HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081319 Ver 3_Year 3 Monitoring Report Ph II_20130306RUTMAN CREEK WATERSHED RESTORATION PROJECT HYDE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IN SUPPORT OF THE PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. MODIFIED ALTERNATIVE L AURORA, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT - PHASE 2 _ic 44- Prepared by: Wetlands Resource Center lW Canal Winchester, Ohio MAR 0 6 2013 Land Management Group, Inc. rR _ WATER Wilmington, North Carolina ateasp,,,Q, February 2013 RUTMAN CREEK WATERSHED RESTORATION PROJECT HYDE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA -� IN SUPPORT OF THE PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. MODIFIED ALTERNATIVE L AURORA, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT - PHASE 2 "y I Sy* - h �f Prepared by: Wetlands Resource Center Canal Winchester, Ohio Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, North Carolina February 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW ....................... A. Introduction .. ............................... B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives C. Project Implementation ............... 3.0. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... ..............................4 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS ................................................................................... ..............................6 A. Vegetative Monitoring ................................................................................. ..............................6 B. Hydrologic Monitoring ................................................................................ ..............................8 1. Overview .............................................................................................. ..............................8 2. Bay Forest Restoration Areas .............................................................. ..............................8 3. Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration Areas ............................................. ..............................9 4. Enhancement and Reference Areas ................................................... .............................10 5. Summary of Annual Precipitation ....................................................... .............................11 5.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. ............................... LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure1 ................................................................................. ............................... ..........................Phase Map Figure 2 .............................................................................. ............................... Phase 2 (Well and Plot) Map Figure 3 .......................... ............................... ......................Reference and Enhancement Well Map (On -site) Figure 4 ................................................................................ ............................... Estimated Hydrologic Zones Figure 5 ............................................................ ............................... Reference Well Map (Cameron Property) Table 1 ..................................................................... ............................... Phase 2 Planting List (March 2009) Table 2 ......................................... ............................... List of Acceptable Volunteer Species by Habitat Type Table 3 .................................. ............................... Summary of Year 3 Vegetative Monitoring Data (Phase 2) Table 4A ...................... Summary of Year 3 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Bay Forest Restoration — Phase 2) Table 4B ...................... Summary of Year 3 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Bay Forest Restoration — Phase 2) Table 5A ...... Summary of Year 3 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration — Phase 2) Table 5B ...... Summary of Year 3 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration — Phase 2) Table 6A .................... Summary of Year 3 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Reference and Enhancement Wells) Table 6B .................... Summary of Year 3 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Reference and Enhancement Wells) Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 ....................................... ............................... Site Photographs ............ ............................... Vegetative Monitoring Data (2012) ............ ............................... Hydrographs (2012) — enclosed CD NC Division of Water Resources Drought Maps — enclosed CD ...... ............................... Palmer Drought Indices — enclosed CD 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. (PCS), Wetlands Resource Center LLC (WRC), has completed Year 3 annual monitoring of Phase 2 of the Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project. Phase 2 includes the restoration of 1,232 acres of non - riparian wetland restoration and the preservation and enhancement of 448 acres of bay forest wetlands. Two wetland community types, headwater bay forest and wet hardwood forest, were restored based on landscape position and soil type. Construction of this phase was completed in March 2010. Work included the backfilling of interior (lateral) ditches, disking of fields, the installation of clay plugs, and the planting of over 643,950 bare -root seedlings (refer to the As -Built Report submitted June 2010). Per the approved restoration plan, monitoring of the site includes the assessment of both hydrologic and vegetative conditions over the course of a five year monitoring period. Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of one hundred twenty -three (123) 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted area. Approximately 90% of the vegetation plots were associated with the bay forest community and 10% were associated with the wet hardwood forest community. A total of sixty -two (62) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed within approximately 50% of the plots. Additional wells have been installed in enhancement wetland areas and within reference wetlands (both on -site and off - site). Please refer to the Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) (submitted February 2011) documenting site conditions during the 2010 growing season. Refer to the Year 2 AMR (submitted February 2012) for site conditions during the 2011 growing season. The Year 3 annual monitoring was conducted in October 2012. Based upon the data collected, the Phase 2 project area exhibits high rate of survivorship ( >90 %) of planted species as evidenced by an average observed density of 536 stems per acre. The hydrologic response to restoration efforts is also evident via data collected from the shallow groundwater monitoring wells. Subsequent to the backfilling of lateral ditches and installation of clay plugs within canals (completed in March 2010), observed hydroperiods continue to meet the hydrologic success criterion. In Year 3, fifty - nine (59) of the sixty -two (62) wells exhibited hydroperiods greater than 5% of the growing season. The mean hydroperiod of all wells was 33.5 days (equivalent to 12.8% of the growing season). The following AMR provides more detailed information regarding the findings of Year 3 monitoring. Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 1 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Introduction Wetlands Resource Center (WRC) began implementation of Phase 2 of the restoration project (encompassing 1,680 acres of the 4,213 -acre project area) in December 2009. Phase 2 is located in the central section of the larger Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project and is bounded by New Lake Road to the north, Airport Road to east, and Bama Canal to the southwest (Figure 1). Restoration activities included earthwork (backfilling of interior ditches, disking of fields, installation of clay plugs, etc.), planting of characteristic non - riparian bay and wet hardwood forest trees, and the installation of monitoring devices. Placement of fill material within existing ditches was authorized under Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) with attached conditions (issued February 20, 2009), and the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification with attached conditions (issued March 16, 2009). Refer to the Phase 1 As -Built Report for copies of these authorizations. The entire restoration project is designed to provide suitable, high - quality wetland and stream restoration to mitigate for authorized impacts associated with the PCS mine continuation project in Aurora (Beaufort County), NC (USACE Permit No. SAW- 2001 - 10096; DWQ 401 Certification No. 3771). B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives The objective of the Rutman Creek project is to provide for the functional restoration and ecological up -lift of wetland and stream habitat via the re- establishment of characteristic hydrologic conditions and vegetative assemblages. Anticipated functions and values resulting from the restoration project include increased nutrient retention /transformation, sediment retention, floodwater storage /flood abatement, wetland /wildlife habitat, and groundwater recharge. Given the scale of the restoration effort, the project will provide considerable habitat benefits on a watershed and regional level. The project offers the unique opportunity to provide habitat connectivity between vast acreage of wildlife refuge areas (to the northeast) and the Pungo River Estuary (to the southwest). Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 2 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Phase 2 of the project is intended to restore the hydrology and vegetation to 1,232 acres of previously disturbed wetland habitat. An additional 384 acres of preservation and 64 acres of enhancement are also included within the boundaries of Phase 2. Restoration and preservation efforts will contribute to enhanced water quality and food -web support of downstream waters. The vegetative restoration component is intended to reestablish a characteristic assemblage of bay forest and wet hardwood forest coinciding with existing topography, soil types, and restored hydroperiods. The restored wetland communities will provide valuable refuge and feeding habitat previously degraded or removed entirely by historic conversion to agriculture and subsequent long- term farming practices. C. Project Implementation Restoration activities within the existing farm fields were initiated in December 2009 with the backfilling of the existing network of lateral ditches. Clay plugs were then installed in five (5) specific locations within outlet canals per the approved restoration plan (Figure 2). Clay material for these plugs was excavated from existing spoil piles along Mooney Canal. The plug material was placed within the canals and subsequently compacted utilizing the excavator equipment. All the clay plugs were installed during February and March 2010. Clay plugs #7 through #10 and #13 are 50 ft in length. To provide additional reinforcement during high -flow events, filter- fabric and large rip -rap was placed over the entire length of each plug (including the upstream and downstream slopes). All water - control structures on each of the canals within Phase 2 have been removed from operation. Note that access across the water - control structures has been maintained to provide all- terrain vehicle ingress /egress for monitoring and long -term management. Planting of the 1,232 -acre restoration area was conducted by Superior Tree Planting Service during the week of March 1 through March 12, 2010. All planting activities were supervised by environmental scientists from LMG. Plant material was provided by Arborgen Nursery (Blenheim, SC). Per the restoration plan, two non - riparian vegetative communities (bay forest and wet hardwood forest) were established throughout the 1,232 -acre restoration area. The bay forest community (approximately 1,111 acres) was planted with characteristic species such as bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana) and pond pine (Pinus serotina). The wet hardwood forest community (approximately 121 acres) was planted with species such as Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 3 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxi►), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica). A total of 643,950 seedlings were planted (corresponding to an average density of 523 stems /acre). Table 1 provides additional information regarding community composition and total stem counts for Phase 2. Table 1. Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project —Phase 2 Planting List (March 2010) Bay Forest 1,111 Non - Riparian Restoration Common Name Scientific Name % Composition # Planted Red Bay Persea borbonia 2.0 11,525 Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana 15.2 89,000 Pond Pine Pinus serotina 23.6 138,450 Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 12.8 75,000 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 30.3 177,900 Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 16.2 94,800 TOTAL 586,675 Wet Hardwood Forest 121 Non - Riparian Restoration Common Name Scientific Name % Composition # Planted Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 18.0 10,300 Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia 17.8 10,200 Cherrybark Oak Quercus falcata 18.0 10,300 Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 18.0 10,300 Ironwood Carpinus carolinium 5.7 3,275 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 22.5 12,900 TOTAL 57,275 GRAND TOTAL 643,960 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring is being conducted near the end of each growing season for a period of five years. This monitoring includes both a vegetative and hydrologic component per the approved restoration plan. The vegetative component for Phase 2 includes an assessment of the conditions Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 4 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 within each of the 123 permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 2). Hydrologic monitoring is being conducted via sixty -two (62) automated, shallow groundwater monitoring wells recording on daily intervals (refer to Figure 2 for location of the monitoring wells). Data from the wells are downloaded on approximate three -month intervals and imported into graphing software analysis. The following are the specific success criteria for both the vegetation and hydrologic monitoring of the restoration areas. Note that the hydrologic success criterion for Phase 2 (wet hardwood forest and bay forest community types) is identified in 2a and 2b below. (1) Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 260 trees per acre at the end of 5 years (post planting). ' (2) The hydrologic criterion is premised on the specific community type to be restored. (a) For the nonriverine wet hardwood forest community (mineral soils), the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 6% of the growing season (equivalent to 16 days based upon a growing season from March 11 th through November 27th) during periods of normal rainfall. (b) For the nonriverine bay forest and swamp forest communities (organic soils), the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 10% of the growing season (equivalent to 26 days based upon a growing season from March 11th through November 27th) during periods of normal rainfall. (c) For the small stream swamp (headwater riparian) community (zero -order geomorphic position), the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 12.5% of the growing season (equivalent to 33 days based upon a growing season from March 11th through November 27th) during periods of normal rainfall. 1 Volunteer species may be counted toward meeting the success criteria based upon the list of species identified in Table 2; however, these will be tracked separately. 2 As determined from long -term climatic data of published WETS Table of Belhaven, NC station. Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 5 Phase 2 - Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Monitoring reports include results of vegetative monitoring and photographic documentation of site conditions. Reports also identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy any site deficiencies. For instance, deer browse tubes and fencing may need to be used if evidence of significant herbivory or deer browse is observed. In addition, supplemental planting may be necessary in areas of reduced survivorship. Table 2. List of Acceptable Volunteer Species by Habitat Type Swamp Forest 1,251 ac Bay Forest 1,705 ac Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana Fetterbush Lyonia lucida Red Bay Persea palustris American Titi Cyrilla racemiflora American Titi Cyrilla racemiflora Gallberry Ilex coriacea Wax Myrtle Morelia cerifera Inkberry Ilex glabra Fetterbush Lyonia lucida Dahoon Holly Ilex cassine Sweet Pepperbush Clethra alnifolia Wax Myrtle Morelia cerifera American Holly Ilex opaca High -bush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum High -bush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum Wet Hardwood Forest 344 ac Small Stream Swamp 42 ac Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Red Bay Persea palustris Fetterbush Lyonia lucida Wax Myrtle Morelia cerifera American Titi Cyrilla racemiflora Sweet Pepperbush Clethra alnifolia Wax Myrtle Morelia cerifera American Holly Ilex opaca Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera High -bush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum High -bush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 3) A. Vegetation Monitoring A total of 6,732 plant stems (6,595 stems of planted species and 137 stems of acceptable volunteer species) were enumerated throughout the one hundred twenty -three (123) plots. Note that three plots ( #107, #108, and #110) occur in former road beds and are 0.05 -acre in size. Accounting for the total monitored area, the observed mean stem density of planted species across the site is 536 stems per acre (Table 3). Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) was the most abundant woody species, with a total of 2,012 individuals identified. Other planted species such as Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 6 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 pond pine (Pinus serotina), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) and Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) were also prevalent within the monitored plots. With the inclusion of two accepted volunteer species (namely American holly (Ilex opaca) and wax myrtle (Morella cerifera)), the observed mean stem density for Year 3 is 542 stems per acre. A number of volunteers of unidentified pine saplings (Pinus spp.) were documented within eight plots. The volunteer pine saplings were especially notable in the wet hardwood forest habitat and will be identified to species level during subsequent monitoring years as the vegetation matures. Additional woody volunteers, including eastern baccharis ( Baccharis halimifolia), winged sumac (Rhus copallina) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) were identified in Phase 2; however, these species were not counted towards the success of the site. Natural recruitment of red bay volunteers was noted in areas in close proximity to the forested preservation areas of the tract. Refer to Appendix A for photographs of current site conditions. A comprehensive plot data table is provided in Appendix B. Table 3. Summary of Year 3 Vegetative Monitoring Data (Phase 2) Species Common Name Planted (P) or Volunteer M Total Stems # plots Average # Stems Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 2,012 111 18.1 Pinus serotina pond pine P 11599 102 15.7 Nyssa sylvatica black gum P 948 98 9.7 Chamaecyparis th oides Atlantic white cedar P 767 74 10.4 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay P 514 82 6.3 Persea borbonia red bay P 191 33 5.8 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak P 162 9 18.0 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak P 126 11 11.5 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak P 101 8 12.6 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar P 85 12 7.1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo P 34 2 17 Carpinus caroliniana ironwood P 22 3 7.3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash P 12 1 12 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay P 20 1 20 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore P 2 1 2 Morella cerifera wax myrtle V 63 11 5.7 Ilex o aca American holly V 4 4 1 Total Planted Stems (123 Plots) 6,595 53.6 Total Planted and Acceptable Volunteer Stems (123 Plots) 6,662 54.2 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 7 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 The number of stems of planted species observed during the Year 3 monitoring event suggests that the site is progressing well toward the target communities. All of the 123 plots exceeded the minimum success criteria of 26 stems and contained a variety of shrub and tree species. Plots 107, 108, and 110 are located along a former dirt road which has been adversely affected by the encroachment of all- terrain vehicular (ATV) traffic likely associated with seasonal hunting. Following submittal of the Year 2 AMR, the access point to this area of the site was secured with new gates and posted with `no trespassing' signs. Limited supplemental planting of this area was completed in the spring of 2012. Supplemental plantings included American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). During Year 3 monitoring, it was noted that herbaceous vegetation was very dense in select plots. While most planted tree seedlings will likely remain unaffected by dense herbaceous growth, some of the smaller planted material (particularly sweet bay seedlings) may be susceptible to mortality. While mortality of the planted stems remained relatively low, these areas will be continued to be monitored to determine if any contingency measure is warranted. B. Hydrologic Monitoring 1. Overview Per the approved mitigation plan, a total of sixty -two (62) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout the Phase 2 project area the week of February 15, 2010. The number of wells installed was proportional to the acreage of the two targeted wetland community types. Specifically, fifty -six (56) wells were installed in the bay forest restoration areas and six (6) wells were installed within the wet hardwood forest areas (refer to Figure 2). In addition, four (4) automated wells were installed within existing bay forest areas targeted for wetland enhancement and five (5) wells had been previously installed within on -site bay forest reference wetlands (refer to Figure 3). 2.. Bay Forest Restoration Areas Of the 56 wells in the bay forest community type, fifty -four (54) wells exhibited hydroperiods greater than 5% (corresponding to 13 consecutive days), thus meeting the criteria for jurisdictional Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 8 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 wetlands. Forty -seven (47) wells exhibited hydroperiods greater than 10% of the growing season (i.e. the hydrologic success criterion for bay forest wetland restoration, 26 days). Note that one well (Well #67) malfunctioned during the early growing season. This well exhibited groundwater levels within 12 inches of the soil surface from February 1 to February 25 (until such time that the well malfunctioned). When data collection resumed on March 29, this well exhibited groundwater levels within 12 inches of the soil surface. During the data gap, groundwater levels in adjacent wells were within 12 inches of the soil surface for all but one day. Well #67 met the hydrologic success criterion in Year 2 when the extended growing season was considered but not during the WETS growing season. Hydroperiods for the bay forest wells ranged between 6 consecutive days (2.3% of the growing season) (Well #89) and 62 days (23.7% of the growing season) (Well #101). The mean hydroperiod was 34.4 days (13.1 % of the growing season). Refer to Table 4A for a summary of the hydrologic data for the bay forest restoration wells. Hydrographs are provided in Appendix C (on the enclosed CD). The estimated hydrologic zones of Phase 2 (Year 3) are provided in Figure 4. Note that based upon recent federal guidance regarding the length of the growing season in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (as detailed in the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region), biological indicators and soil temperature data often indicate that the growing season of a particular county maybe longer than that identified in WETS tables. Asa result, the state Interagency Review Team (IRT) has recommended the use of a growing season beginning February 1 and ending November 30 of each year (unless site - specific data indicate otherwise). In light of recent agency guidance, a supplemental table (evaluating hydroperiods from February 1 through November 30) is provided for informational purposes (refer to Table 413). Note that when the bay forest wells were analyzed using this extended growing season, fifty -three (53) out of the fifty -six (56) wells met the hydrologic success criterion. One well (Well #67) malfunctioned and did not collect data from February 26 through March 28. Given the groundwater levels preceding this data gap, it is likely that this well would have met the minimum success criterion. 3. Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration Areas Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 9 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Within the areas targeted for wet hardwood forest restoration, five of the six wells met the hydrologic success criterion (6% of the growing season). The remaining well exhibited a hydroperiod of 1.5% of the growing season. Hydroperiods for the wet hardwood forest wells ranged between 4 consecutive days (1.5% of the growing season) (Well #113) and 35 days (13.4% of the growing season) (Well #123). The mean hydroperiod was 25 days (9.6% of the growing season). Refer to Table 5A for a summary of the hydrologic data for the wet hardwood forest restoration wells. In light of recent agency guidance, a supplemental table (evaluating hydroperiods from February 1 through November 30) is provided for informational purposes (refer to Table 513). Note that using this extended growing season all six wells met the hydrologic success criterion. Hydrographs are provided in Appendix C. The estimated hydrologic zones of Phase 2 (Year 3) are provided in Figure 4. Cumulative days of groundwater levels within 12 inches of the soil surface were significantly higher during Year 3 than Year 1 (Year 1 x= 73.9; Year 3 x= 175.7; p <0.0001). The mean total number of days within 12 inches was 176 days in Year 3. In general, hydrologic data document a gradual elevation of the static water table within Phase 2 since the completion of the restoration work. 4. Enhancement and Reference Areas As indicated above, wells were installed in both reference wetlands and those wetlands considered for enhancement. As stated in the Phase 1 Year 4 monitoring report, three wells within the bay forest reference area (Bay Forest #1, 2, and 3) exhibited abnormally low groundwater levels throughout previous monitoring periods. These wells were relocated February 29, 2012 and are now referred to as Bay Forest wells #6, 7, and 8. One of these wells (Bay Forest #8) continues to exhibit abnormally low groundwater levels despite its relocation. With the exception of this well, the remaining reference wells exhibit hydroperiods between 12.2% (Bay Forest #5) and 52.7% (Bay Forest #7). Three of the four enhancement wells, (Enhancement Wells #1, 3, and 4) exhibited abnormally low groundwater levels throughout the monitoring period. The other enhancement well (Enhancement Well #2) exhibited a hydroperiod for 100% of the growing season. The locations of the on -site reference and enhancement wells are shown on Figure 4. The locations of the off -site reference wells are shown on Figure 5. Refer to Table 6A for a summary of the hydrologic findings for these wells. In light of recent agency guidance, a supplemental table (evaluating hydroperiods Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 10 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 from February 1 through November 30) is provided for informational purposes (refer to Table 613). Hydrographs are provided in Appendix C. 5. Summary of Annual Precipitation According to regional drought indices (including the North Carolina Division of Water Resources Drought Status Monitoring Program and the Palmer Drought Index), the Hyde County area experienced drought conditions during the early growing season through April 2012. The NC Drought Status Maps indicate "1St Level Drought" conditions in January and "Abnormally Dry" conditions from February through April. Palmer Drought Index maps indicate "Moderate Drought" from January through April 2012. Both indices document normal rainfall conditions from May through December. On -site rain gauges document variable rainfall conditions with briefer periods of below normal rainfall ( <30th percentile) and above normal rainfall ( >70th percentile) (particularly in June and November 2012). Total on -site rainfall for the year was 48.28 inches. The nearest CRONOS Station recorded 56.09 inches for the year. According to the WETS long -term climatic data, mean annual rainfall for Belhaven, NC is 49.74 inches. Site - specific rainfall data are included on the hydrographs in Appendix C. The available North Carolina Drought Status Maps (NC DWR) for 2012 are included in Appendix D. The Palmer Drought Indices are included in Appendix E. All three appendices are provided digitally on the enclosed CD. 5.0 CONCLUSION Vegetation and hydrologic monitoring of the Phase 2 project area indicate that the site is progressing well during the third year following the implementation of the restoration activities. Vegetation data collected during Year 3 document high rates of survivorship ( >90 %) among the planted species, and there were no significant vegetation issues noted. The observed average planted stem density across the site is 536 stems per acre. All of the plots exceeded the minimum success criteria of 26 stems and contained a variety of shrub and tree species. The site continues to exhibit increased duration and amplitude of hydroperiods compared to Year 1— suggesting that the measures employed to eliminate prior site drainage (e.g. backfilling of Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 11 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 ditches and installation of impervious clay plugs) are functioning as intended. Among the sixty -two (62) wells monitored throughout the site, fifty -two (52) wells exceeded the stated hydrologic success criterion during the WETS growing season. When the extended growing season was considered, fifty -nine (59) wells exceeded the hydrologic success criterion. One well (Well #67) malfunctioned during the early growing season. Drought and /or abnormally dry conditions were documented during January through May. Overall the Phase 2 project area appears to be performing well. Monitoring results indicate that target wetland functions (including floodwater storage, increased hydrologic residency times, nutrient/sediment retention, and wildlife habitat) are already being performed across the site. As a result, no contingency measures are planned. The site will be continued to be monitored over the next two years (through Year 5) and the findings of such will be provided in subsequent annual monitoring reports for agency review and concurrence. Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 12 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Table 4A. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Bay Forest Restoration - Phase 2) 2012 Growing Season March 11 - November 27 Well Number Total Number of days within 12" (Jan 1 thru Dec 31) Longest Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Percentage of Growing Season 10% Success Criteria (26 Days) >6 0 12.5/0 12.5 - 25/0 25 - 75/0 >75% 1 230 36 Mar 11 - Apr 15; Aug 20 - Sep 24 13.7% Yes - X - - 3 275 58 Mar 11 - May 7 22.1% Yes - X - - 5 213 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16 14.1% Yes - X - - 7 244 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16; Aug 20 - Sep 25 14.1% Yes - X - - 9 221 35 Mar 11 - Apr 14 13.4% Yes - X - - 11 183 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 13 201 36 Mar 11 - Apr 15 13.7% Yes - X - - 15 207 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 17 147 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - - - 19 270 57 Mar 11 - May 6 21.8% Yes - X - - 21 242 55 Mar 11 - May 4 21.0% Yes - X - - 23 197 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 25 245 58 Mar 11 - May 7 22.1% Yes - X - - 27 190 34 Mar 11 - Apr 13 13.0% Yes - X - - 29 202 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16 14.1% Yes - X - - 31 175 36 Mar 11 - Apr 15 13.7% Yes - X - - 33 120 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - - - 35 107 21 Mar 20 - Apr 9 8.0% No X - - - 37 140 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 39 131 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - I - - 41 204 35 Mar 11 - Apr 14 13.4% Yes - X - - 43 218 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16 14.1% Yes - X - - 45 170 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 47 197 36 Mar 11 - Apr 15 13.7% Yes - X - - 49 197 38 Mar 11 - Apr 17 14.5% Yes - X - - 51 273 57 Mar 11 - May 6 21.8% Yes - X - - 53 131 20 Mar 21 - Apr 9 7.6% No X - - - 55 149 30 Mar 21 - Apr 9 11.5% Yes X - - - 57 167 32 Mar 11 - Apr 11 12.2% Yes X - - - 59 155 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - - - 61 145 34 Mar 11 - Apr 13 13.0% Yes - X - - 63 190 35 Mar 11 - Apr 14 13.4% Yes - X - - 65 129 21 Mar 21 - Apr 10 8.0% No X - - - 67* 104 12 Mar 29 - Apr 9 4.6% No - - - - 69 153 25 Mar 21 - Apr 14 9.5% No X - - - 71 145 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - - - 73 ** 194 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16 14.1% Yes - X - - 75 166 32 Mar 11 - Apr 11 12.2% Yes X - - - 77 183 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 79 * ** 205 57 Mar 11 - May 6 21.8% Yes - X - - 81 179 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - - - 83 170 32 Mar 11 - Apr 11 12.2% Yes X - - - 85 153 31 Mar 11 - Apr 10 11.8% Yes X - - - 87 * * ** 185 33 Mar 11 - Apr 12 12.6% Yes - X - - 89 97 6 May 31 - Jun 5; Nov 3 - Nov 8 2.3% No - - - - 91 153 32 Mar 11 - Apr 11 12.2% Yes X - - - 93 175 34 Mar 11 - Apr 13 13.0% Yes - X - - 95 188 34 Mar 11 - Apr 13 13.0% Yes - X - - 97 132 20 Mar 21 -Apr 9 7.6% No X - - - 99 217 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16 14.1% Yes - X - - 101 330 62 Mar 11 - May 11 23.7% Yes - X - - 103 188 32 Mar 11 - Apr 11 12.2% Yes X - - - 105 168 33 Mar 11- Apr 2 12.6% Yes - X - - 107 43 25 May 30 - Jun 23 9.5% No X - - - 109 146 20 Mar 21 -Apr 9 7.6% No X - - - 111 * * * ** 209 38 Mar 11 - Apr 17 14.5% Yes - X - - *Well malfunction February 26 - March 28 ** Well malfunction August 19 - September 12 * ** Well malfunction October 29 - December 31 * * ** Well malfunction December 14 - December 19; December 26 - December 31 * * * ** Well malfunction December 13 - December 31 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 13 Phase 2 - Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Table 4B. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Bay Forest Restoration - Phase 2) 2012 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Well Number Total Number of days within 12" (Jan 1 thru Dec 31) Longest Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Percentage of Growing Season 10% Success Criteria (31 Days) >6- o 12.5/0 12.5- 0 25/0 25 - 0 75/0 >75% 1 230 75 Feb 1 - Apr 15 24.8% Yes - X - - 3 275 97 Feb 1 - May 7 32.0% Yes - - X - 5 213 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1% Yes - - X - 7 244 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1% Yes - - X - 9 221 74 Feb 1 - Apr 14 24.4% Yes - X - - 11 183 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 13 201 75 Feb 1 - Apr 15 24.8% Yes - X - - 15 207 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 17 147 70 Feb 1 - Apr 10 23.1% Yes - X - - 19 270 96 Feb 1 - May 6 31.7% Yes - - X - 21 242 94 Feb 1 - May 4 31.0% Yes - - X - 23 197 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 25 245 97 Feb 1 - May 7 32.0% Yes - - X - 27 190 73 Feb 1 - Apr 13 24.1% Yes - X - - 29 202 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1% Yes - - X - 31 175 75 Feb 1 - Apr 15 24.8% Yes - X - - 33 120 70 Feb 1 - Apr 10 23.1% Yes - X - - 35 107 44 Feb 1 - Mar 15 14.5% Yes - X - - 37 140 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 39 131 70 Feb 1 - Apr 10 23.1% Yes - X - - 41 204 74 Feb 1 - Apr 14 24.4% Yes - X - - 43 218 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1% Yes - - X - 45 170 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 47 197 75 Feb 1 - Apr 15 24.8% Yes - X - - 49 197 77 Feb 1 - Apr 17 25.4% Yes - - X - 51 273 96 Feb 1 - May 6 31.7% Yes - - X - 53 131 48 Feb 1 - Mar 19 15.8% Yes - X - - 55 149 69 Feb 1 - Apr 9 22.8% Yes - X - - 57 167 71 Feb 1 - Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 59 155 70 Feb 1 - Apr 10 23.1% Yes - X - - 61 145 73 Feb 1 - Apr 13 24.1% Yes - X - - 63 190 74 Feb 1 - Apr 14 24.4% Yes - X - - 65 129 48 Feb 1 - Mar 19 15.8% Yes - X - - 67* 104 25 Feb 1 - Feb 25 8.3% No X - - - 69 153 48 Feb 1 - Mar 19 15.8% Yes - X - - 71 145 70 Feb 1 - Apr 10 23.1% Yes - X - - 73 ** 194 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1% Yes - - X - 75 166 71 Feb 1 - Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 77 183 71 Feb 1 - Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 79 * ** 205 96 Feb 1 - May 6 31.7% Yes - - X - 81 179 70 Feb 1 - Apr 10 23.1% Yes - X - - 83 170 71 Feb 1 - Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 85 153 69 Feb 2 - Apr 10 22.8% Yes - X - - 87 * * ** 185 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 89 97 28 Feb 17 - Mar 15 9.2% No X - - - 91 153 71 Feb 1 - Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 93 175 73 Feb 1 - Apr 13 24.1% Yes - X - - 95 188 73 Feb 1 - Apr 13 24.1% Yes - X - - 97 132 48 Feb 1 - Mar 19 15.8% Yes - X - - 99 217 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1% Yes - - X - 101 330 101 Feb 1 - May 11 33.3% Yes - - X - 103 188 71 Feb 1 - Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 105 168 72 Feb 1 - Apr 12 23.8% Yes - X - - 107 43 25 May 30 - Jun 23 8.3% No X - - - 109 146 48 Feb 1 - Mar 19 15.8% Yes - X - - 111 * * * ** 209 77 Feb 1 - Apr 17 25.4% Yes - - X - *Well malfunction February 26 - March 28 ** Well malfunction August 19 - September 12 * ** Well malfunction October 29 - December 31 * * ** Well malfunction December 14 - December 19; December 26 - December 31 * * * ** Well malfunction December 13 - December 31 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 14 Phase 2 - Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Table 5A. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration - Phase 2) 2012 Growing Season March 11 - November 27 *Well malfunction November 19 — December 31 Table 5B. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration - Phase 2) 2012 Growing Season February 10 November 30 Total Number Longest Number Of 10% of days within Consecutive Days Dates of Longest Number of Percentage of Success >6- 12.5- 25 - Well Number 12" Meeting Wetland Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Growing Criteria (16 o 12.5 /0 0 25 /0 0 75 /o >75% (Jan 1 thru Dec Hydrology Criteria (in Hydrology Criteria Season Days) 31) growing season) 113 92 27 Mar 11 - Mar 14; Mar 25 - Mar 28; 8.9% Yes X - - - 115 166 73 Apr 5 - Apr 9; May 31 - Jun 3; 24.1% Yes - X - - 113 92 4 Sep 7 - Sep 10; Oct 29 - Nov 1 1.5% No - - - - 115 166 34 Mar 11 - Apr 13 13.0% Yes - X - - 117 100 29 Mar 11 - Apr 8 11.1% Yes X - - - 119 115 16 Mar 25 - Apr 9 6.1% Yes X - - - 121* 111 32 Mar 11 -April 12.2% Yes X - - - 123 159 35 Mar 11 - Apr 14 13.4% Yes X - - *Well malfunction November 19 — December 31 Table 5B. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Wet Hardwood Forest Restoration - Phase 2) 2012 Growing Season February 10 November 30 *Well malfunction November 19 — December 31 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 15 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Total Number Longest Number Of 10% of days within Consecutive Days Dates of Longest Number of Percentage of Success >6- 12.5- 25 - Well Number 12" Meeting Wetland Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Growing Criteria (19 o 12.5/0 0 25/0 0 75/0 >75% (Jan 1 thru Dec Hydrology Criteria (in Hydrology Criteria Season Days) 31) growing season) 113 92 27 Feb 17 - Mar 14 8.9% Yes X - - - 115 166 73 Feb 1 - Apr 13 24.1% Yes - X - - 117 100 68 Feb 1 - Apr 8 22.4% Yes - X - - 119 115 45 Feb 1 - Mar 16 14.9% Yes - X - - 121* 111 71 Feb 1 -Apr 11 23.4% Yes - X - - 123 159 74 Feb 1 - Apr 14 24.4% Yes - X - - *Well malfunction November 19 — December 31 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 15 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Table 6A. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference and Enhancement Wells) 2012 Growing Season March 11 - November 27 Well Number Reference Well (R) or Enhancement Well (E) Total Number of days within 12 (Jan 1 —Dec 31) Longest Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Percentage of Growing Season Success Criteria >6 - o 12.5 /0 12.5 - 0 25 /0 25- 0 75 /o ° >75/0 6% (16 Days) 10% (26 Days) Bay # 4 R 243 61 Marl 1 - May 10 23.3 N/A Yes -- X -- -- Bay # 5 R 164 32 Mar 11 - Apr 11 12.2 N/A Yes X -- -- -- Bay #6 R 131 39 May 23 - Jun 30 14.9 N/A Yes -- X -- -- Bay # 7 R 268 138 May 22 - Oct 6 52.7 N/A Yes -- -- X -- Bay # 8 R 0 0 N/A 0.0 N/A No -- -- -- -- Hardwood Flat #1 R 106 34 Mar 11 - Apr 13 13.0 Yes N/A -- X -- -- Hardwood Flat #2 R 122 37 Mar 11 - Apr 16 14.1 Yes N/A -- X -- -- Hardwood Flat #3 R 162 61 Marl 1 - May 10 23.3 Yes N/A -- X -- -- Enhancement 1 E 61 14 May 31 - Jun 14 5.3 N/A No -- -- -- -- Enhancement 2 E 366 262 Mar 11 - Nov 27 100.0 N/A Yes -- -- -- X Enhancement 3 E 0 0 N/A 0.0 N/A No -- -- -- -- Enhancement 4 E 11 11 May 31 -Jun 10 4.2 N/A No -- -- -- -- Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 16 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 Table 6B. Summary of 2012 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference and Enhancement Wells) 2012 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Well Number Reference Well (R) or Enhancement Well (E) Total Number of days within 12 (Jan 1 —Dec 31) Longest Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria (in growing season) Percentage of Growing Season Success Criteria >6 - o 12.5/0 12.5 - 0 25/0 25- 0 75/0 ° >75 /o 6% (16 Days) 10% (26 Days) Bay # 4 R 243 100 Feb 1 -May 10 33.0 N/A Yes -- -- X -- Bay # 5 R 164 53 Feb 19 - Apr 11 17.5 N/A Yes -- X -- -- Bay # 6 R 131 39 May 23 - Jun 30 12.9 N/A Yes -- X -- -- Bay # 7 R 268 138 May 22 - Oct 6 45.5 N/A Yes -- -- X -- Bay # 8 R 0 0 N/A 0.0 N/A No -- -- -- -- Hardwood Flat #1 R 106 73 Feb 1 - Apr 13 24.1 Yes N/A -- X -- -- Hardwood Flat #2 R 122 76 Feb 1 - Apr 16 25.1 Yes N/A -- -- X -- Hardwood Flat #3 R 162 100 Feb 1 -May 10 33.0 Yes N/A -- -- X -- Enhancement 1 E 61 14 May 31 - Jun 14 4.6 N/A No -- -- -- -- Enhancement 2 E 366 303 Feb 1 - Nov 30 100.0 N/A Yes -- -- -- X Enhancement 3 E 0 0 N/A 0.0 N/A No -- -- -- -- Enhancement 4 E 11 11 May 31 -Jun 10 3.6 N/A No -- -- -- -- Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 17 Phase 2 — Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report February 2013 j4 `h TP y - F li •' i Ifs•, .'� - -� s L i ;' � +•i�' k' }L J '' J + ; of a � �' _ v•� r r f _ } r r y a 4 f { kl .is.• _..%w��r ��ati�..b_�t+� I. _.�_.a r��.+r._` }i..r r - - .— 1 J 1 J ' + 11 � `� ._ +�4 {_ •_W.0. i J ,�+ _ a I _ yr. ,� 11 =��MY SiT1 -,'• __ _ _ .. .. _ r i•• F� _ ',�• I �X .� • i'f 4 � - � 1� v r •_ry �• 4 5 {, Ar { Legendw y� Rutman Creek Project Boundary ..r i Phase 1 (822 ac.)'�,�: Phase 2 (1,680 ac.) _ r '•� Phase 3 (1,711 ac.) LMG Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration nn Project LAND MANAGEMENT Cons pants HC. Figure 1. Construction Phase Map — Environmental Consultants �i �i I 2,400 7 1 "= 2,400' 4,800 = Feet 1% 0 / - _ a •- 109 87 40 4 i %J 4; w - �= Plug #10 Legend ,: Phase 2 Plot Location (includes well) Plug Location 0 Phase 2 Plot Location (no well) Wet Hardwood Flat (121 ac.) ..:. 4 Bay Forest (1,111 ac.) Phase 2 Boundary 0 1,250 2,500 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project Feet Figure 2. Phase 2 Plot/Well Location Map LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. Environmental Consultants _ -• F� # -�� Map is for illustrative purposes only. Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Boundaries r, -.- -- are based on extrapolation of monitoring well data and - have not been verified with field indicators. w/r1.)..•r.,�i�.+.� `yam _ - r _- O O O O l M� O O I .. _ ._ ,I� I� � � � � �¢'��'L`i tii'_55c, itl. :iY�• 4' [Z._ a... _ _ _ i■ Legend Q Phase 2 Plot Location (no well) :_ �--. • " _: O Phase 2 Plot Location (includes well) ,. ';z►- �- Plug Location <6% Growing Season Hydroperiod 0 >6- 12.5% Growing Season Hydroperiod 0 0 >12.5 -25 /° Growing Season Hydroperiod 0 1,200 2,400 Feet Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROI I' Figure 4. Phase 2 - Estimated Hydrologic Zones _ Favironmentartonsultaw, 10, M 06, L ..4 Legend 0 Reference Wells ILI 4 to UI 021 K Wet Hardwood Forest (3) Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project 0 1,000 2,000 m Feet Figure 5. Reference Well Map (Cameron Property) P SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 1 (1) View of site conditions in Plot 28 (October 2012). (2) View of bald cypress in Plot 17 (October 2012). Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP,.- Environmental Consultants Site Photographs Annual Monitoring (Year 3) (1) View of pond pine in Plot 84 (October 2012). (2) View of site conditions in Plot 45 (October 2012). Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP,.- Environmental Consultants Site Photographs Annual Monitoring (Year 3) (1) View of site conditions in Plot 100 (October 2012). October 2012). Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP,.- Environmental Consultants Site Photographs Annual Monitoring (Year 3) APPENDIX i !V VEGETATIVE • DATA Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project - Phase 2 (Year 3) Appendix B -Vegetation Data by Plot Species Common Name Planted (P) or Volunteer (V) r ++ O a N ++ O a M ++ O a I* ++ O a W) ++ O a W ++ O a 1%. ++ O a 00 ++ O a a) ++ O a O r ++ O a r r ++ O a N r ++ O a M r ++ O a I* r ++ O a W) r ++ O a W r ++ O a 1'. r ++ O a CO r ++ O a 69 r ++ O a O N ++ O a T_ N ++ O a N N ++ O a M N ++ O a I* N ++ O a W) N ++ O a Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 8 11 3 7 7 11 12 4 9 17 8 3 9 28 3 9 2 12 13 4 16 7 9 6 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay P 11 31 5 6 1 1 31 5 161 3 111 61 3 91 4 81 1 131 51 21 8 8 Nyssa sylvatica black gum P 6 12 5 6 2 2 5 5 8 4 10 8 5 6 4 5 13 14 9 2 23 11 Pinus serotina pond pine P 9 21 16 16 19 17 22 11 17 6 13 4 29 25 26 18 9 19 21 3 9 18 14 13 23 Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 20 15 22 23 21 23 2 15 16 25 7 7 2 28 18 21 54 39 10 40 40 25 10 29 32 Persea borbonia red bay P 3 20 8 12 12 11 5 19 36 28 23 5 18 4 42 28 25 28 14 19 20 5 2 15 26 Quercus laurifolia Total Stems of Planted Species 36 51 48 45 48 49 43 48 53 39 52 35 45 62 48 56 76 46 57 57 58 61 55 49 69 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 36 51 48 45 48 49 43 48 53 39 52 351 451 621 48 56 761 461 571 571 58 61 55 49 69 Species Common Name Planted (P) or Volunteer (V) W N ++ O a 1%. N ++ O a 00 N ++ O a 69 N ++ O a O M ++ O a T_ M ++ O a N M ++ O a M M ++ O a I* M ++ O a W) M ++ O a W M ++ O a 1'. M ++ O a 00 M ++ O a 69 M ++ O a O ++ O a r ++ O a N ++ O a M ++ O a I* ++ O a W) ++ O a W ++ O a 1%. ++ O a 00 ++ O a 69 I* ++ O a O W) ++ O a Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 8 11 3 17 14 7 6 9 11 46 12 9 28 6 8 12 13 18 15 7 7 13 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar P 8 7 6 12 1 4 7 3 6 5 10 4 1 7 2 19 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay P 4 11 4 2 2 5 8 3 8 2 5 14 6 7 1 2 2 22 Nyssa sylvatica black gum P 22 12 9 2 11 6 14 6 1 8 5 12 14 2 7 1 10 19 9 1 9 11 10 13 4 Persea borbonia red bay P 1 1 1 1 19 5 10 1 1 Pinus serotina pond pine P 3 20 8 12 12 11 19 19 36 28 23 5 18 4 42 28 25 28 14 19 20 5 2 15 26 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak P 16 14 24 9 26 2 7 5 8 8 21 7 8 9 1 24 23 16 44 10 21 34 24 8 Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 26 9 21 35 25 20 6 57 50 8 7 26 8 36 6 19 12 21 31 8 3 23 22 19 23 46 Total Stems of Planted Species 55 52 52 54 50 56 45 40 58 56 46 102 40 43 56 68 51 68 73 42 50 41 41 69 66 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 55 52 52 54 50 56 45 40 58 56 46 102 40 43 56 68 51 68 73 42 50 41 41 69 66 Species Common Name Planted (P) or Volunteer (V) T_ W) ++ O a N W) ++ O a M W) ++ O a I* W) ++ O a W) W) ++ O a W W) ++ O a 1%. W) ++ O a CO W) ++ O a 69 W) ++ O a O O ++ O a T_ O ++ O a N O ++ O a M O ++ O a I* O ++ O a W) O ++ O a W O ++ O a 1,. O ++ O a 00 O ++ O a 69 O ++ O a O ti ++ O a T_ ti ++ O a N ti ++ O a M ti ++ O a I* ti ++ O a W) ti ++ O a Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 8 2 9 2 5 14 9 20 3 9 28 7 10 1 15 7 7 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay P 8 7 6 12 1 4 6 3 6 5 10 4 1 7 2 19 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo P 22 Nyssa sylvatica black gum P 1 8 1 7 18 14 8 9 17 5 14 9 2 13 10 14 2 2 41 8 10 6 Persea borbonia red bay P 1 2 1 19 10 1 1 Pinus serotina pond pine P 24 36 3 26 15 36 22 14 19 2 10 4 2 22 1 6 14 2 9 12 Taxodium distichum I bald cypress P 16 14 24 9 26 2 7 5 14 8 21 7 8 9 1 24 23 16 44 10 21 34 24 8 Total Stems of Planted Species 46 47 42 52 48 46 48 55 57 50 59 48 44 35 52 47 34 38 29 53 51 58 46 50 52 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 46 47 42 52 48 46 48 55 57 50 59 48 44 35 52 47 34 38 29 53 51 58 46 50 52 Rutman Creek Watershed Restoration Project - Phase 2 (Year 3) Page 1 of 2 Appendix B -Vegetation Data by Plot Species Common Name Planted (P) or Volunteer (V) W O a 1%. O a CO O a 69 1%. O a O 00 O a r 00 O a N 00 O a M 00 O a I* 00 O a W) 00 O a W 00 O a 1,. 00 O a 00 00 O a 69 00 O a O 69 O a r 69 O a N 69 O a M 69 O a I* 69 O a W) 69 O a W 69 O a 1%. 69 O a CO 69 O a 69 a) O a 0 O r O a Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 14 1 13 10 8 10 4 12 1 6 12 10 12 Chamaecyparis thyoides 7 9 17 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay P 11 10 16 1 1 15 11 31 2 51 1 61 14 16 11 10 61 41 8 1 8 11 11 6 Nyssa sylvatica black gum P 6 5 6 10 7 28 2 1 17 13 16 24 9 14 loblolly bay 8 16 11 10 Persea borbonia red bay P 3 6 1 2 6 1 1 29 5 1 1 56 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar P 1 5 9 Pinus serotina pond pine P 26 14 5 19 24 15 14 4 26 30 9 8 8 Magnolia virginiana 13 P 14 17 9 8 8 15 25 14 13 Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 15 12 21 20 7 16 28 10 19 27 17 4 26 39 12 12 9 12 47 37 4 21 8 15 33 Ilex opaca American holly V 12 Nyssa sylvatica 1 1 1 11 7 11 9 13 1 4 5 15 6 Morella cerifera wax myrtle V 13 9 14 23 30 Persea borbonia red bay P 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 Total Stems of Planted Species 56 45 42 51 53 57 68 53 53 69 78 48 63 57 97 42 48 61 57 61 56 47 57 57 63 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 56 45 42 51 53 57 68 53 53 69 83 49 64 59 99 43 48 62 57 64 56 47 57 60 63 Species Common Name Planted (P) or Volunteer (V) r O r ++ O a N O r ++ O a M O r ++ O a I* O r ++ O a W) O r ++ O a W O r ++ O a ti O r ++ O a CO O r ++ O a 69 O r ++ O a O r r ++ O a r r r ++ O a N r r ++ O a M r r ++ O a I* r r ++ O a W) r r ++ O a W r r ++ O a 1,. r r ++ O a 00 r r ++ O a 69 r r ++ O a O N r ++ O a r N r ++ O a N N r ++ O a M N r ++ O a. Carpinus caroliniana ironwood P 11 1 10 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 6 9 19 9 14 1 16 18 81 35 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash P 12 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay V 20 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar P 6 1 11 2 12 14 8 1 11 4 8 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay P 7 3 7 5 4 2 1 6 4 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo P 12 Nyssa sylvatica black gum P 17 11 7 11 9 13 1 4 5 15 6 7 13 9 14 23 30 Persea borbonia red bay P 1 2 7 2 1 3 Pinus serotina pond pine P 12 9 39 14 33 29 10 5 17 11 2 6 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore P 2 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak P 1 1 14 3 33 8 10 8 17 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak P 2 3 26 6 11 13 8 9 13 20 15 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak P 8 9 30 11 17 13 21 34 19 Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 13 16 16 10 32 37 12 10 5 4 10 11 6 26 Ilex opaca American holly V 1 Morella cerifera wax myrtle V 3 3 21 20 Total Stems of Planted Species 50 53 80 55 59 62 76 32 50 44 45 76 98 54 43 59 56 48 62 47 58 49 53 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 50 53 84 55 62 83 76 32 50 64 45 76 98 54 43 59 561 481 621 47 58 49 53 *Plots 107, 108 and 110 are 0.05 -ac in area. Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX C. Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 1, 3, &5 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge —Soil Temp PIPTWU -M -UO "UFA -�- �Ai. - - -- - - -- Lp - .► IF nAa►11:L.►a*►. v.� /yam► Well 1 (1381388FA) -+-Well 3 (A279614) Well 5 (11312D613) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide A -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 1, 3, &5 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- ��--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- - I --------------- - - - - I - ------------------------- PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ �` ` �` �` �` �` �` � � � NN- N6 n�, o`er ��- h .o N�h '6 'h �o 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp '01 � XU L-------------------------------- -'VVY — - - - -- 1 ----------------- - - - „ -- -I Well 1 (1381388FA) -+-Well 3 (A279614) Well 5 (11312D613) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide A -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m N m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 1, 3, &5 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 �� �� �� �� �� eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ N'3 N4 2oP 1�v 'ox V �5 Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp L --- ---------- - - - - I - ------ �.