HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071296 Ver 2_Shoreline Stabilization_20210521Shoreline Stabilization Application Form 15ANCAC 02H .0500 — Water QualityCertification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM SSGP 10-2013 DRAFT -NOT FOR USE AT THIS TINE Submission Form Pre -Filing Meeting Information Before submitting this form please ensure you have submitted the Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form as we will not be able to accept your application without this important first step. The Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form is used in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 121.4(a) "At least 30 days prior to submitting a certification request, the project proponent shall request a pre -filing meeting with the certifying agency" and in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 121.5(b)(7), and (c)(5) all certification requests shall include documentation that a pre -filing meeting request was submitted to the certifying authority at least 30 days prior to submitting the certification request. Click here to read more information on when this form is needed prior to application submission or here to view the form. Attach documentation of Pre -Filing Meeting Request here: LOMBARDI PRE FILE.pdf 51.28KB Pre -fling Meeting or Request Date 4/17/2021 ID# 20071296 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] Version 2 Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk * below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Primary Contact Email * HAGER@LAKEPERMIT.COM Reese provide an email address for payrrent and requests for pore information here. Owner Information: Name:* Email: * Phone Number:* Mailing Address:* TIMOTHY LOMBARDI TLOMBARDI 18@GMAIL. COM (704)591-3017 (xxx)xxx-xxxx Street Address 160 Windwood Lane Address Line 2 CitY Troutman Rbstal / Zip Code 28166-7661 State / Rovince / Region NC Country US Is there an agent working on the project? * Agent/Consultant Information ....................................................................................................... Name:* Company Affiliation: * Email:* Phone Number:* • Yes ✓ No TAMARA HAGER LKN DREDGE & MARINE CONSTRUCTION HAGER@LAKEPERMIT. COM (704)575-2227 (x)m- Mailing Address:* Street Address PO BOX 5335 Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region MOORESVILLE North Carolina Fbstal / Zip Code Country 28117 United States Asigned and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter:* LOMBARDI AUTHpdf 1.25MB Link to: Sample Agent Authorization Form Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] Project Name:* LOMBARDI If your project has a formal name please use this. If your project does not have a formal name, please identify your project by the owner name and proposed activity (Jones Property Access Road, Smith Guest House, etc.) List in parentheses any other names that have been used to identify the project in the past. 1. Provide a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads.* ✓ Upload File ✓ Look up address Upload Map: LOMBARDI SURVEY.pdf 6.31MB Latitude:* 35.638887 Longitude:* -80.933354 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram under section 12.normal pool lake level/normal water level* LOMBARDI SURVEY.pdf 6.31MB Please use the diagram at the link below: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/0/edoc/616616/Shoreline%20Layout.docx 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.)