HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071843 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20130301Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Annual Monitoring Report — Year 5 (Phase One) Brunswick County, NC Lumber River Basin (Cataloging Unit #03040207) Prepared on behalf of- Stone Farm Mitigation Bank, LLC (Sponsor) Prepared by., AI�LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. January 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW .................................................................................. ..............................2 A. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ ..............................2 B. MITIGATION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ........................................ ..............................2 C. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................... ..............................3 D. CONTINGENCY MEASURES ........................................................ ..............................4 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. ..............................5 A. WETLAND RESTORATION SUCCESS CRITERIA ............................ ..............................6 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 5) ......................................................... ..............................7 A. VEGETATION MONITORING ........................................................................ ..............................7 B. HYDROLOGIC MONITORING ....................................................... .............................10 5.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ .............................12 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure1 ......................................................................................................... ............................... Vicinity Map Figure2 ..................................................................................... ............................... Ditch /Plug Location Map Figure 3 .............................................................................. ............................... Phase 1 (Well and Plot) Map Figure4 ..................................................................................... ............................... USGS Topographic Map Figure5 ................................................................................ ...........................NRCS Soil Survey Figure6 .................................................. ............................... .........................Aerial Photography Figure 7 ............................... ............................... ......................Volunteer vs. Planted Height Graph Table 1 ..................................................... ............................... Phase I Planting List (March 2008 /April 2009) Table 2 ............................................................. ............................... Summary of Tasks Completed — Phase I Table 3 ........... ............................... .........................Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 5 — Planted Table 3A ....... ............................... .........................Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 5 - Volunteer Table 3B .................... .........................Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 5 — Unidentified Volunteer Table 4 .................. ........................Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring (Phase I — Carolina Bay) AppendixA ........................................................................................... ............................... Site Photographs Appendix B .. ............................... .....................Individual Plot Data Sheets (Year 5 Monitoring — 2012) Appendix C ................................................. ............................... Hydrographs (April 2008 — November 2012) Appendix D ........................................... ............................... NC Division of Water Resources Drought Maps 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of the Bank Sponsor (Stone Farm Bank, LLC), Land Management Group (LMG) has completed the fifth year of annual monitoring of Phase One (the 145 ac. Carolina bay) of the Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank. The Stone Farm — Phase One project consists of 145 acres of land historically consisting of complete, intact headwater Carolina bay wetland habitat situated at the headwaters of the Little Caw Caw Canal (a first -order tributary of the Waccamaw River). The Stone Farm site is situated on the hydrologic break between two 8 -digit cataloging units: (1) 03040207 (i.e. `Carolina Coastal'), and (2) 03040206 (i.e. ` Waccamaw') of the Lumber River Basin. The following Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) is specific to Phase One. The entire Phase One area consists of non - riparian (i.e. Carolina bay) wetland restoration. Construction of this section was completed in March 2008. Per the approved restoration plan, monitoring of the site includes the assessment of both hydrologic and vegetative conditions over the course of a five year monitoring period. Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of twenty -four (24) permanent 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted and restored (i.e. former) Carolina bay. A total of six (6) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed within the 145 -ac project area. Wells have collected data from April 2008 through the present. Annual monitoring (Year 5) was conducted in December 2012 at each of the twenty -four (24) plots. A total of 1,242 individuals of the planted species were counted throughout the twenty -four (24) plots, which correlates to an average of 518 stems /acre within the project area (Table 2). Due to extended drought occurring throughout the 2012 growing season, only two (2) of six (6) wells met the targeted hydrology for the 2012 season. Of the six (6) wells, all have met the targeted wetland hydrology during the first four growing seasons and all have exhibited mean hydroperiods (number of consecutive days with water table depths within 12" of the surface) exceeding 12% of the growing season over the five -year monitoring period. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 1 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW A In4r Ait-4inn As approved by the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT), the bank Sponsor began implementation of Phase One of the restoration project (the 145 ac. Carolina bay) in October 2007 (Figure 1). These activities included logging, plug installation, planting of characteristic seedlings, and installation of monitoring devices. Placement of fill material within existing ditches (Figure 2) was authorized under Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 25, 2008 (Action ID# 2003 - 00682) and the corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification issued on January 2, 2008 (DWQ Project #20071843). B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives The larger Bank restoration project is intended to provide suitable, high - quality wetland and stream restoration to mitigate for authorized impacts within the Lumber River Basin (USGS 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit 03040207; DWQ Subbasin 03- 07 -57). The objective of the project is to restore natural vegetative and hydrologic conditions throughout the nonriparian, riparian, and Coastal Plain stream habitat that have been compromised by previous land use activities. The primary functions to be restored or enhanced as a result of the restoration project include: surface water storage (i.e. flood attenuation); sediment/nutrient retention; organic carbon transport to downstream food -webs; and wildlife habitat. The project provides an invaluable opportunity to restore an entire watershed located within 2.5 miles of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) in a continually growing coastal region of North Carolina. Phase One of the project is intended to restore the hydrology and vegetation of a previously drained and timber - managed headwater Carolina bay. Restoration of this upstream headwater area is essential to the overall health of the watershed, as nutrients and organic carbon will be transported downstream, providing valuable food web support within the aquatic habitat. The vegetative restoration component re- establishes a mixture of pond pine (Pinus serotina), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), and bay species characteristic of natural Carolina bay wetlands. The plantings and existing seed source will restore the natural vegetative assemblage and replace the monotypic loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stand that existed prior to the restoration work. In turn, Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 2 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report this will provide valuable refuge and feeding habitat for numerous species of birds and amphibians which had been previously lost as a result of prior land management practices. C. Project Implementation Restoration activities were initiated in October 2007 with the logging of the loblolly pine within the bay. Logging crews were instructed to remove all loblolly pines, sweet gum, and other non - target species in preparation for planting in February 2008. Land Management Group, Inc. (LMG) staff supervised the logging crews to ensure that target species such as red bay (Persea palustris) and sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) were not removed. Earthwork initially included the installation of eleven (11) interior ditch plugs (approximately 30' in length) to facilitate logging activities throughout the site. These plugs were constructed using adjacent spoil material and tree debris from the logging operations. Prior to project construction, appropriate 401/404 authorization was received for placement of the plugs within the ditches. Once logging was completed, additional plugs were installed at the northern ( #8) and eastern ( #14) outlets of the Carolina bay (Figure 2). These plugs exceed 100 -ft in length and consist of fill material sourced from adjacent spoil piles and a permitted on -site borrow pit. Additional plug reinforcement was conducted as a contingency measure in April 2009 and February 2010 (refer to contingency measures described below). Approximately 77,000 hardwood tree seedlings were planted throughout the bay between March 3 and March 7, 2008. Seedlings were planted on approximate 9 -ft centers, corresponding to an average density of 536 seedlings per acre. Planting was supervised by LMG personnel to ensure proper spacing and planting depths. Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) comprised a majority of the seedlings planted, totaling approximately 46,000. Species such as swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and river birch (Betula nigra) were also planted (See Table 1 for a complete list and quantities). Tulip poplar and river birch were planted in slightly higher landscape positions near the rim of the bay, while the remaining species were planted in the central portions that will likely experience longer flooding durations. An additional 20,000 pond pine (Pinus serotina) seedlings Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 3 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report were also planted throughout the restored bay area in April 2009. This supplemental planting increases the density of planted species to 674 stems /acre throughout the project area (Table 1). Table 1. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank — Phase One Planting List (March 2008/April 2009) Carolina BaylHigh Pocosin 145 ac. Nonriverine Restoration 2008 Planting Common Name Scientific Name % Composition # Planted Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 15% 14,400 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 31% 30,000 Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora 13% 13,050 River Birch Betula nigra 13% 12,261 Ironwood Carpinus carolinium 5% 4,475 Tulip Poplar Linodendron tulipifera 2% 2,000 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 2% 1,600 2009 Supplemental Planting Pond Pine Pinus serotina 20% 20,000 TOTAL 97,786 D. Contingency Measures Grading work conducted during initial project implementation resulted in a discernible increase in groundwater levels throughout the Carolina bay. While plugs restricted outflow from the restored bay, subsurface drainage continued to be observed during the months subsequent to planting. Upon further site assessments (including site meetings with the Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Branch), it was decided that specific plugs (particularly Plug #2 through Plug #4) needed to be re- constructed. In April 2009, these plugs were rebuilt using earthen fill material from the surrounding spoil piles. In 2010, a condition report for all plugs within the Carolina bay was prepared in response to observations made during a site review by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 14th. Specifically, it was observed that Plug #4 exhibited evidence of surface erosion (i.e. down- cutting) subsequent to above normal rainfall and high flow events. Based upon conditions observed during the meeting, Plugs #2, #3, and #4 have been subsequently reinforced with clay, filter fabric, and rip -rap (Table 2). In addition, side -cast material has been backfilled along a 100- to 200 -ft section of ditch up- gradient from Plug #2 and Plug #4. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 4 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report The interior plugs observed were stable with little or no evidence of erosion. In general, these plugs are functioning to reduce discharge to pre- existing outlets of the bay. Some water movement and discharge is necessary to provide the required hydrology to the mainstem of the stream reach to be restored as part of Phase Two. The primary objective is to eliminate flow to the eastern and southern outlets that existed prior to the bay restoration. This has been effectively achieved via the plugs installed at these locations (Plug #8 and #14, respectively). There is no evidence of surface water exiting the bay at these locations, and there is no apparent risk to the long -term stability of these plugs. Plug #8 is approximately 175 ft in length. Plug #14 is over 200 ft in length. Plugs have been installed to direct water to the northwestern outlet (the upper reach of the coastal plain stream). During periods of high rainfall and increased flow, surface flow over certain plugs (particularly Plugs #2, #3, and #4) has been observed and is desired. Additional ditch backfill was also performed up- gradient of Plug #4, #11 and #13 per the recommendation of the USACE. Table 2. Summary of Tasks Completed on Phase One Description of Task Date Logging within Carolina Bay October 2007 Site Planting March 2008 Completion of Plug Installation June 2008 Year 1 Monitoring October 2008 Supplemental Planting (20,000 Pond Pine) April 2009 Additional Earthwork on Plug #2 and Plug #4 April 2009 Year 2 Monitoring October 2009 On -site Meeting with COE Staff January 2010 Plugs #2, #3, and #4 Reinforced (rip -rap, clay, filter fabric) February 2010 Plug Assessment Report Submitted March 2010 Year 3 Monitoring October 2010 Year 3 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2011 Year 4 Monitoring September 2011 Year 4 Monitoring Report Submitted February 2012 Year 5 Monitoring December 2012 Year 5 Monitoring Report Submitted January 2013 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring is being conducted near the end of each growing season for a period of five years. This monitoring includes both a vegetative and hydrologic component per the approved mitigation banking instrument. The specific success criteria for the bank are listed below. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 5 Phase One - Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report A. Wetland Restoration Success Criteria (1) Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 320 trees per acre at the end of 3 years (post - planting) and 260 trees per acres at the end of 5 years (post planting). 1 (2) No single volunteer species (most notably, red maple, loblolly pine, and sweet gum) will comprise more than 50% of the total composition at year 2 or 3. If this occurs, remedial procedures will be implemented. During years 4 and 5, no single volunteer species, comprising over 50% of the total composition, may be more than twice the height of the planted trees. If this occurs, remedial procedures will be implemented. (3) Hydrology during the growing season must be sufficient to at least meet the guidelines set forth within the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y- 87 -1). Therefore, the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 12% of the growing season2 (equivalent to 32 days based upon SCS- established growing season March 7th through November 28th) during periods of normal rainfall. The vegetative component for Phase One includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the 24 permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 3). Hydrologic monitoring is being conducted via six (6) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells recording on daily intervals (refer to Figure 3 for location of the monitoring wells). Data from the wells are downloaded on approximate three -month intervals and imported into graphing software for analysis. Monitoring reports are being submitted annually to the USACE and the IRT. These reports include results of vegetative monitoring and photographic documentation of site conditions. Monitoring reports also identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy any site deficiencies (e.g. reinforcement of ditch plugs with filter fabric and rip -rap). 1 Volunteer species may be counted toward meeting the success criteria upon evaluation of site - specific conditions and concurrence by IRT members. 2 As defined by the Soil Conservation Service, the growing season for Brunswick County is 266 days. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 5) A. Vegetation Monitoring 1. Plant Density Year 5 monitoring data were collected in November and December 2012 over a four -day period (November 21st, December 3rd, 4th, and 5th). A total of 8,542 individuals were counted throughout the twenty -four (24) plots (Table 3). Inclusive within this total were 1,242 stems of planted species (correlating to a mean density of 518 stems per acre) (refer to Table 3). Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and pond pine ( Pinus serotina) were the most abundant woody species, with a total of 468 and 461 individuals, respectively. Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) was also prevalent within certain plots (particularly Plots #19 through #22). In addition to the planted species, numerous volunteers were observed within each plot (Table 3A). A majority of these individuals, such as red bay (Persea palustris), sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana), and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus), are considered desirable volunteers since these plants are representative of the target wetland community type. Other characteristic bay species, including American titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) and bitter gallberry (Ilex glabra), were also observed. It should be noted that a majority of pines were undistinguishable between loblolly pine and pond pine due to the relatively young age of the seedlings and lack of identifiable pine characteristics (resinous buds, needle bundles, rounded cone, stem foliage sprouts). These stem counts are noted as unidentified Pinus spp. volunteers and have not been counted toward the success criterion (Table 3B). The mean stem density observed for both planted and characteristic (desirable) wetland bay species for the project area is 3,362 stems /acre. Note that this observed density excludes individuals of the following species: (1) red maple (Acer rub►um); (2) sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua); (3) winged sumac (Rhus copallinum); (4) and unidentified Pinus spp. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 7 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report TABLE 3. YEAR 5 STEM COUNTS (CAROLINA BAY) - PLANTED TABLE 3A. YEAR 5 STEM COUNTS (CAROLINA BAY) - VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT 4 PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT TOTAL SPECIES PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL Bald Cypress 15 13 18 26 25 27 6 10 14 1 2 23 19 44 26 19 20 18 21 28 20 18 30 25 468 Black Gum 1 1 4 1 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 3 6 0 3 1 1 0 0 35 Atlantic White Cedar 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 63 66 56 72 0 1 273 Pond Pine 12 11 5 11 8 13 37 32 36 6 39 12 24 27 49 17 71 12 8 4 6 5 12 4 461 River Birch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 5 TOTAL 32 25 27 45 36 42 43 42 50 10 41 38 44 73 75 39 94 39 94 101 84 96 42 30 1242 TABLE 3A. YEAR 5 STEM COUNTS (CAROLINA BAY) - VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 PLOT 7 PLOT 8 PLOT 9 PLOT 10 PLOT 11 PLOT 12 PLOT 13 PLOT 14 PLOT 15 PLOT 16 PLOT 17 PLOT 18 PLOT 19 PLOT 20 PLOT 21 PLOT 22 PLOT 23 PLOT 24 TOTAL Laurel Oak 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Water Oak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Gallberry 80 60 30 70 30 25 60 60 75 175 300 50 250 120 22 20 20 70 60 150 29 100 30 6 1892 American titi 50 20 0 10 0 0 0 40 0 40 23 20 20 40 25 4 20 30 45 150 12 60 0 0 609 Loblolly Bay 27 33 120 88 130 100 75 70 110 11 23 2 5 6 15 40 11 8 0 1 0 14 90 95 1074 Sweetbay 1 1 0 2 4 1 6 1 5 12 1 3 1 1 5 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 64 Red Bay 31 40 60 47 90 65 70 64 55 115 90 51 42 26 74 40 32 55 50 30 20 63 55 95 1360 Wax Myrtle 14 15 4 19 35 56 11 1 6 50 21 40 3 16 10 21 17 23 17 21 17 22 32 10 481 American Holly 1 1 4 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 12 0 0 0 0 4 5 1 0 0 0 2 1 3 46 Winged Sumac 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 15 Fetterbush 6 12 18 30 1 8 2 14 7 42 200 40 5 16 18 15 30 0 11 100 15 14 5 1 610 Red Maple 1 10 21 9 15 25 10 30 40 6 4 1 0 2 3 25 24 1 8 0 2 3 60 60 360 Sweet Gum 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 1 6 2 1 0 14 0 1 0 41 Highbush blueberry 2 6 12 19 24 19 27 22 14 10 18 4 1 4 1 18 13 18 1 3 0 0 0 0 17 17 268 TOTAL 213 199 271 314 328 309 261 317 312 450 700 210 1 335 230 186 185 185 198 193 452 109 288 291 291 6827 TABLE 3B. YEAR 5 STEM COUNTS (CAROLINA BAY) - UNIDENTIFIED VOLUNTEERS Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT SPECIES PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL Unidentified Pine 42 12 4 19 9 6 9 18 10 15 5 7 22 65 30 29 47 18 17 0 41 26 22 0 473 TOTAL 42 12 4 19 9 6 9 18 10 15 5 7 22 65 30 29 47 18 17 0 41 26 22 0 473 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 2. Presence of Volunteer Species The most abundant volunteer species identified within the restored Carolina bay are (in order of abundance): (1) gallberry (1,892 total stems); (2) red bay (1,360 total stems); (3) loblolly bay (1,074 total stems); (4) fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) (610 total stems); (5) American Ti -ti (609 total stems); and (6) wax myrtle (Morella cerifera) (481 total stems). Refer to Table 3A for volunteer species identified by plot. In general, observed volunteer species are considered characteristic of the target wetland community type (Carolina bay). The most prevalent non - target species observed during Year 5 monitoring was red maple. While considered non - desirable (due to its potential to out - compete planted species), red maple is a commonly occurring species in Carolina bay wetlands. While some individual saplings exceed 15 feet in height, overall composition and height of red maple is not compromising the growth and development of planted species in most plots. The highest densities of red maple were observed at Plot #9, #23, and #24 (13 %, 21%, and 21% of total composition, respectively). Red maple volunteers in Plot #9 range in height from 10 feet to 20 feet. It should be noted that the number of observed red maple saplings counted in this plot are significantly lower this year than in previous monitoring years. This is due to the fact that multiple trunked specimens were counted in past years as individual trees instead of a single specimen. Observed red maple saplings in Plot # 23 and #24 are approximately 15 feet in height. Only one plot (Plot 13) exhibited a volunteer species composition greater than 50 %. Gallberry represented approximately 62% of the total composition of Plot 13. The mean height of gallberry was more than twice the height of bald cypress and black gum. At this time, we do not believe this has an adverse effect on the target vegetative community and do not believe remedial action is necessary. Refer to Figure 7 for the bar graph depicting mean height of the gallberry stems relative to the height of the planted species. The presence and abundance of the observed volunteer species is expected for the type of restoration conducted. Prior to the restoration work, the 145 -acre site consisted predominantly of mature, managed pine plantation. Logging of the loblolly pine allowed for the propagation of other volunteer species from the existing seed bank and from remnant trees /shrubs (e.g. bay species) Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 9 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report intentionally left for a source of recruitment. In addition, the site is surrounded by forested habitat that serves as a seed source for the germination of native volunteers. Based upon the data, the predominant volunteers (e.g. red bay, gallberry, loblolly bay, etc.) are desirable and consistent with the restoration goals of the project (i.e. characteristic of the target vegetative community). While certain volunteer species can potentially out - compete planted species, the overall composition of the species observed is characteristic of Carolina bay wetlands of the outer Coastal Plain and appear to be well- adapted to the restored wetland hydrology (see below). B. Hydrologic Monitoring Per the approved mitigation plan, a total of six (6) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout the site at the outset of the monitoring. Following the installation of the final plug in June 2008, discharge rates decreased throughout the site, and static water table depths returned to within 12" of the soil surface for extended periods. In each of the first four years of monitoring, each of the six wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods (i.e. groundwater levels within 12" of the soil surface) greater than 12% of the growing season with the exception of one well (Well #4) in Year 2 (2009) due to a well malfunction. During Year 5 (2012), moderate to extreme drought conditions persisted throughout the entire growing season (refer to Appendix D). As a result, four of the six wells did not meet the 12% success criterion. The remaining two wells (Well #3 and Well #6) exhibited wetland hydroperiods of 59 consecutive days (equivalent to 22% of the growing season) and 79 consecutive days (30% of the growing season), respectively. Per the approved restoration plan, the primary hydrologic success criterion is the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 12% of the growing season (equivalent to 32 days based upon SCS- established growing season dates) during periods of normal rainfall. Over the five years of monitoring, restoration of appropriate wetland hydrologic conditions has been achieved as indicated by all 6 wells exhibiting average hydroperiods (number of consecutive days with water table depths within 12" of the surface) exceeding 12% of the growing season. Two (2) of the six (6) wells exhibited sufficient hydroperiods for all five (5) years of well monitoring. Wells #1, #2, & #5 met success criteria during 4 out of 5 years, with mean hydroperiods of 26 %, 31 %, and 35 %, respectively (though the only year in which the hydrologic success criterion was not met consisted of moderate to extreme drought conditions throughout the entire growing season). It Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 10 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report should be noted that well #4 exhibited a mean hydroperiod of 76% during the 3 years in which a complete data set (i.e. for the entire length of the growing season) was collected. During the 2009 year, the data set was incomplete due to well malfunction. Wells #3 & #6 met success criteria during 5 out of 5 years, with mean hydroperiods of 33% and 34 %, respectively. Refer to Table 4 for a summary of the hydrologic findings throughout the monitoring period. Table 4. Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring and Comparison to All Monitoring Years Well Number Monitoring Year Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Dates Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Percentage of Growing Season 12% Success Criteria (32 Days) Met Wetland Hydrologic Criterion in Minimum of 3 of 5 years (Y or N) Year 1 2008 107 8/13/08 - 11/27/08 40 Yes Year 2 2009 52 3/7/09 - 4/27/09 20 Yes 1 Year 3 2010 55 3/7/10 - 5/1/10 21 Yes Y Year 4 2011 58 3/7/11 - 5/3/11 22 Yes Year 5 2012 14 8/24/12 - 9/6/12 5 N /A ** Year 1 2008 107 8/13/08 - 11/27/08 40 Yes Year 2 2009 73 3/7/09 - 5/18/09 27 Yes 2 Year 3 2010 63 3/7/10- 5/9/10 24 Yes Y Year 4 2011 85 3/7/11- 5/30/11 32 Yes Year 5 2012 7 8/29/12 - 9/4/12 3 N /A ** Year 1 2008 159 6/22/08- 11/27/08 60 Yes Year 2 2009 73 3/7/09 - 5/18/09 27 Yes 3 Year 3 2010 66 3/7/10 - 5/12/10 25 Yes Y Year 4 2011 89 3/7/11 - 6/3/11 33 Yes Year 5 2012 59 8/24/12-10/21/12 22 Yes Year 1 2008 96 8/26/08- 11/27/08 36 Yes Year 2 2009 23* 3/31/09 - 4/22/09 9 No* 4 Year 3 2010 51 3/7/10 - 4/27/10 19 Yes Y Year 4 2011 82 3/7/11- 5/27/11 31 Yes Year 5 2012 5 8/30/12 - 9/3/12 2 N /A ** Year 1 2008 159 6/22/08- 11/27/08 60 Yes Year 2 2009 73 3/7/09 - 5/18/09 27 Yes 5 Year 3 2010 54 3/7/10 - 4/30/10 20 Yes Y Year 4 2011 81 3/7/11- 5/26/11 31 Yes Year 5 2012 12 8/22/12 - 9/4/12 5 N /A ** Year 1 2008 144 7/7/08 - 11/27/08 54 Yes Year 2 2009 73 3/7/09 - 5/18/09 27 Yes 6 Year 3 2010 65 3/7/10 - 5/11/10 24 Yes Y Year 4 2011 88 3/7/11 - 6/2/11 33 Yes Year 5 2012 79 8/22/12 - 11/8/12 30 Yes * Well malfunction / repair resulted in truncated data set. " Extreme & moderate drought conditions during entire growing season — not sufficient period of normal precipitation for conclusive determination Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 11 Phase One - Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report As in previous years, groundwater levels exhibited a discernible increase following individual precipitation events greater than 0.25 ". Discharge rates following these events were found to be gradual, which is consistent with very poorly drained soil series. Note that precipitation totals during a large portion of the 2012 growing season (early- April through mid- May, late June through mid - August) were below the 30% normal rainfall distribution provided in the WETS data tables. According to the NC Division of Water Resources, the region was in severe drought from January to February 2012, first level drought from March to May 2012, and abnormally dry conditions throughout the remainder of the 2012 growing season. Complete hydrologic monitoring data are provided in Appendix C. NC Division of Water Resources Drought maps are provided in Appendix D. 5.0 CONCLUSION Based upon five years of hydrologic and vegetation monitoring, the target wetland community type (Carolina bay) has been successfully reestablished in Phase One of the Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank. Prior to the restoration work, the entire 145 -acre project area consisted of non - jurisdictional, drained Carolina bay that had been converted to pine plantation. Restoration activities (including logging, replanting, and plugging of ditches) resulted in the reestablishment of characteristic Carolina bay hydrology and vegetation. Volunteer species, while abundant in many plots, are considered desirable and typical of Carolina bay community composition. Monitoring wells have demonstrated the occurrence of extended wetland hydroperiods throughout much of the monitoring period. In Year 5, hydroperiods were significantly less due to drought conditions throughout the growing season. Given the successful restoration of the Carolina bay wetland, the desired functional uplift has been achieved. Phase One, in conjunction with the remaining stream and wetland restoration, enhancement, and preservation in Phase Two and Phase Three of the Bank site will provide watershed benefits within the Carolina Coastal and Waccamaw units of the Lumber River Basin. Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank 12 Phase One — Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS (2012) View of Atlantic white View of bald cypress growth (right) Stone Farm LMG Appendix A. Regional Mitigation Bank LAN D MANAGEMENT GROUPi"', Site Photographs Year 5 AMR Envr onm en taf Consultants January 2013 View of pond pine & red bay, gallberry, american titi volunteers in Plot 13 K y View of bald cypress, pond pine and fetterbush undergrowth in Plot 14 Stone Farm LMG Appendix A. Regional Mitigation Bank LAN D MANAGEMENT GROUPi"', Site Photographs Year 5 AMR Envr onm en taf Consultants January 2013 4 S 4 f -w W ko E F��, LOAW&1� 4-' IS - L View of pond pine growth in Plot 17 Stone Farm LMG Appendix A. Regional Mitigation Bank Year 5 AMR January , . : 20 . 1 :. 3 Site Photographs View of bald cypress, red bay, pond pine in Plot 15 7f 40- 4;: 4 V), 4 S 4 f -w W ko E F��, LOAW&1� 4-' IS - L View of pond pine growth in Plot 17 Stone Farm LMG Appendix A. Regional Mitigation Bank Year 5 AMR January , . : 20 . 1 :. 3 Site Photographs View of bald cypress, with loblolly bay & wax myrtle volunteer growth in Plot 23 (above) View of bald cypress with bay volunteers in Plot 24 (below) Stone Farm LMG Appendix A. Regional Mitigation Bank LAN D MANAGEMENT GROUPi"', Site Photographs Year 5 AMR Envr onm en taf Consultants January 2013 APPENDIX B. INDIVIDUAL PLOT DATA SHEETS STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 2ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 9 3ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 3 4ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 4ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 2ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 5 3ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Sweetbay SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 4 6ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 5 loft Volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 6 12 ft Volunteer 6 Loblolly Bay SH 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 4 20 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 6 6ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 9 12 ft Volunteer 9 Red Bay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 16 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Wax Myrtle SH 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 American Titi SH 50 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 80 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 80 Fetterbush SH 6 3 ft Volunteer 6 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 7 2 ft Volunteer 7 Unidentified Pine T 9 3 ft Volunteer 9 Unidentified Pine T 5 4 ft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 6 loft Volunteer 6 Unidentified Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 UnIdentified Pine T 2 lb tt Volunteer TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 32 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 320 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 212 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 2120 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 43 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 287 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2440 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 6 4ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 3ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 2 4ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 2 5ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 3 6ft Planted 3 Laurel Oak T 1 8ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 3 6ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 4 loft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 5 12ft Volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 8 16ft Volunteer 8 Loblolly Bay SH 2 20ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 15 3ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 12 4ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 5 5ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 6 6ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 12ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 60 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 60 American Titi SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 7 6ft Volunteer 7 American Titi SH 9 8ft Volunteer 9 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria American Titi SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 2 12ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 5 4ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 3 12ft Volunteer 3 Red Maple T 4 15ft Volunteer 4 Red Maple T 3 20ft Volunteer 3 Sweet Gum T 1 4ft Volunteer 1 UnldentifiedPine T 1 2ft Volunteer 1 UnldentifiedPine T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 UnldentifiedPine T 1 8ft Volunteer 1 UnldentifiedPine T 2 9ft Volunteer 2 UnldentifiedPine T 4 loft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 3 12 ft ft Volunteer 3 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 25 OBSERVED D SITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 250 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 188 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1880 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 23 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 236 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2130 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS I W R111111110100111 M N SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 4 2ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 American Holly SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 25 1 ft Volunteer 25 Loblolly Bay SH 20 2ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 15 3ft Volunteer 15 Loblolly Bay SH 30 10 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Loblolly Bay SH 30 15 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Red Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 20 2ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 30 3ft Volunteer 30 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 30 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Fetterbush SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Fetterbush SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 5 2 ft Volunteer 5 Blue Berry SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 4 6ft Volunteer 4 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 8ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 8 15 ft Volunteer 8 Red Maple T 1 19 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 9 20 ft Volunteer 9 UnldentifiedPine T 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 27 (PLANTED SPECIES 270 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 250 (VOLUNTEER 2500 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 25 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 302 2770 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number ofIndividuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Numberoflndividuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 10 3 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 9 6 ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 4 8 ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 loft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 2 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 4 3 ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 American Holly SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 6 2 ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 5 6 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 5 2 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 5 8 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 10 loft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 8 12 ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 2 14 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 53 3 ft -Avg. Volunteer 53 Loblolly Bay SH 13 8 ft -Avg. Volunteer 13 Loblolly Bay SH 16 12 ft -Avg. Volunteer 16 Loblolly Bay SH 6 18 ft -Avg. Volunteer 6 Winged Sumac SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number ofIndiAduals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species NumberoflndiAduals Counted toward Success Criteria Winged Sumac SH 9 4 ft Volunteer 9 Sweetbay SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Sweetbay SH 1 6 ft 1 American Titi SH 10 3 ft -Avg. Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 70 5 ft -Avg. Volunteer 70 Fetterbush SH 30 3 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 7 2 ft Volunteer 7 Blue Berry SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Blue Berry SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 5 loft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 16 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 14 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Red Maple T 2 20 ft Volunteer 2 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 45 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 450 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 302 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 3020 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 31 SINGLE VOLUNTEER X50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 378 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 3470 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 6 2ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 10 3ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 6ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 3ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 2 4ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 5ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 30 4 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Red Bay SH 30 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Red Bay SH 30 10 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Wax Myrtle SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 7 2ft Volunteer 7 Wax Myrtle SH 12 3ft Volunteer 12 Wax Myrtle SH 6 4ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 6 6ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 20 2ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 50 4 ft - Avg. Volunteer 50 Loblolly Bay SH 40 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 40 Gallberry SH 30 3 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Fetterbush SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 14 2 ft Volunteer 14 Blue Berry SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Blue Berry SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 14 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 15 15 ft - Avg. Volunteer 15 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 36 (PLANTED SPECIES 360 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 313 (VOLUNTEER 3130 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 24 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 373 3490 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 14 2ft Planted 14 Bald Cypress T 6 3ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 1 4ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 6 2ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 5ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 6 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 8ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 33 2ft Volunteer 33 Wax Myrtle SH 13 3ft Volunteer 13 Wax Myrtle SH 10 4ft Volunteer 10 Loblolly Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Loblolly Bay SH 45 5ft Volunteer 45 Loblolly Bay SH 25 loft Volunteer 25 Red Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 15 2ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 30 7 ft Volunteer 30 Sweetbay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Gallberry SH 25 5 ft - Avg. Volunteer 25 Fetterbush SH 6 3 ft Volunteer 6 Fetterbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 11 2 ft Volunteer 11 Blue Berry SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 5 5 ft- Avg. Volunteer 5 Red Maple T 25 12 ft - Avg. Volunteer 25 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 42 (PLANTED SPECIES 420 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 279 (VOLUNTEER 2790 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 36 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 357 3210 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 2ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 4 2ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 10 3 ft Planted 10 Pond Pine T 13 4 ft Planted 13 Pond Pine T 2 5ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 6 6ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 8ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay T 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 25 5ft Volunteer 25 Red Bay SH 25 loft Volunteer 25 American Holly SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 5 8ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 25 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 25 Loblolly Bay SH 25 12 ft - Avg. Volunteer 25 Loblolly Bay SH 25 18 ft - Avg. Volunteer 25 Gallberry SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 40 4 ft Volunteer 40 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Fetterbush SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Blue Berry SH 10 2 ft Volunteer 10 Blue Berry SH 8 3 ft Volunteer 8 Blue Berry SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 3 8 ft Volunteer Unidentified Pine T 2 loft Volunteer Unidentified Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer Red Maple T 10 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 43 (PLANTED SPECIES 430 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 251 (VOLUNTEER 2510 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 19 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 313 2940 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 5 2ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 8 2ft Planted 8 Pond Pine T 15 3 ft Planted 15 Pond Pine T 6 4 ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 1 5ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 22 5ft Volunteer 22 Red Bay SH 22 loft Volunteer 22 Sweetbay SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 2 12 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Sweetbay SH 1 16 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 40 5ft Volunteer 40 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 American Titi SH 30 5 ft Volunteer 30 Loblolly Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 20 2 ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 15 5 ft Volunteer 15 Loblolly Bay SH 15 8 ft Volunteer 15 Fetterbush SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 7 2 ft Volunteer 7 Fetterbush SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 14 2 ft Volunteer 14 Blue Berry SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 15 10 ft - Avg. Volunteer 15 Red Maple T 15 15 ft - Avg. Volunteer 15 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 42 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 420 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 287 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 2870 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 48 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 377 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 3290 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 7 2ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 5 3ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 8 2ft Planted 8 Pond Pine T 9 3ft Planted 9 Pond Pine T 9 4ft Planted 9 Pond Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 6 6ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 20 6ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 15 loft Volunteer 15 Sweetbay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 2 15 ft Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Loblolly Bay SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Loblolly Bay SH 40 8 ft Volunteer 40 Loblolly Bay SH 40 loft Volunteer 40 Loblolly Bay SH 10 12 ft Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 75 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 75 Fetterbush SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 8 2 ft Volunteer 8 Blue Berry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 7 8 ft Volunteer 7 Unidentified Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple SH 20 10 ft - Avg. Volunteer 20 Red Maple SH 20 15 ft - Avg. Volunteer 20 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 50 (PLANTED SPECIES 500 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 272 (VOLUNTEER 2720 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 50 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 372 3220 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 10 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 25 2 ft Volunteer 25 Red Bay SH 35 3 ft Volunteer 35 Red Bay SH 35 6 ft Volunteer 35 Wax Myrtle SH 50 5 ft - Avg. Volunteer 50 Sweetbay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 11 5 ft - Avg. Volunteer 11 American Titi SH 40 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 40 Gallberry SH 175 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 175 Fetterbush SH 6 1 ft Volunteer 6 Fetterbush SH 13 2 ft Volunteer 13 Fetterbush SH 12 3 ft Volunteer 12 Fetterbush SH 9 4 ft Volunteer 9 Fetterbush SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 5 6 ft Volunteer 5 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 6 4 ft Volunteer 6 Unidentified Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Maple T 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Red Maple T 2 15 ft Volunteer 2 Red Maple T 2 20 ft Volunteer 2 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 10 (PLANTED SPECIES 100 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 444 (VOLUNTEER 4440 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 21 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 475 4540 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 11 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Pond Pine T 7 2 ft Planted 7 Pond Pine T 9 3ft Planted 9 Pond Pine T 14 4 ft Planted 14 Pond Pine T 4 5ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 5 6ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 2ft Planted 1 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 6 2ft Volunteer 6 American Holly SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 American Holly SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 10 8 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 35 loft Volunteer 35 Red Bay SH 20 12 ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 25 16 ft Volunteer 25 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 5 4 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 4 6ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 American Titi SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 8 6ft Volunteer 8 American Titi SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 7 8 ft Volunteer 7 American Titi SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 4 loft Volunteer 4 American Titi SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 23 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 23 Sweetbay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Sweetbay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 200 4 ft - Avg. Volunteer 200 Gallberry SH 300 5 ft - Avg. Volunteer 300 Blue Berry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 4 5 ft Volunteer 4 Blue Berry SH 9 6 ft Volunteer 9 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 3 loft Volunteer 3 Sweet Gum T 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 17 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 41 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 410 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 692 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 6920 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 13 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 746 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 7330 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 12 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 12 2ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 4 3ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 4ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 River Birch T 1 loft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 5 3ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 2 4ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Red Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 20 2ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 4 3ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 3 4ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 6 5 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 7 12 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 11 2ft Volunteer 11 Wax Myrtle SH 16 3ft Volunteer 16 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 2 PLOT NUMBER 12 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Wax Myrtle SH 7 6 ft Volunteer 7 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 18 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 40 3 ft - Avg. Volunteer 40 American Titi SH 