Pond No. 2 -Pond B Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (tuft) Total storage (tuft) 0.00 469.30 8,096 0 0 0.50 469.80 8,821 4,229 4,229 0.70 470.00 9,111 1,793 6,022 1.70 471.00 10,720 9,916 15,938 2.70 472.00 12,077 11,399 27,336 3.70 473.00 13,507 12,792 40,128 4.70 474.00 15,013 14,260 54,388 5.70 475.00 16,592 15,803 70,191 5.93 475.23 16,956 3,858 74,049 6.70 476.00 18,175 13,525 87,574 Culvert / Ori>~ce Structures Weir Structures IAl IBl [Cl IDl IAl IBI [Cl IDl Rise (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 473.91 471.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 469.30 469.31 469.80 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect - - Length (ft) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: CulverVOrifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage (ft) Stage /Discharge 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 _ _ _ 1 __ _ _ _ __1 _ _ _ _ Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Hyd. No. 37 Pond B Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 8.80 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 19 Max. Elevation = 472.16 ft Reservoir name = Pond B Max. Storage = 29,359 cult Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 76,279 cult Pond B Outflow Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 37 -- 2 Yr Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0 00 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0 3 5 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 27 29 Hyd No. 37 Hyd No. 19 Time (hrs) Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Pond No. 2 -Pond B Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cult) 0.00 469.30 8,096 0 0 0.50 469.80 8,821 4,229 4,229 0.70 470.00 9,111 1,793 6,022 1.70 471.00 10,720 9,916 15,938 2.70 472.00 12,077 11,399 27,336 3.70 473.00 13,507 12,792 40,128 4.70 474.00 15,013 14,260 54,388 5.70 475.00 16,592 15,803 70,191 5.93 475.23 16,956 3,858 74,049 6.70 476.00 18,175 13,525 87,574 Culvert !Orifice Structures Weir Structures IA] IB] [C] ID] [A] [B] [C] ID] Rise (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 473.91 471.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 469.30 469.31 469.80 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect - - Length (ft) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Nole: CulverUOr~ce outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for or~ce conditions Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 Discharge (cfs) Total Q Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Hyd. No. 37 Pond B Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 27.76 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 19 Max. Elevation = 473.91 ft Reservoir name = Pond B Max. Storage = 53,060 cult Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 Pond B Outflow Hyd. No. 37 --10 Yr Hydrograph Volume = 155,794 cult 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 ' i ~ ~ -- ~~ ~ ~ ~_ 0.00 0 3 5 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 27 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 37 Hyd No. 19 Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Pond No. 2 -Pond B Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cult) 0.00 469.30 8,096 0 0 0.50 469.80 8,821 4,229 4,229 0.70 470.00 9,111 1,793 6,022 1.70 471.00 10,720 9,916 15,938 2.70 472.00 12,077 11,399 27,336 3.70 473.00 13,507 12,792 40,128 4.70 474.00 15,013 14,260 54,388 5.70 475.00 16,592 15,803 70,191 5.93 475.23 16,956 3,858 74,049 6.70 476.00 18,175 13,525 87,574 Culvert /Orifice Structures Weir Structures IA] [B] [C] IDl [Al IBl [Cl ID] Rise (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 473.91 471.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 469.30 469.31 469.80 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect -- -- Length (ft) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 0.00 6.00 12.00 18:00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Hyd. No. 37 Pond B Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 50.93 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 19 Max. Elevation = 475.25 ft Reservoir name = Pond B Max. Storage = 74,425 cult Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 254,404 cult Q (cfs) 90.00 - 80.00 -i 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 00 Pond B Outflow Hyd. No. 37 -- 100 Yr 0 3 5 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 Hyd No. 37 Hyd No. 19 Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 ............ 20.00 10.00 0.00 27 Time (hrs) Pond Report ~ Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 6:52 PM Pond No. 2 -Pond B Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (tuft) Total storage (tuft) 0.00 469.30 8,096 0 0 0.50 469.80 8,821 4,229 4,229 0.70 470.00 9,111 1,793 6,022 1.70 471.00 10,720 9,916 15,938 2.70 472.00 12,077 11,399 27,336 3.70 473.00 13,507 12,792 40,128 4.70 474.00 15,013 14,260 54,388 5.70 475.00 16,592 15,803 70,191 5.93 475.23 16,956 3,858 74,049 6.70 476.00 18,175 13,525 87,574 Culvert / Ori1 tce Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 1.50 13.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 473.91 471.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 469.30 469.31 469.80 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect - Length (ft) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0 .000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: CulverVOrifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet wntrol. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) DURHAM City of Durham Public Works Department Stormwater Services Divisions 1 8 6 9 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, North Carolina, 2770] CITY OFMm~ Telephone (919) 560-4326 FAX (919) 560-4316 Wet Detention Pond Design Summary Stormwater Management Construction Plan Review: A complete Stormwater management construction plan submittal includes a wet detention pond design summary for each pond, design calculations, plans and specifications showing pond, forebay, inlet and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMAT ON Project Name: N~gh ~ P~ '` SAS ~ ~~~'~ Phase ~A' Aad ~B -tTjc .- -o~Z o !5"01~3-~606 Tax Map Number: -P ~~a - DI - DD l PIN: Wit ~-02 _ B~ _ E_a~lo _ Case #: Do 5F -3oS Design Contact Person: ,~..~•._t'it!'4fr^1~' Q.2oirJ~.r Phone #: (~) zS,Z- ,? 79G Leal name of owner: $Uti1 ~oPL'Sf Si~fs)rC'.9'1S Owner contact: . Owner Address: Phone #: (9 / %) ~- 77~ 7 Deed Book Page # or Plat Book Page# for sw basin pr/operty For projects with multiple basins, specify which pond this worksheet applies to: P~ ~ ~( ~ Does the proposed pond also incorporate Stormwater detention?