HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121049 Ver 1_More Info Received_20130429Strickland, Bev From: lallen @mbakercorp.com Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 2:47 PM To: Strickland, Bev Cc: lallen @mbakercorp.com Subject: Honda Connector SWMP documentation Attachments: Logo u. lallen(a)mbakercorp.com has sent you attachments using Baker eFTP Bev, Please find attached for download the pdf copies of the SWMP documentation and calculations Message that you requested. Please let me know if there is anything else that I may assist you with. Text: Thanks Larry File(s) Uploaded: SWMP_HondaMRO.pdf SWMP—Honda Connector.pdf To retrieve these attachments, click on the secure link below. https : / /eftp.mbakercorp.com:443 ?wtcQI D= RORNS01 GR1 dGVDoxeUhGa3ZRVw = =/ Access to this information will expire on 5/6/2013 12:00:00 AM NOTE: Some companies have policies at their sites that prohibit the above link to be accessed byjust clicking on the link. If this is the case, just copy and paste the entire URL link (including the equal signs) into your browser. If you need additional assistance, contact the Michael Baker IT Support Desk at 1- 866 - 447 -6333 or e-mail us at Dig italServices(o)mbakercorp. com Legal Disclaimer: This website is intended solely for use by the Michael Baker Corporation, its affiliates, clients, subcontractors, and other designated parties. All information utilized on this website is for designated recipients only. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this material by any individual other than the said designated recipients is strictly prohibited. The Michael Baker Corporation, its affiliates and employees, makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any documents or information available from this website and therefore assumes neither legal liability nor responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, technical/ scientific quality or usefulness of said documents or information F fi1 41-1 Roadway H Management Stormwater The purpose of the Honda Connector Roadway project is to provide a means of circulation and access between the two Honda sites, the existing R &D /Production campus and the proposed MRO Maintenance campus. The need for this roadway is necessary due to the number of non - licensed vehicles that Honda will be proposing to move between the two sites (ie, aircraft tugs, golf carts, scissor lifts, aircraft maintenance vehicles, etc), and Honda's desire for all truck traffic to enter the property from the R &D /Production entrance for security and quality control purposes. The roadway is proposed as a two -lane, 24 -foot wide roadway, with grass -lined ditches on both sides diverting runoff from the roadway to a BMP measure located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of the Honda Connector Roadway and the MRO Entrance Road. A closed drainage system will be installed along the lower section of the road, on the southeast side of the road, in order to catch runoff and divert it to the BMP listed above. .. ., r As this project is located on an active airport, the need for a BMP system that does not have a permanent pool of water (ie, wet retention basin) is necessary to meet the FAA's requirement for not providing wildlife attractants near an active airport. As such, a sand filter basin was selected from the list of available BMPs in the NCDENR -DWQ BMP manual. This sand filter basin is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of the Honda Connector Roadway and the MRO Entrance Road. Only runoff from the Honda Connector Roadway will be introduced to this BMP. Runoff from the remainder of the MRO site will be handled by other BMPs covered by the stormwater management plan developed by Barge Waggoner Sumner and Cannon, Inc. The sand filter basin is designed to handle the 1" runoff for the WQV. A weir is proposed in the sedimentation basin that will serve as a bypass for volumes above this WQV to be released to the adjacent stream during storm events that produce runoffs greater than the 1" WQV requirement. All water exiting the basin will be channeled to the adjacent stream via a rip rap channel, in order to divert water away from the adjacent roadway embankment as it crosses the stream. The existing site conditions consist of wooded and grassed areas, with a stream tributary to Horsepen Creels passing through the Honda Connector Roadway alignment. The drainage area of the site is approximately 1.37 acres. The c factor for this area, in its existing condition is approximately 0.25, due to the steep terrain adjacent to the stream. Based on these conditions, the 10 -year peak discharge attributed to this area is approximately 2.35 cfs. The proposed conditions will be modified from the existing by introducing a 24 -foot wide road through the area, along with replacing much of the forested topography with grassed slopes for the roadway embankment. With a composite C factor of 0.51 for this 1.37 acre area, the 10 -year peak discharge for this area in its post- construction state is approximately 4.79 cfs. Since much of the MRO site runoff is being diverted away from this stream, under BWSC's proposed approach, this increase in runoff volume is negligible compared to the amount of runoff diverted to the other drainage outfall from the MRO site. The proposed sand filter basin will be constructed within the limits of a proposed sediment trap that will be constructed for this project. At the conclusion of the construction activities for the roadway embankment, and the site has been stabilized. The sediment trap will be converted to a sand filter basin. Project name Contact name Phone number Date Drainage area number Honda Connector Larry J. Allen, PE 336- 662 -4242 February 28, 2013 HC -1 II. DESIGN INFORMATION 2,043.90 ft' Site Characteristics 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff depth Drainage area (AD) 59,500.00 ft OK Impervious area 23,760.00 ft2 % Impervious (IA) 39.9% % Design rainfall depth (RD) 1.00 in Peak Flow Calculations 2,043.90 ft' Adjusted water quality volume (WQVAd) 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff depth 2.74 in 1 -yr, 24 -hr intensity 0.11 in /hr Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff 0.03 ft3 /sec Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff 0.08 ft3 /sec Pre /Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control 0.05 ft3 /sec Storage Volume Design volume (WQV) 2,043.90 ft' Adjusted water quality volume (WQVAd) 1,532.93 ft' Volume contained in the sedimentation basin and on top of the sand filter 4,500.00 ft' Top of sand filter /grate elevation 811 ft amsl Weir elevation (between chambers) 813 ft amsl Maximum head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (hMaxHter) 2.00 ft Average head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (hA) 1.00 ft Runoff Coefficient (Rv) 0.41 (unitless) Type of Sand Filter Open sand filter? Y Y or N SHWT elevation 807.00 ft amsl Bottom of the sand filter elevation 809.00 ft amsl Clearance (dSHWT) 2.00 Closed /pre -cast sand filter? N Y or N SHWT elevation ft amsl Bottom of the sand filter elevation ft amsl Clearance (dsHwr) If this is a closed, underground closed sand filter: The clearance between the surface of the sand filter and the bottom of the roof of the underground ft structure (dspace) OK OK OK Form SW401 -Sand Filter -Rev.5 2009Sept17 Parts I and 11. Project Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Sedimentation Basin Surface area of sedimentation basin (As) Sedimentation basin /chamber depth Sand Filter Surface area of sand filter (AF) Top of sand media filter bed elevation Bottom of sand media filter bed /drain elevation Depth of the sand media filter bed (dF) Coefficient of permeability for the sand filter (k) Outlet diameter Outlet discharge /flowrate Time to drain the sand filter (t) Time to drain the sand filter (t) Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the sand filter? Is an off -line flow - splitting device used? If draining to SA waters: Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30ft from surface waters (50ft if SA waters)? If not a closed bottom, is BMP located at least 1 00f from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3 :1 Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? What is the width of the sedimentation chamber /forebay (Wsed)? What is the depth of sand over the outlet pipe (dpipe)? Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) 1,500.00 ft' vr\. ivieers inuuniuni, uut nidy iieeu to ue niuiedseu ru 2.00 ft 750.00 ft vr\. iweers nnnuiiuni, uui uidy neeu ru ue uwiadsau iu 810.50 ft amsl 809.00 It amsl 1.50 ft 3.50 (ft/day) 6.00 in 0.09 ft3 /sec 13.90 hours OK. Submit drainage calculations. 0.58 days Y Y or N OK Y Y or N OK NA Y or N Enter Data ft YorN Y YorN OK Y YorN OK Y YorN OK Y Y or N OK 30.00 ft OK 1.00 ft OK Form SW401 -Sand Filter -Rev.5 2009Sept17 Parts I and 11. Project Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found, An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Initials Pagel Plan Sheet No. 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site with labeled drainage area boundaries - System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter chamber, Maintenance access, Flow splitting device, Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build -out, - Off -site drainage (if applicable), and - Boundaries of drainage easement. 2, Plan details (1" = 30' or larger) for the sand filter showing: - System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter chamber, Maintenance access, Flow splitting device, Vegetative filter strip dimensions and slope (if SA waters), Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), Design at ultimate build -out, - Off -site drainage (if applicable), and - Boundaries of drainage easement, 3. Section view of the sand filter (1" = 20' or larger) showing: - Depth(s) of the sedimentation chamber and sand filter chamber, - Depth of sand filter media, - Connection between the sedimentation chamber and the sand filter chamber and weir elevation, - SHWT elevation, - Outlet pipe, and - Clearance from the surface of the sand filter to the bottom of the roof of the underground structure (if applicable). 4. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. 5. Supporting calculations (including drainage calculations) 6. Signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0 &M) agreement 7. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). Form SW401 -Sand Filter -Rev.5 2009Sept17 Part III, Page 1 of 1 S.O. No. Subject: -7 0 Al LY-4 i V ell Sheet il __ o, 4, No. Drawing No yr Computed by Checked By Date e, X 0.5 W "o ""2 t4re, Yo x Z., 2 `7 FPom /\/Olhl A-Aus lell VIIII, Vq()xV , p ?z- VIIII, Vq()xV , p S.O. No Subject: —1 Sheet No. of Drawing No. Computed by Checked By Date Orbf J�l 151 A ld A4 IAI f . . ......... . . ... . .... .. . . . .. . ....... 04 yy - - - - ------- -- 21, sa 4 A� Ar A & q 12 2' A S.O. No Subject: Sheet No of Drawing No. Computed by Checked By Date Vkl z, 8 V1, , �) ------ , N J� 8/ @ td A IZ Vkl z, 8 V1, , �) ------ , N J� 8/ S.O. No. _-T v�O Subject: ,A A 0 (1 Sheet No of Oct - Drawing No. Computed by Checked By Date . ......... ?"A 7!112 el -1- A (VA In, 0 o 1 vrt V (v F" 15 OU--VLF5l- I C', _-T v�O V o ?"A 7!112 el -1- A (VA In, 0 o . ..... .... F" OU--VLF5l- I C', _-T ev, 0, 7� I-/- z. xIM Qft 6y, 1 t, V1 y . . . . . . .. . . . . W LU 0.8 0.00003 1,500 10 2,400 0.6 4 0.004 0.5 � 0.4 0.4-_- 0,6-, 2,000 0.00001 _ 0 Ors 0.000008 - 0.3 15 .4 W 4 0.000005 0.005 0.2 0.3 1,000 1.500 0.2 0.006 0.6 0.2 800 0.007 600 1,000 0.008 0.7 500 800 0.009 0.1 0.01 0.8 0.08 400--600 0.06 300 500 0.9 1.0 0.05 400 20 0.04 0.03 200 300 w:- 0.02 � :- 0.02 200 15 >° 100 LL Cl- 0.03 1.5 Q - - 0.01 ® 80 \J 10 9 0.04 0.008 LLJ 60 100 0 96 8 0 0.10 0.05 0.006 en 50 84 7 W _w L3 0.08 0.06-.- 0.005 ® 40 60 72 6 Il! � 0.07 2 1 0.004 `° � 30 50 c� w X: 60 5 W 0.05 0.040-08-- ® 0.003's 40 L 54 C3 � 0.030-09 ® 0.002 s „• ,r ® 20 30 1- w ® 48 - \ 4 42 - i x ) � i w 0.02 L 20 � 86- 3 0015�� :0.010 3 � 0.001 _ a- 30 �� I CJ 0.008 L 0.0008 10 27 , f �� 0.2 . w ® 0.0006 CD 8 24� � -0.006 U 0.0005 10 d U 21 1 f' 4 0.0004 6 5 8 ttJ 1�. 3 , - _ '0.3-- cJ 4 .