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20052078 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20130212
Naked Creek Stream Restoration Wilkes County, North Carolina 2012 Year 5 Monitoring Report - Final EEP Project Number: 261 USGS HUC 03040101010100 EcoEngineering Project Number: EEP -08000 Prepared for: NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program 116 West Jones Street Suite G 111 Raleigh, NC 27603 A.i.,rs si •�")'� Gv. � • r •' �V _�� '� • yI ►AMP I �3p �" r•. CZ�L'���tf„y '�' ., <1�^'tt",�.�•f�i4: �.' �:• .C.!�. � •'4� _ � .� •`.� \'t �o'�:- s-V ' k .r '� �?'%aX'-• .,y. ,y _ '!.n i y��1. r•' - %v �� �• ,� I r. r.., • .� #ate,, � �.�� .�c41 r� - f. 1� .• �'�. .�,. rEcolEngineering A division of The John k NIcAdams Company. Inc. _. RESEARCH TRIANOLE PARK P. 0. Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919- 287 -4262 FAX 919 -361 -2269 www.ecoengr.com Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary /Project Abstract .................................................. ..............................1 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives ......................................................... ..............................1 1.2 Vegetation Condition and Comparison ......................................... ..............................1 1.3 Stream Stability /Condition and Comparison ................................. ..............................2 1.4 Wetland Conditions and Performance ........................................... ..............................3 1.5 Narrative Background .................................................................... ..............................3 2.0 Methodology ........................................................................................ ..............................3 3.0 References ............................................................................................ ..............................4 Project Conditions and Monitoring Data Appendices Appendix A — General Figures and Plan Views Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix B — General Project Tables Table 1. Project Restoration Components Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Attribute Table Appendix C — Vegetation Assessment Data ZM i DENR - WIAT1 -R OUALITY Table 5. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 1 Wells ids s S caster Branch Table 6. Vegetation Metadata Table M Table 6A Vegetation Condition Assessment Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos — Vegetation Problem Area Photos (submitted electronically) — Vegetation Problem Area Inventory Table (submitted electronically) Appendix D — Stream Assessment Data — Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment — Table 9. Verification of Bankfull Events — Stream Station Photos — Cross Sections with Annual Overlays — Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays — Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays — BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Table (not applicable) — Baseline Stream Data Summary Table [Exhibit Table VIII] (submitted electronically) — Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary [Exhibit Table IX] (Cross Section and Reach Parameters submitted electronically) — Stream Problem Area Photos (submitted electronically) — Stream Problem Area Inventory Table (submitted electronically) aEcoEngineedng A desimm or TTe kft R NkAd+ C np.W. IK- Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number 261 • USGS HUC 03040 10 1010 100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 Appendix E — Wetland Assessment Table 10. Wetland Criteria Attainment (omitted, not applicable) — Precipitation and Water Level Plots (omitted, not applicable) [jEcoEngineedng A dwww orThe John R McAdam Cmnp®y Inc Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 1.0 Executive Summarv/Proiect Abstract 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives The goal of the restoration project is to improve the water quality and biological habitat of the site's streams, wetlands, and riparian buffers through the following- - Restore (pattern, dimension, and profile) unstable streams using natural channel design techniques -Re- establish riparian buffers (Kimley -Horn, 2007) 1.2 Vegetation Condition and Comparison Original baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year 1 and 2008 is considered a drought year. The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for. Therefore, any additional species observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species The 2012 Monitoring Year 5 data was provided by Carolina Vegetation Survey and was not manipulated for presentation within Table 7 - Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Appendix C. Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Interim density targets (stems /acre) are 320 at year 3 and 288 at year 4. Final stem count criteria are 260 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring. As for Monitoring Year 5, Naked Creek had 5 vegetation plots encompassing 0 12 acres, containing a total of 50 planted stems excluding live stakes In total, the 5 vegetation plots yielded a density of 405 planted trees per acre excluding live stakes. These density totals exceed the requirements by 10% for planted trees per acre excluding live stakes. With regard to each individual vegetation plot, Vegetation Plot 5 failed to meet the requirements by less than 10% while Vegetation Plots 1, 2, 3 and 4 exceed the requirements by 10% when examining planted stems excluding live stakes. Exotic /invasive species were observed at the site. Exotic species observed at the site include Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and cattail (Typha latifolia). There are nine (9) areas in which exotic /invasive species were observed totaling approximately 0.04 acres in size and are approximately 1.03% of the easement acreage The extent of exotic /invasive species is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. Bare areas which exhibit limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material were observed at the site. There were two areas considered bare areas which total approximately 0.23 acres in size and are approximately 9.06% of the planted area at the site The extent of the bare areas is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. The restoration project includes within the conservation easement areas designated as "Allowable Use Area ". Allowable Use Areas are areas in which mowing activities have 1 Fag]EcoEngineedng A do ww ofTbe khn R \kAdmnCm:poay. Vr Naked Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project Number 261 - USGS HUC 0304010 1010 100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 occurred and are permissible There are six (6) Allowable Use Areas located between Stations 0 +05 and 5 +85, 6 +15 and 16 +40, 17 +15 and 18 +15, 22 +90 and 23 +60, 23 +65 and 25 +00, and 25 +55 and 26 +5. These Allowable Use Areas are noted within Table 6A — Vegetation Condition Assessment Appendix C as Easement Encroach Areas. The Allowable Use Areas total approximately 0.21 acres in size and are approximately 5.38% of the easement acreage The extent of the Allowable Use Areas is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. The conservation easement is shown on the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A and the acreage is 3.9 acres. The conservation easement is based on information received from EEP on October 11, 2012 and is based on Deed Book 1019 Page 361, Plat 10 Page 486 Wilkes County and Deed Book 1019 Page 417, Plat 10 Page 486 Wilkes County, dated November 20, 2007 EcoEngineering did survey locate one EEP Conservation Monument located at Station 26 +70 and is depicted on the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. Many of the EEP markers and stakes were noted to be within 10 feet of the restored stream's top of bank Areas have been mowed immediately adjacent to the east of the stakes and EEP markers. As a result, approximately 60% of Vegetation Plot 5 has been mowed. However, EcoEngineering recreated Vegetation Plot 5 and surveyed the vegetation within the plot It should be noted that a section of fence has been removed