HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120953 Ver 1_More Info Received_20130429QPP�MENT op Tjy�i 7 S7 ggCH 3, �$ United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge 205 South Ludington Drive P.O. Box 329 Columbia, NC 27925 -0329 Phone: 252/796 -3004 April 29, 2013 Ms. Karen Higgins, Supervisor Wetlands, Buffers, Stormwater — Compliance & Permitting Unit NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Dear Ms. Higgins: U'S. FLSFI &, W UMLWE SERVICE Op This letter is in response to your April 22, 2013 letter placing our application for a 401 Water quality certification for our Watershed 2 Hydrology Restoration Infrastructure project (DWQ #: 12 -0953) on hold. I'm providing the requested information (see below) in order to remove our application from the "on- hold" status. In September 2012, I showed Mr. Roberto Scheller (DWQ's Washington Office) the project site and he indicated he didn't see any problems with the project. On April 26, 2013, at the request of Ms. Jennifer Burdette (DWQ's Raleigh Office), I showed Ms. Burdette and Mr. Scheller the project site and they indicated DWQ's concerns regarding the issues raised in your letter have been alleviated. The berm you are requesting information about will be built on the north side of County Line Canal (see attached map). The berm will be constructed with dredge material from County Line Canal. The material will be a mixture of clay, sand, silt, and organics piled to a height of approximately four feet. After it dries, we'll shape it and it will settle. The finished height of the berm will be 2.5 to 3 feet above ground level. After construction, the berm will be allowed to vegetate naturally. In this region, berms have been constructed in this manner for decades without experiencing erosion problems. The berm will be constructed approximately 25 feet from the edge of County Line Canal; water coming off the canal side of the berm will have to cross 25 feet of peat soil, with vegetation and woody debris on it, before entering the canal. Stop log water control structures (WCSs) in the Evans and Ferebee Canals (see attached map) will drain excess water held by the berm in to the canal system. Water running south in what's left of the V- ditches (following the 2008 Evans Road Fire) will encounter the berm and spread out overland east and west until it reaches one of these structures and flows in to Evans or County Line Canal. Therefore, 2 some inundation at the base of the berm is necessary to restore the hydrology on the adjacent refuge lands, but the WCSs will limit the amount of that inundation (no matter how high the berm is built). A greater risk of erosion from the berm comes from the potential for it to be overtopped during a hurricane. A higher berm (four feet or more) would reduce this risk, but it would require a much larger footprint than what we've proposed. During and following hurricanes and other large rainfall events, higher levels of water will be held against the berm until it has time to drain out through the WCSs. As stated in our application, our objective is to restore, to the extent practicable, the natural hydrology of the pocosin; it is not to create impounded areas (although some inundation is necessary to achieve our overall objective). In early 2010, representatives from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and NCDWQ met on site to discuss the concerns that DWQ had with the peatland hydrology restoration work occurring at Pocosin Lakes NWR. A large amount of information was exchanged and DWQ issued a modified certification based on an enhanced understanding of the restoration work. The Service has carefully considered the impacts and benefits of peatland hydrology restoration on water quality and provided a summary of our findings to DWQ in 2010. I have enclosed a copy of that document here for your information. I hope this letter provides all the information needed to complete the processing of our application. Please contact me if you need have any questions. Sincerely, lJoward Phillips Refuge Manager cc: Josh Pelletier, USA COE USFWS March 2010 Draft Preliminary Review — Water Quality Impacts of Historic Peatland Ditching and Draining and Water Quality Benefits of Peatland Hydrology Restoration at Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Background: Pocosins, also known as southeastern shrub bogs, are characterized by very dense growth of mostly broadleaf evergreen shrubs. The typically thick layer of peat soils underlying pocosins acts as a nutrient and metal sponge over geologic time, locking -up mercury, nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon in vegetation and the ever deepening soil layer. As pocosins southeast of Lake Phelps were drained for now defunct farming and peat mining operations, their nutrient retention functions were diminished. When these lands became