HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071843 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report PH 2-3_20130415Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Annual Monitoring Report — Year 1 (Phase Two and Three) Brunswick County, NC Lumber River Basin (Cataloging Unit #03040207) Prepared on behalf of- Stone Farm Mitipation Bank, LLC (Sponsor) Prepared by., A�LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. March 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW 2 A INTRODUCTION 2 B. MITIGATION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2 C. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 2 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 6 A. WETLAND RESTORATION SUCCESS CRITERIA 6 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 1) 7 A. PHASE it 6 1. VEGETATION MONITORING 6 2. HYDROLOGIC MONITORING 10 3. STREAM MONITORING 12 (a) Photo Documentation 12 (b) Ecological Function 12 (c) Channel Stability /Survey Procedures 13 (1) Cross - Sections 13 (2.) Longitudinal Profiles 14 (3.) Pebble Counts 14 (4.) Stream Flow Monitoring 14 4. CONTINGENCY MEASURES 19 B. PHASE III 19 5.0 CONCLUSION 22 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure 1 Phase II Restoration Plan /As -Built Figure 2 Phase III Restoration Plan /As -Built Figure 3 Phase Boundary Overview Map Figure 4 Phase II Plot and Well Location Map Figure 5 Cross Section Location Map Table 1 Phase II Planting List (March 2011 /February 2012) Table 2 Summary of Tasks pte#ed, Phase Table 3 Vegetation Plots an E �e rtity Tip Table 4 Annual Monitoring Data Sheet l, rar — an a pe 2s R — ?_013 Table 4A Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 1 — Volunteer Species Table 4B Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 1 — Unidentified Volunteer Table 5 Summary of Year 1 Hydrologic Monitoring (Phase II — Streams) Table 6 Stream Lengths and Cross Section Stations Table 7 Longitudinal Profiles by Stream Reach Table 8 Summary of Year 1 Bankfull Event Monitoring (Phase II — Streams) Table 9 Summary of Year 1 Hydrologic Monitoring — Phase III Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Site Photographs Individual Plot Data Sheets (Year 1 Monitoring — 2012) Hydrographs (March 2011 — December 2012) NC Division of Water Resources Drought Maps Cross - Section Photographs Ordinary High Water Mark Indicators Longitudinal /Cross - Section Surveys Stream Flow (Discharge) Measurement Forms 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of the Bank Sponsor (Stone Farm Bank, LLC), Land Management Group (LMG) has completed Year 1 annual monitoring of Phase Two and Phase Three of the Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Phase Two consists of 418 acres of the total 968 -acre mitigation bank site and includes 15,338 linear feet of stream restoration, 103 acres of Riparian (Non- Riverine) Wetland Restoration (i a small stream swamp), 28 acres of Riparian (Non- Riverine) Wetland Preservation, 40 acres of Riparian (Non- Riverine) Wetland Restoration (i a headwater swamp forest), 66 acres of Non - Riparian Wetland Enhancement, 160 acres of Non - Riparian Wetland Preservation, and 21 acres of upland buffer (Figure 1) Phase Three consists of 192 acres and includes 7 40 acres of Riparian (Non- Rivenne) Wetland Restoration, 315 acres of Non - Riparian Wetland Restoration, 68 acres of Non - Riparian Wetland Enhancement, and 85 acres of Non - Riparian Wetland Preservation (Figure 2) The Phase Two project area connects the 145 -acre Carolina bay on the southern portion of the tract to the Little Caw Caw Canal (a third -order tributary of the Waccamaw River) on the north boundary of the Bank site The Phase Three project area comprises the entire headwater wetlands of the South Tributary As was documented in the Mitigation Plan, the streams and wetlands of these watersheds had been historically impaired by agricultural and silvicultural practices for over a hundred years The wetlands of the Main Stem and its tributaries (North Tributary and South Tributary) had been cleared and drained for rice production A network of dirt roads and canals dissected the site and resulted in the disconnection of first - order tributaries from adjacent, former floodplam wetlands Restoration work in Phase Two and Phase Three involved the removal of over two miles of dirt roads, backfilling of four miles of canals, plugging of an approximate 5,000 -If section of canal, 15,388 -If of Priority I stream restoration, restoration of valley grades, and planting of approximately 96 acres of restored wetlands Construction of the South Tributary of Phase 2 was completed in October 2011 The remaining areas of Phase Two and Phase Three were completed in February 2012 The following Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) presents the findings of the first year of monitoring for both Phase Two and Phase Three Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 1 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Introduction As approved by the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT), the bank Sponsor began implementation of Phase Two of the restoration project in September 2010 Figure 3 depicts the location and extent of the three phases of the project One remaining phase (Phase 4) consists of stream restoration within an independent watershed (Hunters Creek) on the western portion of the site Implementation of Phase Three of the restoration project began in January of 2012 Placement of fill material within existing ditches (Figure 2) was authorized under Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 25, 2008 (Action ID# 2003- 00682) and the corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification issued on January 2, 2008 (DWQ Project #20071843) B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives The larger Bank restoration project is intended to provide suitable, high - quality wetland and stream restoration to mitigate for authorized impacts within the Lumber River Basin (USGS 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit 03040207, DWQ Subbasin 03- 07 -57) The objective of the project is to restore natural vegetative and hydrologic conditions throughout the nonnpanan, riparian, and Coastal Plain stream habitat that have been compromised by previous land use activities The primary functions to be restored or enhanced as a result of the restoration project include surface water storage (i a flood attenuation), sediment/nutnent retention, organic carbon transport to downstream food -webs, and wildlife habitat The project provides an invaluable opportunity to restore an entire watershed within a region currently experiencing acute development pressures C Project Implementation Earthwork initially included the construction of a dry Priority I stream channel The first stream channel restored was the South Tributary As construction progressed downstream, existing ditches and canals were filled Clay plugs were used at prescribed intervals to reduce potential subsurface drainage within backfdled ditches Soil removed for the construction of the Priority 1 channel was used to fill in the existing channels Existing roadbeds and adjacent spoil piles were removed, and the material was used to backfill the road -side canals Construction of the Main Stem and North Tributary was implemented in a similar Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 2 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report manner Stream valleys were restored through converted agricultural fields to re- establish the natural hydrologic connection of small stream swamp and headwater bay forest (Carolina bay) and swamp forest wetlands to the first -order reach of Little Caw Caw Canal Restored wetlands were planted with characteristic wetland trees corresponding to the targeted community type (headwater swamp forest and small stream swamp) Approximately 63,250 hardwood tree seedlings were planted throughout the restored small stream swamp and swamp forest communities between March 2011 and February 2012 Seedlings were planted on approximate 9 -ft centers, corresponding to an average density of 659 seedlings per acre Planting was supervised by LMG personnel to ensure proper spacing and planting depths Swamp black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) and bald cypress (Taxod►um distichum) comprised a majority of the seedlings planted, totaling approximately 30,400 Species such as swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michaux►►), tulip poplar (L►nodendron tuhpifera), Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecypans thyoides), pond pine (Pinus serot►na), and river birch (Betula nigra) were also planted (See Table 1 for seedling quantities by species) Tulip poplar, Atlantic white cedar, and pond pine were planted in slightly higher landscape positions in the swamp forest communities, while the remaining species were planted in the small stream swamp communities that will likely experience longer flooding durations The transition between the small stream swamp community and the swamp forest community in the outer Coastal Plain represents subtle shifts in composition rather than distinct breaks between wetland types An overlap of planted species occurs along the boundaries between the two wetland communities In addition, live stakes were planted on approximate 4 -ft centers and interspersed along the top of bank and side bank of the stream channels to provide for enhanced bank stabilization and vegetative cover Restoration work for Phase Three consisted of the installation of four (4) armored earthen clay plugs at prescribed locations and backfilling 200 -ft upstream of each plug along a channelized ditch upstream of the Southern Tributary Given the limited amount of earthwork required for the hydrologic restoration and the existing forested condition, there were no additional planting requirements for Phase Three Refer to Table 2 for a list of tasks and associated completion dates for the implementation of Phase 2 and Phase 3 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 3 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Table 1. Phase Two Planting List (March 2011 /February 2012) Non - Rlverine Restoration (2011) Southern Tributary Swamp Forest 6 -ac Common Name Scientific Name # Planted Yellow Poplar Linodendron tulipifera 1,000 Pond Pine Pmus serotina 1,350 Green Ash Fraxrnus pennsylvanrca 1,200 Bald Cypress Taxodium dishchum 2,000 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 2,000 Total 7,550 Rlverine Restoration (2011) Southern Tributary Small Stream Swam 14 -ac Common Name Scientific Name Ironwood Cafprnus carohnrana 1,000 Green Ash Fraxrnus pennsylvanrca 800 Bald Cypress Taxodium dishchum 1,000 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatrca 1,000 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 2,000 Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentahs 2,000 Total 7,800 Non - Rlverine Restoration (2012) Malnstem /North Trlb. Swamp Forest 20 -ac Common Name Scientific Name Yellow Poplar Linodendron tulipifera 4,300 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 6,000 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus mrchauxu 3,000 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatrca 3,500 Pond Pine Prnus serotina 2,400 Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecypans thyoides 2,000 Total 21,200 Rlverine Restoration (2012) Malnstem /North Trlb. Small Stream Swam 56 -ac Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress Taxodium drstichum 10,000 River Birch Betula nrgra 2,000 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvabca 4,900 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus mrchauxu 2,000 Yellow Poplar Linodendron tulipifera 2,000 Silky Dogwood Comus amomum 500 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 2,300 Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentahs 500 Black Willow Salix nrgra 1,500 Silky Willow Salix sencea 1,000 Total 26,700 Grand Total 63,250 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Table 2. Summary of Tasks Completed on Phases Two and Three Description of Task Date within Limits of Clearing September 2009 —Logging Completion of Earthwork Southern Tributary) October 2010 Site Planting Southern Tributary) March 2011 Completion of Earthwork Mainstem & Northern Tributary) October 2011 On -site Meeting with COE Staff — Construction Review November 2011 Site Planting Mamstem & Northern Tributary) February 2012 Completion of Earthwork Phase III February 2012 On -Site Meeting with COE Staff March 2012 Year 1 Monitoring November 2012 Year 1 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2013 Per the approved restoration plan, monitoring of Phase Two Includes the assessment of both hydrologic and vegetative conditions over the course of a five year monitoring period Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of twenty -nine (29) permanent 010 acre plots were established throughout the planted and restored (I a former) small stream swamp and swamp forest communities (Table 3) A total of fourteen (14) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells were Installed within the Phase Two project area (Table 3) In addition, a total of seven (7) automated water level gauges have been Installed within the stream banks to document bankfull and normal flow events (Table 3) Wells and gauges have collected data from January 2012 through the present Table 3 Vegetation Plots and Wells by Community Type Community Type Acreage Vegetation Plots Monitoring Wells Stream Gauges Phase II - Swamp Forest 315 15 6 0 Phase II - Small Stream 103 14 8 7 Phase III - Swamp Forest 190 0 8 0 TOTAL 608 29 22 7 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 5 Phase Two and Three —Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Monitoring of Phase Three includes the assessment of hydrologic conditions over a five year monitoring period Following the completion of earthwork, a total of eight (8) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed within the project area (Table 3) Wells have collected data from mid -March 2012 through the present 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring is being conducted near the end of each growing season for a period of five years The monitoring includes both a vegetative and hydrologic component per the approved mitigation banking instrument The specific success criteria for the bank are listed below A Wetland Restoration Success Criteria (1) Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 320 trees per acre at the end of 3 years (post - planting) and 260 trees per acres at the end of 5 years (post - planting) 1 (2) No single volunteer species (most notably, red maple, loblolly pine, and sweet gum) will comprise more than 50% of the total composition at year 2 or 3 If this occurs, remedial procedures will be implemented During years 4 and 5, no single volunteer species, comprising over 50% of the total composition, may be more than two times the height of the planted trees If this occurs, remedial procedures will be implemented (3) Hydrology during the growing season must be sufficient to at least meet the guidelines set forth within the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y -87 -1) Therefore, the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 12% of the growing seasonz (equivalent to 32 days based upon SCS- established growing season March 7h through November 28th) during penods of normal rainfall 1 Volunteer species may be counted toward meeting the success criteria upon evaluation of site - specific conditions and concurrence by IRT members 2 As defined by the Sod Conservation Service, the growing season for Brunswick County is 266 days Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 6 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report The vegetative component for Phase Two includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the twenty -nine (29) permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 4) Hydrologic monitoring is being conducted via fourteen (14) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells for Phase Two and eight (8) for Phase Three recording on daily intervals (refer to Figure 4 for location of the monitoring wells) Data from the wells are downloaded on approximate three -month intervals and imported into graphing software for analysis Phase Three monitoring consists of collection of groundwater level data (once daily) over the course of the five -year monitoring period through the use of eight (8) automated wells Monitoring reports are being submitted annually to the USACE and the IRT These reports include results of vegetative and hydrologic monitoring and photographic documentation of site conditions Monitoring reports also identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy any site deficiencies (e g major stream design failures) 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 1) A. PHASE TWO 1. Vegetation Monitoring Year 1 monitoring data were collected in November and December 2012 over a four -day period (November 21 st, December 3rd, 4th, and 5th) A total of 3,875 stems were counted throughout the twenty -nine (29) plots (Table 4) Inclusive within this total were 1,543 stems of planted species (correlating to a mean density of 532 stems per acre) (refer to Table 4) Bald cypress (Taxodium dist►chum) and swamp black gum (Nyssa sylvat►ca) were the most abundant woody species, with a total of 749 and 241 individuals, respectively Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxn) and tulip poplar (L►nodendron tulipifera) were also prevalent within certain plots In addition to the planted species, numerous volunteers were observed within swamp forest plots (Table 4A) A majority of these individuals, such as fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), redbay (Persea palustns), wax Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 7 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report myrtle (Morelia cenfera), and gallberry (Ilex glabra) are considered desirable volunteers since these plants are representative of the target wetland community type It should be noted that a majority of pines were undistinguishable between loblolly pine and pond pine due to the relatively young age of the seedlings and lack of identifiable pine characteristics (resinous buds, needle bundles, rounded cone, stem foliage sprouts) Unidentified P►nus spp have not been counted toward the success criterion (Table 4B) The mean stem density observed for both planted and characteristic (desirable) wetland species for the project area is 1,024 stems /acre Note that this observed density excludes individuals of the following species (1) red maple (Acer rubrum), (2) sweet gum (L►qu►dambar styrac►flua), (3) horse sugar (Symplocos tinctona), (4) bacchans (Bacchans halim►folia), and (5) unidentified P►nus spp Individual plot data sheets are provided in Appendix B The most abundant volunteer species identified within the restored small stream swamp and swamp forest communities are (in order of abundance) (1) fetterbush (605 total stems), (2) red bay (413 total stems), (3) sweet gum (310 total stems), (4) gallberry (254 total stems), and (5) wax myrtle (121 total stems) Refer to Table 4A for volunteer species identified by plot In general, the observed volunteer species are considered characteristic of the target wetland community type (small stream swamp and swamp forest) The most prevalent non - target species observed during Year 1 monitoring was unidentified P►nus spp and sweet gum While considered non - desirable (due to their potential to out - compete planted species), both loblolly pine and sweet gum are commonly occurring as early successional species in the Outer Coastal Plain Based upon the data, the predominant volunteers (e g fetterbush, red bay, gallberry, etc ) are desirable and consistent with the restoration goals of the project (i a characteristic of the target vegetative community) While certain volunteer species can potentially out - compete planted species, the overall composition of the species observed is characteristic of small stream swamp and swamp forest wetlands of the outer Coastal Plain and appear to be well- adapted to the restored wetland hydrology Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 8 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report TABLE 4. YEAR 1 STEM COUNTS (PHASE TWO - STREAM) - PLANTED SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 PLOT 7 PLOT 8 PLOT 9 PLOT 10 PLOT 11 PLOT 12 PLOT 13 PLOT 14 PLOT 15 PLOT 16 PLOT 17 PLOT 18 PLOT NT1 PLOT NT2 PLOT NT3 PLOT NT4 PLOT NT5 PLOT NT6 PLOT ST1 PLOT ST2 PLOT ST3 PLOT ST4 PLOT ST5 TOTAL Bald Cypress 23 20 12 27 26 5 20 40 32 17 16 26 4 14 33 56 33 15 25 37 16 33 28 54 28 19 24 34 32 749 Black Gum 12 20 8 7 20 8 11 0 12 2 3 13 3 3 4 4 8 4 11 6 4 9 22 3 0 9 7 8 20 241 Atlantic White Cedar 0 0 2 1 0 5 0 0 0 8 11 0 18 13 0 4 0 7 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 80 Pond Pine 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 6 0 4 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 73 Tulip Poplar 20 6 17 0 4 3 0 25 0 1 1 4 4 2 5 0 2 10 5 8 3 0 8 4 0 0 2 0 0 134 Swamp Chestnut Oak 8 6 5 7 10 0 3 0 8 7 10 7 4 2 9 0 8 3 11 7 0 5 5 11 0 0 0 0 2 138 River Birch 0 23 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 7 0 2 1 0 4 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 Green Ash 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 7 22 1 40 Ironwood 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 6 TABLE 4A YEAR 1 STEM COUNTS (PHASE TWO - STREAM) - VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 PLOT 7 PLOT 8 PLOT 9 PLOT 10 PLOT 11 PLOT 12 PLOT 13 PLOT 14 PLOT 15 PLOT 16 PLOT 17 PLOT 18 PLOT NT1 PLOT NT2 PLOT NT3 PLOT NT4 PLOT NT5 PLOT NT6 PLOT ST1 PLOT ST2 PLOT ST3 PLOT ST4 PLOT ST5 TOTAL Water Oak 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 16 Tulip Poplar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 Gallberry 4 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254 Sweetbay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Red Bay 19 0 150 2 0 60 0 1 0 4 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 30 4 0 25 0 5 15 10 25 35 8 0 413 Wax Myrtle 7 0 0 6 12 0 0 2 5 1 0 4 8 7 7 0 0 15 3 1 13 0 0 5 5 5 10 5 0 121 American Holly 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Fetterbush 3 