HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0028916_Engineering Alternative Analysis_20040618pk K DICKSON community infrastructure consultants June 18, 2004 Ms. Susan A. Wilson, P.E. Environmental Engineer North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 = ©We) Re: Engineering Alternatives Analysis Wastewater Disposal Alternatives for the Towns of Biscoe and Star WKD #30043.00.CL. Dear Ms. Wilson: Attached for your review is the Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) prepared for the Towns for Biscoe and Star. As you are aware, both Biscoe and Star operate treatment plants that discharge to zero flow streams. Both Towns' treatment plants are ageing and will require major upgrades to remain in compliance in the coming years. This situation has prompted the Towns to assess their wastewater disposal alternatives.. Our findings indicate that the most environmentally and economically sound alternative is to create a regional wastewater treatment system by transferring all of Biscoe and Star's wastewater to the Town of Troy for Treatment. The Towns have applied for grant funding from both the Rural Center and Clean Water Management Trust Fund to supplement the cost of construction of the recommended option (option 2) from the EAA. The funding applications are currently under review by both agencies. N You will find in Appendix G the results from the treatability study performed by Aquatic Sciences Consulting (ACS). The study utilized a bench scale reactor to evaluate the effect of combining wastewater from Biscoe, Star and Troy on the Town of Troy's capability in meeting the speculative discharge permit limits. The test results demonstrate that regional treatment at Troy's WWTP can be achieved within the speculative limits for conventional parameters. The results also indicate that the combined town influents can be successfully treated to remove toxicity at Troy's WWTP. Upon receiving preliminary approval from the NPDES unit, the 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 Tel. 704.334.5348 Fax 704.334.0078 www.wkdickson.com North Carolina • South Carolina • Georgia • Florida Ms. Susan A. Wilson, PE June 18, 2004 Page 2 of 2 Towns plan to pursue other avenues of funding to further supplement the cost of this important regionalization project. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional supporting data. Sincerely, W. K. Dickson & Co., Inc. Cooper J. Burton, PE cc: Mr._Paul Rawls'- DWQ Enclosures L/Projects/bisco/300 43/SWilson061704 f-- 1 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES. ANALYSIS (EAA) FOR TOWNS OF BISCOE AND STAR WASTEWATER DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES MAY, 2004 WKD #30043.00.CL Prepared for Town of Biscoe Post Office Box 1228 Biscoe, NC 27209 .0 .\ CAR "'s. •QpFEr. SiAL 29463 '• � ••�NGINe'• off: Report Prepared by W. K. Dickson & Co., Inc. 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28205 704/334-5348 ©WQ Towns of Biscoe and Star Engineering Alternatives Analysis WKD# 30043.00.CL TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page Number Section I - Summary 1 Introduction Summary of Findings Section II — General Information 2 Basic Identification of the Project Project Description Existing Wastewater Facilities Phased Construction Section III — Evaluate Disposal Alternatives 3 — 5 Land Based Disposal Surface Water Discharge Through the NPDES Program Connecting to a Sewer Collection System Wastewater Reuse Possible Combinations of the Above Options Section IV — Recommendation of System Options 6 Appendices Appendix A - Total Present Value Table/Estimated Capital and Recurring Costs Appendix B — Site Plan, Schematic and Vicinity Map Appendix C — Preliminary indication of flow acceptance from Troy Appendix D — State Demographic Data & Wastewater flow Projections Appendix E — USGS 7Q10 & 30Q2 regional flow projections Appendix F — Speculative Limits Appendix G — ACS Consulting Treatability Study Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) I. SUMMARY A. Introduction: The purpose of this EAA is to determine which wastewater disposal alternative is the best option for the Towns of Biscoe and Star from both an economic and environmental standpoint. This EAA also includes a Present -Value -of -Costs Analysis. Summary of Findings: The Towns of Biscoe and Star operate treatment plants that discharge to zero flow streams. Both Towns' treatment plants are ageing and will require major upgrades to remain in compliance in the coming years. A regional surface water discharge is recommended as the most viable option for both Towns from both an economic and environmental standpoint. It is recommended that the Towns transfer all flows to the Town of Troy for treatment (option 2). This option will remove two zero flow stream discharges and combine all three towns wastewater treatment operations into a regional system with a single discharge. The estimated Capital Costs and Present -Value -of -Costs amount for the recommended surface water discharge system for the two Towns is as follows: Option 2 — Transfer all Flows to Troy for Treatment Present Value of Costs Capital Cost An in depth discussion of the summary of findings follows. $11,068,300 $ 6,165,139 II. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Basic Identification of the Project: 1. Existing Facility Name — Biscoe NC WWTP (NPDES # NC0021504) Star NC WWTP (NPDES # NC0058548) 2. County — Montgomery 3. Facility Address — Biscoe North Carolina SR 1556; Seaberry Road Star North Carolina SR1369; Center Street 4. Facility Telephone No. — Biscoe, NC (910) 428 - 4112 5. EAA Preparer's Name — WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 6. EAA Preparer's Mailing Address/Telephone No. — 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28205 (704) 334-5348 B. Project Description: The Town of Biscoe and the Town of Star each operate separate wastewater systems serving their respective communities. The two Town's are located near each other, with less than a mile separating their town limits along NC 220 Business. Each town's wastewater treatment plant has a rated treatment capacity of 0.600 MGD. The Biscoe treatment plant, located southwest of Town, is approximately 32-years old and discharges treated effluent to Hickory Branch (a zero flow stream) in the Yadkin -Pee Dee river basin. It is an outdated plant that lacks the redundancy of more modern plants. The Town has had significant non-compliance issues for BOD and Fecal Coliform throughout the years 2000 and 2001, but its ageing components are unable to be taken out of service for repair due to its out dated design. The neighboring Town of Star operates a treatment plant, located east of its Town Limits, discharging to Cotton Creek (a zero flow stream) in the Cape Fear River basin. The Star facility is approximately 15-years old and is also showing signs of age. Star's WWTP has been plagued with toxicity compliance issues (more than 12 per year) for years. Both communities have a need to upgrade their respective wastewater treatment systems. This need is the stimulus to develop a regional concept that would provide safe and reliable wastewater treatment for both Towns. The two Towns have resolved to work together to determine the regions most environmentally and economically feasible solution for wastewater treatment now and in the future. The Town of Biscoe currently has a population of 1,747 and Star's population is 808. The populations projected out to year 2025 are 2,287 and 1,072 respectively based on the State demographic data. The 20 year projected average day wastewater flows from these Towns based on historical treatment plant data is projected to be 0.539 MGD and 0.425 MGD respectively(see appendix D). These flows are slightly higher than the standard 60 gallon per person per day (15A NCAC 2H .0219) in large part due to the industrial component from both of these towns. 2 The Towns currently offer incentives in the form of rebates to their existing water / sewer customers for the use of low flow faucets and fixtures. C. Existing Wastewater Facilities: The existing facilities can not be used for treatment in this project to meet regional needs. Due to the age and condition of the existing facilities, it has been determined that it is not feasible to utilize them. As well, the NCDENR DWQ regional office has indicated that they will not allow an increase in capacity to an existing NPDES Permit on a zero flow stream. This eliminates the possibility of increasing capacity of one of the existing plants. D. Phased Construction: The project will not be constructed in phases. The proposed wastewater treatment system will be designed to accommodate the Towns' 20 year growth projections. III. EVALUATE DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES A. Land Based Disposal: Neither Biscoe nor Star currently own land suitable for a surface or subsurface land disposal discharge system. One alternative for land based disposal is for the two Towns to send all of their flows to the Town of Candor for Treatment. Candor is approximately 6 miles south of Biscoe and approximately 8.5 miles south of Star. Montgomery County currently operates a 0.2 MGD wastewater treatment facility in Candor that discharges all of its effluent by spray irrigation on 42 acres. Based on these existing loading rates the Candor plant would need an additional 504 acres to treat the 1.2 MGD from Biscoe and Star and provide a 100% reserve area. In addition to the land and the infrastructure required to transport the flows to Candor the plant would need to be upgraded to a handle the additional 1.2 MGD. Due to the extraordinary costs associated with the land acquisitions and infrastructure required, land based disposal is not considered a feasible option. B. Surface Water Discharge Through the NPDES Program: Option 1: Construct a new 1.2 MGD regional wastewater treatment facility to serve only Biscoe and Star, discharging to Little River. Option one would remove both Towns from zero flow streams and provide a wastewater treatment solution for their existing and future flows. Option one will require Star to abandon its existing treatment plant and transfer all of its flows to Biscoe. Transferring the flows to Biscoe will require construction of a pump station and approximately 25,000 LF of 8" force main. The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) was contacted first to obtain receiving stream flow information for several locations near Biscoe in Montgomery County. The 7Q10 for streams in this area is about 0.01 cfs per square mile. The low -flow (30Q2) characteristics for streams in this region are regarded as having little to no potential for providing sustained base flows (see attachment Appendix E). This is primarily due to the characteristically thin soils known to occur in the area and the relatively high land -surface slopes. The Towns of Biscoe and Star both currently discharge to zero flow streams with their existing NPDES permits. Because of the low flows, several locations and arrangements were assessed based on the premise that the effluent would have to be discharged to the Little River. The two most feasible locations are described below: The first potential discharge location is just North of Smitherman Dam on the Little River. Constructing a plant at this location would require a lengthy gravity outfall down White Oak and Cedar Creeks or a 30,000+ LF force main following SR 1556 to SR 1557 to SR 1519 and then on to the plant site. This location would also require acquisition of property for the plant site and extensive earthwork. An alternative location would be at the site of the existing Biscoe treatment facility (see option one Appendix B). This location would only require 24,000 LF of force main, minimal earthwork and no property acquisition. Due to the significantly reduced cost and ease of construction it was determined that the new plant should be located at the location of the existing plant. The discharge location would be the Little River at its intersection with Highway 24/27. (see Appendix G for the speculative limits for this option) The project cost of this option is projected to be $9,191,329, including construction, engineering, legal and administrative costs. The present value of cost, including recurring operation and maintenance costs is $13,078,300. C. Connecting to a Sewer -Collection System Option 2: Transfer all flows from both Biscoe and Star to the Town of Troy for treatment. The nearest publicly owned treatment works (POTW) that is capable of handling the flows from the two Towns is in Troy, NC. Troy currently operates a 1.2 MGD activated sludge wastewater treatment plant (NPDES # NC0028916) that discharges to Densons Creek Northwest of the Little River. 1. The Troy WWTP is approximately six (6) miles from the Biscoe WWTP. Due to the size and nature of this project the extended distance is considered cost effective. (a) The Town of Star would need a 738 gpm pump station and approximately 25,000 LF of 10" force main to pump all of their existing and projected flows to Biscoe. Their treatment plant would be abandoned and the pump station would most likely be located at the site of the existing WWTP. Biscoe would also abandon their existing treatment plant and construct a pump station at the site of the existing treatment plant. Biscoe would need a 1,736 gpm pump station and 30,200 LF of 14" force main to pump al I of the flows from both Biscoe and Star to the Town of Troy. The pump station will be designed to meet peak demands however the existing treatment 4 plant basins can be used as flow equalization basins during times of extreme usage. The Town of Troy's WWTP will also need to be upgraded to handle 2 MGD. (b) The Town of Troy has met with both Star and Biscoe and has offered preliminary indication of flow acceptance by way of resolution by their Governing Body (see attachment appendix C). (c) See attached map labeled Option two in appendix B. (d) See Appendix A for the Present Value of Costs Analysis. The project cost of this option is projected to be $6,165,139, including construction, engineering, legal and administrative costs. The present value of cost, including recurring operation and maintenance costs is $11,068,300. The Towns retained Aquatic Sciences Consulting (ACS) from Woodbine MD to perform a treatability study of the three towns' combined wastewaters. (Report is included in Appendix G). ACS performed a bench -scale simulation of the main activated sludge treatment process used at the Troy WWTP. Using the simulation, ACS evaluated the impact of the combined wastewaters on the Town of Troy's capability in meeting speculative discharge permit limits for BOD5, ammonia - nitrogen, total suspended solids(TSS), and toxicity (see speculative limits for this option in Appendix F). The test results show that the effluent concentrations of BOD5, ammonia nitrogen and TSS were below the speculative limits for the existing discharge to Denson's Creek and the proposed discharge to the Little River (at 2.0 MGD). Also, no toxic effect, either on survival and reproduction to Ceriodaphnia dubia or survival and growth to Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow), was observed at the highest effluent test concentration of.90%. The test results demonstrate that regional treatment at Troy's WWTP can achieve the speculative limits for conventional parameters as well as chronic toxicity and dissolved oxygen. Furthermore it is anticipated that the proposed ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system upgrades will achieve the speculative limits for fecal coliform and total residual chlorine. D. Wastewater Reuse: The Town of Troy has recently performed a study of wastewater effluent reuse options including irrigating land owned by Troy Lumber and that owned by Montgomery Country Club. They have concluded that it is feasible to send 200,000 GPD of treated effluent to Montgomery Country Club. This reuse project is currently under design. 200,000 GPD would equal 10% of the design flow from all three Towns. E. Possible Combinations of the Above Options: Combinations of wastewater reuse and sending all of the flows to Troy for treatment may be a feasible alternative due to the current progress of the Montgomery Country Club effluent irrigation project. The combination of wastewater reuse 5 and/or land application with option one from above is not recommended due to the varying operation and maintenance procedures involved with each system. In addition the excessive cost associated with construction of a new plant as well as construction of a reuse or land application system would make this option unfeasible from an economic standpoint. IV. RECOMMENDATION OF SYSTEM OPTIONS Surface water discharge option 2 is the recommended option for the Towns of Biscoe and Star. The total present value of this option; shown in appendix A, shows that this is the best option from an economic standpoint. By removing two discharges from zero flow streams and regionalizing three towns' wastewater flows, this option also presents itself as the best environmental solution as well. 6 APPENDIX A J TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Interest Rate: 8.00% Discrete Compounding Number of Years: 20 Option No. Description Est. Capital Costs Present Value Est. Recurring Costs Present Value Total Present Value 1 Construct new 1.2 MGD Regional WWTP $ 9,191,329.00 $9,191,329.00 $ 395,900.00 $ 3,886,985.79 $13,078,300 2 Transfer all flows to Town of Troy for treatment $ 6,165,139.00 $6,165,139.00 $ 499,400.00 $ 4,903,159.14 $11,068,300 SURFACE WATER DISCHARGE SYSTEM - OPTION 1 CONSTRUCT NEW 1.2 MGD REGIONAL WWTP ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Quantities Total Cost 1 Star Pump Station, Generator, Electrical LS $ 150,000 1 $ 1 50,000 2 10" Force Main LF $ 25 25,000 $ 625,000 3 Abandon Star WWTP LF $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 4 Cased Rail Road .Crossing LF $ 120 100 $ 12,000 5 Connect to Biscoe LS $ 3,000 1 $ 3,000 6 . Biscoe Effluent Pump Station, Generator, Electrical LS $ 285,900 1 $ 285,900 8 14" Force Main LF $ 35 23,175 $ 811,125 9 1 MGD Regional WWTP LS $ 5,000,000 1 $ 5,000,000 Abandon Biscoe WWTP LS $ 250,000 1 $ 250,000 Construction Subtotal $ 7,187,025 Contingency (15%) $ 1,078,054 Total Construction Cost $ 8,265,079 10 Engineering Services Design Surveys LS $ 109,350 1 $ 109,350 Final Design LS $ 372,900 1 $ 372,900 Geotechnical Investigations LS $ 10,000 1 $ 10,000 11 Constuction Services Contract Administration LS $ 93,200 1 $ 93,200 Construction Observation (305-Days) LS $ 175,400 1 $ 1 75,400 12 Environmental Assessment LS $ 35,500 1 $ 35,500 13 0 & M Manual LS $ 18,000 1 $ 18,000 14 Legal & Administrative (1.5%) LS .$ 111,900 1 $ 111,900 Total Engineering & Other Cost $ 926,250 Total Project Cost $ 9,191,329 ESTIMATED RECURRING COSTS Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Quantities Total Cost 1 Force Main Maintenance Cost Year $ 7,500.00 1 7,500 2 Average Power Cost for Both Pump Stations Year $ 51,000.00 1 51,000 3 Pump Station Maintenance Costs Year $ 5,000.00 1 5,000 4 Average Pump Station Labor costs Month $ 200.00 12 2,400 5 Plant Operation & Maintenance Costs Year $ 250,000.00 1 250,000 6 Debt Service at 6% Year $ 80,000.00 1 80,000 Total Year 395,900 SURFACE WATER DISCHARGE SYSTEM - OPTION 2 TRANSFER FLOWS TO TROY ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Quantities Total Cost 1 Star Pump Station, Generator, Electrical LS $ 1 50,000 1 $ 1 50,000 2 10" Force Main LF $ 25 25,000 $ 625,000 3 Abandon Star WWTP LF $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 4 Cased Rail Road Crossing LF $ 120 100 $ 12,000 5 Connect to Biscoe LS $ 2,500 1 $ 2,500 6 Biscoe Pump Station, Generator, Electrical LS $ 285,900 1 $ 285,900 7 Abandon/Modify Biscoe WWTP for Flow EQ LS $ 250,000 1 $ 250,000 8 14" Force Main LF $ 35 30,200 $ 1,057,000 9 Troy plant expansion to 2 MGD Headworks Upgrades LS $ 239,525 1 $ 239,525 Oxidation Ditch Improvements LS $ 1,121,288 1 $ 1,121,288 Secondary Clarifier Addition LS $ 290,569 1 $ 290,569 Return Sludge Pumping LS $ 52,594 1 $ 52,594 Sludge Digestion Upgrades LS $ 59,375 1 $ 59,375 UV Upgrades LS $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 Electrical Upgrades & 400 KVA Generator LS $ 152,500 1 $ 1 52,500 Effluent Outfall (discharge to Little River) LS $ 355,000 1 $ 355,000 Construction Subtotal $ 4,753,251 Contingency (15%) $ 71-2,988 Total Construction Cost $ 5,466,239 10 Engineering Services Design Surveys LS $ 141,900 1 $ 141,900 Final Design LS $ 224,200 1 $ 224,200 11 Construction Services Contract Administration LS $ 59,800 1 $ 59,800 Construction Observation (260 Days) LS $ 149,500 1 $ 149,500 12 Environmental Assessment LS $ 35,500 1 $ 35,500 13 0 & M Manual LS $ 18,000 1 $ 18,000 14 Legal & Administrative (1.5%) LS $ 70,000 1 $ 70,000 Total Engineering & Other Cost $ 698,900 Total Project Cost $ 6,165,139 ESTIMATED RECURRING COSTS Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Quantities Total Cost 1 Force Main Maintenance Cost Year $ 8,000.00 1 8,000 2 Average Power Cost for Both Pump Stations Year $ 55,000.00 1 55,000 3 Pump Station Maintenance Costs Year $ 5,000.00 1 5,000 4 Average Pump Station Labor costs Month $ 200.00 12 2,400 5 Plant Operation & Maintenance Costs Year $ 375,000.00 1 375,000 6 Debt Service @ 6% Year $ . 