~ No Detention provided for: ~( 1-year ~ 2-year ~ 10-year _ other Elevations Pond bottom elevation ~ ~~~ ~ Permanent pool elevation ~ SK. D Temporary pool elevation ~ 8 ~. 6 1-year storm orifice/weir elevation ~ $ L/ • 6 1-year storm water surface elevation ~ a 6.65 2-year storm orifice/weir elevation _'! ~ 6, b D 2-year storm water surface elevation y 8 7~ 2 ~ 10-year storm orifice/weir elevation ~6. 6 ~ 10-year storm water surface elev. y 8 8.67 Emergency spillway elevation ~1~ Top of embanlctnent/dam ~ 9~ ~ ~ Maximum water surface elevation N89, gcg_ Depth from design storm to Lowest orifice elevation Areas Permanent pool area provided Minimum required perm. pool area Design storm surface area Drainage area ft. (floor of the pond) ft. (invert elevation of the orifice) ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) ft. (invert elevation) ft. ft. (invert elevation) ft. ft. (invert elevation) ft. ft. (invert of emergency spillway) ft. (elevation) ft. (from max. storm pond can safely pass) --~~~ 1 R S. S R ft. Q79~ sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Q 2 9 q sq. ft. (calculated surface area required) 9 ~y sq. ft. (Spec fy frequency event.• /00 year) l7. DI ac. (on-site and of}=site drainage to the pond Discharges (Sped only applicable frequency events 1/2/10) Predevelopment Post-development w/o detention With detention ~ A , P, ~ 5J po,~d TJ Volumes Permanent pool volume Temporary pool storage volume Forebay volume 1-year 2-year _~ l, 3~ cfs I R, d Z cfs 3`~~ 1~ cfs ~5.!~d cfs ./0.94 cfs /9.54 cfs 1 D . 0 4 cis /7.9''7 cis 10-yeaz 63, ZS cfs 9y,57 cfs ~$~~ cfs s„3 .6Y _cfs 7 ~ y cu. ft. (combined volume of main pond and forebay) S 6 ~/ q cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) !~ 3 2.(~ cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Hydraulic Depths Volume of normal pool divided by surface area of normal pool 2 . ~ I ft. Volume of temporary pool plus the volume of the normal pool divided by surface area of temporary pool 2.5 ft. X4,393/4606 ~Z Other parameters SA/DA' Diameter of orifice Draw-down time Depth of orifice below perm pool Design rainfall Design TSS removal Footnotes: (from DWQ table) (nsust provide draw down over 2 to 5 day period) Z (orifice inlet depth below permanent pool) (minimum 85% removal required) 1 %2 in. 6 ~ hrs / 2 . ~ in. ~_ in. 85 When using the SA/DA tables from the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, linear interpolation may be used for values between table entries.) Riser/Principal and Emergency Spillway Information 1-year storm orifice/weir 2-year storm orifice/weir 10-year storm orifice/weir year storm orifice/weir Principal spillway Emergency spillway length `-' ft. length ~f . S ft. length Z 2, d ft. lengthy Do ft. "" ~~ side slopes _1 slope % /u~~ diameter_~ in. diameter ~' in. diameter -" in. diameter - in. diameter ~Z in. width ft. II. REQUIItED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. A~plicant's_initials ~~ a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum hydraulic depth of 3 feet) ~6- b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the pond volume. (~~1~ c. The temporary pool controls runoff for water quality design storm. d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. e. Riprap outlet protection, if provided, reduces flow to non-erosive velocities (provide calculations). 1r1~ f. The pond length to width ratio is greater than or equal to 3:1. g. The pond side slopes above the permanent pool area are no steeper than 3: 1. ~1~ h. A submerged and vegetated shelf with a slope no greater than 6:1 is provided around the perimeter of the pond (show on plan and profile and provide a vegetation plan). ~~ i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. No woody vegetation is pernutted on the embankment. ~~ j. A surface baffle, trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. Flat top trash racks are not acceptable. k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each pond including access to the nearest right-of- way. ~--~ 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, a note requiring clean out and vegetative cover being established prior to use as a wet detention basin shall be provided on the construction plan. Pie' m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the pond for maintenance and emergencies. Va~lv/es used shall be plug valves. A ~!-rRSI. ~c~n-~ Wi ~~ be U.S~~ /r ~v<%'Z"[7 n. Anti-floatation calculations are provided for riser structure. --7~~ o. A plan view of the pond with grading shown is provided. V ~ p. A profile through the forebay, main pond and spillway is provided. Water surface elevations are shown on the profile. q. Riser structure details are provided. r. Compaction specifications for the embankment are shown on the plan. (1~~-D s. A minimum of 10 feet has been provided for the pond embankment top width. Consideration should be given to the use of anti-seep collars, filter diaphragms, anti-vortex devices, watertight joints, clay core and cutoff trench. Note: Executed Stormwater Facility Operation and Maintenance Permit Agreement, payment of permit fee ($2,000 per facility), and payment of surety are required prior to construction drawing approval. FILE N0. ~ d3,°D --!~`?' Page of raughn&Melfon Engineering • Architecture • Surveying Date S/.Z~ ~ 6 Job P.O. Box 1425, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 24&6600 219 W. Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 1318-f Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806 (828) 253-2796 1909 Ailor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 546-5800 20468 Chartwell Center Drive, Suite A, Cornell/us NC 80 j3~1 (7_04) 895-9051 f ~i41~.~_cC~___ Int. __ ~O~Gf. ~ ~d~h~'~J FILE NO...SQ~fC~ -f~ Page Z` of raughn & Melton P.O. Box 1425, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 24B-6600 219 W. Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 Engineering • Architecture • Surveying 1318-F Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806 (828) 253-2796 1909 Allor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (665) 546-5800 / 20468 Chartwell Center Drive, Sulte`~A, Corn/elius}~NC 28031 (704) 895-9051 Date .~~~~~~ 6 Job ~f Q~ ~~~~ ~~ ~.~ ~~ Int. l'~sJ GC f/ ~e~Gr ~,~ I ; ~ i , i I '._ I ."r r ~ I Te G-l~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ,~r r!~a~ _.