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20051061 Ver 1_Closeout Request_20130220
ow ste m Elliairement PROGRAM MEMORANDUM TO: Eric Kulz THROUGH: Tim Baumgartner FROM: Melonie Allen DATE: February 20, 2013 RE: Closeout Request for Ut Rocky River Mitigation Site (EEP IMS #402) The Ut to Rocky River Mitigation Site is located in Chatham County in the Cape Fear 03 watershed. The 5th year monitoring for the site concluded in December 2011. While in the field reviewing 2012 Piedmont Close Out sites, buffer assets were evaluated by DWQ (Eric Kulz) and EEP (Tim Baumgartner) staff on June 12, 2012. Based on the onsite review, EEP requests closure of the site's buffer assets generating 7,405.20 sq. ft (.17 ac.) of buffer mitigation. Perpetual site protection will be determined by: NC DOT Office of Natural Environment 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1548 Please find attached a link to the Ut Rocky River 51h year monitoring report, the project debit ledger, and a map detailing the final enumeration of credits. We respectfully request your concurrence to officially close out the buffer assets of the Ut to Rocky River Mitigation Project. cc Jeff Jurek Jim Stanfill File Buffer Asset Map Ut Rocky River Appendix A. Figure 1.1. Available Buffer Mitigation Credits UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project 9402 M O m °m U W SS?a °v Mitigation Project Name UT to Rocky River (Smith Tract) IMS ID # 402 River Basin CAPE FEAR Cataloging Unit 03030003 Project Type Riparian Buffer Mitigation Comment: The project was funded by the Statewide ILF Program and verified buffer assets were sold to the Riparian Buffer Restoration Program. Aoolied Credit Ratios_ 1'1 1.5:1 2.5:1 5'1 1'1 31 21 51 1*1 3*1 2,1 51 11 3*1 21 51 11 3,1 2 273 1 lhs /ac 146 41hs /ac Information from EEP Debit Ledger dated 2/12/2013 All buffer mitigation debits valid as of 2/12/2013. c o c C W O z °rc W C z °V a m z °W m z °a o �� 12 c « �� 7" d u �w 2 0 2 ua F20 d g_ z i p yyO° L O z Beginning Balance (square feet) Beginning Balance (credits) EEP Debits (credits): DWQ Permits Impact Project Name 2003 -0909 DOT - Greensboro Western Urban Loop - Randleman Wate 7,405.20 Remaining Balance (credits) 1 5.551 0.00 0.00 Information from EEP Debit Ledger dated 2/12/2013 All buffer mitigation debits valid as of 2/12/2013. Considering this submittal is for buffer asset review only, some stream data removed to reduce printing volume. For full report see the following link http -./ /portal.ncdenr.org /web /eep /research -and- data. UT ROCKY RIVER STREAM RESTORATION — NCEEP Project #402 2011 FINAL MONITORING REPORT — YEAR 5 CONDUCTED FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Submitted on February 27, 2012 to: \" North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program tem 1652 Mail Service Center {,11 loll `C'i11C11t Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 UT ROCKY RIVER STREAM RESTORATION — NCEEP Project #402 2011 FINAL MONITORING REPORT — YEAR 5 CONDUCTED FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................... ............................... 1 2.0 Methodology ............................................................................ ..............................2 2 1 Stream Methodology 2 22 Vegetation Methodology .... 2 3.0 References ................................................................................ ..............................3 APPENDICES Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 10 Project Vicinity Map and Directions Table 1 0 Project Restoration Components Figure 1 1 Buffer Mitigation Credits Table 2 0 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 0 Project Contacts Table Table 4 0 Project Attribute Table Appendix B. Figure 2 0 -2 1 Table 5 0 Table 6 0 Figures 3 0 -3 3 Figures 4 0 -4 2 Visual Assessment Data Current Conditions Plan View Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Station Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 0 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 8 0 Vegetation Metadata Table 9 0 Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Report Supplemental Planting Report UT Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream Restoration 2011 Final Monitoring Report EEP Project #402 Year 5 of 5 RJG &A Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Figures 5 0 -5 4 Cross sections with Annual Overlays Figures 6 0 -6 2 Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Figures 7 0 -7 4 Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Tables 10 0 Baseline Stream Data Summary Table Table 11 0 Monitoring— Cross - Section Morphology Data Table Table 11 1 Monitoring— Stream Reach Morphology Data Table Appendix E. Hydrologic Data Table 12 0 Verification of Bankfull Events UT Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream Restoration 2011 Final Monitoring Report EEP Project #402 Year 5 of 5 RJG &A 1.0 Executive Summary The goals of the UT Rocky River Stream Restoration