54,000.00 1 54,000 Total Year 499,400 APPENDIX B STAR WWTP UMP ST TION"---_, OP11ON ONE NEW WWTP W/SURFACE WATER DISCHARGE REGIONAL WASTEWATER FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE TOWN OF BISCOE V' PAW 816 "ATI 1 'OE g2d01 (704) 334-5348 1 2 p0CaTT. DICKSON rze=ront. South Curol.,o °Nct L EXISTING STAR WVVTP TROY (,) OPTION TWO PUMP TO TOWN OF TROY REGIONAL WASTEWATER FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE TOWN OF BISCOE pglieKSON 0 COLONNADE DRIVE1 CHARLOTTE NC 20205 2 (704) 834-5348 Office Locations: North Carolina South Cording 7,24.3 2 APPENDIX C TOWN OF TROY RESOLUTION January 21, 2004 ROY ''1ANIESS H G: MASSENGILL MAYOR PRO-TE:tf COMMISSIONERS: E3RUCE HAMILTON JAMES HURLEY WALLACE JONES CHRIS WATKINS JAMES E. JUSTICE TOIYN MANAGER CATHY M. MANESS TOWN CLERK WHEREAS, the Towns of Biscoe, Star and Troy North Carolina are assessing potential regional solutions for wastewater treatment, all potential solutions will provide wastewater treatment for the three Towns and allow for the 20 year growth plans of each Town as well as the region; and WHEREAS, in an effort to regionalize their wastewater systems, the Towns of Biscoe, Star and Troy have resolved to focus their study on the option of sending all flows from the three Towns to the Town of Troy for treatment. The Towns have not eliminated any options, but rather have chosen to focus their efforts on studying the feasibility of the aforementioned option for regional wastewater treatment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Troy that the Town of Troy, working with the Towns of Biscoe and Star will proceed with the regionalization study by focusing on determining the feasibility of treating all three Town's wastewater at the Town of Troy's Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Town of Troy will support efforts to meet the discharge limit requirements as required by State laws and regulations for the Town of Troy's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Adopted this the ‘.2, day of Jca,r-Nv c � 2004. ATTEST: A •r1 I\. Town Clerk 315 NORTH MAIN STREET TROY, NC 27371 PHONE: (910) 572-3661 FAX: 572-3663 www.troy.nc.us APPENDIX D Alternate #2 Wastewater Flow Projections PRELIMINARY Projected Population Served 2002 2010 2020 2025 Star 808 910 1,018 1,072 Biscoe 1,747 1,942 2,172 2,287 Troy 4,225 4,764 5,328 5,610 Total 6,780 7,616 8,518 8,969 Projected Water Demand (MGD) 2002 2010 2020 2025 Star Res 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.053 Comm 0.018 0.025 0.037 0.045 Ind 0.372 0.403 0.445 0.468 0.430 0.473 0.532 0.566 Biscoe Res 0.016 0.120 0.134 Comm 0.040 0.055 0.081 Ind 0.194 0.266 0.393 0.141 0.099 0.478 0.250 0.441 0.608 0.718 Troy Res 0.348 0.394 0.440 0.463 Comm 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.012 Ind 0.263 0.360 0.532 0.648 0.616 0.761 0.982 1.123 Total 1.296 1.675 2.122 2.407 Projected Wastewater ADF (MGD) Star 0.323 0.355 0.399 0.425 Biscoe 0.188 0.331 0.456 0.539 Troy 0.500 0.609 0.786 0.898 Total 1.010 1.294 1.641 1.861 APPENDIX E Cooper Burton From: John C Weaver [jcweaver©usgs.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:40 PM To: Cooper Burton Cc: jcweaver©usgs.gov Subject: Low -flow characteristics for streams near Troy, Montgomery County... Mr. Burton, In response to your .inquiry about the low -flow characteristics for some locations near Troy in Montgomery County, the following information is provided. It appears the 7Q10 discharge yield (expressed as flow per square mile of drainage area) for streams in this area is about 0.01 cfs per sqmi. This is based on records of discharge that have been collected at a couple of. locations near Troy. I Rough estimates of the drainage areas for your sites of interest are as follows: I., 1 i Site 1 - Cedar Creek just dnstrm of confluence_with White Oak Creek - approx 6.5 sqmi Site 2 - Little River, at NC 24/27 - 148 sqmi Site 3 - Cedar Creek at mouth - 11.4 sqmi Site 4 - Densons Creek at confluence with Spencer Branch - approx 32 to 33 sqmi: Thus the estimated 7Q10 discharges for each of these locations would be the product of the above yield (0.01 cfs per sqmi) and the respective drainage areas (sqmi). In July 1999, the low-flow'characteristics for a site on Densons Creek upstream of Spencer Branch were the focus of a letter sent to the NC Division of Water Quality. Included in the letter is some discussion about the effects of underlying geology (Carolina Slate Belt region), soils characteristics, 'and high degree of topographic relief observed in that area. Areas underlain by the Carolina Slate Belt geologic belt are characterized by some of the lowest water -yielding rocks in the State. Thus, combined with the "thin" soils known to occur 'in the area withrelatively high land -surface slopes, the low -flow characteristics for streams in this region are regarded as having little to no potential for sustained base flows. Hope this information is helpful. Thank you. Curtis Weaver *************************************.********************************** J. Cur.tis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE U.S. Geological Survey 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919):571-4043 // Fax: (919) 571-4041 E-mail address -- jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ *****************************,*************************************.***** 1 APPENDIX F April 9, 2004 Mr. Cooper Burton, P.E. WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 Subject: Speculative Limits Micnael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED APR 21 2004 W.K. DICKSON CO. Regional System on Little River and Denson's Creek Ref. NPDES' Permit Nos. NC0021504 (Biscoe) and NC0058548 (Star) Towns of Biscoe, Star, Troy Montgomery County Dear Mr. Burton: This letter is in response to your request for speculative effluent Limits on behalf of the Town's of Star and Biscoe for a potential regional system. It is the Division of Water Quality's understanding that there is a potential for a. regional -type system to be built and to discharge at (1) the location of the Town of Troy's discharge point on Denson's Creek or (2) at a location along Highway 24/27 on the Little River. The Division encourages the Towns of Troy, Biscoe, and Star to work diligently towards a regional system. An addendum is attached to this letter which presents the various discharge scenarios requested by the Towns of Troy, Star, and Biscoe. These speculative limits are based on our understanding of the proposal and of present environmental conditions. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) cannot guarantee that it will issue the Town an NPDES permit to expand its discharge of treated wastewater into waters of the State. Nor can we guarantee that the effluent limitations and other requirements included in any Permit will be exactly as presented here. Final decisions on these matters will be made only after the Division evaluates a formal permit application for the discharge and notices the proposal for public comment. Environmental Assessments of New Projects and Expansions Any entity proposing to construct new or expanded wastewater- treatment facilities using public funds or public (state) lands must first prepare an environmental assessment (EA) when wastewater expansions equal or exceed 0.5 MGD. Please contact the Division's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) coordinator, currently Alex'Marks, at (919) 733 - 5083, ext. 555 for further information on EA requirements. DWQ will notaccept a permit application for a project requiring an environmental assessment until the Division has approved the EA and sent a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to the state Clearinghouse for review and comment. . Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) In accordance with the North Carolina General Statutes, the most practicable wastewater treatment and disposal alternative with the least adverse impact on the environment is required to be implemented with any expansion. Therefore, as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new or expanding flow, a detailed engineering alternatives analysis (EAA) must be prepared. The EAA must justify requested flows and provide an analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. .Alternatives to a surface water discharge, such as a spray/drip irrigation, wastewater reuse, or inflow/infiltration reduction, are considered to be environmentally preferable. 'A copy of the EAA"requirements is attached to this -letter. Permit applications for new or expanding flow will be returned as incomplete if all EAA requirements are not adequately addressed. You may also wish to refer to the NPDES Unit website for more information regarding requests for expansion, http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 On the Internet at http://t-i2o.enr.state.nc.us/ Mr. r Page 3 BOD5 and NH3-N. The proposed limits for a 1 MGD discharge into the Little River (with the Troy discharge on 'Denson's Creek) would be 5 mg/l (BOD5) and 1.0 mg/1 (NH3-N) during the summer months, 30 mg/1 (BOD5) and 13 mg/1 (NH3-N) during the winter months. These limits are based on an EPA -approved water quality model. The 7Q10s flow is fairly low for this size drainage area (but is typical for this hydrologic area), so; the summer limits are fairly stringent. Because the 7Q10w flow isrelatively higher, the winter limits are less stringent. Dissolved Oxygen. A minimum daily average dissolved oxygen level of 6 mg/1 must be maintained in the effluent. TSS. The limits for total suspended solids are standard for secondary treatment of municipal wastewater and would remain the same as in the existing permit (30 mg/1 monthly, average). Fecal Coliforrn, pH. The limits for fecal coliform bacteria and pH are derived to -protect water quality in the receiving stream and will likely remain the same as in the previous permit. Chlorine. A total residual' chlorine limit of 28 ug/1 (daily maximum) would be implemented in this permit. Chronic Toxicity Testing: The chronic toxicity limit for the 1.0 MGD flow would be Pass/Fail at 51%. This is based on the 7Q10s stre.ainflow of 1.48 cfs. Toxicant Parameters: Estimation of toxicant parameters will not be given with this speculative letter, but will be submitted as appropriate with the draft NPDES permit. If you have any additional questions about these limits, feel free to contact Susan Wilson at (919) 733-5083, extension 510. cc: Sincerely, David A. Goodrich(pervisor NPDES Unit Water Quality Section Fayetteville Regional Office/ WQS Central Files NPDES Unit Files The Honorable Frank Kersey, Mayor Town: of Star P.O. Box 97 Star, NC 28356 The Honorable James Blake. Mayor Town lof Biscoe P.O. Box 26 Biscoe, NC 27209 Gray Walls, P.E. Town of Troy 444 North Main Street Troy, North Carolina 27371-2799 Addendum Troy, Biscoe, Star Issues & Potential Regional System Scenarios Scenarios Site Description Proposed Flow (MGD) BOD5 mg/1 (sum/win) NH3-N. mg/1 . (sum/win) D.O. mg/1 Instream waste concentration (IWC °rb) 1 Regional system at Troy's existing site, Denson's Creek (Troy/ Biscoe/ Star) 2.0 8.5 / 30 1.1 / 3.0 6.0 90 2 Regional system for Biscoe/ Star - At Hwy. 24/27 (w/Troy as is) 1.0 (Biscoe/ Star) 5.0 / 30 1.0 / 13 • 6.0 51 3 Regional system 2 MGD plant at ' Hwy. 24/27 (no Troy discharge upstream)• 2.0 5.0 / 30 1.2 / 7.5 6.0 68 Scenario 1 - This scenario assumes all permitted flow at the existing Troy discharge site on Denson's Creek. Scenario 2 - _This scenario assumes a Biscoe/Star regional system at a flow of 1.0 MGD to Little River at Hwy. 24/27. This scenario also assumes Troy continues its discharge of 1.2 MGD to Denson's Creek. Scenario 3 - This scenario assumes a regional system of 2.0 MGD with discharge to Little River at Hwy. 24/27. This scenario also assumes that Troy will relocate its discharge to this point. Stream flows: Denson's Creek, Class.0 (Town of Troy's existing outfall site on Denson's Creek, above confluence with Spencer Branch) DA=32mi2 7Q10s.= 0.35 cfs 7Q10w=2.42cfs •Qavg;=.32 Little River (at Hwy..24/27), Class C DA = 148 mi2 7Q 10s = 1.48 cfs 7Q 10w = 11.2 cfs Q avg = 148 cfs On Denson's Creek - although the stream flows are lower, the slopes are much higher than Little River, which affects the water quality model (likely why the limits are just as low on Little River as on Denson's Creek). r-F WA7 tvtrchael F. Easley. Governor Stale of North Carolina April 9, 2004 Mr. Gray Walls, P.E. Town Engineer/ Public Services Director Town of Troy 444 North Main Street Troy, North Carolina 27371-2799 Subject: Speculative Limits Regional System on Little River Ref. NPDES Permit NC0028916 Towns of Troy, Star. Biscoe Montgomery County Dear Mr. Walls: William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P E., Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED APR 2 1 2004 W.K. DICKSON CO. This letter is in response to a request for speculative effluent limits for the potential expansion and relocation of the Troy wastewater treatment plant. It is the Division of Water Quality's understanding that there is a potential for a regional -type system to be built and to discharge at the proposed location along Highway 24/27. The Division encourages the Towns of Troy, Biscoe, and Star to work diligently towards a regional system. The speculative limits provided below are for a discharge to the Little River at a flow of 2 MGD (with the understanding that the existing discharge on Denson's Creek would be removed). You may also wish to refer to Table 1 attached to this letter. In addition. an addendum is attached to this letter which presents the various discharge scenarios requested by the Towns of Troy, Star, and Biscoe. These speculative limits are based on our understanding of the proposal and of present environmental conditions. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) cannot guarantee that it will issue the Town an NPDES pet chit to expand its discharge of treated wastewater into waters of the State. Nor can we guarantee that the effluent limitations and other requirements included in any permit will be exactly as presented here. Final decisions on these matters will be made only after the Division evaluates a formal permit application for the discharge and notices the proposal for public comment. Environmental Assessments of New Projects and Expansions Any entity proposing to construct new or expanded wastewater treatment facilities using . public funds or public (state) lands must first prepare an environmental assessment (EA) when wastewater expansions equal or exceed 0.5 MGD. Please contact the Division's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) coordinator, currently Alex Marks, at (919) 733 — 5083. ext. 555 for further information on EA requirements. DWQ will not accept a permit application for a project requiring an environmental assessment until the Division has approved the EA and sent a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to the state Clearinghouse for review and comment. Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) In accordance with the North Carolina General Statutes, the most practicable wastewater treatment and disposal alternative with the least adverse impact on the environment is required to be implemented with any expansion. Therefore, as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new or expanding flow, a detailed engineering alternatives. analysis (EAA) must be prepared. The EAA must justify requested flows and provide an analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. Alternatives to a surface water discharge, such as a spray/drip irrigation, wastewater reuse, or inflow/infiltration reduction, are considered to be environmentally preferable. A copy of the EAA requirements is attached to this letter. Permit applications for new or expanding flow will be returned as incomplete if all EAA requirements are not adequately addressed. You may also wish to refer to the NPDES Unit website for more information regarding requests for expansion, http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center (919)733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 Mr. Walls Page 3 Table 1. Speculative Limits for a Flow of 2.0 MGD (Discharge point at Hwy. 24/27 on the Little River) Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Flow 2.0 MGD BOD5 (summer) 5.0 mg/I 7.5 mg/1 BOD5 (winter) 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 NH3-N (summer) 1.2 mg/1 3.6 mg/1 NH3-N (winter) 7.5 mg/1 22.5 mg/1 15S 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 Fecal coliform 200 #/100 ml 400 #/100 ml Total residual chlorine 25 ug/1 Dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mg/1 (minimum) Chronic Toxicity Quarterly P/F at 68% APPENDIX G Evaluation of Regional Treatment of Combined Influent Wastewaters From the Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star at Troy's Wastewater Treatment Plant Prepared for: W.K. Dickson 616 Colonnade Dr Charlotte, NC 28205 And Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star, NC Prepared by: Aquatic Sciences Consulting John Botts, Principal Scientist 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine, MD 21797 June 8, 2004 Contents Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Purpose and Objectives 5 2. Technical Approach 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Town of Troy WWTP Operating Conditions and Effluent Quality 6 2.3 Speculative Limits 7 2.4 Towns' Influent and Effluent Characteristics 8 2.5 Design and Operation of the Treatment Simulation 11 2.6 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 18 3. Results 19 3.1 Bioreactor Operating Results 19 3.2 Treatment Performance Results 23 3.3 Effluent Quality 26 3.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Results 29 4. References 31 Appendices, A. NC Division of Water Quality Response to Request for Speculative Limits for Regional. Treatment and Discharge to Denson's Creek or the Little River A-1 B. Mean Cell Residence Time Calculation for the Existing Town of Troy . Wastewater Treatment Plant B-1 C. Analytical and Toxicity Test Reports C-1 D. Analytical QA/QC Reports D-1 Contents (Continued) Figures 1 Diagram of Study Bioreactor 12 2 Two -stage Treatment Simulation for the Troy — Biscoe — Star Study 13 3 Influent Feed Tank and Pump 14 4 Effluent Collection Tank 15 5 Mean Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids Concentrations in the Regional WWTP Simulation 22 6 Sludge Volume Index Results for the Regional WWTP Simulation 24 Tables ES-1 Comparison of Average Simulation Effluent Results and Speculative Permit Limits for Regional Treatment at the Town of Troy 3 1 Existing Operating Conditions for Troy WWTP Activated Sludge Process 7 2 Average Monthly Effluent Data and Permit Limits for the Town of Troy 8 3 Speculative Effluent Limits for Regional Wastewater Treatment at Troy 9 4 Monthly Average Influent Characteristics for the Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star 10 5 Influent Sample Collection and Use in Bioreactors 16 6 Summary of Bioreactor Operating Conditions 20 7 Influent and Effluent Monitoring Results for Troy-Biscoe-Star Simulation 25 8 Comparison of Simulated Effluent Results and Speculative Permit Limits for Regional Treatment at the Town of Troy 27 9 Summary of Effluent Toxicity Results for the Treatment Simulation 28 Regional. Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 1 June 8, 2004 Executive Summary The towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star are considering options for combined treatment of their wastewaters in a regional facility. W.K. Dickson, the towns' engineer, has indicated that the preferred alternative would involve pumping wastewater from the towns of Star and Biscoe to an upgraded wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) at the town of Troy. