HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061780 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_201302120 Floogie Mitigation Project Bertie County, North Carolina DENR -EEP Contract No. D06011 Year 5 Monitoring Report Prepared for Environmental Banc and Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 Prepared by WK Dickson and Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 782 -0495 D FEB 1 2 2013 November 2012 wATEFi QUALITY IdlnwJ- ti J6- 0TV RECE WED NOV R 9012 NC E%, IE"HANCE,:-4 , P ^vGRP►N a Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Table of Contents 10 SUMMARY 2 0 INTRODUCTION 2 1 Project Description 1 22 Project Purpose 5 23 Project History & Schedule 6 30 HYDROLOGY 6 31 Hydrologic Success Criteria 6 32 Description of Hydrology Monitoring Efforts 6 33 Results of Hydrology Monitoring 7 3 3 1 Site Data 10 3 3 2 Reference Data 10 3 3 3 Climate Data 11 34 Hydrologic Conclusions 11 40 VEGETATION 12 41 Vegetation Success Criteria 12 42 Description of Species and Vegetation Monitoring 12 43 Results of Vegetation Monitoring 13 44 Vegetation Observations & Conclusions 16 50 STREAM MONITORING 17 51 Stream Success Criteria 17 52 Stream Morphology Monitoring Plan 17 5 2 1 Cross Sections 17 5 2 2 Longitudinal Profile 17 5 2 3 Hydrology 18 5 2 4 Photo Reference Stations 18 53 Stream Morphology Monitoring Results 18 5 3 1 Hydrology 18 5 3 2 Cross Sections 19 5 3 3 Longitudinal Profile 19 54 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey Results 19 5 4 1 Description and Results of Benthic Monitoring 19 55 Stream Conclusions 23 6 0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 23 0 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) List of Figures Figure I Vicinity Map Figure 2 USGS Map Figure 3 Monitoring Overview Figure 4 Monitoring Results Map Figure 5a Groundwater Gauges Figure 5b Groundwater Gauges Figure 5c Groundwater Gauges Figure 6 Precipitation Comparison Figure 7a -c Stream Observation Areas List of Tables Table 1 Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4 Hydrologic Monitoring Results Table 5 Comparison of Normal Rainfall to Observed Rainfall Table 6 Planted Tree Species Table 7 Results of 2012 Vegetation Monitoring — Planted Species by Plot Table 8 Summary of Results Table 9 Common Volunteer Woody Species Table 10 Estimated Herbaceous Total Percent Cover Table 11 Stream Areas Requiring Observation Table 12 Summary of Vegetative Monitoring Data 2008 -2012 Table 13 Summary of Hydrology Monitoring Data 2008 -2012 Table 14 Summary of Crest Gauge Data 2008 -2012 Table 15 Summary of Morphologic Monitoring Parameters 2008 -2012 APPENDICES Appendix A As -Built Survey Appendix B 2011 Profile and Cross Section Data Appendix C 2011 Gauge Data Appendix D 2011 Site Photos Appendix E Soils Map Appendix F Floogie Closeout Report w 2 3 4 8 9 9 10 12 20 5 6 6 7 11 13 13 14 15 16 18 24 24 24 25 a LJ Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 1.0 SUMMARY This Annual Report details the monitoring activities during the 2012 growing season on the Floogie Mitigation Site Construction of the site, including planting of trees, was completed in February 2008 The 2012 data represents results from the fifth year of hydrology and vegetation monitoring for both wetlands and streams The design for the Floogie Site involved stream restoration and nverine wetland restoration After construction, it was determined that the project generated 11,149 feet of stream restoration and 25 19 acres of wetland restoration The As -Built survey is included as Appendix A This Annual Report presents the data from nine automated hydrology monitoring stations, 18 vegetation monitoring plots, one crest gauge, two rain gauges, 20 cross sections, a minimum of 3,100 linear feet of profile survey, and photographic reference locations, as specified in the approved Restoration Plan for the site Weather station data from the Greens Cross Weather Station were used in conjunction with manual and tipping bucket rain gauges located on the site to document precipitation amounts The manual gauge is used to validate observations made at the automated stations In 2012, all hydrology monitoring gauges exceeded the seven percent hydrologic success criterion as defined in the Restoration Plan for the site The gauges exhibited consecutive hydroperiods ranging from 8 to 10 percent of the growing season In 2012, vegetation monitoring documented the survival of planted woody vegetation of between 390 and 5,600 stems per acre with an average of 636 stems per acre The site has achieved the final success criterion of 260 - planted stems per acre by the end of year five One bankfull event was recorded at the site during the 2012 growing season from crest gauges The restored stream channel has remained stable and is providing the intended habitat and hydrologic functions All monitored cross sections and longitudinal profile for 2012 show very little adjustment in stream dimension There are seven beaver dams located within the project that may require further action 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Floogie Site is located nine miles northeast of Windsor (Figure 1) The property is 104 acres located immediately southwest of SR 1348 (Browns School Road) and is accessed via a farm road that runs adjacent to the channel (Flat Swamp Creek) Construction at the site was completed in February 2008 Groundwater, surface water, and rain gauges were functional beginning in March 2008 Flat Swamp Creek has a drainage area of 1,168 acres (1 83 mil) at the upstream end of the restoration project and 2,150 acres (3 36 mil) at the downstream end The wetland restoration area has a drainage area of 1,456 acres (2 28 miZ) The dominant historic land use was 0 — �Powells�ille ' �\ N 42 \ Coleraine J o� Project Site � 13 l 45 �As kewvi I le Wetland Reference Site 1 SR 1 Stream Reference Site Wetland Reference Site 2 / \ ,r\ 17 \ HU 03010203 Windsor * SITE *Raleigh HU 03010107 * *Lizard Lick *Tarboro r, Crazy Horse ale: Kfflk�" Figure 1. LEGEND NCDOT Roads Project Vicinity Map Existing Waterbody Floogie Site HUC 03010107160050 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 BERTIE COUNTY Miles HUC 03010203090030 Scale: NTS -7— } � l 0 CP y Whft6 f ;U. 1: ! I • - _Riparian Wetland - —" ��� 7.� Stream Floo ie Site g O Restoration Area Potential Riverine Wetland Restoration 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 O Watershed Boundary Feet CP `�� ` Stream Restoration ! a �1 Existing Wetland Boundary met �lote: Waterslied`•,Roul da jeas delineated using LID da and not LEGEND Figure 2. NC DOT Roads USGS Quadrangle Map Stream Floo ie Site g O Project Area Potential Riverine Wetland Restoration 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 O Watershed Boundary Feet J VP1 VP6 VP2 VP7 AW1 VP8 VP ZERO VP1 6 ORDER STREAM 2 VP1 0 VP1 5 ZERO AW4 ORDER AW5 AW3 STREAM VP3 CG1 VP17 0 G VP RAWI 0 0 RAW2 0 RAW3 VP5 VP14 Vpll VP12 VP13 VP1 8 Floogie Monitoring Overview Figure 3 100 50 0 100 200 tnl"bsm� SCALE (FT) � 0 i• Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) agricultural production of crops including cotton, soybeans, corn, and timber, although some areas were woodlands Natural drainage patterns throughout the watershed had been historically altered to drain wetlands and promote agricultural production as seen on the USGS Merry Hill, NC topographic quadrangle (Figure 2) Numerous agricultural ditches had been constructed on the site, and streams had been channelized