__; . ~~ . _~_ _ __... _4_ _ _ ._ - _-- _ __ _ ._ . 4 I ~ , ~_ . I ! , ~ - ~6 ~9' I ~~__ ~.~ ~ aft ~ { ~ ~' ~ i ~ ~ t . _ _1 _. ,. __. _.. ~ ~ I _~ ___ _ I ~i I ; ... ; ~~ ~ ~~C~c-~ _ ~ .~~ 1~'/_-f-i~ C?/L.'~^'t/'_..1 r ~~ ~'-- ,'. /~{-~..~ ~_ ~tS~~. ~~Q_~~ 1FtC~ _ ._ ~ , _ ,. _ _ - _ _ _ ~, ~; i 'i -, `.~ dew , _ i ~ i I ~~ ~_ ...... __ ._ I ! ,fir j. ,. _ _ ._ P _. ._. _ _ __ r'1 ~_.. i __ ~r s ®' 1~ ~ 1 f S f 1 ~__ i __ _ ~ i_ t __ ~ _ ,... ~ _. ~+^" i ~ i i . i ' - . 1 I _. i ._ I ~ I 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ' I ~ ~ i t i ± 1 t_... ~ :. _.. }.. ~ .. ... ... _ ... .. _ ._.. ..._ .. I. _ . .. ... _. ~ ~ ~ 1 i 1 i I ~ 1 ~ 1 j :. ~ ~ ~ f .. I ~ ~ ~ T j _ . ;. . _... .._.. _ _ ..- , - -- _. I t ~ ~ i 1 ~ :. ,_ _ r I ~ I i i ~ i ~ ._. ,. ,_ ... .~ ..I_ ~ _1-.. L.. .._ ~,.. _ ~ ,.. _ - i - i ! ~ I I _ ; . ~ ~. ~. ~ f I ~ ! j i ~ ,~ ` I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ i '. ; - _. > ~ ~.. J. ~ ~ a .... ,. _... , - - r ... _ _ ~ , ! ! I i { i I I ~ i !. .. I ~ - .I. ~ 1 ~ i + I I ~ i I 1 ~_ , ~ i 1 ~ J i i + ~ I I .. ; __ _i - .. .. __ ... ~ _ _ .. ,. _ i_ _.. ... .....t ~ _ _ j _ L.._.. ~ __ _ L..._ t 1 }~ I t ! ~ j w I s ~ a I i _.._, .. .. .i -- - - ... t I 1 i ~ i 1 1 1 , i i i ~ 1 t ' I I ~ ~ , ~ ~ 1 I ~~ ~ i 1 ~ ~ ~ Y ~ 1 I 1 ' i. ~.. ._. ~. L. ...._.. .._ 1... ., _ ... _ ~.. .__. L 1 { t.. .. ... 7 . I ...._ I _.. .. .. i I i I ~ I ~ j ~ I _, ,. ~_ r ... ,. i j j ~ I I i '. ' I ~ 1 I I I i t _.. _i ..._.. t.. ... ... ._. I _. ._. ....+ 1 L. _... .... _. 1. ._ _ . _. " _ 1 - ~ i I 1 I I 1 .. ' ' .1 I. +. ~ t ~ 1 1 ~ ~ I i __.. , .. ~._._...._.. .,_ .. 1 Detention Pond Volume Calculation Highland Park Subdivision Structure: Detention Pond D Given: Use Double End Areas to Calculate Volume of Pond forebay and Main Pond Calculations: Equivalent Surface Size Ave. End Volume Cumulative Elevation Area (ft2) (square) Area (ft2) (ft3) Volume (ft3) Main Pond 477 0 0.0 478 34 5.8 17 17 17.0 479 223 14.9 128.5 128.5 145.5 480 621 24.9 422 422 567.5 481 1280 35.8 950.5 950.5 1518.0 482 2878 53.6 2079 2079 3597.0 Total w/ Foreba 482.33 3386 58.2 3132 1033.56 4630.6 Total w/forebay 483 5282 72.7 4334 2903.78 7534.3 Total w/forebay 484 8484 92.1 6883 6883 14497:3 Total w/forebay 485 10373 101.8 9428.5 9428.5 23845.8 Total w/forebay 486 12120 110.1 11246.5 11246.5 35092.3 Total w/forebay 487 13977 118.2 13048.5 13048.5 48140.8 Total w/forebay 488 15966 126.4 14971.5 14971.5 63112.3 Total w/forebay 489 17963 134.0 16964.5 16964.5 80076.8 Total w/forebay 490 20031 141.5 18997 18997 99073.8 Total w/forebay Forebay 2 478 0 479 0 0.0 0 0 0 480 43 6.6 21.5 21.5 21.5 481 280.00 26.9 161.5 161.5 183 482 649.00 29.9 464.5 464.5 647.5 482.33 1024.00 32.0 836.5 276.045 923.545 Calculated 483 1332.25 36.5 1178.125 789.34375 1712.88875 Calculated 484 1722.25 41.5 1527.25 1527.25 340.13875 Calculated Forebay 1 480 2 481 67 8.2 34.5 34.5 34.5 482 252 15.9 159.5 159.5 194 482.33 289.00 17.0 270.5 89.265 283.265 Calculated 483 441.00 21.0 365 244.55 527.815 Calculated 484 676.00 26.0 558.5 558.5 1086:315 Calculated Total Permanent Pool Volume: 18743:8 Forebay Volume: 4326.45 forebay 23.08% d ~_ H ~ _ C ~ '~ H d1 ~> d ~ ~ N d ~ ~ ~ ~a ~~ v~ c o as a= C O ~.. Od 7 V 3 L ~ ~ ~ C rn c~ cfl ~ ~ ~n N ~ O O ~- T 0 "~ N ~ ~ Q ~ a~ O app ~ a~ 0 ~ ~ ~.+ ~ L ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ .C C ,~ J Q ~ ''~'' +O. ~ U U rnca m mww.~ '~ m a3iUp`p~ ~ ~ ~ w o o ~ N O O ~~ 0 0 OHF-OZZ~ C d rn _ ti N N 0 a -, d ~ ~ d °' Q t S E ~ N N - ~ '~ Q s ~ O L 0 ~ d ~ v~ (~ ~ II ° m y_ o ~ O ~ ~ a a ~ i=~ U ~ ~ ~ N m „ ~ ° Q U N N ~ ~ N U ~ _ O N ! - OC~ oQ O y H O ' ~ 4 3 V ~ Li V rn c .` fQ ~ '? s ao ao ~ ca m E H NIO r L r` cn O r m ~` L O ~ N ._. O NI~D N ca f'7 N O ~ O !Z O H m a~ C ~L r m 0 .a E w O H y X O N O of O a° 0 c a`> N m E H O Riser Anti-floatation Calculations Highland Park Subdivision Structure: Detention Pond B Given: Riser Diameter 7 ft Riser Height 4.75 ft Concrete Unit Weight 150 ft3 Water Unit Weight 62.4 ft3 Desired Factor of Safety 1.5 Formulas: Factor of Safety =Volume of Displaced WaterNolume of Concrete Anti-floatation block Riser Area (ft2) = 38.465 Calculations: Anti-floatation Block Anti-floatation Block Factor of Diameter (ft)' Depth (ft) Safety 10 1 1.0 10 1.33 1.4 10 1.5 1.5 ~ O.K• 10 2 2.1 1 Anti-floatation block diameter should be minimum 2' larger than riser diameter. Orfice Time_ Riser Antifloat Pond D_071206.x1s Hydrograph Return Period Recap H d drograph H Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph y . y description i, type Hyd(s) (origin) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 SCS Runoff ---- 17.19 24.83 ------ ---- 60.64 74.37 - 106.88 Area 1 -Post 2 SCS Runoff ---- 17.93 25.77 ---- --- 62.50 76.55 ----- 109.77 Area 2A - (A.P. # 3) 3 SCS Runoff -- 4.81 8.07 - -- 24.15 30.53 -- 45.99 Area 3A -Pre + 10% 4 SCS Runoff -- 41.57 56.26 - -- 121.97 146.25 - 202.69 Area 3B -Post 5 SCS Runoff 1.58 2.79 - - 8.82 11.24 - 17.13 Area 3C -Pre + 10% 6 SCS Runoff - 5.25 7.79 19.80 24.48 35.63 Area 4A -Post 7 SCS Runoff - 0.02 0.05 - ----- 0.28 0.38 - 0.64 Area 461 -Pre + 10% 8 SCS Runoff - 0.43 0.71 -- --- 2.13 2.71 -- 4.11 Area 4B2 -Pre + 10% 9 SCS Runoff -- 22.88 29.96 -- -- 60.90 72.06 ------- 97.75 Area 463 -Post 10 SCS Runoff -- 2.93 4.11 ----- --- 9.42 11.47 --- 16.29 Area 4C -Post 11 SCS Runoff -- 5.26 7.58 - -- 18.27 22.40 ---- 32.17 Area 5 -Post 12 SCS Runoff -- 31.02 40.78 --- --- 82.45 97.46 ---- 132.00 Area 6A -Post 13 SCS Runoff --- 1.87 2.86 --- ------ 7.56 9.39 ----- 13.80 Area 6B -Post 14 SCS Runoff ------ 0.48 0.64 ------ ------ 1.34 1.60 ------ 2.20 Area 6C -Post 15 SCS Runoff ------ 1.17 1.82 -- ---- 4.93 6.15 --- 9.13 Area 6D -Post 5 SCS Runoff ------ 0.11 0.33 ------ -____ 1,g7 2.73 --- 4.67 Area 7 -Post 17 SCS Runoff -- 10.58 14.04 -- -- 29.26 34.79 -- 47.56 Area 8A -Post 18 SCS Runoff ---- 1.25 2.34 -- -- 8.13 10.49 ------ 16.40 Area 8B -Pre + 10% 19 SCS Runoff - 20.62 27.24 - -- 55.55 65.78 - 89.35 Area 9A -Post 20 SCS Runoff --- 1.38 2.33 -- -- 7.05 8.93 --- 13.57 Area 96 -Pre + 10% 21 SCS Runoff ----- 0.83 1.08 -- -- 2.12 2.50 -- 3.36 Area 9C -Post 22 SCS Runoff -- 2.05 2.73 ----- --- 5.74 6.85 -- 9.42 Area 10 (A. P. # 9) 23 SCS Runoff 1.63 2.29 -- ---- 5.33 6.49 --- 9.21 Area 11 (A.P. # 10) 24 Combine 1, 6, 22.28 32.49 - ---- 79.75 97.77 -- 141.15 A. P. # 1 25 Reach 8 0.33 0.57 ------- 1.83 2.34 ---- 3.59 Area 462 (+10%) to A.P. 2 26 Combine 7, 9, 10, 2 25.72 34.27 - --- 71.40 84.94 ---- 116.27 A. P. # 2 (+10%) 27 Reach 24 17.51 26.49 - -- 69.38 