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) estimates that less stringent effluent limitations would apply if the town of Troy relocates its outfall on Denson's Creek to the Little River (starting at mile 19 at Highway 24/27). An issue of concern in considering regional wastewater treatment is whether or not effluent toxicity observed at the town of Star's WWTP can be effectively reduced by combined treatment with wastewater from the other towns. After discussions with DWQ, it was agreed that a study should be performed to evaluate the effect of the combined wastewaters on treatment system performance and effluent limitations, particularly toxicity. Aquatic Sciences Consulting (ASC) was retained in April 2004 to perform the study. It was decided by the towns and W.K. Dickson that the treatability study would focus on the preferred alternative of treating the combined Troy, Star and Biscoe influent wastewaters at the town of Troy's WWTP. A bench -scale treatment simulation was set up and operated for a 28 day period, which was equivalent to 1 '/z mean cell residence times (MCRT), a measure of the activated sludge growth cycle for Troy's WWTP. The treatment simulation was intended to provide information on whether or not regional treatment at the Troy WWTP can achieve speculative effluent limitations for Denson's Creek and the Little River. The simulation was operated as a continuous -flow process using two bioreactors in series. Influent samples were received from each town and mixed in proportions corresponding to the current flow rates. Return activated sludge (RAS) sample from Troy's WWTP was added to each bioreactor. Treatment was initiated by pumping the combined influent at a rate of 8.2 mL/min [to simulate the hydraulic retention time (HRT) for the combined flow at the WWTP] and the mixed Liquors were aerated to achieve the dissolved oxygen (DO)- levels maintained at Troy's WWTP. Treatment conditions promoted the growth of carbon -fixing bacteria in the first bioreactor. Mixed liquors from the first bioreactor were discharged to the second bioreactor where conditions allowed nitrifying bacteria to oxidize. ammonia. The mixed liquor solids were then settled in the clarifier chamber of the second bioreactor and the clarified effluent was periodically collected for analysis. The settled solids were returned at least twice a day to the first bioreactor to maintain relatively equal mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 2 June 8, .2004 concentrations in the bioreactors (i.e., close to Troy's WWTP operating value of 3,200 ing/L for summer months). The combined influent exhibited relatively low five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentrations (average of 150 mg/L compared to 195 mg/L typically observed at Troy's WWTP). The relatively low BOD5 caused Troy's activated sludge biomass to grow slower in the treatment simulation than it does currently, which resulted in a longer than expected MCRT. Nonetheless, the simulation treatment performance was good. Percent removals of BOD5 (>95%), chemical oxygen demand (COD, >89%), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN, >96%), ammonia -nitrogen (NH3-N, >97%) and phosphorus (TP, >32%) were similar to percent removals observed at Troy's WWTP or at other municipal WWTPs. Nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen (NO2+NO3- N) production confirmed that ammonia -nitrogen was being oxidized: Sludge volume index (SVI) values (average of 100 — 117 mL/L/g MLSS) were higher than those observed at _Troy's WWTP in April and May 2004 (99 mL/L/g MLSS and 73 mL/L/g MLSS); however, the bioreactor SVIs still indicate good solids settling rates. In summary, there was no evidence that treatment was inhibited by constituents of the combined influent wastewater. As shown in Table ES-1, the simulation effluent concentrations of.BOD5, ammonia -nitrogen and TSS were below the speculative limits for the existing discharge to Denson's Creek and the proposed discharge to the Little River (at 2.0 mgd flow). Also, no toxic effect, either on survival and reproduction to Ceriodaphnia dubia or survival and growth to Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow), was observed at the highest effluent test concentration of 90%. These results demonstrate that regional treatment at Troy's WWTP can achieve that the speculative limits for conventional parameters and chronic toxicity. It is anticipated that proper disinfection, perhaps with the existing, or an expanded, ultraviolet process at Troy, will achieve the speculative limits for fecal coliform and total residual chlorine (see Appendix A). The speculative dissolved oxygen limits are also achievable. Toxicants common to municipal WWTPs receiving textile wastewater (e.g., salt ions, heavy metals and cyanide) were not a concern in this study. However, historical chloride concentrations at Troy's WWTP (i.e., 407 — 540 mg/L for November 2003 — February 2004) have been above those observed during simulation testing (289 mg/L average) and the toxicity threshold of 400 mg/L identified for the town of Star's effluent (ASC letter dated June 28, 2002). It will be important to monitor chloride concentrations at the regional WWTP. If chloride toxicity is predicted or observed, the town of Troy should contact its textile mill regarding the substitution of the less toxic salt, sodium sulfate, for sodium chloride in dyeing operations. Of the metals of concern, only copper was consistently observed at concentrations above the NC action level of 7 µg/L (NCDENR 2002) after accounting for instream dilution. Copper concentrations in the simulation effluent. (21 — 28 µg/L) were at levels observed to cause toxicity in other municipal WWTP effluents. However, most or all of the copper was apparently not bioavailable.(e.g., bound to suspended solids) and did not affect C. dubia survival and Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report • Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 3 June 8, 2004 reproduction or P. promelas survival and growth. Again, the town should monitor copper at the regional WWTP and, if copper toxicity is observed or predicted, the primary contributors of copper (e.g., textile mills) should institute control measures. Table ES-1. Comparison of Average Simulation Effluent Results and Speculative Permit Limits for Regional Treatment at the Town of Troy* .Parameter ; Effluent Concentration Monthly Average Limit Weekly Average Limit Scenario 1: BOD5 NH3-N TSS yCyanide** 2.0 mgd Discharge at the Existing Outfall - Denson's Creek 12.8 mg/L — summer 45 mg/L.— winter <5.5 mg/L 0.2 — 0.7 mg/L <3 — 4 mg/L 8.5 mg/L — summer 30 mg/L — winter 1.1 mg/L - summer 3.0 mg/L — winter 30 mg/L 3.3 mg/L — summer 9.0 mg/L — winter 45 mg/L Chronic Toxicity+ <5 N9/L Passed at >90%+ 6.3 pg/L P/F at 90% Scenario 2: 2.0 mgd Discharge to the Little River (Highway 24/27) j BOD5 <5.5 mg/L NH3-N 0.2 — 0.7 mg/L TSS <3 — 4 mg/L Cyanide** <5 pg/L Chronic Toxicity 5.0 mg/L — summer 30 mg/L — winter 1.2 mg/L — summer 7.5 mg/L — winter 30:mg/L 6.3 lag/L Passed at >90%+ P/F at 68% 7.5mg/L — summer 45 mg/L — winter 3.6 mg/L — summer 22.5 mg/L — winter 45 mg/L * Simulation effluent results are an average of four effluent samples for chemical parameters and three effluent samples for toxicity: Speculative effluent limits are described in DWQ's letters dated April 9, 2004 (see Appendix A) ** Speculative limits were not provided for cyanide; therefore, Troy's current permit limit is shown. Troy's daily maximum limit for cyanide (total) is 22 pg/L + As measured using NC Phase II procedures for Ceriodaphnia dubia and EPA procedures (2002) for Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow). The speculative limits are based on the instream waste concentrations for the discharge scenarios. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 4 June 8, 2004 Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star are considering options for combined treatment of their wastewaters in a regional facility. The towns have retained W.K. Dickson to perform an engineering study to evaluate the treatment alternatives. Alternative #1 involves combining only the flows from the towns of Star and Biscoe in a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and Alternative #2 involves pumping the flows from the towns of Star and Biscoe to an upgraded WWTP at the town of Troy. The preferred discharge location for both treatment options is the section of the Little River that is classified as Class C waters (starting at mile 19 at Highway 24/27). In general, more stringent regulations apply to the upstream section of the river, which is classified as a high quality water, and the current outfall for the town of Troy's WWTP at Denson's Creek. An issue of concern in considering regional wastewater treatment is whether or not effluent toxicity observed at the town of Star's WWTP can be effectively reduced by combined treatment with wastewater from the other towns. A preliminary test of the combined effluents from the towns' WWTPs (2003) suggested that the regulatory requirement for effluent toxicity may be met. However, the test results were for a single sampling event and do not provide information on the treatability of the combined wastewaters or the resulting effluent quality. After discussions with the NC Department of Water Quality (DWQ), it was agreed that a study should be performed to evaluate the effect of the combined wastewaters on treatment system performance and effluent limitations, including toxicity. Aquatic Sciences Consulting (ASC) was retained in April 2004 to perform the study. It was decided by the towns and W.K. Dickson that the treatability study would focus only on the preferred alternative (#2) of treating the combined Troy, Star and Biscoe influent wastewaters at the town of Troy's WWTP. Therefore, the study involved the set-up and operation of a single bench -scale treatment simulation, which was designed to mimic treatment of the combined town influents at the town of Troy's WWTP. The treatment simulation was intended to provide information on whether or not regional treatment at the Troy WWTP can achieve speculative effluent limitations for Denson's Creek and the Little River (DWQ letters dated April 9, 2004, see Appendix A). Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 5 June 8, 2004 1.2 Purpose and Objectives The purpose of this treatability study was to address questions regarding the treatability of the combined wastewaters from the towns. Specific objectives were to: • Operate a bench -scale simulation of the main treatment process at the Troy WWTP, activated sludge treatment • Using the simulation, evaluate the impact of the combined wastewaters on the performance of the Troy WWTP biological treatment system, as measured by substrate removal [e.g., five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonia -nitrogen (NH3-N) and phosphorus (TP)], nitrite+nitrate- nitrogen (NO2+NO3-N) production and solids settleability • Evaluate the effect of the combined wastewaters on the town of Troy's capability in meeting speculative discharge permit limits for BOD5, ammonia -nitrogen, total suspended solids (TSS) and toxicity • Identify potential effluent toxicants and potential treatment modifications for toxicity reduction, if effluent toxicity is observed, and evaluate compliance with selected water quality standards Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 6 June 8, 2004 Section 2 Technical Approach 2.1 Introduction This study evaluated the impact of the towns' wastewaters on the Troy's WWTP by determining the effects of the combined wastewaters on treatment performance and by monitoring the fate of discharge constituents and toxicity. ,The following steps were performed to accomplish these objectives. 1. Treatment performance was evaluated by monitoring the removal of substrate (e.g., BOD5, COD, TKN, NH3-N and phosphorus), nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen production and solids settleability in the study bioreactor. Results were compared to operating and discharge monitoring report (DMR) data for Troy's WWTP.' No difference in substrate removal, nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen production, or sludge settleability would be evidence that the discharge is suitable for treatment at the town's WWTP. 2. The parameters specified in DWQ's speculative limits letters (i.e., BOD5, ammonia -nitrogen, TSS, and chronic toxicity) were measured in selected study samples. These data indicate the effect of the combined wastewaters on the Troy's ability to comply with its permit limitations. 3. As noted, initial testing suggests that the combined wastewaterconstituents will not adversely affect the WWTP's effluent quality. However, some constituents, notably salts (i.e., sodium, chloride,. and sulfate), surfactants, heavy metals and cyanide, may be a concern with respect to effluent toxicity or instream water quality. Therefore, most of these constituents were measured in selected bioreactor samples. 2.2 Town of Troy WWTP Operating Conditions and Effluent Quality Influent to Troy's WWTP is screened and degritted before being pumped to the first of two oxidation ditches. The oxidation ditches are operated in series (effluent from the first ditch is treated in the second). After biological treatment and clarification of suspended solids in two clarifiers; the effluent passes through ultraviolet disinfection. The final effluent is discharged to 1 ASC planned to monitor oxygen uptake rate (OUR); however, substantial effort was required to operate the bioreactor, particularly the activated sludge return, leaving insufficient time for OUR measurements. Other treatment performance indicators were deemed to be sufficient for evaluating bioreactor operation. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for.W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 7 June 8, 2004 Denson's Creek, a tributary of the Little River. Waste activated sludge is treated in a digester and digested sludge is land applied. Table 1 summarizes the operating conditions at Troy's WWTP. Table 1. Existing Operating Conditions for the Troy WWTP Activated Sludge Process Parameter Average Operating Value Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 28.8 hours for each basin, based on current average flow of 0.5 mgd Dissolved oxygen (DO) <0.5 mg/L in first basin 2 — 5 mg/L in second basin Mixed liquor suspended solids 3,200 mg/L warm weather (MLSS) 3,400 mg/L cold weather Mean cell residence time (MCRT) 16.9 days based on wasting rate of 11,900 gpd of 20,500 mg/L solids* Return sludge rate 85 — 100°/0 of influent flow * See MCRT calculation in Appendix B. Troy's WWTP achieves excellent effluent quality. As summarized in Table 2, effluent BOD5, ammonia -nitrogen and TSS concentrations are well below permit limits. Only two toxicity compliance tests (October 2001 and July 2003) in the past two years indicated chronic toxicity. 2.3 Speculative Limits DWQ provided speculative limits for the treatment alternative evaluated in this study (i.e.,, Alternative #2, regional wastewater treatment at the town of Troy's WWTP). As shown in Table 3, speculative limits were given for two discharge scenarios: (1) continued discharge at existing outfall, but at an increased flow of 2.0 mgd and (2) relocation of the outfall with an increased flow of 2.0 mgd to the Little River (at the Highway 24/27 bridge). In general, the speculative limits for the Little River outfall are less stringent than those for the Denson's Creek outfall. The speculative limits for BOD5 are less stringent for the Denson's Creek outfall than for the Little River outfall; however, the opposite is true for the ammonia - nitrogen and chronic toxicity limits. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 8 June 8, 2004 Table 2. Average Monthly Effluent Data and Permit Limits for the Town of Troy* Parameter I Effluent Concentration ' Monthly Average Limit Weekly Average Limit BOD5 <1 — 3 mg/L j 7 mg/L — Apr -Oct 10.5 mg/L — Apr -Oct 1.4 mg/L — Nov -Mar 21 mg/L = Nov -Mar N H3-N TSS Fecal 1 Coliform <0.1 — 1.2 mg/L. 2 mg/L — Apr -Oct 4 mg/L— Nov -Mar 1 9 mg/L 30 mg/L 45 mg/L 0 — 33/100 mL 200/100 mL 1. 400/100 mL Cyanide** I . <5 pg/L 6.3 pg/L Chronic ! Pass at 79% effluent 1 >79% Toxicity+ * Average monthly results for October 2002 — April 2004 ** Daily maximum limit for cyanide (total) is 22 pg/L + As measured using NC Phase II procedures for Ceriodaphnia dubia 2.4 Towns' Influent and Effluent Characteristics Influent characterizationdatafor the town WWTPs are summarized in Table 4. Flow rates since January 2003 have averaged.0.57 mgd for the town of Troy, 0.35 mgd for the town of Biscoe and 0.17 mgd for the town of Star. Given these flow rates, the towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star would contribute 52%, 32% and 16% of the total combined flow to the Troy WWTP. Prior to the study, ASC was advised that the average flow rates were 0.5 mgd, 0.25 mgd and 0.20 mgd for the towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star, respectively. These latter flow rates were used for the study. Based on these flows, the percent flow contributions were .estimated to be 53%, 26% and 21%. The higher initial flow estimate for the town of Star (0.20 mgd) compared to actual data (0.17 mgd) indicates that the percentage of Star's influent used for testing was relatively high (i.e., 21% vs. 16%). Given that only the town of Star's effluent has been consistently toxic, the use of the higher flow value represents a worse case condition that is helpful in evaluating the capability of the WWTP to meet the speculative toxicity limits. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 9 June 8, 2004 Table 3. Speculative Effluent Limits for Regional Wastewater Treatment at Town of Troy* Parameter Monthl Average y Weekly Average I Daily Maximum Scenario 1: 2.0 mgd Discharge at the Existing Outfall — Denson's Creek BOD5 8.5 mg/L —'summer i 12.8 mg/L — summer 7 30 mg/L — winter • 45 mg/L — winter NH3-N 1.1 mg/L — summer 3.0 mg/L — winter i 3.3 mg/L — summer 9.0 mg/L — winter I . TSS . I 30 mg/L 45 mg/L Fecal. 200/100 mL 400/100 mL Coliform TRC** Dissolved Oxygen j 6.0 mg/L (minimum) Chronic I P/F at 90%• Toxicity+ f i Scenario 2: BOD5 NH3-N TSS 2.0 mgd Discharge to the Little River (Highway 24/27) 5.0 mg/L — summer I .30-mg/L — winter 1 • 1.2 mg/L — summer I 7.5 mg/L — winter i 30 mg/L 7.5mg/L — summer -. 45 mg/L — winter 3.6 mg/L — summer 22.5 mg/L — winter 45 mg/L Fecal 200/100 mL 1 400/100 mL Coliform I i TRC** ` 1 25 pg/L Dissolved 1 j Oxygen 6.0 mg/L (minimum) j 1 Chronic P/F at 68% j Toxicity+ * As given in two DWQ letters dated April 9, 2004 (see Appendix A) ** Total residual chlorine + The pass/fail (P/F) value is the instream waste concentration. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 10 June 8, 2004 Table 4. Monthly Average Influent Characteristics for the Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star* Troy WWTP Biscoe WWTP Star WWTP Year Month Flow BOD5 NH3-N TSS Flow BOD5 NH3-N"TSS Flow BOD5 NH3-N*"TSS 2003 Jan 0.78 229.0 30.7 344.0 0.23 139.8 86.0 0.08 Feb 0.56 203.0 18.9 416.0 0.30 95.7 57.3 0.16 Mar 0.66 221.0 21.1 354.0 0.43 99.5 53.5 0.18 'Apr 0.66 165.0 19.0 247.0 0.38 112.0 67.4 0.20 130.5 May 0.82 173.0 22.7 260.0 0.38 87.3 61.0 0.23 120.0 Jun . 0.70 196.0 6.8 298.0 0.40 76.5 44.3 0.19 111.0 Jul 0.54 187.0 28.8 293.0 0.34 118.2 58.2 0.20 101.1 Aug 0.61 171.0 28.5 283.0 0.39 84.2 61.4 0.23 80.0 Sep 0.49 175.0 30.2 308.0 0.30 164.0 . 90.2 0.16 Oct 0.46 190.0 26.3 309.0 0.30 159.8 60.0 0.12 113.2 Nov 0.43 216.0 23.0 329.0 0.29 193.3 65.3 0.11 '116.0 Dec 0.48 205.0 15.0 239.0 0.34 158.4 58.4 133.0 2004 Jan 0.46 198.0 17.0 211.0 0.30 192.5 39.7 Feb 0.56 198.0 17.0 257.0 0.43 102.5 55.3 131.0 Mar 0.49 185.0 19.0 194.0 0.34 131.8 58.0 161.6 Apr 0.38 211.0 21.2 272.0 0.36 160.0 56.5 Avg 0.57 195.2 21.6 288.4 0.35 129.7 Max 0.82 • 229.0 30.7 416.0 0.43 193.3 Min 0.38 165.0 6.8 194.0 0.23 76.5 60.8 90.2 39.7 0.17 119.7 0.23 161.6 0.08 80.0 98.6 80.5 84.0 100.8 94.0 114.5 90.3 119.1 95.0 105.4 98.2 119.1 80.5 .* Units are mgd for flow and mg/L for BOD5, NH3-N and TSS ** not monitored Troy's WWTP generally receives higher strength wastewater, as indicated by BOD5 and TSS, than the Biscoe and Star WWTPs (Table 4). Biscoe's WWTP has the lowest influent BOD5 and TSS concentrations of the three WWTPs. Based on these data, the strength of Troy's WWTP influent is expected to be somewhat diluted by the. addition of influents from_towns of Biscoe and Star. The towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star each receive wastewater from textile mills. Of the three towns, the town of Star receives the largest proportion of textile wastewater (about 50%). The textile mill contribution to the town of Troy is a smaller percentage (about 15%);-however, the mill flow rate is similar to the mill flow rate at Star (as much as 75,000 gpd). Biscoe's textile mill flow averages about 35,000 gpd or about 10% of the WWTP influent flow. The textile mills contribute salts, surfactants, metals and cyanide, which have caused effluent toxicity or limits violations at other municipal WWTPs. Salts largely pass through the WWTP (i.e., only slight removal). For example, only about 21% of the chloride received at Troy's Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 11 June 8, 2004 WWTP is removed in treatment. Effluent concentrations of chloride at the towns of Troy and Star average about 422 mg/L and 333 mg/L, respectively.2 Assuming the town of Biscoe's effluent averages 250 mg/L chloride, the predicted chloride concentration for the regional WWTP effluent should average about 370 mg/L. This predicted concentration is slightly below the level that has been identified as a threshold for toxicity at the town of Star (400 mg/L, ASC letter dated February 11, 2004). Sulfate may also be a concern; however, it is considered less toxic than chloride. Sodium sulfate can be substituted for sodium chloride in some textile dyeing operations. Metals have not been identified as effluent toxicants at any of the towns; however, occasional high levels of copper and zinc have been observed in the WWTP effluents (i.e., exceed NC water quality action levels of 7 and 50 µg/L, respectively, NCDENR 2002). These constituents were monitored during the study to evaluate their potential impact on permit compliance. 