HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06891_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 '-Well For Intemal Use Only: contractor><ttfotmadoD: Chris Morgan 11rell Contmctor Nome 14.lir9TER ZONES 3572 FnOAI TO DESCRIPT101 Ct. NC)Yell Contractor Certification Number R Morgan W It 9 Well a pump, Inc. Is.OUTEtt CASING For multi-cased tvcIIs OR LINER r, Company Nante IROM TO DIAttIETER lteabro) +t R, T�CI4YESS MATERIAL Q ft. sue in. 2,th/el!'ConstTuctinn Permit#; l t �C�� t6,llyNEg sd21 pvc List all appllcah/e t"e!lronstnrction penniu(i e UlC,Cotrrut.State,1'annnc�ere) CASING ORTU6IdIG(eothermoi closed-loo FROIt TO DIAMETER THICICNESS IiATERLiL 3.Well Use(checlt well use): ft. is gAgricultural ater Supply Well: ft' ft. In. 17.SCREEN [pMunicipal/Public FROM TO DIAnIETER sLOT LME Geothermal(Hcating/COolrng Supply) i�"IR�idential Water 5u i 'sin le � Ft' In. '�s nt,1TERtnt, hhtdustriallCommercial - pp y( g ) ft. DResidential Water ft• in. flrigatioin Pon^deuppy Well: ]II.GIp i 1 . TO diATE[UAL[�A4onitoring o ft.ft. � E6IPLACEMEAT,IIETHOD&AMOUR? Injection Weil: []'Recovery bentontte poured Ft. Aquifer Recharge oGroundwaterRemediation ft. ft Aquifer Storage and Recovery QlSalinity Barrier 19.S Aquifer Test AND/GRIL pACIC(ifa ncable) _ IStormwaterDrainage FRonr To fit. MATERIAL FUNIPLAer'NI NrMETHOD Experimental Technology it• Geothermal(Closed Loop) QlSubsidence Control ft, it. []]Tracer 30.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets i necessary) POrotharrnal(Heating/Cooling Return) � Other(explain under;:21 Remarks] FRWI TO DESCRIPTIO celo.hartlaess so30rocl:! c�rrio size et�1 4.Dare Well(s)Completed: 'b-?, G fit. 1.5 --� Well IID..`n/a 5a.Well Location: ' fir• ✓b4►w �G - 6 i�O�_ O ft. 3CG n' �@ V2]or e•„fir]/a IC ft. Factlity/OivncrNamc Oft• // � Facility iD#(ifapplipble) fit. In ✓�y+T'G� �-E It+/Y '�oo ! fir. Physi 1 Address Ctry and Zip �C 1 �tw t1h tt' ft it. ft y. a County /V ?,, 21.t'CE ARIC5 Parcel Identification,lo_(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (iftvell field,one lat/long is sullicient) ! l /l ' ��?nrt3rryri� Lj��iii. '177 CSo� Z2.Cei•tification: ur:v� a1.� 6.IS(are)the syell(s)OPerntanent or T QI_emporary Sigstaturo of Ccltifji<ii Wcll ConUactor 7.is this a repair to an existingwell. Date DYes or ):I4o aJ sfb'tting t/iis jornr,I lrerebJ>cerl tlrat the ur1/(s)ryas(,,'ere)constnrcted in accordance jlhlc is a repel",fill aril knotyri well constnrct10n infonaati0»and eiplafn ilie nutare ofthe repJ ojr/i/sr_4C 0 C.01 DO or 15A S provided(o C 02C.D20,�e ell ConslntGiun Standards and dint a "epair mtder ?l"encode.section or on the back ojlllis jornt 5,For Geoprobe/DDT or'Closed-Loop 23•Site diagram,or additional well details:Moog Geothermal Welts having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well constmction,only 1 G4��I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled:! construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9.TotaI ri•ell depth below land surface: �O( d RN SLB `IA FFgSs'RUCTIONS 1 a tmrkiplc trolls list all deprhs fdLere)"N-ratnpie-3@200 and 2@1001 (`) 24a. For All �3reDs: Submit this form within 30 days Of completion of well 10.Static water level belo1v top of easing: construction to the following: /water level is abovecnsing,its, •+^ (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 11,Borehole diameter: 6 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 (in.) 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: rO' rY above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (Le.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) construction to the following: FOR 6€`ATER§U1'PI.Y Vt`I; t LLS ONr y: Division of Water Resources,Center Underground Injection Control Program, 13n.Yield(,,,rpm) air pressure , b iialeiQ hp NC 27699-1636 i4lethod of test: p 1636 Mail Service2ac.For Water SunDly�T 2 niection Wells: In addition to sending the form to Fab.Disinfectiont}pe: granular �� the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the count where constructed. _y FOnn ow-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental y_Qualit Division oFlVa[cr ���� Revised.:...;_016