part of Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in 1990, managers began restoring natural water levels. Restoration will return the lands to a more natural state and sequester tons of nutrients, including nitrogen, which are a source of regional water quality problems. The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management has a concise overview of the value of peatlands, the negative environmental consequences of their artificial drainage, and the importance of restoration (Madden 2005): "Natural peatlands in coastal North Carolina provide many ecological and societal benefits. These systems are unique and provide habitat for endangered species, storage of carbon, protection of estuarine water quality, and flood control, as well as hunting and recreation. Drainage and modification of peatlands diminishes these intrinsic values, resulting in soil loss to subsidence, carbon emissions, loss of habitat and diminished water quality and peat water holding capacity. Restoration efforts should focus on returning these functions for the benefit of the natural environment and society." Wetland restoration is among the high priority actions in the recent North Carolina Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (Street et al. 2005), and the wetland restoration work at Pocosin Lakes NWR has long been supported by other natural resource managers in the State, as evidenced by its overt mention in the Albemarle - Pamlico Estuarine Study's 1994 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (page 107): "Enhance existing efforts to restore the functions and values of degraded wetlands and vital fisheries habitats. Develop and begin implementing an expanded program to restore wetlands. Agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Resources Commission, Division of Forest Resources, Division of Environmental Management, and the Division of Coastal Management, among others, would seek funds to develop and demonstrate restoration technology. Restoration demonstration projects should emphasize endemic species such as Atlantic white cedar and longleaf pine. For example, the USFWS is now planning to use a two -year EPA 319 Clean Water Fund grant to develop and conduct restoration projects in the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge." USFWS March 2010 Draft The restoration work at Pocosin lakes NWR is also highlighted as a Current Water Quality Initiative in the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's Tar - Pamlico River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan (NCDWQ 1999, Section 3, Chapter 2). The Service is committed to working with others to ensure the environmentally -sound restoration of lands we manage. This review was prepared to summarize the science related to impacts of peatland drainage and the benefits of restoration. While the information here has been presented previously, the summary is intended to facilitate its access by interested stakeholders, including the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management and Division of Water Quality. Issue 1: Artificial drainage of peatlands on the Albemarle - Pamlico peninsula has negative environmental consequences, including degraded water quality The Albemarle - Pamlico peninsula is the site of the greatest pocosin acreage in the U.S. (Ingram and Otte 1981, Richardson et al. 1981). Many of the pocosin wetlands are also underlain by peat, including those at Pocosin Lakes NWR where peat depth typically exceeds 4 -feet and exceeds 8 -feet over large acreages (Daniel 1980, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Inc. 1982; USFWS, 1990). The wetland hydrology that allowed for peat accumulation also provided the conditions for accumulation of atmospheric mercury and nutrients over geologic time (Zillioux et al. 1993). There is well- documented concern that drainage- enhanced oxidation of soils re- mobilizes mercury (Lodenius et al. 1987) and nutrients (Brinson 1991). Artificial drainage also contributes to off -site water quality impacts by speeding the pace of run -off and increasing discharge peaks (Kirby -Smith and Barber 1979, Daniel 1980, Gregory et al. 1984). An unintended consequence of drainage is enhanced fire intensity, leading to soil loss and off -site transport of constituents previously immobilized in the soil matrix. The water quality impacts of draining these lands can be better appreciated with an understanding of the historic nutrient and metal accumulation in organic soils, and the known oxidation of organic soils and off -site impacts following artificial lowering of the water table. Nutrients and mercury accumulate in deep organic soils as they form Pocosins are extremely flat and generally removed from large streams so that their natural drainage is poor. Poor drainage and organic matter input (leaves, sticks, etc.) over thousands of years causes