2.5 Design and Operation of the Treatment Simulation The combined flows from the towns. (Troy — 0.5 mgd, Biscoe — 0.25 mgd and Star — 0.20 mgd) will increase the average Troy WWTP flow to 0.95 mgd. It was assumed that the combined flow rate would remain fairly constant for the short-term as the uncertainty in textile mill production may be balanced by an increase in domestic wastewater flow from new homes and, perhaps, commercial businesses. The current combined flows would decrease the average hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the Troy WWTP from 28.8 hours for each basin (Table 1) to about 15.2 hours. The increased flow is close to the permitted flow of 1.2 mgd, which may require an expansion of the WWTP. The combined flows would increase the overall BOD5 loading on the WWTP, which should decrease the mean cell residence time (MCRT) of the existing activated sludge process. However, other than an increase in sludge wasting, it was assumed that other operating conditions at the WWTP would remain the same (see Table 1). Therefore, the treatment simulation was designed to achieve the same operating conditions as the current Troy WWTP with the exception of the increased influent flow of 0.95 mgd. The simulation was operated as a continuous -flow process using Eckenfelder-type bioreactors (Figure 1). Two bioreactors were operated in series as shown in Figure 2 (flow is left to right). Influent samples were collected and mixed in the proportions corresponding to the current flow rates at each town as described in Sections 2.5.1 and 2.4. Return activated sludge (RAS) sample from Troy's WWTP (Section 2.5.1) was added to each bioreactor. Treatment was initiated by pumping the combined influent at a rate of 8.2 mL/min (Figure 3) to the first bioreactor (A), which had an operating capacity of 7.5 L. The influent flow rate achieved the target HRT of 15.2 hours in each bioreactor. The influent and activated sludge were aerated to achieve the 2 Based on Troy WWTP data for Nov 2003 — Apr 2004 and Star WWTP data for Jan - Nov 2003 Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson. and Towns. of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 12 June 8, 2004 dissolved oxygen (DO) level noted in Table 1 and the mixed liquors were well mixed using a magnetic stir table. Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations in Bioreactor A were maintained close to the WWTP operating value of 3,200 mg/L (summer). It was necessary for the mixed liquors to spill over to the second bioreactor (B) to simulate the two -stage process at the WWTP; therefore, Bioreactor A did not have a clarifier. The Mixed liquor spilled over.a stilling well and flowed through tubing connected to Bioreactor B (Figure 2). Bioreactor B had an operating capacity of 7.5 L, including a clarifier, and the mixed liquors were stirred with a magnetic stir table. DO and MLSS concentrations were maintained as close as possible to the WWTP operating values noted in Table 1. The mixed liquor solids were settled in the clarifier. chamber (2.3 L) and the clarified effluent was discharged through a stilling well to an effluent collection container (Figure 4). Settled solids were periodically recirculated to Bioreactor A. Influent Stilling Well Adjustable Plate Effluent r/4 Aeration Chamber Clarifier Figure 1. Diagram of Study Bioreactor Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 13 June 8, 2004 Figure 2. Two -stage Treatment Simulation for the Troy — Biscoe — Star Study (Bioreactor A on left is connected by tubing to Bioreactor B on right) Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 14 June 8, 2004 Figure 3. Influent Feed Tank and Pump fN Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 15 June 8, 2004 Figure 4. Effluent Collection Tank (connected by tubing to Bioreactor B) Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 16 June 8, 2004 Returning solids from the clarifier was insufficient because of the relatively small size of the clarifier. Therefore, additional return sludge pumping was performed twice per day. This return involved (1) stopping aeration and mixing in both bioreactors, (2) measuring the sludge depths and (3) pumping settled sludge from Bioreactor B to Bioreactor A to equalize the sludge depths. After pumping, the sludge depth in Bioreactor A was about two to three -fold greater than the Bioreactor B sludge depth. This differential allowed the MLSS concentrations to equalize at about the midpoint of the time period between return pumping. Pumping was achieved using a peristaltic pump (set at 75 mL/min) and a wide -bore pipette attached to the pump tubing. The bioreactors were operated for 28 days, which corresponds to 1 1/2 MCRTs at the Troy WWTP. This treatment period was the minimum time estimated to ensure stable treatment performance. This treatment period was intended to allow an evaluation of potential effects during a complete growth cycle for the activated sludge. 2.5.1 Sample Collection The following samples were collected for the study: • Manual composite samples of influent from each town WWTP were collected three times.a week as described in Table 5. The town of Troy utilized its automatic influent sampler for a portion of each sample. The remaining sample was collected manually several times a day. The towns of Biscoe and Star collected influent samples manually several times a day. • Single grab sample (10 gal) of RAS from Troy's WWTP, which was used to initiate the bioreactors (April 13th) Table 5. Influent Sample Collection and Use in Bioreactors Town Sampling Day I Sample Volume I Days Used in Bioreactor Troy Mon 110 gal Tues — Wed I Tues — Wed 10 gal--- Thurs — Fri Thurs — Fri ; 15 gal i Sat - Mon • Biscoe & Star Mon ' 2 1/2 gal I Tues — Wed Tues — Wed 2 Y2 gal I Thurs — Fri Thurs — Fri 1 3 %2 gal I Sat - Mon Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 17 June 8, 2004 The influent samples were packed with freezer packs in coolers and the samples were delivered by overnight courier to ASC's laboratory. The RAS sample was not cooled during shipment to maintain the viability of the biomass. Chain of custody forms were completed for all samples. 2.5.2 Bioreactor Monitoring The bioreactors were routinely monitored for flow rate, pH and temperature and DO, ammonia and MLSS concentrations. Flow rate, DO, pH, temperature and ammonia were monitored at least twice a day. Adjustments were made to achieve the operating conditions listed in Table 1 with the exception of the decreased HRT of 15.2 hours and decreased sludge return rate. As noted, it was practical to return sludge from Bioreactor B to Bioreactor A only twice a day. Ammonia was measured using an aquarium screening kit. DO concentrations were adjusted to ensure BOD5 removal in Bioreactor A and complete nitrification in Bioreactor B. MLSS concentrations were measured in each bioreactor about every other day. MLSS samples were collected immediately after return sludge pumping. Treatment performance was evaluated by monitoring the removal of substrate (e.g., BOD5, COD, TKN, NH1-N and phosphorus), production of nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen and solids settleability in the treatment simulation. Weekly BOD5, COD, 'TKN, ammonia -nitrogen and phosphorus analyses (EPA, 1983) were performed on the bioreactor influent and effluent samples. Effluent samples were collected one day after the influent sample collection to account for the HRT of the bioreactors. The percent removal of substrate and final effluent concentrations were compared to removal rates and effluent data for Troy's WWTP. Differences in substrate removal rates and/or effluent concentrations may indicate -the presence of influent constituents that inhibit the uptake of organic material and nutrients by carbon -fixing (heterotrophic) bacteria or anunonia removal by nitrifying bacteria. Alkalinity was also monitored in the final effluent to confirm that sufficient alkalinity was available for nitrification. In addition, nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen was also monitored in the influent and effluent samples. The results were used to confirm nitrification activity in the bioreactors. Solids settleability was monitored by measuring the sludge volume index (SVI) twice daily in each bioreactor and by measuring TSS in the final effluent on a daily basis. These results indicated the effectiveness of biological solids clarification. SVI and TSS results were compared to data for Troy's WWTP. Bioreactor effluent quality was also evaluated by comparing BOD5, ammonia -nitrogen, TSS and chronic toxicity results to historical Troy WWTP effluent results and DWQ's speculative limits. Chronic toxicity was measured in the same effluent samples collected for conventional pollutant analysis. Chronic toxicity was determined using modified NC Phase II procedures (1998) for Ceriodaphnia dubia and EPA procedures (2002) for Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow). Test concentrations were based on the prospective instream waste concentrations (IWCs) for Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 18 June 8, 2004 Denson's Creek and the Little River as shown below. Projected discharge (2 mgd) to Denson's Creek 90% Permitted discharge (1.2 mgd) to Denson's Creek 84% Projected discharge to Little River (2 mgd) 68% Permitted discharge to Little River (1.2 mgd) 56% A fifth effluent concentration was added that was equal to one-half of the permitted discharge to the Little River (28%). In the event that the simulation effluent may be toxic, it is useful to have data on potential toxicants. As noted, some constituents of textile wastewater, notably salts (i.e., chloride, sulfate, sodium and potassium), surfactants, heavy metals and cyanide, may be a concern with respect to effluent toxicity. Therefore, chloride, sulfate, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness and total cyanide analyses were performed on simulation effluent samples using EPA procedures (1983). Total sodium, potassium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, silver and zinc were also monitored using EPA procedures (1998). The data were also used to evaluate compliance with NC water quality standards. The analyses were performed on the same samples used for conventional pollutant analysis and toxicity testing. 2.6 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) consisted of laboratory control analyses and sample matrix analyses to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the chemistry analyses. Relative percent differences (RPD)'in duplicate results were calculated as follows: RPD = (Original Result — Duplicate Result) * 100 (Original Result + Duplicate. Result)/2 Percent recovery (PR) values were calculated using the following equation: (1) Spike Conc — Unspike Conc PR = x 100 (2). Actual Conc Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 19 June 8, 2004 Section 3 Results Treatability data include (1) bioreactor operating results, treatment performance results (substrate removal, nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen production and, solids settleability) and (3) effluent monitoring for permit parameters, including toxicity, and potential toxicants. 3.1 Bioreactor Operating Results In general, the study met the operational objectives: During most of the 28-day study period, the operating conditions of the WWTP activated sludge process were successfully simulated, including the HRT, MLSS concentrations, DO concentrations and pH (see Table 6). Operating results are summarized as follows. 3.1.1 Influent Samples . Based on historical data (Table 4), the BOD5 of the combined town influents is predicted to be 162 mg/L. The actual combined influent BOD5 averaged 150 mg/L. This BOD5 is about 23% lower than the current BOD5 concentration of Troy's WWTP influent (195 mg/L). The relatively low BOD5 caused Troy's activated sludge biomass to grow slower in the treatment simulation than it does currently, which resulted in a higher than expected MCRT (see below). Generally, the wastewater strength (as measured by BOD5) appeared to vary according to the intensity of the dye color in the town influents (i.e., the greater the color, the higher the BOD5). The town of Star's influent exhibited the greatest color. The town of Troy's influent did not have much color. The WWTP ORC indicated that the Troy's textile mill was not dyeing at a level previously observed. 3.1.2. Treatment Time (HRT) The treatment simulation closely matched the HRT of Troy's WWTP at the projected increased influent flow rate (15.2 hours per basin). Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 20 June 8, 2004 Table 6. Summary of Bioreactor Operating Conditions Week. Bioreactor/Parameter Apr 13 - 19 Apr 20 - 26 Apr 27 - May 3 May 4 - 11 Target Bioreactor A Influent Flow Rate (mL/min) 7.8 - 8.5. 7.5 - 8.4 7.7 - 8.4# 7.7 - 8.5 8.2 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)* 0.1 - 3.6** 0.1 - 1.2 ' 0.1 - 1.4 0.1 - 1.8 , <0.5 pH (s.u.) 6.5-7.4 6.7-7.3 6.8-7.4 6.7-7.5 7 • Temperature (°C) 14.5 - 29.4+ 17.7 - 24.7 14.2 - 24.8 17.5 - 27.3 21 Sludge Volume Index (mL/L)++ 166 116 , 117 116 Bioreactor B Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)* 2.0 - 6.8 3.9 - 7.0 4.6 - 8.5 5.3 - 8.3 2 - 5 pH (s.u.) 6.5-7.0 6.8-7.1 6.8-7.1 6.8-7.0 7 Temperature (°C) 15.7 - 29.3+ 18.9 - 24.5 20.4 - 25.4 18.9 - 28.2 21 Ammonia (mg/L) 0- 1 0- 1 0- 1 0- 0.5 <1 Sludge Volume Index (mUL)++ 117 93 103 104 * DO concentration during stable operation (i.e., several hours after return sludge pumping) ** Highest DO concentration occurred during bioreactor startup + Air conditioner not functioning ++ Average of measurements taken twice a day # Flow rate was inadvertently set at >9 mL/nin for part of May 2 3.1.3 Dissolved Oxygen DO levels were generally below 0.5 mg/L in Bioreactor A and 4 - 6 mg/L in Bioreactor B (Table 6). These DO levels were close to the levels observed at Troy's WWTP (Table 1). A magnetic stirrer was used as the primary method for mixing; however, as the activated sludge solids accumulated in Bioreactor B over time (prior to return sludge pumping), thestirrer would occasionally become mired in the solids. Therefore, it was necessary to set the DO concentration in Bioreactor B higher than the target operating level in order to ensure constant mixing of the activated sludge. The relatively high DO concentrations did not hinder suspended solids clarification. Sludge flocculation was good throughout the study period. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 21 June 8, 2004 In general, as the DO concentration in Bioreactor A was lowered, the pH increased. DO levels less than 0.5 mg/L inhibited nitrification in Bioreactor A, thereby preventing alkalinity destruction with the attendant reduction in pH. The DO concentrations in Bioreactor B were sufficient to promote complete nitrification. 3.1.4 pH and Alkalinity Control It was possible to maintain a pH that was optimum for nitrification in Bioreactor B by maintaining. the DO concentrations in each bioreactor as noted above. If the DO increased above 1.mg/L in Bioreactor A, alkalinity was consumed and the pH in Bioreactor B decreased below the optimum pH level (i.e., 6.8 — 7.1). Textile mills generally contribute substantial alkalinity from the use of soda ash (sodium carbonate) in their dyeing processes. Although each town has textile mills, production appears to be declining. During this study, dyeing activities at Troy's textile mill were less than previously observed. As a result, the alkalinity remaining after simulation treatment was relatively low (<30 mg/L). If textile mill production declines further, regional wastewater treatment at Troy's WWTP may require alkalinity addition to maintain nitrification. 3.1.5 Temperature The temperature of the bioreactor mixed liquors varied due to changes in the weather. The laboratory air conditioner was not functioning during an unusually hot period at the beginning of the study (90 °F days), but was operating shortly thereafter. The variable temperatures did not appear to affect treatment performance (Section 3.2). 3.1.6 Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids. The trend in the mean MLSS concentration of the bioreactors is shown in Figure 5.3 The initial addition of WWTP RAS resulted in a mean MLSS concentration that was below the target level of 3,200 mg/L. Additional RAS was added the next day, which brought the mean MLSS concentration to about 2,900 mg/L. Subsequent biomass growth brought the mean MLSS concentration to the target level within about a week of bioreactor startup. An error in MLSS measurement on April 18th led to inadvertent sludge wasting (840 mg), which delayed achieving the target MLSS concentration. 3 The mean MLSS concentration for the two bioreactors was used because of the variable MLSS levels in the period between return sludge pumping. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 22 June 8, 2004 cm 4000 • N • . a 33600 a) ai 3200 a 0, u) 0 2800 o Q' J • 2400 `a • 2000 13-Apr Added Additional RA Wasted00 mL of Mixed Liquor 18-Apr 23-Apr 28-Apr Date 3-May Effluent Collection 8-May 13-May Figure 5. Mean Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids Concentrations in the Regional WWTP Simulation (mean of both bioreactors) Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 23 June8, 2004 Once the target MLSS concentration was achieved, biomass growth was slowed. Consequently, no further sludge wasting was performed. 3.1.7 Sludge Volume Index SVI results are shown in Table 6 and Figure 6. After stable bioreactor operation was achieved on April 20th, the solids settling rates in Bioreactors A and B averaged 117 mL/L/g MLSS and 100 mL/L/g MLSS, respectively. These values are higher than those observed at Troy's WWTP in April and May 2004.(99 tnL/L/g MLSS and 73 mL/L/g MLSS, respectively); however, the bioreactor SVIs still indicate good solids settling rates. SVIs for Bioreactor B were generally better than the SVIs for Bioreactor A. This result may be an artifact of the measurement approach. SVIs were measured just prior to return sludge pumping when the MLSS concentrations in Bioreactor B were higher than those in Bioreactor A. It is possible that the sludge settling rate was greater in Bioreactor B because of the greater weight of MLSS in Bioreactor B compared to Bioreactor A. 3.1.8 Mean Cell Retention Time As a consequence of not wasting much activated sludge, the MCRT for the treatment simulation was longer than expected. It is not possible to calculate an accurate MCRT; however, assuming (1) biomass loss in the bioreactor effluent (average of 5.7 mg/L), (2) biomass loss by TSS measurement and (3) endogenous activity, the MCRT is predicted to be at least several fold higher than the WWTP MCRT of 16.9 days. The relatively high MCRT can be explained to some extent by the lower BOD5 concentration of the combined influent compared to the current WWTP influent (see Section 3.1.1). 3.2 Treatment Performance Results Treatment performance was evaluated by monitoring BOD5, COD, TKN, NH3-N and phosphorus removal and nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen production in the bioreactors. Results for these parameters are summarized in Table 7. Analytical laboratory reports are provided in Appendix C. Percent removals of BOD5 and ammonia -nitrogen in the treatment simulation (>96% and 98%) were similar to removal rates observed at Troy's WWTP (>99% and >99%, respectfully). Good COD removal (93%) and low effluent COD concentrations (average of 41 mg/L) indicated that the textile mills were not contributing much refractory material. Textile dyeing often involves the use of products containing amines, a form of organic nitrogen. In this study, TKN analyses wereused to measure the organic nitrogen, plus ammonia -nitrogen, content of the simulation influent and effluent. A comparison of the TKN and ammonia -nitrogen Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 24 June 8, 2004 . concentrations in the combined influent show that ammonia -nitrogen averaged about 55% of the TKN. This ratio is typical for domestic wastewater influents (Thomas 1995). Therefore, it is unlikely that the textile mills contributed substantial organic nitrogen to the combined influent. Good removal of TKN was achieved (96%). 200 x 150 a) "CS c/, C O a J o ) 100 > to J E 50 Bioreactor A Bioreactor B 0 13-Apr 18-Apr 23-Apr 28-Apr 3-May 8-May 13-May Date Figure 6. Sludge Volume Index Results for the Regional WWTP Simulation (mean of twice per day measurements) Good ammonia -nitrogen removal was also achieved in the treatment simulation (98%). As noted, the conditions for nitrification were good (i.e., sufficient alkalinity and dissolved oxygen). Nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen production confirmed that nitrification was occurring (Table 7). Some total phosphorus was removed by treatment (average of 40%). The percent removal was slightly higher than is typically observed for conventional activatedsludge treatment processes that do not include chemical treatment for phosphorus (10 — 30%). Nonetheless, the majority of the phosphorus removal was probably for biomass cell growth. - Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 25 June 8, 2004 Table 7. Influent and Effluent Monitoring Results for the Troy-Biscoe-Star Treatment Simulation (April - May 2004) Samples. BOD5 mg/L NH.3-N mglL TSS mg/L COD mg/L TKN mg/L TP mg/L NO2.