to route water off the site, draining areas that were once wetland The restoration areas are protected by a conservation easement 2.2 PROJECT PURPOSE The objective of this project is to produce a minimum of 11,149 stream mitigation units (SMU) and 25 19 rivenne wetland mitigation units (WMU) to the NC EEP through the full delivery process in the Lower Roanoke River 03010107 hydrologic unit, and to maximize the improvement of riparian and aquatic habitats and water quality through ecological restoration practices Stream mitigation was provided through restoration on Flat Swamp Creek Riverine wetland mitigation was provided through restoration The site was identified and developed by EBX to support the NC EEP full delivery mitigation process Monitoring of the Floogie Site is required to demonstrate successful mitigation based on the criteria found in the Restoration Plan and through a comparison to reference site conditions The success criteria components will adhere to NC EEP and USACE guidelines Hydrology, vegetation, and stream monitoring are conducted on an annual basis This Annual Monitoring Report details the results of the monitoring efforts for 2012 (Year 5) at the Floogie Mitigation Site The as -built survey documented 11,149 linear feet of stream restoration (Table 1) Overbank stream flows will provide a portion of the hydrology for the wetlands The wetland and stream restoration project will provide multiple ecological and water quality benefits within the Roanoke River Basin Benefits include nutrient removal, sediment reduction, water storage, improved groundwater recharge, improved in- stream and riparian habitat, and restored wetland habitat Table 2 and Table 3 list the project schedule and contacts, respectively Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Reach Name ftsrLBilt I,en th eft ;Restortion A . RAM r ���.� N"Stream ' °� , ;May- _91 RI 2,800 Stream Restoration R2 2,500 Stream Restoration R3 2,400 Stream Restoration R4 2,771 Stream Restoration IA 322 Headwater Valley Restoration 1B 356 Headwater Valley Restoration Total 11,149 a � _ �„�� L etlands 54prc rr�� ,�� � � '_ ,< �� 9 , 1 aR R f., 25.19 ac Riverine Wetland Restoration Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 2.3 PROJECT HISTORY & SCHEDULE Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History 23201M"nwth Activif _ „ D October 2007 Construction Began February 2008 Construction Completed March 2008 Planting Completed March 2008 Post Construction Monitoring Gauges Installed April 2008 As -Built Report Submitted August 2008 1st Annual Monitoring Report September 2009 2nd Annual Monitoring Report September 2010 3rd Annual Monitoring Report October 2011 4th Annual Monitoring Report September 2012 5th Annual Monitoring Report Table 3. Project Contacts Project Manager Norton Webster Designer Jeff Keaton, PE Monitoring Contractor Daniel Ingram 3.0 HYDROLOGY EBX -Neuse 1, LLC (919) 608 -9688 WK Dickson and Co, Inc (9 1 9) 782 -0495 WK Dickson and Co , Inc 782 -0495 3.1 HYDROLOGIC SUCCESS CRITERIA As stated in the Restoration Plan, the hydrology success criterion for the site is to restore the water table at the site so that it will remain within 12 inches of the soil surface for at least seven percent of the growing season continuously (approximately 16 days) The growing season is from March 22 to November 8 Based on a daily minimum temperature greater than 28 degrees Fahrenheit occurring in five of ten years, the growing season for Bertie County is 232 days long Gauge data will be compared to reference wetland well data in growing seasons with less than normal rainfall In periods of low rainfall, if a restoration gauge hydroperiod exceeds the reference gauge hydroperiods, and both exceed five percent of the growing season, then the gauge will be deemed successful The results of hydrology monitoring across the wetland restoration site are presented in this annual monitoring report 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF HYDROLOGY MONITORING EFFORTS Six automated HOBO groundwater gauges, one manual rain gauge, and one tipping bucket rain gauge were installed prior to the beginning of the first growing season (Figure 3) Three additional automated groundwater gauges were installed in a reference wetland Groundwater gauges were installed to a minimum depth of 40 inches below the ground surface The monitoring protocol for the site specifies that automated monitoring stations will be downloaded and checked for malfunctions on a monthly basis During monthly site visits, each groundwater gauge is downloaded and rainfall totals are collected from the on -site rain gauge During the 2011 growing season, all nine automated data loggers performed as expected, and no periods of missing data were encountered The tipping bucket rain gauge data logger malfunctioned and was replaced in May 2011, but has still not functioned properly Data has not been recovered for the current growing season E Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Automated Gauges Automated groundwater gauges record water table elevations four times daily at 06 00, 12 00, 18 00, and 24 00 These automatic gauges employ pressure sensors that record water elevation above the bottom of the sensor (with atmospheric pressure compensation) The calibration water table depth is recorded at monthly downloads To determine wetland hydroperiods, the automatically recorded data are compared to the calibration data to determine a standard correction factor between the calibration gauge and the automatic gauge for each location The standard correction factor is applied to correct daily readings The corrected daily readings are then used to determine wetland hydroperiods Data Interpretation Wetland hydroperiods are calculated from four daily water table depth elevations A hydroperiod is calculated if the water table is equal to or less than 12 inches below ground surface for at least 24 hours If a gauge falls below -12 inches for four consecutive readings (24 hours) then the hydroperiod ends at the last reading within 12 inches of the ground surface If a gauge falls below -12 inches for only one reading then maintains a reading above -12 inches for a minimum of 24 hours, the hydroperiod is calculated continuously This methodology accounts for minor anomalies experienced by the automatic gauges 3.3 RESULTS OF HYDROLOGY MONITORING The following hydroperiod statistics were calculated for each monitoring station during the growing season 1) most consecutive days that the water table was within 12 inches of the surface, 2) cumulative number of days that the water table was within 12 inches of the soil surface, and 3) number of times that the water table rose to within 12 inches of the soil surface (Table 4) Depth of groundwater for each of the monitoring gauges is shown in a graph with precipitation (Figures 5a -5c) These hydrographs demonstrate the reaction at each monitoring location of the groundwater level to specific rainfall events Raw hydrograph data collected from the monitoring gauges is provided in Appendix C Table 4. Hydrologic Monitoring Results 2`0`12 Max Hydroperiod (Growing Season 22 Mar through 8 Noy, 23'1 days) Well Data for 22 -Mar through 23- August (152 days Success G_rite_rion7 %o =1,6 Cons_ecutiYe d_a s Consecutive Cumulative Gauge Days Percent of V 0 Wwi WgTSM ason ercent of Days r�owin SSeason ccurrences AW1 21 9% 92 40% 18 AW2 91 39% 130 56% 10 AW3 18 8% 62 27% 11 AW4 96 41% 150 65% 3 AW5 45 19% 105 45% 8 AW6 20 9% 47 20% 9 RAW1 23 10% 38 16% 6 RAW2 19 8% 1 22 10% 1 3 RAW3 20 8% 1 23 10% 1 4 The site was designed to function as a riparian wetland system with associated wet flats Hydrology in the riparian areas is driven primanly by over bank flooding, while precipitation is the primary hydrologic influence in wet flat areas Model simulations performed during the design phase of the project indicate that the water table will draw down from April through July, • WETLAND HYDROPERIOD >7% 5-7 % < 5 % AW1 O AW2 AW4 AW5 AW3 RAW 0 O RAW2 0 AW6 RAW3 Floogie Hydrologic Success Figure 4 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE (FT) 0 Cj Figure 5a. Groundwater Gauges 10 -1U h -20 v -30 Gzl L 6� 40 1-50 v -60 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Figure 5a. 2012 Floogic Groundwater Gauges 10.0 10.0 Growing Season Growing Cason 10 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 p 7.0 6.0";' 7.0 b-10 V 5.02 .