HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070913 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20130327"-�d Q (�� V11 601 North Stream Restoration Project �O Annual Monitoring Report Monitoring Year: 2012 Monitoring Year: 5 C) As -built Date: 2008 NCEEP Project Number: D 06054 -A Submitted to: NCDENR- Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1619 rY 1�eosystem 11 -111- Prepared by: North Carolina State University Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering 3100 Faucette Drive / Campus Box 7625 Raleigh, NC 27695 -7625 �o A .ONp DEW,- WArLK WALITY Prepared for: WET:,AHDB A.N7 ST'Ofi': ` I: °,TE4 BPANCH Environmental Banc and Exchange 909 Capability Drive Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 aA141n NCDENR Bie E N G 1 111 E E R I N G \ �1 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Table of Contents Table of Contents . . . 1 10 Executive Summary 2 2.0 Introduction . ... . ... .......................... 3 2 1 Project Description 3 2 2 Project Objectives 4 2 3 Project History 5 3 0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results . . ................. .. .. 6 3 1 Vegetation Assessment 6 3.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria 6 3 12 Description of Vegetation Monitoring.... 6 3 13 Results of Vegetation Monitoring . .... ............................... 7 3.2 Stream Assessment. 9 3 2 1 Stream Success Criteria 9 3 2 2 Stream Morphology Monitoring Plan 9 3 2 3 Stream Morphology Monitoring Results ........................ 10 3 2 4 Problem Areas ... 10 3 3 Rainfall Data. .. . .. ............... ...12 4 0 Conclusions 13 Appendix A — As Built Survey ...................... 14 Appendix B — MY4 Survey . ....... . 15 Appendix C — Profile, Cross Sections, and Pebble Counts 16 Appendix D — Site Photos .. ..... . .... ............ . . Appendix E — Vegetation Data. .56 Appendix F — Rainfall Data 59 Appendix G — Morphology Table ........... .............. 66 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 1 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 1.0 Executive Summary This Annual Monitoring Report documents the results of monitoring activities during the 2012 (MY5) growing season on the 601 North Stream Restoration Project Construction of the site, including planting of trees, was completed in March 2008 The 2012 data documents results from the fifth year of geomorphic and vegetation monitoring at the site The design of the 601 North Stream Restoration Project involved a mayor stream restoration After construction, it was determined that the project generated 3,036 feet of stream restoration The As -Built Survey is included as Appendix B This Annual Monitoring Report presents data from three vegetation monitoring plots, one crest gauge, one rain gauge, six cross sections, approximately 3,000 linear feet of profile survey and photographic reference locations, as specified in the approved Restoration Plan for the site The NOAA Regional Rainfall database was used to validate the onsite automatic rain gauge precipitation data Although dryer conditions typically develop during the second and third quarters in this region, the entire 2012 monitoring year had normal rainfall at this site for The total annual rainfall was 43 2 inches, allowing excellent vegetation growth but also creating additional channel stability issues for the site as discussed in the problem area section. The 2012 vegetation monitoring documented the surviving planted stem density for the plots between 323 and 566 stems per acre The average density was 459 stems per acre. This represents a survival rate of approximately 76% based on a baseline density of 608 stems per acre. The site has achieved the final vegetative success criteria of 260 five -year -old planted stems surviving per acre at the end of five years of monitoring Areas of the reach outside the monitored plots that were slow in developing mature vegetation received supplemental tree planting during the winter of 2011 -2012 At least two bankfull events were recorded during the MY 5 period The restored stream channel has remained basically stable and is providing the intended habitat and hydrologic functions The seven identified problem areas of concern will improve with the continued growth of vegetation in the appropriate places. All monitored cross sections and the longitudinal profile for 2012 display little adjustment in stream dimension. EEP Project #D 06054 -A 2 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Project Description MAPQNEST. o 400 m 1200 1t !1601 �r p� �k Joe Griffin Rd 3 d� c� O edlln Rd tv $ y Z � o� ® 2008 MapQuest Inc. Map Data 0 2008 N AV T E Q or TeleAtlas Figure 1 — 601 North Location Man The 601 North site is located approximately 10 miles south of Monroe in Union County (see Figure 1). The property is located off of McManus Circle, SR 2110, from Pageland Highway/US Hwy 601 South. The property is accessed by a gravel farm road off McManus Circle. The project is a restoration of approximately 3,000 linear feet of unnamed tributary to Wicker Branch in the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin. The project is made up of an upper and lower section of UT, referred to as Reach 1 for monitoring. Reach 1 stationing is summarized in Table 1. The 601 North site has a drainage area of 0.23 square miles in the upper section and 0.3 square miles in the lower section. EEP Project #D 06054 -A 3 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) The dominant historic land use was originally timber production followed by intensive agricultural production of crops including corn, soybeans, and winter wheat The channel was straightened and channelized for agricultural purposes This led to an incised condition with little to no floodplain access. Table 1— 601 North Monitoring Reaches `R %eacli'Name ,._ As B ilt Ike Ali ft� sA M noitorinSta_tions_ _ n Restoration roach - UT /Reach 1 3,036 100 +21 - 130 +31 Restoration (Priors I /II Total 3,036 3,010 2.2 Project Objectives The 601 North site was identified by EBX to support the NC EEP full delivery mitigation process The objective of the project was to produce a minimum of 3,000 stream mitigation units (SMU) to NC EEP through the full delivery process in the Yadkin Pee -Dee River 03040105 hydrologic unit. Due to the incised condition of the channel and lack of access to the floodplain, the existing channel was abandoned and a Priority I Natural Channel Design approach was selected for the majority of the project The last 1,000 feet of the project utilizes some Priority II approaches to create a lower elevation flood plain in order to meet the required elevations at the confluence with Wicker Branch Given the valley type VIII drainage, a C4 channel was chosen as the design channel. Due to the coarseness of the native bed material, few structures were utilized in the design Monitoring of the 601 North site is required to demonstrate successful mitigation based on the success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan Stream and vegetation monitoring are conducted on an annual basis This Annual Monitoring Report documents the results of the monitoring for 2012 (MY5) The as -built data documented 3,036 linear feet of stream restoration The stream restoration will provide multiple ecological and water quality benefits within the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin Those benefits are as follows EEP Project #D 06054 -A 4 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Hydrology. • Re- establishing floodplain connection by raising bed elevations • Increase flood storage by re- establishing floodplain Water Quality. • Reducing turbidity by reducing sediment inputs • Reducing water temperatures by providing shading • Increasing/ stabilizing oxygen levels by reducing BOD /COD and increasing re- oxygenating turbulence Habitat • Improve bed habitat by increasing riffle -pool diversity, reducing sediment deposition, and improving low flow water depths • Improve bank habitat by increasing stability and woody biomass • Improve floodplain habitat by establishing micro- topography and hydrology, removing invasive vegetation, and increasing habitat diversity • Improve food web dynamics by adding biomass (such as detntus, wood debris, and leaf matter) and re- establishing floodplain connection 2.3 Project History This project was identified by EBX in the winter of 2006 Table 2 — 601 North Site History rz �Pro ectActiYity�andReportingHisto 'ryx Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan February 2007 April 2007 Final Design - 90% N/A July 2007 Construction N/A February 2008 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area N/A February 2008 Permanent seed mix applied to reach N/A February 2008 Bare roots and live stakes N/A March 2008 Mitigation Plan / As -built (Monitoring Baseline) March 2008 June 2008 Year 1 Monitoring March 2009 March 2009 Year 2 Monitoring October 2009 December 2009 Year 3 Monitoring October 2010 December 2010 Year 4 Monitoring September 2011 November 2011 Year 5 Monitoring September 2012 December 2012 EEP Protect #D 06054 -A 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 3.0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results 3.1 Vegetation Assessment 3.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Successful establishment of vegetation in riparian areas will be the survival of 260 planted stems following Year 5 monitoring The interim vegetative success criteria will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of Year 3 monitoring. Up to 20% of the site species composition may be comprised of volunteers Remedial action may be required should volunteers present a problem or exceed 20% composition A digital image photo log will be used to subjectively evaluate the restoration site over time. A series of images over the five year monitoring period should demonstrate maturation of planted vegetation and volunteer species 3.1.2 Description of Vegetation Monitoring Three semi- permanent vegetation plots were established within the planted restoration areas to monitor the success of planted vegetation The vegetation plots are 0 01 hectares in size. The vegetation plots are distributed across the site, but the precise location and orientation of the plots was random (see location on as -built drawings.) The plots cover approximately two percent of the site Seven species were planted on site (see Table 3). Table 3 — 601 North Planted Species CoinuioriName r'Scientific,Nai_n_e_= `�' ` ` " Abbreviations Paw Paw Asimma tnloba AT River Birch Betula mgra BN Shag Bark Hickory Carya ovate CO Green Ash Fraxmus pennsylvanica FP Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii QM Water Oak Quercus mgra QN Willow Oak Quercus phellos QP Unknown Oak Quercus spp. Q Each of the planted stems inside the plots was flagged to help in locating them in the future The taxonomic standard for vegetation used in this report was based on "Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas ", by Albert E Radford et al The vegetation monitoring protocol used for EEP Project #D 06054 -A 6 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) collecting vegetation data was established for this project in 2000 by the Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) and Karen Hall of NCSU 3.1.