soil genesis dominated by organic material accumulation in the surface layers. Although other soil types are found in and on the periphery of pocosins, they are characterized by deep organic soils, or Histosols, with a minimum of 20 -30% organic matter and a depth of organic matter > 40 cm (Ash et al. 1983; McDonald et al. 1983). Histosols include sapric (muck) and fibric (peat) soils and combinations of these classifications. The water retention capacity of histosols further retards water flow, and organic matter influence on natural pocosin hydrology has been described as a "giant sponge" (McDonald et al. 1983). USFWS March 2010 Draft Leaf -fall into the "giant sponge" results in soils with significant quantities of nutrients. Peat nitrogen content ranges from 0.9 to 2.4 percent dry weight while peat carbon content averages 43 percent dry weight over several studies (Thompson et al. 2003, Ingram and Otte 1981, Bridgham and Richardson, 1993). Peatlands store far lower amounts of phosphorus (Gilliam 1991, Richardson 1999). During their formation, the raised peat soils' only external source of nutrients is rainfall which is low in phosphorus; phosphorus is correspondingly the primary limiting nutrient in peatlands (Walbridge and Richardson 1991, Frost 1995) and therefore highly conserved in the vegetation and microbial communities. Peatlands hence store, phosphorus, but at a low rate and the physical accretion of peat soils accounts for most of their long -term storage (Richardson 1999). The cation exchange capacity of peat soils is high; they accumulate natural and anthropogenic sources of metals, including mercury from the atmosphere. The primary mechanism for global transport of mercury is volatilization to the atmosphere, movement controlled by weather patterns, and wet and dry deposition back to the land or water surface (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1997). Mercury in wet and dry deposition tends to bind to organic matter unless re- disturbed. Thus, pocosins' combination of organic soils, flat topography, and poor drainage which form the "giant sponge" described by McDonald et al. (1983) results in an efficient reservoir for historic and current airborne deposition of mercury. Peat soils are so efficient in their accumulation of mercury that soil cores in peat bogs have been successfully used to examine trends in atmospheric mercury deposition through time (Zillioux et al. 1993). Mercury concentrations in peat from the area south of Lake Phelps ranged from 40 to 193 ng /g (dry weight) with a geometric mean in surface samples of 71 ng /g (Evans et al. 1984; DiGiulio and Ryan 1987). For these reasons and others, the peat soils at Pocosin Lakes NWR are a resource which requires significant management consideration and responsibility. The refuge is underlain by an estimated 33 million dry tons of peat (Venters 1991). The magnitude of the peat soil lens ( -4 -8') and the refuge area ( >110,000 acres) demonstrates the significance of this nutrient and mercury store. Organic soils oxidize following artificial lowering of the water table The presence of relatively young ( <10,000 years) peat deposits at the refuge and their absence in nearby areas is explained by the unique combination of hydrology (rainfall exceeding run -off and evapotranspiration) and soils that favored peat formation. An excerpt from the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Hydraulic and Hydrologic Study and Water Management Plan (USDA 1994) provides a good overview of the natural state: "The soils of the NWR were believed to be created by a combination of factors that exist in the Albemarle - Pamlico Peninsula. The rainfall of this area generally exceeds the evapotranspiration and groundwater discharge rates, thus resulting in excess moisture (Heath 1975). The NWR landscape is gently sloping with USFWS March 2010 Draft great distances between natural drainage outlets, creating significant drainage problems that result in ponding of surface water and overland flow during wet periods (Daniels, Gamble, and Wheeler 1977). This was a significant factor in the development of the organic soils because the landscape remained saturated with water for extended periods. Consequently, this enhanced swamp developed in areas that were higher in elevation than the surrounding mineral soils, thus the term pocosin, or swamp on a hill (Lilly 1981)." Degradation of refuge peatlands commenced when mining and farming interests lowered the water table and removed vegetation impacting two of the critical components of peat formation. Artificial drainage of peatlands in eastern North Carolina began before 1800, and considerable acreage in the Albemarle peninsula was converted before 1900 (Ashe 1894, Lilly 1981, McMullan 1984). The volume of peat on the Albemarle peninsula is probably less than half the original amount owing to the effects