HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120989 Ver 1_NCIC BPDP Comments_20121130Merritt, Katie From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 4:09 PM To: 'Brian Hall' Cc: 'Patrick Smith' Subject: DWQ Comments - NCIC BPDP Attachments: DWQ Comments to NCIC BPDP_11- 30- 12.pdf Hi Brian, I just wanted to let you know that I have finalized my review of the NCIC BPDP. I apologize in advance for the lengthy comments; however, this is a very unique site being that it is located in the Jordan Watershed and it has a future DOT project running through it. Please take a look at my comments which I have attached to this email. If you have problems addressing some of my concerns /comments, please do not hesitate to call me. I admit that I do much better at explaining things verbally rather than on paper. Overall, the BPDP was put together very nicely according to templates that others use. This of course does make it much easier to review. Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks, Katie Katie Merritt Environmental Compliance Specialist & Nutrient Offset Bank Coordinator Wetlands & Stormwater Branch NCDENR- Division of Water Quality Work: 919- 807 -6371 Website: ht p: / /t?rarial,nrd nr.or /wf;b/ wp /w /vv fi_ r p p Please consider the cenvironrraent before p intin g this einail. 1 DWQ Comments on proposed NCIC BPDP for Jordan Lake Mitigation Solutions (JLMS): provided by Katie Merritt on November 30, 2012 • Section 1.0 — 0 4th paragraph: ■ DWQ recommends putting the NCIC project into a phased project; Phase 1 being the phase that would include areas that would not be affected by the NCDOT 119 bypass; Phase 2 being the phase that would include areas that may be affected by the NCDOT 119 bypass o A conservation easement would not need to include the section of the NCDOT 119 bypass. Please revise applicable Figures in the BPDP to exclude the DOT project and the DOT right of way from the easement boundaries. DWQ recommends being very conservative with where the easement boundaries are located as to not pose a problem when DOT is constructing their project. NO heavy equipment, trails, impervious surface of any kind, etc will be allowed within the easement. • please reference the proposed "Drive Way" in this section. Please explain the purpose for the driveway, who the driveway is for, and what the drive way will be made of • No impervious surface of any kind is allowed within the conservation easement boundaries. o Additionally, impervious surface cannot divide a nutrient offset restoration area. Credit may be generated from the stream /conveyance up to the impervious surface, but not beyond the impOervious surface. • Section 2.2 —1St paragraph: Please identify what the "open fields" are and were. If agriculture, please state what kind of agriculture practices were being utilized. • Section 2.3 — please add a statement that restoration activities are unlikely to affect any protected species. • Section 3.0 — • Stem counts are going to be needed in some proposed restoration areas in order for DWQ to determine they don't fall under "Enhancement" mitigation. Please provide stem counts in areas that are purposed for Restoration. Stems that are less than 100 trees per acre = restoration, while areas with greater than or equal to 100 but less than 200 trees per acre = enhancement with a 3:1 ratio. • Please see the attached document from a recently approved BPDP for guidance on how to provide the information in the BPDP. • Please survey out all trees existing in proposed areas and deduct the area from the total acreage purposed for mitigation. Credit is not generated within the footage of trees that exist. For example, if there are 5 oak trees present, you would survey the trees and deduct the total area these trees consumed from the total acreage being proposed. • 1St paragraph: ■ please delete the last sentence and replace with the following statement: "Areas approved as Jordan riparian buffer mitigation may be used for either riparian buffer credits or nutrient offset credits but not both". Page 1 of 4 0 2nd paragraph: - • please modify the following sentence: "In these areas, grading of the connective feature will mimic... upstream /downstream ephemeral reach ". • Please delete the last sentence. DWQ does not support soil amendments for nutrient offset projects. IF you feel soil amendments are appropriate, please provide a detailed explanation and what types of "soil amendments" will be used. 0 3rd paragraph: ■ Remove the term "mulch" from the 1St sentence. DWQ does not support mulching on buffer or nutrient offset projects due to the potential of high levels of nitrogen. 