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring At 601 North, all of the surviving plot plantings are in excellent vigor with few exceptions. Supplemental planting occurred outside of the monitored plots at areas with poor tree establishment during the winter of 2011 -2012 There was no flowing water in the stream, and no pools were observed The dominate shrub on this site is Groundsel tree (Baccharas halamrfolaa) Throughout the N3 site, black berry vines are so dense that a bush axe was needed perform the monitoring. No disturbance to the site was noted and supplemental plantings appear to be doing fine Original planting density, based on the three 0 01 hectare plots, (100 square meters) was 608 stems per acre The current density is 459 stems per acre which represents a survival rate of approximately 76% The planted stems in the monitoring plots ranged from 323 to 566 stems per acre. This site has met the interim success criteria of 360 stems per acre after three years and has met the final criteria of 260 stems per acre after five years. Table 4 - Baseline Stem Counts e }xw NoXittiMa, -2008 Baselin, r,xxK`z�PLAtVTEDSPECIES M- -- - -- —' - )- -L1 -J ` - I'Ot,— p->,u> ` ,. £�`�6- = - �_- ¢LI1%E = ATE Ine." - ; Nn` GIP mQ = -= PLANTED A '� u STEW! %1W- SLANTED , - $ N1`_ = - - ` N1 1 9 1 2 3 14 N2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 14 N3 5 4 2 3 5 TOTALS 3 2 17 TOTALS 2 9 2 14 7 4 4 3 45 Percent % 44 20 44 31 1 156 89 89 67 100 Table 5 - MV5 (2012) Stem Counts �fi01 No tli September 2012 M- -- - -- —' - )- -L1 -J ` - I'Ot,— p->,u> ` ,. Rai ff i z W a a NE a L: .s 0! ,, �r '3n"�* ✓ �2 -�_ p � v. tiCO _ '� u - SLANTED , - $ N1`_ 9 1 12� N2 3 2 1 1 1 8 N3 4 3 5 2 14 TOTALS 0 9 0 14 6 2 3 0 34 Percent % 0 265 0 412 176 59 88 0 100 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 7 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) i awe b - itsasenne stems Der Acre at On BWTI-re r m � 4e, 7 f RYN WCmq N1 14 100 1076 00247 566 N2 14 100 1076 00247 566 N3 17 100 1076 0 0241 688 Totals. 'plot 45 300 3228 0074 Stems per 15 Average 608 Table 7 — MY5 (2012) Stems Der Acre K� 11= -"a.Ah CM_ 1341� i "I O"T"s W-1, 71-11,1- Plot ffie' "., -I=TIh7pesNW- 1--14' i difitz"O '7"2VI_%VrWM�r,- POIT fl, FI-1101 - H r- p-e-fraffi-r--oM,, mom" "M R-1:3 IWLost -It N 1 12 100 0 0000 485 N2 8 100 0 0000 323 N3 14 100 0 0000 566 Totals: Ttals: 34 300 0 0000 is Stems er plot 11 3 Average 459 EEP Project #D 06054-A 8 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 3.2 Stream Assessment 3.2.1 Stream Success Criteria As stated in the approved Mitigation Plan, the stream restoration criteria for the site includes the following Bankfull Events A mimmum of two bankfull flow events must be documented within the five - year monitoring period Cross - Sections There should be little change in as -built cross sections Cross sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for C type channel Longitudinal Profiles The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedform features are remaining stable, e g they are not aggradmg or degrading. Bedforms observed should be consistent with those observed in C type channels Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures 3.2.2 Stream Morphology Monitoring Plan Stream monitoring will document the stability of the restored channel Monitoring will occur for 5 years or until the final success criteria have been achieved, whichever is longer Monitoring methods used are based on US Army Corps of Engineering guidance documents and NC Division of Water Quality guidance documents Cross Sections Two permanent cross sections, one at a riffle and one at a pool were installed for every 1,000 linear feet of restored stream Each cross section was marked with permanent pins on both banks Each cross section is tied to a benchmark to allow for comparison for data each year The cross section survey takes into account water surface and all breaks in slope including thalweg, top of bank, and bankfull if present Longitudinal Profile Longitudinal profile is surveyed once every year for five years or until the final success criteria are met. The longitudinal survey will include thalweg, water surface, bankfull and top of bank Each survey point will occur at the head, midpoint, and end of each feature and the invert of each structure The survey will be tied to a permanent benchmark. Hydrology EEP Project #D 06054 -A 9 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Bankfull events will be monitored for the length of the monitoring period One crest gauge is installed on site to capture bankfull events Photographs of high water marks, wrack lines and sediment deposition will also be used to document these events Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be taken at the same locations each year for the length of the monitoring period These photos will document the progression of the site from year to year 3.2.3 Stream Morphology Monitoring Results Stream conditions are stable Most bank vegetation is established and providing the stability as intended. The original coir matting is still in place but degrading as planned Water was in the channel but flow was not present during the survey Stream features including pools and riffles are remaining stable All structures appear to be stable Constructed riffles are holding grade with no down cutting or headcuts observed Cross Sections The MY 5 survey data was collected in September 2012, and the results are presented in Appendix C Cross sections appear to be stable Longitudinal Profile The longitudinal profile survey was conducted in September 2012, and the results are presented in Appendix C The profile survey showed little change in channel dimensions or profile The presence of water in the channel enabled a much improved survey of the profile and identification of pools. Hydrology The maximum stage recorder apparatus for this site was impacted by ant infestation throughout the year despite regular maintenance Therefore bankfull events could only be derived As many as five bankfull events were documented by the crest gauge dimensions during MY5. However, due to the ants in the device, these dimensions are suspect By correlating the largest rainfall events at the site, the maximum stage recorder dimensions and debris wrack lines, we can confirm that at least two bankfull events occurred The two largest rainfall events were recorded in May 2012 and August 2012 Both events developed stages well above bankfull, as evidenced by either the maximum stage recorder and/or debris wrack lines The probability of five bankfull events occurring in one year is very low Therefore the remaining events were probably not a bankfull event EEP Project #D 06054 -A 10 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 3.2.4 Problem Areas There were ten problem areas listed in the MY 4 (2011) monitoring report Eight of these have been repaired with supplemental tree planting and appear to have recovered The two remaining problem areas from the MY4 report are still problem areas, but from a slightly different cause Along with these two problem areas five additional problem areas were identified during the MY5 (2012) monitoring period for a total of seven current problem areas within the reach One of significant concern is MY5- PA2 which is the discovery of what appears to be aquatic primrose (Ludwagaa hexapetala) an invasive aquatic plant in the stream at Station 110 +72 All of the remaining six problem areas are the result of the growth of the planted live stake trees that are beginning to grow in and across the channel and create a debris blockage of in channel flow. During high flow events this forces the flow into out -of -bank side channels that can develop into a cutoff channel Some natural channel movement is to be expected but the areas identified are significant enough to warrant observation during the winter rainy season. These blockages and their diversion channels, while relatively ephemeral, provide a potential for increased erosion, loss of stream stability and bed form Both of the previously identified problem areas had a developing vegetative cover (due to the repairs that were made) but were still particularly vulnerable to the out of bank flows and began to create out of bank diversion or cutoff channels Photographs of each problem area are included in Appendix D (pp 54 -57) Table 8 - 601 North MY4 Problem Areas ID Year Identified Station Description/ recommendation MY5 -PA1 MY5 111+28— 111 +43 Out of bank channel developing MY5 -PA2 MY5 110 +72 Invasive plants MY5 -PA3 MY5 119 +10 Veg growing in channel MY5 -PA4 MY5 119 +44 — 119 +95 Out of bank channel developing MY5 -PA5 MY5 120 +06 —120+28 Out of bank channel developing MY2 -PA9 j MY5 121 +53 — 122 +06 Out of bank channel developing MY3 -PA10 I MY5 122 +74 — 123 +12 Out of bank channel developing EEP Project #D 06054 -A 11 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 3.3 Rainfall Data Rainfall data is collected by an automated rain gauge and confirmed with a manual rain gauge. The site data was validated with NOAA Regional Rainfall Database which has rainfall data for nearby locations. Rainfall data shows that normal rainfall occurred throughout the monitoring period. The average monthly peak day for the 2012 monitoring period was 1.06 inches with a maximum single day of 1.99 inches occurring in August. The average monthly rainfall amount was 3.42 inches with a maximum of 9.06 inches occurring in December. The total rainfall for the year at this site was 43.2 inches. Complete rainfall data is shown in Appendix F. w a a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Figure 2 - MY5 2012 Rainfall Data Summary 601 North MY5 2012 Rainfall Summary 0 Monthly Total Rainfall E Max Day for Month (in.) ■ 06 �p Month `(Sept 2012 partial month) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 12 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) 4.0 Conclusions Overall stream dimension, pattern, and profile are stable with only minor erosional problem areas Drought conditions that threatened vegetation in 2008 and 2009 have eased, and riparian vegetation is flourishing with several consecutive years of normal rainfall This benefit has also increased the frequency of out of bank diversion channels along the reach with their subsequent negative impacts Areas of poor vegetative establishment received supplemental planting in the winter of 2011- 2012 The entire channel had water but was not flowing during data collection All stream structures appear stable and properly functional Overall, once corrections to the current problem areas are addressed, the site will have achieved the stream stability and vegetative success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan EEP Project #D 06054 -A 13 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Appendix A - As Built Survey EEP Project #D 06054 -A 14 m s 8 s ;S RECORD SET FOR 60l NORTH STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL BANC &EXCHANGE, LLC UNION COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STATE PROJECT NO.: D 06054 -A UNION COUN STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INDEX OF SHEETS r ' F SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION - F 1 TITLE SHEET 2 LEGENDS AND SYMBOLS CIO 11YV.1 00 3 -6 GRADING PLAN AND PROFILE cw� 7 TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS N O R T H C N R U l I N♦ iiiT Alr /ii PA ry� 8 -10 PLANTING PLANS PROJECT AREA nFde" my PROJECT AREA �e � o The record drawings represent M N� the construction plans with sa' �UU adjustments made to represent constructed conditions. VICINTIY MAP LOCATION MAP SURWY PREPARED BY.' NC —EEP CONTACT: GUY PEARCE (919) 715 -1656 T�°•w, R.B. PHARR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. "•" KIMLEY —HORN AND ASSOCIATES CONTACT: DAREN PAIT, P.E. (919) 678 -4155 SURVEYING & MAPPING 241 POST OFFICE DR., UNIT A -2 ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE CONTACT: NORTON WEBSTER (919) 829 -9909 • INDIAN TRAIL, N.C. 28079 TEL (704) 821 - 4029 DISTIL AREA: 85 ACre6 CENTERLINE E STATION 100+00 - LAT 34901018 LONG -80A7M • PKIPMFD N 11E QFRZ OR CLIENT: `.S' °..qR'` ., 03/02/08 PROJECT: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA �. . o Kimley -Horn ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM : °P!