20 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 20 Gallberry SH 20 2 ft Volunteer 20 Gallberry SH 30 5 ft Volunteer 30 Blue Berry SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 38 (PLANTED SPECIES 380 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 228 (VOLUNTEER 2280 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 9 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 275 2660 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 13 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 10 2 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 7 3 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 5 2 ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 5 3 ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 6 6 ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 8 1 ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 11 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 12 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 7 15 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 2 18 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 20 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 50 2 ft Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 200 8 ft Volunteer 200 PLOT NUMBER 13 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Fetterbush SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Fetterbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 American Ti -Ti SH 20 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 20 Sweet Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 7 2 ft Volunteer 7 Unidentified Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 13 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 44 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 440 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 333 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 3330 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 24 SINGLE VOLUNTEER X50% OF TOTAL (YIN) YES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 401 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 3770 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 12 2 ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 15 3 ft Planted 15 Bald Cypress T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 4 5 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 8 4 ft Planted 8 Pond Pine T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 4 7 ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 3 loft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Water Oak T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 6 loft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 7 12 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 18 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Wax Myrtle SH 4 loft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 14ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 120 6ft -Avg. Volunteer 120 American Titi SH 40 4ft -Avg. Volunteer 40 Fetterbush SH 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 Fetterbush SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Fetterbush SH 7 4 ft Volunteer 7 Fetterbush SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 16 1 ft Volunteer 16 Unldentifed Pine T 18 2 ft Volunteer 18 Unldentifed Pine T 8 3 ft Volunteer 8 Unldentifed Pine T 8 4ft Volunteer 8 Unldentifed Pine T 7 5 ft Volunteer 7 Unldentifed Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Unldentifed Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Unldentifed Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 73 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 730 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 228 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 2280 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 65 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 366 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 3010 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 15 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 3ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 5 4ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 14 6ft Planted 14 Bald Cypress T 2 7ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 8ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 10 3ft Planted 10 Pond Pine T 16 4ft Planted 16 Pond Pine T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 7 6ft Planted 7 Pond Pine T 4 7ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 5 8ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 2 loft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Red Bay SH 24 1 ft Volunteer 24 Red Bay SH 28 2 ft Volunteer 28 Red Bay SH 7 3ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 7 4ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 5 6ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 6ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 4 12 ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 4 15 ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 1 18 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 7 3ft Volunteer 7 PLOT NUMBER 15 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Fetterbush SH 10 4 ft Volunteer 10 Fetterbush SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 25 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 25 Gallberry SH 22 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 22 Sweetbay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 7 4 ft Volunteer 7 Blue Berry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 5 6 ft Volunteer 5 Blue Berry SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 6 8 ft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 5 loft Volunteer 0 Unidentified Pine T 1 11 ft Volunteer Unidentified Pine T 3 12 ft Volunteer Unidentified Pine T 8 15 ft Volunteer Red Maple T 2 15 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 20 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 75 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 750 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 183 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1830 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 33 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 291 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2580 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 16 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 2ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 3ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 4 4ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 6 6ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 2 7ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 River Birch T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 6 3ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 4 4ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 2 5ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 7ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 8ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 7 4ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 3 5ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 8 6ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 2 7ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 8ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 4ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 6ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 9ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 4 12 ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Loblolly Bay SH 9 2ft Volunteer 9 Loblolly Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Loblolly Bay SH 12 4ft Volunteer 12 Loblolly Bay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 8ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay I SH 1 1 3ft 1 Volunteer 1 PLOT NUMBER 16 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Sweet Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Gallberry SH 20 5ft -Avg. Volunteer 20 Fetterbush SH 15 3ft -Avg. Volunteer 15 American Titi SH 2 6 f Volunteer 2 American Titi SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 12ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 5 2 f Volunteer 5 Blue Berry SH 6 3 f Volunteer 6 Blue Berry SH 1 6 f Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 UnldentifiedPine T 3 2 f Volunteer 3 UnldentifiedPine T 3 3 f Volunteer 3 UnldentifiedPine T 2 4ft Volunteer 2 UnldentifiedPine T 3 6 f Volunteer 3 UnldentifiedPine T 1 8 f Volunteer 1 UnldentifiedPine T 3 loft Volunteer 3 UnldentifiedPine T 6 12ft Volunteer 6 UnldentifiedPine T 4 14ft Volunteer 4 UnldentifiedPine T 2 16ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Gum T 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 8 5 ft Volunteer 8 Red Maple T 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Maple T 13 loft Volunteer 13 Red Maple T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 39 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 390 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 159 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1590 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 55 SINGLEVOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 253 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1980 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 17 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 3ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 8 6ft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 4 8ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 5 2ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 8 3ft Planted 8 Pond Pine T 16 4ft Planted 16 Pond Pine T 5 5ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 14 6ft Planted 14 Pond Pine T 6 7 ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 8 8ft Planted 8 Pond Pine T 6 loft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 2 12 ft Planted 2 American Holly SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 6ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 7 8ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 4 12 ft Volunteer 4 PLOT NUMBER 17 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Red Bay SH 4 15 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 1 18 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 20 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 6 4ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 15 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Gallbeny SH 20 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 20 American Titi SH 20 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 20 Fetterbush SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 Fetterbush SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 12 4ft Volunteer 12 Fetterbush SH 6 5 ft Volunteer 6 Fetterbush SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 7 6 ft Volunteer 7 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 PLOT NUMBER 17 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Unidentified Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 3 7ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 10 8 ft Volunteer 10 Unidentified Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 11 loft Volunteer 11 Unidentified Pine T 7 12 ft Volunteer 7 Unidentified Pine T 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 20 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetgum T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 4 16 ft Volunteer 4 Sweetgum T 1 18 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 6 15 ft Volunteer 6 Red Maple T 15 20 ft Volunteer 15 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 94 (PLANTED SPECIES 940 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 155 (VOLUNTEER 1550 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 77 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 326 2490 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 18 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 2ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 6 3ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 5 4ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 3 5ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 5ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 3 4ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 2 8ft Planted 2 Water Oak T 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Water Oak T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Water Oak T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 55 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 55 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 9 8ft Volunteer 9 Wax Myrtle SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 12 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 14 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 PLOT NUMBER 18 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria American Holly SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 70 5 ft - Avg. Volunteer 70 American Titi SH 30 5 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 Sweetbay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Laurel Oak SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 6 6ft Volunteer 6 Unidentified Pine T 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 3 12 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 14 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 25 ft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 39 (PLANTED SPECIES 390 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 195 (VOLUNTEER 1950 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 