HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071035 Ver 1_Site Plan_2007061207- 1035 N ~ ~ • . m m "b c> ~v f i. \ n \ O o y \ . `~j ~ S - ALTERNATE A: STREAM WORK 3)j~ ~ N ~i_ O ~ o~. y e ~ ~ 3j~ ~ ~ ~ ~te?, ~ ~ vP~ S e~ ''~7' ,,y1 P _ _ r , ~ ~e, ~ . / CWA' ~~e ~ g0 . _ ` ~ W DR-IVE NWS = 378 ~ a ~e ~ ~ _ . ~ _ _ 1 377. < _ - - O 2t~ , - _ 1 _ 1 ~ ass. s - _ ? . q _ e? <D ' 376. A ~ n~ ~ 377. Z ' r°~ _ ~ PEB E ~ N WS = 378 _ - ~ ~ • ST2 • ST2 ,o p i ~ _ _ o - ~o ~ - _ ~ M ~ 7 ~ - ~ - SIT l~ 57TE w V A - ~ VICINITY MAP / POTENTIAL BIO-ENGINEERED STREAM BANK 1600' ~ 377.0----- Ni ~a- s` - ~ - (SEE TYPICAL SECTION THIS SHEET) 376.0-'`" 0 m ici ~ ~ ~ M M M M / _ i~' / j - LEGEN D ~ ~ LIMITS OF DISTURBAN ~ 1RBANCE . I . ~~j ' ~ G Wes. ~ EXISTING TREE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: PROPOSED BERM LOCATION J REZ P~N~N o ' EXISTING CONTOUR ~ , !UR 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL TEMPORARILY DRAWDOWN SOWN LAKE TO LEVEL NECESSARY FOR GRADING. CONTRACTO TOUR ~ r~~~ ~ THE TOWN OF CARY BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. ZACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ~ ~ - ~ -37.0- PROPOSED CONTOUR WORK. fEtl • ~ • U 1. ALL EXGAVA ItD 501E SHALL BE USED ON-SITE d--SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION • 1 - ~ J~~'r ~ ~ Zp~~ OF BERM. NO SOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED OR mD OR HAULED OFF-SITE. 1 ~ ~ ~ - nE~vR . r' ~~D`'°-~~'ost~r~,Q~~,~ty 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE CAREFUL PRECAUTI A~a~w~y ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES OR UTILITIES WITHI 'OL MAT CONSTRUC110N. CAUTION NOT TO DAMAGE O f , WITHIN THE AREAS OF ~ ~ • __1~ w.~w"~"~~ .AM CENTERLINE 4. THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED WITH FILED INF THE TIME OF ORIGINAL PROJECT DESIGN. IT IS :D INFORMATION GATHERED AT ~'~w IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THE FlLED CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUC DEPICTION ON THIS PLAN SET AND IT IS THE TO FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS PRIOR TO THE S la ALSO THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY T MANUFACTURER OF ANY PROPRIETARY PRODUC 'TRUCTION WILL VARY FORM THE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY CHE START OF CONSTRUCTION. IT _ITY TO CONTACT THE RODUCT TO DETERMINE IF ITS USE ~r= " IS AFFECTED BY THE CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER ABOUT OBSERVE STARLING WORK FIELD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SERVED FIELD CHANGES PRIOR TO 5. ALL QUANTITIES AND TAKE-OFFS DEPICTED ON ED ON THIS PLAN SET ARE ESTIMATES u ~ ~ • • oriz. ONLY AND IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSI VIA SITE VISIT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. P ON SI B I LI TY TO FIELD VERIFY QUANTITIES C. 6. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS REGARDING PROPRIET THIS PLAN SET MAY BE MADE BY THE CONTR FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE DESIGN E AND AGREEMENT THAT IT IS AN "APPROVED E 7. SUPPLEMENTARY PUMPING OF WORK AREAS WI DEWATERED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO fPRIETARY PRODUCTS REPRESENTED ON CONTRACTOR AND SUBMITTED IN WRITING 4IGN ENGINEER SUBJECT TO HIS REVIEW r... h`_:.d VED EQU AL. ^1-! ;a t AS WILL BE REQUIRED TO KEEP AREAS 3LE TO DETERMINE PUMP REQUIREMENTS TO COMPLETE JO6. i •4 1 z ~ i { C ( ~ r l J i t } + ~ , BACKGROUND & PROJECT PURPOSE: .._....1-.,. i ! 