� 15 / \ .0.0003 ® 6 ® Z e 0.4 5 0 0.0002 3 5 4 12 �+ 0.5 LLJ 2 ® 3 10 \ X0.6 6 0.0001 & s 0.7 0.00008 8 c < 7 2 .,, r .0.8- 0.9-- 0.00006 0.00005 1.0 6 „ 7m , ,. h® 0.00004 W LU 0.8 0.00003 1.0 10 0.00002 0.6 4 0.5 0.8 � 0.4-_- 0,6-, 0.00001 _ 0 Ors 0.000008 rd'�r 15 .4 W 4 0.000005 0.000004 0.2 0.3 0.13 0.2 W LU 9 0.00003 ® 10 0.00002 Q LAJ 2 � 0.00001 _ 3 _ 0.000008 ® 15 0.000006 W 4 0.000005 0.000004 5-4-18 1i I r t, Figure 3.10. Nomograph for Manning's Equation. S.O. No. Subject: P" 0 Eg V,-", L"'o'c' Sheet No. _—_._--of /0,�brawing No. -e /L Computed by Z_)A Checked By — Date_ M l") i C' C in, (j, ( ","" �' IC 51 e _3 of 2 IC 51 2, `4 hotbr fvl of 2 v" vl VA" 11P, I) o (J J 'j '3 J S.O. No. Subject: Computed by Checked By Sheet No.— Drawing No Date f'A ram HMO w"n HONDA AIRCRAFT C PA \ Y , / C J R FACILITY 10�6 =» American d # 2d _ \ # > #< Company, 430 Ballinger Roa Greensboro, N »«Y °# Prepared y: Existing Conditions The existing site conditions were determined from a site aerial survey from the Peidmont Triad International Airport Authority (PTAA) and were supplied to BWSC by the developer. The approximately 62.73 acre site is a previously undeveloped lease parcel owned by the PTAA that is southeast and immediately adjacent to the Piedmont Triad International Airport. The site was previously used as pasture, forest, and low- density residential. Soils map information was from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service web site (lrttp -vc ii- es_tisda.��ov %art71)r'Wcl S(.)i]Sur=vey.as) ). A copy of the soils mapping is included. The soil survey shows primarily sandy clay loams which are classed as type C soils by for the SCS method. The Pre - Developed conditions had two outfall locations, Outfall 0 (OF -0) and Outfall I (OF -1), shown in drawing EX -1. Catchment 1 (CM -1), totaling 59.56 acres, drained to the south of the site into an 8 -foot x 6 -foot CMP under Ballinger Road, OF -0. Catchment 2 (CM -2), totaling 29.42 acres, drained to the east of the site into a 42 -inch RCP under Chimney Rock Road, OF -1. The Time of Concentration was calculated using the TR -55 method in Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1), version The curve number for CM -1 was 70. The time of concentration for CM -1 was calculated to be 25.6 minutes. The curve number for CM -1 was 74. The time of concentration for CM -2 was calculated to be 41.7 minutes. Peak flows were calculated for the 1, 2, 10, and 100 -year storm events at OF -1. Pre - Developed drainage summary calculations at OF -1 are shown in Table 1. Proposed Conditions The site is proposed to be used as an aircraft maintenance facility. The current planned facility will contain offices and hangar bays for maintenance. Preliminary grading and drainage was performed by the PTAA. The site topography for the area planned for the offices and hangar bays contains an apron that slopes to the northwest and is collected in a swale and piped to the southeast to the design detention basin. The areas east of the intersection of the entrance road and loop road is collected and piped to the southeast to the designed detention basin. Areas west of the intersection are collected and piped to skimmer basins west of the entrance road. The detention basin drains to a 42 -inch RCP running under Chimney Rock Road, noted as OF -1 on drawings EX -I and EX -2. The detention basin is designed to serve potential future development of 8.3 acres along the road to the southeast. The Post- Developed drainage areas and detention pond are shown in drawing EX -2. The Post - Developed drainage area for OF -0 is reduced by 23.9 acres. Therefore, all Post - Developed flows at OF -0 will be less than the Pre - Developed flows. The Post - Developed drainage calculations are included in the Drainage Calculations section. Post - Developed drainage summary calculations at OF -1 are shown in Table 1. 1 Methods and Assnmptions The hydrology and hydraulics for both areas were simulated in the Bentley CivilStorm software, V8 XM Edition. An SCS approach was used for the curve numbers and times of concentration and 24 -hour, Type II, SCS storm events were used. All catch basins were assumed to be full capture type with no bypass assumed. Structure head losses were calculated using a HEC -22 approach. The detention pond was designed as a dry pond in order to avoid classification by the Federal Aviation Administration as a hazardous wildlife attractant (Section 3, FAA Advisory Circular AC No. 150/5200 -33) and the resulting wildlife hazard mitigation techniques. Pond Results The stage - storage relationship for the detention pond was calculated using Microsoft Excel and an average end area approach. Data and graphs are enclosed for this pond. The 1 inch rainfall runoff storage volume (as required by paragraph 3.1 of the City of Greensboro, NC Stoi7nwater Management Manual dated May 2009) for water quality was calculated using MathCad V14, shown in the Drainage Calculations section. The volume required was 129,638.2 cubic feet. The stage /storage relationship for this pond shows required volume met at approximately 816.2, therefore the volume provided at elevation 816.3, 130.840.85 cubic feet, is more than required. The pond surface area at this elevation was calculated at 62,787.7 square feet. The pond was designed for an elevation of 819.79 and storage of 372,312.1 cubic feet to contain the 100 -yr storm event and provide 1.0 foot of fi-eeboard. The model indicates that the 1 inch rainfall runoff will store and draw down 129,642 cubic feet, over a period of approximately 2.5 days, which exceeds this requirement. Table 1. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION SITE PEAK FLOWS INTO DETENTION POND (PO -1) 1 -Year 2 -Year 10 -Year 100 -Year Pre - Development (cfs) - - - - Post - Development (c£s) 49.57 64.52 102.30 161.84 CONSTRUCTION SITE PEAK FLOWS AT OUTFALL 1 (OF -1) 1 -Year 2 -Year 10 -Year 100 -Year Pre - Development (cfs) 12.52 19.66 39.85 76.28 Post - Development (cfs) 11.20 19.25 39.76 69.53 DETENTION POND 1 -Year 2 -Year 10 -Year 100 -Year Surface Elevation (ft) 815.75 816.17 817.24 818.79 Max. Storage Volune (efl 100,845 125,958 193,287 298,463 Freeboard (ft) 4.04 3.62 2.55 1.00 2 i? 36° 6' 3 36° 5'56" Hydrologic Soil Group — Guilford County, North Carolina (Proposed Honda MRO Facility Site) ry Map Scale: 1:6,380 ff printed on A size (8.5" x 11 ") sheet. r N Meters 0 50 100 200 300 Feet 0 200 400 800 1,200 USIA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/2/2012 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 36'6'39" 6° 5'56" Hydrologic Soil Group — Guilford County, North Carolina Proposed Honda MRO Facility Site Hydrologic Soil Group® Summary by Map Unit ® Guilford County, North Carolina (NC081) Map unit symbol flap unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI ChA Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, C 4.6 4.4% frequently flooded CI132 Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 6 percent B 4.7 4.5% slopes, moderately eroded CIC2 Clifford sandy clay loam, 6 to 10 percent B 2.1 2.0% slopes, moderately eroded CoA Congaree loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, C 2.0 1.9% frequently flooded EnB Enon fine sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent C 4.0 3.8% slopes MhB2 Mecklenburg sandy clay loam, 2 to 6 C 53.7 51.2% percent slopes, moderately eroded MhC2 Mecklenburg sandy clay loam, 6 to 10 C 28.6 27.2% percent slopes, moderately eroded PpE2 Poplar Forest clay loam, 15 to 25 percent B 5.1 4.9% slopes, eroded Totals for Area of Interest 104.8 100.0% Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/2/2012 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group — Guilford County, North Carolina Proposed Honda MRO Facility Site Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long- duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B /D, and C /D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B /D, or C /D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Aggregation Method: Dominant Component Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher LJSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/2/2012 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 Revised 5115109 Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) Rainfall Annual Exceedance Probability (1 in ears) Duration 1- r 2 -yr 5 -yr 10- r 25 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 5 min 0.38 0.45 0.53 0.57 0.63 0.66 0.69 10 min 10 min 0.61 0.72 0.85 0.91 1.00 1.06 1.1 3.05 15 min 0.76 0.91 1.07 1.16 1.27 1.34 1.39 2.52 30 min 1.04 1.26 1.52 1.68 1.88 2.01 2.13 1.95 60 min 1.3 1.58 1.95 2.18 2.51 2.73 2.93 1.31 2 hr 1.53 1.86 2.32 2.62 3.06 3.36 3.66 1.09 3 hr 1.64 1.99 2.48 2.81 3.28 3.62 3.95 0.75 6 hr 1.99 2.41 3.00 3.42 4.03 4.49 4.95 0.51 12 hr 2.36 2.86 3.57 4.1 4.9 5.52 6.16 24 hr 2.79 3.38 1 4.21 1 4.82 5.73 1 6.43 7.15 A 1 A 1 1 1 i' - Precipitation Intensity Estimates (inches /hour) Rainfall Annual Exceedance Probability (1 in years) Duration 1 -yr 2- r 5- r 10 -yr 25- r 50 -yr 100 -yr 5 min 4.57 5.44 6.34 6.87 7.55 7.96 8.31 10 min 3.65 4.35 5.08 5.49 6.02 6.33 6.6 15 min 3.05 3.65 4.28 4.63 5.09 5.35 5.56 30 min 2.09 2.52 3.04 3.35 3.77 4.03 4.26 60 min 1.3 1.58 1.95 2.18 2.51 2.73 2.93 2 hr 0.77 0.93 1.16 1.31 1.53 1.68 1.83 3 hr 0.55 0.66 0.83 0.94 1.09 1.21 1.31 6 hr 0.33 0.4 0.5 0.57 0.67 0.75 0.83 12 hr 0.2 0.24 0.30 0.34 0.41 0.46 0.51 24 ht 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.27 0.3 Source: NOAA Atlas 14, Vol. 2, Version 3 (2004) for Greensboro Pump Station 36.089 N 79.769 W Note: Precipitation values for the 1, 2, and 5 year recurrence intervals were obtained from partial duration series and those for the 10, 25, 50, and 100 year recurrence interval were obtained from annual maximum series City of Greensboro 115 Stormwater Management Manual R Chapter Revised 5/15/09 City of Greensboro 116 Stormwater Management Manual W 00 - � � M M " M dO' 'd ��' dM- Vl Ln VV) lD r- 00 00 N ®� O o ® o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 6® 0®® 0 0 0 0 0 0® ® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h ® C N � c9y z a O o0 r- r- o, m 0a �p w) r- N O) O V' -T O O O O\ N M O I'D C) M r` •- kn o v- rn I O, v O r- M O r �,D 00 V) O\ ;Zr O \0 ON N 00 "D O O O N N N M an d Lr) r Pw � ZR _ \0 r- r- 00 Q\ O N M V1 M r- �- �'� O C� W M CT � ^ E ® 0® t� ,� u O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 'ice � �✓ � 6 � :N d+ r O �O N cN � t-- r— O m oo Lr) m 00 w) m O N E r- O M \O O M +D O d 00 N t N an d O oo 00 M O O O O �^ N N N M M M d' IT Ln 0 0 0 0 0 ® U 00 O\ M O M r O\ O M to ON N t- M N U N N N N N N N N N M M M M er CY Ln �D t- O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q. 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O •� 0000 l �' 00 PN-+ rz la O N N cV N cV cV (V N N m m m m M m m m m M M m m m m m N a cn N D` t` cn N p O Ow 00 CO �-O cn cn M m m N N N N N N N- 0 0 •^ ® O N ^� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L M u ter° 4 N v .4 00 m o9 N kn cn �O cn M O v) O � c) N v) V) N 00 M 00 N cn 00 ^' "ZT O) d r- 00 O l- ® '- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LI m N 'IT ON D\ w P, V) \0 O - C) t- \D d Cr) w m O\ t- N n O 00� M r- a\- m vMi � 00 r O\ O N N m d' Ln Ln� t- � w w O -a r- t- 00 00 00 00 00 00 O) Ol O? O\ O) d> O) D\ Q O) O O) 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6® 0 0 0 C) 0 C) 0 0 C) A cn O �n O O Ln O tn O Ln O kn. O cn O O Ln O Ln. O cn O cn O m c>i d 'IT W) V) t- t 00 00 O) O ® O - V M - .-+ ,-. - P- - - ,-, - ,-. .