HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06899_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 R WELL_CONSTUMON RECORD Fcrtnb=el Use ONLY* This farm cp:be ud..fer single or multiple wells 1�Well Contractor Iofotmad6n: Ronald E:`Kseter Jr.. " 1 nm _I ort>_s DESCRiFriON WaftCatmtaetaName tL f 2960-A IL IL I NC Well Couhaetor Cmtiflcation Number " M OUTER CASING Isaltbead wets ORLIl�R FROM TO DiAs�rElt TBICYN&4S MATERIAL Southeastern Pump&Well Service Inc. m Few Company Name ! r / igR yM� TC DLiMLI1X TIQCK[ 88 MAT28IAL` ' 2.WrO CoDetriuedon Permit#;. M IL t° Li#aII le we0 aonsds+edfanpermOs(is.Comnjv�ariaM%snr.J °1rp r it & is 3.Well Use(ebeck well me): 17.SCRE[+.N Wader Suppbr Well: FROM TO f DIAMETER ISLOT SM TIII-MM MATERIAL OAgricnfhusl TaTPabhc lic—&-area of-t-f/cooling Supply) mfidudiai Watt Sapply{single} R• !L to OladuakiaVt ommaciai Oftcaideatial Water Supply(shared) FROM TO MATERIAL EMKACEMEXf METHOD k AMOUNT ❑ et2m tL 1L Non-Water Soppy Well: f ft. . OManiWning OR'cc°very Injection W . n tL OAquif-Recharge ❑Grcandwateritemediabion 11UNDILDIAVELPACK(if apolleable) O CBadRdfOVQy OSalinuyBaaier I1Vft- i FROM TO r MATERIAL EMPI.ACIMMICMXTHOD MquifbrT�5 OStarmwaterDninage ft. IL OEVe immtai Technology OSubsidalce Control 2RDBYLLINGLOG atsssiaidfaasrslsia.lalt OGoothermal(Closed Loop) OTraeer FROM TO ON canon AdYraetM4SUIL arc OGecthdemed(H Rdtttm) 013tltc ( htmmdcr#2IRdarerim) ') IL iL 11 la 1 ox-tt m , 4.Dote.Wdl(s)Completed: 9� �. �.1 5aac Will Location- tt tL Facility/OwnerName Fsa M#(ifepplicable) tL licalAdddrtaja City,sad :p' 2LHEt+lAB88 Canty PmrnatIdeatifncatiauNo.(PII� I6:vili;-.t ° � C* ^;Oil 5L Latitude end Longitude In degreealmbruteslseconds or deetmd deereea 22.Cerdlicati ; (ifwell roK one lstlla�ng•is suffrcima) erIf 1D.. N � �_.._R' of catssa well coahazCor D i 6.la(are)the wee(sk ertmanent or OTemporary gy,tom darfam I Eby orrf*that;the weII(5J war(ware)c+ws:awa4d in a=rdmse with 1St1V ACO2C.01Wor15ANClCO2C.0200WeCanrerachiaaSmadardrandthea 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: Mes or copy gtthis rscond her been povtdrdta the wail awmr. repair is der#21 en orrtknawn malt on SW bofoa arjannarion and asplanr the rmaore ofthe 23.Slte or additlomi well details: repab carder S2I rcmarkrs�adane or on dhr bang af�ehi:ferm. dFagrem You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8 Number of wells constructed: comtmctioe details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Formuf*kWedkmorna.-wahn,m ptywelkONLYwt**0mmeaertra as yar:can 24 Submittal lmtloetiaosw submit ons front 9 Total wail depth below land surfed �� (fL) 24e. For Aii Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of won Far rrarUipte wage ticr aD ddydrs ijd srera(ermnpls 3( 200'ard 1®IOd7 construction to the following. 10.Sty water kvd below tap of casing: (It) Divhiau of Water Qaalkyrleformattou Ptvicesdng UNt, fv,aisr kvel iwabovw curing use"+^ 1617 Mail Satvics Canter,Raleigh.NC 276"-1617 11.Borehole dlanater. F:5 I i('� (I..) 24L Far Infection Weer. In addition to salting!hc fdract t4 the address in 240 ` ( above,she submit-a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction me@rod; ` construction to the fonawing (L-auger,may.Gaw daect prak etc-) Dtvialon of water Lnjecdou Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 NUN Servies Cernber,Rabe NC 27M-16% 13n.Yield(gpun) ,_ Method of fast: 24e.For Water'SuDy L ore{ (Weill In,addition to sending the form to \ /-►' the address(es)above; she submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13h Dhhofecdon type:.l�_ A minute *l s completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where coustnoctrA Form ow-1 NathCwohnaDepmun atofFsvvommatandNebelResources-DmuonofWaterQus�sty Revised Jan.2013