of drainage, agriculture, and fire (Lilly 1981). There are descriptions of subsidence exceeding 3 -feet as a consequence of drainage and agriculture (Ruffin 1861, Dolman and Buol 1967, Lilly 1981, Whitehead and Oaks 1979). Drainage of organic soils can result in the loss of at least a third of peat thickness (Farnham and Finney 1965), and sometimes more (Dolman and Buol 1967, Lilly 1981). Some of the initial loss in volume is due to mechanical shrinkage (Dolman and Buol 1967, Skaggs et al. 1980). In addition, drainage makes pocosins drier, which increases the frequency and severity of fires. Since peat soils have a high organic matter content, they will burn (Ash et al. 1983; McDonald et al. 1983). A 1985 wildfire covering 38,000 hectares resulted in the loss of as much as a meter of peat soils in this area (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1990). The most severely affected area from this fire covered 20,000 acres (Venters 1991); assuming one meter soil loss and the geometric mean mercury of 71 ng /g, this fire could have resulted in the release of - 21,000 kg of mercury. Sharitz and Gibbons (1982) note that wildfires in pocosins during periods of dry whether (and a low water table) can burn enough peat soil to form a lake when the water table returns to normal levels. Last, drainage causes peat to oxidize rather than accumulating. If subjected to drainage, fire, and tillage over a long enough period of time, all blackland soils will become mineral soils (Lilly 1981, USFWS 2002). USFWS March 2010 Draft Soil oxidation and loss contribute nitrogen, other nutrients and mercury to regional waters. Excess nitrogen and mercury are known sources of water quality impairment in the Pamlico River and tributaries Loss of soils results in off -site delivery of a portion of their nutrient and mercury load. Drainage canals artificially lower the groundwater table and enhance off -site transport of soil constituents that, when delivered in excess to downstream fresh water streams and estuaries, become contaminants (Daniel 1980, 1981, Gale and Adams 1984, Gregory et al. 1984). The land that became Pocosin Lakes NWR was significantly ditched and drained in the 1970's (Heath 1975; Sharitz and Gibbons 1982; Ash et al. 1983; McDonald et al. 1983). Drainage patterns on Pocosin Lakes NWR have been described (Heath 1975, Daniel 1980, Soil Conservation Service 1994). Drainage water from Washington County and western Hyde County moves south in canals toward Clark -Mill Creek and Pungo River. Excess mercury and excess nitrogen are both parameters of concern for water quality impairment in the Tar - Pamlico river basin (NCDWQ 1999). Mercury is the cause of impaired use due to fish consumption advisories in the area. Excess nitrogen is cited as the parameter of concern for non - attainment of water quality goals in portions of the Pungo and Pamlico Rivers. Clearly, actions that exacerbate releases of nitrogen and mercury are counter to water quality management. Phosphorus is less of a concern because the deep organic soils in the area are low in phosphorus (Gilliam 1991, Walbridge 1991, Bridgham and Richardson 2003) as is the drainage water leaving these sites (Kirby -Smith and Barber, 1979, Skaggs et al. 1980, Brinson 1991) unless they drain peatlands modified for agriculture with significant fertilizer additions. Peat Methanol Associates analyzed water quality in the area south of Phelps Lake to determine the potential impact of a proposed peat - methanol plant (Environmental Science and Engineering 1982). Unfiltered water samples in the major canals exceeded North Carolina standards for mercury, presumably a result of seepage from surrounding peat land. Mercury bound to particles suspended in surface water draining the area would be an additional source of mercury in the Pungo River (Hinesley and Wicker 1997). Recall from the discussion above that peat soils contain 0.9 to 2.4 percent nitrogen; any off -site transport adds more of problem parameters to the receiving waters. The impacts of drainage in the area have been concisely stated by Daniels (1980, 1981): "...drainage and development of wetlands, particularly wetlands underlain by deep organic soils, will result in some rather substantial changes to water quality. When the increased amounts of nutrients, sediment, and other dissolved constituents are rapidly carried by canal runoff to coastal waters, the resulting drop in salinity and increase in nutrients can result in algal growth and eutrophication and ultimate disruption of marine habitat along the coastal fringe" USFWS March 2010 Draft Knowledge that altered redox cycling and overall oxidation of peat soils from artificial drainage can lead to nutrient (Ash et al. 1983) and mercury (Zillioux et al. 1993) release supported large scale efforts by the Service and partners to restore wetland hydrology at Pocosin