* LOMBARDI PICS.pdf 4.36MB 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) Nearest Town:* TROUTMAN County:* Iredell Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to NORMAN/ CATAWBA property: Subdivisions name or site address:* HAWKES BAY LOTNUMBER41 hclude phase/lot number Directions to site:* FROM MARSHALL STEAM STATION HEAD NORTHWEST ON WHY 150 E .50 MILES, TRN LEFT ONTO PERTH RD 4.2 MILES, TURN LEFT ONTO STATE PARK RD 1.4 MILES, TURN T,FFT ONTO MORRISON FARM RD 2.1 MILES, TURN RIGHT ONTO APRIL RD .10 MILES, TURN LEFT ONTO WILDWOOD IN .30 MILES PROPERTY ON RIGHT. Rease include road naves and nurrbers, landmarks etc. 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application:* RESIDENTIAL Residential, undeveloped, etc. 6. Property Size 1.6420 Acres 7. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): RIP RAP BARE ERODED AREAS FOR SHORELINE STABILIZATION 8. How will the work be done?* r From Land I� From Water 9. Total amount of disturbance below the normal pool lake level/ normal water level:* (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 0 square feet 10. Total amount of disturbance above the normal pool lake level/ normal water level and 50 feet land -ward:* (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 0 square feet 11. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ normal water level and 50 feet landward to be impacted:* (number of trees, for instance) NONE Sketch: LOMBARDI SKETCHpdf 923.72KB Application Fee: Once the application has been accepted. You will need to send a corresponding fee in with the appropriate DWR#. The application fee is as follows (pursuant to G.S. 143-215.3D): o $240.00 for impacts to lake (below normal water level) of less than 1 acre o $570.00 for impacts to lake (below normal water level) of greater or equal to 1 acre By digitally signing below, I certify that: o I, the project proponent, hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief o I, the project proponent, hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. o I agree that submission of this Shoreline Stabilization online form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND o I intend to electronically sign and submit the Shoreline Stabilization online form. Full Name:* TIMOTHYLOMBARDI Signature: TMOTWW ZO JAi{JI Initial Review Is this accepted into the review fr Yes 0 No process?* Project Number:* 20071296 Select Reviewer:* Select Reviewing Office: Has payment been received?* What amount is owed?* Version:* 2 Alan Johnson:eads\adjohnsonl Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 r No Payment Needed r Fee Received C' Need Fee - send electronic notification C' $240.00 r $570.00 CATAWBA .RIIPAROAN BUFFER NOT IICATi s G� i Project hlame/addren: l.b IL[ Cwnen -j-,4 b Print Contractor i r gent Print 1(.K) i N,DI,J[a0Llq D County: • S ri turn 7)re4( 4—Witt4—Witt re j7 T rr, The approval 15 for the purpose and design described in vDuf application. Impacts not indicated in the application is a violation of tc Buffer Rule. Site specific work should be provided in the application. Il5A NCACO2H .0506 and 15A NCAC 02 B .0243(8) V Trees are not allowed to be removed from Iona 1 of the Buffer (within 30 ft or the full pond elevation), unless approved_ Exception, Chase trees that are severely undermined alongthe immediate shoreline can be ram0ve.d. Minimal shaping and sloping, along. the immediate shoreline is allowed. i 16Y NCAC 025.0243(5) j 5enchine, gradirly in the buffer is not allowed_ =>Ccessive dist•.irbence of around cover. [ SA NCAC 02 .0243 (Ell Seaci ies, impervious patios, impervious walkways, etc. are not allowed in the buffer unless specifically approved O-y the Division. € h r e are limitation on sip e for decks. i 15A NCAC 025 .0242(4) and (5)] Work to be conducted from land must indicate an access and indicate- arw trees