4 1 _ . t i i t I i . y. 1. TO CREATE A MAINTENANCE FOREBAY FOR TW TO KILDAIRE FARM LAKE. )R TWO CREEKS TRIBUTARY ~ ~ 1 E 1 ~ ( I . ....r...,... ..,..a. 1. ......M.. . 4 ~ f 1 i ~ 1 i I, i w.... ~ ~ 4~. ~ i + i 1 ~ r ~ i ~ I f ~ I 1 t 1 1 ~ _ ~ . .j 1 I 11 } f . . . ~ fi 1 E i . ~ r s 2. FOREBAY WILL PROVIDE A MEANS TO REMOVE LOADING. AOVE FUTURE SEDIMENT ~ ~ { t i ~ + ~ .w.... _ . _ . _ _ ~ ~ . i [ I i j . ~ _.__.~-4 _ _ . _ _ _ . C , ~ i ~ 3. ACTUAL FOREBAY CONSTRUC110N WILL NOT RE OF SEDIMENT FROM LAKE FOOTPRINT. DT RESULT IN REMOVAL ! F i _ , E f ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ i r i 'i ' ; i i I+ t - ~ t I ~ i ~ . ..r.. _ _ ,,..l,.. 4 ~ t I ~ ~ : ~ , f t .,o..._ _ f` } ~ ~ ~ ii i F, __..w I f ~ ~ k i ~ 1 ' ' ; M ~ - . .c . _ . ~ s, k ' ` it p.......... . _ _ _ _ f c j t ~ ~ E t MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONVERT TEMPORARY CO PERMANENT ACCESS FOR FOREBAY MAINTENAN E D S 0 I L STOCKPILE AREA 2~ FORESEDI ENT REMOVAL FROM FOREBAYNG MAI 'Y CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO I t TENANCE. i i 4G MAINTENANCE TO PROVIDE ACCESS I SCALE 1 " = 200' 3. SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM FOREBAY DURING M IN PROPOSED STOCKPILE LOCATION. NG MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PLACED • N . t • t ~ p ~ f M~• ~ s`lllll!~ xu st-AL DATE: DATE: 18 MAY 07 SCALE Mac Fitt. NUMBER OV ~V U MCE PROJ. ~ 1283-0003 CG101 KILDAIRE FARM LAKE REPAIR MCE P DRAWN HORIZONTAL: DRAWN DSC MANUMOM 1 SPA NIZIal & CTXE D SpAt DESIGN DESIGNED CMS AS ,NOTED 14 ~ 100 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 CHEpc PROJ. PROPOSED FOREBAY DESIGN STATUS CHECKED TICS VERTICAL: "rte, ~ • O ~ Cary, North Carolina 27511 •'~r~i'+E~~.•~`'~~ Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 r. , PROJ. MGR. EHK AS NOTED 1 OF 3 AA0002667 E80006691 REV-NO. DE9TIONS DAZE STATUS: L MSIONS www.mckimcreed.com Stream Stabilizatio 1.0 Topsoil For F 1.1 Immedi s 1.2 Borrow d to 1.3 Incorpo to c m 2.0 Erosion C stream Length By Measured nation Specifications For Fill Areas imediately prior to spreading borrow topsoil, loosen the subgrade by til~.ing to a depth of at least three (3) inches to ensure adequat subsoil shall be free of loose stones or other foreign material. equate aeration of the subsoil. The ?rrow topsoil shall be uniformly placed and spread a minimum thickness of 3" within the project limits as indicated on the construc design engineer. Do not spread topsoil while it is frozen, saturated or when the subsoil is wet or frozen. Correct any irregu~ar top soiling or other operations to prevent the formation of water pockets. zstruction drawings or as directed by the x e gularities, in the surface that result from " d sta ' o~! mm. see an rze as er eat'icat ons ref to s 1 corporate the topsoil into the underlying subsoil. When topsoil is to be placed on slops 3:1 or greater, on which the subsoil is of a w~ ~ 1 Os8 ra s of a suitable condition to blend with as indicate s ort Ian o ~ topsoil, the contractor shall work the topsoil into the subsoil by tilling. Where subsoil on slopes are of such a character that the contractor sha11 roughen, bench or serrate the slope to provide a bond for the topsoil. The stone shall be placed to its full cours manner #hat the underlying material will not be displaced or worked into the course of rock toe being placed. at they will not blend with the topsoil, the course thickness in one operation in a i i N ~ ' ~/r ~ 8 t e ~ On ~n Control Matting {ECM) A e e se ow • v ra ryl• ,~M, ~ . , .,~k ~ ti. r . I ue sta es see ~s s eet ~ + tion Side Sta~on Len th 2.1 U 00 55 75 tp 90 2 1 100 Unless specified otherwise, all erosion control matting (ECM) shall be Rolanka BIO D-70, or approved equal. Matting shall be top and bottom of slopes. Secure with 24"x2"x2" wooden stakes, 2 per square yard. ill be "keyed" into ground 12 inches on the ~ + . ,sl • •-j + + ,11 ~ , ~ ~ • ~ . • os o co t o b an et n n r l! anka ! 