Lakes NWR. The benefits of wetland restoration are well - recognized. The 1994 and 1999 Basinwide Management Plans for the Tar - Pamlico basin note that large portions of the Pamlico River and the Pungo River were considered partially impaired and recommended a 30% reduction of nitrogen loads. The following information documents how wetland restoration contributes to meeting that goal. Issue 2: Wetland restoration can retard the off -site loss of soil constituents, reestablish the nutrient and metal sequestration realized in soil genesis, and help protect water quality Water quality is affected by land use (Chescheir et al. 1990, Evans et al. 1989, Skaggs et al. 1980, Treece 1994). Drainage water from undisturbed forested watersheds carries a lower nutrient load than drainage water from developed soils. Restoration of wetland conditions in peatlands formerly drained for agriculture will reduce nutrient export, and improve water quality (USFWS 2002). In short, the engineering aspects of the hydrology restoration provide a mechanism for improving the quality of waters discharged via off -site transport. Three important aspects of this restoration for water quality benefits are discussed next. North Carolina Division of Water Quality and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- funded Clean Water Act 319 nonpoint source pollution reduction demonstration project funds supported on -site research that demonstrates the efficacy of drained peatland restoration As noted in the 1994 Albemarle - Pamlico Estuarine Study CCMP, the Service received USEPA funding for a demonstration project on the benefits of drained peatland restoration. In 1995, the Service began installing flashboard risers to restore wetland hydrology to a 17,000 -acre tract on Pocosin Lakes NWR (USFWS 2002). In the original project, a grid of stainless steel piezometers was systematically installed across the 640 -acre area. Depth of the water table, nitrogen and mercury concentrations in surface water were measured quarterly for 3 years in canals adjoining the study blocks. The goal of exporting less than 13 ng /liter of mercury in the surface water of canals was realized. In 1997, 1998, and 1999, average mercury concentrations in surface water were 7 -9 ng /liter. Heavy construction activity in Boerma canal during 1999 caused no observable change in mercury concentrations in drainage water. Analyses indicate that wetland restoration efforts have reduced mobilization of mercury from these soils (Hinesley and Wicker 1996, 1997, 1998). Peer reviewed calculations estimate substantial nutrient benefits of restoration USFWS March 2010 Draft The total nitrogen and carbon sequestration estimate for restored peatlands has three primary components: 1) the amount retained in peat soils once soil genesis is re- established, 2) the amount retained that would otherwise be lost without hydrology restoration (or the stop loss component), and 3) the amount sequestered in the above ground biomass. The following discussion details the calculations for estimates of each component; these calculations have been reviewed by soil and wetland scientists with North Carolina State University and Duke University. 1) Amount retained in peat soils • Depth of peat lens northwest of Pungo Lake = 7.6 feet (Dolman and Buol 1967) • Age of peat soils northwest of Pungo Lake = 7500 y (Dolman and Buol 1967) • Bulk density range from 0.049 to 0.347 g /cm3 (Thompson et al. 2003, Walbridge 1991, Ingram and Otte 1981) • Peat nitrogen content 0.9 to 2.4 percent N dry weight; Peat carbon content 42.56% (Thompson et al. 2003, Ingram and Otte 1981, Bridgham and Richardson, 1993) Nitrogen: Assuming a peat bulk density of 0.2 g /cm3 (or 5.66 kg /ft3, mid -range from above) and a peat nitrogen content of 1.35 %N d.w. (mid -range for site - specific values reported above), the amount of nitrogen sequestered in peat soils is estimated at 7.4 lb N /acre /yr Carbon: Assuming a peat bulk density of 0.2 g /cm3 (or 5.66 kg /ft3, mid -range from above) and a peat carbon content of 42.56 %C d.w., the amount of carbon sequestered in peat soils is estimated at 234.1 lb C /acre /yr 2) Amount retained which would otherwise be lost without hydrology restoration • Rate of peat loss in current drained state = 0.8 cm /yr (Dolman and Buol 1967) • Peat bulk density range from 0.049 to 0.347 g /cm3 • Peat nitrogen content 0.9 to 2.4% N d.w.; Peat carbon content of 42.56% Nitrogen: Assuming a peat bulk density of 0.2 g /cm3 (or 5.66 kg /ft3, mid -range from above), a rate of peat loss of 0.8 cm /yr (or 0.026 ft/yr), and a peat nitrogen content of 1.35 %N d.w. (mid -range for site - specific values reported above), the amount of nitrogen retained that would otherwise be lost without hydrology restoration (or the stop loss component) is estimated at 193 lb N /acre /yr Carbon: Assuming a peat bulk density of 0.2 g /cm3 (or 5.66 kg /ft3, mid -range from above), a rate of peat loss of 0.8 cm /yr (or 0.026 ft/yr), and a peat carbon content of 42.56 %N d.w., the amount of carbon retained that would otherwise be lost without hydrology restoration (or the stop loss component) is estimated at 6,077 lb C /acre /yr 3) Amount sequestered in the above ground biomass • Above ground biomass in tall pocosins = 3300 to 4700 g /m2 (Christensen et al. 1981) as cited in Sharitz and Gibbons (1982) • Mean percent nitrogen in live tissue from wetland bog habitat = 0.85% N d.w. with range reported 0.08 — 2.08% N d.w. (Bedford et al. 1999). Individual studies USFWS March 2010 Draft referenced indicate that shrub pocosin habitat vegetation within this category fall at the low end of this range (e.g., 0.082 and 0.096% N d.w. for fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) and zenobia ( Zenobia pulverulenta), respectively) • Age of mature vegetation stand in tall pocosins = 50 years (conservative) Nitrogen: Conservatively assuming an above ground biomass of 3300 g /m2 and 0.09% N d.w. in above ground biomass (mid -range for values reported from shrub pocosins), the amount of nitrogen sequestered in the above ground biomass is estimated at 0.6 lb N /acre /yr Carbon: Conservatively assuming that 50% of tall pocosin habitat is wood (and cellulose and lignin comprise 69 and 28% of wood, respectively), and the carbon content of cellulose and lignin is 44 and 64 %, respectively, the carbon content of biomass is calculated as 141.9 lb C /acre /yr Organic matter accumulation in the soils also has the benefit of counteracting the pace of change from sea level rise (Pearsall and Poulter 2006). Therefore, given the three components of sequestration, the total retention potential in restored peatlands is estimated as 200 lb N /acre /yr and 6500 lb C /acre /yr (about the amount of carbon in 24,000 Ibs of CO2). The Service's restoration work is proceeding in phases within each of the three Watersheds (WSs). Phase I of the WS 1 project encompassed four blocks and is nearly complete. A return to ideal (e.g., soil saturation) hydrology conditions will occur gradually as rainfall allows water levels in the blocks to rise. When the Phase I blocks reach appropriate wetness conditions, approximately 3,520 acres of hydrology wetland restoration will be complete. At that time, the restored acreage for Phase I work will result in retention of about 700,000 pounds of nitrogen per year and 22.7 million pounds of carbon per year). Proposed work for Phase II of this project, which has already been initiated by the refuge, involves raising roads by performing routine canal and road maintenance work along strategic sections of the canal /road grid system. Phase II efforts, like Phase I, will rely on rainfall into the restoration blocks to raise water levels. When appropriate hydrology conditions are achieved, the restored acreage for Phase II work will result in retention of 796,000 pounds of nitrogen per year and 25.7 million pounds of carbon per year (USFWS 2007). Benefits of restoration have been embraced by natural resource managers The wetland restoration work at Pocosin Lakes NWR has long been supported by other natural resource managers in the State. Funding (from U.S. EPA and the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources) and research (North Carolina State University) partnerships have facilitated the work. Important to the success of this partnership has been the accrual of water quality and wildlife habitat benefits with de minimis environmental impacts. The restoration USFWS March 2010 Draft is achieved by installing water control structures to raise the water table, encourage the more natural sheet flow (Daniels 1980, 1981) (rather than channelized flow from the artificial ditches) and attenuate run -off. In eastern North Carolina, the use of these water control structures to attenuate flows and mitigate off -site water quality impacts is well documented; it is among the most frequently used and encouraged best management practice in the highly altered hydrologic network of eastern North Carolina. In order to facilitate sheet flows, maintain access, and manage water levels in responsiveness to neighbors, the work involves raising strategic sections of the roads (about 2 feet above their prior elevation) to enhance their dike - effect within the restored wetland blocks allowing continued access for refuge management purposes. Road raising material is obtained from canal dredging (removing accumulated sediments from the bottom of the canal), dredge spoil placement on the adjacent roads, dredge spoil drying and road re- grading. In the work that has been done to date, no off -site water quality impacts have been observed or are anticipated. Restoration will return the lands to a more natural state and sequester tons of nutrients, including nitrogen, which