HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121074 Ver 1_More Info Received_20130211ECS CAROLINAS, LLP 1'- ID1 � "1-d-) "Setting the Standard for Service" Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineering Firm F -1078 February 8, 2013 Mr John Thomas U S Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Reference Response to January 14 and 16, 2013 U S Army Corps of Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid - Atlantic Manufacturing and 916 Baltimore Road Advance, Davie County, North Carolina ECS Project No 09- 21106A Dear Mr Thomas. neer Letters '9.g�0W� Do 11, FEB 1 1 2013 NR- WATE=R cwAlL rY 1..1 _1_ . ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS) received letters from the U S Army Corps of Engineers dated January 14 and 16, 2013 The purpose of your letters were to provide comments received in response to the Public Notice dated December 6, 2012 and to request that additional information be submitted to continue the review of the permit request ECS, on behalf of the applicant Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc (Ashley), Is pleased to address the concerns identified In the following letters 1) January 14, 2013 letter regarding comments from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) 2) January 14, 2013 letter regarding comments from the U S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) 3) January 16, 2013 letter regarding comments from adjacent property owners Copies of the letters are included as attachments 1) January 14, 2013 Letter from the NC WRC Comment: Two alternatives that expand the facility to the north would result in less than 0 2 acres of wetland impact and no stream impact We recommend one of these two alternatives since impacts to aquatic and terrestrial resources would be minimized to the maximum practicable extent possible Response: Ashley has evaluated numerous alternatives to the proposed project Two of these alternatives include expansion of the current facility to the north While these alternatives would result in less streamtwetland Impacts, they were determined to not be economically feasible when compared to the preferred alternative Increases In development and maintenance costs would range from $138,212,382 to $174,223,259 to expand the facility to the north, when compared to the preferred alternative 4811 Koger Boulevard • Greensboro, NC 27407 • T 336- 856 -7150 • F 336 -856 -7160 www ecsiimited com ECS Carolinas, LLP • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid - Atlantic, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLC ECS Texas, LLP Response to January 14 and 16, 2013 U S Army Corps of Engineer Letters Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid - Atlantic Manufacturing and D►stnbutron Center 916 Baltimore Road Advance, Davie County, North Carolina ECS Project No 09- 21106A February 8, 2013 Comment: The applicant indicates a need for nearly 2,000 employee parking spaces If streams or wetlands will be impacted by the construction of these parking spaces, we question whether some of these impacts could be avoided or minimized to the maximum extent possible by constructing a parking deck Response: Ashley has investigated the construction of a parking deck for employee parking Ashley has concluded that an employee parking deck is not a cost - effective option for addressing its needs because entrance and exit areas, turning lanes, stair wells, and lighting requirements limit the additional spaces gained by constructing a parking deck The result is that the parking ramp must cover a larger footprint or must be constructed higher, with greater numbers of levels Depending on soil conditions, the soils may not support such a structure Comment: For remaining streams, maintain a 100 -foot undisturbed, native forested buffer along perennial streams and a 50 -foot buffer along intermittent streams and wetlands Maintaining undisturbed, forested buffers along these areas will minimize impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources, water quality, and aquatic habitat both within and downstream of the project area In addition, wide riparian buffers are helpful in maintaining stability of stream banks and treatment of pollutants associated with stormwater runoff Response During the proposed site development, riparian buffers outside the limits of disturbance will be not altered Future and additional impacts to streams, wetlands and riparian buffers are not anticipated and /or being proposed at this time Comment: All remaining wetlands and streams on the site should be protected from additional impacts by placing them in a permanent easement to prohibit filling, draining, flooding and excavation Response: Ashley will be providing funds for compensatory mitigation for wetland acres lost Moreover, current and future laws along with their associated permitting processes provide adequate protection of the public's interest Additionally, Ashley has gone to great lengths to (i) minimize all impacts in its planned development of the site, (ii) hire experts, at substantial expense, to ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations, (iii) strictly adhere to the permitting process and (m) cooperate with all regulatory agencies involved Under the totality of these circumstances, it appears that a mandated easement is excessive and unnecessary Comment: Stormwater management structures should be designed to mimic the hydrograph consistent with an impervious coverage of less than 10% Structures should be located outside the riparian buffers and wetlands For stormwater detention ponds, trees and shrubs should be planted around the pond excluding the dam This would provide habitat benefits that offset those functions lost by development partially restore aquatic habitats, reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight to minimize thermal pollution and provide essential summer and winter habitats Response to January 14 and 16, 2013 U S Army Corps of Engineer Letters Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid - Atlantic Manufacturing and D►stnbuhon Center 916 Baltimore Road Advance, Davie County, North Carolina ECS Project No 09- 21106A February 8, 2013 Response: Stormwater management structures are being designed in accordance with applicable state regulations and the conditions issued in the 401 Water Quality Certification Native vegetation will be planted around the perimeter of the stormwater detention ponds where appropriate and applicable Comment: Use landscaping that consists of non - invasive native species and Low Impact Development (LID) technology Using native species instead of ornamentals should provide benefits by reducing the need for water, fertilizers, and pesticides Using LID technology in landscaping will not only help maintain the predevelopment hydrologic regime, but also enhance the aesthetic and habitat value of the site Response: Non - invasive native species will be utilized within the areas of impact and re- vegetation where appropriate and applicable Comment: Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects of aquatic resources including the destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs and closing of gills of aquatic species Response: Sediment erosion controls will be installed prior to land clearing and /or construction The measures will be regularly inspected and properly maintained throughout land disturbance activities 2) January 14, 2013 Letter from the FWS Comment: Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Species Act Response We concur with your opinion that no federally listed species or their habitats occur on the subject site and that the requirements under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act are fulfilled Obligations under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act will be reconsidered if (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner nor previously considered (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined that may be affected by the identified action Comment: Stream and Wetland Buffers Response: Erosion and sediment control measures will be installed prior to land disturbance activities They will be properly maintained and regularly inspected during land disturbance activities including