0 r 7 ~ , + ,,a~,~ , a rov ua a r TT L .f . ~ ~ t ~ Ct er'S S 9 M menu a ur on , ~ 2.2 B 2.3 S 3.0 Backfill an 3.1 S e ~.Z S 2 C 3.3 S s or Base soil shall be tilled to a thxee-inch depth; rake in three inches of organic matter or top soil prior to ECM placement. ~ . 11 ~r~i, ~ . +t • B se sto e , a n . 8" voter stone Seeding for ECM areas shall be seeded with mix as described in these specifications. ~ ter Both gill and Compaction Stripping: The top 6 inches of soil and organic matter shall be stripped within the designated excavations and grading lines an excavated materials not suitable as topsoil or for other uses at the site shall be disposed offsite. es and deposited in storage piles. All Satisfactory Fill Materials: Fill and backfill within the limits of the design points and beneath appurtenant structures shall be t.~ 2487 as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SM, SC, or combinations thereof. The Contractor shall maintain proper specified cornpacfion as l be those materials classified in ASTM D ion as directed by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer. Subgrade Preparation: Unsatisfactory subgrade material shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material as directed subgrades shall be scarified to a depth of 3 inches before the fiill is started. Slope surface steeper than 1 vertical to 3 horizontal s or broken up so that the fill material will bond with the existing material. Material shall not be placed on surfaces that are mud Compaction shall be accomplished by tamping (sheepfoot) rollers, pneumatic tires rollers, steel-wheeled rollers, or other appro compacted. The contractor shall be prepared to moisten or aerate as necessary to provide an in-place moisture content within within the compacted lifts andJor subgrades for each material. Minimum subgrade density shall be as specified in paragraph f Filling and Backfilling: Satisfactory materials shall be used in bringing fills and backfill to the proposed contours indicted on th acted by the Design Engineer. All exposed antal shall be plowed, stepped, blenched, muddy, frozen, or contain frost. C co / w 3.4 Fi ex n approved well suited to the soil being Ihin plus or minus 2 percent of optimum 1. , aph for filling and backfilling. • on the plan and for replacing t ~ ~ 1 • . .t. unsatisfactory materials. Satisfactory materials shall be determined by the Design Engineer. Satisfactory materials shall be pla exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness, or 6 inches when hand-operated compactors are used. After placing, each layer t't~ccarv to nhfain nl»c nr miri~yc 7 r~crr+~an+ of nr?ti,m,~rr, mnie~~ro 4~~nr~rntr?~~~~ tr~~vn~ ~~n~l n~rr~r?.~nLer1 .sn n,r~...,iL3...~ ~....1.L'17:.~~ . Pe placed in horizontal layers not .t.•.~.n' . layer shall be moistened or aerated as J r-~"'~~ r•-~~•• ••t.••.••••asaa :aaavw~aaa.,y aaavavaasa~sy 1iLlAGM wawa LvlalYa4~G~l Li~7 .7tlCL111C~,L. L~CiUClllllil~ .`il Lu16 biLdIi iwEvegln urtnt cUn5uucuvn b 4.0 Erosion an 4.1 C co INITIAL ANCHOR 1RENCH. pr VTERS. below finish grade has been approved, underground utilities systems have been inspected, tested, approved, and forms remov m and Sediment Control moved. . 