HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 2_Public Notice Comments_20130318Strickland, Bev From: Karoly, Cyndi Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 11:39 AM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: NPDES and 401 comments Vanceboro Mine Attachments: 03_14_13 NPDES and 401 MMM comments _PTRF FINAL.pdf; Appendix A_DRAFT Monitoring report.pdf; Blounts Creek Monitoring 201206- 201301_20130312_Appendix_B.pdf From: Higgins, Karen Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:17 PM To: Karoly, Cyndi Subject: FW: NPDES and 401 comments Vanceboro Mine E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Heather [ma i Ito: riverkeeper ptrf.org] Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:53 PM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Higgins, Karen; Hart, Kevin; Cox, David R. Subject: NPDES and 401 comments Vanceboro Mine Please find the attached comments for the proposed Martin Marietta Materials limestone mine ( Vanceboro mine) for Beaufort /Craven Counties. The comments include 2 appendices. Thank you, Heather Jacobs Deck Pamlico -Tar RIVERKEEPER Pamlico -Tar River Foundation P.O. Box 1854 Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946 -7211 (office) (252) 946 -9492 (fax) (252) 402 -5644 (cell) www.ptrf.org Follow us on Facebook: http : / /www.facebook.com /pamlicotar Follow us at Twitter: www .twitter.com /ptrfriverkeeper" Operation Medicine Drop: www.omd- nc.org Appendix A BLOUNTS CREEK MONITORING PRELIMINARY DRAFT REPORT METHODS Monitoring Sites Monitoring on Blounts Creek was conducted at two sites, referred to as Upstream and Downstream (Figure 1). Sites were monitored from June 7, 2012 to January 18, 2013. Monitoring equipment at each location was protected by a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) housing that allowed water to freely flow around sensors. Figure 1. Locations of monitoring sites on Blounts Creek. Upstream Site The upstream site was located approximately one half mile east of Norman Road, immediately upstream of the Norfolk Southern (NS) Railway crossing. At this location, Blounts Creek is divided into two channels that intersect downstream of the bridge. This location is approximately 8 miles upstream from the mouth and is located near CZR's WQ1 water quality sampling location. It was selected since it should be minimally affected by backwater from downstream flow conditions. Thus, measured values should be influenced greatest by nearby upstream water quality. The site was also the furthest upstream location on Blounts Creek, accessible without using private roadways. The site was accessible by foot via the NS Railway. An YSI 6920 -V2 -1 Sonde (Upstream sonde) was programmed to record data measurements at 30- minute intervals. An Onset Hobo U20 Water Level Data Logger (referred to as pressure logger here after) was deployed along with the Upstream sonde. The sonde and pressure logger were housed in a PVC housing that was secured to the streambed with rebar and heavy gauge wire. Another pressure logger was suspended from a nearby tree branch to record atmospheric pressure. The pressure loggers were programmed to collect data every 15 minutes. Downstream Site The Downstream monitoring site was located approximately 4,400 feet downstream of Herring Run and approximately 300 feet upstream of Nancy Run on Blounts Creek. The PVC housing was mounted to a pylon support of a private dock (permission granted for monitoring). This site was selected due to its downstream proximity to Blounts Creek's confluence with Herring Run, while being located upstream of the Nancy Run confluence. Due to the access agreement, this site was only accessible for monitoring via Blounts Creek. An YSI 6920 -V2 -2 Sonde (Downstream sonde) was installed at this site and programmed to record data measurements at 30- minute intervals. The sonde installation was approximately 4.5 to 5 feet above the streambed. A pressure logger was attached to the PVC housing cap to record atmospheric pressure and programmed to record data at 15- minute intervals. Water Depth The Hobo U20 Water Level Data Loggers do not directly measure water levels. Instead it measures and records absolute pressure and temperature of the surrounding environment, which can be used to calculate water depth. The absolute pressure below a water surface (P) is the sum of the atmospheric pressure (Po) and the hydraulic pressure of the water, atmospheric pressure must be subtracted from absolute pressure to determine the hydraulic pressure. The hydraulic pressure is directly proportional to water depth (D), which can be calculated by: D = (p—po) P9 where P is the submerged absolute pressure, Po is the atmospheric absolute pressure, p is the density of water, and g is the gravity constant. Densities were calculated from water temperature and salinity measurements using standard equations (McCutcheon et al, 1993). Only an atmospheric pressure logger was required for determining Downstream water levels, since the Downstream sonde included a built in pressure sensor. However, the Upstream sonde did not include a pressure sensor, and therefore two pressure loggers were required to record water level data. Downstream data were initially (June 7 through 11) assumed to be suitable for estimating Upstream atmospheric pressures and determining water depths. However, the pressure differences were found to be significant and an Upstream atmospheric pressure logger was deployed on June 21. Subsequent water depths referenced the Upstream atmospheric pressure data. Upstream flows were intended to be estimated from a rating curve developed from multiple flow surveys for the Upstream location. However, with depths up to X, all flow velocity measurements were less than 0.3 feet per second. Downstream flow was not recorded during this study due to a lack of appropriate monitoring equipment. Temperature Each sonde was equipped with an YSI Conductivity /Temperature probe (6560) for recording water temperatures at 30- minute intervals. In addition, the U20 pressure loggers also recorded temperature measurements at 15- minute intervals, providing atmospheric temperatures at both locations and a secondary Upstream submerged temperature data record. Conductivity and Salinity The YSI Conductivity /Temperature (CT) probe measured water temperature and resistance which were used by the sonde to calculate conductivities, specific conductivities, and salinities. The CT probe directly measures resistance and temperature of the sampled water volume. The sonde calculates conductance (mS /cm) as the inverse of resistance. Since conductance varies based on solution temperature, the sonde calculates the solution's specific conductivity (µS /cm), or the equivalent conductance for the solution at 25 °C. This allows for temperature independent measures of ion concentration. Salinity is a metric used for classifying water bodies that quantifies the amount of salt in a solution (ppt). The sonde calculates specific conductivity and salinity from conductance values and temperatures using standard methods (Rice et al., 2012). Dissolved Oxygen Each sonde used an YSI Rapid Pulse Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Sensor (6562) for measuring dissolved oxygen (mg 0/1). The DO sensor measures the electrical current required to reduce oxygen that has diffused through a Teflon membrane into a potassium chloride solution. This electrical current is proportional to the DO concentration of the solution outside of the membrane. The sonde auto calculates the percent DO saturation from water temperature, salinity, and atmospheric pressure at calibration. Turbidity Each sonde used an YSI Turbidity Sensor (6136) for measuring turbidity (NTUs). The optical turbidity sensors measure the amount of light emitted by the sensor that reflects off suspended particles and back to the sensor. Since the sampling volume for these sensors are very small, large particles can occasionally produce non - representative values that can be orders of magnitude greater than previous and subsequent values. Outlier values, those an order of magnitude or greater than adjacent values, were replaced by the average of the previous ( -30 minute) and subsequent ( +30 minute) measured turbidity values. Sonde Maintenance Data were downloaded from the sondes and pressure loggers approximately every three to four weeks. All