HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 2_Public Comments_20130412 (5)Strickland, Bev From: Karoly, Cyndi Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 7:23 PM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: Fwd: Proposed Vanceboro Quarry Application Attachments: Blounts Creek Monitoring 201206 - 201303 - 2013- 04- 12_Full.pdf; ATT00001.htm Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: 'Bean, Eban" <BEANEB@ECU.EDU> To: "Karoly, Cyndi" <cyndi.karoly_@ncdenr.gov >, "Belnick, Tom" <tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov> Cc: "Heather" <riverkeeper@ptrf org> Subject: Proposed Vanceboro Quarry Application Ms. Karoly and Mr. Belnick, Attached is a preliminary report on our monitoring of Blounts Creek since between June 2012 and March 2013. Monitoring is expected to continue in the near future. These data are still being analyzed and a final report being developed. I am submitting it as comments on the proposed Vanceboro Quarry Application for a 401 Water Quality Certification and Application for New NPDES Discharge Permit for Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me to discuss. This document supplements comments my comments and the data summary submitted by the Pamlico Tar River Foundation on March 14, 2013 Thank you, Eban Eban Z. Bean, PhD Assistant Professor East Carolina University Department of Engineering, 208 Slay Institute for Coastal Science and Policy, 246 Flanagan Greenville, NC 27858 beaneb@ecu.edu 252.328.9722 Blounts Creek Monitoring DRAFT PRELIMINARY REPORT June 7, 2012 - March 11, 2013 Eban Z. Bean, Ph.D. Department of Engineering Institute for Coastal Science and Policy East Carolina University April 12, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF FIGURES .................................................................................. ............................... iv TABLEOF TABLES ...................................................................................... ..............................v INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ............................... 1 Blounts Creek Background ...................................................................... ............................... 1 Physical Characterization ..................................................................... ............................... 1 Water Quality Classification ................................................................. ............................... 2 Climate.................................................................................................... ............................... 5 Proposed Vanceboro Quarry Mine .......................................................... ............................... 5 WaterQuality Data ............................................................................... ............................... 7 OtherRecords ..................................................................................... ............................... 7 Objectives............................................................................................... ............................... 7 METHODS.................................................................................................. ............................... 9 MonitoringPlan ....................................................................................... ............................... 9 UpstreamSite ...................................................................................... ............................... 9 DownstreamSite ................................................................................... .............................10 WaterDepth .......................................................................................... .............................10 Temperature......................................................................................... .............................11 Conductivity and Salinity ....................................................................... .............................11 DissolvedOxygen ................................................................................. .............................11 Turbidity................................................................................................ .............................11 SondeMaintenance .............................................................................. .............................11 Water Quality Grab Samples ................................................................. .............................12 WeatherData ........................................................................................... .............................12 WaterQuality Surveys .............................................................................. .............................13 RESULTS.................................................................................................... .............................14 PrecipitationTotals ................................................................................... .............................14 WindSpeeds and Direction ...................................................................... .............................15 MonitoringResults .................................................................................... .............................16 DataGaps ............................................................................................. .............................16 WaterDepths ........................................................................................ .............................17 Atmospheric and Subsurface Temperatures ......................................... .............................20 SpecificConductivity ............................................................................. .............................20 DissolvedOxygen ................................................................................. .............................22 Turbidity................................................................................................ .............................26 pH......................................................................................................... .............................26 UpstreamFlow Rates ............................................................................... .............................29 WaterQuality Surveys .............................................................................. .............................30 Survey: July 18, 2012 ........................................................................... .............................30 Survey: October 9, 2012 ....................................................................... .............................30 Survey: November 15, 2012 .................................................................. .............................31 Survey: February 14, 2013 .................................................................... .............................31 DISCUSSION............................................................................................... .............................32 Current Characterization of Blounts Creek ............................................... .............................32 Upstream Site and Headwaters ............................................................ .............................32 Downstream Site and Tidally Influenced Reach .................................... .............................33 Potential Impacts of Mine Operation ......................................................... .............................34 Stream Geomorphic Changes ............................................................... .............................34 Flooding................................................................................................ .............................35 pHChange ............................................................................................ .............................36 SalinityChanges ................................................................................... .............................36 AquaticHabitat Changes ...................................................................... .............................37 SUMMARY.................................................................................................. .............................38 REFERENCES............................................................................................ .............................39 APPENDIX A: MONITORING DATA ........................................................... ............................... 1 WaterLevels ........................................................................................... ............................... 1 Atmospheric and Subsurface Temperatures ............................................. .............................11 SpecificConductivity ................................................................................ .............................21 DissolvedOxygen .................................................................................... .............................31 Turbidity................................................................................................... .............................41 APPENDIX B: NEARBY DAILY WEATHER DATA ...................................... ............................... 1 Daily Precipitation Totals ......................................................................... ............................... 1 Average Daily Wind Direction and Speed ................................................ ............................... 6 APPENDIX C: WATER QUALITY SURVEYS ............................................. ............................... 1 Water Quality Survey: July 18, 2012 ............. Water Quality Survey: October 9, 2012 ........ Water Quality Survey: November 15, 2012... Water Quality Survey: November 15, 2012... ........................................ ............................... 1 ........................................ ............................... 5 ........................................ ............................... 9 ......................................... .............................13 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1. Blounts Creek watershed divided into two 12 -digit USGS Hydrologic Units ................. 2 Figure 2. Land cover within the Blounts Creek watershed ........................... ............................... 3 Figure 3. Dominant soil series within the Blounts Creek watershed ............. ............................... 5 Figure 4. LIDAR elevation map with proposed mine location, and CZR water quality sampling locations on 12 and 13 April 2011 .................................................... ............................... 6 Figure 5. Locations of monitoring sites on Blounts Creek ............................ ............................... 9 Figure 6. Daily rainfall totals for Washington, NC and New Bern, NC weather stations .............14 Figure 7. Average daily wind speed and direction for Washington, NC and New Bern, NC weatherstations ............................................................................... .............................15 Figure 8. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) depths during the monitoring period .....................18 Figure 9. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) atmospheric and submerged temperatures .......... 21 Figure 14. Cross - section survey at Upstream monitoring location on October 25 and November 8, 2012 ............................................................................................. .............................29 iv TABLE OF TABLES Table 1. Fish kills in Blounts Creek since 2001 ........................................... ............................... 4 Table 2. Monthly averages for Washington, NC .......................................... ............................... 5 Table 3. Sampled (12 and 13 April 2011) water quality parameters from CZR survey ................ 7 Table 4. Dates of grab sample collections .................................................... .............................12 Table 5. Monthly precipitation totals (in.) during monitoring and historical averages for reference weather stations (NCDC, 2013). Stations for monthly normal precipitation (1981- 2010): New Bern, USW00093719; Washington, USC00319100 .................. .............................15 Table 6. Upstream and Downstream sonde extraction dates and durations . .............................17 v INTRODUCTION Blounts Creek Background Physical Characterization Blounts Creek is a third -order stream located in Beaufort County in eastern North Carolina (Figure 1). It flows north approximately 14 miles, where it meets Blounts Bay, which is located 11 miles downstream of the US 17 Pamlico River Bridge. Three transportation crossings over Blounts Creek are the Norfolk Southern Railway, immediately upstream of the confluence with Poundpole Swamp Branch, Tripp Road, a half mile downstream of the railroad crossing, and NC 33, another 0.8 miles downstream The Blounts Creek watershed is approximately 89 square miles and is nearly entirely within Beaufort County, except for about 0.7 square miles within Craven County. The watershed is delineated by two 12 -digit hydrologic units, referred to as Headwaters Blounts Creek (030201040106;-65 miz) and Outlet Blounts Creek ((030201040107; —24 miz) by the US Geological Survey and shown in Figure 1. Blounts Creek is fed by several first and second order tributaries including (upstream to downstream) Herring Run, Nancy Run, Sheppard Run, and Yeats Creek (Figure 1). While the main branch of Blounts Creek drains the south - central quarter of the watershed, multiple tributaries contribute to Blounts Creek along its flow path. Herring Run drains most of the eastern areas of the watershed and joins Blounts Creek just north of NC 33. Nancy Run drains the western most areas of the watershed and converges with Blounts Creek less than a mile downstream of Herring Run. Between Herring Run and Nancy Run, Blounts Creek widens from approximately 40 ft. just upstream of Herring Run to about 150 ft. downstream of Nancy Run. The watershed has remained largely undeveloped, with most residential housing located near the Creek, downstream of Herring Run (Figure 2), including the community of Cotton Patch. Agriculture is the largest developed land use within the watershed. The headwaters are Area residents have noted diurnal tidal fluctuations of one to two feet each day downstream of Herring Run. However, the most extreme tide driven water levels result from winds out of the south or west (falling water levels) and out of the north and east (rising water levels). The watershed is dominated by pine forest, scrub, and cropland. Development is primarily limited to residential water front homes along the most downstream reach of Blounts Creek. Cotton Patch Landing is a privately owned boat launch facility that anglers commonly use for accessing the water. The uppermost headwaters of Blounts Creek have been ditched and drained for pine forest silviculture. The most western parts of the watershed are former wetlands, drained for pine plantations. The most common soil textures within the watershed are loams and sandy loams, with Bayboro, Leaf, Lenoir, and Pantego soil series dominating the watershed. Soil series surrounding water bodies are primarily Lenoir, followed by Winton, Lynchburg, and Craven. Immediately adjacent r ° - tnouns Cr k = Craven County Figure 1. Blounts Creek watershed divided into two 12 -digit USGS Hydrologic Units. to Blounts Creek is primarily Winston above Herring Run, and Donovan, Winston, and other series below Herring Run. Water Quality Classification Blounts Creek is characterized as a coastal, blackwater stream. The pH of coastal blackwater streams tends to also be more acidic, with values around the range of 5.0 to 6.0, but as low as 4.3. These systems have also been shown to be sensitive to nutrient inputs resulting in algal blooms under certain conditions (Mallen et al. 1997; Mallin et al. 2001). These streams typically have lower dissolved oxygen concentrations due to exposure to organic content contributed from floodplain wetlands (Meyer 1992; Mallin et al., 2002), which can lead to hypoxia. 