2„X2nX24tt Construction operations will be carried out in such a manner that erosion will be controlled and water, air, and ground polluti concerning pollution abatement will be followed. Construction plans shall detail erosion and sediment control measures to be process. NOTES; Alution minimized. State and local laws to be employed during the construction 1. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE AND ANCHOR FIBER MATTING IN A 12'~ DEEP INITIAL BACKFILL TRENCH AND TAMP EARTH FIRMLY. 2. UNROLL FIBER MATTING DOWNSLOPE IN THE DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW. 3. OVERLAP EDGES OF ADJACENT PARALLEI ROLLS OF 6" AND ANCHOR AT 12" CENTERS, 4.2 A 1 12" OVERLAP ANO co in ACT WITH 1HE SOIL. fo AND FOR SLOPES ~ ;HOR TRENCH (MIRROR 5.0 Live Stake All work on permanent structures shall be carried out in areas free from flowing water. The Contractor shall construct and ma cofferdams, drainage channels, and stream diversions necessary to protect the areas to be occupied by the permanent works. T' install, operate and maintain all necessary pumping and other equipment required for removal of water from the work area an foundations and other parts of the work free #rom water as required or directed by the Engineer. The stone shall be Placed to it operation in a manner that the underlying material will not displaced or worked into the course of rock toe being placed. 4 maintain all temporary dikes, levees, 4. WHEN FIBER MAT MUST BE SPLICED PLACE END OVER ENO (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH 12" ANCHOR USING TWO STAGGERED ROWS OF STAKES AT 6" CENTERS. ks. The Contractor shall also furnish, 5. LAY FIBER MAT LOOSELY AND ANCHOR SUFFICIENTLY TO MAINTAIN DIRECT CONTACT WI DO NOT STRET~y. ea and for maintaining the excavations, d to its full course thickness in one 6. FOR SLOPES 2:1 AND STEEPER USE A MINIMUM OF 3 STAKES PER SQUARE YARD ANQ FLATTER THAN 2;1 USE A MINIMUM OF 2 STAKES PER SQUARE YARD. 7. ANCHOR FILL. AND COMPACT END OF FIBER MATTING IN 12" X 6" TERMINAL ANCHOR it~ce IMAGE OF' INITIAL TRENCH). s.i Lt SUMMARY OF IMPACT 5.2 C PERENNIAL re TYPE OF IMPACT IMPACT STREAM 5.3 Li AREA IMPACT IMPACT AREA VOLUME IMPACT NOTES Live branch cutting shall be approximately one half inch (0.5 #o two (2") in diameter. FIBER MATTING KEYING N TS Cutting shall be long enough to reach the back of the bench and extend a minimum of one-foot (1'~ from the rebuilt slope face. remain intact prior to installation. face. Side branches and bark shall Live branch cutting shall consist of a mix of three or more of the following species with at least one willow (salix) and one dog Each species shall comprise no more than 50% and no less than 20% of the mix. dogwood (comus) species included. LENGTH Ea WATERS OF Corpus amornum Silky dogwood Salix nigra Black Willow FOREBAY THE US, 0.47 725 OPEN Sambucus Canadensis American elderberry BERM PERENNIAL PERMANENT ACRES CY NA WATER Viburnum dentafurn Arrowwaod CREATION WATER IMPACT 1 BODY 5.4 H co ALTERNATE WATERS OF Pr A (STREAM THE US, STREAM Harvesting: The source of all live cutting shall be approved by the Project Engineer. The contractor shall locate, flag, and code contractor shall notify the Project Engineer seventy-two (72) hours prior to harvesting for review and approval of all harvesting code the live cutting sites. The 'sting sites. Upon approval by the Project Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for harvesting and transporting the cutting to the job site. ~NORK) PERENNIAL TEMPORARY