that are. to be i �rl oved. I r iC work corridor should be described. The approved access corridor shall be restored. St rin?, spoil, cost ]strlJtitior material must be outside the buffer_ 115A NCAC O2 _0502 and ?5�: NCAC 0E 0743 (4)5, ;8 : Stormwater cannot b biped or chcnn`E ed for C1rect dlschar-,a to the constructed storrowat.4r discharges must be et the n=tur 2levztion 7-nd dlschar_ad prior to entering the buffer directed es diffuse. or =heel Tlow c . non erosive velocities to _h i2K _ (1511. NCAC 023 _0243 (5); (6)1 Ack+nowlecicern Eft a1 WO _ian '11 t.t37fiti LiM ;,Aie_riT thereby sta a that 1 have hce n informed of the Catawba Riparian Buffer Rule. Any work conducted in the buffer,. not specifically stated in the application and approved by the Division of Water Re_ourrac (D.WR), is a violation and subject to enforcement Due diligence will be :keen such that Lana construction will be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification end Buller Rules, the approved plants) and apecification(s), end other suppoitine material__ Jlal'iBLUI (own C] Date: !717-4 7dF S03 r T Ji307S fi 4.4 G rySOO `15 4 11 ay 03-ras 077 SUSLN=O VN1702fV0 A7N3N110.4 80 ACM N] ¶$ �d Ir£WEI Ste30 fQ .12.151sed i� '0 000333 11tl 11Z:8 6661/01/11 11 Akin �l3,13oI n91rd 3111 an 1013ANY 40 1110Ylv5Y0N11 .001.3011.1 310 tl fop Lox 5300 AINOOJ T3031. '11,1.151.41 ONIA00e4Y H. 00.1WaSINiMIY tCsl,loens mrq uNroo 7130 115 ,ip OH 10133100/ 001431Yle 1N10NN01WN3 JO dI0SN10 YXf303 XI0O1 3N1 F8 031VIA1530 SY V0VVIY7-NWVION 31M 1k1 40 113 10-56 3311 WILM 3n '3003X10NS An 40 1530 314 01 'x051400n5 Ara S3N1l011 341 NOWA 5101 TIO 310N 5 15 13 W W \ 5 us sop 9 N. \ 3 109 107 kg -LT -RN Lr HOLLOW SO N010L4311 SLOT NOLLY38030 30 drip d2100 Nd0iVLI 3V 0N1r7 ,LN33530.0 844, 100,31!! 0 AC 110-y ' \\07� 3LLd3S NON7Y03 \jOVdS N3d0 NONNO0 a r °'St ^Cc e11• ;r r ▪ '4 -- 3.AL;cez3 `^60 0e'1f a r 5'x 1 ar .✓Ji 50814.0, E;a1 .a1r 11 Z awl Ol 3Nn Haven 050 L desaArd Q \LNIOd S1TJjdrVH�, %% • 1rta5 01 10N dVn J.1ltAON 11\C .2/Ano0 T130311 '!p. 1.11N503 V134Yr Y3 50Y0a550J0 7138 n Th l.xo• swans r '31sY "' son Imam. Au As owNoadr2n2]xss Icy '.r.�rr sru 3r 0 cuss 31r0 10sre1emne amorous 6¢ 'LXnpO SODAA so.a 0015 003nJOYXJL 3W X 5• 000xl r01 IO1� 5 'X 0 coons !Y 0 010.. ,my S. WY Sal 140 1 Srx A 1NXm 0 X ury sou WA ni wYr13,u 1.w my Wools. 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DEVATd1 NM )- L12 L1 -%�E1BAq. 0 7F 1 V- �t3jR1 04 32 nun atyA1OCAIm n. OODRLA4(OP.) W 7Er.0 B MESA I0 LAKE NORMAN 7 LI , rC).- • 897 es7 O A9 SHEET TITLE RECORD PLAT — 32.530 ACRES PROJECT HAWRES BAY FALLS TOWN TWSP„ !RE➢ELL CO.. NC OMENS MOMS OWNER: CRESCENT RESOURCES INCAA1nn[x.ci6n1G2 YARBROUGH — WILLIAMS le ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING • SURVEYING • ENGINEERING 739 MOW ON{ CoMm ONn00T1F. 1F 15173 17wp'a-tan 2ar3�: 33 Ps a Fcarry Yid1MaRNE.o1K r e nd NC �,I MK . We! DES PDX p 11nA79d RM uv t MEEK L OIAMIPI S7BAd uN[S MEP (�/Appnw �P'H9.LIt6 • I AlYAnLS AE, nd 6 T['41. X6 SS N. Pun me K7 F. DaN1ASS 0(A KS MAX eV LaM. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS � mamma Pva,L7 [x• ,. PROPEtr4 ONE FoLL045 ouNE POWs LAKE HoNA1 71570PANY GBU511m Bs rots .OF TEO GON1B(M AS OF MARCH ,099) 35 • • • LAKE NORMAN NAM LMCA110 rL000PLNm1YP.) OVATION MI.D \\`\�. 18 41 ra • \14 1 it y\\ . \BLOCK 1 \` 4- 18 `\ "4 s 15) 17 • •d1µ09' { 16 I i 11 IA (1 1 E1 I CY • • • \ \• DNNER/DE4£LOPER CRESCENT RESOURCES. INC. DEED. 924-866 OY1'ER/DEVEL0PER'S ADDRESS A00 S. 1NYON ST,01300 CH ARLOTTE,N. C, 2 H201-1003 1-704-.)n-2012 770' DUKE 1oosNNS.SION U4NE Rt. u T9 BEARINGS BASED ON PLAT BOOK 17 PAGE SA DATED: D7((E0BER 8, 1985 qaa A9.m. (1D LOCATED 114014,1. LEEVA1101 2410 Dow WCtom r. . SVI trot ;NY 1l Da ALMA WC, MK OH. NY vvuN9d 1 ®p[9MRd FENN= H ,apiw-n PL,0 VAW O,A MtlA '.VesO ierAIKlpi�tiI MD AAR Mil RAT n o A Su,v lL 4. 