--. - 4.01 p a 3.0*2 6. 20 L a 2.0 5.0`. i 1.0 4.013 W -3 0 0.0 J F Ni A N7 J J A S O N D Months FLO AWl FLO AW2 FLO AW3 - -- Jurisdictional Water Table Figure 5b. Groundwater Gauges Figure 5b. 2012 Floogie Groundwater Gauges 10.0 Growing Season 10 9.0 8.0 p 7.0 b-10 .--. 6. 20 5.0`. i 4.013 W -3 0 3.0 E -10 Or C 2.0 rr U -50 1.0 0.0 -60 J F N1 A M J J A S O N D Months FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 — — -Jurisdictional Water Table 0 • Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Figure 5c. Groundwater Gauges Figure 5c. 2012 Floogie Groundwater Gauges 10 10.0 Growine ` 9.0 0 8.0 10 7.0 I -, 0 6.0 J 5. R X30 Q v � 4.0� S 0 3.0 L 0. 2.0 r G�SO 1.0 -60 0.0 J F M A AI J J A S O N D Months - Ground Elevation -FLO RAWI FLO RAR'2 -FLO RAW3 however, the restored channel will maintain an elevated water table throughout the floodplain area year- round. The data collected for the 2012 growing season for this site indicate that it is performing as described in the Mitigation Plan, with all monitoring stations exceeding the hydrology success criterion. 3.3.1 Site Data Year 5 monitoring demonstrates that most of the site is functioning as designed, with varying degrees of wetness and saturation across the site. All six automated gauges exceeded the seven percent hydrologic success criterion during the early part of the growing season. All reference gauges also exceeded the seven percent hydrologic success criterion. 3.3.2 Reference Data The approved Mitigation Restoration Plan for the site provides that if the rainfall data for any given year during the monitoring period is not normal, the reference wetland data can be accessed to determine if there is a positive correlation between the performance of the restoration site and the natural hydrology of the reference site. Three automated reference wells were observed during the 2012 growing season. The same hydroperiod statistics were calculated for each reference monitoring station during the growing season as were calculated for the site monitoring stations (Table 4). The reference wetland groundwater gauges exhibited wetland hydroperiods of 8 to 10 percent of the growing season. Raw data collected from the monitoring gauges is provided in Appendix C. 10 0 40 0 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) 3.3.3 Climate Data Table 5 and Figure 6 compare the 2012 monthly rainfall to historical precipitation for Bertie County Observed precipitation data were collected from the Greens Cross automated weather station in Windsor, NC (Bertie County) The rainfall total from the Greens Cross weather station was generally within normal limits for the early part of the growing season and most of the summer The months of March, May, and July were above normal limits Due to a malfunctiomng unit, data from the onsite automatic tipping bucket could not be obtained 3.4 HYDROLOGIC CONCLUSIONS Data collected from the groundwater monitoring gauges on the Floogie Mitigation Site in 2012 indicate that all of the hydrology monitoring stations recorded hydropenods exceeded seven percent of the growing season Thus, all the hydrology monitoring stations meet the hydrologic success criterion for 2012 The reference hydrology results further confirm the success of the restoration areas In Windsor, the Greens Cross weather station rainfall data indicates the 2012 growing season rainfall amounts were within normal limits for the early part of the growing season and most of the summer The months of March, May, and July were above normal limits Table 5. Comparison of Normal Rainfall to Observed Rainfall Month y - Average - _= __ - —_ Normal_Limits " Edenton Precipitation- - -- -- - _ _ _ - 30= Percent -- 70 Percent January 411 307 490 246 February 337 238 407 271 March 398 296 470 491 April 300 212 382 233 May 399 253 498 731 June 3 87 278 453 346 July 5 37 339 659 393 August 486 274 604 496 September 5 10 250 624 October 323 202 463 November 271 163 328 December 1 330 224 397 Annual 1 4030 5125 Total 1 4689 3207 *Data collected through August 30 0 11 Floogle Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Figure 6. Precipitation Comparison Figure 6. 2012 Precipitation for Floogle Site 16 Growm Season 15 14 13 12 11 .-.10 L g v C S 7 -- -- 6 C. tS. 4 . -_ 3 -- 2 di- 1 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Months Growing Season Windsor Duly Rainfall - - - - - -- 30th/70th Percentile Windsor Monthly Rainfall 4.0 VEGETATION 4.1 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA Successful establishment of vegetation in wetland restoration and ripanan areas will be demonstrated by the survival of 260 planted stems following Year 5 monitoring The site must also meet the interim success criterion of the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the Year 3 monitoring period Up to 20 percent of the site species composition may be compnsed of non - invasive volunteers Remedial action may be required should volunteers present a problem or exceed 20 percent composition A digital image photo log will be used to subjectively evaluate the restoration site over time A series of images over the five year monitoring period should demonstrate maturation of planted vegetation and volunteer hydrophytic species 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES AND VEGETATION MONITORING Eighteen semi - permanent vegetation sampling plots were established within the planted restoration areas to momtor the success of planted vegetation The wetland vegetation plots are 0 10 acres in size (Plots 1 through 5), and the riparian vegetation plots are 0 05 acres in size (Plots 6 through 18) The vegetation plots are distributed across the site, but the precise location and 12 0 0 • Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) orientation of the plots was random (see locations on as -built drawings in Appendix A) The plots cover approximately two percent of the restored site Eight tree species were planted on the Site (Table 6) Table 6. Planted Tree Species -Common Name Scientific Name FAC Status Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum OBL Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica FACW Laurel Oak Quercus laurifoha FACW- River Birch Betula nigra FACW Swamp blackgum Nyssa biflora OBL Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii FACW- Water Tupelo Nyssa aquatica OBL Willow Oak Quercus phellos FACW- All of the planted stems inside each plot were flagged with colored flagging to help in locating them in the future Each stem is tagged with a sequentially numbered aluminum tag 