ACRES NA LF~ IMPACT 1 5.5 Li STREAM Live Material Prepazation: 5. TOTAL 0.49 725 340 5.5.1 All cuts shall be smooth and the cut surface kept small. The use of large pruning shear or power saws may be require 5.5.2 Live materials not installed within eight (8) hours of harvesting, shall be protected against drying out and overheatin shall be accomplished by keeping the material: covered, transported in refirigerated vehicles, moistened and/or kept i shall include continuous shade by covering with evergreen branches or plastic sheeting. Proper storage shall also inc1 from the wind and protection from drying by being heeled into moist soils and/or sprayed with anti-transpirant chem branch cutting shall be sprayed or immersed. Water water {over 15°C) Stimulates growth and should be used only u Any cost associated with such storage is incidental to the overall costs. squired. ACRES CY LF 5. A/ SERL 5[AI, eating. Protection against drying out :ept in soak pits. Storage of live materials .o include sheltering live plant material chemicals. Where water is available, live my upon the approval of the engineer. ~ .\~~~~0.~~~ G AhR ~ t ~ i~r~~_ f NUMBER l aaTE: t 1/11 n w tnr r- w n~ ~ ~ w sir w MCE FROJ. # 1 18 MAY 07 F ALE MC # , 2a3-ooo3 G101 MILU/Almc. rAMM LAML MtorAlK DRAWN DSC HORIZONTAL: DRAWNG NUMBER 1 I V IVIm O1V1V1 4 2 % k`..l~CLLJ DESIGNED CMS AS NOTED 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 CHECKED Tcs VERTICAL: r r zy Cary, North Carolina 27511 PROJ. MGR. C~2 i; 10, Phone: (919)233-8091, Fox: (919)233-8031 EHK AS NOTED 2CF 3 l~ t \ AA0002667 E80006691 PROPOSED FOREBAY DESIGN STA,~S: I!(IFlt,c~ REVAO. P oESC~ noes DATE REMSION OLMEQNS www.mckimcreed.com i j { i t C C • V'~88S ~ sECrioN a~ooa 04010 SCHE SOIL EROSION, SEDIMENTATION CONTROL, AND LANDSCAPING Temporary land disturbi TABLE OF CONTENTS s ~ the Town. 04014 SCHEDULING ~ beginning si ~ the Town fo 04020 TEMPORARY MEASURES i erosion oon pracUca! tirrt 0403Q PERMANENT MEASURES ~ permanent Officer. Te Oa040 COAAPUTATIONS ? effective and iCHEDULiNG ! applied at fhe rate of 95 Ibl1000 sq. immediately before plowing. seed shall be applied at tf~e rates outlined in Tables 04400 and 042 areas where maintenance will eventually be assumed by the Town u ~porary and permanent erosion control measures shalt be provided for,all hea vehicular traffic situat?ons i e ri ht of wa s, medians c~onsult disturbing work in accordance with an erosion control plan. approved by ' be ade with the Building and Grounds Superi to endent and the Eros Town. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Town prior to ' Control Officer as to the requirements and use ofi aitemate grass. 'iC~ ~2~. X11 Tov~m under ; consultation shall the Erosion ass. nning site work. Temporary measures shat) be installed and inspected by town for comptlance prior to any land disturbing activity. All permanent ~ On projects that will be maintained by tfie Town, verifica~on of soil .ion control measures shall be incorporated into the work at the earliest E amendments and seedin rates ma be re wired, and ch ~f soil ~lca! time. Afl temporary measures shall be malntatned until the ~ 9 Y q angel to the nanent measures have taken effect or approved by the Erosion Control ~ may be requested by the Tawn during.the plan review mss: Reu Temporary and permanent.rrteasureslhelf be coordinated to provide ~ topsail andlor other measures fio assure final soil conditions are cond :five and continuous erosion control ihroughout the constructior? and post- rapid establishment of vegetation