2 Beaufort Qa, County - - CYe � •.Fa -- _ - �' a. _ r ---r-- �} r� Faun` -_ , Her v n r ° - tnouns Cr k = Craven County Figure 1. Blounts Creek watershed divided into two 12 -digit USGS Hydrologic Units. to Blounts Creek is primarily Winston above Herring Run, and Donovan, Winston, and other series below Herring Run. Water Quality Classification Blounts Creek is characterized as a coastal, blackwater stream. The pH of coastal blackwater streams tends to also be more acidic, with values around the range of 5.0 to 6.0, but as low as 4.3. These systems have also been shown to be sensitive to nutrient inputs resulting in algal blooms under certain conditions (Mallen et al. 1997; Mallin et al. 2001). These streams typically have lower dissolved oxygen concentrations due to exposure to organic content contributed from floodplain wetlands (Meyer 1992; Mallin et al., 2002), which can lead to hypoxia. 2 = 90rt*+C0,00 0 HM +a wrr«ra Figure 2. Land cover within the Blounts Creek watershed. Table 1 lists fish kill events reported and investigated by NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) around Blounts Creek from 2001 through 2012. Mortality rates have ranged from as low as 41 to at least 83,900, with Menhaden being the most common species among the 12 events. Nearly all events were attributed to depletion of dissolved oxygen levels, mostly due to decaying organics from runoff events or algal bloom decay. Assessments of nearby Palmetto Swamp and Durham Creek were determined not to be impaired. Blounts Creek and its tributaries have yet to be assessed for impairment by the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). However, all waters within the Pamlico River basin, including Blounts Creek are designated as Nutrient Sensitive Waters by NCDWQ. The nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) designation is a supplemental designation reserved for water bodies that require additional nutrient management since they are subject to excessive growth of micro- or macroscopic vegetation. 3 Table 1. Fish kills in Blounts Creek since 2001. Date Location Mortality Species Cause 9/28/2001 Near Elizabeth Chapel 8/7/2002 Below Hwy 33 Bridge 8/23/2002 Near Cotton Patch Landing 8/2/2006 Near mouth of Blounts 100,000 Creek 8/11/2007 Above Cotton Patch Landing 1/2/2008 5/5/2008 6/23/2008 8/1/2008 6/10/2009 Cotton Patch Landing; Nancy Run Confluence Near Cotton Patch Landing Crisp Landing Cotton Patch Landing Near Blounts Bay 6/26/2009 Blounts Bay 8/23/2009 Above Cotton Patch Landing 470 Unspecified 50 Catfish 13,024 Unspecified 13,220 Juvenile Spot & 83,900 Croaker 50,000- Multispecies 100,000 Spot 176 Catfish 41 Grizzard Shad 730 Bream 83,900 Menhaden 54,500 Menhaden & Spot 5,000 Croaker 220 Multispecies http:/ /portal. ncdenr. orp /web /wg1ess /fishkills Negative for Pfisteria DO depletion; high salinity DO depletion; high salinity DO depletion DO depletion; algal blooms DO depletion; organics decay DO depletion DO depletion DO depletion DO depletion; algal blooms DO depletion; algal blooms DO depletion; algal blooms Herring Run is recognized as the point of transition on Blounts Creek between upstream freshwater and downstream tidal saltwater. The NCDWQ's upper threshold for chloride in freshwater is 500 mg1l, approximately corresponding to 4.0 mS /cm or 2.0 Practical Salinity Units (PSU, ppt). Above Herring Run, Blounts Creek is classified as Class C, swamp (Sw) and nutrient sensitive waters (NSW). The class C designation is for waters that are protected for secondary recreation uses, such as wading, and boating, which result in infrequent or incidental human contact, as well as fishing and fish consumption, wildlife, aquatic life, and agriculture. The swamp waters designation is used to indicate water bodies with low velocities and other natural characteristics that are different from adjacent streams, such as significantly lower pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Above Herring Run, Blounts Creek is classified as Class C swamp waters (NCDENR, 2012). Class C waters are protected for secondary recreation (wading, boating, or infrequent human body contact), wildlife habitat, biological integrity, and agriculture. Swamp waters are characterized by low velocities and may have lower dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH values may be as low as 4.3. (Turbidity threshold: 50 NTU). Below Herring Run, the NC Division of Water Quality classifies Blounts Creek as Class SB, nutrient sensitive waters. The SB designation refers to tidal salt waters that are protected for primary recreation activities that result in human contact frequently occur, such as diving, and water skiing. Below Herring Run, Blounts Creek is classified as class SB waters. Class SB waters are tidal salt waters protected for primary recreation (swimming, diving, or frequent human body contact), wildlife habitat, biological integrity, and agriculture. (Turbidity threshold: 25 NTU) Middle and lower reaches of Blounts Creek are frequently used by fisherman. 0 MW +7 rmowr ® awr ww rw boo . r , own" rwr ®.raw. r.w....w r... � •w.«son MMM =OmmamNPOVr urwrrrOnow r- ILL , Climate Figure 3. Dominant soil series within the Blounts Creek watershed. Table 2 includes monthly average weather observations from monitoring stations near Washington, NC. Average precipitation for the nearby area, including Blounts Creek watershed, is 49.3 inches per year, with 20.9 inches occurring between June and September. Temperatures are highest in July, when the average maximum is 89.5 F and minimum is 72.5 F. Temperatures are lowest in January, with a maximum of 53.8 and a minimum of 34.2. Average monthly evapotranspiration ranges from 1.3 inches in December, to 4.4 inches in June and July, with an annual total of 34.7 inches. Winds average between 6.8 miles per hour in July and August and 10.6 miles per hour in March and April. Winds are typically out of either the north or northeast, or the south or southwest. Table 2. Monthly averages for Washington, NC Monthly Average Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Annual Total Precip.(in.) 3.9 3.3 4.2 3.1 4.1 4.4 5.5 5.2 5.8 3.3 3.2 3.3 49.3 Max. Temp. (F) 53.8 56.9 63.8 72.8 80.5 87.3 89.7 88.3 83.2 74.1 65.6 56.8 72.8 Avg. Temp. (F) 44.0 46.7 52.9 61.6 69.9 77.9 81.1 79.6 74.3 63.8 55.1 46.3 62.8 Min. Temp. (F) 34.2 36.4 41.9 50.3 59.3 68.5 72.5 70.9 65.4 53.5 44.5 35.7 52.8 Total ET (in.) 1.4 1.8 2.8 3.9 4.3 4.4 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.1 1.5 1.3 34.7 Wind (mph) 9.3 9.3 10.6 10.6 9.3 8.1 6.8 6.8 8.1 9.3 9.3 9.3 8.9 Wind Dir. N N SW SW S SW SW SW NE NE NE N ESE Proposed Vanceboro Quarry Mine Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. (MMM) has proposed to build a surface mine aggregate mine near Vanceboro, NC, referred to as "the Vanceboro Mine" or "the Vanceboro Quarry" and 5 referred to in this report as "the Mine" here after (Figure 4). In 2010, MMM received a mining permit from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section for a proposed a surface mine to be located approximately 8 miles northeast of Vanceboro, NC, along the border between Beaufort and Craven Counties. The delineated area labeled "Proposed Mine Site ", is predominantly pine forest plantation managed by Weyerhaeuser Company. Figure 4. LIDAR elevation map with proposed mine location, and CZR water quality sampling locations on 12 and 13 April 2011. As a part of the Mine operation, the surficial aquifer must be locally depressed. The displaced dewatered water will be comingled with process wastewater and stormwater (MMM, 2012). Comingled water will be used in process and maintaining water levels in ditches surrounding the mining pit. Surplus comingled water will be discharged into one of two possible unnamed tributaries within Blounts Creek headwaters (NPDES permit). The Mine's discharge permit application is for a maximum monthly average of 9 million gallons per day (mgd), with a maximum of 12 mgd on any day. Two consulting firms, Kimly Horn and Associates (KHA; engineering consulting firm), and CZR Inc. (CZR; an environmental consultant), were hired by MMM to assess potential physical and ecological effects from the Mine discharge on Blounts Creek. Results of their investigations have been submitted to NCDWQ and made publicly available. A Water Quality Data CZR evaluated water quality (temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH) at seven sites (WQ1 - WQ7) within the headwaters of Blounts Creek on April 12 and 13, 2012 (Figure 4). The most recent rainfall prior to this date was nearly a week before with a depth of 0.2 to 0.3 in. The conditions were concluded representative of low - baseflow conditions. In general, headwater pH values increased from upstream to downstream from 4.54 to 5.86. Low pH values were attributed to naturally occurring tannic acids produced from organic matter decomposition that are retained in low flow swamp streams. Temperatures ranged from 19.1 °C to 25.5 °C, while salinity ranged from 0.01 PSU to 0.05 PSU. As a measure of water clarity, Secchi depths were measured and except for the two furthest downstream locations (WQ1 and WQ2), Secchi depths were limited by the channel depth. The two downstream sites had Secchi depths of at least 37.0 in. Water quality values were generally within NC fresh surface water quality standards for class C, swamp waters according to NCDWQ Surface Water and Wetland Standards (NCDWQ, 2007). Table 3. Sampled (12 and 13 April 2011) water quality parameters from CZR survey Parameter WQ1 WQ2 WQ3 WQ4 WQ5 WQ6 WQ7 Set Retrieval Set Retrieval Set Retrieval Set Retrieval Temperature ( °C) 22.6 21.6 23.2 19.1 19.4 20.1 18.9 19.5 25.5 20.8 18.6 Conductivity (µS) 108.7 109 33.9 88.4 90.3 119.2 112.4 71.7 72.9 99.1 94.4 Specific Conductivity (µS) 114 116 35 100 101 132 127 80 71 108 107 Salinity (psu) 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 DO (mg /1) 5.26 4.59 6.62 6.71 6.15 5.47 4.52 6.91 6.22 8.18 7.42 DO (%) 61.7 52.6 77.8 72.6 67.2 60.2 49.0 75.4 70.0 91.7 79.4 pH 5.86 5.56 5.56 4.72 4.70 4.37 4.40 4.85 4.83 4.60 4.54 Depth (inches) 83.50 61.00 27.25 12.00 15.00 26.00 25.75 20.00 20.00 13.25 11.75 Secchi depth (inches) 41.50 37 >27.25 >12.00 >15.00 >26.00 >25.75 >20.00 >20.00 >13.25 >11.75 Other Records Although water quality values measured by MMM's consultants were typically within expected ranges for the respective NC DWQ classifications, no other water quality records for Blounts Creek are available. A record of water quality on Blounts Creek would have provided context as to whether values were representative of year round or seasonal fluctuations. In addition, a water quality record could offer validation to assumptions made in evaluating the impacts of stream discharge. Potentially most important would be a record of water quality before discharge began to compare with if the Mine does open and discharge begins. Objectives The overall goal of this study was to evaluate Blounts Creek existing water quality. To achieve this goal, the following objectives were identified: 1. Establish a record of water quality over monitored duration. 2. Characterize water quality of Blounts Creek under existing conditions. 3. If possible, estimate potential impacts to water quality from changes in flow patterns and or quality. 7 The work included here was not intended to analyze the potential impacts of the proposed Vanceboro Mine operation to Blounts Creek. However, developing a water quality record of may improve estimates of the impacts and validate or invalidate assumed values. A METHODS Monitoring Plan Monitoring on Blounts Creek was conducted at two sites, referred to as Upstream and Downstream (Figure 5). Sites were monitored from June 7, 2012 to March 11, 2013. Monitoring equipment at each location was protected by a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) housing that allowed water to freely flow around sensors. Figure 5. Locations of monitoring sites on Blounts Creek. Upstream Site The upstream site was located approximately one half mile east of Norman Road, immediately upstream of the Norfolk Southern (NS) Railway crossing of Blounts Creek. At this location, Blounts Creek is divided into two channels that intersect downstream of the bridge. This location is approximately 8 miles upstream from the mouth and is located near CZR's WQ1 water quality sampling location. This location was the furthest upstream and accessible location. Due to the close proximity to the NS Railway crossing and culvert, flow conditions were expected to be minimally affected by downstream conditions or backwater effects. Thus, measured values should be influenced greatest by nearby upstream water quality. The site was also the furthest upstream location on Blounts Creek, accessible without using private roadways. The site was accessible by foot via the NS Railway. 