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 605 Red Maple 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Sweet Gum 6 2 25 0 0 50 0 20 0 0 25 0 10 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 7 0 15 25 10 20 40 20 0 310 Highbush Blue Berry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 Horse Sugar 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Bacchans 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 TABLE 4B YEAR 1 STEM COUNTS (PHASE TWO - STREAM) - UNIDENTIFIED VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 PLOT 7 PLOT 8 PLOT 9 PLOT 10 PLOT 11 PLOT 12 PLOT 13 PLOT 14 PLOT 15 PLOT 16 PLOT 17 PLOT 18 PLOT NT1 PLOT NT2 PLOT NT3 PLOT NT4 PLOT NT5 PLOT NT6 PLOT ST1 PLOT ST2 PLOT ST3 PLOT ST4 PLOT ST5 TOTAL Unidentified Pine 4 3 15 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 15 0 20 0 7 0 0 40 0 0 45 0 0 5 10 50 35 10 2 561 rTOTAL h�� ;4� �: 3 15 fl 0 300 0 0 0 0 1a 0 20 0 7 0 0 40 4 0 45 0 0 � r,5 1fl Q 35 10 2 561 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 9 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report 2. Hydrologic Monitoring (Wetlands) Per the approved mitigation plan, a total of fourteen (14) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were Installed throughout Phase Two Following the completion of stream construction, discharge rates decreased throughout the site, and static water table depths have remained within 12" of the surface for extended periods Of the fourteen (14) wells within Phase Two, thirteen (13) wells exhibited hydropenods greater than 12% (corresponding to 32 consecutive days) of the growing season between March 7th and November 28th, 2012 (Table 5) The observed mean hydropenod duration for these wells was 62 days During Year 1 (2012), moderate to extreme drought conditions persisted throughout the entire growing season (refer to Appendix D) As a result, one (Well #12) of the fourteen wells did not meet the 12% success criterion Well #12 exhibited elevated water table levels through much of the late growing season However, during a brief one -day and four -day period, water levels dropped dust below 12 inches from the soil surface On either end of this one -day and four -day period, water levels were within 12 inches of the soil surface for 18 consecutive days, 5 consecutive days (between periods), and 7 consecutive days, respectively In addition, data from this well appears to be Inconsistent with observed conditions of the area Readings may be influenced by the material of the former road bed which may be potentially Influencing lateral groundwater movement Observations from unlined bore holes (i a observed water tables within 12 inches of the soil surface) and other primary Indicators of hydrology (water - stained leaves, saturation, sediment deposits, etc ) suggest this may be the case Based upon the observed field Indicators, hydrology in the area of Well #12 appears to have been restored (particularly in light of the drought conditions persisting throughout the 2012 monitoring period) This area will be closely monitored to determine whether the well data is an artifact of compaction of soils within the former roadbed or representative of actual groundwater levels In the area A summary of these results are provided in Table 5 Complete hydrologic monitoring data are provided in Appendix C NC Division of Water Resources Drought maps are provided in Appendix D Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 10 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Table 5 Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Phase 2) 2012 Growinq Season March 7 - November 28 MS = Mainstem ' - MS & NT wells installed on January 5, 2012 NT = Northern Tributary ST wells date range is Jan 1 -Dec 31, 2012 ST = Southern Tributary SS = Small Stream SF = Swamp Forest Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 11 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Total Longest Number Number of Of Consecutive 12% Community days within Days Meeting Dates of Longest Number of Percentage Success >6 125 2 _ Well Number Type 12 Wetland Days Consecutive Da s Meeting Wetland of Growing g Criteria ° 12 5/° - 0 75/° >75% (Jan 5 thru Hydrology Hydrology Criteria Season (32 Days) 25% Dec 31)' Criteria (in growinq season) MS -1 SS 219 101 Aug 20 - Nov 28 378 Yes -- -- X -- MS -5 SS 202 59 Oct 1 - Nov 28 221 Yes -- X -- -- MS -7 SF 289 101 Aug 20 - Nov 28 378 Yes -- -- X -- MS -8A SF 116 33 Aug 24 - Sept 25 124 Yes X -- -- -- MS -8B SF 1 325 101 Aug 20 - Nov 28 378 Yes -- -- X -- MS-10 SF 286 82 Aug 20 - Nov 9 307 Yes -- -- X -- MS -12 SS 121 18 Aug 20 - Sept 6 67 No X -- -- -- MS -17 SS 281 101 Aug 20 - Nov 28 378 Yes -- -- X -- NT-2 SS 240 38 Mar 7 - Apr 13, May 15 - Jun 21 142 Yes -- X -- -- NT-3 SF 246 47 Aug 20 - Oct 5 176 Yes -- X -- -- NT-6 SS 134 34 Aug 22 - Sep 24 12 7 Yes -- X -- -- ST-1 SS 269 ** 80 Aug 20 - Nov 7 300 Yes -- -- X -- ST-3 SS 222 ** 38 Aug 20 - Sep 26 142 Yes -- X -- -- ST-4 SF 168 ** 1 34 Aug 22 - Sep 24 127 Yes -- X -- -- MS = Mainstem ' - MS & NT wells installed on January 5, 2012 NT = Northern Tributary ST wells date range is Jan 1 -Dec 31, 2012 ST = Southern Tributary SS = Small Stream SF = Swamp Forest Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 11 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report 3 Stream Monitoring The primary success criterion for the stream portion of the mitigation bank is identified below No less than two bankfull flow events must be documented through the monitoring period These events will be documented through the use of well monitoring data and on -site photo documentation If less than two bankfull events occur during the first 5 years, monitoring will continue until the second bankfull event ►s documented The bankfull events must occur during separate monitoring years In the event that the required bankfull events do not occur during the five-year monitoring period, the MBRT may determine that further monitoring is not required Level 1 Monitoring was implemented for the stream portion of the Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank as detailed in the Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003 Monitoring will occur every year for the five year monitoring period Level 1 Monitoring includes Sections (a), (b), and (c) listed below (a) Photo - Documentation Extensive photo documentation was implemented during Year 1 for the stream monitoring phase of this project Site visits were conducted and photographs were taken within 24 hours of a 0 5, 10, and 2 0 inch rain event at each gauge location during Year 1 monitoring Photographic and video evidence of Ordinary High Water Mark indicators and flow evidence were also collected Photos of riparian area plantings (live stakes) are provided in Appendix A Photos were taken at all permanent cross - sections and are provided in Appendix E Ordinary High Water Mark indicators are provided in Appendix F Please refer to the enclosed CD for video evidence of flow (b) Ecological Function The health of the riparian vegetation was documented as part of the wetland restoration monitoring efforts Multiple 0 10 ac permanent monitoring plots were established throughout the nvenne wetland restoration Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 12 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Including areas directly adjacent to the restored channel Reference the vegetation monitoring section for monitoring results Subsequent to communication with the Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Branch in February 2012, macroinvertebrate sampling will no longer be required as part of the Phase Two monitoring requirements (c) Channel Stability /Survey Procedures 1 Cross - Sections The Stone Farm Phase Two area has restored 15,338 If of Coastal Plain stream The restoration has mimicked low gradient, low velocity stream reaches characteristic of the outer Coastal Plain No hardened materials (i a rock structures) were used Rather, natural materials (such as root wads and log vanes) have assisted with channel stabilization and grade control Given the size, uniform design, and gentle slope (0 005) of the project, cross - sections were established every 1,000 feet of stream length (totaling 14 permanent stations) Placement of these stations was designed to assess the performance of potential problem areas (i a severe erosion, structural failure) These stations were also evenly distributed between riffles and pools throughout the project Refer to Table 6 for the number of cross - sections and Figure 5 for the locations of the cross - section monitoring stations Year 1 cross - section surveys are provided in Appendix G Table 6. Stream Lengths and Number of Cross - Section Stations Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 13 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Proposed (10 Final Design Reach Name Mitigation Length As -Built Length Cross - sections Plan Mainstem 8,073 8,609 8,613 8 Northern Tributary 2,668 1 3,473 1 3,474 3 Southern Tributary 2,641 3,288 3,251 3 Total Length 13,382 15,370 15,338 14 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 13 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report 2 Longitudinal Profiles Guidelines regarding longitudinal profiles for projects totaling over 3,000 If suggest that 30% of the area be surveyed on an annual basis Based on this guideline, a total of 4,200 If of profile is required for the Stone Farm project The 4,200 If of survey was divided throughout the individual reaches and includes the permanent cross - sections (Table 7) Reference the longitudinal surveys in Appendix G in comparison to as -built conditions Table 7. Longitudinal Profiles by Stream Reach Reach Name Proposed (10 Final Design Length As -Built Length % of Project Profile (10 Mainstem 8,073 8,609 8,613 356 2,400 Northern Tributary 2,668 3,473 3,474 144 900 Southern Tributary 21641 3,288 3,251 134 900 Total Length 13,382 15,370 15,338 634 4,200 3 Pebble Counts Streams in the Stone Farm Phase Two project area are composed of sandy substrates typical in the outer Coastal plain Since all sediment falls into the sand category, gravelometer readings were not conducted All sediment in the constructed stream beds is less than 2mm and would be placed in the <2mm category for Wolman pebble count analysis 4 Stream Flow Monttonng As indicated above, the 1st -order streams of Phase Two occur within three distinct valleys that connect the 145 -acre Carolina bay on the southern portion of the tract to the Little Caw Caw Canal on the north side (a third order tributary of the Waccamaw River) The three valleys are identified as the mainstem, the northern tributary, and the southern tributary A total of 5 gauges were installed in the stream beds to document the elevations of surface water in the channels on a daily basis These gauges capture the upper end of each stream reach (3 gauges in the mainstem, 2 gauges in the northern tributary, and 2 gauges in the southern tributary) Refer to Figure 3 for a map depicting the location of 1st -order gauges Indicators of Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and video documentation were also used to identify the presence of surface water flow Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 14 Phase Two and Three - Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Mainstem (MS) Surface water and flow was documented in each of the three (3) gauges over several periods during the monitoring event The valley exhibits a very gradual slope (0 005 %) from the upper end (Carolina bay) to the lowest end (Little Caw Caw Canal) Gauge MS -1 was placed the furthest up- gradient (second stream meander from source) in order to capture bankfull events at the head of the restored stream reach Guages MS -2 and MS -3 were spaced approximately 1000 -ft apart further down the stream All three gauges were placed within the stream segment solely charged by the Carolina bay (Phase One) Refer to Figure 3 for the gauge locations The amplitude of the surface water varied at each gauge Gauge MS -1 exhibited a bankfull event once during the monitoring period, while gauges MS -2 and MS -3 recorded five (5) and six (6) bankfull events, respectively (Table 8) Despite the drought conditions of the first half of 2012, the gauges exhibited a significant increase in the duration and amplitude of flow events during 2012 (post - construction Year 1) Video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events during the spring and summer over multiple site visits Flow can be readily seen at each gauge located within the stream valley With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley In addition to this data, velocity measurements were collected within 24 hours of significant rain events at each gauge location during Year 1 monitoring Measurements were collected using a FLOWWATCH, FW450, Impeller type flow meter at 1 -foot intervals across the restored channel at depths of 0 6 ft above the bottom Flow meter readings ranged from 2 cm /s to 5 cm /s for the mainstem across the monitoring period Refer to Appendix H for stream flow discharge measurement forms Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within the mainstem consisted of the following (1) natural line impressed on the bank, (2) presence of litter and debris, (3) wracking, (4) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent, (5) sediment sorting, (6) scour, (7) deposition, (8) water staining, (9) and multiple observed flow events Photographs of the mainstem are provided in Appendix A Ordinary High Water Mark photographs and physical indicators are provided in Appendix F Video evidence of flow is provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 15 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Northern Tributary (NT) Surface water and flow was documented in each of the two (2) gauges over several periods during the monitoring event Gauge NT -1 was placed the furthest up- gradient in order to capture bankfull events at the head of the restored stream reach Gauge NT -2 was placed approximately 1000 -ft further down the stream Refer to Figure 3 for the gauge locations The amplitude of the surface water varied at each gauge Gauge NT -1 exhibited five (5) bankfull events during the monitoring period, while gauge NT -2 exhibited seven (7) bankfull events (Table 8) Despite the drought conditions of the first half of 2012, the gauges exhibited a significant increase in the duration and amplitude of flow events during 2012 (post - construction Year 1) Video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events during the spring and summer over multiple site visits Flow can be readily seen at each gauge located within the stream valley With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley In addition to this data, velocity measurements were collected within 24 hours of significant rain events at each gauge location during Year 1 monitoring Measurements were collected at 1 -foot intervals across the restored channel at depths of 0 6 ft above the bottom Measurements were collected using a FLOWWATCH, FW450, Impeller type flow meter at 1 -foot intervals across the restored channel at depths of 0 6 ft above the bottom Flow meter readings ranged from 2 cm /s to 11 cm /s for the Northern Tributary across the monitoring period Refer to Appendix H for stream flow discharge measurement forms Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within the northern tributary consisted of the following (1) natural line impressed on the bank, (2) presence of litter and debris, (3) wracking, (4) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent, (5) sediment sorting, (6) scour, (7) deposition, (8) water staining, (9) and multiple observed flow events Photographs of the northern tributary are provided in Appendix A Ordinary High Water Mark photographs and physical indicators are provided in Appendix F Video evidence of flow is provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs Southern Tributary (ST) Surface water and flow was documented in each of the two (2) gauges over several periods during the monitoring event Gauge ST -1 was placed the furthest up- gradient in order to capture bankfull events at Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 16 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report the head of the restored stream reach Gauge ST -2 was placed approximately 1000 -ft further down the stream Refer to Figure 3 for the gauge locations The amplitude of the surface water varied at each gauge Gauge ST -1 exhibited seven (7) bankfull events during the monitoring period, while gauge ST -2 exhibited two (2) bankfull events (Table 8) Despite the drought conditions of the first half of 2012, the gauges exhibited a significant increase in the duration and amplitude of flow events during 2012 (post - construction Year 1) It should be noted that the duration of the bankfull events at both gauges sometimes extended for several days, with the maximum duration being 6 days (Table 8) Video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events during the spring and summer over multiple site visits Flow can be readily seen at each gauge located within the stream valley With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley In addition to this data, velocity measurements were collected within 24 hours of significant rain events at each gauge location during Year 1 monitoring Measurements were taken at 1 -foot intervals across the restored channel at depths of 0 6 ft above the bottom Measurements were collected using a FLOWWATCH, FW450, Impeller type flow meter at 1 -foot intervals across the restored channel at depths of 0 6 ft above the bottom Flow meter readings ranged from 2 cm /s to 33 cm /s for the Southern Tributary across the monitoring period Refer to Appendix H for stream flow discharge measurement forms Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within the southern tributary consisted of the following (1) natural line impressed on the bank, (2) presence of litter and debris, (3) wracking, (4) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent, (5) sediment sorting, (6) scour, (7) deposition, (8) water staining, (9) and multiple observed flow events Photographs of the southern tributary are provided in Appendix A Ordinary High Water Mark photographs and physical indicators are provided in Appendix F Video evidence of flow is provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 17 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Table 8. Summary of 2012 Bankfull Event Monitoring (Phase Two) Gauge Number Total Number of Bankfull Events Longest Number of Consecutive Days During Bankfull Event Dates of Bankfull Event(s) 3 -Day Antecedent Rainfall (Inches) (On -site Rain gauge) MS -1 1 1 August 29 186 MS -2 5 2 May 14 279 June 12 249 Aug 22 171 Aug 29 -30 189 Dec 29 212 MS -3 6 2 May 14 279 May 30 188 June 12 2 49 Aug 22 171 Aug 29 -30 189 Dec 29 2 12 NT -1 5 2 May 14 279 June 12 249 Aug 23 2 91 Aug 29 -30 189 Dec 29 212 NT -2 7 3 May 14 279 June 12 249 Aug 22 171 Aug 23 -24 356 Aug 29 -31 189 Sept 9 201 Dec 29 212 STA 7 6 May 14 279 June 12 -13 258 Aug 22 171 Aug 23 -28' 4 05' Aug 28 -29 186 Aug 29 -Sept 3 195 Dec 29 212 ST -2 2 4 Aug 23 -25 3 56 Aug 29 -Sept 1 189 - Includes 3 -day antecedent rainfall from Aug 231d, and rainfall totals from Aug 24th & Aug 28th ** MS= Mamstem, NT= Northem Tributary, ST= Southem Tributary Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 18 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report 4. Contingency Measures Stream banks and in- stream structures (i a root wads, log vanes, etc ) were monitored for evidence of surface bank erosion (i a down - cutting) subsequent to above normal rainfall and high flow events Some down - cutting of the floodplain was noted in areas where surface water in the floodplain flows back into the stream channel However, these features have not resulted in any significant deposition within the channel and do not appear to adversely affect stream function In fact, these features are common within natural, unimpaired streams and are evidence of the connectivity between the stream and its floodplain Most of the areas in which this has been observed appear to have met a point of equilibrium and have become increasingly stable with the growth of stream bank vegetation No re- grading or reinforcement of the stream banks are recommended at this time Grading work conducted during initial project implementation resulted in a discernible increase in groundwater levels throughout the streams and adjacent small stream swamp and swamp forest communities Restoration of the stream channels helped reduce surface water outflows Upon further site assessments (including a November 2011 site meeting with the Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Branch), it was determined that certain meander bends of the stream needed to be reinforced with additional root wads in order to provide enhanced bank stability during high flow events In January 2012, these additional root wads were installed and coir fiber matting was reinforced in the selected areas per the recommendation of the USACE B. PHASE THREE Per review and approval by the USACE, a total of eight (8) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout Phase Three Subsequent to the earthwork, static water table depths gradually rose to within 12 inches of the soil surface, particularly in response to discrete rain events Plugging of the main outlet ditch for this phase reduced the rate of groundwater discharge from the adjacent wetlands The observed mean hydropenod duration for the eight (8) wells was 38 days Of the eight (8) wells within Phase Three, four (4) wells exhibited hydropenods greater than 12% (corresponding to 32 consecutive days) of the growing season between March 7th and November 28th, 2012 (Table 8) (Note that wells were Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 19 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report installed on March 21, 2012) One (1) well exhibited a hydroperiod equal to, or greater than, 8% of the growing season The remaining three (3) wells exhibited hydropenods of less than 3% of the growing season (with an observed mean hydropenod duration of 6 days) During Year 1 (2012), moderate to extreme drought conditions persisted throughout the entire growing season (refer to Appendix D) Given the very poorly drained soils and the depressional landscape of the restoration area, it is likely that the shorter hydropenods of the three wells is an artifact of the timing of the completion of the earthwork (in February) and the subsequent drought conditions The surrounding headwater wetlands receive hydrologic input primarily via precipitation In the absence of sufficient groundwater recharge post - restoration work, groundwater levels can remain lower for greater periods of time These areas will be continued to be monitored over the next four years Patterns of hydrologic response to normal precipitation periods will therefore be able to be more thoroughly evaluated to determine hydrologic success A summary of the groundwater monitoring results for Year 1 is provided in Table 9 Complete hydrologic monitoring data are provided in Appendix C NC Division of Water Resources Drought maps are provided in Appendix D Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 20 Phase Two and Three — Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report Table 9. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Swamp Forest - Phase Three) 2012 Growinq Season March 7 - November 28 Well Number Total Number of days within 12" (Mar 21 thru Dec 31)' Longest Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Percentage of Growing Season 12% Success Criterion (32 Days) >6 - 125% 12.5 - 25% 25 - 75% >75 % 1 148 65 Aug 20 - Oct 23 243 Yes -- X -- -- 2 209 98 Aug 23 - Nov 28 367 Yes -- -- X -- 3 150 39 Aug 21 - Sept 28 146 Yes -- X -- -- 4 168 61 Aug 22 - Oct 21 22 8 Yes -- X -- -- 5 23 7 Aug 29 - Sept 4 26 No -- -- -- -- 6 81 23 Aug 24 - Sept 15 86 No X -- -- -- 7 24 7 Aug 30 - Sept 5 26 No -- -- -- -- 8 9 5 Aug 30 - Se t 3 1 9 No -- -- -- -- * - Wells installed on March 21, 2012 Data not collected for first three weeks of growing season Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 21 Phase Two and Three —Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report 5.0 CONCLUSION The implementation of Phase Two and Three completes an integral component of the watershed restoration effort of the Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Removal of large outlet canals and the re- contouring of the stream valleys has resulted in the connection of vast headwater wetland areas to the upper first -order reaches of the Little Caw Caw Canal There has been a discernible hydrologic response within the stream valleys and the adjacent riparian wetlands Vegetation and hydrologic monitoring of the Phase Two and Three project areas indicate that the site is progressing well during the first year following the implementation of the restoration activities Overall, the site exhibited a diverse assemblage of characteristic trees and shrubs Vegetation data document high rates of survivorship among the planted species (R stem density = 532 stems per acre) As anticipated (due to the drought conditions of the first half of 2012), some of the restoration areas in the swamp forest community of Phase Three did not meet the target hydrologic criteria However, a majority of the wells did meet success criteria, and overall, the site exhibited increased hydropenods It is anticipated that static water table elevations will continue to rise across the site particularly during normal rainfall periods during the early growing season Overall, Phase Two and Three appear to be progressing well toward the targeted wetland community types No contingency measures are recommended at this time The restoration site is already providing key wetland functions by reducing sediment/nutrient runoff, increasing floodwater storage, and re- establishing wildlife habitat The site will be continued to be monitored over the next four years (through Year 5), and the findings of such will be provided in subsequent annual monitoring reports for agency review and concurrence Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 22 Phase Two and Three —Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report FIGURES NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION i -%wFTI AN25t2002 WETtAND5 FILEW 1 -02 -240 - -- 5wne Farm M+t•gat,o< 51te. DeCarol W,%amr j MCAEWnace 2. FINA! Legend Property Boundary 404 Wetland Line Stream Restoration (15,338 I.f. ) Riverine Small Stream Swamp Restoration (1 03 ac.) Non- Riverine Swamp Forest Restoration TIONIIM1 (40 ac.) 0 nd Enhancement (66 ac.) ie Pre5ervatlon (28 ac.) ;lverine Preservation (I 60 ac.) d Buffer (2 1 ac. ) N- x- , 14 lIJ, LAND MANACEMENT GROUT' a, f— i,onmenrnl C— ulfanh Post Office Box 2522 nington, North Carolina 28402 Telephone: 910452 -0001 Project: Stone Farm Mitigation Phase II Re5toratlon Plan Kevi5lon 2/15/20131 Incale: .�, ,, 1, . 1 "= 1000 40 -09- 1 908 wn • PLUG 1 ' ` .,. yl. ,,i►' .tom g ~. 0 300-ft Aj.� 150 -ft �y \\ • ;rr `��� �` fit �j,F� 11 d � 4�a� ' •�: t: PLUG 2 rY yam. Legend N Preservation Areas = 85.0 Acres W E L' Enhancement Areas = 68.0 Acres s Restoration Areas (Non- Riparian) = 38.9 Acres Ditch Corridor - No Credits (6.16 Acres) k/&' Nil n� 1 f _,irf .L tJ . •� jay -l� ip M r 4 * tO�Si�i PLUG 3 a?. 1 van 4 .•q iwj i • l/ a PLUG 4 V7, • tir , . _ < +, ,'r1+_rw `,a?..h�..'f4'�r .ct • �'• _:- ,�U�C•R�fi1c�•� - itiC�in ?.� _..,ar.. �1slti't., _ L: \WETLANDS \2002 WETLANDS FILES \01 -02 -240 - -- Stone Farm Stone Farm Mitigation Bank j N'1( i Mitigation Site, DeCarol Williamson\Annual Monitoring\ ocean Isle Investment Company Phase III - Upper South Trib \Maps\As -Built Brunswick Count NC ww 2.0001 - 1.866t County, Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 01 -02 -240 Fax: 910.452.0060 Map Source: NAPP 2010 Aerial Photography. P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 Figure 2 - Phase 3 Headwater Wetland Mitigation As -Built .�l71 r 'r. , 9• � t cr s. ra.Yb 0 300 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 Feet NOTE: This is not a survey. All boundaries and distances are considered approximate. This represents portions of a Conservation Easment Map surveyed by Tompkins Land Surveying, P.A. AutoCAD layers have been overlaid onto an aerial photograph. Map Source: NAPP 2012 Aerial Photogra Stone Farm Mitigation Bank Ocean Isle Investment Company Brunswick County, NC 01 -02 -240 —Z'I_, M G WWW.LMGroup.net Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax: 910.452.0060 P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 N W E Figure 3 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank - S Phase Boundary Overlay 1 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 FE ' say,. ��`y�-''� } ^'�.. f �yc* •R '�� i i a } . v; i "PLO PLOT 16' ���tir,�t�` ��M� • '�!,•�i 1 M/: �° �. j {'yri e"ri• aaaFF� fl� .s -.r: '•ir:': y s, Z y M _ a"y • it'Y"f r- r � ff• 1. `r�..:�. li. `r�'.�. � ��}''' -✓�, .=mil•, f3x, it x: T:.ro South Tributa M.d A Mainstem . AK 6M Legend NOTE: This is not a survey. All boundaries and distances are considered approximate. This represents a preliminary sketch prepared from field notes. Rain Guage Wells Stream data provided by Steve Norris, PLS. Stream Guages Well / Plot Combination Permanent Cross Sections Plots Map Source: 2010 NAPP aerial photography SCALE 1" = 400' L: \WETLANDS \2002 WETLANDS FILES \01 -02 -240 - -- Stone Farm Mitigation Site, DeCarol Williamson \Well Stream Data \Well Plot Map_2012 Stone Farm Regional www.LMGroup.net Figure 4 Mitigation Bank - Phase II Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Aerial Photograph w/ Brunswick County NC LMG February 2012 �n�YYnl:+�ncem�rsarcxuf:I" Fax: 910.452.0060 Plot and Well Location rY ` `" "" P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 01 -02 -240 0 M It, � x Worth ��� ;s t7t�► . � ., x x r• r � � cl air Aw� , Jb � Y '4 7j'IE: b . ♦ rte. `'` �, X X x " _ K�IA !!� ,�y ty" Wb- x x x x. F .�• '4 , a.• , JD .''mot• � yl �` .� t ' Mainstem r ,� •re X i9'• m�� �. - d �;' L� -i' ,� . .�A �� l `f YMii.. •r Z � i � ' � l � / . r } Legend NOTE: This is not a survey. All boundaries and distances are considered approximate, This represents a preliminary sketch prepared from field notes. X X Permanent Cross Sections Stream data provided by Steve Norris, PLS. X X Longitudinal Profiles X As -Built Cross Sections 3 Source: 2010 NAPP aerial photography SCALE 1" = 400' VETLANDS \2002 WETLANDS FILES \01 -02 -240 - -- Stone Farm Mitigation Site, DeCarol Williamson \Well_Stream Data \Well_Plot Map_2012 Stone Farm Regional www.LMGroup.net Mitigation Bank - Phase II Figure 5 Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Brunswick County, NC LMG Aerial Photograph w/ 2012 IANDAIANAGEAHNTGROUP— Fax: 910.452.0060 February ` ' ' `"" P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 Cross Section Location 01 -02 -240 APPENDIX A: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS `.,., 544 �f View of planting crews along Mainstem (MS) View of planting crews along Mainstem (MS) planting live stakes Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. LAND Phase II $ III -1-1 - l"tC"', GROUP ,,. Site Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of Plot 7 at baseline monitoring along Mainstem (MS) View of elderberry live stake growth in early growing season (MS) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. ' """" "` Site Photographs Phase II & III Year 1 AMR March 2013 S! i4 l AW View of guage 3 along Mainstem View of Mainstem during late growing season (looking south - upstream) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III "v " "'� "w'i N `'I r Site Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of planting crew along North Tributary (NT) View of Plot Nt2 at baseline monitoring along North Tributary (NT) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III LANI)MANAGEMIiN717HUUVc,i Site Photographs Envi,onmenrnl ��nsuhm,rc Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of upper end of North Tributary (NT) i z�47� 574- G 1.�_ 16 4 View of flow at guage NT1 along North Tributary (NT) in late growing season Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III ANDMA""""""NI Site Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of top end of Southern Tributary (ST) immediately post construction View of Southern Tributary (ST) and live stake plantings Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Site A. Phase II ° III i1��UM�INAGF:Mf.NTf,NiAiP�e� Site Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 4 View of flow along Southern Tributary (ST) during early growing season t t, Y y Y °'' :0 n View of flow along Southern Tributary (ST) during late growing season Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase 11 & III "' "" "' " " "'" Site Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of Atlantic white cedar growth at Plot 4 (MS) View of bald cypress growth at Plot 5 (MS) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II $ III LANUM eritaiCo- vra,ti Site Photographs Envirnnmenlal Cons uirant� Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of black gum growth at Plot NT1 (NT) View of swamp chestnut oak growth at Plot NT1 (NT) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III IANhMANAGISMENTGHOIIPw Site Photographs .. nrnrnl (nn wlrnnrc Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of bald cypress growth at Plot ST4 (ST) (11/20/2012) View of black gum growth at Plot ST4 (ST) (11/20/2012) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III VUM`A...... NTGNUUI i.: Site Photographs Year 1 AMR I March 2013 View of plug 1 at lower end of Phase 3 immediately post construction View of plug 1 at lower end of Phase 3 in late growing season with saturated floodplain Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III I.ANUM— ,talM1llN "fGROUPm Site Photographs Envrtnnmen hrr Lnn su ho nt+ Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of plug 3 of Phase 3 immediately post construction View of plug 3 of Phase 3 in late growing season with saturated floodplain Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III `"V""— walConwlr— Site Photographs Enri�onmeninl Con �u�ta nts Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of plug 4 of Phase 3 immediately post construction View of plug 4 of Phase 3 in early 2013 growing season wth saturated floodplain Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix A. Phase II & III LANUMANAGF.MI ?NTGftllllPi >, Site Photographs lxrvuonmenral Consuhartr Year 1 AMR I March 2013 APPENDIX B: INDIVIDUAL PLOT DATA SHEETS STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 1 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 10 1 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 10 2ft Planted 10 Black Gum T 13 1 ft Planted 13 Black Gum T 7 2ft Planted 7 River Birch T 7 1 ft Planted 7 River Birch T 16 2ft Planted 16 Tulip Poplar T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 2ft Planted 5 Unidentified Pine T 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Sweet Gum T 2 2ft Volunteer 2 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED�DENSITIf SPECIES 75 I (PLANTED SPECIES 'p 750 PER ACRE) h il TOTAL ACCEPTABLE OBSERVED DENSITY VOLUNTEERS 0 (VOLUNTEER 0 SPECIES PERIACRE) = ',t TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 5 a50 °k OF =TOTAL (YM) N VOLUNTEERS - yF?T0T x OBSERVED DENSIT1f: TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 80 ., ( PER ACRE 750 '� STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 9 2ft Planted 9 Black Gum T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Tulip Poplar T 17 1 ft Planted 17 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 2 It Planted 2 Pond Pine T 9 1 ft Planted 9 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Red Bay T 150 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 150 Gallberry SH 250 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 250 Fetterbush SH 200 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 200 Horse Sugar SH 5 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 5 Sweet Gum SH 25 4 ft - Avg Volunteer 25 Unidentified Pine SH 15 4 ft - Avg Volunteer 15 TOTAL PLANTED �OBSERVED,DENSITY'. 55 `"(PL'ANTED SPECIES . 550 •b `3 SPECIES i PER � - BSER VE D DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 600 (VOLUNTEER6000 �5 S,PECIES PE_iRIA _R�E_)� , TOTAL )SINGLEYOLUNTEER*Y UNACCEPTABLE 45 `F` 0 AL - I N0 VOLUNTEERS �rpg5' r ,��� TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 700 OBSERVE�D'DENSIT>Y - � - ' Y H��� 6550 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 8 1 It Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 19 2 It Planted 19 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 4 2ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 2 It Planted 5 Wax Myrtle SH 6 1 It Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY -� r ` o t TOTAL PLANTED 42 mil''h (PLANTED SPECIES 420 f SPECIES -PER A�CRP)� , OBSERVED DENSITY; TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 8 (VOLUNTEER 80 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE)y ' TOTAL 5 UNACCEPTABLE 0r SINGLE VOLUNTEER NO VOLUNTEERS I>50% OF TOTAL (YM) °W ' 4 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 50 OBSIER'VED D SITY - ; n,J- (PER ACRE) 500 j STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 12 1 ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 14 2 ft Planted 14 Black Gum T 10 1 ft Planted 10 Black Gum T 10 2 ft Planted 10 Tulip Poplar T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 6 2 ft Planted 6 Wax Myrtle SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 6 2 ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 � OBSERVED,DENSI ♦T Y �4 jl• TOTAL PLANTED 60 u"Y+.A -°�LL`a mss' -F`� (PLANTER SPECIS; {-� • ' `; »- 600 R SPECIES N�PER ACRE) A DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE°. 12 OBSERVED t(VOLUNTEER 's 120 �n VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER^ CREj +y�}y' ) TOTAL'" , UNACCEPTABLE 0 SINCiLE1VOLUN, FE a NQ >50 °k'OF IOTA (YM)" =— VOLUNTEERS TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 72 OBSERVED DENSITY F 0 ` (PER{ACREI STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 2 ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 5 1 It Planted 5 Black Gum T 3 2 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Tulip Poplar T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 11 1 ft Planted 11 Pond Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 60 2 It - Avg Volunteer 60 Fetterbush SH 300 3 It - Avg Volunteer 300 Sweet Gum SH 50 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 50 Unidentified Pine SH 300 2 ft - Avg Volunteer 300 s TOTAL PLANTED ;OBSERVED DENSITY; spa x� SPECIES 33 (PLANTED SPECI ES' t ' PER , = �PERiACRRE) E),�` 330 n4 �PF :yam. �! y - .t}M-1w OBSERVED DENSITY' TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 360 (VOLUNTEER 1 X3600 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER,ACRE)' 'af TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER, �' w UNACCEPTABLE 350 >50°�b OF�TOTAL ll� (Y � • _ ;� : �, � VOLUNTEERS 4" %c F' TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 743 :OBSERVED DENSITY �, W- « - 1, -- � A y 3930 ,A(PER ACRE) i STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 15 2ft Planted 15 Black Gum T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Black Gum T 5 2ft Planted 5 River Birch T 6 1 ft Planted 6 River Birch T B 2ft Planted 6 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 2ft Planted 2 TOTAL PLANTEDrj 48 OBSERVE DENSITY, ;,(PLAN PIXIES ? 0 =�y{�R48;s SPECIES OBSERVED'DENSffY, TOTAL ACCEPTABLEt 0 (VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEERS jSPECIES,P,ER ACRE) °�:�� ^`%, ✓f TOTAL SINGLE-VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 0 OF VOLUNTEERS S�(OB RVED�DENSITY� TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 48 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 12 1 it Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 27 2 It Planted 27 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 23 1 ft Planted 23 Tulip Poplar T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle T 2 i ft Volunteer 2 Water Oak T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 20 4 It - Avg Volunteer 20 Red Maple T 5 4 it - Avg Volunteer 5 OBSERVEDOENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 65 (PLANTED S_P,ECIES , s650 t SPECIES E ACRE)gy,j -,� d` TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 4VOLUNTEER;� OBSERVED DENSITY ;+ *140 t VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACR�Ey),g TOTAL " SINGLE VOLUNTEER NO UNACCEPTABLE 25 >50°Yo OF'TOTAL VOLUNTEERS ,��; � r OBSERVED DENSIT& Y F -ate , - �', � tr TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 94 ^ * -' 4(PER ACRE) ; �; STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T SA or SH Bald Cypress T 7 1 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 24 2ft Planted 24 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 8 1 ft Planted 8 Black Gum T 4 2ft Planted 4 River Birch T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 6 2 ft Planted 6 Wax Myrtle SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Bacchans SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Baccharis SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 i TOTAL PLAN 55 OBSERVED DENS -k (PLANTED "SPECIES] ' } 4 'r ; >� �_ ,550 ESTED TERACRE),j j, � - s OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 5 r� (VOLUNTEER j -'' ��-v 50 r VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE)° i^ "` TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 2 �'"� f SINGLE VOLUNTEER IN - VOLUNTEERS . TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 62 OB$ERYED DENSITY Tf . STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 10 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T SA or SH Bald Cypress T 7 1 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 9 2ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 2ft Planted 3 Tulip Poplar T 1 2ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 6 2ft Planted 6 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED.DENSITY' TOTAL PLANTED 35 (PLANTED SPECIES 9 SPECIES PE ACRE) ED D SITY OBS41* TOTAL ACCEPTABLE * VOLUNTEERS 5 � (VOLUNTEE_R w._ Y 5 SPECIES PER,ACRE)� 4 ff''_ TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER ; UNACCEPTABLE 0 >50350FTOTAL°(YM)' �• NO VOLUNTEERS ; _ - n" 1, 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 40 400 ' (PER ACRE) '` ' STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 11 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T SA or SH Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 14 2ft Planted 14 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 2ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 2ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 9 1 ft Planted 9 Pond Pine T 3 2ft Planted 3 American Holly T 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 20 2ft Volunteer 20 Sweet Gum T 25 6 ft - Avg Volunteer 25 Unidentified Pine T 15 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 15 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED DENSITY SPECIES 53 (PLANTED S PECIES. s , ' 530 PER ACRE) ,z OBSERVED DENSITY ' TOTAL ACCEPTABLE' 1 °{ ii 10 VOLUNTEERS ,(VOLUNTEER SPE61ESrPER ACtRyE)« y I I bay TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER r r UNACCEPTABLE 60 >50 %OFTOTAL (Y)N) I NO VOLUNTEERS TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 114 ,OBSERVED DENSITY, , ', _ J540 APER ACRE} , ,; STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 12 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 6 1 It Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 20 2 It Planted 20 Black Gum T 10 1 It Planted 10 Black Gum T 3 2 It Planted 3 River Birch T 1 2ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 4 2ft Planted 4 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 It Volunteer 1 Bacchans SH 1 1 It Volunteer 1 Baccharis SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 51 � (PLANTED SPECIES, ; SPECIES �- . f ER ACRE) OBS ERVED DENSITY ,' TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 5 = _* ' "(VOLUNTEER ' °`. °Y-50 ; VOLUNTEERS ZW ff. -,-- .2 SPECIES PER ACRES) TOTAL �' t UNACCEPTABLE 2 SINGLE VOLUNTEER � > ,� ,.