clearing and grading Non - invasive native species will be utilized within the areas of impact and re- vegetation where appropriate and applicable Fescue based mixtures will be avoided to the most practical extent possible During the proposed site development, riparian buffers outside the limits of disturbance Response to January 14 and 16, 2013 U S Army Corps of Engineer Letters Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distnbubon Center 916 Baltimore Road Advance, Davie County, North Carolina ECS Project No 09- 21106A February 8, 2013 will not be altered Future and additional impacts to streams, wetlands and riparian buffers are not anticipated and /or being proposed at this time Comment: Stream Crossings — Roads Response: Stream and wetland road and /or utility crossings are not being proposed by the project The proposed project has been designed to avoid and minimize stream and wetland road /utility crossings to the maximum extent possible Comment: Storm -water Management Response: Stormwater management structures will be designed in accordance with applicable state regulations and the conditions issued in the 401 Water Quality Certification The stormwater management structures will not be located in streams, wetlands and /or their respective riparian buffers Comment: Invasive Exotic Species Response Non - invasive native species will be utilized within the areas of impact and re- vegetation where appropriate and applicable Comment: Mitigation Response: Mitigation for the proposed wetland impacts is based on the quality /functionality of the wetlands being impacted Mr Thomas recommended that the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Model (NCWAM) be used to establish mitigation ratios (1 1 mitigation ratio for low quality wetlands and a 2 1 mitigation ratio for high quality wetlands) Approximately 1 057 acres of wetlands, which will be impacted by the project, have been assessed using NCWAM and determined to be low quality In addition to the NCWAM determinations, numerous site visits have revealed that within the 1 057 acres of low quality wetlands vegetative diversity and habitat is extremely low and or limited by monocultures of species, invasive /exotic species being dominant within their vegetative strata and /or limited tree strata with none to few trees having greater than a six inch breast height diameter In addition, the low quality wetlands have been previously and severely altered from anthropogenic practices including mowing, use of herbicides and land disturbance activities including excavation, clearing and grading One of the low quality wetlands is a remnant of a retention basin and the others have been heavily impacted with rip rap Based on the findings of NCWAM, observations from numerous site visits and the mitigation discussions with Mr Thomas, the mitigation plan proposes a 2 1 mitigation ratio for high quality wetlands and a 1 1 mitigation ratio for low quality wetlands Response to January 14 and 16, 2013 U S Army Corps of Engineer Letters Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid- Atlantic Manufactunng and Distnbution Center 916 Baltimore Road Advance, Davie County, North Carolina ECS Project No 09- 21106A February 8, 2013 3) January 16, 2013 Letter from Adjacent Property Owners Comment: Concerns pertaining to stormwater runoff Response: The proposed project will treat and manage stormwater in accordance with applicable state regulations and the conditions issued in the 401 Water Quality Certification Stormwater management will be enhanced and more effective following the development of the site In addition, an erosion and sediment control plan is being designed in accordance with applicable state regulations The sediment and erosion control plan must be approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources prior to any land disturbance activities The sediment and erosion control measures will be regularly inspected and properly maintained throughout land disturbance activities Riparian buffers on streams and wetlands outside the limits of disturbance are not being altered Comment: Concerns pertaining to water quality of surface and subsurface waters Response: All of the wastewater generated within the facility will be discharged and treated by the Davie County sewer system It should be noted that the furniture industry is not a water - intensive industry and that all of the water used in the facility will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system in compliance with all regulations of the State of North Carolina Ashley is required to and will comply with all appropriate regulations of the U S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) pertaining to the generation, transportation, disposal and storage of solid waste and their removal from the site It should be noted that Ashley's generation of solid waste is minimal, if any Comment: Concerns pertaining to potential noise and light impact to area Response: Operational noises beyond the property line will not be significant An increase in average daily traffic in the vicinity of the project site is anticipated on a localized level due to commuters to /from the expanded facility However, these increases will be (i) sporadic, (u) should not significantly impact the noise levels of surrounding properties and (m) will occur even if this permit is not granted It should be noted that this site was already zoned to permit Ashley's intended use before this property was purchased and before this permit application was submitted It is also our understanding that Ashley's intended use of this site was a permitted use under zoning laws in existence at or before the time the neighboring property parcels were purchased Nevertheless, the design of Ashley's proposed layout places the expansion the greatest distance from all neighboring properties (approximately 2,000 feet) All other alternatives would place the expanded building much closer to the property lines and closer to neighboring properties In addition, existing vegetative buffers are established around the Ashley property that will not be disturbed during the proposed project The established vegetative buffers will reduce noise travel to adjacent properties It should be mentioned that a cigarette manufacturer and tobacco distribution company occupied the site as an industrial facility prior to Ashley's occupancy of the site, over a year ago Response to January 14 and 16, 2013 U S Army Corps of Engineer Letters Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid - Atlantic Manufactunng and D►stnbubon Center 916 Baltimore Road Advance, Davie County, North Carolina ECS Project No 09- 21106A February 8, 2013 Therefore, the overall and long term noise and light levels would be expected to be consistent with those previously experienced from the former occupants of the site and the historical use of the site as a manufacturing and distribution facility Closing Based on the information outlined above and in the previous Individual Permit Application, it is the opinion of ECS that all requirements have been fulfilled and we recommend that the permit be issued Please contact us at (336) 856 -7150 if you have any questions concerning this letter or if you need additional information Sincerely, Bradley S Luckey Environmental Project Manager CC Ms Karen Higgins NCDENR -DWQ 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Michael T Brame, PWS Environmental Principal Attachments — January 14, 2013 Letter (WRC) January 14, 2013 Letter (FWS) January 16, 2012 Letter (Adjacent Property Owners) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA'28403 -1343 January 14, 2013 Regulatory DivisionA1200A Action ID: SAW -2412 -01900 Mr. Michael Moran Ashley Fu niture4ndustries, Inc. OneAshley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 ,DearVr. Moran: Bypublic notice of December 6, 2012, we,announced your application fora Department of the Army (DA) permit to authorize permanent discharge of fill impacts to 316 linear feet of jurisdictional'stream channels and 4.089 acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands adjacent to ,Buffalo�Creek, associated-with the proposed expansion of your existing,warefiouse and manufacturing facilities located off of 916 Baltimore Road, wesvof