between Stations 16 +80 and 19 +60. Based on the survey conducted for the Naked Creek Stream Restoration project, the restoration project is 2,652 linear feet and will provide a total of 2,652 stream mitigation units 1.3 Stream Stability /Condition and Comparison Overall, the stream system appears stable and is not migrating toward lateral or vertical instability. Based on the prior year comparison using longitudinal profile data, it appears that minor systemic aggradation has occurred throughout the reach, although this condition does not appear to pose an imminent threat to the overall stability of the system. To document bankfull events a crest gage is located approximately 450 feet upstream of cross section 4 and is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. Evidence of a bankf ill event was observed this monitoring year. On May 31, 2012, EcoEngineering conducted field investigations for the Fifth Year Initial Assessment. During the Initial Assessment, (4) beaver dams were observed at Stations 19 +45, 20 +25, 21 +10, and 23 +95. The beaver dams were constructed after Monitoring Year 4 and before the Fifth Year Initial Assessment. All four (4) beaver dams were removed after the Initial Assessment and prior to field survey activities for Monitoring Year 5 (conducted August 7 and August 10, 2012). The four (4) removed beaver dams are located in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. Bank erosion predictions utilizing Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near Bank Stress (NBS) assessment were not conducted for the entire project pre - construction as part of the existing conditions survey. Therefore, BEHI and NBS assessments are not applicable during Monitoring Year 5. 2 [fEcoEngineedng A&*ww of7he Jahn R McAdmms Cmnpaoy, Ioe Naked Creek Stream Restoration • CEP Project Number 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 1.4 Wetland Conditions and Performance No wetlands are being monitored for mitigation credits at this project site. 1.5 Narrative Background Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on the EEP website All raw data supporting the tables and figures In the appendices is available from EEP upon request. 2.0 Methodology All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP, 2006; EEP, 2009). Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE -115 5.0 megapixel digital camera. GPS location information was collected using a Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping grade GPS unit. Stream and vegetation problem areas were noted in the field on As -Built Plan Sheets. The methods used to generate techniques as publications fro (USACE, 2003). described in in US Forest the data in this report are standard fluvial geomorphology Applied River Morphology (Rosgen, 1996) and related Service and the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines Vegetation monitoring methods followed the 2008, Version 4.2 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et. al , 2008). Vegetation plot photographs were collected for each vegetation plot. Vegetation monitoring plots were re- marked in the field by replacing all old flagging with new orange flagging. Monitoring taxonomy follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas (Weakley 2007). Stem height was measured with a folding one -meter rule. Diameter at breast height and decimeter height were measured with calipers. 3 [JI]EcoEngineering A dims® afTbc Jdm R McAdams Camay. Irc Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 3.0 References Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), 2006. Monitoring Report Guidelines, November 16, 2006. Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), 2009. Monitoring Report Guidelines, June 1, 2009 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc., 2007. Naked Creek Stream Final Mitigation Report. Submitted to NCDENR -EEP, August 2007. Lee, Michael T., R K Peet, S. D Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (http: / /cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods htm) Rosgen, D L 1996. Applied Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), 2003 April 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines US Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE), 2005. Information Regarding Stream Restoration In The Outer Coastal Plain of North Carolina. US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Regulatory Division and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, December 1, 2005. Weakley, A. S., 2008. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, northern Florida, and surrounding areas University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, working Draft as of April 7, 2008. 4 [aEcoEngineedng A &u= of 7bc k1m R McA&= Company tw APPENDIX A General Figures and Plan View VYr 1 IPROJ " , - • �- Ole IL fit mo te- r �'� ►-., r - ; .. . USGS, 7.5 MINUTE, TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE; PURLEAR, N.C.; 1966; LAT: 36.1394315' N LON: 81.3634822' W ® rRaECr r,o. EEP-08000 AEcoEngineedng FILENAME : EEP -08000 n � D CREEK � A divirim of The lahn R MoAdm Coapay, IMC. SCALE: 1 n _ 1.000 MAP ZNGt�'1 M • PIANN6RS - MAMIY= - ZNVOKWUNTA , RRSRARCR 7UMC12IMRE • CBARWTR 1�/ 1 1 DATE: 08 -20 -12 11 �i11 '�lllell no:.i w WILKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 16,33.60' 1, PC C—, NAKED CREEK CONSOLIDATED CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW - YEAR FIVE MONITORING Nitfll '• POINT TAG NORTHING a 1 VC1 978937.6305 1303595.7554 2 VC2 878989.8963 1303599.5650 r n, • VC3 979967.2706 �ii 4 UQ6 978935.1639 130362 &2099 �=Wi iM'1669W�� 875716.9337 1303595.7108 6 �iFI•T� 878781.7716 Y7 7 VC7 978761.7462 1303611.9076 a VCs 678715.3560 1303511L0404 9 VC9 87823ILW32 1303704.1393 10 VC10 878304.3131 1303701.2231 11 VC11 978305.6913 1303712.2540 12 VC12 878240.6355 1303720.0466 13 VC13 e7nnimm 1303764.5696 14 VC14 97797&1274 1303757.1446 15 VC15 977977.1997 1303772.6940 18 �fil i 130377 &7246 17 VC17 �Iziirft 13039753137 1s Me 875906.5974 1303941.6805 19 VC19 576917.52a8 13039552972 20 VC20 876861.4609 1303990.4754 ��ir[�s'I•Tr���� �irlT�� •/ �fil�� • it71 �ittr�iTi[�� / • �ir[•r�fIi�� - -1 �it7 ➢� 'lti i � � .7 . kLUU) WILKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA EEP PROJECT NUMBER: 261 DATE: AUGUST 20, 2012 NORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM NC -EEP CONTACT: JULIE CAHILL (828)230 -5172 VEGETATION PLOT MONITORING CONTROL POINTS POINT NUMBER POINT TAG NORTHING EASTING 1 VC1 978937.6305 1303595.7554 2 VC2 878989.8963 1303599.5650 3 VC3 979967.2706 1303529.8125 4 VC4 978935.1639 130362 &2099 5 VC5 875716.9337 1303595.7108 6 VCs 878781.7716 1303595.5887 7 VC7 978761.7462 1303611.9076 a VCs 678715.3560 1303511L0404 9 VC9 87823ILW32 1303704.1393 10 VC10 878304.3131 1303701.2231 11 VC11 978305.6913 1303712.2540 12 VC12 878240.6355 1303720.0466 13 VC13 e7nnimm 1303764.5696 14 VC14 97797&1274 1303757.1446 15 VC15 977977.1997 1303772.6940 18 me 877912.3357 130377 &7246 17 VC17 676552 -8169 13039753137 1s Me 875906.5974 1303941.6805 19 VC19 576917.52a8 13039552972 20 VC20 876861.4609 1303990.4754 (KHA) PROJECT START STA. 10 +00 LAT: 36.1394315' N LON: 81.3634822' W CROSSINGS o° \ / ` 1 E W 1 8 ,A .1 �� I j. /. K L K �\ �• it ♦ ` lii '� st VICINITY MAP CONSERVATION NTS EASEMENT NOTE: SURVEY DATES OF THALWEG AND TOP -OF -BANK - 8/07/12 TO 8/10/12. PROJECT END AftoEngineering STA. 26 +52 A division of The John IL McAdams Company, Inc. is SHEET INDEX 1 ', l ENGINEERS- PLANNERS - SURVEYORS - ENVUtONMENTAL I -5 CONSOLIDATED CURRENT CONDITIONS 1 I •OSSt�'IIl PLAN VIEW .! RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK ■ CHARLOTTE 11 l i l l. l it 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham NC 27718 ►N':LlAA 800. 733. 