data were collected and stored and backed up on ECU network space. The sondes were extracted from their housings at these times for cleaning and sensor recalibrations at ECU's Coastal Water Resource Center. Calibrations were performed with standard solutions and following procedures outlined in the YSI User Manual (YSI, 2011). To inhibit bio- fouling, an anti - microbial paste (Desitin ®) was applied to the sonde guard after each calibration. In addition, sonde bodies were wrapped in plastic wrapping, except around pressure sensor openings on the downstream V2 -2. Sondes were then redeployed as soon as feasible, typically within one to three days. Water Quality Grab Samples Water quality grab samples were collected approximately twice per month at the Upstream and Downstream sites (Table 1). Environment 1, Inc., an analytical laboratory in Greenville, NC, provided sealed coolers and sealed containers for sample collection. Samples were collected near the surface of the water column. Samples were placed in the cooler, iced, and delivered to Environment 1, where they were released to the lab for analysis. All samples were delivered to Environment 1 on the same day as collection, except for July 18 samples. Samples were collected on July 18, but could not be delivered to Environment 1 before close of business. Samples remained on ice and in the possession of the ECU student collector until the samples were delivered the following morning (July 19). Samples were analyzed for Turbidity (NTU; NEMI: 2130B), and Conductivity (µS /cm; NEMI: 2510B) for validation of monitoring data. Samples were analyzed for pH (unitless; NEMI: 4500 -H +B) and Total Suspended Residue (mg /I; NEMI: 2540D) since these parameters are significant indicators of overall water quality and were not continuously monitored. While values for pH were not to be used for reporting, they are included as a reference in this report. To supplement Environment 1's data, ECU began measuring pH using a Hanna Instruments pH meter during each site visit after September 19. Beginning on November 8, a local volunteer also began measuring pH every one to two weeks at each monitoring site. Table 1. Dates of grab sample collections. Month Day June 25 July 2, 12, 18 August 6 September 7, 30, 27 October 25 November 1, 27 December 13 Weather Data Daily precipitation totals (Global Summary of the Day) during the monitoring period were retrieved from the National Climatic Data Center website for two closest weather stations to the study area, Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (GHCND: USINCBF004) and New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional (GHCND: USW00093719). The Washington station was approximately 8 miles northeast of the Downstream site, while the New Bern station was approximately 24 miles south - southwest of the Upstream site. Hourly wind data (velocity and direction) were also collected from the New Bern station (USAF WBAN ID: 72309593719). Warren Field (Washington, NC; USAF WBAN ID: 74692503741), approximately 13 miles northwest of the Downstream site, also provided hourly wind data for the monitoring period. Hourly wind speeds were averaged for each day to determine the daily average wind speed. Average wind directions were calculated as the speed weighted average of the hourly wind directions values for each day. Water Quality Surveys Three water quality surveys were performed during the monitoring period. For each survey, the Downstream sonde was extracted from its housing, the data sampling interval was changed to one minute, and the internal clock was synchronized with a Garmin hand -held Global Positioning System (GPS) unit that logged the position each minute. The sonde was submerged alongside a boat and towed over a length of the creek. Water quality data were then geo- located using the corresponding coordinates and time stamps from the GPS unit. Via Electronic Mail March 14, 2013 Tom Belnick NCDENR -DWQ -NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 Re: Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. - Vanceboro Quarry NPDES and 401 certification comments Dear Mr. Belnick, Please accept the following comments regarding Martin Marietta Materials, Inc draft NPDES permit and Clean Water Act Section 401 certification permit request to operate a 649 acre open -pit mine in Beaufort County. The Pamlico -Tar River Foundation (PTRF), founded in 1981, is a grassroots environmental organization representing greater than 2000 members and is a licensed member of Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. Our mission is to monitor, protect, and enhance the Tar - Pamlico River and watershed while promoting environmental justice. PTRF has closely reviewed all materials related to the NPDES permit and 401 water quality certification (WQC) applications by Martin Marietta Materials, Inc (MMM) for a 649 acre open -pit mine to be located along the Beaufort - Craven County line. As described in detail below, we have numerous concerns regarding their environmental analysis, alternatives analysis, and resulting impact to Blounts Creek, the proposed receiving stream of the mine dewatering wastewater discharge. PTRF recommends that the Division deny the NPDES permit based on the fact the discharge would violate the pH water quality standard for swamp waters. Furthermore, we argue that the company has failed to demonstrate that alternatives to a direct discharge that would avoid or minimize impacts to Blounts Creek and the area's groundwater resource are not practicable, therefore the Division cannot approve the 401 WQC. Pursuant to Section 40 CFR 230.11(h) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and 15 A NCAC 02H.0506 PTRF focuses its comments on the impacts to Blounts Creek, the receiving stream for the mine dewatering discharge. Blounts Creek Physical Characterization Blounts Creek is a third -order stream located in Beaufort County in eastern North Carolina. It flows north approximately 14 miles, where it meets Blounts Bay, which is located 11 miles downstream of the US 17 Pamlico River bridge. Three transportation crossings over Blounts Creek are the Norfolk Southern Railway, immediately upstream of the confluence with Poundpole Swamp Branch, Tripp Road, a half mile downstream of the railroad crossing, and NC 33, another 0.8 miles downstream. The Blounts Creek watershed is approximately 89 square miles and is nearly entirely within Beaufort County, except for about 0.7 square miles within Craven County. The watershed is delineated by two 12 -digit hydrologic units, referred to as Headwaters Blounts Creek (030201040106; —65 mi) and Outlet Blounts Creek ((030201040107; —24 mi) by the US Geological Survey and shown in Figure 1. Blounts Creek is fed by several first and second order tributaries including (upstream to downstream) Herring Run, Nancy Run, Sheppard Run, and Yeats Creek. While the main branch of Blounts Creek drains the south - central quarter of the watershed, multiple tributaries contribute to Blounts Creek along its flow path. Herring Run drains most of the eastern areas of the watershed and joins Blounts Creek just north of NC 33. Nancy Run drains the western most areas of the watershed and converges with Blounts Creek less than a mile downstream of Herring Run. Between Herring Run and Nancy Run, Blounts Creek widens from approximately 40 ft. just upstream of Herring Run to about 150 ft. downstream of Nancy Run. The watershed has remained largely undeveloped, with most residential housing located near the Creek, downstream of Herring Run (Figure 2), including the community of Cotton Patch. Agriculture is the largest developed land use within the watershed. The headwaters are Area residents have noted diurnal tidal fluctuations of one to two feet each day downstream of Herring Run. However, the most extreme tide driven water levels result from winds out of the south or west (falling water levels) and out of the north and east (rising water levels). The watershed is dominated by pine forest, scrub, and cropland. Development is primarily limited to residential water front homes along the most downstream reach of Blounts Creek. Cotton Patch Landing is a privately owned boat launch facility that anglers commonly use for accessing the water. The uppermost headwaters of Blounts Creek have been ditched and drained for pine forest silviculture. The most western parts of