+NO3-N mg/L Ale mg/L TDS mg/L Sp Cond** um hos/cm Hardness+ mg/L K mg/L Na mg/L CI mg/L SO4 mg/L As ug/L Cd ug/L Cr uq/L Cu ug/L Pb ug/L Ni ug/L Ag uq/L • Zn /L CN++ April 19-20 . • u ug/L Influent 206 22.4 364 734 47.6 - 8.0 • <0.2 Effluent 'i4i: Mi'.:6Mi: ,.,:i._.:ig iX3.i'0-•: 38.6 2.0 4.2 14.5 • % Removal >97% 97% >99% 99% 96% 33% • . • April 26-27 Influent 87.4 17.7 26.7 317 34.4 4.7 NA • Effluent 4.,:.ag:::.0i4: ,:.;qi)A 33.7 1.4 3.2 19.0 25.0 813 1,350 46.0 17.0 213 257 136 <9.4 <0.8 <3.0 27.6 <10 <5.1 <2.0 49.2 <5.0 % Rembval >95% 98% >89% 89% 96% 32% May 3-4 Influent 175 37.6 160 . 573 61.6 7.2 <0.4 Effluent :.:.05•i:;i_ .:iii]..., .'21;:::: ?,.,i]m:•ir:.:: M:4.'0=i: 45.9 1.7 3.1 33.2 • NA 976 1,610 . 63.9 29.6 280 326 104 <9.4 <0.8 <3.0 205 <10 8.5 <2.0 54.6 . <5.0 % Removal >97% 99% 98% 92% 97% 57% May 10-11 ' Influent • 133 24.1 214 513 41.9 5.1 Effluent g41,:; :0.4,6i '*ci.g 45.3 1.7 3.1 21.9 28.5 798 1,290 53.9 20.2 240 283 97.4 .<9.4 <0.8 <3.0 24.4 <10 5.4 <2.0 47.3 •<5.0 % Removal >96% 98% 98% 91% 96% 39%. Avg Effluent .i:: ..,.;.-i:,1:, _..,.:*,._5 .4.i:44,:i;:i:.:3 40.9 1.7 3.4 22.2 26.8 862 1,417 54.6 22.3 244 289 112.5 <9.4 <0.8 <3.0 24.2 <10 <6.3 <2.0 50.4 <5.0 - indicates curren ly limited or to be limited according to DWQ's speculative limits . Alkalinity as CaCO3 at pH 4.5 ** Specific conductance. + Total hardness as CaCO3 ++ Total. cyanide . Less than values indicate minimum detection limits NA - not analyzed Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 26 June 8, 2004 Overall, conventional pollutant removal was good. There was no evidence that treatment was inhibited by constituents of the combined influent wastewater. 3.3 Effluent Quality 3.3.1 Conventional Parameters As shown in Table 8, the simulation effluent concentrations ofBOD5, ammonia -nitrogen and TSS were below the speculative limits for the existing discharge to Denson's Creek and the proposed discharge to the Little River (at 2.0 mgd flow). These results demonstrate that regional treatment at Troy's WWTP can achieve that the speculative limits for conventional parameters. It is anticipated that proper disinfection, perhaps with the existing, or an expanded, ultraviolet process at Troy, will achieve the speculative limits for fecal coliform and total residual chlorine. The speculative dissolved oxygen limits are also achievable. Nutrient limits were not included in DWQ's letters. The treatment simulation showed that additional treatment processes may be needed to reduce total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, if nutrients limits are included sometime in the future in Troy's NPDES permit. Simulation effluent concentrations of total nitrogen (TKN plus nitrite+nitrate-nitrogen) and total phosphorus averaged 23.9 mg/L and 3.4.mg/L, respectfully. 3.3.2 Toxicity As shown in Tables 8 and 9, the simulation effluent was not chronically toxic to either C. dubia or fathead minnow. No chronic effect, either on survival and reproduction to C. dubia or survival and growth to fathead minnow, was observed at the highest effluent test concentration of 90%. These results indicate that the combined town influents can be successfully treated to remove toxicity at Troy's WWTP. Detailed results are provided in Appendix C. 3.3.3 Potential Toxicants and Water Quality Standards Toxicants common to municipal WWTPs receiving textile wastewater were not a concern in this study. Salt ions, heavy metals and cyanide were below Levels reported to be toxic (Table 7). Specific conductivity and TDS levels were relatively high (i.e., average of 1,417 µmhos/cm and 862 mg/L, respectively) compared to WWTPs treating only domestic wastewater. The ions contributing to the high dissolved solids appeared to be primarily sodium and chloride. Additional contributing ions were potassium and sulfate. The primary contributors of salt related effluent toxicity from textile mills are generally chloride and sulfate. The toxicity thresholds for chloride and sulfate in the town of Star's effluent are estimated to be 400 mg/L and >400 mg/L, Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star. Page 27 June 8, 2004 Table 8. Comparison of Simulated Effluent Results and Speculative Permit Limits for Regional Treatment at the Town of Troy* Parameter Average Effluent Conc Monthly Average Limit Weekly Average Limit Scenario 1: 2.0 mgd Discharge at the Existing Outfall — Denson's Creek BOD5 <5.5 mg/L 8.5 mg/L — summer 30 mg/L - winter NH3-N 0.2 — 0.7 mg/L TSS 30 mg/L Cyanide** Chronic Toxicity+ Scenario 2: 2.0 mgd Discharge to the Little River (Highway 24/27) BOD5 1.1 mg/L — summer 3.0 mg/L — winter 12.8 mg/L — summer 45 mg/L — winter 3.3 mg/L — summer 9.0 mg/L — winter NH3-N TSS <3-4 mg/L <5 p9/L Passed at >90%+ <5.5 mg/L 0.2 — 0.7 mg/L <3 — 4 mg/L Cyanide** <5 pg/L Chronic Passed at >90%+ Toxicity 6.3 pg/L P/F at 90% 5.0 mg/L.—'summer 30 mg/L — winter 1.2 mg/L — summer _ 7.5 mg/L — winter 30 mg/L 6.3 pg/L P/F at 68% 45 mg/L 7.5mg/L — summer 45 mg/L — winter 3.6 mg/L — summer 22.5 mg/L — winter 45 mg/L * Simulation effluent results are an average of four effluent samples for chemical parameters and three effluent samples for toxicity. Speculative effluent limits are described in DWQ's letters dated April 9, 2004 (see Appendix A) ** Speculative limits were not provided for cyanide; therefore, Troy's current permit limit is shown. Troy's daily maximum limit for cyanide (total) is 22 pg/L + . As measured using NC Phase II procedures for Ceriodaphnia dubia and EPA procedures (2002) for Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow). The speculative limits are based on the instream waste concentrations for the discharge scenarios. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 28 June 8, 2004 Table 9. Summary of Effluent Toxicity Results for the Treatment Simulation Chronic Toxicity Endpoints Sample Date Test Species NOEC LOEC ChV IC25 April 26-27, 2004 C. dubia* 90.0 > .90.0 . > 90.0 > 90.0 May 3-4, 2004 C. dubia 90.0 > 90.0 > 90.0 > 90.0 P. promelas** 90.0 > 90.0 > 90.0 > 90.0 May 10-11, 2004 C. dubia 90.0 > 90.0 > 90.0 > 90.0 * Tested using NC Phase II procedures and effluent concentrations of 28, 56, 68, 84 and 90% ** Tested using EPA procedures (2002) and effluent concentrations of 28, 68 and 90% respectively (ASC letter dated June 28, 2002). Chloride and sulfate concentrations in the simulation effluent (average of 289 mg/L and 113 mg/L, respectively) were well below these thresholds. Historical data for Troy's WWTP show that effluent chloride concentrations (i.e., 407 — 540 mg/L for November 2003 — February 2004) have exceeded the toxicity threshold observed for the town of Star. These chloride concentrations are much higher than Troy's effluent chloride concentration in April (279 mg/L) and the simulation effluent level (289 mg/L). As noted in Section 2.4, the predicted effluent chloride concentration for the regional WWTP, based on historical data (370 mg/L average), is slightly below the toxicity threshold. It will be important to monitor chloride concentrations at the regional WWTP. If chloride toxicity is predicted or observed, the town of Troy should contact its textile mill regarding the substitution of sodium sulfate for sodium chloride in textile dyeing operations. Sulfate is generally less toxic than chloride. The town of Star's textile mill has made this substitution and currently uses about 70% sodium sulfate and 30% sodium chloride for dyeing: Most heavy metals concentrations in the simulation effluent were relatively low (i.e., nondetectable or below NC water quality standards). Only copper was consistently observed at concentrations above the NC action level of 7 µg/L after accounting for instream dilution. Copper concentrations in the simulation effluent (21 — 28 µg/L) were at levels observed to cause toxicity in other municipal WWTP effluents. However, most or all of the copper was apparently not bioavailable (e.g., bound to suspended solids) and did not affect C. dubia survival and Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 29 June 8, 2004 reproduction or P. promelas survival and growth. Similar effluent concentrations of copper in the town of Troy's effluent (monthly average of 18 — 28 mg/L for November 2003 to February 2004) also did not cause chronic toxicity to C. dubia. DWQ's policy allows instream copper concentrations in excess of the action level if effluent toxicity is either not observed or is not related to copper. Cyanide was not detected in the simulation effluent. 3.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Results QA/QC results are provided in Appendix D. Overall, the sample analyses met the QA/AC objectives and the reported sample results were considered valid. The results are summarized as follows. 3.4.1 Laboratory Control Analyses Laboratory control analysis results were within specifications with the exception of relative percent difference (RPD) values for BOD5 for the' April 19-20 and April 26-27 samples. In both cases, the difference in the result and the specification was small (i.e., 11% RPD vs. 7% RPD specification). 3.4.2 Sample Matrix Analyses RPD values for matrix spike duplicate analyses were within laboratory specifications with the exception of the following analyses: Total phosphorus for the April 19-20, April 26-27 and May 10-11 samples COD for the April 19-20, April 26-27, May 3-4 and May 10-11 samples Total cyanide for May 3-4 samples TKN for the May 3-4 samples Copper for the May 3-4 samples Chloride for the May 10-11 samples In some of these analyses, the sample concentrations were near or below the minimum detection limits. The high RPD values were apparently a result of the imprecision in measuring concentrations that are near or below the minimum detection limits. In other cases, the spike addition was incorrect. Percent recovery (PR) values for matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate analyses were within laboratory specifications with the exception of the following analyses: Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 30 June 8, 2004 Total cyanide for the May 3-4 samples Potassium for the May 3-4 samples Sodium for the May 3-4 samples TKN for the May 3-4 samples In all cases, either the PR values were close to the laboratory specifications or there was an error in the spike addition. Regional Wastewater Treatment Study Report Prepared for W.K. Dickson and Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star Page 31 June 8,.2004 Section 4 References Aquatic Sciences Consulting. 2002. Letter to Wesley Brown - Recommendations for Salt Loading Requirements for the Town's Textile Mills. June 28, 2002. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 1991, revised 1998. North Carolina Phase 11 Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedures. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2002, revised 2002. Administrative Code Section: 1 SA NCAC 2B. 0200, Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of North Carolina. Thomas, W. 1995. Effects of Recreational. Vehicle Wastes on .the Treatability of Domestic Wastewater. Florida Water Resources Journal, Jan 1995, p34-35. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1983. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes. Cincinnati, OH, EPA 600/4-79-020. . 1998. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Volume 1 (SW-846), Revision S. Office of Solid Waste. . 2002. Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms (4th ed) EPA-821-R-02-014. Office of Water, Washington, D.C. Appendix A NC Division of Water Quality Response to Request for Speculative Limits for Regional Treatment and Discharge to Denson's Creek or the Little River April 9, 2004 Mr_ Cooper Burton, P.E. WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 Subject: Speculative Limits Regional System on Little River and Denson's Creek Ref. NPDES Permit Nos. NC0021504 (Biscoe) and NC0058548 (Star) Towns of Biscoe, Star, Troy Montgomery County Michael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross. Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED APR 2 1 2004 W.K. DICKSON CO. Dear Mr. Burton: This letter is in response to your request for speculative effluent limits on behalf of the Town's of Star and Biscoe for a potential regional system. It is the Division of Water Quality's understanding that there is a potential for a regional -type system to be built and to discharge at (1) the location of the Town of Troy's discharge point on Denson's Creek or (2) at a location along Highway 24/27 on the Little River. The Division encourages the Towns of Troy, Biscoe, and Star to work diligently towards a regional system. An addendum is attached to this letter which presents the various discharge scenarios requested by the Towns of Troy, Star, and Biscoe. These speculative limits are based on our understanding of the proposal and of present environmental conditions. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) cannot guarantee that it will issue the Town an NPDES permit to expand its discharge of treated wastewater into waters of the State. Nor can we guarantee that the effluent limitations and other requirements included in any permit will be exactly as presented here. Final decisions on these matters will be made only after the Division evaluates a formal permit application for the discharge and notices the proposal for public comment. Environmental Assessments of New Projects and Expansions Any entity proposing to construct new or expanded wastewater treatment facilities using public funds or public (state) lands must first prepare an environmental assessment (EA) when wastewater expansions equal or exceed 0.5 MGD. Please contact the Division's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) coordinator. currently Alex Marks, at (919) 733 - 5083, ext. 555 for further information on EA requirements. DWQ will not accept a permit application for a . project requiring an environmental assessment until the Division has.approved the EA and sent a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to the .state Clearinghouse for review and comment. Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) In accordance with the North Carolina General Statutes, the most practicable wastewater treatment and disposal alternative with the least adverse impact on the environment Is required to be implemented with any expansion. Therefore, as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new or expanding flow, a detailed engineering alternatives analysis (EAA) must be prepared. The EAA must justify requested flows and provide an analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. Alternatives. to a surface water discharge, such as a spray/drip irrigation, wastewater reuse, or inflow/infiltration reduction. are considered to be environmentally preferable. A copy of the EAA requirements is attached to this letter. Permit applications for new or expanding flow will be returned as incomplete if all EAA requirements are not adequately addressed. You mayalso wish to refer to the NPDES Unit website for more information regarding requests for expansion, llttp://h2o.enr.statc.nc_us/NPDES/. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617 (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr-state.nc.us/ Mr_ Walls/fc-f-oki Page 2 Speculatiue Effluent Limits Scenario 1 Based on the available information, tentative limits for the proposed discharge of 2 MGD flow on Denson's Creek, at the Town of Troy's existing discharge site, are outlined below. Also refer to Table 1 for an outline of the speculative limits. Stream Flow. Streamflow yields were taken from a nearby site in the area. The drainage area at this site is approximately 32 square miles. Existing DWQ records indicate a 7Q10s flow of 0.35 cubic feet per second (cfs) and a 7Q 10w flow of 2.42 cfs. The average flow forthis site is 32 cfs. Denson's Creek is a Class C stream in this portion of the watershed (Stream Index No. 13-25-20- 13) Flow Limits. The flow would be limited to 2 MGD at your request. This limit would be applied as a monthly average. BOD5 and NH3-N. The proposed limits for a 2 MGD discharge into Denson's Creek would be 8.5 mg/1 (BOD5) and 1.1 mg/I (NH3-N) during the summer months, 30 mg/1 (BOD5) and 3.0, mg/1 (NH3-N) during the winter months. These Limits are based on an EPA -approved water quality model. Dissolved Oxygen. A minimum daily average dissolved oxygen level of 6 mg/I must be maintained in the effluent. ISS. The limits for total suspended solids are standard for secondary treatment of municipal wastewater and would remain the same as in the existing permit (30 mg/l monthly average). Fecal Conform, pH. The limits for fecal coliform bacteria and pH are derived to protect water quality in the receiving stream and will likely remain the same as in the previous permit. Chlorine. A total residual chlorine limit of 19 ug/] (daily maximum) would be implemented in this permit. Chronic Toxicity Testing: The chronic toxicity limit for the 2.0 MGD flow would be Pass/Fail at 90%. This is based on the 7Q10s streamflow of 0.35 cfs. Toxicant Parameters: Estimation of toxicant parameters will not be given with this speculative letter, but will be submitted as appropriate with the draft NPDES permit. Scenario 2 Based on the available information, tentative limits for the proposed discharge of 1 MGD flow to Little River at Highway 24/27 are outlined below. This scenario assumes a flow of 1.2. MGD at the Town of Troy's existing discharge site on Denson's Creek (upstream of the proposed discharge). Also refer to Table 2 for an outline of the speculative limits. Stream Flow. Streamflow yields were taken from a nearby site in the area. The drainage area at this site (Highway. 24/27 crossing on Little River) is approximately 148 square miles. This yields a 7Q 10s flow of 1.48 cubic feet per second (cfs) and a 7Q 10w flow of 11.2 cfs_ The average flow for this site is 148 cfs. Little River is a Class C stream in this portion of the watershed (Stream Index No. 13-25-(19)). Flow Limits. The flow would be limited to 1 MGD at your request. This limit would be applied as a monthly average. Mr. Wallsl0-04 Page 3 BOD5 and NH3-N. The proposed limits for- a 1 MGD discharge into the Little River (with the Troy discharge on Denson's Creek) would be 5 mg/I (BOD5) and 1.0 mg/1 (NH3-N) during the summer months, 30 mg/I (BOD5) and 13 mg/1 (NH3-N) during the winter months. These limits are based on an EPA -approved water quality model. The 7Q10s flow is fairly low for this size drainage area (but istypical for this hydrologic area), so the summer limits are fairly stringent. Because the 7Q10w flow is relatively higher, the winter limits are less stringent. Dissolved Oxygen. A minimum daily average dissolved oxygen level of 6 mg/I must be maintained in the effluent. TSS. The limits for total suspended solids are standard.for secondary treatment of municipal wastewater and would remain the same as in the existing permit (30 mg/1 monthly average). Fecal Coliform, pH. The limits for fecal coliform bacteria and pH are derived to protect water quality in the receiving stream and will likely remain the same as in the previous permit. Chlorine. A total residual chlorine limit of 28 ug/1 (daily maximum) would be implemented in this • permit. Chronic Toxicity Testing:. The chronic toxicity limit for the 1.0 MGD flow would be Pass/Fail at 51%. This is based on the 7Q10s streamflow of 1.48 cfs. Toxicant Parameters: Estimation of toxicant parameters will not be given with this speculative letter, but will be submitted as appropriate with the draft NPDES permit. If you have any additional questions about these limits, feel free to contact Susan Wilson at (919) 733-5083, extension 510. cc: Sincerely, David A. Goodrich, upervisor NPDES Unit Water Quality Section Fayetteville Regional Office/ WQS Central Files NPDES Unit Files The Honorable Frank Kersey, Mayor Town of Star P.O. Box 97 Star, NC 28356 The Honorable James Blake, Mayor Town of Biscoe P.O. Box 26 Biscoe, NC 27209 Gray Walls, P.E. Town of Troy 444 North Main Street Troy, North Carolina 2737I-2799 Mr. Walls Page 4 Table 1. Speculative Limits for a Flow of 2.0 MGD (Discharge point at Troy's• existing site on Denson's Creek) Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Flow 2.0 MGD BOD5 (summer) , 8.5 mg/1 12.8 mg/1 BOD5 (winter) • 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 N1-13-N (summer) 1.1 mg/1 3.3 mg/1 NH3-N (winter) 3.0 mg/1 9.0 mg/1 15S 30. mg/1 45 mg/1 Fecal coliform 200 #/100 ml 400 #/100 ml Total residual chlorine 19 ug/1 Dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mg/1 (minimum) Chronic Toxici ty o Quarterly P/F at 90 /o Table 2. Speculative Limits for a Flow of 1.0 MGD (Discharge point on Little River at Highway 24/27) Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Flow 1.0 MGD BOD5 (summer) 5.0 rng/1 7.5 mg/1 BOD5 (winter) 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 NH3-N (summer) 1.0 mg/1 3.0 mg/1 NH3-N (winter) 13 mg/1 35 mg/1 ` SS 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 Fecal coliform 200 #/100 ml 400 #/100 ml Total residual chlorine 28 ug/1 Dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mg/1 (minimum) Chronic Toxicity o Quarterly P/F at 51 /o Addendum Troy, Biscoe, Star Issues & Potential Regional System Scenarios Scenarios Site Description Proposed Flow (MGD) BOD5 mg/I (sum/win) NH3-N mg/1 (sum/win) D.O. mg/1 Instream waste concentration (IWC %) 1 Regional system at Troy's existing site, Denson's Creek 2.0 • 8.5 / 30 1.1 / 3;.0 6.0 90 2 Regional system for Biscoe/ Star At Hwy. 24/27 1.0 (Biscoe/ Star) 5.0 / 30 1.0 / 13 6.0 51 3 Regional system 2 MGD plant at Hwy. 24/27 (no Troy discharge upstream) 2.0 5.0 / 30 1.2 / 7.5 6.0 . 