cover is required. ss to these rates ~s: Reuse of ire conducive to ! construction suction perifld to minimize siltation of sb~eams, lakes, reservoirs, and 5-10-1 Q fe~ilizer shall be applied ~ afi disturi~ed areas at a rate of 21 r impoundments, ground surfaces, and other property. These measures ite of 21 Ib/1000 Q4050 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ~ other impou . i shall remain I remain In effect until Final Approve! is given by the Town. ~ sq. ft., and mulching shall consist of small grain sUaw applied at a rat IbJ9000 sq. ft. Mulched areas shall be tacked with asphalt at a rate EMPORARY MEASURES 400 gallons ~e~ acre, or other approved method sufficierrt to riold the At a I'8t8 Of 70 ` r~ VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER 8 f8t8 Of ~ t0 gold the straw in 04020 TEMP r . ~ place. i Sift~Fence s i r ~ence shall be installed ~ acc~dance wllh the details at the toe of all fill ~ if alive construc~io~ ceases. meanie no suastantiaf or SILT FENCE FABRIC MINIMUM 10 GAUGE INSTALLED TO SECOND s~pes and a ~ DEversion Di cut and fill sI i ~ g significant pr ~s and any other necessary Locations as directed by the Town. ~ made in any area for ma+e than 30 days all disturbed areas must be flcant progress is LINE WIRES WIRE F OM TOP N1 ERMEOIATE W?RESUGE Host be seeded, 2, GAUGE MIRES muic~ed, and felted unless written approval is granted by the Erosio ~sion Ditches shall be installed in acxoMance with the details at the top of ~ Officer. Inadental grading shall not rAns~titute substantial a sfgnlfica end fi11 scopes and any otf~er necessary.locations as directed by the Towm. ~ progress to conshuctian adiviry. ~ Erosion Control ~fgnlflcant GRADE ~ ~Construdion ~tc~ Entrances shall be installed at all points of access to oonstnaction f . j sites in acaco constn~ctbn Sediment Pi at( points wh j ~ and any othe - ' shall be size includes a su this determi Temporary S or legumes t areas fa les shall be in ac Mulching". 04030 PERMANENT MEASURES in acxordance with the detaNs. Any access point which does rat have a tructbn enhance shall be barricaded to prevent its use. j Permanent Ground Cover is the establishment of perennial vegetatio reset Pits a F(Iter Basins sha0 be installed.in acxordance with the details at ~ ~ for periods longer th~ 12 months. Ali disturbed areas sh~l receive a ~getation cover ~?8 ~ ~ROr~~r viEw permanent ground cover. Permanent seeing and temporary seedin pints whew accumulated runoff is released to natural drainage channels; I only in the type of seed to be used (f.e. annugi versus perennial). See any other necessary loca~ons as directed by the Town, AN sediment basins ! ~ preparations aid soil amendments shall be in accordance with Sectio be sized acxording to State of NorEh Carolina design guidelines, which "Seedin and Mulchi seeding differ ~ Iel). Seed bed j dOTE: STEEL POST h Section 04020 C WOVEN WIRE FABRIC ihitenance may ? USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA des a surface area calculation. The following calculatifln shall be utilized for ; 9 ng . As a part of permanent.seeding, mahitenan letermination: design flaw (acres) _ (0.41) peak inflow rate (CFS). ~ be required to maintain vegetation for 12 months (including motiving a ~ watering). This maintenance sha11 be considered a part of est~lishin teary S ina is the use of rapid growing annual grasses, small grains 1 permanent ground cover. fn areas where maint~ance will evarrtuaNy owing and AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. D NEVER IN SILT FENCE FABRIC dishing o ~ ?