9 An YSI 6920 -V2 -1 sonde (Upstream sonde) was programmed to record data measurements at 30- minute intervals. An Onset Hobo U20 Water Level Data Logger (referred to as pressure logger here after) was deployed along with the Upstream sonde. The Upstream sonde and pressure logger were housed in a PVC housing that was secured to the streambed with rebar and heavy gauge wire. Another pressure logger was suspended from a nearby tree branch under shade to record atmospheric pressure. The pressure loggers were programmed to collect data every 15 minutes. Downstream Site The Downstream monitoring site was located approximately 4,400 feet downstream of Herring Run and approximately 300 feet upstream of Nancy Run on Blounts Creek. The PVC housing was mounted to a pylon support of a private dock (permission granted for monitoring). This site was selected due to its downstream proximity to Blounts Creek's confluence with Herring Run, while being located upstream of the Nancy Run confluence. Due to the access agreement, this site was only accessible for monitoring via Blounts Creek. An YSI 6920 -V2 -2 Sonde (Downstream sonde) was installed at this site and programmed to record data measurements at 30- minute intervals. The sonde installation was approximately 4.5 to 5 feet above the streambed. A pressure logger was attached to the PVC housing cap to record atmospheric pressure and programmed to record data at 15- minute intervals. Water Depth The Hobo U20 Water Level Data Loggers do not directly measure water levels. Instead it measures and records absolute pressure and temperature of the surrounding environment, which can be used to calculate water depth. The absolute pressure below a water surface (P) is the sum of the atmospheric pressure (Po) and the hydraulic pressure of the water, atmospheric pressure must be subtracted from absolute pressure to determine the hydraulic pressure. The hydraulic pressure is directly proportional to water depth (D), which can be calculated by: D _ (P —Po) P9 where P is the submerged absolute pressure, Po is the atmospheric absolute pressure, p is the density of water, and g is the gravity constant. Densities were calculated from water temperature and salinity measurements using standard equations (McCutcheon et al, 1993). Only an atmospheric pressure logger was required for determining Downstream water levels, since the Downstream sonde included a built in pressure sensor. However, the Upstream sonde did not include a pressure sensor, and therefore two pressure loggers were required to record water level data. Downstream data were initially (June 7 through 11) assumed to be suitable for estimating Upstream atmospheric pressures and determining water depths. However, the pressure differences were found to be significant and an Upstream atmospheric pressure logger was deployed on June 21. Subsequent water depths referenced the Upstream atmospheric pressure data. 10 Upstream flows were intended to be estimated from a rating curve developed from multiple flow surveys for the Upstream location. However, with depths up to 2.2 ft., all flow velocity measurements were less than 0.3 feet per second. Due to low Upstream velocities and flow rates, flow could not be directly determined based on water level fluctuations. Flow at the Downstream monitoring site was not measured during this study due to a lack of available monitoring equipment that could account for downstream and upstream flows. Temperature Each sonde was equipped with an YSI Conductivity /Temperature probe (6560) for recording water temperatures at 30- minute intervals. In addition, the U20 pressure loggers also recorded temperature measurements at 15- minute intervals, providing atmospheric temperatures at both locations and a secondary Upstream submerged temperature data record. Conductivity and Salinity The YSI Conductivity /Temperature (CT) probe measured water temperature and resistance which were used by the sonde to calculate conductivities, specific conductivities, and salinities. The CT probe directly measures resistance and temperature of the sampled water volume. The sonde calculates conductance (mS /cm) as the inverse of resistance. Since conductance varies based on solution temperature, the sonde calculates the solution's specific conductivity (µS /cm), or the equivalent conductance for the solution at 25 °C. This allows for temperature independent measures of ion concentration. Salinity is a metric used for classifying water bodies that quantifies the amount of salt in a solution (ppt). The sonde calculates specific conductivity and salinity from conductance values and temperatures using standard methods (Rice et al., 2012). Dissolved Oxygen Each sonde used an YSI Rapid Pulse Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Sensor (6562) for measuring dissolved oxygen (mg 0/1). The DO sensor measures the electrical current required to reduce oxygen that has diffused through a Teflon membrane into a potassium chloride solution. This electrical current is proportional to the DO concentration of the solution outside of the membrane. The sonde auto calculates the percent DO saturation from water temperature, salinity, and atmospheric pressure at calibration. Turbidity Each sonde used an YSI Turbidity Sensor (6136) for measuring turbidity (NTUs). The optical turbidity sensors measure the amount of light emitted by the sensor that reflects off suspended particles and back to the sensor. Since the sampling volume for these sensors are very small, large particles can occasionally produce non - representative values that can be orders of magnitude greater than previous and subsequent values. Outlier values, those an order of magnitude or greater than adjacent values, were replaced by the average of the previous ( -30 minute) and subsequent ( +30 minute) measured turbidity values. Sonde Maintenance Data were downloaded from the sondes and pressure loggers approximately every three to six weeks. All data were collected and stored and backed up on ECU network space. The sondes were extracted from their housings at these times for cleaning and sensor recalibrations at ECU's Coastal Water Resource Center. Calibrations were performed with standard solutions 11 and following procedures outlined in the YSI User Manual (YSI, 2011). To inhibit bio- fouling, an anti - microbial paste (Desitin®) was applied to the sonde guard after each calibration. In addition, sonde bodies were wrapped in plastic wrapping, except around pressure sensor openings on the downstream V2 -2. Sondes were then redeployed as soon as feasible, typically within one to three days. Water Quality Grab Samples Water quality grab samples were collected approximately twice per month at the Upstream and Downstream sites (Table 4). Environment 1, Inc., an analytical laboratory in Greenville, NC, provided sealed coolers and sealed containers for sample collection. Samples were collected near the surface of the water column. Samples were placed in the cooler, iced, and delivered to Environment 1, where they were released to the lab for analysis. All samples were delivered to Environment 1 on the same day as collection, except for July 18 samples. Samples were collected on July 18, but could not be delivered to Environment 1 before close of business. Samples remained on ice and in the possession of the ECU student collector until the samples were delivered the following morning (July 19). Table 4. Dates of arab sample collections. Month Day June 25 July 2, 12, 18 August 6 September 7, 30, 27 October 25 November 1, 27 December 13 Samples were analyzed for Turbidity (NTU; NEMI: 2130B), and Conductivity (µS /cm; NEMI: 2510B) for validation of monitoring data. Samples were analyzed for pH (unitless; NEMI: 4500 - H+B) and Total Suspended Residue (mg /I; NEMI: 2540D) since these parameters are significant indicators of overall water quality and were not continuously monitored. While values for pH were not to be used for reporting, they are included as a reference in this report. To supplement Environment 1's data, ECU began measuring pH using a Hanna Instruments pH meter during each site visit after September 19. Beginning on November 8, a local volunteer also began measuring pH every one to two weeks at each monitoring site. Weather Data Daily precipitation totals (Global Summary of the Day) during the monitoring period were retrieved from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) website for the two closest weather stations to the study area, Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (US1 NCBF004) and New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional (USW00093719). The Washington station was approximately 8 miles northeast of the Downstream site, while the New Bern station was approximately 24 miles south - southwest of the Upstream site. Normal monthly rainfall depths were also downloaded from NCDC for these sites. 12 Hourly wind data (velocity and direction) were also collected from the New Bern station (USAF WBAN ID: 72309593719). Warren Field (Washington, NC; USAF WBAN ID: 74692503741), is approximately 13 miles northwest of the Downstream site and provided hourly wind data for the monitoring period. Hourly wind speeds were averaged for each day to determine the daily average wind speed. Average wind directions were calculated as the speed weighted average of the hourly wind directions values for each day. Water Quality Surveys Four water quality surveys were performed during the monitoring period. For each survey, the Downstream sonde was extracted from its housing, the data sampling interval was changed to one minute, and the internal clock was synchronized with a Garmin hand -held Global Positioning System (GPS) unit that logged the position each minute. The sonde was submerged alongside a boat and towed over a length of the creek. Water quality data were then geo- located using the corresponding coordinates and time stamps from the GPS unit. 13 RESULTS Precipitation Totals Daily precipitation totals are shown in Figure 6, while monthly totals and normal monthly totals are listed in Table 5. Precipitation totals for June 1, 2012, through March 11, 2013, were 41.3 in. for the New Bern station (1.3 in. below normal, 42.6 in.) and 32.5 in. for the Washington station (6.8 in. below normal, 39.3 in.), with most rainfall occurring before September 1. While the New Bern precipitation record was 100% complete, the Washington record does not include data on 108 of 284 days (62% complete). July and August were a combined 5.1 to 6.4 in. above normal while June, September, and November through March were a combined 6.5 to 10.8 in. below normal. From October 28 to 30, outer bands from Hurricane Sandy brought winds and rain to most of Eastern North Carolina. The New Bern station reported total rainfall of 2.3 in. for the storm, while the Washington site 1.5 in. October totals would have been over 1.7 in. below average without Hurricane Sandy precipitation. 3.50 ■ Washington, NC. 10.5 ESE jGHCNO.USINCSF004j +O New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional Airport {GHCND -.USW00D93719) 3A0 c C O G O T O H li 8/1 9/1 1011 11/1 12/1 1/1 2/1 Date MM /D/YY) Figure 6. Daily rainfall totals for Washington, NC and New Bern, NC weather stations. 14 4/1 Table 5. Monthly precipitation totals (in.) during monitoring and historical averages for reference weather stations (NCDC, 2013). Stations for monthly normal precipitation (1981- 2010): New Bern, USW00093719-1 Washington, USC00319100. Month New Bern, NC (in.) 2012 -13 Hist. Avg. Difference 2012 -13 Washington, NC (in.) Complete Hist. Avg. Difference June (2012) 2.5 4.6 -2.1 2.4 87% 4.4 -2.1 July 11.2 6.2 5.0 8.3 77% 5.5 2.9 August 7.2 6.7 0.5 9.0 84% 5.2 3.8 September 4.3 5.9 -1.6 2.9 53% 5.8 -2.9 October 4.0 3.3 0.7 2.3 52% 3.3 -1.0 November 0.9 3.4 -2.5 0.4 40% 3.2 -2.8 December 5.0 3.4 1.6 3.3 39% 3.3 0.0 January (2013) 1.8 4.0 -2.2 0.9 55% 3.9 -2.9 February 4.3 3.7 0.7 2.7 68% 3.3 -0.6 March (1 -11) 0.1 1.6 -1.5 0.4 73% 1.5 -1.1 Total 41.3 42.6 -1.3 32.5 72% 39.3 -6.8 Wind Speeds and Direction Average daily wind speed and direction from New Bern and Washington weather stations during the monitoring period are presented in Figure 7. Wind direction is reported as the direction that wind is blowing from. Washington wind data were not available for most of July and from early August through mid - November. However, New Bern wind data records were complete over this period. When data were available for both sites, wind speeds and directions typically within 1.2 mph and 27 degrees of the other station. Date (M /D/M Figure 7. Average daily wind speed and direction for Washington, NC and New Bern, NC weather stations 15 ■5jMd CW6AN *3741) ❑Speed (W$AN:937191 ■ Direcbm IWBAN.03741j ■ Direction (W9AN:93719} 4k a HE 45 ■ -- ■ ■ - ate■ - -■ f ■ A - : A■ + , i f 90 ■ ■ ■ M a a d • ■ • 4 n se d 6 • ■ • A, + A 6 ■ ■ a a ■ e 5E 135 w ■ 8 n d • a n n n n • 5 1 SO • y " e x° n n E■ • •• a ■ a� ■ ■ ■' o cam• • a •e "° s• P nn� ° n� 3 ea■t ° $W225 ms a • •i i •■ • e dL 41 +nc w270 • a A ■ n a A A n a s ►• ■ a❑ ° ■■ ■.. ■ e + •tl Ap • . y a • s A AA a a a' ee. n ► } NW 375 ■ n AIC 0A ■ a • a a • u h 350 r ■ 0 ■ -° f■ a 3 20 15 3 20 kLa Alil 5 a r .1111, o fl [.l1I17 1/1/11 - .• . 9/1/11 10/1111 IIIIAT I/3/13 311J13 .1 �1 Date (M /D/M Figure 7. Average daily wind speed and direction for Washington, NC and New Bern, NC weather stations 15 From early June through mid - September, winds were primarily out of the south or southwest at between five and ten miles per hour. This corresponded closely with long term average values of southwest winds with average speeds between 6.8 and 8.6 miles per hour. From mid - September through late- October, wind directions varied from northeast to out of the west with speeds ranging between two and eight miles per hour. Long term average wind speeds and direction for this period were eight to ten mph out of the northeast. Hurricane Sandy produced abnormally high daily wind speeds, up to twenty mph, between October 26 and November 2. Over the remainder of the monitoring period (November through early March), wind speeds ranged from nearly calm to just over 15 mph with winds mostly out of the southwest to the northwest. While Hurricane Sandy affected the study area, eastern North Carolina is typically affected annually in some way by a tropical system. In addition, daily rainfall totals were recorded over the summer than rainfall contributed over several days from Hurricane Sandy. Although daily winds between September and December deviated from normals, weather observations during the monitoring period were reasonably representative of climate normals. Monitoring Results All data from each monitoring location were imported into Microsoft Excel and compiled into spreadsheet files to produce complete records of each parameter at each location. Within this section, each data plot includes all data points collected during the monitoring period. In addition, monthly plots are included in Appendix A. Incremental data points were supplemented with 24 -hour averaged time series ( +/- 12 hours). Multi -day and weekly trends were observed more clearly for multiple data sets in the 24 -hour averaged time series. Grab sample results were also included in data plots for comparison with monitored data. Data Gaps Gaps in data occurred for multiple reasons. The most common and unavoidable reason was for extractions for calibration of the sensors and downloading data or water quality surveys (downstream only). Sondes were extracted from their housing and transported to ECU's Coastal Water Resources Lab. Sondes typically were redeployed within the next three days, depending on ECU student availability (Table 6). The Downstream sonde had the longest extraction duration of six days (October 24 - 30), due to replacement of a broken sensor port plug. As a result, the Downstream sonde was not deployed while outer bands of Hurricane Sandy passed over the Downstream monitoring site between October 27 and 30. The Upstream sonde was not deployed initially (June 7, 2012) with fully charged batteries. While the sonde was extracted on June 11 for recalibration and battery replacement, it was not redeployed