4.3 RESULTS OF VEGETATION MONITORING Stem counts for each of the five wetland and 13 stream monitoring stations are presented by species in Table 7. Water tupelo counts may also include swamp blackgum, as these two similar species are difficult to accurately distinguish at the seedling stage One hickory stem was recorded and most likely resulted from an errant stem included from the nursery A few of the numbered tags have been lost or damaged, or possibly buried beside the stem This may be due to small animal theft or to tags being washed over small stems during flooding after planting A number of the species have exhibited re- sprouting, resulting in a positive change in survival Due to thick vegetation, some stems are "lost" and "rediscovered" in later years, especially where stems die back and resprout Table 7. Results of 2012 Vegetation Monitoring — Planted Species by Plot Most of the planted stems are healthy with recent growth Many stems have reached or exceeded 15 feet in height The planted stems in the wetland monitoring plots ranged from 390 to 560 stems per acre with an average of 510 stems per acre (Table 8) The planted stems in the stream 13 Plots- - Wetland -Plots - _Stmam�BufferPlots _ Species -1 -- �2 3 - - 4- =5`_' _ _6- _' - =7- -8 - -9 -_ =10- 11__412__ 13 _ 14 15 16 17 18 Bald 6 10 4 22 7 10 5 13 5 9 12 4 12 10 11 3 2 Cypress Green Ash 5 9 27 3 13 7 8 4 1 3 17 7 7 4 6 2 6 Hickory 1 Laurel 2 1 1 2 1 5 Oak Overcup 10 11 13 7 7 4 2 7 10 5 6 4 2 8 1 7 11 4 Oak Swamp 18 8 4 20 16 8 4 7 4 7 6 9 5 7 11 11 4 Tupelo Willow 10 6 4 12 4 4 7 8 25 7 7 8 7 10 9 9 8 Oak Most of the planted stems are healthy with recent growth Many stems have reached or exceeded 15 feet in height The planted stems in the wetland monitoring plots ranged from 390 to 560 stems per acre with an average of 510 stems per acre (Table 8) The planted stems in the stream 13 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) buffer monitoring plots ranged from 440 to 960 stems per acre with an average of 684 stems per acre (Table 8) All plots have met the minimum criterion of 320 stems per acre after three years Table 8. Summary of Results Plot #� As--Built- , -- Stems = Planted _ -` - = " = -= - 3Stemst Y�r In .. J "- _ = = - eStemsa Y _ ' _ -- - Stems- ; I' "r 3 E _, - - Stems�,__Stems 4� - - =- _= Y;ear°5 = - ,Stems per -Acre Year 5 _ -- - - 'W.etland3Plot`s =(OaO Berg) _- Plot 1 61 55 53 53 51 51 510 Plot 2 60 46 49 40 39 39 390 Plot 3 70 66 65 64 56 54 540 Plot 4 69 58 61 57 55 56 560 Plot 65 57 53 L 54 55 55 550 Average 510.0 Range 390 -560 44p2rian= Buffer3Plots (0 20tacz,e)- Plot 6 40 31 24 19 25 26 520 Plot 7 37 22 17 17 22 22 440 Plot 49 44 43 43 42 42 840 Plot 9 45 33 28 29 29 31 620 Plot 10 50 48 49 47 47 48 960 Plot 11 47 36 35 34 33 34 680 Plot 12 45 43 42 42 35 42 840 Plot 13 40 39 37 36 33 36 720 Plot 14 51 47 38 41 40 39 780 Plot 15 48 43 41 39 35 38 760 Plot 16 49 48 41 42 40 41 820 Plot 17 30 28 28 27 24 22 440 Plot 18 28 27 26 26 24 24 480 A v e:r:aieT 684.6 Range 1 440 -960 The most commonly found volunteer species within the plots were also monitored to determine composition and potential effect on success criteria (Table 9) Volunteer stems are limited in most plots and represent many species Nearly all of the seedlings are small and are do not present any competition problems at this time The most common appear to be species having high seed production and wide dispersal and include eastern bacchans (Baccharis halzmifolia), red maple (Ater rubrum), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinensis) Within the downstream reach adjacent to the forested wetland, laurel oak (Quercus laurifoka), red maple, and tulip tree (Liriodendron tukptfera) are common volunteers 14 a 0 ,I L Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Table 9. Common Volunteer Woody Species Common Name ; 'Scientific Name FAC Status Red Maple Acer rubrum FAC Eastern Bacchans Baccharis hahmi oha FAC Common Buttonbush Ce halanthus occidentalis OBL Coastal Sweetpepperbush Clethra alni oha FACW Titi C rilla raceme ora FACW Persimmon Diospvros virginiana FAC Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica FACW Privet Li strum sinense FAC Sweet um Li uidambar s race ua FAC+ Tula tree Liriodendron tuli i era FAC Wax myrtle Morella ceri era FAC+ Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda FAC Eastern Cottonwood Po ulus deltoides FAC+ Laurel Oak Quercus lauri olia FACW Willow Oak Quercus phellos FACW- Winged Sumac Rhus co allinum NI Black Willow Salix nigra OBL Elderberry Sambucas canadensis FACW- A visual estimate of herbaceous vegetation cover was provided to assess the overall stability of the site (Table 10) The herbaceous cover is typically dense across most of the site and has increased from the previous year Hydrophytic herbaceous vegetation is found across the entire site and includes common rush (Juncus effusus), climbing hempvine (Mikania scandens), arrowleaf tearthumb (Persicaria sagittata), deer tongue (Dichanthelium clandestinum), woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus ),giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), threeway sedge (Duhchium arundinaceum), and sedges (Carex sp ) The other frequently occurring herbaceous species are Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis), blackberry (Rubus argutus), and dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) The herbaceous vegetation does not appear to be presenting any problems with tree survival or growth at this time 15 I6 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Table 10. Estimated Herbaceous Total Percent Cover Plot Number Estimated _ � percent Cover 2008 Estimated - = 3 -!P t> Cover= - i 2009 -� __ ZZ49itiniatW- - — Percent @over -= 2010 _= - Estimated - _ ;Percent Cover` , 2011 - - lEstimated- IP_er e t Cover ,201`2- - 1 100% 97% 99% 99% 99% 2 100% 95% 99% 99% 99% 3 100% 92% 98% 99% 99% 4 100% 92% 98% 99% 99% 5 100% 98% 98% 99% 99% 6 95% 96% 96% 98% 99% 7 90% 97% 98% 98% 99% 8 100% 75% 85% 95% 99% 9 90% 96% 96% 96% 98% 10 85% 97% 97% 97% 98% 11 95% 90% 95% 98% 100% 12 100% 93% 98% 98% 100% 13 90% 92% 95% 95% 99% 14 85% 90% 95% 96% 99% 15 95% 98% 98% 98% 98% 16 100% 98% 98% 99% 99% 17 90% 98% 98% 98% 95% 18 85% 93% 95% 95% 95% The invasive species Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) were observed in most of the plots A few plots contain sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) Japanese honeysuckle is common and has begun to constrict or smother individual tree stems These invasive species may displace desirable vegetation in the future Maintenance invasive species control is planned in these areas Remedial action will be taken to prohibit and eliminate the possible threat of over growing and or loss of desired species The occurrences of these species are typically associated with the nearby existing populations of these invasive species and are from regenerating root sprouts and seeds Where present, eastern bacchans (Baccharis hahmifoha) and trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) have declined in vigor 4.4 VEGETATION OBSERVATIONS & CONCLUSIONS Hydrophytic herbaceous plants were observed across the entire site, particularly in areas of periodic inundation and most plots are dominated by one or more hydrophytic species Some plots have very dense cover of common rush The presence of herbaceous wetland plants confirms the presence of wetland hydrology on the site The common upland species present are Canada goldenrod, sencea