are a source of local water quality problems. Restoration does not change the ultimate receiving waters of the canal network, it simply raises water levels on -site, and attenuates flows off -site, both of which are recognized as benefiting regional water quality. All excavation work is in the highly altered canal network and behind water control structures, ameliorating the potential for short -term sediment disturbance to cause off -site impacts. The National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 under Section 5, entitled Administration of the System, states: "...the Secretary [of the Interior] shall ... ensure the biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health of the National Wildlife Refuge System are maintained..." and also "...assist in the maintenance of adequate water quantity and quality to fulfill the mission of the System and the purposes of each refuge." Additionally, a, New paragraph (4)(F) of Section 4(a) of the NWRSAA (National Wildlife Refuge System Administrative Act of 1966) directs the Secretary to assist in the maintenance of adequate quantities and quality of water to fulfill the mission of the System and the needs of each refuge. The restoration work is important to the Service's environmental stewardship obligations. It is being conducted in a manner which embraces on -site restoration research collaborations and best management practices. Summary: Extensively altered prior to Service acquisition, drained peatlands at Pocosin Lakes NWR have been a focus of restoration by the Service and partners. Peat in the area of the old East Dismal Swamp formed over the last 9,000 years; its high organic content and poor drainage resulted in retention of metals and nutrients over geologic time (similar to the way an activated charcoal filter cleans water by accumulating contaminants). When peat bogs are ditched, the water table is lowered and the peat is aerated, which accelerates decomposition and nutrient and metal USFWS March 2010 Draft release. South of Lake Phelps, extensive drainage prior to Service acquisition enhances off -site run -off of metals and nutrients, and these are known parameters of concern in regional water quality impairment. Wildfires are more intense in the drained peatlands than the natural state, and they exacerbate soil loss and mobilization of soil constituents that can degrade run -off water following fires. Work to restore the wetlands has demonstrable benefits to water quality, both estimated from the published site ecology literature as well as measured through site - specific research. Restoration will return the lands to a more natural state and sequester tons of carbon and nutrients, including nitrogen, which is a source of local water quality problems. Hydrology restoration work is also the best long -term management strategy to minimize adverse effects of peat fires. The decreased incidence of peat fires is a soil conservation side benefit which also has important sea -level rise implications in this low -lying portion of North Carolina's coastal plain. Restoration does not change the ultimate receiving waters of the canal network, it simply raises water levels on -site, and attenuates flows off -site, both of which are recognized as benefiting regional water quality. All excavation work is in the highly altered canal network and behind water control structures, ameliorating the potential for short -term sediment disturbance to cause off -site impacts. References: Albemarle - Pamlico Estuarine Study. 1994. Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. Albemarle - Pamlico Estuarine Study, Raleigh, NC. Ash, A.N., C.B. McDonald, E.S. Kane and C.A. Pories. 1983. Natural and modified pocosins: Literature synthesis and manufacturing options. FWS /OBS- 83/04. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. Ashe, W. W. 1894. The forest, forest lands, and forest products of eastern North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey Bull. No. 5. Josephus Daniels, State Publisher and Binder. Presses of E. M. Uzzell. 127 p. Bedford, B.L., M.R. Walbridge and A. Aldous. 1999. Patterns in nutrient availability and plant diversity of temperate North American wetlands. Ecology 80: 2151 -2169. Bridgham, S. D. and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Hydrology and nutrient gradients in North Carolina peatlands. Wetlands 13: 207 -218. Bridgham, S. D. and C.J. Richardson. 2003. Endogenous versus exogenous nutrient control over decomposition and mineralization in North Carolina peatlands. Biogeochemistry 65: 151 -178. Brinson, M.M. 1991. Landscape properties of pocosins and associated wetlands. Wetlands 11: 441 -465. 10 USFWS March 2010 Draft Chescheir, G.M., R.W. Skaggs and J.W. Gilliam. 1990. Effects of water management and land use practices on the hydrology and water quality in the Albemarle Pamlico Region. North Carolina Deptartment of Natural Resources and Community Development. Albemarle Pamlico Estuarine Study No. 90 -09. 