HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070987 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070614Jun 1~ 07 10:58a Ron Greger 919-528-9456 p.1 O o ~ .~ O N ~ N J ~ W n N x O o tz7r r J `'~ W O W ~ 00 W ~, m n G!~ r ~1 V ~ m n C -ice m~ z n JUN-14-2007 THU 10:56 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 Jun 14 07 10:58a Ron Greger 919-528-9456 p.2 Y .y ~l~ ~ .hme ] 3.2004 Ron Gregor RG Tee Securities, Inc. PO Box 97 Creedmor, NC 27522 project; Soatherby Lots 12 lk l9 County: Ware The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Nortd Carolina Ecosystem iEnhatx:emeM R'ogtsm (N~) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above refenuced pr°jea. 1r3ease none that this dec- ~ ~~ seibili~ t of the die payment will he approved by the permit isstung agencies as mitigation for project impacts. spo Y applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the Nt~EP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six nt°ndts from the date of this loner and is not uat-sferabic. 1f we have not received a copy of nICAMA permlt within ~ time i[irarine, t4is seeeptan~ +~ ~P~- It is the the lststed 404 permid4t11 Cerd6eatio applicant's oesponaibility tD seed copies of the permits to NCBEP. Once NCEEp receives a copy of tke permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the requit~od mitigatiion in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. 'ilre emonnt of the In I.iea l?oe t° be paid to NCFEp by an applicant is calculaUed based upon the Pee Sdtiedule and policies listed at WgrVV.nCECp.neL i3ased on the iAforntation supplied by yott Cite iotpacis that mnY ~N~ 1Cg1~m~On` ~~°n are summarized in the Neuse Wetlands {acres) Buffer I Huffer II (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. lit-1 xss Upon receipt of payment. EfEP wi[l take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation coedits greater than indicated above, and the applicant warns NCEEI'to be responsible for the additional roitigition. the applicant will need to submit a mitigation r+ogtrest to NCEEIP for approval prior to permit issuance. The between tha N. C. t of mitigation will ba perfacmedm accordance with the Memotntrdum of November 4~ 1948. Enviromnent and Natorsl Resoatees and the U. S. Army Cates If you have any questions oC need additional iafomtation. please contact Kelly Witlisrns at (919) 716-1921. cc: t~rndi Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlesidsl441 Unit Amy Chapman, NCI3WQ WctlattdsJ401 Unit File Sincerely, ~~ ~'~N~ D. Gilmore, PH Dirac • ~ Dar lt~f.~ Xt~oruu~... ... ~ North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement program. t t352 Meal Service Center, Raleigtl, P[C 27698-i8~2 / 918-715-Od7ti / www-nceep.net JUN-14-2807 THU 10:57 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P• 8 Jun 14 07 10:58a Ron Greger ;UN-12-2007 15:55 F420M:i~-WET~RNDS 9197336893 `o~pF WAr~~4~ ~ -^! 919-528-9456 p.3 TD:952B9456 P=1'3 i rK~~ F. may. covu„or William G. Rocs ~r., 5eerelary North Caf0lina f~epW~nen[ of F,gvuaetnedu and Naaril Reu+vrtEs COICM K. $nlljp5. DI7Gt[h7r Division or Walcr Qunriry EXPRESS PERMIT RE'VfEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quaiity~ Department of ~nvironmenta[ and Natural Resources 4U~ OversightJExpresg Review Pexnn~itting Unit Street Addres9: 232] Crabtree Boulevard, 5ui~tc 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing .Address; l 650 Mail Service Center . Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact ~afvrmatian: Phone #: 419.733-0203 Fax ~: 919-733-6893 Fax To: Ron Greger Fax #: 528-9456 Subject: Lat l2 Southexby's S!D Date: Jwae 12, 20Q7 Nuln~betr of pages inelnding cover sheet: 3 Notes or gpeciat instructions: ~~gin_-ai will tlc sent in tlxe rn-~1 .l~you have Questions ole contact Lia. Mvott at 733.9502. ~~,' 40 t OvcssiRlKJL'sPrts9 3teriew Prnnitting (;ni 1654 Mail 5crvicc Center. RaiciptA, North Cyolina 27699-2610 7.12t ~t~ t9aukvr-d, 5airc 25D. RakigD, North Cvplinn Yli+04 Phony (919) 733.1786 r Fats (919) 733.6E93 Internet: hrsvl~a,CM1(.atutc~c.uslM.wetlunds 4n Equ31 OppoRur>AdAfilnnaM'vaACSfOn Eznp>%e7-5046 Regrdadl0'A Post Coraum4r PAper JUN-14-2087 THU 10:57 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 Jun 14 07 10:59a Ron Greger 919-525-9456 p.4 1 //~ ~v j GR~ S9 v'?~~~~~' ~7y2 3 C~ 1~~-~ ~~--~.sr.~. JUN-14-2887 THU 10:58 TEL:9197336893 C-s S~~ ~D ~2i~~~~c. NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 4 Jun, 1,4 07 10:59a Ron Greger 919-528-9456 p.5 .;:;= J .f J' ~' ,~. H - ; ,~ i ,'~ 1 -- ~ j - ,. f j - ~ j _ r Y ~. z ~~ ,.