5646- wwwjohntmcadamu m-Lcense No.: C -0298 1 � 2. ►W CE \ _ - A y I Y \ r � r \ r \ ALLOWABLE USE AR LOOSE BOU FENCE I\I r� \ It � --© PHOTO POINT (ECO) _Q a— VP/ VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT (KHA) 4 ROCK CROSS VANE (BAK) T 4 ROCK A —VANE (BAK) ou iT RIP RAP (BAK) ROOTWAD (BAK) FENCE (BAK) CONSERVATION EASEMENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT (CAV) TELEPHONE LINE (CAV) OVERHEAD POWER LINE (CAV) YEAR FIVE STREAM CENTERLINE (ECO) AS —BUILT TOP OF BANK (BAK) Y CREST GAGE ® BEAVER DAM' BARE AREAS KHA — KIMLEY —HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (DESIGN BASED ON CAV MAPPING) CAV — CAVANAUGH ASSOCIATES, P.A. (BASE /PRE — CONSTRUCTION MAPPING) BAK — BAKER ENGINEERING NY, INC. (AS —BUILT MAPPING) CUR — CURRENT SURVEYING AND MAPPING, P.A. (STATE PROPERTY EASEMENT SURVEYOR) ECO — ECO ENGINEERING YEAR FOUR MONITORING) NOTES: 1) SURVEY DATES OF THALWEG AND TOP —OF —BANK — 8/07/12 TO 8/10/12. 2) CONSERVATION EASEMENT ACREAGE IS 3.9 ACRES AND IS BASED ON INFORMATION RECEIVED FROM EEP ON OCTOBER 11, 2012 AND IS BASED ON DB 1019 PAGE 361, PLAT 10 PAGE 486 WILKES COUNTY, AND DB 1019 PAGE 417, PLAT 10 PAGE 486 WILKES COUNTY, DATED NOVEMBER 20, 2007. 3) ALLOWABLE USE AREAS ARE AREAS IN WHICH MOWING ACTIVITIES HAVE OCCURRED AND ARE PERMISSIBLE. 4) CONSERVATION EASEMENT MONUMENT SURVEY LOCATED BY ECOENGINEERING AND INSTALLED BETWEEN MY -03 AND MY -04 BY OTHERS. 5) DURING THE INITIAL ASSESSMENT (CONDUCTED MAY 31, 2012) FOR MY -05 PERIOD, BEAVER DAMS WERE OBSERVED. THE BEAVER DAMS WERE CONSTRUCTED AFTER MY -04 AND BEFORE MY -05 PERIODS. BEAVER DAMS WERE REMOVED AFTER THE INITIAL ASSESSMENT AND PRIOR TO FIELD SURVEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE MY -05 PERIOD. \ GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 inch = 40 ft. SHEET I OF 5 lot •C+ ei LU 0- W< O w W Z 3a U V E— w 0 � o z W90 � U nI U 3 O Cn U O 0 00 00 b N O pp I 1 C)I II N CL W = w w 0 Z y G 3 o z � F HcADAMS LOG VANE (BAK) ` +- VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT (KHA) in M MONITORING CROSS SECTIONS (ECO) A ALLOWABLE USE AREAS (— S STREAM CROSSING /FORD (BAK) I INVASIVE / EXOTIC VEGETATION SURVEYOR'S BENCHMARKS (CAV, BAK) P ��� C PHOTO POINT LOCATION AND DIRECTION ® M MONITORING BENCHMARKS (KHA) � CONSERVATION EASEMENT MONUMENT BARE AREAS KHA — KIMLEY —HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (DESIGN BASED ON CAV MAPPING) CAV — CAVANAUGH ASSOCIATES, P.A. (BASE /PRE — CONSTRUCTION MAPPING) BAK — BAKER ENGINEERING NY, INC. (AS —BUILT MAPPING) CUR — CURRENT SURVEYING AND MAPPING, P.A. (STATE PROPERTY EASEMENT SURVEYOR) ECO — ECO ENGINEERING YEAR FOUR MONITORING) NOTES: 1) SURVEY DATES OF THALWEG AND TOP —OF —BANK — 8/07/12 TO 8/10/12. 2) CONSERVATION EASEMENT ACREAGE IS 3.9 ACRES AND IS BASED ON INFORMATION RECEIVED FROM EEP ON OCTOBER 11, 2012 AND IS BASED ON DB 1019 PAGE 361, PLAT 10 PAGE 486 WILKES COUNTY, AND DB 1019 PAGE 417, PLAT 10 PAGE 486 WILKES COUNTY, DATED NOVEMBER 20, 2007. 3) ALLOWABLE USE AREAS ARE AREAS IN WHICH MOWING ACTIVITIES HAVE OCCURRED AND ARE PERMISSIBLE. 4) CONSERVATION EASEMENT MONUMENT SURVEY LOCATED BY ECOENGINEERING AND INSTALLED BETWEEN MY -03 AND MY -04 BY OTHERS. 5) DURING THE INITIAL ASSESSMENT (CONDUCTED MAY 31, 2012) FOR MY -05 PERIOD, BEAVER DAMS WERE OBSERVED. THE BEAVER DAMS WERE CONSTRUCTED AFTER MY -04 AND BEFORE MY -05 PERIODS. BEAVER DAMS WERE REMOVED AFTER THE INITIAL ASSESSMENT AND PRIOR TO FIELD SURVEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE MY -05 PERIOD. \ GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 inch = 40 ft. SHEET I OF 5 lot •C+ ei LU 0- W< O w W Z 3a U V E— w 0 � o z W90 � U nI U 3 O Cn U O 0 00 00 b N O pp I 1 C)I II N CL W = w w 0 Z y G 3 o z � F HcADAMS O 0 00 00 b N O pp I 1 C)I II N CL W = w w 0 Z y G 3 o z � F HcADAMS I 1 \ 1 PIPING AT STRUCTURE ALLOWABLE USE AR BOX CULVERT—, ROAD CROSSING LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT _OOSE BOULDER Flom I 11 I r I � I GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. SHEET 2 OF 5 C Y� w�• uj zy� . �i z 'o Q U Z � l F- V ts. O Con z Thy O >' W gu a O 7 x 3 Q O z 0 0 0 0 N a i o II N w o �j I w w o i , L . Q z E � S �IcADA.AS M f =: GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. SHEET 3 OF 5 w�• o W O O O 00 O I a w w zz a 9 O N O O 00 to OI I N _ I w a x 71 z � � o McADAMS V 0 �w 0 W Q z a0 �¢ U V � O � z �o U W W 3 U F Q a 0 z 0 O O O 00 O I a w w zz a 9 O N O O 00 to OI I N _ I w a x 71 z � � o McADAMS q, \C�l �IGUSTRUM SINENSE \ / ENCROACHMENT _ ti -30 \ OWED AREA \ 1 BEAVER DAM #3 1� 1° 10 1�^ 1 LIGUSTRUM SINENSE \� 1 ENCROACHMENT REMOVED BEAVER DAM #2 \ \ 1 2 1 \ ct -`E . CE —CE CE 30 ALLOWABLE USE \AREA IGUSTRUM SINENSE s ENCROACHMENT \ 2 EMOVED BEAVER DAM #1 s SECTION REMOVED v>. v� ALLOWABLE USE �w L-TYPHA LATIFOLIA ` ENCROACHMENT ` 419 1 GRAPHIC SCALE ' 50 0 25 50 100 inch = 50 ft. SHEET 4 OF 5 .L , (COMM) � W O� u W< �S6 0 O O N OD OD U) I O N I II I w w o zz G McADAMS Q Q z ' o a U Z H ^ z °z 0 I-1 o0 w 3 v �Q A U 0 O O N OD OD U) I O N I II I w w o zz G McADAMS CE 302 W U CONSERVATION EASEMENT MONUMENT SURVEY LOCATED BY ECOENGINEERING AND INSTALLED BETWEEN MY -03 AND MY -04 BY OTHERS PIPING AT STRUCTURE CE ALLOWABLE USE AR rr 3J — PIPING AT STRUCTURE PIPING AT STRUCTURE LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT 29 CE ?r— CE — Be fig— s 4� 14 REMOVED BEAVER DAM #4 PIPING AT STRUCTURE X30 FENCE ALLOWABLE USE J 30 33 (r r r v \r i b NIA rr � Q r r r r REMOVED BEAVER DAM #3 1 x REMOVED BEAVER DAM �s I\ i GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. SHEET 5 OF 5 on o18 W<• 0 0 N O ( o I C)j II N a w w w o zz !1 a C 4 0 McADAMS W¢ 7 Q Q U V F- r� � 2 H W �O O U ^� cn ua 3 U Q a O z S 0 0 N O ( o I C)j II N a w w w o zz !1 a C 4 0 McADAMS General Project Tables Table 1. Project Restoration Components Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 261 Project ffi e r O Segment or o o 6 Z Y3 Reach ID W CL 0 p' Stationing Comment UtNkd 12,652 1 R I P2 12,652 [a l 1 2,652 1 10 +00 - 26 +52 Mitigation Unit Summations Riparian Nonnpa ian Stream Wetland 1 Wetland Total Wetland Buffer Comment 2,652 0 0 0 R= Restoration Ell= Enhancement II P 1= Priority I P3= Priority III EI= Enhancement S= Stabilization P2= Priority 11 SS= Stream Bank Stabilization Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 261 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Summer 05 Nov -05 Final Design — 90% Spring 06 Summer 06 Construction Fall 06 Winter 06 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire ro ect area Winter 06 Winter 06 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments I & 2 Winter 06 Winter 06 Contamerized and B &B plantings for reach/segments l & 2 Winter 06 Winter 06 Mitigation Plan / As -built Year 0 Monitoring — baseline Spring 07 Aug-07 Year I Monitoring Sep-08 Nov -08 Year 2 Monitoring Sep-09 Nov -09 Year 3 Monitoring Jul -10 Oct -10 Year 4 Mon itoring Apr- I I Nov -I 1 Year 5 Monitoring Oct -12 12 -Nov Note Timeframe estimated from information provided by EEP Table 3. Project Contacts Table Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 261 Designer Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc P O Box 33068, Raleigh, North Carolina 27636 Primary project design POC POC name and phone 919- 677 -2050 Construction Contractor Fluvial Solutions, Inc PO Box 28749, Raleigh, NC 27611 -8749 Construction contractor POC Peter Jelenevsky, 919 - 605 -6134 Planting Contractor Carolina Silvics 908 Indian Trail Road, Edenton, NC 27932 Plantin contractor POC Mary-Margaret McKinne 252- 482 -8491 Seeding Contractor Contact Fluvial Solutions, Inc PO Box 28749, Raleigh, NC 27611 -8749 Planting contractor POC Peter Jelenevsky, 919- 605 -6134 Seed Mix Sources Contact Fluvial Solutions, Inc Peter Jelenevsky, 919- 605 -6134 Nursery Stock Suppliers ArborGen 843 - 851 -4129 Monitoring Performers EcoEngineering - A Division of The John R McAdams Co 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 Stream Monitoring POC George Buchholz 919 - 287 -0890 Vegetation Monitoring POC George Buchholz 919- 287 -0890 Wetland Monitoring POC NA INA Note Information obtained from EEP documents and bid tabulation results Use contacts in table for aaai tonal information or to verify data Table 4. Project Attribute Table Naked Creek Stream Restoration Pro ' ect /EEP Project Number: 261 Project County Wilkes County Drainage Area- UTto Naked Creek 0.53 square miles Drainage impervious cover estimate ( %) Estimated at 0 2% Stream Order 1 st for UT to Naked Creek Physiogra hic Region Blue Ridge Ecoregion Appalachian Highlands Rosgen Classification of As -built C Cowardin Classification R3UBH Dominant soil types Chewacla loam, Pacolet sandy loam