66.24 --- 126.45 A. P. # 1 to A.P. # 4 28 Combine 12, 13, 14 1514.11 45.46 - 94.57 112.45 - 153.83 Subtotal A.P. # 5 29 Reach 3 2.78 5.95 - - 23.30 30.11 - 45.97 Area 3A (+ 10%) to A.P. 6 30 Reach 5 1.39 2.46 ----- - 8.41 10.81 - 16.68 Area 3C (+ 10%) to A.P. 6 Proj. file: Post_050206 Const-100 yr_new pond1.gpw Monday, Jul 17 2006, 2:28 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outfl ow (cfs) Hydrograph description ~. type (origin) Hyd(s) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 31 Combine 4, 16, 29, 045.10 64.21 ----- 153.38 187.75 --- 268.58 A.P. # 6 (+ 10%) 32 Combine 4, 29, 30, 45.06 64.03 ------ 152.09 185.85 ------ 265.10 A.P. # 6 w/o Area 7 33 Reach 18 1.14 2.17 -- ---- 7.85 10.22 ------ 16.04 A.P. 12 (+10%) to A.P. 7 34 Combine 17, 33 11.19 15.46 -- ------- 35.42 42.97 --- 60.79 Subtotal A.P. # 7 (+ 10%) 35 Combine 19, 20, 21.78 29.25 ----- ----- 62.15 74.23 102.32 Subtotal A.P. # 8 (+10°k) 36 Reservoir 34 3.45 5.77 ----- ---- 19.44 31.06 ----- 42.47 A.P. # 7 w/Pond A 37 Reservoir 19 5.33 8.80 --- 27.77 40.39 50.92 Pond B Outflow 38 Combine 20, 21, 37 6.46 10.56 ---- --- 33.71 48.62 ----- 64.29 A.P. # 8 w/Pond B 39 Combine 7, 9, 25, 23.01 30.24 -- ---- 61.99 73.54 ---- 100.24 Pond C Inflow 40 Reservoir 39 6.92 8.76 ----- ----- 27.59 30.47 -- 36.01 Pond C Outflow 41 Combine 10, 40 7.91 10.44 --- ---- 31.98 36.47 ---- 46.19 A.P. # 2 w/Pond C 42 Reach 41 6.96 8.97 --- ---- 28.01 31.76 -- 39.93 AP #2 (w/Pond) to AP #4 43 Combine 2, 11, 27, 242.68 62.72 -- -- 165.19 203.34 -- 292.06 Subtotal w/Pond @ AP #4 44 Reservoir 12 10.04 17.97 ---- ------ 53.64 68.94 ---- 91.80 Pond D Outflow 45 Combine 13, 14, 15 440.94 19.54 ----- ------- 58.78 75.74 ------ 103.60 A.P. # 5 wlPond D 3 Reservoir 32 10.37 17.75 ------ ---- 58.69 95.46 ------- 199.07 Pond E 47 Combine 16, 46 10.48 18.06 -- ------- 60.54 98.13 -- 203.69 A.P. # 6 w/Pond E 48 Reach 43 39.13 58.32 ------ ----- 158.04 195.51 ----- 282.78 AP # 4 w/Pond to AP #6 49 Combine 45, 47, 48 60.37 94.85 -- ---- 274.80 367.10 ------ 583.22 Subtotal AP #6 w/Ponds Proj. file: Post_050206 Const-100 yr new pond1.gpw Monday, Jul 17 2006, 2:28 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by IntelisoNe Monday, Ju117 2006, 2:28 PM Hyd. No. 44 Pond D Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 10.04 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 12 Max. Elevation = 486.65 ft Reservoir name = Pond D Max. Storage = 29,188 cult Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 80,668 cult Pond D Outflow Q (cfs) Q (cfs Hyd. No. 44 -- 1 Yr - - 35.00 35.00 _._ ..._._........ -_ .-_......_... - 0.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 _ _ __ -_ 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 __._ _ __ ___ 10.00 10.00 00 5 __ _ .- -- -- ~----- -- --- ~ --, 5.00 . 00 0 0.00 . 0 3 5 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 27 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 44 Hyd No. 12 e Pond Report Monday, Jul 17 2006, 2:28 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Pond No. 4 -Pond D Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour a reas. Average end area method used. Stage I Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (tuft) Total storage (cult) 00 484.00 0 8,456 0 0 . 00 485.00 1 10,373 9,415 9,415 . 00 486.00 2 12,120 11,247 20,661 . 00 487.00 3 13,977 13,049 33,710 . 00 488.00 4 15,966 14,972 48,681 . 00 489.00 5 17,963 16,965 65,646 . 00 490.00 6 20,031 18,997 84,643 . 7.00 491.00 22,167 21,099 105,742 8.00 492.00 22,167 22,167 127,909 Culvert /Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A1 IBI [C] ID] IA] [Bl [C] IDl Rise (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 488.75 486.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 484.00 484.60 484.01 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect - -- Length (ft) = 140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multistage = n/a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0. 000 inlhr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: CulverUOr~ce outFlows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 -'- 0.00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 Total Q i i ' ' ' 0.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 Discharge (cfs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 2:28 PM Hyd. No. 44 Pond D Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 17.97 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 12 Max. Elevation = 487.20 ft Reservoir name = Pond D Max. Storage = 36,730 cult Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 105,489 cult Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Ju117 2006, 2:28 PM Pond No. 4 -Pond D Pond Data Pond storage is based on k nown contour a reas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (tuft) Total storage (cult) 0.00 484.00 8,456 0 0 1.00 485.00 10,373 9,415 9,415 2.00 486.00 12,120 11,247 20,661 3.00 487.00 13,977 13,049 33,710 4.00 488.00 15,966 14,972 48,681 5.00 489.00 17,963 16,965 65,646 6.00 490.00 20,031 18,997 84,643 7.00 491.00 22,167 21,099 105,742 8.00 492.00 22,167 22,167 127,909 Culvert /Orifice Structures Weir Structures IAl IBl IC] IDl IAl IBl [Cl IDl Rise (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 488.75 486.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 484.00 484.60 484.01 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect --- --- Length (ft) = 140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: CulverUOrifice ouHlows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 ~-- 0.00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 8.00 10.00 20.00 Total Q 6.00 4.00 2.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 ~ ' ' ' ' 0.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 Discharge (cfs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 2:28 PM Hyd. No. 44 Pond D Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 53.64 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 12 Max. Elevation = 488.67 ft Reservoir name = Pond D Max. Storage = 60,125 cult Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) Q (cfs) 90.00 _._ __. 90.00 _ 00 80 80.00 ............. .. __ _ . _ _ __ .. _ ......... .......___... . .............. _ ... ... .........._...._ . ............... . ___ 0 00 70.00 __ __ _ __ _ _ . . . _ _ ......_...... __ ..... _ _. ............ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ __ _ _ ........_ ................. .. . __ __ 0 0 60.00 __ __ ___ _. . _ _ .._. __ .......... __ _ 50 00 50.00 _ . _ _ 00 40 40.00 _. _ _ _ ._ _ __ __ . __ _ _ _ -- - - --- -- -- - 30 00 30.00 __ . 