21 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 255 2340 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 19 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 2ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 9 3ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 4 4ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 6ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 7ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 2ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 12 3ft Planted 12 Atlantic White Cedar T 12 4ft Planted 12 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 5 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 18 6ft Planted 18 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 7ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 8ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 loft Planted 2 River Birch T 1 2ft Planted 1 River Birch T 1 4ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 3 4ft Planted 3 Laurel Oak T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 50 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 60 7 ft - Avg. Volunteer 60 American Titi SH 45 7 ft - Avg. Volunteer 45 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 5 4ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 4 6ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 5 8ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 PLOT NUMBER 19 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Fetterbush SH 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Unidentified Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 2 14 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 16 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 2 loft Volunteer 2 Red Maple T 4 12 ft Volunteer 4 Sweetgum T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Persimmon SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 94 (PLANTED SPECIES 940 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 184 (VOLUNTEER 1840 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 27 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 305 2780 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 20 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 2ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 3ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 18 4 ft Planted 18 Atlantic White Cedar T 12 5ft Planted 12 Atlantic White Cedar T 13 6ft Planted 13 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 7 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 8 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 loft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 8 2ft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 9 3ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 8 4 ft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 5ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 3ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 5ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 5 4 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 5 15 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 3 20 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 24 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 PLOT NUMBER 20 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Wax Myrtle SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 5 7 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Amer. Titi SH 150 7 ft -Avg. Volunteer 150 Gallberry SH 150 7 ft -Avg. Volunteer 150 Fetterbush SH 100 4 ft - Avg. Volunteer 100 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 101 (PLANTED SPECIES 1010 SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL ACCEPTABLE OBSERVED DENSITY 452 (VOLUNTEER 4520 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 0 NO VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 553 5530 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 21 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 2ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 3ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 7 4ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 3 5ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 5 6ft Planted 5 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 2ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 13 3ft Planted 13 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 4ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 5ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 6ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 7ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 8ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 5ft Planted 1 River Birch T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 7ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 5 loft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 4 3ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 5 5ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Gallberry SH 13 4ft Volunteer 13 Gallberry SH 7 6ft Volunteer 7 Gallberry SH 5 7ft Volunteer 5 PLOT NUMBER 21 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Gallberry SH 4 8ft Volunteer 4 Fetterbush SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 9 4 ft Volunteer 9 Fetterbush SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 American Ti -Ti SH 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 American Ti -Ti SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 American Ti -Ti SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 12 2 ft Volunteer 12 Unidentified Pine T 10 3 ft Volunteer 10 Unidentified Pine T 6 4ft Volunteer 6 Unidentified Pine T 8 5 ft Volunteer 8 Unidentified Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Gum T 14 8ft Volunteer 14 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 84 (PLANTED SPECIES 840 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 93 (VOLUNTEER 930 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 57 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 234 1770 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS I W R111111110100111011 *a SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 5 2ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 9 3ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 2ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 3ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 4ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 17 6ft Planted 17 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 7ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 15 8ft Planted 15 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 loft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 12 ft Planted 7 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 2 3ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 4 2ft Volunteer 4 Sweetbay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 2 12 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 63 8 ft - Avg. Volunteer 63 Wax Myrtle SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 8 3ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 6ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 12 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 PLOT NUMBER 22 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Loblolly Bay SH 4 loft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 2 12 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 20ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 60 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 60 Galberry SH 100 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 100 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Unidentified Pine T 8 1 ft Volunteer 8 Unidentified Pine T 5 2ft Volunteer 5 UnldentifiedPine T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 UnldentifiedPine T 3 4ft Volunteer 3 UnldentifiedPine T 5 6ft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 16ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 18ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 1 20ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 96 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 960 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 285 OBSERVED DENSITY (VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 2850 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 26 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) NO TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 407 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 3810 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 23 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 11 3 ft Planted 11 Bald Cypress T 8 4 ft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Loblolly Bay SH 30 1 ft Volunteer 30 Loblolly Bay SH 7 2 ft Volunteer 7 Loblolly Bay SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 50 >10 ft Volunteer 50 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 13 3 ft Volunteer 13 Wax Myrtle SH 5 4 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 55 7 ft - Avg. Volunteer 55 Fetterbush SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 5 Gallberry SH 30 6 ft - Avg. Volunteer 30 American Holly SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 11 2 ft Volunteer 11 Blue Berry SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 PLOT NUMBER 23 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Blue Berry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Unidentified Pine T 5 8 ft Volunteer 5 Unidentified Pine T 4 loft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 4 12 ft Volunteer 4 Unidentified Pine T 8 14 ft Volunteer 8 Sweet Gum T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 50 loft Volunteer 50 Red Maple T 10 12 ft Volunteer 10 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 42 (PLANTED SPECIES 420 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 230 (VOLUNTEER 2300 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 83 NO >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 355 2720 (PER ACRE) STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 24 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 6 2 ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 5 3 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 American White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 American Holly SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Winged Sumac SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 15 2 ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 60 15 ft - Avg. Volunteer 60 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 PLOT NUMBER 24 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals (T, SA, SH) Species Counted toward Success Criteria Wax Myrtle SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 14 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 20 1 ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 15 2 ft Volunteer 15 Loblolly Bay SH 40 loft Volunteer 40 Loblolly Bay SH 20 15 ft Volunteer 20 Gallberry SH 5 7 ft Volunteer 5 Gallberry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 9 2 ft Volunteer 9 Blue Berry SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Blue Berry SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Blue Berry SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Blue Berry SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 60 15 ft - Avg. Volunteer 60 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 30 (PLANTED SPECIES 300 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE 231 (VOLUNTEER 2310 VOLUNTEERS SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 60 NO VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 321 2610 (PER ACRE) APPENDIX C. HYDROGRAPHS (APRIL 2008 - NOVEMBER 2012) oor Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2008 - ► June 30, 2008 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a N d t V as as J d as cC Cn P 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment June 2008 7q----------- --- -------- ------- ------ ------ --- ----------- ---- ----- ---- - ][=S47: a= --- ------ I ------ Q� Q� Q� Q� Q� o� �P �P NN NAP 1,1 2�P ,� o� N":, Nod 2,� 20� o,� h� �o� �c;� 20� 2c;� ooh Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge U 0 -6 12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 Final • Installed 6-16-08 L. mac. 00 00 &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> 00 Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Land Management Group, Inc. Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface www.lmgroup.net Shallotte Raingauge 00 00 00 00 S§' so� 110 ti�5 o0 Slide A -1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M oor Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2008 - ► September 30, 2008 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a N d t V d d J as as cC Cn O Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 September 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- -------- -- -- ----- - - - - -- - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - W-------------------------- 11------------------ I----- A---- - - - - -- NoP 45 115Y P It P ooP k0 05 �k0 X05 2k5 205 F1,Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total 30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge 6 0 -6 - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- -- -12 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------- -24 -30 -36 - - - - -- -------------------------- -42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C' c'Q j co co N N� 11 2P -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface WShallotte Raingauge Slide A -2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 �D 2. 