- • % >- j >509 OF TOTAL (YIN) ;, NO VOLUNTEERS �' OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 58 &L--_ ° . - �(PER ACREj 560- STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 13 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 2 It Planted 4 Black Gum T 2 2 It Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 1 ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 211 Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 3 It Planted 2 River Birch T 2 1 ft Planted 2 River Birch T 2 2111 Planted 2 Tulip Poplar T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 2ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 8 3 ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 20 3 It - Avg Volunteer 20 Sweet Gum SH 10 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 10 Unldentified Pine SH 20 4 ft - Avg Volunteer }yy h( ��A T�r imp 11114 T' ,'OBSERVED'DENSITY' }20 r •'��EC �s _ TOTAL PLANTED 37 (P TEDISSPECIESv 370 SPECIES Z,y.�PpELR�ACRE) yyllI �>rll I L'4ii �'MS i TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 28 OBSERVED DENSITY• UNT �(VOL` UNTEEfi = y � ' �' �'• �' 1�+a� VOLUNTEERS = AEA R SPECIES PER ACR ,280 �, I TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 30� SING E VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEERS I>50% °OF TOTALS(�1fM) TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 95 OBSERVED DENSITY -_ a'=� g ��� 1 i3 t350' ,�� �' ,(PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 14 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 1 It Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 9 2ft Planted 9 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 2ft Planted 7 Tulip Poplar T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 i ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 11 1 ft Planted 11 Pond Pine T 4 2ft Planted 4 Wax Myrtle SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY ? TOTAL PLANTED 49 n °- --x '(PLANTEVSPECIES SPECIES =PER ACRE) `41 OBSERVED DENSIT(' TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 7 r(VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) j __- -, -- - _, = 4 TOTAL SINGLE ,'VOLUNTEER, UNACCEPTABLE 0 X5096 OF TOTAL (YM) ENO VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 56 �� (PER ACRE) 1 ,_,560; 1 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 15 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 10 1 It Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 23 2 It Planted 23 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 River Birch T 7 2ft Planted 7 Tulip Poplar T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Tulip Poplar T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 8 2ft Planted 8 Wax Myrtle SH 7 2ft Volunteer 7 Unldentified Pine T 7 3 ft Volunteer 7 OBSERVED"DENSU TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 58 :(PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE)' 580 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 7 09SERVEDDENSITY E (VOL "UNTER VOLUNTEERS SPECIES�I?ER,AGRE)� g TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 7 OL SINGLE XU ER OF�TOTAL =NO VOLUNTEERS X5096 (Y/N) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 72_;n(p,ER ACRE) 650 ,, STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 16 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 14 1 it Planted 14 Bald Cypress T 42 2 it Planted 42 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 3 2 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 6 1 ft Planted 6 TOTALPLANTED SPECIES 70 i OBSERVED.DENSITY. �* (PLANTED SPECIES x-r rdl wr�700 = ACRE);- � OBSERVED DENSITY n °_ TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 (VOLUNTEER, ° 4t� SPECIES PER ACRE)r TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 0 SFINGLE YOLU„NTEER �` NO VOLUNTEERS >50x �, F TOTAL (oYM) �t�`� �' TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 70 OBSERVE E D D NSITY 00' STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 17 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - MAINSTEM ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 18 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 1 It Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 11 2ft Planted 11 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 1 211 Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 2ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 6 i ft Planted 6 Tulip Poplar T 4 2ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 i ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 4 1 ft Planted 4 River Birch T 1 2ft Planted 1 American Holly T 1 1 It Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 100 3 It - Avg Volunteer 100 Red Bay SH 30 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 30 Wax Myrtle SH 15 3 ft -Avg Volunteer 15 Water Oak SH 10 2111 Volunteer 10 Sweet Gum SH 35 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 35 Unidentified Pine SH 40 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 40 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED, DENSITY (PLANTED % 37 F' 'h' '1440 SPECIES 44 SPECIES , I _ 12i . � OBSERVEDDENSITzIf TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 156 (VOLUNTEER '1560 VOLUNTEERS SPISFPE TOTAL SINGLE�VOLUNTEER - rt UNACCEPTABLE 75 > OF TOTAL (YM) �fi i e VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DE STY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 275 (PER ACRE)" R ; 2000 j STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - NORTH TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER NT 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 22 2ft Planted 22 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 8 2ft Planted 8 Tulip Poplar T 4 i ft Planted 4 Tulip Poplar T 1 2ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 i ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 9 2ft Planted 9 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES' 52 r -a-�aE ENSI - �(P NT ED D ITaY , (PLANTED SPECIES k +' ' PER OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 7 (V�OLUNTER VOLUNTEERS SPECIES, FR�ACRE)' TOTAL. UNACCEPTABLE 0 SINGLE - VOLUNTEER +� VOLUNTEERS 550 FsTOTAL',(YlN04'P li TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 59 OBSERVED,DENSITY,.,`��F`� i 7'(PER ACRE)``x,, _590 A ,k STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - NORTH TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER NT 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 33 2 ft Planted 33 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 3 2 ft Planted 3 River Birch T 1 1 ft Planted 1 River Birch T 3 2 it Planted 3 Tulip Poplar T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Tulip Poplar T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 6 2ft Planted 6 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 DENSITY, TOTAL PLANTED 62 -MR E SPECIES" q ;62:0 SPECIES II,OBSE n s-.Tn iOBSERVED DENSITY, y.-- TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 1 r' ^'`� i(VOLUNNTEEER y `` I VOLUNTEERS L� 1 SPECIES PER ACRE) ry' fpY" TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 0 SINGLE VOLUNTEER ' ' =' w� "max ;N0 >50% OF TOTAL(YIN) y4_ `a VOLUNTEERS x;� ' t f�'"= s 1 f +�"�3 ��`+ Fie'a44 :. � � •+ yam, OBSERVED DENSITY' }�TT Y a �' TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 63 I' t r—' -, 41- -, � -• i ;(PER ACRE) z 630 w STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - NORTH TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER NT 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 11 2ft Planted 11 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 2ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 Oft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 3 t ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Red Bay SH 25 2 ft - Avg Volunteer 25 Wax Myrtle SH 8 2ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 5 3 It Volunteer 5 Water Oak T 3 3 It Volunteer 3 Unldentified Pine T 45 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 45 Sweet Gum T 7 2ft -Avg Volunteer 7 10615ERVED DENSITY,+ TOTAL PLANTED 35 F (PLANTED SPECIES+ ' 50 SPECIES ;PER ACRE) "* I'll 1 OBSERVED�DENSI,TY, TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 41 r a, f ',(VOLUNTEER :410 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PERACRE), I i -- -f TOTAL ;SINGLE VOLUNTEER ;% I I NO , UNACCEPTABLE 52 oc .�� >50% OF TOTAL (YIN), t VOLUNTEERS a OBSERVED DENSITY ` TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 128 .1 , ° (P.ER ACRE) 1 760 _ - a STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - NORTH TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER NT 4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 26 2ft Planted 26 Bald Cypress T 2 3ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 5 2ft Planted 5 River Birch T 3 1 ft Planted 3 River Birch T 18 2ft Planted 18 River Birch T 2 3ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 2ft Planted 3 OBSERVED DENSITY, �N s TOTAL PLANTED 70 (PLANTED SP CIES zA 100= SPECIES 'etPERACRE r17" 4-` OBSERVED "DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 0 (VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS PER ACRE), SPECIES ?"� •may �� • °i, . , ' } :,� ,rP • -,4c �r -r I"` •. �- 3r"���r- -k �gpr N 717 l ; s P w TOTAL . §s ;� SINGLE VOLUNTEER ��d = by UNACCEPTABLE 0$ >SU96 OF TOTAL -(YM) tNO VOLUNTEERS .;g f;��1 �. g « TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 70 OBSERVED ^ DEN SITT a'I(PE SAC E 4,1 —� STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - NORTH TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER NT 5 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 23 2 ft Planted 23 Black Gum T 16 1 ft Planted 16 Black Gum T 6 2 ft Planted 6 American White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 American White Cedar T 1 2ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 6 t ft Planted 6 Tulip Poplar T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 2ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Sweet Gum T 15 5 ft - Avg Volunteer 15 TOTAL PLANTED 66 "v (PLANTED,SPECIES 660_{ SPECIES PER All"1129% ��� Iil b L��' al il r��i� �. • ti4����+ TOTAL ACCEPTABLE OBSERVED DENSITY Wk T f 5 VOLUNTEERS 5 (VOLUNTEER SPECIESPERACRE)q :,_ �- =� ��,�',•G�s� TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEERt UNACCEPTABLE 15 , =� a�'� >50% ON71 AL VOLUNTEERS rL * �i`ym�}'S1� k .`�•'�'44' = "nLAl�y+� TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 86 OBSER VEM DEqSTY ;(PER ACRE); STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - NORTH TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER NT 6 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 9 1 ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 44 2ft Planted 44 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Tulip Poplar T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 7 2ft Planted 7 Red Bay T 15 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 15 Wax Myrtle T 5 2 ft - Avg Volunteer 5 Sweet Gum T 25 5 ft - Avg Volunteer 25 Unidentified Pine T 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 TOTAL PLANTED 72 SERE DEN TY OBSERVE (PLANTEDSPECIES �{ 27N ,SPECIES PEfl ACRE)'` r Z TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 20 s' ate+ ,OBSERVED'DENSITY (V0 UNTEER Ilk . w 200` VOLUNTEERS; SPECIES, PER -A�CRE) ; ¢ TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS, 30 SINGLIVY 'LUNTEER >50OF TOTAL (YIN) s TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 92(pER OBSERVED DENSITY, ACRE)` .;� a= s STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - SOUTHERN TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER ST 1 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - SOUTHERN TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER ST 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 t ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 12 2ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Green Ash T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Green Ash T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 3ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Red Bay SH 25 7 ft - Avg Volunteer 25 Wax Myrtle SH 5 7 ft - Avg Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 40 2ft Volunteer 40 Unidentified Pine T 10 6 It - Avg Volunteer 10 Sweet Gum T 20 8 ft - Avg Volunteer 20 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED DENSITYo ` 39 (PLANTED SPECIES zr 390a`'° SPECIES PER ACRE sY OBSERVED DEN SITY x TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 30 (VOLUNTEERS, i 30t) `• VOLUNTEERS SPECIES,PER,ACRE)� � ' " "' TOTAL^ }. SINGL'E:VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 70 >SO °k "OF TONAL (YIN)yy ;; VOLUNTEERS OBSERVEDyDENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 139 (PER ACRE) `�, a STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - SOUTHERN TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER ST 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 18 2ft Planted 18 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 4 2ft Planted 4 Green Ash T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Green Ash T 3 2ft Planted 3 Ironwood T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Tulip Poplar T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Red Bay SH 20 2 ft - Avg Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 15 4 ft Volunteer 15 Wax Myrtle SH 10 1 It Volunteer 10 Highbush Blueberry SH 10 3 It - Avg Volunteer 10 Sweet Gum T 40 2 ft - Avg Volunteer 40 Unidentified Pine T 35 2 ft - Avg Volunteer 35 �OBSERVED, DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 41 ^sue 4.�w. as r �' (PUNTED SPECIES SPECIES ACREE �')PER °OBSERVED DENSITY, TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 55 � (VOLUNTEER, -j ;r 1550 - VOLUNTEERS s e ta - SPECIES PER ACRE) , a -! TOTAL J�y��,�r- �. j uSINGLE NOL' UNTEERI �� T` >i� v-" UNACCEPTABLE 75 OF�TOTAL N N 550°/ ((Y VOLUNTEERS „ �+ EN i E D DENSITY' TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 171 A} (PEER " "` e Y 50 4i STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - SOUTHERN TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER ST 4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 28 2 ft Planted 28 Bald Cypress T 5 3ft Planted 5 Black Gum T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 4 2 ft Planted 4 Green Ash T 14 1 ft Planted 14 Green Ash T 8 2 It Planted 8 Tulip Poplar T 4 1 It Volunteer 4 Sweet Bay T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 8 3 It - Avg Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle T 5 1 it Volunteer 5 Sweet Gum T 20 4 ft - Avg Volunteer 20 Unldentifted Pine T 10 3 ft - Avg Volunteer 10 O S RVED DENSITY "aP T - R�G TOTAL PLANTED 64 (PLANTED SPECIES 640 SPECIES y PER ACRE) OBSERVEDOENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 18 r (VOLUNTEER 180 VOLUNTEERS SPECIE, PER ACREJ ji, TOTAL IS NGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 30 >50%OF TOTAL (J(M) NO VOLUNTEERS DY I' BSERV1�E) i TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 112, PER C_ 11 8Z0 $ Y - , STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - SOUTHERN TRIBUTARY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER ST 5 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 8 1 It Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 23 2 It Planted 23 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 8 1 ft Planted 8 Black Gum T 12 2 It Planted 12 Green Ash T 1 1 it Planted 1 Ironwood T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Ironwood T 4 2 ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 i ft Volunteer 2 xY��4�3eYr'ais3'1' TOTAL PLANTED° 61 'OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES I ' w 610 SPECIES jPERACRE. �p ~ +r- cad -fiy J�� �r�'� � >Ye � ✓ DENSITY pp TOTAL ACCEPTABLE''�*� 0 ,OBSERNED -"�ri NAT VOLUNTEERS -EER SPt:CIES,PER TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 2 SINGLE- VOLUNTEER !>50 %FOFTOTAL`,(YIN), VOLUNTEERS af� 5. a» "R�f ^x-51 f•- T�'- -• .. 3 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 63 OBSERVEDDENSIT.Y a.a+�vrna±t 610 �• ,(PERACRE)- APPENDIX C: HYDROGRAPHS Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► South Trib ► Plot Wells 1, 3, & 4 ► WM20 &40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am d t c 0 �a U a� M Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March 2012 & N� N", Nti N'Z' N", aK a� ac a� a� a� a� eo e'° e'O �� Y� ,�' monsite Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 U) d 0 -6 d J -12 a� -18 a� -24 L rn -30 a c a -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 8 7 6 -o 5 4 of 0 3 7� 2 1 0 Fe`O xe� tea, 'a�" 16� lt5 15 NV —Plot 1 (13D4C94F) -+-Plot 3 (13D4ACD2) -Plot 4 (13D4A988) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -5 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record I ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► South Trib ► Plot Wells 1, 3, & 4 ► WM20 &40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N N r U 0 'a U m a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 June 2012 PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� P�� PQY a� e� �� a� �� a� �� �c �R �R �� �� �1. N�, 2� 9Y '� , N "� �'v �1: '1 t5 �: '� �o� NV 20,E QV MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total = 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N d t 0 U C 6 a� J -12 d -18 a� -24 (A -30 -36 0 -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 8 7 6 M 5 n 4 0 3 5' 2 1 0 .�2 .�`L PQt' Phi' P��' PQi' PQi' Pit' �a� eaA ��1 ��1 ��� ��1 ��A 'v 'j>' by ','• F mPlot 1 (13D4C94F) -+-Plot 3 (13D4ACD2) Plot 4 (13D4A988) 12in below surface Onsite Raingauge Slide A -6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► South Trib ► Plot Wells 1, 3, & 4 ► WM20 &40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d t U 0 'c d a. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 U) t 0 -6 J -12 m` -18 a� -24 i 7 N -30 a -36 -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment monsite Raingauge —30 day total — 30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge September 2012 �& eQ eQ eQ eQ —Plot 1 (13D4C94F) +Plot 3 (13D4ACD2) Plot 4 (13D4A988) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -7 8 7 6 -o 5 4 W 0 3 7 2 v 1 0 G II, �& eQ eQ eQ eQ —Plot 1 (13D4C94F) +Plot 3 (13D4ACD2) Plot 4 (13D4A988) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -7 8 7 6 -o 5 4 W 0 3 7 2 v 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► South Trib ► Plot Wells 1, 3, & 4 ► WM20 &40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am y d L V c 0 'a d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 December 2012 OG� OG'C OGti OG� OGti OGti OVt: J' J' J' J" 4' J' C G G G G G �° �° �° �° 1° 1° Oe Oe Oe O° Oe Oe 1' 6 ,\1 1R• ,L1' ,��' 11 V 1O" 1� gyp• 1�• 'p V 1� NV 1O• It gyp• MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total -- 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N s 0 v as 6 m J -12 m -18 a� -24 i 7 U) -30 a C -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 ■ ■ ■ _ ■ ■ _ ■ ■ ■ '�R' 12 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� N� 1R' O °t OG`� OGti OG1f OG'l' O °`C OG\: J' J' J" J" J" J" G G G G G G �° �° '° '° �° '° Oe Oe Oe Oe Oe Oe 1• Cp 11' 1� �1' 2ca �1' Lj 1�" NV l f• �, §Y h 1�" \V IV 2t5 '�, —Plot 1 (13D4C94F) -+- Plot 3 (13D4ACD2) -- Plot 4 (13D4A988) 12in below surface ImOnsite Raingauge I Slide A -8 8 7 6 M 5 n 4 a; 0 3 3 v 2 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed January 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► North Trib ► Plot Wells 2, 3, & 6 ► WM20 &40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day 0 at 7:00 am H d t U 0 'a m (L 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 U) t 0 v d -6 J -12 a� -18 a� -24 U) -30 a -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net KYA Hydrology Assessment March 2012 �0 �z �eO FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total - 30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge �e'O ,yo' rt� —Plot 2 (14E19DE1) 4- Plot 3 (14E1951 F) Plot 6 (14E19549) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide B-1 8 7 6 5 n -a 4 0 3 2 v 1 out Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► North Trib ► Plot Wells 2, 3, & 6 ► WM20 &40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am m t U C 0 'a d M Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total -30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge N d L 0 v a� -6 a� J -12 i a� -18 a) -24 U) -30 _ Q -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 June 2012 PQt" PQt" PQi Phi" PQ�" Q�t' a� 'A v NV —Plot 2 (14E19DE1) -+-Plot 3 (14E1951F) Plot 6 (14E19549) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide B -2 8 7 6 5 CD n R 4 0� 0 3 5 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► North Trib ► Plot Wells 2, 3, & 6 ► WM20 &40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am m t U S 0 'a U m a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N r 0 U C 6 76 Q J -12 L a� -18 a� -24 M fA -30 a c o -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September 2012 N", N2 N� J� Ja eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total - 30% —70% 1111111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 e� eQ eQ e� eQ e� V 0 0� '5 �5 �5 �5 ti 2 N ' 2 ti —Plot 2 (14E19DE1) +Plot 3 (14E1951 F) -Plot 6 (14E19549) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide B -3 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -is 4 c+ 0 3 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► North Trib ► Plot Wells 2, 3, & 6 ► WM20 &40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am m t U C 0 .a U d a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 December 2012 OGti OG\: OG�: OG�; OG� OG OGti �pA' �pA' �pA �p,' �pA' �pA' OeG OeCi Geri Oeri Oe6 OpG '�' � ,��.' ,��o' ��.' ��o' ,5'.' c� ,gyp- ,�c� gyp• 2c�• �a- 5 ^p• �� gyp• �c�• �p- FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total — 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N Q L 0 v 5 -s a� --j -12 as -18 as -24 i N -30 a c C -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net —Plot 2 (14E19DE1) -+-Plot 3 (14E1951 F) Plot 6 (14E19549) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -4 8 7 6 5 n 4 W 0 3 2 1 0 �`� 1`L OGti OGt OG� OGti OG� OG� OGti �a �OJ ' Op ' Op ' Op ' Op O0G OeCi OeG OeG OeG OpG 4j \p• \V 20- 1 31 1�5 NQr NV 26- rev lf• —Plot 2 (14E19DE1) -+-Plot 3 (14E1951 F) Plot 6 (14E19549) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -4 8 7 6 5 n 4 W 0 3 2 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed January 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 1, 5, & 7 ► WM20 &40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am d t S r- .2 'a U m a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2012 �2 <2 <ti 1� 1ti '� '� -2 r� -ti N� r� a< a� ac a� a� e° ti 2 y V 2 ti 5 N, rol", � NV ti 1� m nsite Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% 1111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 1� '� \� 1ti \ti 1� 'ti \ti Nti \1 1r �2 �q �2 �ti �� �ti 'ti "\' ac a�'\' a� ac a� ac e'° e'° e'O e'O z'O ai' a- a a a a a o Q �L . Nly r§y 2 9 2 3 • Plot 1 (14E1 ABD3) -+- Plot 5 (14E1 A330) °Plot 7 (14E16007) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide C-1 8 7 6 5 CD n 4 of 0 3 7� 2 1 0 6 0 v c -6 d > m -� -12 a� w -18 - M d L) -24 i 7 fA -30 a c 0 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 1� '� \� 1ti \ti 1� 'ti \ti Nti \1 1r �2 �q �2 �ti �� �ti 'ti "\' ac a�'\' a� ac a� ac e'° e'° e'O e'O z'O ai' a- a a a a a o Q �L . Nly r§y 2 9 2 3 • Plot 1 (14E1 ABD3) -+- Plot 5 (14E1 A330) °Plot 7 (14E16007) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide C-1 8 7 6 5 CD n 4 of 0 3 7� 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 1, 5, & 7 ► WM20 &40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am w a� t U 0 'a m a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PQt PQi Phi P�� PQt PQ� A �a� �a� �a'A �aI �a� a �a� Nv NN NV FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total — 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 m t 0 U _ -6 a� a� J -12 a� -18 a� -24 t 7 fA -30 a a -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net June 2012 8 7 6 5 n -a 4 ort 0 3 2 v 1 0 a� � —Plot 1 (14E1ABD3) -+-Plot 5 (14E1 A330) Plot 7 (14E1 6007) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide C -2 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- cI!mate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 1, 5, & 7 ► WM20 &40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d L U 0 .Q U d a Hydrology Assessment IV 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 September 2012 �J� �J� �J� �J� �J� �J� J�' J�' Jam' J�' Jam' Jc" e� �Q e� eQ eQ e� N- �� �� �� 2� �� �P oP �P oP �P OP �0 �5 �0 0e �6 �5 ti MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MIShallotte Ag Raingauge s 0 U d 6 a� J -12 as -18 Q -24 i 3 N -30 a C -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 - - - — — - — - - ' �rt, ti ti Nr� Nti N111 'g 0Q MVP '�oP rx� 0� 5 N1:55 �0 1y Plot 1 (14E1ABD3) -+-Plot 5 (14E1A330) µ Plot 7 (14E16007) 12in below surface �Onsite Raingauge Slide C -3 8 7 6 5 n .a 4 or 0 3 7 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 1, 5, & 7 ► WM20 &40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d r U E C 0 'c U m IL 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 N N v 0 _ Z 6 a� J -12 Q -18 a� -24 U) -30 a -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment December 2012 ,' ,' 1e fie,' 1p,' 1 e 1 e ped 1 e' e pec FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total =30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge +Plot 1 (14E1ABD3) -+-Plot 5 (14E1 A330) Plot 7 (14E16007) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide C -4 8 7 6 M 5 CD n .a 4 M 0 3 z v 1 0 Opt pJ' pJ' pJ' pJ' pA' pA eCi eCi eCi eCi eCi eCi Op`� Opti Opt Opt: Opti Opti I 1C �o' � \ h � � \ O O O O O O O h N 2 2 3 1� N 16 r� 1 1� N IV 2� rO +Plot 1 (14E1ABD3) -+-Plot 5 (14E1 A330) Plot 7 (14E16007) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide C -4 8 7 6 M 5 CD n .a 4 M 0 3 z v 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed January 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 8 and pairing ► WM20 &40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am H d t U c C 0 .Q m a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 N Q 0 t c -6 J -12 a� -18 -24 L N -30 a c O -36 L c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 lac SN SV S6 sa� <'o '<e� /'e� 'ya�" wOnsite Raingauge —30 day total -- 30% —70% NShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 ,a° Sb- ,a° �a° ,<0 �!0° lea �e0 � jai jai �a • Plot 8 (14E19528) +Plot 8 pair (EBD7674) 1 2i below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide D -1 8 7 6 5 n 4 of O 3 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- cIimate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 8 and pairing ► WM20 &40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am rn d t U E r- 0 .Q U m a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment EL June 2012 PQ� P�� PQ� PQy P�� PQY a� aA aA a� a� aA aA �, , , 2> �� �� �� ��� ��� ��� ��� �� N Nom, If ,J o nsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% 1111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 U) t 0 U C -6 J -12 d -18 m -24 C/) -30 O -36 L 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 — — — - - ! 0 �2 N2 .ti 2 1ti 2 2 2 N0' .2 �2 �2 ,ti ': J� � C 2o,1-JC ��� 2 2 3 +Plot 8 (14E19528) -+-Plot 8 pair (EBD71374) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide D -2 8 7 6 5 M n .o 4 a) 0 3 3 2 1 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- cIimate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 8 and pairing ► WM20 &40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am m U 0 .a U d CL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 N d 0 t c @ 6 J -12 a� -18 a� -24 i to -30 .a O -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September 2012 p,Q P,Q 0Q 0Q 'p, rp �aP �0 �5 1�5 1�5 r�0 1P mOnsite Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 J� J� J� J� J� J� J� p Q QJ QJ QJ QJ QJ QJ CD Q Q Q Q Q re 5e 5e �z �e ,,� �� ��� ��� �� 6J �� 2 � �O' �� �O '4�' qQr b �, NV Nq. q� —Plot 8 (14E19528) -+-Plot 8 pair (EBD7B74) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge I Slide D -3 8 7 6 M 5 CD n -i3 4 rt O 3 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- cIimate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 8 and pairing ► WM20 &40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am y d L U E C 0 'a U d CL 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N L 0 Z -6 J -12 a� -18 a� -24 N -30 o -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment December 2012 Dom �o~ 0& O& �c� ��, �U,• 4' J• �U,• ,' Qec Oec Oec O�c Oec Oec NIZ, NV IV lt5 1§Y w nsite Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 - - - _ . . — . OG~ OG�' `pA' `pA' \pA' pJ' \pA, eCi �Ci eCi eCi eCi eCi OG�' QG� OG�' 1 \ 1 � 5 `p-4 \ 1 Q Q Q Q Q h h `L `L NIZ 1V 16 2h l f N� 16 2� �O —Plot 8 (14E19528) -+-Plot 8 pair (EBD71374) I 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge I Slide D -4 8 7 6 5 M n 4 0 3 .. 2 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed January 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01-02-240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 10, 12, & 17 ► WM20 &40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am m t U c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d L 0 v d -6 m J -12 i d -18 a� -24 i 7 fA -30 c =O -36 a Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 e° e° a ai aI" V� �'� 6� �� h� p� h� �' �' \' NV �� �� r 95 � . ti 0 N 2 rt. 1 FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total --30% —70% 1111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 - - _ - — . r I �ti 2 '�� N2 �0 N� Nti �ti N2 �r' �2 12 �a� lac Sao Sao Sao �a� �a� Feo x 'k 'Ceo jai jai at 'c, gyp• rc 11: 6 1:1k' ��- -Plot 10 (EBD4EB3) -+-Plot 12 (14E1A282) 7: -Plot 17 (14E1 62C6) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide E -1 7 6 M 5 CD n .a 4 0 3 7 2 1 W Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation Brunswick County, NC 01 -02 -240 Mainstem ► Plot Wells 10, 12, & 17 ► WM20 &40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am L U c 0 �a m (L 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 U) d s 0 v N 6 a� J -12 a� -18 (D -24 L rn -30 a -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment June 2012 'ti 'Z' '2 'ti '� " '2 '� " PQY aA aA aA a� w nsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge *ago* ... 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 0� 0 3 3 2 v 1 0 15 Nl� NV 2�� ��� l�� —Plot 10 (EBD4EB3) 4-Plot 12 (14E1A282) -Plot 17 (14E162C6) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide E -2 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Plot Wells 10, 12, & 17 ► WM20 &40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am H d 5 U c 0 U d (L Hydrology Assessment 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 September 2012 JJ\ JJ\ JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' eQ eQ eQ 2Q eQ eQ , ' \ ' P oP V P oP v P oP V0 �5 V C NN 2 2 3 \ \ 2 2 MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total — 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge see* ------- ••�.- -`- - -- 6 f/1 d v 0 d -6 as J -12 a� -18 m L) -24 U) -30 C o -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net —Plot 10 (EBD4EB3) -+-Plot 12 (14E1A282) -Plot 17 (14E162C6) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide E -3 8 7 6 5 (D n .a 4 a 0 3 3 z v 1 0 �J\ ,J\ JJ\ ,J\ �J\ JJ\ �J\ JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' 0Q 6Q 0Q 0Q p,Q 0Q \' \� \\ l�5 rp —Plot 10 (EBD4EB3) -+-Plot 12 (14E1A282) -Plot 17 (14E162C6) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide E -3 8 7 6 5 (D n .a 4 a 0 3 3 z v 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem ► Plot Wells 10, 12, & 17 ► WM20 &40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d t U 0 'a m a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 N d c 0 v a� -6 a� J -12 a� w -18 a� -24 i fA -30 a c -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net K,%, Hydrology Assessment December 2012 'L 'ti " " N", "- N", N", �`b �L �ti �L 1L �2 �7 OG\; OG� �OJ' ��4" �pA" ��J" �QJ" ��-4 OeC; OeCi oeCi OeCi OeCi Oer FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total : °30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge pJ" pJ" pJ" pJ• pJ" aJ" eCi eCi �Ci eCi eCi eCi �. �. �1, �L � � ��• 1`O• R�• 2� g�, `, ��• �`� ��, �`�, gam• —Plot 10 (EBD4EB3) 4-Plot 12 (14E1A282) °Plot 17 (14E162C6) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide E -4 8 7 6 M 5 n 4 a« 0 3 2 .... 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► January 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a -6 a� _ -12 d J 6. d M -18 d V i C/) -24 0 i 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net all -42 January 2012 ��O ��O ��O X20 \20 �,ti0 �,ti0 ��O ��O ��O X20 �, ��°' p �rR p �2� �`L�o p \rvO �rL X31 —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -11 8 6 5 CD 0 d 4 0 0 3 CD 3 N 2 1 0 ��O ��O ��O X20 \20 �,ti0 �,ti0 ��O ��O ��O X20 �, ��°' p �rR p �2� �`L�o p \rvO �rL X31 —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -11 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► February 1, 2012 - ► February 29, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 -6 a� c -12 J i d -18 d U t0 i -24 a 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 February 2012 8 6 fro fro \15, Grp \1P �tio ��O ��O 41 \rp 4P 4P —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -12 5 CD n .a d 4 0 3 7 n 3 3 y 2 1 0 fro fro \15, Grp \1P �tio ��O ��O 41 \rp 4P 4P —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -12 Stream Hydrology Assessment March 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► March 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm J -6 a� t v c -12 N J d -18 d V l0 i N -24 a 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 36 -42 01 \`tO 01 \`5, \`tO \`^' \`D 'q \'', ' \`� \tip \`y�l \`L^� \`tib \`tiro \`L'� \`L� \`L0 3 3� 3� 3��� 3� 3"�� 3 3 —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -13 8 6 5 (DD n r.: 0) 4 0 _ _ n 3 3 W 2 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment April 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► April 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm -6 a� -12 d J i d -18 v N -24 a 0 L 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 �ti �2 �� �2 �� �� 1� 12 �ti �� �� �2 �� �ti �� �� 12 �� �� 1ti �ti .ti �2 N� \rp \� \�o \�o \�o \lp \�o \�o \tio \p \�o \po \�o \rp \�yo \�o \rp \p \�o \p \�o \ro \yo \0 b \� t.\ t.\ ��a \� t.\ ��� t�\ \,'. , �' " �.'�o �.,1 ��� ��0 fir' \'I, p \'V \'V X' ��v X20 R b b b D� D� b b D� A b b R D� D� D� —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) +South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -14 8 6 5 CD n Gl 4 0 7 7 0 3 3 cD 0 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► May 1, 2012 - ► May 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment May 2012 6 0 F -6 t U C -12 d J d r -18 d U cv L -24 Cn a 0 L 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 � �2 �� � N111 � � N11- � � 2 N �R � 2 �2 �2 ,ti 1� �ti �2 N111 N111 �2 ti ti ,P 20 rp 1 rp �O �O �O �O rp �O rp �O IO O O O O O O O \�\ \1 \�'\ \�\ \�O\ \O\ \�'\ 1\ O \2 � \2 �O \2 \� � \� �' \� � \� �' h h h h 5 h�\ h h \'`�\ \'`� \'`O\ \'`�\ 4 h h \'��O\ \'��\ \'�O\ \'��'\ \ \ \ \ h h h h ' h� 4' 1� \ \� \ \ \ �� �2 h2 41 h� —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -15 8 6 5 CD n r.: 01 4 O n n 3 N 2 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment June 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► June 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm R -6 as c d -12 d J i -18 d v co -24 in a 0 L 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 99IV -42 o o o o o`� ' 0 0 0 '\ o 'b Q b\r 01 0r 0r, 411 01 ro"- 0rl —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -16 8 6 5 (DD 0 .a d .r. 4 O 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► July 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 -6 a� _ -12 d J U -18 d U !0 r- L -24 En a 0 L C7 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 July 2012 -42 ) �2 �� �ti �2 �ti x�O ,�O 4�O Iry �p X20 \rP X20 fir( \r6 -\\C" ,�6 ,�� �. ',0 x\23 D� o � � � �. —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -17 8 6 5 CD 0 G1 4 0 7 7 0 3 3 CD N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► August 1, 2012 - ► August 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� s U C d J L d r t0 d U t0 i N 0 L Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment August 2012 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 x1:1M -36 -42 — , 0 \,v X,v \�1 'bp 0 X20 \,1 • 8 6 5 A_ :i d 4 0 3 0 3 CD 3 2 1 -42 — , 0 \,v X,v \�1 'bp 0 X20 \,1 —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -18 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation Brunswick County, NC 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► September 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 0 F -6 a� t _ -12 d J d -18 d U L -24 a 0 L C7 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Ov September 2012 -42 1ti \� \ti lti 12 1Q 2 N2 Nti �� �`� �`� �2 �0 �`� N2 \1 \,tio \� 4 \3 �. D 0 0 0 \�o' \ \ \ \ \ \'1 \ \ 0 0 0 0 � 0� 02 0�' 01 41 �� 01 02 —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -19 8 6 5 _n .a .=i 4 0 0 =r 3 Cn 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► October 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 0 E a -6 a� s -12 d J d r -18 d v ca N -24 a c 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 EM October 2012 �2 2 Q- `� 12 `ti 2 2 ti ti 12 r r� 1`L ��O ��O ��O ��o ��O ��O ��O X20 APO Grp 0 " � ' R " � p\ A O� �O 'p ,\ ,\ ' 0 O� 1 2 2 �1. 2 2 `L �L �L `� —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -20 8 6 5 m n :.i d 4 0 0 3 N 2 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment November 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► November 1, 2012 - ► November 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm R -6 t v _ -12 d J d -18 d U t0 i fn -24 .a 0 (� -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 KIPA \IIf� \120 \10 \'p ��o ��o \17P \1P \1P ��o ��o ��o X20 ��o \1P \1P \'-p \�o b 1 X23 *South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -21 8 6 5 (D 0 :i 01 4 0 3 7 0 3 (D N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Southern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► December 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 -6 a� U C 7aj -12 d J L r.+ -18 d v m L -24 0 (g -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net cIm December 2012 -42 �\0 `i��� r1\' rP 4`1 � 0`1 0" li;�� r1 ' —South Stream 1 (13D491A2) -+-South Stream 2 (13D4AA06) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide A -22 8 7 6 5 n w rF 4 n 3 3 U) 2 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► January 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm -6 d t v C Z -12 J i w -18 d V i N -24 a 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 January 2012 �ti N� 1� 1� 1� N2 N2 NI �2 N� Nti Nl2 1ti N� 1� Nti N2 N� 12 N2 N2 12 �2 N2 N2 �O 20 20 �o do �o R\ \0\ —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -11 U_' 3 7 0 3 3 N 2 1 0 8 6 5 0 .a 01 �ti N� 1� 1� 1� N2 N2 NI �2 N� Nti Nl2 1ti N� 1� Nti N2 N� 12 N2 N2 12 �2 N2 N2 �O 20 20 �o do �o R\ \0\ —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -11 U_' 3 7 0 3 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ® Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► February 1, 2012 - ► February 29, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment DA 0 R -6 a� s -12 d J L -18 v ca L N -24 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 CPA February 2012 N \ \ \ \ \_ \2 N2 \ \_ �2 �ti \`t� \`L� \`tom \`tip \`Z� \`t� \`t� �.� 2� �L2 �L�' �L2 �L2 '4 —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -12 8 6 5 CD n •.F 4 0 3 0 3 3 N A 2 1 0 N \ \ \ \ \_ \2 N2 \ \_ �2 �ti \`t� \`L� \`tom \`tip \`Z� \`t� \`t� �.� 2� �L2 �L�' �L2 �L2 '4 —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -12 Stream Hydrology Assessment March 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► March 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm -6 a� E -12 d J L d rt+ -18 d v cfl L N -24 c 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 �� N� N� Nti NIL, N� .� �� �� 1ti N� �2 �2 .ti �� �2 �� '2 �2 �2 �� �2 �2 �2 �� \�O \�o \20 \�o \�o \p \�O \tio \�O \�O \�o \20 \ \P \�o \�o \ \rp fp \20 \20 \�o \rp \�O \vo \,lo � \, � \2 '5\3 'b\b o \0 01 4 ' \0 \ ' \' 3 \'D ' �o � \ �' ' � 1 \ \ o \ D \ �o p \ 0 \ 1 3 0 � 3 3 3 3 3 3� o� o� 32 32 ,� 3� 32 0b —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -13 8 7 6 5 T M n d 4 0 n 3 3 M N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► April 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 R -6 t U C -12 J L d M -18 d U L U) -24 a c 0 C) -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 April 2012 -42 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 \'6 \p� \`L \`ti \`� \L \`ti \L \`L \�t \rte \`L t.\ 1' t -N t t t \11 \1y\`L \10 \1p \16 \1� \10 \10 \r \22 -North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -14 8 7 6 5 n r: n> 4 O 7 7 n S 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation 1 ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► May 1, 2012 - ► May 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm J Stream Hydrology Assessment 0 [on rn -6 t U C -12 d J d -18 d U ca L N -24 c 0 Cj -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net c.1M May 2012 -42 \,f, \�O ��O ��O ��O ��O \p \rp Krp X20 \1O \,LO Xrp P ��O Grp Xv P �p ��O ��O ��O ��O \rp ��3 h�R ��6 h� h�� 0 � 2 �`� �`�o �`\ �`� �`0 2 b h h h ' ' h h h h2 h , J\ ;V h'V h� h� 41 hb —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) +North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -15 8 7 6 5 fD 0 'a d 4 0 n 3 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► June 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 t v E d -12 J i d -18 d U f0 i N -24 a c 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 June 2012 -42 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 O \1 \2 O \L2 O \4 O \t\2 �o \�O\(L 01 \`ti O \$ \`L 0 \�' \(L \110 \1'L\ \114 \1� \� 1�0�2 X1\ \2 X14 �10\2 14 X1'2 312 \ \ 0�2 \,��2 \ 0�2 \ O 0 ' O O O O O 02 02 02 62 02 02 02 02 —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) +North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -16 8 6 5 M n d 4 O 3 n 3 w 2 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment July 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► July 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm R -6 m t U C -12 J d w -18 U U N -24 a 0 (� -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 119IV -42 41 \LO 0 \`tip 0 \`LO \20 \`LO \`r \y0 1 '�\ '1 \�L '� \�' '� \� '� \�o '�1 '� \� '� \0 \�'� \�R, \•��' \•�� \��O \�1 \10 \��' \`L� \`L'y \`L'' \,L" \`L�o \`L'1 \`L� \�l°' \g� 1 1 A —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+- North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -17 8 7 6 5 CD 0 13 .=i d .w 4 0 3 n 3 3 CD W 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► August 1, 2012 - ► August 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment M J a -s a� U C y -12 d J d r -18 d v ca :3 -24 a 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 99IV August 2012 -42 — 1� 2 r 12 Grp �y0 X20 �rLO �y0 X20 ��O �ti0 ��O X20 ��O X20 ��O \ p 0 0 q; 0 ' ' �� �2 0� , j ',r1. �2 +North Stream 1 (A278C2A) 4-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -18 8 7 6 5 CD n d 4 O 7 n 3 3 w 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation 1 ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► September 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment M A in -6 a� -12 d J L -18 d V lC L fn -24 c 0 (j -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 September 2012 012 012 012 012 O ^� 012 012 012 012 012 012 ON2 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 O\1�2 0�4 0�0\`L O\t�\ 0\02 0�\2 O \0�2 0\0�L \112 \122 \10�`L \1��'1. \102 \11�2 \102 \102 1�2 \ tit 41 t�2 j �7 \2 j 0�2 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 '\ 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 0 L —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -19 8 7 6 5 n :i L1 4 O 3 0 3 y 2 1 0 012 012 012 012 O ^� 012 012 012 012 012 012 ON2 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 O\1�2 0�4 0�0\`L O\t�\ 0\02 0�\2 O \0�2 0\0�L \112 \122 \10�`L \1��'1. \102 \11�2 \102 \102 1�2 \ tit 41 t�2 j �7 \2 j 0�2 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 '\ 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 0 L —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -19 Stream Hydrology Assessment October 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► October 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm -6 a� t U C -12 d J d w -18 d U cfl N -24 c 0 (7 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 �7P � O X20 �r6' ��O �L �I L `L p� 6 p� � +North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -20 8 7 6 5 CD n :.r O1 4 0 7 n 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► WM 40 ► November 1, 2012 - ► November 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment M a -8 as t c -12 J d -18 d v �o L In -24 a 0 (j -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net xr:2 November 2012 -42 O�� O 01� O O O O ^� O O O O z O�� 'Z' L� �R \2 �\6�2 ��' 1\��2 �\O�ti \���2 \�L2 \�^'�2 \�a�2 \�0�2 \�� \`L \���2 \�°'�� \`L��2 \L'1'2 \202 \2b�1' �`tio\L \b1�2 \`L��2 \�0�2 —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -21 8 s 5 CCD 0 w A� 4 O n zr 3 M N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Northern Stream Tributary ► W M 40 ► December 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 jp -6 N L U C d -12 J i U -18 d U cC i -24 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 December 2012 -42 — �� N2 rp rp 1O rp ,ZO �O �O �O rO �O �O �O �O �O �O �O 20 rp \.' \ \rL \r�\ \p\ \6\ �\ \�\ \p�\ ��\ \2 '�\ gyp\ 'Cp\ �.