until June 21. As a result, the Upstream sonde data records did not effectively begin until June 21. Since the submerged pressure logger was extracted with the sonde (connected by chain), no water level data was collected during this extraction period. The Upstream sonde also did not record monitoring data between October 5 and December 4. The internal memory reached capacity and the sonde was not programmed to begin overwriting the oldest data. While the Upstream sonde was extracted on October 24 for download and 16 calibration, the missing data were not observed until the following extraction on December 4. However, the Upstream pressure sensors were not affected and continued to record data throughout the monitoring period. Table 6. Upstream and Downstream sonde extraction dates and durations Upstream Sonde Downstream Sonde Extraction Date Duration (Days) Extraction Date Duration (Days) 14 -Jun 7 13 -Jun < 1 12 -Jul < 1 21 -Jun 4 6 -Aug < 1 12 -Jul < 1 27 -Aug 3 18 -Jul < 1* 25 -Sep 2 6 -Aug < 1 27 -Aug 3 25 -Sep 2 9 -Oct < 1* 24 -Oct 6# 15 -Nov < 1* "Extracted for water quality surveys; all other extractions for calibration and downloading. Upstream data gaps also occurred when sensors were not submerged due to low water levels. While the sonde would continue to record sensor measurements, these data were not valid for the water quality in the column. Low water levels (< 0.1 ft. depth above submerged pressure logger) resulted in Upstream data gaps from June 30 to July 11 and from September 25 to October 27. Downstream water levels fell below the submerged pressure sensor on eight occasions (December 21, 22, January 31, February 1, 8, 17, 20, and March 6 -7). On each occasion, average daily winds from between 225° (SW) and 360° (N) at a speed of at least 7.5 mph at both weather stations. On four occasions these conditions occurred while the submerged pressure sensor remained submerged. However, this was due to either a high tide coinciding with the strongest winds or winds increasing the high tide before shifting during a falling tide. Each Sonde was installed at a fixed distance relative to the channel bottom. However, water quality tends to vary by depth, depending on the parameter. Thus, there is some uncertainty associated using point location measurements as representative of all water quality within a cross - section or over a stream reach. While pre- cautions were taken to limit uncertainty, it may have been unavoidable in some cases when data anomalies occurred or grab sample values were significantly different from monitored values. Water Depths Upstream and Downstream water depth records are shown in Figures 8a and 8b, respectively. Upstream water depths ranged from below the submerged pressure sensor (< 1.4 ft.) to a peak measurement of 5.9 ft. on July 24. Depth fluctuation patterns indicate that Upstream flows were strongly driven by precipitation events, with no significant indication of tidal influence during the monitoring period at this location. Abrupt water level rises corresponded closely in time and relative magnitudes to daily rainfall totals from Washington and New Bern weather stations 17 7.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 A S 3.00 a 7 2.00 1.00 4.00 7.00 — b 6.00 v 5.00 r 3 4.00 E q C 3.00 2.00 1.00 OAo 611112 Depth: Raw • Depth: 24 h ave- u , t � f it MINIMUM MEASUREABLf WATER LEVEL: 3.0 ft. 711112 $11112 $131/12 16/1112 10/31/12 12/1112 12J31112 1131113 3/2113 Date W/D/W) Figure 8. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) depths during the monitoring period. 18 (Figure B1 in Appendix B). Water level peaks were followed by slow declines, lasting up to 10 days for water levels to fall below 1.8 ft. Frequent rainfall events maintained measurable water levels from July 11 through September 25 and from October 27 through March 11 (2013). The October 29 water level spike resulted from Hurricane Sandy precipitation (October 28 through 30 totals: New Bern, NC: 2.36 in.; Washington, NC: 3.92 in.). Upstream water levels gradually rose steadily from 1.8 ft. following Sandy, to 2.5 ft. by mid - November, and remained relatively constant through the first two weeks of December. The relative lack of rainfall during this period (New Bern: 0.94 in.; Washington: 1.04 in.) suggests that the water level rise was caused by reduced evapotranspiration due to vegetation entering dormancy adjacent to the stream, rather than precipitation within the watershed. As a result, base flows would have increased in response to elevated groundwater levels. Downstream water levels typically ranged from below the sonde pressure sensor (< 3.0 ft.) to 5.5 ft. with a maximum depth of 6.1 ft. that occurred on November 18. Below Herring Run (near the Downstream monitoring site), Blounts Creek is classified by NC DWQ as tidal salt waters (Class SB), which is affected by level and quality of the Pamlico River. High and low water levels were observed twice daily, at the Downstream monitoring site, corresponding with lunar tide cycles (See monthly plots in Appendix A for diurnal water level cycles). The typical tidal range was slightly less than one foot (0.87 ft.), slightly less than area resident estimates (1 to 2 ft.). Residents also reported noticeable wind tides along Blounts Creek, with water levels changing by at least one foot. As noted earlier, wind tides were the cause of water levels falling below the submerged sensor on various occasions when winds were primarily out of the WNW, corresponding to the downstream direction of the Pamlico River, at a speed of at least 7.5 mph. Declining water levels from mid -June through mid -July also coincided with steady 5 to 10 mph southwest winds and sparse rainfall. Lower water levels in late November and early December likely resulted from a lack of rainfall during much of November combined with winds generally out of the southwest from mid - November through early December. Declining water levels between early and late January resulted from a lack of rainfall and strong westerly winds. In turn, strong winds generally out of the ENE, correspond with rising water levels, backing water up and into Blounts Creek. Northeast winds produced elevated Downstream water levels observed on June 16, August 22 and 23, and November 18. Aside from daily rainfall events between July 10 and July 13 that produced temporarily elevated water levels, average water levels gradually declined by approximately 1.5 ft. until events occurring on July 20 — 22. During the monitoring period, Downstream water levels did not noticeably fluctuate in response to individual precipitation events. Elevated water levels from precipitation events were typically undetectable within the 24 -hour average time series. However, a rapid water level rise (1.2 ft. rise in 24 -hour average level over 50 hours) between July 20 and 22 coincided with one of the highest daily rainfall totals (New Bern: 2.44 in.; Washington: 4.83 in.) during the monitoring period. Indicating that downstream water levels can be affected by event depths within this range. Spikes in average (24 hour) water levels from precipitation events were most notable from late June and through the end of August. 19 Atmospheric and Subsurface Temperatures Upstream and downstream atmospheric and submerged temperature measurements are shown in Figures 9a and 9b, respectively. Hobo U20 loggers recorded atmospheric temperatures at each site, while sondes recorded subsurface water temperatures measurements from Conductivity /Temperature probes. The Upstream submerged Hobo U20 also recorded subsurface water temperatures; these measurements were used to replace missing sonde measurements before June 22 and from October 5 to December 6. Upstream atmospheric temperatures ranged from 17 °F (- 8.2 °C) on February 2 to 103 °F (39.5 °C) on September 1, while submerged temperatures ranged from 92 °F (33.4 °C) on June 30 to 36 °F (1.9 °C) on January 25. Atmospheric temperatures typically varied by 30 °F to 40 °F on most days, while water temperatures typically varied by 5 °F, and up to 10 °F during low water levels or precipitation events. At low water levels, the thermal gradient that extends below the water surface intercepts the sonde closer to the surface, where the water column is the warmest. Subsurface temperatures only rose above 85 °F in late June and mid -July, due to low water levels (< 1.0 ft.). Subsurface temperatures remained above 60 °F from June 7 through the end of September, and above 70 °F for July and August. After October 29, temperatures fell below 60 °F through the end of monitoring, while only falling below 40 °F in late January. The Downstream atmospheric recorded temperatures ranged from 24 °F (- 4.5 °C) on November 29 to 121 °F (49.6 °C) on June 30, while submerged temperatures ranged from 50 °F (10.0 °C) on November 25 to 90 °F (32.2 °C) on July 20. Downstream atmospheric temperatures rose above 110 °F on seven days between June 25 and July 2. Downstream atmospheric temperature readings during this period may be inaccurate since outside of this period, temperatures only rose to 103 °F and were only slightly greater ( -5 °F) than upstream temperatures. Downstream atmospheric temperatures were likely greater than upstream due to greater heat buildup within the Downstream housing compared to the Upstream atmospheric sensor that was under shade and suspended in open air which allowed for greater air flow. Beginning on June 20, Upstream water temperatures rose above 80 °F and remained close to (> 75 °F) or above that until September 8. During this period, subsurface temperatures never rose above 90 °F. Subsurface temperatures recordings were all above 70 °F from the initial deployment (June 7) through September 25, but remained between 40 °F and 60 °F beginning on November 13 through the end of monitoring (March 11), except for a period in late January. Specific Conductivity Upstream and Downstream specific conductivities are shown in Figures 10a and 10b. Salinity fluctuation patterns were identical to those shown for specific conductivity recordings at both locations. Upstream specific conductivities did not exceed 0.2 mS /cm. By comparison the NCDWQ freshwater threshold for chloride is 500 mg /I (equivalent to about 4.0 mS /cm). SC values were fairly constant between 0.03 and 0.13 mS /cm for measured, and up to 0.16 mS /cm for grab samples. Although these values may have under - estimated, since grab samples were 0.04 to 0.08 mS /cm higher. Sharp declines in Upstream SC values corresponded to rainfall events, as would be expected due to flushing and dilution. 20 130 a 120 110 100 I � 70 E x• s0 as 30 20 10 130 b 110 100 y e f ` 7 D ti ?0 F i c W ti 50 LrIj 30 20 i:l Fl ej Upstream Surface tHobol Upstream Subsurface !NOW Upstream 54bsurface f5arrdel pownstrrsR+ Swlrte tNrbOT Dowmtream Subsurface tSM&I � e Ile � � fr; _ ! J1:� 10 ' WV 12 7 /1l 12 all/ L2 W1112 101/1/17 iW3i112 1713112 17/31/12 1131/13 3M13 Dare P4 WM Figure 9. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) atmospheric and submerged temperatures. 21 Downstream SC values ranged from 0.05 mS /cm on July 24 to 18.7 mS /cm on December 26. Although Downstream SC values varied significantly during the monitoring, grab samples agreed very well with monitored values, except for the final grab sample. Abrupt declines in Downstream SC values were observed following large rainfall events (June 26, July 12, 21, August 20, 24, September 19, and October 28 (Hurricane Sandy). As noted under with water level data, Blounts Creek is also influenced by diurnal and wind driven tides at the Downstream monitoring site. Changes in Downstream SC values can indicate migration up or downstream of the fresh - brackish transition zone. Between 1999 and 2008, Pamlico River surface specific conductivities at Blounts Creek have ranged from 0 to approximately 7.7 mS /cm between June and March, with approximate average minimum of 1.1 mS /cm and maximum of 4.5 mS /cm (NCDENR, 2012). The effect of wind tides at the Downstream site can be observed in September and October, when Southwest winds shifted to more variable, which allowed brackish water to migrate upstream. Sharp declines in downstream SC on September 19 and October 28 (TS Sandy) were primarily driven by precipitation events, in addition to Sandy's westerly winds. Any remaining displacement or dilution effects were negligible after two to three days. Strong westerly winds and rainfall in mid -late December displaced nearly all salt water below the downstream monitoring station through the first half of January (2013) as shown by SC values dropping from over 18 mS /cm to less than 1 mS /cm. Declines in Downstream SC values on December 21 and 22 likely resulted from stratification (freshwater overlying saltwater) that resulted from strong winds pushing the water surface downstream. Once winds shifted, SC values rebounded within a few days. With sufficient upstream fresh water flow, southwest winds would be expected to produce lower specific conductivity values. However, when southwest winds are coupled with low rainfall, as occurred between mid -June and mid -July, there can be insufficient freshwater flow to displace brackish water, when winds would be expected to drive brackish water down and out Blounts Creek and allow fresh water to fill in. Low flow may have not have allowed as much flushing. Aside from rainfall on four days in late June and on July 1, no rainfall occurred during this period. This, combined with high evaporation and evapotranspiration, allowed brackish water to remain within the Blounts Creek channel. Dissolved Oxygen Water solubility of oxygen is highly dependent on the water temperature, atmospheric pressure, and salinity. At a pressure of 101.7 kPa (14.8 psi; median downstream atmospheric pressure recorded), oxygen solubility ranges from 14.6 mg1l at 32 °F (0 °C) to 7.2 mg1l at 92 °F (33 °C) (USGS, 2010). While oxygen solubility is also dependent on salinity of the water, the difference between salinities of 0 and 11 PSU is estimated to be 0.0044 %, and therefore negligible within this study. Upstream and downstream dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations during the monitoring period are shown in Figures 1 l and 11b, respectively. Until January 18, the Upstream DO concentrations ranged from below 0.20 mg1l on June 30 and July 22 to 7.71 mg1l on August 3. 22 U0 a 0.13 D.la • -90.14 E 0.12 0.10 0.09 E 1006 0.04 0.02 099 20.00 18.00 b 15.00 F 14,00 z } 12.00 U 14.00 E a.00 5.00 4.00 200 0.00 6 /1112 � 1 ,3 • Downstream Speafk Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specft Conductivity [flaw] • Downstream Wciflc Conductivity 124 h avp,l 711/12 • Upstream SpecAlc Conductwrty 1Grab Samples) OF #ream Spewsfic ConductnrKy 1Rawi • upstream Specific ConductrV ty 124 h avg.) r. ' t Z r • Br1, +:2 9131112 1011/12 101131/12 12/1/12 12/31/12 1131/13 3!2!13 Date (M /D[M Figure 10. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) specific conductivities. 