the watershed are former wetlands, drained for pine plantations. Water Quality Classification Blounts Creek is characterized as a coastal, blackwater stream. The pH of coastal blackwater streams tends to also be more acidic, with values around the range of 5.0 to 6.0. These systems have also been shown to be sensitive to nutrient inputs resulting in algal blooms under certain conditions.' Assessments of nearby Palmetto Swamp and Durham Creek were determined not to be impaired. Blounts Creek and its tributaries have yet to be assessed for impairment by the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). However, all waters within the Pamlico River basin, including Blounts Creek are designated as Nutrient Sensitive Waters by NCDWQ. The nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) designation is a supplemental designation reserved for water bodies that require additional nutrient management since they are subject to excessive growth of micro- or macroscopic vegetation. Herring Run is recognized as the transition location on Blounts Creek between upstream freshwater to the downstream tidal saltwater. Above Herring Run, Blounts Creek is classified as Class C, swamp and ' Mallin, M.A., J.M. Burkholder, M.R. McIver, G.C. Shank, H.B. Glasgow, Jr., B.W. Touchette and J. Springer. 1997. Comparative effects of poultry and swine waste lagoon spills on the quality of receiving streamwaters. Journal of Environmental Quality. 26: 1622 -1631. nutrient sensitive waters. The class C designation is for waters that are protected for secondary recreation uses, such as wading, and boating, which result in infrequent or incidental human contact, as well as fishing and fish consumption, wildlife, aquatic life, and agriculture. The swamp waters designation is used to indicate water bodies with low velocities and other natural characteristics that are different from adjacent streams, such as significantly lower pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Class C waters are protected for secondary recreation (wading, boating, or infrequent human body contact), wildlife habitat, biological integrity, and agriculture. Swamp waters are characterized by low velocities and may have lower dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH values may be as low as 4.3. Below Herring Run, the NC Division of Water Quality classifies Blounts Creek as Class SB, nutrient sensitive waters. The SB designation refers to tidal salt waters that are protected for primary recreation activities that result in human contact frequently occur, such as diving, and water skiing. Below Herring Run, Blounts Creek is classified as class SB waters. Class SB waters are tidal salt waters protected for primary recreation (swimming, diving, or frequent human body contact), wildlife habitat, biological integrity, and agriculture. (Turbidity threshold: 25 NTU) Middle and lower reaches of Blounts Creek are frequently used by fisherman. Aquatic Habitat Blounts Creek (Lower SB, NSW, upper —C, Sw, NSW) is a brackish creek system and an important aquatic nursery area for numerous species. As noted by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), Blounts Creek supports dense submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) bed s2. The DMF also confirms that the system is used by anadromous fish for spawning migrations and nursery areas, and resident species . 3 As noted in a letter from the National Marine Fisheries Service to the Corps of Engineers (January, 2012) "...Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) species (e.g. bluefish, flounder) have been documented in the creek. In addition Blounts Creek has been designated an Anadromous Fish Spawning Area by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission and anadromous fishes of interest to NMFS have been documented using the creek for spawning as well for as a nursery area . ,A An email communication from Maria Dunn, NC WRC, noted that eels were present in a March 2011 survey (shocking) of Blounts Creek from Cotton Patch Landing to the confluence of Herring Run. American eel is a Federal species of concern. 5 Recreational Resource Blounts Creek is also an important recreational resource for Beaufort County. Two public boat ramps (one is fee based) are located on Blounts Creek. Beaufort County government recently purchased land to expand and improve an existing access point. Recreational fishermen utilize Blounts Creek year 2 DMF Letter from Kevin Hart to William Wescott, January 3, 2012. Martin Marietta Materials Mine- Vanceboro Site (Beaufort /Craven County) 3 Id 4 NMFS letter to William Wescott, January 4, 2012 Martin Marietta Materials Mine — Vanceboro Site (SAW -2011 02235) 5 US FWS Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Beaufort County, North Carolina round. The creek and Blounts Bay are also an important economic resource for some commercial crabbers and local fishing guides. One local guide estimates that 50% of his Pamlico River fishing trips (that target species such as striped bass, juvenile red drum, speckled trout and flounder) utilize the Blounts Creek fishery resource. 6 Water Quality Monitoring PTRF in collaboration with Dr. Eban Bean, East Carolina University, initiated water quality monitoring at two locations on Blounts Creek in June, 2012. The upstream site was located approximately one half mile east of Norman Road, immediately upstream of the Norfolk Southern (NS) Railway crossing. The Downstream monitoring site was located approximately 4,400 feet downstream of Herring Run and approximately 300 feet upstream of Nancy Run on Blounts Creek. An YSI 6920 -V2 -1 Sonde (Upstream sonde) was programmed to record data measurements at 30- minute intervals. An Onset Hobo U20 Water Level Data Logger (referred to as pressure logger here after) was deployed along with the Upstream sonde. An YSI 6920 -V2 -2 Sonde (Downstream sonde) was installed at this site and programmed to record data measurements at 30- minute intervals. Data collected included: water depth, temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Grab samples were also taken approximately twice per month and analyzed by Environment 1, located in Greenville, NC. The grab samples were analyzed for turbidity, conductivity and total suspended residue. Three water quality surveys were also conducted by attaching one of the Sonde's to a boat, taking measurements every 1 minute. The sonde was submerged alongside a boat and towed over a length of the creek. Although water quality values measured by MMM's consultants were typically within expected ranges for the respective NC DWQ classifications, collected data points could not be validated from any existing historical water quality records for Blounts Creek. A record of water quality on Blounts Creek would have provided context as to whether values were representative of year round or seasonal fluctuations. In addition, a water quality record could offer validation to assumptions made in evaluating the impacts of stream discharge. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate Blounts Creek existing water quality. To achieve this goal, the following objectives were identified: Objectives: 1. Establish a record of water quality over monitored duration. 2. Due to a lack of data, characterize water quality of Blounts Creek under existing conditions. 