59 p. Christensen, N.L., R.B. Burchell, A. Liggett and E.L. Sims. 1981. The structure and development of pocosin vegetation. Pages 43 -61 In: C.J. Richardson (ed.), Pocosin Wetlands: An Integrated Analysis of Coastal Plain Freshwater Bogs in North Carolina. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co. Stroudsburg, PA. Daniel, C.C., III. 1980. Hydrology, geology and soils of pocosins: a comparison of natural and altered systems. U.S. Geological Survey, Raleigh, NC. 49 p. Daniel, C. C., III. 1981. Hydrology, geology and soils of pocosins: a comparison of natural and altered systems. Pages 69 -108 In: C.J. Richardson (ed). Pocosin Wetlands: An Integrated Analysis of Coastal Plain Freshwater Bogs in North Carolina. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co. Stroudsburg, PA. DiGiulio, RT and E.A. Ryan. 1987. Mercury in soils, sediments, and clams from a North Carolina peatland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 33: 205 -219. Dolman, J.D. and S.W. Buol. 1967. A Study of Organic Soils (Histosols) in the Tidewater Region of North Carolina. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service Technical Bulletin 181, 52 p. Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Inc. 1982. Hydrology, biology, and water quality studies for the Pungo River area of North Carolina. Preliminary assessment prepared for Peat Methanol Associates, Methanol Plant, Creswell, North Carolina. Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Inc., Gainesville, FL. Evans, D.W., R.T. DiGiulio and E.A. Ryan. 1984. Mercury in peat and its drainage waters in eastern North Carolina. Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 218, Raleigh, NC. 66 p. Evans, R.O., J.W. Gilliam and R.W. Skaggs. 1989. 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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12: 2245 -2264. 14 a North Carolina [aepartment (A Envirow,�er a,-)d haturai P- ,sr�ur(,w.; Uvision of VV,7Ier Quali °v Pat McCrory Charles 'VVakiid, P. E Governor Director April 22, 2013 Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Attn: Howard Phillips P O Box 329 Columbia, NC 27925 ,john 1. Skvarla, III Secretary DWQ #: 12 -0953 Washington & Hyde Counties Pocosin Lakes Refuge Watershed 2 Hydrology Restoration Infrastructure USACE Action ID. No. SAW- 2012 -01548 Dear Mr. Phillips: On October 12, 2012, the Division of Water Quality (Division) received your application requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division for your project. A Public Notice was issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on October 9, 2012 and received by the Division on April 9, 2013. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on -hold until all of the following information is received. Please explain why the proposed berm needs to be 4 feet in height to restore wetland hydrology and prevent woody debris from entering County Line Canal. 2. Based on the berm's proposed construction out of dredge material with 1.5 to 1 slopes, please explain how it would be sufficient to hold the amount of water that would be impounded without a clay core and prevent erosion of the berm into the canal. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(c), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application. If all of the requested information is not received in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter, the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be returned. The return of this project will necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including a complete application package and the appropriate fee. ,Jet Eti ,i, n,- -tei )i l ( nd nil N ortI� C �irci 01a oc .gin 5 S� �. F itiai� � ,� � �� u'(' ^- '� {� , 1 1, ho, 4 m a ,� .r� f- , It'Y Pocosin Lakes Refuge Watershed 2 Hydrology Restoration Infrastructure Page 2 of 2 April 22, 2013 Respond in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter by sending four copies of all of the above requested information to the Wetlands, Buffers, Stormwater — Compliance and Permitting (Webscape) Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650. Please be aware that you have no authorization under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this activity and any work done within waters of the state may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact Roberto Scheller at 252 - 948 -3940 or roberto.scheller @ncdenr.Rov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Karen Higgins, Super ' r Wetlands, Buffers, St water — Compliance & Permitting Unit cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Regulatory Field Office DWQ WaRO 401 files File Copy File name: 120953PocosinLakesRefugeWatershed2HydrologyRestorationlnfrastructure( Washington &Hyde)_401_IC_Hold.docx