20 00 20.00 . 10 00 10.00 . 0 00 0.00 0 Hydrograph Volume = 214,194 tuft Pond D Outflow Hyd. No. 44 -- 10 Yr 2 5 Hyd No. 44 7 9 Hyd No. 12 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) Pond Report F Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 2:28 PM Pond No. 4 -Pond D Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cult) 00 484.00 0 8,456 0 0 . 00 485.00 1 10,373 9,415 9,415 . 00 486.00 2 12,120 11,247 20,661 . 00 487.00 3 13,977 13,049 33,710 . 00 488.00 4 15,966 14,972 48,681 . 00 489.00 5 17,963 16,965 65,646 . 6.00 490.00 20,031 18,997 84,643 00 491.00 7 22,167 21,099 105,742 . 8.00 492.00 22,167 22,167 127,909 Culvert I Orifice Structures Weir Structures IAl LBl [CI ID] IAl IBl [Cl IDl Rise (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 488.75 486.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert EI. (ft) = 484.00 484.60 484.01 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect - - Length (ft) = 140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Slope (%) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = n!a Yes Yes No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: CulverUOrifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I- 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 Discharge (cfs) Total Q Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 44 Pond D Outflow Hydrograph type =Reservoir Storm frequency = 100 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 12 Reservoir name =Pond D Storage Indication method used. Monday, Jul 17 2006, 8:35 PM Peak discharge = 91.80 cfs Time interval = 2 min Max. Elevation = 489.88 ft Max. Storage = 82,423 cult Hydrograph Volume =348,661 tuft Pond D Outflow Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 44 - 100 Yr Q (cfs) 140.00 140.00 120.00 _ 120.00 _. 100.00 100.00 i 80.00 80.00 _.._. __ _ __ __ _ __ __ 60.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 __ __ _ __ 20.00 20.00 0.00 - -- - 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 44 Hyd No. 12 Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Monday, Jul 17 2006, 8:35 PM Pond No. 4 -Pond D Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage /Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (tuft) Total storage (tuft) 0.00 484.00 8,456 0 0 1.00 485.00 10,373 9,415 9,415 2.00 486.00 12,120 11,247 20,661 3.00 487.00 13,977 13,049 33,710 4.00 488.00 15,966 14,972 48,681 5.00 489.00 17,963 16,965 65,646 6.00 490.00 20,031 18,997 84,643 7.00 491.00 22,167 21,099 105,742 8.00 492.00 22,167 22,167 127,909 Culvert /Orifice Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 Span (in) = 42.00 18.00 1.50 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 1 0 Invert EI. (ft) = 484.00 484.60 484.01 0.00 Length (ft) = 140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multistage = n/a Yes Yes No Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Crest Len (ft) = 22.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 488.75 486.60 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Weir Type =Riser Rect - ~- Multi-Stage =Yes Yes No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: CulverUOrifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for or~ce conditions. Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 Stage /Discharge Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 {V 0.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) FILE N0..~ ~~.~` ~` Page ~ of raugl/n & Me Ifon P.O. Box 1425, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-6600 219 W. Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 Engineering • Architecture • Surveying 1318-F Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 26806 (828) 253-2796 1909 Ailor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 546-5600 ~~~// 1 // 20468 Chartwell Center Drive, Suite A'^,,Cornelius, NC 28031 (704) 895t-9051 Date ~~~/ ®~ Job %1'fCa~l(",.~~ ~~~ ~~ Int. b-ft~'i~'~~G?~-~ _'~~'~~~ -~ s ~~ (5 ~y- i ~ _._..- i ! ~ 1 ~ ~ i i ~ i . ~ ~~ rf ~F~.. 1 .. s.._ 1 - - , _ t 1 1 i. __... F... ~. i._-- i ..- { C~1~v~~ .~~ ...~ ,. ,, I~ . _, __,.. ~) _[ ~ z~ ,_ . -- I ; i; _ ; i ._.. 1 j i._.__- I ' ~ ~ - ~ -- - ~- i I i 1 ~ - 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ,.. , ~ / /A ;~ ~"-C - I ~ ~ _ - ^i ~ C.-' 1- ~ ~ i , i i i-.. ~ ..1 ~. _. ~ _. -.. ~~ ~ ~_ (~ ~/ ~.3 ~ F ... ' ~i'~ +I =f C~ ~ ~ l F.~ J'J ..1 ~ C.,-. ~ E~p'+.~_~ ~~! -~ '~ fc~"i/"'~''~~,, ~ ~ ~ i ~/r~l!.,~ i f.r~ ~~ E ~ .r ~{ f ice, C... ~ I `~~ `~~ ._ ,~~~ ~n ~ i. /! 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Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 Engineering • Architecture • Surveying 1318-F Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806 (828) 253-2796 1909 Ailor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 546-5800 f l~ 2p46 Chartwell Center Drive, Suite A, Cornelius, NC 28031 (7D4) 895-9051 Date ~~~~~ P Job a f f ~~ ~~~.f ~ f ~` ~ ~~ Int. ~lt~fC~~1„~ - ~s~~~~' ~.~°r'~ -. f ~F' ._... .._.. .,f .. - ...- 1 ~ ~ 4 r~+ r 1 1 ~.v .. . ,. ~ . r.._. :, ~ `'~, ._ - ~ '~~ ~_, i ~ ~ , ~ ,. ( i ~~ ~ t i ^+~ .a- ' ' ~ •- . -~ ~_ - i _. 6~ ~..:.~~ 1 ~ i FILE N0. ~~P.JG~f ~~ f Page of Vaughn &Melfon P,O. Box 1425, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-6600 219 W. Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 - Engineering • Architecture • Surveying 1318-F Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28606 (828) 253-2796 1909 Allor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 546-5800 2046 Chartweli Center Drive, Suite A, Cornelius, NC 28031 (704) 895-9051 t t Date ~~~~~ p Job ~r?;t~;;, ~~ ~~~ ~ Int. ~ttF~ ~'J~ ~~~~~ i ~ ' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ___ ._. __ _C~'~ _ - - - ~ f~~ I ~-. r 1_ I .' ~. i ' i - - I'-'--i _ - -. . I i ~ > ,. 1 . . ,.. , ..p. I. ~ I r ,.__._. ~ ~ ~ ~.~_.. ,.. ._ ! _ ~._ ~. _ ' i ~ ~ I I ~ I : ~ i I : ~ , i ,, ~ ~ i , : ~ : , i ~ I , I i : I I 1 ~ 1 ' 1 1 i I _. I. _ ~ - - , , ~ ~ I , ., . ,, _. - - -- - , I , I ~ ,,.;~ : , //{ I ,~ i i -_ _._.. _.- i .... ... ,... ... _ .. .... _ .. ._.. .. I ... , ~e~ I _- _ ~~~ : _ _ ~ l ._ . __ ~, .I 1 .. _ 1 ~ i fpl -- f --~ ~ v l • ! .. __ ~ .... _S J. .._ _ _ -- ,,' '~1 , f~- _. i ' i , ~~ ~' + _ _. _ _ _.. ~ i.. _ __ _ .. : i , - ,sue I j' ~ ~f ~ I S~ r_~ ~ ~ , ~.~~~. 