68 Scenario 1 - This scenario assumes all permitted flow at the existing Troy discharge site on Denson's Creek. Scenario 2 - This scenario assumes a Biscoe/Star regional system at a flow of 1.0 MGD to Little River at Hwy. 24/27. This scenario also assumes Troy continues its discharge of 1.2 MGD to Denson's:Creek. Scenario 3 - This scenario assumes a regional system of 2.0 MGD with discharge to Little River at Hwy. 24/27. This scenario also assumes that Troy will relocate its discharge to this point. Stream flows: Denson's Creek; Class C (Town of Troy's existing outfall site on Denson's Creek. above confluence with Spencer Branch) DA = 32. mi2 7Q10s = 0.35 cfs 7Q10w = 2.42 cfs Qavg=32 Little River (at Hwy. 24/27), Class C DA = 148 rni2 7Q10s = 1.48 cfs 7Q 10w.= 11.2 cfs Q avg = 148 cfs On Denson's Creek - although the stream flows are lower, the slopes are much higher than Little River, which affects the water quality model (likely why the limits are just as low on Little ;River as on Denson's Creek). 1JKo # 3a0 / 3. D. April 9, 2004 Mr. Gray Walls, P.E. Town Engineer/ Public Services Director Town of Troy 444 North Main Street Troy, North Carolina 27371-2799 Subject: Speculative Limits Regional System on Little River Ref. NPDES Permit NC0028916 Towns of Troy, Star, Biscoe Montgomery County Dear Mr. Walls: Michael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P-E., Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED APR 212004 W.K. DICKSON CO. This letter is in response to a request for speculative effluent limits for the potential expansion and relocation of the Troy wastewater treatment plant. It is the Division of Water Quality's understanding that there is a potential for a regional -type system to be built and to discharge at the proposed location along Highway 24/27. The Division encourages the Towns of Troy. Biscoe, and Star to work diligently towards a regional system. The speculative limits provided below are for. a discharge to the Little River at a flow of 2 MGD (with the understanding that the existing discharge on Denson's Creek would be removed). You may also wish to refer to Table 1 attached to this letter. In addition, an addendum is attached to this letter which presents the various discharge scenarios requested by the Towns of Troy, Star, and Biscoe. These speculative limits are based on our understanding of the proposal and of present environmental conditions. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) cannot guarantee that it will issue the Town an NPDES permit to expand its discharge of treated wastewater into waters of the State. Nor can we guarantee that the effluent limitations and other requirements included in any permit will be exactly as presented here. Final decisions on these matters will be made only after the Division evaluates a formal permit application for the discharge and notices the proposal for public comment. Environmental Assessments of New Projects and Expansions Any entity proposing to construct new or expanded wastewater treatment facilities using public funds or public (state) lands must first prepare an environmental assessment (EA) when wastewater expansions equal or exceed 0.5 MGD. Please contact the Division's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) coordinator, currently Alex Marks, at (919) 733 - 5083, ext- 555 for further information on EA requirements. DWQ will not accept a permit application for a project requiring an environmental assessment until the Division has approved the EA and sent a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to the state Clearinghouse for review and comment. Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) In accordance with the North Carolina General Statutes, the most practicable wastewater treatment and disposal alternative with the least adverse impact on the environment is required to be implemented with any expansion. Therefore, as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new or expanding flow, a detailed engineering alternatives.analysis (EAA) must be prepared. The EAA must justify requested flows and provide an analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. Alternatives to a surface water discharge, such as a spray/drip irrigation, wastewater reuse. or inflow/infiltration reduction, are considered to be environmentally preferable. A copy of the EAA requirements is attached to this letter. Permit applications for new or expanding flow will be returned as incomplete if all EAA requirements are not adequately addressed. You may also wish to refer to the NPDES Unit website for more information regarding requests for expansion, http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/. • North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center aaieioh. North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 On the Internet at http,//h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ Mr. Walls Page 2 Specutative Effluent Limits Based on the available information, tentative -limits for the proposed discharge of 2 MGD flow to the Little River are outlined below. Also refer to Table 1 for an outline of the speculative limits. Stream Flow. Streamflow yields were taken from a nearby site in the area. The drainage area at this site (Highway 24/27 crossing on Little River) is approximately 148 square miles. This yields a 7Qlos flow of 1.48 cubic feet per second (cfs) and a 7QtOw flow of 11.2 cfs_ The average flow for this site is 148 cfs. Little River is a Class C stream in this portion of the watershed (Stream Index No. 13-25-(19)). Flow Limits. The flow would be limited to 2 MGD at your request. This limit would be applied as a monthly average. BOD5 and NH3-N. The proposed limits for a 2 MGD discharge into the Little River would be 5 mg/1 (BOD5) and L2 mg/1 (NH3-N) during the summer months, 30 mg/I (BOD5) and 7.5 mg/1 (NH3-N) during the winter months. These limits are based on an EPA -approved water quality model_ The 7Q10s flow is fairly low for this size drainage area (but is typical for this hydrologic area), so the summer limits are fairly stringent. Because the 7glow flow is relatively higher. the winter limits are less stringent_ Dissolved Oxygen. A minimum daily average dissolved oxygen level of 6 mg/1 must be maintained in the effluent. 1bS. The limits for total suspended solids are standard for secondary treatment of municipal wastewater and would remain the same as in the existing permit (30 mg/I monthly average). Fecal Coliform, pH. The limits for fecal coliform bacteria andpH are derived to protect water quality in the receiving stream and will likely remain the same as in the previous permit. Chlorine. A total residual chlorine limit of 25 ug/I (daily maximum.) would be implemented in this permit. Chronic Toxicity Testing: The chronic toxicity limit for the 2.0 MGD flow would be Pass/Fail at 68%. This is based on the 7Q10s strearnflow of 1.48 cfs. Toxicant Parameters: Estimation of toxicant parameters will not be given with this speculative letter. but will be submitted as appropriate with the draft NPDES permit. As stated previously, these speculative limits are appropriate for a discharge of 2 MGD on Little River at Highway 24/27; these limits are appropriate only if the Town's discharge on Denson's Creek is eliminated. As discussed with. Ms. Susan Wilson of the NPDES Unit. there is some possibility of lowering the NH3-N limit and slightly raising the BOD5 limit if Troy wishes to pursue that option. ' If youwould like to discuss this possibility in further detail or if you have any additional questions about these limits, feel free to contact Ms. Wilson at (919) 733-5083, extension 510. CC: Sincerely. lti David A. Goodrict(j Supervisor NPDES Unit Water Quality Section Fayetteville Regional Office/ WQS Central Files NPDES Unit Files Cooper Burton, P.E. WK Dickson & Co.. Inc. 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 Mr. Walls Page 3 Table 1. Speculative Limits for a Flow of 2.0 MGD (Discharge point at Hwy. 24/27 on the Little River) Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Flow 2.0 MGD BOD5 (summer) 5.0 mg/1 7.5 mg/1 BOD5. (winter) 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 NH3-N (summer) 1.2 mg/1 3.6 mg/1 NH3-N (winter) 7.5 mg/1 22.5 mg/1 TSS 30 mg/1 45 mg/1 Fecal coliform 200 #/100 ml 400 #/100 ml Total residual chlorine 25.ug/1 Dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mg/1 (minimum) Chronic Toxicity Quarterly P/F at 68% Appendix B Mean Cell Residence Time Calculation for the Existing Town of Troy Wastewater Treatment Plant MCRT Calculation for the Existing Town of Troy WWTP Suspended Solids in Activated Sludge Process, Ibs Suspended Solids Wasted (Ibs/day) +Suspended Solids Loss in Effluent (Ibs/day) Mass in Aeration Basins Average MLSS (3,200 - 3,400): Operating volume of the aeration basins: Mass in aeration basins Mass in Clarifiers (sludge blanket) Clarifier inside diameter is 36'. The sidewall water depth in the clarifiers is 12'. The average sludge blanket depth. is 1.5'. Sludge blanket volume (pi*r2*h) Avg Return activated sludgeTSS (8,000 - 10,000): Mass in clarifiers Mass Loss in Effluent The average effluent TSS: Dec avg. 4.15mg/L Jan avg. 9.05mg/L Feb avg. 7.27mg/L Average influent flow: Feb. Average effluent flow Feb Mass Loss in Effluent Mass Wasted Waste activated sludge TSS mg/L (19,000 - 22,000): Average waste sludge volume: Mass wasted per day MCRT MCRT 3300 mg/L 600000, gal 1200000 gal 14988600 g 33044 Ibs 36 ft 12 ft 1.5 ft 3054 cu ft 22844 gal 9000 mg/L 778184 g 1716 Ibs 6.82 mg/L 0.564 mgd. 0.393 mgd 10150 g/day 22 Ib/day. 20500 mg/L 11,900 gpd 923351 g 2036 Ibs 16.9 days Appendix C Analytical and Toxicity Test Reports 46Lancaster Laboratori . es Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW 4271710 Influent TBS 489.Composite Water Sample. -TBS Collected:05/10/2004 11:30 by JB Submitted: 05/12/2004 15:30 Reported:'05/26/2004 at 12:45 Discard: 06/03/2004 CAT No.. Analysis Name 00206 Total Suspended Solids 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen. 00221 AmmoniaNitrogen . '00227 Total Phosphorus as P,(water) 00235 Biochemical' Oxygen Demand This sample was submitted past at the client's request. 04001 'Chemical Oxygen Demand CAT No. Analysis Name '00206 Total Suspended Solids 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 01460 Total:Kjeldahl Nitrogen; Digest 08263 Total Phos as P Prep (water) Method, EPA EPA EPA EPA Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences_Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 As Received CAS Number Result n_.a. 214- 7727-37-9 41.9 7664-41-7 . 7723-14-0. ' n.a. 133. the 48-hour holding time n . a-_ 513. As Received Method Detection Limit, 21.4 5.0 0.11 0.40 0.80 for'BOD but was 8.2 Laboratory Chronicle Analysis Trial# Date and Time 160.2 1 05/14/2004 12:34 351.2 1 05/18/2004 16:07 350.2 1 05/17/2004 15:00 365.1 1 05/17/2004 18:01 Units mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1' mg/1 analyzed EPA 405.1 EPA 410.4 EPA 351.2 EPA 365.1 1 05/12/2004 1 05/14/2004 1 05/18/2004 22:14 10:40 09:05 1 05/17/2004 09:15 Page I of I Dilution Factor 1 10 1 10 1 mg/1 1 Analyst Susan A Engle Kyle, W Eckenroad Luz M Groff. Venia B McFadden Nicole ,R.Rohrer Susan A'Engle Choon Y Tian Dilution Factor 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 Cheryl L Robinson • 1 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. MEMBER 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 IJLancaster �Laboratories Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW 4271711 Effluent TES 46910 Composite Water Sample. TBS Collected:05/11/2004 11:00 Submitted: 05/12/2004 15:30 Reported: 05'/26/2004 at 12:45 Discard: 06/03/2004. CAT . r No. . Analysis Name 01762 01767 07035 07049 07051 07053 07055 07061 07066 07072 00201 Potassium Sodium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium" Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc Alkalinity tb pH 8.3 00202 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 00206 00212 00216 Total Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids Total Hardness 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00224 Chloride 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00228 Sulfate • 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand .00237 Total Cyanide (water) 00280 Specific Conductance 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen CAT No. Analysis Name '01762 Potassium 01767 Sodium 07035 Arsenic 07049 'Cadmium by JB Account Number: 11554 CAS Number 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 7440-38-2 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7439-92-1 7440-02-0 7440-22-4 -7440-66-6 n.a. n.a. Aquatic,Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road • Woodbine MD 21797 ' As Received Result 20.2 240. N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.0244 N.D. 0.0054 J N.D. 0.0473 N.D. 28.5 n:a. 4.'0 n.a. 798. 471-34-1 53.9 7727-37-9 7664-41-7 16887-00-6 7723-14-0 14808-79-8 n.a. 57-12-5 n.a: n.a. 7727-37-9 1 7 0.46 283. 3:1 97.4 N.D. N.D. 1,290. 45.3. 21.9 As Received Method Detection Limit .0.0571 4.62 0.0094 0.00076 0.0030 0.0027 0.0100 0.0051 0.0020 0.0048 0.41 0.41 3.0 19.4 0.49 0.50 0.11 30.0 0.040 3.0 4.7 0.0050 1.7 J 8.2 0.80 Laboratory •Chronicle Analysis" Method Trial# Date and Time SW-846 6010B 1 .05/18/2004 07:17 SW-846 6014B 1 05/19/2004 04:56 SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 07:17 SW. 846 6010B ..1 05/18/2004 07:17 Units mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 as 1 CaCO3 mg/1 as 1 CaCO3 mg/1 mg/1 1 mg/1 as 1 CaCO3 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 , umhos/cm mg/1 mg/1. Page 1 of 2 Dilution Factor 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 10 1 1 1 1 20 Analyst - Joanne M Gates Donna R Sackett Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates Dilution Factor 1 10 1 1 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 717-656-2300 Fax-717_6Sk:7RR1 Lancaster Laboratories Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW 4271711 Effluent TBS 48910 Composite Water Sample TBS Collected:05/11/2004 11:00 by JB Submitted: 05/12/2004 15:30 Reported:: 05/26/2004 at 12:45 Discard: 06/03/2004 07051 Chromium 07053 Copper 07055 Lead 07061 Nickel 07066 Silver 07072 Zinc 00201 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 00202 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 00206 Total Suspended Solids' 00212 Total Dissolved Solids 00216 Total Hardness 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00224 Chloride 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00228 Sulfate 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 00237 Total Cyanide (water) 00280 Specific Conductance 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 00492 Cyanide Water Distillation 01460 Total Kjeldah1 Nitrogen • Digest 05705 WW/TL SW 846 ICP Digest (tot) 08263 Total Phos as P Prep (water) SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B EPA 310.1 EPA 310.1 EPA 160.2 EPA 160.1 • EPA 130.2 (modified) EPA 351.2 EPA 350.2 EPA 300.0 EPA 365.1 EPA 300.0 EPA 405.1 EPA 335.4 EPA 120.1 EPA 410.4 EPA 353.2 EPA 335.4 EPA 351.2 SW-846 3010A .EPA 365.1 Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road •Woodbine MD 21797 1.. 05/18/2004. 1 05/18/2004 1 05/18/2004 1 05/18/2004 1 05/18/2004 1 05/18/2004 1 05/14/2004 1 .05/14/2004 1 05/15/2004 2 05/18/2004 1 05/17/2004 1 05/18/2004 1 05/17/2004 1 05/18/2004 3 05/24/2004 1 05/18/2004 1 05/12/2004 1 05/13/2004 1 05/14/2004 1 05/14/2004 1 05/14/2004 07:17 07:17 07:17 07:17 07:17 07:17 17:28 17:28 13:05 10:21 09:50 15:44 15:00 02:14 16:29 02:01 22:14 20:13 19:40 10:40 15:40 1 05/13/2004 10:40 1 05/18/2004 09:05 1. 05/17/2004 20:45 1 05/17/2004 09:15 Page 2 of 2 Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates' Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates Justin M Bowers Justin M Bowers Anne L Kuenzli Anne L Kuenzli Susan A.Engle Kyle W Eckenroad Luz M Groff Michelle A Bolton Venia B McFadden Michelle A Bolton Nicole R Rohrer Kyle W Eckenroad Luz M Groff Susan A Engle Katherine D Webster Choon Y Tian Choon Y Tian James L Mertz Cheryl L Robinson 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 10 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 71/_cca »nn r_.,. rr, `I Lancaster. Laboratories Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW 4267289 Influent TBS 303 Composite Water Sample TES • Collected:05/03/2004 14:45 by JB Submitted: 05/05/2004 14:55 Reported: 05/20/2004 at 13:23 Discard: 05/28/2004 CAT No. Analysis Name CAS Number 00206 Total Suspended Solids n.a. 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen • 7727-37-9 00221. Ammonia Nitrogen 7664-41-7 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) .7723-14-0 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand n.a. 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand n.a. 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 7727-37-9 CAT No. 00206 00217 00221 00227 Analysis Name Total Suspended Solids Kjeldahl Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Total Phosphorus as P {water) 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 01460 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Digest 08263 Total Phos as P Prep (water) Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 As. Received Result 160. 61.6 37.6 7.2 175. 573, N.D. Laboratory Method EPA 160.2 EPA 351.2 EPA 350.2 EPA 365.1 EPA 405.1 EPA 410.4 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.2 EPA 365.1 As Received Method Detection Limit 21.4 5.0 0.11 0.40 0.80 8.2 0.040 Chronicle Analysis Trial# Date and Time 1 05/07/2004 13:20 1 05/11/2004 09:45 1 05/07/2004 15:30 1 05/10/2004 19:58 1 05/05/2004 1 05/11/2004 1 05/06/2004 22:56 08:50 16:29 1 05/06/2004 08:30 05/06/2004.11:35 Units mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Page 1 of 1 Dilution Factor 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 Analyst Anne L Kuenzli Nicole M Kepley Luz M Groff Venia B McFadden Nicole R Rohrer Susan A Engle Katherine D Webster Cheryl L Robinson Cheryl L Robinson Dilution Factor 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 flfl EN9BEGl Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 Lancaster Laboratories Lancaster.Laboratories Sample No. WW 4267288 Effluent TBS 339 Composite Water Sample TBS Collected:05/04/2004 13:00 by JB Submitted: 05/05/2004 14:55 Reported: 05/20/2004 at 13:22 Discard: 05/28/2004 CAT No. Analysis Name CAS Number 01762 01767 07035 07049 07051 07053 07055 07061 07066 07072 00206 00212 00216 Potassium Sodium ' Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc Total Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids Total Hardness 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00224 Chloride 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00228 Sulfate 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 00237 Total Cyanide (water) 00280 Specific Conductance 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrit'e/Nitrate Nitrogen CAT No. Analysis Name 01762 Potassium 01767 Sodium 07035 Arsenic 07049 Cadmium 07051 Chromium 07053 Copper. 07055 Lead 7.440-09-7 7440-23-5 7440-38-2 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7439-92-1 7440-02-0 7440-22-4. 7440-66-6 n.a. n.a. 471-34-1 7727-37-9 7664-41-7 16887-00-6 7723-14-0 14808-79-8 n.a. 57-12-5 n.a. n.a. 7727-37-9 Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 As Received Result 29.6 280. N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.0205 N.D. 0.0085 J N.D. 0.0546. 4.0 J 976. 63.9 1.7 0.21 J 326. 3.1 104. N.D. N.D. 1,610. 45.9 J 33.2 As Received Method Detection Limit 0.0571 4.62 0.0094 0.00076 0.0030 0.0027 0.0100 0.0051 0.0020 0.0048 3.0 38.8 0.49 0.50 0.11 30.0 0.040 3.0 5.5 0.0050 1.7 8.2 0.40 Laboratory Chronicle Analysis Method Trial# Date and Time SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 07:11 SW-846 6010E 1 05/19/2004 04:50 SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 07:11 SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 07:11 SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 07:11 SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 07:11 SW-846 6010B 1 05/18/2004 0.7:11 Units Page 1 of 2 Dilution Factor mg/1 1 mg/1. 