3. Estimate potential impacts to water quality from changes in flow patterns and or quality, if possible A preliminary report of data collected from June, 2012 through January, 2013 is currently being drafted and likely to be completed by the first week of April. A partial draft of the report is included here 6 Personal communication with Cpt. Richard Andrews, Tar -Pam Guide Service. (appendices A and B) for DWQ's consideration. Appendix A includes the methods and Appendix B is the raw data graphs. Gaps in the data occurred for multiple reasons. The most common and unavoidable reason was for extractions for calibration of the sensors and downloading data or water quality surveys (downstream only). Table 1. Upstream and Downstream sonde extraction dates and durations. Upstream Sonde Downstream Sonde Extraction Date Duration (Days) Extraction Date Duration (Days) 14 -Jun 7 13 -Jun < 1 12 -Jul < 1 21 -Jun 4 6 -Aug < 1 12 -Jul < 1 27 -Aug 3 18 -Jul < 1* 25 -Sep 2 6 -Aug < 1 27 -Aug 3 25 -Sep 2 9 -Oct < 1* 24 -Oct 6# 15 -Nov < 1* *Extracted for water quality surveys; all other extractions for calibration and downloading. Summary of water monitoring results Key observations of the monitoring data include: • In general, grab samples values were typically within 24 hr fluctuations. • Blounts creek water quality parameters are within ranges for their DWQ classifications. • The stream behaves generally as would be expected for a coastal blackwater, tidally influenced stream. • Lunar tides typically cause a 1 foot fluctuation of water levels at the downstream location each day. No diurnal signal was observed in Upstream water levels. • Upstream of the RR tracks, water level and DO data tend to indicate that this water is nearly stagnant unless during a rainfall event or following large events. • Upstream and downstream turbidities were typically less than 10 NTU, except following rainfall events. • Turbidity data at both locations indicate that turbidity is most strongly dependent on photosynthetic microorganisms, rather than sediment transport. • Downstream DO values and specific conductivities fluctuated opposite to each other. Downstream DO concentrations were commonly less than 2.0 mg /I between July and December, and commonly declined to near 0 mg /I. • Upstream DO concentrations tended to be 3.0 mg /I or higher throughout the summer. Impacts from Mine Dewatering Activities Section 40 CFR 230.11(h) of the CWA and 15 A NCAC 02H.0506 requires that secondary impacts and effects on the aquatic ecosystem be analyzed, including water quality standards and existing uses. Therefore, MMM is required to fully and adequately assess the downstream impacts due to mine dewatering activities and DWQ must take those impacts into consideration. The mine as proposed cannot function independently from the dewatering wastewater discharge. Predicted pH changes Submitted technical memos by the applicant demonstrate how the proposed discharge will change the aquatic environment and species present, especially in upper Blounts Creek. 7,8 The pH will change from the current upstream range of 4.0 -5.5 to a predicted 6.3 -6.9. Furthermore, the additional discharge of groundwater would be expected to dilute organic acids, which could be expected to effectively inhibiting the acidification process (further affecting the pH beyond just mixing). It is plausible that the resulting pH may be even higher than predicted. The draft permit proposes to allow a discharge that is in direct violation of water quality standards. As noted in 15A NCAC 0213.0211 (g) pH: shall be normal for the waters in the area, which generally shall range between 6.0 and 9.0 except that swamp waters may have a pH as low as 4.3 if it is the result of natural conditions. The "best usage of waters" narrative "maintenance of biological integrity" standard 15A NCAC 213.0211(1) requires maintenance of "a balanced and indigenous community of organisms having species composition, diversity, population densities and functional organization similar to that of reference conditions." 15A NCAC 2B.0202(11). DWQ cannot approve a permit that changes the species composition of a water that is not similar to that of reference conditions. Therefore DWQ must deny the NPDES permit. Aquatic Habitat Assessment In order to determine downstream impacts to Blounts Creek aquatic habitat and water quality standards, MMM hired Coastal Zone Resources, Inc. (CZR) to conduct a habitat assessment.9 Based on this assessment, MMM stated in the 404 application that, "... no anadromous fish were observed during the study.i10 They also concluded that the analysis "showed that the abundance and diversity of fish and macrobenthic invertebrates was lower than expected, and that Blount's Creek was typical of an upper drainage segment of a lower Coastal Plain freshwater system."" PTRF demonstrates below that the habitat assessment was flawed in several ways. - Regarding the methodology of the study, what is largely missing is the context of these findings when compared to other, similar streams. This is particularly true for the fish assessment. The macro invertebrate data is compared to some state standards, but the Biotic Integrity measures are often designed for a single system and broadly applied. 12 Technical Memorandum. September 6, 2012. Stability, Flood, and Water Quality Analyses. Vanceboro Site, Martin Marietta Materials, Craven and Beaufort Counties, North Carolina. Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 8 Technical Memorandum to address potential direct and indirect effects on identified fish populations from predicted changes in Blounts creek water quality. October 30, 2012. CZR Incorporated. 9 Appendix D of MMM 404 permit application: Aquatic habitat assessment of the upper headwaters of Blounts Creek in the vicinity of the potential quarry site near Vanceboro, Beaufort County, NC. CZR, Inc. August, 2011. 10 See page 15 of the Section4041ndividual Permit application supporting document. 11 Id. 12 Email communication with Dr. David Kimmel, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, East Carolina University. Regarding the Jaccard index and the Morisita Horn indices: both are fairly standard techniques to measure similarity. It would be useful to measure a stream that is similar to provide more information on what the differences outside of the system might be. For example, these systems may already be degraded in some way or may be exceptional habitat. 13 The data demonstrates a lower pH and it is common that a lower natural pH for coastal streams will often predispose the taxa towards lower diversity. 14 Therefore MMM cannot correlate this data with the statement that abundance of fish and macroinvertbrates does not indicate a high quality system." With regards to this statement found in the analysis, "The Jaccard index indicated that although UT2 had the most species in common with Blounts Creek ( 0 75) the Morisita Horn index indicated that UT2 was more similar to UT1 in terms of community overlap (0 79) (Table 4) on page 8 ": these comparisons are probably meaningless unless compared to some known distribution or diversity of these streams. 16 Regarding statement in 4.2 fish on page 14: "Overall both species richness and total abundance were relatively low for both impact and control monitoring locations. ": This statement lacks meaning as this data is not compared to a standard or other stream control site. It is unclear here what is meant by low, it has to be qualified by comparison to some standard or other stream. These numbers may appear low, but may be natural for these systems. Also, the fish numbers reported are absolute numbers and do not incorporate the effort it took to collect them. 17 The study was conducted on only one day in April 2011. With the methods used for collection, young of year of anadromous species should be sampled in June or July. The sampling took place too early in the year to provide meaningful data as to the presence of these species. 18 In order to more clearly capture the actual fish communities inhabiting the creek, at a minimum seasonal sampling should have occurred (3 -4 times over the period of one year) and over a 2- day period /monitoring trip. 19 Hydraulic assessment of receiving streams MMM's consultant Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. conducted a hydraulic assessment of the proposed receiving streams in Upper Blounts Creek.20 The assessment provided data for a proposed build -out discharge of 12 MGD on the structural stability of the downstream receiving waters. The assessment noted that for 3 of the 4 channels analyzed, the addition of the 12 MGD or 18.6 cfs would produce flows that equal or exceed the bankfull discharge. Bankfull flows normally experienced by these streams may occur several times each year, but only for a few days in duration, not continuously throughout the 13 id 14 id 15 See page 15 of the Section4041ndividual Permit application supporting document. 16 id 17 id 18 Personal communication with Dr. Anthony Overton, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, ECU. December 20, 2011. 19 id 20 Appendix C of 404 application. Technical Memorandum: Geomorphic and hydraulic analysis for the proposed built -out dewatering discharge. July 2010. Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. year. 21 It is plausible that the UT segments may respond to this large increase in continual discharge by widening and deepening, even if flow is less than bankfull. 