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20070911 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20130412
DWY (C��Cx 601 West Stream Restoration Project Annual Monitoring Report C Monitoring Year: 2012 i!AR .t 2:813 Monitoring Year: 5 NC ECOSYSTEM As -built Date: 2008 I MHMOEMENT PROGRAM NCEEP Project Number: D 06054 -E Submitted to: NCDENR- Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1619 .mss r' 4i Prepared for: Environmental Banc and Exchan4trir105 909 Capability Drive Suite 3100 " Raleigh, NC 27606 Ecosystem NCDENR NHOC;knrn Prepared by: North Carolina State University Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering BiQ5 3100 Faucette Drive / Campus Box 7625 Raleigh, NC 27695 -7625 E N G I N E E R I N G 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table of Contents Table of Contents . . ........ 1 10 Executive Summary 2 2 0 Introduction ....... 3 2 1 Project Description . .. ......... 3 2 2 Project Objectives 4 2 3 Project History .. . .... 5 3 0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results 6 3 1 Vegetation Assessment 6 3 1 1 Vegetation Success Criteria 6 3 12 Description of Vegetation Monitoring 6 3 1.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring .... ..... .......... ... 7 3 2 Stream Assessment 9 3 2 1 Stream Success Criteria.. 9 3 2 2 Stream Morphology Monitoring Plan ........ 9 3 2 3 Stream Morphology Monitoring Results 10 3 2 4 Problem Areas ...12 3 3 Rainfall Data .. .................. 13 4 0 Conclusions 13 Appendix A — As Built Survey 15 Appendix B — MY4 Survey 16 Appendix C — Profile, Cross Sections, and Pebble Counts 17 Appendix D — Site Photos. .43 Appendix E — Vegetation Data ......... .... .. 66 Appendix F — Rainfall Data ... 70 Appendix G — Morphology Table 73 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 1 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 1.0 Executive Summary This Annual Monitoring Report documents the results of monitoring activities during the 2012 growing season on the 601 West Stream Restoration Project. Construction of the site, including planting of trees, was completed in March 2008 The 2012 data documents results from the fourth year of geomorphic and vegetation monitoring at the site The design for the 601 West Stream Restoration Project consisted of stream restoration After construction, it was determined that the project generated 4,532 feet of stream restoration The As -Built Survey is included as Appendix B This Annual Monitoring Report presents data from five vegetation monitoring plots, one crest gauge, one rain gauge, six cross sections, approximately 3,580 linear feet of profile survey and photographic reference locations, as specified in the approved Restoration Plan for the site A manual rain gauge was used in conjunction with the onsite automatic rain gauge to validate precipitation data The total rainfall amount for the monitoring year was 39 9 inches This is a normal rainfall amount for this monitoring period Three possible bankfull events were recorded during the monitoring year but due to the debris blockage backwaters they cannot be assured. The vegetation monitoring documented surviving planted stem densities between 161 and 445 stems per acre with an average of 308 stems per acre This represents a survival rate of approximately 48% based on a baseline density of 634 stems per acre Supplemental planting with five year old stems will be completed before the start of the 2012 -2013 growing season in the areas around the plot that had a stem density of only 161 (W2) The final vegetative success criteria of an average survival across the entire reach of 260 five - year -old planted stems per acre at the end of five years of monitoring was met The restored stream channel has remained basically stable and is providing the intended habitat and hydrologic functions All monitored cross sections and the longitudinal profile for 2012 document only minor adjustment in stream dimension Beaver dams, in- stream vegetation and woody debris continue to cause backwater and deposition The failed structure from MY4 was repaired The failed log sill identified in MY4 is still in need of stabilization Several problem areas are cutoff channels being created on the flood plain in areas with poor vegetation The bed material in some riffles has remained fine primarily due to the large number of woody debris blockages that exist When sediment is able to move through the reach, riffles should begin to move to a coarser distribution EEP Project #D 06054 -E 2 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Project Description The 601 West site is located approximately 13 miles south of Monroe in Union County (see Figure 1). The property is located directly off Pageland Highway/US Hwy 601 South just south of Ervin Thomas Road, SR 2112. MAPQYEST. 0�� y� L Chesteo-field "— ® 2008 MapQuest Inc. -�OJ Figure 1 — 601 West Location Map 0�400m 481117 ft �)2 sai Byp fir. Map %e 02008NAYTEQ or AND The project is a restoration of approximately 4,500 linear feet of unnamed tributary to Lanes Creek in the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin. The project is made up of an upper and lower section of UT, referred to as Reach 1 and Reach 2, respectively for monitoring. Reach 1 and Reach 2 stationing is summarized in Table 1. The 601 West site has a drainage area of 0.41 mil. The dominant historic land use was originally timber production followed by intensive agricultural EEP Project #D 06054 -E 3 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) production of crops including corn, soybeans, and winter wheat The channel was straightened and channelized for agricultural purposes This led to an incised condition with little to no floodplain access Table 1 — 601 West Monitoring Reaches ,Reach Name As =Built Length ft M_ oAit4fii AStations - `Restoration-'k raach_n x UT/Reach l/Reach 2 4,532 100 +98 — 117 +50 Restoration (Priority I) 130 +50 —145+02 Total 4,532 3,104 2.2 Project Objectives The 601 West site was identified by EBX to support the NC EEP full delivery mitigation process The objective of the project was to produce a minimum of 4,500 stream mitigation units (SMU) to NC EEP through the full delivery process in the Yadkin Pee -Dee River 03040105 hydrologic unit Due to the incised condition of the channel and lack of access to the floodplain, the existing channel was abandoned and a Priority I Natural Channel Design approach was selected for the majority of the project Given the valley type VIII drainage, a C4 channel was chosen as the design channel The design channel relies heavily on structures for grade control and bank protection. Monitoring of the 601 West site is required to demonstrate successful mitigation based on success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan Stream and vegetation monitoring are conducted on an annual basis This Annual Monitoring Report documents the results of the monitoring for 2011 (Year 4) The as -built data documented 4,532 linear feet of stream restoration The stream restoration will provide multiple ecological and water quality benefits within the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin Those benefits are as follows Hydrology • Re- establishing floodplain connection by raising bed elevations • Increase flood storage by re- establishing floodplain EEP Project #D 06054 -E 4 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Water Quality Reducing turbidity by reducing sediment inputs Reducing water temperatures by providing shading Increasing/ stabilizing oxygen levels by reducing BOD /COD and increasing re- oxygenating turbulence Habitat • Improve bed habitat by increasing riffle -pool diversity, reducing sediment deposition, and improving low flow water depths • Improve bank habitat by increasing stability and woody biomass • Improve floodplain habitat by establishing micro - topography and hydrology, removing invasive vegetation, and increasing habitat diversity • Improve food web dynamics by adding biomass (such as detritus, wood debris, and leaf matter) and re- establishing floodplain connection 2.3 Project History This project was identified by EBX in the winter of 2006 Table 2 — 601 West Site History *6ji _ Activity and Reporting History Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan February 2007 April 2007 Final Design - 90% N/A July 2007 Construction N/A February 2008 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area N/A February 2008 Permanent seed mix applied to reach N/A February 2008 Bare roots and live stakes N/A March 2008 Mitigation Plan / As -built (Monitoring Baseline) March 2008 June 2008 Year 1 Monitoring March 2009 March 2009 Year 2 Monitoring October 2009 December 2009 Year 3 Monitoring September 2010 December 2010 Year 4 Monitoring September 2011 November 2011 Year 5 Monitoring September 2012 December 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 3.0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results 3.1 Vegetation Assessment 3.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Successful establishment of vegetation in riparian areas will be the survival of 260 planted stems following Year 5 monitoring The interim vegetative success criteria will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of Year 3 monitoring Up to 20% of the site species composition may be comprised of volunteers Remedial action may be required should volunteers present a problem or exceed 20% composition A digital image photo log will be used to subjectively evaluate the restoration site over time A series of images over the five year monitoring period should demonstrate maturation of planted vegetation and volunteer species 3.1.2 Description of Vegetation Monitoring Five semi- permanent vegetation plots were established within the planted restoration areas to monitor the success of planted vegetation The vegetation plots are 0 01 hectares in size. The vegetation plots are distributed across the site, but the precise location and orientation of the plots was random (see location on as -built drawings ) The plots cover approximately two percent of the site Seven species were planted on site (see Table 3) Table 3 — 601 West Planted Species x - Common Name '� �f� �r� p_ Scientific Nad►e- � - =- _ Abbreviations Paw Paw Asimina tnloba AT River Birch Betula nigra BN Shag Bark Hi cko Carya ovate CO Green Ash Fraxmus pennsylvanica FP Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii QM Water Oak Quercus nigra QN Willow Oak Quercus phellos QP Oak (other sp ) Quercus Q Each of the planted stems inside the plots was flagged to help in locating them in the future The taxonomic standard for vegetation used in this report was based on "Manual of the Vascular of the Carolinas ", by Albert E Radford et al The vegetation monitoring protocol used for collecting vegetation data was established for this project in 2000 by the Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) and Karen Hall of NCSU EEP Project #D 06054 -E 6 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 3.1.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring All of the surviving 601 West plot plantings are in excellent vigor with few exceptions The stream had a slight flow of water with all the pools full of water Fish were observed in some pools Overall, the site is beginning to appear more wooded, but the growth of Black berry (Rubus sp ) is so dense in many areas that a bush axe was needed to access the trees No disturbance to the site was noted and supplemental plantings appear to be doing fine Three trees were lost from the spring monitoring. Original planting density, based on the five 0 01 hectare plots, (100 square meters) was 634 stems per acre The current density is currently 308 stems per acre which represents a survival rate of approximately 48% The planted stems in the monitoring plots ranged from 161 to 445 stems per acre Supplemental planting with four year old stock occurred February 2012 in the area around plot W4 Supplemental planting with five year old stock is planned for winter 2012- 2013 in the area around plot W1 This is the plot with a 5 year survival of 161 stems The final success criterion of an average of 260 stems per acre after five years has been met. Table 4 - Baseline Stem Counts � �.. -���w= - °- - _PLi4NTED= SPECIES ` ' -�� PLIINTEDSPECIES= �� �` -''a �'QN- �'PLANTiED'r x PLOT--- _ - -AT BN CO ° "'_`FP' a QM, " � Q ° QP-' W1 W1 3 6 1 2 1 W2 13 W2 3 1 2 4 3 3 15 W3 1 1 2 5 1 4 3 W4 16 W4 2 2 5 2 4 6 2 17 W5 1 4 4 1 4 1 2 TOTALS 17 TOTALS 6 16 7 11 11 13 9 5 78 Percent's 77% 205% 1 9% 141 % 141% 167% 115% 64% 100% Table 5 — W5 (20121 Surviving Stem Counts (% of baseline total) y - °- - _PLi4NTED= SPECIES ` ' -�� L' IVE� PLOT ---AT BN CO FP' _ gQIVI ' ON ;QPry Q ° 'STEMS` - W1 5 1 1 7 W2 2 1 1 4 W3 1 1 5 1 2 10 W4 1 4 2 6 W5 4 1 1 3 2 11 TOTALS 0 12 3 11 4 3 5 0 38 Percent 0% 154% 38% 141% 51% 3 8% 64% 1 0% 487% Surviving Stem Counts (% of no. of species planted) Percent 1 0% 75% 1 42% 1 100% 36 4% 1 23% 55 5% 0% EEP Project #D 06054 -E 7 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table 6 - Baseline Stems per Acre Table 7 — MY5 (2012) Stems per Acre % ay A":11 11" R, WWWR 4A AM Plot *PONT, Trees I ", ni, Pl6t!