---------- - - - - -I ------------------------- ---- -- --------------.-■---------- 11L --------- ----- ---- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- '0 eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 1 (1381388FA) -+-Well 3 (A279614) Well 5 (11312D613) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide A -11 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 1, 3, &5 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L ---------------------- L�------------ --------------------- - - - I - - Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 1 (1381388FA) -+-Well 3 (A279614) Well 5 (11312D6B) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide A -12 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 7, 9, & 11 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - -_1 - - - -I Well 7 (138BEAA4) -+-Well 9 (138BBD17) Well 11 (1381393DE) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide B -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 7, 9, & 11 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp bell-------- - - -_1_ -1 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- - - - - -- �- • • WWV replaced on Well 7 (138BEAA4) -+-Well 9 (138BBD17) Well 11 (1381393DE) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide B -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 7, 9, & 11 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c 0 .� .Q a. N d t V as as J d d i N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 ---------------------------------------------------- 8 ----------- - - - - -- ----------------------- - - - -�ftft% 7 ----------- - - - - -- - 6 ------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - 5 ----- - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- 4 - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 3 ---------------------------------------------- 2 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 1 --------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 0 September, 2012 80 -- - - - - -- 75 N 0 -- - - - - -- 70 = 65 60 - - - - -- 55 E m -- - - -- 50 0 - - - - -- 45 -- - - - - -- 40 y T 30 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ 4� -�r q� 2�5 wOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge Soil Temp 0 -4 - - - - - - ----- - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - - -- -12 It -- --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -24 -- - - -- ----------------------------- -2s -- - - - -- -- --------------------------------- -32 - - - - - - - - -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -40 eQ eQ eQ eQ ' 0 166 ;3 e NV Nw2� Well 7 (138BEAA4) -+-Well 9 (138BBD17) Well 11 (1381393DE) —12in below surface 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 On -site Raingauge Slide B -11 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 7, 9, & 11 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--------------------- -- I ------------------------------------ I-- _'L_ -­L - - -- Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il Well 7 (138BEAA4) -+-Well 9 (138BBD17) Well 11 (1381393DE) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide B -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 13, 15, & 17 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Well 13 (138BE822) -+-Well 15 (13813CF47) Wel 17 (138BD657) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 13, 15, & 17 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--- ---------------------------------------------- I ------- ------------- - - - - - I EWS,, Well 13 (138BE822) -+-Well 15 (13813CF47) Wel 17 (138BD657) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 13, 15, & 17 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- --- 1- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- I'M � IN im, I-------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- - -- - - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 13 (138BE822) -+-Well 15 (13813CF47) Wel 17 (138BD657) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -11 n 0 M M �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� o� o� o� o� o� o� eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 13 (138BE822) -+-Well 15 (13813CF47) Wel 17 (138BD657) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -11 n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 13, 15, & 17 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 9� Ily l.' Well 13 (138BE822) -+-Well 15 (13813CF47) Wel 17 (138BD657) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 19, 21, & 23 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge —Soil Temp -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VW Well 19 (138BAF1 B) -+-Well 21 (138BE03C) Well 23 (138BDBD5) —12in below surface 11 On -site Raingauge I Slide D -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 19, 21, & 23 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp �Vq L N n IN,'ii :ii 77 Um K Well 19 (138BAF1 B) -+-Well 21 (138BE03C) Well 23 (138BDBD5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide D -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 19, 21, & 23 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp Well 19 (138BAF1 B) -+-Well 21 (138BE03C) Well 23 (138BDBD5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide D -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 19, 21, & 23 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge —Soil Temp L------------- -- - - - - -- .1 - ------------------------- - - - - -- tit, i k'70- Oo 2.' Well 19 (138BAF1 B) -+-Well 21 (138BE03C) Well 23 (138BDBD5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide D -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m 2. 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 25, 27, & 29 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 I Well 25 (1381313383) -+-Well 27 (138BA645) Well 29 (138BD45C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide E -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 25, 27, & 29 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp III'' �� A �t?�•lh.�. M IL '°e I .'_, =' F Well 25 (1381313383) -+-Well 27 (138BA645) Well 29 (138BD45C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide E -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 25, 27, & 29 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp 5 Well 25 (1381313383) -+-Well 27 (138BA645) Well 29 (138BD45C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide E -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 25, 27, & 29 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 25 (1381313383) -+-Well 27 (138BA645) Well 29 (138BD45C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide E -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 31, 33, & 35 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Well 31 (13813138132) -+-Well 33 (1381313036) Well 35 (138BD659) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide F -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 31, 33, & 35 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t v d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I M � I}�`ti Well 31 (13813138132) -+-Well 33 (1381313036) Well 35 (138BD659) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide F -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 31, 33, & 35 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I I-------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- ---------- ------------- - - - - -- Well 31 (13813138132) -+-Well 33 (1381313036) Well 35 (138BD659) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide F -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 31, 33, & 35 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 31 (13813138132) -+-Well 33 (1381313036) Well 35 (138BD659) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide F -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 37, 39, & 41 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 I Well 37 (1361339CC) -+-Well 39 (138131322E) Well 41 (138BAEE5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 37, 39, & 41 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--- --------------------------------------------- _L4 ------ ------------------ I i� Well 37 (1361339CC) -+-Well 39 (138131322E) Well 41 (138BAEE5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 37, 39, & 41 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d i N 3 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp L--- -------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - -- ------------- - - - - - I r; �11111��11�IRG �lilit'!! ��IIA�C '��t�11111►��1►IN'�k'�"3 � ��1�►` :. _ Y ■ Well 37 (1361339CC) -+-Well 39 (138131322E) Well 41 (138BAEE5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 37, 39, & 41 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Ily l.' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 37 (1361339CC) -+-Well 39 (138131322E) Well 41 (138BAEE5) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2. O M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 43, 45, & 47 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am d N t c c 0 .Q a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment wOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Rainaauae -Soil Temp March, 2012 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 .. 4 t 0 V ------------- - - - - -- - ----------- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- 11 10 G-4 - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - 9 Z -- - - - - - - ---------------------------- - - - - ---- - - - - - - --- - - - - -- as J -12 7 d 16 6 as 20 ------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 -24 4 fA -28 3 a -32 2 3 C -36 1 -40 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Well 43 (1381398132) -+-Well 45 (138BEB45) Well 47 (138B99E7) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide H -9 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 43, 45, & 47 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. as t V d as J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp UkNRS� I q� ti6P� ,� 6� �,� �6� 2,� 26� �,� h� �o� �h� 20� 2hS 1§1 S Well 43 (1381398132) -+-Well 45 (138BEB45) Well 47 (138B99E7) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide H -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 43, 45, & 47 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I ►.�. _ _ ��►��...... a r`��a... J ►,�1 �!1 ►��. . `:':G� IO S. - Al I-------------- . - ■ ---------- JU ---------- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 43 (1381398132) -+-Well 45 (138BEB45) Well 47 (138B99E7) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide H -11 n 0 M M �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� o� o� o� o� o� o� eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 43 (1381398132) -+-Well 45 (138BEB45) Well 47 (138B99E7) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide H -11 n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 43, 45, & 47 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 9� Ily l.' Well 43 (1381398132) -+-Well 45 (138BEB45) Well 47 (138B99E7) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide H -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 49, 51, & 53 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge —Soil Temp 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 49 (138139DCA) -+-Well 51 (138BA007) Well 53 (136137D75) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide 1 -9 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 49, 51, & 53 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 4 0 -4 -- - - - -- -- -- - - -- -- f-V M -8 - - - -- -- - - -- --------- - - - - -- - - - - ------------- -12 -16 - -- - - - - - -- - -- -20 - - - -24 ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -2s ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -32 ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -36 ---------- U-0 ------ -------- 16--A ----- -40 Well 49 (138139DCA) -+-Well 51 (138BA007) Well 53 (136137D75) —12in below surface 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 On -site Raingauge Slide 1 -10 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 49, 51, & 53 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp -- I -------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- - — -- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- ' ti6 Well 49 (138139DCA) -+-Well 51 (138BA007) Well 53 (136137D75) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide 1 -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 49, 51, & 53 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge —Soil Temp - -. - - - -- NJ Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 49 (138139DCA) -+-Well 51 (138BA007) Well 53 (136137D75) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide 1 -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 55, 57, & 59 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--- ------------------------------------------------------------------ - A - - - I Well 55 (138BD228) -+-Well 57 (138131379E) Well 59 (1381386AC) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide J -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 55, 57, & 59 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I Well 55 (138BD228) -+-Well 57 (138131379E) Well 59 (1381386AC) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide J -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 55, 57, & 59 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I I---------------------------------------- - - - - -- Lk------------ - - - - -I AR F Well 55 (138BD228) -+-Well 57 (138131379E) Well 59 (1381386AC) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide J -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 55, 57, & 59 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I C - ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 55 (138BD228) -+-Well 57 (138131379E) Well 59 (1381386AC) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide J -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 61, 63, & 65 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp a& Well 61 (138BC573) -+-Well 63 (138BA78F) Well 65 (A3BF6AA) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide K -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 61, 63, & 65 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--- ---------------------------------------------- Ll ------ ------------- - - - - - I ---------- - - - - -- i -------- - - - - -- ?