Reference site ID UT Purlear, Upper Big Warrior USGS HUC for Project 03040101010100 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Protect 12- 31- 3 -(0.5) NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C Any portion of any protect segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor INA of protect easement fenced 80% APPENDIX C Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Naked Creek Stream Restoration Pro ' ect /EEP Project Number: 261 Vegetation Plot Summary Information Plot N Riparian Buffer Stems Stream / Welland Stems2 Live Stakes Invasives Volunteers3 Total Unknown Growth Form VPI n/a 8 0 0 0 8 0 VP2. n/a I5 0 0 0 15 0 VP3 n/a 12 0 0 0 12 0 VP4 n/a 9 0 0 1 0 1 9 0 VP5 n/a 6 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 Wetland /Stream Vegetation Totals Stream / Wetland Success Plot # Stems= Volunteers3 Total I Criteria Metz VP1 - 0 1 324 243 Notes: Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include shrubs. No pines. No Buffer Stems vines. Native planted woody stems. Includes shrubs, does NOT include live 2Stream/ Welland Stem stakes. No vines I'Volunteers INative woodv stems. Not planted. No vines. I Planted + volunteer native woody stems. Includes live stakes. Excl. Table 6. Vegetation Metadata Naked Creek Stream Restoration Pro ' ect /EEP Project Number:261 Report Prepared By Geor a Buchholz Date Prepared 8/21/2012 11 30 database name cvs -ee -ent ool -v2 3 0 mdb database location X \Protects \EEP\EEP -08000 (Naked Creek) \Storm \Design Fdes\2012 Naked Creek Final Submittal computer name BUCHHOES file size 70844416 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Pro j, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Pro j, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data live stems, dead stems, missing, etc Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by e for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code 261 project Name Naked Creek Description 10 6 miles west of Wilkesboro and 18 4 miles east of Boone in Wilkesboro, NC One Reach UtNkd approximately 2,800 linear feet River Basin Yadkin -Pee Dee ten th ft Yadkin-Pee Dee .stream-to-edge width (ft) 2,652 area (sq m 25 .Required Plots calculated 0 01 sq miles 2 92 acres ,Sampled Plots 5 Table 6A. Vegetation Condition Assessment Naked Creek Stream Restoration Prolect/EEP Project Number:261 Planted Acreage 2.54 Easement Acreage 3 9• Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of 4. Invasive Areas of Areas or points (if too small to render as Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage Very limited cover of both woody and 0 1 acres dash, pink 2 023 906% 1. Bare Areas herbaceous material blue & Woody stem densities clearly e ow target none double 6 0 21 538% 2 Low Stem Density levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count 0 1 acres - -- 0 0 00% Areas criteria green 3 Areas of Poor Growth Areas with woody stems of a size class that 0 25 acres — 0 0 00% Rates or Vigor are obviously small given the monitoring year Easement Acreage 3 9• Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % Of Easement Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Areas or points (if too small to render as 1000 SF diagonal, 9 004 1 03 /o Concern polygons at map scale) red zig zag, blue & none double 6 0 21 538% 5 Easement Areas or points (if too small to render as hatch, Encroachment Areas— polygons at map scale) green Notes ' Easement Acreage is based on information received from EEP on January 24, 2011 and is based on DB 1019 Page 361, Plat 10 Page 486 Wilkes County, and DB 1019 Page 417, Plat 10 Page 486 Wilkes County, Dated November 20, 2007. " Easement Encroachment Areas are "Allowable Use Areas" and are areas In which Mowing Activities have occurred Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project /EEP Project Number: 261 Pate I Notes: a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEnginecring from the Carolina Vegetation Survey Data was not manipulated by EcoEngineermg. Formatting of table was performed by EcoLngmeenng b) Onginal baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year 1 and 2008 is considered a drought year The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for Therefore, any additional species observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species c) Pnol-S = Planted Excluding Live Stakes, P -all = All Planted Stems. T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems d Cells hiRWW9ed in VIOLET bt ikm the pititisence of volunteers Color for Density Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Current Plot Data MY5 2012 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 1 E261 -01 -VP1 E261 -01 -VP2 E261- 01 -VP3 E261 -01 -VP4 E261 -01 -VPS Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol -S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 2 2 2 1 1 1 Betula ni ra river birch Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Ce halanthus occidentalis common buttonbush Shrub 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 4 4 4 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 N ssa s Ivatica black um Tree 1 1 11 1 Persea borbonia redbay tree 1 1 1 11 2 2 2 Prunus serotina black cherry Tree 2 2 2 Quercus falcata southern red oak Tree Quercus hellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 6 6 2 2 2 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1 Robinia pseudoacacia black locust Tree Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species coun Stems per ACRE 11,323351 8 8 81 15 15 15 12 12 12 91 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 0.02 .02 0.02 0.02 0.02 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 323.75 607.0 3 82 485.62 485.62 - 364.22 364.22 24181 242.81 242.81 Notes: a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEnginecring from the Carolina Vegetation Survey Data was not manipulated by EcoEngineermg. Formatting of table was performed by EcoLngmeenng b) Onginal baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year 1 and 2008 is considered a drought year The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for Therefore, any additional species observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species c) Pnol-S = Planted Excluding Live Stakes, P -all = All Planted Stems. T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems d Cells hiRWW9ed in VIOLET bt ikm the pititisence of volunteers Color for Density Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 261 Pate 2 Annual Means Y5(2012) MY4 2011 MY3(201 Y2(2009) MY1 2008 Pnol-S Pall T Pnol-S Pall IT Pnol-S Pall T Pnol-S Pall T Pnol-S Pall T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 22 22 22 20 20 2 22 22 2 22 22 22 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 21 2 13 13 13 9 9 1 9 9 1 11 11 11 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 21 2 1 1 1 1 50 !01 50 42 42 53 47 47 59 511 39 39 3 5 5 5 5 5 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 9 9 9 8 8 8 9 9 11 9 91 91 81 8 8 404.691 404.6 339.941 428.97 380.41 477.5 412.781 428.9 315.651 315.65 Notes: a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEngineering from the Carolina Vegetation Survey. Data was not manipulated by EcoEngineering. Formatting of table was performed by EcoEngineering. b) Original baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year I and 2008 is considered a drought year. The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for. Therefore, any additional species observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species. c) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Live Stakes; P -all = All Planted Stems; T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems 4)C4ftbkWWAW In VIOLZrinilicateftPremm ofvoltmteem Color for Densi PHOTO VP1: LOOKING NORTH AT VEGETATION PLOT VP1. PHOTO VP2: LOOKING NORTH AT VEGETATION PLOT VP2. CT NO' EEP -08000 NAKED CREEK RESTORATION ®EcoEnginBering YE: EEP -08000 N TS �' Stelll MONITORING PHOTOS A dtvWon of The John R_ MMdm Cdr, Inc_ RESEARCH TRJANGLR PAR[. NC C 11�R.