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► Otober 1, 2008 - ► December 31, 2008 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December 2008 -- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- - -------- - - - - -------------- -------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------- ----7777777r7777777777-F-- N" O O O �� O° 'y' o2' oO'o �O �h 20 2h 00 h �O �h 20 It 00 Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O °moo O °moo O °moo O °moo °�o Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface WShallotte Raingauge 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 00 00 00 00 O�G Ord O�G Slide A -3 6 N d t 0 V 6 -- Z as J -12 as -18 -- as -24 - - fA -30 - - -36 - - c� Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O °moo O °moo O °moo O °moo °�o Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface WShallotte Raingauge 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 00 00 00 00 O�G Ord O�G Slide A -3 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2009 - ► March 31, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2009 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MShallotte Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 lt� NA —Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface WShallotte Raingauge Slide A -4 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2009 - ► June 30, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June 2009 ---------------------- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 �P �P NN No 2�P 2�P ,� o� N":, Nod Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Fm-Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface Land Management Group, Inc. Shallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 00 00 00 00 Slide A -5 oor Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2009 - ► September 30, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a N d t V as as J as as cC rn O 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 U 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 Hydrology Assessment September 2009 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ikShallotte Raingauge 30 day total � 30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O hP �� �pP ��P 2pe 2�P Ope k5 0� �k0 X05 2k0 205 -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface Land Management Group, Inc. WShallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net Slide A -6 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n R 0: 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2009 - ► December 31, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O °moo O °moo O °moo O °moo o °�o p6 o p6� o�" 4 11 ti� oo `5 NQ 4: Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface Land Management Group, Inc. WShallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment December 2009 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge 8 7 - - - - -- 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 - - -- --- - - - - -- 1 0 00 00 00 00 O�G Ord O�G Slide A -7 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2010 - ► March 31, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment IL a 7 0 March 2010 , , , MShallotte Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge -42 Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide A -8 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2010 - ► June 30, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment June 2010 5 o' d J J So� ooh o� NN No No h No 45 20't Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Q� QI Q� QI P QI �P VP NN No No� F mWell 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface Shallotte Raingauge Slide A -9 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2010 - ► September 30, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N t c 0 .Q d a 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V d -6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 cD zy Hydrology Assessment September 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- - ---------------------------------- - ------------------------------ - - - - -- -- ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------- a lq���000-111 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� -t - -_ --- - - - -T- -L r - - -nu --- i----------- L--- - - - - -- - �Q NoP 45P 2oP 2�P ooP k0 05 'C X05 2k5 205 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No ��o\ S "'So\ �So\ 2 0 ��o\ �So\ Poi Poi Poi Poi Poi P °� 5�Q 5�Q �Q 2 oo N -, "� 5 N� 11 2� -*-Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Land Management Group, Inc. Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface www.lmgroup.net WShallotte Raingauge Slide A -10 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2010 - ► December 31, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N t c 0 .Q d a 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge December 2010 Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� 1" NI" �1 c�" Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide A -11 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2011 - ► March 31, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2011 1 -1 MShallotte Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge NN Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface WShallotte Raingauge Slide A -12 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2011 - ► June 30, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June 2011 N: Cd NN NAP 2�P 2�P ,� 10� �,� ��� 2,� 2�� �,� h� No� FShallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net �i z �� �� �� �� �� hS:� N: N,� Nv� 2,4 2Y� -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide A -13 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Onsite Raingauge installed 7 -27 -11 30 day totals derived from onsite gauge beginning 8 -25 -11 i Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 �(wcc. nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2011 - ► September 30, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a N d t V d d J as as V cC rn O M, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2011 N N SS SS SS SS SS S�� 10 10 10 10 ZQ ZQ ZQ ZQ ZQ ZQ MShallotte / Onsite Raingauge 30 day total 30% —70% Whallotte Ag Raingauge U 0 -6 -12 -18 - -- -------- - - - - -- -24 -- - - - - - -- - -30 - - - - -- -36 ------------- - - - - -- - -- -42 NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN k5 2k0 2�5 -*-Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 1 2i below surface MShallotte / Onsite Raingauge Slide A -14 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 �D n R 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2011 - ► December 31, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 December 2011 Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� �a� �a� Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora NN Onsite Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V 6 Z d J -12 as -18 as -24 N -30 O -36 U Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 ti ti � ti ti � -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide A -15 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V 6 Z d J -12 as -18 as -24 N -30 O -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 -� - - -- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 77r77f --------------------- 'ems e.� F Onsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% 70% Whallotte Ag Raingauge -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide A -16 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N t 0 V Z -6 J -12 -18 as -24 N -30 O -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment Onsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% 70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge June 2012 +Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide A -17 8 7 6 5 (D R 4 C 3 2 ... 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V 6 Z d J -12 as -18 as -24 N -30 O -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment Onsite Raingauge 30 day total —30% 70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge September 2012 -42 < p j co co -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide A -18 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 1, 2, & 3 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December 2012 - - - - - -- z ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - -- �! ------------ - - - - -- , - - - - -- - ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti �ti O O 0 O Ora Onsite Raingauge 30 day total —30% 70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V 6 Z d J -12 as -18 as -24 N -30 O -36 U Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net M Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� N � NN N1. 2.' ti ti ti ti -Well 1 (EBDACA2) -+-Well 2 (EBDB2D9) *Well 3 (EBD7CB4) 12in below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide A -19 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 oor Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2008 - ► June 30, 2008 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a d s as as J as as cC rn O 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment June 2008 7q----------- --- -------- ------- ------ ------ --- ----------- ---- ----- ---- - ][=S47: a= --- ------ I ------ Q� Q� Q� Q� Q� o� �P �P NN NAP 1,1 2�P ,� o� N":, Nod 2,� 20� o,� h� �o� �c;� 20� 2c;� ooh Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge U 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 Final Plug Installed 6 -16 -08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 &x", > &> Fm-Well 4 (EBDC720) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 12in below surface Land Management Group, Inc. Shallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net 00 00 00 00 Slide B -1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n R 0: 0 M M oor Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2008 - ► September 30, 2008 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a N d t V as as J as as cC rn O 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 Hydrology Assessment September 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- -------- -- -- ----- - - - - -- - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - W-------------------------- 11------------------ I----- A---- - - - - -- ftShallotte Raingauge 30 day total � 30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -*-Well 4 (EBDC720) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface Land Management Group, Inc. WShallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net Slide B -2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n R 0: 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► Otober 1, 2008 - ► December 31, 2008 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 December 2008 -- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- - -------- - - - - -------------- -------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------- ----7777777r7777777777-F-- Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� °� °� °� °� °� °� O�° O�° O�° O�° O�° �" cy'�" 2� O'�" h �O �h 20 2h 00 h �O �h 20 It 00 Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 U Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O °moo O °moo O °moo O Well 4 (EBDC720) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface WShallotte Raingauge 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 00 00 00 00 O�G Ord O�G Slide B -3 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2009 - ► March 31, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2009 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 It ti �' N .��' titi tip' MShallotte Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge -42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .��' titi tip' —Well 4 (EBDC720) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface WShallotte Raingauge Slide B -4 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2009 - ► June 30, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 00 00 00 June 2009 ------------- -- --- 0o Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 8 -42 _ - m 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F mWell 4 (136AEE5B) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 12in below surface Shallotte Raingauge 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 00 00 00 00 Slide B -5 oor Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2009 - ► September 30, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a N d t V as as J as as cC rn O 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 U 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 Hydrology Assessment September 2009 ------------------------------------------------ --- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 'Q 'Q 'Q NoP 45P 2oP 2�P ooP k0 05 N k0 X05 2k5 205 F1,Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total 30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge o§b o§b o§b o§b o§b oo� o§b o§b o§b o§b o§b o§b o� o� o� o� o� o� o� Jd' Jd' Jd' Jd' hP k5 05 4 �oP 2oP 2�P ooP �k5 X05 2k5 205 -Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface Land Management Group, Inc. WShallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net Slide B -6 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n R 0: 0 M M i Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2009 - ► December 31, 2009 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a N d t V as as J as as cC rn O 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O °moo O °moo O °moo O °moo O °moo °�o p6 o p6� Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface Land Management Group, Inc. WShallotte Raingauge www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment December 2009 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge 00 00 00 00 O�G Ord O�G Slide B -7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n R 0: 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 `(wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2010 - ► March 31, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment IL a 7 0 March 2010 , , , MShallotte Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge -42 —Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide B -8 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2010 - ► June 30, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment June 2010 5 o' d J J So� ooh o� NN No No h No 45 20't Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Q� QI Q� QI P QI �P VP NN No No� F mWell 4 (136AEE5B) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 12in below surface Shallotte Raingauge Slide B -9 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2010 - ► September 30, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am fn t c 0 .Q d a 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- - -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -- S� �o� �o� �o� �o� �o� �o� �� �� �� �� �� �� �Q �Q �Q �Q )p p hP NpP 45 1pv It P 4Y k� 0�5 �k0 X05 2k0 205 on .J..,, ­I _ono/ _7noi 6 N d t 0 V d -6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 cD zy No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No �o� �o� �o� �o� So� �o� �� �- ��- �� 2�, 2� o�, �P loP ��P 2oP 2�P ooP k0 05 �k0 X05 2k5 205 -Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Land Management Group, Inc. *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface www.lmgroup.net WShallotte Raingauge Slide B -10 8 7 6 5 (D n 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2010 - ► December 31, 2010 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N t c 0 .Q d a 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment Shallotte Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge December 2010 Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� 1" NI" �1 c�" —Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide B -11 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2011 - ► March 31, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2011 1 -1 MShallotte Raingauge —30 day total —30% —70% MKSUT Raingauge NN NN —Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface WShallotte Raingauge Slide B -12 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 and Brunswick County Intl Airport KSUT (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2011 - ► June 30, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June 2011 N: Cd NN NAP 2�P 2�P ,� 10� �,� ��� 2,� 2�� �,� h� No� Shallotte Raingauge —30 day total 1 30% —70% WKSUT Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -*-Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide B -13 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 b� z N: 0 NNE Nv� -*-Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMShallotte Raingauge I Slide B -13 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Onsite Raingauge installed 7 -27 -11 30 day totals derived from onsite gauge beginning 8 -25 -11 i Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 �(wcc. nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2011 - ► September 30, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a N d t V d d J as as cC rn O Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2011 N N SS SS SS SS SS S�� 10 10 10 10 ZQ ZQ ZQ ZQ ZQ ZQ MShallotte / Onsite Raingauge 30 day total 30% —70% Whallotte Ag Raingauge 0 0 -6 ---------------------------------------------- -12 - - - - -- - - - -- - -24 ------- ------- ------- - - ----- ---------- - - - - -- -- - --- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - -36 ------------------- -42 SS SS 10 10 10 10 10 10 'eQ �Q �Q �Q �Q 1Q 'g': hP �pP ��P 2pe 2�P ape k5 0�5 Nk0 'q5 2k0 2�5 -*-Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface MShallotte / Onsite Raingauge Slide B -14 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 �D n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2011 - ► December 31, 2011 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 December 2011 Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� �a� �a� Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora NN Onsite Raingauge 30 day total —30% —70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 U Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net -42 ' — - Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo� �" ��" �� c�" —Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -15 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N t V c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March 2012 'Nil Nti In Onsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% 70% Whallotte Ag Raingauge -Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) *Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -16 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 �(wcc. nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N N c 0 .Q d a N d t V as as J as as cC rn O Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June 2012 N: Cd NN N1b 1,1 11 ,� 10� �,� ��� 2,� 2�� �,� h� N 20� lt; 1§1 Onsite Raingauge —30 day total —30% 70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge U 0 6 -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -12 - -- - - -- --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- -30 ------ - - - - -- -36 ---------------------------- -42 +Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface MOnsite Raingauge Slide B -17 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M 2 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment Onsite Raingauge 30 day total —30% 70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge September 2012 N N �2 '�o N N� tip` 1P -*-Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -18 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 Precipitation data obtained from: Onsite Raingauge and Shallotte Ag station Coop -TP 317813 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from the Longwood WETS Station NC5116 1978 -2009 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► Stone Farm Mitigation ► Brunswick County, NC ► 01 -02 -240 ► Bay Wells 4, 5, & 6 ► WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00 am N c 0 .Q d a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December 2012 - - - - - -- z ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - -- �! ------------ - - - - -- , - - - - -- - ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti �ti O O 0 O Ora Onsite Raingauge 30 day total —30% 70% WShallotte Ag Raingauge 6 N d t 0 V Z 6 as J -12 as -18 as -24 fA -30 -36 c� -42 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Oo� Oo� Oo� NIP Oo� Oo� —Well 4 (136AEE513) -+-Well 5 (AB36D1 E) Well 6 (A286178) 1 2i below surface IMOnsite Raingauge I Slide B -19 8 7 6 5 (D n R 4 2) 0 3 2 1 0 APPENDIX D. NC DIVISION OF WATER MANAGEMENT DROUGHT MAPS . �n C 0 UQ a CD a. CD A� ice+. d G n CD 0 w N O W f L � o Ci Lit Lfww�ww f� u 0 1 l V \ N O P.-Jj i 0).0 s o �T r• J a x 4 m H fC 7 �C ►�C 0 r N r c i'C gi w a �* � fD R. z CD CD c y a 3 IQ C") i 0 r• �* J lb 0 � n' �v • L � o Ci Lit Lfww�ww f� u 0 1 l V \ N O P.-Jj r a x x a N m H fC 7 �C ►�C 0 r r c i'C gi w a �* � fD R. d CD CD c y a IQ �* lb 0 � O UQ CD I� Q. .J p 4. CD R 0 0 N CD I I N CDd G� 0 w N 0 w i� J LO fl .1 LO r J c° 3 ti . l I L� i 0 ri O O N_ 1 N O 1 N y rn~ t I— co z vi x lb a c 2 H 4 � 9 9 ew m C!� 0a r I R y r d " a, r m R g cD 0 a CD CD �r O ydy a W N O W t ti> �>, 19 1..117.1 O O O O O 1 fA 0 C= RI N OD F+ N w d z d N N 7 1=0 d 1 1 I 1 I CA CD 7 7 d n C W a% X d 0 y d 0 7 OD 7 7 C f+ 0 e+ O 1 1 0 0 I & I C V N 7 z CL o r O m M d d d W OO LC 1 N S I 7 7 7 2 C C CD co a S S C < { e+ r* e0► K CP L � o r AD L O W N O N O_ N r �Q fD C. O a O ED -s c o� z J �Ir v Ire • �I 1 ti> �>, 19 1..117.1 O O O O O 1 fA 0 C= RI N OD F+ N w d z d N N 7 1=0 d 1 1 I 1 I CA CD 7 7 d n C W a% X d 0 y d 0 7 OD 7 7 C f+ 0 e+ O 1 1 0 0 I & I C V N 7 z CL o r O m M d d d W OO LC 1 N S I 7 7 7 2 C C CD co a S S C < { e+ r* e0► K CP L � o r AD L O W N O N O_ N r �Q fD C. O a O cn 0 as CD I(A J �C CD d 0 yd a cn W N O_ W T t t Z O J C� rr • 1 LL O 1 N O_ N u O A� m � h+ � N � W i d� i d e. Vdl F0• r• c 7� a d p e* � � Cn y Q 7 W I a c X r* X do H r* W 0 y d 7 0 1 7 m l7 0 '0! do 0 r to 0 I d co m N w 7 c a LC d 1C 7 z CL do W r fb cm N C h0+ ; C O 0 7 H M• 0 co ''' a co X 0 Cy Rr d O TQ O 17 0 0 n c C+ O C7 y C7 toll C7 yf N n TQ C C K 0 d 0 d d 0 do C+ C► 4+ r i•. (D O 1-j n c�D 0 yd a rn w N _O W 0) 0 -I r O c+ r• a r i y0 1J t' J n 0 r' C G f r�G J • r" I +� O T N 1 Fay J O d O rA O O O O O N 0 C= ICI 0 m m N m m X o as O N ofd, W d 7 I I c& 1 C 0 T 4+ y 0 7 7 1C 7 %C 0 �C 0 7 r & �Q F~+ c 1 0 7 W a a a LC d N C O 1.- N `= rt o (+ o ai N f0/I C=7 0 z er (r 1 c d 1 c d 1 c no o C A rf �n C c� �-S CIQ a CD iIn_ C n CD 0 d W N O_ W 1 4 4 w 1c 0 r+ �4, l T �•1 _ L � ff c� Ir • lo. �1? Ci O a) O Ul N O N LJ O m FO + O W d O -C d N a C= N 1 rn 1+ 0 no S r• N rn rn& eo x x a e+ ao w e y P► a, a11 0 o� e* a coo 0 > � DO 7 a c e► n& M r s 'J 1 d CJ 9 r arq r CD F~+ c H 'O 0 7 C O H 00 W N o0+ W W 0, co co X fD 0 R. -t O O C2 O+Q C n C2 ri C7 0 ri �f � rQ d of no 4+ (+ C+ CD �Q CD �rA .J CD L CA CA 't3 n 0 W N O W m 0 I Y 0 C+ i r n �rF r� f J (4# m t i r r • �°��5 iw a ro N m m °° r �' w a a�i lw lw LC 7 0 R O Vi N Vl I` O �y i ICI i _- O \ 00 N O N 1 cm C. G rY ii CD 0 vo Icn •J `C CD CDC CD (n(y, N N• N R° d C C1 0 �7 a cn W N O_ W { IN 'p o 0 O I� L r� F N O l N r nyo 1 I 1 f 1 e► ►N• r a� e N t R C+ 0 7 m % d 1 0 m n Pd C/� a r �C�ppJ C ro N p 03 r oar E a r eD TO eD f �mnlob �Eq IC I.0 O pg e� O N Vii LO rt rt C 4 t C 6� O a v • IN 'p o 0 O I� L r� F N O l N r 1 I 1 f 1 e► ►N• r rn 9* C e N t R C+ 0 7 m % d 1 0 m n Pd C/� a r �C�ppJ C ro N p 03 r oar E a r eD TO eD �j �mnlob �Eq IC I.0 O pg e� O N Vii rt rt C 4 t C 6� O a \ CD O �Q 7a\ CD \ M C_ A� n CD O n d W \ N _O W 1 IN i�+ O VQ �yO I AL!"r N O N O N t m r ry ru n 9 a a ti ro O F 1 �m 1 0 �• J & m w Y• C a 0 a R. a a 11 r'r ov m a m rA p+ M W 4 �,2r X71 x � M 4 phi r• m [U O ►� C7 LC -1 r* GQ q S 7 J G 7 O 7 Z n C rt a N " N M � ter d e* d rr pSi er n� • IN i�+ O VQ �yO I AL!"r N O N O N it l� d I O r- 0 m r ry ru n 9 a a ti ro F 1 �m 1 0 1 1 cn x x m & m w Y• C a 0 a R. a a 11 r'r ov m a m rA p+ M 4 �,2r G r r J.- C M 4 phi r• m [U m LC ►� C7 LC -1 r* GQ q S 7 D 7 G 7 O 7 Z C rt a N " N M � ter d e* d rr pSi er it l� d I O r- 0 a C� C CD O r•{ �Q M CD J CD I 1� '•d d \ n CCD 0 ydy r� �n W \ N O W f IL VA [�1J N O LJ � N_ 1 00 N O N 1 t n VI r 0) a O M+ 1 O N 1 -$ w O� d 9 1 N "1 e+ 0 E 7 a- RI 0 N d e* �C � m C/1 > C 7-)i& M W X d X O ctO W y d 7, 0 7 n co 0 O 11 a y r 1 W z 7 aai C a C o i d d r ft FO+ 1 C C2 O F6i+ y n O O O 7Q C eS► O C9 VOi C'! N C7 N � 1=Jyy TQ 1 O Q S 7 C< 1 1 C � a O i j •� 111111 r � Jr ErJ. }1 • IL VA [�1J N O LJ � N_ 1 00 N O N 1 O m 1 O M+ 1 O N 1 O W 1 O� d 9 1 N "1 e+ 01 C N N w e E 7 a- RI 0 N d e* �C � m C/1 > C 7-)i& M W X d X O ctO W y d 7, 0 7 n co 0 O 11 a y r 1 W N w 7 aai C a C o i d d r ft FO+ 1 C C2 O F6i+ y O O O 7Q C eS► O C9 VOi C'! N C7 N � 1=Jyy TQ 0CQ S O Q S 7 C< 1 1 C a O FIGURE S ➢teeves iv � �_ ..r - 1 `5=___ R��BgaVCN 2 ` • [�i 9R Wll _Rr ch - 905 '� xtacrf •'` � _ � i � t I � �� -� PireluaY (� � SrOCY 1 '4d \• --ss ! I - 11 -} �` 6tC:Gtl kyp� l•. �J _er ^._,tvfq__�� 11 �� - _ — / - o _ ._ . rbw , l Ab y 1\ O� ` _- \ r j� �: `4 • -_ -' 1 _.ry'l � =� ``b �K ter. � ,_ -r_ __ a f+� 9Q4 : land,n� F ' o ,tl P ♦� -• LL9SE V t \ PetOTE Rg:� c c .0 -: 9[ n \�\dj \� fioyuL" a �Rn p z 17 R� ' ,�� �O '�' t ♦ Cool R `Gnsuttown t c1du Day ,i Phase One - m Pro'ect Area ��rf ♦cao5s4�°g Cro»roads ♦ 5\ w -" _ _ - +a o. „ y _ r ; _ 4,q ` !I r I'd ! � i` 1 - � '9� J�f � �rt r 179 J - - "' _ t - i i `` OC @3tt ISII� � ➢ o � 1 T = I �1} f I :1 Beach Arr orL✓ \ \ �jr 1. ♦.. , In ,,, v / _ _ t ,,� 1 —} '" ,..�+ ��r - - -' fa•�,> � 1, 9 .. —„��1 ti _S k1vv t,..t� � I�4 04 y V yc. > v. 1. \_ -.,.� ( � ti •�- 'jS�' '�'�f � �t1 V i (� _' l.a t tng i T.s._ 179 3 ♦1 . \t 1 1 f, �` \ ♦ ♦ \, . ,� ♦`��,if( L h _- i➢➢tiao -. -I -- .. \ \ _ -►� (mean Isle •, f _EZ Ofl R.•ar. ➢. CCdn k f Pier r l e" 1. nr} ➢np �u �cz ♦ Gorr i.J t .- S.tnSt�t Ro.':rh PiShiny Pier Rio L�'i Ist.fnd V n _ nt l3—a \ North Myrtle_. Reach N Figure 1. Vicinity Map Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Brunswick County, NC DeLorme Gazatteer 0 2 4 Brunswick County LMG LAN DER Ganur mi o me, °o, N Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Figure 2. Ditch Plug Locations Brunswick County LMG 600 1,200 G13 GEJ=�OL� ai Cansu!ran[s Feet — N Figure 3. 1 Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Well/Plot Locations Brunswick County LMG 600 1,200 LeL \"D GI3NAGEJIE':. vROI:P,... Feet I • rs F Blade. ` Zh-umSt'OT 3T. . I ° \ t , \ Phase One Project Area t P leasant Vises Cem \\�- itir -� � is �••• i - � � ✓n "—'f \ � � � l �` ^`,� _ � Gal N Figure 4. Stone Farm Mitigation Bank USGS Topographic Quadrangle C :;Inhach Nr Brunswick County 0 2,000 4,000 �LMG 6AOL'P Cc .vnnnm�GENENT n of GOnrultann ft N Figure 5. Stone Farm Mitigation Bank NRCS Soil Survey 0 2,000 4,000 Brunswick County LMG ft N Stone Farm Mitigation Bank Figure 6. 1998 Aerial Photography 0 2,000 4,000 Brunswick County LMG NENNNENK::�� ft �z E LM 2 d a Plot 13 - Volunteer Species >50% Composition Bald Cypress Black Gum Pond Pine Gallberry Species ❑Planted ■Volunteer Figure 7