HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06898_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 ORD Forinsa W Use ONLY: le wells eter Jr. 14.WAMZOM FRAM TO DFSCRMnON q M m CWellCo orCati_HcabonNumber 15OUTF..QCAMM reiN aced web ORIII�Eit FROM TO DIAMErlR- THICKti)fSS MATERLIL SoutheastemPump&Well Service Inc.' fL n. 4 �. Company Name 16 DOM CA87Tl('OR TOBIIVG closed i FROM TO DL4bCtrEC •IIUCKNESS MATMUAL 2.Well Coadr uedon Permit#- fr. ft � List all appluaabk wa0 evasbvetion pnmfts(is.Coargy,Stanr,irorfasscs,tta) IL M m. 3.Wen Use(ebeehweil use).. 17.SC=t+N Water&Apply Well: FRAM TO I DIAM E8 I SLOT SM I TH[CKKM ITFdtIAt OAgriouriurat OMunicipal/Pob&c G *. !t. L C3GWthama1{Hefin8lCooling Sup*) OttcaWntial Wets ftWtf(single) ClhsdastrsaVCoenmetcigl OResid--U Wt.Supply(shared) FROM 70 11fA blECHODRAaROiffrf Non-Water Sup*Well: � it: GlAwhanug Oita—My hkiecdon Well: % ft. OAgoiferRooharge 13Qnxmdwat=Rmtodialiton M&4KDAMAVELPACK OAguifer S-"d-sW R000vary Mnlinity 13aaicr FROK TO_ mATER[AL EIDrrt.ACE Mff METHOD iL OAquiferTest OStammwatcrDrainsgc A R OExpaimentai Technology CCSubsidenc-e Control 0GODthamal Closed 7ADBILLING7.OG a>tie-MUMMAIdrabtt { IAJap} OTraoer FROM TO DESCRIPIfON color sdY'm*ft&MInska,em OGeoshamai{H Retain) 17iJtlta t lain nodes#22 Remarks} ► S.wen & M F1acilik/ty/OmurNam'e, t /� / Feci*1D#(rfapplsebk) n iL "• PphSp'air{ayl Add�r}es�s,.C'�tyj.}aodZip ' Cry PmoalIdsMW=dionwo.(PIN) i 61C Sii�tii�.Q"I tY Y✓� 'Sb.Latitude and Irrrgittde in degrees/ erJseroada or decimal depsea: 22.Certi@caftim. y. 'V ifwell bald,ace sufficient) Sigasbna of Ccrtifrod we11 Cmmadmr 6.Is(ara)fire wen(s}s aysaaeut or ❑Temparart By, *W f&-^I h"rby xr#5'MWLdM,reIIls}war(rare}corsrdsxad in oavrAmm with 114 ACAC 02C.01W or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Weir C*m&uc8onStaadardr and drat a 7.Is this arepair to an existing well- Oyes or QNo copy�sMs rramcihas bear pnovfdrdta sbewaRowner. If drft fro rrpafr,fill autircoaa weUraratrvetlon frrformatba and esplafa the raraue of the repair amkr F21 rznrarkssechm or m the boat offimform 23.Site dlWam or additional well dens: kYou may use the back of this gage to provide additional well site details or wcn &Number of wells comctrueted: oeostmotion details. You may also attach additional psges if necessary. FormafNpk irVertim or aon wattr.snpplywelkONLYwdh ft smae;Wu— eIIaa,you emr submit one form. 24.Submlttal Imtruedom- 9.TaM weld depth below bind emiaee: (R.} 24a. For All Wells: Submit this fam within 30 days of completion of well Fornmufpis,.eti hrattdEpBsjdffi-W(aa*,-3W00'ttand2WW) consftedon to the following: 10.Sbdk water levej below top efeasingi_ l �,) Dividon of water Qudityr Woetnadien PnWeajme Unit, .{fwaferkeel it above casfng use"+1 1617 AUR Service Ceatsr,Raleigh,NC 276WI617 IL Borehole diameter:c� (in.} 24b.For Injection Wei- la addition to sanding the foffi to the address in 24a M wen coostrucilan me N tod: above,also submit f s copy this form within 30 days of completion of wallwalloonstAndioa to e following. (La mqm routy,eab1%daeetp nk dn.) _ Division of water QM ft,underground TjM*don Goub'd Pt"F=4 M FOR WATER SUPPLY VM IS ONLY: 1636 M4 So eke Center,Raleigh,NC 276WI6% 13a.Yidd ft" r1)C) Method of teat: 24c.Far Wader-S;pRjt do Gspdrereeol Wdh- ht additim tosdsdmyg t)te fo-m to the addmaKes)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dbdafes Lion types Amount:I CA Cj awplation of wet)construction to the county health dalwtmemt of the county whae mustmetcd. Foan(FW 1 Nw&CawhoaDepsmrrmofE=omse=aad11aurs)Resoums-Di WouofWatarQunlity Revised Im 2013 t