- City of Greensboro 117 Stonnwater Management Manual 4 4 Storm v nt Detailed Report: I- Year Event <General> Label 1 -Year Event Notes Rainfall Storm Event Data Type Depth End Time 1440.0 min Start Time 0.0 min Storm Event Depth Cumulative Type Increment 30.0 min Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 0.0 0.000 30.0 0.015 60.0 0.030 90.0 0.046 120.0 0.062 150.0 0.079 180.0 0.097 210.0 0.116 240.0 0.135 270.0 0.155 300.0 0.176 330.0 0.199 360.0 0.222 390.0 0.247 420.0 0.275 450.0 0.304 480.0 0.336 510.0 0.371 540.0 0.409 570.0 0.453 600.0 0.504 630.0 0.570 660.0 0.656 690.0 0.790 720.0 1.850 750.0 2.051 780.0 2.155 810.0 2.229 840.0 2.282 870.0 2.338 900.0 2.382 930.0 2.421 960.0 2.455 990.0 2.487 1020.0 2.516 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820 Drainage.csd Center 6/18/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) [ Page 1 of 2 F17 IT III IN 1 71 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiil Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 1050.0 2.543 1080.0 2.568 1110.0 2.592 1140.0 2.615 1170.0 2.635 1200.0 2.656 1230.0 2.675 1260.0 2.693 1290.0 2.712 1320.0 2.728 1350.0 2.744 1380.0 2.760 1410.0 2.775 1440.0 2.790 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820_Drainage.csd Center 6/18/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTserleS 1) [] Page 2 of 2 CM -1 <None> 2596088.9 70.00 25.6 (N /A) (N /A) CM -2 CS -1 1281535.2 74.00 41.7 (N /A) (N /A) CM -3 CB -1 5270.8 98.00 5.0 0.14 632.00 CM -4 CB -3 6708.2 96.13 5.0 0.32 1319.00 CM -5 CB -4 4748.0 91.39 5.0 0.20 755.00 CM -6 CB -5 348.5 98.00 5.0 0.02 71.00 CM -7 CB -6 11151.4 90.03 10.6 0.43 1664.00 CM -8 CB -8 9191.2 91.40 5.4 0.38 1461.00 CM -9 CB -7 6098.4 96.11 5.0 0.29 1201.00 CM -10 CB -10 7361.6 95.44 5.0 0.34 1402.00 CM -11 CB -9 8973.4 92.76 5.0 0.39 1522.00 CM -12 CB -11 7318.1 92.00 5.0 0.31 1197.00 CM -13 CB -13 6795.4 96.00 5.0 0.32 1324.00 CM -14 CB -12 9147.6 91.26 5.0 0.38 1448.00 CM -15 CB -14 9278.3 92.14 5.0 0.40 1529.00 CM -16 CB -16 115913.2 96.51 5.0 5.50 23165.00 CM -17 CB -17 56279.5 93.06 5.0 2.47 9657.00 CM -18 CB -18 59503.0 90.27 5.0 3.63 13593.00 CM -19 CB -19 5619.2 98.00 5.0 0.27 1194.00 CM -20 CB -21 21605.8 98.00 5.0 1.05 4607.00 CM -21 CB -15 17772.5 98.00 5.0 0.86 3793.00 CM -22 CB -23 1786.0 98.00 5.0 0.09 382.00 CM -23 CB -24 15681.6 79.07 5.0 0.32 1073.00 CM -24 CB -25 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.21 930.00 CM -25 CB -26 4573.8 98.00 5.0 0.22 975.00 CM -26 CB -27 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.21 932.00 CM -27 CB -28 4225.3 98.00 5.0 0.20 898.00 CM -28 CB -29 4748.0 98.00 5.0 0.23 1010.00 CM -29 CB -30 3267.0 98.00 5.0 0.16 700.00 CM -30 MH -9 20380.0 98.00 5.0 0.99 4346.00 CM -31 CB -2 2701.0 98.00 5.0 0.13 576.00 CM -32 MH -3 16340.0 98.00 5.0 0.79 3485.00 CM -33 MH -7 9154.0 98.00 5.0 0.44 1952.00 CM -34 MH -8 8286.0 98.00 5.0 0.40 1767.00 CM -35 MH -6 8674.0 98.00 5.0 0.42 1850.00 CM -36 MH -10 20380.0 98.00 5.0 0.99 4346.00 CM -37 CS -3 7100.3 79.01 5.0 0.18 614.00 CM -38 CS -4 46435.0 78.14 5.0 1.13 3829.00 CM -39 CS -5 101102.8 76.29 5.0 2.52 8480.00 CM -40 CS -6 27137.9 74.00 5.0 0.53 1760.00 CM -41 CS -7 34281.7 74.00 5.0 0.67 2223.00 CM -42 CS -8 37418.0 74.00 5.0 0.73 2425.00 CM -43 CS -9 10280.2 74.00 5.0 0.20 666.00 CM -44 CS -14 373251.0 91.00 5.0 15.44 58357.00 CM -45 CS -10 17946.7 74.00 5.0 0.35 1163.00', CM -46 CS -11 8624.9 74.00 5.0 0.17 558.00', CM -47 CS -12 13394.5 74.00 5.0 0.26 868.00 CM -48 CS -12 3455.8 74.00 5.0 0.07 224.00 CM -52 CB -22 784.1 98.00 5.0 0.04 170.00 CM -55 CS -11 69608.9 74.00 29.7 0.83 4512.00 CM -56 CS -10 280224.0 74.78 17.5 4.46 19039.00 CM -57 CB -38 2541.8 98.00 5.0 0.12 542.00 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 2 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 6 eA;. x w< Y I r Catchment # b 3 hv,1 ., 8 {!r D ! i r t +i . s Current Time: 0.0 min Label Outflow Node Area SCS CN Time of Flow (Peak) Volume (Total (ft2) Concentration (ft3 /s) Runoff) (min) (ft3) CM -58 CB -39 2648.9 98.00 5.0 0.13 565.00 CM -59 CB -40 4518.9 98.00 5.0 0.22 964.00 CM -60 CB -41 4324.3 98.00 5.0 0.21 922.00 CM -61 CB -42 4355.2 98.00 5.0 0.21 929.00 CM -62 CB -43 4424.5 98.00 5.0 0.21 944.00 CM -63 MH -13 1664.0 98.00 5.0 0.08 355.00 CM -64 MH -14 2904.0 98.00 5.0 0.14 619.00 CM -65 MH -15 3584.0 98.00 5.0 0.17 764.00 CM -66 CB -45 7023.7 98.00 5.0 0.34 1498.00 CM -67 CB -46 6113.5 98.00 5.0 0.30 1304.00 CM -68 CB -47 4332.8 98.00 5.0 0.21 924.00 CM -69 CB -48 5571.0 98.00 5.0 0.27 1188.00 CM -70 CB -51 4339.0 98.00 5.0 0.21 925.00 CM -71 CB -52 3425.5 98.00 5.0 0.17 731.00 CM -72 CB -49 9270.3 98.00 5.0 0.45 1977.00 CM -73 CS -27 29711.4 74.00 18.3 0.44 1926.00 CM -74 CS -28 31103.7 74.00 18.5 0.46 2016.00 CM -75 CS-29 24819.3 74.00 5.0 0.48 1608.00 CM -76 CS -30 17525.3 74.00 5.0 0.34 1136.00 CM -77 CS -31 39118.2 74.00 26.6 0.50 2536.00 CM -78 CB -53 1598.8 98.00 5.0 0.08 341.00 CM -79 CB -50 1905.5 98.00 5.0 0.09 406.00 CM -80 CB -55 16901.3 98.00 5.0 (N /A) (N /A) CM -81 CB -54 4965.8 98.00 5.0 (N /A) (N /A) CM -82 CB -44 11456.3 87.69 5.0 (N /A) (N /A) Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 10/212012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 2 of 2 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 C13-1 880.67 876.03 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.14 876.44 C13-2 881.15 876.94 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.13 877.11 C13-3 879.45 875.24 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.32 875.74 C13-4 878.55 871,68 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.20 872.21 CB -5 879.25 871.16 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.02 871.66 C13-6 877.02 869.34 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.42 870.00 C13-7 876.38 873.63 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.29 873.84 C13-8 877.25 868.88 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.38 869.57 C13-9 877.53 868.42 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.39 869.17 CB -10 876.38 873.30 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.34 873.53 CB -11 877.37 867.96 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.31 868.74 CB -12 877.20 867.10 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.38 867.88 CB -13 876.39 866.80 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.32 867.49 CB -14 877.09 873.98 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.39 874.23 CB -15 869.25 864.65 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.86 865.47 CB -16 876.80 873.64 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 5.49 874.45 CB -17 876.80 872.79 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 2.45 873.79 CB -18 876.80 871.54 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 3.59 872.75 CB -19 880.76 877.26 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.27 877.45 CB -20 880.55 869.44 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.00 870.68 CB -21 879.00 868.94 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.05 869.97 CB -22 877.61 873.61 4.00 HEC-22 Energy 0.04 873.70 CB -23 877.89 867.79 5.00 HEC-22 Energy 0.09 868.72 CB -24 863.75 858.51 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.31 859.37 CB -25 856.26 851.50 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 852.35 CB -26 848.76 844.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.22 844.86 CB -27 841.26 836.55 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 837.41 CB -28 833.77 829.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.20 829.96 CB -29 828.96 824.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.23 825.07 CB -30 828.53 822.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.16 822.72 CB -38 828.12 817.98 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.12 818.91 CB -39 827.66 818.55 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.13 818.96 CB -40 826.87 819.41 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.22 819.78 CB -41 826.09 820.26 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 820.58 CB -42 825.31 821.11 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 821.37 CB -43 824.52 821.96 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 822.15 CB -44 877.32 874.99 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.00 874.99 CB -45 822.11 818.11 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.34 818.28 CB -46 819.08 815.03 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.30 815.26 CB -47 817.21 812.95 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 813.21 CB -48 815.08 810.97 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.27 811.31 CB -49 814.10 810.22 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.45 809.76 CB -50 814.50 809.49 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.09 809.48 CB -51 823.74 819.74 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 819.86 CB -52 817.61 813.61 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.17 813.91 CB -53 815.83 811.28 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.08 810.03 CB -54 812.19 808.69 4.00 Absolute (N /A) (N /A) CB -55 812.19 808.21 4.00 Absolute (N /A) (N /A) Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center (] 10/212012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 m M CO .-+ r� lO n N d" co m m m l0 I\ LD IT d' O lD tD m lD m M N m I\ m it M m m m n Q O O O Oo d" Ln Co N oo O cD M d" d' N Ln d' O lD O Ol l0 l0 N d' ON d- m m O n Ol Z N M M M M M M N M N d' d" N d' d° d' N Ln d' Ln d' M N �' N N Ln O I, N M Ol U d" M d' O m O n O, 0, 'D d- O CO Ln O lD CO N OJ Lo O M n N M d' d' Q a) O N �--+ M m 0) O I\ m N to O M i'l O W M .-y d' Ol d: d: O d' N d' 1-1 O .-1 d" CD Z O O N O N O M d' O d' ui Ln O o Ln I� O O O m O1 O OLr) N N O Lo N M M M m m Ln lD O m O O m O O m I\ M O O Ln m W N O O N m W d' N O d' M O Ill Ln d" m Ln d' d" M M O Ln O O Ln O O O Ln N O 6 0 Ln m N O m O Ln O n N r+ N O N m N �D IT lD lD d' tD O m IT N I'D 1.0 O O d' Oo M d' Ol d' O N rl .-i LIl 00 N M .--i — N N N N d' Ln O CO M M M M N M M M M N M M M M M M M fn M M M fn M h'1 M M M M M M M N M M M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N Ln Ln Co oo oo co c0 m N d' Ln d" d' Ln f d' O Ln O d' d" O O Ln O N m O Ln O N Ln O O O d' P . . 1-i r r . 1-1 N. N N 1-1 N N M. M N N M M, M. , M 1-i M. . M M M O O O O 1-1 M w O O O O O Cl N O O O N O 1� N 0 0 C. 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N M 0) O Ln M O m M M O W O M M m M O M M Ln M N N Cl N fn O M CO Ln M W CO O H O .-i M O O N .--1 n n O Q B m Ln m M O n M Ln O .°'1 M T T d' tl' d' N O N M Z Z O N M V lD N L\ _q O a r, Ln M N ,-1 CY O t\ d' V' Ln N l0 n M *-1 !l O) T-1 M Ln n Ln +--1 N O O) 00 to d' O .-4 M lD OD n CO N N O Q Q N N M M M M m l0 .-L .-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 *-1 M M O N N N N N N N N V' N OCY) .-L M to 0) Ln CY) M n (T n n L\ n ,-{ •--L d' 00 + 0) n M lD ID 00 ti N O O ,-1 N I: +-a N 00 .--1 ,-a I- M M Ln M Ln to O) Ln M M O W W to ,--i [Y W M lD O O .--i O N O n L, O d' 7 d' d' V' d" O V O m W w lD W l0 N Ln m IT O O O O n lD M T O n •-1 •-� •--{ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N M N M M M M N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln CO Ln 00 Ln Ln Ln Ln V' I- Ln 111 Ln 00 W M M M M M M -1 -a ,-1 ,-t N N 1-1 1-1 .� M O L\ i\ O co 00 IT 0) O 0 0 0 0 M 0) O O M O N q" M N O� 0) O) N M .-1 N Cl? 1;1' In Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln I- Cp Ln .� O) a, �--1 Ln Ln N O Ln Ln Q Q [t' V' M N O O O O O O O O O O O O O N +--1 -4 +-/ O O M to O o Z Z O O O O l0 O) .--1 M IT Ln m O O O O O W W lD W to n O) [t M O cY 00 O [Y 0 0 0 0 d' N CO N 1p O) O� Ln 0 0 Cl (0) M M O --1 M M d' M I-� O O O O N W d' 00 N Ln N O O O �--i M 0) +--1 'd' O to d' N d' N •-+ 'I' to N Ln Ln Ln Ln O0 M N Ln M Ln O) Ln Ln Ln 111 lD Ln M V' O O rl Ln M 110 lD W v rl N O Ln O O O O O W O O O Ln .-1 to .-1 M M Ln M Ln I, N Ol 111 .-1 M N ,--t to ,-i .ti ,--i -i O O N L\ O to Ln M N .� N N .--1 O O M M O l0 O M lD M O to OI- N O n L\ N N CO 00 O) O -4 O d" 00 Ln M I-i O 0) m M N O M 00 00 7 M N N N — .-1 '-1 .-1 .-i +--i N N L\ rl n -4 O O -4 1--1 I-i O O co 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 N 00 00 00 W 00 00 00 00 Co Co 00 00 00 00 co 00 00 to L\ co O) O 1 '-1 •--1 00 0) O .--1 N to n 00 O O N M 0) N Ln N N N N M '� N M' -1 M M V' V' 'd' M T± T T T T Ln T Ln Ln T Ln Ln Ln co m m m m= LL 2 LL Z m m m m m m m= co m 00 m m LL m m m to m LL U U U U U U 02: 0 5, 0 0 0 U U U U2: U U U U U D U U U U U D O O Ln O O O w i\ I'D W Ln lD M O) to .-1 M Ln r� N O M O Ln O O O O N M M M d: N +-1 O? d' M d' O M O) N V' I, l0 N M lD N .-1 v ID O V N n rl N n W O) O .-i .-1 l0 I- Lb CO ill N O O O O) M .-1 T 00 00 Lr) V' M N N N +--1 N N N it N L\ 1-4 -4 .-1 1-1 .-1 O ri .