�---- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- - - - -- Well 61 (138BC573) -+-Well 63 (138BA78F) Well 65 (A3BF6AA) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide K -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m 2. 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 61, 63, & 65 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp RMA LW11zkk I 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 61 (138BC573) -+-Well 63 (138BA78F) Well 65 (A3BF6AA) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide K -11 �D n 0 M M �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� �•�� o� o� o� o� o� o� eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ AR �oP �5 �5 ��5 ��5 2�5 e I 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 61 (138BC573) -+-Well 63 (138BA78F) Well 65 (A3BF6AA) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide K -11 �D n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 61, 63, & 65 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 III Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp ------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 11 ::•� tt► °r ^C Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 61 (138BC573) -+-Well 63 (138BA78F) Well 65 (A3BF6AA) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide K -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 67, 69, & 71 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d i N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Well 67 malfunction: to----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -data gap 2 ----- 3 -28 Well 67 (138BE1 F5) -+-Well 69 (138138503) Well 71 (138BC3D2) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide L -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 67, 69, & 71 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp -------- - - - - -- Well 67 (138BE1 F5) -+-Well 69 (138138503) Well 71 (138BC3D2) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide L -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 67, 69, & 71 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I -------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- - — -- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- Well 67 (138BE1 F5) -+-Well 69 (138138503) Well 71 (138BC3D2) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide L -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 67, 69, & 71 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 67 (138BE1 F5) -+-Well 69 (138138503) Well 71 (138BC3D2) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide L -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 73, 75, & 77 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L------------------------------------------ - � - - - -- _- ---- ----- - - - - -- r. y 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Well 73 (138BCD1A) -+-Well 75 (138131337F) Well 77 (38139F013) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide M -9 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 73, 75, & 77 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 73 (138BCD1A) -+-Well 75 (138131337F) Well 77 (38139F013) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide M -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 73, 75, & 77 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp Well 73 malfunction: dat gap 8 -19 to 9 -12 -------------------------------------- ---- 4 -------- - ----- - ------- N -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------ - ------ A-- 0- --- I - 0 ' 0 ti6 Well 73 (138BCD1A) -+-Well 75 (138131337F) Well 77 (38139F013) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide M -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 73, 75, & 77 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp ITT. 7 Oo 2.' -We 11 73 (138BCD1A) -+-Well 75 (138131337F) Well 77 (38139F013) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide M -12 I 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m 2. 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 79, 81, & 83 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 79 (138BA34B) -+-Well 81 (1381394C7) Well 83 (138BDADB) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide N -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 79, 81, & 83 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 79 (138BA34B) -+-Well 81 (1381394C7) Well 83 (138BDADB) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide N -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 79, 81, & 83 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp -------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- - — -- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- q� 2�5 Well 79 (138BA34B) -+-Well 81 (1381394C7) Well 83 (138BDADB) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide N -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 79, 81, & 83 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a N d t V d d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 79 malfunction: data qap 10 -29 to 1 -8 -13 , Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 79 (138BA34B) -+-Well 81 (1381394C7) Well 83 (138BDADB) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide N -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 �D n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 85, 87, & 89 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Well 85 (138BA42F) -+-Well 87 (138BD234) Well 89 (138BD059) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide 0-9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 85, 87, & 89 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L------------------------------------------ - - - - -- tt ------------------- - - - - -I Well 85 (138BA42F) -+-Well 87 (138BD234) Well 89 (138BD059) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide 0 -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 85, 87, & 89 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as as J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I I-------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- - --- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- �6 2�, ti6 ' Well 85 (138BA42F) -+-Well 87 (138BD234) Well 89 (138BD059) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide 0 -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n M 2 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 85, 87, & 89 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L--- ------------------------------------------------------- a ------ - I --- - - - - - I ---------------------- FVV��___f -------------------- -- _�_--- iC-- - -t6y Well 87 malfunction: new battery installed 1-8-13 Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 85 (138BA42F) -+-Well 87 (138BD234) Well 89 (138BD059) —12in below surface 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 On -site Raingauge Slide 0 -12 m n M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 91, 93 & 95 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t v d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp �o Well 91 (138BDBCC) -+-Well 93 (138BABA4) Well 95 (138BC285) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide P -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T 2. 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 91, 93 & 95 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp .L_ I L _L7- _- )� ---------- Well 91 (138BDBCC) -+-Well 93 (138BABA4) Well 95 (138BC285) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide P -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 91, 93 & 95 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d J d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I n - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - ---------- -------- � -------- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- � '6 2�, ti6 ��- hP �oP ��P e e �oP �'5 ':� F Well 91 (138BDBCC) -+-Well 93 (138BABA4) Well 95 (138BC285) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide P -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 91, 93 & 95 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 91 (138BDBCC) -+-Well 93 (138BABA4) Well 95 (138BC285) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide P -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 97, 99, & 101 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 97 (138BE216) -+-Well 99 (138131DC134) Well 101 (1 38131348F) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide Q -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 97, 99, & 101 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Ali Well 97 (138BE216) -+-Well 99 (138131DC134) Well 101 (1 38131348F) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide Q -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 97, 99, & 101 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. t V d J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 2oP 1v 'ox V Nti qr q� 2�5 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp -------------- . -■ ---------- JU -------------- - — - - - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- F Well 97 (138BE216) -+-Well 99 (138131DC134) Well 101 (1 38131348F) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide Q -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 97, 99, & 101 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L --- ------------------- �J -.--------- ----------------- - - - - -- Oo� Oo� Oo� ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo N6 9� Il 1�1' �,� �o� ��,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o� �,� o� 2 2 � 2 2 � Well 97 (138BE216) -+-Well 99 (138131DC134) Well 101 (1 38131348F) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide Q -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 103, 105, & 107 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d Cn O A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I � � Well 103 (138139CCE) -+-Well 105 (138BE6A4) Well 107 (1381313226) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide R -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 103, 105, & 107 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 103 (138139CCE) -+-Well 105 (138BE6A4) Well 107 (1381313226) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide R -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 103, 105, & 107 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V as J d d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 165P 2vP 'ox V 05 Nti X05 q� 205 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp I �eQ �eQ �eQ Well 103 (138139CCE) -+-Well 105 (138BE6A4) Well 107 (1381313226) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide R -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 103, 105, & 107 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V as J d I d Cn 0 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I .II \1{�u �7� �.:�i,• �iij jai -_ ���G4r Well 103 (138139CCE) -+-Well 105 (138BE6A4) Well 107 (1381313226) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide R -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 109, 111, & 113 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a N d t V d as J d d N 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 March, 2012 9Y 1,1, 11 X ��1 III Well 109 (138BABA9) -+-Well 111 (138138C78) Well 113 (13813813813) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide S -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 y T m n iv 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 109, 111, & 113 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 109 (138BABA9) -+-Well 111 (138138C78) Well 113 (13813813813) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide S -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 109, 111, & 113 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 165P 2vP 'ox V 05 Nti X05 q� 205 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ 2 2 2 h ,'o' ,'h' Well 109 (138BABA9) -+-Well 111 (138138C78) Well 113 (13813813813) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide S -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 109, 111, & 113 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 111 malfunction: data gap 12 -13 to 1 -8 -13 -- --- /i---------- - - - - -- /+I- ------ - - - - -- Well 109 (138BABA9) -+-Well 111 (138138C78) Well 113 (13813813813) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide S -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 115, 117, & 119 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d i Cn O A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp till r---------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �e� �e� �eQ �e� �e� Well 115 (13613829A) -+-Well 117 (138BA453) Well 119 (138BA85C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide T -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T m n 0 M 2 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 