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Depot Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-0271 Engineering • Architecture • Surveying 1318-F Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28606 (628) 253-2796 1909 Allor Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 545800 l / / / /20468 Charfwell Center Drive, Sutte A, Cornelius, NC 28031 (704) 695d-9051 Date 5 ~ b ~ Job r~iaE+ f~.c>;G( ~~l1~1~ ~~ int. ~bflC'~~'>J..li'" - ~r~,/1?'~ ,~~] ~~ .__. ._,. , r ; .._. ~ rz,~ ~ __..... _.. _ _ _,___.. _.... _. ~._.._ - - -- 1 .. .._... ~_ ._.i ._.~ ~ _ , i_..._ _...__ ~.__ . _i._ ._ _ ____ __ 1 ~' i 1 . ~,~ _. ~'''~ i ~„ 1 - 'r '._ _. _ 1 i j ..~ ''~ t1 1 raj i _.. .~..... .. f _.. .. .__., _._.-t. - __ -~~. i ~ ~ i i ` `L 1 i I ~ _._ ~ ~_ r i :,' i i it t ~i 1 i t , __ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ `,, 1 _ _. .. _ - 1 ~__ ~ ~ - ~ - ,_ ._ _ __ ~,.,_ 1 , 3 -_ _, - - _ _ i r'. .. .. . 1 __ .. _, .. .. _.... ;.. .j. i i i I i 1 1 1 ,. .. ~ ._. .... _.. ~ ~ 1 ._ t..._. _ .. ~ ~ . 2 _. 1 . _. .. i... -4.. ! . 1 1 ~ _. -__ 1. .. . __.. ,_ }-. 1 h ~ i f' 1 ~ 1 ~ ( ! ? 1 i , t 1 I ~.. ..._ i I I ; ~ 1 ~ 1 i ~ I + 1 ! ` ~ i 1 1 1 ' t ., I i .,_. .. j ~ ~ 1 I 1 1 1 ; I 1 j 1 1 1 .. ~ ~ ~ i. ~ ~ 1 ... 1. ).__ ~ i i 1 ~ __..~ _.. ~ ~ . ~ ._...... ~_ _... ~ '. i 1 j ~ 1 ~. .. ~...... ..1 ..... L_... .. ).. _ _ ... ~ _ .. 1 __._. I _ __ .. _. _., ., ~ I f 1 _._. 3. .__ i __._. _. _ _... __ _ _. _ 1__. ~ .. ! ~ ~ i ~ ,. i _ ~ ' ; .._ _ !.__ r. _ .i.._ I. 1. __. _. i 1 , i ~ ' 1 1 _} i.--- - - _. __.. _ .j..___...i. ... a.._ .. .. ..... i ~ 1 ~ r' L 1 1 ~ f I __ I '. _ ~ l _ 1 ~ _ _ 1 1-__. __ ___ .._ ~ ~ i ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ i 1 1 ~ ~ ._ i. _ 1 .. ~_ . 1 1 , 1 _ _... ~_..__ 1 !_ i 1 ~ __ _, 1 ,_ ~_... ~_..1 _ _ _ - _ __ TRACTNE STRESS DESIGN OF STABLE CHANNELS ~ Project Name: Highland Park Subdivision __ Channel Name Diversion 1 (100 yr Rainfall) Step 1 -Determine channel geometry and slope (Only enter top width for parabolic section). Channel Channel X-Section Peak Bottom Width Side Slope Top Width Reach (Trapezoidal or Parabolic) Discharge (cfs) (ft) (Z:1) (ft) Slope (ft/ft) 1-A Tra ezoidal 13.6 3 3 0.05 1-B Tra ezoidal 13.6 3 3 0.005 1-C Tra ezoidal 13.6 4 3 0.025 Step 2 -Determine normal flow depth (for Peak Q) by trial and error using Manning Equation. (Begin by using "n" value for bare earth (0.02) and if V> 2.0 adjust bottom width for trapezoidal channel and add channel lining.) Channel Reach Channel Lining (Tables 8.05e & 8.05f) Manning "n" Trial Flow Depth (ft) Velocity (Manning) Flow Area (ft2) Discharge (cfs) 1-A Class "I" Riprap (10") 0.069 0.8 3.19 4.32 13.76 1-B Straw with Net 0.033 1 2.38 6.00 14.28 1-C Straw with Net 0.033 0.6 4.17 3.48 14.51 Step 3 -Determine tractive shear stress (T = y*d*s) and compare to permissible shear stress. (Adjust channel geometry or channel lining if calculated shear tractive shear stress > permissible.) Channel Reach Channel Lining Calculated Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Permissible Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Calculated Stress Less Than Permissible Stress 1-A Class "I" Riprap (10") 2.50 3.33 Yes 1-B Straw with Net 0.31 1.45 Yes 1-C Straw with Net 0.94 1.45 Yes Step 4 - If channel has a curve in it calculate tractive stress in curve and compare to permissible value. Curve (Bend) Shear Stress =Bend Factor (Kb) '` Tractive Stress (Straight Channel) Bend Factor from Figure 8.05e Channel Bend Factor Curve Shear Reach with Bottom Width (Kb from Fig. Stress (Kb Less than Curve Curve Radius (Rc) (B) 8.05e) *Td) Permissible 1-A 30 3.00 1.05 2.62 es Step 5 - Add a minimum of 0.5 feet of freeboard to all channel depths. Design procedure from NC "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual". Tractive Stress Design_Diversion 1.xls TRACTNE STRESS DESIGN OF STABLE CHANNELS' Project Name: Highland Park Subdivision Channel Name Diversion 2 (100 yr. Rainfall) Step 1 -Determine channel geometry and slope (Only enter top width for parabolic section). Channel Reach 2-A Channel X-Section (Trapezoidal or Parabolic) Tra ezoidal Peak Discharge (cfs) 3.2 Bottom Width (ft) 4 Side Slope (Z:1) 3 Top Width (ft) Slope (ft/ft) 0.08 2-B Tra ezoidal 3.2 4 3 0.01 Step 2 -Determine normal flow depth (for Peak Q) by trial and error using Manning Equation. (Begin by using "n" value for bare earth (0.02) and if V> 2.0 adjust bottom width for trapezoidal channel and add channel lining.) Channel Reach Channel Lining (Tables 8.05e & 8.05f) Manning "n" Trial Flow Depth (ft) Velocity (Manning) Flow Area (ft2) Discharge (cfs) 2-A Class "B" Riprap (8") 0.104 0.4 1.89 2.08 3.93 2-B Straw with Net 0.065 0.5 1.21 2.75 3.33 0.033 0.6 Step 3 -Determine tractive shear stress (T = y*d*s) and compare to permissible shear stress. (Adjust channel geometry or channel lining if calculated shear tractive shear stress > permissible.) Channel Reach Channel Lining Calculated Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Permissible Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Calculated Stress Less Than Permissible Stress 2-A Class "B" Riprap (8") 2.00 .2.67 Yes 2-B Straw with Net 0.31 1.45 Yes Step 4 - If channel has a curve in it calculate tractive stress in curve and compare to permissible value. Curve (Bend) Shear Stress =Bend Factor (Kb) * Tractive Stress (Straight Channel) Bend Factor from Figure 8.05e Channel Bend Factor Curve Shear Reach with Bottom Width (Kb from Fig. Stress (Kb Less than Curve Curve Radius (Rc) (B) 8.05e) *Td) Permissible N/A Step 5 - Add a minimum of 0.5 feet of freeboard to all channel depths. ' Design procedure from NC "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual". Tractive Stress Design Diversion 2.xls TRACTIVE STRESS DESIGN OF STABLE CHANNELS ~ Project Name: Highland Park Subdivision Channel Name Diversion 3 (100 yr. Rainfall) Step 1 -Determine channel geometry and slope (Only enter top width for parabolic section). Channel Reach Channel X-Section (Trapezoidal or Parabolic) Peak Discharge (cfs) Bottom Width (ft) Side Slope (Z:1) Top Width (ft) Slope (ft/ft 3-A Tra ezoidal 2 3 3 0.01 Step 2 -Determine normal flow depth (for Peak Q) by trial and error using Manning Equation. (Begin by using "n" value for bare earth (0.02) and if V> 2.0 adjust bottom width for trapezoidal channel and add channel lining.) Channel Reach Channel Lining (Tables 8.05e & 8.05f) Mannin "n" Trial Flow Depth (ft) Velocity (Manning) Flow Area (ft2) Discharge (cfs) 3-A Straw with Net 0.065 0.5 1.17 2.25 2.63 0.065 0.5 0.033 0.6 Step 3 -Determine tractive shear stress (T = y`d*s) and compare to permissible shear stress. (Adjust channel