--1 1-1 O O 00 CO co 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O 00 00 00 00 00 W 00 00 CO OD 00 00 OD O0 00 00 O 00 00 Ln lD L\ co 0) O '� N co 0) O — N M Ln to n W O) O *-1 N M ID d' Ln M T T d' d' m m m m lb 00 m m lb lb m lb = m= m m m m lb m m m co (n m lb U U U UUU 2:2: O D U v U U U z U z U U v U UUU U UUU U W O) O +-a N M v Ln O n M M M d' C)' d' d' d" L1'1 Ln Ln Lfl 111 l0 lD LD O LD l0 lD l8 lD t\ n � � f� i� N n 000000000000000000000000000000 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu N W N (1) t- O N NO N FN 00 m W LLJ J U) In W O CO U T N c OD m LO LO r 0 N N Q cU) d� U C � O �o U) U N C o 3 L O N � >m N > CEO N > � N > � =o N C a) N (n > Cn � T T C N @ C a E m O U O E N r N a CD @ c m �N O m o m N M O M H -1 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 879.66 875.53 875.96 MH -2 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 880.94 870.12 870.70 MH -3 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.06 878.00 878.40 MH-4 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 880.42 870.55 871.93 MH -5 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.10 869.75 871.10 M H -6 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 877.40 877.66 MH -7 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881,00 877.65 877.92 M H -8 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 880.87 876.93 877.22 MH -9 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.16 877.21 877.61 M H -10 4.00 HEC-22 Energy 881.51 877.40 877.80 MH -11 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 828.00 817.08 818.89 MH -12 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 821.27 817.27 819.42 MH -13 4,00 HEC -22 Energy 881.15 876.73 877.14 MH -14 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 876.43 876.61 M H -15 3.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 878.45 878.65 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 CS -1 0.030 Trapezoidal 10,000 0.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 (N /A) Cross Section -S -2 0,030 Trapezoidal 10,000 0.00 10.000 1.00 812.09 (N /A) Cross Section 'S -3 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 832.00 832.09 Cross Section 'S -4 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 830.67 830.90 Cross Section :S -5 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 829.34 829.73 Cross Section CS -6 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10,000 1.00 828.00 828.39 Cross Section -S -7 0.030 Trapezoidal 10,000 3.00 10.000 1.00 826.67 827.08 Cross Section CS -8 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 826.06 826.49 Cross Section CS -9 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 825.45 825.89 Cross Section -10 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 824.00 824.52 ICS Cross Section CS -11 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 823.52 Cross Section CS -12 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 819.00 820,11 Cross Section CS -14 0.030 Trapezoidal 6.000 100 15.000 2.00 823.00 824.02 Cross Section CS -15 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2,00 821,34 821.97 Cross Section CS -25 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2.00 817,43 819.59 Cross Section CS -26 0.035 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 814,34 814.60 Cross Section CS -27 0.030 Trapezoidal 33.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 828.00 828,17 Cross Section ICS -28 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 827.00 827.17 Cross Section CS -29 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1,00 826.00 826.11 Cross Section ( CS -30 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 819.00 819,13 Cross Section CS -31 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 816.00 816.14 Cross Section Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 0/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 CH -1 CS -1 CS -2 823.00 812.09 305.92 (N /A) (N /A) (N /A) -I-2 CS -3 CS -4 832.00 830.67 202.83 0.66 0.18 0.51 H-3 CS -4 CS -5 830.67 829.34 198.43 0.67 1.27 1.11 CH -4 CS -5 CS -6 829.34 828.00 202.53 0.66 3.69 1.51 CH -5 CS -6 CS -7 828.00 826.67 199.59 0,67 4.15 1.57 H -6 CS -7 CS -8 826.67 826.06 81.57 0.75 4.70 1.68 _;H-7 CS -8 CS -9 826.06 825.45 82.68 0.74 5.35 1.74 CH -8 CS -9 CS -10 825.45 824.00 211.86 0.68 5.45 1.70 1+9 CS -10 CS -11 824.00 823.00 74.97 1.33 10.10 2.56 H -10 CS -11 CS -12 823.00 819.00 300.11 1.33 10.95 2.62 CH -11 CS -14 CS -15 823.00 821.34 331.83 0.50 15.17 1.53 CH -12 CS -15 CS -25 821.34 817.43 373.16 1.05 15.23 0.73 H -13 CS -12 CS -25 819.00 817.43 117.66 1.33 11.07 0.35 _H -20 CS -25 MH -12 817.43 817.27 22.88 0.70 25.96 0.49 CH -21 CS -27 CS -28 828.00 827.00 215.73 0.46 0.44 0.72 -H -22 CS -28 CS -29 827.00 826.00 38.31 2.61 0.88 1.65 H -24 CS -29 CS -30 826.00 819.00 279.89 2.50 1.21 1.51 CH -26 CS -30 CS -31 819.00 816.00 120.33 2.49 1.49 1.66 CH -27 CS -31 CS -26 816.00 814.34 78.19 2.51 1.90 1.84 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [08.11.0235] /2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 4: °s` .i p!° i,_ "• r�' `f: f'9 I .. pj rk. k =� [!U v� .i Current Time: 0.0 min Label Volume Type Initial Elevation Hydraulic Grade Storage (ft) (Maximum) (Maximum) (ft) (ft3) PO -1 Elevation -Area Curve 812.36 815.75 100845.32 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Solution Center [] 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 y s a 0 z G o o O o o o o 0� o o o c o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 o N o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 N o 0 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 .. .. .. o o o o o O o o 0 o o o a o o (]d) aw-1 ape15 D!IIRIP (H (s��!I o] inc)) Mold u; S 0 0] .1 o r^ N i N O uf � O � -• .-• (s]d) awnlOA a E W 1 Storm nt Detailed Report: 2- Year Event <General> Label 2 -Year Event Notes Rainfall Storm Event Data Type Depth End Time 1440.0 min Start Time 0.0 min Storm Event Depth Cumulative Type Increment 30.0 min Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 0.0 0.000 30.0 0.018 60.0 0.037 90.0 0.055 120.0 0.075 150.0 0.096 180.0 0.117 210.0 0.140 240.0 0.163 270.0 0.188 300.0 0.214 330.0 0.241 360.0 0.269 390.0 0.300 420.0 0.333 450.0 0.368 480.0 0.407 510.0 0.449 540.0 0.496 570.0 0.549 600.0 0.611 630.0 0.690 660.0 0.795 690.0 0.958 720.0 2.242 750.0 2.485 780.0 2.611 810.0 2.700 840.0 2.765 870.0 2.832 900.0 2.886 930.0 2.932 960.0 2.975 990.0 3.013 1020.0 3.048 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820 Drainage.csd Center 6118/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V81 (SELECTseries 1) [ Page 1 of 2 Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 1050.0 3.081 1080.0 3.112 1110.0 3.140 1140.0 3.167 1170.0 3.193 1200.0 3.217 1230.0 3.241 1260.0 3.263 1290.0 3.285 1320.0 3.305 1350.0 3.325 1380.0 3.343 1410.0 3.362 1440.0 3.380 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820_Drainage.csd Center 6/18/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) [ Page 2 of 2 CM -1 <None> 2596088.9 70.00 25.6 (N /A) (N /A) CM -2 CS -1 1281535.2 74.00 41.7 (N /A) (N /A) CM -3 CB -1 5270.8 98.00 5.0 0.17 777.00 CM -4 CB -3 6708.2 96.13 5.0 0.39 1644.00 CM -5 CB -4 4748.0 91.39 5.0 0.25 974.00 CM -6 CB -5 348.5 98.00 5.0 0.02 87.00 CM -7 CB -6 11151,4 90.03 10.6 0.55 2169.00 CM-8 C13-8 9191.2 91.40 5.4 0.48 1884.00 CM -9 C13-7 6098.4 96.11 5.0 0.35 1498.00 CM -10 CB -10 7361.6 95.44 5.0 0.42 1756.00 CM -11 CB -9 8973.4 92.76 5.0 0.49 1944.00 CM -12 CB -11 7318.1 92.00 5.0 0.39 1538.00 CM -13 CB -13 6795.4 96.00 5.0 0.39 1652.00 CM -14 CB -12 9147.6 91.26 5.0 0.48 1870.00 CM -15 CB -14 9278.3 92.14 5.0 0.50 1962.00 CM -16 CB -16 115913.2 96.51 5.0 6.73 28798.00 CM -17 CB -17 56279.5 93.06 5.0 3.08 12309.00 CM -18 CB -18 59503.0 90.27 5.0 4.62 17681.00 CM -19 CB -19 5619.2 98.00 5.0 0.33 1469.00 CM -20 CB -21 21605.8 98.00 5.0 1.27 5665.00 CM -21 CB -15 17772.5 98.00 5.0 1.05 4664.00 CM -22 CB -23 1786.0 98.00 5.0 0.11 469.00 CM -23 CB -24 15681.6 79.07 5.0 0.44 1523.00 CM -24 CB -25 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.26 1143.00 CM -25 CB -26 4573.8 98.00 5.0 0.27 1198.00 CM -26 CB -27 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.26 1146.00 CM -27 CB -28 4225.3 98.00 5.0 0.25 1105.00 CM -28 CB -29 4748.0 98.00 5.0 0.28 1242.00 CM -29 CB -30 3267.0 98.00 5.0 0.19 860.00 CM -30 MH -9 20380.0 98.00 5.0 1.20 5344.00 CM -31 CB -2 2701.0 98.00 5.0 0.16 708.00 CM-32 MH -3 16340.0 98.00 5.0 0.96 4285.00 CM -33 MH -7 9154.0 98.00 5.0 0.54 2401.00 CM -34 MH -8 8286.0 98.00 5.0 0.49 2173.00 CM -35 MH -6 8674.0 98.00 5.0 0.51 2275.00 CM -36 MH -10 20380.0 98.00 5.0 1.20 5344.00 CM -37 CS -3 7100.3 79.01 5.0 0.25 872.00 CM -38 CS -4 46435.0 78.14 5.0 1.60 5480.00 CM -39 CS -5 101102.8 76.29 5.0 3.61 12311.00 CM -40 CS -6 27137.9 74.00 5.0 0.78 2620.00 CM -41 CS -7 34281.7 74.00 5.0 0.98 3308.00 CM -42 CS -8 37418.0 74.00 5.0 1.07 3609.00 CM -43 CS -9 10280.2 74.00 5.0 0.29 992.00 CM -44 CS -14 373251.0 91.00 5.0 19.53 75507.00 CM -45 CS -10 17946.7 74.00 5.0 0.51 1731.00 CM -46 CS -11 8624.9 74.00 5.0 0.25 830.00 CM -47 CS-12 13394.5 74.00 5.0 0.38 1292.00 CM -48 CS -12 3455.8 74.00 5.0 0,10 333.00 CM -52 CB -22 784.1 98.00 5.0 0.05 210.00 CM -55 CS -11 69608.9 74.00 29.7 1.30 6716.00 CM -56 CS -10 280224.0 74.78 17.5 6.78 28118.00 CM -57 CB -38 2541.8 98.00 5.0 0.15 667.00 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 2 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 r .i =. b f . Catchment Table ( t ." 2 tr, 20 D F , '? ; ;, (f'1 1 Curre-it Label Outflow Node Area SCS CN Time of Flow (Peak) Volume (Total (ft2) Concentration (ft3/s) Runoff) (min) (ft3) CM -58 CB -39 2648.9 98.00 5.0 0.16 695.0 CM -59 CB -40 4518.9 98.00 5.0 0.27 1185.0 CM -60 CB -41 4324.3 98.00 5.0 0.25 1134.0 CM -61 CB -42 4355.2 98.00 5.0 0.26 1142.0 CM -62 CB -43 4424.5 98.00 5.0 0.26 1160.0 CM -63 MH -13 1664.0 98.00 5.0 0.10 436,01 CM -64 MH -14 2904.0 98.00 5.0 0.17 762.01 CM -65 MH -15 3584.0 98.00 5.0 0.21 940.01 CM -66 CB -45 7023.7 98.00 5.0 0.41 1842.01 CM -67 CB -46 6113.5 98.00 5.0 0.36 1603.01 CM -68 CB -47 4332.8 98.00 5.0 0.26 1136.01 CM -69 CB -48 5571.0 98.00 5.0 0.33 1461.01 CM -70 CB -51 4339.0 98.00 5.0 0.26 1138.01 CM -71 CB -52 3425.5 98.00 5.0 0.20 898.01 CM -72 CB -49 9270.3 98.00 5.0 0.55 2431.01 CM -73 CS -27 29711.4 74.00 18.3 0.68 2867.01 CM -74 CS -28 31103.7 74.00 18.5 0.70 3001.01 CM -75 CS -29 24819.3 74.00 5.0 0.71 2394.01 CM -76 CS -30 17525.3 74.00 5.0 0.50 1691.01 CM -77 CS -31 39118.2 74.00 26.6 0.77 3774.01 CM -78 CB -53 1598.8 98.00 5.0 0.09 419.01 CM -79 CB -50 1905.5 98.00 5.0 0.11 500.01 CM -80 CB -55 16901.3 98.00 5.0 (N /A) (N /A CM -81 CB -54 4965.8 98.00 5.0 (N /A) (N /A CM -82 CB -44 11456.3 87.69 5.0 (N /A) (N /A Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 2 of 2 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 (, P �} P {_, t -.!a c �:�. `.� €, � R} � � �1z R i - r r � � �t '„If .r i ...i � ♦� t- -� 1 1 Label Manning's n Section Type Left Side Slope Bottom Width Right Side Slope Height Invert Hydraulic Grade (H:V) (ft) (H:V) (ft) Elevation (Maximum) (ft) (ft) CS -1 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 0.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 (N /A) Cross Section :S -2 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 0.00 10.000 1,00 812.09 (N /A) Cross Section S -3 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 832.00 832,10 Cross Section -4 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 830.67 830.94 I.:S Cross Section S -5 0.030 Trapezoidal 10,000 3.00 10.000 1.00 829.34 829.80 Cross Section 6 0,030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1,00 828.00 828,47 ICS Cross Section "5 -7 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3,00 10.000 1.00 826.67 827.16 Cross Section 8 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10,000 1.00 826.06 826,58 ICS Cross Section :S -9 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 825.45 825.97 Cross Section ICS -10 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 824.00 824.63 Cross Section 'S -11 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 823.62 Cross Section ICS -12 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 819.00 820.73 Cross Section :S -14 0.030 Trapezoidal 6.000 3.00 15.000 2.00 823.00 825.25 Cross Section CS -15 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2.00 821.34 822.77 Cross Section :S -25 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2.00 817.43 819.95 Cross Section CS -26 0.035 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 814.34 814.92 Cross Section -S -27 0.030 Trapezoidal 33.