23 Averaged (24 -hour) Upstream DO concentrations ranged from 0.39 mg /I on January 18 to 5.40 mg /I on September 22 and typically ranged between 3.0 and 5.0 mg /I through January 18. Downstream DO concentrations ranged from less than 0.20 mg /I on multiple dates to 9.77 mg /I on June 16, while average (24 hour) downstream DO concentrations ranged from below 0.20 mg /I on multiple dates to 7.04 mg /I on June 20, with an average of 2.06 mg /I. Upstream and Downstream DO concentrations typically fluctuated inversely of SC and increased following large precipitation events. This is likely a paired result of increased upstream freshwater flow with elevated DO levels displacing downstream higher salinity waters with lower DO concentrations. Daily cyclical fluctuations in DO concentrations were observed at the Upstream and Downstream sites from June through late October. This was likely driven by microbial activity that would increase DO during the day through photosynthesis and become dormant or die overnight. Subsequent decomposition of dead cells can deplete DO concentrations further as decomposition proceed. The steady decline of Upstream DO (less noticeable at the Downstream location) during the January likely resulted from a lack of runoff producing events in the watershed. January rainfall totals at the Washington and New Bern weather stations were at least 2 inches below normal. In addition, cold water temperatures and a lack of day light hours were not conducive to oxygen producing microbes that are typically active during warmer periods between spring and fall. Though Upstream water levels fluctuated slightly when events occurred, water levels remained fairly constant in January. Stagnant waters with a sufficient organic material availability would be expected to produce this DO concentration pattern, a result of oxygen consumption resulting from decomposing organic matter. Steep, steady declines of DO concentrations were also recorded at Upstream and Downstream sites during early December. Similar patterns were also observed at both sites following rainfall events in February and early March. Beginning on January 29 and through March 11 (as indicated by the shaded region and adjusted vertical scale in Figure 12b), Downstream DO concentrations ranged between 10 and 20 mg DO /I. By comparison, the maximum oxygen saturation concentration for conditions during this period was estimated to be 12.8 mg /I, assuming an atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa and a salinity of 0 ppt. Since the phenomenon was observed at two locations and began after calibration, it was unlikely that both sensors had malfunctioned, but more likely that an error occurred during calibration or replacement of the membrane. The error was confirmed by the `DO gain' calibration constant recorded on the Downstream sonde. The DO gain value was 1.75, compared to normal value of 1.00. Values may have merely been inflated by this scaling factor, since scaling values down by the DO gain value produced reasonable values between mostly 6 and 11 mg DO /I. Upstream DO concentrations were also noticeably higher during this period (indicated by shaded region and adjusted vertical scale in Fig. 12a). However, nearly all values were below the maximum oxygen saturation for the conditions and the DO gain calibration constant was 0.71. Never the less, this issue has yet to be corrected for both sondes. While data from both 24 10 -00 a 8.D0 E f COO r X 0 F 4.DD 2.00 0.00 1D. 00 b' i• Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h ave.l J r 3 'r Down stYeam Dissolved OxVgen IRaw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxvgen (2a h avg.I 8 -00 : at f 1 no - E m 6 -00 i Q o �•N B • 1 v 400 i �• i j 4 j i II Yih i - �. x •� 2.00 D.DO ► 1 i ��; 511112 711112 611112 8131112 1011/12 10/3V 12 1211112 12/31/12 t Date (M1DIYy) Figure 11. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) dissolved oxygen c 25 1 1 1 � oncentrations. 16x00 1400 1200 1000 goo 6 -00 4.01} 2.00 0.00 2SM MK IC* . j •.0 oC Xu ►14X , R tr � •� ' 1 r Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h ave.l J r 3 'r Down stYeam Dissolved OxVgen IRaw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxvgen (2a h avg.I 8 -00 : at f 1 no - E m 6 -00 i Q o �•N B • 1 v 400 i �• i j 4 j i II Yih i - �. x •� 2.00 D.DO ► 1 i ��; 511112 711112 611112 8131112 1011/12 10/3V 12 1211112 12/31/12 t Date (M1DIYy) Figure 11. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) dissolved oxygen c 25 1 1 1 � oncentrations. 16x00 1400 1200 1000 goo 6 -00 4.01} 2.00 0.00 2SM MK IC* . j •.0 oC sondes have reasonable fluctuations based on earlier patterns, recorded values have a high degree of uncertainty. Turbidity Upstream and Downstream turbidity measurements are shown in Figures 12a and 12b, respectively. Upstream turbidity ranged from less than 1 NTU to over 1100 NTUs, but was typically less than 30 NTUs. Upstream turbidities generally had good agreement with grab sample data after July. Turbidity spiked during or shortly after rainfall events and then declined asymptotically to a baseline typically below 10 NTUs. This was likely a result of runoff transporting material from the watershed and resuspension of streambed material during increased stream flow, followed by settling of particles out of the water column. Negative turbidities were occasionally recorded at the Downstream site. The manufacturer notes that in very low turbidity waters, negative values can occur due to ambient light interfering with the calibration. To correct this, an offset was added to each data series between calibrations, such that the minimum value was between 0 and 1 NTU. The offset values ranged from 1.0 to 7.8 NTU. After offsets were added, measured turbidities also corresponded closer to grab sample turbidity values and improved continuity between measurements before extractions and following redeployment. With offsets, the Downstream turbidity ranged from less than 1 NTU to over 150 NTUs, but were typically between 1 and 10 NTUs. Since microbial growth likely contribute a significant portion of turbidity at the Downstream location, turbidity measurements were expected to decline as temperatures dropped, as seen in early November when water temperatures fell below 60 °F. However, the range of turbidities following the December 5 calibration were noticeably lower than previous data. Upon further investigation, the calibration values were found to be out of tolerance through March 11 (shaded period in Fig.13b), likely due to an invalid calibration setting on the Downstream sonde. The mis- calibration caused turbidity measurements to be downscaled by a factor of about eight. While the relative pattern of turbidity fluctuation may be representative of actual fluctuations, the actual values are not valid. The calibration standard has been replaced and sensor recalibrated since this period. pH Upstream and Downstream pH measurements are shown in Figure 13. The pH values were measured by three different entities. Upstream and Downstream grab samples were analyzed by an analytical laboratory 11 different times between June and December. An ECU graduate student took field measurements with a handheld pH meter at six different times between September and December. A local volunteer took 17 field measurements with a handheld pH meter between November and March. The DWQ's swamp waters (SW) classification is for slow moving waters that may have lower DO concentrations and pH values as low as 4.3. The swamp waters classification applies to Blounts Creek above Herring Run, which only includes the Upstream monitoring site; the Downstream site is below Herring Run and the swamp waters classification does not apply to 26 am a • Upomom Twb.day ]crab Saeriphtil Upwom Tw Wav tAswi Uponom TurWdRv 124 R ft-avt 1 Iwo f+ • to � • . f ti3 1 _ 0. 1000 b 100 j z T i ? 10 E N • i • Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream TurbdRy iRaw) Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) fr i 4 ' w 611/17 7/1/12 811112 8131112 1011112 10/31/12 1211/1; 12131/11 1131113 3/2113 Date R M /DIYYI Figure 12. Upstream (a) and Downstream (b) turbidities. 27 this section of Blounts Creek. As a result, Upstream waters were expected to have pH values of less than 7.0 and potentially as low as 4.3. However, grab samples from Upstream were reported to have pH values over 7.0 for eight of eleven samples, and all eleven Upstream pH values were greater than Downstream pH values on the same day. This discrepancy between expected and reported pH values raised concerns about the validity of these data and additional measurements were conducted by an ECU student and local volunteer. The student and volunteer pH measurements were comparable and within expected ranges for Upstream and Downstream values. As a result, the grab sample results were not included in determining the range of pH values at the Upstream and Downstream sites. O Upstream: Grab Sams * Upstream: ECU • Upstream: Volunteer 0 * Downstream: Grab Sample ■Downstream: ECU ■ Downstream: Volunteer a G C 4 —��— — - -0 ------ - - - - -- Downstream pH Range ■ • • ■ •■ • ........... ............................ ... . .... i ♦ ■........ 13 ■ i ■ ■ ♦■ o Upstream pH Range ................................... r............................. ............................... 5.0 6/1/12 7/1/12 8/1112 8/31/12 1011 /12 10/31/12 12/1/12 12/31/12 1/31/13 3/2/13 Date (M /D/YY) Figure 13. Upstream and Downstream pH values. From Figure 13, the Upstream pH ranged from 5.3 on September 20 to 6.5 in on December 13 and again on January 31. The Downstream pH ranged from 5.8 on January 3 and 10 to 6.7 on February 21 and March 7. In addition, Upstream pH was greater than the Downstream pH for each pair of measurements collected by the ECU student and volunteer. Upstream pH values were lowest during periods with sparse rainfall (November and January), and higher during periods with more total and frequent rainfall (December). Extended periods with little or no rainfall in the Upstream portion of Blounts Creek may produce stagnant conditions, allowing for tannins and organic acids to leach into the water column, causing acidification. More regular precipitation events would flush stagnant reaches and recharge the 28 surficial aquifer, which would increase groundwater discharge into the stream and increase the stream pH closer to that of the more neutral groundwater. While similar fluctuations were observed at the Downstream monitoring site from October through January, a noticeable divergence occurred in February. Near normal rainfall throughout the month corresponded to elevated Downstream pH, but Upstream pH declined during February. While the Upstream decline may have resulted from increased transport of organic material from the watershed into the stream, which may have compensated for groundwater pH, the pH dynamics at the upstream and downstream sites remain as yet undefined. Upstream Flow Rates Two cross - section surveys were conducted at the Upstream site as part of efforts to measure flows at different stages to develop a discharge rating curve for the location (Figure 14). However, due to non - detectable velocities (< 0.3 fps), could not be determined during these site visits which were intended to estimate flows. Cross - section surveys were used to estimate the threshold for detectable flow rate based on the cross - sectional area and minimum detectable velocity. The lower flow rate being 5.2 cfs (17.3 ftz), and the highest being 20.7 cfs (68.9 ftz) for the two stream surveys. These values actually over estimate flow rate, by not accounting for velocity profile and not all velocities simultaneously equal to the minimum velocity. •10 -is 3 & .20 PV mber 8, 201 ctober 25, 2 ;{� n I. � In Rn n nr• Station ITt.) Figure 10. Cross - section survey at Upstream monitoring location on October 25 and November 8, 2012. In addition, KHA estimated a flow rate of 25 mgd near Herring Run as low baseflow. Baseflow at the Upstream site was estimated by downscaling baseflow at Herring Run by the ratio of 29 Downstream to Upstream watershed areas (47.6 miz to 15.1 miz, respectively). The estimated baseflow discharge is about 8 cfs. The proposed discharge of 12 mgd is equivalent to 19 cfs. Therefore, the baseflow discharge at the upstream monitoring station could increase by 130 %. Water Quality Surveys Four water quality surveys were conducted on July 18, October 9, November 15, and February 4. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and turbidity data from each survey were geo- located by pairing values with GPS coordinates at corresponding times. Result maps for each survey and parameter are included in Appendix C. The initial survey (July 18) sampled a 1.1 mile section of Blounts Creek extending' /4 mile upstream of Herring Run to approximately 1/8 mile downstream of Nancy Run, including the downstream 1/8 mile of Herring Run. The three remaining surveys were performed between Herring Run and Blounts Bay (5.2 miles). Survey: July 18, 2012 The lowest recorded downstream water levels during the summer occurred between July 18 and 21, resulting from wind driven tides and sparse rainfall during most of the previous month. Water temperature increased steadily downstream from 82 °F (28 °C) to 94 °F (34 °C). Upstream of Herring Run, where the channel and canopy are narrower, water temperatures tended to be cooler than below Herring Run where the channel widens. The canopy along this reach reduces the amount of sunlight hitting the water surface. Below, a greater portion of the water surface is fully exposed, allowing for greater heating to occur. Salinity increases from near 0.00 to 3.22 ppt. Low water levels allowed brackish water from downstream to migrate upstream. Dissolved Oxygen concentrations increased steadily from less than 3.0 mg DO /I at the upstream end of the survey to above 4.0 mg /I at the downstream end. Turbidity measurements were typically less than 10 NTU, with a few spikes up to a maximum of 66.5. This corresponded closely to Turbidity measurements recorded since July 1. Survey: October 9, 2012 Water levels at the Downstream site were near normal during the week prior to the survey, despite steady 5 to 10 mph winds from the south or southwest and less than one inch of rainfall. During this period, salinities at the Downstream monitoring site increased steadily since October 1 from below 3.0 ppt to just near 4.0 ppt on October 9. Surveyed temperatures increased from less than 67 °F (20 °C) at Herring Run to 73 °F (23 °C) approximately 1.8 miles downstream of Herring Run. Temperatures then declined steadily to below 68 °F (23 °C) at Blounts Bay. Salinity increased steadily from less than 3.0 ppt at Herring Run to just over 7.0 ppt at Blounts Bay. Dissolved oxygen was below 2.0 mg /I near Herring Run, but steadily increases for 1.3 miles to over 6.0 mg /I, before declining over the next 0.6 miles to 1.8 mg /I. Over the remaining 3.3 miles, DO concentrations increased steadily to over 6.6 mg /I near Blounts Bay. Turbidity survey measurements tended to be below 5 NTUs over the length of the survey, except for the 0.3 miles downstream of Herring Run, which was consistent between 6.0 and 9.0 NTUs. As with the previous survey, intermittent Turbidity spikes were also recorded, with a maximum of 26.8 NTUs near Cotton Patch landing. 