�� �Sr NORTH CAROLINA P.O. BOX 14006 ZIP Y77D9- 005 08 -20 -12 1�� 111 (919) 361 -5000 Q d v s APPENDIX D Stream Assessment Data Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 261 Unnamed Tributary to Naked Creek: 2,655 Linear Feet Feature Category Metric (per As -built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As -built Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffles I . Present ? 28 28 NA 100 2. Armor stable (e.. n o displacement)? 28 28 NA 100 3. Facet grade appears stable? (slope 5 design range) 22 28 NA 79 4. Minimal evidence of cmbeddin finin ? 28 28 NA 100 5. Length appropriate? NA NA NA NA 95 B. Pools 1. Present? (e.g. not subject to severe aggrad. or migrat. ?) 17 17 NA 100 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf>1.6 ?) Design = 2.4 ! 0.8 = 3 17 Max Pool/ 0.8 > 1.6, 10 of 17 NA 59 3. Length ap ro riate? (pool-to-pool s cn) 15 17 NA 88 82 C. Thalwe 1. Upstream of meander bend (run /inflection) centering? 25 28 NA 89 2. Downstream of meander (glide /inflection) centering? 26 28 NA 93 91 D. Meander 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controllcd erosion? 27 27 NA 100 2. Of those eroding, H w /concomitant point bar formation 27 27 NA 100 3. Apparent Re within spec? 21 27 NA 78 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 27 27 NA 100 95 E. Bed General I. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) NA NA 3/700 72 2. Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down - cutting or head cutting? NA NA NA 100 86 F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank NA NA NA 100 100 G. Vanes 1. Free of bank or arm scour? 34 34 NA 100 2. Height appropriate? 34 34 NA 100 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 34 34 NA too 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 29 34 NA 85 96 H. Wads/ Boulders 1. Free of scour? 36 36 NA 100 2. Footing stable? 36 36 NA 100 100 Table 9. Verification of Bankfull Events Naked Creek Stream Restoration Pro ' ect /EEP Pro 'ect Number: 261 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo # if available On -Site Crest Gage located at Station 07/15/10 Between 09/16/09 and 10 +97 Observed elevation on gage at Not Available 07/15/10 elevation 1297 81 On -Site Crest Gage located at Station 04/06/11 Between 07/15/10 and 10+97 Observed elevation on gage at Not Available 04/06/11 elevation 1297 93 On -Site Crest Gage located at Station 08/08/12 Between 04106/11 and 10+97 Observed elevation on gage at Not Available 08/08/12 elevation 1297 95 Note A crest gage was installed during the 2UU9 Monitoring Year 2 field Investigations so that banKtull events can De aocumentea during subsequent monitoring years The crest gage is located at Station 10 +97 and is depicted In the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View located in Appendix A PHOTO 3: LOOKING DOWNSTREAM AT CHANNEL. PHOTO 4: LOOKING DOWNSTREAM FROM UPPER CROSSING AT CHANNEL. EEP -08000 ~ NASFD CREEK RFSPORA�ON AEcoEngineering A d;� of 7be John R. McAdsm Cody. Inc. EEP - 08000 VDAATE: 4 MONn`ORING PHOTOS NTS In Jtf:ill y I � , ^AD NORM CAROI M RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 08 -2D—� 2 (11wn�s. (919) 351 -5000 r: f ',�� � •r •�� ~� � ice',. �, \ � �"' ��� 't- • � ` yr Ir 00 11W4 "HOTO 9: LOOKING UPSTREAM AT CHANNEL FROM LOWER CROSSING. u 4 i�F Ov d v FKWECT No' EEP-08000 "UNAMR! 0 EEP-08000 t=; SCALE: NTS DATE: 08-20-12 n 9 d a s Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 NAKED CREEK EEP PROJECT N 261 CROSS SECTION 1 Ye2r-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year4 Year -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Elev. ft Station A Elev, ft Station ft Elev. fl Station (ft) Elev. ft Station (R) Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. -2.50 1310.07 0.00 1309.99 -3.00 1310.02 -3.00 1309.84 -3 1309.8 -3 1310.1 -2.27 1309.80 3.84 1309.31 -2.79 1309.79 2.65 1309.45 0.76 1309.83 -2.84 1309.81 1.27 130987 5.55 1308.91 0.96 1309.82 9.53 1308.18 6.34 1308.73 2.45 1309.64 14.11 1307.42 7.47 1308.57 6.40 1308.75 14.04 1307.56 14.95 1307.38 11.11 1308.01 19.44 1306.68 9.77 1308.17 16.22 1307.24 18.47 1307.04 16.8 1307.3 19.19 1307,08 21.63 1306.18 12.46 1307.64 20.34 1306.50 23.03 1306.16 21.76 1307 25.8 1307.3 22.26 1305.94 14.84 1307.58 21.87 1306.44 25.95 1306.76 24.68 1307.06 27.19 1307.07 24.87 1305.55 17.94 1307.07 22.28 1306.22 27.52 1306.35 26.89 1306.92 28.02 1306.96 26.61 1305.03 19.02 1306.73 22.70 1306.01 27.85 1306.19 27.57 1306.53 28.27 1305.88 29.75 1304.70 20.68 1306.47 23.89 1305.68 29.81 1306.02 28.21 1306.5 28.51 1306.03 31.66 1304.67 2107 1305.93 25.50 1305.93 31.09 1305.89 28.96 1306.43 28.53 1306.46 33.44 1305.20 24.14 1305.68 26.69 1305.34 32.32 1305.88 29.72 1306.39 28.98 1305.65 34.89 1305.96 26.01 1305.55 28.26 1304.83 33.76 1305.75 30.41 1306.35 29.37 1305.67 37.15 1307.04 27.68 1305.11 29.75 1305.08 34.29 1306.27 31.24 1306.12 30.19 1305.73 41.68 1307.67 30.11 1304.68 31.57 1304.97 36.71 1307.17 32.09 1306.12 30.6 1305.84 56.53 1312.96 31.83 1304.77 32.55 1304.43 42.20 1308.02 33.02 1306.2 31.02 1305.83 63.35 1314.26 33.64 1305.59 33.47 1305.17 49.56 13 11. 16 33.78 1305.91 31.07 1306.29 34.98 1306.43 34.61 1305.82 63.11 1314.30 34,69 1306.73 31.74 1306.51 37.17 1307.25 34.61 1306.21 36.6 1307.11 32.29 1306.04 40.61 1307.57 35.35 1306.35 39.58 1307.54 34.45 1306.99 44.29 1308.81 36.20 1307.05 43.06 1308.27 37.08 1307.35 46.35 1309.66 40.72 1307.45 51.45 1311.74 48.53 1310.46 49.73 1311.14 46.54 1309.30 6314 1314.34 6152 131437 51.91 1311.94 52.87 1311.90 63.61 1314.71 56.58 1313.19 63.76 1314.26 60.05 1313.83 6199 1314.64 63.29 1314.30 rr� i!m Il,l:ri�il�t,,, ®EcoEngineedng A di.n+on or I h, K*A R. McAdv C« w- Inc. 1316 1315 1314 1313 1312 � 1311 .21310 > 1309 j 1308 1307 1306 1305 1304 1303 Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 030401010 10 100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 Naked Creek Cross Section I - Pool — — Bankfull �- Year -0, 8/22/07 Year -1, 9116108 — Year -2, 9/16/09 — G Year -3, 7/16/10 CIE— Year-4, 04/06/11 —i— Year -5, 08110/12 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width /Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r� I1cciny%ten CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 1 FEATURE: Pool 25.2 sq. ft. 26.0 ft. 1.0 ft. 2.4 ti. 26.8 ft. n/a ft. n/a 1308.01 ft. ©EcoEngineering A di%nm of the John R McAdam Comp n . IQ. Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 NAKED CREEK EEP PROJECT 4 261 CROSS SECTION 2 Year-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station ft Elev, (ft) Station 11 Elev. tin R Elev. fl Station (ft) Elev. Station fl Elev. (fl) Station Elev. f -2.00 1309.25 0.00 1309.10 -2.80 1309.01 2.00 1308.94 2.53 1309.1 2 1308.92 -1.48 1308.98 2.10 1309.14 1.72 1308.88 2.28 1309.09 5.39 130968 2.23 1309.12 4.32 1308.96 4.94 1308.72 1.94 1309.02 4.39 1308.93 12.62 1307,11 4.72 1308.93 13.81 1306.89 8.49 1307.82 11,12 1307.28 12.48 1307 18 1746 130681 12.1 1307.19 17.81 1 306.65 10.81 1307.41 17.38 1306.80 17.67 1306.82 19.84 1306.42 17.89 1306.7 22.79 1305.52 13.10 1307.01 20.04 1306.12 21.02 1306.06 21.22 1306.26 203 1306.34 23.48 1305.41 16.30 1306.86 22.47 1305.73 22.82 1305.74 22.1 1306.03 2119 1306.12 24.93 1305.51 20.85 1305.88 22.89 1305.63 23.33 1305.65 22.96 1305.84 22.77 130601 26.27 1305.42 22.15 1305.67 23.72 1305.46 23.85 1305.04 23.47 1305.52 23.59 1305.7 27.00 1305.53 23.96 1305.57 24.70 1305.53 24.46 1304.77 24.01 1305.26 23.68 1305.16 28.69 1305.63 25.38 1305.51 25.65 1305.46 25.53 1304.80 2456 1305.18 23.73 1305.55 32.26 1306,67 26.58 1305.47 26.17 1305.52 26.20 1305.23 25.2 1305.2 24.1 1305.05 37.62 1306,86 28.38 1305.74 2675 1305.53 27.05 1305.61 25.82 1305.27 24.7 1304.79 49.96 1307.73 29.29 1305.97 27.38 1305.59 27.68 1305.66 26.48 1305.34 25.19 1304.81 64.39 1311.04 33.26 1306.79 27.98 1305.68 30.74 130637 27.26 1305.64 25.96 1304.98 69.12 1312.05 35.66 1306.85 28.13 1305.75 38.44 1306.99 27.92 1305.71 26.72 1305.34 69.52 1312.36 3993 1307.12 28.74 1305.91 52.41 1308.27 28.56 1305.89 27.33 1305.68 43.70 1307.30 29.98 1305.98 69.52 1312.17 28.98 1306.34 28.37 1305.83 49.37 1307.75 33.65 1306.79 69.64 1312.38 30.82 1306.29 29.14 1306.39 54.34 1308.84 44.29 1307.29 40.09 1306.99 30.88 1306.31 58.12 1309.64 51.58 1308.06 511 1307.97 32.81 1306.84 62.63 1310.72 62.15 1310.51 59.71 1309.94 39.83 1307 66.47 1311.70 69.48 1312.12 69.37 1312.15 50.04 1307.78 57.45 1309.33 63.85 1310.87 69.56 1312.15 69.68 1312.4 r I�� crnytitcm Fag�EcoEngineedng A dig- of I W ),,n R. McAdY ConWmn Inc. Naked Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project Number: 261 - USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Wilkes County, North Carolina - October, 2012 Naked Creek Cross Section 2 - Riffle 1313 — Bankfull 1312 —6— Year -0, 8/22/07 1311 Year -1, 9/16/08 — Year -2, 9/18/09 1310 a Year -3, 7/16/10 CIE— Year -4, 04/06111 1309 — Year -5, 8/10/12 0 ji 1308 1307 1306 1305 1304 1303 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width /Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r� lkx)s stenI II l,ll t'iil� l l •_.uk.