§kb Plot is Plot dde T reest�v wi 13 100 1076 00247 526 W2 15 100 1076 00247 607 W3 16 100 1076 00247 647 W4 17 100 1076 00247 688 W5 17 100 1076 00247 688 Totals: 78 500 5380 0123 Totals: Stems per plot 156 5380 0123 Average 634 Table 7 — MY5 (2012) Stems per Acre EEP Project #D 06054-E November- 2011- - Plot Trees Pl6t!§kb Plot is Plot dde T reest�v - - �--- n, _ z m 4 ef acre -1 - - -00f**1 I wi 7 100 1076 00247 283 W2 4 100 1076 00247 161 W3 10 100 1076 00247 404 W4 6 100 1076 00247 242 W5 11 100 1076 00247 445 Totals: 38 500 5380 0123 Stems per plot 76 Average 308 EEP Project #D 06054-E 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 3.2 Stream Assessment 3.2.1 Stream Success Criteria As stated in the approved Mitigation Plan, the stream restoration criteria for the site includes the following Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the five -year monitoring period. Cross - Sections There should be little change in as -built cross sections Cross sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for C type channel Longitudinal Profiles The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedform features are remaining stable, e g they are not aggrading or degrading Bedforms observed should be consistent with those observed in C type channels Photo Reference Stations- Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures 3.2.2 Stream Morphology Monitoring Plan Stream monitoring will document the stability of the restored channel Monitoring will occur for 5 years or until the final success criteria have been achieved, whichever is longer Monitoring methods used are based on US Army Corps of Engineering guidance documents and NC Division of Water Quality guidance documents. Cross Sections Two permanent cross sections, one at a riffle and one at a pool were installed for every 1,000 linear feet of restored stream Each cross section was marked with permanent pins on both banks. Each cross section is tied to a benchmark to allow for comparison for data each year The cross section survey takes into account water surface and all breaks in slope including thalweg, top of bank, and bankfull if present Longitudinal Profile Longitudinal profile is surveyed once every year for five years or until the final success criteria are met The longitudinal survey will include thalweg, water surface, bankfull and top of bank Each survey point will occur at the head, midpoint, and end of each feature and the invert of each structure The survey will be tied to a permanent benchmark EEP Project #D 06054 -E 9 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Hydrology Bankfull events will be monitored for the length of the monitoring period One crest gauge is installed on site to capture bankfull events Photographs of high water marks, wrack lines and sediment deposition will also be used to document these events Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be taken at the same locations each year for the length of the monitoring period These photos will document the progression of the site from year to year 3.2.3 Stream Morphology Monitoring Results Stream conditions are generally stable As the riparian vegetation develops it is becoming the significant stabilizing factor for the channel and stream banks Stream features including pools and riffles are remaining stable There are 15 structures within the monitoring reaches and one remains a problem area All remaining structures are functioning as designed with no evidence of relocation or piping. The beaver have been removed but portions of the dams remain and are a source of backwater that has allowed woody vegetation to establish in the stream bed causing several significant debris dams Constructed riffles are holding grade with no down cutting or headcuts observed There was water only in the pools during the survey period preventing a current measurement of the water surface Cross Sections The survey data was collected in September 2012, and the results are presented in Appendix C All six cross sections appear to be stable When identified in the MY4 Monitoring Report, Reach 2 Riffle Cross Section 1 appeared to have degraded along the right bank but the photos showed that it had not The MY5 survey data verified this idea and showed that the cross section is not significantly degrading but that a willow growing dust above the cross section is causing some channel deepening, some right bank erosion and a small right bank bypass channel has begun to form As with much of this restored stream, trees growing in the channel will continue to impact the as -built channel pattern, dimensions and profile Longitudinal Profile The longitudinal profile survey was conducted in September 2012, and the results are presented in Appendix C The profile survey showed little change in channel dimensions or profile Note that the profiles in Appendix C display some of the listed problem area dams and obstructions The morphological dimensions as listed on the Appendix G Morphological Tables were developed while ignoring those identified problems so as to correctly portray the stream bed profile and the riffle and pool lengths and ratios EEP Project #D 06054 -E 10 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Hydrology Three possible bankfull events were documented during this year of monitoring by a crest gauge However the amount and frequency of backwater on this stream make these measurements somewhat suspect They do correlate to some high rainfall days during the appropriate time frame so are possibly accurate EEP Project #D 06054 -E 11 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 3.2.4 Problem Areas There were thirteen problem areas identified during MY 4 at the 601 West site Three were resolved and have been removed from the list The remaining problems are continuing to be issues and remain listed as problem areas Two additional problem areas were discovered during the MY5 survey for a total of twelve problem areas. MY3 -PA4 and MY3 -PA5 are beaver dams that appeared in the Reach 2 section of channel during MY 2 (2009) The beavers were removed in 2010 but remnants of the dams were still in place at the time of the 2012 survey, causing backwater for approximately 200 feet upstream of the dams, flooding the stream banks and vanes and eliminating stream function. MY4 -PA6 is a sill log that the stream has cut under While the structure was under water due to the normal rainfall and backwater in the stream the structure is still in a failed condition MY4 -PA8 is approximately 140 feet of both banks that lack woody vegetation Both banks are eroding to develop flood plain diversion channels due to the many stream flow obstructions throughout the restoration. MY2 -PA3, MY5 -PA1 and MY5 -PA2 are all existing or new eroding diversion channels on a flood plain from the previously mentioned obstructions. The remaining five problem areas are all in stream woody obstructions that will continue to create issues if not removed If left unchecked, the debris these trees collect will cause further erosion by forcing the channel to migrate away from the existing channel Photographs of all problem areas are included in Appendix D (pp 54 -60) Table 8 - 601 West MY5 Problem Areas ID Station Description Impact MY4 -PA9 10232 Stream obstruction backwater and flooding MY2 -PA3 10373 —10383 Diversion Channel poor vegetation MY5 -PA1 10492 -10521 Diversion Channel poor vegetation MY5 -PA2 10591 -10615 Diversion Channel poor vegetation MY4 -PA10 10670 Stream obstruction backwater and flooding MY4 -PA6 10752 Washed out Sill Log impairs stream stability MY4 -PA8 10883 —11028 Diversion Channel poor vegetation MY4 -PAl 1 13512 Stream obstruction backwater and flooding MY4 -PA12 13515 Stream obstruction backwater and flooding MY4 -PA13 13645 Stream obstruction backwater and flooding MY3 -PA4 14028 Beaver Dam backwater and flooding MY3 -PA5 14234 Beaver Dam j backwater and flooding EEP Project #D 06054 -E 12 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 3.3 Rainfall Data Rainfall data is collected by an automated rain gauge, confirmed with a manual rain gauge and validated with nearby weather stations from the NOAA Regional Rainfall Data. Rainfall data shows normal rainfall during the monitoring year of 39.9 inches. The average maximum peak day per month event for the 2011 -12 growing season was 1.04 inches with a maximum single peak day of 1.76 inches occurring in August. The average monthly rainfall was 3.07 inches with a maximum of 7.90 inches during August 2012. Complete daily rainfall data is shown in Appendix F. Figure 2 — MY2 Rainfall Data Summary 601 West MY5 2012 Rainfall Summary 9.0 ■ Monthly Total 8.0 ■ Max Da f/ Month 7.0 6.0 ,1 Q s a 5.0 4.0 a 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Rainfall data was collected from Month 9/27/11 trhough 9/11/12 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 13 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 4.0 Conclusions Overall stream dimension, pattern, and profile are stable with only minor erosional problem areas With normal rainfall, riparian vegetation is flourishing Most areas of flood plain erosion that remain as problem areas are improved as woody vegetation becomes more established. One of the five vegetative monitoring sites had dropped below the final vegetative success criteria and supplemental planting with five year old stems will be completed in early 2013 Although the beaver were removed during MY3, the remnants of the beaver dams continue to degrade the bedform In addition large woody vegetation has become established in the stream bed causing many debris dams and forcing channel migration which is impacting the developing flood plain vegetation. Repairs these issues are planned for winter 2013 The channel was wet but not flowing during data collection preventing full assessment of structure function, however fourteen of the fifteen stream structures are stable Repairs to the one problem structure (a sill log) is planned for winter 2012/2013 Overall, the site has achieved the stream stability and vegetative success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan EEP Project #D 06054 -E 14 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Appendix A - As Built Survey EEP Project #D 06054 -E 15 Fri Ill 1 dr 3 UNION a I A I C ur M 1 r %4vv.A-lw RECORD SET FOR VV-.EST 60l STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL BANC &EXCHANGE, LLC V O R 1 11 C\ R 0 1. 1 N A PROJECT AREA VICINITY MAP sWWY PM7ARM 8Y1 "'• R.B. PHARR & ASSOCIATES, P.A.�w'� ©t SURVEYING &MAPPING 241 POST OFFlCE DR., UNIT A -2 • INDIAN TRAIL, N.C. 28079 TEL (704) 821 -4029 • UNION COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STATE PROJECT NO.: D 06064 -E INDEX OF SHEETS 4* "111 „ � SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION P° 1 TITLE SHEET 2 LEGENDS AND SYMBOLS 01 3 -8 GRADING PLAN AND PROFILE 9 TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS ,,,ova '� «. 10 -14 PLANTING PLANS ti � PROJECT AREA _�0 The record drawings represent t the construction plans with r,� 5 adjustments made to represent Po � Aadxae Rd constructed conditions. LOCATION MAP NC —EEP CONTACT: GUY PEARCE (919) 715 -1656 KIMLEY —HORN AND ASSOCIATES CONTACT: DAREN PAIT P.E. (919) 678 -4155 ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE CONTACT: NORTON WEBSTER (919) 829 -9909 D67lFBM AF EA- ACFES CENTRE STATION 1001'00 - LAT 34AS7007 LONG —BOA41W .