HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0028916_Facility Update_20060707TOWN OF TROY INCORPORATED 1852 Public Services Dept. 315 N. Main Street Troy, NC 27371-2799 Phone: 910-572-7841 Fax: 910-572-3663 07/07/06 Belinda: RECEIVED JUL 13 2006 DENR- FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE On 07/05/06 at approximately 7:10 AM, I got a call from my operator at our WWTP. He stated that he thought we were losing water in our lagoon, since the water level was noticeably down from his Tuesday visual of the lagoon. My staff and I proceeded immediately to the plant and began searching for any signs of a breech in the lagoon's retaining banks. At approximately 7:35 AM we found a location where water was coming thru the lagoon embankment between the lagoon and Densons Creek. At the site where we discovered the leak, there was an old brick structure that had apparently been part of the treatment process when the lagoon was used as the primary treatment for the Town's wastewater. The plant was put into service in 1983 so about 23 years ago. We knew the structure was there, but since it played no part in our operation, "I thought" the structure was simply an abandoned "relic" and we had no idea that there was a "live" pipe running from the lagoon (as we later discovered). However, since water seemed to be coming out directly below the structure, we began an exploratory dig on the lagoon side of the structure. We found dry dirt all the way down until we reached an 8" pipe that seemed to head toward the center of the lagoon. The pipe was broken completely in two approximately 4'-0" from the edge of the old structure. However, the two sections of pipe were misaligned 4" or 5" so it did not appear that this break and separation had occurred any time recently. But we did discover that this pipe (cast iron with walls approximately 1/2" thick) runs out into the lagoon. Since we have never before experienced any noticeable, unexplained drop in our lagoon, we do not believe this to have been an ongoing problem. We do believe that something happened out in the lagoon (maybe a pipe breakage or joint separation due to settlement or maybe a concrete plug that just "came loose") that allowed the lagoon water to enter the pipe "somewhere" along the pipe's length. This allowed lagoon water to run to the old structure and since the pipe was separated there, instead of coming up in the structure, the water was running around the old structure and into the creek. When we removed the old structure, we did not find any valves or gates that would have stopped the flow of water at the old structure. Therefore, we can only conclude that the water was prevented from entering the pipe somewhere in the lagoon for all these years and when a failure occurred it happened instantaneously. I know this may sound patronizing, but at least five people look at the lagoon daily (except for weekends) and prior to the fourth of July holiday, the lagoon was fine. Also, our downstream sampling point is' below the location where this problem occurred. An examination of our.. downstream sampling data will show no rise in sample pollutant levels prior to this event We corrected the problem by putting a new 8" gate valve on the stream end of the broken line and then permanently, and I emphasize permanently, closing the valve. Using a valve was simply done because it was the fastest way to stop the water flow. This repair was completed by 9:30 AM of that same morning. Along with stopping the leak we also, as I indicated earlier, entirely removed the old structure and all associated piping. There was a discharge pipe on the streamside of the structure and we removed it as well. A lagoon overflow pipe with a valve on it was run into the old structure as well. We also removed that pipe and covered up the valve that controlled flow to the structure. Per your recommendation, we will cut into the lagoon overflow pipe (which is clearly in view) and re-route that pipe into our old chlorine contact chamber so that chlorination will be possible should we ever need to use that pipe as an alternative to water running over and breaching our dam. You have received the before repairs pictures and I will send the "after repairs" pictures on Monday (God permitting) separate from this email. If you need anything further just give me a call at 