HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210504_1750-MATTING CALCS_202105281750 —Schabert Crossing Subdivision Erosion Control Matting Calculations Ditch #1 allorth American Green ECIMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications. Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER 1 T —1W 2 0 2-1 170 37—AM I HYDRAU U 0 RE S UILT V Dis�h ',jrge I PPeak Flow, lVelocity (fps)l Area (sq.ft) Hyd�.aul�c DNormal I , I eriod lhrs Rad tj e, In fftl 0.4 i 0.1 1 0.85 1 0.47 1 0.19 1 0.32 U nreinforced Vegetation (n=O. 040) LBottom 3.0 Width 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (Psf) Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity' Straight Unieinfoiced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.10 33.30 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 00035 0.009 3.84 STABLE to Ditch #2 0 North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — El x File Specifications Opti on s Help HYIIDRAULIC�'1141ESIIJ!Lf� Peralk Flow lVelocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) I I Hylau - Norma�t, P' iod (hrs) I Rad 311�trl Depth ( 2' 1 0.3 1 2.38 1 3.86 1 0.54 1 1.05� U nreinforced Vegetation (n=O. 040) L-- Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible ShearStress (Psf) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density 150-75% Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 3.33 0.62 5.39 STABLE S oil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.056 0.62 UNSTABLE 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. IQUICK 717-2021 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge lcfs) Peak Flow Period [hrs] Velocity (fps) Area (sq. ft) I Hydraulic I Radius(ftl Normal Depth I'M []1�1. �07 9.2 1 0.3 1 2.30 1 4.00 1 0.55 LINER RESULTS L-- Bottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (psf Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity' Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.63 2.46 STABLE Staple D I I I 11 x Ditch #3 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form El x File Specifications Options Help Disch ge Pr !ak Flow Velocity (fps) I Area (sq. ft) I Radl�.a'ujl�c ',ar Period lhrs] DN,,,rtmal I e h Iftl 1 0 0.1 1 1.36 1 0.73 0.23 0.42 U nreinforced Vegetation (n-0. 040) S = 0.0094 LBottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale R each Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (psf] Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity' Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75/. 3.33 0.25 13.59 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.022 1.56 STABLE llfr� Ditch #4 0 North Am eric an Green ECIVIDSVersi on 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form El x File Specifications Options Help HYDRAULIC RESULTS Aki", .. Al�',IMIIIW Discharge I Peak Flow, IVelocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) I Hydraulic Norrna�t) (03) Period [hrs Radius(ft) 1 Depth 0.5 1 0.1 1.00 1 0.50 0.19 0.33 UnreinforcedV LBottom 3.0 Width 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible hear Stress (Psf) Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.14 24.29 STABLE Soil SandyLoam 0.035 0.013 2.80 STABLE Ditch #5 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Opti on s Help ENGLISH. JUSER j F371-8/2-021 :: MM, , v mv 0 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge I Flow lVelocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) I Rycl�'aj�tc c ,,S, PPeak eriod (hrs) I ad I DNorthnal (ft) 0.3 1 1.27 1 1.50 0.34 0. G3 — El x U nreinforced Vegetation (n=O. 040) L__ B ottorn 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (PSO Calculated Shear Stress (PSO Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity' Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.20 16.98 STABLE S oil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.018 1.96 STABLE Ditch #6 0 North Am eric an Green ECIVIDSVersi on 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form El x File Specifications Options Help HYDRAULIC RESULTS Aki", .. Al�',IMIIIW Discharge I Peak Flow, IVelocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) I Hydraulic Norrna�t) (03) Period [hrs Radius(ft) 1 Depth 4.4 1 0.3 1 1.98 1 2.22 0.41 0.78 UnreinforcedV LBottom 3.0 Width 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale I . . . . . . . . .... I r . —.. — . - '.: v I . . I �._ ..: , � '__ . Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear S)tress (Psf Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity' Straight Unreinforced r Vegetation J D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.46 7.27 STABLE Soil SandyLoam 0.035 0.042 0.84 UNSTABLE Y Av 0 North American Green ECIVIDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — El x File Specifications Opti on s Help HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge lcfsl Pealk Flow Pe Velocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) H cl�aul�c Rcyd t 4 t) DN.ortrhnal (W 4.4 1 0.3 1.75 2.52 0.43 0.84 LINER RESULTS 812021 112:53 PH L__ Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (PSO Calculated Shear Stress (PSO Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.49 3.16 STABLE Staple D Ditch #7 0 NorthAmerican Green ECMD5 Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, OutputForm File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I F 178/2-021 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge PeakFIow Velocity(fps) Area(sq.ft) Hydraulic