�. nErwan 01 ,NE � a: CLIENT: STATE OF NORTH CA UNA ,.P.N CAgq�; 05 2/00 Kimley -Horn ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ;'�o�loFE =.IOtI ~9 . 01 2DD07 s01 WEST and Associates Inc H 3W0 f'` ° STREAM RESTORATION I.x� .e ae aw1.� �� ei �Oa0000er �` �y''.yel ME�;! JCD �r .p. t �- mid �- FA. Boot >s 2 - Fw W Nm+rF+ CAno�w► gees -410M Tff LE SHEET $��r•�A :c br M t °� ° MIOt6 D)N) 077 1000 FAX OW) 077 -2D!!d E e +9 v� CgrlrA IOdry -Nan �Id 1�xlsta Yln.:oae ,• N M odTMj+ �b made to npnwnt o vtrud� ilftm 1�OF 14 LEGEND PROPOSED BANK FULL ROCK CROSS VANE - ----�— PROPOSED CREEK --- -- PERMANENT CONSERVATION ROCK A -VANE EASEMENT ® CHANNEL BLOCK ® ROCK VANE ® CHANNEL BAC30U / ROOT WAD ® CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE �( LOG SILL / ( LOG VANE 3� VERNAL POOL PLANTING LEGEND ZONE 1 0 ZONE 2 0 ZONE 3 0 0 ZONE 4 •o�• ZONE 5 SURVEY LEGEND - - - - - -- PROPERTY LINE -- - - - - -- MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOURS -- --- STREAM CENTERLINE PROFILE LEGEND ----- PROPOSED TOP OF BANK 1: OF NEW CHANNEL EXISTING GROUND- CENTER LOG SILL ROCK X -VANE CROSS SECTION LEGEND A -VANE - -- EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED CHANNEL NOTE: BOTTOM OF POOL ELEVATION PROVIDED IS DEEPEST POINT IN POOL AT STATION, NOT ACTUAL ELEVATION AT THE CENTERLINE. REFER TO PLAN AND CROSS SECTIONS SHEETS FOR OFFSETS. POOLS SHOULD BE 'OVER DUO' BY V TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION. x%00 MIUST V11LITY T FnI o n ti H TOuww CORrh=1143- CALLCINM 1- 800432-490 .S CREEK gym• 0 71 tear 3w CLIENT: PROJECT: lb ��N � Kimley -Horn STATE OF NIORTH CAROLM ' �....AR�� �'�'� srn WEST v�7� �1u w,1�. ,1T map w :�`OP:'EEf S j . � �y a N�� 1 S 1 GM ENHANCEMEN 1 PROGRAM = �? c° °t :,� ; 012520007 and Associates, Inc TITLE.- - UE 00 ` = JK STREAM RESTORATION I.cWfW¢ �'� m b°r"�'n°a,°� L o w rill BOX SOM - ALWW MOM CAROLNA 27690001: LEGENDS AND SYMBOLS ''NFy........... v JCD Th� rocad traaAnq. rprwwiL M. �omtrueLian N� gnlurA m .r ,lsaeea W_ aoas 141146 (00U 677�1,o0D F/W CON) s77 -200D OAP ..emw�a m°d. I== °wnerucaa wmm�on. � 2 OF 14 TNpn\o2== M WAd ambwn1lcn\WD_W07 a %j KAN&a•a a V Q O = C7 O CD c/)/) n z v lo wkli III ca Ir m g 0) ps il d� X ►ol ON ►i' 9 ?? �d i i• F I ��I I 4� 8 1 m x I 1 1 at I 1 i 1 I ! 1 I, zl � 11 \ 1 1 I II f I t 1 c , 1 / 1 i I I �I I I t 1 I 1 � 1 l ALA ON DER� KSp \ , I 13V 3H1 MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 4 $ O 0 + O O O O + Ln O + O O 0 + cn O O N + O O O N + Ln O O W + O O O CA Ln O O + O O O + Ln O O Ln O O O Ln + Ln O 0 CD + O O 0 O + Ln O O 4 + O O O v LA O 0 OD + O O O CD + Ln O O co 0 O m" 14 200! - WOEan 6y lmanhb SZ7 n BEdN E�S11NG 30' RCP 5332 STA 99 +88 INV IN -531 21 - I I , Ii 5320 — TIE TO E)aSTING 30' RCP STA 100+00 INV OUT -53115 — i i � I 5319 / R A -VANE STA 100+78 -- — -- — ELV -53102 i ' 5322 � 1 I 5327 s r i 5321 I I WLL STA \ 1 1 5308 — ELV -530 42 ' 531 0 _JI I I r 1 ' 5302 ROCK CROSS VANE It I 1 STA 102+60 ELV -529 72 I 5303 j I m I S2 5280 H I I I \ 531 4 �" � , (1 o 1 I I oab I x o0 o•v... \ \ \ \ UN 530.5 ALA ON DER� KSp \ , I 13V 3H1 MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 4 $ O 0 + O O O O + Ln O + O O 0 + cn O O N + O O O N + Ln O O W + O O O CA Ln O O + O O O + Ln O O Ln O O O Ln + Ln O 0 CD + O O 0 O + Ln O O 4 + O O O v LA O 0 OD + O O O CD + Ln O O co 0 O m" 14 200! - WOEan 6y lmanhb SZ7 n w JATCHUNE SE§ SHEET 4 Se' BEdN E�S11NG 30' RCP 5332 STA 99 +88 INV IN -531 21 - Ii 5320 — TIE TO E)aSTING 30' RCP STA 100+00 INV OUT -53115 — i i � I 5319 R A -VANE STA 100+78 -- — -- — ELV -53102 i ' 5322 I 5327 r I 5321 I I WLL STA 101 +83 5308 — ELV -530 42 ' 531 0 _JI 5321 ' 5302 ROCK CROSS VANE I 1 STA 102+60 ELV -529 72 I 5303 I S2 5280 Lm 531 4 �" I 5315 530.5 5289 5299 530 2 ELV 528 43 f I I II 1, I� 5306 II 530 5 -- — I -- — — II l —I I 5302 I II I 5296 I I II ! 529 3 I I 1 5294 I 1 ! I , I ROCK CROSS VANE I STA 105+13 I 5297 S V -527 31 f I - -- 5292 , I 5286 I I � I I I I I , 5282 5283 5285 — — I I , I ' Loo DSTVA 107 L -528 +49 3 I 5286 I I ; I � 5280 5275 I I I 5277 I I I I ' � I _ ROCK STA 108+53 IELV -525 CROSS VANEI 85 5280 I I I 5280 I 5276 y_ I / w JATCHUNE SE§ SHEET 4 Se' R%pn\M9 -9' oZ M N•1 RrfnatlmN&W_0W^ft\I sEros -QtADW RA4&ft Q CD cq o = C-.) C) CD cn n Z O� 111 v �y r1 1 cpl b 4 S� s y P I l l c I�I m M.... III gRo$ g 2 -t9IR70 'ao 2 =I>- 1P s.U, g z -��os nz� m $ NO �i P P F g rn ALL p� n Ln - 3H1 1 I \ \ 1 X, v I\ I i I r •` •` r• � r I I 1� 1 .� • O I I I I \ I l l t 1 \ 1 Im I I I'M I ilj I I n \ \ I i 1 I II 11, II i I I 1 1 1 \ \I A. I I - II i 111 I 1~ i iI t� l l I I I i i I ' I I � 1 � I •. � I \ \ I \ f l 1 l\ II I l I I I I I I 'd F II'illll','Illl $ II II '1 111 III I I � 1 r 1 � l r l f l l r! r m Illir1irl 1,1/ 1 /rlli 1 `i 11 / \ + r 1 r l l 1 / r 1/ 11 11 L 1 t r /liirllllll +,� V I I I i I t i I , \ \ \ 0 \ O x \ \ \ \ J\ \ f \\ 1 Ln O II ©\ 11 I +O l 0 i 1 � + i •/ Ln O + 1 / o o I h Ln I I O 0 \ 11 1 1 I f I r + III II \ 1I 1 Ln 11 I 0 lr 'O \ I I I l III \ j IIIIII'il 1` \ ,O f Ln I U 1VA�� + O s t4 { I I ' I ° i� 6 >3 ALL p� n Ln - 3H1 1 I \ \ 1 X, v I\ I i I r •` •` r• � r I I 1� 1 .� • O I I I I \ I l l t 1 \ 1 Im I I I'M I ilj I I n \ \ I i 1 I II 11, II i I I 1 1 1 \ \I A. I I - II i 111 I 1~ i iI t� l l I I I i i I ' I I � 1 � I •. � I \ \ I \ f l 1 l\ II I l I I I I I I 'd F II'illll','Illl $ II II '1 111 III I I � 1 r 1 � l r l f l l r! r m Illir1irl 1,1/ 1 /rlli 1 `i 11 / \ + r 1 r l l 1 / r 1/ 11 11 L 1 t r /liirllllll +,� V I I I i I t i I , \ \ \ 0 \ O x \ \ \ \ J\ \ f \\ 1 Ln O II ©\ 11 I +O l 0 i 1 � + i •/ Ln O + 1 / o o I h Ln I I O 0 \ 11 1 1 I f I r + III II \ 1I 1 Ln 11 I 0 lr 'O \ I I I l III \ j IIIIII'il 1` \ ,O f Ln I U 1VA�� + O It 0 Yoy 14 20M — 2R6aan BP AmMrdk MATCHLINE SEE 5271 { I I ' I i� ;s 5281 r wy w II I 1 • 5283 IROCK IT STA 110+38 ELV =524 37 V_' r• I — w I i I IW I I• I . I � I I It 0 Yoy 14 20M — 2R6aan BP AmMrdk MATCHLINE SEE 5271 { I I ' I 5276 5281 1 I 5282 II I 1 5283 IROCK IT STA 110+38 ELV =524 37 V_' I I I I I$ I — 5281 5275 I i I IW I I � I I 5277 5272 7ELV 1 CROSS VANE +50 23 80 ' I � I 1 I I I 1 I - �0 —i^�!� 5269 I 5265 I 1 I _ — I -- 5280 I II I 5241 _ I —y I 523 4 +77 I I LOG SILL STA 112 ELV_52.39 5241 I I 5245 i I li 5241 J i _ 5236 I 525.5 5241 it 114 -520 5230 STA 7 +47 � - - - ELV I 522.3 J I I 5202 521 2 5206 5206 _I 1 \ ' ROCK CROSS VANE 521 4 SLOPE i - CHANGE STA 51918 ELV _51818 - 521 7 ' I - I I 521 5 l 5197 5194 I 1 5197 _- — —1_ —_- - STA 117 +24 ELV -518 02 — 1 5215 -"SL -CIiAN — I V 80 �LV-517 59 I 521 3 5200 I$ - I 1� I 5190 IJ 5190 - - -- -�' -- - - - -i N �IATCH�NE SEE SHEIT 5 3' 1 S' 3' a 11\pn\M2010007 001 wl W aM \4D- 0007\0"\F== >Er%5-0RI10010 KMMAI 0 May 14 2008 — 1k Sean Bi *mMmMe �s 00 519 0 N MATCHUNE SEE SHEET m 4 O 5177 -- _ + P OG CHANGE p CO + 518 0 -� `- -- STA 116+98 ELV -51888 -1 SLOPE O 518.3 I - - - - -- - - - - - —j — + A /1li,llf 1 ,,tl + +ilrl,I,I I� ®�� m a SaQt 4a OI I I i Uf,�I � + I I + g cn 5179 — — -1- 1 I/ - I° � 5173 ` -- '^ % I , i I'111 ;' i 517.7 i rl rl 1 11 �`• 1ii1 j ' + O -STA - I �_ GE- 120+27 �/ ELV -515 24 I O 5171 - / / ''I. Il ` o I \ 5167 - -- 517.0 O 1 i ytit 11 \ 1`\ \ `� \ 5171 -- - - - 5163 I - -- I - -- - - - -- -- - -1 I$ -}i IQ QQQIII \ \\ �� + 0 0 515.6 to I Jim Il 7;//5151 �~� O i ,, `� \ l ,` / ' I I 515 0 -- � � C:L D� \ 1 / l I I I f I I/, , / / � I � � \ , � � I , m r ,p v N /� ` I g £� g N I j F 00 1 P I 5142 Oqc VAN STA 121+83 ELV -51251 - J---L - I I--.-i 1 1 to I I I SLOPE _ CHANGE UP�ER LOR — — - Q I I i l F ) ; } I f i f f 8 P �I 5133 - CROSS li SLCH�GE ;E J \ ( I I $ O ,' (A ! (// 1 \ I 1 I 0 m° 5123 STA _ ELV 122 +89 -511 14 - -+ I - f ' ( I� �j$�°�= O / c� >r t" m U214s \ w *Vol v � � 5124 5113 - - - { ' 1 -�1/ _ - _- �- d �C! -� 5113 + 5114 �— I - - -- - O 1A I'511 F\ 141••1 \ \ �� �, . �\ N � \� '� \ 1 I 1 \ I ` ���\?, 1 `� \ ��\ � -P, o 5100 5108 -- - - -- - - Ln + O u1 + Ln 5135 5141 5114 1$ I - " ' I \ 508.3 I 1 `+ rn ALL + NDE ° UR ° _ N Cn 5060 I I I - 5071 i 508 4 I i - s °tea I i •�� Ln - - - - - -- - — - - R1 _ ;ti � 10 v I I v �' o I I 3H1 OL \` \ \ I I I a I I v ° ` ` 5085 5079 - -j I/ I -i STA - 128+96 -50818 — -- - - - - - ".1 - — ELV I + O 506.8 - T - - - -I - ` 4 z v 7 -- m + MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 6 a o m N a r\w,\OIMMr 8M M.1 R..ar.tlm\IDD-oW7\d.YVE0= MYWs -QRACM vwae.o ALL UNDERGa 3111 �. \ 1`47 \ 9 , , 1 `\. lk v ' / V 1 11 1 f1 111 "' l• � � � I � � I � 1 ar `�,�'1 a I I I c i i 1 ;' I � \ �s i 1 \� \ 11 11111 ill i I 1 Z 1 1 1 t \ 1 I 7 Q Y m \ 111 11 j // \y i 11111111 11 11'1 fll,' �' CD c C7 ®� I / \ I r l Il I i, CD � r � < I I o I iii I 1111111 ' 1 1 \ I ! llnli y 1 ` F ^ / 1 L/ 1 1 1 I 1 31-0 1 f Fn J 1 1 1 \ 1 / i 1 f MCO IT 1 I it j\ I I jQj , l g F TI rq IA y 4 flz� s MPH \\ 1 � I I 4e 1 >z \ o o P 4 1\ / >Z S N v Ln 0 N Co 0 0 N Co + U1 0 N co 0 O N t0 + O w O + 0 O W O Ln 0 + 0 O C!1 0 W N + O O W N + C71 O W w + O O W W Ln O W 0 0 W �P + V1 0 W 0 0 W cn O W rn O O W + (11 n May 18, 20M - 2907an 9y lnklidis I I f 1 5077 MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 5 510.6 o os5 VANE I \ — 5090 STA IELV 127+81 -505 40 1 I I 5106 5104 I 1 �I 11 1 5075 I 5073 — II I 5080 -1 - -1- � A 129 V -504 +3 i� 5080 5068 5057 STA av 129 +9988 V -50154 5054 505.7 I 1 I, �T- I 5058 -- - ' -- - II -- _ — 5049 STA 131+17 5045 _ 0.v =502.55 504.0 _ _I BEGIN 30 RCP STA 131 +66 [ ' 5050 INV IN- 50114 5019 ENO 30 RCP STA 132+00 SLOE q 1AP1� I FET 501 68 VAN132+11 INV OUT -50169 502 2 .—_- - - ---� -- - " -"- L --T - -�- - -- - - -- - -i -- ' 5029 i 502.6 5027 I' 5029 — I I 502.6 5024 5027 II I 5027 I I STA 134+36 0.V –500 68 5023 5023 sra 134+n - 0.V –500 SB 5012 ' 5018 I I � I 5022 5025 _ 5027 I I 5027 i _- 502.4 MMATCHUNE SEE SHEET 7 N 2S 4 l 5' R' I E - _-- �%OPE °0 ` ' ( - - - -j ��_= - - - -�.. — i � I - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- STA 145 BED 1 -- - -504 +1 915 459 G 5 1 i - -- ice- -- - -- -- -- - - -- f - -- I I W E i � I CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE I ! _ � - -- 1 - -- \ - -- �� -406 < aV 49N CONSTRUCTED R E 1� IELV -498.79 STA 142 +37 EL X487 24 -� ROdC STA LL8 CROSS VAN 144+85 ROCK A -V771 ' STA Iii 145+50 ELV -495 00 ELV =497 OS N CO 00 N W n t0 O O N CO CO LO O - O O O CD l71 00 Ol O O OD 0 n 0 t0 W n 01 n Ol O 0 N 0 O Ol 0 O O/ O lA O to O 0 O M O (71 O Ol O m 0 O r- n O n O N O O O O O N O N O N O O In O O O O O O O O O d �t 'd• d• d d' d CD �t O O/ �h O 136 +)00 137 +00 137 +50 138 +00 138 +50 139 +00 139 +50 140 +00 140 +50 141 +00 141 +50 142 +00 142 +50 143 +00 143 +50 144 +00 144 +50 145 +00 145 +50 145 +50 j' /i /' ,� / / , PROFILE LEGEND two ll ED NOTE BOTTOM OF POOL ELEVATION -- - - - - -- PROPOSED TOP OF BANK PRONGED IS DEEPEST POINT IN - OF NEW CHANNEL POOL AT STATION, NOT ACTUAL \� -- - - - - -- EXISTING GROUND- CENTER REFER TO PLAN AND CROSS / / - i LAG SILL SECTIONS SHEETS FOR OFFSETS. EXISTING STREAM ` POOLS SHOULD BE 'OVER DUO' BY CENTERLINE \ BOULDER SILL 1' TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION \ CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE / \ ' ♦ _ _ � - - - ` \ � ROCK X -VANE A -VANE \ - _ - _ _. _ `%OOC j RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL \ \ \ \ \ ^ 30' 1 0 1? 70' w SURVEY LEGEND ` � - _ \` \` DRAINAGE SWALE — - - — PROPERTY LINE ♦ — — — — MAJOR OON70URS ♦ / \ 142+00 / \ -- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOURS - STREAM CENTERLINE ♦ / '� v v \ f -PROPERTY LINE \_,, LEGEND `� \ -_ ,,----- �� ,_ -- ✓/ // / / +���1 Misr <_,r PROPOSED BANK FULL ROC( CROSS VANE /// LOG 9LL _ _ - - \ \ l L I TY p� torso J F�� _\_ —� PROPOSED CREEC �C _ - - - - , \ \ _ _ - 1 �1 / /' } tf ° o 70 0 tY a0 e0' ---- PERMANENT CONSERVATION hE ROCK A -VANE -4 EASEMENT ® CHANNEL BLOC( ® ROCK VANE LOG VANE \ - - - - • _ - -_ \ \ \ -- _ — 1 \ = ' ' ' f l{ i / f ® CHANNEL BACCFILL ROOT WAD 1!Cr 0tB YET Tamil CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE VERNAL SILL © N]iNAL POOL P 1-8110 -M -4949 [OwAildT AEYME.D N tt! OFFICE tP Kimley -Horn CLIENT STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM EWF'I�JVC:EfMEWT PROCERAM ' `feo` q sq" `�` f Og PROJECT srn WEST �D, JIK and Associates Inc sacoso - =e ;` STREAM RESTORATION TITLE GRADING PLAN AND,,�ii �t 6e t° �'a°� °ion °1r o°ta el�al 'ia b�'y ' 't A was I BDOL 88088 - PALBL1N, NDRIIi CAM NA 0639.9000 1 PF4016 0 8D7 2000 FAX �) 87T-4080 C PROFILE 9f ! M �Qp' DMP The resod draringe rapaa�t the oonetrvctbn pme wNl �� ed w�te mode to rap=t constructed ONMIBane 7 OF 14 s SURVEY LEGEND - - — PROPERTY LINE — — — MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - --- MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CEN1ERUNE 520 518 512 508 504 200 +00 200 +50 } f S r� I ( { \ � ` 7 \ \ t ! / 520 518 512 508 504 \ \ N\� / 575 io b w 0 FC 7u w �Ok MUST p, yAT vZ IL I T PR"✓�� Z Z o e, o ac� Dm 307P 0 1Y aw aV mow PRWMFFD N 71E GFRIZ OP DS /a2/OB TATE °F �ni CAA°LMKimley -Horn ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 601 EST - STREAM RESTORATION and Associates, Inc ""� GRADING PLAN AND ='�\•o „: aA �..