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 828.00 828.20 Cross Section CS -28 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 827.00 827.21 Cross Section CS -29 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 826.00 826.14 Cross Section ZS -30 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 819.00 819.16 Cross Section CS -31 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 816.00 816.19 Cross Section Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ 3/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 CH -1 CS -1 CS -2 823.00 812.09 305.92 (N /A) (N /A) (N /A) 1 -2 CS -3 CS -4 832.00 830.67 202.83 0.66 0.25 0.60 1 -3 CS -4 CS-5 830.67 829.34 198.43 0.67 1.79 1.23 CH -4 CS -5 CS -6 829.34 828.00 202.53 0.66 5.27 1.66 CH -5 CS -6 CS -7 828.00 826.67 199.59 0.67 6.00 1.73 -i-6 CS -7 CS -8 826.67 826.06 81.57 0.75 6.86 1.86 -I-7 CS -8 CS -9 826.06 825.45 82.68 0.74 7.84 1.92 CH -8 CS -9 CS -10 825.45 824.00 211.86 0.68 8.05 1.89 1 -9 CS -10 CS -11 824.00 823.00 74.97 1.33 14.94 2.84 +10 CS -11 CS -12 823.00 819.00 300.11 1.33 16.39 2.25 CH -11 CS -14 CS -15 823.00 821.34 331.83 0.50 19.27 0.50 C'H -12 CS -15 CS-25 821.34 817.43 373.16 1.05 19.31 0.44 9 -13 CS -12 CS -25 819.00 817.43 117.66 1.33 16.70 0.33 -H -20 CS -25 MH -12 817.43 817.27 22.88 0.70 35.34 0.50 CH -21 CS -27 CS -28 828.00 827.00 215.73 0.46 0.67 0.80 +22 CS -28 CS -29 827.00 826.00 38.31 2.61 1.35 1.96 1-24 CS -29 CS -30 826.00 819.00 279.89 2.50 1.90 1.84 CH -26 CS -30 CS -31 819.00 816.00 120.33 2.49 2.34 2.01 CH -27 CS -31 CS -26 816.00 814.34 78.19 2.51 2.98 2.21 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ 12/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 " Ili �) r_ �1.� � Label Volume Type Initial Elevation Hydraulic Grade Storage (ft) (Maximum) (Maximum) (ft) (ft3) PO -1 Elevation -Area Curve 812.36 816.17 125957.98 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Solution Center ( 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 O Z D E N O n 0 O 3 E F O a fi O O v l7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° 0 0 ll 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll� m m m m m o> m m m m o 0 o v> 0 0 0 N) au!-I ape1S D!Ineap/H (5 /sl ;) (S�U!I oa ]n O) nnol� o n in O m Y N O n I 1' .' Storm Event Detailed Report: 10-Year v t <General> Label 10 -Year Event Notes Rainfall Storm Event Data Type Depth End Time 1440.0 min Start Time 0.0 min Storm Event Depth Cumulative Type Increment 30,0 min Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 0.0 0.000 30.0 0.026 60.0 0.052 90.0 0.079 120.0 0.107 150.0 0.137 180.0 0.167 210.0 0.200 240.0 0.233 270.0 0.268 300.0 0.305 330.0 0.343 360.0 0.384 390.0 0.428 420.0 0.474 450.0 0.525 480.0 0.580 510.0 0.640 540.0 0.707 570.0 0.783 600.0 0.871 630.0 0.984 660.0 1.133 690.0 1.366 720.0 3.197 750.0 3.543 780.0 3.723 810.0 3.851 840.0 3.942 870.0 4.039 900.0 4.115 930.0 4.182 960.0 4.242 990.0 4.297 1020.0 4347 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820_Drainage.csd Center 6/18/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) [ Page 1 of 2 Storm Event Detailed Report: 10-Year Event Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 1050.0 4.393 1080.0 4.437 1110.0 4.478 1140.0 4.517 1170.0 4.553 1200.0 4.588 1230.0 4.621 1260.0 4.653 1290.0 4.685 1320.0 4.713 1350.0 4.741 1380.0 4.768 1410.0 4.794 1440.0 4.820 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820_Drainage.csd Center 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W 6/18/2012 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] Page 2 of 2 CM -1 <None> 2596088.9 70.00 25.6 (N /A) (N /A) CM -2 CS -1 1281535.2 74.00 41.7 (N /A) (N /A) CM -3 C13-1 5270.8 98.00 5.0 0.25 1132.00 CM -4 CB -3 6708.2 96.13 5.0 0.56 2442.00 CM -5 C13-4 4748.0 91.39 5.0 0.38 1522.00 CM -6 C13-5 348.5 98.00 5.0 0.03 127.00 CM -7 CB -6 11151.4 90.03 10.6 0.85 3437.00 CM -8 CB -8 9191.2 91.40 5.4 0.73 2943.00 CM -9 CB -7 6098.4 96.11 5.0 0.51 2225.00 CM -10 CB -10 7361.6 95.44 5.0 0.61 2628.00 CM -11 CB -9 8973.4 92.76 5.0 0.73 2993.00 CM -12 CB -11 7318.1 92.00 5.0 0.59 2387.00 CM -13 CB -13 6795.4 96.00 5.0 0.57 2465.00 CM -14 CB -12 9147.6 91.26 5.0 0.72 2925.00 CM -15 CB -14 9278.3 92.14 5.0 0.74 3041.00 CM -16 CB -16 115913.2 96.51 5.0 9.70 42608.00 CM -17 CB -17 56279.5 93.06 5.0 4.56 18888.00 CM -18 CB -18 59503.0 90.27 5.0 7.01 27948.00 CM -19 CB -19 5619.2 98.00 5.0 0.47 2139.00 CM -20 CB -21 21605.8 98.00 5.0 1.82 8251.00 CM-21 CB -15 17772.5 98.00 5.0 1.50 6794.00 CM -22 CB -23 1786.0 98.00 5.0 0.15 684.00 CM -23 CB -24 15681.6 79.07 5.0 0.76 2735.00 CM -24 CB -25 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.37 1665.00 CM -25 CB -26 4573.8 98.00 5.0 0.39 1745.00 CM -26 CB -27 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.37 1670.00 CM -27 CB -28 4225.3 98.00 5.0 0.36 1609.00 CM -28 CB -29 4748.0 98.00 5.0 0.40 1808.00 CM -29 CB -30 3267.0 98.00 5.0 0.28 1253.00 CM -30 MH -9 20380.0 98.00 5.0 1.72 7784.00 CM -31 CB -2 2701.0 98.00 5.0 0.23 1032.00 CM -32 MH -3 16340.0 98.00 5.0 1.38 6241.00 CM -33 MH -7 9154.0 98.00 5.0 0.77 3496.00 CM -34 MH -8 8286.0 98.00 5.0 0.70 3165.00 CM -35 MH -6 8674.0 98.00 5.0 0.73 3313.00 CM -36 MH -10 20380.0 98.00 5.0 1.72 7784.00 CM -37 CS -3 7100.3 79.01 5.0 0.44 1567.00 CM -38 CS -4 46435.0 78.14 5.0 2.79 9953.00 CM -39 CS -5 101102.8 76.29 5.0 5.72 20113.00 CM -40 CS -6 27137.9 74.00 5.0 1.45 5027.00 CM -41 CS -7 34281.7 74.00 5.0 1.83 6348.00 CM -42 CS -8 37418.0 74.00 5.0 1.99 6925.00 CM -43 CS -9 10280.2 74.00 5.0 0.55 1903.00 CM -44 CS -14 373251.0 91.00 5.0 29.43 118425.00 CM -45 CS -10 17946.7 74.00 5.0 0.96 3322.00 CM -46 CS-11 8624.9 74.00 5.0 0.46 1593.00 CM-47 CS -12 13394.5 74.00 5.0 0.71 2479.00 CM-48 CS -12 3455.8 74.00 5.0 0.18 640.00 CM -52 CB -22 784.1 98.00 5.0 0.07 305.00 CM -55 CS -11 69608.9 74.00 29.7 2.61 12887.00 CM -56 CS -10 280224.0 74.78 17.5 13.09 53373.00 CM -57 CB -38 2541.8 98.00 5.0 0.21 971.00 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, Page 1 of 2 CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 I r,- E ,, Catchment 8 (I,, )1,, a a g = d Label Outflow Node Area SCS CN Time of Flow (Peak) Volume (Total (ftz) Concentration (ft3 /S) Runoff) (min) (ft3) CM -58 CB -39 2648.9 98.00 5.0 0.22 1012.00 CM -59 CB -40 4518.9 98.00 5.0 0.38 1726.00 CM -60 CB -41 4324.3 98.00 5.0 0.37 1652.00 CM -61 CB -42 4355.2 98.00 5.0 0.37 1663.00 CM-62 CB -43 4424.5 98.00 5.0 0.37 1690.00 CM -63 MH -13 1664.0 98.00 5.0 0.14 636.00 CM -64 MH -14 2904.0 98.00 5.0 0.25 1109.00 CM -65 MH -15 3584.0 98.00 5.0 0.30 1369.00 CM -66 CB -45 7023.7 98.00 5.0 0.59 2683.00 CM -67 CB -46 6113.5 98.00 5.0 0.52 2335.00 CM -68 CB -47 4332.8 98.00 5.0 0.37 1655.00 CM -69 CB -48 5571.0 98.00 5.0 0.47 2128.00 CM -70 CB -51 4339.0 98.00 5.0 0.37 1657.00 CM -71 CB -52 3425.5 98.00 5.0 0.29 1308.00 CM-72 CB -49 9270.3 98.00 5.0 0.78 3541.00 CM -73 CS -27 29711.4 74.00 18.3 1.33 5500.00 CM -74 CS -28 31103.7 74.00 18.5 1.38 5759.00 CM -75 CS-29 24819.3 74.00 5.0 1.32 4594.00 CM -76 CS -30 175253 74.00 5.0 0.93 3244.00 CM -77 CS -31 39118.2 74.00 26.6 1.53 7241.00 CM -78 CB -53 1598.8 98.00 5.0 0.13 611.00 CM -79 CB -50 1905.5 98.00 5.0 0.16 728.00 CM -80 CB -55 16901.3 98.00 5.0 1.43 6462.00 CM -81 CB -54 4965.8 98.00 5.0 0.42 1893.00 CM -82 CB -44 11456.3 87.69 5.0 0.86 3333.00 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [] 10!2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, Page 2 of 2 CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 -lexTable: Catch Basin Table (3323820 Drainage.csd" / 1 Label Ground Elevation (ft) 880.67 881.15 Invert Elevation (ft) 876,03 876.94 Diameter (ft) 4.00 4.00 Headloss Method HEC -22 Energy HEC -22 Energy Flow (Captured Maximum) (ft3 /s) 0.25 0.23 Hydraulic Grade (Maximum) (ft) 876.58 877.17 CB -1 C13-2 CB -3 879.45 875.24 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.56 875.92 CB -4 878.55 871.68 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 872.50 CB -5 879.25 871.16 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.03 871.93 C13-6 877,02 869.34 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.84 870.30 C13-7 876,38 873.63 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.51 873.91 C13-8 877.25 868,88 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.72 870.01 C13-9 877.53 868.42 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.72 869.52 CB -10 876.38 873.30 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.61 873.61 CB -11 877.37 867.96 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.58 869.11 CB -12 877.20 867.10 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.72 868.22 CB -13 876.39 866.80 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.57 867.78 CB -14 877.09 873.98 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.74 874.32 CB -15 869.25 864.65 6,00 HEC -22 Energy 1.50 865.80 CB -16 876.80 873.64 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 9.69 876.25 CB -17 876.80 872.79 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 4.54 875.64 CB -18 876.80 871.54 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 6.97 874.76 CB -19 880.76 877.26 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.47 877.51 CB -20 880.55 869.44 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.00 871.39 CB -21 879.00 868.94 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.82 870.41 CB -22 877.61 873.61 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.07 873.72 CB -23 877.89 867.79 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.15 869.10 CB -24 863.75 858.51 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.75 859.72 CB -25 856.26 851.50 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 852.70 CB -26 848.76 844.00 5,00 HEC -22 Energy 0.39 845.20 CB -27 841.26 836.55 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 837.76 CB -28 833,77 829.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.36 830.37 CB -29 828,96 824.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.40 825.54 CB -30 828.53 822.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.28 823.00 CB -38 828.12 817.98 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.21 819.97 CB -39 827.66 818.55 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.22 820.03 CB -40 826.87 819.41 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.38 820.12 CB -41 826.09 820.26 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.36 820.68 CB -42 825.31 821,11 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 821.45 CB -43 824.52 821.96 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 822.20 CB -44 877.32 874.99 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.85 875.36 CB -45 822.11 818.11 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.59 818.33 CB -46 819.08 815.03 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.52 815.33 CB -47 817.21 812.95 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 813.30 CB -48 815.08 810.97 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.47 811.70 CB -49 814.10 810.22 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.78 811.64 CB-50 814.50 809.49 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.16 810.83 CB -51 823.74 819.74 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 819.89 CB -52 817.61 813.61 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.29 814.31 CB -53 815.83 811.28 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 12.10 812.60 CB -54 812.19 808.69 4.00 Absolute 0.42 808.93 CB -55 812.19 808.21 4.00 Absolute 1.43 808.66 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SEL[ 8 11eries 2) 3323820_ Drainage.csd Censer 1 0/212 0 1 2 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 n d' T+ Ln CD In lrl CO M W M W M N LD N lfl W - M ,--� •-A Ln d' - n N N N LVn iD i0 iD O d' f� N M •-� In M T M r, N O Ln M M V: O Z M M M N M d' T d' M d' N d- d" N Ln Ln Ln N LO M T 'T V' M m M O M M - Cfl d' m 'T lD N n CD N f\ f\ M CO n CD N f - W O Ct Q f\ m .-� M M M O M O d' L\ O to N ,-i r+ C` W d' C\ O O O f` CF lfl O n M O M O O N-r N N N O O N O N O N O lD n M M M mCY) Ln �D 0) m 0 0 O O O m n M O O Ln m c0 N O c0 N O 00 d" N O V" M O Ln Ln �- O Ln d" d' M M O Ln O O In O O O Ln N O 0 0 Ln Ln N lD Ln O Ln O n N _q N O O V [t I, O N n n c0 N lfl d" lD LD ti' l0 tD N 'T r' lfl k-0 N N d" m M V' N Lf1 O 00 M M M M N M M M M N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N M M M M O O O o 0 0 0 C, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O Cl O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .Lf)-� W CD W W 00 co N-i N N N ,--i N N OM �--� M N N M OM 14 O ry) N-L , Ln 4 O(+'1 � ry) ,-I -I O M O 0 0 0 0 .� _4 --� M 00 +-w O O O O O O O N O O O N O n N O O O Ln +--i Ln Ln Q m m m m m m mn o M m m M Ln M m Ln Ln m c) Ln N m Ln Ln d: O Ln Ln Ln M Ln N Ln M lD 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +--i 0 0 0 0 0 .-L Ln d' Crl 0� LD LD W l0 N w O lD m O O O O d' O d' O O 1l N O n N m m n lfl d- N O 0� ,-1 CO W Ln Ol 00 m Ln C� Ln O O n O O n O N O O M Ln M M 00 m O a, a, r�. 