�\ ��\ �p�\ �\ �\ t�j\ �\ �\ .�\ < 'r <' <0 ,�0' �ti ,�`b �2 �0% N N " �.`1% "' "' "' "4 "4 ,� 4 �L2 ,ti L <ti' "0 "0 —North Stream 1 (A278C2A) -+-North Stream 2 (A3BFE3A) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide B -22 8 7 6 5 n d 4 0 3 n 3 CD 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► W M 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► January 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 N -6 (D t L) E d -12 d J i d r -18 d v ca L Uj -24 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 EPA January 2012 61 �O ti0 \� \� \� \��\ \��\ \�L \2�\ \2p\ \bra\ \r1 fig\ j�\ —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -9 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 CD n :.i 01 4 7 n 3 3 N 61 �O ti0 \� \� \� \��\ \��\ \�L \2�\ \2p\ \bra\ \r1 fig\ j�\ —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -9 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► February 1, 2012 - ► February 29, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment M 0 -6 Q t v _ -12 J d -18 d v ca i n -24 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 February 2012 -42 1ti \2 Nti 41 T �p ��O �p X20 \'p ��O \�O �� �1 DLO ��O \rl 41 X20 \rO X20 ��O ��O X20 X20 ��O \rl ' � � ° 2 � ti� ti� zx 26 2� 2\ 2\ 2� 16" ti 1 rt\ � ,L 1 2 '`L' 'L\ 41 161 41��0 41 'L\ T\1P —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge ::1 Slide C -10 8 6 5 CD n GI 4 O 7 7 n 3 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► W M 40 ► March 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 N N -6 t v C d -12 J d -18 d v co N -24 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 March 2012 -42 \ti0 'P X20 �ti0 DLO X20 �ti0 ��O X20 ��O 4ti0 DLO DLO \�O ��O ��O ��O DLO ��O \�O b\ ��O �ti0 Grp —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -11 8 6 5 n m 4 0 0 3 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► April 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment s 0 N -6 a� t d -12 d J d -18 d U f0 N -24 a 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 99iy -42 April 2012 8 7 6 3 n 3 N 64 1 LO ONE O'� '� a '� -� NE NE 'er Nr Nl Nr N2 NE Nr NE NE NE \r \`L 2 O0O '��' O41, 0`\ 2 O`L2 O0 �O °O D \� \2 � \`2 0 2 0 t \`2 � \` � b � \L rx \�\L\1�\2�� � L —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) OBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -12 5 0 'a d 4 0 0 3 n 3 N 64 1 LO ONE O'� '� a '� -� NE NE 'er Nr Nl Nr N2 NE Nr NE NE NE \r \`L 2 O0O '��' O41, 0`\ 2 O`L2 O0 �O °O D \� \2 � \`2 0 2 0 t \`2 � \` � b � \L rx \�\L\1�\2�� � L —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) OBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -12 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► W M 40 ► May 1, 2012 - ► May 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 M N -6 m L V C y -12 d J d w -18 d v N -24 a c 0 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 May 2012 8 7 6 5 n 'a :i d - 4 7 *1- n S 3 W —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) NBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -13 0 —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) NBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -13 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► June 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment June 2012 6 0 rn -6 m t v S y -12 d J L -18 d v co L U) -24 a 0 L a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 ' 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 \1��2 \10'1. \21\(L \2R'2 \202 \2��2 \202 42��2 \2��'1. \L°'�2 -*-Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -14 8 7 6 5 (DD n 4 O n s 3 y 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► July 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment M M N -6 a� c -12 d J d -18 v co to -24 a c 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 July 2012 8 6 5 0 r.: 61 4 N = 0 3 N 2 1 -42 ' — — — ' 0 1 \90 A \b 1\1 o Al 1\1 i A, ���� � \�� 1 \�0 ���� � \��o � \�1 ���� � \�� -I\rl A \1 1 A \rl -I\rytx \ \rl \ti1 -I\r0 \ \r0 \ \I —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) WBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -15 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► August 1, 2012 - ► August 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� t d d J i d !9 d U (9 L N a 0 M Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment r� 6 0 -6 12 18 -24 -30 -36 -42 August 2012 O O�� 'Z � O�� C' O�� Z) 01� O�� O ^� O{� 01� O�� O�� O�� O�� O ���� ���� ���ti ��2 ���ti ��0 ���ti ���� 4' 4' ���� j '10 '0 �0 j Asti j q0 '\T g\ O\ �� �� 4\ 4\ g \`ti '�`L 012 4V 'b\`L '�`L 4V J Oho —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) OBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -16 8 6 5 M fD n 0) 4 O 3 3 n S 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► September 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm J Stream Hydrology Assessment September 2012 6 0 N -6 m t v E Z -12 d J i d -18 d V t0 i fn -24 a 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 C8 01\�' 4 Cb\D C\ Cb\ \L \'\L \ce�'N \2 `�1 1� \R � R �� \�L �� \R �� \L �� \2 �` \2 �r�1 O \R 2 �L CO �L �� \2 O L CO —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) OBF Onsite Raingauge ::1 Slide C -17 8 7 6 5 0 'a :i d 4 0 7 7 0 3 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► October 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment Av 7 N -6 d t v C d -12 N J (D r-. -18 d U l9 i n -24 a 0 L- 0 -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 October 2012 -42 0 N2 6p � \p X20 DLO 420 \�O ��O X20 ��O X20 X20 's, "' "3 '�0 ", 's, N'3 ") ^0 \�1 �0 \�`L "0\,�� "0\,�b �0 \��0 N0\,\'1 �0 \�0 N'P �0 \�� 10 \rt- '0\`1� "ODD —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -18 8 6 5 n G1 4 O 7 n S 3 w 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► WM 40 ► November 1, 2012 - ► November 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm J Stream Hydrology Assessment November 2012 6 0 N -6 a� d -12 (D J d -18 d v co L fn -24 C 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 36 -42 �`ti 11L Nr2 �rL �rti �`ti .11, ,�`ti Nq' Nr2 Nl` �`z- �`ti Nr' �r1 -11ti \tip \`tip \tip \`tip \`L� \tip \`tip \L� \tip \`L� \`L� \`tip \tip \L� \`tiz \tip \`ti6 \L� \` Z) \`L� \L6 \`L� \tiz \� \L \� \D \�o � \0 �. �U �� �D ��o �1 �. —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) OBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -19 8 6 5 n d 4 n 3 y 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge @ Brunswick Forest Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Stream Reference Wells @ Brunswick Forest ► W M 40 ► December 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 0 0 N -6 d t v C y -12 d J i d -18 d U !0 i N -24 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net xl: -42 December 2012 8 7 6 —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -20 5 A d 4 0 A S 3 y 2 1 0 —Upper Stream Ref (A287224) -+-Lower Stream Ref (EBD23B5) MBF Onsite Raingauge Slide C -20 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► January 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� t v c m d J d w N v m cn a 0 M Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment M M 12 18 -24 -30 STy January 2012 -42 1P ��O ��O X20 41 X20 ��O ��O ��O ��O �ti0 ��O ��O +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) �-Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -2 8 6 5 O n V :i 01 4 O n 3 CD O 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► W M 40 ► February 1, 2012 - ► February 29, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� E d J i N lC d U lC L 7 N a c 0 L U Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 M 12 18 ME Em -36 -42 February 2012 8 6 Y � Y 5 CD 0 d 4 O 3 7 A 3 CD 0 2 1 0 \`p \` 41 ' � P \`p \p \P \p \� "\`p \� \ \ \` \\ \ \ 41 41 41 rp rP \�' +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -3 Stream Hydrology Assessment March 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► W M 40 ► March 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� -6 d -12 J -18 (D L) ca N -24 _ 0 k. 0 30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 �.�`L �.��L �,��L o.�2 o.�`L o.�2 o,�2 0�2 olti o,�`L ��2 ��2 ��2 Z�ti o.��L ��ti ��2 ��2 ��2 ��, \`b \, '��1. 'fir �\g ",\, �\4' 4, \���L \�2`L \����b \����1. \� \,b \�,�\' \����L \�e�`L \���2 \��`L \����1 \2��`L \�6��L \�,��`b \2e��L \����L \" \2 3 3 ' 4 ' � +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) WOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -4 8 6 5 n 4 0 7 n 3 N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► April 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� E d O J d d v w N a C 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 -6 sm -18 -24 -30 -36 April 2012 -42 O�ti O�ti O�2 01ti 0.�2 O'``L ��\� �p\� '.`O \2 ��\� ��\� �°'\1 ti� \r 2 \1 tip\' 2� \2 26 \� 2 -I\r 2� \� �\ �\ �\ a� tk� a� �\ �\ '\ '\ a\ o\ �\ '\ a\ �\ +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) r-Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -5 8 6 5 O n 01 4 O O n 3 3 O 2 1 0 Stream Hydrology Assessment May 2012 6 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 0 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► WM 40 ► May 1, 2012 - ► May 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� -6 t U _ d -12 a� J d r-. -18 d V t6 i fn -24 a 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 -42 O�� O�� 01� O 0�2 01� O�� 0�2 0'`� O�� O�� \`� 2 \`"' \�1 \�� \�t \��O \�1' \1 \�e \2 \�0 \�1 \ �\4' \ r6 \ 41-' \ N \1L \ o \�L \,� \�L +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) -),-Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -6 8 6 5 co 0 .p r: W M 4 0 3 7 n 3 3 CD 0 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► WM 40 ► June 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm d t c c d J a_ d t0 d U R w 7 N a c 0 Z� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 -6 12 18 -24 Ritz -36 -42 June 2012 0r� ONE O�� O�� 01� O�r� O r� O rl, ONE ONE O�� O�r� O�� O�r� 0 2 ONE ONQ_ 01" 0N12 O.1 0 2 Oar O.9 ONE ro\0��1 \`��2 \\�'2 \`�'�L \\p�1 \`�0�2 \`,��2 \`��ti \\0'�2 ��2 \`L��1. \L��2 \`Lp�2 \`Ldr \rb�r \rL��2 \ 4r �0 6 �o �o �o �0 0 �o '\O' �o �o �o �o ' 0 'o +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) ,'; Mainstem 3 (14E1 88B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -7 8 6 5 cp 0 01 4 O 7 3 C'f 3 O 2 1 0 r �.:ti....� •'ti...... Y 1111i m1iwTTT1TTT11 � 1 , r r_ r r r 0r� ONE O�� O�� 01� O�r� O r� O rl, ONE ONE O�� O�r� O�� O�r� 0 2 ONE ONQ_ 01" 0N12 O.1 0 2 Oar O.9 ONE ro\0��1 \`��2 \\�'2 \`�'�L \\p�1 \`�0�2 \`,��2 \`��ti \\0'�2 ��2 \`L��1. \L��2 \`Lp�2 \`Ldr \rb�r \rL��2 \ 4r �0 6 �o �o �o �0 0 �o '\O' �o �o �o �o ' 0 'o +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) ,'; Mainstem 3 (14E1 88B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -7 8 6 5 cp 0 01 4 O 7 3 C'f 3 O 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► W M 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► July 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm a� t U _ d d J L d f0 O v co w L N a 0 L _V Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment M 0 Qy 12 18 -24 -30 -36 July 2012 8 6 5 CD 'O 01 4 O 3 n O- 3 O 2 � 1 -42 — I ' 0 0�1 o�L ��`L ��`L ���L o�2 0�1. '��L o�2 0�1. ���L o��L O 012 o�ti o�2 0�2 012 012 ��ti o�`L o.12 �,,L oN111 oN2 \. \`ti2`ti\`L \p \`ti � \�o \`L 4 1 \`L,� \0 \`L,� \CPC \�. \ti \�2`l \�� \`ti \gyp \`L \�� \�L A \'L cb \�L \ ^� \�L \�� \'L \�\ \�� \\ \�� \`L \fie \�L \�" \�L \ b \�L ',' \�L \b� \�L 1 '\ ' +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -8 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► WM 40 ► August 1, 2012 - ► August 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm y d t v c d J d d v to L N a c 0 L My Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 Q.l♦ 12 M -24 -30 -36 -42 0 7'c August 2012 \rO 4P 1\1P '1O \ro 6 \10 ,\ \`L O O O O I\rO ,LO � \\,O \�2O � �' 4' 4' � J\ � J\ I J\ J \r� O O O 2� \�b JO \'1' O,� \'1' — Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -9 8 6 5 CD 4 O 0 3 3 CD W 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► W M 40 ► September 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm O t v c m a� J L d r�+ d v m L N a c 3 O L V Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment M VA 9.2 12 18 -24 -30 -36 -42 — — September 2012 01� O�� \I0. ��0�`L ��R 0 L \���ti \1��2 \ {��2 \���2 +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) * Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -10 8 6 5 cD n :.i D) 4 O 7 A S 3 (D N 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► October 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 in -6 t v C d -12 d J a. 41 r-. -18 d V !9 i N -24 .a c 0 a -30 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -36 October 2012 -42 N2 \ti 1111 \2 \1ti �2 �2 �r �r �2 \2 NC 11' \1 \2 �� �2 �2 12 1r 12 �� .1 \2 \2 \rO \�O '\ \�O \ti0 \�O \�O \�O \�O \�O � � � -Q1 \Q\1 _� \� 1P� 1P 1P 1P� 1P p\1� 1P e� p\ 'Q\1'11 4 p\ p\ p\� p\ p\ p \" �L `1. 'L 2 �L �L 2 " +Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -11 8 6 .D 5 n .a 4 0 3 0 3 3 CD W 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► W M 40 ► November 1, 2012 - ► November 30, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:OOpm, and 7:OOpm d c m a� J d r l0 d v Cn a 0 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment M -6 12 18 -24 -30 -36 November 2012 -42 4�. 4 2 43 4� 0 0 41 \'V0 0 0, —Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) WOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -12 8 6 5 0 :i d 4 0 n 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge beginning September 2011 Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Mainstem Stream ► W M 40 ► December 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► Readings four times per ► day at 1:00 am, 7:00am, ► 1:00pm, and 7:00pm y N t v C d J i d d V t0 i 7 U) C 0 I ' Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Stream Hydrology Assessment 6 0 -6 -12 MA IN'! -30 -36 -42 December 2012 ' 6 5 1p n r.: rt 4 0 7 3 0 3 3 M Ch 2 1 0 �1L Nr0 <1 ��1%0 .`tip'�2� <62 1`1%3,�' lrr '019 11 �1L .L�11R�<P <r%''1 �r1;r%201��� — Mainstem 1 (14E162B8) +Mainstem 2 (14E160BC) ;Mainstem 3 (14E188B1) MOnsite Raingauge — Ground Surface (0 ") Slide D -13 Monitoring Devices installed March 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 1 & 2 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day � at 7:00 am y d r U S C 0 .Q W a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 U) s 0 c @ 6 J -12 a� -18 (D -24 L U) -30 a c O -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 a� a� e'O eO e�' e'° e° ai ai a a a 9Y 16; lt5 oonsite Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 Nti N N- N� �2 Nti N2 Nti N� Nti �2 �2 Nti N1� �2 N2 N2 �� a� a° a� a� a� e'0 e'O e'° at a� a a a Well 1 (14E19F68) -+-Well 2 (14E1AD78) 1 2i below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -1 8 7 6 5 n .8 4 W O 3 7� 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 1 & 2 ► W M 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am y d t U 0 1 S U m CL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 U) 0 U C -6 m J -12 aD -18 a� -24 N -30 a c O -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 Hydrology Assessment MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge Well 1 malfunction, replaced 5 -31 -12 June 2012 i I 5 tD A -a 4 Ot 0 3 i 0 PQi '?q PQc PQc 2 PQi PQi ��a� ��a� ��'e 1�'e `Sad ��a� ��a� h�Ja A cd \�' N6 ' rd 2 ti � — Well 1 (14E19F68) -+-Well 2 (14E1AD78) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -2 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 1 & 2 ► W M 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d L U 0 'a U m a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 N t 0 c a s J -12 m` -18 m -24 i U) -30 a c O -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September 2012 ,J� ,J� ,J� ,J� ,J\ JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' eQ 0Q 0Q 0Q 0Q 0Q 6 'N �c� �� 2� �� yP ��P ��P oP �P �P rx5 �5 �5 �5 MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 �& a5 —Well 1 (14E19F68) -+-Well 2 (14E1AD78) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -3 8 7 6 5 cD n a 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 i Lai 1 16 ,J� ,J� ,J� ,J� ,J\ JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' JJ' eQ 0Q 0Q 0Q 0Q 0Q 6 'N �c� �� 2� �� yP ��P ��P oP �P �P rx5 �5 �5 �5 MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 �& a5 —Well 1 (14E19F68) -+-Well 2 (14E1AD78) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -3 8 7 6 5 cD n a 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 1 & 2 ► W M 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N d r E C 0 .6 'a d IL Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 December 2012 OGti OGt OG`� OG\: OGL OG� OGt �oA, �oA• �oJ• �oA• �oA• �o4• OeCi OeCi OeCi oeCi oeCi OeCi *Onsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% 1111111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N t 0 c -6 m J -12 m -18 a� -24 L U) 30 a c O -36 L C) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 �ti N� 12 �� N2 �2 2 �2 OG`C OG� OGti OG� OGti OG� OG� �o, 0 �OJ �OJ �OJ �OJ OeG OoCi OeCi OeCi OeCi oeCi �o `� �co � 2� �` �" 1p �4j IO" IV gyp" �" ^O" 1h �0• 2`7 3� —Well 1 (14E19F68) -+-Well 2 (14E1AD78) I 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge I Slide A -4 8 7 6 5 m n w 4 CF 0 3 7 v 2 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed March 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 3 & 4 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am Vl d t U C 0 .Q m a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March 2012 �' 1", 1� Nrl N111 \`ti 111' 1I,' 1R' 1 1 "' '.` �a� �e'° �e'O fie° X$ �eX$ mOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N O 0 t c 7@ -6 J -12 m M -18 m -24 L C/) -30 a c O -36 L 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net .6 8 7 6 5 CD n 4 N 0 3 2 1 . o 1ti 111, `� 12 111, .`� .`� .`� 111, 111' 1r' `� `� 1R' 1R' � 1 1r 12 Sao ��� Sao ��� ° )ate ��° Few <eO O '< ea .ea § jai ;p �a !R !P 1' 116' h 1p �V 1p• rL' 11: \11: 1� L1' Well 3 (14E1 9E90) -+-Well 4 (14E141 E8) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide B -1 7 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- cl!mate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 3 & 4 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d L U 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Hydrology Assessment - - — ---- - - - -11 x _ June 2012 r' Nil Nl� 191 '�� 1r' P�� PQ� ' Q9 P�� Ply aA aA aA aA aA aA aA mOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 fA L 0 c c -6 as J -12 a� -18 a� -24 i U) -30 a c O -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net WA 8 7 6 4 5 CD n 4 O1 0 3 s 0 PQ� PQ� PQ� Pq� PQi PQ� a� a� a� aA a� aA a� Well 3 (14E1 9E90) -+-Well 4 (14E141 E8) 1 2i below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide B -2 7 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record i ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 3 & 4 ► W M 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am d t U 0 .Q U CU M lu 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 cn O 0 t -6 J -12 a � -18 m -24 i U) -30 a c O -36 c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September 2012 oti NL N2 <� <� <ti N� Nti Nti J�' J�' Jam' 0� ZQ 0Q 0Q 0Q eQ 111 NAP 16X 2�P �oP rx� �5 ,�5 1cl5 2�5 1_05 MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total = 30% —70% 1111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 . �.. �� .� _ �� P P 5 j NAP 2oP � '�P NV5 NCY5 1P5 —Well 3 (14E1 9E90) -+-Well 4 (14E141 E8) I 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -3 8 7 6 5 O 0 -o' 4 W 0 3 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Stone Farm Mitigation Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 3 & 4 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am tll d r 0 .a m M Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 December 2012 �2 \2 Oe� . Oe . Opt Oe CP spa' \pA' 'pA' 'pA' �pA' "p4' OeG �eC Oec �eC OeG �eG �p ,�,� ,\gyp �,�' 2�p 1'1 4j gyp" N`5 IV lt:' rQ' 1 j 1�' \1 16 2�j �Q' FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total - 30% —70% 1111111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 L 0 U C -6 J -12 m` -18 a� -24 L U) -30 a c O -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 �'I, 'Z' �� Nti N2 Nti N� N� �2 1� N� N2 N� J" & 0 J" OGt OG� OOH 0 Opp 'pJ "a 'p 0 ' �pJ" 1pJ" OeCi OeG OeG OeCi OeG QeCi -*-Well 3 (14E19E90) -+-Well 4 (14E141 E8) I 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -4 8 7 6 5 CD 0 .8 4 G 3 2 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed March 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 5, 6, & 7 ► W M 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am V1 d t U C 0 'a d a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 N as t 0 U _ d -6 a� J -12 L as -18 m -24 't N -30 a -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 �� � 1� \ti \' 2 N", \2 \2 \Z 1'�' N2 \", <ti �2 � � Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Sao Few Qep Few �e� "0' �a jai mOnsite Raingauge —30 day total - 30% —70°% 1111111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 Sb a° Sa° �a° �eO �e0 �e� 0 <<9, \Sa —Well 5 (14E16DAD) +Well 6 (14E19EC9) Well 7 (14E1605A) 12in below surface NOnsite Raingauge Slide C-1 8 7 6 5 m n 4 of 0 3 :1 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record i ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 5, 6, & 7 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am m t 0 'a m a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 N Q M 0 v as -6 a� J -12 i a� -18 as -24 N -30 a c Q -36 0 -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment June 2012 r,: 9�P �� �� ���5 �6� ��� 26� ��� `5 ��J \1J r6� r�J §Y FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total - 30% —70% 1111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge 8 7 6 v 5 CD A_ 4 I 0 3 2 1 0 Nq, rj, �2 1� � , �q Nti ^2 PQ� PQi' PQi Phi' PQ�' Phi' ��� �I A I A ��� �a1 �aA �aA �J� �J� �J� �J� �JQ Q F MWell 5 (14E16DAD) -+-Well 6 (14E19EC9) Well 7 (14E1605A) 12in below surface Onsite Raingauge Slide C-2 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 5, 6, & 7 ► W M 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am H d t 0 'a U m a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N L 0 c m -6 a� J -12 a� -18 as -24 t M Cl) -30 a c C -36 -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September 2012 J�' JQ' J�' eQ eQ eQ eQ �Q eQ 2oP IMP \V \C5 l�5 1�5 MOnsite Raingauge —30 day total - 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge '� '� 'Z' 'Z' ,& ,J� '0 eQ eQ eQ eQ .