115, 117, & 119 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp Well 115 (13613829A) -+-Well 117 (138BA453) Well 119 (138BA85C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide T -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 115, 117, & 119 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t V d as J d d Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 165P 2vP 'ox V 05 Nti X05 q� 205 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ 2 2 2 h ,'o' ,'h' Well 115 (13613829A) -+-Well 117 (138BA453) Well 119 (138BA85C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide T -11 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 115, 117, & 119 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V d as J d d i Cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp I L I■ - - - = -7: 71-1-11L ------------------------------ -------------- ■ L Well 115 (13613829A) -+-Well 117 (138BA453) Well 119 (138BA85C) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide T -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n O M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 121 & 123 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t d as J as cC as V cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 March, 2012 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L------ -------------- At ----- ------------------------------------------ - - - - - I [ -------- L -------- - - - - -T - '----------- Y------ --%__ N%- - -- Well 121 (138BCD1 B) 4-Well 123 (1381395EE) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide U -9 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y T1 m n 0 7 M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 121 & 123 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t d as J as cC as i cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment June, 2012 -------------------------- - - - - -- -Soil -Temp Logger destroyed by wildlife 6-14-12 ... ------------------------------------------------- - - ------- - - - - -- �1--- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ----------------- --------------- - - - - I - - - - -- ------------------------- o � rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total - 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L------------------------------------------------ - I -------------------- - - - - - I I- " -'k ------- k--------------------------- -I - - %- ------------- - - - - -- Well 121 (138BCD1 B) -+-Well 123 (1381395EE) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide U -10 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 0 N 3 m a� m 0 m y m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 121 & 123 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t c c 0 .Q a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 N'3 N4 165P 2vP 'ox V 05 Nti X05 q� 205 rOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile —70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge Soil Temp 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 55 m 50 0 45 40 y 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 o� o� �� �.� Po Po Po Po Po Po �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ 2 2 2 h �o' �h' 20' 2h 20 D �� �� 2� I L Well 121 (138BCD1 B) 4-Well 123 (1381395EE) 12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide U -11 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauges (average of 2) and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Phase II ► Restoration Wells - ► Wells 121 & 123 ► Ecotone WM 20 & 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N t S c 0 .Q m a. N d t as J as i cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - --- ----- December, 2012 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo a�' NV 2.' ti6 �.' �,� �o� Nl,� o� �,� o� �,� X00 ��,� o9 �,� o� 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 IrOn -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile ■Belhaven Raingauge -Soil Temp L I [ -------------- - - - - -- L --------------------------- f �_ ------- - - - - -- INI Well 121 malfunction: data gap 11 -19 to 1 -8 -13 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo I. Well 121 (138BCD1 B) -+-Well 123 (1381395EE) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide U -12 80 75 N 70 2. 65 60 a� 55 m 50 0 45 40 vi 35 qn 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 4 & 5 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S a 0 .Q m a. N d t V .w- Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment March, 2012 �z� �z� �z� �z" <e" <e" <1 <'e6 <'e6 \ �" ��� ��� ��� �� �� 0 �. N6 9 Il �� h Nlz �� IV IV N� 6 NN, N6 9� Il 1 �1 FM—On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge L I ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -I Bay Reference 4- EBD0009 -+-Bay Reference 5- EBD7FDF —12in below surface On -site Raingauge 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slide A -12 m n O M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 4 & 5 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S a 0 .Q m a. N d t V .w- Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June, 2012 PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� 10, ,A 1 0 1�0 'A 'A A � ■ On-site Raingauge 30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 L--- --------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------- ------------- - - - - - I Bay Reference 4- EBD0009 -+-Bay Reference 5- EBD7FDF —12in below surface On -site Raingauge 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slide A -13 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 4 & 5 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S a 0 .Q m a. N d t V .w- Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 5eQ 5eQ 5Z' 5eQ 5eQ 5eQ D � ' � 2� 20' In On -site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge L I o� eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ Ncj ��P 2oP 2�P 2oP �5 05 ��5 X05 q� 205 Bay Reference 4- EBD0009 -+-Bay Reference 5- EBD7FDF –12in below surface On -site Raingauge 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slide A -14 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 4 & 5 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .9 .Q m a. N d t V .w- Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December, 2012 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- -- * ------- ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo NV 9, 2y 1 j1: 51-On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 L I -!■�!-_ Imo, ;MA ,�2 ,�2 0 Q e ed ed ed 6 �� �6 2�" 26 ��" �� �0� ��� 20� 2�� 20� �O X00 NCO 200 2L0 200 Bay Reference 4- EBD0009 -+-Bay Reference 5- EBD7FDF -12in below surface On -site Raingauge 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slide A -15 m n 0 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 6, 7, & 8 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► January 1 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V G d d J d as V cn 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment March, 2012 �z� �z� �z� �z" <e" <e" <1 <'e6 <'e6 \ �" ��� ��� ��� �� �� 0 �. N6 9 Il �� h Nlz �� IV IV N� 6 NN, N6 9� Il 1 �1 FM—On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 1� �h IV 1h ��' �� 2�' by 1 �1 Bay Reference 6 (138BC1AD) -+-Bay Reference 7 (EBD32C1) Bay Reference 8 (9DE5E8A) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -1 7 6 5 n 4 O 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 6, 7, & 8 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June, 2012 PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� 10, ,A 1 0 1�0 'A 'A A � ■ On-site Raingauge 30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge j 4 d V 0 G -4 > -8 d J 12 as -16 20 -24 q) -28 -32 O -36 (7 -40 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Cam-- 1Y�d�_,1-__� N, 6 � �,� �6� �,� �6� 'N, h� �o� ��,� 20� 1�r Bay Reference 6 (138BC1AD) -+-Bay Reference 7 (EBD32C1) Bay Reference 8 (9DE5E8A) —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide C -2 7 6 5 n 4 3 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 6, 7, & 8 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t V G d d J d as V cn 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ �eQ D � ' � ti� 20' In On -site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 ---------- - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- ----- -12 - - - -- --------------------------- -20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -24 j -32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- -40 (1; �o D NV No, tip` 1P EBa * Reference 6 (138BC1AD) -+-Bay Reference 7 (EBD32C1) Reference 8 (9DE5E8A) —12in below surface site Raingauge Slide C -3 7 6 5 n 4 0 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Bay Forest 6, 7, & 8 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .9 .Q m a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December, 2012 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- -- * ------- ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo NV 9, 2y 1 j1: 51-On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge y 4 d V 0 G -4 > -8 d J 12 as -16 20 -24 N -28 -32 O -36 -40 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net OEM • Bay Reference 6 (138BC1AD) -+-Bay Reference 7 (EBD32C1) Bay Reference 8 (9DE5E8A) —12in below surface 10n-site Raingauge I Slide C -4 7 6 5 4 ^: 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Offsite Reference Wells - ► 1,2 &3 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 j 4 d t V _= 0 as d -4 J -8 v -12 U) -16 -20 c� -24 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment March, 2012 �eN$ ■ On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge -Well 1 - 1131085A -+-Well 2 - 11312D57 Well 3 - 1130E4D6 —12in below surface -On -site Raingauge Slide A -13 7 6 5 n 4 0 3 M M e� 011 � h 10 -Well 1 - 1131085A -+-Well 2 - 11312D57 Well 3 - 1130E4D6 —12in below surface -On -site Raingauge Slide A -13 7 6 5 n 4 0 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Offsite Reference Wells - ► 1,2 &3 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June, 2012 PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� 10, ,A 1 0 1�0 'A 'A A � ■ On-site Raingauge 30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge j 4 d t V _= 0 as d -4 J -8 v -12 U) -16 -20 c� 24 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 2�P 26P ,� o� �,� �6� 2,� 26� �,� h� �o� �h� 20� 2hS �oS F Well 1 - 1131085A -+-Well 2 - 11312D57 Well 3 - 1130E4D6 —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide A -14 7 6 5 n 4 0 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Offsite Reference Wells - ► 1,2 &3 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 w 4 d t V _= 0 as d -4 J -8 v -12 U) -16 -20 cD Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 5eQ 5eQ 5Z' 5eQ 5eQ 5eQ D � ' � ti� 20' In On -site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge -24 -- ,�2 Po Po Qo Po Po Po 5eQ 5eQ Cep q 5eQ 5eQ o� .� 2 2 ' h "Z ,�h' 20' 2h �o' D 4 �o, tip` IV -*-Well 1 - 1131085A -+-Well 2 - 11312D57 Well 3 - 1130E4D6 —12in below surface —On -site Raingauge Slide A -15 7 6 5 n 4 0 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Offsite Reference Wells - ► 1,2 &3 ► Ecotone WM 20 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .9 .Q m a. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December, 2012 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- -- * ------- ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo NV 9, Il 1 j1: 51-On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge w 4 d t V _= 0 as d -4 J -8 v -12 U) -16 -20 U Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net i■ ■ -� - _sue u �• -24 Oo -*-Well 1 - 1131085A -+-Well 2 - 11312D57 Well 3 - 1130E4D6 —12in below surface —On -site Raingauge Slide A -16 7 6 5 n 4 0 3 M M Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 1 & 2 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment March, 2012 �z� �z� �z� �z" <e" <e" <1 <'e6 <'e6 \ �" ��� ��� ��� �� �� 0 �. N6 9 Il �� h Nlz �� IV IV N� 6 NN, N6 9� Il 1 �1 FM—On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge L--------------- - - - - -I & Enhancement 1 - 1314E3A1 -+-Enhancement 2 - 1314EBD7 —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide F -9 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 1 & 2 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June, 2012 PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� 10, ,A 1 0 1�0 'A 'A A � ■ On -site Raingauge —30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- � - ------- - - - - -- 0 -4 ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- -- ---------------------- -s -12 -16 ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -20 -24 ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -2s ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -32 ------------------------- -36 -40 0, ,-A 0, 0, 'A 'A �A Enhancement 1 - 1314E3A1 -+-Enhancement 2 - 1314EBD7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 —12in below surface PEOn -site Raingauge Slide F -10 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 1 & 2 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 A, Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 5eQ 5eQ 5Z' 5eQ 5eQ 5eQ D � ' � ti� 20' In On -site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge L------------------------------------- +111------------ - - - - -I I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r - - - - - - -_ -- It --------- E ----- ------- -a--- - - - - -_ ---- - - - - -I o� o� o� o� o� o� eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ eQ ' �oP ��P 2oP 2�P �oP �G' o,G' N'5 X05 2�5 205 - Enhancement 1 - 1314E3A1 -+-Enhancement 2 - 1314EBD7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide F -11 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 1 & 2 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .9 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 A, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December, 2012 ---- ------ ---- -- ?