Normal (cfs) Period (hrs) 1 1 Radius(ft) 1 Depth (ft) �.7 1 0.3 1.09 1 0.64 0.22 0.39 Unieinfoiced Vegetation (n=0.040) S = O.00GG LBottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (psf Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D F0-75% 3.33 0.1 G 20.93 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.015 2.41 STABLE Ditch #8 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER F371 8-)2021 HYDRAULIC RESULTS F__ Discharge Peak Flow Velocity (fp�) Area (sq.ft) I I Hydraulic Normal (cfs) Period (hrs) Radiuslft) 1 Depth (ft) 0.3 1 0.3 1.64 1 2.01 1 0.39 0.74 Unreinforced LBottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible ear tress (psf) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase P Class Type Density 150-75%, Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 3.33 0.32 10.46 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.029 1.20 STABLE Ditch #9 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, C)utput Form File Specifications Options Help JENGLISH. JUSER K 'Y ESIJLTS��' �YD RAU Ll C R Discharge Peak Flow lVelocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Norma�, (cfs) Period (hrs) Radius(ft) Depth 8?2021 101:16PM Unreinforced Vegetation (n=0.040) L-- Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Matting Type' Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Shear S less Shear Stress I IlDensity (Psf�t (Psf) Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75�1 3.33 0.44 7.49 STABLE S oil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.041 0.86 UNSTABLE ANZ& ".t.; AV.W. "d..: 0 North American Green ECMD5 Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help 'NRI Ic;H Ini llf-K I F1 -A)�)n?i HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge lcfsl Peak Flow Pe Velocity (fps) I Area (sq.ft) I Ryl�au,�,c, 'd �' DNoyal e, h (ft] �.7 1 0.3 1 1.48 1 1.15 0.29 0.54 LINER RESULTS L-- Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (Psf) Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Typ Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.51 3.06 STABLE Staple D X D,,,c�z'rge I PP:ak Flow riod (hrs) Velocity (fps) I Area (sq. ft) I Ryl�aujl�c 'd . tj DNormal 5, h IN rtL—r 0.1 1 0.80 1 0.25 0.13 0.22 LINER RESULTS Ditch #10 LlNorth American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, OutputForm File Spec ifi cati o n s Options Help ENGLISH. — FSTE _R F 71-5 / 2 0 2-1 071 2 _GP M HYDRAULIC RESULTS Unreinforced Vegetation (n=0.040) I Bo 3.0 Width Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (Psfl Calculated Shear Stress IPA SafE Staple Pattern 7 lass I Type IDensity Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75%' 3.33 0.09 Soil SandyLoam 0.035 0.009 Ditch #11 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Glations Help 0 North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help HYDRAULIC RESULTS D.��agp PPeak Flow eriod lhrs] IVelocity (fps)l Area (sq.ft) I Hydraulic Radius[ftl Norma�,, Depth 1 5 0.1 1 1.43 1 1.05 1 0.28 0.51 LINER RESULTS L__ Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (psf) Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.48 3.22 STABLE Staple D 2.6"WIEW, YP'.10 Ditch #12 0 North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge kcjsJ PPeak Flow, eriod (hrs lVelocity (fp3)1 Area (sq.ft) Ryd�.aul�,c ad I DNo,mal e� h (ft) 5 0.5 1 1.62 1 3.10 0.48 0.94 LINER RESULTS U nreinforced Vegetation (n=O. 040) S = 0.0050 LBottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale R each MaRing Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Chaiadenstics Permissible Shear S,�ress (psf Calculated Sheai Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity' Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.29 11.40 STABLE Soil Sandyl-oarn 0035 0.027 1.31 STABLE Ditch #13 0 North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help 7NGLISH. LISER F3/1 _W2021 FO2 0 _1P A HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic [_ yNorrm lffl] (cs) Period (hrs) 1 Radius(ft) h : 0.0 1 0.5 1.82 1 4.40 1 0.58 = U nreinforced Vegetation (n=O. 040) L__ Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks ear tress Shear Stress Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density (psf) (Psf) Straight Unreinforced V D I Bunch 50-75/. 3.33 0.35 9.44 STABLE S oil Sandy Loarn 0.035 0.032 1.09 STABLE q�j WNW Ditch #14 11 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help _NGLISH. JUSER F311 812-021 F 6 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge I Peak Flow, lVelocity (fps)l Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic IN ormal (cfs) Period (hrs Radius(ft) Depth (ft) 3.0 1 0.3 1 1.42 1 2.11 0.40 0.76 Unreinforced LBottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale R each Matting Type S tability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear S tre 1pst) ss Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase [7D Class I Type IDensity S traight Unreinforced Vegetation I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.24 14.05 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.022 1.62 STABLE Ditch #15 LlNorth American Green ECMDSVersi on 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. FUS E —R F3 71 T 2 0 2-1 FO 2-10 —PM HYDRAULIC' RESULTS ....... ....... U nreinforced Vegetation (n=0.040) hf —Uischarge Realk Flow V Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Norrna�,, �j (03) Period (hr3) I Radius(ft) Depth I 1.3 0.1 1.41 0.92 0.26 0.48 0.0086 Bottom —1 3.0 Width 0.50 ft 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L1 IN L k RE S LjILTS Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear S)tress (Psf Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern :7 lass I Type IDensity Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0. 