� �.� � � e r 0. ad a a, d rAL BIOD(>ISOBB - AALB�I, FIOFi11i CAFICLlIA ?TBBO 9088 �Qp � � _�” °" '•° '' Pr+ a1oo an�000 r-r�w 0"Iw"U 6D PROLE IOndry -Flan ad Adetw, Yw. 7000 • ••. �b Ths reoad dro�Ny� reprs�mt the oomtr,u plane dtl� Na,ppW m WP Od ardor mods t0 t 00IIaHNCtld Ca0ARI011F4 8 OF x PROFILE LEGEND - - - - - --- PROPOSED TOP OF BANK NOTE BOTTOM OF POOL ELEVATION DAFT ACTUAL q OF NEW CHANNEL POOL STATION. OT -- --- - -- EXISTING GROUND- CENTER ELEVATION AT THE CENTERLINE. REFER TO PLAN AND CROSS 8 LOG SILL SECTIONS SHEETS FOR STS. POOLS SHOULD BE 'OVER DUW BY BOULDER SILL 1' TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDIMENTATION. 0000 CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE 00 ROCK X -VANE A -VANE 00C+ RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL LEGEND PROPOSED BANK FULL ROCK CROSS VANE 10+00 LOG SILL �— j PROPOSED CREEK - - --- PERMANENT CONSERVATION ROCK A -VANE EASEMENT ® ROCK VANE LOC VANE ® CHANNEL BLOB( `/' ® CHANNEL BACKFILL ROOT WAD /� CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE / / BOULDER SILL © VERNAL POOL SURVEY LEGEND - - — PROPERTY LINE — — — MAJOR CONTOURS -- - - - --- MINOR CONTOURS STREAM CEN1ERUNE 520 518 512 508 504 200 +00 200 +50 } f S r� I ( { \ � ` 7 \ \ t ! / 520 518 512 508 504 \ \ N\� / 575 io b w 0 FC 7u w �Ok MUST p, yAT vZ IL I T PR"✓�� Z Z o e, o ac� Dm 307P 0 1Y aw aV mow PRWMFFD N 71E GFRIZ OP DS /a2/OB TATE °F �ni CAA°LMKimley -Horn ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 601 EST - STREAM RESTORATION and Associates, Inc ""� GRADING PLAN AND ='�\•o „: aA �..� �.� � � e r 0. ad a a, d rAL BIOD(>ISOBB - AALB�I, FIOFi11i CAFICLlIA ?TBBO 9088 �Qp � � _�” °" '•° '' Pr+ a1oo an�000 r-r�w 0"Iw"U 6D PROLE IOndry -Flan ad Adetw, Yw. 7000 • ••. �b Ths reoad dro�Ny� reprs�mt the oomtr,u plane dtl� Na,ppW m WP Od ardor mods t0 t 00IIaHNCtld Ca0ARI011F4 8 OF x I 6 ge 8 a alm[ eima � lima TYPICAL PLAN VIEW Sq �AATIC N73 N07ES TYPICAL SECTIONS ARE PROVIDED TO GIVE THE GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF THE CHANNEL FINAL GRADING WILL GIVE THE CHANNEL A MORE "NATURAL' APPEARANCE AND ALLOW A SM007H TRANSITION FROM EXISTING CHANNEL TO NEW CHANNEL ALL E7051MG GROUND REPRESENTATIONS ARE APPROMMATE. ALL POOLS SHALL BE PRE -DUG 1' TO ACCOUNT FOR SEDOAENTATION 8 BAKWULL ELEVATION 3 0' MIN I 2 1' 03, i 3'- 3 1 1 0.8' UPPER UT1 RIFFLE STA 100+00 TO 123+00 TYPICAL LOCATION OF TOP OF SOW CROSS VANE. (SEE PROFILE - -- TOP �BANKFULL) $LOPE PER pR SHEETS SW -03 TO SW -07 FOR POOL _ _ OFILE__ SPECIFIC LOCATIONS) AVER AGE RIFFLE SLOPE ---- - - - -�W SEE TABLE -- - -- BERE =` RIFFLE RIFFLE SLOPES BEGIN STA END STA gI PE 100 +00 1 123 +00 00164 123 +00 1 145 +64 1 0.0079 NOTE SEE MORPHOLOGY TABLE (SHEET 14) FOR RIFFLE SLOPE RANGES 3. 10, 1 AS EQ. 3 0' � TOE OFP� pti, iI — Nil 1., it.. z!�. -> N.T.S. 7 0' MIN 13 8' 11 4' 20: 1 7 4' 0.1 31 31 AS �-2 O'-� REO'D 3 LOWER UT1 RIFFLE STA 123+00 TO 145+64 7 0' MIN 20 0' 3 Q� 7 0' MIN 1 5 8' 08' 31 31 TIED TO 10, EXISTING GROUND UT2 RIFFLE STA 200+00 TO 200+67.71 7 0' MIN AS REO'D 31 20'1 31 1 0 7' AS I~R Q D 6 0' MIN 17 2' 6 0' MIN R Q D� 2 1 0 7' 3 31 2 9' 101' 201 20'1 LOWER UT1 POOL _ -- 31 81 1 9' STA 123+00 TO 145+64 1 6' 2 1 41 TIED TO 21 1 0.6' EXISTING 01 0 5' GROUND UPPER UT9 POOL UT2 POOL STA 100+00 TO 123+00 STA 200+00 TO 200+67.71 ■ vWAM N TW G FRIZ °F �7' OU PROJECT �' , Klmley -Horn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA � �•M pp����� ;•eoro�ESa�o VVI WEST ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 01 20007 a EAL STREAM RESTORATION am ern ' and Associates, Inc TILE TYPICAL CROSS °'�°°e ` ` _ '��lee mN m m o! er (•JO. BODC 88D00 - RAI.�� NOEIIFI CAAOIJIA N17�'OOes �E.�s :' JCp '°N �' '"°�•'�' N�ii an�000 RATU ooEO) ern ->zoeo SECTIONS DMP Tee t tfie GNe., and Anndolq io, ]00° adjufmanb mads�t � t oanetructed owM Uma IF 14 A b 0 t 11 S\ pN ACT Y7 Y .. 1 MAD 11V 0 uj w o FM Fm [ 1 N 19 F n ' W / / ! �p ]ooy �Pa4a, iYp63 �p<a[ / {I i n Dnco 1 I F m m lit I ' 9� .0v.o4.aD,D 1° —OK co o °D ou P 4 / It pp 1 1 ^cerianF Oi 0< u,o ^o°.o°o�oo 000.1 coi,oO \ JCU4 f BUJ ,>O�J \ \ � � °o°o eo=o OO +• f ^o to0of °c ! I r 1 { \ 10 � o oon tdd 7 �C"�CO I I JaOOC � � o` � „o1 r .re _- It 10 1-1 i - °° NJ o� I j >yO Gaa CC C -a OO o \ \� \ ` ` - — °P°o't•° °P O o Oy OrC 10,111Y � \ \ ` C] JP a PV 4o, SUa ]J >JUdCI- 4 C4U t°i RUO `\ a`,'Pg Cn.ocnc \� \ CPC \ L^Q 0non O,oOlc eaea GCPaecO,nc f' coo o'ac - o °G 4 OOPP�POaaa I I I i ' / / � r t \ II I y I A b 0 t 11 S\ pN ACT Y7 Y .. 1 MAD 11V 0 uj w o FM Fm [ 1 N 19 F n z log I I � I �I �R r �E 1 L • r ' n r 11 • II n 11 • Z C..> CD C:> C.> w Q �!e co i opgq%w KB unmro - am V1 X11 5"rW Y ONIMM-WU3S UWVMO"O7K WN WY 1DO0L4L1O\�ii ' W � iYp63 �p<a[ 83 F m m lit I ' 9� z log I I � I �I �R r �E 1 L • r ' n r 11 • II n 11 • Z C..> CD C:> C.> w Q �!e co i opgq%w KB unmro - am V1 X11 5"rW Y ONIMM-WU3S UWVMO"O7K WN WY 1DO0L4L1O\�ii 6 d 3 g � � - -_ �// - - -- __ c6acuo• O.yrcr vo-n vS a °rc+.'cocv, nnCG »oonac / / "vev a<�wn aJV�n _ _- � / . •> ` _ ��.` -,� � _-' _ ° a c�c aE'���n �0 2ec :s °_- �o s-a.�c .3r -nswc `oo s..�. aar.,`cc off.. rc ' N_ WF W S N W W Z 7 S U r a `�� Obg ObS - i- - _ - -- ____ - -- , LEGEND PLANTING LEGEND t\00 MUST V-JILITY p T PROPOSED BANK FULL ROCK CROSS VINE 0 F� 0 1 @ P� � � Zai+ 2 SURVEY LEGEND �a °" 3 ROCK A -VANE © — - - — PROPERTY LINE - ---- EASEMENT CONSERVARON / ZONE 3 0 0 — — — — MAJOR CONTOURS ti ® CHANNEL BLOCK ° ROC( VANE '/ ( LOG VANE ZONE 4 voeo - - - -- - -- MINOR CONTOURS Y\ \ ® ZONE 5 STREAM CENTERLINE H8IRIBYCQ»�i! CHANNEL BACKFILL ROOT WAD CLIENT " �� PROJECT "JN CA ,� VVI ..G RaPAiED a 11E aeFloe oF` 05 Kimley - Horn of NoRTM �'' a E'C08YSMM ENHANCEMEW PROGRAM ''`�P�' E ",'��" as � o mzSSOOD� a�w amen== and Associates Inc RTE `�` . ` ` �` UME RE3TomnON ' oaao2o fM aad rd Irro. m mol wren b Idrdd �y far Or �q 1 An� PLANTING PLAN d 'a �°Ulr doaioant aMa 4Wlen aaepmuae by j IBn° a�i A�orotw rm BOIL B80M - MLBt%L NIDRIIi CAM NA ��B Fb M � ,lee mead dradnga represent tlea oputruotion plan.' Mwaa �rlol� ao in w;z r c�lw err -soeo a,d Amo*t ti bm. woe DMP adjmtrnmte made to t —ttr-- Bored 1W . 11 OF 14 8tl R dr 3 14 74� "' `"°O sc2_^c ppOOV COO JO Da °Q o�u oa�Dan >JJCa O„i �j°: `..�.,••,•_„ _ K (%� O'J°'�°CQ ,nOC a'`OC AU r4: °30�'v7 O°Ct�S� 'ffoP.,.J Cn y>GaJtV CCa JC CC_.. 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N M OR1Q OF` + CARS", V 1 Klmley -Horn sr "� °F "oRr" c'°'r�ou"" .YBmM M� eo o Ese�o 4`y ; 601 rQm tit 012620007 and Associates Inc = �` STREAM RESTORATION 7y��� ��y�� i TITLE 99FB�AEEQp JCD ba��H Aea�aaHm�o mE °.. e,'16fiq -N n�a eaoee - Noam c�11IO�wL >nmB�oBe PLANTING PLAN .,, a m...�..e . r.�re.e.c >ti. HH� w�,. dHh .�, OW A—kAm% he. 2= ate) Hlg7�J1A00 FM M) W7-><OBO OMP oa .,b marls w L oonsnveeea oondlNanu U of 14 SURVEY LEGEND PROPOSED BANK FULL d ROC( CROSS VANE / ZONE 1 — - - — PROPERTY LINE 10+00 -� V PROPOSED CREEK LOG SILL ZONE 2 — — — — MAJOR CONTOURS ----- PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT ROCK A -VANE ��/ ZONE 3 0 0 -- - - -- -- MINOR CONTOURS ® CHANNEL BLOCK ROCK VANE l\ LOG VANE ZONE 4 v v o v - STREAM CETITERUNE a ZONE S ® CHANNEL BACKFILL -`` ROOT WAD 5\01 MUST p� r ti AtE7! N M OR1Q OF` + CARS", V 1 Klmley -Horn sr "� °F "oRr" c'°'r�ou"" .YBmM M� eo o Ese�o 4`y ; 601 rQm tit 012620007 and Associates Inc = �` STREAM RESTORATION 7y��� ��y�� i TITLE 99FB�AEEQp JCD ba��H Aea�aaHm�o mE °.. e,'16fiq -N n�a eaoee - Noam c�11IO�wL >nmB�oBe PLANTING PLAN .,, a m...�..e . r.�re.e.c >ti. HH� w�,. dHh .�, OW A—kAm% he. 2= ate) Hlg7�J1A00 FM M) W7-><OBO OMP oa .,b marls w L oonsnveeea oondlNanu U of 14 'Ent m \ / e ti ^` °` °•`" doe \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \, \`, \`1 I t I `Sa:�p ^ • to a °: °� °: °; ^^^ ^ ^ %^ ^ ^a%n ^, n , ` " to - 'A, 'Z e o ° IN, e e .M '• <a° % °� <` :. > ➢„+. - 14 Saw °R,°°k° . 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LLJ 1 n �S I� I W I� I►�I I� a 12 i �wa+�f �e Umwb - WOd 91 X11 UPWr d WU Ild-9ftM @D03W\5-ALOOr WNWio+WWtl "M M LOOOd 1OVd\d l r r i �h i i / i I x � C� �x b r L i ' no cr U_ ;� V-RV400 J U n g4 W +} t Y Z W C7 rT3 Ll Z Zz N M1 ♦ h a. U C) W Z as 0 i y� F y( W F 70G Q C i � O U = fO cri GO ' b Y ca 6 B lit iu !II W. LLJ 1 n �S I� I W I� I►�I I� a 12 i �wa+�f �e Umwb - WOd 91 X11 UPWr d WU Ild-9ftM @D03W\5-ALOOr WNWio+WWtl "M M LOOOd 1OVd\d 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Appendix B - MY5 (2012) Survey Figure B 1— 601 West Reach 1 Figure B 2 — 601 West Reach 1/Reach 2 Figure B 3 - 601 West Reach 2 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 16 SHEET 1 ET 2 601W R1 RXS -1 STA: 104 +25 i ii v �.-.� ti S�� �� SHEET EASEMENT LEGEND DESIGN TOP OF BANK MONITORING ALIGNMENT (ALL YEARS) 2008 (MY1) THALWEG 2008 (MY1) TOP OF BANK 2009 (MY2) THALWEG 2009 (MY2) TOP OF BANK 2010 (MY3) THALWEG 2010 (MY3) TOP OF BANK 2011 (MY4) THALWEG 2011 (MY4) TOP OF BANK 2012 (MY5) THALWEG 2012 (MY5) TOP OF BANK 601W R1 PXS -1 STA: 112 +40 06.0 �o w H Q O Y U z 0 w 0 z 0 z Z w� Z x > woZ� Q� ~ Q N Z V V Q 2 N Z K m W a5 °a � V w 030 o Z m 06054 -B FILENAME 601W.DWG SHEET NO. 1 OF 3 a U = LU w Z Q Z (D w J U Q Z oC p U .� Z (D Z } F- p Z � Q O w Z U } O Z O Z C � I DATE 03/20/2009 06054 -B FILENAME 601W.DWG SHEET NO. 1 OF 3 �M0 R T I I I i all i W3 3 I I �\� I I I x m Un D m K m Z V1 T '9 0 NO. NOTES: DRN CHK DATE m —i m D D m 601W YEAR 01 (MY1) 0 ,, 3 Z MONITORING FNCDENR-EEP ALEIGH, NC pBIOLOGICAL & AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING O WEAVER LABS CAMPUS BOX 7625 G NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY o NO — N UNION COUNTY, NC 601W RALEIGH NC 27695 W A 0 SHEET 1 ° LEGEND u DESIGN TOP OF BANK o HEET 2 MONITORING ALIGNMENT (ALL YEARS) 2008 (MY1) THALWEG SHEET 3 2008 (MY1) TOP OF BANK 2009 (MY2) THALWEG 2009 (MY2) TOP OF BANK 2010 (MY3) THALWEG 2010 (MY3) TOP OF BANK ---- -- - - -- -- 2011 (MY4) THALWEG o -- ---- -- -- -- 2011 (MY4) TOP OF BANK Z --- --- - -- --- 2012 (MY5) THALWEG °z 2012 (MY5) TOP OF BANK 601W R2 PXS -2 STA: 143 +38 Z a � 601W R2 RXS -1 • STA: 132 +61 w m a 4 m <tu� 3wx - - EASEMENT ""'0 ° 3 _ 601W R2 RXS -2 STA:140 +32 z 2 Z Q LU z u \ Lu _ U z � 0 601W R2 PXS -1 \ , ? } '� STA: 134 +17 © v z o z Q° o w z U } O z 3 O_ � z C) w DATE 03/20/2009 PROJECT NO. 0 06054 -8 { FILENAME 601W.DWG SHEET NO. 3 OF 3 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Appendix C - Profile, Cross Sections, and Pebble Counts Table of Contents 601 West R1 RXS -1 19 601 West R1 PXS -1 ....... 22 601 West R2 RXS -1 25 601 West R2 RXS -2 28 601 West R2 PXS -1 30 601 West R2 PXS -2 . .... .... 34 List of Photos Photo C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Left Pin Photo C2 -RI RXS -1 Right Pin Photo C 3 - R1 RXS -1 Downstream Photo C 4 - R1 PXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 5 - R1 PXS -1 Right Pin Photo C 6 - R1 PXS -1 Downstream ........ . Photo C 7 - R2 RXS -1 Left Pin. .... . Photo C 8 - R2 RXS -1 Right Pin Photo C 9 - R2 RXS -1 Downstream Photo C 10 - R2 RXS -2 Left Pin Photo C 11 - R2 RXS -2 Right Pin Photo C 12 - R2 RXS -2 Downstream Photo C 13 - R2 PXS -1 Left Pin ..... . Photo C 14 - R2 PXS -1 Right Pin.. .. Photo C 15 - R2 PXS -1 Downstream Photo C 16 - R2 PXS -2 Left Pin Photo C 17 - R2 PXS -2 Right Pin Photo C 18 - R2 PXS -2 Downstream EEP Project #D 06054 -E 17 19 19 20 22 22 23 25 25 26 28 28 29 ............................. 