____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- � ___ 1-0- ------------ ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo NV 9, Il 1 j1: 51-On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 L - -- „�- - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------- ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo� Oo� Oo� Oo Oo 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Enhancement 1 - 1314E3A1 -+-Enhancement 2 - 1314EBD7 Land Management Group, Inc. —12in below surface On -site Raingauge www.lmgroup.net Slide F -12 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 3 & 4 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► January 1, 2012 - ► March 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 Hydrology Assessment March, 2012 �z� �z� �z� �z" <e" <e" <1 <'e6 <'e6 \ �" ��� ��� ��� �� �� 0 �. N6 9 Il �� h Nlz �� IV IV N� 6 NN, N6 9� Il 1 �1 FM—On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge L I Enhancement 3 - 138BA315 +Enhancement 4 - 1314F7138 —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -9 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 3 & 4 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► April 1, 2012 - ► June 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 June, 2012 PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� PQ� 10, ,A 1 0 1�0 'A 'A A � ■ On-site Raingauge 30 day total 30th percentile 70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 L I N, o� �, �6 2,� 26� , h� FEnhancement3-138BA315 -+-Enhancement 4 -1314F7138 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 —12in below surface —On -site Raingauge Slide G -10 m n 0 M 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record �► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 3 & 4 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► July 1, 2012 - ► September 30, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment September, 2012 5eQ 5eQ 5Z' 5eQ 5eQ 5eQ D � ' � ti� 20' In On -site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 -s -12 -16 -- - - -- - - -20 - - - - - -24 -2s -32 -36 -------- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- -40 Po Po Po Qo �eQ �eQ C" CeQ �eQ �eQ N 20' 2h �o D �� -. r_ I Enhancement 3 - 138BA315 +Enhancement 4 - 1314F7B8 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -11 m n 0 7 Precipitation data obtained from: On -site Raingauge, NOAA station Belhaven 3 NE, and AccuWeather.com Belhaven Station - (ncdc.noaa.gov) (AccuWeather.com) 30/70% 30 year averages obtained from WETS Station: BELHAVEN, NC0674 1979 -2008 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record ► PCS Mitigation ► Hyde County, NC ► 40 -07 -073 ► Reference Wells - ► Enhancement 3 & 4 ► Ecotone WM 40 ► October 1, 2012 - ► December 31, 2012 ► One reading per day ► at 7:00am N S c 0 .9 .Q m a. N d t G as as J as cC as i cn 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydrology Assessment December, 2012 ---- ------ ---- -- ?____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- � ___ 1-0- ------------ ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo NV 9, Il 1 j1: 51-On-site Raingauge 30 day total -30th percentile —70th percentile MBelhaven Raingauge 4 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 L ,�2 Oo Oo Oo Oo� Oo 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Land Management Group, Inc. Enhancement 3 - 138BA315 -+- Enhancement 4 - 1314F7138 www.lmgroup.net —12in below surface On -site Raingauge Slide G -12 m n 0 M 7 APPENDIX D. NC DIVISION OF A DROUGHT AP NC Drought Status Map O North Carolina Drought Status Map i+ + 4 01/03/2012 r Page 1 of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend %V State Boundary of HC Energency Hater Conservatj Mandatory Hater Conservatj Voluntary Hater Conservatj State Boundaries TVA States Counties Hydrography D4 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought 1E D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought 09 - Abnornally Dry r http: / /www.ncwater.org/DM /frames dhtml.html ?layer = basins &layer--nc &zoomsize =2& map= D: /ms4w /Apache/htdocs /DM /maps... 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map + + 02/07/2012 Page 1 of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend /% State Boundary of NC Energency Rater Conservati Mandatory Rater Conservati Voluntary Rater Conservati State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography 04 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought M D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought D9 - Rbnornally Dry http:llww w. ncwater.org/DM/frames_dhtml.html ?layer= basins &layer= nc &zoomsize =2 &map= D : /ms4wlApache/htdocs /DM/maps... 2/5/2013 NCDWR �ti 11rI _ i ' I / Car. SITE `�-'NQrth 1 a Page 1 of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend /% State Boundary of NC Energency Rater Conservati Mandatory Rater Conservati Voluntary Rater Conservati State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography 04 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought M D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought D9 - Rbnornally Dry http:llww w. ncwater.org/DM/frames_dhtml.html ?layer= basins &layer= nc &zoomsize =2 &map= D : /ms4wlApache/htdocs /DM/maps... 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map f North Carolina Drought Status Map ;4 i 4W Ca SITE i ncowR y� Page 1 of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit 0310612012 -1 Layers Legend �► so� /V State Boundary of HC Energency water Conservatj Mandatory water Conservatj Voluntary water Conservatj State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography 04 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought — 02 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought 08 - Rbnornally Dry 0 http:// www. ncwater .orgIDMIframes_dhtml.html ?layer= basins &layer= nc &zoomsize -2& map= D :Ims4wlApachelhtdocsIDNvmaps... 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map i ❑ ' _ 4-. 04/03/2012 - - NCDWR w..•1 �' ;y SITE Worth Car-'' 4+ta- -- r 'y I ✓ r '. WRISARS Page 1 of 1 Drought Monit Layers Legend State Boundary of NC Energency Rater Conservati Mandatory Rater Conservati Voluntary Rater Conservati State Boundaries TVA States Counties Hydrography D4 - Exceptional Drought D3 - Extrene Drought M" D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought 00 - Abnornally Dry 0 http:l /www.ncwater.orgIDMlframes dhtmI.html? layer = basins &layer= nc &zoornsize =2& map= D :Ims4wlApachelhtdoesIDMImaps... 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map id North Carolina Drought Status Map 105/01/ z - NCDWR r fi• SITE a Car -� ft WRISARS Page 1 of 1 Drought Monit Layers Legend /% State Boundary of NC Energency Water Conservati Mandatory Water Conservatj Voluntary Water Conservatj State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography D4 - Exceptional Drought DS - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought D9 - Rbnornally Dry http:llwww.ncwater. org/DM/frames_dhtml.html? layer = basins& layer =nc &zo omsize =2 & map— D: /ms4w /Apaehelhtdocs /DM/map s... 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map ❑ Q -f--7 North Caro-1 i F, OWA ,., rvwwe 66/05/2012 Q 1 [ ? -- • V.* Page 1 of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend State Boundary of HC ® Energency Water Conservatj Mandatory Water Conservati Voluntary Water Conservatj State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography 04 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought 02 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought D9 - Rbnornally Dry http: / /www.ncwater.org /DM /frames dhtml.html? layer = basins& layer— nc &zoomsize -2 &map= D: /ms4w /Apache /htdocs /DNvmaps... 2/5/20133 NC Drought Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map 0911$12012 - r' , -�rth Car.o44-f)tr- --- 3� 1 tvcowR a d r., Page l of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend %V State Boundary of HC Emergency Water Conservati Handatorg Water Conservati Voluntary Water Conservati State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography D4 - Exceptional Drought D3 - Extreme Drought D2 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought D© - Abnormally Dry http: l/ www. ncwater .org /DM /frames_dhtml.html? layer = basins& layer= nc &zoomsize =2 &map= D: /ms4w /Apache /htdocs /DM /maps... 2151201 NC Drought Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map ® 4 tw 110/09/2012 - Q s ` _ SITE ^��,-North' Car, 1 f 4b Nwwe i p a r4.0 Page 1 of I WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend /% State Boundary of HC Energency water Conservati Mandatory water Conservati Voluntary water Conservati State Boundaries TVA States Counties Hydrography 04 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought W D2 - Severe Drought 01 - First Level Drought DO - Abnornally Dry r http:llwww.ncwater.org/DM /frames dhtml.html ?layer= basins& layer= nc &zoomsize =2& map= D:lms4w /Apache /htdoc,s /DMJmaps... 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map North Carolina Drought Status Map ❑' ` =y '' �' 11/06/2012 rth f - r• I� �ryjuwH Page 1 of 1 WRISARS Drought Monit Layers Legend /% State Boundary of NC Energency Dater Conservatj Mandatory Hater Conservat3 Voluntary Hater Conservati State Boundaries TVA States Counties Hydrography 04 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought 10 02 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought D9 - Abnormally Dry Y http:// www. newater .orgIDMIframcs_dhtml.html ?layer— basins &layer =nc &zoomsize =2& map— D: Ims4-vvlApachclhtdocsIDNvmaps - -- 2/5/2013 NC Drought Status Map Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Drought Status Map WRISARS Drought Monit i� ® ,� `` � _ � ro Layers Legend iz4�za�z - - -rxNorth C r __ f _ SITE a I{ State Boundary of NC Energency Rater Conservati Mandatory Hater Conservati Voluntary Rater Conservatj State Boundaries TVR States Counties Hydrography D4 - Exceptional Drought 03 - Extrene Drought D2 - Severe Drought D1 - First Level Drought DB - Rbnornally Dry http: / /www.newater.orgIDNVfratnes dhtml_html ?layer= basins &layer=nc &zoomsize =2& map= D :Ims4wlApachclhtdocsIDMImaps... 2/5/2013 APPENDIX PALMER y Natlon Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions January 2012 �. • } MIMMO sIDaare moderate mki- MOOO Mlely r�r ectmmely droughl dravg ht d rought rerig0 MWU mpllk m0b-t Ll M M 4.00 -3.00 -2.000 -1A +20 4M &4jDO and to to 10 10 10 and below .3,99 -2,99 &is &Z 4-99 Ot t Natlom Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions Fetyruary 2012 IMMMs S&V&M m o-d cr2t-0 mId- moderately "r + extMrMly drought draught d rotlght rarnge mok &[ malst molot 4- -3.1D -2,00 -1 _' $ *2-00 4_00 A and to to No 10 10 and below .3,99 -2,99 AM +2M 4.90 Obo+ip Nztlon Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions March 201 IRR ;�k, I A"' MiFftme S&V&'e moor* mld- moderately 'b" eawnely droughl droug ht drought "LNO moist MOW moist M L L_-, M M 4_00 -3.00 -M -1.00 .140 00 64 and to to 10 10 10 and below .3." .2n 61.99 *M9 Obo+0 Nztlon Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long-Term (Hydrological) Conditions April 201 } f .w. extreme S&Vffre M068rate Mkl- Moftwely extrem -Bly draught -droug ht d rought range moist moist moist M I u M M 4_00 4M 4-1I0 -1 A +2M SAO A -00D end to to 10 10 10 and below - -2.9rq 61.9$ +,2.51$ n b vi tiDn Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions May 2012 ffArem0 aewar0 moderate mld- moderately y r extremely drought droug#it draught rarnga mol st rr ist mot" M M F-1 0 0 -and 101 to No #1 10 arnd below 4 4-1" +L" +xM 4-90 Obo+0 } f Notion Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions June 2012 } f IY amr-ftms RNWO M MO&Fate Mw- MO*MWY sxtrom -aly drought draught d Mught rarngs MIAO mollk moist 4_IO -3jOO -2.00 -1 -" +x.00 4A +4 -[YD a nd to to 10 10 10 and below -3" -2.M AM FZ99 X90 in bmr Nat �Dn Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions July 201 exiMms sffvftra ma,derate Mw- m rvWy vary a mely drought drouOt drought range mold molat molik M M. -: -� M 0 4.00 -3-00 too -1 Ikzw 4A0 &AjDQ end to to W 10 10 and below -3,g9 -2,99 +1.99 *M9 +S." t ip } Nati0P. Palmer Hydrological [drought Index Long -Term (Hydrolligicarl) Conditions August 2012 F Idrems E&V& a moderate mki- MOOO MY Y ti melt' drought draught drought "WV moist mel5t moist M M M M M end to to 10 10 10 and below .3, -L" 61.9$ +Z +13-H a b vas Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions September 201 emir-9ms RNW&M nwWrate mid- MOOOM 01g 64MMOty drought draught drought rarg0 moist r lit moist M M Ll L-1 M M 4_00 40D -2.)D -1 A #loo 4M &4jDO at' d to to 10 101 10 and ba18w -M -2-" 61.9$ F2SO 4.90 40th* Nztlon Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Terra (Hydrological) Conditions October ZD1 2 fir, -&xlrems S&V& 0 moderate MW- Modmialy MY eltmMety drought draught draught range moist MOIR mom M M Ll L-1 L. W M 4_oa 40D -too -1, #x.00 4M +4A0 -e nd to to 10 10 10 a below -3., -9-95 +1.9$ +1 @ 6199 OR* ftflan Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions November 2012 am ms E&V& a Moderate mld- m rawly extremely drought -droppM d Mught range moist melt# moist 4.00 -3.1D -2.00 -119 .1k2M A -DO -e n(f to to No 10 le and below .3, -2,119 AM +M9 +3." n bdvi� - } f Natlon Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Long -Term (Hydrological) Conditions December 2012 MIMMO serer$ moderate mld- moderwwy eztmrrraly draughl draug ht d mught range mold rr ,It MOOS -t 4- -3.I -2.10 -1 _' $ *2.00 4A0 &AjDQ and to to 10 10 10 and below -3,99 -2,99 +1M *2.99 +190 O r0