Project are to • Improve water quality and reduce erosion through restricting cattle access and improved riparian buffers, • Improve aquatic habitat using natural material stabilization structures, and • Provide aesthetic value, wildlife habitat, and bank stability through restoration/enhancement of the riparian zone The objectives for this restoration are to • Exclude cattle from Reach 1, • Enhance approximately 150 feet of Reach 1 and stabilize an additional 955 feet of the same reach, • Reconnect Reach 2 to its floodplain, • Provide a stable channel for both reaches in terms of pattern, profile, and dimension, and • Provide a conservation easement and enhance /restore portions of the buffer for both reaches The average live planted woody stem density (472 live stems per acre) has exceeded the vegetation success criteria (260 live stems per acre in Year 5) by 81 percent Planted vegetation survival in the two vegetation plots in Reach 1 do not met the success criteria, however planted stem density along Reach l has increased due to a supplemental planting along the left bank of Reach I on March 11, 2011 A total of 145 stems were planted Additional details about this planting can be found in Appendix C Three sections along Reach 2 qualify for riparian buffer credit Planted stem density in these areas exceeds the required 320 stems /acre Invasive exotics were treated throughout the conservation easement in the summer of 2010 and 2011 Overall, the restoration project appears to have met morphological goals The enhanced sections of Reach 1 are stable Flowing water was present in the Reach 2 channel during the initial 2011 assessment conducted, but there was no flow during the August 2011 site visits The lack of flow during the summer and fall assessments in 2011 corresponds with similar findings in 2007 through 2010 The overgrown channel hampered visual assessment, but overall the channel appears to be stable Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on EEP's website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request UT Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream Restoration EEP Project #402 RJG &A 2011 Final Monitoring Report Year 5 of 5 Page I 2.0 Methodology Monitoring methodologies follow the current EEP- provided templates and guidelines (Lee et al 2006) Photographs were taken digitally A Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping -grade unit was used to collect cross section, vegetation corner, photopoint, and problem area locations All problem areas identified on the spring 2011 versions of the CCPV were re- evaluated 2.1. Stream Methodology Methods employed were a combination of those specified in the Mitigation Plan, the First Annual Monitoring Report, and standard regulatory guidance'and procedures documents Stream monitoring data was collected using the techniques described in USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, US Forest Service's Stream Channel Reference Sites, and Applied River Morphology ( USACE, 2003, Harrelson et al , 1994, Rosgen, 1996) A South Total Station and Nikon automatic level were used for collecting all geomorphic data Photographs facing upstream were taken at each cross section 2.2. Vegetation Methodology A total of six representative vegetation survey plots were selected and installed in the Reaches 1 and 2 by Ward Engineering in 2007 All plots measure 100 square meters in area and are five meters by 20 meters Pursuant to the guidelines, the four corners of each plot (0,0, 0,20, 5,0, and 5,20 ) are marked with metal pipe Level 1 (planted woody stems) and Level 2 (volunteer woody stems) data collection was performed in all plots, pursuant to the most recent CVS /EEP protocol (Lee et al 2006) Within each plot, each planted woody stem location (x and y) was recorded, and height and live stem diameter were recorded for each stem location All planted stems were identified with pink flagging Vegetation was identified using Weakley ( Weakley 2007) Photos were taken of each vegetation plot from the 0,0 corner UT Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream Restoration 2011 Final Monitoring Report EEP Project #402 Year 5 of 5 RJG &A Page 2 3.0 References Harrelson, Cheryl, C. L. Rawlins, and John Potpondy (1994) Stream Channel Reference Sites An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique USDA, Forest Service General Technical Report RM -245 Lee, Michael T, Peet, Robert K, Roberts, Steven D, Wentworth, Thomas R (2006) CYS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 0 Retrieved October 30, 2006, from http / /www nceep net / business /monitoring /veg /datasheets htm Radford, A E , H E Ahles, and C R Bell (1968) Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill, NC Robert J Goldstein & Associates (RJG &A) (2009) UT to Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream and Buffer Restoration, Enhancement, and Preservation, Chatham County, North Carolina Final Monitoring Report