�er._ CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 2 FEATURE: Riffle 12.35 sq. ft. 14.64 N. 0.84 f1. 2.05 ft. 17.37 ft. 6.83 ft. C 1306.84 fl CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM [JEcoEngineedng Ad., t of the )W. R. %kAdn, Camay. 1 — Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 NAKED CREEK EEP PROJECT # 261 CROSS SECTION 3 Year-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Ye2r4 Year -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Elev. Station (fl) Elev. Station ft Elev. ft Station (ft l Elcv. 11 Station ft Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. R -3.20 1304.09 0.00 1304.18 4.03 1304.01 4.00 1304.19 -3.87 1304.07 4 1304.25 -3.00 1303.86 1.53 1304.20 3.27 1303.98 -3.87 1304.06 2.85 1304.05 -3.86 1304.2 1.35 1303.96 3.77 1304.04 11.12 1302.14 -3.87 1304.06 II 14 1302.17 1.37 1304.18 11.93 1301.96 6.55 1303.54 18.40 1301.87 10.41 1302.39 14 1301.89 3.91 1303.92 18.06 1301.71 11.86 1302.24 19.57 1301.75 14.15 1301.84 17.19 1302.15 8.71 130191 20.40 1301.49 14.12 1301.91 2037 1301.59 1983 1301.74 19.51 1301.96 11.62 1302.2 2163 1300.78 1940 . 1301.86 20.70 1301.46 22.50 1301.31 20.77 1301.47 15.28 1302.04 23.67 1300.61 21.34 1301.53 21.59 1301.37 23.08 1301.00 21.69 1301.35 17.69 1302.07 26.92 1300.63 22.85 1301.18 22.70 1301.36 23.49 1300.93 22.74 1301.33 19.57 1302 28.78 1300.76 23.95 1301.18 23.46 1300.95 24.64 1300.85 23.73 1301.14 2092 1301.63 30.30 1300.96 25.32 1301.10 24.34 1301.05 25.54 1300.77 24.4 1300.95 21.37 1301.51 31.29 1301.07 26.24 1300.99 25.60 1300.96 26.02 1300.80 25.12 1300.79 22.9 1301.42 32.81 1301.58 28.29 1301.23 26.77 1300.98 26.31 1300.77 25.76 1300.88 23.9 1301.03 34.80 1301.86 30.05 1301.34 28.46 1301.35 27.07 1300.87 266 1300.88 24.24 1301.04 38.00 130116 32.25 1301.55 29.33 1301.45 27.37 1301.12 27.3 1300.9 24.26 1300.87 45.53 1304.65 33.95 1301.89 30.93 1301.51 27.77 1301.45 2773 13011 24.71 1300.61 62.71 1309.43 35.38 1302.04 32.82 1301.98 28.57 1301.58 28.26 1301.68 25 1300.51 63.02 1309.72 37.72 1302.24 38.00 1302.49 31.63 1301.64 29.48 1301.51 25.65 130053 39.19 1302.76 44.96 1304.76 37.59 1302.36 31.4 1301.65 26.02 1300.61 4197 1304.00 62.29 1309.69 48.88 1305.85 33.07 1302.11 26.69 1300.76 45.07 1304.70 62.14 1309.69 37.58 1302.42 27.19 1300.96 50.00 1306.11 62.31 1309.91 46.94 1305.28 27.34 130133 5133 1306.93 57.21 1308.13 27.87 1301.54 59.33 1308.78 62.15 1309.67 28.9 1301.51 62.61 1309.67 32.33 1 301.93 37.76 130142 46.69 1305.12 57.39 1308.26 62.14 1309.71 62.35 1309.91 r� l"4YnVS011 Il 1:11 11111'171 g]EcoEngineering A m.,. If r W JOM R.«AA%� Copy. kx. Naked Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project Number: 261 - USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Wilkes County, North Carolina - October, 2012 Naked Creek Cross Section 3 - Riffle 1311 1310 — Bankfull e Year - 0.8/22/07 1309 Year -1, 9/16/08 1308 Year -2, 09/18109 1307 a Year -3, 7/16/10 1306 Ill— Year -4, 04/06/11 1305 —'I--- Year -5, 8/10/12 > 1304 Uj 1303 1302 1301 1300 1299 1298 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH NAKED CREEK DATE, 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOL7/PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width /Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r� I' ny�teln ; ,ic` __. CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 3 FEATURE: Riffle 7.21 sq. ft. 14.30 ft. 0.50 ft. 1.56 ft. 28.37 ft. 2.10 ft. C 1302.07 ft ©EcoEngineering A dnn.n of 7M J tm R_ McAdoo- C—p—, Inc. Naked Creek Stream Restoration • REP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 NAKED CREEK EEP PROJECT 0 261 CROSS SECTION 4 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Ulm (ft Station (ft Elev. Station El v. Station (R) Elev. (ft Station (ft) Elev. (fl) Station Elev, Station 01 Elev. (ft) -3.45 1294.08 0.00 129189 4.80 1293.87 -3.00 1293.94 -2.93 1293.76 4 1293.84 -186 1293.64 3.40 1294.15 1.22 1294.06 -2.82 1293.79 2.7 1294.01 -3.28 1293.69 4.04 1293.97 4.36 1294.11 2.91 1294.21 5.58 1294.04 5.49 1294.08 1.28 1293.85 11.02 1292.54 6.74 1293.76 9.52 1292.69 9.11 1293.37 9.66 1293.19 5.4 1294.05 14.67 129238 8.77 1293.28 14.07 1292.49 11.57 1292.64 14.82 12925 8.16 1293.53 17.74 1292.08 10.25 129173 16.77 1292 17 17.13 1292.25 19.87 1292 12.11 129147 19.86 1291.46 11.87 129154 19.32 1291.78 19.60 1292.02 20.54 1291.78 16.28 129142 20.04 1291.29 15.36 1292.41 20.24 1291.47 20.55 1291.62 21.73 1291.59 19.91 1291.98 26.31 1291.33 17.81 1292.14 2101 1291.48 20.65 1291.63 22 1290.64 20.53 1291.69 27.76 1291.43 19.39 1291.73 21.97 1291.56 21.32 1291.42 2236 1290.39 20.61 1291.05 29.18 1291.66 20.24 1291.40 22.72 1291.53 2236 1291.43 23.01 1290.37 21.16 1291.49 32.45 1292.24 20.69 1291.48 24.08 1291.48 23.28 1291.46 23.62 1290.37 21.26 1290.58 36.48 1292.38 21.74 1291.57 25.07 1291.62 24.02 1291.47 24.27 1290.41 21.37 1291.37 42.05 1293.42 23.44 1291.46 26.42 1291.55 24.97 1291.48 24.78 1290.41 21.73 1290.27 57.67 1298.07 2573 1291.54 27.94 1291.55 25.88 1291.51 25.22 1290.7 23.27 1290.25 66.66 1299.97 2762 1291.63 29.03 1291.81 27.47 1291.48 25.5 1291.45 23.77 1290.19 66.97 1300.23 29.10 1291.86 29.51 1291.87 28.15 1291.66 26.67 1291.57 24.28 1290.25 30.18 1292.07 30.31 1292.02 29.13 1291.82 27.67 1291.67 24.43 1290.36 31.82 1292.34 31.54 1292.28 29.64 129183 28.79 1291.76 25.78 1290.59 34.52 129242 39.72 1293.09 41.14 1293.23 29.65 1291.93 26.35 1291.27 37.08 1292.69 48.44 1295.18 54.60 1296.93 31.89 1292.38 26.9 1291.64 39.29 1293.14 59.63 1298.45 67,14 1299.92 40.72 1293.16 27.71 1291.65 41.90 1293.60 67.20 1299.97 67.32 1299.92 47.96 1294.98 29.07 1291.93 44.43 1294.23 57.7 1297.98 31.34 1292.18 48.88 1295.48 66.99 1300.01 37.09 1292.61 51.23 1296.11 43.4 1293.8 55.20 1297.48 52.73 1296.44 58.52 129834 66.94 1300.06 61.31 1298.85 64.99 1299.68 r=� 1�cYnystem EEcoEngineering A Oi,- of'Fhe kie R. WA b- Co ". I--- 1302 1301 1300 1299 1298 c 1297 1296 .2 1295 1294 1293 1292 1291 1290 Naked Creck Sircam Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitonng Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 Naked Creek Cross Section 4 - Riffle — Bankfull —� Year -0, 8122107 Year - 1, 9/16/2008 Year -2, 09/18/09 e Year -3, 7116110 CIE— Year -4, 04/06/11 ■ Year -5, 8/10/12 -6 -1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR -5, 2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankf ill Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r� � l� �c�n-ytitem CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 4 FEATURE: Riffle 10.31 sq. ft. 8.64 ft. 1.19 ft. 1.99 ft. 7.24 ft. 11.57 ft. C 1292.18 ft �EcoEngineedng A Ai.isero onTe ra. R WA.b— Cdr• IM. Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 NAKED CREEK EEP PROJECT # 261 CROSS SECTION 5 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Ye2r -3 Year4 Year -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Elev, ion ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. ft -2.50 1282.92 0.00 1282.46 0.04 1282.46 0.00 1282.74 0.15 1282.4 0 1282.57 -1.88 128141 5.00 1282.37 12.00 1282.19 0.10 1282.41 8.94 1282.21 0.05 128158 7.47 1282.32 14.00 1281.99 2035 1281.82 10.77 1282.15 16.11 1281.92 5.47 1282.35 17.80 1281.78 20.00 1281.80 24.12 1281.38 17,42 1281.92 21.72 1281.62 11.58 1282.12 27.26 1280.63 24.00 1281.39 25.20 1281.26 26.92 1280.96 23.98 1281.45 16.62 128198 29.53 1280.17 2700 1280.95 26.56 1281.13 32.08 1280.38 27.55 1280.85 22.18 1281.63 32.35 1279.52 30.00 1280.50 28.23 1280.85 35.75 1280.45 31.53 1280.54 24.59 1281.36 40.12 1279.30 3140 1280.33 29.85 1280.72 36.22 1280.30 34.22 1280.6 28.48 1280.84 43.31 1279.43 33.00 1279.82 3133 1280.43 37.08 1280.11 36.66 1280.46 33.55 1280.81 43.41 1280.20 34.00 1279.69 3144 1280.33 37.12 1279.91 36.93 1280.28 351 1280.77 43.82 1281.02 35.00 1279.93 33.14 1280.33 37.64 1279.69 37.22 1280.02 35.4 1280.72 45.56 1281.95 36.00 1280.01 34.10 128041 38.79 1279.49 37.84 1279.96 35.82 1280.63 58.52 1283.68 37.00 1279.96 35.03 1280.43 39.90 1279.30 38.43 1279.86 36.15 1280.32 60.09 1285.21 38.00 1279.76 35.63 128037 41.00 1279.07 39.09 1279.63 37.09 1280.18 61.33 1285.56 39.00 1279.48 36.46 1280.27 42.68 1278.86 39.88 1279.57 38.08 1279.89 61.22 1285.86 40.00 1279.14 37.23 1280.12 43.68 1279.14 40.72 1279.4 38.81 1279.89 40.80 1278.91 38.58 1279.81 44.73 1279.38 41.46 1279.32 39.73 1279.69 41.00 1278.91 39.53 1279.53 45.55 1280.69 42.2 1279.34 407 1279.5 42.60 1279.07 4071 1279.08 45.58 1279.90 4195 1278.95 41.44 1279.36 43.50 1279.27 4163 1278.89 45.62 1279.63 43.74 1279.11 42.47 1278.79 44.00 1279.36 42.12 1278.81 46.51 1281.29 44.38 1279.2 44.17 1278.99 45.70 1279.81 43.66 1278.73 49.85 1282.26 44.94 1279.59 45.36 1279.47 46.00 1280.46 44.33 1279.23 58.74 1283.12 45.62 1279.9 45.91 1279.71 46.30 1280.90 45.00 1279.44 63.56 1285.36 46.13 1280.85 46.25 1280.4 46.80 1281.42 45.46 1280.24 63.74 1285.74 46.58 1281.24 46.56 1280.96 47.50 1281.65 46.07 1280.80 48.6 1282.01 46.95 1281.44 49.00 1282.08 4747 1281 54 51 1282.23 47.72 1281.62 54.20 1282.53 48.17 1281.79 55.94 1282.7 49.41 1282.11 5630 128178 48.93 1282.05 60.08 1283.4 53.34 1282.43 59.50 128118 50.03 1282.24 63.59 1285.28 59.22 1283.12 61.50 128386 53.67 1282.57 6151 1285.28 62.60 1285 58.07 1282.93 63.90 1285.39 61.15 1283.61 64.06 1285.55 r� l�C�c>s��stcm 11 1<u ullt : i ©EcoEngineedng A &- M The )oM R. NcAd1 C-4=y. la. Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fitch Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October. 2012 Naked Creek Cross Section 5 - Pool 1288 1287 — — Bankfull s Year -0, 8/22/07 1286 Year -1, 9/16/2008 --+�— Year -2, 09/18/09 1285 9 Year -3, 7/16/10 c 1284 CIF— Year -4, 04/06/11 1283 �— Year -5, 8/10/12 0 d 1282 1281 1280 1279 1278 1277 . 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZIPARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width /Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: c� CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 5 FEATURE: Pool 24.1 sq. ft. 22.0 ft. 1.1 It. 2.6 ft. 20.0 ft. n/a ft. n/a 1281.56 ft. Faa�EcoEngineering A d of 7 he *A. R Mc1d® C—W-y. la. Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October, 2012 NAKED CREEK EEP PROJECT # 261 CROSS SECTION 6 Year-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year4 Ye2r -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station ft Elev. (R) Station ft Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. ft Station (ft) Elev. ft Station Elev. Station fl Elev. (R) 0.00 1280.44 0.00 1280.34 0.00 1280.34 0.14 1280.27 0 1280.39 0 128042 1.02 1280.14 5.00 1280.30 5.00 1280.30 12.89 1280.24 7.15 1280.41 6.49 1280.42 5.49 1280.12 10.00 1280.20 10.00 1280.20 19.52 1279.55 119 1280.47 10.26 128049 14.07 1280.04 14.00 1280.16 14.00 1280.16 24.03 1279.67 18.14 1279.72 14.53 1280.29 24.46 1279.47 17.00 1279.65 17.00 1279.65 25.22 1279.37 23.69 1279.82 17.89 1279.84 26.73 1278.85 21.00 1279.60 21.00 1279.60 26.60 1279.06 26.88 1278.95 21.82 1279.84 27.19 1278.51 23.00 1279.61 23.00 1279.61 27.77 1278.70 28.47 1278.95 24.4 1279.83 29.33 1278.15 23.60 1279.63 23.60 1279.63 28.93 1278.55 29.21 1278.7 25.53 1279.53 30.64 1277.95 25.00 1279.44 25.00 1279.44 29.52 1278.26 293 1278.58 27.14 1279.03 31.47 127717 27,00 1278.94 27.00 1278.94 30.24 1277.90 29.5 1278.07 28.39 1278.75 32.13 1277.92 29.00 1278.42 29.00 1278.42 30.45 127751 29.8 1277.73 29.06 1278.51 33.79 1278.17 29.10 1278.33 29.10 1278.33 31.13 1277.37 30.4 1277.69 29.47 127836 36.00 1278,61 29.70 1278.10 29.70 1278.10 31.84 1277.48 31.26 1277.62 29.79 1277.87 39.47 1279.54 30.40 1277.84 30.40 1277.84 32.42 1277.66 31.7 1277.73 30.29 1277.52 51.65 1280.73 31.40 1277.83 31.40 1277.83 32.90 1277.79 32.25 1277.77 31.07 1277.52 59.31 1280.85 32.30 1277.80 32.30 1277.80 3319 1278.13 32.78 1277.97 31.66 1277.59 59.38 1280.96 33.20 1278.30 33.20 1278.30 33.42 1278.31 33.19 1278.31 32.37 1277.54 34.05 1278.33 34.05 127833 34.16 1278.51 33.63 1278.53 32.92 1277.78 34.70 1278.58 34.70 1278.58 36.33 1278.88 34.28 1278.85 33.39 1277.77 36.00 1278.77 36.00 1278.77 40.25 1279.80 35.21 1279.19 34.06 1277.91 39.00 1279.57 39.00 1279.57 50.72 1280.64 36.57 1279.2 34.3 1278.77 41.30 1279.90 41.30 1279.90 59.13 128099 39.87 1279.94 34.94 1279.04 45.00 1280.27 45.00 1280.27 48.99 1280.76 36.58 1279.05 50.00 1280.58 50.00 1280.58 58.96 1281,17 3939 1279.75 55.00 1280.84 55.00 1280.84 42.88 1280.17 59,00 1280.93 48.18 1280.73 59.40 1281.02 54 1280.88 59.37 1281.17 59.57 1281.06 r� 1' c)S Srem . ©EcoEngineedng A d.-- of 'It. Jdn K. McAdam I.. Naked Creek Stream Restoration • EEP Project Number: 261 • USGS HUC 03040101010100 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Wilkes County, North Carolina • October. 2012 Naked Creek Cross Section 6 - Pool 1282 1281 i 1280 e 0 1279 — — Bankfull Year -0, 8/22/07 1278 Year - 1,9/16/08 Year -2, 09/18/09 1277 Year - 3,7/16110 — 3K Year4, 04 /06/11 —� Year -5, 8/10112 1276 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Width from River Left to Right (fl) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH NAKED CREEK DATE. 8/07/2012to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width /Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r� I� Yry�tcm i CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 6 FEATURE: Pool 14.4 sq. ft. 10.5 ft. 1.4 ft. 2.3 ft. 7.7 ft. n/a ft. n/a 1279.83 ft FE_1]EcoEngineedng A d 1 lh loan a_ WAmw cuea+y. t.. 1311 1310 1309 1308 V Z 1307 O F W 1306 J W 1305 1304 1303 1302 0 100 Naked Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring 200 STATION (feet) 300 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 400 500 ®EcoEngineel ing 1 M�vwMTr Inln R IVM�mI �. Y[ YR -0 TW 8/22/07 YR -1 TW 9/16108 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/16/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 7/16/10 O YR -3 Structures YR-4 TW 4/14111 X YR-4 Structures YR -5 TW 8/10/12 ❑ YR -5 Structures — —YR -5 WS 400 500 ®EcoEngineel ing 1 M�vwMTr Inln R IVM�mI �. Y[ 1305 1304 1303 1302 1301 Z O F 1300 Q W w 1299 1298 1297 1296 1295 500 ------- 600 Naked Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring 700 800 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight ditFercnces in thalweg length. longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 900 1000 EcoEngineering n a....,. � tar w... t •k.� i:.��. � YR -0 TW 8/22/07 YR -1 TW 9/16/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/16/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 7/16/10 0 YR -3 Structures YR-4 TW 4/14/11 X YR-4 Structures YR -5 TW 8/10/12 ❑ YR -5 Structures — —YR -5 WS 900 1000 EcoEngineering n a....,. � tar w... t •k.� i:.��. � 1298 1297 1296 1295 1294 Z O F. 1293 Q 1292 1291 1290 1289 Naked Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring qqv Wn,-vv 1288 1000 1100 1200 1300 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 1400 1500 ®EcoEngineering YR -0 TW 8/22/07 YR -1 TW 9/16/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/16/09 0 YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 7/16/10 O YR -3 Structures YR-4 TW 4/14/11 X YR-4 Structures YR -5 TW 8/10/12 ❑ YR -5 Structures — —YR -5 WS _ I 1400 1500 ®EcoEngineering 1292 1291 1290 1289 1288 z 0 E 1287 Q W W 1286 1285 1284 1283 Naked Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring 1282 1 , 1500 1600 1700 1800 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. V-2. 