31 31 32 34 34 35 List of Figures Figure C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Cross Section Plot Figure C 2 - R1 PXS -1 Cross Section Plot. Figure C 3 - R2 RXS -1 Cross Section Plot Figure C 4 - R2 RXS -2 Cross Section Plot.... . Figure C 5 - R2 PXS -1 Cross Section Plot Figure C 6 - R2 PXS -2 Cross Section Plot Figure C 7 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Sheet 1 Figure C 8 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Sheet 2 Figure C 9 - R2 Longitudinal Profile Figure C 10 - R1 RXS -1 Pebble Count Figure C 11 - R1 PXS -1 Pebble Count Figure C 12 - R2 RXS -1 Pebble Count Figure C 13 - R2 RXS -2 Pebble Count Figure C 14 - R2 PXS -1 Pebble Count ..... Figure C 15 - R2 PXS -2 Pebble Count List of Tables Table C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Dimension Data Table C 2 - R1 PXS -1 Dimension Data Table C 3 - R2 RXS -1 Dimension Data Table C 4 - R2 RXS -2 Dimension Data Table C 5 - R2 PXS -1 Dimension Data ... Table C 6 - R2 PXS -2 Dimension Data EEP Project #D 06054 -E 18 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) .21 24 27 30 .33 ... ... 36 20 23 26 29 32 35 37 38 38 39 ... 39 41 41 42 42 .21 24 27 30 .33 ... ... 36 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 601 West R1 RXS -1 Photo C 1 - RI RXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 2 - R1 RXS -1 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -E 19 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Photo C 3 - R1 RXS -1 Downstream Figure C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Cross Section Plot 601W R1 RXS -1 532.00 531.50 MY4 (2011) - —f —MYS (2012) 531.00 530.50 v 530.00 � —As -Built Z �— BANKFULL O Q 529.50 f MY1 (2008) �— MY2 (2009) 529.00 f MY3 (2010) W __6_ 528.50 528.00 208 218 228 238 248 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 20 MY4 (2011) - —f —MYS (2012) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 20 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table C 1 - R1 RXS -1 Dimension Data As Built MYi MY2 2009 MY3 2010 MY4 2011 MYS 012 Station Elevation Dmription Stanon Elcvanon Dcscn non Station Elevation Dams ton Smnon Elevation Descn puao Station Elevation Dmnpnon Station El—tmn Dmnptnan 27008 53074 r1ra11 1974 5411 RXSI 19996 53117 xS 3 530704 L On 19884 5313M (XS)XS 21021 530713 XSLP 21057 9 071 ri m7 6305 53787 RXS1 20464 53082 XS 21099 530707 Ground 20722 530844 XS XS 21039 530648 XS 21502 53051 r1-1 14351 9279 RXSI 20788 9079 XS 21942 90397 Ground 20987 90735 SLP %SLP 212M 530582 X5 22243 53031 r1—ltb 16297 9214 RXSI 21033 53063 XS 22548 53001 Ground 210M 53073 SXS 21477 9 0506 xS 22388 52995 H-1 16313 9 212 RXSI 21041 069 9Ground XSLP 2275 529518 G 21031 530672 (XS)XS 21892 530426 XS 22638 52981 Arai 1766 9175 RXSI 21171 9062 xS 22688 528689 Ground 21257 530652 (XS)XS 2222 530322 XS 22852 52915 rim! 17651 53173 RXS1 21375 53056 xS 22942 528681 Ground 21685 530704 SXS 22582 529909 XS 22886 52873 0-1. 18957 9176 RXS1 21623 53054 xS 230 528818 Grouts 22217 530367 (XS)XS 22796 529487 xS 22902 52861 Anal 20224 53083 RXSI 219M 53D 35 xS 2308 529172 Grouts MB 530029 SxS 72852 529228 %S 22959 52861 Anal 20928 5307 RXSI 22321 9016 XS 23237 528803 Ground 22851 529127 (XS)XS 229 528758 XS 2301 52856 Arai 21UW 53071 RXSILP 22432 52996 XS 23431 529818 Ground 2289 529078 5 %S 22946 528674 xS 21017 52878 0-1. 21729 53065 RXSI 22614 52886 XS 23682 529962 Ground 22902 528592 (XS)XS 22964 528602 xS 23055 52916 Arai 22237 53032 RXS1 22748 52952 xS 24302 530635 Ground 22965 528612 (XS)XS 22999 528785 %5 23159 52951 rl-1 22432 52986 RXS1 22867 52826 XS 24941 91046 Ground MISS 528751 SXS 23011 529085 XS 23251 5298 0=1 22676 52973 RXS1 MS 78 52877 XS 250 91139 R On 23015 SM118 SXS 23111 529406 xS 23478 52965 Aral 22824 52916 RXS1 22922 52867 %5 MI 62 529588 (XS)XS 2329 529777 XS 23471 52965 Aral 22879 52079 R%S1 22972 5267 XS 23215 529833 XS %S 23257 529743 XS 23643 53016 rnattob 228 an 52899 RXS7 22994 52877 XS 233] 529878 XSXS 23445 579669 xS 24261 SW 42 ri—i 22925 52865 RXSI 23078 5292 XS 23593 530248 (XS)XS 23779 53019 x5 24933 53093 rI—I 22935 52849 RXSI 23084 52918 XS 24257 530430 (XS)XS 24027 530343 xS 24998 9114 rlratr 22989 52846 RXS1 2316 52955 xS 24759 90902 (XS)XS— 24283 90476 XS 2301 52854 RXSI 23279 52969 xS 250 91139 XSRPXSRP 24579 530838 %S 23041 5287 R %S1 23427 52965 %S 25153 91084 XS %S 24878 91056 XS 23061 52896 Rx51 23596 53003 xS 25775 9128 %S %S 25004 91239 XSRP 23095 52818 "Si 23834 53018 %S 23129 52917 "at 23968 53032 xS 23189 52949 RXSI 24186 53036 XS 23292 52975 RXS1 24434 53054 xS 23484 52959 RXS1 24749 S30 aS XS 23679 5301 RXS1 24759 53087 xS 24003 53025 RXSi 25002 9114 XSRP 24255 53035 RXS1 25087 9102 XS 2446 53069 RXS1 25495 53097 XS 24889 53097 RXSI 257 3L_ 9135 %S 250 9114 R%S1RP 25002 9108 RX51 25024 9105 RXSI 25504 9105 RXSI 26002 9151 RXSI 27046 9202 RX51 28051 53305 RXS1 2899 53447 RXS1 32913 9839 RXS1 17 $ < Bankful Width fl 1400 Bankfd] Wth ft 1442 Bankfl Width fl 1106 Bankfo7 Width fl 883 B ll Width( ft 97 Baid tll Width ft 86 BanM'WI XS Area ft 784 Bankfull XS Arta ft 7 954 Banldnll XS Arm fl 67157 Bankfull XS Area 11 69806 Bankfiill XS Aria R 681 Baiiffidl XS Area ft) 63 BankfW1 Mean Depth ft 056 Bankfull Mean ft 055 Ba kftLI1 Mean Dpth fl 061 Bankfull Mean Dcpth ft 079 Bankfull Mean DMffi (R) 07 Bank1611 Mm (ft) 07 Banifiill Max ft) 160 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1 64 1 Bankfull Max D ft 149 Bard full Max Depth ft 133 Banldull Max ft 14 Bankfidl Max Depth ft) 13 Flood Prone Width fl Flood Prone Width ft 938 Flood Prone Width ft 938 Flood Prone Width ft 938 Flood Pmnc Width fl 22-1 Flood Prone Width 11 94 Entm dutimt Ratio ft/ft) Entrenchment Ratio Nft 651 Enttenchnrnd Ratio (ft/ft) 649 Ent —lua tit Ratio ft/ft 1063 Eniratchm t Ratio ft/ft 9 7 Entmn t—I Ratio ft/ft) I1 Wid mRatio fl/ft) WidflvDMth Ratio ft/ft 2614 Width/Depth Ratio ft/ft 1825 Wid th Ratio ft/fl 1117 Width0epth Ratio fl/ft 138 Wid Ratio ft/ft) 12 D50 mm) 1628 D50 mm 400 D50 mm) 006 D50 iilm) 006 ) 0 mm 019 D50 mm) 0 28 D84 mm) 3122 D84 mm 2887 DU mm 006 D84 mm) 006 D84 mm 2095 DU vun 1075 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 21 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 601 West R1 PXS -1 Photo C 4 - R1 PXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 5 - RI PXS -1 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -E 22 526.00 525.50 525.00 524.50 LL 524.00 Z 0 523.50 W523.00 w 522.50 522.00 521.50 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Photo C 6 - R1 PXS -1 Downstream tJ t - xi rxn)-i gross Nectnon riot 601W R1 PXS -1 \ /A 50 55 60 65 70 75 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 23 80 85 90 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Tahle C 2 - R1 PXS -1 Dlmenman Data As Ball MYI 2008 MY2 2009 MY3 2010 MYd 2011 MYS 2012 Station Elevation Desen tion Station Elevation Desch on Station El—tion Desch Ooh Station Elevation Desch on Station Elevation De on Station Elevation Duch on 5044 52537 rt xetl 1342 52858 PXSI 5025 5255 XS 505 525396 L n "2 52617 (XS)XS 5062 52542 XSLP 5094 5253 rt xattob 2403 52795 PXSI 5044 52544 LP 51 5253 G—M 4822 525673 5X5 509 525304 X8 5397 52485 0 / 3445 52705 PX51 5493 52493 XS 5513 524748 GrauM 5063 525409 SLPXSLP 52M 525798 XS 5925 5244 rt x81 4371 52611 PXSI 5866 52456 XS 5982 524344 GrauM 5105 $25437 (XS)XS 5565 524786 XS 6351 52378 'I ml 5045 52536 PXSI L 5971 52459 XS 6461 52391 G—M! 5272 525209 SXS 5846 524438 XS 67 5237 rl xc1 5204 52518 PXSI 6239 S2415 XS 6776 523618 G—M 5526 524814 (XS)XS 6088 524235 XS 6841 52342 rl xc1 Sell 5246 PXSI 6385 SM 87 XS 6863 523208 GrauM 5912 524432 SXS 6329 523944 XS 6863 52316 it z41 6235 52398 Mal 6494 52392 XS 6904 52 ,nla G—M! 6331 523971 (XS)XS 8563 523861 XS 6908 52272 r1 1w 6425 52382 PXSI 6875 52378 XS 7045 522198 GrauM 6618 523922 8XS 6157 523702 XS 6965 52256 1 xe1 6625 52381 PXSI 6814 52364 XS 7168 522324 GraarM 6841 523514 (XS)XS 6859 523305 XS 706 52237 Ogi 1m1 6817 52361 PXSI 8891 52342 XS 7283 523575 r—m 6941 522573 (XS)XS 6868 522531 XS 7149 52273 rl nlw 688 52319 PX51 6961 52263 XS 7546 524568 G—W 702 522421 (XS)XS 5041 522349 XS 7145 52259 0 n1 6928 52242 P751 an 52255 XS 7924 524619 GrwW 7074 522346 (XS)XS 7021 522277 XS 7182 5233 OD x41 6976 52221 PXSI M23 52225 XS 8618 52515 C—W 7151 522613 (XS)XS 7069 52223 XS 7287 52379 it Xs1 7016 52212 PXSI 7092 52228 XS 8964 525 San Graan4 7196 522987 (XS)XS 7135 522256 XS 7425 52428 ri za1 7072 52195 PX51 71 36 522 41 XS 902 525 "1 R n 72113 523 594 (XS)XS 71 75 522393 XS 76 26 52454 r1 ca1 7119 52205 Past 7196 mm xS 7573 524586 (XS)XS 7194 523431 XS 9007 52465 O .1 7149 52214 PXSI 7228 52286 XS 7793 524544 main 734 523796 XS 8281 52467 r7 x81 7182 S2264 PX51 7258 52322 XS 8308 524794 5X5 7484 524272 XS 8436 52515 r1 Xa1loD 7256 52342 PXSI 731 52363 XS 8606 525205 (XS)XS 7588 524631 XS a893 52508 rt x41 7662 52453 Mal 7413 52399 XS 9021 525678 SRPXSRP 7899 524656 XS 8837 52543 'l. xs1 7671 5247 PXSI 7561 52445 XS 9145 525553 5%S 8242 524761 XS 6976 52569 0 1 8229 52456 PX51 7698 524 58 XS 959 525 873 SXS 8554 525 04S XS 9014 52572 r1 ,l, 8671 52502 PX51 7691 52456 XS 101 32 525627 SXS 8538 5252" XS W42 52559 PX51 7883 52458 XS IM74 5262 SXS N84 W5 462 n 894 52559 PXSI 8117 52465 XS 902 525641 XSRP 901 52568 PXSIPR 8413 52487 XS 9019 5257 PXSIPR 8647 52525 XS 9082 52559 PXS1 8878 52532 XS 9335 52573 PXSI 9046 5256 RP 9625 52568 PXSI 9085 5256 XS 9963 52557 PXSI 9119 52559 XS 10415 52591 PXSI 93" 52568 XS 11304 527 PXSI 9707 525 an XS 11679 52732 PXSI 10763 52627 XS 12482 52752 PXSI 13295 52816 PXSI 13754 52812 PXSI 14258 52902 PXSI BankfWl Width ft 3342 BankfWl Width ft 347 Baokfidl Width fl 262 Bankfnll Width ft 2411 BankCull Width ft 278 BankGdl Width ft 296 BankfWl Cmw Sectional Area fl 3171 Bankfrdl Cross Sectional Area ft 2937 Banldoll Cross Sectional Area ( fl 2643 1 Bankfull Cmss Sectional Area ft 27 34 Banldull Cross Sectional Area fl 263 Bin chill Cross Sectional Area ft 272 B- Icfoll Mean D ft) 095 Bank(W] Mcan Depth ft 085 Bank dl Mean Depth fl 1 01 BanldWl Mean Depth fl 1 13 Banidull Mean fl 095 BanldnlI Mean fl 0 92 Bankf ill Max Depth fl 278 Bankfrdl Max Depth fl 307 BankfWl Max ft 2 31 Banldull Max ft) 242 Bankfidl Max D (ft) 245 Bankfnll Max (ft)2 5 Flood Prone Width fl Flood Prone Width (ft) Flood Pmne Width fl Flood Prone Width fl Flood Pmne Width fl Flood Pmae Width fl Entrenchment Ratio fl/fl Enuenchment Ratio (t/ft Entrenchment Ratio ft/fl Entrenchment Ratio ft/ft Enuvmhmmt Ratio 11/11 Entrenchment Ratio ft/ft Width/Depth Ratio fl/ft WnIthlDcpth Ratio 11/11 Wnd Ratio (ft/fl) Wlddn/Dc th Ratio 1Vft WiddyDepth Ratio 11/0 Wid th Ratio 11111) D50 mm 7 12 D50 mm) 350 D50 mm) 300 D50 mm 743 D50 (mm 5 13 D50 mm 4 62 DU mm) 1376 DU (mm) 2730 D84 (mm) 2260 DU mm) 273 DU mm) 160 D94 mm) 10 75 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 24 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 601 West R2 RXS -1 Photo C 7 - R2 RXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 8 - R2 RXS -1 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -E 25 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 gyring Year 5) Photo C 9 - R2 RXS -1 Downstream Figure C 3 - R2 RXS -1 Cross Section Plot 601W R2 RXS -1 504.00 503.50 503.00 U. 4 As -Built Z 502.50 7 BANKFULL O H —- MY1 (2008) `j 502.00 — MY2 (2009) w —•— MY3 (2010) 501.50 MY4 (2011) —�— MY5 (2012) 501.00 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 26 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Table C 3 - R2 RXS -1 Dlmenslnn Data Aa Bmlt MYl 2008 MY2 009 MY3 010 MY4 2011 MYS 2012 Station Eievahen Dmnptim Stauen Elevation D— non Smtion Elevation Dt—i tien Station Elevation De m Station Elevation Dean uon Smhon Elevation Desrn m 6372 50378 2xs11 1453 51325 R2RXS1 5131 50375 XS 10259 503569 left In 5552 W3697 8XS 064 5036 XSLP 6414 50374 � i 410 50409 RZRXS1 539 50373 XS 10186 503584 Grouts 620 503686 (XS)XS 6036 SO Mil xS W03 W342 2 I 5150 Wi" R21?XS1 5756 5037 xS 077 303445 Ground 0v 5038 SLPXSLP 6886 5030.9 xS 7299 5334 12-1 63M 50372 R2RXSIPR 6167 M313 XS W75 503219 Graind 66M 503518 (XS)XS 7445 W3362 xS 7636 5033 eb—lWb 8014 5369 R2RXSI 6353 50372 XSLPO 8771 502906 Ground 7184 50338 (XS)XS 7818 502979 xS 7a 49 50291 e2-1 6818 50352 R2RXSI 656 50363 XS 8582 502641 Ground 7571 503275 (XS)XS 5065 W2629 xS 808 5028 12-1 7008 50327 R2RXS1 6872 W3 4S XS 8413 50234 Grourxl 7784 502948 (XS)XS 8234 50208 xS 8277 SD224 YLn1 7462 50337 R2RXS1 6879 5034 XS 8345 501598 Grouts 8019 502989 (XS)XS 82M W1 52B xS 8336 50167 Y2-1. 