`ESS�o `9' 0126 0Ng s01 NORTH f ° SEAL E ■1 AL and Associates Inc. TITLE. F090000P JIK STREAM RESTORATION L Yr ad 4d N - m 1-b—t of �McN. Y Y�6NId.d and M the end I ': y':'rC 1 MEF;: P RTL t Mnmt -� . �t by � ,. Pm �X - NORTH mow► �-� TM-E SHEET .F� M . 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"ETMFD N THE 07M OF: Kimley -Horn M a� and Associates, Inc. r.0. BOX 3801!6 - RN-EX*i NoM cAFKX NA V%34-90E! PHOW M) 6" -9000 FM M) 677 -2= CROSS SECTION LEGEND -- - - - - -- EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED CHANNEL ,\CN MUST 1l17Yp� r -o n BBIC)� YOCT DKH CONTACP GI- CAI]., C ERTBR 1- 40D-431 -19x9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE .P1N'.caeo��,, 05/02/08 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ` : °Q��F "`''ti `9`: 012620009 - SEMI _ as0000 _ JIK LEGENDS AND SYMBOLS ' °'9F " "`�Q�:° R" M OMP PROJECT: loa' o w loo' am 601 NORTH STREAM RESTORATION The rooard droringo repr t the =mtructlon plans rRh ""°° odpntmwib mods to repr t canmtrucled condUb 2 OF tb 612 I I� m 612 IW vn m0 �$ Iii ow 808 _ __ - - -p �$ Nd m 608 Hm _ Id Iw a 1 604 77 1228 19 +r' � MCtI - n nn in w m Sg +9 o g n n n a1 m �x- l-il d > a d > mi25 a> ,G� Sa> + m m 4 + o md 20 _,Q� m n t o nm� °Sm r Nan oa N m'� 800 =v 00 ON g x +o S m 0 md m ° ° Ra °m � L—. + + o +n o ++ o c1 m Q > aGilo P 5 m R m A A ° e II e 1 1 A m m II m a =! d 1+ d o an d I-n d ia d Ind > aai> d Q > d ad > H> a -i ° F d> d i S 58 596 n n w m m m N m m erp l g g 1./ 00 +00 100 +50 101 +00 101 +50 102 +00 102 +50 103 +00 103 +50 104 +00 104 +50 105 +00 105 +50 106 +00 106 +50 107 +00 107 +50 108 +00 108 +50 109 +00 av a IV 3V w BEDROCK �+/00 RIFFLE 1 108+00 PROFILE LEGEND �` I EXISTING INV= / ' I - - - - - -- - PROPOSED TOP OF BANK / r 60�.26� � 1 % OF NEW CHANN0. 424 RC ' 1= NcG - - - - -- -- EXISTING GROUND - CENTER CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE 105 +00 I - 101 1p'9 6q5 656 - - sh NOTE. BOTTOM OF POOL ELEVATION PRONDED IS DEEPEST POINT IN _ - - - - F POOL AT STATION. NOT ACTUAL 0 x ELEVATION AT THE CENTERLINE. REFER TO PLAN AND CROSS J pp (W SECTIONS SHEETS FOR 1S. � 'OVER , OX _ j� 00 I \ IN 1 Ld L z POOLS SHOULD BE DUG' BY V TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION -'rcK EXISTING 15" CPP ' A 42" RCP FLOOD PLAIN TO BE- REUSED PIPE- -� LEGEND l � � -1� A MY SURVEY LEGEND * J�L1nY A _ PROPOSED BANK FULL —}— PROPOSED CREEK ----- PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT LOG VANE — - - — MPROPERTY UTOURS AJOR — — — MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CENTERUNE le i �$ 4 3W o IV 3W w ® CHANNEL BLOCK lWY1rWY TAEEUNE ® CHANNEL BACKFel ©VERNAL POOL CGWALPGNI-CAILC � ® CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE I-SOD- 424949 A FWARW ■ RM arty¢ CFl _ Kimley -Horn and Associates Inc. CLIENT STATE Cr- NORTH CAM JNA ECOSYSTEM EWANCEMENT PROGRAM ........... •tN cAyo� °'.,, °P' ~E= `l~~'" i� fao�' O.w's9 ? = 5 o t � oaa°o° @ i � e 05/02/118 x'2020 01 26 20 0 0 9 PROJECT 601 NORTH STREAM RESTORATION R»� GRADING PLAN AND �K maw aama wm awi m am®m . m ar ,�,,,,, „, �L 1 =. �qti y91 A�i rP . o "�, �na I 'i% "'* t� a°.aleolkn ma aa�rrmm ram= Iaoalotw Mir 1 rA BOAL 88088 : RAL 6d{ NOFilli CAMLINA ?70849088 I P }1016 01iD s7>�s000 r-rua 01ii) OTl-tEDOD PROFILE F C ; s M OIIP Ths nomd drarhpa rapleasrt tha aoeaNle6an plans .Ieh 10 � moe adJuatmmts made to eanetruded eondltlona S OF r\on\msnn000 em Mann RwWmt1a\=_M=Wn14+ —d GAW3 -000M RAK&ft i c CD `C a n o CD n 4� u 'ms=s SC ria3 L x Z Z I� MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 3 / �e3° / / � I ' 1 / 1 � t I ' f 00 I III5B a I , i ' I 1 - l _O 0 1 \ 2 2 i = 9 p I I ) 1I I I I I I I I $ I I \ i ) f \ I 1 ) I i I I /1 I rx 1 �( l % + 2', 11 1 � � 1 1 3H1 03- JM a �.1 O co O O + O O + 1Ln r O 0 IO r O O + Ln O N + O 0 V) C N cs + Ln C �n + O O W + Ln 0 + O O 1 I + I I I I I O I I I I I i to A O �g2 x zi Ln I Tl Ln 6033 —HEAD OF RIFFLE STA 109+52.6 o�p�Drst� Dp�Ny?N��� r CD-I fpp/1 CA C Yom$ 6 z: _ yH i $ + UI O v + 0 O 4 May 14 200E - MCI= By. /nJM*b m � ro MATCHUNE SEE SHEET STA 109 +3&4 >! + Ln O I e 6033 —HEAD OF RIFFLE STA 109+52.6 C0 + O tl O ELV -60162 $ F� $1 OD 3' Q 15' 3' B' + Ut May 14 200E - MCI= By. /nJM*b m � ro MATCHUNE SEE SHEET �MATCHUNE SE SHEET 5 N 0 STA 109 +3&4 0.V -600 90 I 6033 —HEAD OF RIFFLE STA 109+52.6 ELV -60162 F� $1 E R FE IL 6032 STA n"7 LV -601 20 1 E NOTF R STA 109+91 1 a� ha I 6027 ELV -600 49 STA 110+05.0 ELV. 601.25 I I 8022 STA 110+25 0.V -601 03 OPE CH I kNGE STA 110+500 0 9 0.V -599 98 I HEM oF RIFFLE I r STA 110+56 2 1 ELV -600 57 f 6001 1 STA 110+80.0 , ELV -600 00 6013 POOL STA 111 +08 7 I ELV -599 11 I I STA 111+23 0 ELV -589 90 6009 / 600 1 TOE STA 111 +4&0 ELY -599 40 1� I$ !POOL I STA 111 CENTERI, +55 B ELV -59 &66 STA 111+5 &0 6004 0.V -599 60 f' II TOE OF RIFM� STA 111+90 I - ELV =59918 Si E CH WGE 6003 F 211TER STA 112+18 2 E k I 0.V =597 64 5999 HEAD OF RIFFLE STA 112 +330 0.V -59 &83 5986 �I TOE OF RIFFLE I STA 112 +630 ELV -59 &12 5998 , FOOL 2�+8T3�2 I 0.V _597 08 OF n2== A 13 599 3 EW -59 & , 5983 1 Em. I 599 4 STA 113+517 HEAD OF RIFFLE ELV -596 49 STA 113+65 0 I 5982 0.V -597 44 I OF RIFFLE 113+90 7E'-596 597 B 96 POOL CENTER STA 114+19 5 598 2 ELV _595 91 HEAD OF MFFLE STA -596 I 5970 0.V 760 I �EL. 114+66 7 1 1 ggg 4 596 30 I I I STA 114+87 3 1 0.V - 595 32 5987 STA 115+00 0 ELV _596 30 I$ Io 598 5 STA 115+33.9 ELV -595 72 I STA 115+42.7 5981 rA OF RIFFLE 15+55 0 1 ELV -594 85 s9s.77 5972 I / ISTA ELV -5 5 24 5963 3 I STA 116+067 I 0.V -59430 I HEAD OF RIFFLE 598 5 STA 116+240 ELV -595 22 I I 5965 I STA 116+5&8 ELV -594 65 5964 I STA 116+742 ELV - 59&72 1 I HEAD OF RIFFLE I STA 116 +92.0 5958 I ELV -594 66 If f 5954 li RIFFLE STA 117 +28 4 -594 07 ' 1 jELV 5951 I j17+478 LA. 593 08 OF RIFFLE] STA 117+65.0 f 5951 II 0.V -594 00 I SLOPE ANGE TOE OF R STA 117+94 5953 ELV -593 49 I I 595 2 I CENTER STA 118 +27 2 I ELV - 592.42 4 I �MATCHUNE SE SHEET 5 N 0 7\on\DI2WWao em Nvn ibamabmVm-0009WaoVWowd ftkW PLARLdso May 14 200 - MCI= By jnldnhb CD \ �\ Ln B! t ` ` O ul� ,. c !! G + cn e $ Q L 11 1 0 9 F > SE�i F 1 , y / J Q , I 1 1 TOE a rmzo O O j 1 \� %o 1' tl 11 O 1 1 O (n J ME OF R O O ti I 1 m Q Z I I N i X ' ' t I 00 11 O m 1 I )F RIFFLE I I i I N + D I r \gyp I �O `C cn /O ' ! I W + CD 1 I / O Cni i �ml I` o Irml I' I mOI POOL Cl) I I C) W N O °�kkFJ �2 ' n I \ ° P �, N \\ + O 4 TOE OF Fn 0 ITS >�,�o I �s X0 POOL TER Ln Ogg s � Ln p .............. 6 r`' !I /11 1 HEAD OF I RIFFLE zz 0 t 1 1 \',u^/��{,,�,,� / I \ 1 ,1 1 Cn 9 x pp V'v O ` 1 / \ m m 1 0 d w m n \ 7 m V� , T 6 ` 1 I. � o o 9 ` ` s 6 ` N ISTA 127+43 V a g + LrI 5948 MATCHUNE SEE MEET 4 N o0 y I� STA 118+831 I 1 S84 5 0.V °59310 1 I o IFFLE STA 118+80 9 ELV -58284 S94 2 STA 119+00 9 0.V -591 81 I I 4 2 STA 119+20 0 I ELV _sa282 I I�1 sa4 4 I STA 119 +581 I ELV —ezza I 594 4 1 STA 119+723 I ELV -591 37 OF RIFFLE I STA 119+87 5 I ELV —59219 I 594.2 STA 120+05 I ELV —S9i 93 I 593 7 I I STA 120+38.0 I 593 4 0.V °590 90 � HEAD OF RIFFLE I STA 120+83 S I ELV °591 73 1 S83 5 I STA 120+93 8 I� S83 8 ELV -591 29 � POOL CENTER to STA 121+18 Ig 593 8 0.V _590 32 1� 1 H I STA 121+35 0 I 0.V °591 18 583 4 STA 121+88.0 593 1 ELV °590 70 I STA 121+89 8 I 593 0 0.V °589 79 I I STA 122 +020 I ELV -590 88 I S93 STA 122 +23 1 ELV —590 35 1 1 33 I STA 122 +59 I 0.V -589 2B I I 593 0 STA 122+75.0 1 ELV °580 23 I I 592 5 I 1 r I STA 123+18.0 I 592 0 ELV -589 81 I I STA 123+328 I ELV °588.75 592 0 I STA 123+50 0 — 0.V -589 70 I I 1 I 592 3 _STA t52 8 � 0.V I POOL CENTER I STA 123+901 592 4 I ELV °588.33 STA 124+03 0 I� 0.V -588 23 I I 59 0 � RIFFLE r STA 124+29 ELV _588.84 59 4 STA 124+58.9 I 1 0.V -587 83 I 591 4 STA 124+78.8 ELV - ses.s7 I I I 591 7 � STA 125+05.0 I 1 0.V -88.29 I 591 7 STA 125+21 B ELV -587 37 I � 125+42 I STA ELV S91 S I - 588.18 _ TOE � RIFFLE I I 1 591 2 STA 125+720 ELV -587 74 1 POOL CENTER I STA 125+88.5 I ELV -588 8B 590 8 I I STA 128 +04.0 1 ELV -587 40 5691 I � I RIFFLE j STA 128+35 I ELV -587 31 590 3 I 4 ELV - 586 40 RIFFLE S90 3 STA 128+71 8 ELV -587 23 I p� I Ig lu I STA 128+93 4 590 2 ELV -588 82 STA 127 +13 7 ELV - 585 97 569 8 SP > @ + 25 ( j I ELV -588 8 _l� L MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 6 m N m $ W CD \ �\ Ln B! t ` ` O ul� ,. c !! G + cn e $ Q L 11 1 0 9 F > SE�i F 1 , y / J Q , I 1 1 TOE a rmzo O O j 1 \� %o 1' tl 11 O 1 1 O (n J ME OF R O O ti I 1 m Q Z I I N i X ' ' t I 00 11 O m 1 I )F RIFFLE I I i I N + D I r \gyp I �O `C cn /O ' ! I W + CD 1 I / O Cni i �ml I` o Irml I' I mOI POOL Cl) I I C) W N O °�kkFJ �2 ' n I \ ° P �, N \\ + O 4 TOE OF Fn 0 ITS >�,�o I �s X0 POOL TER Ln Ogg s � Ln p .............. 6 r`' !I /11 1 HEAD OF I RIFFLE zz 0 t 1 1 \',u^/��{,,�,,� / I \ 1 ,1 1 Cn 9 x pp V'v O ` 1 / \ m m 1 0 d w m n \ 7 m V� , T 6 ` 1 I. � o o 9 ` ` s 6 ` N ISTA 127+43 V a g + LrI 5948 MATCHUNE SEE MEET 4 N o0 y I� STA 118+831 I 1 S84 5 0.V °59310 1 I o IFFLE STA 118+80 9 ELV -58284 S94 2 STA 119+00 9 0.V -591 81 I I 4 2 STA 119+20 0 I ELV _sa282 I I�1 sa4 4 I STA 119 +581 I ELV —ezza I 594 4 1 STA 119+723 I ELV -591 37 OF RIFFLE I STA 119+87 5 I ELV —59219 I 594.2 STA 120+05 I ELV —S9i 93 I 593 7 I I STA 120+38.0 I 593 4 0.V °590 90 � HEAD OF RIFFLE I STA 120+83 S I ELV °591 73 1 S83 5 I STA 120+93 8 I� S83 8 ELV -591 29 � POOL CENTER to STA 121+18 Ig 593 8 0.V _590 32 1� 1 H I STA 121+35 0 I 0.V °591 18 583 4 STA 121+88.0 593 1 ELV °590 70 I STA 121+89 8 I 593 0 0.V °589 79 I I STA 122 +020 I ELV -590 88 I S93 STA 122 +23 1 ELV —590 35 1 1 33 I STA 122 +59 I 0.V -589 2B I I 593 0 STA 122+75.0 1 ELV °580 23 I I 592 5 I 1 r I STA 123+18.0 I 592 0 ELV -589 81 I I STA 123+328 I ELV °588.75 592 0 I STA 123+50 0 — 0.V -589 70 I I 1 I 592 3 _STA t52 8 � 0.V I POOL CENTER I STA 123+901 592 4 I ELV °588.33 STA 124+03 0 I� 0.V -588 23 I I 59 0 � RIFFLE r(r] A S a 1 N 596 592 r W[— W x 586 to w r� w z x 584 Q f I 27 +50 128 +00 128 +50 129 +00 129 +50 I I " / / h / J* \ \ 4e , \ \ — /\ . 