22If the deepening occurs then the slope will increase and a knickpoint will develop that would result in erosion that occurs and the knickpoint would migrate upstream. 23 Furthermore, any deepening or channelization that occurs due to discharge of mine wastewater will lower the functioning of the floodplain and may result in greater flooding downstream. 24If channels are channelized they may have steeper banks than is normal and if greater discharge is added those banks may have a tendency to slump and the bank material may add sediment to downstream segments.25 While the difference between current and expected shears may appear small, the shear would more than double in magnitude. This will likely lead to stream channel erosion in the upper headwaters. Channel erosion may not be limited only to the discharged channel. If down cutting of the main channel occurs, then head cuts may form where tributaries join, leading to down cutting within tributaries. One inaccuracy noted in the report is that bankfull flooding is estimated to occur every 1.1 -1.3 years. However, the numbers used are for streams in Piedmont and Mountain settings and are too high for the Coastal Plain .26 A paper by Sweet and Geratz 27 notes that bankfull flooding for similar NC Coastal Plain streams occurs several times a year. This change in stream velocity and flow will likely result in significant deposition of eroded material to occur immediately upstream of the NS railway (PTRF /ECU Upstream monitoring station). Sedimentation will cover up habitats while scour will displace and destroy habitat. Wastewater Discharge Variability The Division of Water Resources has groundwater pumping amounts for several other Martin Marietta Mines in eastern North Carolina available on their website. 28 Looking at data for the Clarks Quarry in New Bern, the Onslow Quarry in Richlands and the Belgrade Quarry near Maysville, one will note that pumping amounts and the number of days pumping may be highly variable. Such variability may result in pH values that shift up and down, thereby impacting aquatic species present. Furthermore, steady or variable discharge could significantly alter the hydrologic regime of the headwaters, which appears to be stagnant for much of the time, outside of significant rainfall events. Salinity Changes For a discharge rate of 12 mgd, upstream migration of brackish water in the Herring Run area that results from low rainfall or wind tides would likely become less frequent. As observed in our monitoring, 21 Email communication with Dr. Michael O'Driscoll, Assistant Professor, Geology Dept. ECU and Dr. Scott Lecce, Professor, Dept. of Geography, ECU. 22 id 23 Id. 24 Email communication with Dr. Michael O'Driscoll, Assistant Professor, Geology Dept. ECU 25 id 26 Id 27 Sweet, W.V. and J.W. Geratz. 2003. BANKFULL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S COASTAL PLAIN. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39(4):861 -871. 28 http: / /www.ncwater.org/ Permits_ and_ Registration/ Capacity_ Use /Central_Coastal_Plain /ccpcualist.php salinities increased over extended periods, from a several days (early July) to several weeks (October — December). Diffusion and diurnal fluctuation of flows are likely significant processes that control salinities near Herring Run. The salinity modeling did not take diffusion and tidally controlled flows, and used data from two days for validation. Our downstream monitoring station is approximately 0.5 miles downstream of Herring Run. The measured and predicted salinities produced by MMM show a range of approximately 1.5 (surface) to 4.0 (10 ft. depth). At a depth 2 -3 ft. below the surface, monitored salinities typically ranged from 4 to 11 ppt between June 2012 and January 2013. The evaluation of salinity impacts downstream also do not take into account fluctuating salinities of the Pamlico River, the salinity source for Blounts Creek. Historical records of this are available from NCDWQ. Impact to SAVs The increase in flow will most likely result in additional nutrient export downstream. This may yield more phytoplankton production in the receiving waters, which affects the light field for the seagrasses. Combined with the likely increase in sediment delivery, suitable habitat for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), documented in Blounts Creek, will be negatively impacted. These plausible increases in turbidity and chlorophyll a combine to severely reduce seagrass habitat, thereby negatively impacting fishery habitat.29 Future Impact of Mine Closure Various aspects of how the stream ecology will respond to the proposed discharge in Blounts Creek were evaluated. However, the future impacts when the mine ceases to operate (20 -30 years in the future) were not addressed or discussed. If freshwater replaces brackish water (or high pH replaces low pH), organisms and vegetation will be expected to adapt over several decades. However, the conditions would be expected to return to their current state, which could lead to loss of vegetation and habitat as organisms adjust to what are characterized as harsher conditions. Alternatives MMM has not demonstrated that no practicable alternatives exist or that the proposed impacts will not lead to water quality standard violations or remove or degrade existing uses. 15 A NCAC 02H.0506 requires that avoidance and minimization of impacts must include consideration of the downstream impacts due to the mine dewatering discharge. In light of this, PTRF believes that possible other alternatives relating to the mine dewatering discharge should have been analyzed. Such alternatives may include: - Depressurization wells that could then re- inject all or a portion of the groundwater to avoid or minimize impacts via wastewater discharge and groundwater withdrawal and drawdown. Such an alternative would require re- injection of only groundwater, as injection of wastewater (i.e. from the open mine pit) is not allowable under North Carolina rules and statutes. 29 Biber, P.D., Gallegos, C.L. and W.J. Kenworthy. 2008. Calibration of a Bio- optical Model in the North River, North Carolina (Albemarle — Pamlico Sound): A Tool to Evaluate Water Quality Impacts on Seagrasses. Estuaries and Coasts: J CERF (2008) 31:177 -191 Connection to local water supply for all or a portion of the groundwater. Other alternatives that would avoid or minimize the discharge of wastewater to Blounts Creek (or other creek systems). Mitigation Mitigation ratios are established in order to provide a margin of error due to the fact that restoration efforts are not 100% successful and functional replacement requires a significant amount of lag time. Furthermore, the Corps and EPA have noted that certain types of wetlands, especially hardwood forest wetlands, require a much higher mitigation ratio than 1:1. The information included in the application notes that some historic man -made alteration of soils and hydrology has occurred to the depressional hardwood wetlands proposed to be impacted by the mine. None the less, hardwood wetlands typically require a mitigation ratio greater than 1:1 and if permitted, PTRF proposes that a 2:1 ratio would be a more appropriate mitigation ratio for hardwood wetland impacts based on the reasons cited above. Monitoring As noted above, PTRF believes that the NPDES permit cannot be approved since it is a clear violation of water quality standards. However, should the project ultimately be permitted, PTRF recommends the following monitoring requirements beyond what DWQ has incorporated in the draft NPDES permit for benthic monitoring: - Erosion pins placed at several locations downstream of the discharge location and at a control site. The control site, pin locations, and number to be determined in consultation with DWQ and the Corps. If erosion exceeding the control site occurs, we request the Corps to re -open the permit and require additional measures to minimize further impacts to the downstream area as well as additional compensatory mitigation for stream impacts. - Water Quality sampling including but not limited to the following parameters: nitrate /nitrite, total phosphorus, ammonia, TKN, TON and TIN, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, TSS, and turbidity. Monitoring should occur on a monthly basis for a period of 2 years to establish