Advance, in Davie. County, North Carolina. After review of your proposal, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission,(WRC) submitted co ments,and recommendations by letter dated January 4, 2013, a copy of which is enclosed for your consideration and response. Your response to the WRC's- colrunents and recommendations,should be provided to the, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, in writing, no later than February 11, 2013, so we can continue the timely processing of your application. You should contact ,Mr. John Thomas at.919 -554- 4884 extension 25 if you have any.questions regarding this process. Sincerel , d o ` homas egulatory Project Manager Raleigh Field Office Enclosure Copy Fumished (w /o enclosure): Ms.'Shari L. Bryant NC Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Inland Fisheries Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Copy Furnished (w /enclosure): Mr. Michael T. Brame ECS Carolinas, ILLP' 4811 Koger Boulevard Greensboro, NC 27407 E orth Carolina Wildlife Resources Commiscinlh n voruon iviyers, executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Thomas, Raleigh Regulatory Field'Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Shari L. Bryant, Piedmont Region Coordinator ..8As -Aak � Habitat Conservation Program DATE: 4 January 2013 SUBJECT- Public Notice, for Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc, for Proposed Ashley Furniture Mid - Atlantic- Manufacturing and Distribution Center, Davie County, North Carolina. 'Corps Action ID #: SAW- 2012 -01900 Biologists with the North Carolina'Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the, sublect,document., Our comments'are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean'Water Act of 1977 (as amended), Fish and Wildlife;Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661- 667e), and North Carolina General StitutekG.S. 11`3 -131 et seq.). The applicant proposes to permanently impact 222 linear feet of perennial stream, 94 linear feet of intermittent stream, and 4.089 acres of wetlands for expansion of an existing facility. Currently an induitrial facility that includes maintenance garage with fuel storage area, warehouse/storage buildings,, and a warehouse/inanufacturing facility are located on the site. The proposed expansion includes construction of 2,304,100 square foot building addition, tractor - trailer loading and parking areas, access road, railroad spur, and,stoimwater ponds. The- facility will be expanded in four ,phases. The purpose of the project into develop a state -of- the- art, facility to meet present and future needs. Mitigation for the projecfineludes,payment into" the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program; the proposed mitigation ratio for streams and high quality wetlands is 2:1, and 1.1 for low quality wetlands. Unnamed tributaries to Buffalo Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River basin flow through the site. Accoidung,to information provided in the,Public-Notice, the undeveloped portion of 667.63 acre tract is comprised,of pasture and forest; the site does not contain any 100 -year floodplain areas. The applicant evaluated 16 alternatives including no- build, adding a second story, moving some operations,to another location, demolishing the existing'facilities and rebuilding a new facility, and expanding or adding to the existing facility in -each direction (i e., north, south, east, and west). The•preferred alternative is linear expansion to the west. This alternative was,selected because it limited the environmental impact of the project and the costs of development, production and operation We hesitate to concur with the filling of wetlands due to their wildlife habitat value and the well - known beneficial functions they provide for flood control and water quality protection. We also,hesiiate to L -Mug rwuress: envision or miana Yisheries - 1721 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699 -1721 Telephone: (919),707-0220 - Fax: (919) 707 -0028 Page 2 4 January 2013 r ' { � J Ashley Furnituie Industries, Inc Corps Action ID No. SAW - 2012 -01900 concur with the piping of stream channels due to the potential'for, long -term and cumulative impacts: Stream piping and placing fill in aquatic resources can result in significant negative impacts to downstream areas and eliminate aquatic and,terrestrial- wildlife habitat. Stream piping reduces infiltration of stormwater and associated pollutants, as well as -the dissipation of stream energy. In,addition,'we are concerned about the impacts of development\on aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources. Changes ,in'land_use_and -increases-in h vious surfaces may exacerbate channel degradation and sedi ment,impacts to stream ecosystems due to increased stormwater runoff and elevated flooding. In addition, pollutants (6.g, sediment, heavyanetals, pesticides, and'fertilizers) washed from roads and developed Iaudscapes can adversely, affect and extirpate species downstream. According to Table I in the Practical Alternative Analysis, the, two alteinatives'that expand the facility to the north would result in less than 0.2 acres of wetland-* mpact and no stream impact We recommend one of these two alternatives since'inipacts to aquatic anflerrestrial wildlife resources would be minimized to ,the�maximum extent practicable. However, \should,the permit be issued,'for the,preferred alternative, we offer the following comments or recommendations: 1. The applicant indicates a need for nearly 2,000 employee parking spaces. If streams or-'wetlands will be, impacted by construction of these parking spaces,, we question whether some,ofthese4mpacts could be avoided or minimized by constructing a parking.deck. 2' For remaining streams, maintain a 100- footuiidisturbed, native, forested buffer along perennial streams, and a 50 -foot buffer along intermittent streams and wetlands. Maintaining undisturbed, foiested buffers along these areas will minimize impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife'resources „water quality, and aquatic habitat both within and down m strea of the project area. In i addii6%, wide riparian buffer`s are helpful,in maintainingtstability of stream banks and for,treahnent of pollutants,associated with stormwater runoff 3. All remaining wetlands and streams on the site,should be protected from additional impacts by placing them in a permanent conservation easement,to, prohibit filling, draining, flooding; and excavation. 4. Stormwater management structures should be designed to mimic'the hydrograph consistent with an impervious coverage of less than 10 %. Structures should be located outside of riparian buffers and wetland areas. For stormwater detention ponds, trees and shrubs should be planted around the pond, excluding the dam. This would provide habitat benefits that offset`those functions lost,by development, partially restore aquatic habitats, reduce exposure of the,water surface to,sunlight to nunnnize thermal pollution, and provide essential summer and winter habitats. 5. Use landscaping that consists of non- invasive native species and L'ow'Impact Development (LID), technology Using native,species instead of ornamentals,should provide benefits by reducing the need for water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Using LID`technology in landscaping will not only help; maintain the predevelopment hydrologic regime, but also,enhance the aesthetic,and'habitat value of the site. 6 Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing \or construction. These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destiuciion of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic,species. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. If we,can provide further assistance, please contact our office at (336) 449 -7625 or shari.brvantgg!u wildlife org. ec• Sue Homewood (DWQ ID #: 20121074) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS,OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1343 January 14, 2013 Regulatory Division/1200A Action ID: SAW -2012 -01900 Mr. Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. OneAshley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 Dear Mr. Moran: By public notice of.December 6, 2012, we announced your application for a Department of the Army (DA) permit to authorize permanent discharge of fill impacts to 316 linear feet of jurisdictional stream channels-and 4.089,acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands adjacent to Buffalo Creek, associated with the proposed expansion of your exison&warehouse and manufacturing facilities located off of 916 Baltimore Road, west ofAdvance, in Davie County,, North Carolina. After review of your proposal, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service;(FWS) submitted comments and recommeridations,by letter dated January 3, 2013,-,a copy of which is enclosed for _your consideration and response. Your response -to the FWS's comments and recommendations should be provided to the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, in writing, no later than February 11, 2013, to we can continue the timely processing of your application. You should contact Mr. John Thomas at 919-554 - 4884,extension 25 if you have any questions regarding this process. Sincerely, J- o i homas Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Copy Furnished (w /o enclosure): Mr. Brian Cole US Fish and Wildlife`Service Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Copy Furnished (w /enclosure): Mr. Michael T. Brame ECS Carolinas, LLP 4811 Kopr Boulevard Greensboro, NC 27407 2 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field gifice 16o ztllicoa street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 January 3, 2013 Mr. Jol homas ui T US Army Corps of Engineers coy Raleigh - Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 This is the report of the U.S.`Fish and Wildlife Service,and.the Department of the Interior on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' •(Corps) public notice,(PN) of an application for an individual, permit submitted by Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc., to expand their existing warehouse and manufacturing facility located at 916 Baltimoie Road, Advance, North Carolina. Information for this report is-based on a review of the public notice issued by the Corps. t This,reportis submitted in accordance with,the provisions of,the National, Environmental Policy Act; Fishand-Wildlife Coordination Act, as,amended'(16 U.S.C. 661- 667e); and,section,7.ofthe Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531- 1543),(Act). Project Descriptions The applicant is proposing to,expand the,existing facility by constructing a 2,304,100 syuare,foot building addition, a tractor trailer loading/parking,area, access'roads, a! railroad spur,'and storm water ponds. A portion of the site is,currently deyeloped,with about 1.7 million square feet of industrial structures. The remarnider o£ the 667 -acre site is;undeveloped and consists of forested;areas aud,,open+pasture. To complete ihe,construction of the proposed facility expansi6n, the applicant, is,proposmg to,permanently impact,about -316 linear; feet of m strea channel and about 4.089; acres,of wetlands. Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened'Sn6cies According to our `records'and a review of the 1nforn aiion'you provided, no` federally listed species or their habitats occur on the subject site. Therefore, we believe the requirements under section 7 of the,Endangered Species Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under section 7 of the Endangered, Species Actmust be reconsidered if: (1) inew- information- reveals,impacts of this identified action that may-affect listed'species or` critical habitatin a maruier not'previously considered, (2) this action,is subsequently modified in a manner Thai was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species,is listed or critical habitat is determined ihatmay be affected by the identified action. Stream and Wetland Buffers Because there are numerous streams and wetlands within the project area,,we want to emphasize that stringent measures -to control sediment and 'erosion shouldibe, implemented,pri-P r to any ground disturbance and should be maintained throughout project construction: Disturbed areas should be reseeded with seed mixtures that are beneficial to wildlife. Fescue- base&mixtures should be avoided. Native annual,small grains,appropriate for the season are preferred and recommended. Also, perimeter erosion - control devices should be installed prior to any Yti9t, tir 'y i Stream Crossings - Roads We recommend avoiding,and minimizing the number of stream/Wetland crossings. Use bridges (sized so as not to constrict'the,active channel and-iii consideration of floodflows) for'all permanent roadway crossings ,.of streams and, associated wetlands. We recommend the use of spanning structures because they minimize impacts to aquatic resources, allow, for the movement of aquatic organisms, and eliminate the need to -fill andtmstall culverts. All streanrcrossings shouldbe -made-perpendicular;to- the,- stream -in- areas - where - banks- are- stable- (i.e.; riffle- reaches). If culverts are4ie only option, we,suggest,using bottomless,culverts, or squash pipes, embedded within the channel substrate. � Any type.of,culvert that is -used should be designed to allow for the passage of fish and other aquatic life. Culverts,shoul'd.be sized to acconunodate the movement of debris and bed material within a channel during a bank -full event. We recommend the use of multiple barrels (other than the base, -flow barrel),,placed, on or, near, stream bank -frill or floodplain bench elevation in, order to, accommodateffloodwaters within the ,stream corridor. These should be recoimected to floodplaiwbenches ,asi'appropriate. This may be accomplished by'using sills on the upstream end to restrict or divert,flow to the base -flow barrel(s). Sinfftcient water depth should be maintained in the base -flow barrel during4ow-flows to accommodate fish movement. Culvert length should be minimized to the extent possible: During both utility and road construction activities,Requipment should be kept out of streams by operating from the banks -in a fashion that minimizes disturbance to woody vegetation. Equipment should be inspected daily and should be maintained in order to prevent the contamination of surface waters from leakingifuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, ,or other toxic materials. All fuels, lubricants, and other toxic materials should be stored-outside the riparian area of the stream, in a location where the material can,be contained. Equipment, should be checked for leaks of hydraulic fluids, cooling system liquids, and fuel and should be, cleaned before- fording any stream. In addition,,all fueling,operations,should be accomplished at least 200 feet away from,streams:and wetlands "or outside the 100 -,yearifloodplain (whichever -is greater). ' Storm -water Management An increase in development (residential,.commercial, and industrial).results in a concomitant increase hi impervious surface,area and thus ,a similar relational 'increase in storm' -water runoff. Impervious.surfaces (such as,roofs, road's; and,parking,lots) collect pathogens; metals,,sediment, and chemical pollutants and quickly transmit them (via storm -water runoff) to receiving waters. According to the Envh-onmental Protection Agency, this nonpoint- source pollution is one of the major threats to wateuquality in the United, States,, posing one of the, greatest threats to aquatic life, and is linked to chronic and acute' illnesses in lnumanl,,populations,from expo sure, through drinking water and contact recreation. Increased storm -water runoff also directly damages aquatic.and riparian habitat, causing stream -bank and stream- channel scouring. In addition, impervious surfaces reduce groundwater recharge, resulting in even, lower than expected stream flows during drought periods that can induce potentially:catastrophic effects for fish,.niussels and other aquatic'life. Best management practices can reduce, but riot eliminate, pollutant loadings of common storm -water pollutants. Designs that collect runoff and allow it to infiltrate the soil have the 3 ,, N\ �� htlp : //www.ncwildlife.org/pg07 wildl ifespeciescon /pg7c3_iinpacts.pdf. Invasive Exotic Species We are concerned with the introduction and spread of invasive exotic species in association,with