1 l � ry i z� h PROFILE LEGEND PROPOSED TOP OF BANK NOTE BOTTOM OF POOL ELEVATION 596 PROVIDED IS DEEPEST POINT IN OF NEW CHANNEL POOL AT STATION, NOT ACTUAL - - - - - - - - E)OSTING GROUND - CENTER ELEVATION AT THE CENTERLINE REFER TO PLAN AND CROSS CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SECTIONS SHEETS FOR OFFSETS. POOLS SHOULD BE 'OVER DUG' BY 1' TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION 592 588 i84 i0 130 +00 130 +50 ]P' a IV ao' .o• EXISTING STREAM J CENTERLINE D PROPOSED AT ^�, r / WICKER BRANCH AND % TIE IN BOTH AANKt i \ 130 +00 -- PROPOSED BANK FULL IOrao �- t PROPOSED CREEK -- --- PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT ® CHANNEL BLOCK ® CHANNEL BACKFILL 0 8}m ED Q> <> dd CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE m.�} �N10 3v 1 — <> �d m a %r,- KOiO N_Uf_ dQ> Q> i'nd �d o ro �7_C7 F1 a, ° �a�� o n _a 1° Big N� AR�0 N�0 �N N� I�a' "� CI in — <> B 1 < >a °end �> Q> <> <> GEL a,d ��d mild x�nd gi < z.- ' PN Q> f=ed - - -- --- -� - - -- -- -- - - -- SLOPE 0073 - 1 N to m O N N 01 27 +50 128 +00 128 +50 129 +00 129 +50 I I " / / h / J* \ \ 4e , \ \ — /\ . 1 l � ry i z� h PROFILE LEGEND PROPOSED TOP OF BANK NOTE BOTTOM OF POOL ELEVATION 596 PROVIDED IS DEEPEST POINT IN OF NEW CHANNEL POOL AT STATION, NOT ACTUAL - - - - - - - - E)OSTING GROUND - CENTER ELEVATION AT THE CENTERLINE REFER TO PLAN AND CROSS CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SECTIONS SHEETS FOR OFFSETS. POOLS SHOULD BE 'OVER DUG' BY 1' TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION 592 588 i84 i0 130 +00 130 +50 ]P' a IV ao' .o• EXISTING STREAM J CENTERLINE D PROPOSED AT ^�, r / WICKER BRANCH AND % TIE IN BOTH AANKt i \ 130 +00 -- � J _r BEDROC( RIFFLE �( LOG VANE ©VERNAL POOL SURVEY LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — — — — MAJOR CONTOURS - - - - - - - - MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CENTERLINE /WYYWY TREELINE JSILI7Y p��k / - -- ° IV PROPERTY LINE °0 1�lS1irDIIl�i! CONMCP CWB-CAKL C� 1 -4949 m PREPARED IN IM OFFICE CF "' PROJECT STATE OF NO CAR�INA 05 /o2 /oB RTH _ Kimley -Horn ECosysTEM ENHANCEmwr moa:mm = :f e` emu' °w 9 012 009 srn NORTH I and Associates Inc. TITLE ° °°° JK SEAM FESTORAT10N FIRS an � o � F e i •• _ xtlr g �p and a m d (ar tlM T �MVING r L.F11�1 FV HIV soy !91 ME�i p`, RTL "C15+7y 6n "�0�°"'•'I � °1�° °L''�°1�''i° " ' ° ° �� BOpc Baoee - R;AL S T+oR ll;l CAR NA 97088 -BOee °� PHI016 X19) Hir�aQpD rAlu a» H>e06D PRORLE a „� DMP Tn. ro°ad dtamhl. repra..lt ue am.WeUm wm..InI loda mIm ad A.Waim Ine. aole adi4ob..t. made to i..e It omdrvcW conditions. PROPOSED BANK FULL IOrao �- t PROPOSED CREEK -- --- PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT ® CHANNEL BLOCK ® CHANNEL BACKFILL ® CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE � J _r BEDROC( RIFFLE �( LOG VANE ©VERNAL POOL SURVEY LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — — — — MAJOR CONTOURS - - - - - - - - MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CENTERLINE /WYYWY TREELINE JSILI7Y p��k / - -- ° IV PROPERTY LINE °0 1�lS1irDIIl�i! CONMCP CWB-CAKL C� 1 -4949 m PREPARED IN IM OFFICE CF "' PROJECT STATE OF NO CAR�INA 05 /o2 /oB RTH _ Kimley -Horn ECosysTEM ENHANCEmwr moa:mm = :f e` emu' °w 9 012 009 srn NORTH I and Associates Inc. TITLE ° °°° JK SEAM FESTORAT10N FIRS an � o � F e i •• _ xtlr g �p and a m d (ar tlM T �MVING r L.F11�1 FV HIV soy !91 ME�i p`, RTL "C15+7y 6n "�0�°"'•'I � °1�° °L''�°1�''i° " ' ° ° �� BOpc Baoee - R;AL S T+oR ll;l CAR NA 97088 -BOee °� PHI016 X19) Hir�aQpD rAlu a» H>e06D PRORLE a „� DMP Tn. ro°ad dtamhl. repra..lt ue am.WeUm wm..InI loda mIm ad A.Waim Ine. aole adi4ob..t. made to i..e It omdrvcW conditions. tl e Rim t TYPICAL SECTIONS ARE PROVIDED TO GIVE THE GENERAL DRANSONS OF THE CHANNEL. FINAL GRADING WILL GIVE THE CHANNEL A MORE 'NATURAL' APPEARANCE AND ALLOW A SMOOTH TRINSIRON FROM E70STING CHANNEL TO NEW CHANNEL ALL EXISTING GROUND REPRESENTATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ALL POOLS SMALL BE PRE -DUG 1' TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION 6 Bmmu REQ'D 6 0' MIN 10 6' 1 20.1 1.2' 2.2' 12' 31 31 1 .1 3 0 2' UPPER UT1 RIFFLE STA 100+00 TO 108+50 6 0' MIN 14,V L REQ 'D 31 23' 20:1 31 2. o� 0 3' UPPER UTI POOL STA 100+00 TO 108+50] i y�1RY�e°nlmdtlaA °�o am and ieap�q� � ARRedRpA b 0' MIN 201 1 TYPICAL LOCATION OF TOP OF CROSS STREAM FLOW VANE. (SEE PROFILE SHEETS SW-03 TO TOP @A_NKSBANKFULL SW-06 FOR SPECIFIC LOCATIONS) _L SLOPE PER PROFILE POOL — � - - -� AVERAGE RIFFLE SLOPE -- - - - - -- — FLOW - -____ SEE PROFILE _____— Elm RIFFLE LENGTH PER PROFILE SC pp ( SHEETS 3 -6) pRFTnp�Mp T �� P S AS REQ' 31 31 AS REQ'D 31 0' MIN. AS REQ'I 31 6' MIN TYPICAL PROFILE OF WFLE/POIX SEOLENCE NTS 3 2' ----� 1 7 4' 101 1 2' 09. O �. 1 10.1 31 �_3 2'— I LOWER UTI RIFFLE STA 108+50 TO 130+87 6' MIN ' 17 2' 31 08' 2.1 2121 08, LOWER UTI POOL STA 108+50 TO 130+87 81 6' MIN 20.1 E 6' MIN AS REQ'D 31 20 1 OFFIM OF' PREPARED BE CIMPI Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. PA BQX 080M - RAILS NOR1H G' ROUNA 17630-OM PiM016 OlM 077-2000 FiA74 M 01f -2000 CUETITEMS S M EMAMC WEN1 FIRM "11Y1 _ �l�aN,1CAB�•o, ;.`oQ...ESi� `,i e of s .'Fv�= pRSSSS COP e ;... ;, . E -, q v BG n*: p° CM N R `` SFALI 0126200 PRG'ECT NORTH � NVfI 1 fl STREAM RESTORATION aussES 012820009 JK R"EC,� c T w'c SEC 1 IONS RTL 7hs rao«d dra�Y�q� rap�ewd tA� oonatruetlm plm�s �Ith M� ��a mods to nprmant oan4ueted aanditbna 7 OF 1D DMP r� d �( LAO VANE VERNAL POOL SURVEY LEGEND — — — — PROPERTY LONE MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CE wnua 0= r'YYWWY TREELINE PROPOSED BANK FLAT 10+00 —. —� E PROPOSED CREEK ----- PERMANENT CONSERVATION PLANTING PLAN EASEMENT ® CHANNEL BLACK ® CHANNEL BACKFRL CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE �( LAO VANE VERNAL POOL SURVEY LEGEND — — — — PROPERTY LONE MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CE wnua 0= r'YYWWY TREELINE ZONE 1 Q ZONE 2 ZONE 3 0 0 ZONE 4 TpA�TEE�OFF�LN�O�Ii ..,. °t� "� "QOM•.,,, 10- _ REPMQED N IM GiFXE OP 2 7 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. rm BCD( 88088 - F" NCNi1H CAM w 01088.8088 PF1016 0TH e77 II000 FlIN6 W0 477 -20BD —. fQO��E� o3a000 e., cot PLANTING PLAN T,TLE ZONE 1 Q ZONE 2 ZONE 3 0 0 ZONE 4 TpA�TEE�OFF�LN�O�Ii ..,. °t� "� "QOM•.,,, /'I�NpCAARTOpLIpN�A p��� ��QS�/ ECOSYSTEM X71 EM ENHA \CBAEN 1 PROD 1MIr1 0'�i��9•� fQO��E� o3a000 e., cot PLANTING PLAN a x\00 MUST r 1�BYCQ[�il C WACPOtID -C OMM I -800 -M -4919 PROJECT �I i W Z 7 Q aC 0 3W of law 601 NORTH aK STREAM RESTORATION ff- RTL DMP Tee iew cho 6 go aye wn.auclton qmu .xn Marwr djwobi a to mde to cvn.wcL.a ommtia,s 8 OF 10 s� tl d g LEGEND PROPOSED BANK FULL 10400 ---H— % PROPOSED CREEK W —"-- PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT ( /, LOG VANE L_ - -- -� I I LEGEND SURVEY LEGEND — — — — PROPERTY LINE — — MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CENTERLINE rYYYVWY' TREELINE lqm-w�' l'pQ n °Jo-OQbc ca°; °„2�in^ °° 11 �. W — z i I PLANTING LEGEND ZONE t 0 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 0 0 ZONE 4 .. 0 MUSTp�,� � ut \l I TY T �QA O ed o 3W ed >m CxwTACr0r -G Cm"= 1- 800 -02496 FWMW w na.FFIM or PROJECT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ,..�1N °� "moo <�,, 05/02/08 Kimley -Horn ECOsriTm ENHANCaENT PRcx RAM °e�� �a,��,49:: 01 srn NORTH and Associates, Inc. RTC. �,`�;;; STREAM RESTORATION �.�. , tlra anA do�oetm�amm ad pepow��t °�. 9'ti. 01 tl f p �, It,yp mp Awpdayi, I•A� aox - ►,, cAnaau► s>�ss�oeB PLANTING PLAN M„ Rn �xa� eery uan ma A.me . as sooe { PFIDl6 � A71�1000 I%UG � 077 -206D � ~ � oMP h; =rd am.e.� r.pr�t L.. aan.tr ed ca plea .Im i Td t. maM to nprasrit oomtruebd oorWitlon.. 9 OF � PROPOSED BANK FULL 10400 ---H— % PROPOSED CREEK —"-- PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT ( /, LOG VANE ® CHANNEL BLOCK ® CHANNEL BACKFILL VERNAL POOL CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SURVEY LEGEND — — — — PROPERTY LINE — — MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CENTERLINE rYYYVWY' TREELINE lqm-w�' l'pQ n °Jo-OQbc ca°; °„2�in^ °° 11 �. W — z i I PLANTING LEGEND ZONE t 0 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 0 0 ZONE 4 .. 0 MUSTp�,� � ut \l I TY T �QA O ed o 3W ed >m CxwTACr0r -G Cm"= 1- 800 -02496 FWMW w na.FFIM or PROJECT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ,..�1N °� "moo <�,, 05/02/08 Kimley -Horn ECOsriTm ENHANCaENT PRcx RAM °e�� �a,��,49:: 01 srn NORTH and Associates, Inc. RTC. �,`�;;; STREAM RESTORATION �.�. , tlra anA do�oetm�amm ad pepow��t °�. 9'ti. 01 tl f p �, It,yp mp Awpdayi, I•A� aox - ►,, cAnaau► s>�ss�oeB PLANTING PLAN M„ Rn �xa� eery uan ma A.me . as sooe { PFIDl6 � A71�1000 I%UG � 077 -206D � ~ � oMP h; =rd am.e.� r.pr�t L.. aan.tr ed ca plea .Im i Td t. maM to nprasrit oomtruebd oorWitlon.. 9 OF � rd d W WW� N W Z Q 3 LEGEND PLANTING LEGEND SURVEY LEGEND PROPOSED BANK FULL ZONE 1 PROPERTY LINE 10+00 Q _ — _ — MAJOR CONTOURS q PROPOSED CREEL( ZONE 2 © -- - -- - -- MINOR CONTOURS ----- PERMANENT CONSERVATION ZONE 3 o O — STREAM CENTERLINE A�IST EASEMENT LOG VANE ry— ry- y1rY1r TREELINE t0 ® CHANNEL BLOCK ZONE 4�QpF+ V( \CITY p�la` ® CHANNEL BACKI`U VERNAL POOL 0 M 0 3OF °p 11° CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE a lo+r PROJECT aarAtaa w nc arses OP •,•SCAR �IO2I� Kimley -Horn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OEE,,, %9,; D,2820009 601 NORTH ECOSYSTM ENHANC�T PROQRAM and Associates, Inc. Tl LE = q a �E f; STREAM RESTORATION Or ad s a+ a (ar Or '• 9 F.R r% .c RTL ' ' '' PALE�ot� r�o� CAM Iles 0888.0 ee PLANTING PLAN ,FR M Th...tard �" ..ae.,t n.. aaa.hueDa� qaa. r1U -.� F41Qt6 ova) en�000 F'AXl OM en�o Caq�gd Ia�Ary -xan ad /rodaba Mw m00 DMP d;= mad. to rpwnt O.nehuetad oaMltl.ns b OF V 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Appendix B - MYS (2012) Survey Figure B 1- 601 North Reach 1 Sheet 1 Figure B 2 - 601 North Reach 1 Sheet 2 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 15 a 0 Y 2 LEGEND z o 601N R1 RXS -1 DESIGN TOP OF BANK _ STA: 103 +58 MONITORING ALIGNMENT (ALL YEARS) 2008 (MY1) THALWEG EASEMENT 2008 (MY1) TOP OF BANK 104+00 - -- 2009 (MY2) THALWEG 2009 (MY2) TOP OF BANK 2010 (MY3) THALWEG \ _ F' 2010 (MY3) TOP OF BANK F 2011 (MY4) THALWEG zz I, -- 2011 (MY4) TOP OF BANK d - 2012 (MY5) THALWEG z 601N­R1 2012 (MY5) TOP OF BANK Z STA: 101 +43 r wN� Zx> r �o,Qry v~iZ Z Z 60 �V a50< oif S z /.z6.. 