lespedeza, and dog fennel Weedy species occur throughout the site, but density has decreased over the monitoring period The presence of this weedy vegetation is a result of the seed bank from previous cultivation practices but has decreased The weedy vegetation is not posing any wide spread problems for the planted stems at this time The invasive species Chinese privet and Japanese honeysuckle were observed in a most plots, and may displace desirable vegetation in the future Japanese honeysuckle is starting to cover planted woody stems in some areas and is smothering or strangling the planted stems This may become a problem in the future Invasive species should continue to be evaluated within the entire easement to ensure that these species do not become a concern for the site Ilel LA CJ Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) For the 2012 monitoring year, the average number of stems per acre on site is 636 overall with a density in the wetland plots of 510 stems per acre and 684 stems per acre in the stream buffer plots Density ranges from 390 to 5600 stems per acre in the wetland plots and 440 to 960 stems per acre in the buffer plots The lowest planted stem density was recorded at Plot 2 at 390 stems per acre The site has achieved the minimum success interim criterion of 320 stems per acre after year three The site as a whole meets the final success criterion of at least 260 - planted stems per acre by the end of year five 5.0 STREAM MONITORING 5.1 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA As stated in the approved Mitigation Plan, the stream restoration success criteria for the site includes the following • Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the five -year monitoring period • Cross - Sections There should be little change in as -built cross sections Cross sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for "E" or "C" type channels • Longitudinal Profiles The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedform features are remaining stable, e g they are not aggradmg or degrading Bedforms observed should be consistent with those observed in "E" and "C" type channels • Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures • Benthic Macroinvertebrates Sampling of benthic macroinvertebrates within the restored stream channel shall be conducted in Year 1, Year 3, and Year 5 of post - restoration monitoring 5.2 STREAM MORPHOLOGY MONITORING PLAN The stream monitoring program will be implemented to document system development and progress toward achieving the success criteria The monitoring program will be undertaken for five years, or until the final success criteria are achieved, whichever is longer 5.2.1 Cross Sections Two permanent cross sections will be installed per 1,000 linear feet of stream restoration work, with one located at a riffle and one located at a pool Each cross section will be marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact transect used A common benchmark will be used for cross sections to facilitate easy comparison of year -to -year data The annual cross - section survey will include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg, if the features are present Riffle cross sections will be classified using the Rosgen stream classification system 5.2.2 Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile will be measured annually throughout the five -year monitoring period The profile will be measured along a representative length of restored channel Measurements will include thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of low bank Each of these measurements will 17 0 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) be taken at the head of each feature, for example, shallow, pool, and the max pool depth The survey will be tied to a permanent benchmark 5.2.3 Hydrology The occurrence of bankfull events within the monitoring period will be documented by the use of a crest gauge and photographs The two crest gauges will record the highest watermark between site visits, and the gauge will be checked monthly to document high flows Digital images will be used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition on the floodplain during monitoring site visits In addition, the flow observations will be recorded for the headwater stream restoration These may include wrack lines, direct observations, dye tests, or other direct or indirect observations of flow 5.2.4 Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures 5.3 STREAM MORPHOLOGY MONITORING RESULTS Overall, the channel is stable with a few areas of concern Table 11 presents stream areas that may require further observation Table 11. Stream Areas Requiring Observation ID Station _ Feature Prdblem Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable 1 1 +40 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing * Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable 2 3 +50 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing * Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable 3 9 +60 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing * Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable 4 20 +00 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing * Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable 5 23 +00 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing * 6 27 +50 Bed Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable Beaver control is currently ongoing * Beaver dam partially blocking channel Channel is stable 7 37 +00 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing * *Beaver trapping is currently ongoing, beaver dam removal will take place following the removal of beavers 5.3.1 Hydrology One bankfull event was recorded in March for Crest Gauge I (CG 1) No recordings were made during the remainder of the growing season due to the loss of the cork reservoir and fire ant populations within the gauge Crest Gauge 2 (CG2) was lost in a bankfull event before the beginning of the growing season and was not replaced The stream flow recorded on the upstream gauge (CG I) was 1 1 feet above bankfull elevation The site meets the success criterion of having two bankfull flow events within the five -year monitoring period due to 17 previously recorded bankfull events in years 1 -4 18 a 0 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 5.3.2 Cross Sections Year 5 cross section monitoring data for stream stability were collected during August 2012 and were compared to baseline data collected in March 2008, as well as Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, and Year 4 cross section data (Appendix B) All monitored cross sections were stable and showed little change in channel dimension between monitoring years Cross Section 15 experienced approximately 1 5 feet of bed loss between As -Built and Year 1 monitoring However, Cross Section 15 has been stable since Year 1 monitoring 5.3.3 Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile survey was conducted in Year 5 Coastal plain swamp streams are dynamic in nature, and some channel adjustment is expected Overall, the profile survey indicated little change to channel dimensions (Appendix B) 5.4 BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE SURVEY RESULTS 5.4.1 Description and Results of Benthic Monitoring Pre - construction monitoring was performed prior to disturbance of the existing channel in January 2008 Following restoration, Year 1 monitoring was conducted in January 2009 