February 15, 2008 Rosgen, D L (1996) Applied River Morphology Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO Rosgen, DL (1997) "A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers. In Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision, ed S S Y Wang, E J Langendoen and F B Shields, Jr University of Mississippi Press, Oxford, MS USACOE (2003) Stream Mitigation Guidelines USACOE, USEPA, NCWRC, NCDENR -DWQ Ward Consulting Engineering (2007) UT to Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream and Buffer Restoration, Enhancement, and Preservation, Chatham County, North Carolina Mitigation Report March 20, 2007 Ward Consulting Engineering (2008) UT to Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream and Buffer Restoration, Enhancement, and Preservation, Chatham County, North Carolina Final Monitoring Report February 15, 2008. Weakley, Alan (2007). Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas Retrieved March 27, 2007 from http / /www herbarium unc edu /flora htm UT Rocky River (Smith Tract) Stream Restoration 2011 Final Monitoring Report EEP Project #402 Year 5 of 5 RJG &A Page 3 Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1 0 Project Vicinity Map and Directions Table 10 Project Restoration Components Figure 1 1 Buffer Mitigation Credits Table 2 0 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 0 Project Contacts Table Table 4 0 Project Attribute Table UT Rocky River Stream Restoration (EEP Project #402) Appendix A. Figure 1. Vicinity Map. Reach 2 •--i1 1X Reach 1 it r RE _. n n .mod -f Project Entrance eo `Jew / Cf - 1- \cy \.�� ��•l �C` ' /(� // 4, Figure 1. UT Rocky River Stream Restoration - Chatham County - N ! l c7ny�tcl>i NCEEP #402 Chatham County vI 3 • ..y 0 125 250 500 0 1,000 2.000 tles v Feet Appendix A Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 Mitigation Credits Restoration Stream Riparian Wetland Non - riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorus Nutrient Offset Type R I RE R RE R RE Ratio Reach ID Station in /Location etc) Restoration Totals 1111 1 443 0 0 0 1 0 017 0 0 Project Com onents Restoration Project Riparian Wetland Existing Approach Restorationor Restoration Restoration Mitigation Component or (acres Footage /Acreage (PI, P11, Equivalent Footage or Ratio Reach ID Station in /Location etc) Restoration Acreage � Reach 1 00 +00- 00 +47, 827 SS Ell 827 LF 2 5 1 Enhancement 00 +107 -08 +87 ®- 08 +87.9 +10, 9 +50- Enhancement 1 168 Reach 1 10 +95 U P1 El 168 LF 1 5 1 Reach 2 00 +00 - 11 +11 U P1 R 1,111 LF 1 1 Reach 2 00 +00 - 11 +11 017 R 0 17 AC 1 1 Component Summations Restoration Stream Riparian Wetland Non-Riparian Buffer Upland Level linear feet) (acres ) (acres (square feet (acres) Rivenne Non - Rivenne Restoration 1111 7405 ®® Enhancement ®- Enhancement 1 168 ®® Enhancement II 827 ®� Creation — — Preservation HO Preservation BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes 1 = In 2010 numbers were adjusted to exclude all ford crossings and bridges Any differences in asset numbers between the 2011 report and earlier reports are due to this adjustment 2 = BR = Bioretention Cell, SF = Sand Filter, SW = Stormwater Wetland, WDP = Wet Detention Pond, DDP = Dry Detention Pond, FS = Filter Strip, Grassed Swale = S, LS = Level Spreader, NI = Natural Infiltration Area, 0 = Other, CF = Cattle Fencing, WS = Watering System, CH = Livestock Housing Appendix A. Figure 1.1. Available Buffer Mitigation Credits UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 N s a` a w U Z C U m y 5 m v m E w E N Q o OM c v c M m a z CL 0 8 z 0.. U Of Appendix A Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete. 4 yrs 11 months Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete, 4 yrs 9 Months Number of Reporting Years' 5 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan 2003 Apr-05 Final Design — 90% NA -- Construction NA Oct -06 Temporary S &E mix applied NA July 2006 (R1), Sept 2006 R2 Permanent seed mix applied NA July 2006 (R1), Sept 2006 (R2) Bare Root Planting NA Dec -06 Mitigation Plan /As -built -- Mar -07 Year 1 Monitoring Dec -07 Qualitative Evaluation Nov -07 Vegetation Nov -10 Geomorphologic Nov -07 Year 2 Monitoring Nov -08 Qualitative Evaluation Oct -08 Vegetation Oct -08 Geomorphologic Oct -08 Year 3 Monitoring Nov -09 Qualitative Evaluation Oct -09 Vegetation Oct -09 Geomorphologic Oct -09 Year 4 Monitoring Oct -10 Qualitative Evaluation Oct -10 Vegetation Aug-10 Geomorphologic Aug-10 Year 5 Monitoring Sep -11 Qualitative Evaluation Aug -11 Vegetation Aug-1 1 Geomorphologic Aug -11 Bolded items are examples of those items that are not standard, but may come up and should be included Non - bolded items represent events that are standard components over the course of a typical project part of this exhibit If planting and morphology are on split monitoring schedules that should be made clear in the table 1 = Equals the number of reports or data points produced excluding the baseline