2G 13.00 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.023 1.50 STABLE Ditch #16 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. — rU —SE —R F3718-1202-1 F02-5077MI HYDRAULIC RESULTS I Unreinforcedveqetation ln=0.0401 D.,.�arge I PP.eak Flow riod [hrs) Velocity (fps) I Area (sq.ft) I Hyd�.aujl�c I Fq ad I Norma�,, Depth 0.1 1 3.06 1 1.10 1 0.30 1 0.55 \_�0344� LBottorn 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 4WT-W 111 1 Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics R each Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern lass I Type IDensity Shear S)tre,, Shear Stress (Psf (psf) Straight Unreinforoed Vegetation 7D jBunchJ50-75% 3.33 1.18 2.03 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.107 0.33 UNSTABLE 0 North American Green ECMDSVersi on 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IQUICK F3/ 18 / 2-0 21 Fo-251 77M HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge (cfs) Pealk Flow Period (hrs) lVelocity (fps) I Area (sq.ft) H �au(�tc, I I Ra'd 's t DNortrhnal ec IN 3.6 1 0.1 1 2.50 1 1.44 1 0.33 061 L-- Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 It 3.0 . . . . . . Not to Scale k Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Shear Stress Shear Stress Phase I Class I Type IDensity (psf� (pso Straight S75 Urvegetated 1.55 1.32 1.18 STABLE Staple D Ditch #17 LlNorth American Green ECIVIDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER 1 13/1 8�20211 T. Y. V1:0 Dis�h ',�rge PPeak Flow, eriod lVelocity (fps)j Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Norma�t f In Radius ft 't, In 2 0.1 1.37 1 0.85 5.25 PM Unreinforced 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics 7.R each Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Shear Stress S ear Stress Staple Pattern Phase Class Type I IDensity (Psf (psf) traight S St, gj Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.24 13.66 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.022 1.57 STABLE AiTIAMI��.i��!kT"Wl",.i��.!k,Fllmr.,�.�.1l't.�,�-d—V— t.V�-Zj� . ­ . — �U — — Ditch #18 0 North American Green ECMDSVersion4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. — FUS E _R F3 71 T 2 0 2-1 FO 3-0 4 _PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow, lVelocity (fps)l Area (sq.ft) I Hydra lic Normal (cfs) Period (hrs Radiuslft, Depth (ft) 0.5 _j 0.1 2.45 1 0.61 1 0.21 0.38 U nreinforced Vegetation S = 0.0344 3.0 Width 0.50 I't 3.0 Not to Scale . -'- 11 WWI , Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (p3f) Calculated Shear Stress (p3f) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase fq Class I Type IDensity Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.81 4.13 STABLE Soil Sandy Loarn 0.035 0.074 0.48 UNSTABLE 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channer Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help D.'.�arge I I Flow Pe hrl Period I lVeloci"' (fps)l Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic RadiuFt) Norm%, Depth I 1 r—t ��_ 0.1 1 1.93 1 0.78 1 0.24 0.43 R each Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear S (Psf�tress Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type IDensity Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.93 1.67 STABLE Staple D W."'SM-N, Ditch #19 LlNorth American Green ECIVIDSVersion 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER 1 37/18 � 2-021 073 15-PM I HYDRAULIC RESULTS (A' Ds'.!�?',ge Peak Flow, lVelocity (fps)l Area (sq.ft) H tu No Period lhrs RYd sl'Itcl D thal e, 6.9 0.5 1 1.75 1 3.94 0.54 1.07 U nreinforced Vegetation (n-0. 040) S = 0.0050 LBottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Shear Stress Shear Stress Staple Pattern Phase Class Typ Densit (psf (0) Straight Unreinforced Vegetation I D I Bunch 150-75% 3.33 0.33 10.01 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.030 1.15 STABLE Ditch #20 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help Ditch #21 allorth American Green ECMDSVersi on 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help L-JWnO A 1 11 ir' Or Q1 11 -rQ Discharge lPeakFIow Velocity(fps) I Area(sqft ' I 1 H au N.,,' (Cfs) P eriod fhrsl Rad 111�tcl: 1. D tmha�t 10.0 1 0.5 1 1.92 1 5.20 1 0.63 UnreinforcedVeqetationln=0.0401 L-- Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale R each Matting Type S tability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (psf) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type s"y TDe.nsity Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 0-75�' 0 5 75% 3.33 0.39 0.63 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.035 0.99 UNSTABLE 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IQUICK F37-18772-02-1 03:20 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge fcfs) Peak Flow Period Jhrs) Velocity (fps) I Area (sq.ft) I Hyd au I R "Tsl'Itcl Nor D e, tmhalt) 1 10.0 1 0.5 1 1.97 1 5.08 1 0. G2 1.22 Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (Psf Calculated Shear Stress (PSO Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Typ Densit I Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.38 4.07 STABLE Staple D