~ ~in~r ~uLeP ~o~~ - :, ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cv ~--~ I :, ~ r ~ z / fr". w O ~~ ~ J / ~; , ~ '~ o i ! ,~ '` ', ~ ~' ~ '/ / -~ a '~ ~ `~ ., _. __ __. - ___ m r ~_ ~~ Z(!S O2 ~ ~ ~ N (nw _ W W ~ Z ~~ Z Z W Q 0. R l O tU ~ ~ N ~ l.. In ~ ~ v 11') ~ ~ t4` ,7 ~ ~ ''' ff7 ~- ~ ~ ~ ''' ~ u z ~ -q ~ ~i ~ JUN-14-2007 THU 10:58 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 5 Jun, 1,4 07 10:59a Ron Greger JUN-12-21307 15:59 FROM:OWO-~TLAhDS 9197336883 919-528-9456 p.6 Tp s 95289456 t' : ~' .5 `O~~F wArERpG I Mich.er F. Easley, G~vcrnpr LYiUiam G. Rcus Jr.. Secretary G7 ry.- 1Vortb Carolina Department of E•nvitottrnentand N;UumI Rceourocs 0 ,~ Coker H. Su!]iss; Diror.Opr t)iviston of Wetcr Qu,~Ricy June 12, 2047 ~. I, DWQ Project EKP # Q7-0487 Wake County j Page ! of 2 CERT D :1RExURN l[tECF~T REOU'>ESTED RG TCC Securitic5, Inc. Attn: Mr. Ran Greger 2l 73 W i 11 Suit Rd, Ste H. P.O. I3ox 97 Crecdmoor, NC 27522 Lot ]2, SOntbcrby'>i Subdiri9ion, Creedmoor, NC CetiarCreek [03040I, WS IV, NSW CA] REQITEST FOR 1H0$.lE IlYFORMATION-E?l~Jl'E.4S,~L~L?EN'PROGRA11i1 Acar Mr. Greger: On June 12, 2007, the Division of Water Quality (aV6'Q) 4D ] OversightlExpress Pcflmitting Unit received your cornplctc minor variance application dated .tune 5, 2007, regartdin$ your request for a 1Vlinor Variance fran the Neuse Buffet' Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233} for the subject property. The DWQ is requ irt:d to prepare a "prelirnimary finding" ~`Onditlg of fact' as in wllethec the variance request oracle the regui.rCtr-cnts of 15A NCAC OZB .0259(9xa). The DWQ nay attach candition5 to a variance approval diet support the purpose, spirit cad irttetnt of the riparian buffer protection pmgrarn. Conditions usually inCl.ude slonnwatcr management and but~'er mitigation. Additional inforrtiation will be rcquirod before we can proorard with tbie'review of your variance rec}ucst. Therefore, unless additional information is provided as described below, we will have to move toward dtniaJ of your request per 15A NCAC 2B .fl233 and will pk~ac this project an hold as incomplete until vrc rcccsve this additional information. ,~dditinnal >trlortnatiola Requested: .l . But1f'Cr Miti al~tion -Mitigation grill be required as a cotrsdition if you choose W proceed with either the Minor or Major Variance. Lf you choose Co proceed with a variance. then please provide a buf[~er mitigation plan pursuant to lSA NCAC 028 .U242. If you plan to use the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund administered by the NC Ecosystem Enhanccrncnt Prograan (EF.P) for your required buffer mitigation Credits, please provide an E,EP acceptance letter for the requinxl crcd its. 2. Pluntin Ian -Please provide a plarrtirtg plan, iycluditog a >napl showing the locations of the individual trees Chat will bo planted and the area tbat will be grassed (please include the type 4f grass seed that will be used). PIease include tbur footprint aftbe btwse t#rat will bt built on the aitcand note on your planting plan when (cod i~ yaur one-time fertilization will occur. N~hC~ao]trm 40J Ovv~fRhdR3prr~RCVic>NPecmittmgilnit ~Q11!!i?((~~ iG56 Miq 5avicc Cmtxr, Rakibh, North CarMin,~ X7699-165Q ! 7J21 Crattbee 9uukvard, $utte 250, Ralci~t North Cerolirn 27604 Phone; 919733-r7itd i FAX 919-733~C+E93 J lftktrtN: Inta~Hh2o_era stotenc tslnCwNtlY~(L4 An 6qu.I gaptrtuniRylMtrmstive Aeuoa Hmotvycr - 50Y. Rccnlod/109. Poet Cattauster Pier JUN-14-2007 THU 10:58 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 6 Jun. 14 07 11:OOa Ron Greger 919-528-9456 p.7 JUN-12-2007 lb: ®0 FROM:DI+~-WETLAI~OS 9197335893 T0: 95289456 P:3f3 Ron Greger Page 2 of 2 J+me 12.2007 Plcesc respond in writ~g as soon as possibte to die utte,~tion of Lisa 9502 ifyou have sny questions. Sincerely, Cyndi Karoiy c}O1 t?vasitRJh' CBI;GIlenr cc; File Copy Central Files FiiCrFaloc: +ol Ovaslght/Exptesc Review Aermitting Unit 1650 ARsil Serric~ Crnxr. Raleigh, NoKh Csiotifa 27699-]650 2321 C*ebnec 9oukvnr0, Suite Z50. R.laigh, North Carokrta 276oa Phame: 4E9-733-t7Btf /FA]C 419-733-61!93 / htemsl: h o-alh2aenr ~~ nc use wetti"0~ An L• rtusv Opporamity/Affitmetire Attian i-mp1vY'n - SM6 RecYC1ed1101i Pact Consumer Taps Please call l7cr aR (919) 733- Supervisor Express Review pezcnitdng Unit l2SnutherbySD(Wrkc~}(P+~ninrar+H 0 LD Nam" ,Carolina ~,NaCrlt~lld/ JUN-14-2007 THU 10:59 TEL: 9197336593 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 7