HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0038784_NOV-2021-LV-0291_20210513AQUA. 1 May 13, 2021 Mr. Scott Vinson Regional Supervisor Public Wastewater Supply Section Raleigh Regional Office, NCDEQ 1628 Mail Scrvicc Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Re: Notice of Violation and Intent to Assess Civil Penalty Neuse River Village WWTP, Wake County Permit No. NCO038784 NOV-2021-LV-0291 Dear Mr. Vinson: Aqua North Carolina, Inc. (Aqua) offers the following response to the above -referenced Notice of Violation and Intent to Assess Civil Penalty, which was issued for Phosphate exceeding the daily maximum found in January 2021 Discharge Monitoring Report. Agua's Response: On 1/ 13/2021, effluent data indicates an exceedance of the daily maximum for phosphate. Supervisor Katie Dickens performed an investigation into the root cause of this reported excursion. The investigation determined that the operator had made an entry mistake on the DMR. The 11.7 value should have been entered for the temperature. The pH value was actually 8. L The DMR has been amended and a copy is attached to this response. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 653-6982. ncer , Robert Krucger Area Manager cc: Joseph Pearce Amanda Owens Shannon Becker 202 MacKenan Court, Cary, NC 27511 • 919.467.8712 - AguaAmerica.com R NI'DES PERMIT NO.: NCO038784 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 FACILITY NAME: Ncusc River Village WWTP CLASS: WW-2 OWNER NAME: Aqua North Carolina Inc ORC: Alfrcd Lamont McNeill GRADE: W W-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No cDMR PERIOD: 01-2021 (January 2021) VERSION: 2.0 PERM IT STATUS: Active a COUNTY- Wake co ORC CERT NUMBER: 1008710 E r; 0 STATUS: Certified SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 C w w NO DISCHARGE*: NO-0 a. C CV op p y rs H }act p p p de, $00s0 00010 00400 sow 170310 COW C0530 3t6I6 V Co600 Continuous Weekly Weekly 2 X week Wockly Weekly Weekly W"k1y Nimbi Recorder Grob Grab Gmb Cum osile Composite Composite Grab compasiw FLOW TL%lr.c pll CHLORINE 90D-Cape NIMN-Cape T33.47- FCOLI ER TOTAL N- 3400dx1, lilt. 2400dock Iles YM.4 mad dcz c Iu ugli mpit m I mpA 0/100tnt m BA 1 24 N 0.02133 11 3 24 N 0.0271 24 N OVUM 4 931 24 1847 0.73 1 Y I OOIH46 13.8 1 19 11.6 3.5 < I 134 s 24 1510 1.22 Y 001686 12.9 <30 6 24 1430 2.07 Y 001841 13.3 7 24 14$3 1.77 Y 0,01601 1a.$ 7.38 <30 24 1430 1.68 Y a.01993 12.4 7.47 p 24 N 0.0193 10 24 N 0.02112 11 24 1010 3.25 Y 0.01969 11.3 <30 13 24 11430 1.95 Y 0.01592 11.5 l3 904 24 713 2.6 Y 0.01498 11.7 9.1 1<2 0.29 1<23 < 1 14 24 1311 LOD B 0.0194 11,1 Is 24 1034 0.3 R 002242 11.7 13 16 24 N 0.02222 17 24 N OA2136 ]0 24 936 0.87 B 0,02181 11.E 13 19 24 1048 1.00 B 0,a1606 93 20 1040 24 838 2.02 B 001555 9,6 4.8 1.6 <2.5 r] 1105 24 1215 2.50 B 0.01463 12.7 7.1 c I rl 24 1138 2.07 R 0014 14,6 1 39 23 24 N 001645 j4 24 N 001549 is 24 1145 3,50 li HMO 16 24 1328 2.50 R 001946 27 24 1032 ISO B 0.01819 36 1040 24 1239 2.00 IS 00185E 19 <2 1.3 5 <t If 24 1443 1.75 B 0,01944 14 73 37 30 24 N 0,01789 31 24 N 0,0278) +Lprofy A.rrsO. L1wu: ams l0 30 2" 6foplkly A*mac: 0.019261 11,475 I5.1I5 2.675 1.1975 2.125 I 34 Way MufOpw: 0-02925 14.6 8.1 39 59 1.6 5 0 34 Ir.uy MOnlwaw: 0.014 9,3 7.l 0 0 0.29 0 0 33 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE No Flow.RcusclRccycle; ENV WfHR - No Visilation - Adverse Wcalhcr; NOFLOW +- No Flow; I ]OLIDAY * No Visitation - holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO038784 FACILITY NAME: Ncusc River Villagc WWTP OWNER