geometry or channel lining if calculated shear tractive shear stress > permissible.) Channel Reach Channel Lining Calculated Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Permissible Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Calculated Stress Less Than Permissible Stress 3-A Straw with Net 0.31 1.45 Yes Step 4 - If channel has a curve in it calculate tractive stress in curve and compare to permissible value. Curve (Bend) Shear Stress =Bend Factor (Kb) * Tractive Stress (Straight Channel) Bend Factor from Figure 8.05e Channel Bend Factor Curve Shear Reach with Bottom Width (Kb from Fig. Stress (Kb Less than Curve Curve Radius (Rc) (B) 8.05e) "`Td) Permissible N/A Step 5 - Add a minimum of 0.5 feet of freeboard to all channel depths. Design procedure from NC "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual". Tractive Stress Design_Diversion 3.xls TRACTIVE STRESS DESIGN OF STABLE CHANNELS ~ Project Name: Highland Park Subdivision Channel Name Diversion 4 (100 yr. Rainfall) Step 1 -Determine channel geometry and slope (Only enter top width for parabolic section). Channel Reach Channel X-Section (Trapezoidal or Parabolic) Peak Discharge (cfs) Bottom Width (ft) Side Slope (Z:1) Top Width (ft) Slope (ft/ft) 4-A Tra ezoidal 9.33 4 3 0.005 4-B Tra ezoidal 9.33 4 3 0.025 4-C Tra ezoidal 9.33 16 3 0.3 Step 2 -Determine normal flow depth (for Peak Q) by trial and error using Manning Equation. (Begin by using "n" value for bare earth (0.02) and if V> 2.0 adjust bottom width for trapezoidal channel and add channel lining.) Channel Reach Channel Lining (Tables 8.05e & 8.05f) Manning "n" Trial Flow Depth (ft) Velocity (Manning) Flow Area (ft2) Discharge (cfs) 4-A Straw with Net 0.033 0.8 2.18 5.12 11.17 4-B Straw with Net 0.033 0.5 3.77 2.75 10.37 4-C Riprap (Class II) 0.104 0.21 2.70 3.49 9.42 Step 3 -Determine tractive shear stress (T = y*d*s) and compare to permissible shear stress. (Adjust channel geometry or channel lining if calculated shear tractive shear stress > permissible.) Channel Reach Channel Lining Calculated Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Permissible Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Calculated Stress Less Than Permissible Stress 4-A Straw with Net 0.25 1.45 Yes 4-B Straw with Net 0.78 1.45 Yes 4-C Riprap (Class II) 3.93 4 Yes Step 4 - If channel has a curve in it calculate tractive stress in curve and compare to permissible value. Curve (Bend) Shear Stress =Bend Factor (Kb) * Tractive Stress (Straight Channel) Bend Factor from Figure 8.05e Channel Bend Factor Curve Shear Reach with Bottom Width (Kb from Fig. Stress (Kb Less than Curve Curve Radius (Rc) (B) 8.05e) *Td) Permissible N/A Step 5 - Add a minimum of 0.5 feet of freeboard to all channel depths. Design procedure from NC "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual". Tractive Stress Design_Diversion 4_071206.x1s TRACTIVE STRESS DESIGN OF STABLE CHANNELS ~ Project Name: Highland Park Subdivision Channel Name Diversion 5 (100 yr. Rainfall) Step 1 -Determine channel geometry and slope (Only enter top width for parabolic section). Channel Reach Channel X-Section (Trapezoidal or Parabolic) Peak Discharge (cfs) Bottom Width (ft) Side Slope (Z:1) Top Width (ft) Slope (ft/ft) 5-A Tra ezoidal 2.77 3 3 0.02 Step 2 -Determine normal flow depth (for Peak Q) by trial and error using Manning Equation. (Begin by using "n" value for bare earth (0.02) and if V> 2.0 adjust bottom width for trapezoidal channel and add channel lining.) Channel Reach Channel Lining (Tables 8.05e & 8.05f) Manning "n" Trial Flow Depth (ft) Velocity (Manning) Flow Area (ft2) Discharge (cfs) 5-A Straw with Net 0.065 0.5 1.66 2.25 3.73 0.065 0.5 0.033 0.6 Step 3 -Determine tractive shear stress (T = y"d"s) and compare to permissible shear stress. (Adjust channel geometry or channel lining if calculated shear tractive shear stress > permissible.) Channel Reach Channel Lining Calculated Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Permissible Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) Calculated Stress Less Than Permissible Stress 5-A Straw with Net 0.62 1.45 Yes Step 4 - If channel has a curve in it calculate tractive stress in curve and compare to permissible value. Curve (Bend) Shear Stress =Bend Factor (Kb) "` Tractive Stress (Straight Channel) Bend Factor from Figure 8.05e Channel Bend Factor Curve Shear Reach with Bottom Width (Kb from Fig. Stress (Kb Less than Curve Curve Radius (Rc) (B) 8.05e) *Td) Permissible N/A Step 5 - Add a minimum of 0.5 feet of freeboard to all channel depths. Design procedure from NC "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual". Tractive Stress Design Diversion 5.xls Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph description ,, type (origin) Hyd(s) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3 Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 SCS Runoff - 17.19 24.83 - 60.64 74.37 106.88 Area 1 -Post 2 SCS Runoff - 17.93 25.77 62.50 76.55 109.77 Area 2A - (A.P. # 3) 3 SCS Runoff 4.81 8.07 - 24.15 30.53 - 45.99 Area 3A -Pre + 10% 4 SCS Runoff 41.57 56.26 121.97 146.25 - 202.69 Area 3B -Post 5 SCS Runoff 1.56 2.79 6.82 11.24 -- 17.13 Area 3C -Pre + 10% 6 SCS Runoff - 5.25 7.79 19.80 24.48 35.63 Area 4A -Post 7 SCS Runoff - 0.02 0.05 0.26 0.38 0.64 Area 4B1 -Pre + 10% 8 SCS Runoff - 0.43 0.71 ----- - 2.13 2.71 - 4.11 Area 4B2 -Pre + 10% 9 SCS Runoff - 22.88 29.96 - - 60.90 72.06 - 97.75 Area 463 -Post 10 SCS Runoff - 2.93 4.11 ----- - 9.42 11.47 -- 16.29 Area 4C -Post 11 SCS Runoff 5.26 7.58 - - 18.27 22.40 - 32.17 Area 5 -Post 12 SCS Runoff -- 31.02 40.78 -- --- 82.45 97.46 ----- 132.00 Area 6A -Post 13 SCS Runoff - 1.87 2.86 --- -- 7.56 9.39 - 13.80 Area 66 -Post 14 SCS Runoff - 0.48 0.64 -- -- 1.34 1.60 -- 2.20 Area 6C -Post 15 SCS Runoff - 1.17 1.82 - - 4.93 6.15 - 9.13 Area 6D -Post SCS Runoff - 0.11 0.33 - 1.97 2.73 - 4.67 Area 7 -Post 17 SCS Runoff 10.58 14.04 - 29.26 34.79 - 47.56 Area 8A -Post 18 SCS Runoff 1.25 2.34 - 8.13 10.49 - 16.40 Area 86 -Pre + 10% 19 SCS Runoff 20.62 27.24 - - 55.55 65.78 ----- 89.35 Area 9A -Post .j~ 20 SCS Runoff 1.38 2.33 - - 7.05 8.93 13.57 Area 96 -Pre + 10% ~~idL'Q.SlD~ % 21 SCS Runoff - 0.83 1.08 ---- - 2.12 2.50 - 3.36 Area 9C -Post 22 SCS Runoff - 2.05 2.73 - - 5.74 6.85 - 9.42 Area 10 (A.P. # 9) 23 SCS Runoff ----- 1.63 2.29 - - 5.33 6.49 - 9.21 Area 11 (A.P. # 10) 24 Combine 1, 6, 22.28 32.49 - - 79.75 97.77 - 141.15 A. P. # 1 25 Reach 8 0.33 0.57 - - 1.83 2.34 -- 3.59 Area 462 (+10%) to A.P. 2 26 