1.piMmS b yuE, MAT a4x[Mi,�0 w:`awin0L mi moors FAO . 'A-' .14040ro 0[u OwN77. OCpnFY 7NA1 1N[ 049 ON FLAT 7700� a a M[s C(Rrme*71d1 Is a71041arg Au irA0VtoRY a7DUNB1H75 ran RECORD. DA Ilan,. OEM, nut M 0 so. P2A7 M19M FLACON NAE MC1 RIAR TO DORY Md PL 10411(1I A0.uRpl3 eV nA awn' LF NYNL NOM 6V1YxA 1 n0Rn0 OdM nul ALL STEM 1Nd RIOT, A uzso1R HER esN xS,AA,[D AN1E NAMaA a I MT ATuunR1 p RA[ Muria! 1.1. 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OF THE LAKE NORYm-cATAMBA., AS DESIGNATED BY THE NOCID CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FORME -ENO AND AS APPENi1 ON THE 0ATEHSNED ]ADILORON YAP OF NAEOELL COUNTY, DALE BUBDINSION ADIAN:STNATOR IN APPRONNO THIS PLAT, 8EDELL MMIINTY DOES NOT OUFRAN1E( THE SUITAB10IY OF ANY LOT rat NE PLACEUENT Or A SEPn1 TANN STSTIN 273J. nCLD [OCATFD FLD5O7L17471P.I [LEWIN TM.0 FIY /COMMON OPEN SPACE 4' 1.53jOACRE / 8 MOWN , 6,4,05SBM roM[R I1 p FILEtI ..DELL CDL4(T'i 112 Iir1811999 8121 AM FREIIDA D. BELL Be9i3ter Eli i7e9/ib BK3� DS '7 now OR FORMERLY ' CAROLINA CEM'ERS LLC 461-9) e \4' GRAPHIC SCALE QR 100 innniAmmlninijon0 'Om DOD AOo 6 ( IN FEET ) 1 Loch - S00 ft A N pN 2 O u u 0 0 4 7,1 O N a 8 8 8i 8 TYP4CAL LOT SETS fr fr 2 8 8 g b JM310sv1 Janun oar 39Mnlq al 11040513 .Yrilf par 3'0+M10 Al 8 8 ff 5- 0 0 E1ACMAWS .''n2_n$• s'RcoeB^=a$og8�98'Ra6soR.6_2"ra$ye$. �,. s :,__cRS -R2k*s.k "a A'8d,gs: oar^._ 2 2B.v �$-a.,.4 s2_ Rrv� 3s!?..k sssos Sas.s.,,R- 'eb ,. .. R'•§' Ra"s"so -6n _ tlS'.. 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OVATION MI.D \\`\�. 18 41 ra • \14 1 it y\\ . \BLOCK 1 \` 4- 18 `\ "4 s 15) 17 • •d1µ09' { 16 I i 11 IA (1 1 E1 I CY • • • \ \• DNNER/DE4£LOPER CRESCENT RESOURCES. INC. DEED. 924-866 OY1'ER/DEVEL0PER'S ADDRESS A00 S. 1NYON ST,01300 CH ARLOTTE,N. C, 2 H201-1003 1-704-.)n-2012 770' DUKE 1oosNNS.SION U4NE Rt. u T9 BEARINGS BASED ON PLAT BOOK 17 PAGE SA DATED: D7((E0BER 8, 1985 qaa A9.m. (1D LOCATED 114014,1. LEEVA1101 2410 Dow WCtom r. . SVI trot ;NY 1l Da ALMA WC, MK OH. NY vvuN9d 1 ®p[9MRd FENN= H ,apiw-n PL,0 VAW O,A MtlA '.VesO ierAIKlpi�tiI MD AAR Mil RAT n o A Su,v lL 4. 1.piMmS b yuE, MAT a4x[Mi,�0 w:`awin0L mi moors FAO . 'A-' .14040ro 0[u OwN77. OCpnFY 7NA1 1N[ 049 ON FLAT 7700� a a M[s C(Rrme*71d1 Is a71041arg Au irA0VtoRY a7DUNB1H75 ran RECORD. DA Ilan,. OEM, nut M 0 so. P2A7 M19M FLACON NAE MC1 RIAR TO DORY Md PL 10411(1I A0.uRpl3 eV nA awn' LF NYNL NOM 6V1YxA 1 n0Rn0 OdM nul ALL STEM 1Nd RIOT, A uzso1R HER esN xS,AA,[D AN1E NAMaA a I MT ATuunR1 p RA[ Muria! 1.1. N114N1a x Ax ANRxT loanAVI SYACID. It RL mxn 1r MALL M[ AY NA,y. D F[QKO. 440 �l YIL la Fa ray RAF. uwo gg 0,7 6 R7 RE P,axea AP11usn:1['10070c9'"4 L ne MRTR OF O(1Ds b Ill mane. LRGVSw A,xaPlnu,d on or M OM Or 11.5 ,LcediK >K WI AIPn>onn NAT MN M r.= a 1NAIP1ED Fr neer NPyO7 ci xil • CATAADA COURTL, Tf\SITE BELL CROSSROADS a-t n r5 \ RE -12 1C C�/ VICINITY NASCALE P NOT TO LAKE NORMAN /PROPOSED 80AT SLIPS lil,a3,7u(�,,ljrri T$M 13 \\ ,O.S� 0. A46,4C :E - G s- COS SEE_ 8 �" I4 TS 03 COS SEE A% a • • N. \ \• SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR NOTES, CURVE TABLE, LINE TABLE SETBACKS. LOT 500470E FOOTAGE TABLE r. 41,0 NOTE A11 LOTS N1M1 THE RAVINES BAY SUB1k5SION, TO TIE BEST 071 MY KHOO CODE, LIE IMIHIN THE MS -IV tA. OF THE LAKE NORYm-cATAMBA., AS DESIGNATED BY THE NOCID CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FORME -ENO AND AS APPENi1 ON THE 0ATEHSNED ]ADILORON YAP OF NAEOELL COUNTY, DALE BUBDINSION ADIAN:STNATOR IN APPRONNO THIS PLAT, 8EDELL MMIINTY