5 = < < < w� ir 030 z J m 601N R1 RXS -2 ''�a 'O• STA:110 +78 Ilh� d U `1 LU w Z v W UJ Ej- Z t� Z <D 601N R1 PXS -2 STA: 114 +17 z 2 z_ ` 113 +00 0 cc Z 0 O Z) Ir Q O U y w Z >- p z \ z O O Z SHEET 1 �6 SHEET 2 DATE 03/20/2009 PROJECT NO. (� m 06054 -B N o¢ FILENAME 601N.DWG SHEET NO. � 1 2 OF �m u91pp � � IN I 0 601N R1 RXS -3 STA:121 +55 l N 04 LEGEND DESIGN TOP OF BANK MONITORING ALIGNMENT (ALL YEARS) 2008 (MY1) THALWEG 2008 (MY1) TOP OF BANK - - -- - -- 2009 (MY2) THALWEG 2009 (MY2) TOP OF BANK 2010 (MY3) THALWEG 2010 (MY3) TOP OF BANK 2011 (MY4) THALWEG - 2011 (MY4) TOP OF BANK 2012 (MY5) THALWEG 2012 (MY5) TOP OF BANK EASEMENT \ 601N R1 PXS -3 t STA:126 +54 � 130 +9 w F Q D U z 0 O z I Z w � w� z�� WX> O Z N � N va~ U Z U U Q = Z U C F 0 30 2 Z m DATE 03/20/2009 PROJECT NO. 06054 -B FILENAME 601N.DWG SHEET NO. 2 OF a U = w Z U w = z0 � w w I C J U Q Z of p � Z z 06: z 0 Q O w Z U >- O z r-1 o Z w DATE 03/20/2009 PROJECT NO. 06054 -B FILENAME 601N.DWG SHEET NO. 2 OF List of Photos Photo C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Left Pin 601 North Mitigation Site Photo C 2 - R1 RXS -1 Right Pin Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Appendix C - Profile, Cross Sections, and Pebble Counts Table of Contents Photo C 4 - R1 PXS -1 Left Pin 601 North R1 RXS -1 18 601 North RI PXS -1 21 601 North RI RXS -2 24 601 North R1 PXS -2 27 601 North R1 RXS -3 30 601 North R1 PXS -3 . .............. .33 List of Photos Photo C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Left Pin . . ............. 18 Photo C 2 - R1 RXS -1 Right Pin .. ...... 18 Photo C 3 - R1 RXS -1 Downstream 19 Photo C 4 - R1 PXS -1 Left Pin 21 Photo C 5 - R1 PXS -1 Right Pin ....... .... 21 Photo C 6 - R1 PXS -1 Downstream . . . 22 Photo C 7 — R1 RXS -2 Left Pin ... ............. 23 Photo C 8 — R1 RXS -2 Right Pin . .... 24 Photo C 9 — R1 RXS -2 Downstream .25 Photo C 10 — RI PXS -2 Left Pin .. ....... .27 Photo C 11 — R1 PXS -2 Right Pin 27 Photo C 12 — R1 PXS -2 Downstream... 28 Photo C 13 — R1 RXS -3 Left Pin 30 Photo C 14 — RI RXS -3 Right Pin . ... ......... 30 Photo C 15 — R1 RXS -3 Downstream.. 31 Photo C 16 — RI PXS -3 Left Pin ......33 Photo C 17 — R1 PXS -3 Right Pin . ........ . .............. .. 33 Photo C 18 — R1 PXS -3 Downstream ........... . 34 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 16 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) List of Figures Figure C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Cross Section Plot . ... .......... Figure C 2 - R1 PXS -1 Cross Section Plot ..... Figure C 3 — R1 RXS -2 Cross Section Plot Figure C 4 - R1 PXS -2 Cross Section Plot . Figure C 5 — R1 RXS -3 Cross Section Plot ........ Figure C 6 — R1 PXS -3 Cross Section Plot ...... .... Figure C 7 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Single Sheet ............. . . ................... Figure C 8 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Sheet 1 ..... .................... . Figure C 9 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Sheet 2 Figure C 10 - R1 RXS -1 Pebble Count.. . Figure C 11 - R1 PXS -1 Pebble Count Figure C 12 - R1 RXS -2 Pebble Count Figure C 13 - R1 PXS -2 Pebble Count . ............... Figure C 14 - R1 RXS -3 Pebble Count ......... ........... Figure C 15 - R1 PXS -3 Pebble Count List of Tables 19 22 25 28 31 34 36 37 .. ........... 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 Table C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Dimension Data. 20 Table C 2 - R1 PXS -1 Dimension Data .......................... 23 Table C 3 - R1 RXS -2 Dimension Data. 26 Table C 4 — R1 PXS -2 Dimension Data ........ 29 Table C 5 - R1 RXS -3 Dimension Data ... ............................... .... 32 Table C 6 - R1 PXS -3 Dimension Data . ............... 35 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 17 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 601 North R1 RXS -1 Photo C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 2 - R1 RXS -1 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -A 18 .I: @I 607.50 607.00 z606.50 O >606.00 W J W 605.50 605.00 601 North Mitigation Site 2 (Year 5) Photo C 3 - RI RXS -1 Downstream i - xi KA3 -i %_ross section riot 601 N R1 RXS -1 BAs -Built ---o— BANKFULL —— MY1 (2008) — MY2 (2009) Nun —os--MY3 (2010) - t MY4 (2011) MY5 (2012) 223 228 233 238 STATION (F48 253 258 263 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 19 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Tahle C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Dimension Data EEP Project #D 06054 -A 20 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) 601 North R1 PXS -1 Photo C 4 - R1 PXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 5 - R1 PXS -1 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -A 21 601 North Mitigation Site 2 (Year S) Photo C 6 - RI PXS -1 Downstream Figure C 2 - RI PXS -1 Cross Section Plot 601N R1 PXS -1 609.00 608.50 608.00 - 607.50 -+ -AS -Built LL > Z — Ar —` +— BANKFULL 607.00 p MY1 (2009) a 606.50 — — MY2 (2009) —w—MY3 2010 w 606.00 ( ) t j —40—MY4 (2011) 605.50 MY5 (2012) 605.00 50 60 70 80 90 100 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 22 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Table C 2 - R1 PXS -1 Dimension Data As Bait MYI 008 MY2 009 MYJ 010 MYI 11 MYS 012 Station Elevation I Descn non Station Elevation Descn Son Station Elevation Descn uon Station Elemlion Descn on Station Elevation Deacn On Station Elevation Descn on 5309 60842 r1 zit 12.96 60951 P %51 119 60961 PXS1 5198 608419 L In 2211 590165 SLPXSLP 5194 608441 XSLP 5526 80828 ri -I 2084 60888 PXS1 814 60984 P %St 5289 BOB 442 Grwnd 2403 59002 S%s it 99 608418 XS 5831 6087 rl 7 2915 60878 PXS1 122 60948 P%s1 6125 607991 Grwnil 2654 Wit 764 XSXS 5469 608293 XS 6127 60793 rt Ron 384 60859 PX51 7617 60925 PXS7 6532 60762 Grwnd 2853 589551 XSXS 5853 60815 XS 6351 60751 it 1 4525 60853 PXS1 2069 Bas 91 PXS7 6628 6075 Grwnd 3138 56948 SXS 6274 607945 XS 652E 60706 r1 za1 5047 60843 PXS1 2516 60885 P%st 6784 808819 Grwrd 3276 589348 (XS)XS 6481 607653 XS 6874 60673 "post 5199 60846 XS1PL 3101 6088 XS1PL wit 60596 &mm 3492 589096 (XS)XS 6877 807283 XS 679 60854 rt tlos 5265 60844 PXS1 3391 60862 PXS7 7044 605808 G—M 3868 588954 (XS)XS 6745 606972 XS 6532 606 HMI 5473 60838 PXS1 3732 60855 P%S1 7157 605882 C—M 3988 588758 (XS)XS 6759 60679 XS 693 60581 0 za1 5812 60811 PXS1 39a 60854 PXS7 7241 608749 Ground 4161 588817 S %S 6821 6065 xS 6985 60564 rt 1 6131 60798 P XS1 0.141 6D8 44 PXS7 7552 60807 Grwnd 4435 588457 (XS)XS 6896 606009 Xs 7028 80583 r1 1 6308 60773 PXS1 4699 60852 PX51 7769 608451 Ground 4493 588393 (XS)XS 607 ®5739 XS 7147 60585 r1 7 6491 6073 PXS1 49 80846 PXS7 806 608464 Grwnd 4591 58822 (XS)XS 6989 605749 XS 722 60629 ri 1 664 6D6 89 PXS1 51 T7 60844 PXS7 SSW 608482 Grwnd 4723 587988 (XS)XS 7098 605636 XS 7297 6D658 rt 1to4 6713 60667 PXS1 528 60837 PXS1 883 608602 Grwnd 481 587964 SXS 7777 605655 7678 6084 r1 11ob 6745 6083 PXS1 5654 60818 PXs1 9106 608452 Ground 4846 587267 (XS)XS 7159 6D5744 XS 7908 60844 r1 1 W2 6D5 92 PXS1 5812 60803 PX51 9143 608459 R n 4934 586672 (XS)XS 7207 606094 XS 84 60 60843 rt e1 6874 60569 PX51 mTl 60807 PX51 5006 588639 (XS)XS 723 6D6352 XS 9083 60857 0m.11 69M 60557 PXS1 609 60784 PXS1 5044 586427 SXS 7265 6061X16 XS 708 60579 PX51 6137 60783 PX$1 5744 586338 SXS 7352 608871 x5 722 60628 PXS1 6265 60764 PXsl 527 586398 SXS 7376 607398 XS 736 PX31 6321 60753 PX51 5216 586508 (XS)XS 7464 607516 xS 7423 PX51 Dan 60745 PXS1 5245 586779 (XS)XS 7538 607946 XS 7529 PXs1 648 60738 PXS7 5284 587031 (XS)XS 7617 60828 XS 7722 P XS1 653 60721 PXS1 5303 587383 (XS)XS 7701 608476 XS 8023 PX51 asm 60709 PX51 5409 587]71 (XS)XS 7847 BOB 538 x5 8543 961OW PX51 6021 8069 PXS1 545] 587737 (XS)XS 8019 608818 %S W97 PXS1 686 60878 PXS1 %at 587779 (XS)XS 8212 608615 XS 9454 PX51 6731 60851 PX51 5663 588101 (XS)XS W32 608545 XS 99 87 P %91 67 46 608 73 P %51 5769 586 371 SXS 6001 608556 XS 10673 PXsl 65M 80592 PX51 5949 58853 S%S 8138 608548 %5 1159 PX51 6891 8058 PXS1 6087 588734 (XS)XS 917 608527 %SRP 12859 PXS1 6094 60557 PXS1 6196 586798 X5%5 13766 61228 PXS1 m28 60557 PXS1 8356 589059 SXS m 95 60558 PX51 &/ 60 589 348 6 XS 7029 60561 PX51 6096 58984 (XS)XS M91 60574 PXS7 666 5898118 SXS 7129 60606 PXS1 6931 590578 IxsIxs 7139 60626 PX51 7132 59143 (XS)XS 7198 60842 PXs1 734 591948 (XS)XS 7213 80657 PXS7 7544 592212 (XS)XS 7277 60872 PX81 7786 592447 (XS)XS 73M 607 PXs7 8021 592468 (XS)XS 7349 60729 PXS7 6036 592494 XSRPXSRP 7416 80744 PX51 7436 60756 PXS1 7533 60793 PXS7 7583 60825 PXS1 7614 60835 PXS7 7674 60844 PXS7 7739 60832 PXS7 7823 60838 PXS7 7881 60838 PXS7 7971 60839 PXS7 8079 6085 PXs7 8144 60844 PXSI 8229 60845 P %S7 8341 80843 1 PXS7 855 60848 1 PXS7 8694 I 60845 I PXS7 8781 1 60860 I PXS7 6919 1 60852 1 P %51 Bankfull Width fl 237 Banldull Width (R) 2422 Bankfull Width fl 2601 Bankfull Width ft 2253 Bankfill Width ft 24 1 Bankfidl Width fl 234 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft) 25 7 Bankfull Cron Sectional Ain ft 246 Milt Cr— Secuonal Area ft 2443 Bankfull Cr— Sectional Area ft 2063 Banldull Cass Sectional Area ft) 228 BankfWl Cross Sectional Area ft 190 Bankfull Mean fl 109 Bankfull Mean fl 102 BanldWl Mean fl 094 Bankfull Mean ft 092 Bankfull Mean ft 09 Bankfidl Mean ft 08 Bankfull Max (h ft) 277 Bankfull Max fl 18 Barddull Maz th ft 28 Ba77kf dl MaX ft 23 Bankfull Max fl 29 Bankf.11 M. Depth fl 29 Flood Pane Width fl >I00 Flood Prone Width fl) Flood Prone Width fl Flood Pane Width (ft) Flaad Pmm Width ft Flood Pane Width (fl) Entrenchment Ratio (ft/ft) >4 2 Entietwit —1 Ratio fl/fl EntieacWnatl Ratio 11111) Ento —daunt Ratio Nft Enti -d—t Ratio 11/11 Entrendimeat Ratio fl/ft WidthMopth Ratio 11/11 217 Wid Ratio fl/ft Wi Ratio fUfl Wi Ratio 11/11 Width/Depth Ratio (ft/ft) Width/Depth Ratio fl/ft D50 niin 110 D50 mm 006 D50 mm 006 D50 mm) 006 D50 mm 006 1350 mm 006 D84 mm 26 13 1 D94 aa) 1 5 13 D84 mm 006 D84 mm 006 DU mm 006 1 DU nun 20 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 23 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) 601 North R1 RXS -2 Photo C 7 — RI RXS -2 Left Pin Photo C 8 — R1 RXS -2 Right Pin EEP Project 4D 06054 -A 24 601 North Mitigation Site ' (Year S) 602.50 1.01MG1l 601.50 H 601.00 LL z 600.50 j600.00 W w 599.50 599.00 147 Photo C 8 — RI RXS -2 Downstream t, a — xi mA3 -L %-ross �ectwn riot 601N R 1 RXS -2 --o—As-Built — *— BANKFULL tMy1 (2008) X MY2 (2009 MY3 (2010) —�— MY4 (2011) MY5 (2012) 152 157 162 167 172 177 182 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 25 187 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Table C 3 - RI RXS -2 Dimension Data As Badl MYI 008 MY2 MYJ 2010 MY4 011 MYS 2012 Station Elevation D=n tion Statroo Elevation Desch non Station Elevation Dacn oo Station Elevation Desch on Station Elevation Desch tion Station Elevation Desch non 14707 60209 r1rx421 1855 61081 RXS2 13529 80248 S XS 14726 602123 L hr 147305 602086 SLPXSLP 14749 W27s6 n xcl 148 60204 rlrxn2 3341 60978 XS2 14249 60227 S XS 14762 602079 Ground 149005 602032 (XS)XS 14792 602160 15263 60176 rlrxs2 4647 60854 RXS2 14879 60207 SLP XSLP 1515 601795 Ground 152895 WI 786 SXS 14939 602759 15653 60162 rlrim2 5978 60742 S2 14743 602 8 %S 15591 601711 Ground 750645 001644 XSxs 15302 601882 Isom 60745 r10a2tob 7038 60843 S2 15168 60178 