Combine 7, 9, 10, 2 25.72 34.27 - 71.40 84.94 - 116.27 A. P. # 2 (+10%) 27 Reach 24 17.51 26.49 - - 69.38 86.24 - 126.45 A. P. # 1 to A.P. # 4 28 Combine 12, 13, 14 1914.11 45.46 ----- 94.57 112.45 - 153.83 Subtotal A.P. # 5 29 Reach 3 2.78 5.95 - 23.30 30.11 - 45.97 Area 3A (+ 10%) to A.P. 6 30 Reach 5 1.39 2.46 ------ 8.41 10.81 - 16.68 Area 3C (+ 10%) to A.P. 6 Proj. file: Post_050206 Const-100 yr.gpw Thursday, May 4 2006, 6:53 AM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisoly O 00 ~Ii q gg yy ~ o ~ 00300 ~~ 3d ~o ~ a$ 00000 0o do 00 ~ A ~. t a e r p° ~~~~' m gi~ o°o, oo ' ° ~$ 00000 0 ~7 00000 00 00 00 e ~ o~ e Z ~ NON1(1m mm am a ~' oo~o0 00 °oo ° f 00000 do 00 0 o ~ E ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~x~ ~ ~ m UL y '''~~VOyyy ~ `~ J ~CJN fq Q m¢ ~ N ~N '~ r ~ e g a 5 -~ a e ~ o ¢ ¢ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ O ¢ ~ S z 0 c L w C C c 0 m a F ~ y~ a m~ c~ E q j^ D L ~ ^ m ~ ~ ~~ 10 C o `m ~~L^9 o ~ A c ~ p S Q of ~ m ~ a n ~ ~ c t -10~L` v~ ~ c7 O~C> m 8 C W E~ ~ ~ N ~{ 9 a yj mp a op gm ~mc E~~~ E~ ~~5" ~o ~m {S m C SS ~~ m Z O U is m o p C em aW L C m W O ~oo$ c d O ~ a ~ m °D N 0 y C C qe L Z' 0 C S L u $ ,j `C u 'C ~~ 0 ~^cD $ a. a V i `oa ~ O ~a F- ~_ ~ ~ ~ts~; o ~ 9 °~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c C c e r $ ~ ° ~ m~ u ~Fa Eo,3 ~ °° .~ ~ ~ ., , ~,S T^ ~ « s ~ ^e 9 YY ~ 2 ~~ C ~ a ~~ c c e p m~ L° ~ ~ m ~ a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~sm,~~ c g m ~ 'o a E fig" r E Y ~ m tl ~ ~ o~E~ u ~ ~ 5 ~v rn n r ~ m ~p ~ n. a~` c a ~$ a ° p~ ~ e " m .~4 E 9 o H ° $ ~ o ~~ u o p p~ u 7 3 .~ 2 V ^ Z1= ~ ~ O C u a ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ Y ~ ~ u~ ° ~ ~ C ~ .'~ ~ C Y Y ~ ge ^ tl tl tl n~ ~~ C ~ ~ ~ ^p y ~ ~ m e~ 'S M II N ° S `p~ ~ Q' C w ` ' eF a.9 w ~' ~.~ g tj a 3 E.i ~~Y~ ~a ~ e €vWi ~ ~ ern ag ~ 3 ~ E q g m .~. u=7' a E o aµ 5 Q U3S~. L 3 ,°e e i p o !~~ u m 0 = ~~ ohs e ~ r o r ~ c u W u o c E v Y s~ ~2s ,~e ~e^ dam E~L'o .J9 u v ' ~ $ ~ .~ 3~ e; c y c M m e m u ~ ~~ Y ZL u V u u ~~rJ':.. O e ° G ms e , m o o 0 eE e'n;o o~'~> m ~ ~ 'a 5 ~ 3 e C y~ O "7 ~ ~ a L ~'' e9 ~ p CLH~ "$ O ~ •• ^0 ~ m L y .3 C ~ ~N ~ g m p a2d+IE ~ °° S5'T~c o C r 2~ p; ~' a ,~ $$ ~ 5 3 W]~ 9 ~ ° ~~ ' ~ `~5 3 . O a E c ~ yy '~ ~° o Fs Y ~ ~'b . . c ~ ~-~ E Z S ~ ~ 0.~~~~ .° H ~ .. m •~ .s ~ ~ ~ ~Y _~^~ ~~ Y u ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ o~ gse`^E~ ep c H N Q G V OYO e ~ O° m v, ~ ~ c O ~G Y SAC m L - c m u o E e ~ W e a Y ~ y~ c ~ o '~ '~~' p ~p V G ~ ~ ~ ~ Q u uya$ 0^ Y ~ N A <~'O mp F. u a c>m~ C_E Jj~',a~a Z~~ `aO°'ES°v V Y $ ~ e ~ ~ 3 r ~ ~ r p c ~ c ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ = v~rnm~m~ O N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 A C O C O 0 0 t ~ ~ NN~f~'1 N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 000000 0 r m mmm~nmm N N m m W O 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ O C G G O C G C L O 0 m ~' 'm e Z >..~_ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ = H d m~~;Y ~ °Z e'3~~ c ~=~E~i. J ~"09LLSiUUi O d ~ W mL ~at omE~ a ~'¢~ e ~ ~ C C p J e ~ _m ~ ~ m O V m rn .~ a r 0. r~ 3 e 6 °a O Wn ~"V/ I~ w~.i Vi O m s a I Y 4 C d b t 4 Q _ I O `r t~ a F a Y IIIII Y y ~,^ N N O N 117 N O M 1~ 0 0 0 O O O O fC _ p 10 tD V NO [~J IOO OOOO m 0 G O C G .- _ fV C O N Pi O 1A tD 1~ m C L L y u Z c e `- ~ 'S E e ° z 10 y se a ¢ o °~ $ t ~ • e~ a_ ~Y c _ y c~ e 3 0® o C e ~~L z~LC e C O j~ C~~~ T. _ N 10 01 N' m N N 6J ~~1Lm 0(nUy c 0 o m n V a @ 0 c ~ > Y C e J H n ~ oai°c m~aJ E m~`Fy- ~ L ~ y a oa 'aW ~a Eo m- a 0 e m m Qom $ sr a Y ~ g O A ~ g~ ~; N = :W 3 ~LL E E P ,°t S~ o ~ ~ ~2 °c O e m LL ° ° '° a .° m M ~~v~ n - ~ o m o Ir i m ~~ sm ~ g ~° ~~ a a °° _ ~ x " .~ u Z''5u ~ ~i too c ~~ m m9 Q, ~ {L C z a~ e v a $ ~ ~ 9 $~ m~: " y~ W E E ° ' a `'~ m ~ e e c o ~ c m ` u ~ - m° ~ e~ u ~ _ a S ~° q u e ~~ m e ° # 9 ~ ~~$~ g~ ~rNU .5 ~ ~ r y ~g ° ~ .~ 3~ o a ~ g .m ~_ a ~ - m° ~ u~ W v m a E L d ~ ° =" ~ ~ m 3 L~ E 2 _ ~ 'o m ° L G' S E ~~ a u 'O Ge o'^ 's O U m~ € ~ ~ ° ~ }~}11 U Z' L a c~~o •°c o u ~$ om.E C m u y ~ 6p 6 ~ "' ' Yip a. °`° ° >.~ u E a'ra ~ a ~ o ~~` a H ~ u ~ ~ ~ r u = e E a $= ~ ~ ~ o~~ ~ E y 3 1 ~ `o µ' ~~ c 'S u m~ 8 M '_ ~' ~ H Pi ~ o c v a r o !: E a c E 3 m ~ h m V U V ^' p° o O C ~ i F an d m _ tV ^: V C U In Q C v~ ~L m e G C 8' °< ~ e q Q' F° v E C .di € o ind'oo ~ 0 ~ p~ v~oo~ e~ d m v~ to ~ E~ v.~'o " o ~ao ~~ N ~ ~ c ~ J m U ~ ~ a c °~ E N ~ ~ ~. ., e N G e e m Section 1042 required size range. The size of an individual stone particle will be determined measuring its long d'emension. Stone or broken concrete for riprap shall meet the requirements of Table 1042-] for class and size distribution, TABLE 1042-1 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR RIPRAP AND STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL REQpIRED STONE SIZES -INCHES MIDRANGE MAXIMI7M CLASS NIA~M 4 6 A 2 8 12 B 5 10 17 1 5 14 23r ~ 9 No more than 5.0% of the material fiirnished can be less than the minima specified nor no more than 10.0% of the material can exceed the maximum size specie 1042-2 TESTING ':'~ Test riprap materials in accordance Huth the requirements of this sectii Sections 1005-4(E} Resistwce to Abrasion, and 1005-4(F)' Soundness. .: Satin resistance to abrasion wilt be considered to be a percentage of wear of not gieai 55 percent. Satisfactory soundness will be considered to be a loss in weight of not than l 5 percent when subjected to 5 alterations of the soundness test. SECTION 1044 SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE MATERIALS 1044-1 SiTgDRAIN FINE AGGREGATE The subdrain fine aggregate shall meet the gradation requirements for iv€e No. 2MS sand as shown in Table 1005-2. 1044-2 PII'E AND FITTINGS-GENERAL ,1 Pipe and fittings may be, at the option of the Contractor. either concrete, r:,:~ steel, bituminized fiber, or corrugated plastic. 1044-3 CONCRETE PIPE AND FTtTINGS Non_pe~'orated concrete pipe and pipe fittings shall meet :the regtt> AASHTO M86 for standard strength noraeinforced concrete pipe. -. a Perforated concrete pipe shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M17~= F strength perforated nanreinforced concrete underdrau~age pipe. y" Joint materials shall meet the requirements of Section 1028. `~~.~.' 10-B4 _ N~ ~ .__: X4-4 C~ Non-~erfora aarticle 1032 Perforated c~ Fabricate th 5 P~ 1}^vinyl ct 6 C ~rrugated duty tubi 7 G 11UCLS C01 D 2665 1,.. ( ~~ ... 6e guardr ~t~ation P ~_:.: . Test Unit ;•inate caftcati ~,;,i:.: fbiloc sd trade.. ~ele ~_ .lists a,