Appendix A Table 3 Project Contacts Table UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 Designer Ward Consulting Engineers 8386 Six Forks Road, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27615 -5088 Primary project design POC Becky Ward (919) 870 -0526 Construction Contractor McQueen Construction 619 Patrick Road Bahama, NC 27503 Construction contractor POC Harvey McQueen (919) 697 -0614 Survey Contractor NA Survey contractor POC NA Planting Contractor Southern Garden Inc P O Box 808 Apex, NC 27502 Planting contractor POC NA 919) 362 -1050 Seeding Contractor McQueen Construction 619 Patrick Road Contractor point of contact Bahama, NC 27503 Harvey McQueen (919) 697 -0614 Seed Mix Sources Evergreen Seed (919 ) 567 -1333 Nursery Stock Suppliers Coastal Plain Consery Nursery, Inc (Edenton, NC) Ellen Colodne 252 482 -5707 Cure Nursery (Pittsboro, NC) Bill and Jennifer Cure 919 542 -6186 Brook Run Nursery (Blackstone, VA) Howard Malinski 919 422 -8727 Monitoring Performers Robert J Goldstein & Associates 1221 Corporation Parkway, Raleigh NC 27610 Stream Monitoring POC Sean Doig, (919) 872 -1174 Vegetation Monitoring POC Sean Doig, (919) 872 -1174 Wetland Monitoring POC NA Appendix A Table 4 Project Attribute Table UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 Project County Chatham Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion 45c Carolina Slate Belt Project River Basin Cape Fear USGS HUC for Project (14 digit) 3030003070020 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project 03 -06 -12 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? No WRC Hab Class (Warm, Cool, Cold) Warm % of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design phases INA Restoration Component Attribute Table Reach 1 Reach 2 Drainage area 1 28 021 Stream order Second First Restored length (feet) 1095 1111 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Intermittent Watershed type (Rural, Urban, Developing etc) Rural Rural Watershed LULC Distribution (e g ) - - Residential - - Ag -Row Crop - - Ag- Livestock - - Forested - - Etc - - Watershed impervious cover ( %) 2% 1% NCDWQ AU /Index number 17 -43 -9 17 -43 -9 NCDWQ classification C C 303d listed? No No Upstream of a 303d listed segments No No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor NA NA Total acreage of easement 568 342 Total vegetated acreage within the easement - - Total planted acreage as part of the restoration - - Rosgen classification of pre - existing C4 /E4 G4 Rosgen classification of As- built' C4 /E4 C4 Valley type - - Valley slope 0 012 0 012 Valley side slope range (e g 2 -3 %) - - Valley toe slope range (e g 2 -3 %) - - Cowardin classification NA NA Trout waters designation No No Species of concern, endangered etc? (Y /N) No No Appendix A Table 4 Project Attribute Table UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 Dominant sod series and characteristics Cid- Lignum Complex 2- 6% slopes Nanford -Baden Complex, 2 6% slopes Series Cid- Nanford- Lignum Cid- Nanford- Lignum Depth 0 -80 0 -80 Clay% 10 -55% 2 -35% K 24-55 43-64 T 2 -4 4 Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2 0 -2 2 Current Conditions Plan View Table 5 0 -5 1 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Table 6 0 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Figure 3 0 -3 4 Stream Station Photos Figures 4 0 -4 1 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos � ?�. „ K a_. is �.,y�, �,� _ �' •� ,,� ,•' `+ ,�� :� ' ��.t .` ✓� �� � ,� � , " r� - .. �� v +1� . � • .� 3i , 4',':_ s �x 'i - - } ,. eat.' r :Rr I � ;.� y,���^'`,�` �., t . K: _ "�_• UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 MY5 (2011) Table 5 1 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment' Reach ID Reach 2 Assessed Length 1111 2 Bank 1 Scoured /Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and /or Number 0 0 100% Number with Footage with Adjusted % for scour and erosion Stable, Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Major Channel iSub-CategoryMetric Channel Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears Performing as Total Number Unstable Unstable Performing as Woody Woody Woody Cateciory 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable Intended in As- built* Seciments Foota a Intended Vecietation Vecietation Ve etation 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability 1 Aegradation -Bar formation /growth sufficient to significantly deflect i 0 0 100% I �' (Riffle and Run units) flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% t' 0 100% 2 Degradation - Evidence of downcuttmg To 0 0 100% 100% 0 0 100% 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture /Substrate - Rifle maintains coarser substrate 30 30 8 p 100% 100% 3 Meander Pool 1 Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth > 1 6) 30 32 94% Condition — 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 8 8 100% 2 Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of 32 32 