0 4t" paragraph: • If JLMS is going to plant shrubs, the following additional statement must be added to the BPDP: "Shrubs should be planted at a density sufficient to provide 1,200 shrubs per acre ". • DWQ does not require that mitigation sites have shrubs. If JLMS decides not to use shrubs in their planting plan, please do not specify shrubs will be used in the BPDP. ■ Please see comments on Table 2 o Table 2 — • please rename this table, "Character Tree Species to be used in Mitigation areas" • this table should only provide a list of tree species that JLMS will choose from to plant. This table should not include other information. JLMS provided a description of trees found onsite in Section 2.2. If the trees listed in Section 2.2 were not actual tree species that were noted onsite at NCIC, please provide a separate table other than Table 2 to show a list of those. • Please delete the "Note" at the bottom of the table • Please remove shrubs from the table unless JLMS decides to plant shrubs. • DWQ cannot approve of Table 2 until JLMS provides clarification of the tree species found onsite. • While most of the trees listed in Table 2 do provide nutrient removal, DWQ requests that JLMS only provide a list of trees to plant that were not found onsite. Trees found onsite are likely to naturally colonize on their own without the help of additional plantings. DWQ recommends adding Sycamore to your plant list. ■ Section 4.0 0 2nd paragraph: ■ According to the UMBI, vegetative success is not based on both planted and volunteer species. Success is only measured based on planted stems after 5 years. Please state success exactly as it's written in the UMBI, or reference the Page 2 of 4 UMBI in this paragraph. Volunteer species may be counted in your VMD. However, only the planted stems will count towards success. • Please edit all statements in the BPDP that incorrectly state the vegetative success criteria (should be only Section 4.0 and 6.0 ) • Please change the VIVID collection to "August — October" o 3rd paragraph: ■ You may delete "low recruitment of native woody species" from the last sentence if you would like, since you can't use that towards measuring success criteria 0 4th paragraph: ■ Please revise the first sentence as follows: "A permanent conservation easement approved bV DWQ..." • Section 5.0 — o Please just reference the UMBI in the second paragraph. The UMBI details what financial assurance is accepted and how much for each process. However, if you just say, "financial assurance will be provided as referenced in the UMBI "... That will be sufficient. • Section 6.0 — 0 1St paragraph: ■ Please replace the first paragraph with the following: "The NCICsite will provide Jordan buffer mitigation credits for development impacts within the Jordan Lake Watershed. Additionally, it will provide nutrient offset mitigation credits for development impacts within the Haw River Sub watershed ". 0 2nd paragraph: (please note: DWQ expects acreages to change in the final submittal of the BPDP; therefore, the numbers provided below are only provided as an example and should be replaced with real estimates in the final submittal) • You may need to modify the acreage covered in the conservation easement — see my comments above regarding the easement and DOT's project. • Please replace the credit yield information in the BPDP with the following: "According to the nitrogen reduction goal for the Haw River arm of the Jordan Lake, the generated nitrogen credits per acre in the Haw Sub watershed are 2,249 pounds and the generated phosphorous credits per acre are 143.81 pounds. The NCIC site will generate approximately 13.29 acres of restored riparian areas, which will yield approximately 29,889.21 pounds of generated nitrogen offset credit and 1,911.23 pounds of generated phosphorous offset credits. The delivery factors applied to this site are 73 percent for nitrogen and 64 percent for phosphorous. Therefore, the total delivered nutrient offset credits are 21,819.12 pounds of nitrogen and 1,223.19 pounds of phosphorous." Page 3 of 4 o 3`d paragraph: • Please replace the paragraph with the following: "JLMS will maintain 3 separate credit ledgers for the NCIC bank according to the requirements listed in the UMBI. JLMS will maintain the nutrient offset ledgers in both "Generated Credits" and "Delivered Credits ". The NCIC bank can only sell delivered credits from this bank ". o Figure 5: • The southwestern tip of the bank site appears to be more than 200 feet away from the stream. According to the scale, there are proposed nutrient offset mitigation in approximately 200 -300 feet away from stream. Please correct accordingly. • A driveway is proposed to bisect UT D. a pipe will be required in UTD to maintain the "hydrologically connected and drain to" guidelines in the UMBI. NCIC will have to confirm this pipe is placed within UTD in their As -Built report prior to any credits being released for the As =Built report. DWQ suggests you split the NCIC project into two differenct phases (see previous comments on this in Section 1.0 above) because of circumstances like this that are unknown until after DOT has started the construction of the HWY and driveway. • An impervious driveway cannot split a mitigation site (See mid — lower portion of UTD). 0 -200 feet must be contiguous, with the exception of a farm path /road with no impervious surface. The proposed driveway is not a pervious farm path, but rather an impervious /asphalt road, and it is proposed within the 200 foot riparian zone proposed for nutrient offset. Therefore, only the area between the stream /conveyance and the road can be utilized for mitigation credits. Anything beyond the road must be removed from your mitigation plans. Please adjust your figure and acreages accordingly. o Figure 7: • Please do not place an easement around the dot HWY 119 Bypass or the proposed driveway. Please change your easement boundaries to reflect this or explain why it is needed (any conversations with DOT ?) Page 4 of 4