7942 50284 R2RXSI 0m 5033 XS 8315 501424 Gl-n 82M 502418 S %S 8286 W1474 xS 8347 1 157 12-1 8087 50285 R2RXS1 I 7232 XS 8253 507681 Ground 8261 5010 5X5 8332 M1304 %S 6565 5D7M 12-1 8292 50201 R2RXSI 7443 XS 82M 50234 Ground 8931 501528 (XS)XS 5394 W1319 xS W88 50162 12-1 8329 153 R2RXSI 7577 XS 8103 502684 Grouts 8055 50139 6XS 6403 501279 XS 8397 50188 Ydimlw 8002 145 R2RXS7 7628 xS 7953 502M Grouts M62 502564 SXS MIS 501507 xS 8457 50778 Yhss1 8465 151 R2R %SI 7783 XS 7823 W29M Grouts 8482 502835 8XS 89]2 5020 XS 854 50225 e2-1 8478 5017 RZRX57 78M XS 7519 503221 Graurxt 8874 502 B65 SXS 8504 W2315 xS 871 50272 Y I 8499 R2RXSI 5004 M50331 XS SSW W343 Ground 041 503207 SXS 8068 W3172 XS 8891 50298 e2-1 8725 15-0204 0248 R2RX51 WTI XS 8/82 503713 Ground W47 503501 SXS 8692 W2815 xS 90% 50314 r2mi 9021 311 R2RXS1 814 de636a 6364 W3'Rl w in 10231 503505 SXS 8838 W3011 XS M65 50338 rl&.1 9526 338 R2RXS7 8207 xS 10243 503557 XSRPXSRP 9198 W3375 XS 9041 50341 r2milob 10271 367 R2RXSIRP 8247 XS 10335 5038 %SXS 965 W3254 XS 014 SD348 r2_1 10316 5036 R2RXS1 8291 XS 10808 SM711 (XS)XS 9850 503499 XS 10213 5D363 Ybc1 1055 395 R2RXS1 0m 50153 XS W52 50307 (XS)XS 10186 503719 xS 10254 50371 2-1r 10934 504 R2RXSI 83]5 50146 XS 6293 503686 SXS 10254 50375 XSRP 12246 50457 R2RXSI 8019 50149 xS 133 W439 MR= 8457 50196 %S 14177 50395 R2RXSI 6493 50222 XS 1926 50391 R2RXSI 5873 50219 m 17395 5D468 R2RXSI 8722 50272 m 18422 506 R2RXSI 8724 50271 xS 20757 50803 R2RXSI 9005 50313 XS W92 50337 XS 940 50339 xS 97M 503 43 XS 1000 W362 xS 10207 W361 m 10251 50367 XSRP IM28 50387 XS 10603 50393 xS 1076 M382 xS 11192 50401 xS 11616 50409 xS IM21 50435 XS 12332 5043 XS 129n 50432 XS 13585 50426 XS Bankfull Width fl) 1805 Bankfull Width (ft) 2064 BanldWl Width fl 21 26 Bankfull Width (11) 1858 Banklnll Width ft 216 Bankfull Width fl 175 Bankfull Cross Secuonal Area fl 962 BankftW Cm Smional Arta R l2 585 BanktW1 Cross Sectional Area fl 10 885 Bankfull Ct—i Sectional Area ft 1061 BankfWl Cm Sectional Area fl 1097 Bankfull Ci— Sectional Arm ( fl) 114 Ba.kfWl Mm D th ft 053 Bankfull Mean Depth ft) 0 61 BankfW1 Mean Depth ft 051 Bankfull Mmn Depth ft 0 571 Bankfull Mean Depth fl 051 Bankfull Mmn Depth fl 0 65 BankfWl M" Depth fl 1 73 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1 92 Bankfull Mm Depth 111) 194 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1 797 Bankfull Max ft is Bankfull Max Depth fl 2 1 Flood Prone Width ft Flood Prone Width fl 143 Flood Prone Width ft 143 Flood Pmne Width ft 143 Flood Prone Width fl 143 Flood Prone Width fl 143 Entmnchmmt Ratio ft/ft Entrenchmmt Ratio 1110) 689 E.V id—t Kano ft/ft 669 Entrenchmmt Ratio ft/ft 764 Entraichmmt Ratio ft/fl 66 Ennaidunmt Ratio 0111 8 Wid th Raho ft/ft Wid Reno fl/lt 3395 Wid th R.U. ft/11) 4152 Wldlh/D th Raho ft/ft 3552 Wid Raho ft/ft 425 Wid m Raho Nft 27 050 mm 8 17 D50 mm 167 D50 mm) 022 D50 mm 006 D50 mm 050 D50 mm 233 D84 mm) 1600 D84 (mm) 965 D84 mm) 965 D84 1 965 1 D84 (mm) 800 D84 mm) 7 14 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 27 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) 601 West R2 RXS -2 Photo C 10 - R2 RXS -2 Left Pin Photo C 11 - R2 RXS -2 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -E 28 501.00 500.50 500.00 p 499.50 u- v zO 499.00 j 498.50 w U' 498.00 497.50 497.00 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 oring Year 5) Photo C 12 - R2 RXS -2 Downstream r igure 1. 4 - KL KRJ -L t-ross Jectlon riot 601W R2 RXS -2 IV -.1 tAs-Built —k- BANKFULL —2— MY1 (2008) MY2 (2009) W MY3 (2010) --0 - MY4 (2011) —t— MY5 (2012) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 29 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table C 4 - R2 RXS -2 Dimension Data A9 Badl MYl 008 MY2 2009 MY3 2010 MYI 2011 MYS 2012 Station Elevation Dean on Station Elevation Dacn on Station Elevation Description Station Elevation Ducn on Station Elevation De—i ion Station Elesaton D— bon 7249 49999 Y2u21 1682 49969 R2RXS2 7255 50005 XSLP09 7254 499983 LPIN 664 4999 (XS)XS 7254 499983 XSLP 7332 49989 2-2 4381 49983 R2RXS2 7263 49988 xS 7337 50002 Ground 8835 499878 SXS 7306 499946 xS 7637 500 2-2 7178 49989 R2RX52 7498 50001 %S 8008 500141 Ground 6989 499883 5X5 7489 500148 XS 792 50001 2na2 7258 49997 R2RX$2PL T766 49994 XS 8437 500095 G—d 7173 19993 (XS)XS 7838 500101 XS 04M 50008 2rxsZob 776 49993 R2RXS2 7947 50002 XS 8723 499482 Ground 7231 499897 (XS)XS 8371 500153 XS 8561 4997 2m2 8405 49999 R2RXS2 W41 50007 XS 8934 499105 Ground 7254 499832 XSLPXSLP 88 BB 499566 XS 8072 49956 2-2 614 49978 R2RX32 M24 49999 XS 9064 498734 Ground 742 500039 (XS)XS 8921 499197 XS 6796 4994 2na2 8651 49951 R2RXS2 8393 49998 XS 9172 498036 Ground 767 500009 (XS)XS 9005 499073 XS W91 49906 2not2 866 49947 R2RXS2 625 49978 XS 9225 497888 Ground 7939 500104 (XS)XS 905 49886 XS 9026 48873 2na2 8632 49934 R2RXS2 W75 49845 1 XS 9264 498012 Ground 8186 500124 11 SXS 1 9097 498565 XS 9108 49851 1 2rra2 W13 49889 R2RXS2 8821 49934 XS 9349 498809 Gr4uM 8428 500142 SXS 1 9131 498089 XS 9153 4982 r2-2 9129 49849 R2RXS2 8978 49899 XS 9578 499236 Gronnd 8652 49956 SXS 1 9212 497774 XS 9172 49813 r2-2w 9157 49814 R2R %52 W92 4986 XS 10071 499898 Ground 8812 499416 SAS 1 9252 497878 its 9197 498 Y2ru2 9161 49801 R2RX52 9102 4985 XS 10828 500055 Ground 8902 499183 8 %S 1 93 498297 %S 9215 498 r 2 9183 49797 R2RXS2 9144 4981 xS 11209 499989 Ground 8958 499039 (XS)XS I 9336 498776 xS 9258 49831 7du2 9197 49808 R2RXS2 9189 49801 xS 11247 49995 RPIN 8992 498917 5 %S 1 936 499312 XS 926 49816 r2-2w 9259 49809 R2RXS2 9232 49514 its 9047 498678 (XS its 1 9471 499271 XS 93M 49846 Y 2 9268 49807 R2RXS2 9248 49617 XS 9131 497914 (XS)XS 11 9618 499259 XS 9438 49875 /du2 9294 4981 R2RXS2 9283 49852 XS 9174 497782 (XS)XS 1 9772 499372 XS 9577 49923 Ydu2 8294 49811 R2RXS2 9339 49868 XS 9248 49 7989 (XS)XS I 10032 4998 XS 9771 49929 Y 2 W95 49818 R2RX52NS 9422 49883 XS 9296 49848 (XS)XS 1 10265 499973 %S 9849 49952 f 9334 49849 R2R %52 9532 49907 XS 9372 498643 SXS 10521 499908 XS 101 4 %92 2ru21ab W86 4986 R2RX52 9687 49922 its 9503 489165 MOM 10894 SW 093 %S 1028 49993 Yd u2 9575 49914 R2RXS2 0M 49942 XS 953 499149 SXS 11208 499946 XS 10722 49988 r2u2 97M 49916 R2RXS2 10042 49981 XS 9828 4993 5 %S 11233 500006 XSRP 11168 49987 r2u2 9991 49976 R2RXS2 10218 49984 XS 1002 499567 XS xS 11258 49999 r2u2r 10325 49995 R2RXS2 10438 49988 XS 10311 499691 5X5 10951 49998 R2RXS2 10721 49989 XS 10766 499761 XS XS 11255 49988 R2RXS2 10975 50005 XS 11239 499955 SRPXSRP 11261 49998 R2RXS2PR 11194 49992 XS 11252 49974 XSXS 12083 50017 R2RXS2 11251 49997 XSRP09 11526 499834 5XS 12837 50047 R2RXS2 14525 50014 R2RXS2 15643 50018 R2RXS2 1653 50062 R2RXS2 1732 50081 R2RXS2 19062 50171 R2RXS2 21925 50494 R2RXS2 25825 51252 R2RX52 # Bankfull Width fl 1657 Bankfull Width fl) 1285 Width fl 1268 BankfWl Width fl 1141 Banidull Width R) 1208 Bankfull Width ft 189 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area fl 1049 Bankf ill Cross Sectional Area ft 1069 Cow Sectional Area ft 989 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft 901 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area fl 106 Bankfull Cross Sectional Arm fl 11 9 Banld'WI Moan Pr ft 063 Baiikfull Mimi R) 083 Moan (ft) 0 78 Banldnll Mean ft 0 79 Bankfull Mean R) 088 Bankfull Mean ft 063 Banklull Max D ft 192 Bankfull Max ft 1 19 Max fl 7(—) 141 Bankfull Max Depth fl) 135 Bankfall Max fl) 18 Bankfull Max ft 2 2 Flood Pmiie Width fl Flood Point Width fl) 174 one Width ft 174 Flood Prone Width (ft) 174 Flood Prone Width fl) 174 Flood Prone Width ft 174 Entrenchment Rau. fl/fl Entrenchment Ratio 11/fl 13 54 ment Ratio fl/fl 1372 Entienchmeid Ratio (ft/ft) 1525 Entrenchment Ratio fl/ft) 144 Entnmchment Ratio fl/fl 2 Wid th Ratio Nft Width/Depth Ratio 11/11 1544 Ratio ft/fl 1626 Wid th Ratio ft/fl) 1445 Wid Ratio fVft 138 Width/Depth Ratio ft/ft) 30 D50 mm 920 D50 mm 3 00 ) 006 D50 -) 006 D50 mm 006 050 (mm) 0 33 D84 mm) 16 00 D84 (mm) 13 99 ) 006 D84 (inm) 006 DU mm) 1287 D84 mm) 7 li EEP Project #D 06054 -E 30 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 601 West R2 PXS -1 Photo C 13 - R2 PXS -1 Left Pin Photo C 14 - R2 PXS -1 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -E 31 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 ing Year S) Photo C 15 - R2 PXS -1 Downstream Figure C 5 - R2 PXS -1 Cross Section Plot 504.00 503.50 601W R2 PXS -1 503.00 502.50 - 502.00 Z 501.50 - O Q 501.00 - 500.50 w 500.00 499.50 - Ilk 499.00 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 32 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table C 5 - R2 PXS -1 Dimension Data EEP Project #D 06054 -E 33 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 601 West R2 PXS -2 Photo C 16 - R2 PXS -2 Left Pin Photo C 17 - R2 PXS -2 Right Pin EEP Project #D 06054 -E 34 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 oring Year 5) Photo C 18 - R2 PXS -2 Downstream Figure C 6 - R2 PXS -2 Cross Section Plot 601W R2 PXS -2 499.50 499.00 498.50 498.00 F- W +As-Built Z 497.50 0 BANKFUL 497.00r —MY1 W (2008) W 496.50 MY2 (2009) 496.00 MY3 2010 495.50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 STATION (FT) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 35 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Table C 6 - R2 PXS -2 Dimension Data As Bedt MYI 2008 MY2 2009 MY3 2010 MY4 2011 MYS 2012 Station Elevation Desch Icon Station Elevation I Desch non Station Elevation Dmintition Station Elevation Delon tmn Station Elevation Dean ton Station Elevation Desch non 1989 499 xtal 1088 4989 R2PXS2 1989 49895 XSLPD9 1992 498982 L In 1518 488926 S%S 1992 498982 XSLP 2029 49898 xa2 19% 49895 R2PXS2PR 2021 49886 %S 2181 49897 Ground 1984 498852 SXS 2001 499067 XS 2554 49856 2007 49887 R2PXS2 2109 4991 XS 26W 498605 Ground 199 4988% SLPXSLP 2087 499103 XS W79 49838 Qpn2tb 21M 49802 R2PXS2 2283 49886 XS 3116 498415 Ground 2112 498992 SXS 2496 498721 XS 3353 49734 x42 24 5] 49872 R2PXS2 2325 49859 XS 3463 496916 Ground 23M 498784 (XS)XS 2855 496848 xS 3497 49671 xa2w 275] 49858 R2PXS2 2549 498" XS 366 495874 Ground 2769 498824 S %5 3032 498484 XS 3519 49858 xa2 3108 49837 R2PXS2 2867 49841 XS 3867 496556 Ground 2965 408571 (XS)XS 3175 498124 %S 3591 49625 0xa2 3192 49811 R2PXS2 2887 49833 XS 4135 497284 Ground 312 498314 SXS 3192 497849 %S W73 49563 r2pn2 329 49753 R2PXS2 2967 49848 XS "8 497865 Ground 3215 49807 5 %S 3297 497628 %S 3771 49608 r2.x.2 3501 49678 R2PXS2 3063 49828 XS 4754 498248 Ground 3242 497795 S %S 3311 49773 xS 3861 49641 r2p.2 3611 49593 R2PXS2 3195 49804 XS 5169 498342 Ground 3321 497505 (XS)XS 8369 4974 x5 3895 49668 xisZw 3832 49587 R2PXS2 3277 49784 %S 5863 498654 Ground 3381 49720/ (XS)XS 3393 496886 XS 3978 49689 3669 49579 R2PXS2 m 07 49748 XS 6358 498572 GreuM 3459 496 747 XS 3413 497 046 %5 4085 49686 xa2 3739 49589 R2PXS2 M an n)718 %S 6428 498576 R pli, 353 498M (XS) XS 3469 496 686 %5 4154 49725 Q x42 3881 49638 R2PXS2 3498 49676 xS 3595 496001 SXS 3522 4962% %S 42 64 49744 zs2 4062 49675 R2PXS2 35 5 496 34 %S W47 495 895 (XS)XS 3603 496 083 XS 4615 49798 x42 4063 49672 R2PXS2 3605 49608 XS 3741 496045 XSXS 3673 496016 XS 5064 49824 xa2ob 4071 49688 R2PX52NS 3851 49592 XS 3797 496187 SXB 377 496 3D8 p S 5763 4985 d¢ 4098 49682 R2PXS2 3732 49605 %S 3846 496457 (XS)XS 3879 496739 %S 6381 49854 4121 49716 R2PXS2 3819 49639 XS M37 498892 SXS 397 497062 XS 6431 49859 41 87 49739 R2PXS2 3882 496 an %S 4015 496 872 (XS) %S 40 57 497 286 xS 4392 49771 R2PXS2 4008 49705 XS 4073 497012 (XS)XS 4193 197543 XS 461 49817 R2PXS2 4139 49735 M 4082 497217 (XS)XS 4338 497743 XS 48 49839 R2PXS2 4197 48752 XS 4184 497321 (XS)XS 0.583 498143 xS 5307 498 41 R2PXS2 4364 497 69 XS 43 63 497638 5X5 48 51 498 339 %S 6119 49855 R2P —XS 2 4603 498 %S 4653 498037 SXS 5083 498317 %S 6428 49856 R2PXS2PR 4895 49818 XS 5064 498223 (XS)XS 5446 498531 XS 6568 49858 R2P %52 5272 49833 %5 5571 498 51 B (XS)XS 5837 498 692 XS 9063 19856 R2P X S2 5702 4985 %S 6153 498527 5X5 6196 498558 XS 8018 49851 XS 6435 498568 SRP XSRP MT) OBB 558 XS 6363 49858 %S 645/ 0.98497 5X5 6/25 1986/] XSRP 6415 49858 XSRP09 677 4986" (XS)XS 631 49859 XS Banldell Width R 32 11 Bankfoll Width (ft) 336 Bankfull Width R) 36 9 Bankfull Width It 249 Bankfidl Width ft 34 7 Bankfo0 Width fl 20 Bankfull Cross Scctional Area R) 24 12 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft 24 12 Bankfidl Cross Sectional Area ft 2496 Bankfull Cross Sechonal Area fl 2283 Bankhdl Cross Sectional Area ft 251 BIN Cross Sectional Area fl 22 Bankfall Mean D th ft 075 Bank dl Mcan Depth fl 072 Bankfull Moan dt ft 068 Bankfull Mean D R 092 Banldidl Mean (ft) 0 7 Ban.,' Mean D fl) 1 0 BanNnll Max D th (ft) 267 Banidull Max D to fl 276 Bad ll Max (fl) 259 Bankfull Max D th ft 2 47 Bankhdl Max (ft) 26 Banldull Max Depth fl 23 Flood Prone Width fl Flood Prone Width ft Flood No. Width R) Flood Pane Width fl) Flood Prone Width fl) Flood Prone Width ft Entrenchment Ratio Nft EntrtarJ mt Ratio fl/fl Entrenchment Ratio (R/ft) Entrenchment Ratio ft/fl Entrenchment Ratio (ft/fl) EranmrLment Ratio fl/fl Wid 1h Ratio (ft/fl WLdth/M Ratio Nfl Wh th Ratio fl/fl) Whd th Ratio fl/ft Wtd th Ratio fl/ft) WiddyDepth Ratio 111ft) D50 mm 929 D50 mm 006 D50 mm 0 06 1 D50 mm 0 06 D50 mm 006 D50 mm 006 D84 mm) 1466 D84 mm) 989 D84 mm 006 1 D84 mm) 0 06 DU mm 0 06 D84 mm 7 5 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 36 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Figure C 7 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Sheet 1 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 37 601W Reach 1 Monitoring Profiles Sheet 1 535 533 x x Y Y 3ix x • • x x •x x N x • •x• % x " • , • A _, x A x• Y Y x x x x Debris Jam with `•♦ ' x._A ' • x•x•'Y • • • x j % %x backwater (typical) _ ♦ . • . A A • x L • . • xx • 531 • A A x x i. A _k. • x X. x •.