• � �1 �6 ,L.• ti� ��• �P �oP ��P �oP ��P �oP a5 0� ��0 ��5 2�5 ��5 —Well 5 (14E16DAD) -+-Well 6 (14E19EC9) 'Well 7 (14E1605A) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide C -3 8 7 6 M 5 CD n -a 4 cr 0 3 3 2 v 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Wells 5, 6, & 7 ► W M 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am to G1 L U c 0 'a U m a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 December 2012 OG1: OGt OG� Opti OGti OGti OGti l�U,' �aJ' �QJ' J' �pJ' �OJ' OeCi OeCi OeCi OeCi OeCi OeCi FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge U) d v 0 c 7@ 6 a� J -12 a� -18 m -24 fA -30 a c C -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 1R' 1IZ, 12 191 1111 1R' 1Q_ 111' 1IZ, 1"� 1l� 12 12 1l*� 1r� 111' & & & ti G\: l' A, 4' A, A eC C Ci OOOOO �p�Q0�0�OoeOeQe OeCi oeCi —Well 5 (14E16DAD) -+-Well 6 (14E19EC9) - -Well 7 (14E1605A) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide C -4 8 7 6 v 5 0 4 of 0 3 2 1 0 Monitoring Devices installed March 2012 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib Well 8 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am tl! d t S 0 .Q a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 U) t 0 m -6 J -12 a� -18 m -24 .a -30 o -36 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 xe� 'x e� �e� �e"pr mOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge -42 N� �ti �ti �2 �2 \rl <1 12 lac �a �ap FeO Fe° �ep QeO �e� 'a —Well 8 (14E1603E) 12in below surface M-Onsite Raingauge Slide D -1 f I 5 tD n 4 OF 0 3 3 i W Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Well 8 ► W M 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am N d t 0 'a U d M Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 June 2012 Q� QY Q� a' a' a' a' a' a1 a� a� o� a� o� ''p §Y ac 0 NN N 9>' 26 ' N ti 2 3 N N ti 't § FOnsite Raingauge —30 day total •— 30% —70% MShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 t 0 U C -6 J -12 a� -18 Q -24 3 N -30 c P -36 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 'N� N2 N1- N2 N� N2 N� �2 N2 PQ�' PQt' PQt' PQy' PQi' PQi' �a� �aA �a1 �aA �aA dal �a1 15 NV —Well 8 (14E1603E) 12in below surface M-Onsite Raingauge Slide D -2 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -is 4 Ol 0 3 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- cl!mate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Well 8 ► W M 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day at 7:00 am d t U C 0 'a U d a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 6 N O 0 s 5 s J -12 a� -18 a� -24 i N -30 a c O -36 U) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September 2012 �J� CJs JC' J�' JJ' J�' J�' J�' eQ ZQ 0Q 0Q QQ 0Q 1`O �� �P NQ)' \`P ry IV ilP V 05 Nay \q5 r�5 ro5 oOnsite Raingauge —30 day total ­30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge Q Q QJ QJ �e �e 5e �e �eQ CO' —Well 8 (14E1603E) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide D -3 8 7 6 5 O 0 -a w 4 m 0 3 3 3 2 `. 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Upper South Trib ► Well 8 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N Gf t E C 0 EL U m a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 December 2012 , � �2 �� �ti �� �2 �� Nti Nti N2 <� �� �ti Nti Op'� OpY Opt Opt Op\: Opti: Opt �pJ' �eJ" �pJ" �pl' �pJ' �pJ' OeCi oeC; OeCi OeCi OeCi 'Op Ci mOnsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% 1111111111IShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 t 0 c -6 J -12 m -18 m -24 V) -30 'a O -36 a Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 .t .L N.`ti N .`L .� �`� .`� .`L <. N`ti N`ti N`` r` Sri- �`� Op\: Opti Opt: Op\: Op'L Op\: Opti Cep,' �pl' �p.1" 0 0 �pl' ' ep ' ep < ep 0 OeG 0 NV Ify IV 'p• h 'p N�, IV 2� 1 §" —Well 8 (14E1603E) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide D -4 8 7 6 5 n -o 4 0 3 2 `. 1 0 APPENDIX D: NC DROUGHT MONITORING MAPS NC D ht Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map WRISARS Monitoring ❑J 01/03/2012 A Layers North Carol ina SITE /1 U� P, " of ] Drought Legend /1/ State Boundary of HC State Boundaries TVA States Counties 6V Interstat Highway in HC Roads in HC Cities M 04 - Exceptional Drought M 03 - Extrene Drought 02 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought 08 - Abnornally Dry 0 1_......//.. ... - .,......--- fTIA4 -- ,11-- 1L.-.1M _.___- L.. ..:..... 0.1.,. ..._ 0--- ,...._,.:.- .,.- ^10_..._,. Tl. /......A... /A.......L- /1a ,7...... TTt 4 /....... '?/1 C/,)A112 NC D ht Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map r� ❑ '' 02/07/2012 - Q PE of I WRISARS Drought Monitoring Lavers Legend N State Boundary of HC State Boundaries TVA States Counties A/ Interstat Highway in HC Roads in HC Cities M D4 - Exceptional Drought M D3 - Extrene Drought M D2 - Severe Drought Di - First Level Drought D9 - Abnornally Dry NC D ht Monitor Map P4 " of l North Carolina Drought Status Ma wRISARS Drouvht g P Monitoring 03/06/2012 A Lavers Legend e� � - /V State Boundary of HC State Boundaries TVR States Counties Interstat Highway in HC Roads in HC Cities M D4 - Exceptional Drought D3 - Extrene Drought 02 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought 09 - Rbnornally Dry 1.. i/ /T�1 t /T11 .! t [1l 1 (tt n nn T / � /• 1 Al /T1!/ /T1 / /T•l 1/1 �/�1 /�1 '� NC D ht Monitor Map Pau Plot I ht Status Ma wRISARS Drou ht North Carolina Drought P Monitoring rr , Lavers Legend F-1 04/03/2012 ® Korth Carolina SITE 1 4 /V State Boundary of HC State Boundaries TVA States Counties A/ Interstat Highway in HC Roads in HC Cities M D4 - Exceptional Drought M 03 - Extrene Drought .D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought Do - Rbnornally Dry ,,,..,,pro,- --InX/f Inn T r,l�nilo,ra,ehacineR�la♦rc�r =nom Qi 7nnmci7P— iRimAn= n' /mCdVV/ Ana( hP /ht(ln( C /nM /mans /T)M /1 JM_.. 3/15/20] 3 NC Di it Monitor Map Pa ' of 1 North Carolina Drought Status Ma wtuS Drou ht g p Monitoring PF] € 05/01/2012 A Layers Legend SITE Vw- rJ A/ State Boundary of INC State Boundaries TVA States Counties Interstat Highway in INC Roads in NC Cities D4 - Exceptional Drought M D3 - Extreme Drought 02 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought D8 - Abnormally Dry NC D. ht Monitor Map North Carolina Drought Status Ma WRISARS g p Monitoring _ 06/05/2012 - A Layers SITE North Carolina )Vjr Pa of 1 Droup-ht Legend n% State Boundary of NC State Boundaries TVR States Counties iV Interstat Highway in NC Roads in NC Cities 04 - Exceptional Drought D3 - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought 00 - Rbnornally Dry 1r +..• / /....,.. ... -- ,_ /T1%Xly -%1.1 �t- 'lt —t -- . - n i. n ,. I ,. — - . ' -- ..— - - - - - - - - NC Dr it Monitor Map Pa of 1 North Carolina Drought Status Ma WRISARS Drought g P Monitoring 0 09/18/2012 - Layers Legend b' C No tt) Caro 1 ina e r' SITE Cam] %V State Boundary of NC State Boundaries TVA States Counties %V Interstat Highway in NC Roads in NC Cities D4 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought D8 - Rbnornally Dry _. -- IT-% h A IT x 4 1 . _ nt - - 1 - 11 1 n n n T I n I I 1 n. 1 — . I I—. I— . •1 11 1 -- 1 1 NC D �ht Monitor Map V,q m, I of 1 North Carolina Drought Status Ma wRISARS Drought g p Monitoring 0 10/02/2012 - Q Layers Legend — NCDWR Ir -- NoYth Carolina SITE %V State Boundary of NC State Boundaries TVA States Counties A/ Interstat Highway in NC Roads in NC Cities M D4 - Exceptional Drought M D3 - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought D8 - Abnornally Dry L. rr..•(l,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....InXA /T-)NA 3 /I5/2013) NC D ;ht Monitor Map P; Iof1 North Carolina Drought Status Ma WRISARS Drou ht g P Monitoring 11/06/2012 - A Layers Legend C-] %V State Boundary of NC State Boundaries TVR States Counties Interstat Highway in NC Roads in NC Cities D4 - Exceptional Drought D3 - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought Do - Rbnornally Dry NC 1= zht Monitor Map North Carolina Drought Status Map Y' a 12/04/2012 F- Naith Carolina SITE _r., P IofI WRISARS Droueht Monitoring Layers Legend A/ State Boundary of HC State Boundaries TVA States Counties /VInterstat Highway in HC Roads in INC Cities D4 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought D8 - Abnornally Dry L.♦ ♦.... / /........ ... a /T11,41TNAR._1_._rll__ _ 1 n1 n nn — .. .. . . — . APPENDIX E: CROSS SECTION PHOTOS View of permanent cross section #1 (MS) y.: Ott, View of permanent cross section #2 (MS) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix E. Phase II & III "` " " IANDMANAG M ENT GROIIP. Permanent Cross - Section ° ° "' " "n" Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 `' ,1 is �,'s �� -'�' ��+ l� � � - �. � ,..t M ��' �' ;• , View of permanent cross section #3 (MS) i _ . , View of permanent cross section #4 (MS) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix E. Phase II 8� III "� "^ " " " " ° "" Permanent Cross - Section _ P, 7, �,,,,, Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 1 � View of permanent cross section #5 (MS) AA kill View of permanent cross section #6 (MS) Stone Farm Appendix E. Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Phase II & III %'IM AI Permanent Cross - Section Year 1 AMR March 2013 Photographs View of permanent cross section #7 (MS) View of permanent cross section #8 (MS) Stone Farm Appendix E. Stone Mitigation Bank LMG P.Oupl��, Permanent Cross - Section Phase 11 & III Co'-dra"t, Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of permanent cross section #NT1 (NT) ' r a View of permanent cross section #NT2 (NT) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix E. Phase II &III ' " " ° "P " Permanent Cross - Section "' " °WI Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 View of permanent cross section #NT3 (NT) View of permanent cross section #ST1 (ST) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix E. Phase II 8� III ^ " °M1'^"^"'` Permanent Cross - Section _ FR,,:,,,,,,,�,:, Photographs Year 1 AMR March 2013 t . hl�� . 1 L 4 � ✓ f� i, •,'`� ti's ` , � View of permanent cross section #ST2 (ST) r v r" i Ile,_ it, �I View of permanent cross section #ST3 (ST) Stone Farm Appendix E. Regional Mitigation Bank LMG fNI6ROUP., Permanent Cross - Section Phase II & III _ :,,,._ ............ C�,,,,,,_" Year 1 AMR March 2013 Photographs ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK INDICATORS t ,er c OHWM INDICATORS 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Presence of Litter & Debris 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining 5 - Sediment Sorting (1) View of OHWM along Mainstem (Early growing season) OHWM INDICATORS 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Presence of Litter & Debris 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining 5 - Sediment Sorting (2) View of OHWM on Mainstem at Gauge 2 (mid growing season) Stone Farm LMG Regional Mitigation Bank Appendix F: I. AND MANACEMF.NT 6ROLP Phase II _ « mP�,,.��..,,.,„ , OHWM Indicators in Year 1 AMR Stream Valleys OHWM INDICATORS 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Wracking 3 - Shelving 4 - Sediment Sorting 5 - Water Staining (3) View of OHWM on Mainstem at Gauge 3 (mid growing season) OHWM INDICATORS 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Wracking 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining 5 - Change in Plant Community 6 - Multiple Observed Flow Events (4) View of OHWM along Mainstem (mid growing season) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix F: I AND MANAUMFNT GROUP ,. Phase II m. OHWM Indicators in Year 1 AMR Stream Valleys (5) View of OHWM along North Tributary (early growing season) OHWM INDICATORS 1 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Wracking 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining (6) View of OHWM along North Tributary (mid growing season) Stone Farm LMG Regional Mitigation Bank Appendix F: i nvi; MAnAGr.aiNT6krn r ,. Phase II _ OHWM Indicators in Year 1 AMR Stream Valleys OHWM INDICATORS Natural Line Impressed I On Bank F r = 2 - Wracking _Y, : ,._ 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining 5 - Change in Plant Community (5) View of OHWM along North Tributary (early growing season) OHWM INDICATORS 1 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Wracking 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining (6) View of OHWM along North Tributary (mid growing season) Stone Farm LMG Regional Mitigation Bank Appendix F: i nvi; MAnAGr.aiNT6krn r ,. Phase II _ OHWM Indicators in Year 1 AMR Stream Valleys OHWM INDICATORS 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Wracking 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining 5 - Change in Plant Community 6 - Presence of Litter & Debris (7) View of OHWM along South Tributary (early growing season) OHWM INDICATORS 1 - Natural Line Impressed On Bank 2 - Wracking 3 - Vegetation matted, bent, Or absent 4 - Water Staining 5 - Change in Plant Community 6 - Multiple Observed Flow Events (8) View of OHWM along South Tributary (late growing season) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank LMG Appendix F: LAND MANAGEF1ENT GROLP . Phase II E.,,•,• ,. ,,,� ., „ OHWM Indicators in Year 1 AMR Stream Valleys APPENDIX G: LONGITUDINAL SURVEYS /CROSS SECTION SURVEYS 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 0 1171 1176 13 54 19 49 30 23 33 27 36 38 49 77 Station MAINSTEM (MS) PERMANENT CROSS - SECTIONS (PCS) - YEAR 01 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT MS -PCS #3 Elevation MS -PCS #6 374 372 - 37 - 36 8 366 36.4 362 Elevation 36 358 - 35 6 35.4 �--, 0 977 1155 1285 14 94 17 56 3134 Station NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal survey data provided by Paramounte Engineering, PA 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 0 13 8116 5417 26 25 913127 34 57 37 99 42 29 5175 Station MS -PCS #1 35 5 35 34.5 34 335 33 325 I 32 0 10 3412 1813 9518 28 22 6128 39 29 9 31.9 46 74 Station MS -PCS #4 38.5 38 375 37 365 36 355 35 345 34 0 1358 1521 1706 1948 21.01 22.06 3271 Station MS -PCS #7 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank - Phase II Brunswick County, NC 01 -02 -240 LMG LAND AIAl, M.ENkNI 4aOVP - wwvw LMGroup net Phone 910 452 0001 -1868 LMG.1078 Fax 910 452 0080 3805 Wnghtsvdle Avenue — Elevation — Elevation I Elevation I 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 0 h� 3� 1h ,yR titi ti� tiw ti0 tit .�0 3ti 4 Rti Station MS -PCS #2 — Elevation I MS -PCS #5 365 36 355 35 — Elevation 345 34 0 1499 1708 191 20 94 22 09 33 85 STATION 41 40.5 40 395 39 385 38 37.5 37 365 36 0 12.62 14.48 15.72 17 97 19 27 20.44 23 46 40.96 Station Appendix G: Cross Section and Longitudinal Surveys MS -PCS #8 — Elevation I NORTH TRIBUTARY (NT) AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY (ST) ' PERMANENT CROSS - SECTIONS (PCs) - YEAR 01 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT .-Jo t+ 382 38 378 376 374 372 37 368 366 364 0 684 9 54 1139 13 99 16 05 18 84 29 02 Station 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 0 9 59 12 33 15 05 17 65 22 66 24 89 26 06 36 75 Station NT - PCS #1 ST - PCS #1 — Elevation I NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal survey data provided by Paramounte Engineering, PA Elevation 37 5 37 365 36 355 35 345 34 335 33 0 4 43 13 0413 9415 8217 1218 53 20 56 23 9 35 21 Station NT - PCS #2 38 5 38 375 37 365 36 355 0 6 89 8 53 9 68 12 76 16 08 17 08 19 03 25 42 Station ST - PCS #2 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank - Phase Il Brunswick County, NC 01 -02 -240 LMG LARD MAM4kMtl1f 40.UVP -. vwvw LMGmup net phone- 910 452 0001 -1866 LMG 1078 Fax 910 452 o060 3805 wnghtsvdte Avenue Elevation I Elevation I 35 345 34 335 33 325 32 0 10 5 1185 13 02 15 46 17 55 18 51 2102 29 92 Station 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 0 11 13 12.35 1328 17.18 1973 22.41 2481 35.43 Station Appendix G: Cross Section and Longitudinal Surveys NT - PCS #3 ST - PCS #3 — Elevation I — Elevation I 33.5 33 325 32 315 31 30.5 30 37 365 36 35.5 35 345 34 335 33 325 MAINSTEM (MS) LONGITUDINAL CROSS - SECTIONS (LCS) - YEAR 01 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT MS - LCS #3 Station MS - LCS #6 0�'LIS Station NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal survey data provided by Paramounte Engineering, PA Elevation — Elevation 32 315 31 305 30 295 29 285 O h't �3 y1 ,L�i h'L h'�i �h 1ti hh yti hQ hh yh tip• h�' 14i ,yo4' y'�i�` tiro°' 1�� �ti1 tih�' ti�i`O ,5'L�' .5h� h4h Station MS - LCS #1 Elevation MS - LCS #4 34 335 33 325 — -- 32 31.5 31 Elevation 305 30 0 0,0 Station MS - LCS #7 38 375 37 365 PA 36 355 35 345 Elevation 34 335 _ 0 Station Stone Farm Regional LMG Mitigation Bank - Phase II ` ° ° ^^• ° " ° ^' °" ° ^° wwv LMGroup rtd Brunswick County, NC Phone' 9104520001.1 BBB LMG 1078 01 -02 -240 Fax 91 o 452 ooso 3805 ftcnsvdle Avenue 33 32.5 32 315 31 305 30 295 3� ti hti ,�h• �°' �h ,�� Doti �h ti� �w �a 'y ti- ti '� ti ti ti 3 3 3 Station MS - LCS #2 — Elevation MS - LCS #5 36 355 35 345 34 335 33 325 — Elevation 32 315 31 o STATION MS - LCS #8 40 39 5 39 38.5 38 -- — 37.5 37 —Elevation 365 36 355 0 �% 0 %A#9a�p�,���,t�p�9��5���b��o� °6 Station Appendix G: Cross Section and Longitudinal Surveys I/ NORTH TRIBUTARY (NT) AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY (ST) LONGITUDINAL CROSS - SECTIONS (LCS) - YEAR 01 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT 38 375 37 365 36 355 35 345 34 0 61 b9 gp g6 s'� 64, 66 64 g9 y9 96 66 g4 �� oo 1.0 ,�'' Ap. ��' ag• �,�b '30 6 rOP' Station 38 375 37 365 36 35.5 35 34.5 0-11,e "Ib -114, 1011 1011 069���%� STATION ST - LCS #1 NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal survey data provided by Paramounte Engineering, PA — Elevation I — Elevation NT - LCS #2 365 36 355 - A A A^ 35 345 34 335 33 325 0ae�9 ^1�9����u�,�1� Station — Elevation I ST - LCS #2 37 365 36 355 35 345 Elevation 34 33.5 y�4 44), 6'I) yob Station Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank - Phase II Brunswick County, NC 01 -02 -240 LMG w.vw LMGroup net Phone 910 452 0001 .1 8W LMG 1078 Fax 910 452 0060 3805 Wnghtsvdie Avenue NT - LCS #3 34 335 33 325 -- 32 315 31 —Elevation 305 30 295 Station 35 345 34 335 33 325 32 31.5 o 10 ' �D hR Qc) _y' �A 0 tD 41 tit �� oP ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti Station ST - LCS #3 Appendix G: Cross Section and Longitudinal Surveys Elevation I 867 r °9 A C °3 'TJ MS # 1 LONGITUDINAL A ° /S ,Cr- ! 3•70 31 7 C' 3'02 QGG" AY GG �^� Q 1.0 4 4 0 , It ,� CJ U p d' d QG GA PGG PCc' PCC = PCC a AZ e '0R c° f .�aQ- V ° ?,3' a Yp_ A C � 4 2• w • p .1 v C1 �. °�• 410 a4 " 4' UU Q UU .� Q ms #1 " ��• A Q`G 4A Poo. . PCc m 1, PCC f 1 PCC ACC , f Cf 'OR C° P4.CC° 7�7� ! 0 PCC 4883 .0•.5 37-yo O QGCA f •'� Q "�V 4 " 0 L Q" a Project Stone Farm Date 3115/13 " LMGRegional Mitigation Bank -Phase II LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP m Title Scale 1 " =40' EnvirDnmental Consultants °�st Office Box 2522 Cross Section Surveys yyn B y NOTE Cross Section and Longitudir-'-St ��/ey Data t iton North Carolina 28402 WF Provided By Paramounte Engir A �ephone 910- 452-0001 � Y If MI; :9 2 LONGITUDIONAL �LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Luc Environmental Consultants Post Office Box 2522 igton North Carolina 28402 lephone 910 - 452 -0001 Stone Farm Date 3/15/13 Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II 1"=20' NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Rata Cross Section Surveys Iwn By Provided By Paramounte Engineering, P, WF MS # 3 LONGITUDINAL LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP we Environmental Consultants lost Office Box 2522 gton North Carcona 28402 lephone 910 -452 -0001 Project Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Cross Section Surveys 3/15/13 Scale wn By WF NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Provided By Paramounte Engineering, P PCC = 1 1 ZIP LMG LAND MANAGEMENTGR 4-3032 Environmental Coosu,tants Post Office Box 2522 ngton, North Carohna 28402 eteohone 910 - 452 -CO01 —Lu Cross Section Surveys ,awn By WF # 4 LONGITUDINAL NOTE Cross Section and final Survey Data Provided By Paramou, _ ineernng, P A �1 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUPivc Environmental Consultants Post Office Box 2522 igton North Carolina 213402 - lephone 910 -452 -0001 Project Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Cross Section Surveys 3/15/13 cale 1.1=30' twn By WF NOTE Cross Section and 11nal Survey Data Provided By Paramot neenng, P X I LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP u+c Environmental Consultants °ost Office Box 2522 t ton North Carolina 28402 I ephone 910 - 452 -0001 9h "Cc, QGG <yGG CQ A �b e PCC : Gs' Q QGGe A �C a A o� u � 6`y PGG v ry u CIO U a MS # 6 � y o P 1e81@� o n O �6 C. 1 PCC �A e' illy e ACCe �•Cj� 'Dc � c, a� `1J VCCs 7113 dt q9 Stone Farm - - 3/15/13 Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Scale 1"=20' Cross Section Surveys "' n By WF J S # 6 LONGITUDINAL NOTE Cross Section and a`al Survey Data m Provided By Parao� eenng, P A )LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP me C v ^vironmental Consultants Post Office Box 2522 ngton North Carolina 28402 :lephone 910 - 452 -]001 Project Stone Farm uate 3/15/13 Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Cross Section Surveys 1"=20' awn By WF MS # 7 LONGITUDINAL NOTE Cross Section anc ^ final Survey Data Provided By Paramour„- __ meenng, P A R n n °r35 a � a MS # 8 LONDITUDINAL 0 pCC = 3 +90 02 n U U 0. PCC ° PCC ; 3rg3 70 PCC ° Jx� PCC _ 6"2 v +lip 4n n m C` nO li r M ACC° J PC,C` Jx �h AC C� �C 9 > e 69 pCC ` °n II II N N N O N N 11 a db 9 a PGGyryr, Y> N PCC = 2r10 53 0 P q PCC = 1.9051 q e �c � 4 UU OU ,5 a gC`° e PCC. n S� PCC o U Irk 66 a le Irr • r *Ps xz19 m 92 � 9 s La V Q MS #8 CG Q Y PC r a C° C.0 c � n o Qi gn 4n Project Stone Farm Date 3/15113 LMGRegional Mitigation Bank -Phase II LAND MANAGEMENT GROUPur- Title Scale 1" -ZOO Environmental Consultants oea office Box 2522 don North Carolina 28402 Cross Section Surveys vn By NOTE Cross Section and ial Survey Data aphone 910- 452 -000 _ WF Provided By Paramou _ eenng, P A �j KIT u -I I nkitNITI MIK1 LMGRegional LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP— Environmental Consultants Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington North Carolina 28402 Telephone 910- 452 -0001 ..