Additional monitoring was conducted in January of 2011 (Year 3) and will be conducted again in 2013 (Year 5) The Year 5 data, which will be collected in January of 2013, will be presented in a supplemental monitoring report and within the closeout report 19 oA OA Oil OA OA OA i w D �, c7 w z , J ` --------- -- - - -- FI oog ie Stream Observation Areas Figure 7A 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE (FT) I• MATCHLINE FIGURE 7A I I I I I I I I i I J i l II 1I II �I Lco+, "OS5 I II o II n I I . I II II 1 1 1 1 1. I 1 I i I \ I , II I ; I. I ,1 ,r I �Y I I I I I I I y XS9 — I I 1 I I N I . I I 0 I I I I I I I C s x £vS— y x X 96S cn 1 O MATCHLINE FIGURE 7C ° v) O o O ° < QQ D � — rr (� O r--I- Cjj D N rn O ^\ U /Q V/ r 0 ti w W D 0 a: LU z C2 Floogie Stream Observation Areas Figure 7C 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE (FT) • J Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) 5.5 STREAM CONCLUSIONS In- stream structures installed within the restored stream included log vanes, bedded log structures, woody debris bundles, and root wads Visual observations of structures throughout the 2012 growing season have indicated that most structures are stable and functioning as designed Localized areas of elevated profile (shallows) have been colonized by wetland plant species due to low stream flow, but do not appear to be impounding water or causing increased deposition Localized areas of erosion are present but do not present a problem to the overall stability of the project The channel appears to be moving toward stability Photographs were taken throughout the monitoring season to document the evolution of the restored stream channel (Appendix D) Herbaceous vegetation is moderately dense to dense along the restored stream Pools have maintained a variety of depths and habitat qualities, depending on the location and type of scour features (logs, root wads, transplants, etc ) 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • All hydrology monitoring gauges recorded consecutive hydroperiods for at least 7 percent of the growing season for 2012 • The restored stream channel has remained stable and is providing the intended habitat and hydrologic functions All monitoring cross sections and longitudinal profile for 2012 showed very little adjustment in stream dimension over the previous year • Vegetation monitoring has documented the average number of stems per acre on the site to be 636, with the range of stem density of 390 to 5600 stems per acre All vegetation plots have achieved the success criterion of 260 trees per acre at monitoring year 5 • Benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring will be conducted in January 2013 and the results will be presented in a supplemental monitoring report and the closeout report to follow 23 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Table 12. Summary of Vegetative Monitoring Data 2008 -2012 Table 13. Summary of Hydrology Monitoring Data 2008 -2012 Gauge Planted Stems P.e""r'AcNe IMIZIE—lase 200_8 n R12 011 201F2 Wetland)Plots 0.10 acre 26 1 610 550 530 530 510 510 2 600 460 490 400 390 390 3 720 660 650 640 560 540 4 700 580 610 570 550 560 5 650 570 530 540 550 550 19 16 Stream Buffer PI_o_ts 020 a_c_re RAW2 15 6 820 620 480 380 500 520 7 760 440 340 340 440 440 8 980 880 860 860 840 840 9 900 660 560 580 580 620 10 1000 960 980 940 940 960 11 940 720 700 680 660 680 12 920 860 840 840 700 840 13 800 780 740 720 660 720 14 1020 940 760 820 800 780 15 960 860 820 780 700 760 16 980 960 820 840 800 820 17 580 560 560 540 480 440 18 540 540 520 520 480 480 Average 804 700 655 640 619 636 Table 13. Summary of Hydrology Monitoring Data 2008 -2012 Gauge Max 2008 Conse utive H'd 2011,0 o eriod %i 20111 20x132 AW1 26 16 16 13 9 AW2 17 15 8 15 39 AW3 9 14 7 14 8 AW4 22 16 1 11 15 41 AW5 21 16 12 20 19 AW6 9 15 12 19 9 RAW1 19 16 15 20 10 RAW2 15 13 12 15 8 RAW3 8 13 13 13 8 Table 14. Summary of Crest Gauge Data 2008 -2012 Numder of uanKtuli 2 2 4 4 6 5 3 2 1 NA Events Maximum Height Above 1 2 16 21 26 1 1 Bankfull feet 24 0 0 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Table 15. Summary of Morphologic Monitoring Parameters 2008 -2012 Parameter Cross Section 1 Pool Cross Section 2 Riffle Cross Section 3 Pool Cross Section 4 Riffle Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width ft 168 169 172 189 198 172 164 190 204 186 178 169 193 188 188 200 189 194 224 199 203 169 176 173 Flood prone Width (ft) 730 708 709 71 0 710 710 793 774 769 776 776 776 775 768 764 770 770 770 727 65 1 675 713 713 71 3 BF Cross Sectional Area 341 339 335 346 326 322 187 21 3 226 209 194 200 490 412 420 407 42 1 419 262 224 21 9 192 200 2T TI BF Mean Depth (ft 20 20 19 18 16 19 1 1 11 I 1 11 1 1 12 25 22 22 20 22 22 12 11 11 11 11 12 BF Max Depth ft 38 37 37 37 36 34 24 25 25 23 24 24 49 48 46 45 45 43 29 26 25 22 23 26 Width/Depth Ratio 83 84 89 103 120 91 145 170 184 165 163 143 76 86 85 98 85 90 192 176 188 148 156 142 Entrenchment Ratio 43 30 41 38 36 41 48 41 38 42 44 46 40 41 41 39 41 40 32 33 33 42 40 41 Wetted Penmeter(ft) 189 18 9 19 2 20 9 21 8 19 4 172 197 21 1 192 185 177 222 216 212 224 21 1 21 7 233 206 21 1 17 5 184 183 Hydraulic radius ft 18 1 8 1 7 17 1 5 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 22 1 9 20 1 8 20 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 12 Parameter Cross Section 5 Riffle Cross Section 6 Pool Cross Section 7 Riffle Cross Section 8 Pool Dimension Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width ft 167 165 169 183 174 171 174 181 177 234 208 177 185 203 177 187 195 202 192 200 209 218 209 188 Flood prone Width (ft) 694 662 659 662 662 665 690 669 613 673 673 673 622 61 1 576 597 597 597 602 600 594 60 1 601 60 1 BF Cross Sectional Area ft 164 15 8 154 137 160 14 1 288 297 297 300 334 288 167 193 173 175 249 255 260 264 276 278 298 289 BF Mean Depth ft 10 10 09 07 09 08 17 16 17 13 16 16 09 09 10 09 13 13 14 13 13 13 11 11 BF Max Depth ft 20 20 19 18 20 18 34 34 34 28 32 32 14 17 16 16 21 22 25 25 24 23 21 23 Width/Depth Ratio 170 171 184 244 188 207 105 111 106 183 129 109 204 214 181 199 153 160 141 152 159 171 Entrenchment Ratio 42 40 39 36 38 39 40 37 35 29 32 38 34 30 33 32 31 30 31 30 28 28 WettedPenmeterft) 172 170 173 188 178 176 190 197 193 246 221 217 189 212 187 191 203 209 202 209 220 227 L824 H draulicradius(ft 10 09 09 07 09 08 15 15 15 12 15 13 09 09 09 09 12 12 13 13 13 12 Parameter Cross Section 9 Riffle Cross Section 10 Pool Cross Section 1 l Riffle Cross Section 12 Pool WA"Aawaw Nw= l . Dimension Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width ft 190 191 186 188 185 183 225 217 221 234 191 193 194 198 193 194 199 201 130 158 162 160 196 174 Flood prone Width ft 661 660 660 659 659 659 805 802 806 807 807 807 779 748 688 749 749 749 787 767 76 1 759 759 759 BF Cross Sectional Area ) 327 295 290 284 254 25 1 40 1 40 I 41 1 368 305 315 21 5 241 236 238 232 230 257 274 288 280 330 26 8 BF Mean Depth (ft) 17 1 5 16 1 5 14 14 18 18 19 16 16 16 1 1 1 2 12 1 1 09 10 20 17 1 8 1 8 17 1 5 BF Max Depth (ft) 29 27 26 26 24 25 38 1 37 37 34 1 29 32 27 28 27 27 26 27 39 39 39 39 40 37 Width/Depth Ratio 11 1 124 120 124 135 133 127 118 119 148 119 118 175 163 158 181 282 244 66 92 92 91 117 113 Entrenchment Ratio 35 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 35 42 41 40 38 36 36 29 31 61 48 47 39 39 43 Wetted Penmeter (ft) 20 1 20 1 196 199 194 192 242 238 242 246 20 1 205 205 206 20 1 216 264 24 6 153 1 177 18 1 181 21 