• x.An • • %• •• . % x Y A A, x • x x A x • ■ # Y • x - t• i • • x x x A ♦ . • x x +' 529 x A 'n' X x ♦�A— ` • •_ ♦ Ax°x.i'• x x- Y x x. • x • 1.• x ♦ q ♦ �• % x • •. X. A. x ♦ A W ♦ A xtx •x • x• x x - - rA x A x • x x x • \ .Ax N Y ♦ !x x x % % i x x� x• • • x i h• x • x • x \ �� A, ♦ A. x • x x \ � x � !bx ♦ * x x : • x •• •x x. . • 527 � ♦ •x • x _ x x TW - As Built TW - MYl TW - MY2 A _ ♦ i Y TW - MY4 - TW - MY3 TW - MY5 ! - — WS - MY1 —WS-MY5 TOB - As Built y 525 ♦ TOB - MY1 x TOB - MY2 TOB - MY3 . TOB - MY4 TOB - MY5 523 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 10600 10700 10800 10900 Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 37 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Figure C 8 - R1 Longitudinal Profile Sheet 2 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 38 601W Reach 1 Monitoring Profiles Sheet 2 529 x % x x x x k x k x r k x x x r TW - As Built - - -- TW - MY1 TW - MY2 527 x • x x TW - MY4 TW - MY3 TW - MY5 % % x• 4. • % WS - MY1 WS - MY5 TOB - As Built ♦ % • 525 ' ♦ r4. % ♦ • M TOB - MY1 TOB -MY2 TOB - MY3 4t _ r - • °4 4 4 ' ♦ i ♦ x � %p x •% r - � - x- �• °x x % -`r • • • k . „ . o TOB MY4 TOB - MYS 4 ` . • x ♦Y _ s>w • • 4x r •ei -4x r ♦ �r AJ x m > 523 ?' x � x ♦% A. % r x W AL 4 x x r V 4 ♦ - j - A, x4 _ Um • lix r % r x % x A 521 � x 4 4 r r x • % x ♦ r k 4 x r o % 4 x _ 4 4 4 x r 519 VrI r 517 10900 11000 11100 11200 11300 11400 11500 11600 11700 11800 Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 38 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Figure C 9 — R2 Longitudinal Profile Sheet EEP Project #D 06054 -E 39 601W Reach 2 Monitoring Profiles Single Sheet Yk ♦ !`XX 0X x x 504 x YX x xx xxx j' x x � x x � i�. x x x �Ic X xXxx > # x x x X Xxx X i x xxx x x x Debris jams caused by willow growth in channel ♦ x .At • K x' x x x x x x (typical) 502 .X xxx -x • •X X- ♦ x x xx XX x* * x x x - - -X xx x ♦ • 1_0 xXxxxxxxx .♦ •x x W _ x x i • �' ♦` '1E "X_ *X xx xx i i<t z x x X x �� ! •♦ x 0 �` ids • x x" xx x - ♦♦ . • �♦ x x x xx'tE x 500 �KcX XX X X* x x r x X x x r (•'♦ x f• ♦. • ♦�� F♦ �• ♦.•x X x xx X �� x x x x x x ♦ _x ♦ xx ♦- ♦. xx x x "x x x x: x x x x x x ' x♦ x• X'x K X xx X. x x x X. 1 X X X' YC X X» *;C x �� G 498 ♦ • A x 3 ?X 41 x X. x• x is x'� x 0! R _xx x x _ x W ♦ • — — TW - As Built - TW - MY1 I _ ♦ '• xx 496 R ♦� TW - MY2 TW - MY3 xx TW - MY4 TW - MY5 494 - .... ... WS - MY1 WS - MY5 x TOB - As Built x TOB - MY1 1 TOB - MY2 TOB - MY3 492 • TOB - MY4 TOB - MY5 490 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 14000 14200 14400 14600 Station (ft) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 39 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Figure C 7 - RI RXS -1 Pebble Count 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% r 40.0% 30.0% E 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% r figure u z; - m rxN-t rebbie count Pebble Count 601 W R1 PXS -1 Pebble Count 601 W R1 RXS -1 11• m MY1 (2008) 11• 1 1 1 100.0% 90.0% +� 80.0% --o— Asbuilt (2008) X 70.0% U 60.0% — N— MY1 (2008) d 50.0% or -- 1r —MY2 (2009) 40.0% —1/ —MY 3 (2010) 75 30.0% — -MY4 (2011) v 20.0% 10.0% -•� -MY 5 (2012) 0.0% ,oN 115 X00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0. 0. 0. 1,. g. 3ti. ,y1,�• hy�,. Particle Size (mm) 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% r 40.0% 30.0% E 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% r figure u z; - m rxN-t rebbie count Pebble Count 601 W R1 PXS -1 0'�'y 'Lti� 5p0 000 000 000 000 000 000 ti Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 40 11• m MY1 (2008) 11• 1 1 1 X - r� 0'�'y 'Lti� 5p0 000 000 000 000 000 000 ti Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 40 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Figure C 9 - R2 RXS -1 Pebble Count Pebble Count 601 W R2 RXS -1 100.0% Pebble Count 601 W R2 RXS -2 100.0% -� 90.0% 90.0% --o-- Asbuilt (2008) 80.0% 70.0% —� —MY1 (2008) 60.0% --*.—MY2 (2009) 80.0% v OJ 50.0% — 40.0% 30.0% u 20.0% —+O—MY 3 (2010) —40—MY4 (2011) MY 5 (2012) --O— Asbuilt (2008) 70.0% U 60.0 % a 50.0% 40.0% MY1 (2008) MY2 (2009) —04--MY 3 (2010) 0.0% �g1 L'b �p0 p. p. 43 1. g. 1b1 . 1LIlb 41 �oN$ Particle Size (mm) .7 30.0% 20.0 % 10.0% - -E—MY4 (2011) -= MY 5 (2012) 0.0% �g1 y0h 5p0 Qp0 o 021 QI0 pp0 PIP 0• 0• 0• ti• s. 3ti• ,y,Lg. hy'1,. Opg. ti Particle Size (mm) Fi ure C 10 - R2 RXS -2 Pebble Count Pebble Count 601 W R2 RXS -2 100.0% -� 90.0% --o-- Asbuilt (2008) 80.0% 70.0% —� —MY1 (2008) 60.0% --*.—MY2 (2009) v OJ 50.0% — 40.0% 30.0% u 20.0% —+O—MY 3 (2010) —40—MY4 (2011) MY 5 (2012) 10.0% 0.0% �g1 L'b �p0 p. p. 43 1. g. 1b1 . 1LIlb 41 �oN$ Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 41 MINOR FZi111vr 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% a 50.0% Y 40.0% 3 30.0% 20.0% U 10.0% 0.0% 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) rigure t- i i - t" rxa -i reMe t-ount Pebble Count 601 W R2 PXS -1 13g1 y0,5 X00 000 000 000 000 000 000 C3 13 Particle Size (mm) Fieure C 12 - R2 PXS -2 Pebble Count Pebble Count 601 W R2 PXS -2 100.0 --*—MY2 (200)79) MY4 (2011) 90.0% 80.0% — 0—Asbuilt (2008) 70.0% w 60.0% w 50.0% 40.0% 13g1 y0,5 X00 000 000 000 000 000 000 C3 13 Particle Size (mm) Fieure C 12 - R2 PXS -2 Pebble Count Pebble Count 601 W R2 PXS -2 100.0 90.0% 80.0% — 0—Asbuilt (2008) 70.0% w 60.0% w 50.0% 40.0% —f— MY1 (2008) — # —MY2 (2009) --X--MY 3 (2010) _> 30.0% E �I�MY4 (2011) v 20.0% - .- - MY 5 (2012) 09# 10.0 0.0% 0''1 �Lg X00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0. 0. 0. 'L• g. 3'L• ,y0,g• 0,. �Oag. Particle Size (mm) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 42 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Appendix D - Site Photos Table of Contents Photo Points 44 Problem Area Photos 54 Vegetation Photos . ..... .................. 61 List of Photos Photo Point 1. 45 Photo Point 2 45 Photo Point 3 ...... ... ....... ........... 46 Photo Point 4 .. . .. . . 46 Photo Point 5 47 Photo Point 6 ... .... .... ...... 47 Photo Point 7 ...... . .......... ...... . . . 48 Photo Point 8 .48 Photo Point 9 ... .. ... 49 Photo Point 10 49 Photo Point 11.. 50 Photo Point 12 . . .. ........ .... ..... .... .. 50 Photo Point 13 51 Photo Point 14 51 Photo Point 15 ....... 52 Photo Point 16 52 Photo Point 17 53 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA9 ...... . . . 54 Problem Area Photo MY2 -PA3 ............... 54 Problem Area Photo MY5 -PA1 55 Problem Area Photo MY5 -PA2 55 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA 10 56 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA6 (2012) 56 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA6 (2011) . ...... .. 57 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA8 .57 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA 11 . ......... ......... ...... 58 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA 12 ....... .58 Problem Area Photo MY4 -PA 13 .... ......... 59 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 43 Problem Area Photo MY3 -PA4 Problem Area Photo MY3 -PA5 Photo D l a- Vegetation Plot W 1 Spring 2012 Photo D lb - Vegetation Plot W1 Fall 2012 Photo D 2a - Vegetation Plot W2 Spring 2012 Photo D 2b - Vegetation Plot W2 Fall 2012 Photo D 3a - Vegetation Plot W3 Spring 2012 Photo D 3b - Vegetation Plot W3 Fall 2012 Photo D 4a - Vegetation Plot W4 Spring 2012 Photo D 4b - Vegetation Plot W4 Fall 2012 . Photo D 5a - Vegetation Plot W5 Spring 2012 . Photo D 5b - Vegetation Plot W5 Fall 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 44 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 59 60 . . . 61 61 63 63 ...... 64 61 64 63 . ....... ... ......... 63 64 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Photo Points Photo Point 1 Photo Point 2 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 45 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 3 Photo Point 4 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 46 ing Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 5 Photo Point 6 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 47 Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 7 Photo Point 8 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 48 ing Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 9 Photo Point 10 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 49 Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 11 Photo Point 12 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 50 Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 13 Photo Point 14 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 51 Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 15 Photo Point 16 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 52 Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Photo Point 17 (repaired cross vane) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 53 Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Problem Area Photos MY4 -PA9 - Stream Obstruction MY2 PA3 - Diversion channel 45 feet of left bank from channel blockage EEP Project #D 06054 -E 54 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 MY5 -PA1 - Diversion channel cutting 30 feet of left bank from channel blockage MY5 -PA2 - Diversion channel cutting 40 feet of right bank from channel blockage EEP Project #D 06054 -E 55 Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 MY4 -PA10 — channel obstruction MY4 -PA6 — failed sill log (flooded in photo from 9/20t2) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 56 Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 MY4 -PA6 — failed sill log (photo from MY4 2011) MY4 -PA8 Diversion channels cutting 140 feet of both banks, no woody vegetation EEP Project #D 06054 -E 57 ing Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 Year S) MY4 -PA11 Channel obstruction MY4 -PA12 Channel obstruction EEP Project #D 06054 -E 58 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 MY4 -PA13 Channel obstruction (breached by monitoring team) MY3 -PA4 Beaver dam (breached by monitoring team) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 59 Pring Year 5) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 MY3 -PA5 Beaver dam (breached by monitoring team) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 60 Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Vegetation Photos Photo D la - Vegetation Plot W1 MY5 Spring 2012 Photo D 2b - Vegetation Plot W1 MY5 Fall 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 61 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Photo D 3a - Vegetation Plot W2 Spring 2012 Photo D 4b - Vegetation Plot W2 Fall 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 62 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Photo D 5a - Vegetation Plot W3 Spring 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 63 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Photo D 4a - Vegetation Plot W4 Spring 2012 Photo D 4b - Vegetation Plot W4 Fall 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 64 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Photo D 5a - Vegetation Plot W5 Spring 2012 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 65 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Appendix E - Vegetation Data Table of Contents Table E 1 — MY5 (2012) Plot W1 Data .......................... .... .. 