DOES NOT OUFRAN1E( THE SUITAB10IY OF ANY LOT rat NE PLACEUENT Or A SEPn1 TANN STSTIN 273J. nCLD [OCATFD FLD5O7L17471P.I [LEWIN TM.0 FIY /COMMON OPEN SPACE 4' 1.53jOACRE / 8 MOWN , 6,4,05SBM roM[R I1 p FILEtI ..DELL CDL4(T'i 112 Iir1811999 8121 AM FREIIDA D. BELL Be9i3ter Eli i7e9/ib BK3� DS '7 now OR FORMERLY ' CAROLINA CEM'ERS LLC 461-9) e \4' GRAPHIC SCALE QR 100 innniAmmlninijon0 'Om DOD AOo 6 ( IN FEET ) 1 Loch - S00 ft A N pN 2 O u u 0 0 4 7,1 O N a 8 8 8i 8 TYP4CAL LOT SETS fr fr 2 8 8 g b JM310sv1 Janun oar 39Mnlq al 11040513 .Yrilf par 3'0+M10 Al 8 8 ff 5- 0 0 E1ACMAWS .''n2_n$• s'RcoeB^=a$og8�98'Ra6soR.6_2"ra$ye$. �,. s :,__cRS -R2k*s.k "a A'8d,gs: oar^._ 2 2B.v �$-a.,.4 s2_ Rrv� 3s!?..k sssos Sas.s.,,R- 'eb ,. .. R'•§' Ra"s"so -6n _ tlS'.. 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N 8 4 5 8 G 8 z h 8 e 0 8 r8 4 R 8 77. 8 8 8 8 A 8 3 8 3 3 z z 3a 3 8 3 3 2 5. 8 8 8 `8 WW, wwws eW3wlS-wwrySryW wwtt$� �.9e�n "^'+ ww wwswa#5s.a55.33p; i vin im tv 8m]�eu a A . nN0�Hn�YnMe <.�j h pi ^�-mumiZ Yo =vp:mma`._ammm=my:mYi..am6�miv izi, xizzzzxzmcnnzz °"zzzi'ziziz zits z S5f6zizzzizz,'Ri,i RRiRn.nun,zzrt 'o 8 8 81 8 OS 8 8 8 8 d 8 n 22, ER Ae Or 8 5,3 ea 111 8 18 rf From TAMARA HAGER halter@lakeper i com Subject: Lombardi shoreline pics Date: Apr 18, 2021 at 5:41:56 PM To: TAMARA HAGER hager@lakepermit.com Tamara Hager 704-575-2227 Lake Permit LLC hager@lakepermit.com Full Pone Non-nal aterLeve DM Ent R Shoreline it Lake (At Full Pond/Normal WaterLeveff c3gc -Vlw i { N-6 jz Et Mct (J A)►jW L. b(SrugLeh a 31,c ILA,,ii06 LoAI6 gR 1' ci\-1/ !76 4— J..4- h L Please approximately sketch the following information on this tan item, such as 10 ftx 100 (provide dimensions for each L • All proposed vegetation tearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond 'Norma! Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or till to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation � 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Leve 6. Location of construction access corridors 1 elevation FORM SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 DWR Pre-Fil ing Meeting Req u est Form ID#*Ve rsion * Re gional Office * Re v ie we r List * Contact Name * Contact Email Addre ss * Proje ct Name * Proje ct Owne r * Proje ct County * Owne r Addre ss: Is this a transportation proje ct?* Type (s) of approv al sought from the DWR: Doe s this proje ct hav e an e xisting proje ct ID#?* Do you know the name of the staff me mbe r you would like to re que st a me e ting with? Ple ase giv e a brie f proje ct de scription be low and include location information.* 20071296 2 Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 Alan Johnson Pre-Filing Me eting Reque st submitte d 4/17/2021 TAMARA HAGER HAGER@LAKEPERMIT.COM LOMBARDI TIMOTHY LOMBARDI Iredell City TROUTMAN State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 28166 Country US Street Address 170 WINDWOOD LN Address Line 2 Yes No 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Individual Permit Modification Shoreline Stabilization Yes No NONE NEEDED RIP RAP BARE ERODED AREAS By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: · This form completes the requirement of the Pre-Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. Signature Submittal Date · I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre-filing meeting request. · I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project’s thirty-day clock started upon receipt of this application.  You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary.  You will receive notification when the thirty-day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. 4/17/2021