the proposed project. Without active management, including the revegetation of disturbed areas with native species, the project area will likely be a source for the movement of invasive exotic plant species. Exotic species areaa major contributor to species depletion and extinction, second only-to-habitat -loss. Exotics -are -a factor - ,contributing -to, the - endangered- or- threatenedstatus of— more than 40 percent of the animals, and -plants on the Federal List of Lndangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.7 It is estimated that,at least °4,000 exotic plant species and 2,300 exotic animal species are now established in the,United Statep, costing more than $130 billion a year to control.8 Additionally, the U.S. Government has many programs and laws hi place to combat invasive species (see www. invasivespecies.gov) and'thus cannot spend money to counter these efforts. Specifically, Section 2(a)(3) of Executive,-Order 13112 - Invasive Species (February'3, 1999) direct's federal agencies to "not authorize; fund, �or cany out actions that it believes are likely to cause or promote�the introduction or-spread of invasive species in the United States or elsewhere." Despite their short -term erosion - control benefits, many exotic species used in soil stabilization seed mixes are persistent.once they are established, thereby preventing the reestablishment of native vegetation. Many,of these,exotics_plants9 are also aggressive invaders of nearby natural areas, where they are capable of'displacing already established native species; Therefore, we strongly recommend that only native plant species be used in association with all aspects of tlus project. Miti tion – The applicant'is proposing to mitigate for impacts to the 3161f of stream channel and 4.08 -acres of wetlands by making a payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Though,we agree with the majority of the proposed mitigation package, we generally recommend that a 2:1 ratio be used to calculate the payment amount for all impacts to wetlands: We recommend that an-,additional. 1.05-acre of wetland mitigation credits will be necessary to adequately compensate for the direct impacts this project will have on aquatic resources. Therefore, we believe the total required credits necessary to mitigate the wetland impacts should be 8.17- acres. We appreciate the opportunity to provide, these, comments. If we can be of assistance, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact,Mr. Bryan Tompkins of our staff at 828/258 -3939, Ext. 240. In any future coirespondeiice�concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4 -2 -13 -021. Sincerely, - - original signed - - Milcove, D. S., D. Rothstein, J. Dubow, A. Phillips, and E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying threats to imperiled species in the United States, BioScience.48:607 -615. 8Pimentel, D., L. Lach, R. Zunigs, and D. Morrison 2000. Environmental and economic costs of nonindigenous species in the United States. BioScience 50:53 -65. 9 Lists of invasive exotic plants can be found at hap.-Avww tneppao)g/ and hup.-Mvww. invasive. o g/eastern/srs/on the Internet. 5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403=1343 January-16, 2013 Regulatory Division Action ID. SAW- 2012- 0190.0 Mr. Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc One Ashley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 Dear Mr- Moran: By public notice of-D&bmber 6, 2012, we announced your application for a Department of the Army (DA) permit to authorize permanent discharge of fill impacts to 316 linear feet of jurisdictional stream channels and 4,089 acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands, adjacent to Buffalo Creek, associated with,the proposed expansion of your - existing warehouse and manufacturing facilities located off of 916 Baltimore Road, west of Advance, in Davie County. North Carolina. After review of your proposal, adjacent property owners to your existingwarehouse and manufacturing facilities in Davie County submitted comments and recommendations by letters, dated and received during the public notice period. A copy of each of these letters is enclosed for your consideration and response. The comments and recommendations of each of the letters are similar.- Therefore, we are sending them to -you as single attachment for your review and combined response to these similar concerns Specifically you should address in your written response the,following concerns: 1. concerns pertaining to stormwater runoff 2. concerns,pertamirig to water` quali ty of surface and subsurface waters 3. concerns pertaining to potential noise and light impact to area Your response.to these comments and recommendations should be provided to the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, in writing, no later than - February 11, 2013, so we can continue the timely processing of your application. You should contact Mr. John Thomas at 919 - 554 -4884 extension 25 if you have any questions fegarding this process Enclosures Copy Furnished- (w /enclosures) ECS,Carolinas, LLP Attn: Michael T. Brame 481 T Koger Boulevard Greensboro, NC 27407 Sincerely, r /ohn Thomas Regulatory Project Manager Raleigh Field Office Bobby Cundiff and Margaret J ,Nance 113 Wellesborough Road Winston- Salem, NC 27104 December 22, 2012 Mr Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc One Ashley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 Mr John Thomas Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC, 27587 Nis Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service "Center Raleigh, NC 27699_ Re: Corps Action ID #SAW- 2012 -01900 r Dear Mr Moran, Mr. Thomas and Ms . Higgins RECEIVE: DEC 2 4 2012 RALEIGH RtGULATORY FIELD OFFICE We recently received a Public Notice dated December 6, 2012 referenced as SAW- 2012 -01900 describing the Davie County expansion project of Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. (Ashley). The Public Notice requires an unreasonable comment deadline of January 7, 2013 Adequate and timely studies and reports have not been provided to us to adequately assess the impact to our property My Wife and I own lot 2 in the Baltimore Trails subdivision totaling about-10 acres with approximately 825 linear feet bordering the Ashley,property with about 300 linear feet of Buffalo Creek (creek collecting run =off from the Ashley property) flowing Through oui property Our land and creek will be one of the first non Ashley properties affected by the changes requested in the Public Notice. At this time, we (others may have similar or additional questions) request the following. 1. Change the comment deadline of January 7, 2013 to a date (at least a three month delay) when we will have ample Information and time to understand the, requested changes. 2. A comprehensive study and report detailing the impact (both physical and financial) to our property of all Ashley changes We do not' have the expertise or financial resources to research all the possible impacts It appears such study-is complete based on the following quote taken from the Public Notice The-Public Notice under Evaluation page 7 reads "The benefit which reasonably_ nay -be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against Its reasonably foreseeable detriments" 3., Will th�re_be routine testing of water (both above and below ground) from the Ashley property ,to other properties by -an independent firm,to test Tor toxic materials? 4. Wiii there be a vegetation buffer zone to protect surrounding residential properties from noises, sounds etc.? Page 2 of 3 We desire to be amiable neighbors, but we must demand that our property be safe from any and all actions undertaken, by Ashley We believe North Carolina °antl Davie County fobs -are very important to our state, community and economy, but-individual property rights and values must'be protected. If such rights are not protected for each individual ultimately they are lost by all. Thank you for your attention to this letter Very truly yours, 1�afrgarft ante tAlAle-e' ce Copies to Honorable Richard Burr United States Senator 2000 West First Street, Suite 508 Winston - Salem, NC27104 Honorable Kay -Hagan United States Senator 701 Green Valley Road, Suite 201 Greensboro, NC 27408 Honorable Virgirua Foxx House of Representatives 6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Suite 3 Clemmons, NC 27012 Honorable Julia C Howard NC House of Representatives 16 W. Jones Street, Room 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601 Page,3,of 3 Honorable Andrew C. Brock INC,Senator 300 N, Salisbury Street, Room 623 Raleigh, NC- 27.603 Honorable Robert Wisecarvef Chairman of Davie County Board of Commissioners 38$ Fork Bixby xoad Advance,,NC'27006 Ms, Beth Dirks Manger,of Davie County 123-S Main Street - Mocksville, NC,27028 All members -of Baltimore Trails HOA By e-mail December 31, 2012 Mr. Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. One Ashley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 Mr. John Thomas Raleigh Regulatory Field,Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 10.5 Wake Forest,, NC 27587 Ms. Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Re: Corps Action ID #SAW -2612 -01900 Dear Mr.,Moran, Mr. Thomas and Ms. Higgins: We recently - received a Public Notice dated December 6, 2012,referenced as SAW= 2012 -01900 describing the Davie County expansion project of Ashley Furniture Industries,_ Inc. (Ashley). The Public Notice-requires an,unreasonable comment deadline of January 7, 2013. Adequate and timeiy studies and reports,have not been provided to us to adequately assess the impact to our property. My wife and I own Lot #5 in'the Baltimore Trails subdivision totaling nearly 20 acres of which border the Ashley property. Buffalo Creek (a creek collecting run -off from the Ashley'property) flows.through our property connecting with Dutchman's Creek and eventually emptying into High Rock Lake. Our land; of which we have built a home and barn forour horses and pool, along with,a,deep water well for our consumption, and creek will be one of the non Ashley properties affected by the changes requested in the Public Notice. We are -one of four properties that the road -to our homes crosses over Buffalo Creek,and during-heavy rains the creek has significantly risen. At one time before a new culvert was installed the creek had crested. We have alot of money invested in our home and land and our development is home to others who also have alot invested. At this time we and others who may have similar or additional questions request the following: 1) Change the comment deadline of January 7, 2013 to a elate (at least a three month delay) when we will have ample information and time to understand the requested changes. 1 LLE 4 2013 Richard and7oann,Kohl 352 Baltimore Trails Lane Advance, NC 27006 December 31, 2012 Mr. Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. One Ashley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 Mr. John Thomas Raleigh Regulatory Field,Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 10.5 Wake Forest,, NC 27587 Ms. Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Re: Corps Action ID #SAW -2612 -01900 Dear Mr.,Moran, Mr. Thomas and Ms. Higgins: We recently - received a Public Notice dated December 6, 2012,referenced as SAW= 2012 -01900 describing the Davie County expansion project of Ashley Furniture Industries,_ Inc. (Ashley). The Public Notice-requires an,unreasonable comment deadline of January 7, 2013. Adequate and timeiy studies and reports,have not been provided to us to adequately assess the impact to our property. My wife and I own Lot #5 in'the Baltimore Trails subdivision totaling nearly 20 acres of which border the Ashley property. Buffalo Creek (a creek collecting run -off from the Ashley'property) flows.through our property connecting with Dutchman's Creek and eventually emptying into High Rock Lake. Our land; of which we have built a home and barn forour horses and pool, along with,a,deep water well for our consumption, and creek will be one of the non Ashley properties affected by the changes requested in the Public Notice. We are -one of four properties that the road -to our homes crosses over Buffalo Creek,and during-heavy rains the creek has significantly risen. At one time before a new culvert was installed the creek had crested. We have alot of money invested in our home and land and our development is home to others who also have alot invested. At this time we and others who may have similar or additional questions request the following: 1) Change the comment deadline of January 7, 2013 to a elate (at least a three month delay) when we will have ample information and time to understand the requested changes. 1 2) A comprehensive study and report detailing the impact (both physical and financial) to our property of all Ashley changes. We do not,have the.expertise,or financial resources io research all the possible impacts. It appears such study iscompletely'based on the following quote taken from the Public- Notice. The Public- Notice under-Evaluation page 7 reads "The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against it's reasonably foreseeable detriments ". 3) Wdl'there be toxic materials affecting both the creek water and underground water sources? 4) Will there be routine testing of water (both above,and below ground) from the Ashely property to other properties by an independent firm to test for toxic materials? 5) Will there be a vegetation buffer zonetto protect surrounding residential properties from noises, sounds and lighting? 6) Will there be fumes from any toxic materials? 7) We understand,that there will be paving done for parking lots and concern arises from that. 8) We have read of wetlands being built over regarding Ashley Furniture.in Madison, WI creating flooding. Once all,thls�is approved there will be no furning.back. Th_e value of our property and safety must be taken into consideration. We desire to be amiable neighbors, but we must demand that our property be safe from-any and all actions undertaken byAshiey. We believe North Carolina and, Davie County jobs are very important to °our state, community and economy, but individual property rights and values must be protected. if such sights are not protected for each individual ultimately they are lost by all Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, Richard Kohl 336 -940 -5729 Copies to: Honorable,Richard Burr United States Senator 2000 West First Street, Sutie #508 Winston - Salem, NC 27104 Honorable Kay Hagan United States;Senator Green Valley Road, Suite #201 Greensboro, NC 27408 2 Honorable`Virginia Foxor House of Representatives 6000 Meadowbrook Mail, Suite #3 Clemmons, NC, 27012 Honorable Julia C. Howard NC`House' of Representatives 16- W. Jones Street, Room #1106 Raleigh, NC-27601 January 4, -2013 Mr John Thomas US Army,Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage-Trade -Drive Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Re: Corps Action -ID# SAW - 2012 -01900 JAN o 7 2013 RALE''C, i 0 R ri - �' Advance �NC�7006�799 -I Ashley Furniture Industries Inc. (916 Baltimore-Rd., Advance, in Davie County, North Carolina), permit authorization application Mr. Thomas, My wife and I are homeowners in the Baltimore Trails subdivision which is located directly behind Ashley Furniture Industries on Baltimore Road and will be impacted by said company's application for permit foi permanent impacts to jurisdictional stream channels -and jurisdictional forested wetlands adjacent to Buffalo Creek and the proposed expansion of their existing warehouse and manufacturing facilities located off of 916 Baltimore Rd, west of Advance, in Davie County, North Carolina. 1. We are requesting an extension of time to respond and comment to the public notice for the application from Mr: Michael Moran of Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. until, at least February 7, 2013. Thiswill allow the public notice to properly recognized, and given the - attention it deserves by all homeowners and the community and will allow time to prepare and_submit comments to you regarding -this matter. The request is based on the surreptitious action of Ashley Furniture to -file for this permit over the Holiday season. 