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Haestad Methods Solution Bentley Civil Storm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [] 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 C'S-1 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 0.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 (N /A) Cross Section S Z 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 0.00 10.000 1.00 812.09 (N /A) Cross Section -S-3 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 832.00 832.13 Cross Section -4 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 830.67 831.03 Cross Section I.:S S -5 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 829.34 829.92 Cross Section 6 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 828.00 828.59 ICS Cross Section S 7 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1,00 826.67 827.29 Cross Section CS 8 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 826.06 826.72 Cross Section :S -9 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 825.45 826.12 Cross Section CS -10 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 824.00 824.83 Cross Section :S -11 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 824.05 Cross Section CS -12 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 819.00 821.65 Cross Section :S -14 0.030 Trapezoidal 6.000 3.00 15.000 2.00 823.00 826.30 Cross Section CS -15 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2.00 821.34 823.67 Cross Section >S -25 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2.00 817.43 820.71 Cross Section CS -26 0,035 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 814.34 816.11 Cross Section ;S -27 0.030 Trapezoidal 33.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 828.00 828.26 Cross Section `S -28 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 827.00 827.28 Cross Section .S -29 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 826.00 826.21 Cross Section S -30 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 819.00 819.24 Cross Section CS -31 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 816.00 816.29 Cross Section Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ /2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 �i. T T . i Label Start -node Id Stop -node Id Invert (Start) Invert (Stop) Length Constructed Flow Velocity (ft) (ft) (Scaled) Slope (Maximum) (Maximum) (ft) ( %) (ft3 /s) (ft /s) CH -1 CS -1 CS -2 823.00 812.09 305.92 (N /A) (N /A) (N /A) CH -2 CS -3 CS -4 832.00 830.67 202.83 0.66 0.43 0.75 CH -3 CS -4 CS -5 830.67 829.34 198.43 0.67 3.13 1.45 CH -4 CS -5 CS -6 829.34 828.00 202.53 0.66 8.67 1.90 CH -5 CS -6 CS -7 828.00 826.67 199.59 0.67 10.11 1.99 CH -6 CS -7 CS -8 826.67 826.06 81.57 0.75 11.79 2.13 CH -7 CS -8 CS -9 826.06 825.45 82.68 0.74 13.66 2.22 CH -8 CS -9 CS -10 825.45 824.00 211.86 0.68 14.18 2.05 CH -9 CS -10 CS -11 824.00 823.00 74.97 1.33 27.75 2.94 CH -10 CS -11 CS -12 823.00 819.00 300.11 1.33 30.18 0.77 CH -11 CS -14 CS -15 823.00 821.34 331.83 0.50 29.20 0.34 CH -12 CS -15 CS -25 821.34 817.43 373.16 1.05 29.15 0.34 1 CH -13 CS-12 CS -25 819.00 817.43 117.66 1.33 31.08 0.32 CH -20 CS-25 M H -12 817.43 817.27 22.88 0.70 58.88 0.50 CH -21 CS -27 CS -28 828.00 827.00 215.73 0.46 1.32 0.95 CH -22 CS -28 CS -29 827.00 826.00 38.31 2.61 2.67 2.53 CH -24 CS -29 CS -30 826.00 819.00 279.89 2.50 3.79 2.43 CH -26 CS -30 CS -31 819.00 816.00 120.33 2.49 4.63 2.61 CH -27 CS -31 CS -26 816.00 814.34 78.19 2.12 5.85 0.58 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 1012/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 "air d '1 " at 11 V-1 9 1 1' r, 1 , Label Volume Type Initial Elevation Hydraulic Grade Storage (ft) (Maximum) (Maximum) (ft) (ft3) PO-1 Elevation -Area Curve 812,36 817.24 193286.56 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Solution Center [] 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 J c_ 7 O i D E O O m Y O O 0 o_ 3 0 o v r E H °o a 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o a a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m w ro m m (S /c7)) (S>lull oa ]n0) molj o oo o (1)) aul0.1-1 ape15 ln ollneapAH m w ro o oo n � (c1J) awnlOA v a l7 r 0 O I i, W Storm Event Data Type Depth End Time 1440.0 min Start Time 0.0 min Storm Event Depth Cumulative Type Increment 30.0 min Depths Time Depth (min) (in) 0.0 0.000 30.0 0.038 60.0 0.077 90.0 0.117 120.0 0.159 150.0 0.203 180.0 0.248 210.0 0.296 240.0 0.345 270.0 0.397 300.0 0.452 330.0 0.509 360.0 0.570 390.0 0.634 420.0 0.704 450.0 0.779 480.0 0.860 510.0 0.950 540.0 1.049 570.0 1.162 600.0 1.293 630.0 1.460 660.0 1.681 690.0 2.026 720.0 4.742 750.0 5.256 780.0 5.523 810.0 5.712 840.0 5.848 870.0 5.992 900.0 6.105 930.0 6.203 960.0 6.293 990.0 6.374 1020.0 6.449 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution 3323820 Drainage.csd Center 6/18/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) [ Page 1 of 2 Time (min) 3323820_Drai nage. csd 6/18/2012 7' Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) Center [] 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 2 of 2 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Depth (in) 1050.0 6.517 1080.0 6.582 1110.0 6.643 1140.0 6.700 1170.0 6.754 1200.0 6.806 1230.0 6.855 1260.0 6.902 1290.0 6.949 1320.0 6.991 1350.0 7.033 1380.0 7.073 1410.0 7.112 1440.0 7.150 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 1) Center [] 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 2 of 2 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 CM -1 <None> 2596088.9 70.00 25.6 (N /A) (N /A) CM -2 CS -1 1281535.2 74.00 41.7 (N /A) (N /A) CM -3 CB -1 5270.8 98.00 5.0 0.37 1706.00 CM -4 CB -3 6708.2 96.13 5.0 0.84 3739.00 CM -5 CB -4 4748.0 91.39 5.0 0.58 2424.00 CM -6 CB -5 348.5 98.00 5.0 0.04 191.00 CM -7 CB -6 11151.4 90.03 10.6 1.32 5540.00 CM -8 CB -8 9191.2 91.40 5.4 1.11 4688.00 CM -9 CB -7 6098.4 96.11 5.0 0.76 3407.00 CM -10 CB -10 7361.6 95.44 5.0 0.91 4046.00 CM -11 CB -9 8973.4 92.76 5.0 1.10 4714.00 CM -12 CB -11 7318.1 92.00 5.0 0.89 3783.00 CM -13 CB -13 6795.4 96.00 5.0 0.85 3767.00 CM -14 CB -12 9147.6 91.26 5.0 1.11 4666.00 CM -15 CB -14 9278.3 92.14 5.0 1.13 4814.00 CM -16 CB -16 115913.2 96.51 5.0 14.49 65033.00 CM -17 CB -17 56279.5 93.06 5.0 6.92 29671.00 CM -18 CB -18 59503.0 90.27 5.0 10.82 44957.00 CM -19 CB -19 5619.2 98.00 5.0 0.70 3225.00 CM -20 CB -21 21605.8 98.00 5.0 2.71 12441.00 CM -21 CB -15 17772.5 98.00 5.0 2.23 10244.00 CM -22 CB -23 1786.0 98.00 5.0 0.22 1031.00 CM -23 CB -24 15681.6 79.07 5.0 1.30 4875.00 CM -24 CB -25 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.55 2510.00 CM -25 CB -26 4573.8 98.00 5.0 0.57 2632.00 CM -26 CB -27 4356.0 98.00 5.0 0.55 2517.00 CM -27 CB -28 4225.3 98.00 5.0 0.53 2426.00 CM -28 CB -29 4748.0 98.00 5.0 0.59 2727.00 CM -29 CB -30 3267.0 98.00 5.0 0.41 1890.00 CM -30 MH -9 20380.0 98.00 5.0 2.56 11737.00 CM -31 CB -2 2701.0 98.00 5.0 0.34 1555.00 CM -32 MH -3 16340.0 98.00 5.0 2.05 9410.00 CM -33 MH -7 9154.0 98.00 5.0 1.15 5272.00 CM -34 MH -8 8286.0 98.00 5.0 1.04 4772,00. CM -35 MH -6 8674.0 98.00 5.0 1.09 4995.00 CM -36 MH -10 20380.0 98.00 5.0 2.56 11737.00 CM -37 CS -3 7100.3 79.01 5.0 0.74 2795.00 CM -38 CS -4 46435.0 78.14 5.0 4.79 17905.00 CM -39 CS -5 101102.8 76.29 5.0 11.29 41711.00 CM -40 CS -6 27137.9 74.00 5.0 2.60 9443.00 CM -41 CS -7 34281.7 74.00 5.0 3.28 11926.00 CM -42 C5 -8 37418.0 74.00 5.0 3.58 13010.00 CM -43 CS -9 10280.2 74.00 5.0 0.98 3574.00 CM -44 CS -14 373251.0 91.00 5.0 45.21 189307.00 CM -45 CS -10 17946.7 74.00 5.0 1.72 6241.00 CM -46 CS -11 8624.9 74.00 5.0 0.82 2992.00 CM -47 CS -12 13394.5 74.00 5.0 1.28 4658.00 CM -48 CS -12 3455.8 74.00 5.0 0.33 1202.00 CM -52 CB -22 784.1 98.00 5.0 0.10 460.00 CM -55 CS -11 69608.9 74.00 29.7 4.96 24208.00 CM -56 CS -10 280224.0 74.78 17.5 24.18 99421.00 CM -57 CB -38 2541.8 98.00 5.0 0.32 1464.00 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, Page 1 of 2 CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 "''lexTable: Catchment Table 0 rRi M; d 7 Current Time: 1 min Label Outflow Node Area SCS CN Time of Flow (Peak) Volume (Total (ftz) Concentration (ft3 /s) Runoff) (min) (ft3) CM -58 CB -39 2648.9 98.00 5.0 0.33 1525.00 CM -59 CB -40 4518.9 98.00 5.0 0.57 2602.00 CM -60 CB -41 4324.3 98.00 5.0 0.54 2490.00 CM -61 CB -42 4355.2 98.00 5.0 0.55 2508.00 CM -62 CB -43 4424.5 98.00 5.0 0.56 2548.00 CM -63 MH -13 1664.0 98.00 5.0 0.21 958.00 CM -64 MH -14 2904.0 98.00 5.0 0.36 1672.00 CM -65 MH -15 3584,0 98.00 5.0 0.45 2064.00 CM -66 CB -45 7023.7 98.00 5.0 0.88 4045.00 CM -67 CB -46 6113.5 98.00 5.0 0.77 3521,00 CM -68 CB -47 4332.8 98.00 5.0 0.54 2495.00 CM -69 CB -48 5571.0 98.00 5.0 0.70 3208.00 CM -70 CB -51 4339.0 98.00 5.0 0.54 2499.00 CM -71 CB -52 3425.5 98.00 5.0 0.43 1973.00 CM -72 CB -49 9270.3 98.00 5.0 1.16 5339.00 CM -73 CS -27 29711.4 74.00 18.3 2.50 10332.00 CM -74 CS -28 31103.7 74.00 18.5 2.60 10818.00 CM-75 CS -29 24819.3 74.00 5.0 2.37 8630.00 CM -76 CS-30 17525.3 74.00 5.0 1.68 6094.00 CM -77 CS -31 39118.2 74.00 26.6 2.91 13602.00 CM -78 CB -53 1598.8 98.00 5.0 0.20 921.00 CM -79 CB -50 1905.5 98.00 5.0 0.24 1097.00 CM -80 CB -55 16901.3 98.00 5.0 (N /A) (N /A) CM -81 CB -54 4965.8 98.00 5.0 (N /A) (N /A) CM -82 CB -44 11456.3 87.69 5.0 (N /A) (N /A) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, Page 2 of 2 CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 C13-1 880.67 876.03 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.37 876.71 C13-2 881.15 876.94 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.34 877.22 CB -3 879,45 875.24 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.84 876.09 C13-4 878.55 871.68 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.57 872.60 C13-5 879.25 871.16 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.04 872.03 C13-6 877.02 869.34 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.31 870.68 C13-7 876.38 873.63 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.76 873.98 C13-8 877.25 868.88 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.11 870.36 CB -9 877.53 868.42 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.10 869.76 CB -10 876.38 873.30 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.91 873.68 CB -11 877.37 867.96 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.89 869.35 CB -12 877.20 867.10 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.11 868.49 CB -13 876.39 866.80 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.84 867.98 CB -14 877.09 873.98 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.13 874.41 CB -15 869.25 864.65 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 2.23 866.10 CB -16 876.80 873.64 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 14.48 877.64 CB -17 876.80 872.79 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 6.90 876.73 CB -18 876.80 871.54 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 10.79 875.50 CB -19 880.76 877.26 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.70 877.56 CB -20 880.55 869.44 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.00 871.99 CB -21 879.00 868.94 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 2.71 870.94 CB -22 877.61 873.61 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.10 873.74 CB -23 877.89 867.79 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.22 869.51 CB -24 863.75 858.51 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.28 860.06 CB -25 856.26 851.50 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.55 853.02 CB -26 848.76 844.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.57 845.54 CB -27 841.26 836.55 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.55 838.09 CB -28 833.77 829.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.53 830.80 CB -29 828.96 824.