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 100% 8 100% upstream nffte and head of downstrem riffle) Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 4 Thalweg Position 1 Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 32 32 100% 15% (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance 8 8 2 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 32 32 100% 11document) 2 Bank 1 Scoured /Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and /or 0 0 100% 0 0 100% scour and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% To 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3 Engineered 1 Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 8 8 100% Structures 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 8 8 100% 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 8 8 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 3 Bank Protection 15% (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance 8 8 100% 11document) 4 Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull 6 8 75% Depth ratio > 1 6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow " Low flow in channel has allowed herbaceous material to become established over the course of the vear makinq visual assessment difficult As -built data for Section 2 not available Numbers are based on earlier monitoring year assessments UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration — EEP Project #402 MY5 (2011) Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Planted Acreage' 34 e elation Cate o Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV De action Number of Pol ons Combined Acrea a % of Planted Acrea e 1 Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material 0 1 acres NA 0 000 00% 2 Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria 01 Lime Green Stippling 2 078 229% 5 Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) none Total 0 0 78 22 9% 3 Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year 0 25 acres NA 0 000 00% Cumulative Total 2 0 78 0 22 9% Easement Acreage 91 e elation Cate o Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV De icU Numberof Pol ons Combined Acrea a % of Easement Acrea e Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) 01 NA 0 000 00% s�� 5 Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) none NA 0 000 0 0% 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort 2 = The acreage within the easement boundaries 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i e , item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage Invasives of concern/interest are listed below The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native, young, woody stems in the short-term (e g monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree /shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e g 1 -2 decades) The low /moderate concern group are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity, but can be mapped, if in the judgement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems Decisions as to whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors by EEP such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality of treatment For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the projects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not likley trigger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree /shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover Those species with the "watch list" designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme nsk/threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found, particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mapped as polygons The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches In any case the point or polygon/area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or low concern and species can be listed as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the executive summary Appendix B. Figure 3.0. Stream Station Photos Photopoint 1 -Reach 1- Station 1110 11/14/2007 8/9/2011 -Reach 2- Station 110 11/14/2007 8/9/2011 Appendix B. Figure 3.1. Stream Station Photos -Reach 2- Station 285 11/14/2007 Reach 2- Station 325 8/9/2011 11/14/2007 8/9/2011 Appendix B. Figure 3.2. Stream Station Photos aach 2- Station 450 11/14/2007 Reach 2- Station 535 8/9/2011 11/14/2007 8/9/2011 Appendix B. Figure 3.3. Stream Station Photos -Reach 2- Station 610 11/14/2007 Reach 2- Station 1070 8/9/2011 11/14/2007 8/9/2011 Appendix B. Figure 4.0. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Veg Plot 1 -Reach 1- Station 1070 10/29/2007 Veg Plot 2 -Reach 1- Station 240 7/28/2011 10/29/2007 7/28/2011 Appendix B. Figure 4.1. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos each 2- Station 180 11/16/2007 Veg Plot 4 -Reach 2- Station 425 7/28/2011 10/29/2007 7/28/2011 Appendix B. Figure 4.2. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos each 2- Station 770 10/23/2008 Veg Plot 6 -Reach 2- Station 960 7/29/2011 10/30/2007 7/29/2011 Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 0 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 8 0 Vegetation Metadata Table 9 0 Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Report Supplemental Planting Report Appendix C Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration - EEP Project #402 MY5 2011 Tract Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met Tract Mean Reach 1 1 N 0% 2 N Reach 2 3 Y 100% 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y Appendix C Table 8 Vegetation Metadata UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration - EEP Project #402 MY5 2011 Report Prepared By sean doi Date Prepared 8/22/2011 19 17 database name 402UTtoRR mdb database location D \Sean \EEP \RockyRiver \11 Monitoring\UTRockyRiver_SmithTract- 402 -MY5- 2011 \Sup ort Files \3 Vegetation Plot Data computer name JJESSIO file size 134316288 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------ - - - - -- PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of Metadata project(s) and project data Description Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each Prod, planted year This excludes live stakes length(ft) Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year stream -to -edge width (ft) This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer Prod, total stems stems Required Plots (calculated) List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, Plots dead stems, missing, etc ) Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences Damage and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for Planted Stems by Plot and Spp each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing ALL Stems by Plot and spp stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code 402 project Name UT to Rocky River (Smith Tract) Description stream restoration, enhancement, and preservation River Basin Cape Fear length(ft) R1 1,095, R2 1,111 stream -to -edge width (ft) R1 25' -64', R2 V -125' area sq m R1 3,830, R2 4,660 Required Plots (calculated) 6 Sampled Plots 6 Table 9 Planted and Total Stem Counts UT to Rocky River Stream Restoration EEP Protect #402 Current Plot Data IMVS 20111 Annual Means �� © © ©��o ��� 000 o ©000 ©mmm � mmm mmm mmm mmm �.�■ 000 ��� ��� ��� ©© ©000 000 ®000 ©© ©000 mmm M,01" ANVAFIFIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v v • o ©v oom oom oom oom oom mm ®� mmm mmm mmm mmm Date of Inspection Date of Report WEEKLY INSPECTION REPORT 03 -11 -2011 03 -14 -2011 SCO ID# 09- 0730012 (Axiom Envirommnental) Supplemental Planting Oversight for EEP Supplemental Planting 2010 -03 Project UT Rocky River — EEP #402 Location Chatham County, North Carolina Inspection of Supplemental Planting 2010 -03 (Constr Contract D09116s) (Contract(s)) By Axiom Environmental, Inc (Designer) (Name) Name & Title of Inspector Phillip H Perkinson — Project Scientist COMMENTS The UT Rocky Rover supplemental planting was initiated 03 -11 -2011 and completed 03 -11 -2011 Axiom Environmental arrived ahead of planting contractors and walked the planting areas All plants were staged within the site easement by the contractor (River Works, George Morris) on the day prior to plant installation No planting areas were flagged due to the small size of planting zones and number of stems being planted Axiom assisted contractors in the placement of trees to be representative of a natural system A total of 145 containerized plants were installed at the site Only the left bank of the stream was planted per mapping provided by the NC EEP No changes were made in the distribution of stems or planting areas — see attached planting plan All stems planted met NC EEP size and vigor requirements A final walk through was conducted by Axiom Environmental on 03 -11 -2011, all work was completed as outlined in the bid document Species Quantity Planted Container Size Ironwood, Carpmus carolmiana 60 #5 Cherrybark Oak, Quercus pagoda 40 #5 Red Oak, Quercus rubra 20 #5 Arrowwood, Vibumum dentatum 1 25 #5 (This report is to be made weekly by the designer and submitted as a part of monthly progress reports ) SCO (Rev 11/6/06) Legend Staging Area E:IIL:DE: Site Access 2010 -03 Planting Areas 2010 -03 Project Easements A 0 62.5 125 250 Feet UT Rocky River - EEP #402 Chatham County PLANTING PLAN EEP Supplemental Planting Species Lists - SP2010 -03 (Various Project Sites) Containerized Plant Measurements - June 2010 Plant Species Type Minimum Caliper (inches) Minimum Height (feet) Black Cherry tree 7/16 40 Black Willow tree 11/16 55 Carolina Ash 10 -gal tree 3/4 70 Cherrybark Oak tree 3/8 25 Green Ash tree 3/4 70 Ironwood tree 7/16 40 Persimmon tree 5/16 35 Red Maple tree 3/8 30 Red Oak tree 1/2 45 River Birch 10 -gal tree 1 70 River Birch 5 -gal tree 7/8 60 Water Oak tree 3/8 25 White Oak tree 5/8 30 Willow Oak tree 3/8 30 Arrowwood shrub 3/8 25 Button Bush shrub 1/2 50 Elderberry shrub 1/2 45 Red Chokeberry shrub 3/8 50 Silky Dogwood shrub 5/8 50