30 Survey: November 15, 2012 Less than one inch of rain in the prior two weeks since TS Sandy and average daily wind velocities were less than 5 mph. Water levels at the Downstream site were generally steady near 5.0 ft. over the prior two weeks, water temperatures were consistently between 57 °F and 60 °F, and salinities were consistently around 6.0 to 6.5 ppt. Except for the first 0.25 miles downstream of Herring Run, surveyed water temperatures steadily decreased from over 55 °F (13 °C) at Jenny Run to 53 °F (11.5 °C) at Blounts Bay. Salinity increased from 4.8 ppt near Herring Run to 8.9 ppt at Blounts Bay. Dissolved Oxygen concentrations varied from 3.8 to 5.4 mg1l between Herring Run and Nancy Run. Downstream of Nancy Run, DO increased steadily to 5.9 mg1l at Blounts Bay. Turbidity measurements were below 5.0 NTUs over the 2.5 miles downstream of Herring Run. Turbidities were consistently higher, with two spikes over 100 NTU, over the next 1.3 miles and then declined down to 2.8 NTUs at Blounts Bay. Survey: February 14, 2013 Over one inch of rainfall occurred during the week prior to the February 14 survey. Winds were between 5 and 10 mph over this period, but direction was variable. Due to rainfall events the Downstream water levels had fluctuated significantly and but depth was slightly less than 5.0 ft. (near normal) at the time of the survey. Salinity dropped significantly from over 6.0 ppt to less than 1.0 ppt during the previous week around February 9, and remained at that level through the survey. Water temperatures ranged from 50 °F (10.3 °C) to 53 °F (11.5 °C). Water temperatures fluctuated across the full range over the first 2.5 miles, but then stabilize and increased from 51 °F (10.6 °C) to 53 °F (11.5 °C) near Blounts Bay. Salinities increased steadily from 0.1 ppt to 4.5 ppt at Blounts Bay. Turbidity and DO measurements were determined to be inaccurate for this survey due to sensor and calibration concerns and are not reported. 31 DISCUSSION Current Characterization of Blounts Creek The goal of this study was to evaluate Blounts Creek water quality under existing flow conditions. Monitoring records (15 -30 minute intervals) were created at two sites, one within the upstream fresh headwaters and one within the downstream tidally affected waters, beginning June 7, 2012 through March 11, 2013. In addition, water quality surveys complimented monitoring data by indicating spatial distribution of water quality parameters. Ideally, water quality monitoring would be conducted for multiple years under various hydrologic conditions. While these data span less than a complete year, they provided the most complete record of water quality for Blounts Creek. Total precipitation during this period was just below the long term average precipitation at New Bern. Washington totals were further below average precipitation totals, which was primarily due to missing records (28 %). While the Blounts Creek watershed was affected by Hurricane Sandy, the impacts were minimal compared to other historic tropical cyclones. Rainfall totals at New Bern and Washington weather stations were 2.4 and 1.5 in., respectively, which did not exceed maximum single day totals during the monitoring period of 3.0 and 2.4 in., respectively. Upstream Site and Headwaters Monitoring data collected through this study will help to characterize Blounts Creek. At the Upstream monitoring site, Blounts Creek is classified as Class C, swamp waters (Sw). Although flow was not continuously measured at the Upstream site, it was observed that water levels were most affected by precipitation events over short periods and most likely evapotranspiration by vegetation within the watershed and resulting groundwater levels. No wind or lunar tide effect was observed. Fluctuations of water quality parameters (DO, turbidity, and pH) with water levels and failed attempts to measure flow at this location indicate that the stream has periods with very low flow rates at this location, which typically corresponded to decreased DO, decreased turbidity, and decreased pH. Periods with little or no flow may be more common at the Upstream site than other locations within the upper reaches of Blounts Creek, due to the proximity to the NS railway and 72 in. culvert passing under the railway that constricts the floodplain and channel. Measured DO was commonly below 4.0 mg1I threshold and pH measurements ranged from 5.5 to 6.5. Upstream water temperatures only exceeded 89.6 °F (32 °C), the temperature threshold for Piedmont and Coastal Plain streams, on one day (June 30) during the monitoring period. Precipitation events increased turbidity values at the Upstream site. The NCDWQ turbidity threshold for non -trout waters lakes and reservoirs is 25 NTUs. Turbidities only exceeded this threshold following daily rainfall totals of greater than 1.0 inch (more commonly greater than 2.0). Turbidities typically returned to baseline values (below 5.0 NTU) within three to four days. Upstream DO concentrations typically declined following large precipitation events, below 2.0 mg1I on multiple occasions. This was likely due to inputs of oxygen depleted waters from adjacent wetlands and transport of organic material into the stream. During the summer months, DO typically rebounded to a baseline, commonly around 4.0 mg /I, after three to four days. This 32 was not observed during the late fall and early winter, when water temperatures were not conducive to microbial activity. In addition, daily oscillations of DO observed between June and September, were much lower in magnitude, suggesting a strong microbiological driver for DO rebounding. As a result, cool season DO concentrations declined during periods of low flow or stagnation, most notably during the latter half of December The primary influence affecting Upstream pH was likely groundwater inputs to the stream. Wetter periods generally corresponded to elevated pH measurements at the Downstream site, while drier periods corresponded to lower pH values. Since groundwater the local groundwater has a near neutral pH (MMM, 2012) and swamp waters are typically characterized by low pH values, precipitation events that recharge the surficial aquifer and increase baseflow are the most likely indicator of stream pH values. Downstream Site and Tidally Influenced Reach Water levels at the Downstream site were most affected by wind driven tides, diurnal tides, and precipitation events. Declining wind tides, produced by steady westerly winds of at least 10 mph, were the most significant driver for decreasing water Downstream water levels. Wind speed and alignment with the Pamlico River decreased water levels by pushing water downstream and allowing greater discharge from Blounts Creek into Blounts Bay and the Pamlico River. In addition, these wind tides also pushed brackish water from the Pamlico River downstream on Blounts Creek, allowing fresh water to fill in further downstream. This was observed in late December and February when rapidly declining Downstream water levels coincided with steady westerly winds and sharp declines in SC and salinity. Declining wind tides also tended to increase DO concentrations as upstream freshwater replaced lower DO brackish waters. While rising wind tides were observed at times, the effects were less noticeable than declining wind tides. Diurnal tides caused water levels to fluctuate typically by approximately one foot over the course of a day. Increased specific conductivities and turbidities and decreased DO concentrations corresponded to high tides and the opposite fluctuations corresponded to low tides. The consistency of these data indicate a twice daily upstream and downstream migration stream flow (plug), although diffusion and mixing also likely significant drivers in Downstream water quality fluctuations. Precipitation patterns significantly affect Downstream water levels, although generally to a lesser degree than wind and diurnal tides. Large precipitation events ( >2 in.) displaced brackish water below the Downstream monitoring station, as observed when Downstream salinities declined sharply to near zero following these types of events. This likely resulted primarily from upstream freshwater, typically with higher turbidity following precipitation events, displacement of brackish water down Blounts Creek. Downstream DO concentrations were observed to both increase and decrease following precipitation events. Similar to Upstream fluctuations, this may have resulted from the amount of organic material transported into the stream as well as whether oxygen depleted waters from adjacent wetlands was flushed into the stream. The DO dynamics within these type of system 33 are complex, and are potentially dependent on such factors as precipitation intensity, total volume, stream flow, and availability and accumulation rates of organic material. . Extended periods without precipitation also affected Downstream water quality, as brackish water migrated upstream during these periods. This may be due to cumulative effects that decreased baseflow from the depleted surficial aquifer, rather than from a lack of consistent precipitation events that contribute runoff and interflow to Blounts Creek. A fish kill event was reported on July 13 in the Blounts Creek area below the Downstream monitoring station. Downstream DO concentrations fell to near zero on the evening of July 10 until the morning of July 12 and may have contributed to the fish kill. No rainfall was recorded between July 2 and July 8, allowing brackish water to steadily move upstream, reaching an SC of over 9.0 at the Downstream station. However, 2.8 and 3.0 inches of rainfall fell between July 10 and 13, which nearly displaced the brackish water entirely below the Downstream station. Concentrations of DO continued to decline during and after subsequent rainfall events, possibly due to flushing of the floodplain wetlands of low DO waters. Potential Impacts of Mine Operation As part of operation of the Mine, MMM has applied for an NPDES permit to discharge a monthly average of 6 mgd and up to 9 mgd on individual days. This discharge will primarily consist of groundwater, along with stormwater, and process water and is proposed to occur in unnamed tributaries to Blounts Creek. Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) evaluated the channel stability and potential water quality changes within the headwaters areas resulting from Mine discharge (MMM, 2012). Stream Geomorphic Changes Discuss erosion and head waters and difference between existing shear and expected shear. No quantification was given for volume of sediment potentially produced by erosion. Could have estimated erosion by estimating stream geometry required for future flows to have same shear. Sediment deposition at upstream monitoring site is likely to occur due to debris accumulation, channel constriction through the NS culvert, and backwater effects slowing velocities. This could cause the western branch of Blounts Creek to enter the eastern branch upstream of the railroad, which is a larger channel. The analysis consisted (summarized in Table 3 -4 of Vanceboro WQ Technical Memo) of estimating stream velocities, and shear stresses for low flow and low flow with an additional 18 cfs (above the NPDES applied discharge of up to 9 mgd). While shears and velocities are expected to increase, they are not generally expected to exceed maximum permissible values based on modeling results and erosion and channel deformation are anticipated to be minimal. However, there are several issues with this analysis. Although flow rates in this analysis increase by more than 100 fold, erosion is expected to be minor. It seems implausible that this significant increase in baseflow would produce essentially negligible changes to channel geometry. Given two alternate soils to use as an acceptable threshold, a more conservative analysis would use the lower threshold of the two available rather than an intermediate point. Increases in expected shear are typically between 3 and 5, while increases in velocities are 34 expected to double or triple. Additionally, if flow rates increase by a factor of 100, but the average flow velocity increases only by a factor of two to three, then the cross sectional area must increase by a factor of 33 to 50. This increase would likely put the cross - section out of the stream banks for the expected baseflow. Again, it seems implausible that this type of consistent baseflow would not cause significant channel instability. If the discharge does not carry a bedload into the stream, scour and downcutting of the channel will be more likely to occur. Furthermore, the analysis does not attempt to quantify potential channel erosion resulting from Mine discharge. Over time the stream would be expected to adjust to the new flow regime by enlarging. Using current shear as the value that must be conserved once discharge begins, the adjusted channel geometry could be estimated. The difference in cross - section areas integrated along the stream reach would be a reasonable estimate of potential erosion volume. Enlargement of the main channel could potential create nick points that initiate headcuts within tributaries, further destabilizing upper headwaters. Blounts Creek flows through a natural corridor until crossing under the NS Railway. The corridor constriction at this location due to a 72 inch culvert, would likely slow high flows, causing sediment deposition in this area. This could lead to modification of hydraulics and creation of a convergence with the adjacent channel upstream of the Railway. The adjacent channel crosses under a bridge structure. Scour could occur if increased flows are directed under this bridge without sufficient bedload. Based on Upstream monitoring data, there seem to be significant sediment transport occurring following precipitation events as indicated by spikes in turbidity that decline within a few days. The low flow, stagnant characteristic of this channel allows for sediments to be transported and progressively through the channel, such that the net gain and net losses do not destabilize the stream channel. Continuous flow will prevent smaller, and highly organic, particles from being able to settle out on the stream bed. This continual flushing of organic material from the channel would be expected to dilute the available organic material, and minimizing potential for acidification that occurs in stagnant waters as organic acids leach into the water column (also impacting stream pH). However, a program for monitoring discharge effects on the UTs as flows gradually increase with mining operations was included within the memo's conclusions, so that any corrective action could be taken. If discharge is permitted, the receiving channel stability should be closely monitored throughout the mine operation. Flooding KHA also evaluated the potential for increased downstream flood risk, specifically around Cotton Patch community (MMM, 2012). A HEC -RAS analysis indicated that the additional discharge to Blounts Creek would not significantly affect water level elevations (< 0.02 ft. rise) downstream of Herring Run for events up to the 100 -year, 24 -hour return period storm event (10.5 in.). Therefore, the risk of downstream flooding of residential areas resulting from the proposed Mine discharge is negligible. 