HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210694 Ver 1_B-6054A_Haywood Bridge 57 Replacement_USFWS Concurrence Request_20210518 ,�'STAfE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H.TROGDON,III GOVERNOR SECRETARY January 2,2020 Ms. Claire Ellwanger U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville,NC 28801 Subject: Section 7 Concurrence Request for I-40 CMGC Replacement of Bridge No. 430057 Haywood County,NC TIP No.B-6054A Dear Ms. Ellwanger: The North Carolina Depai tinent of Transportation(NCDOT,Division 14)will be replacing Haywood County bridge no. 57 on Interstate 40 over Cold Springs Creek(maps attached). Federal funds as well as Section 404 Clean Water Act permitting are anticipated for this work. This letter constitutes informal consultation for potential effects of this project on Indiana bat(Myotis sodalis)and gray bat(Myotis grisescens)and to apprise you of anticipated compliance with the 4(d)Rule for Northern Long-eared bat (NLEB,Myotis septentrionalis). Wetlands,rock faces, or high elevations suitable for listed species known to occur in the region will not be impacted. There may be stream impacts for temporary construction access and removal and construction of bridge support structures. The project area was surveyed for listed plants that are known to occur in Haywood County and none were detected. Cold Springs Creek is too cold to support Applachian elktoe mussels and the section of the Pigeon River that is a short distance downstream does not support mussels because of a highly altered flow regime. Haywood County has a documented occurrence of Indiana bat(Myotis sodalis) several miles south of the project area. And,there are records for gray bat(Myotis grisescens) and Northern Long-eared bat (NLEB,Myotis septentrionalis)along the Pigeon River corridor near the bridge. The project will likely require tree removal within the interchange to allow for construction access and crane movements. Removal of about 50 trees is anticipated. The replacement of the bridge will also likely require infrequent and short-term percussive activities such as hammering to remove old bridge deck and supports as well as installation of new guardrail posts. And,night work with lighting may be needed,though there will be no permanent lighting installed. There are no mines apparent near the bridge and construction will not alter structures that currently serve as bat roosts. The bridge and culverts under the entrance ramps were surveyed in 2019 and there was no sign of bat usage(survey forms attached). Forested areas extending 0.25-0.4 mile from the bridge were surveyed on-foot for caves and mines on November 13 and 16 and December 31,2019. Several rock Mailing Address: Telephone:(828)586-2141 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:(828)586-4043 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 14 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 DIVISION 14 253 WEBSTER ROAD 253 WEBSTER ROAD SYLVANC28779 Website:www.ncdot.gov SYLVANC28779 TIP No.B-6054A Section 7 Concur.Request Page 2 January 2,2020 Haywood County faces with small openings and crevices were detected,two of which included small caves or rock overhangs. However,these features are shallow(approximately 10 feet deep or less) and appear unlikely to serve as hibernacula due to their exposure/openness and likely highly variable temperatures conditions. NCDOT has committed to winter tree clearing(October 15 to April 15). Based on this commitment,we believe that a"May affect,Not Likely to Adversely Affect"determination should apply to this species. NCDOT also has committed to minimizing illumination and avoiding direct illumination of the Pigeon River and its riparian area. With this measure,we believe that a"May affect,Not Likely to Adversely Affect"determination should apply to this species. As of January 2,2020,NLEB is listed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS) (http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc_counties.html)as"Current"in Haywood County. The project area does not fall within a"red huc"for NLEB and it is more than 0.25 mile from a"red huc" (https://www.fws.gov/asheville/pdfs/NLEB-4DRule_Haywood.pdf). According to current Natural Heritage data,there are mist-net capture records for NLEB within a mile of the project area. However, for the proposed action,NCDOT has committed to the conservation measures listed below: • No alterations of a known hibernacula entrance or interior environment if it impairs an essential behavioral pattern, including sheltering northern long-eared bats(January 1 through December 31); • No tree removal within a 0.25 mile radius of a known hibernacula(January 1 through December 31); and • No cutting or destroying a known, occupied maternity roost tree,or any other trees within a 150-foot radius from the known,occupied maternity tree during the period from June 1 through and including July 31. NCDOT has determined that the proposed action does not require separate consultation on the grounds that the proposed action is consistent with the final Section 4(d)NLEB rule, codified at 50 C.F.R. § 17.40(o)and effective February 16,2016.NCDOT may presume its determination is informed by best available information and consider Section 7 responsibilities for this project fulfilled for NLEB. We request your concurrence with these assessments. Please contact me at dgmchenry@ncdot.gov or (828) 586-2141 if you have any questions about this information or require additional information. We greatly appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: 1/2/2020 8B673FBE42E5415... Dave McHenry Division 14 Environmental Officer Attach:s Bridge 430057 Vicinity Maps Bridge 430057 Bat Survey Forms Ec: J. Deyton,NCDOT Division 14 C.Amschler,US Army Corps of Engineers ._ ....7.