5 193 Hydra he radius ft 1 6 1 15 1 15 14 1 1 3 13 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 12 12 1 1 1 09 1 09 1 7 1 5 1 6 15 1 5 14 25 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Parameter Cross Section 13 Pool Cross Section 14 Riffle Cross Section 15 Riffle Cross Section 16 Pool Dimension Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width (ft) 197 192 185 228 225 182 188 184 196 198 195 196 175 170 189 180 176 160 197 239 236 231 225 226 Flood prone Width ft 698 700 700 700 700 700 638 63 3 636 634 633 63 3 668 668 620 666 669 665 608 607 606 608 607 60 6 BF Cross Sectional Area 264 239 234 272 287 220 243 240 248 234 247 21 7 159 184 219 226 212 176 497 485 626 552 512 482 BF Mean Depth ft 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 13 13 11 09 1 1 09 I 1 12 13 12 11 25 20 21 24 23 21 BF Max Depth ft 27 26 26 25 26 24 22 22 23 20 21 20 15 28 29 29 30 29 50 50 48 46 44 43 Width/Depth Ratio 147 155 147 191 176 151 146 141 155 187 286 177 193 157 162 143 146 145 78 118 106 97 99 106 Entrenchment Ratio 35 36 38 31 31 38 34 34 32 30 24 32 38 39 33 37 38 42 31 25 26 26 27 27 Wetted Penmeter ft 204 199 194 235 23 1 189 195 19 1 204 21 3 27 ON 2 17 9 18 2 1 20 1 19 3 194 180 223 263 256 253 250 247 Hydraulic radius (ft) 1 3 1 2 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 1 1 1 09 1 1 09 10 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 22 1 8 2 1 22 2 1 20 Parameter Cross Section 17 Pool Cross Section 18 Riffle Cross Section 19 Pool Cross Section 20 Riffle -1 Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width (ft ) 159 165 153 184 182 169 180 170 176 197 190 183 152 151 162 167 170 168 136 144 151 149 151 138 Flood prone Width ft 74 1 71 0 744 74 1 741 741 763 761 763 769 770 769 816 819 820 816 81 9 81 5 972 969 969 97 1 976 97T BF Cross Sectional Area ft) 51 1 499 503 55 8 560 527 565 517 533 593 584 556 463 450 466 477 463 467 325 350 366 397 372 356 BF Mean Depth (ft) 32 30 33 30 31 31 31 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 29 29 27 28 24 24 24 27 25 26 BF Max Depth ft 50 51 49 54 53 52 45 44 42 47 49 49 49 48 47 47 46 47 30 34 34 36 34 34 Width/Depth Ratio 50 55 47 61 59 54 57 56 58 66 62 60 50 51 57 58 63 61 57 59 63 56 62 53 Entrenchment Ratio 47 43 49 40 41 43 42 45 43 39 40 42 54 54 50 49 48 48 71 67 64 65 64 70 Wetted Penmeter ft 206 208 193 226 1 229 21 41 222 1 21 3 21 5 244 236 227 193 188 195 20 1 203 203 16 1 17 1 17 8 177 1 183 168 Hydraulic radius ft 25 24 26 25 24 25 25 24 25 24 25 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 20 21 21 22 20 21 26 0 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year 5) Reach 1 Parameter Baseline MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern Min Maxim Med Min Max �. Med Min Max .._. Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Channel Beltwidth ft 3905 8672 6288 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 12372 Radius of Curvature ft 1826 2739 2282 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 Meander Wavelength (ft) 12425 171 16 14770 27587 36482 32022 27587 36482 320 22 275 87 36482 32022 275 87 36482 320 22 275 87 36482 32022 Meander Width ratio 212 472 342 23 42 33 23 42 33 23 42 33 23 42 33 23 42 33 Profile Riffle length (ft 15 1 103 2 39 0 20 0 470 288 200 470 288 200 470 288 200 470 288 200 470 288 Riffle slope (ft/ft) 00038 00177 00081 0 001 00281 00118 0 001 00281 00118 00051 00305 00191 00051 00305 00191 00051 00305 00191 Pool length (11 232 1394 52 6 217 874 454 21 7 874 454 217 874 454 21 7 874 454 21 7 874 1 454 Poolspacing (ft) 339 2508 653 295 1558 73 5 295 1558 73 5 295 1558 735 295 1558 73 5 295 15581 735 NOR Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft 15819 741 0 7410 741 0 741 0 7410 Channel Length (ft) 2200 10178 10178 10178 10178 10178 Sinuosity 14 14 14 14 14 14 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 000150 00007 00007 0000802 0000802 0000802 BF slope ft/ft) 1 00009 000075 000075 000182 000182 000182 Ros en Classificationj C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Reach 2 Parameter Baseline MY 1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 _ » M�Med Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Channel Beltwidth (ft) 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 Radius of Curvature (ft) 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 Meander Wavelength (ft) 12720 17522 151 21 12720 17522 15121 12720 17522 151 21 12720 17522 15121 12720 17522 151 21 12720 17522 15121 Meander Width ratio 2 12 472 342 2 12 472 342 2 12 472 342 2 12 472 342 2 12 4 72 342 2 12 472 342 Profile Riffle length (ft) 282 975 49 1 282 975 49 1 282 975 49 1 282 975 49 1 282 975 491 282 975 491 Riffle slope ft/ft 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 Pool length ft 194 13591 596 194 1359 596 194 1359 596 194 135 9 596 194 1359 596 194 1359 596 Pools spacing ft 352 195 1 1194 352 195 1 119 4 35 2 195 1 1194 352 195 1 1194 352 195 1 1194 352 195 11 1194 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 7568 7568 7568 7568 7568 7568 Channel Length (ft) 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 Sinuosity 20 20 20 20 20 20 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 000140 000140 000140 0000802 0000802 0000802 BF sloe (ft/ft) 000075 000075 000075 0 001 0 001 0 001 Ros en Classification C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 27 Floogie Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2012 (Year S) Reach 3 Parameter Baseline MY 1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med a Channel Beltwidth ft 4106 9141 6623 832 2171 1526 83 2 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 Radius of Curvature (ft) 19 17 2886 2401 141 317 205 141 317 205 141 31 7 205 141 31 7 205 141 31 7 205 Meander Wavelength (ft) 13092 18030 155 51 221 9 4988 3256 2219 4988 3256 2219 4988 3256 221 9 4988 3256 221 9 4988 3256 Meander Width ratio 212 472 342 20 53 37 20 53 37 20 53 37 20 53 37 20 53 37 Profile Riffle length ft 195 1958 347 102 570 227 102 570 227 102 570 227 102 570 227 102 570 227 Riffle slope ft/ft 00022 00297 00038 00003 00313 00118 0 0003 0 0313 0 0118 00108 00141 0 0117 0 0108 0 0141 00117 00108 00141 00117 Pool length (ft) 134 1266 546 138 386 228 138 386 228 138 386 228 138 386 228 138 386 228 Pool spacing (ft) 224 20641 86 1 232 1683 53 1 232 1683 53 1 232 1683 53 1 232 1683 53 1 232 1683 53 1 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (fl 24985 9668 9668 9668 9668 9668 Channel Length (ft 4110 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 Sinuosity 17 18 18 18 18 18 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 000160 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 001 BF slope ft/ft 00008 0 001 0 001 00012 00012 00012 Ros en Classification E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Reach 4 Parameter Baseline MY 1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Channel Beltwidth (ft) 279 477 35 8 279 477 358 279 477 358 279 477 358 279 477 35 8 279 477 35 8 Radius of Curvature (ft) 8622 1878 f 40 2 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 Meander Wavelength (ft 368 1 3919 3800 368 1 391 9 3800 368 1 391 9 3800 368 1 3919 3800 368 1 391 9 3800 368 1 3919 3800 Meander Width ratio 09085 15523 06649 09085 15523 06649 09085 1 5523 06649 09085 1 5523 06649 09085 15523 06649 09085 1 5523 06649 Profile Riffle length (ft 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 419 801 636 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 Riffle slope ft/ft 00016 00090 00064 00016 00090 00064 00016 00090 00064 00023 0 009 00046 00023 0 009 0 0046 00023 0 009 00046 Pool length (ft) 394 1576 7634 394 1576 7634 394 1576 7634 394 1576 7634 394 1576 7634 394 1576 7634 Pools acm ft 51 4 1279 884 514 1279 884 514 1279 884 514 1279 884 514 1279 884 514 1279 884 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 6158 6158 6158 6158 6158 6158 Channel Length (ft) 6384 6384 6384 6384 6384 6384 Sinuosity 10 10 10 10 10 10 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 00003 00003 00003 00006 00006 00006 BF slope ft/ft) 00002 00002 00002 0000766 0000766 0000766 Ros en Classification E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 28 0 APPENDIX A As -Built Survey Ll REV NO DESCRIPTION GATE REVISIONS OR YrAeW 3101 JOHN HUNPHRIES —D RALEIGH NC 27612 YYK (919) 782 -0495 �DICKSON Office Lo Uwft CONIT.1ty Inf —t—t— —It-t. North C-1— G.,gb South Carolina RELEASED FOR GATE e0AJ1� by p�y� 08/200] APPROVALS 10/9/06 D" q SOAB,OINtA BIDDING CONSTRUCTION ,.