35 pH Change Since pH can affect essential fish enzymes, KHA modeled potential pH changes above Herring Run resulting from the proposed Mine discharge (MMM, 2012). Blounts Creek receiving head waters were conservatively assumed to have a pH of 4.0, below the lowest reported field measurement by CZR of 4.40 on April 13, 2012 (CZR, 2012). The Mine discharge was assumed to have a pH of 6.94, based on analysis of groundwater quality. The modeled pH of receiving waters could increase to between 6.33 and 6.89 for respective volumetric ratios between Mine discharge and stream flow of 1:9 and 9:1. If a higher pH (e.g. 4.40) had been assumed, the modeled pH range would increase only slightly and without exceeding the groundwater pH of 6.94. While the pH below Herring Run will likely be minimally affects, the pH upstream of Herring Run is expected to increase from 4.0 — 5.5 to 6.3 — 6.9. The headwaters' pH would no longer correspond to NC DWQ's Swamp Waters classification (pH: 4.3 — 6.0). It was acknowledged that the model did not account for buffering from organic acids, the model also does not account for dilution of organic acids that would likely result from continuous flow. Salinity Changes Salinity measurements were collected by KHA on April 4th, 13th, and May 31 st of 2012. The April 4th measurements occurred three days after 0.5 to 1.0 inches of rainfall fell in the area and were assumed to estimate moderate baseflow conditions (32 mgd (50 cfs) at Herring Run). The April 13th measurements occurred nearly a week after only 0.2 to 0.3 inches of rainfall fell and were assumed to estimate low baseflow conditions (16 mgd (25 cfs) at Herring Run). The May 31 st measurements were collected the day following an approximately 3.5 inch event (Tropical Storm (TS) Beryl) and were used to estimate high flow conditions (520 mgd (800 cfs) at Herring Run). By comparison, the 1 -year, 24 -hour rainfall depth for the Blounts Creek area is 3.35 in (NOAA, 2013). The flow resulting from TS Beryl was 43 times the maximum proposed Mine discharge flow (12 mgd; 18 cfs). Salinities at low and moderate base flow ranged from 2.03 to 5.65 PSU near Cotton Patch Landing. After TS Beryl, salinities dropped to 0.05 PSU in this location, indicating that saltwater was nearly completely displaced downstream. KHA developed a volume displacement model to model the expected effects of Mine discharge on downstream (below Herring Run) salinity in Blounts Creek (MMM, 2012). KHA used the difference in salinity values between low and moderate base flows measured at Herring Run (25 cfs) as an estimate of the proposed Mine discharge rate to Blounts Creek (18 cfs). The displacement model was run for low and moderate baseflow conditions. Moderate flow results, assumed to be representative of Mine discharge, were compared to three salinity data points collected on April 4, 2012, which predicted salinity at Herring Run at a depth of three feet of 1.5 PSU, compared to a sampled salinity of 0.07 PSU. The remaining two salinity measurements were taken near Cotton Patch subdivision at three and eight feet below the water surface (2.0 PSU and 4.4 PSU, respectively). By comparison, the modeled salinities were 3.0 PSU and 5.0 PSU, respectively for the same location and depths. While the low baseflow model values were close to measured data, the discharge simulation over predicted downstream salinities by up to 1.4 PSU, compared to measurements during representative flow. Therefore, the discharge would likely further displace brackish water below modeled results. In addition, the modeled results also do not account for the effect of tides, which may further reduce downstream salinities. 36 Aquatic Habitat Changes KHA concluded that the increased pH would correspond to optimum ranges of freshwater fish found in Blounts Creek (6.5 — 8.5). Increased pH is also expected to reduce solubility of aluminum and associated toxicity, although aluminum concentrations in Blounts Creek headwaters were not reported. Blounts Creek headwaters are characterized as slow- moving and may become stagnant at times, especially during periods of drought. The proposed Mine discharge would cause Blounts Creek to flow continuously. KHA calculated the maximum discharge velocity for the 1 -year event in the upper headwaters as 2.8 fps. CZR noted that adding water with elevated dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration would increase DO for lower DO receiving waters. This could contribute to invalidating the swamp waters classification. However, the DO measurements taken by CZR on April 12 and 13, 2012, were all above 4.0 mg /I, with a maximum of 8.2 mg /I. Therefore, the Mine discharge likely would not increase DO. In turn, if the Mine discharge does not have higher DO concentration, then stream DO concentrations may decline. Aquatic habitat assessments were also performed at four locations (Figure 4, sites WQ4 - WQ7) and was assessed to be moderately stressed based on NCDWQ Bioclassification Site scores. Based on data collection and analysis, CZR concluded that no significant detrimental effects are expected as a result of the Mine discharge. Discharge would increase flow through channel (entire length of Blounts Creek between discharge and Blounts bay), thereby increasing water levels. Pressure gradient betweer groundwater and stream would reduce, reducing groundwater discharge, and raising water table adjacent to stream, and adjacent to tributaries immediately upstream from confluence. Flow velocities would decrease for tributaries flowing into Blounts Creek, due to higher water levels in the main channel reducing the downstream gradient. 37 SUMMARY Monitoring data collected on Blounts Creek has begun to establish a valuable water quality record that will improve understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological processes along the length of Blounts Creek. This monitoring is expected to continue into the future to expand this data set. In general, the upstream (swamp waters) and downstream (tidal) classification of Blounts Creek are representative of the conditions observed during this monitoring study. However, accounting for seasonal variability is a significant aspect of understanding the dynamics of this stream system. As for the proposed Mine, several concerns about stream stability, water quality, and the respective analyses were raised, mostly associated with continuous flow in the upstream sections of the stream. 38 REFERENCES NCDENR Classifications http: / /portal.ncdenr.org /web /wq /ps /csu /classifications http: / /portal.ncdenr.org /c/ document_ library / get_ file ?uuid= f9ff405a -f51 c- 42a3 -aa12- 3c48567a5634 &groupld =38364 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2006. NOAA Atlas 14: Precipitation - Frequency Atlas of the United States. Volume 2. Version 3.0. Rice, E. W., Bridgewater, L., American Public Health Association., American Water Works Association., & Water Environment Federation. (2012). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. Washington, D.C: American Public Health Association. USGS. 2010. Correction factors for oxygen solubility and salinity. National Field Manual for Collection of Water - Quality Data: Section 6.2.4. YSI. 2011. 6- Series Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes User Manual. 39 Water Levels 6.00 S.00 sJ c S 400 g 3.00 is 2.00 1.00 000 7.00 6.00 5.00 4-OD E R L G 0 3.DD 7.00 100 D.OD 6/1 APPENDIX A: MONITORING DATA Depth: D6 servea • Devth, 24 h ass. • 1 1 N _ r 1 1MRMIMUM K*ASMEAKE WATER LEVEL:10ft. 6/6 6111 6116 Hate IIWD/M A -1 6 /21 6/26 7.00 6.00 5.00 + 4.00 ro E 3.00 R 7.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 6.00 d .t ° 4.00 Yr I 3.00 2.00 1100 0.00 7/i r Depth: 24 h M f1'III'1 I WrVIY11Y1 L M 3Un EARL L WMILR LLVLU J.Ll 11. 716 7111 7116 7121 7/26 7/31 Date (MID1YY) A -2 7.00 5 -00 5 -00 4.00 II v E 3.00 CL CL 2A0 1.00 MINIMUM MEA513REABLE WATER LEVEL: 1.4 it. Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. 0.00 7.00 Depth: (Xmrved ■ Duch: 24 h 8vt 5.00 r op 4.00 E 3.00 MINIMUM MEASUREAOLE WATER LEVEL: 3.0ft. 2.00 1.00 0.00 811 815 8/11 8/16 Date I WDIYY) A -3 8121 8/26 901 7.00 6.00 5.00 r r EL 4.00 `m ro m 300 2.00 1.00 0.00 TDO 2.00 1.00 0.00 911 9/6 9111 9116 9121 9126 Date (MID^ A -4 Depth: Observed • Depth; 24 h avq 6,00 5.00 Sjt" m 400 A y 3.00 g MINIMUM MEASUREA$LE WATER LEVEL• 3.0fL 2.00 1.00 0.00 911 9/6 9111 9116 9121 9126 Date (MID^ A -4 7.00 6.00 5 -00 r_ r rrx 4.00 7 3.00 2.00 1 -00 0.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 E z v u. c 3 a 3.00 2.00 1.00 t MINIMUM MEASURE ABLE WATER LEVEL: 3 -0 ft. 0.00 1011 1016 10/11 10116 Dale iM /d/YYl A -5 10/21 Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. 10126 7.00 6.00 5,00 r 4.00 to fo E 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 Coo 5.00 y� O w COO E v c 3 a 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. � r jP 1 �[ r r ; • ti MINIMUM MEASII REAR E WATER LEVEL: 3.0 it. 1111 1116 11111 11116 DaU (M /D/vvl m '1-'21 1 V26 700 6.00 5 -00 4.00 s 3 F � 3 -OU ❑ 200 1 -00 0.00 7.00 6.40 Dept,: observed • L►epth: Observed • Depth: 24 h av=. r Date (M /D /M A -7 As ' a 4.40 E 4 YI ` 3.00 MINIMUM MEASUREAI3LI WATER IEVEI: 3.0 ft. 2.00 1.00 0.00 12J 1 12%6 13./ 11 12116 12/21 12/26 17131 Date (M /D /M A -7 700 5 -00 S 00 r Y is {.00 ij 3 2300 6 7 2.00 1 -00 0.00 7.00 Depth: Raw • Depth: 24 h avg. isxo A 4 -00 c 3 -00 PA INIMUM MEASLIREABLE WATFR LEVEL: 3.0 h. r �a 1.00 D.DD 1I 1113 1,15113 1121113 1115113 1!21123 1!25/13 1/31 Date i WD/") 7-OD 6 -00 5.00 s Y OD aaffi 300 2.40 100 0.00 7.09 — • Depth: Raw • Depth: 24 h svg. 6 -00 e. _ a P-j 5.00 s kt 4.00 15 - MINIMUM MEASUREABLE WATER LEVEL: 3.0 ft. 2.00 1.00 0A0 211113 2/6113 2111/13 2116113 Date (MIOIYY) 2/21113 2/26/13 7.00 6 -00 5.00 c A 00 93,00 3.00 S 2.00 1m o.Fa 7.00 Depth: Raw • Depth: 24 h avg- 6.00 Depths Dbwtyed YL m 4.00 E a 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 3,11/13 mlrvlmum nnrAWMAMt WAItM LtvtL: ISM R. 3/6113 3111113 3/16/13 3/21/13 3126/13 3/31113 Date IM /DM) A -10 Atmospheric and Subsurface Temperatures 40 t` a m 80 E 70 E d 60 a 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 a � . r s0 . E E @ 70 3 8 50 50 40 30 20 6/1/12 F ' c a I 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/16112 Date 1M /D /YY) A -11 6/21112 Upstream Surface (Hobol Upstream Subsurface lHobol upstream Subsurface 15onde) ti. 1 Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream subsurface 45ondej � i • 4 'y. F 6/26/12 134 120 I10 IOQ 94 k, a n � E ." 70 E R v 60 50 40 30 �-0 130 Downstream) Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsuriase ISonde) 120 110 100 t i go yQ -. N C 3 40 30 20 — 711/12 7/6112 7111/32 7116/12 Date (M /DJYY} A -12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 134 Upstream Surface IHoho) Upstream 5udsurfate IHoho) 120 Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) IN 100 90 m 80 70 ev a CV; 60 SO 40 30 20 130 Dowrstrearn Surface (Matto) Downstream 50surface (Sonde) 120 110 140 p d 90 • _ P i i. t 7 f. _� r 64 50 40 . i 30 20 VIM 8/6/12 8/11/12 8116/12 8121/12 SP6 /12 8A1112 Date; M /D/W) A -13 130 Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) 120 upstream Subsurface (Sonde) 114 100 90 l m � g0 yR 70 0" I �. ta; 60 y 55w so 40 30 20 130 Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurf are Son de) 120 110 100 r � F ►: r ti r !� � r a 70 60 T � r �. 30 — 20 9/1/12 916112 9/11112 9116/12 9/21112 9/26112 Date (M /D /'+Y) A -14 130 Upstream Surface lHoboj Upstream Subsurface lHoboj Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) 1211 110 100 90 m 5 70 '. E CL 1 40 30 20 - I30 - Downstream Surface IHobo) Downstream Subsurface 15ondel 120 110 — 100 - _ a 40 a so 70 i , Rr • j� ti - f in 60 so 20 10/1112 106/12 10/11/12 1(V16/12 W21112 Date fWD/YY) A -15 10+25112 10131/12 130 120 110 140 90 a E ,Lv 70 E a a 60 7 50 40 - -- - i' � W 30 20 - 130 120 110 100 90 R 8A E' 70 -•- - f tx 50 30 [ 20 1111112 1116112 11/13/12 11/16/12 Date iM /DM7 A -16 Downstream Surface IHoho) Downstream Subsurface [Sonde) Ir ' tv 11121/12 WWII 130 120 110 100 90 a 3 80 m E 70 E m a K 60 So 40 ti 30 20 130 120 110 100 90 R / Ca� $o ►6' t a 70 a6o so ,0 30 20 12%1112 Y � � Y Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) 1 :y Li • �l ❑own stream Surface {Hobo] Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) w 5112 12/11112 121151 12 12/21/12 12125112 12131112 Date (WONY) A -17 130 Upstream Surface ;Hobo] 120 Upstream Subsurface IHoboj upstream Subsurface ISonde) 110 100 w a 60 n i 70 E v 60 = - a n 30 20 ID 330 120 110 300 � yQ d � 80 i E 70 1 L N 60 _ • Y f . 3 $ so -- - }, —� ►w 40 vi 1. 30 20 10 1/1113 116113 1/11113 1115/13 Date IMIDJYY) A -18 Cownstreim iurlate (Hobo) Downstream 5uNurftae � Sonde I 1121113 3126/13 yY 3131/13 130 120 110 i00 90 w $ 70 E Al E 60 7 50 40 30 20 10 130 120 110 100 Downstream Surftce (Hobo) Downstream 5uNurfam (Sonde) 1: 90 V 3 0. E r 70 f ; f • i ol 7 60 ION 3 ti r •� I ! i._ Ik 20 10 2/1113 46113 2/11/113 2/1693 2/21113 2/26/13 Date (MIDI") A -19 130 Upstream Surface lHobo) 120 Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) 110 300 90 v � ro 70 E a. E 60 so u 40 ,. 20 10 130 Downstream Surface {Hobo) 124 D�ownstresm Subsurface (Sonde) � - 110 100 LL 90 d � ^ 4 p e E , ti 70 E �' f c 64 R ; 44 • . : , 34 - -� 20 — - 10 3/1/13 3/W13 3112113 3/16/13 3121113 3/26/13 3/31113 Die I WD/01 A -20 Specific Conductivity Dig 016 E 0.14 4 0 -12 7 A b C UO 0 10 Y OAS E 6 0.06 004 0.02 0.00 20.00 . Downstr Down -W 18.00 - Downser 16.00 E 14.00 E T 12.00 v r u 10.00 z E 8.00 A N G 3z 6.00 8 4.00 2.00 0.00 611112 . Upstream 5petAit Conductivlty IGrab samplesl Upstream S pet >fit Conduttiviiy (Raw) Upstream Speahc Canductimy (24 h ar6 -i z WWI, 6111112 6116112 6121112 6126112 Date (MIDIWI A -21 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 U vt E f 0.12 V 0.10 0.08 / A 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 • Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstre am Specific Conductivity IRawj 18.00 • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) MOO t l 14.00 a _ A E �. 