S %S 16044 601483 Ground 159645 601477 SXS 15673 607767 16271 66091 0-2 8173 60543 S2 15772 W154 8 x5 16518 600183 Ground 160 775 601323 (XS)XS 18107 6015011 16509 66013 0-2toa M58 66029 S2 16055 60138 S x5 16675 060074 Ground 182145 601008 SXS 16006 60945 16622 80006 rl=2 10095 60344 S2 18304 60078 8 x3 16837 599697 Ground 783445 600664 SXs 16516 600378 16694 66006 rlrxs2 11072 60305 S2 16439 6009 S xS 17096 600649 Ground 184855 600184 SXS 1663 660134 16785 59993 Onn,2 11967 60285 RXS2 18197 60019 S XS 17374 60144 Ground 165965 60009 SXS 16702 600128 78838 59995 0-2 13034 60260 XS2 16541 60001 S XS 17774 607322 G—d 167045 600636 SXS 16736 600051 16892 60025 rl rxs2toa 13859 60233 RXS2 18847 59985 S XS 18613 601206 Ground 168095 599997 SXS 16784 600022 17045 60059 r1nn2 14571 60211 RXS2 18704 59996 S XS 1867 601207 R n 168335 600237 SXS 16845 660093 17349 60142 ,1nR2tob 14726 60212 RXS2PL 16789 59981 S XS 168755 600358 (XS)XS 18871 00193 17785 60129 r1 rXS2 14768 60203 RXS2 16836 59884 S XS 169225 60038 SXS 16925 600560 1861 60718 rl rxs2 15183 6018 R%S2 1888 60037 S %S 170235 600584 SXS 16075 600482 18665 60119 rlrxo2r 15578 60172 RXS2 16953 66043 XS XS 170435 600641 xS XS 17086 600658 15867 60753 RXS2 1704 60086 S %s 171745 607043 %SXS 1723 601014 16177 60111 RXS2 17123 66078 S x5 172405 601312 (XS)XS 17294 601283 16498 60022 RXS2 17271 60132 (Xs) XS 773555 601400 S %S 77434 601517 16543 60002 RXS2 17388 607 45 S %S 175805 601 336 S %S 17684 601 462 16613 59988 RXS2 17597 60126 S XS 179115 601436 SXS 17927 001460 16684 59991 RXS2 17948 60128 SXS 182755 00112 (XS)XS 18375 601382 16743 WO RXS2 18233 60139 S %S 184615 601383 XSXS 1866 001208 168 59984 RX52 18449 60135 S %S 166225 601135 SXS 1686 6012 RXS2 18614 60117 S %s 186745 601207 SRPXSRP 16386 6017 RX52 18642 6013 SRP XSRP 1700 60058 RXS2 18844 60109 s xS 17159 60083 RXS2 1918 607 XS xS 17323 60133 S2 17428 60144 RXS2 176W 60132 X52 17818 6013 RXS2 1 W 2 601 25 52 18258 60127 R%S2 18601 012 RXS2 IM26 MI 22 x52 18667 W 722 Rx52PR 1904 60099 RXS2 1938 WO6 S2 19614 60019 RXS2 19899 5998 S2 mi 64 60004 RXS2 20537 60048 (RXS 21087 60113 RXS2 21582 607 63 (RXS 22334 60213 XS2 23226 60231 RXS2 24505 60243 RXS2 2091 60314 RXS2 26738 W38 RXS2 28002 60481 RXS2 29493 60591 RXS2 30756 60687 RXS2 32105 60741 CRXS2 32124 60738 RXS2 3429 60833 RXS2 38424 60938 1 RXS2 Bankfull WIdW ft 1423 nll Width Baldu ft 15 6 Bankfoll Width ft 1331 BankfIU Width ft 257 Bankfull Width R) 139 BankfWl Width ft 119 Bankfull Mom] Arm fl '113 Bankfill Cross Sectional Area R) 118 Bankfull Cross Swounal Alm fl) 1142 Bankfoll Cross Sectional Area R 13 31 BMMull Cross Savonal Area fl) 12 6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Arm Ill 9 8 Bankfult Mean ft 08 Bankfill M— fl) 075 13aiik I M— ft 095 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 052 Bankfull Mean fl 09 Bankfoll Mean ft 08 Bankfull Max fl 15 Bankfull Max (ft) 16 Bankfull Max R) 158 BaiikfWl Max fl) 1 54 Bankfull Max Depth (fl ) 141 BanldWl Max Depth fl 15 Flood Pmne Width R -100 Flood Prone Width fl 148 Flood Prone Width ft I48 Flood Prone Width (ft) 1492 Flood Pro7ie With fl 1482 Flood Pmne Width (ft) 1482 Enoencloiieiit Ratio fl/fl >7 Entrcnchmait Ratio ft/fl 95 Entreiidoimlt Ratio fl/ft 9 5 FAtiMChmeW R.U. ft/ft) 11 142 Entrmdwlent Ratio 11/71) 107 Ennenchmetit Ratio fl/fl 125 Wid Ratio fl/ft 179 Widih/D Ratio fl/ft) 207 Wid th Reno fl/fl 1552 Wid Ratio (ft/ft) 1512 1 Wid Ratio fl/ft) 154 Widdill3epth Reno fl/fl 143 20' mm 1897 D50 iom 1248 DSO mm 559 D50 mm) 1208 D50 mm 13 65 D50 mm 006 D. mm 400 D84 mm 2887 D84 mm 2042 1 D84 mm) 2730 1 D84 mm 2573 D84 inm 19 30 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 26 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 601 North R1 PXS -2 Photo C 9 — RI PXS -2 Left Pin Photo C 10 — R1 PXS -2 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -A 27 601 North Mitigation Site 12 (Year 5) PXS -2 Downstream Figure C 4 - RI PXS -2 Cross Section Plot 601N R1 PXS -2 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 28 Photo C 11 — RI 600.50 600.00 � 599.50 599.00 LL 598.50 --o-As-Built 0 598.00 BANKFULL a 597.50 W 597.00 MY3 (2010) 596.50 MY4 (2011) 596.00 595.50 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 28 Photo C 11 — RI ��MY1 (2008) �� MY2 (2009) + MY5 (2012) � EEP Project #D 06054 -A 28 Photo C 11 — RI 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Table C 4 — R1 PXS -2 Dimension Data EEP Project #D 06054 -A 29 �0. �.. Ea M. 16 FrITILTRI 1 .1 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 29 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 601 North R1 RXS -3 Photo C 12 — R1 RXS -3 Left Pin Photo C 13 — R1 RXS -3 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -A 30 601 North Mitigation Site 12 (Year S) Photo C 14 — Rl RXS -3 Downstream EEP Project #D 06054 -A 31 Figure C 5 — RI RXS -3 Cross Section Plot 601N R1 RXS -3 594.50 594.00 593.50 593.00 592.50 ., --4---As-Built O 592.00 1- a w 591.50 -Ar J 1 w 591.00 MW 590.50 590.00 176 186 196 206 216 226 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 31 tBANKFULL f MY1 (2008) �— MY2 (2009) —�— MY3 (2010) � MY4 (2011) MY 5 (2012) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 31 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Table C 5 - R1 RXS -3 Dimension Data Ax Bark MYl 2008 MY2 2009 MY3 2010 MY4 11 MYS 012 Station Elevation Dacn on Station Elevation Darn t— Stan= Elevation Desch on Station Etevation Desch on Station Elevation 13— non Station Elevation Desch on 17637 59411 rim31 1415 60228 RXS3 16862 59384 S 17716 594212 L 17834 594173 SLPXSLP 17713 594196 rW 1768 59414 r1nm3 3055 60087 RXS3 17295 59402 S 17793 594208 Ground 17912 593907 (XS AS 17757 594165 IW21 59384 rtnm3 6621 59745 RXS3 17598 59411 5 187 593788 Ground 179N 593966 (XS)XS 18161 593954 18637 59368 r1nu3 9286 59543 RXS3 1762 59418 SLP X 19167 593524 Ground 17979 593942 SXS 18806 593751 19115 59344 rinm3 11515 59514 RX53 17759 59386 S 19374 593174 Grouts 18359 593792 SXS 78323 593325 1947 59261 0i 11533 59515 RXS3 18101 59383 S 1976 592235 Ground 18776 593868 XSXB 19562 s92865 18854 59205 rtrm3 13033 59457 RXS3 18543 59374 XS 20322 592088 Ground 19036 593519 XS 20014 592213 20274 59206 r1 na3 13039 5946 RXS3 13894 59358 S 20551 592057 GrouM 18371 59291 SXS 20298 592095 2053 59188 rtnm3 139W 59438 RXS3 19161 59343 S 20816 591602 Grouts 18891 592223 5X8 20467 592153 20819 59122 1 rinm31o4 14995 5938 1 RXS3 19336 59305 %S I 21948 591198 I Graund 19967 592242 (XS)XS 20723 591842 20892 59112 1 ri m3 15006 59381 RX53 19535 5925 XS 21043 591061 1 Ground 21316 592119 (XS )XS 20882 591589 21914 59107 rinm3 16142 59348 RXS3 19708 59217 S 21193 591319 Ground 21564 591865 (XS)XS 2193 591259 21017 59108 rlrb3 16656 59328 RXS3 19859 59218 S 21423 591887 Ground 20679 591652 S S 21046 591156 21128 53115 r1-3 17107 5937 RXS3 19912 59214 XS 21707 592412 Ground 20731 591498 SXS 21136 591189 21147 5912 rlrxs:9m 17486 59403 RXS3 20062 5921 S 22287 592539 Ground 21827 591248 (XS )XS 21251 591531 2132 59159 0i 17648 59411 RXS3L 21223 59204 S 228H 592776 Ground 21848 591077 (XS)XS 21468 591956 21624 59224 rlr.3tob 17781 59396 RXS3 20294 59212 S 22985 592877 Ground 20922 591102 (XS)XS 21698 592392 22288 59239 rI-3 18424 59367 RXS3 20491 59204 S 23025 592907 R n 21026 591066 %S %S 22070 592621 22877 59276 r1-3 18876 59353 RXS3 21631 59173 5 21109 591281 %S %S 22519 592631 2295 59282 rinm3r 19292 59316 RXS3 20736 59152 S 2117 591486 XSXS 22895 592787 bzIn 19564 W249 RXS3 20627 59132 S 2127 591652 SXS 23027 592918 1978 59203 RXS3 21837 59129 S 21401 591884 SXS 2069 59204 RXS3 20889 59707 S 21457 59203 SM 20274 W207 RXS3 21007 591 S 2153 59229 (XS)XS 20398 5921 RXS3 21049 59104 S 21696 592404 =111) XS 20586 5919 RXS3 21109 59117 5 21829 592 SOB IXSLXS 20817 59135 RXS3 2110 5914 S 22123 592486 vs )m; 21886 59112 RX53 21234 59144 5 22476 592559 SXS 711958 59096 RXS3 21288 59174 S 2263 592681 XSXS 210M S9091 RXS3 21371 591M 8 22913 592 857 %S XS 21007 59101 RXS3 21497 59206 (XSI 2295 592901 SRPXSRP 21179 59114 RXS3 21608 59235 5 212M 19138 RXS3 21741 5924 S 21498 59199 RXS3 21878 59242 5 2153 59197 RXS3 22113 59248 S 21689 59226 RXS3 22461 59251 S 21902 59233 R%53 22]44 5927 S 22087 59231 RX83 22911 59282 5 22348 59245 RXW 72951 59287 SRP I X 22554 59252 RX53 23163 593 S 22822 59269 RXS3 23542 59307 5 22931 59285 RXS3 23684 59319 5 7195 59282 RXWPR 24095 59327 XS 23399 59302 RXS3 24009 59322 RXS3 24614 59321 RXS3 25173 59344 RXS3 25901 59327 RXS3 26634 59324 RXS3 27491 59344 RXS3 28368 59356 RXS3 2899 59368 RXS3 290,31 59371 RXS3 32826 59549 RXS3 Bankfull Width ft 105 Bankfidl Width ft I l Bankfull Width ft 13 09 Bankfoll Width ft 871 BankfWl Width fl 1085 Bankfull Width (ft) 78 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft 64 Bankihll Cross Sectional Area fl 66 Banldull Cross Sectional Area ft 604 Baiddull Cross Sectional Area ft) 5 14 Banldull Cross Sectional Area ft 586 Bankfull Cross Sectional Arta fl) 47 Bankfull Mean ft 061 Bankfull Mean Ih ft 06 Bank hll Mean ft 046 Baiikfidl Mean Depth fl) 059 Banldidl Mean ft 054 Banldull Mean 0 0 6 Bankfull Max fl 1 Bankfull Max Depth ft 12 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1 I Bankfu6 Max D ft 102 BankfWl Max th fl 104 Bankfull Max ft 07 Flood Prone Width fl >150 Flood Prone Width (fl) 166 Flood Prone Width ft 166 Flood Pine Width fl 86 15 Flood Prone Width ft 86 15 Flood Prone Width ft 862 Entre h— I Ratio ft/ft >10 Ealrenchman Ratio fl/fl 15 Entienchment Ratio ft/ft 12 68 Entrmchromt Ratio ft/ft) 989 Entrenchment Ratio ft/fl 794 Entrenchment Ratio (ft/ft) 110 Wirt Ih Ratio ft/ft 172 Wid Ratio fl/ft 183 Wi Ratio ft/ft) 2835 Wid Ratio ft/ft 147 WndthT) Ratio Nfl 2009 Widti.D Raba ft/fl 131 D50 mm 1577 D50 mm 80 D50 mm 628 D50 mm 68 D50 mm 1318 D50 mm 60 DU rtun) 31 1 D94 mm) 2573 D84 mm 14 12 D84 mm 226 D84 mm 3200 D84 mm) 22 5 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 32 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) 601 North R1 PXS -3 Photo C 15 — RI PXS -3 Left Pin Photo C 16 — RI PXS -3 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -A 33 593 592 591 H 590 p 589 H > 588 W J W 587 586 601 North Mitigation Site 12 (Year S) 14 Photo C 17 - RI PXS -3 Downstream re %-. o - tct rA� -.) t-ross 3ectnon riot 601N R1 PXS -3 -4 —As -Built -*-- BANKFULL ' -mot - MY1 (2008) mac— MY2 (2009) --m—MY3 (2010) -MY4 (2011) MY5 (2012) r 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 34 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Table C 6 - R1 PXS -3 Dimension Data As Built MYl 008 MY2 2009 MY3 010 Mvd 2011 Mvs 012 Station Elmatton Dcxaription Sutton Elevation Deaertlatort Station Elevation Descn uon Station Elevation Dmnpum Station Elminig Dean m Station Elevation Dcscn on 2122 59005 r1 1371 59029 PXS3 1586 59035 S 2211 590185 Loh 2211 590185 SLPXSLP M14 590139 ial nl 2224 58992 rl xs3 1972 59013 PXS3 2D 09 59018 (XSI 7217 590132 Ground 2403 59002 SXS 264 589766 2848 5mm 0 2142 59005 PXS3PL 2118 59008 S 3348 589265 Ground 2654 589764 SXS 3093 559438 1. 