NAME: Aqua North Carolina Inc GRADE: WW4 cDMR PERIOD: 01-2021 (January 2021) PERMIT VERSION: 5 0 CLASS: W W.2 ORC: Alfrcd Lamont McNcill ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Wakc ORC CERT NUMBER: 1008710 STATUS: Ccrtlficd SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) g a V O g % :[ co"s Qattaw a2229 Com wile Caleltlated Calculawd TOTAL t • C..t Tt7rAL M • V11 ,%Iaathly TOT FLOW 2400 dxk Iln 2400 dxk Iln VIWK m I ILlmon m avmonth 1 24 N 1 24 N ] 24 N 4 931 24 $47 0.73 Y 5.5 s 24 1510 1.22 ly eG a 24 1430 2-07 Y ] 24 1453 t.77 Y F 24 1430 1.69 Y _ 24 N G 10 24 1 IN 11 24 1010 3.25 Y 1~ r 12 24 1430 1,95 Yam. t] 904 24 713 2.6 Y 14 24 1311 1.00 B 1! 24 1034 0.) B .J 36 24 N 17 24 N Is 24 936 0,97 B 2 24 1049 1.00 B 10 1040 24 838 2.02 B 11 1105 24 1215 2.50 B 11 24 1138 2.07 B 1] 24 N 14 24 N 1f 24 1145 3.50 B is 24 1328 2.50 B 11 24 1032 1.50 ID 28 1040 24 1239 2.00 D 19 24 1443 1.75 B ]0 1 24 N 71 24 N 169,313676 0.5971 1loathlr A+mrr Lhu: 11.alklr Arenkn 5.5 169.313676 0.5971 u.1y 11..lawm: 5.5 169.313676 0.5971 urur 5tlalmam: 5.5 1169.313676 0.3971 "•• No Rcponing Rcason: ENFRUSE - No Flow.ReuseJRccycic, ENVWrliR . No Vlsilapon - Advcrse Wcather, NOFLOW - No Flow; I IOLIDAY No Vishalion Holiday C'3 .4% ns NPDES PERMIT NO,: NCO038784 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active O' �� Rr FACILITY NAME: Ncusc River Village WWTP CLASS: WW-2 COUNTY: Wake a OWNER NAME: Aqua North Carolina Inc ORC: Alfred Lamont McNeill ORC CERT NUMBER: 1008710 o N GRADE: WW-4 ORC HAS CHANCED: No ct,t C eDMR PERIOD: 01-2021 (January 2021) VERSION: 2.0 STATUS: Certified .L •a[ COMPLIANCE STATUS: Compliant CONTACT PHONE #: 9196252627 SUBMISSION DATE: -r , rr y 05/12/2021,� ORC/Certifier Signature: Andy D Stevens E-Mai1:ADStevens@aquaamerica.com Phone #:9194678712 Date 1 certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment, Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittec became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall be made as required by part II.E.6 of the NPDES permit. Permiticc?Submitter Signature: *** E-Mail: Phone #: Date Permittcc Address: 7001 Poole Rd Raleigh NC 27604 Permit Expiration Date: 02i28?2023 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that quali Ocd personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. LAB NAME: AQUAM NCO CERTIFIED LAB #: 45051/4591 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Anthony Stevens CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by visiting htips://deq.nc.gov/abouUdivisions/water-resourcesledmrluser-documentation. FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No FlowlDischarge From Site: YES indicates that No Flow/Discharge occurred and, as a result, no data is reported for any parameter on the DMR for the entire monitoring period. ** ORC an Site?: ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G ,0204. *** Signature of Permiticc: If signed by other than the permittec, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 213 .0506(b)(2)(D). NPDES PERMIT NO.: NC0038784 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 FACILITY NAME: Ncusc River Village W WTP CLASS: W W-2 OIVNER NAME: Aqua Barth Carolina Inc ORC: Alfred Lamont McNeill GRADE- WW-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 01-2021 (January 2021) VERSION: 2.0 Report Comments: Exceeding number for Ultratlow 02 is 50 on the permit, not 30... all Cl2 readings arc in compliance PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Wake ORC CERT NUMBER. 1008710 STATUS: Certified