12.00 V c , • L9 MOD • Upstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Rb Fir r' ► � E 8.01D 6.00 Q ' 4.00 -- C 2.00 • L 0.DO ?1/12 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 Date IWDM) A -22 7/21112 ti 7126112 7/31/12 a10 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 U E 0.12 v C u v m �n 0.08 E m m � OZ6 O -D4 0.02 0.00 20.DD • Upstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Upstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Upstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg,) `u3 S r 4 ~ T 12-00 V 7 100 , • Downstre am Specific Conductivity {Grab Samples} 1600 Downstre am Specific Conductivrty (Raw) • Dovm stream Specific Conductivity 124 h avg.) 1600 14.00 `u3 S T 12-00 V 7 100 , E 8-00 6.00 .. •►, a 4.00 2.00 0 -00 811112 8/6112 8111112 8/16112 Date IMIDNY) A -23 i .i�• sa ice' 8121112 8/26112 !131/12 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 E 0,12 a Sr O.aB E 4 0.06 , 0.04 0.02 0,00 20.00 • Downstream Specific Cvnductnrrty {Grab Samples) 18 -00 Downstream Specific Ccnducttvrty {Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity 124 h avII -) 16 -00 14.00 E t 12.00 u 10.00 Y E 8.00 a A 6,00 4.00 2.00 - ,� i! i 0.00 911112 916112 r Upstream Spec &c Cnnductrvmty IGrah Samples} Upstream specific Conductwity )Raw) Upstream SpecrFlc CcnductrvRy 124 h avg- I 9/11112 9116112 9/21112 9/26/12 Date (WD/rr) A -24 0.20 0.18 O.1fi E 0.14 v E 0.12 v c 0.10 _V x. 0.08 E w V ♦ 1lpmeam Specific Conductivity IGrab Samples] Uvstream 5Wvflc Conductivity I Raw l • Uostream Specific Conductwity 124 h avA, j 0M NO MONITORING DATA COLLECTED: LOW WATER LEVELS AND EQUIPMENT ERROR 0.04 0 -02 0.00 2000 0 A -25 • Downstre am Speofic Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specdc Conductivity (ftawj 18.00 • Downstre am Speofic Conducdrnty 124 h av8.y 16.00 E 14.00 E r nI-; �•' 8-00 ii { • 1_ 1 E 5.00 ' R � 4.00 ; Ojoo 1011/12 1016/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 30!21112 10/26112 10/31/12 �0, iM. V. NN A -25 0.20 0.18 0.16 E0,14 E 0.12 a a c u 0.10 U U �+ 0.08 E v in Da 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 ZS -00 16 -00 E 14.00 ur E 12.00 C o u 10.00 E 8.00 R 6.04 4.00 2 -00 0.00 11/1112 1115112 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/25/12 ^ate ?14 .Vvy) A -26 • Upstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Upstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Upstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) NO MONITORING DATA COLLECTED: LOW WATER LEVELS AND EQUIPMENT ERROR 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 s E 0.12 G a v c u 0.10 L r 0.08 C 7 0.06 0,04 0.02 0.00 20LOO 18.00 t 16 "00 14 -00 E • Downstream 5 } 12.00 • Downstream 5 c • Downstream 5 a v 10.00 u A E 8.00 2 9 b.00 4.00 2 -00 0.00 12/1/12 1216/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 Date (M/DM) A -27 ? i• s 4 i" 1. - y � T i - 3 12/2111Z 1 7 13 411 1 2 17/33/12 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 E 0.12 n u° 0.10 u QU4i vC 0.08 G N a a 0.05 D.04 0.02 0 -b0 20.00 • Downstream SpecifkConductivlty (Grab Samples) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) 18.00 • Dawn stream Specific Conductivity (24 ti avg.� 16.00 5 14.00 E T 12.00 u a 10.00 V !J 8.00 A x fi 00 4.00 t 1 .. • it 2.00 + Upstream Specific Conductiv+ty ;Grab Samples) Upstream Spscdlc Conductivity ;Rawl Upstream 5pecrfic Conductrvrty ;2Q h avg.) a.00 111113 1�6!I3 1!11!1_ 1116113 l Wla 1125!13 Date JMID1YY) A -28 f 1131113 0.20 0.18 0,16 0.14 D,1D ,t 10.08 E O.D6 E V E i Z; e u° u u d 3 G•i 004 0.02 0.00 20.00 moo 1600 • Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity(Raw) • Downstream Spenfic Conductivity [24 h av6,} 14.00 � } r t � 12-00 10.00 t _ 8.00 6.00 - i . 1 4.00 { 2.00 t 0.00 - 211113 2/6/13 2/11113 V16/13 2/21/13 2/26/13 Date [M /D /n`I A -29 020 0.18 0 -16 E 0.14 u E 0.12 0.10 V 10-08 E T G1 7 0 -06 0 04 0.02 0 -00 20 -OD • Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples} Downstream 5peafic Conductivity {Raw) MOO - Downstream 5pecifcConductrvrty (24 h avg.) 16.00 AOD Or E r.; 12_M G v C a i' 10.00 k E 8.00 m r c 6.00 4.00 2,00 i_ 0.00 3/1/13 3/6/13 3111113 3/16/13 Date (M /D /YY} A -30 r Uvstmrn 5peclRc Conductivity (Grab Samples) Upstrearrt Specific Conductivity (Raw) Upstream Specfic Co nductivity (24 h avg.) 3/21/13 3/26/13 3/31/13 Dissolved Oxygen 4.00 8.00 7.00 E 6.00 �i a _ S.00 d E 4.00 it 3.00 2.00 1.40 0.00 12.00 10.00 8.04 a 0 6-00 E `; 4.00 2.00 0.00 6jl /12 6.16117 Upaleam Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) upstream Dissolved Oxygen 124 h avg.) i �y Y • `4 i ti Downstream 015solved Oxygen 4Raw) Downstream D;ssolved Oxygen (24 h avg.1 t s. . � R•ti . t r• 'i 6111117 6/16/12 6.71'I? Date (MID/rr) A -31 1, x 6/26/13 10 -00 9100 8.00 7 00 a8 E d GM 0 O E 4.00 2 3.00 2 -00 1 -00 000 12.00 10.00 E 8 -00 x 0 6 5.00 E m m 3 4M C3 LIM a 7 upstream Dissolved Oxygen 1Raw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen 124 A avg.j s , •L . 4 Downstre am Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h a vg.) % •f n .3 ; J •'N /. r /> 7A/12 7/11/12 _ = '12 7121/12 A -32 7/26/12 7/31/12 10.00 Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw} Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) 9 -00 goo _ 7.00 S 1 E 6.00 O 5.00 = i r, •ii � - -.L -• � •i .s i � i �. - : r . } E 4.00 CL 2.00 7' 1.00 T 0 -00 12-OD 10-00 8.00 Pr° 5 6.00 N N p E Z c 4.00 2.00 .fly r 4.00 '! r : e v. — 811112 8/x112 T ti� 8%11112 Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg 1 8116112 8/21/12 845112 8131112 Date [MID/Yy) A -33 10.00 9.00 8.00 E C 6.00 x 5.00 0 a E 4.00 m 7 300 LOU 1.04 0.00 12.00 10.00 E 8-00 ❑ 6 5.00 N �C C L 3 4 -00 C3 2.{10 0-00 9/1/12 9MI2 9 /II/12 9115112 3121112 9/26AZ pate [Mlofm A -34 Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avgf 4 � 9/1/12 9MI2 9 /II/12 9115112 3121112 9/26AZ pate [Mlofm A -34 AM 9.00 8.00 7.00 E C 6.00 as x a 0 0 E 4.00 2 a 3.00 2.00 1.Q0 D.4D 12,17 law 8.00 x �0 n 6.00 N o E N ' 4G DD I � 4 fi ' 2.00 I 0.00 1011/12 1416112 Downstream 0Issahred Oxygen (Raw) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avR -) 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 Date IM /D /►'1'1 A -35 10126/12 10/31/12 10.00 4.00 5.00 700 m r a 5.00 E 4 "00 a Z 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1200 . 10.[70 E 8.00 C L q 7 0 3600 �F O E 2 c -14.00 18 2.00 0.0D 'r 1111112 Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg ) NO MONITORING DATA COLLECTED: LOW WATER LEVELS AND EQUIPMENT ERROR ;01, - 44"� 1115112 r- W�m ' 11/11112 11116/12 Date (MIDIYY} A -36 Downumam Dfssofved Oxygen {Raw( • Downstre am DIssotved Oxygen 124 h avg.j 1112]/7..2 11J21W12 P OIND-oi 9w Moll T D E c600 �c O 5 -00 s 0 E 4.00 d 3.00 2M 1 -00 0.00 12 00 10 -00 E 8'D0 c m m 1 6.00 N fl E K ol c 4.D0 � � k 2.00 A i r 0.00 - 1vlA2 Upstream Dissolved Oxygen IRaw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen 124 h av&) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen IRaw] Downstream 01=lved oxygen 124 h avg.I 12/6/12 12/11/12 12116/12 Date {M10fyyl A -37 12/2 V 12 1212012 12/31/12 16.00 14.40 12.04 m 10.00 c m w k 1 8.00 c5 E d 6.00 n a 4.00 2.00 0 -00 14 -00 12.OD 1x.40 F E Upstream Dissolved Oxveen (Raw) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen 124 h avg.} Downstream Dissolved Or • Downstream Dissolved Oi c m r v 8.00 - a N A E 6.00 IF 4.00 2.00 0.00 1/1113 116113 1/11/13 1/16/13 1121113 Date (MIDIW) A -38 1/26/13 1/31A3 16.00 14.00 t y 12.00 v ;. 10.00 a 000 y . . 8.0n a e 6,00 4.00 2.00 ❑M 14.00 12.00 10.00 m c a O 8.00 c N N E &00 2 c 3 i 2.00 0100 211/13 Upstream Dissolved Oxygen IRaw) • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen 124 h avg.) r; { r t ` �► s i R �re:z3 zr1u13 2115x13 Oatr ! h11p1YYl A -39 Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h kftj 21z1r13 2/25113 16.00 14.00 1.2-00 od a E 1x00 0 r T x Q v r O E a &W 4 7 COD 2.00 0.00 14.00 12.03 30.00 E ¢ a 8.00 + o n E 6.00 4.00 2 -00 0.00 1 - 3/1/13 3/6/33 3111/13 3/16/13 Date jM /Df") WM Up%"-&++ Wsolved Oxygen iRawI • upstream Wsdre•d Oyygrn (24 h av=.) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Rawl • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen 124 h avg.) 3/21/13 3/26/13 3/31/13 Turbidity ..d z 140 E A R E m 30 1 0.1 Sow 100 N r, 4 Z 10 E 3 1 Ol 611112 . _ pstream Turbidly (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidly (Rawl Upstream TurbrdPty (24 h av4.] 1• • Downstream 7urbldRy 1Grab Sam pin) Dawn stye am Turbidly jRaw1 • Downstream 7urbldrty 124 h an } 616/12 6/11112 6116/12 Date JMID/YYI A -41 6171112 6/26/12 • Downstream 7urbldRy 1Grab Sam pin) Dawn stye am Turbidly jRaw1 • Downstream 7urbldrty 124 h an } 616/12 6/11112 6116/12 Date JMID/YYI A -41 6171112 6/26/12 IDDW 10DO N 7 z 10D a a E m lD CL m 0.1 10D0 100 E r c 3 is 10 D.1 711/12 7/6/12 7111112 7116/12 7/2V12 7/25112 7/31/12 Date (M /D /YYI A -42 10000 • Upstream Turbidny (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) I000 w 100 r c a 3 E ik a 10 1 0.1 1000 • Downstream Turbidity {Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity {Raw) • Downstream Turbidity 124 h an.) 100 m vy. „,tip r U. I 0.1 sit /u 8/6/11 8/1 IM 8/16/12 V21/12 8/26/I2 8/31/12 Date IM /O/Yyl A -43 10000 1000 N 2 100 A F E a 10 1 0.1 1000 1D0 e rr M M 10 1 • Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) • Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) r 5 } OOA DA 9/1112 915112 9/11112 9115112 V211/12 9126112 Date (M /D /YY] A -44 10000 ♦ Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Rawl Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) 1000 N 100 T p 7 r 4p m i IV 0.1 1000 NO MONITORING DATA COLLECTED: LOW WATER LEVELS AND EQUIPMENT ERROR e Do" strearn Turbldlty {Grab Samples} Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h an.) 100 3 I8 r P. 1 . 0.1 1011112 10/6112 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/23117 10126/12 10/31/12 Date JWDM) A -45 10000 • Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg ) 1000 N SOD r a E 10 D 3 0.1 1000 100 r' T n A �? 10 d N 3 Fa 1 .t 'F. 0.1 11/1112 NO MONITORING DATA COLLECTED: LOW WATER LEVELS AND EQUIPMENT ERROR • Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity (Rawl • Dawnstream Turbidity 124 h arg.1 1116!12 13/11/12 11/16112 11121/12 11/26/12 Date 1 hlWDI") A -46 10000 1000 a a 100 r V a `a r E v a 10 0. n 0.1 1000 100 - w Z t X10 E m 3 0.1 1211112 12/8112 12/11/12 12/16/12 1212V12 12/26/12 12/33112 Date (M /D/YY➢ A -47 10000 1000 N 100 _T H E 7 V 10 D QZ 1000 L00 N 7 N Z _T F 10 E m N C aJ n 0 -1 1/1/13 IN13 I/LIM 1/16/13 !A21113 1/26113 1/31/13 Date (M DMI ..; 1GDOO 1000 N IOU T A 7 qE N 10 7 1 0.1 1007 100 N r T 10 E w x c 9 0 1 • Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples] Upstream Turbidity (Raw} Upstream Turbidity (24 n tog -avg I I • Downstream TurbidRy (Grab Samples) - Downstream Tur Wit y (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity 124 h ayg.l } 0.1 --1116�. 2!1!1_i brl_ 2/11113 2/16/13 Date IM F D1vy} MM 2!21113 zlzell3 10DD0 Iwo D 1DD } a' E w m 10 1 D.1 1000 100 1 r z T t' II a 10 E �v a c 3 311,`:3 3 b`13 3/11113 3116113 Date IMT /D /1r'i) A -50 • Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) Upstream Turbidity (24 h be -avg.) • DDwnstream Turbidtyy (Grab Samples) Downst +ram Turbidtyy (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 ti avg.) 3/21113 3/26113 3/31113 Daily Precipitation Totals J.w c _ CO �S a S 7 ] Sil O I 0.50 0.00 611/12 3.50 3.00 LSD X 10O a V 6 3 1 -50 1.00 050 0.00 WN12 6111112 611wi2 6/21112 SIM 0M (MM/Dfm ,.E. '- 7.,I6r12 VI V12 7.QW12 7%31/12 Date {MM /❑ /YYI B -1 a! 3.00 2.50 c c 6 2.00 C u d r m 1.50 a m 1.00 0.54 4,04 811}12 W12 8{11{12 8116112 8121113 8126112 8131112 DateRMMJDfM 3 Sa ■Washinitan, NC: 1D -6 ESE SGHCIID:U5INCBPOOdi 1 Resew Bern, NC Craven County Itel onal A.rnort {G HCNp.USW0009371% 3,00 z.so C r.ao .r 0 :.00 ❑ 50 911,ili2 9r15f12 PAIR [MMID/VY ] MIA 3 5 3.00 2 50 E T S 1 K Y a t6 _s 4 0 is 3AO 0.50 0.00 10!1112 10/5112 k0r11/12 3.50 3.00 2.50 % 2,00 d 0 1.50 1.00 050 0.00 11/1112 10115,+12 Dale IMMIOIYY] 1012 v 12 Ia 11 f I 10/31/12 11/5112 11/11/12 11/16/12 Pet* (MMII)I►ryl MN 13/2111: 11/25/12 3.56 3.00 2.50 r c .2 1.00 y a t6 1 SO ro is 1 7C 0.50 6.06 1211112 3.50 3.06 2_SD C C 2.00 a a } m 1.50 O 1.00 r,j c.uc 121G112 12/11/12 12/16/12 17/23/12 12aW12 11/31112 Hate [MM /D/VYI 1/25/13 1/11113 1116/13 1/21113 Lf25j13 WIM 144 (Mm /0iey) B -4 3.50 MOO 250 2m 1.50 O 1.00 0.50 0_d0 2}1}13 3.50 3.00 2.50 C C 6 a a 0 9 1.00 0.50 0.00 3W13 2MI3 V11113 ZIL5113 2121 13 2f2b113 Date (MMI61YT} Awn 3111113 3116/n 3}21113 3f25j13 3131113 aae.IMWL31M B -5 Average Daily Wind Direction and Speed Datr lMiD.rffj B -6 ■ Speed (WO El speed �W&M:99719) a Direetlon JMWA:00741] a oireellan �WRAN:93719� _ + ` a s e a a i NIE f 2 A y E 9D Y Y 0 a SE 135 'S1 d a a 5180 i • . ` a + + i • a L 5 -N225 _ + a a m C , a a } W170 a NW 315 w 35D 30 k ' 9 15. 10 �f 1,f12 G/�12 Irjllf 12 4{llrf 1! {if17r72 b/LLfJ2 Dit*jMjD^ ■ Speed lVAM:03741] ❑ Speed [WEAN -937190 a DULLchan jWRAM:03741] +Direction {WBAM.W719F N D a NE 45 a E w d a � SE 135 y d 5 ISO a t 19 G ' d a • 3 3 + • SW 225 ' e a+ d a ° d a + a i 8 + eps + N 315 ry MD 24 � a 1D � 5 � 0 WEI lwu Pinj t F{2wu 7f37 {12 Datr lMiD.rffj B -6 N D ■ Speed (WBAN:O3741) OS peed (WBAN:93719) a Direction (WBAN:O3741) a Direction (WBAN:93719) e NE 45 A e a E 90 m m l l l l ° e e SE 135 C o ❑ ° ti a p 5 180 - ❑ ❑ ❑ A ❑ ❑ e e A . Qj SW 225 m ❑ �° e a a W 270 T a NW 315 e N 360 a - 20 a - 15 m m m _ - 10 a - 5 riT 0 0 811112 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M/D/YY) N ■ipmd { W&M- 03741] ❑Speed [WBAN:93719} a Direction [WBAN-09741j a Direction [WBAN-93719j 0 a a + s WE 45 a a a i $ E 9D F m i a SE' 135 i S 1 BO c i + 5W225 i a i S G W N 315 N 360 70 e : I5 E 5 n o' 0 /,f,� �Jtd12 �f71ft7 4i7Efll 42112 Aw2 Ofste (M f l3pm B -7 N 0 NE 45 v E 90 v SE 135 0 t m p S180 5 W 225 as a W 270 O NW 315 N 350 m a C c = r d � a a ■ Speed (WBAN:03741) ❑ Speed (WBAN:93719) ■ Direction (WBAN:03741) A Direction (WBAN:93719) e a ■ + ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 20 15 10 5 0 10/1/12 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D/YY) N 4 ■Spud JW9AN:O37411 ❑ Speed (WBAN;937190) + Direction (WMN:03741] a Direction �WBAN :93719) a a a i ■ NE ■5 A E 9D d a a ■ ■ �+ SE 135 y - y i 1 - J 1 W t svr 225 + t + + � WdTO 1° 4 D e hYJ 1]g ■ ■ a�! 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J 4P4 6 *ft ma 'Gil l r 4 1.7 / 1 a"SI ■ �� go* lkY + 4i• • • 054 ~ ~ ]4 • 4451 } • r s • .7 _ 4 •17 . 2 0 1 *1 i• • • t 54 0 i ..� 1030 1 5 i 7 +!1 � f • T - �� 1 • 1 _ X1`,7 y •2_s • � .` 11•+1761. A1� • t. J1 S • • to" 1. 6 Water Quality Survey: November 15, 2012 Kilometers Miles N 0 1 2 0 0.5 1 ❑ata Collected on 1 trt5.2012 Usrng Y31 5924 V2 VOater Quality Sonde (.22 C Equal interval Breaks C -9 8.52-8-94 Kilometers Miles N 0 1 2 0 0 -5 1 Data Collected on 11/1512012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde t -42 PPT Equal Interval Breaks) J� C -10 A i, 398 -4.22 w 4,22-4.46 �i•• 4.46-4.71 Kdorneters Miles N 0 1 2 0 0.5 1 Data Collected an 11115"2012 Using Y5l 6920 V2 Mter Quality Sonde 1.24 MG L Equal IMemel Weeksy III VVV C -11 S.. • - f Y r. •`� . 2.6 IL .1.- / 14-� / 18.3 66 1 ` '`�+ ; •Y "'!'•: • 74.4 ■ 7-7 -4 / ' \ X94.6 914-9 63 /39.8 �•',Y 12at�{' „� � �S� 19.8 �.� •*+'� -. 313 s • B -8 0 116 35.5 `ti '• -- y ■ 159.7 Ap, i r "°b`° /12.7 4 - 65.1 w / 523.4. • , *tip �.. !z -? - ' 2'3 r� ■0 Ali. 1n i ■ 2.,/2 pa' 1.4/ Turbidity 11.7 - �..�... ■3 -5 ■ 1-20- 1705 2210 2.32.20 0 I 90 / ■/■ °° 1.a1.s2 ■■ � # 1.8■ of 1. y • 12 2.3 / • .1 i.B1.41.2 1.7 4 •-1.692.7 / 3.1 ■ :1 96,30 1.9 Oil ■ 2.8 9K7 1� 3,2 k 3.2+ /'2. / .2 ■ 96.30 3.9 ■11 23 L t " • 12800 AL -.1 Water Quality Survey: November 15, 2012 10 fib - 10.77.x+ 10.78 - 10.90' 10.91 - 11.02 ' 11 03 - 11.14' 11 15. 1126 11 27-11 39 11.40 - 11.51 Kiiomelers Mies N a 0.5 1 0 05 1 !I'y Data Co4I4K!ve on 02114r`'013 U" YSI 6920 V2 WOW Ove ter 5onoa ( +: C E"I tnWvW &veld) C -13 a 4,18-4.63 Kilometers Miles N 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Data Ccaected on OVI4i1G13 Using YS16 920 V'Z Water Qualdy Sande { 45 PPT Equal Interval Brooks I C -14