3147 58924 0 2446 58984 PXS3 2125 59014 SLP) % 428 588604 Ground 2853 589551 SXS 3654 588947 35 58889 r1 2977 58939 PXS3 2127 59008 S 4806 55826 Ground 3135 58946 (XS )XS 4114 588668 3578 58888 lab 3159 San 23 P %S3 2331 59002 S 4916 587445 Ground 3276 589348 SXS 4357 SBB 569 3893 58865 rt aa3tob 35M 58888 PXS3 2454 58979 S 5054 586604 Graurd 3492 589098 XSXS Man 588424 4166 5983 r1 -3 3902 588 a1 PXW 21M 58958 %S 5198 58635 Ground 3868 588954 XSXS 4752 Sae 193 4447 58801 r1 42.15 58839 PXW 3022 58943 XS 5368 587107 Ground 39 fib Sall M6 XSXS 4929 587792 4749 58743 r1 4561 $8793 PXS3 3181 58928 1 S 5708 588178 1 Ground 4161 588617 %SXS 4977 587055 4854 58883 r1 4778 58751 PXW 3492 SS892 S 6035 Sae 523 Ground 4435 58 (XS)XS 5057 586682 4948 58835 r1 4841 58736 PXW 3742 58885 S 6621 589634 Ground 4493 E 588393 (XS)XS 5165 586485 4965 58624 0 xsi 4932 58878 PXS3 3914 58871 S W54 590563 Ground 4591 58822 (XSIXS 5285 586395 5044 58631 r1 5043 58662 PXS3 4207 58848 S 7167 59131 Ground 4723 587998 (XS)XS 534 588795 5094 58618 11 PW 514 58648 PXW 4398 56823 %S 7336 591932 Graurd 481 587964 SXS 5405 58710 519 58813 r1 XrJ 522 58636 PXW 45 58802 08 8008 59243 Ground 4846 587267 (XS)XS 5584 587831 5233 58841 rip >a3tos 5284 58706 P %53 4789 58783 XS 8044 592495 R Ph 4934 586872 (XS)XS 5802 588444 5429 58743 r1 5421 58742 P %S3 4867 58727 XS 5008 586639 (XS)XS 6227 588823 5766 58824 rl Xs3t0 574 56627 PX83 4936 58657 5 s044 Sae 427 (XS)XS 6684 589903 6194 58889 r1 xs3toe 6023 58844 PXS3 So 66 56626 XS 5144 586338 (XS) XS 712 59106 896 58988 r1 x63 6444 58922 5099 58673 S 521 506398 S 7303 591845 8681 5904 rt 69 59057 51 39 58623 S 5216 588508 SXS 7667 592225 7196 59171 r1 7205 59171 5207 58633 S 5245 586779 SXS 7933 592448 756 5921 7632 59227 5266 58682 8 5284 587031 (XS)XS 8051 592494 7894 59228 rt 7899 59235 5332 58714 XS 5343 587383 SXS 7 956 59234 r1 s3r 7956 59243 VPXS3 R 541 56746 5 5409 587774 XSXS 8394 59244 5475 58784 S 5457 587737 5 s 5551 58787 S 5501 587719 SXS 5626 58814 s 5663 598101 (XS )XS 57 55 58835 S S7 69 598 371 (XS)XS 5903 San an S 5949 58853 S %S 5993 58853 S 6087 588734 SXS 62 29 588 6 S 61 96 588 799 XS XS 8368 59908 S 635fi 589059 (Xs )Xs an 1 58979 XS 64 68 589 348 XS XS 6861 59047 XS 65% 58964 (XS)X$ 7073 59116 S 686 589906 SXS 7173 591 69 (XS) 6931 590 576 (XS)XS 7314 59167 S 71 32 59143 (XS)XS 7543 58214 (xsI 73 4 591 948 SXS 77 43 59236 %S 75 44 592 212 (XS )XS 7925 59236 s 77 56 592447 SXS 7955 59242 SRP) X 8021 592466 (XS)XS 83M 59243 XS 8036 592494 (XSRFqXSRP Banliull Width fl 2694 Banldull Width (ft) 249 BaukfiH Width ft 2251 Bankfull Width fl 1755 Bankfull Width fl) 1697 Bankfull Width ft 215 Bankfull Cross Sectional Am 11 292 Bankroll Cress Sectional Area fl) 243 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area fl 23 5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (sq ft ) 2026 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft) 2086 Bankfull Cross Sectional Arta ft 199 Banlrull Mean Depth ft) 105 Banldull Mean Depth ft 098 Bankfull Mean ft 104 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1 15 Baiddull Mean D ft 123 Bankfull Mean fl 09 Bankfull Max Depth fl 276 Bankft ll Max Depth (ft) 2 5 Bankfull Max Depth ft 262 Bankfull Max De ft 225 Bankfall Max Depth ft 242 Bankfull Max Depth ft 23 Flood Prone Width fl >100 Flood Prone Width fl Flood Prone Width ft Flood Prone Width fl Flood Prone Width fl Flood Prone Width fl Entrenchment Ratio 11111) >3 7 Entreachrowl Ratio fl/ft Enuenchmml Ratio ft/fl Enti mdiment Ratio fl/ft) Entrenchnrem Ratio 11111) Entrenchment Ratio 11/11 Wt Ratio fl/ft 257 Width/Depth Ratio 11111) Width/Depth Ratio fl/ft) WidtivD Ratio fl/fl Wrd uRaba 11/fl Wid Ratio 11111 D50 mm 690 D50 mm 286 D50 mm) 006 D50 mm) 1 1 D50 mm 2061 D50 mm) 22 D84 (nim) 1548 D84 (mm) 647 D84 (mm) 485 D84 (nun) 47 D84 mm) 5 OS D84 (mm) 5 1 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 35 O co N W 609 604 599 594 589 584 +— 10000 6 - Kt Longitudinal rrotne 51ngle Jneet 601N Reach 1 monitoring Protles 5ingie 5neet 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report, for 2012 (Year S) TW - As Built - -- TW - MYl +� a' o k TW - MY2 TW - MY3 ° .y _...__ - -. ♦ O - TW -MY4 TW -MY5 x WS - MYl x TOB - As Built x xx x x x x + x xx x • LTOB - MY1 x RTOB - MY1 + x 0o X xx x % LTOB - MY2 ° RTOB - MY2 x n' x X x %x % x JOB - MY3 RTOB - MY3 x x x x x x x x x x X x *, * x x LTOB -MY4 o RTOB -MY4 7*X b 1114 X X 0 + JOB - MY5 a RTOB - MY5 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 1, Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 36 pure q a - KI Longitudinal rrome Knee[ i 601N Reach 1 Monitoring Profiles Sheet 1 of 2 x 609 x 4940 ° o x x � xCx p ■� 5..� x o• o ?b r o 607 �o 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report.for 2012 (Year 5) Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 37 • oa �i. �� ®o 605 Ow Nl� 0 ox x°�� Ox5 ° x t �C XOX i o ■ $x 603 A- �- ° TW - As Built TW - MY1 •• > to — TW - MY2 TW - MY4 •o• n ° o $ ° x LTOB - MY4 • RTOB - MY4 do x • o 601 - ° TW - MY3 WS -MY1 0 KA 9K°,p i o • TOB - As Built LTOB - MY1�• X O + X 599 • RTOB - MY1 JOB - MY2 x ■o o RTOB - MY2 ° JOB - MY3 c d ux . • , x ° x4 ■ °� RTOB - MY3 TW - MY5 597 RTOB - MY5 JOB - MY5 595 10000 10200 10400 10600 10800 11000 11200 11400 Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 37 z C 0 m W 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) gure U 9 - HI Longitudinal Yrotde Sheet L 601N Reach 1 Monitoring Profiles Sheet 2 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 38 a 0 fl 597 + x o J� mob, e 595 ® + x B -x d n +� $114� + + + + + ® x + ++ + 593 ' + AD � A,K,jt �Y + _. -TW -As Built TW -MY1 591 TW - MY2 TW - MY3 x + 0 40 d + ®� X ge,� +* + XU . + A xx e + I- WS -MY1 + TOB - As Built e + + + x 589 + o LTOB - MY1 x RTOB - MY1 * °x* ` + x+ o -p * + ++ o LTOB - MY2 - RTOB -MY2 e0 + b + 4 , ° + °"���eB� e ° + iP n 1 587 ❑ LTOB - MY3 RTOB - MY3 ° Ai x d e e+ f TW - MY4 LTOB - MY4 585 x RTOB - MY4 TW - MY5 RTOB - MY5 LTOB - MY5 583 11500 11700 11900 12100 12300 12500 12700 12900 Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 38 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% 40.0% 3 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) r figure u iu - KI vcAno-i reooie t-ount Pebble Count 601 N R1 RXS -1 031 ,y0,h 500 000 Op0 000 000 000 13 0. O• L• s 000 3L 11g. Particle Size (mm) rigure L, it - xi rx�)-i reime L ount Pebble Count 601 N R1 PXS -1 100.0% 90.0% . „• ,,: A "' 4 , , I i r �� 80.0% tAsbuilt (2008) 70.0% —E MY1 (2008) 60.0% =�� 031 ,y0,h 500 000 Op0 000 000 000 13 0. O• L• s 000 3L 11g. Particle Size (mm) rigure L, it - xi rx�)-i reime L ount Pebble Count 601 N R1 PXS -1 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% tAsbuilt (2008) 70.0% —E MY1 (2008) 60.0% —*—MY2 (2009) a 50.0% a —M—MY 3 (2010) Y 40.0% .� —AMY 4 (2011) 30.0% 20.0% — =MY 5 (2012) 3 u 10.0% 0.0% 031 y0,5 500 000 000 Op0 000 000 000 0 0 0 ti 3'L ,y,Lg 5y`l. Oaq,. ti Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 39 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Pebble Count 601 N R1 RXS -2 Og1 ti0,h o00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0. 0. 0. ti. $. 3ti. 1�a. h11". 0p,$. ti Particle Size (mm) 100.0% 90.0% E 80.0% v 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% r 19ure k.. t3 - xi rV5 -i remme t-ount Pebble Count 601 N R1 PXS -2 i A ��:� ..: MY2 (2009) 010 0 00: MY2 (2009) - ■ fA �• 1 Imo. h —.. %/ ■ . =iii ■ Og1 ti0,h o00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0. 0. 0. ti. $. 3ti. 1�a. h11". 0p,$. ti Particle Size (mm) 100.0% 90.0% E 80.0% v 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% r 19ure k.. t3 - xi rV5 -i remme t-ount Pebble Count 601 N R1 PXS -2 0�1 115 X00 0 000 000 000 000 00 000 0 0 0 'L g 3'L 1,LOO h1� 0pg. 'L Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 40 00: MY2 (2009) - �• 1 Imo. h I�IISIISIISI� r 0�1 115 X00 0 000 000 000 000 00 000 0 0 0 'L g 3'L 1,LOO h1� 0pg. 'L Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 40 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% Y 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) r figure L, 14 - xi KAY -a reooie %-ouni Pebble Count 601 N R1 RXS -3 03� N"0 yp0 000 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 0 ti S1, .10 <N 00 ti Particle Size (mm) Figure C 15 - RI PXS -3 Pebble Count Pebble Count 601 N R1 PXS -3 100.0% 11• 90.0 ' 1 • (2010) . 1 —4-- MY 5 (2012) 80.0 ��iii■�i� �i Wilt (2 n(2 `irirlr�� / - 70.0% 03� N"0 yp0 000 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 0 ti S1, .10 <N 00 ti Particle Size (mm) Figure C 15 - RI PXS -3 Pebble Count Pebble Count 601 N R1 PXS -3 100.0% 11• 90.0 80.0 Wilt (2 n(2 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% E 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% ft N�53 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 0• 0• '1.• �. g'L• ,�,Lg. 0. Dag. ti Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 41 11• EEP Project #D 06054 -A 41 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Appendix D - Site Photos Table of Contents Photo Points. Problem Area Photos Vegetation Photos List of Photos Photo Point 1 Photo Point 2 Photo Point 3 . . Photo Point 4 Photo Point 5 Photo Point 6 . ....... . Photo Point 7 Photo Point 8 ... ........... ..... Photo Point 9 Photo Point 10......... .............. .. .. ... .... Photo Point 11 Photo Point 12 Photo Point 13 Photo Point 14 Photo Point 15 Photo Point 16 Photo Point 17 ........ Photo Point 18 ... . Photo Point 19 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 42 44 54 54 44 .44 ......... .... 45 45 46 . ..... ..... 46 ..... ................ 47 47 48 48 49 ....... .... . 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 .53 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 43 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) List of Photos (contd.) Problem Area Photo- MY5 -PA1 54 Problem Area Photo- MY5 -PA2 . ............... 54 Problem Area Photo- MY5 -PA3 . .. .................. . .............. 55 Problem Area Photo- MY5 -PA4 .. . ................ ......... 55 Problem Area Photo- MY5 -PA5 56 Problem Area Photo- MY2 -PA9 . ............ .56 Problem Area Photo- MY3 -PA 10 57 Photo D 1 - Vegetation Plot N1 58 Photo D 2A- Vegetation Plot N2. .58 Photo D 2B- Vegetation Plot N2 .... . .................. . .59 Photo D 3 - Vegetation Plot N3 ........ .59 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 43 r � •�� � � �. -__.. •� ,� Y .a �� Y ,{�'• � 1•Y� L-� I f ;1� 66 yJ1,Y r' iol �- J P ��I�.r � <• 41�"s mss. •,z �,�, �.T • � '. .,�. � � �. '� r 4 'ik. �' t� i� ��C.,i• r-°R� ,ty� �; J�� � t h� r �. � 1 '"'Cry. 4 +. 1 .1+. S'ri� yS't /�.._ C `. A 1 r' ` .. .✓�`A /; f s A ' -1 ; .AiS '{ 9 � �.3fi l �+•ii!'� /� ...i?.`� -` �, � � !a ?� �, - _ / Photo Point ' r� c' � ?4 '� s � ' \Jr' G .4c •/` �,� • y'. ;� �`�� Sfl�d I Z' � '' ��'t`��►Y'!^� 't � }!'�>,fj��j` T � -- rr•�.�j�r/ - T�C(7�� "v : ^' y�i'Sl � 1- \i�.�� :•-Y =� ° ��<. i •�S `_:_� ;r,. 1 �f� tom: 7,r ;rr, �-;! � �yr ' ! ,� \\ I't • t > . `Y �`a,r �} .3 - %/.�i' �..?