baseline data, then quarterly. Monthly monitoring would again be required once MMM has reached its maximum discharge (approximated to be 9 MGD) for a period of 2 years, then quarterly until the discharge is ceased permanently. In summary, PTRF requests the denial of the NPDES permit and 401 water quality certification based on the fact the proposed discharge violates water quality standards. We also argue that MMM has not met the requirement for a Section 401 Certification and therefore ask that DWQ deny the certification request. We appreciate the opportunity to comment in the proposed project. Sincerely, Fist. - Heather Deck Pamlico -Tar Riverkeeper Pamlico -Tar River Foundation Cc: Karen Higgins, NC Division of Water Quality Kevin Hart, NC Division of Marine Fisheries David Cox, NC Wildlife Resource Commission 7.00 6.00 5.00 L v 4.00 0 41 f� �r C y 3.00 a 2.00 1.00 0.00 Appendix B: Monitoring Data 7.00 6.00 5.00 t a m 4.00 E m m 3 0 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 L 4.00 d N 3.00 a 2.00 1.00 0.00 6/1 6/6 6/11 6/16 6/21 6/26 Date (M /D /YY) Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. - jA :� y : � 1 R ti dr 7k, t M NIMUM MEASURER LE WATER LEVEL: 3. ft. 6/1 6/6 6/11 6/16 6/21 6/26 Date (M /D /YY) 7.00 6.00 5.00 mm 0 4.00 E m m c 3 0 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7/1 7/6 7/11 7116 7/21 7/26 7/31 Date (M /D /YY) 7.00 6.00 5.00 t 4.00 `m E 3M N Q 2.00 1.00 0.00 Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. } r MINIMUM MEASUREABLE WATER LEVEL: 1.4 ft. V- • v S MINIMUM MEASUREALBLE WATER LEVEL: 3.0ft. 7/1 7/6 7/11 7116 7/21 7/26 7/31 Date (M /D /YY) 7.00 6.00 5.00 t 4.00 `m E 3M N Q 2.00 1.00 0.00 Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. A •i r MINIMUM MEASUREABLE WATER LEVEL: 1.4 ft. 7.00 6.00 5.00 a) 4.00 E 00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 0 m m 3.00 w 8/1 8/6 8/11 8/16 8/21 8/26 8/31 Date (M/D/YY) 2.D0 1.00 0.00 Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. ■ nt MINIMUM MEASURE ABLE WATER LEVEL: 3.0ft. 8/1 8/6 8/11 8/16 8/21 8/26 8/31 Date (M/D/YY) 2.D0 1.00 0.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 t Q D N 4.00 �o v c 3 0 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7A0 6.00 5.00 L 4.00 0 �v E 3.00 n 7 2.00 1.00 0.00 9/1 9/6 9/11 9/16 9/21 9/26 Date (M /D /YY) Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. . . 'f ' it e M NIMUM MEASURER LE WATER LEVEL: 3. ft. 9/1 9/6 9/11 9/16 9/21 9/26 Date (M /D /YY) 7.00 6.00 v 5.00 L a D 4.00 E m v C 3 o° 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 r 4.00 0 v 3 E 3.00 N a 7 2.00 1.00 0.00 10/1 10/6 10/11 10/16 10/21 10/26 Date (M /D /W) Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. 1 + M NIMUM MEA5UREA LE WATER LEVEL: 3. ft. 10/1 10/6 10/11 10/16 10/21 10/26 Date (M /D /W) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 E m a, rc 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 E g 31>0 2.00 1.00 0.00 11/1 11/6 11/11 11/16 11/21 11/26 Date (M/D/YY) Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. -9 'A:; A M NIMUM MEASURER LE WATER LEVEL: 3. ft. 11/1 11/6 11/11 11/16 11/21 11/26 Date (M/D/YY) 7.00 6.00 5.00 r n 0 Ol 4.00 E v 0 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12/1 12/6 12/11 12/16 12/21 12/26 12/31 Date (M /D /YY) Depth: Observed • Depth: 24 h avg. if , #. • , r r 'rrb .4. MINIMUM MEASUREABLE WATER LEVEL: 3.Oft. 12/1 12/6 12/11 12/16 12/21 12/26 12/31 Date (M /D /YY) 7.00 5.00 5.00 L 4.00 m E Q 3.00 a 2.00 1.00 0.00 7.40 6.00 5.00 L a v 0 v 3 4.00 E m IV 3 0 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1/1 1/6 1/11 1/16 1/21 1/26 1/31 Date (M /D/YY) 130 120 110 100 90 LL Ql so CLT `a E 9 70 E a a 60 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 LL 90 Ip 80 E F E 70 3 0° 60 50 40 30 20 6/1/12 Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde; zi ji A ! f It s ;�{ • it .y} '�• , A Y i 20 6/1/12 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/16/12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) f . ;�{ • it .y} '�• , A Y 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/16/12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 Z� 80 m E r 70 E �0 Q] Q 60 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 w 90 0 80 E F E v 70 c 3 0 60 50 40 30 20 7/1/12 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) h t- Ar Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) ' ► . is f' r • • i � �� ,. � . All JIL IC K 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 80 E F 70 E m n 60 Z) 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 90 80 E 9 E v 70 c 3 0 60 50 40 30 20 8/1/12 Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) VIM y.t Y �! 1. Y • is l�7 `! � x VIN r ;` : •` •� , i • `•1 20 8/1/12 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) VIM � •� • � , � � Y �! 1. Y • is l�7 `! � L� �i lj�r �e r ;` : •` •� , i • `•1 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 2 ! 80 f6 OJ E r 70 E v 60 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 LL v 90 flC 80 C v 7a N 3 CO 60 50 40 30 20 9/1/12 Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) t s , } J i• \ 4.1 4AF %z t5 •� { • i 1 1. v + S i 1 ; 20 9/1/12 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21/12 9/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) t s , } J r 4AF %z t5 •� { • i + S i s 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21/12 9/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 80 CIL E F 70 E v a 60 7 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 LL o� 90 0 80 E P- E 70 3 oo 60 50 40 30 20 10/1/12 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10131112 Date (M /D /YY) Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) s "'.AA �y. fit• k ' • i .. 3 , s• � ti s Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) i 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10131112 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 P 80 v a E 9 70 E m v a 60 D 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 LL 90 m 80 E r E 70 Vf 3 00 60 50 40 30 20 11/1/12 11/6/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) 'ii Y• Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) • {� .' 1ti ' ` 7je . . ' �• �J 11/6/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 i v 3 80 a E 9 70 E v n 60 50 40 - 30 20 130 120 110 100 LL 90 m W 80 E r E m 70 3 0° 60 50 40 30 20 12/1/12 Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) } ' y R 1 •fwF • F - 3. . _ 3 20 12/1/12 124 6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12/21/12 12/26/12 12/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) } ' y R • h i �• .1 Nlif 124 6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12/21/12 12/26/12 12/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 130 120 110 100 90 LL 61 M 80 M a, QL E 9 70 E V 60 50 40 30 20 130 120 110 100 LL 90 m a 80 E F E 70 c 3 o° 60 50 40 30 20 1/1/13 Upstream Surface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Hobo) Upstream Subsurface (Sonde) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) i 4 » 2 ? Y y p Ah 20 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11/13 1/16/13 1/21/13 1/26/13 1/31/13 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Surface (Hobo) Downstream Subsurface (Sonde) r ? i p Ah r 1/6/13 1/11/13 1/16/13 1/21/13 1/26/13 1/31/13 Date (M /D /YY) 0.20 0.18 0.16 5 0.14 u E Y 0.12 C r j ❑.10 V U ai CL kA 0.08 E M CLm 0.06 0.04 0.02 OM 20.00 18.00 16.00 � 14.00 E a '5 12.00 V 3 a 0 0 U 10.00 U V aJ Q Ln E 8.00 a1 Q] C 3 6.00 0 0 4.00 2.00 e Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) :C 0.00 ' ' ' ' ' 6/1/12 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/16/12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) e Upstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Upstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Upstream Specific Conductivity (24 In avg.) h f r; e Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) :C 0.00 ' ' ' ' ' 6/1/12 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/16/12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 u N >_ 7 0.12 u u c 0.10 u U W CL 0.08 E R ai 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 � 14.00 E ? 