2_ We are requesting a public hearing'to occur Ina Davie County venue that allows for all members who-wish to attend and comment to -do so. We request a minimum of 60 days notice for the date and time of the hearing During this hearing we request clear, concise answers alonewith complete written documentation_to the following topics. a. Exact Wet Detention Pond design, size and location(s) in regards to Buffalo Creek and /or any exiting Stream or Wetland type. b. Design, emergency'plan`and location of the emergency spillway(s). c. Detailed mapping including size of the conveyance systems from buildings and parking lots to the wet detention porid(s). d. Within,the permit request.there is mention of approximately 45 acres in paved parking lots but no reference,given to the runoff for new or current paved areas. How can a true storm water runoff assessment be created without these critical figures? We request complete detailed plans outlining "ALL" paved areas, dimensions and storm water rundff`collection., - e. Flow estimates bf Buffalo Creek after all mediation has been completed. f. Testing policies and procedures for contamination in the holding pond(s), discharge area and bottom sediment using the toxic characteristic leaching procedure. g. The Erosion and Sedimentation Control,(E&SC) Plan for"the site. h. Plans fof_tiie water quality declination, particularly contamination of current aquifers and Buffalo Creek,water supply for all affected downstream along the Buffalo Creek during all phases of construction. Buffalo Creek flows into Dutchman Creek which in- turn flows'into the Yadkin River. There should be established testareas and schedules to monitor beyond the 401 certification. i Ashley's plan for contamination testing and,disclosure of local residential well water duringsconstruction and monitoring for chemical'intrusion once the manufacturing facility begins operations. I. The plan for testing surface water contamination to adjacent land from construction or manufacturing operatlons�that could'impact our Equestrian Developments with'possible toxic effects on'the horses due,to their feeding on field,grass. In the application, the statement on page 2 of public notice that "land use in the area around the Ashley Furniture property is mostly open pasture and forest with FEW rural residential properties...- is amiss representation. The fact is that Ashley does not recognize or acknowledge the land use in the area around their property as residential is disturbing. There are 24 lots,with 14 homes in the - Baltimore Trails-and Baltimore Downs subdivisions. These two subdivisions were platted as such in 2005/2006 and encompass 247.170 acres directly adjacent to the Ashley property. Not to be,dismissed are the many homes and farms (both livestock and harvesting) across and alongside Baltimore Rd. and others Located further down Buffalo Creek. For these compelling reasons, we ask that we be granted both a public hearing to�discuss our concerns and be given the opportunity to be heard as a community and to also extend the deadline for comments to be mailed to no earlier than February 7, 2013. Sin�\k cerely, U)5t, D avid Wittlinger 1: h '-�p Debora Yennny- Wittlinger Concerned Homeowners, Baltimore Traits t Cc: North`Carbhna Division of Water Quality Representative'Virginia Foot 1650 Mail Service Center 6000 Meadowbrook Mali, Ste 3 ,Raleigh,'NC 27699 -1617 Clemmons, NC'27012 Attn: Ms. Karen Higgins Representative Julia C. Howard Senator Richard Burr NC House of Representatives Urnted,States Senator 16.W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 2000 W. First Street, Ste 508 Raleigh, NC 27601 Winston - Salem; NC 27104 State Senator Andrew C. Brock Senator Kay Hagan NC Senator Unites States-Senator 300 N. Salisburytt, Rm 623 701 Green Valley Rd, Ste 201 Raleigh, NC 27603 Greensboro,`NC 27408 JAN 0 0 2013 RALEM -6 ,��� a��tf+; f:7tT 1 FIE, -o OFFICE January 4, 2013 Mr. John Thomas Raleigh Regulatory Field.Offlce 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest; -NC, 27587 Dear Mr.,Thomas; I would like for the Corps of Engineer`s or the proper authority to review the drainage'from the Ashley property flowing across my property as noted in the area marked on the enclosed map The-area in question is- marked in yellow. The flow across my property at times is tremendous. The current has been so strong that Ashley's fence has been pulled away from the poles holding it. The erosion that has been caused from this drainage has left a ditch that is as much as 20 feet deep The drainage also runs into Bailey Creek which eventually runs in the Yadkin Ricer. would like-to see Ashley review this area of concern for a better way to handle this run off. Best regards, Charles M. Wall 255 Riverstone Trail Advance,_NC 27.006 336.813.6145 JAN '0 8- 2313 FIELCLOFFIcr-E W, .,, 14IF;z 2 L U, L ii I FAD L 1`p' gg�jgixggxpi, ,mg 71,11.114 FIGURE 6 111.1h" �ggm .'a^ t 0. °yye.L'W.�' w. "kH' we " r�'' e° - -- �_ �1, �� `.ff: r,w '�'� +�.."'t �jK *7' y STREAM ID LOCATION MAP ASHLEY FURNITURE ' I, MID-ATLA"C MANUFACTURINOAND DISTRIBUTION CENTER is 916 BALTIMORE ROAD' ry 4 ADVANCE, NORT i CAROLINA T- T 11 ,Z. 7, 9- t j CARPLINAS r7 Tj P9, + SOURcr'- wV I DAME COUNTY . . . . . . . . . . GIS WESSITE d. 2010 AERIAL S, 'I .7 "1 ECS PROJECT OO-21106A Im r,. LEGEND Elie Boundary L t N., ApproArnot Location o I PerennialStrearn ApproArnale P Lo Uon of mk ca fir IntemlilertV Stream Approximate Location or, Appro)dmate LocallonorPond, Stmam A Identification Z, -January 4, 2013 Mr.,, John Thomas Raleigh Regulatory Field Office _3331 Heritage Trade Drive Suite 105 WakeForest, North Carolina 27587 Re: Army Corps of-Engineers Public Notice Corps Action ID #SAW - 2012 -01900 Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. Dear Mr. Thomas: �a� �� JAN 012613 2613 MALE'.: H REGULATORY FFCUD OFFICE As home owners living adjacent-to the Ashley Furniture facility in,Advance, North Carolm_ a7,the cited_Public,Notice raises some mayor concerns both - immediate and for the future. The - notice states "land use in the area around the,Ashiey,Furniture property -is mostly open pasture and forest with a few rural residential properties-area in Davie County ". While there are working farms along'Baltiinore Road, this statement does _not eohvey the fact that there are,six residential subdivisions which-either face or are contiguous to their property. We respectively request that the Corps' decision be delayed until after a public hearing can be held`,to address the impact and to receive input:fiom,owners of surrounding properties on Ashley's expansion proposal, including but not limited to the-containment of water-runoff, flooding of and contamination of pasture land, mitigation of noise and light pollution, and traffic control. We hereby request that, a public hearing be ,scheduled, with notices of "the hearing being -sent to all owners of-properties that could be affected by such amexpansion. The proposed expansion is major and has the potential of negatively affecting both the quality oflife of nearby property owners, as well as property values -if the-project,is not properly planned and controlled. Thank you. Very truly yours, J. Scott - Vincent 190 Baltimore Downs Road Advance, NC 27006 December 30, 2012 Mr. John Thomas US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh ReguIatoryTield Office 3331 Heritage Trade-Drive Ste 105 Wake Forest; North Carolina 27587 ��a 4 , ]4 Ei- � V EE JAN o 7 2013 f3a.LMG0 r,EGUL I0RY FIELD OFF!" Re: Corps Action-ID# SAW - 2012 -01900 Ashley Furnitum4ndustries Inc. (916 Baltimore Rd, Advance, in Davie County, North Carolina), permit authorization application to expand-the current facility in Davie County, NC Mr. Thomas, My husband and'I, who are homeowners in the Baltimore Trails subdivision which is located directly behind Ashley Furniture Industries and will be impacted by said company's application for permit to expand manufacturing facilities, are requesting: 1. An extension of time to respond and comment to the public notice for the application from Mr. Michael Moran of,Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. until; at least February 7, 2013, to this public notice so that we, homeowners and the community, can have time to prepare and submit comments to you regarding this matter. Reason for the extension is the public notice was given to us during the inopportune Christmas holidays, and some homeowners were out of town and/ or busy with family and did -not have ample time to, respond: 2. -A public hearing be held so that homeowners and community members be given proper notice and an opportunity to be heard for the following reasons, particularly the detrimental impact the extension of this-facility will have on health due to water supply contamination, home devalue, horse health, flooding, schools, farming interests, and livestock. 