910-572-7841. Sincerely, ay Walls, P.E. Town Engineer/ Public Services Director Form WWTP-BYPASS/UPSET Treatment Plant (WWTP) Bypass/Upset Reporting Form 5-Day Report PART This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the unanticipated bypass or upset. Permit Number : NC0028916 (Always use treatment plant permit number) Facility: Troy WWTP Incident # 200602098 Owner: Town of Troy City: Troy Region: Fayetteville County: Montgomery SPECIFIC location of the treatment units bypassed or where the upset occurred in the facility: 8" or 10" ductile iron pipe discovered discharging from the EQ lagoon. Was the WWTP compliant with permit requirements? 11 Yes ❑ No Unknown Was samples be taken during bypass?: ❑ Yes gi No UnknowrD Incident Started EX.07/04/06 Time 11:00 AM Incident End Dt• Time: (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the Bypass/Upset 5000 Describe how the volume was determined: gallons Weather conditions during bypass/upset event: Did Bypass/Upset reach surface waters? ❑ Yes ❑ No U Unknown Volume reached surface waters (gallons): Surface water name: Did the bypass/upset result in a fish kill? ❑Yes ❑No •Unknown If Yes, estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the Bypass/Upset: Other (Please explain in Part II) WWTP-Bypass/Upset Form July 5, 2006 12:24 PM Page 1 Form WWTP-BYPASS/UPSET Treatment Plant (WWTP) Bypass/Upset Reporting Form 5 Day Report PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE INCIDENT AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Other (Please explain in Part II) Describe: Were adequate equipment and resources available to fix the problem? If Yes, explain: If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Comments: I 1 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Signature: Title Telephone Number: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the Bypass with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). WWTP-Bypass/Upset Form July 5, 2006 12:24 PM Page 2 search Page 1 of 2 ?4 I nassi>i1pset 24.l:lour Details 5 Day Details 10 Day (Details Questions Agenei u ^. Permit : NC0028916 Incident Number : 200602098 Facility Name : Troy WWTP Owner : Town of Troy City : Troy 07/04/2006 11:00 am *Bypass/Upset Start Date/Time: Report Received: *Did Bypass/Upset reach Surface Water? *Fish Killed? Other WaterBody: 5 Dav Details *Bypass/Upset Start Date/Time: County : Montgomery Region : Fayetteville 07/05/2006 Yes No ! Unknown Yes No Unknown *End Date/Time: Report Received: *Did Bypass/Upset reach Surface Water? *Fish Killed? Other WaterBody: Regional Contact : County : Montgo niery_ *Location of Units being Bypassed? " or 10" ductile iron pipe di t € v red d•s Req Comments: Yes Yes Specific Cause (check all that Apply) Severe Natural Condition' Vandalism Power outage -Construction No Unknown No Unknown *Est. Volume in gallons: 150( Report Entered: 07/ Est. Volume: E Est. Fish Killed? Duration: r *Est. Volume in gallons: Report Entered: Est. Volume: Est. Fish Killed? Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm am): City : Troy Pump Station Equipment Failure Other (Please explain in Part II For DWQUse Only: P )'� Maintenance Upsets hap ://bims.enr.state.nc.us:7001 /selectOneIncident.do?id=3 M05FMYG00VP 1 WP4A 11 K8F... 7/5/2006 Town ofTroy WWTP Subject: Town of Troy WWTP From: Belinda Henson <Belinda.Henson@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 11:30:53 -0400 To: "Dale.Lopez" <Dale.Lopez@ncmail.net>, don register <don.register@ncmail.net>, Hughie White <Hughie. White@ncmail.net>, Mark Brantley <Mark.Brantley@ncmail.net>, trent alien <trent. alien@ncmail.net> Gray Walls called today to report they noticed the level in the EQ lagoon was lower than on Monday and found a pipe discharging on the'\far side of the lagoon parallel to the the river. The pipe appeared to be ductile iron 8 or 10". They do not know why the pipe was there or why it is discharging now. It appeared a plug may have been in the pipe and for some reason it began to leak. They have placed a 8" valve in and stopped the leak-. He is going to send me pictures on this and further investigate this and be in touch with our office. Belinda S. Henson Regional Supervisor NC DENR-Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section Fayetteville Regional Office (910)486-1541 1 of 1 7/5/2006 11:41 AM ii)4L).-e 1a4fl/hO( L