12.00 V 3 0 U 10.00 V CL Ln E 8.00 Q] t7 6.00 0 4.00 2.00 0.00 7/1/12 e Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) • 1. . • y ,� + r IF S e 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 0.20 0.18 0.16 5 0.14 u E Y 0.12 C r j ❑.10 V u ai CL kA 0.08 E m CLm 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 E 12.00 ii c 0 10.00 U N CL n E 8.00 m v 3 6.00 0 a 4.00 2.00 0.00 8/1/12 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date ( M /0/rr) 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 V 5 E 0.12 7 u C QU 0.10 V U m CL 0.08 >_ N =c)L 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 E 14.00 E ? 12.00 U v C O U 10.00 V N CL Ln E 8.00 v 3 6.00 o° 4.00 2.00 0.00 e Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) 5 9/1/12 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21/12 9/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 010 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 u E 0.12 C U0 0.10 V U d CL 0.08 E v d 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 u 14.00 E 12.00 r c 10.00 U U 0 CL N E 8.00 aj L 3 6.00 ❑ 0 4.00 2.00 0.00 10/1/12 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) • Upstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) • Upstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Upstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) i NOM NITORING ATA COLLE TED: LOW WATER LEVELS A D EQUIPMENT ERROR 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 E a 0.12 C u 0.10 U U N 0.08 e E M v N 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 = 20.00 18.00 16.00 u 14.00 E a 12.00 U 0 U 10.00 V aj Q E 8.00 Ol N 3 6.00 0 in 4.00 2.00 0.00 11/1/12 e Upstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Upstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) - upstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) NO MONITORING DATA COLLECTED: LOW WATER LEVELS AND EQUIPMENT ERROR o Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) i ' 7 7 § ; •y YINi r plow e 11/6/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 0.20 0.18 0.16 E 0.14 U zp E - _0.12 a t, a G 0 0.10 u u v E m v j 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 E 14.00 E Z_ '5 12.00 -moo 0 U 10.00 U Q] Ln E 8.00 m C 3 6.00 0 0 4.00 2.00 0.00 - w ik= ; ` to Al e Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) , Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) l r :j 12/1/12 12/6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12 121 112 12/26/12 12/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 0.20 0.16 0.16 E 0.14 u E 0.12 V 7 a c UO 0.10 u �i n 0.08 E M W j 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 E 14.00 Ln E 5 12.00 a C O U 10.00 U W CL Ln E 6.00 3 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 Downstream Specific Conductivity (Grab Samples) Downstream Specific Conductivity (Raw) • Downstream Specific Conductivity (24 h avg.) ti 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11/13 1/16/13 1/21/13 1/26/13 1/31/13 Date (M /D /YY) 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 m E 6.00 na x O 5.00 0 N _N E 4.00 Q D 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 - 10.00 - E 8.00 v O OJ 0 6.00 E N 3 4.00 - 0 2.00 - 0.00 6/1/12 6/6/12 6111/12 6/16/12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) r • ' y Y '•'ice 6/6/12 6111/12 6/16/12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10.06 4.60 8.00 7.00 m E m 6.60 as X 35.00 a E 4.00 a CL 7 3.00 2.60 1. DO 0.00 12.00 16.00 E 8.00 L G7 b� T x 9 Lb 0 6.00 N 0 E M m M 3 4.00 0 0 2.00 0.00 7/1/12 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date [M /D /YY] Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) s .. i• Y { „r �••r 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date [M /D /YY] 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 E v 6.00 X O 5.00 0 E 4.00 v 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 - 10.00 8.00 E C Ol X O Ol 0 6.00 D E v 0 4.00 - 0 2.00 - 0.00 k 8/1/12 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D/YY) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) +, s 4i �y • %'6 •y .• r ti +'• •f •Z' M l J V t r !V: s; Y' 0.00 k 8/1/12 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D/YY) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) +, s • %'6 •y .• r ti +'• •f •Z' M l J V t r !V: 0.00 k 8/1/12 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D/YY) 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 x a 5.00 O N 4.00 d CL D 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 10.00 E 8.00 L G7 b� T x V 0 6.00 N 0 E M m L 3 4.00 0 ❑ 2.Do 0.00 911/12 9/6/12 9111/12 9/16112 9/21112 9/26112 Date [M /D /YY] Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) a 7 � s de r ' n t 4 9/6/12 9111/12 9/16112 9/21112 9/26112 Date [M /D /YY] Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) s de r ' n 9/6/12 9111/12 9/16112 9/21112 9/26112 Date [M /D /YY] 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 va afi•00 as x 0 a g! 5.00 0 N 0 E4,00 R d CL :) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 10.00 E 8.00 C OJ X O1 66.00 D E v 3 4.00 - 0 0 2.00 0.00 10 /1/12 DATA COLLE Upstream Dissolved • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Oxygen (24 h avg.) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) NOMONITORING TED: LOW WATER LEVELS A D EQUIPMENT ERROR 0.00 10 /1/12 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 as 6.00 a a 5.00 0 N E 4.00 a N CL D 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 10.00 E 8.00 L G7 b� T x 9 M 66.00 N 0 E M m L 3 4.00 0 ❑ 2.00 0.00 NOMONITORING LOW WATER Upstream • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) Dissolved Oxygen (24h avg.) I ED: T ERROR Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) DATA COLLEC LEVELS AN D EQUIPMEN 11/1/12 1116/12 31/11/12 11/15/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) r �+ rY1• �. { j, ti Ac + 11/1/12 1116/12 31/11/12 11/15/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 m E m 6.00 X O i 5.00 0 0 E 4.00 v 7 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 10.00 E 8.00 v a X O v 56.00 0 E v C 3 4.00 - 0 0 2.00 - 0.00 - 12/1/12 12/6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12121112 12/26/12 12/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Upstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) n �• r t. *s Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 h avg.) ra r s 12/1/12 12/6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12121112 12/26/12 12/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 to FE ac 6.00 as X O 5.00 S 4.00 CL D 3.00 2.00 1.00 OM 12.00 10.00 E 110 8.00 X 0 0 4.00 - 2.00 - 0.00 -- 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11/13 1/16/13 1/21/13 1/26/13 1/31/13 Date (M/D/YY) Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (Raw) • Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (24 In avg.) 0.00 -- 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11/13 1/16/13 1/21/13 1/26/13 1/31/13 Date (M/D/YY) 10000 1000 N z 100 _T 4 F E M N 16 7) 0.1 1000 100 N F Z .0 F 10 C N w N C 0 0 0 0.1 s Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) {Y} t • 611112 616112 6/11112 6/16112 6121/12 6126/12 Date (MID /YY) 10000 N F Z T a E N N 100, 101 I f'f I 100 Z Y C v 3 0 10 0.1 • Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) 1 ' � S S • .t L L *Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) VA 7/1/12 7/6/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10000 1000 N Z 100 ZI ii F E M H 10 CL 0.1 1000 z E v 3 0 0 100 10 1 0.1 8/1/12 • Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) o Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) 1 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) o Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) 1 • r• .. 'Mi •r .r NIO—ze y� �` R ti 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10000 1000 N z 100 Y U a r E v 7 10 1 0.1 1000 F z E W 3 D 100 10 1 0.1 9/1/12 e Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) s 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21112 9/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) o Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) y . 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21112 9/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10000 1000 z 100 r E m v 10 0.1 1000 - 100 - z F10 E M c 3 0 D 1 - 0.1 - e Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) o Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) COLLE TED: D EQUIPMENT ERROR NOMONITORING LOW WATER DATA LEVELS A14 1011112 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10121112 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) o Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) �:. 