~U~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FlLL SLOPE assumed by the Town under heavy vehicular traffic situations (i.e. nig fumes to provide ini~at. temporary cover for erosion oonhd on disturbed ways, medians} consultation shall be made with the Building and Gro 3 fa less than 12 months. Seed bed preparations and soil amendments Superintendent and the Erosion Control Officer as to the requirement be in accordance with the method desc?ibed under "Seeding and i g ~ n N z ~ FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE and Grounds T FENCE FAILURES. r ' irements of USE No. 57 WASHED STONE M ~ WHEN SILT FENCE IS PROTE rental D STONE FOR ANCHOR S PROTECTING ~~9~~, ~ E acceptable soft conditions and use of altemafe grass or ornamental CATCH BASIN. { landscaping. 6" MINIMUM COVER o OVER SKIRT ~ Seeding and ~ disturbed are shall be puiv f link and Mulching shall be lane immediately following construction. Ail Rinrao Dissipation Pads and Ri~ran Protection rbed areas shall be dressed to a depth of 8 inches. The top 3 inches ~ All stormwater release points shall be protected by riprap dissipation be pulverized to provide a uniform seedbed. Agricultural lime shall be designed to reduce discharge veloci~es to non-erosive levels. Dissip 04000-2 $ 04000-3 N ANCHOR SKIRT AS DIRECTED ipativn pads BY ENGINEER " Dissipation ' ~ 44000-1 Town of Cary Standard Specifica~ and Demos: Rcvisions Adopted September 8, 2005 ~ ' Toam of Cary St i of Cary Standard Specifica6o~ and Details: Revisions Adopted September 8, 2003 j ~ Town of Cary Stao~da~d 3pecifica6ons and Details: Revisiaos Ad~tod September 8, 20 nber 8, 2005 i i DETAIL No. f sr~:~~ ~r~~a~tY sr~.~r ~a~:rTc~ 0000-01 I t i} ~c~vs: mro tloa SHEE7 1 OF 1 4 . i 3 pads shall be designed and constructed with either an en~neerirg fabric ar washed stone barter between the pad ~d the natural ground. Cafculaiions ' 4 shall be furnished to indicate the sufficiency of the dissipation {cads spedfied. Riprap pad design shall be in acxordanoe with NYDOT or NRCS methods. ~ Fllter fabrfc~ or a washed stone liner, shall be used on all sediment basins, TABLE 0410Q 8HOULQER3. SSE DITCFE8, 8LOPE8 ' ciprap dissipaters, and channels. 1 or SI s Betw~aon 2.1 and 3:1 c Date ate T pls Rafe 04!140 COMPUTATIONS 1 Mar 1-June 1 June 1 Sericea tes~edeza (scablied) 50 IbsJacre a ~ Mar 1 -Apr 15 Apr 15 add Tali Fescue 120 Ibs./acxe AU computations ~d assumptions used to fom~ulate an eros~an control plan ~ i shall be reviewed by the Town. Erosion and sedimentation control measures. r Mar 1-June 30 or ~ June 30 A~ Weeping Lovegrass 10 ~slacre structures, and devices shah be planned, designed, and constructed to control ~ Mar 1 - June 30 the calculated peak runoff from a 1 d-year frequency storm. Runoff rates shall June 30 Add Halted Common Bens rasa 25 IbaJacre "'TaH Fescue and 120 Ib~./acre { 70' MIN. be ca(cxilated using the USDA Soll Canservahon Service Metl~od, the Rational dune t - sepc 1 • Sept 1 "`Brown~op Millet ~r 35 IbsJacre f BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP ~ 1. PUT SILT FENCE OR TREE PROTECTION F SEDIMENT ON SITE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. =CTION FENCE UP TO ENSURE Method, or other acceptable calculation procedures. Runoff c~omputatfons shall be based on rainfall data published by the National Weather Service for ? Sept i - arar ~ "'3 um-Sudan brills 30 ~s./acre j 3ED. this area. • Mar 1 Serioea L•espedeza {unhulledhx~scarified) 701beJacre and Tall Fescue 1 ZO IbsJacre M " • 2, IF CONSTRUCTION ON THE SITES ARE SU ARE SUCH THAT THE MUD I Nov 1 -Mar 1 Mar 1 Add Abruai R 25 I6sJa~c?e R s ~ ~ ~ IS NOT REMOVED BY THE VEHICLE TRAV STONE, THEN THE TIRES OF THE VEHICL y+~2"-3° STONE TO BE USED.