63 Table E 2 — MY5 (2012) Plot W2 Data. .63 Table E 3 — MY5 (2012) Plot W3 Data 68 Table E 4 — MY5 (2012) Plot W4 Data 68 Table E 5 — MY5 (2012) Plot W5 Data .. ......................... 69 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 66 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table E 1 - MYS 2012 Plot WI Data Table E 2 - MY5 (2012) Plot W2 Data Spring Data Fall Data Notes No Species Coordinates ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Height DBH Vigor Vigor X m Y m mm cm cm mm cm cm 1 QM 0.80 9.56 9.68 267 15 4 346 22 4 2 FP 0.82 2.35 29 229 18 4 4 306 24 4 4 3 AT 1.84 7.17 4.03 4 BN 2.81 4.45 6.50 396* 36 4 4 396* 56 4 4 5 BN 3.44 9.80 0.16 6 BN 3.95 2.15 9.11 467* 51 4 3 467* 76 4 4 7 AT 4.50 7.63 2.53 8 CO 5.03 5.41 12 112 4 20 113 4 9 AT 6.55 2.96 7.04 10 QM 7.14 8.45 0.21 11 BN 7.80 5.92 9.30 295 29 4 295* 62 4 12 BN 7.99 0.26 3.03 370* 71 4 370* 110 4 13 BN 8.81 1 3.92 5.71 313 31 4 313* 1 59 1 4 Table E 2 - MY5 (2012) Plot W2 Data * No attempt to measure height EEP Project #D 06054 -E 67 Spring Data Fall Data Notes No Species Coordinates ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Height DBH Vigor X (m) Y (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) 1 BN 0.53 9.68 267 15 4 346 22 4 2 QP 0.55 1.26 296 24 4 388 36 4 3 QP 1.14 4.03 4 QM 2.18 6.50 15 207 8 4 290 21 4 5 QN 3.15 0.16 6 BN 3.19 9.11 368 31 3 368* 46 4 7 QN 3.92 2.53 8 Q 4.53 4.79 9 QN 5.38 7.04 10 BN 5.93 0.21 11 QN 6.20 9.30 12 Q 6.76 3.03 13 QP 7.55 5.71 14 Q 8.55 8.61 15 QM 9.35 2.49 * No attempt to measure height EEP Project #D 06054 -E 67 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table E 3 - MYS 2012 Plot W3 Data Table E 4 - MY5 (2012) Plot W4 Data Spring Data Fall Data Notes No Species Coordinates ddh ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Height DBH Vigor X (m) Y (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) 1 FP 1.03 0.93 1 262 17 4 287 24 4 2 FP 1.09 3.13 2 269 17 4 323 25 4 3 FP 1.24 5.18 27 220 12 3 272 21 4 4 QP 1.60 7.62 4 FP 1.24 9.52 347 25 4 5 CO 3.59 2.73 8 63 3.19 4 11 72 35 4 6 CO 3.88 5.11 6 FP 3.23 2.07 418* 31 4 7 QP 4.46 7.64 18 200 6 4 274 18 4 8 BN 4.49 9.89 8 383 26 3 383* 43 4 9 QP 5.79 1.22 9 286 15 4 11 393 23 4 15 10 FP 6.08 3.36 10 340 27 4 340* 43 4 11 QN 1 6.40 5.85 20 221 10 4 310 18 4 12 FP 6.90 8.01 12 386 38 4 386* 56 4 13 QN 8.30 0.45 13 BN 7.66 1.94 14 QM 8.73 3.18 1 15 8.00 4 0 15 QN 9.13 6.14 15 BN 8.14 6.45 16 QN 1 9.55 9.00 16 QN 8.53 4.13 Table E 4 - MY5 (2012) Plot W4 Data * No attempt to measure height EEP Project #D 06054 -E 68 Spring Data Fall Data Notes N Species Coordinates ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Height DBH Vigor X (m) Y (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) 1 QM 0.78 4.93 2 QM 0.89 2.23 3 1 FP 1.08 7.25 1 424 38 4 424* 57 4 4 FP 1.24 9.52 347 25 4 347* 44 4 5 FP 3.19 4.56 471 * 35 4 471 * 58 4 6 FP 3.23 2.07 418* 31 4 418* 38 4 7 QN 3.35 7.24 290 19 4 290* 34 4 8 QN 3.44 9.60 9 QN 5.52 2.19 11 185 5 4 15 247 9 4 10 AT 5.59 6.79 11 Q 5.60 4.41 12 AT 5.69 9.01 13 BN 7.66 1.94 14 Q 8.00 8.32 15 BN 8.14 6.45 16 QN 8.53 4.13 17 FP 9.95 1.79 * No attempt to measure height EEP Project #D 06054 -E 68 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Table E 5 - MY5 (2012) Plot W5 Data * No attempt to measure height EEP Project #D 06054 -E 69 Spring Data Fall Data Notes No Species Coordinates ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Height DBH Vigor X m Y m mm cm cm mm cm cm 1 BN 2.08 7.73 420* 40 4 420* 57 4 2 QM 2.19 5.29 4 25 4 0 Browsed 3 AT 2.47 2.69 4 FP 2.92 0.20 281 21 4 359 34 4 5 QM 4.40 9.95 327 26 4 327* 42 4 6 QM 4.74 3.46 28 246 15 4 309 27 4 7 QN 4.75 7.82 8 CO 4.80 5.61 9 QM 4.96 1.26 317 26 4 317* 42 4 10 CO 7.14 0.80 11 CO 7.18 8.09 5 29 4 5 27 1 Browsed 12 BN 7.20 3.16 374* 33 4 374* 47 4 13 CO 7.23 5.55 4 4 14 QP 9.25 9.55 15 214 6 3 301 12 4 15 BN 9.56 4.46 308 20 4 416 27 4 16 BN 9.62 7.05 292 16 4 387 25 4 17 QP 1 9.66 1 1.97 252 9 4 1 327 1 18 4 * No attempt to measure height EEP Project #D 06054 -E 69 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Appendix F - Rainfall Data EEP Project #D 06054 -E 70 EBX 601 W MY 5 2012 Rainfall Daily Summary Date Rainfall 9/27/2011 014 9/28/2011 007 9/30/2011 001 10/11/2011 053 10/12/2011 016 10/13/2011 009 10/18/2011 1 81 10/19/2011 021 10/26/2011 001 10/28/2011 003 10/29/2011 037 10/30/2011 001 11/2/2011 001 11/3/2011 018 11/4/2011 057 11/8/2011 001 11/10/2011 010 11/12/2011 001 11/16/2011 008 11/17/2011 018 11/19/2011 001 11/21/2011 002 11/22/2011 001 11/23/2011 072 11/25/2011 001 11/27/2011 002 11/28/2011 080 11/29/2011 021 12/2/2011 001 12/5/2011 004 12/7/2011 028 12/18/2011 001 12/20/2011 002 12/21/2011 018 12/22/2011 016 12/23/2011 001 12/26/2011 001 12/27/2011 085 1/8/2012 026 1/9/2012 053 1/10/2012 001 1/11/2012 037 1/17/2012 039 1/18/2012 017 1/20/2012 012 1/21/2012 0 56 1/23/2012 015 1/24/2012 001 1/25/2012 001 1/27/2012 036 2/2/2012 026 2/4/2012 007 2/5/2012 005 2/10/2012 001 2/16/2012 001 2/19/2012 044 2/22/2012 001 2/23/2012 007 2/24/2012 013 2/27/2012 009 3/1/2012 001 3/2/2012 045 3/3/2012 1 54 3/4/2012 015 3/6/2012 003 3/9/2012 015 3/13/2012 001 3/17/2012 013 3/18/2012 008 3/19/2012 001 3/22/2012 001 3/23/2012 007 3/24/2012 063 3/25/2012 001 3/30/2012 004 3/31/2012 1 07 4/2/2012 001 4/4/2012 093 4/5/2012 014 4/6/2012 023 4/18/2012 010 4/19/2012 001 4/22/2012 083 4/25/2012 011 4/27/2012 050 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 71 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 4/30/2012 001 5/9/2012 1 58 5/13/2012 033 5/14/2012 096 5/15/2012 007 5/17/2012 005 5/22/2012 044 5/23/2012 018 5/28/2012 034 5/29/2012 037 5/30/2012 006 6/1/2012 065 6/3/2012 001 6/4/2012 001 6/5/2012 011 6/11/2012 163 6/12/2012 018 6/13/2012 007 6/24/2012 063 6/26/2012 002 7/1/2012 070 7/2/2012 003 7/5/2012 046 7/9/2012 005 7/10/2012 053 7/12/2012 017 7/13/2012 016 7/14/2012 001 7/16/2012 004 7/17/2012 001 7/19/2012 002 7/20/2012 002 7/21/2012 005 7/24/2012 061 7/25/2012 013 7/28/2012 013 7/31/2012 009 8/1/2012 014 8/2/2012 034 8/3/2012 001 8/6/2012 004 8/7/2012 1 19 8/8/2012 1 76 8/9/2012 147 8/10/2012 003 8/13/2012 001 8/17/2012 062 8/19/2012 121 8/20/2012 051 8/21/2012 007 8/25/2012 001 8/28/2012 022 8/29/2012 027 8/30/2012 001 9/3/2012 070 9/4/2012 074 9/6/2012 018 9/8/2012 013 9/9/2012 001 9/11/2012 001 EEP Project #D 06054 -E 72 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year S) Appendix G - Morphology Table EEP Project #D 06054 -E 73 Parameter Dimension BF Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) BF Cross Sectional Area (ft ) BF Mean Depth (ft) BF Max Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Substrate d50 (mm) d84 (mm) Parameter 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) Reach 1 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary 601 W R1 RXS -1 601 W RI PXS -1 Riffle Pool MYO MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO I MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 1400 1442 1106 883 97 86 3342 3467 2624 241 278 296 8340 834 834 834 834 834 - - - - - - 7 84 7 954 67157 698 681 63 3171 2937 2643 273 263 272 056 055 061 079 07 072 095 085 101 113 095 092 160 164 149 133 14 131 278 307 231 242 245 25 2499 2614 1821 11 17 1386 1191 - - - - - - 5 96 578 754 945 860 11 - - - - - - 100 100 100 100 100 1 - - - - - - 1628 400 006 0 06 0 019 0 28 7 12 1 3 50 3 00 7 43 5 13 462 Med 3122 2887 0 06 0 06 20 95 10 75 13 76 27 30 22 60 27 3 16 1075 33 MYO (2008) MY1 (2008) MY2 (2009) MY3 (2010) MY4 MY5(2012 Pattern Min Max Med I Mm Max I Med Mm I Max Med I Mm Max Med I Mm Max Med Min Max Med Channel Beltwidth (ft) 2037 4783 3195 22 50 33 27 44 41 171 4489 3419 20 43 35 20 44 35 Radius of Curvature (ft) 968 3337 2266 12 35 25 14 37 25 103 34 1 2097 12 35 22 12 35 22 Meander Wavelength (ft) 8327 12415 1087 85 130 103 86 135 109 577 14122 103 80 131 106 76 133 106 Meander Width ratio 1 455 3 416 2 282 1 528 3 472 2 292 2 451 4 005 3 665 1 93 508 3 87 206 443 3 61 21 1 45 3 7 Profile Riffle length (ft) 1 18 4333 2777 2 45 30 107 7632 2245 121 5081 2467 124 54844 16 33 1 56 19 Riffle slope ( ft/ft) 00060 0 1377 00161 0 008 Oil 0 019 001 018 002 001 01599 0 017 00049 00835 00235 001 Oil 002 Pool length (ft) 1843 4938 2937 20 51 30 24 64 37 25 67 39 911 84 235 308 14 79 33 Pool spacing (ft) 38 67 8496 55 13 40 86 55 42 141 60 39 144 59 7 467 73 596 25 033 11 1 71 35 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 1060 Channel Length (ft) 1221 1221 1221 1221 1221 1221 Sinuosity 1 152 1 152 1 152 1 152 1 152 1 152 Water Surface Slope ( ft/ft) 00070 00071 00071 N/A N/A N/A BF slope (ft/ft) 00072 00071 00071 00079 00080 00079 Ros en Classification C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 Habitat Index* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Macrobenthos* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EEP Project #D 06054 -E 74 601 West Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Monitoring Year 5) EEP Project #D 06054 -E 75 Reach 2 Morphology and Hydraulic Monito ing Summary Parameter 601 W R2 RXS -1 601 W R2 RXS -2 601 W R2 PXS -1 601 W R2 PXS -2 Riffle Riffle Pool Pool Dimension MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY MYO MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width (ft) 1805 2064 2126 1858 216 175 1657 1920 2045 1141 1208 189 2526 24 15 2630 1999 2078 17 3211 3362 3691 2487 347 21 Floodprone Width (ft) 142 142 142 142 142 142 174 174 174 174 174 174 - - - - - - - - - - - - BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 962 1259 1089 1061 11 114 1049 1389 1346 901 1060 119 2371 25 17 2224 2311 24 15 21 7 2412 24 12 2496 2283 25 12 22 BF Mean Depth (ft) 053 061 051 057 051 065 063 072 066 079 088 063 094 104 085 1 16 1 16 1 28 075 072 068 092 072 1 1 BF Max Depth (ft) 1 73 192 194 1 797 1 8 02 1 192 12 14 14 18 22 32 343 291 293 275 27 267 276 259 2 468 26 23 Width/Depth Ratio 3388 3385 41 52 3254 43 27 2618 2655 3106 1445 1377 30 2691 23 17 31 11 1729 1788 13 4274 4686 5459 2709 4793 19 Entrenchment Ratio 787 688 668 764 7 8 1050 906 851 1525 1440 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bank Height Ratio 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 100 1 00 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - Substrate d50 (mm) 8 17 167 022 006 05 033 920 300 006 006 006 - 570 006 006 006 0 061 - 929 006 006 006 0 061 06 d84 (mm) 1600 965 965 965 80 714 1600 1399 006 006 1287 - 1130 621 006 006 101 - 1466 989 006 006 0 061 754 Parameter MYO 2008 MY1 2008 MY2 2009 MY3 2010 MY4 2011 MY5 2012 Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Channel Beltwidth (ft) 2292 7299 45 635 25 78 48 3273 8229 5303 2562 766 4957 2632 8045 513 27 80 51 Radius of Curvature (ft) 2164 429 2782 25 50 28 1882 4251 2399 202 4247 2541 1945 4587 2678 19 45 26 Meander Wavelength (ft) 10759 1585 12039 108 160 122 1038 1555 1213 8477 152 118 675 9861 1633 1253 96 160 124 Meander Width ratio 1 324 4 217 2 636 1 214 3 786 232 1 569 3 946 2 543 1 709 5 11 3 31 1 56 478 305 16 4 8 30 Profile Riffle length (ft) 1804 764 2967 18 75 30 1051 68 17 2867 852 55 5 31 1 367 375 1422 5 44 19 Riffle slope (ft/ft) 00017 00279 00122 00022 0 026 0 013 0 004 0 039 0 012 0 004 0 068 0 013 0 004 0 071 00156 0 004 0 075 0 016 Pool length (ft) 2742 5912 4027 30 60 41 2304 155 4578 26 1201 434 733 1822 3466 13 167 37 Pool spacing (ft) 5326 12694 70 775 55 130 72 5722 1924 75 1 51 05 15582 7829 1 8 6219 1799 4 61 36 IMMENNIMERSEMMM Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 1204 Channel Length (ft) 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 Sinuosity 1 211 1 211 1 211 1 211 1 211 1 2 Water Surface Slope ( ft/ft ) 00050 00053 00053 N/A N/A N/A BF slope ( ft/ft ) 00046 00047 00047 00055 00047 00047 Rosgen Classification C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 Habitat Index* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Macrobenthos* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EEP Project #D 06054 -E 75