46 r• J. ,: 1011112 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10121112 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10000 1000 N z 100 _T 4 F E 41 N 10 Q 0.1 1000 - 100 - z a n ,210 E M 3 0 1 - 0.1 11/1/12 o Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) . I T ... kidiF, IM k -- 1 a 11/6/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) o Downstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Downstream Turbidity (Raw) • Downstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) r. 11/6/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (M /D /YY) 10000 1000 N z 100 T U a F E �o v 10 n 7 0.1 1000 100 z a 410 E m v c 0.1 12/1/12 12/6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12121112 12/26/12 12131112 Date (M/0/Y1') 10000 1000 N Z 100 F E M H 10 CL D 0.1 1000 100 N F Z .0 F 10 E M 0 N C 3 0 0 0.1 s Upstream Turbidity (Grab Samples) Upstream Turbidity (Raw) • Upstream Turbidity (24 h avg.) ti 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11/13 1116/13 1/21/13 1/26/13 1/31/13 Date (M /D /YY) Appendix B: Nearby Daily Weather Data 3.50 Washington, INC: 10.5 ESE (GHCND:USINCBF004) ❑New Bern, C. Craven County Regional Airport (GHCND:USW00093719) 3.00 2.50 e 2.00 a _Z a 1.50 {A F 1.D0 0.50 0.00 6/1/12 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/16112 6121/12 6/26/12 Date (MM /D /YY) 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00 a u g' a T m 1.50 O A 1.00 0.50 0.00 711112 7/6112 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date (MM /D /YY) "'0 ■ Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (GHCNO:lJ51NCBF004) C3 N. Bern, NC: Craven County Reglonal Airport (GHCND:L15W00093719j 3.00 2.50 c z 0 W 2.00 C _a a w 1.50 0 e 1.00 0.50 ❑.00 9/1/12 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21/12 9/26/12 Date (MM /D /YY) 3.50 • Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (GHCND:USINCBF004) • New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional Airport (GHCND:USWOOD93719) 3.00 2.50 C +� 2.OD u 2 a` T s 1.50 6 R 1.00 0.50 0.00 10/1/12 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21/12 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date (MM /D/YY) 3.50 ■ Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (GHCND:USINCBF004) ❑ New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional Airport {GHCND:USW00093719) 3.00 2.50 c .Q 2.00 'u d a` a 'R 1.50 6 R 1.00 0.50 0.00 OHM 1111/12 11/6/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21/12 11/26/12 Date (MM /D /YY) 3.50 • Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (GHCND:USINCBF004) • New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional Airport (GHCND:USWOOD93719) 3.00 2.50 C +� 2.0D U 2 a` T I 1.50 ' 6 R 1.00 0.50 OLD 12/1/12 12/6/12 12/11/12 12/16/12 12/21/12 12126/12 12/31/12 Date (MM /D/YY) 3.50 3.00 2.50 c 2.00 Q 'u a a 6 R 1.00 0 -50 j ■ Washington, NC: 10.5 ESE (GHCND:USINCBF004) ■ New Bern, NC: Craven County Regional Airport {GHCND:U 0.0 D 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11/13 1/16/13 1121/13 1/26/13 1/31/: Date ( M M /D/YY ) AVERAGE DAILY WIND DIRECTION AND SPEED ■ Speed (WBAN:03741) 0 Speed �WBAN:9371% ■ Directlon (WBAN:03741) a Direction �WBAN:93719� M 0 ■ Q e e e ❑ e NE 45 e ak E 90 m m ■ 0 = SE 135 .s a t; p 5180 ' ° ■ e ■ a ❑ E c e ❑ . ❑ y SW 225 ■ e ❑ a ■ ❑ e ' ■ ❑ T W270 a A ° ❑ NW 315 c N 360 d N } S V N F E a " Alf" Z soon ca MEN 6/1/12 6/6/12 6/11/12 6{16 {12 6/21/12 6/26/12 Date (WD/YY) ■Speed (WBAN:03741) El Speed (WBAN +93719) ■ Direction (WBANM741) ❑ Direction (WBAN:93719) N 0 e NE 45 -- e . E 90 • 0❑ o ° SE 135 ■ a ❑ e . p 5180 a ❑ ■ ° o —� = m ^ e ❑ ❑ e e ° ^ ❑ ❑ • ■ ❑ SW 225 At ❑ ❑ ❑ ;n ■ ❑ ° ■ a w 270 T ° o e NW 315 20 15 10 5 0 N 360 20 - 15 c 3 10 yg E 5 a" T a 0 7/1/12 716/12 7/11/12 7/16/12 7/21/12 7/26/12 7/31/12 Date(M /D/YY) 'Data for Washington (WBAN:03741) and New Bern (WBAN: 93719) weather stations. N 0 NE 45 E 90 m � SE 135 0 �Ta p 5180 v SW 225 `m a W270 6 NW 315 N 360 a a a m � m m m _ `m E T m ■Speed (WBAN:03741) ❑Speed (WBAN:93719) ■ Direction (WBAN:03741) a Direction (WBAN:93719) ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a � e ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11 Li F 8/1/12 8/6/12 8/11/12 8/16/12 8/21/12 8/26/12 8/31/12 Date(M /D /YYy 20 15 10 N 0 N E 45 y E 90 v a`a v O SE 135 0 m p 5 180 c 3 SW225 `m a w270 a a NW 315 N 360 v w c = � r d N N Q C T a 9/1112 N 0 NE 45 v E 90 m m m SE 135 0 Ta p S1.30 V SW 225 a W 270 a NW 315 N 360 Qj m a N L d � bA N a 9/6/12 9/11/12 9/16/12 9/21/12 9/26/12 Date (M /D/YY) ■ Speed [WBAN:03741] ❑ Speed (WBAN:93719) ■ Direction (WBAN:03741) a Direction (WBAN:93719] ■ e ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r L H C 10/1/12 10/6/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/21112 10/26/12 10/31/12 Date ( M/ D/YY ) 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 N 0 A E ■ e ■ ° e NE 45 e e • e A A d E 90 e as v 0 ❑ SE 135 ' a t ■ ■ ❑ P p 5 180 c 3 SW225 ■ ■ ❑ v a W 270 ❑ A : ■ ° o e N W 315 e 4 ° a N 360 - n ■ ' +� — m V'. N 3� Q1 N C� E• Q T 11/1/12 1116/12 11/11/12 11/16/12 11/21112 11/26/12 Date (M/ D/YY) ■ Speed (WBAN:03741) ❑ Speed (WBAN:93719) • Direction (WBAN:03741) ■ Direction (WBAN:93719) N D A NE 45 A ■ a e � g, E 90 6' a ❑ ■ SE 135 a ■ a p 5 180 a ■ e a • a e ■ ■ ■ ° 4 sw 225 - a e °��° ■ e e ■ e e e a ■ a' r W270 _ a e NW 315 e a ■ e' 20 15 10 5 0 N 360 20 m a 15 10 m m m _ C 5 mFl T 0 0 1211/12 12/6/12 12111.•'_2 12/16/12 12/21/12 12/26/12 12/31/12 Date (M /D/W) N D ■Speed (WBAN:03741) ❑Speed (WBAN:93719) ■ Direction (WBAN:03741) a Direction (WBAN:93719) A ❑ a ■ NE 45 ■ . — . . A a E 90 m a a c SE 135 0 ti a p 5 180 C SW 225 d } a W270 T m in NW 315 N 360 a a a m � m m m _ T 0 o❑ a 1/1/13 1/6/13 1/11113 1/16/13 1/21/13 1/26113 Date(M/D/W) 20 15 10 5 1/31/13 Appendix C: Water Quality Surveys Water Quality Survey: July 18, 2012 la l r ,.,•r �,•'.:., ;i O 29.66 - 31.94 = a r Tr �i O 31.94 - 3120 `r ' ._f,nf �d � �'• Jar � A{ ^- s - . "• ;�- -.. %� O 33.20 - 33.78 ..� OVY j. • 33.78 - 34.39 Kilometers Miles 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.1 02 �N` N Data Collected on 07/18/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde A O ter, in Kilometers Miles nN 0 0.2 0.4 0 01 0.2 / \ Data Collected on 07/18/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde , v °0 0 CP o 0 00 (Z) 0 0 CD 00 0 o° 0 0 0 0 9 Salinity PPT� O 0 0000 - 042 - O M. 0.J078 O 0. • 1. Kilometers NNes NN 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.1 02 N Data Collected on 07/18/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde A Q li O Y , O t 0 0 O 4 O 0 0 CP 0 O 0 n (Z) Kilometers Miles N 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 / \ Data Collected on 0711812012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde , v I E) 0 00 00 0 CP 0 0 00 (?Z) 0 0 I Chi WE 0 0 0 Fj Li DO MG /l_„ -1 0 0-00 0 0.00-3. 0 3-50-4- 0 4.34-5. --7M Kilometers Miles 0 0.2 0.4 0 01 0.2 Data Collected on 07/18/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde Water Quality Survey: October 9, 2012 Kilometers Mlles 0 , 2 0 0.5 N Data Collected on 10/09/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde Kilometers Miles N 0 1 2 0 0.5 1 /\ Data Collected on 10/09/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde , v Ay, Kilometers Miles nN 0 , 2 0 0.5 , Data Collected on 10/09/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde , v .J • 1 F. -It J s - j t - � • r�''+� hi v0 61 1 I �jL i Water Quality Survey: November 15, 2012 -A, IGr1e:c'5 Miles 0 1 2 0 0.5 Data Collected on 11/15/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde , v �~ �., ?MP O C 11.08 10.84 - O 11.09 -11-83 O 11.84 -1217 O 12.18 - 12.45 • 12.46 - 13.00 W11 .. IGr1e:c'5 Miles 0 1 2 0 0.5 Data Collected on 11/15/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde , v C 1965- 20.13' Kilometers Mlles nN 0 1 2 0 0.5 1 /\ Data Collected on 10/09/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde Kilometers Miles N 0 1 2 0 0.5 Data Collected on 11/15/2012 Using YSI 6920 V2 Water Quality Sonde V V toe,., [{[ p0 !y ' a DO MG /L r O 3.00-3.500 r., O r 3.50-4.00 O 4.00-5.00 • 5.00-6.00 Kilometers Miles 0 1 2 0 05 1 nN N Data Collected on 11/1512012 Usino YSI 6920 V2 Water Oualdv Sonde c 3r 10 ,T. .y e .S� 33,x, ..�. t. � , � w •,� J,1 s • � • • • • • �••• �'yr-,.M ^'iii • r �y / l