~~a~Mt 25' OR WIOTH OF BEFORE ENTERING THE PUBLIC ROAD. ;LE TRAVELING OVER THE E VEHICLES MUST BE WASHED 04050 CONSTRUCTION~SEQUENCE I TABlE 0900 SHOULDERS, SIDE DITCHES, SLOPES ~ EXISTING • ~~i~(SURGE STONE OR RAILROAD•t{ PROPOSED STREET, ROAD. or es 3:7 aid Plaits ROADWAY •BALLAS7)A~~."J?'L'rt~•~~ WHICHEVER 15 3. IF A PROJECT CONTINUES TO PULL MUO JLL MUD AND DEBRIS ON TO The construction sequence on projects shall be as follows: ~ Osts A 15 -Nov 1 Rs T PIaMI Rate ~ - Nov 1 Tall fescue 9pp Ibs./acre 1~'~J~*~ GREATER. THE PUBLIC ROAD, THE TOWN WILL CLE t~~~~d"`*:?1i~j'~ ~ ' INVOICE THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE HILL CLEAN THE AREA AND , ONSIBLE PERSON AS ~ Nov 1-Mar 1 1. Obtain grading perm(t; M~ ~ • r 15 Mar 1 Tall Fescue and Abruui a 9pp R~s,facre E ~~''~~~?S=~~l~~?~'S~'~~ ITHECMINIMUMN EE THE TOCWNLOF C RY' CLEAN THE STREETS HALL BE $300 FOR ?ESPONSIBILITY FORM, 2. install all erosion control measures as shown; ~ A r 1b -.tune ao r 15 TaA F app ~ps,/~ - CARY WILL CHARGE TO 300 FOR THE FIRST HOUR 3. Obtain certificate of compliance through on-site inspection by ~ guy ~g June 30 HuNed Common Se ss 25 ~sJaci~e ~9 TaA Fescue ~ ""Braiivrrbop Millet AND X200 FOR EACH HOUR THEREAFTE EREAFTER. Erosion Control Officer; j hum-Sudan s ~ 4. Proceed with grading; 5. Clean sediment basins when one-half full; i Notes: 8. Seed and mulch denuded area within 30 days sff~~ any phase of gang: Consult Storrnwate 7. Maintain soil erosion control measures unfi'1 permanent ground ~ Service (NRCS) for ~rmwater Management .Engineer or Natural Resouroes Conservation ;CS) for ~iditi~onai information oonce~ning other aftemativves for vegetation areas. The above vegetation Tates arse those which do well under focal . ~ is established; of denuded areas. 8. Request final approval by Erosion Control Officer; conditions; other se S. remove soil erosion control measures and stabilize these areas. i by the Er~ineer. ether seeding rate oombinatians may be possible but must be approved 35' MIN. 15' MIN. NEW CONSTR EXISTING ROADWAY ? CONSTRUCTION peer. • r r w """"Temoorarv - R vegeGatbn. Do not p~ -Reseed according to op~irrrnnn season for desired permanent Do not ailaw temporary Dover bo grow over 12 ind~es in height before • ~ L ~w f= • ~w~C= 1 6" MIN. ~~~Y:Y~Y'~~~~~Y'!•° ~~r++r;~~v sr• w~~+~ ~7.~.~~:A=.„ 12" MIN. . mowing to keep fes 04000-4 eep fescue from being shaded out. FABRIC UNDER STONE CRO~~ SECTION END OF SECTION 04000 E 04000~i a i Town o£Cary Standazd Specifications and Details: Revisions Adopted September 8, 2005 ~ Town ofCary S j of Cary Standard Sped&catioas and Dcbils: Revisions Adopted Septeu~ber 8.2005 DETAIL Into. r STA.NI?ARL} G~N~STRUG'I70N ENT['~tll~TCF Er~ECr~vE:o7~ot~oa 0.000.07 SHEET 1 OF I F' i t SEAL ~ SEAL SEAL DATE: 1 18 MAY 07 M&C FILE NUMBER SCALE CG101 ~V~ 1~ /~''T/TA C'' ~ ~"~'nTTT1 Lill f1AIDC CAIaA~ 1 .AllC DCDAID MCE PROD. # ~ 1283 0003 FH17('~N FNI`vl~%1iN` I r'%INivI Lmr%rN` IN`1 nilN DRAWN DSC %.r I " v' ' ' ' S %-q DRAWING NUMBER J- 11(jrbw'r~#4wUvlCTksmwAXn Li DESIGNED CMS AS NOTED 41 0 200 MocKenan Court, Suite 200 CHECKED TCS VERTICAL: C=d3 Cary, North Carolina 27511 PROJ. MGR. EHK AS NOTED ~..l Phone: (919)233-8091, Fox: (919)233-8031 3 OF 3 AA0002667 E80006691 PROPOSED FOREBAY DESIGN STATUS: REVISION REV.N 0. DESCRIPTIONS GATE RLVS14 www.mckimcreed.com y