HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140547 Ver 1_Meeting Minutes_2013012920 1 30 1 g 5 Meeting Minutes 601 East Stream Restoration IRTR Meeting 1 -29 -2013 Introduction /Overview Attendees: • US Army Corps of Engineers: Todd Tugwell, Tyler Crumbley, Steve Kichefski? • NCDENR Water Quality: Eric Kulz • NCDENR EEP: Guy Pierce, Mark Recktenwald; Paul Wiesner • USFWS: Marella Buncick • Environmental Banc & Exchange: Norton Webster, Martin Hovis, David Godley • Ward Consulting Engineers, PC: Becky Ward • The Catena Group: Michael Wood, Chris Sheats Discussion items 1. Todd discussed aerial photography review to determine if a violation had occurred on site. Determined at end of site review that there was no violation within the last 5 years and therefore the project could move forward to the mitigation plan. 2. Quantify sediment loss in mitigation plan, sediment loss from bank stability. Tie back to performance standard. 3. JD stream determination completed. Ephemeral stream origin determined at first head cut. Intermittent stream origin established from WCE survey location point (N 397482.40, E1572474.97) 4. Documentation of wetland impacts in mitigation plan for area just above Landsford Road. 5. Discussion of upper limit of project to manage sediment input from rills that may degrade in the future, Discussed using a combination of a step feature to trap sediment along with additional vegetation- more shrub than trees and a higher density. 6. Discussed allowing some credit offset for the additional treatment work upstream in the ephemeral channel likely determined on valley length. 7. Discussed confirming if NCDOT had diverted water to the project site with the road improvements on 601. 8. Document functional benefit- nutrient filtering, habitat, etc. in upper reach. 9. Jurisdictional stream determined below pipes in lower reach of project where the stream was channelized to Lanes Creek. 10. The stream will be plugged and the flow diverted to the relic channel. There will be a loss of function of the stream below the plug that will need to be discussed in the mitigation plan. The restoration will compensate for this loss through the diversion into the relic channel which was identified as an ephemeral channel. 11. Document the project holistically and compensate for the loss through stream function uplift by increasing channel length, allowing for better floodplain access, increasing the hydrology, and improving bedform & buffer, and habitat. 12. US -FWS requests additional information of presence of neotropical birds nesting areas within the easement area and suggests that an ornithologist walkthrough the project in the late spring /early summer. EBX stated that no treatment of the Chinese privet nesting habitat was planned prior to construction that would start in the late summer early fall. 13. Stream will be transitioned to Lanes Creek. 14. No work will be done on Lanes Creek. 15. Extra erosion control measures will need to be installed at the bottom of the project to prevent sedimentation into Lanes Creek during construction.