HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02565_Well Construction - GW1_20210507 WELL!Q0NSIHj9; 'I4N RECORD,LCW-1) For Internal Use Only. 1.Well C draeter Information. 4Z T I¢ .�-� �=/ % 4— 14 wow Well Contractor Namre, TO aesttIon p R ' c2 d /-3 m tt. NC Well Contractor C rufication NJ1urb/orJ j� S1,15A 77� .5 l�/L LL Afn �44..z'/'✓�-- Pam TO ai,tl�atsm �caar�sa hs,►rs�w Company Now 2.wen Conatrtrt tine,Pernttt X. d —06/jzl is ° TO T1 aom MATtt6UAL Lint all g*imbk mW caminicdon permitsft.*.UIC,Cowry.State, variance,etc.} R. !t. is. 3.well Use(ebeck well use): % h. Water Supply Well: 9 SCRUP Stom TO DL&M E n V"trio THICUMN MATI<YiAL Agricultural OMunicipad/Public n, ft. In. tbcautai(Hosting/Cooling Supply) esidential Water Supply(single) It rt hL �ial/Commerew Residential Water Supply(shared) on FlOM TO KATSttAL RMPI AMMIn etgTROD A:AKOUNlT Noll-Water Supply Wen: tti Mondtorin Recovery tL !t. INJKUM Well: ft. 11. Recharge Groundwater Remediation Aquifetm r Storage and Recovery Salinity Barrier FROM m MATeatul 611P1.ACrdUA"r M[THGD 4quifer Teat [3Stormwatar Drainage � R- d3�imentai Technology OSubsidence Control ft. IL (Cloned Loop) Tracer R Geothermal Coo' Return Other( chin under 1Y21 Remadta t TO D153 t MONi aver, asWmk elegy_ f n ft. .4.Date Well(s)Completed:,-/�` l wen mo LL R. •:!4a.Well Location:. - R' �. REGE `�--- 1d�l1r11'��1 1 r — p . Se,""a .. FastLWOwoerNatne .„ Fetcility@N{ifbpplicpbk}• ti. R MAY ,22 11 hyaiwi city,and zipfL L)VVR TV C-MW Parcel I&Wifieaton No."D v Sb.Ladtade and lonEitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifweu geld,ace is sufficient) - 22.Certification: N %�/7 W 6.ls(are)the weB(a) erlmmnt or 13Temprary Signature of Contactor Date By swdmg this form,!hereby certify roar cite rev//(s)%w(were)conatrreiel in acandance 7.Is this a repair to sin eziating weU: 13Yes or o **A 1 SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15.4 NCAC:02C.0100 tired/Con owdon.Standards and chat a ro thre rmvrd has been .(jthLs is a repair,,flll out bwu+t x�ell conetraectlon infor:rwttan ego/cin the rwturY of tilt PJ''of provided M the yell owner. _ repair ruder#21 re,&%*sactfon or on the,back of 6W form. U.Site diagram or additional well deRalls: 8.For GeaprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well cyon''sJtruction,og])�y, /G I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells Construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary, dri : $131 ITAL IINSTRUGnom 9.Total well depth below land surface: fL) 7Aa, For All &&: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of weft For mrlttpk wdk 1411 all depths;fdVdreW(avanpk-3(a3100'and 1Q1M ountftwtion to the following: 10.Statle water level below top of casing: ' YL) Division of Water Remoar /f rom kyel to above aoatg,we.,+., 1617 C 2 644-1617 Mali 3erviee NC 7 e�� 11.Soreiwile diameter. 24b.For Insertion I&W In addition to sending the-form to the address in.24a above,also'`aulm it one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 13.wen s opatrsetba method: tionsnuctioa to the following: .(i.e:aysrir,-rotary ceble,.dext.peuh,etcJ , Division Of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program,, FOR WATEA$UP1P[.Y WELLS ONLY: Division Mail Service Center;Raleigh.NC 27699>1636 13a.YkM(Ww) Method of test, 24c.For Water 5uooly dr lln-fectlon iWellas'In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit tine copy,of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dlaiatectioa type: Amount:J letion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form OW-1 North Carolina Departrueut of EnvironnnoW Quality-Division of Water Retowoas Rtrvised 2.22-2016 i