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.59 826.14 CB -30 828.53 822.00 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.41 823.26 CB -38 828.12 817.98 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.32 820.98 CB -39 827.66 818.55 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.33 821.09 CB -40 826.87 819.41 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.57 821.23 CB -41 826.09 820.26 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.54 821.34 CB -42 825.31 821.11 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.55 821.53 CB -43 824.52 821.96 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.56 822.26 CB -44 877.32 874.99 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.00 874.99 CB -45 822.11 818.11 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.88 818.37 CB -46 819.08 815.03 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.77 815.40 CB -47 817.21 812.95 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.54 813.37 CB -48 815.08 810.97 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.70 811.54 CB -49 814.10 810.22 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 1.16 810.74 CB -50 814.50 809.49 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.24 810.39 CB -51 823.74 819.74 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.54 819.92 CB -52 817.61 813.61 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.43 814.29 CB -53 815.83 811.28 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 0.20 811.40 CB -54 812.19 808.69 4.00 Absolute (N /A) (N /A) CB -55 812.19 808.21 4.00 Absolute (N /A) (N /A) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [] 10/212012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, Page 1 of 1 CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 S a e f„ 4 I Ol C u E N E C O E m W (x0 - 7 v r u — CL B m u t2 LL C LA OL C C C B N N^ C 'LJ a� c] O L O o c L/ C 0 u Q7 N �-�• C r J � d O .M.. ^ N > G r-i P: N 0 O C O Ji B .Ni .0 N C t% N O C .LB+ M v J m N l0 N r1' Ln . O Ln O <D m� O d- N M m O .-� O m Ln d" lD - 3- m M W M M� lD N Q W m iD d- -4 Ln n O lD d' n N M Ol mO O CO O [F iD 00 Ln Ln W O L!7 O 'T 'I N M + L('1 to ct- Z M M M N M d" CP Ln (,i M N is [i N Ln lD Ln M r� d' l0 to lD M n fn M r� .-i 0; M Ln lD n I- IT OD W Ln Qi Ln m tD N n .-+ W N O M T co m Ln M lD CO OCTI LD O N Ln M CO 7 N Q Ln n M IT to N N O N n co Q• m O CO -4 +-1 O d' M Ln lfl n O d' +-1 N l0 CO .-! Z N N M O M q" Ln Ln N n O O O O N M to N N N I- O +--1 LD O 0• - N *-1 O N 1-1 ,--i ,-+ N M M M M M IT lD lD O to n M M M m m Ln lD 0) G) O O m 0 0 0 rl M O O Vl CT) CO N O 07 N W W 'c1- N Cl d' M O Ln Ln T 0• Ln d: 14' M M O Ln O O Ln Cl O O Ln N O 0 0 In Ln N 1-0 Ln Cl M Cl t\ N +-+ N O O 7 IT n O N n n W N lD T lD lD 1p lD Q) T N kD l0 m N d' O M d' m IT O N n .-i Ln CO N M N N N N IT Ln O OJ M M M M N M M M M N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N M M M M O O O O O O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Cl O O O Cl O Cl O Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N Ln Ln 00 W co OJ co oo N d" Ln T q- m I- d" O Ln O r- T O O Ln O N Ln O Ln O N Ln O O O N N M M .-i M ,-1 .--1 M 0 0 0 0 W O O O O O O O N O O O N O n N O O O m *-{ m Ln 01 --� Q Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln -o M ui Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln L.n Ln W Ln Ln Ln Ln Lo C{: O Ln Ln Ln 0� Ln N Ln M 10 Z O O O O O O O O O O O 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O 01 M N d" Il lD N M lfl N •--+ T lD m IT N N N N Il m m O +-{ .-i O d' m m m N O O m m M .-+ d' x m In T M N N N ti .--I .-i .-i .-y N N Nr� N N 1-i O ,--I O O m m m m m W m 00 m m 00 CO w m m Co m O m m m w 00 O 00 O 00 00 W 00 Ln lD I, CO of O I N CO (T O N M d" U) 111 l0 N OJ O O N M l0 d" Ill 7 d" In m m m m m S S (n m Ib m m m m= m= m m m m m m m m m Ln m m U U U U U U Z Z O D U U U U U2: U 2: U U U U U U U U U U U U M M O r-+ M T M lD N M M O .-t N M V' M lD rl M M M d' d' � CI' V Ln Ln Ln L71 Ln lD to l0 l0 lD lD lD l0 l0 f� N N i� f\ n � n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U O D O 0 0 0 O O OU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N � N N � O NO N N N U n. W � W N co E O N U N c m r M O N N � U � c rn o� _ 0 �O U) U 0 0 � m "0 (C) 0) m = 00 N c P N U) N j U7 � N CQ C O O co E N N a 0 N.0 N M N M 0 M H -1 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 879.66 875.53 876.36 M H -2 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 880.94 870.12 871.36 MH -3 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.06 878.00 878.70 M H -4 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 880.42 870.55 874.08 M H -5 5.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.10 869.75 872.66 M H -6 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 877.40 877.82 MH -7 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 877.65 878.10 MH -8 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 880.87 876.93 877.40 MH -9 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.16 877.21 877.88 M H -10 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.51 877.40 878.07 MH -11 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 828.00 817.08 820.93 MH -12 6.00 HEC -22 Energy 821.27 817.27 821.58 M H -13 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.15 876.73 877.43 MH -14 4.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 876.43 876.73 MH -15 3.00 HEC -22 Energy 881.00 878.45 878.78 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 `1.7 ,7; Current Time: 720.0 min Label Manning's n Section Type Left Side Slope Bottom Width Right Side Slope Height Invert Hydraulic Grade (H:V) (ft) (H:V) (ft) Elevation (Maximum) (ft) (ft) CS 1 0,030 Trapezoidal 10.000 0.00 10.000 1,00 823.00 (N /A) Cross Section :S -2 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 0.00 10.000 1.00 812.09 (N /A) Cross Section I' S -3 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 832.00 832,17 Cross Section S 4 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 830.67 831.89 Cross Section "S -5 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 829.34 831.47 Cross Section CS -6 0,030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 828.00 830.16 Cross Section :S -7 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 826.67 828.66 Cross Section CS -8 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 826.06 828.04 Cross Section :S -9 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 825.45 827.38 Cross Section -10 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 824.00 825.70 ICS Cross Section 'S-11 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 823.00 825.10 Cross Section ICS -12 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 1.00 819.00 822.70 Cross Section :S -14 0.030 Trapezoidal 6.000 3.00 15.000 2.00 823.00 827.36 Cross Section ICS -15 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2.00 821.34 824.72 Cross Section ;S -25 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 3.00 10.000 2,00 817.43 821.76 Cross Section CS -26 0.035 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 814.34 816.33 Cross Section ;S -27 0.030 Trapezoidal 33.000 1.00 3.000 1.50 828.00 828.34 Cross Section (-S -28 0.030 Trapezoidal 10.000 1.00 3,000 1.50 827.00 827.38 Cross Section -:S -29 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 826.00 826.29 Cross Section ,S -30 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 819.00 819.34 Cross Section CS -31 0.030 Trapezoidal 5.000 6.00 5.000 1.00 816.00 816.69 Cross Section Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 12/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 CH -1 CS -1 CS -2 823.00 812.09 305.92 (N /A) (N /A) (N /A) H -2 CS -3 CS -4 832.00 830.67 202.83 0.66 0.73 0.19 H -3 CS -4 CS -5 830.67 829.34 198.43 0.67 5.42 0.18 CH -4 CS -5 CS -6 829.34 828.00 202.53 0.66 16.43 0.34 CH -5 CS -6 CS -7 828.00 826.67 199.59 0.67 19.02 0.38 H -6 CS -7 CS -8 826.67 826.06 81.57 0.75 22.14 0.49 , H -7 CS -8 CS -9 826.06 825.45 82.68 0.74 25.54 0.59 CH -8 CS -9 CS -10 825.45 824.00 211.86 0.68 26.60 0.71 H -9 CS -10 CS -11 824.00 823.00 74.97 1.33 52.02 1.27 H -10 CS -11 CS -12 823.00 819.00 300.11 1.33 57.05 0.62 CH -11 CS -14 CS -15 823.00 821.34 331.83 0.50 45.03 0.29 CH -12 CS -15 CS -25 821.34 817.43 373.16 1.05 44.22 0.29 H 13 CS -12 CS -25 819.00 817.43 117.66 1.33 58.21 0.34 .:H -20 CS -25 MH -12 817.43 817.27 22.88 0.70 100.04 0.54 CH -21 CS -27 CS -28 828.00 827.00 215.73 0.46 2.48 1.11 H -22 CS -28 CS -29 827.00 826.00 38.31 2.61 5.03 3.14 H -24 CS -29 CS -30 826.00 819.00 279.89 2.50 7.13 3.05 CH -26 CS -30 CS -31 819.00 816.00 120.33 2.49 8.69 3.26 CH -27 CS -31 CS -26 816.00 814.34 78.19 2,51 10.99 0.55 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center (] '2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1- 203- 755 -1666 Current Time: 720.0 min Label Volume Type Initial Elevation Hydraulic Grade Storage (ft) (Maximum) (Maximum) (ft) M) PO -1 Elevation -Area curve 812.36 818.79 298462.63 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3323820_Drainage.csd Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 ra 0 O O a 0 O N O (s1.4j) (s >juij oa ;n O) Mold ape,E) "PeIP/.H v E O O m LL O m o v _ r o E � F 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0o N o0 o r N (Ejj) awnlOA O a lollumn i a' li I. Stage - Storage Data for Detention Pond, Honda MRO Facility, Greensboro, NC Elevation Contour Area (sq ft) Storage ( cu.ft.) Cum. Storage (cu.ft.) 812.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 813.00 2621.7 838.9 838.9 814.00 29835.6 16228.7 17067.6 815.00 53197.9 41516.8 58584.3 816.00 60679.0 56938.5 115522.8 817.00 64124.4 62401.7 177924.5 818.00 67869.1 65996.8 243921.2 819.00 71613.8 69741.5 313662.7 819.65 74000.0 47324.5 360987.2 819.79 87784.5 11 324.9 372312.1 Stage - Storage Data for Detention Pond, Honda MRO Facility, Greensboro, SIC 400 350 300 250 c� ® 200 150 0 100 50 0 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 Elevation � I t4 I 7 � i I I } Control Structure Detailed Report: Control Structure-13 Flennent Details Control Notes _abet Structure -13 eadwater Range User Defined Increment (Headwater) 0.70 ft Headwater Type Headwater Minimum (Headwater) 812.36 ft Maximum (Headwater) 819.65 ft Spot Elevation (ft) ailwater Setup Interconnecte Increment (Tailwater) 0.50 ft Tailwater Type d Ponds Minimum (Tailwater) 812.00 ft Maximum (Tailwater) 812.50 ft Spot Elevation (ft) Tailwater Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Maximum Tw Tolerance 0.50 ft Minimum Hw Tolerance 0.01 ft Minimum Q Tolerance 0.001 ft3 /s Maximum Hw Tolerance 0.50 ft Maximum Q Tolerance 10.000 ft3 /s Minimum Tw Tolerance 0.01 ft Jutlet Structure (Convergence Tolerances) Outlet Structure Type Riser Weir Coefficient 3.00 ft ^(1 /2) /s Forward Flow Orifice Coefficient 0.60 Flow Direction Only Riser Type Stand Pipe Transition Elevation 0.00 ft Elevation 818.86 ft Transition Height 0.00 ft Diameter 84.0 in K Reverse 1.00 Outlet Structure (IDs and Direction) Outlet ID Riser - 1 Notes Downstream ID Tailwater )utlet Structure (Advanced) Elevation (On) 0.00 ft Elevation (Off) 0.00 ft -)utlet Structure (Riser, Advanced) Use Orifice Depth to Crest? False Use Submerged Weir False Equation? Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 3820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ 1ui212012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 12 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 820.00 818.75 F w C 817.50 �a v 8816.25 U t0 L cn 815.00 L Y f� '0 813.75 c 0 CL 812.50 Control S Ct r Detailed n e p o " b Control Structure-7 811.25 -' 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 Flow (ft3 /s) RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE `'tructure ID = Riser - 1 (Stand Pipe) -------------------------------------- upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) Downstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) Iff\ 812.36 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 812.50 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 813.06 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW & TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 813.76 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 814.46 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 815.16 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 815.19 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv,El.