- .......,�........, ...r....... ...- ....... o... .-."' �'_ ... Project Stone Farm Mitigation Bank -Phase II Date 3/15/13 Scale _ 1�� -Zt)� Title Cross Section Surveys -..._. u. n_n_...n.nu._._ -_.. w.. ... u....n_-- .+rn....� a c......�..w__ Drawn By WF -.. u_�....._..a ...._ c... -_. NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Provided By Paramounte Engineering, P A NT # 2 LONGITUC" "' A LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP we Environmental Consultants lost Office Box 2522 aton, North Carolina 28402 echone 910 -452-0001 NT #2 Project Stone Farm Date, 3/15/13 Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Scale Title 1 " =20' Cross Section Surveys wn By WF NOTE Cross Section and nal Survey Data Provided By Paramot. ieering, P A PC PCC 1 1 1 1 K T 11 z I /lAIr'%ITI IMM AI NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Provided By Paramounte Engineering, P A LMG LAND MANAGEMhNT GROUP,- Environmental Consultants Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington North Carolina 28402 Telephone 910 - 452-0001 Project Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Date 3/15/13 Scale 1"=20' Title Cross Section Surveys Drawn B y WF NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Provided By Paramounte Engineering, P A ST # 1 LONGITUDINAL �LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC fnvuonmental Consul(ants Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington North Carolina 28402 0 'o s� Stone Farm 3/15/13 Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Scale 1 " =20' Cross Section Surveys Drawn By WF NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Provided By Paramounte Enoineennp, P A ST # 2 LONGITUDINAL �LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP ,.� Eovrronmenlal Consu/lants Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington North Carolina 28402 Stone Farm 3115/13 Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II Scale 1 " =20' Cross Section Surveys Drawn By WF NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Provided By Paramounte Engineenng. P A ST # 3 LONGITUDINAL LMG ti -p0 Project Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank -Phase II 3/15/13 LAND MANAGEMEN9 GROUP w 1 ° =20r Envrronmental Consultants Title Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Surveys Drawn B Immgton North Carolina 28402 y WF V 1 V V NOTE Cross Section and Longitudinal Survey Data Prodded By Paramounte Enquneennq, PA APPENDIX H: STREAM FLOW DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT FORMS IJ IY 4T � � s .• " - t � � (i ' L 7J lJ � 4^ — i - - Ll- �,- - 7 a _ STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream,, Date f- Station Description �5+, Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type Observers Stream Width' Section Width Observations fit, , ;a_ 1 _ ,� , ,,. `--I �,!`- 1•��,; t r Section Midpoint M(M) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth' ft -m-cm Veloci ty Area W Z D (if) (m) Flow (Q) V x A 3 3 (m /s) (ft 3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) { j K 1 t a -n / ! ff Total Discharge (iQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred 2Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep { 1 kLt R __ ?„ STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream �' �� f '� , r -�� r Date Station Description eJre-&L '24 Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type Observers ct Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depthz ft -m-cm Velocity Area W x D z (ftz) (m) Flow (Q) V x A (m 3 /s) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) © i /// 'J i R` a•' 1 Total Discharge (1Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred MMeasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep 1 .t _ y STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream Date��' "? t Station Description r',1 Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type ��- Observers Stream Wdth' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth' ft m -cm Velocity AreaWxD (IF) (m2) Flow (Q) VxA (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point MIS) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) ip r - t ,' , _ I t r t OO OO Total Discharge (1Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred 2Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep 1 STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Strea n2 F a Iti'L N. TY � I3 Date Station Description S + Y tU- Vvk & �Ct .a P_ � - N) T 0 b Time Begin Time Ended I Meter Type 1;) V\) a,-I C/k Observers C N / w �- Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity AreaWxD ({�) (m2) Flow (Q) V x A 3 (m /s) (ft ) At Point MIS) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) . Lj�7 i �CrA- t,( � o1 _ f r 0/cmic, ' t C , ' 1 Lo n Total Discharge (FQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep r STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream C -+ on C V Station Description 5l f its /( Tn, - Date Gj Z Time Begin Time Ended `' Meter Type ) o w ot i i^ k Observers C N 1 w �c Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth' ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (fe) (m ) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) 0 li' 0 Total Discharge (iQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream ,� �' 1( Y�,> C' 'j �� l,� Date Station Description Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type F I hdV a-3 61 Observers (' I,,) / V\ l Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity AreaWxD z ( ) (m) Flow (Q) V x A (m3/s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average MIS) (m /s) p /cr�j� 0 4 � J t�l f-A L r n 0 I 0; S r O I 1 (1 I I C,rA L. Total Discharge (FQ)(fP /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft. 20 measurements preferred ' iAeasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream ") fir} ' � cre i ! S Tr i ' Date Station Description �)-1 K P �� ,rvi a roe ( - S i � I D CC on -{ Time Begin Time Ended `I Meter Type F I b YV Q H c Observers j\ j / (��) F Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational DepV ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ft2) (ms) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft 3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) 12 0 0 Total Discharge (FQ)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream - I i)(�jQ aY�nr, d S Ty � �o Date EV G/J Z Station Description St recur yi (-7 u r ('; e Tr i 1q Time Begin Time Ended J Meter Type F 10waO G ) Observers C Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity Ve y A W x D Area rea (M) Flow (Q) V x A (m' /s) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) 0 2 ZCrlj, Z %cMIs 2- 9 IH/L Lj L4 o Ld Fk Zu , 2`ic,,,A 5 ��r I�: © ,,cf'''�� J ` ^ I r ` ` L " �� �7 G 2- /Lro/ S (6) -'-I 0 Total Discharge (FQ)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft. 20 measurements preferred Weasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep ..t STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S-o nt i GI V"1 - Ill\ MV) C � e ylh Date Cj () 11-2 Station Description G� Y'p _(I nA, (-) (,k lL CI (� ) 0A U t n SA(VNA- Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type C �n Observers N V Stream Width' Section Width Observations 9 C 6Q{ S a (j� , I) _r I I>,N 'rvi C I C U. U 1 .Vik< Q D v\) a bS eY \lP Section Midpoint M(M) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity Area WxD (ft2) (ms) Flow (Q) V x A 3 (m /s) (ft ) At Point ON (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) Q O O s0 Total Discharge (XQ)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred IMeasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S--h ( Y)k f ait m tvt a 1 SAC i/Vl Date Station Description SJ r e Q.UVI (, L(_o C o 2- - h/lGt, n S t r m Time Begin Time Ended i Meter Type F1 GLi r k Observers WV- Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity AreaWxD (ftz) (m2) Flow (Q) VxA (n'3 /s) (ft3) At Point Ws) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) k oA/� s lv 1 � ® t i C Ytil S 0 Total Discharge (iQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Date S Stream ,�A I)`t_l�' f (d y 1,w`� ��` ! i�A 1 t�� �,�, �' � +;; Station Description ,Ci 'r` Pit % , t E. !,, o(c W_k Vti c 1 f v1 � Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type OY\) 0..A C, V) Observers Stream Width' Section Width r)hecninfinne Ian _. .,C f t _ 1 -1 , . , r . . ( _ i _r . —I A l Cn9 %S I n} v..vv� ..,.�...... 1- -LOKXA v Mj ` 1 b' - ) Y V I(' t ( V i Ul(/ ' -I I fiVU C +1. +5 4 ", 4 t,(A TUAM Mi Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ft� (m�) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m/s) OO OO 0 Total Discharge (XQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 It deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S1--D � a � rA - N I r f yr Date S/)8/1 Z Station Description Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type FjrM1,,k- Observers V\1 Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ft2) (M2) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) 2�Cn -1 SGT 0 0 0 Total Discharge (2:Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred 'Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep 1 STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream L)-`b o Q, iIm -� Y �� Date rj/ 1 E, % I Z Station Description S-1 i P(d V Vl 2- - N -T y to Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type D A) a t CV) Observers y\j Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint M(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft-m -cm Velocity (ea Area W x x D Flow (Q) V x A 3 (m /s) (ft ) At Point MIS) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m/s) OO 5c S S /CwI�> � (` ! � •`�C'� �' L tit i 1 � - , ,f r o- v O Total Discharge (Y-Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred 'Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep i STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S �n�, PO(V yyh , I r � L Date 5J 19, f I G Station Description Q(, m (; u(4 o1 Q I ° , -T i s Time Begin Time Ended J Meter Type f-t ")o Ac k Observers V� Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint M(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational DeptV ft -m -cm Velocity AreaWxD (ft2) (m2) Flow (Q) V x A (m /s) (ft At Point MIS) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) J� O 7I f r !^ r F` f i l J a 43 S-�t `� - < < tit s l /S Il 0 --2- o- IJ 11 L i Ur�1 Total Discharge (E0)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep �y r STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream �;J D V)-�— C6( Y rye S - -T V IV) Date S Z Is A2 Station Description <,:)-j Y, () V\,k (:j- bCQ�? e I - S-� Y I j I (,6,11 ( Time Begin Time Ended - Meter Type F(w\) ij rh Observers W Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft- m-cm Velocity Area rea ( ) W x D Flow (Q) V x A 3 (m /s) (ft ) At Point (g/s) (m /s) Average (ft/5) (m /s) [ T C-L � � r �1 � � /C 0 0 Total Discharge (f0)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred , Weasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S �b Date G�I� e5/►2 Station Description 34A Q 0, YEA 6 G' ao L 2- S I Y� \,,-) Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type (T-,\)n ( CL) Observers F Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (Urn) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m-cm Velocity A W x D Area rea (mZ) Flow (Q) V x A 3 (m /s) (ft ) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) Oo L 2-f 1�r', Z /Crv� 5 o 2, Ljf4 I q C/ry S ® ' 1 � Ito s Z� /cam JS ® 8 t Z L) 4:-k, 1 '% Ural 1 S 0 Total Discharge (10)00s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Jleasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep x l STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S j b Y )� , F C(Y N� MA k_ V 1 O U ,, ( Date S I 31/ 12 Station Description ` Time Begin Time Ended J Meter Type IF I dy\)(L -t C Observers AD Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint M(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m-cm Velocity Area rea W x x D Flow (Q) V x A (n'3 /s) W) At Point MIS) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) 40 J Loft l _ J OO Total Discharge (EQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred rAeasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 6 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream Cob, , T I t � Cl r i'r� Y`n.G k,n ;4 Date S f 3 111 Z. Station Description & Time Begin Time Ended i Meter Type F (b" Observers Al) Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint M(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity AreaWxD ({F) (m2) Flow (Q) VxA (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (Ells) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) 5c rn (5 5/c rnJ 5 02, r �r > =t 5 r" I s yam, / s ` "l r ✓1 % ?�i Total Discharge (fQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep i STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream Std n Q � o V y1,i (� } a,1 f 4 i YK Date Station Description S+r p a v,` 6 �--, ?D - y,n a t v)r,-I Cv% ( Time Begin Time Ended -, Meter Type V-) p VN)p`-A C1-A Observers AD Stream Width' Section Width Observations \I i Ct .tr, C _( I n vm nt� ,�. It \10. -I . —/ 66 le, i., t ! 7 r rvrn 1 r, Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth' ft-m -cm Velocity AreaWxD (ft2) (m2) Flow (Q) VxA 3 (m !s) (ft At Point (fVs) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (MIS) O O O f® 8 Total Discharge (1Q)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream 9mQ Cx INS S 1-r 1b Date S/ Station Description 'a ( ",\ r, m ml C � - �j � i Oo Time Begin Time Ended `' Meter Type Observers AD Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D ({�) (m2) Flow (Q) V x A (m /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average MIS) (m /s) c rA I S / 0/ G�lS 0 --21 Yvi/k, ® 2 5 (r +t u l 1 / 1 z (- _ pro r r 2 ti I( -Z/GY F-1 Total Discharge (1Q)(fP /s) I 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 It, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep i i STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S- One, �ay PA 's I 6\0 Date =V 3 Iz I Z Station Description oom (-:� vao Q- I - , - j r I ,'-j ((,I , 3 - Time Begin Time Ended ) Meter Type O p v ') a � C � Observers Ali Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m-cm Velocity AreaWxD (m2) Flow (Q) VxA (m3 /S) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) I � -2 em p!Z %C �'t(c 0 0 Total Discharge (1Q)(ft3 1s) I _ 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep _j STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream sb�-k Fa ( ry C I Y 1 � Date S Station Description ;A -( e(,L w C, i t ao Q, ,2 Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type (() 1/1)0.,-I. C h Observers AD Stream width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ft) (m?) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m/s) I I C fV116 V; v I�� 4f ` scram is r H 1_ -F+ 2L1 © -7A B L _ 3L15zt Z? - -CMj �r (f� L r. l� T (A r , 0 Total Discharge (1Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep 1 STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream Store � at r;� N TV1�o Date Station Description 9 i ea vl (�- LPL nr Z- N `I Y & Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type q In \)y (U I Observers AT) Stream Width' Section width Observations Section Midpoint (Urn) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth' ft -m-cm Velocity AreaWxD (ft2) (m2) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m/s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) ° L cm S .q ZcM 5 2 1 CIvl�S S LP-K q � s �10 � wrf� `� 1� L�r OO Total Discharge (1Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream sbn,c � -at M N) Ty \`p Date 5l �, t 112- Station Description I Time Begin Time Ended � Meter Type 'F Ip y-JC P-Cin Observers Ap Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth' ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ftz) W) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft') At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) ID S 00 j .Z��t Ilcn,'1 S Ii CVVI�5 D C rVI'r 12 4.4, Total Discharge (7-Q)(ft /s) I 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep E STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream Shl)Q Sch i `r i L1(t i , , ° L ,` Date 8110112- Station Description S �-Y e i vk Gu a a e - Q, ( n Sk o t Time Begin Time Ended � Meter Type Observers C (y Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D z z (ft) (m) Flow (Q) V x A 3 3 (m /s) (ft) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average MIS) (m/s) W _ y -f 2 c r`n ( 2IC"") (S 3 • � � t E r� ,1^l 7 ' /Cry LA e Total Discharge (1Q)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream 9�1(2 I- a Y nn 0\ (U n S V' ! ' i Date N1 D / I Z Station Description S�'(v.a ni % w.L ae _ Z- iY1C► t +n,l o-vt Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type Observers G N Stream Width' Section Width Observations n 1 n W n Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational DepthZ ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (�) (mz) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) O OO OO s0 OO Total Discharge (EQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred ;Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S-h f )Q Camk ` NNWO Sill Date A11 D 1i L Station Description S- 1 Time Begin Time Ended'" Meter Type Observers CNN Stream Width' Section Width Observations Nn 1-1 i n (0,n UY Pool P C,Lka(1,Q Y-,MP S AY � of w(, f Section Midpoint 00(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity Area (ms) a W x D Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average MIS) (m /s) OO Os OO Total Discharge (FQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred ,Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream Srqne r -w M S� T \\j Date $ /l D/ 1 Z Station Description �'iG 2Gl,m G y-(N M' t 11C, Time Begin Time Ended Meter Type F f m a A i,6. Observers Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ftz) (r2) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft(s) (m /s) � t • LI-Fk ,2L .f — Zc,MIS d- 2/Cr'vl/S 2C'm S � Y t � 21C V, © `I I . I LI - r-k, a -=' C r j (S ® ! I. DB-[ -f G- ? ry t 'B �� Total Discharge (EQ)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 It deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep I--, Y \ STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream f) Q \ aY ,i A � I '( 1'10 Date � 4 j b / 12 Station Description C Time Begin Time Ended � Meter Type rj0,V\)6j j �, Observers Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m -cm Velocity Ve ty Area W x D z z (ft) (m) Flow (Q) V x A 3 3 (m /s) (ft ) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) I 2fJ 0 rJ- z /�+mjs 0 0 0 Total Discharge (EQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream J m) Q, V a'( (,/� � -� i 1,r' Date 8/ (o I I z Station Description Time Begin Time Ended) Meter Type a ( r Observers C— NA Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth2 ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D (ft) (m2) Flow (Q) V x A (M%) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) .2L N A 1 Yla� © � � -� � 1 �� - A corn ® �7 4 i li Total Discharge (10)(ft%) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 it deep Measure at 20% and 80 % of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep ,/ STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream S-hy)q- F a I rA S 15 1\9 Date P41 0�( Z Station Description 9(Y20.," ( ,-Lka(1Q. 2 Time Begin Time Ended— Meter Type V 11) V\)a k C h Observers GN Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational DepthZ ft -m -cm Velocity Area W x D z (ft) (M) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (ft3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m/s) 1 -t o7 +t O ) 1 f L V-\-k I 9 5-k 1�j) C. VA S LO f C w( /s © �0 i+ JI { r .� l i l "k _( � �Y4 1 /�t C a OO Total Discharge (EQ)(ft3 /s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft , 20 measurements preferred Jleasure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream -Vrb nj . f'a V M K) I n V) Date r 1 t) Station Description 9 T P—ck- 'k G u (kQ f. 2 � 11I0 Time Begin Time Ended ✓ Meter Type rhy0al� Observers C Stream Width' Section Width Observations Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft -m-cm Velocity Area (ea ea (mz) W x D Flow (Q) V x A (m3�s) (ft3) Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ftls) (m/s) Jfk o —i -2 —? r�\ is Z C'P/� (S Z' 'lv4 f O s I i „l F •�l t '1- �, r.,S S D-2 C�1 2(-r l S 2J C,r�; O ryry °; OO Total Discharge (10)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 60% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep r-Q STREAM FLOW (DISCHARGE) MEASUREMENT FORM Stream QA balV�[� `I`1 N � \YJ Date � /Ioh2 Station Description SA-1 U c' , , 6, 0, (+ri Time Begin Time Ended J Meter Type R 0-1n)(X Observers C 4�,,A Stream Width' Section Width Observations pYl k `-\ I C ff1 c, I t Cam' (.�� e Section Midpoint (ft)(m) Section Depth (ft)(m)(cm) Observational Depth ft-m -cm Velocity v AreaWxD (ft2) (mz) Flow (Q) V x A (m3 /s) (f3) At Point (ft/s) (m /s) Average (ft/s) (m /s) Q OO OO s0 Total Discharge (112l)(0s) 'Make a minimum of 10 measurements when the total width is > 5 0 ft, 20 measurements preferred Measure at 60% of depth from surface where < 2 5 ft deep Measure at 20% and 80% of depth in waters > 2 5 ft deep