10 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 ' mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 . mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 as 1 CaCO3 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 100 mg/1 1 mg/1 10 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 umhos/cm 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 10 Analyst Joanne M Gates Donna R Sackett Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates. Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates Joanne M Gates Dilution Factor 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 `1 Lancaster Laboratories r Lancaster.Laboratories Sample No. WW 4267288 Effluent TBS 339 Composite Water Sample TBS Collected:05/04/2004 13:00 Submitted: 05/05/2004 14:55 Reported: 05/20/2004 at 13:22 Discard:. 05/28/2004 07061 Nickel 07066 Silver 07072 Zinc 00206 Total Suspended Solids .00212 Total Dissolved Solids 00216 Total Hardness 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00224 Chloride 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00228 Sulfate 00235. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 00237 Total Cyanide (water) 00280 Specific Conductance 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen -- 00492 Cyanide Water Distillation 01460 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Digest '05705 WW/TL SW 846 ICP Digest (tot) 08263 Total Phos as P Prep (water) by JB SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B EPA 160.2 EPA 160.1 EPA 130.2 (modified) EPA 351.2 EPA 350.2 EPA 300.0 EPA 365.1 EPA.300.0 EPA 405.1 EPA, 335.4 EPA 120.1 EPA 410.4 EPA 353.2 EPA 335.4 'EPA 351.2 SW-846 3010A EPA 365.1 Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 1 05/18/2004 07:11 1 05/18/2004 07:11 1 05/18/2004 07:11 1 05/07/2004 13:20 1 05/07/2004 10:38 1 05/17/2004 09:50 1 05/11/2004 09:44 1 05/07/2004.15:30 1 05/07/2004 10:33 1 05/10/2004 19:57 1 05/07/2004 10:19 1 05/05/2004 22:56 1 05/06/2004 21:07 1 05/06/2004 18:00 1 05/11/2004.08:50 1 05/06/2004 16:27 1 05/06/2004 11:15 1 05/06/2004 08:30 1 05/17/2004 20:45 1 05/06/2004 11:35 Page 2 of 2 Joanne•M Gates Joanne M Gates JoanneM Gates Anne L Kuenzli Anne L Kuenzli Susan A Engle Nicole M Kepley Luz M Groff Shannon L Phillips Venia B McFadden Shannon L Phillips Nicole R Rohrer Kyle W Eckenroad Luz M Groff Susan.A Engle Katherine D Webster Choon Y Tian Cheryl L Robinson James L Mertz Cheryl L Robinson 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 10 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. M E M E3 E R 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 ega i 4&Lancaster ler Laboratories Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW 4263375 Influent TBS 202. Composite Water Sample TBS Collected:04/27/.2004 09:00 by JB Submitted: 04/28/2004 15:30 Reported: 05/11/2004 at 12:24 Discard:' 05/19/2004 CAT 'No. Analysis Name 00206 Total Suspended Solids 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00227 Total Phosphorus as.P (water) 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand CAT No_ 00206 i 00217 00221 00227 ,00235 , 04001 --- 01460 • -I08263 Analysis Name Total Suspended. Solids Kjeldahl Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Total Phosphorus as P (water) Method EPA 160.2 EPA 351.2 EPA 350.2 EPA 365.1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand EPA 405.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand EPA 410.4 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen EPA 351.2 Digest Total Phos as P Prep EPA 365.1 (water) - Account. Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD.21797 As Received As Received Method CAS Number Result 'Detection Units Limit n.a. 26.7 5.0 mg/1. 7727-37-9 34.4 2.5 mg/1 7664-41-7 17.7 0.11 mg/1 7723-14-0 4.7 0.080 _ mg/1 n.a. 87.4 0.80 mg/1 n.a. 317. 8.2 mg/1 Laboratory Chronicle Analysis Trial# Date and Time 1 05/03/2004 14:01 1 05/04/2004 13:21 1 04/29/2004 16:00 2 05/04/2004 18:19 1 04/28/2004 22:43 1 04/29/2004 09:15 1 05/03/2004 09:20 1 04/30/2004 11:20 Page 1 of 1 Analyst Anne L Kuenzli Katherine D Luz M Groff Katherine D Dilution Factor 1 5 1 2 1 1 Dilution Factor 1 Webster 5 1 Webster 2 Nicole R Rohrer Susan A Engle Choon Y Tian Choon Y Tian 1 1 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. M E M B E R 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 • Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 Lancaster Laboratories Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW Effluent TBS 202 Composite Water. Sample TBS Collected:04/26/2004 13:00 through 04/27/2004 13:00 Submitted: 04/28/2004 15:30 Reported 05/11/2004 at 12:24 Discard: 05/19/2004 by JB 4263376 CAT No. Analysis Name CAS Number 01762 01767 07035 07049 07051 07053 07055 07061 07066 07072 00201 Potassium Sodium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc Alkalinity to pH 8.3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 7440-38-2 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7439-92-1 7440-02-0 7440-22-4 7440-66-6 n.a. 00202 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 n.a. 00206 00212 00216 Total Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids Total Hardness 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00224 Chloride 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00228 Sulfate 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 00237 Total Cyanide (water) 00280 Specific Conductance 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen CAT No. 01762 01767 07035 07049 Analysis Name Potassium Sodium Arsenic Cadmium n.a. n.a. 471-34-1 7727-37-9 7664-41-7 16887-00-6 7723-14-0 14808-79-8 n.a. 57-12-5 n.a. n.a. 7727-37-9 Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 As Received Result 17.0 213. N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.0276 N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.0492 N.D. 25.0 N.D. 813. 46.0 1.4 0.42 J 257. 3.2 136. N.D. N.D. 1,350 33.7 J 19.0 Laboratory Method SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010E SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010E As Received Method Detection Limit 0.0571 •2.31 0.0094 0.00076 0.0030 0.0027 0.0100 0.0051 0.0020 0.0048 0.41 0.41 3.0 19.4 0.49 0.50 0.11 30.0 0.040 6.0 4.3 0.0050 1.7 8.2 1.0 Chronicle Analysis Trial# Date and Time 1 05/03/2004 16:23 1 05/06/2004 01:46 1 05/03/2004 16:23 1 05/03/2004 16:23 Units Page 1 of 2 Dilution Factor mg/1 1 mg/1 5 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 as 1 CaCO3 mg/1 as 1 CaCO3 mg/1 ' • 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 as CaCO3 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 umhos/cm mg/1' mg/1 Analyst Jayme E Donna R Jayme E Jayme E 1 1 100 1 20 1 1 1 1.• 25 Curet Sackett Curet Curet Dilution Factor 1 5 1 1 M EIVIBIER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 Lancaster Laboratories Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. WW 4263376 Effluent TBS 202 Composite Water Sample TBS Collected:04/26/2004 13:00 through 04/27/2004 13:00 Submitted: 04/28/2004 15:30 Reported: 05/11/2004 at 12:24 Discard: 05/19/2004 07051 Chromium 07053 Copper 07055 Lead '.07061 Nickel 07066 Silver 07072 Zinc 00201 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 00202 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 00206 Total Suspended Solids 00212 Total Dissolved Solids 00216 Total Hardness -- 00217 Kjeldahl Nitxogen 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen 00224 Chloride 00227 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 00228 Sulfate 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 00237 Total Cyanide (water) 00280 Specific Conductance 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 00492 Cyanide Water Distillation 01460 Total Kjeldahl, Nitrogen Digest 01848 WW SW846 ICP Digest (tot rec) 08263 Total Phos as P Prep (water) by JB SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B SW-846 6010B EPA 310.1 EPA 310.1 EPA 160.2 EPA 160.1 EPA 130.2 (modified) EPA 351.2 EPA 350.2 EPA 300.0 EPA 365.1 EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA 300.0 405.1 335.4 120.1 410.4 353.2 EPA. 335.4 EPA 351.2 SW-846 3005A EPA 365.1 Account Number: 11554 Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 1 05/03/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/06/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 04/30/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 05/04/2004 1 04/29/2004 1 05/03/2004 2 05/04/2004 1 05/03/2004 1 04/28/2004 1 04/29/2004 1 04/28/2004 1 04/29/2004 1 05/05/2004 16:23 16:23 13:22 16:23 16:23 16:23 21:02 21:02 14:01 10:49 14:45 12:24 16:00 12:55 18:22 12:42 22:43 14:26 17:00 09:15 17:14 1 04/29/2004 10:25 1 05/03/2004 09:20 1 04/30/2004 09:30 04/30/2004 11:20 Page 2 of 2 Jayme E Curet Jayme E Curet Jayme E Curet Jayme E Curet Jayme E Curet Jayme E Curet Elaine F Stoltzfus Elaine F Stoltzfus Anne L Kuenzli Anne L Kuenzli Susan A Engle Katherine D Webster Luz M Groff Shannon L Phillips Katherine D Webster Shannon L Phillips Nicole R Rohrer Katherine D Webster Luz M Groff Susan A Engle Kyle Eckenroad 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 100 1 20 1 1 1 1 • 25 Cheryl L Robinson 1 Choon Y Tian 1 Megersa Deyessa Choon Y Tian 1 1 MEM B'ER �xt p Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 Lancaster Laboratories ;Lancaster Laboratories Sample No. 'WW 4258786 Influent TBS Composite Water Sample TBS . Collected:04/19/2004 13:00 by JB Submitted': 04/21/2004 14:35 Reported: 05/24/2004 at 16:29 Discard: 06/01/2004' INTBS CAT No. Analysis Name CAS Number 00206 Total Suspended Solids n.a. 00217 KjeldahlNitrogen 7727-37-9 00221. Ammonia Nitrogen 7664-41-7 00227 Total Phosphorus. as P'(water) 7723-14-0 00235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand This sample was submitted past the 48-hour at the. client's request. 04001 ,Chemical Oxygen Demand n.a. 734. 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 7727-37-9 N.D. 'Account Number:' 11554' Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine MD 21797 As Received Result CAT Analysis Name 00206 • Total Suspended'Solids )0217 'Kjeldahl Nitrogen )0221 Ammonia Nitrogen • J0227 Total Phosphorus as, P (water) 10235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 14001. Chemical Oxygen Demand ' 17882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen )1460 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Digest' 18263 Total Phos as P Prep (water) Method EPA 160.2 EPA 351.2 EPA'350.2 EPA 365.1 EPA 405.1 EPA 410.4 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.2 EPA 365.1 364. 47.6 22.4 8.0 206. holding time for BOD As Received Method Detection Limit ' 30.0 5.0 0.11 0.40 0.80 but. was 8.2 0.20 Laboratory Chronicle . Analysis Trial# Date and Time 1 04/26/2004 14:00 1 04/22/2004 20:01 1 04/22/2004.15:30 1 04/27/2004,11:20 Units mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 .mg/1 mg/1 analyzed 1 1 1 04/21/2004 04/27/2004 04/23/2004 21:41 09:10 13:26 1 '04/22/2004 14:30 1 04/26/2004 11:00 mg/1 mg/1 'Page 1 of 1 REPRINT Dilution. Factor 1 '10 1 10 1 5 Analyst Anne L Kuenzli. Kyle W Eckenroad Luz M.Groff 'Katherine D Webster Nicole R Rohrer Susan A Engle . Katherine D Webster Nancy J Shoop Cheryl L Robinson Dilution Factor 1 10 1 10 1 1 5 1 1 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories. Inc.' 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 46Lancaster !Laboratories 'Lancaster Laboratories. Sample No. WW Effluent TBS Composite Water Sample TBS Collected:04/20/2004 13:00 by JP Submitted: 04/21/2004 14:35 Reported: 05/24/2004 at 16:29 Discard: 06/01/2004 EFTBS .CAT No. Analysis Name 00206 00217 00221 00227 00235 04001 07882 CAT No. Analysis Name Method 00206 Total Suspended Solids EPA'160.2 00217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen EPA 351.2 00221 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.2 D0227 Total Phosphorus as P EPA 365.1 (water) )0235 Biochemical Oxygen Demand :EPA 405.1 04001 Chemical Oxygen Demand EPA 410.4 07882 Total Nitrite/Nitrate EPA 353.2 Nitrogen )1460 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen EPA 351.2 Digest 08263 Total Phos as P Prep EPA 365.1 (water) Total Suspended Solids Kjeldahl Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Total Phosphorus as P (water) Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 425878.7 CAS Number n.a. 7727-37-9 7664-41-7 7723-14-0 n.a. n.a. 7727-37-9 Account Number: 11554. Aquatic Sciences Consulting 15751 Bushy Park Road • 'Woodbine MD 21797 As Received Result N.D. 2.0 0.67 J 4.2 N.D. 38.6 J 14.5 As Received Method Detection Limit 3.0 0.50 0.11 0.080 5.4 8.2 0.20 Laboratory Chronicle Trial# 1 1 1 1 Analysis Date and Time 04/26/2004 14:00 04/22/2004 19:40 04/22/2004 15:30 04/27/2004 11:35 1 04/21/2004 21:41 1 04/27/2004 09:10 1 04/23/2004 13:41 1 04/22/2004 14:30 1 04/26/2004 11:00 Units mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1. Page 1 of 1 REPRINT Dilution Factor 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 Analyst Anne L Kuenzli Kyle W Eckenroad Luz M Groff Katherine.D Webster Nicole R Rohrer Susan A Engle Katherine D Webster Nancy J Shoop Cheryl L Robinson • Dilution Factor 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. M E fll1 B E R 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605_2425 t:::ry I SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION Test: Ceriodaphnia dubia 3-brood daily limited scale chronic toxicity test Test Procedure: EA Protocol ATS-STC-CD-07 Survival and reproduction test with cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Sample Description: TBS Treatability effluent EA Accession Numbers: AT4-262 Sample collection time and date: 1300, 26 April 2004 - 1300, 27 April 2004 Sample receipt time and date: 1630, 27 April 2004 EA Test Number: TN-04-267 Test initiation time and .date: .1010, 28 April 2004 Test completion time and date: 0900, 4 May 2004 Dilution Water: Moderately hard synthetic fresh water Test Vessel: 30 ml cup. Test Volume: 15 ,ml Number of Organisms per Replicate: 1 Number of Replicates per Concentration: 7 Photoperiod: 16-hours light/8-hours dark Organism Lot Information Lot Number: N/A Source: EA's Culture Facility (Sparks, Maryland) Age: <24 hours old, within an 8-hour window page 6 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION (continued) Test Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test: Limited Scale chronic EA Test Number: TN-04-267 Client Name: Troy-Biscoe-Star Treatability Study Sample Type: Treatability effluent Test 48-Hour .6-Day Concentration Survival Survival Mean Young Production as (percent effluent) (percent) (percent) Neonates/Organism (±S.D.) Control 100 100 34.0 (± 3.3) 28 100 100 32.7 (± 3.3) 56 100 100 30.2 (± 12.1) 68 100 100. 34.7 (± 3.6) 84 100 100 34.0 (± 2.0) 90 100 100 34.7 (± 3.3) Endpoints as percent effluent Survival Reproduction NOEC: 90 90 LOEC: >90 >90 ChV: >90 >90 48-Hour LC50: >90 Overall NOEC: 90 Overall IC25: TUc (100/NOEC): 1.1 >90 Water Quality Parameters on Test Solutions Temperature (°C): pH: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L): Conductivity (µS/cm): Range 24.0 — 25.7 7.6 — 8.2 7.4 — 8.7 310 — 1,668 page 7 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION Test: Ceriodaphnia dubia 3-brood daily limited scale chronic toxicity test Test Procedure: EA Protocol ATS-STC-CD-07 Survival and reproduction test with cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Sample Description: TBS Treatability effluent EA Accession Numbers: AT4-277 Sample collection time and date: 1300, 3 May 2004 - 1300, 4 May 2004 Sample receipt time and date: 0850, 5 May 2004 EA Test Number: TN-04-279 Test initiation time and date: 1310, 5 May 2004 Test completion time and date: 1400, 12 May 2004 Dilution Water: Moderately hard synthetic fresh water Test Vessel: 30 ml cup Test Volume: 15 ml Number of Organisms per Replicate: 1 Number of Replicates per Concentration: 7 Photoperiod: 16-hours light/8-hours dark Organism Lot Information Lot Number: N/A Source: EA's Culture Facility (Sparks, Maryland) Age: <24 hours old, within an 8-hour window page 8 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION (continued) Test Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test: Limited Scale chronic EA Test Number: TN-04-279 Client Name: Troy-Biscoe-Star Treatability Study Sample Type: Treatability effluent Test 48-Hour 7-Day Concentration Survival Survival Mean Young Production as (percent effluent) (percent) (percent) Neonates/Organism (±S.D.) Control 100 86 16.3 (± 8.2) 28 100 100 29.0 (± 3.2) 56 100 100 28.7 (± 2.9) 68 100 100 •26.6 (± 3.6) 84 100 100 27.6 (± 2.6) 90 100 100 26.4 (± 4.4) Endpoints as percent effluent Survival Reproduction NOEC: 90 90 LOEC: >90 >90 ChV: >90 >90 48-Hour LC50: >90 Overall NOEC: 90 Overall IC25: TUc (100/NOEC): 1.1 >90 Water Quality Parameters on Test Solutions Range Temperature (°C): 24.5 — 26.2 pH: 7.8-8.3 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L): 7.1 — 8.0 Conductivity (uS/cm): 304 — 1,803 page 9 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION Test: Pimephales promelas 7-day limited scale chronic toxicity test Test Procedure: EA Protocol ATS-STC-FH-08 Larval survival and growth test with fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Sample Description: TBS Treatability effluent EA Accession Numbers: AT4-277 Sample collection time and date: 1300, 3 May 2004 - 1300, 4 May 2004 Sample receipt time and date: 0850, 5 May 2004 EA Test Number: TN-04-280 Test initiation time and date: 1330, 5 May 2004 Test completion. time and date: 1430, 12 May 2004 Dilution Water: Moderately hard synthetic fresh water Test Vessel: 1-L beaker Test Volume: 250 ml Number of Organisms per Replicate: 2 Number of Replicates per. Concentration: 10 Photoperiod: 16-hours light/8-hours dark Organism Lot Information Lot Number: FH4 — 5/4-5 Source: EA's Culture Facility (Sparks, Maryland) Age: <24 hours old page 10 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION (continued) Test Organism: Pijnephales promelas Test: Limited Scale chronic EA Test Number: TN-04-280 Client Name: Troy-Biscoe-Star Treatability Study Sample Type: Treatability effluent Test 48-Hour 7-Day Concentration Survival Survival Mean Biomass as (percent effluent) (percent) (percent) mg/Organism (±SD) Control 85 70 0.610 (± 0.006) 28 95 90 0.706 (± 0.066) 68 95 85 0.763 (± 0.233) 90 100 100 0.955 (± 0.134) Endpoints as percent effluent Survival Reproduction NOEC: 90 90 • LOEC:. >90 >90 ChV: >90 >90 48-Hour LC50: >90 Overall NOEC: 90 Overall IC25: I U� (100/NOEC): 1.1 >90 Water Quality Parameters on Test Solutions Range Temperature (°C): 24.0 — 26.0 pH: 7.4-8.1 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L): 4.4 — 8.1 Conductivity (µS/cm): 305 — 1,676 page 11 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION Test: Ceriodapiznia dubia 3-brood daily limited scale chronic toxicity test Test Procedure: EA Protocol ATS-STC-CD-07 Survival and reproduction test with cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Sample Description: TBS Treatability effluent EA Accession Numbers: AT4-290 Sample collection time and date: 1100, 10 May 2004 1130, 11 May 2004 Sample receipt time and date: 1600, 11 May 2004 EA Test Number: TN-04-297 Test initiation time and date: 1000, 12 May 2004 Test completion time and date: 1010, 18 May 2004 Dilution Water: Moderately hard synthetic fresh water Test Vessel: 30 ml cup Test Volume: 15 ml Number of Organisms per Replicate: 1 Number of Replicates per Concentration: 7 Photoperiod: 16-hours light/8-hoursdark Organism Lot Information Lot Number: N/A Source: EA's Culture Facility (Sparks, Maryland) Age: <24 hours old, within an 8-hour window page 12 EA Report Number 4516 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE/TEST INFORMATION (continued) Test Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test: Limited Scale chronic EA Test Number: TN-04-297 Client Name: Troy-Biscoe-Star Treatability Study Sample Type: Treatability effluent Test 48-Hour 6-Day Concentration Survival Survival Mean Young Production as (percent effluent) (percent) (percent) Neonates/Organism (±S.D.) Control 100 100 25.1 (± 2.4) 28 100 100 26.6 (± 4.4) 56 100 100 27.6 (± 4.6) 68 100 100 . 26.3 (± 4.7) 84 100 100 23.3 (± 5.9) 90 100 100 28.3 (± 4.7) Endpoints as percent effluent Survival Reproduction NOEC: 90 90 LOEC: >90 >90 ChV: >90 >90 48-Hour LC50: >90 -Overall NOEC: 90 Overall IC25: TUB (100/NOEC): 1.1 >90 Water Quality Parameters on Test Solutions Range Temperature (°C): pH: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L): Conductivity (µS/cm): 24.0 — 26.4 7.6 — 8.3 7.3 — 8.4 261 — 1,471 page 13 EA Report Number 4516 Appendix D Analytical QA/QC Reports • r 1110,Eaartiscoarastrries Quality Control Summary ---Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting ;;Reported: 05/24/04 at 04:29 PM Matrix QC may not be reported if site -specific QC samples were not submitted. In these situations, to demonstrate precision and accuracy at a batch level, a LCS/LCSD was performed, unless otherwise specified in the method... Analysis Name Batch number: 04112023501A Biochemical Oxygen Demand Batch number: 04113022101A Ammonia Nitrogen Batch number: 04113108101B Kjeldahl Nitrogen Laboratory Compliance Quality Blank Blank Report Result MDL Units • Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 - 106 96 LCS LCSD %REC %REC Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 N.D. 0.11 mg/1 98 ' 97. Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 N.D. 0.50 mg/1 105 Batch number: 04114118101A Sample number(s): Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen .'N.D. 0.040 Batch number: 04117020602A Total Suspended Solids ;Batch number: 04117109101A Total Phosphorus as P (water) Batch number: 04117109101B Total Phosphorus as'P (water) 3atch number: 04118400101A Chemical Oxygen Demand knalysis.Name • Batch number: 04112023501A Biochemical Oxygen Demand I• 3atch number: 04113022101A Ammonia Nitrogen 4258786-4258787 mg/1 100 Sample number(s): 425.8786-4258787 N.D. 3.'0 mg/1 117 Sample number(s): 4258786 N.D. 0.040 mg/1 98 Sample number(s): 4258787 N.D. 0.040 'mg/1 98 Sample number(s): 425878674258787 102 Page 1 of 2 REPRINT Group Number: 893068 Control LCS/LCSD Limits 85-115 92-100 90-110 89-110 55-132 '90-116 90-110 • 95-107 Sample Matrix Quality Control MS MSD -%REC %REC MS/MSD Limits RPD RPD MAX Sample number(s): 4258786-425'8787 108 103 51-152 5 10 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258781 I*- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the .LOQ. _ '2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. BKG Conc 4,540. 22.4 DUP Conc 4,700:' 22.4 -RPD RPD Max 11* DUP RPD Dup RPD Max 8 2 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. M E M BIER 2425 New Holland Pike t` ,• „ PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 4&Lancaster lir Laboratories Quality Control Summary Client. Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Reported: 05/24/04 at 04:29 PM Page 2 of 2 REPRINT Group Number: 893068 Sample Matrix Quality Control. MS . MSD MS/MSD RPD BKG • DUP DUP Dup RPD 'Analysis Name %REC %REC Limits -RPD MAX Conc .Conc RPD Batch number: 04113108101B Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 Max Kjeldahl Nitrogen ..110 90-110 2.4 2.4 2 (1) 7' Batch number: 04114118101A .Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen 93 90-110 . '2.1 2.1 0 2 Batch number: 04117020602A Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 Total Suspended Solids 1,070. 1,180. 10 (1) 24 Batch number: 04117109101A Sample number(s): 4258786 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 98 90-110 .0.054 . 0.050 J 8* (1) 3 Batch number: 04117109101B Sample number(s): 4258787 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 102 90-110 4.2 4.1 2 3 __Batch number: 04118400101A Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 `2hemical Oxygen Demand 98 98 90-110 1 2 11.7 J 16.6 J 35* (1) 4 Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. '7) The background result was .morethan four times the.spike added. MEMBER w Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 ' Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 Lancaster Laboratories Quality Control Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Reported: 04/28/04 at 02:03 PM Matrix QC may not be reported if site -specific QC samples were not submitted. In these situations, to demonstrate precision and accuracy at a batch level, a LCS/LCSD was performed, unless otherwise specified in the method. Analysis Name Batch number: 04112023501A Biochemical Oxygen Demand Batch number: 04113022101A Ammonia Nitrogen Batch number: 04113108101B Kjeldahl Nitrogen Batch number: 04114118101A Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen Batch number: 04117020602A Total Suspended Solids Batch number: 04117109101A Total Phosphorus as P (water) 'Batch number: 04117109101B Total Phosphorus as P (water) Batch number: 04118400101A Chemical Oxygen Demand Analysis Name Batch number: 04112023501A _ Biochemical Oxygen Demand Batch number: 04113022101A — Ammonia Nitrogen Laboratory Compliance Quality Blank Result Blank LOQ, Report LCS Units %REC LCSD %REC Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 106 96 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 < 1.0 1.0 mg/1 ' 98 97 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 < 1.0 1.0 mg/1 105 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 < 0.10 0.10 mg/1 100 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 < 12.0 12.0 mg/1 117 Sample number(s): 4258786 < 0.050 0.050 mg/1 98 Sample number(s): 4258787 < 0.050 0.050 mg/1 98 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 102 MS %REC Page 1 of 2 Group Number: 893068 Control LCS/LCSD Limits 85-115 92-100 90-110 89-110 55-132 90-110 90-110 95-107 Sample Matrix Quality Control MSD MS/MSD %REC Limits RPD BKG RPD MAX Conc Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 108 103 51-152 5 10 4,540. Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787. *- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. pu 22-4 DUP Conc 4,700. 22.4 RPD RPD Max 11* 7 1 1 DUP RPD 3 0 Dup RPD Max 8 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. MEMBER 2425 New Holland Pike M ar PO Box 12425 y,1�?T Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 `�I�Labo atories Quality Control Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Reported: 04/28/04 at•02:03 PM Sample Matrix- Quality Control Analysis Name Batch number: 04113108101B Kjeldahl Nitrogen Batch number: 04114118101A Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen Batch number: 041-17020602A 'Total Suspended Solids Batch number: 04117109101A. Total Phosphorus as P (water) Batch number: 04117109101B Total Phosphorus as P (water) Batch number: 04118400101A Chemical Oxygen Demand MS MSD MS/MSD RPD ' %REC %REC Limits RPD MAX Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 110 90-110 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787. 93 90-110 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 Sample number(s): 4258786 98 90-110 • Sample numb'er(s): 4258787 102 90-110 Sample number(s): 4258786-4258787 98 98 90-110 1 2 *- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. -(2) The backgroundresult was more than four times the spike added. Page 2 of 2 Group Number: 893068 BKG DUP DUP Conc Conc RPD '2.4 2.4 2 (1) 7 Dup RPD Max 2.1 2.1 0 2 1,070. 1,180. 10 (1) 24 0.054 < 0.050 8* (1) 3 4.2 4.1 2 3 < 50.0 < 50.0 35* (1) 4 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. MEMBER 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster,PA 17605-2425 � •T Lancaster Laboratories Quality Control Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Reported: 05/11/04 at 12:24-PM Matrix QC may not be reported if site -specific QC samples were not submitted. In these situations, to demonstrate precision and accuracy at a batch level, a LCS/LCSD was performed, unless otherwise specified in the method. Analysis Name Batch number: 04119023501A Biochemical Oxygen Demand Batch number: 04119028001A Specific Conductance Batch number: 04120022101A Ammonia Nitrogen Batch number: 04120102101A Total Cyanide (water) Batch number: 04120400101A Chemical Oxygen Demand Batch number: 04121021201A Total Dissolved Solids Batch number: 04121109101A Total Phosphorus as P (water) Batch number: 041211848001 Potassium Sodium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc Batch number: 04122401301A Chloride Sulfate Page 1 of 3 Group Number: 893941 Laboratory Compliance Quality Control Blank Result Blank MDL Report LCS Units %REC LCSD %REC LCS/LCSD Limits Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 105 101 85-115 Sample number(s): 4263376 N.D. 1.7 umhos/c 102 m Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 N.D. 0.11 mg/1 97 Sample number(s): 4263376 N.D. 0.0050 mg/1 102 Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 100 Sample number(s):. 4263376 N.D. 9.7 mg/1 105 Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 N.D. 0.040 mg/1 99 Sample number(s): 4263376 0.0747 J 0.0571 mg/1 N.D. 0.462 mg/1 N.D. 0.0094 mg/1 N.D. 0.00076 mg/1 N.D. 0.0030 mg/1 N.D. 0.0027 mg/1 N.D. 0.0100 mg/1 N.D. 0.0051 mg/1 N.D. 0.0020 mg/1 N.D. 0.0048 mg/1 Sample number(s): 4263376 N.D. 0.30 mg/1 N.D. 0.30 mg/1 101 104 98 103 102 103 102 101 104 99 97 94-113 92-100 90-110 95-107 80-120 90-110 80-120 89-112 92-109 97-111 95-112 92-110 93-110 93-110 96-114 94-112 100 90-110 99 89-110 *- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. 3 0 RPD . RPD Max 7 1 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 717_GCG_73nn c..... crc nr,.. Batch number: 04124020201A Sample number(s): 4263376 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 100 98-103 Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 N.D. 3.0 mg/1 91 55-132 Sample number(s): 4263376 N.D. 0.49 mg/1 as 101 Ca Lancaster Laboratories Page 2 of 3 Quality Control Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Group Number: 893941 Reported: 05/11/04 at 12:24 PM Laboratory Compliance Quality Control Blank Blank Report LCS LCSD LCS/LCSD Analysis Name Result MDL Units %REC %REC Limits Batch number: 04124020601A Total Suspended Solids Batch number: 04124021601A Total Hardness 98-107 Batch number: 04124108101A Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 Kjeldahl Nitrogen N.D. 0.50 mg/1 104 90-110. Batch number: 04128118101A Sample number(s): 4263376 Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen N.D. 0.040 mg/1 105 89-110 RPD RPD Max Sample Matrix Quality Control MS MSD MS/MSD RPD BKG DUP . DUP Dup RPD Analysis Name %REC %REC Limits RPD MAX Conc RP D PD Max Batch number: 04119023501A Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand 102 108 51-152 5 10 132. 128. . 3 8' Batch number: 04119028001A Sample number(s): 4263376 Specific Conductance 215. 215. 0 1 IIIBatch number: 04120022101A Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 Ammonia Nitrogen 17.7 17.8 0 .2 Batch number: 04120102101A Sample number(s): 4263376 IIITotal Cyanide (water) 83* 90-110 N.D. N.D. 27* (1) 9 Batch number: 04120400101A Sample number(s): 4263375'-4263376 Chemical Oxygen Demand 99 96 90-110 2 2 97.1 102. 5* (1) 4 IIIBatch number: 04121021201A Sample number(s): 4263376 Total Dissolved Solids 91 88 60-140 1 5 2,420. 2,490. 3 5 Batch number: 04121109101A Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 100 90-110 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 3 Batch number: 041211848001 Sample number(s): 4263376 Potassium (2) (2) 75-125 5 20 115. 117. 2 20 *- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. M E M B E R 4157.0 Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. -2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 717_a cc_flnn c.,... 717 crc nco, Lancaster Laboratories Page 3 of 3 Quality Control Summary • Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Group Number: 893941 Reported: 05/11/04 at .12:24.PM Sample Matrix Quality Control MS MSD MS/MSD RPD BKG DUP 'DUP Dup RPD Analysis Name. %REC %REC Limits RPD MAX Conc' .Conc RPD Max Sodium '(2) (.2). 75-125 1 20 ' 1,790. 1,850. 3. ' 20 Arsenic 107 109 86-119 2 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 Cadmium 107 108 87-117 1 20 N.D. N-.D. '0 (1) 20 Chromium 108 109 86-118. 1 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1)- 20' Copper 100 102 89-119 2 20 0.0027 J N.D. 200* (1) 20 Lead 101 '97 87-118 4 20 , N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20. Nickel 103 • 104 91-111 1 20 .N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 Silver 103 107 75-125 3 20 N.D. '. N.D. 0'(1) 20 Zinc 101 101 80-120 0 20 N.D. N.D. 0 .(1) 20 Batch number: 04122401301A. Sample number(s).: 4263376 Chloride 100 90-110 23.8 24.0 1 3 Sulfate 98 • 90-110 17.8 17.7 0 (1) 3 Batch number: 04'124020201A Sample number(s): 4263376 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 4' ' Alkalinity to pH 4.5 102 98 64-130 1 2 ' 570. 564. 1 4 I A N Batch number: 04124020601A Sample number(s): 4263375-4263376 Total Suspended Solids 7,750.- '7,150. 8' (1) 24 Batch number: 04124021601A Sample number(s): 4263376 Total Hardness 100 101. ' 93-115 0 2 ' 446.0 45.6 0 4 Batch number: 04124108101A Sample number(s):. 4263375-4263376 Kjeldahl Nitrogen .88* 90-110 2.9 2.6 10* (1). 7 Batch number: 04128118101A Sample number(s): 4263376 Total Nitrite/Nit'rate'Nitrogen 106 90-110 19.0 19.1 1 2 *- Outside of specification ' (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. ME2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 III:; >' 4 717-656-7qM Lancaster Laboratories Quality Control Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Reported: 05/26/04 at 12:45 PM Matrix QC may not be reported if site -specific QC samples were not submitted. In these situations, to demonstrate precision and accuracy at a batch level, a LCS/LCSD was performed, unless otherwise specified in the method. Analysis Name Page'1 of 3 Group Number: 895759 Laboratory Compliance Quality Control Blank Result Blank MDL • Report LCS Units %REC. Batch number: 04133023501A Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 102 Batch number: 04134102102B Sample number(s): 4271711 Total Cyanide '(water) N.D. '0.0050 mg/1 103 Batch number: 04135020201A Sample number(s): 4271711 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 100 Batch number: 04135020602B *Total Suspended Solids Batch number: 04135028001A Specific Conductance Batch number: 04135118102A Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen Batch number: 04135400102A Chemical Oxygen Demand . Batch number: 04135401101B Chloride Sulfate Batch number: 04136020601A Total Suspended Solids Batch number: 04138021601A Total Hardness Batch. number: 04138022101A Ammonia Nitrogen Batch number: 04138109101B Sample number(s): N.D. 3.0 Sample number(s): N.D. 1.7 4271710 mg/1 93 4271711 umhos/c • 103 m Sample number(s): 4271711 N.D. 0.040 mg/1 105 Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 Sample number(s): N.D. 0.30 N.D. 0.30 Sample number(s): 4271311 N:D. 3.0 103 4271711 mg/1 '97 mg/1 98 'mg/1 113 Sample number(s): 4271711 N.D. 0.49 mg/1 as 102 Ca ,Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 • N.D. 0.11 mg/1 97 Sample number(s): '4271710-4271711 *- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was Less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. LCSD %REC 100 97 LCS/LCSD Limits 85-115 90-110 98-103' 55-132 98-106 89-110 94-110 • 90-110 89-110 55-132 98-107 91-100 2 0 RPD RPD Max 8 1 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 717 GCG onnn C..... -1.1-r ere nrn, r 1 1 4U Lancaster lur Laboratories Quality Control. Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Reported: 05/26/04 at 12:45 PM Laboratory Compliance Quality Control Analysis Name. Total Phosphorus as P (water) Batch number: 041385705004 Potassium Sodium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc Batch number: 04139021201A Total Dissolved Solids Batch number: 04139108101A Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytis'Name Batch number: 04133023501A Biochemical Oxygen Demand Batch number:' Total Cyanide Batch number: Alkalinity to Alkalinity to 04134102102B (water) 04135020201A pH 8.3, pH 4.5 Batch number: 04135020602B Total Suspended Solids Batch number: 04135028001A Specific Conductance • Batch number: 04135118102A Total Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen Batch number: 04135400102A Blank .Result N.D. Sample N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Blank. MDL 0.040, Report LCS Units %REC mg/1 99 number(s): 4271711 0.0571 mg/1 0.462 mg/1 0.0094 mg/1 0.00076 mg/1 0.0030 .mg/1 0.0027 mg/1 0.0100 mg/1 0.0051 mg/1 0.0020 mg/1 0.004.8 mg/1 109 99 99 102 101 103 102 101 103 104 Sample number(s): 4271711 N.D. 9.7 mg/1 109 Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 N.D. 0.50 mg/1 90 MS %REC LCSD %REC LCS/LCSD Limits 90-110 80-120 89-112 92-109 ,97-111 95-112 92-110 93-110 93-110 96-114 94-112 80-120 90-110 Sample Matrix Quality Control MSD MS/MSD %REC Limits • RPD BKG RPD MAX• Conc Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 107 111 63-153 4 10 Sample number.(s): 4271711 98 90-110 Sample 99 number(s): 4271711 99 64-130 0 Sample'number(s): 4271710 Sample number(s): 4271711 Sample number(s): 4271711 91 90-110 Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 *- Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. 33.,700. 0.084 0.089 N.D. N.D. 28.5 28..6 200. 60.7 60.7 N.D. N.D. 214. DUP Conc Page 2 of 3 Group Number: 895759 RPD. RPD Max .UP RPD 33,500. 0 0 (1) 1 7 (1) 0 (1) Dup RPD Max 11 9 4 4 24 1 2 MEMBER Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 Lancaster Laboratories Page 3 of 3 Quality Control Summary Client Name: Aquatic Sciences Consulting Group Number: 895759 Reported: 05/26/04 at 12:45 PM Sample Matrix Quality Control MS MSD MS/MSD RPD, BKG ' DUP •DUP Dup RPD Analysis -Name %REC %REC Limits RPD MAX Conc Conc RPD Max Chemical Oxygen Demand 98 94 90-110 3 4 47.8 J 37.8 J 23* (1) 5 Batch number: 04135401101B 'Sample number(s): 4271711 Chloride 94 90-110 4.1 3.8 8* (1) 3 Sulfate 104 90-110 18.6 18.1 3 (1) 3 Batch number: 04136020601A Sample number(s): 4271711 Total Suspended Solids 5.2 J 5.2 J 0 (1) 24 Batch number: 04138021601A Sample number(s): 4271711 . Total Hardness 99 101 93-115 1 2 68.3 67.5 1 4 Batch number: 04138022101A Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 Ammonia Nitrogen 24.1 24.1 0 2 - Batch number: 04138109101B Sample number(s): 4271710-4271711 Total Phosphorus as P (water) 107 90-110 N.D. N.D. 6* (1) 3 Batch number: 041385705004 Potassium Sodium Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc Batch number: 04139021201A Total Dissolved Solids Sample number(s): 4271711 109 110 75-125 1 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 102 101 75-125 1 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 99 99 86-119 0 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 103 104 87-117 1 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 101 101 86-118 0 20 N.D. N.D.0 (1) 20 •102 1,02 89-119 0 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 102 105 87-118 3 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 101 101 91-111 1 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 103 103 75-125 1 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 102 102 80-120 0 20 N.D. N.D. 0 (1) 20 Sample number(s): 4271711 104 97 60-140 3 5 872. 876. 0 5 Batch number: 04139108101A Sample number(s): 1271710-4271711 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 101 90-110 0.80 J 0.78 J 3 (1) 7 Outside of specification (1) The result for one or both determinations was less than five times the LOQ. (2) The background result was more than four times the spike added. Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. M! E M B E Fi 2425 New Holland Pike PO Box 12425 Lancaster, PA 17605-2425 1 r N Evaluation of Regional Treatment of Combined Influent Wastewaters From the Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star at Troy's Wastewater Treatment Plant Prepared for: W.K. Dickson 616 Colonnade Dr Charlotte, NC 28205 And Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star, NC Prepared by: Aquatic Sciences Consulting John Botts, Principal Scientist 15751 Bushy Park Road Woodbine, MD 21797 June 8, 2004 1 1 1 Contents Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Purpose and Objectives 5 2. Technical Approach 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Town of Troy WWTP Operating Conditions and Effluent Quality 6 2.3 Speculative Limits 7 2.4 Towns' Influent and Effluent Characteristics 8 2.5 Design and Operation of the Treatment Simulation 11 2.6 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 18 3. Results 19 3.1 Bioreactor Operating Results 19 3.2 Treatment Performance Results 23 3.3 Effluent Quality 26 3.4 Quality Assurance/Quality. Control Results 29 4. References 31 Appendices A. NC Division of Water Quality Response to Request for Speculative Limits for Regional. Treatment and Discharge to Denson's Creek or the Little River A-1 B. Mean Ce11 Residence Time Calculation for the Existing Town of Troy Wastewater Treatment Plant B-1 C. Analytical and Toxicity Test Reports C-1 D. Analytical QA/QC Reports D-1 Contents (Continued) Figures 1 Diagram of Study Bioreactor 12 2 Two -stage Treatment Simulation for the Troy — Biscoe — Star Study 13 3 Influent Feed Tank and Pump 14 4 Effluent Collection Tank 15 5 Mean Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids Concentrations in the Regional WWTP Simulation 6 22 Sludge Volume Index Results for the Regional WWTP Simulation 24 Tables ES-1 Comparison of Average Simulation Effluent Results and Speculative Permit Limits for Regional Treatment at the Town of Troy 3 1 Existing Operating Conditions for Troy WWTP Activated Sludge Process 7 2 Average Monthly Effluent Data and Permit Limits for the Town of Troy 8 3 Speculative Effluent Limits for Regional Wastewater Treatment at Troy 9 4 Monthly Average Influent Characteristics for the Towns of Troy, Biscoe and Star 10 5 Influent Sample Collection and Use in Bioreactors 16 6 Summary of Bioreactor Operating Conditions 20 7 Influent and Effluent Monitoring Results for Troy-Biscoe-Star Simulation 25 8 Comparison of Simulated Effluent Results and Speculative Permit Limits for Regional Treatment at the Town of Troy 27 9 Summary of Effluent Toxicity Results for the Treatment Simulation 28