1900 2000 ®EcoEngineedng Mno HiY LbR 4�Af ®I.a��.V YR -0 TW 8/22/07 YR -1 TW 9/16/08 0 YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9116/09 0 YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 7116110 0 YR -3 Structures YR-4 TW 4/14/11 SIC YR-4 Structures YR -5 TW 8/10/12 ❑ YR -5 Structures — —YR -5 WS 1900 2000 ®EcoEngineedng Mno HiY LbR 4�Af ®I.a��.V 1285 1284 1283 1282 1281 1280 v 1279 > 1278 1277 1276 1275 1274 1273 1272 11 Naked Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. YR -0 TW 8/22/07 YR -1 TW 9/16/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/16/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 7/16/10 YR -3 Structures YR-4 TW 4114/11 X YR-4 Structures YR -5 TW 8110/12 ❑ YR -5 Structures — —YR -5 WS i ll ,It il, ©EcoEngineedng 5 -YEAR, 2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAME NAKED CREEK TASK LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FEATURE /FACET SLOPE REACH NAKED CREEK LENGTH, AND SPACING AND DATE 012012 to 8/10/2012 LONGITUDINAL PROFILE DA7 A CREW BUCHHOLZIPARRISH Overall water surface slope = 14% DESIGN MIN MAX Riffle 00195 0 025 WS sta start= 36 32 ft Run - -- - -- WS sta end = 2702 97 ft p -p spacing 80 144 ELEV Start= 1309 83 ft msl ELEV End= 1273 48 ft msl Results n = MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX Riffle slopes measured = 32 01% 1 5% 18% 49% Run slopes measured = 28 01% 1 7% 42% 249% Pools measured = 36 17 74 70 166 All data reported in units of feet unless otherwise specified Feature Station Length Slope RIFFLE 6211 599 050% n = 32 RIFFLE 14261 1666 216% MIN = 007% RIFFLE 21689 1524 184% MEDIAN = 1 54% RIFFLE 25412 1913 078% AVG. = 1.76% RIFFLE 32959 3926 051% MAX = 486% RIFFLE 4413 1129 443% RIFFLE 107517 RIFFLE 52242 8 275% RIFFLE 71145 453 486% RIFFLE 73263 2254 0.09% RIFFLE 79828 1242 274% RIFFLE 8637 701 428% RIFFLE 89297 1724 081% RIFFLE 94975 3681 122% RIFFLE 107517 1972 162% RIFFLE 115456 5215 079% RIFFLE 127587 115 052% RIFFLE 131927 253 134% RIFFLE 142826 3599 270% RIFFLE 148371 1363 367% RIFFLE 153582 255 106% RIFFLE 159476 22.47 347% RIFFLE 169222 894 0.22% RIFFLE 172387 1289 023% RIFFLE 1792 3776 196% RIFFLE 187947 34.02 176% RIFFLE 217767 15.45 045% RIFFLE 222558 1982 182% RIFFLE 2386 79 2972 0.07% RIFFLE 244563 838 298% RIFFLE 249768 1985 1.46% Naked Creek, 5 -Year Monitoring Data Sheet 1 of 3 5 -YEAR, 2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAME NAKED CREEK RIFFLE 255954 4631 188% RIFFLE 267247 3029 145% Feature Station Length Slope RUN 68 2 754% n = 28 RUN 159 46 024% MIN = 01% RUN 232 7 631% MEDIAN = 1.7% RUN 273 38 170% AVG = 42% RUN 369 35 283% MAX = 249% RUN 453 61 020% RUN 530 65 118% RUN 716 2 2486% RUN 755 25 008% RUN 811 40 028% RUN 871 16 169% RUN 910 8 753% RUN 987 50 052% RUN 1092 22 099% RUN 1207 9 064% RUN 1287 3 034% RUN 1345 28 007% RUN 1464 7 1521% RUN 1497 10 4 51 % RUN 1561 6 362% RUN 1617 21 140% RUN 1701 11 589% RUN 1737 3 366% RUN 1830 25 106% RUN 1913 29 546% RUN 2193 6 1697% RUN 2518 17 230% RUN 2606 32 106% Naked Creek, 5 -Year Monitoring Data Sheet 2 of 3 5 -YEAR, 2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAME NAKED CREEK Feature Station Length p-p spacing n = 36 POOL 77 11 MIN = 17 (p -p spacing) POOL 120 9 43 MEDIAN = 74 POOL 210 8 90 AVG = 70 POOL 239 14 29 MAX = 166 POOL 404 44 166 POOL 430 12 26 POOL 516 66 86 POOL 639 119 123 POOL 701 11 62 POOL 718 4 17 POOL 793 40 75 POOL 856 50 63 POOL 918 12 62 POOL 941 7 23 POOL 1046 15 106 POOL 1125 25 79 POOL 1227 14 102 POOL 1303 18 76 POOL 1383 16 80 POOL 1471 14 88 POOL 1515 16 45 POOL 1581 29 66 POOL 1679 69 97 POOL 1712 20 33 POOL 1778 47 66 POOL 1866 47 88 POOL 1943 33 77 POOL 1980 29 37 POOL 2069 40 89 POOL 2164 19 95 POOL 2199 30 35 POOL 2273 57 74 POOL 2362 21 90 POOL 2435 23 73 POOL 2472 28 37 POOL 2538 35 66 Naked Creek, 5 -Year Monitoring Data Sheet 3 of 3 EEP PROJECT ID: 261 CROSS - SECTION: 2 FEATURE: RIFFLE r � dj �n StelI1 r vc.t.unra PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ. /PARRISH Material Size Range mm Count Histogram Naked Creek sift/clay 100 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 ■Year 1 80 0.25 0.5 coarse sand ■Year 2 Rifle Pebble Count, Naked Creek IM 1 2 2 4 100% 90% 0 Year 3 r 60 ■ Year 4 1 ■Year 5 fine gravel fine gravel 4 6 6 8 40 medium gravel 8 11 t 70% 0 20 60% LZ 50% 0 _L medium gravel coarse gravel �� � 0 0��� ��� N�� ��fo ��� rLR� coarse gravel Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 261 CROSS - SECTION: 2 FEATURE: RIFFLE r � dj �n StelI1 r vc.t.unra PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/07/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ. /PARRISH Material Size Range mm Count Naked Creek sift/clay 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 Rifle Pebble Count, Naked Creek very coarse sand very fine gravel 1 2 2 4 100% 90% �. —. ' fine gravel fine gravel 4 6 6 8 �% medium gravel 8 11 t 70% 60% LZ 50% medium gravel coarse gravel 11 16 16 22 coarse gravel 22 32 very coarse gravel 32 45 iv 40% very coarse aravel small cobble 45 64 64 90 a 30% medium cobble large cobble very large cobble 90 128 128 180 180 256 20% ; ♦; 10% • ;♦ 0% small boulder 256 362 small boulder 362 512 0.01 01 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulde large boulder 512 1024 1024 2048 Particle Size (mm) —a— Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent hem very large boulde 2048 40% Size percent less than mm Percent b substrate type bedrock D16 I D35 I D50 I D64 I D95 I silt/clay sand I gravel I cobble I boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 1 100 #NIA r #N /A 1 0.1 1 0 1 15 1 50% r 36% r 14% 1 0% 1 0% 0% Histogram 80 70 °' 60 vs 0 50 40 c 30 20 10 0 000ti ti`' to �o o• Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 261 CROSS - SECTION: 3 FEATURE: RIFFLE rY �system �'�lll�ll �'I11�'11t f'lUC:N AM PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/7/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Material Size Range mm Count Naked Creek sift/clay 0 0.062 --- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 Riffle Pebble Count, Naked Creek very coarse sand very fine gravel 1 2 2 4 100% 50%A 80% i i fine gravel fine gravel 4 6 6 8 medium gravel 8 11 L 70% i _ medium gravel coarse gravel 11 16 16 22 60% coarse gravel 22 32 U_ 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 d 40% m 30% very coarse qravel small cobble 45 64 64 90 a medium cobble 90 128 20% large cobble very lar a cobble small boulder 128 180 180 256 256 362 10q% 0% small boulder 362 512 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulder large boulde 512 1024 1024 2048 Particle Size (mm) s Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item very lar a boulder 2048 4096 1 Size percent less than mm Percent by substrate type bedrockH I D16 I D35 D50 I D84 I D95 silt/clay sand I gravel I cobble I boulder I bedrock Total Particle Count: 100 1 WN /A 1 0.10 1 0.2 1 9 1 18 1 21% r 59% r 20% 1 O% 1 6% 1 6% i i i 80 70 60 50 40 c 30 20 10 0 Histogram ■Year 1 ■ Year 2 E3 Year 3 ■Year 4 ■Year 5 oo�ti ooh 1b N1b �ti rlc� N�� IV�� Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 261 CROSS - SECTION: 4 FEATURE: RIFFLE r� �cos!stenl l iIlk (I111Cl1 . cu..un a+ PROJECT NAKED CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH NAKED CREEK DATE 8/7/2012 to 8/10/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ /PARRISIi Material Size Ran a mm Count Naked Creek silt/clay 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 100% Riffle Pebble Count. Naked Creek very coarse sand 1 2 yon° very fine gravel 2 4 t 80°° 70% fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel 4 6 6 8 8 11 . y . medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel 11 16 22 16 22 32 609° LZ 50% ; F'; very coarse gravel 32 45 m 40% very coarse ravel small cobble 45 64 64 90 a 30% medium cobble 90 128 20°x° large cobble very large cobble small boulder 128 180 256 180 256 362 10% 0% 4. small boulder 362 512 0.01 01 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulder large boulde 512 1024 1024 2048 Particle Size (mm) Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item ve large boulder 2048 4096 Size percent less than mm Percent b substrate type bedrock D16 I D35 DW D84 I D95 I silt/clay sand I gravel I cobble I boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 100 f #N/A r #QUA 0.2 1 1 19 1 38% r 46% r 16% 1 0% 1 0% 1 0% BEHI and Sediment Export Extimates Table Naked Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 261 Linear «pss Footage 6 p S Segment/ or a Time Point Reach Acreage > h ft % ft % ft % ft 71 ft % ft % Ton/ Note BEHI and NBS assessments were not conducted for the entire protect pre - construction as part of the existing conditions survey Therefore, BEHI and NBS assessments are not applicable during Monitoring Year APPENDIX E Wetland Assessment (omitted, not applicable)