\.2-& ,.,,- - .„.• ,,,___ „.- „.....iii,,,,, -__ - . ,-. , . r.'.',,,(.,y_ . _ _ . , . . , t ._..______...)--/::::\ .. . c , t. i,_, -12.,•_ . , \, %i ce � y� p 1 t '''._ r-Li j • ./ - ', .)t„,k,:_i , , Bra ..,____,-- , .-(... / _".`- ___. (\8_ LN_ < .--Ls . :-,7c,6 t 3 , 1•{ I-:4- F (Mf ] i ' - 1 Pf C -�'� SP°6 1 / • • �^ 1 . /} �� '' r '{ .. 1 Cam - ' t��� _ f - �- rr . 1 �1ti�°y Ms\23b - ,..."...,....„_...Th A r\‘'\/ -1_-=o- --iy, 4'1. H E / . • __., .• IT, . 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WBS 44593.1 .1 FIGURE 2 LifikilertAltri) Haywood County 0 ■stsstaroa, IIIN Replace Bridge 430057 on 1-40 Prepared by over Cold Spings Road NCDOT Environmental Compliance and Permitting 004 Bat Habitat Assessment Form qqqq NCDOT Bridges Observers: -PA✓e- /'/& i1 TIP or DOT project number: y' GMT c-- Date/Time: S — 5--`/ `} D 3o - 153o Road Name/SR Number: T.�o County: w Bridge Number: /f3oo :9 Waterbody: !r % Surrounding habitat w/in 1 mi. Urban/commercial Suburban/residential of project footprint Natural/rural /4. Agricultural Any trees >3" DBH within project footprint? yes Any shaggy trees or snags >5" DBH? yes no If yes, how much sunlight do they receive during the day? 1-3 hours 4-6 hours 7+ hours Species of habitat trees >5" dbh If snags >5"DBH are present in sunlit areas, provide photos and location. If large hollow trees are present, provide photos and location. Presence of: In project footprint In vicinty (0.5 mi)Caves yes � r yes - � `3 A / Abandoned mines yes COO yes ® cy, ke.ea If 'yes' to any of the above, provide photos, description, and location. L6/" Major water source in project footprint: river Cr pond lake swamp Suitable drinking habitat in the form of non-stagnant, smooth or slack water? •2 no Guard rails none •ncret- timber metal Deck type aKK• a metal timber open grid Beam type none concrete fit P timber End/back wall type (concrete) timber masonry Creosote evidence yes �g Small vertical top sealed crevices es no Large vertical unsealed crevices yes 4 QD Max height of bridge deck above ground/water (ft): ti ‘o (alxsre_ G PS Night roost habitat protected (yes) no Bridge alignment: 411g531 E/W NW/SE NE/SW Hours of sun exposure to bridge 0-1 2-3 003 Human/traffic under bridge 4i mP low none Emergence count performed? (If yes, complete form) yes c Evidence of bats using bird nests, if present? yes pt�g3 Evidence of bats using bridge? yes Bat species present: / Vm i. - Additional Comments: / , ,4 1 y� 471 y,1 e4 f/e-n„� NCDOT Bat Bridge Habitat Assessment Form /.. G t / 4, f J A / J 3- 6" Updated 12/10/14 eGv.IS of ei•75- • U— NSti m.; o ,f�"L'-Otr� 4 /70 ,A13 /A Dew mawf t� �aCl"/ /�� ✓fl/ alwo//r Z7.,e_ gol 5tp -e.�e- ence." G°-'. of Bat Habitat Assessment Form � // NCDOT Culverts Observers: F "7qq P/A-4; y TIP or DOT project number: I- -y�, evile "e Date/Time: i --1 // •-/ 1 / Road Name/SR Number: _4r— ed County: /A.-wp_ooc Bridge Number: -7 / j?4 �1 Waterbody: `',n/d ?At- -}te G(^ ( lr� ive, -- > G U ql / j�7 .e..{gwe r Surrounding habitat w/in 1 mi. Urban/commercial Suburban/residential of project footprint Natural/rural /00 Agricultural r/e'Xr• di�� d t 7- Any trees >3" DBH within project footprint? e le;--. no' do PC fift- Any shaggy trees or snags >5" DBH? yes no co4fi If yes, how much sunlight do they receive dyring the day? 1-3 hours 4-6 hours 7+ hours Species of habitat trees >5" dbh / ''c ✓ i 6r.4 �- , �e dl'ed If snags >5"DBH are present in sunlit areas, provide photos and location: /7,0 5•2 S . € t ,s9e, i.< c( If large hollow trees are present, provide photos and location. r/ Presence of: In project footprint In vicinty (0.5 mi) caves yes C67 c j¢E no abandoned mines yes G= 9 yes e) If 'yes' to any of the above, provide photos, description, and location. Major water source in project footprint: rive stream/creek pond lake swamp Suitable drinking habitat in the form of non stagnant, smooth or slack wa as. no Guard rails nne— concrete timber metal Concrete box culvert dip no Culvert >5' height inside no Culvert length: //>o ear ('jv/vc Openings protected from high winds no Crevices present: yes iall Rough surfaces, imperfections, bird nestsdelino Human disturbance/traffic in culvert high o none Emergence count performed? (If yes, complete form) yes no i Evidence of bats using bird nests, if present? yes Pet Evidence of bats using culvert? / yes Bat species present: /4 ) I S I ,C r Notes: NCDOT Bat Culvert Habitat Assessment Form Updated 12/10/14