���. •� _,...mss -'. _ � �',��:..._ ra f1 ly lz� AN u, 17- NTA tn� 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Photo Point 5 Photo Point 6 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 46 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Photo Point 7 Photo Point 8 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 47 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) , cv Photo Point 9 Photo Point 10 EEP Project #D 06054-A 48 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Photo Point 11 Photo Point 12 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 49 Cad 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Photo Point 13 Photo Point 14 EEP Project #D 06054-A 50 �. • d , a J 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Photo Point 15 Photo Point 16 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 51 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Photo Point 17 Photo Point 18 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 52 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Photo Point 19 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 53 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Problem Area Photos Problem Area MY5 -PAI Vegetation growing in channel Problem Area MY5 -PA2 Invasive aquatic plant EEP Project #D 06054 -A 54 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Problem Area MYS -PA3 (also Photo Point 12) vegetation growing in channel Problem Area MY5 -PA4 out of banks diversion channel EEP Project #D 06054 -A 55 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Problem Area MY5 -PA5 out of banks diversion channel Problem Area MY2 -PA9 out of banks diversion channel EEP Project #D 06054 -A 56 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Problem Area MY3 -PA10 out of banks diversion channel EEP Project #D 06054 -A 57 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Vegetation Photos Photo D IA — 601 N Vegetation Plot N1 Spring MY5 (2012) Photo D IB -601 N Vegetation Plot N1 Fall MY5 (2012) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 58 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Vegetation Photos Photo D 2A — 601 N Vegetation Plot N2 Spring MY5 (2012) Photo D 2B — 601 N Vegetation Plot N2 Fall MY5 (2012) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 59 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Vegetation Photos Photo D 3A - 601 N Vegetation Plot N3 Spring MY5 (2012) Photo D 3B - 601 N Vegetation Plot N3 Fall MY5 (2012) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 60 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Appendix E - Vegetation Data Table of Contents Table E 1 —MY5 (2012) Plot N1 Data 57 Table E 2 — MY5 (2012) Plot N2 Data .. 57 Table E 3 — MY5 (2012) Plot N3 Data .. 58 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 61 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Table E 1— MY5 (2012) Plot NI Data Table E 2 — MY5 (2012) Plot N2 Data a- o 'p fd —e�Iffl .&M CWIeCiI-kf- 1R:2-� go Fh fte iftVIp Y o n s "dh Leiot IMW Oo C-T-0 H',, Q-Vigor fti I AT Am_m ms REWR h� i(Cmr-i I FP 0 16 3 57 330 329 23 4 424 36 4 2 FP 036 586 321 18 4 414 34 4 4 3 QM 06 065 800 5 BN 4 FP 280 204 24 208 9 4 35 241 17 6 4 3 50 5 FP 308 461 22 183 7 4 28 208 12 QN 4 616 6 FP 339 701 11 103 22 4 18 150 5 675 4 7 FP 371 961 418* 323 20 4 9 359 33 685 4 429* 8 QN 6 11 1 265 80 266 14 1 4 QN 322 22 4 9 1 BN 641 514 262 16 4 1 7 15 1 343 24 360 4 4 10 BN 692 798 323* 29 4 794 323* 40 25 4 11 QN 880 222 13 QP 964 1 5 33 15 193 3 4 258 12 FP 935 459 21 215 9 4 26 237 13 4 13 FP 958 1 703 8 71 4 11 75 4 14 FP 972 1 932 11 102 1 1 4 14 1 112 1 4 Table E 2 — MY5 (2012) Plot N2 Data EEP Project #D 06054-A 62 o 'p fd —e�Iffl .&M CWIeCiI-kf- 1R:2-� go Fh fte iftVIp Y aiww— ME L xI mI I :iffy M"tW R Oo C-T-0 fti I AT 0 17 042 2 AT 025 330 3 CO 036 650 4 CO 043 942 5 BN 1 301 220 318 30 4 1 318* 51 4 6 QM 3 50 867 274 20 1 4 312 31 1 4 7 QN 365 616 19 204 10 4 333 22 4 8 BN 675 946 418* 53 4 418* 71 4 9 BN 688 685 429* 54 4 429* 80 4 10 QN 705 223 11 FP 1 7 15 469 360 29 1 4 425 55 4 12 FP 921 794 333 25 4 333* 33 4 13 QP 964 1 5 33 15 193 3 4 258 13 4 14 Q 985 1 274 1 EEP Project #D 06054-A 62 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) I In 11 m mkmd VI-IrKIIIN's W rom►ftJ 1=1 Species Code AT = Asimina triloba BN = Betula nigra CO = Carya ovata Fl? = Fraxinus pennsylvanica QM = Quercus michauxii QN = Quercus nigra. QP = Quercus phellos Q = Quercus species unknown Vigor Code 4 = Excellent 3 = -8 pffiVngg- a gDa—t bC'- Notts Unlikely to survive 0 = Dead M = Missing ecies KQ-affirdin—ate-sA Wddb-H Iff 6 §--D-BHII- i Rrei'OiR 10OPHI iror KRIM-1)] 2m Im RICO*— m0n)"i KIM] 111'-A (cm) JIM 1 I r2 QP 075 862 333 26 4 3i* 333* 47 4 QM 078 615 11 167 5 4 31 221 17 4 3 Q 100 382 4 QP 125 135 418* 32 4 418* 51 4 5 FP 339 933 25 215 8 4 272 18 1 4 6 Fl? 369 656 319 31 4 360 45 4 7 Fl? 389 400 357 28 4 357* 43 4 8 BN 390 138 437* 60 4 437* 84 4 9 QP 637 821 10 BN 647 347 456* 49 4 456* 82 4 11 BN 665 1 120 1 366* 32 4 366* 60 4 12 Q 688 578 13 QM 923 775 12 185 6 4 25 234 14 14 QM 935 041 5 62 4 6 91 4 Gnawed trunk 151 QM 955 290 12 34 4 5 93 4 Gnawed trunk 16 BN 960 994 461 75 4 461 120 4 17 QM 967 521 19 204 6 4 276 20 4 Species Code AT = Asimina triloba BN = Betula nigra CO = Carya ovata Fl? = Fraxinus pennsylvanica QM = Quercus michauxii QN = Quercus nigra. QP = Quercus phellos Q = Quercus species unknown Vigor Code 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Weak I = Unlikely to survive 0 = Dead M = Missing EEP Project #D 06054-A 63 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Appendix F - Rainfall Data EEP Project #D 06054 -A 64 Rainfall 1/24/2012 001 Date (in ) 1/25/2012 001 9/29/2011 0 1/27/2012 036 10/11/2011 08 2/2/2012 026 10/12/2011 026 2/4/2012 007 10/13/2011 003 2/5/2012 005 10/18/2011 164 2/10/2012 001 10/19/2011 027 2/16/2012 001 10/29/2011 059 2/19/2012 044 11/3/2011 019 2/22/2012 001 11/4/2011 065 2/23/2012 007 11/10/2011 004 2/24/2012 013 11/16/2011 003 2/27/2012 009 11/17/2011 026 3/1/2012 001 11/19/2011 001 3/2/2012 045 11/22/2011 004 3/3/2012 154 11/23/2011 057 3/4/2012 015 11/23/2011 072 3/6/2012 001 11/25/2011 001 3/6/2012 001 11/27/2011 002 3/6/2012 001 11/28/2011 08 3/9/2012 0.21 11/29/2011 021 3/13/2012 003 12/2/2011 001 3/15/2012 003 12/5/2011 004 3/16/2012 002 12/7/2011 028 3/17/2012 026 12/18/2011 001 3/18/2012 015 12/20/2011 002 3/23/2012 001 12/21/2011 0.18 3/24/2012 054 12/22/2011 016 3/25/2012 003 12/23/2011 001 3/30/2012 007 12/26/2011 001 3/31/2012 079 12/27/2011 085 4/2/2012 002 1/8/2012 026 4/4/2012 098 1/9/2012 053 4/5/2012 018 1/10/2012 001 4/6/2012 036 1/11/2012 037 4/18/2012 017 1/17/2012 039 4/19/2012 002 1/18/2012 017 4/22/2012 092 1/20/2012 012 4/23/2012 001 1/21/2012 056 4/25/2012 01 1/23/2012 015 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 64 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 4/26/2012 056 7/21/2012 001 4/27/2012 026 7/24/2012 018 4/28/2012 001 7/25/2012 007 4/30/2012 001 7/28/2012 041 5/8/2012 014 7/29/2012 001 5/9/2012 097 7/31/2012 006 5/10/2012 001 8/1/2012 001 5/13/2012 032 8/2/2012 116 5/14/2012 087 8/6/2012 002 5/15/2012 0.01 8/7/2012 122 5/17/2012 001 8/8/2012 199 5/18/2012 001 8/9/2012 107 5/21/2012 005 8/10/2012 002 5/22/2012 024 8/11/2012 001 5/23/2012 016 8/12/2012 001 5/29/2012 013 8/15/2012 0.11 5/30/2012 002 8/16/2012 001 6/1/2012 074 8/17/2012 064 6/5/2012 008 8/19/2012 117 6/11/2012 08 8/20/2012 057 6/12/2012 004 8/21/2012 027 6/13/2012 018 8/22/2012 001 7/1/2012 063 8/28/2012 026 7/2/2012 004 8/29/2012 05 7/5/2012 149 8/31/2012 001 7/6/2012 01 9/3/2012 038 7/9/2012 01 9/4/2012 064 7/10/2012 038 9/6/2012 01 7/12/2012 001 9/7/2012 001 7/13/2012 005 9/8/2012 014 7/16/2012 0.01 9/9/2012 001 7/17/2012 051 9/11/2012 001 7/19/2012 021 7/20/2012 078 EEP Project #D 06054 -A 65 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Appendix G - Morphology Tables EEP Project #D 06054 -A 66 601 North Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) EEP Project #D 06054 -A 67 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary 601 N RI RXS -1 601 N RI PXS -1 601 N RI RXS -2 601 N RI PXS -2 601 N RI RXS -3 601 N R1 PXS -3 Parameter Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Dimension MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width (ft) 123 110 117 104 119 94 237 242 260 225 241 234 142 156 133 257 139 119 203 181 195 130 181 135 105 110 131 87 109 78 269 249 225 176 170 215 Floodprone Width (ft) 135 1350 1350 1354 1354 1354 - - - - - - 1482 1482 1482 1482 1482 1482 - - - - - - 1660 1660 1660 862 862 862 - - - - - - BF Cross Sectional Area 104 96 92 90 86 74 257 246 244 206 228 190 113 118 114 133 126 98 134 134 132 116 123 131 64 66 60 51 59 47 282 243 235 203 209 199 BF Mean Depth (ft) 084 09 08 09 07 08 109 10 0939 092 09 08 08 08 09 05 09 08 07 07 07 09 07 10 06 06 05 06 05 06 10 10 10 12 12 09 BF Max Depth (ft) 151 15 16 16 15 14 277 28 28 226 29 28 15 16 16 l5 11 15 19 20 19 19 18 16 10 12 11 10 10 07 28 25 26 23 24 23 Width/Depth Ratio 1460 125 150 120 1650 1190 - - - - - - 179 207 155 151 154 143 - - - - - - 171 183 283 148 201 131 - - - - - - Entrenchment Ratio 1096 123 115 130 114 145 - - - 104 95 11 1 11 1 107 125 - - - 159 151 127 99 79 110 Bank Height Ratio 100 to 10 10 100 100 - - 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - - 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - Substrate d50 (mm) 690 286 006 1765 103 217 1100 286 006 006 006 006 1897 1248 558 1208 1365 006 175 47 61 88 152 01 158 80 63 69 132 60 69 29 01 11 01 22 d84 (mm) 1548 647 485 45 32 5 13 1548 647 485 006 006 2 1548 2887 2042 2730 2573 1930 342 160 204 363 372 125 31 1 257 141 226 320 225 155 65 49 47 51 5 1 Parameter MYO (2008) MY (2008) MY2 (2009) MY3 (2010) MY4 (2011) MY5(2012) Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Mm Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Channel Beltwidth (ft) 316 806 48 3 30 0 820 500 314 794 500 254 689 460 29 3 70 1 472 286 71 6 474 Radius of Curvature (ft) 13 3 45 2 24 8 15 0 46 0 25 0 18 1 35 6 22 1 15 8 33 9 21 7 16 I 35 1 22 2 16 4 34 8 220 Meander Wavelength (ft) 892 1633 1193 920 1650 1200 876 1377 1154 956 1319 1122 932 1353 1108 928 1348 1121 Meander Width ratio 26 65 39 27 75 45 24 61 38 24 66 44 25 59 40 26 66 44 Profile Riffle length (ft) 97 898 330 120 920 340 154 897 307 176 860 290 64 922 180 1 1 6 898 238 Riffle slope (ft/ft) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 Pool length (ft) 138 758 350 146 780 360 78 728 432 101 826 450 107 583 307 100 685 375 Pool spacing (ft) 419 1444 68 1 440 1500 700 341 1206 696 321 1188 706 180 360 945 254 778 824 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 2407 Channel Length (ft) 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 Sinuosity 124 124 124 124 124 124 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) N/A 00079 00079 N/A N/A N/A BF slope (ft/ft) 00082 00079 00079 00076 00073 00075 Rosgen Classification C4 C4 C5 C5 C5 C5 Habitat Index* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Macrobenthos* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EEP Project #D 06054 -A 67