3. To comply -with the current comment deadline of January 7, 2013 for written comments, the following are our initial comments to grant a public hearing pertinent to the proposed work: 1. The community-and affected property owners need be given proper notice and an opportunity to be heard. 2 The threat of water quality declination, particularly contamination of current aquifers and Buffalo Creek water supply for all affected downstream along the Buffalo Creek during all phases of construction 3. The likelihood of contamination of well water during construction and monitoring for chemical intrusion once the manufacturing facility begins operations 1 4. The likelihood of surface water contamination to adjacent land from;construction,or manufacturing operations that could -impact our Equestrian Developments with possible toxic effects on the horses due to their"feeding'on field grass. 5. The likelihood of flooding due to fill placement in wetlands. Ashley Furniture Industries has a history of causing flooding asfliey did in Arcadia, Wisconsin October of 2010. 6. Theincorrect statement on page 2 of public notice that "land use in the area around the Ashley Furniture property is mostly open pasture and -forest with FEW rural residential properties.-." The actual fact is that land use in the area around,the Ashley Furniture property is more than 24 homes and lots in the'Baltirriore Trails and Baltimore Downs subdivisions directly adjacent to, not including the hundreds of homes and farms across and alongside Baltimore Rd. and others located further- down Buffalo,Creek. For these-compelling reasons, we ask,that we be granted a_public hearing to discuss our concerns and be given the opportunity to be heard and extend the deadline for comments to be mailed no earlier than February 7, 2013. Si Wely,auricio Ortega Concerned homeowners, Baltimore Trails Cc: North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC-27699-1617 Attn: °Ms.,Karen Higgins Senatof Richard Burr United 'States Senator 2000 W. Frst`Street, Ste 508 Winston - Salem, NC 27104 Senator Kay,Hagan Unites,States Senator 701 Green Valley Rd., Ste 201 Greensboro, NC 27408 Representative Virginia Foxx 6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Ste 3 Clemmons, NC 27012 Representative Julia C. Howard NC House of Representatives 16-W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601 State Senator Andrew C. Brock NC Senator` 300,N. Salisbury,St, Rm 623 Raleigh; NC 27603 Michael E.,Cook and Malorie:E Cook Re. Ashley Furniture Mr- Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc One - Ashley Way Arcadia, WI;64612 Mr John Thomas John T Thomas JR @usace army mil Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Ms Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Re Corps Action ID #SAW - 2012 -01900 To Whom it May Concern- January-3, 2013 My wife and I own a home in a large subdivision that adjoins the property of Ashley Furniture Industries, 916'Baltimore Road, Advance, -North Carolina, 27006. We,have lust recently become aware of the apphcation,submitted by Mr Michael Moran of Ashley Furniture, Industries seeking a Department of Army permit authorization for permanent impacts to 316 linear feet of jurisdictional stream channels, and 4 089 acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands,adjacent to, Buffalo, Creek, associated with the proposed expanse of their existing warehouse and manufacturing facilities As small business owners we recognize the much needed and important contribution that Ashley-Furniture will make to our community However, after reviewing the proposal we have many legitimate concerns regarding the proposed changes to our community as well as our environment. We believe that Mr Michael Moran and Ashley Furniture Industries is equally concerned about our local community as well as our environment and would not mind proving it by granting ,those impacted by their proposed changes an extension to the deadline previously requested The need for revenue m_a time of economic turmoil should not be overshadowed by adequate time for due diligence into this mattef. We,have�several concerns regarding this application,, however, our concerns regarding watershed.and water quality.are paramount to us Buffalo Creek - Buffalo Creek has already proven difficult for,our community during heavy rains. Shortly after our community was developed we had to "replace the culvert on Baltimore Trails Rd. due to,damage. Last year Buffalo Creek flowed over the giant culvert on Baltimore Trails Road and breached its banks overflowing and damaging the section of road that encircles our riding arena at an expense our HOA will have to absorb The damage has yet to be repaired so the evidence of the-damage that I describe is still present Our equestrian trails cross Buffalo Creek in two different areas Baltimore Trails HOA is regularly repairing these crossings throughout the year as these heavy rains continue to damage the'footing There is current evidence of the outstanding issue where the proposed land adjoins our equestrian trails Ashley furniture's current boundary fence continues to be washed away_ during these times of -heavy rain leaving a lot-of debris on our trails, often times their entire fence This, boundary fence is a well maintained six foot tall chain linked fence set in a concrete footing Unless very recently repaired this fence is again currently washed away. I am definitely not an engineer but from our communities ongoing issues with Buffalo Creek throughout the year, year after year, I have some reservations about the reduction of wetlands and the paving of large parking lots and docking stations due to the watershed Since Buffalo Creek currently cannot'adequately handle its water flow throughout'the =year, it would be -worth tfie,additiorial effort to reevaluate the idea of increasing the amount additional water added to Buffalo Creek Without any information of the studies already conducted we really have no idea what has been planned Maybe the US Army Corp of Engineers has actually reduced the water flow and has the water routed elsewhere We dust don't know There is a tributary that adjoins Mr. And Mrs Kohl's property that also consistently floods over the culvert during these downpours as well_ Again, is more or less water routed to that stream? We dust don't know Since Buffalo Creek and its tributaries give our community such difficulty throughout the year a strong argument could be made that others downstream-are also, adversely effected by the current water flow Again, we just don't know. We are equally concerned about surface water contamination as well. Our community is adjacent to and downstream of Ashley Furniture Industries on Buffalo Creek. Our.horses along with livestock drink this water -on a regular basis Adjacent fields are also turned into hay providing food to many animals We are also concerned about the aquifers that provide the water that our families consume All of the homes in out community are on a well system. I ,am confident that after reviewing our concerns that you will also agree that the, application should be delayed while more research is conducted Thanks for your consideration, Mr And Mrs Cook 197 Browder Lane Advance, NC 27006 336- 391 -9160 Cc Senator Richard Burr United States Senator 200 W First Street, Suite 508 Winston Salem, NC 27104 Senator Kay Hagan United States Senator 701 Green Valley Road, Suite 201 Greensboro, NC 27408 Represeritative,Julia C. Howard NC House of Representatives 16 W. Jones Street, km 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601 State Senator Andrew C Brock NC Senator 300 N. Salisbury St Rm 623 Raleigh, NC 27603 Honorable Robert Wisecarver Chairman of Davie County Board of Commissioners 388 Fort Bixby Road Advance, NC 27006 M"s Beth Dirks Manager of Davie County 123 S Main Si. Mocksvdle, NC 27028 Baltimore Trails Homeowners Baltimore Downs Homeowners Advance, NC 27006