= 818.860 815.86 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 816.56 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 817.26 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 817.96 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 818.66 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 818.86 0.00 812.00 0.00 Weir: H =Oft 819.36 23.33 812.00 0.00 Weir: H =0.5ft 819.65 46.32 812.00 0.00 Weir: H = 0.79ft ATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE .structure ID = Riser - 1 (Stand Pipe) --------------------------------------- pstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) ownstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) 812.36 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El,= 818.860 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) 23820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ ,/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 2 of 12 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 111 I t [ TING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE 0.00 812.50 0.00 ! ucture ID =Riser-1 (Stand Pipe) 812.50 0.00 812.50 --------------------------------------- ('- stream ID = (Pond Water Surface) HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 813.06 0.00 [ wnstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 813.76 Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) 0.00 (ft) 815.16 0.00 812.50 812.50 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 813.06 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 813.76 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 814.46 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 815.16 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 815.19 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 815.86 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 816.56 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 817.26 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 817.96 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 818.66 0.00 812.36 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 818.86 0.00 812.36 0.00 Weir: H =Oft 819.36 23.33 812.36 0.00 Weir: H =0.5ft 819.65 46.32 812.36 0.00 Weir: H = 0.79ft [ TING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = Riser - 1 (Stand Pipe) --------------------------------------- ( stream ID = (Pond Water Surface) L,,,wnstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ff) 812.36 0.00 812.50 0.00 REVERSE: Flow is closed off 812.50 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 813.06 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 813.76 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.El.= 818.860 814.46 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW & TW < Inv, El. = 818.860 815.16 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv.E[.= 818.860 815.19 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv,El,= 818.860 815.86 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 816.56 0.00 812.50 0,00 HW &TW < Inv.El,= 818.860 817.26 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 817.96 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 818.66 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW &TW < Inv. El. = 818.860 818.86 0.00 812,50 0.00 Weir: H =Oft 819.36 23.33 812.50 0.00 Weir: H =0.5ft 819.65 46.32 812.50 0.00 Weir: H = 0.79ft Outlet Structure (Convergence Tolerances) Dutlet Structure Type Orifice Orifice Coefficient 0.60 Flow Direction Forward Flow Elevation 812.36 ft Only Circular Orifice Diameter 3.0 in Orifice Type Orifice Vumber of Openings 1 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) < 3820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 1u1212012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 3 of 12 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Control Structure Detailed Control Structure-13 Outlet Structure (IDs and Direction) Outlet ID Orifice- 1 Notes Downstream ID Tailwater Dutlet Structure (Advanced) Elevation (On) 0.00 ft Elevation (Off) 0,00 ft 820.00 818.75 C 0 817.50 m 816.25 U t0 815.00 L 1-� /d 813.75 c 0 (I- 812.50 811.25 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Flow (ft3 /s) - ATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE .ructure ID = Orifice - 1 (Orifice - Circular) --------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) ownstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Elevation MIN (ft) (ft) 812.36 0.00 812.00 812.50 0.03 812.00 813.06 0.18 812.00 813.76 0.27 812.00 814.46 0.33 812.00 815.16 0.39 812.00 815.19 0.39 812.00 815.86 0.43 812.00 816.56 0.48 812.00 817.26 0.52 812.00 817,96 0.55 812.00 818.66 0.59 812.00 818.86 0.60 812.00 819.36 0.62 812.00 819.65 0.63 812.00 -- Convergence Error Computation Messages (ft) 0.00 Upstream HW & DNstream TW < Inv.El 0.00 CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= ,038ft Dcr= .102ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .00ft 0.00 H =.58 0.00 H =1.28 0.00 H =1.98 0.00 H =2.68 0.00 H =2.71 0.00 H =3.38 0.00 H =4.08 0.00 H =4.78 0.00 H =5.48 0.00 H =6.18 0.00 H =6.38 0.00 H =6.88 0.00 H =7.17 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) i23820_Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [ 10/2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 4 of 12 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Control Structure Detailed Report: Control r i ' ` r t 1 ' F TING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE SLructure ID = Orifice - 1 (Orifice - Circular) --------------------------------------- t stream ID = (Pond Water Surface) I wnstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Elevation (ft) 812.36 812.50 813.06 813.76 814.46 815.16 815.19 815.86 816.56 817.26 817.96 818.66 818.86 819.36 819.65 Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) F -TING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ucture ID = Orifice - 1 (Orifice - Circular) - ------------------------------------- U7stream ID = (Pond Water Surface) [. innstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Elevation (ft) 812.36 812.50 813.06 813.76 814.46 815.16 815.19 815.86 816.56 817.26 817.96 818.66 818.8E 819.3E 819.6E Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) 0.00 812.36 0.00 Upstream HW & DNstream TW < Inv.El 0.00 812.50 0.00 CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .038ft 0.03 812.36 0.00 Dcr= .102ft CRIT,DEPTH Hev= .00ft 0.18 812.36 0.00 H =.58 0,27 812.36 0.00 H =1.28 0.33 812.36 0.00 H =1.98 0.39 812.36 0.00 H =2.68 0.39 812.36 0.00 H =2.71 0.43 812.36 0.00 H =3.38 0.48 812.36 0.00 H =4.08 0.52 812.36 0.00 H =4.78 0.55 812.36 0.00 H =5.48 0.59 812.36 0.00 H =6.18 0.60 812.36 0.00 H =6.38 0.62 812.36 0.00 H =6.88 0.63 812.36 0.00 H =7.17 F -TING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ucture ID = Orifice - 1 (Orifice - Circular) - ------------------------------------- U7stream ID = (Pond Water Surface) [. innstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Elevation (ft) 812.36 812.50 813.06 813.76 814.46 815.16 815.19 815.86 816.56 817.26 817.96 818.66 818.8E 819.3E 819.6E Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) 0.00 812.50 0.00 REVERSE: Flow is closed off 0.00 812.50 0.00 HW = TW elev 0.18 812.50 0.00 H =.56 0.27 812.50 0.00 H =1.26 0.33 812.50 0.00 H =1.96 0.39 812.50 0.00 H =2.66 0.39 812.50 0.00 H =2.69 0.43 812.50 0.00 H =3.36 0.48 812.50 0.00 H =4.06 0.52 812.50 0.00 H =4.76 0.55 812.50 0.00 H =5.46 0.59 812.50 0.00 H =6.16 0.60 812.50 0.00 H =636 0.62 812.50 0.00 H =6.86 0.63 812.50 0.00 H =7.15 Cutlet Structure (Convergence Tolerances) Outlet Structure Type Weir Weir Coefficient 3.00 ft ^(1 /2) /s Forward Flow Rectangular Weir Supressed flow Direction Only Rectangular Weir Length 21.99 ft Weir Type Weir Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 3820 Drainage.csd Page 5 of 12 10/212012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT nR7Gri I ISA +1- 203- 7,59 -1666 t= e' Outlet Structure (Convergence Tolerances) RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Tucture ID = Weir - 1 (Rectangular Weir) upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) Downstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Computation Messages Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) 812.36 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW & TW below Inv. El. = 818.860 812.50 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW below Inv.El.= 818.860 813.06 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW below Inv.El.= 818.860 813.76 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW below Inv. El. = 818.860 814.46 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW & TW below Inv.El.= 818.860 815.16 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW & TW below Inv.El.= 818.860 815.19 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW & TW below Inv.El.= 818.860 815.86 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW & TW below Inv. El. = 818.860 816.56 0.00 812.00 0.00 HW &TW below Inv.El.= 818.860 Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 2) :?3820 Drainage.csd Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center ( 2/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 6 of 12 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Honda MRO Facility, Greensboro, NC 33238 -20 ft ft3 define constants: fps :_ — cfs :_ s s s Vol w:= fit(Vol)-ft 3 Vol = 130777.34 ft3 required 1 inch rainfall volume (see calculation above) pond surface area at elevation 816.3 AS := 62787.76•ft2 Vol Qo = 1.514-as 24-hr set desired trap efficiency: E:= 85-% set guess value for particle settling velocity: Nv := 0.0004. ft s calculate particle settling velocity provided in pond for 85% efficiency: Given A, = � • E) W = Find(w) w = 0.000046•fps AW set specific weight and kinematic viscosity for water at 60 decrees F. - 5 lb•s 5 ft 2 yf:= 62.37. lb µ:= 2.359.10 v:= 1.21710 . ft 3 ft2 s set particle specific gravity (quartz assumed): SG := 2.65 set guess value for particle size: dia := 20- micron calculate 85% efficiency particle size based on pond settling velocity provided: Given 1 [±1 al Stokes relationship, eqn. 7.4, Design Hydrology and Sedinlentology for W = g-(SG - 1) Small Catchments, C.T. Haan, B.J. Barfield and J.C. Hayes, Academic 18 v Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 1994. dam= Find (dia) dia = 4.187-micron 5 microns is break between silt & clay by AASHTO T -88 check that Reynolds number < 0.5 eqn. 7.3, Design Hydrology and Sedimentology for Small Re' _ w•dia -5 Catchments, C.T. Haan, B.J. Barfield and J.C. Hayes, V R, = 5.162x 10 Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 1994. therefore, pond will collect sediment down to 4.2 microns at 85% or greater efficiency Calculate volume of concrete for riser base in detention pond to prevent flotation. find volume of riser: riser invert and crest elevations are: crest := 818.79•ft invert:= 812.36•ft riser inside diameter is: ID := 84-in Wall := ID + I -in 12 riser- outside diameter is: OD := ID + 2•(Wall) OD = 100-in riser bottom thickness is: bottom := 8-in find possible riser submerged hen4ht: H.:= crest — invert H = 6.43 ft find riser- inside volume: riserVo1 :_ 7r • ID2 H riser\,o1 = 247.46 ft 3 4 ASSUMED: - weight of water = 62.4 lbs /ef set variable: Y := 62.4• ]b lb ft find bouyant force: Fbouyant _ riser,01''Y Fbouyant = 15441.22 lb ASSUMED: 4 weight of concrete = 4000 lbs /cu.yd. set variable: Wconc := 4000• l 3 change units: Wconc = 148.15. lb yd ft Find equivalent weight of concrete. lb Wequiv := Wconc — Y Wequiv = 85.75• - ft3 ASSUMED: a factor of safety = 1.1 Wequiv lb W := W = 77.95• A" 1.1 ft Find volume of concrete in riser- bottom and sides: OD 2 7r • bottom: vbottom = -bottom 3 vbottom = 36.36ft 4 7r•OD2 7r•ID2 sides: vsides = – H 3 vsides = 103.25 ft 4 4 eliminate concrete volume for holes: Wholes = 124 •[(3.5•ft)2 + (4•in)2] + 2.083•ft•3.667•ft] Waf vholes = 11.56ft3 total: Vriser := 'bottom + vsides – vholes 3 vriser = 128.04 ft find required additional concrete volume: Fbouyant Volreq = W - - Vriser 3.00 VolTeq = 70.04 ft ASSUME : m additional volume attained by pouting concrete in bottom of base: • Concretedepth Vol,.eq Coneretedepth = 21.84-in Therefore, fill base with 22" ln.ei}nerete 7r• ID 2 .. .. 4 _4� '���I�7 �+ ,' I, �'. '1, G 4 �� ` �: ,' CHKD.BY DATE J�f� /iiJ�'I� �e,r /A.✓ JOBNO._ � door a� /drm x 79,28cv' S-t AC-4. ABCA 3.:zs 5 Afs woe- Q, o " ,N,g -k L I to � A-,% o (D I V'"- " „%%” p Vr BARGE, WAGGONER, SUMNER AND CANNON, INC. CHKD. BY DATE JOB NO. T,6;- ri-aw O� -9/ &19�;I.Al I. ¢ -A 0Ir7- L4 X 9 . y(v w r 4 • f y ' k � t 11157.09 BARGE, WAGGONER, SUMNER AND CANNON, INC. a? . 7q 14cc el �l Ate. /7%4 U / 10 d M � - r OR -Or-z- E5 U/ G! 9.367Z 12 -7,16 h° 0. <I 1r BARGE, WAGGONER, SUMNER AND CANNON, INC, - CHKD. BY DATE A51,Al JOB NO._ a? . 7q 14cc el �l Ate. /7%4 U / 10 d M � - r OR -Or-z- E5 U/ G! 9.367Z 12 -7,16 h° 0. <I 1r BARGE, WAGGONER, SUMNER AND CANNON, INC, CHKD. BY DATE JOB N0. f�6 BARGE, WAGGONER, SUMNER AND CANNON, INC. CHKD.BY _..._ ------ - — _ont:ci rvU. DATE /� JOB NO.� o sue/ Bey i87 e AC rt �F ` / 310 X J 28o I,/ V .V.3.9-F 97 / 7,9 a5'e ';2 .�.t° ®ter e'li /. " 6 !r° BARGE, WAGGONER, SUMNER AND CANNON, INC. 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