-4. ..g 03/28/08 RECORD DY ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA COVER & INDEX SHEET 20 111 III IIl 301 LEGEND GEND \\ -b> \\ 'JV // �� EXISTING CONTOURS — \\�� ¢\ \ \ / CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — / TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — !/ LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LC EASMENT Q) *t -/i \ �� \ LOG RAMP \ �\ \\ \�\ LOG GRADE CONTROL LOG TOE PROTECTION f: 9 N LOG VANE FORD CROSSING W_ ROOT WAD \Y A CHANNEL PLUG g \ \p \ w KETLAND CHANNEL PLUG N EXISTING WETLANDS + BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE S17 UD SMALL WOODY DEBRIS W 00 +9 Z J 2 U H Q JV 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 0 +00 0 +50 1 +00 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 4 +00 4 +50 5 +00 5 +50 6 +00 Herlmntd Soda: 1 n—ch JOft. Vartkd Scds: 1 InaN � 7R REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 2 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 0 +00 TO STA 6 +35 20 0 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC OR VE (919) 782 -0195 DICKSON OlBee LocatFM community fnhoslruatufe eonaultenta NorN CarWine Gaorgb s"th Carolina RELEASED FOR El 007 APPROVALS LONSiRDCRON RECORD D'AC 20ATI 3/28/08 ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 2 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 0 +00 TO STA 6 +35 20 0 H°Na . Sods 1 ba J(ME Ve ti°d Sods i Intl1 3R 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 131 i LEGEND 30" EXISTING CONTOURS — 3T CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH — 3'J1 1.A BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — ,�1 TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — �- �. \ LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT — D x� \� < LOG RAMP LOG GRADE CONTROL LOG TOE PROTECTION OS+ �� M LOG VANE Ld LLJ Ld ~ W FORD CROSSING N / (n t) / _ iii ?' tl 2 ROOT WAD W CHANNEL PLUG Ld \\ 1,� � j WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG NO '� \ �\ pJ' / % / / % L 1 i p EXISTING WETLANDS \ \ \\ \� A /j%i \ �� \ / + BEDOED LOG STRUCTURE /� ¢tl —� f7 LLJ �@` _ � SMALL WOODY DEBRIS Z \ \ ♦ >93 W J I— U r OS +L Q 5U 48 46 44 42 40 I al - - - - - - - 38 36 6 +50 7 +00 7 +50 8 +00 8 +50 9 +00 9 +50 10 +00 10 +50 11 +00 11 +50 12 +00 12 +50 13 +00 REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS • °a� I 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE \w/�/ RALEIGH NC 27607 Y r ^ (919) 782 -0495 DICKSON Office Locati.3 adllTUnily Mhoslructure eOnllUltOnte North Carolina Gaargia South Carolina RELEASED FOR DATE rt ���_ APPROVALS wear WONN° CONSTRUCnON nt xr1[ wxgn a�q t�100R" rt 03/28/08 RECORD DMO ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 3 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 6 +35 TO STA 13 +00 20 CV I— W 2 (n W W N O O t W Z J 2 U Q 5U 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 301 331 3DI 13+00 \�\ O /ice / \ Di +g� LEGEND 1 00 EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — AL ~ Z__' BOTTOM OF BANK BDDNG W TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — �']�'� 8WJ100RA CONSTRUCTION N LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT RECORD D'AC LA N LOG RAMP O LOG GRADE CONTROL O t LOG TOE PROTECTION ON LOG VANE W FORD CROSSING Z J ROOT WAD = CHANNEL PLUG I.— WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG Q � EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS D 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 13 +00 13 +50 14 +00 14 +50 15 +00 15 +50 16 +00 16 +50 17 +00 17 +50 18 +00 18 +50 19 +00 19 +50 20 +00 [ I Martr . Sods 1 Inch : 302 Vkrtkd Sods 1 inch 32 REV NO DESCRIPTION GATE REVISIONS DPI 1 00 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27607 • (RGH 782 -0493 �DICKSON Office Loeatlona cammunity Infrastructure canaultanL North Caronna Gaagk Sou LH Caronna RELEASED FOR DATE 'APPROVALS AL ~ Z__' OB/200]� BDDNG DPI �']�'� 8WJ100RA CONSTRUCTION rar xeue aeNan ap 0]/28/08 RECORD D'AC ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 4 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 13 +00 TO STA 20 +00 20 0 r� [ I H°rizentd Sods 1 t. 30R VarUcci Sods 1 Inch � JR PI) I- Ld Ld rn Ld Ld O O + 0 N w z 2 C) Q < i X c2b 1 rc� EXISTING CONTOURS v t \ \ \\ aoss >FO1w f5 IPR1 CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — �x \ I F ° °N° aos sEGTIw rwN coNSTRUC1oN Oi056 SEC10N 0 RRN a�eYpn a.R �l f °1 r I m I 1 N, w w Ld W v, O CD 04 N Ld z _ I- H Q LEGEND 1 rc� EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — UMITS OF CONSERVATION —LCE ° °N° EASMENT coNSTRUC1oN LOG RAMP a�eYpn a.R LOG GRADE CONTROL RECORD DWG LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS 5u 50 48 48 46 46 44 44 42==__ 42 40 40 38 38 36 _## 36 20 +00 20 +50 21 +00 21 +50 22 +00 22 +50 23 +00 23 +50 24 +00 24 +50 25 +00 25 +50 26 +00 26 +50 27 +00 27 +50 28 +00 REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS • DPI VrN.mI 1 rc� 720 CORPORATE CENTER ORIV W �[ RALEIGH NC 27607 - - , ` (919) 787 -0495 DICKSON °Vice Locetiona community Mfroatrueture censultante Nortn Cmonno Uerya Soutn Carolina RELEASED FOR DATE nxuttTOra 'n007 APPROVALS �� D% 504D100RA °.01 ° °N° coNSTRUC1oN a�eYpn a.R 003/28/0 RECORD DWG ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS —BUILT PLANS 5 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 20 +00 TO STA 28 +00 20 0 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — p'1 B070M OF BANK — — — BB — — — / /�/ TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — /� \ \\` LIMITS OF CONSERVATION E SMENT L� LOG RAMP / \ LOG GRADE CONTROL 4? 1�� LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING Ld ROOT WAD Ld CHANNEL PLUG W y}r 0'�� 8 11 \\ l�J/ ' o i WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG — iQ. \ \ \\ \ h /j / // \� �t } EXISTING WETLANDS o c7m / /r/ I + �� ii ' / � / \ \ \`� \\ \ \� � 111 T! + 1' 11 BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE OD //! ' / x \ \ / / / mmm �1 SMALL WOODY DEBRIS ui \� ml J � k II lI I I i l MATCH LINE 35 +35 SEE SHEET 6 a m a p 1 InaL . a02t 50 50 48 48 46 46 44 44 42 42 40 40 38 38 36 36 lll�iiH+� ±91 29 +00 29 +50 30 +00 30 +50 31 +00 31 +50 32 +00 32 +50 33 +00 33 +50 34 +00 34 +50 35 +00 Ha(xontd Sole: 1 Inch . JO L Vw0od Sodp 1 Inch JR ou�p ruE RELEASED FOR DATE , e 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE ENVIRONMENTAL BANC &EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS —BUILT PLANS \ A /K RALEIGH NC -0407 6 ". Yr^ (919)782 -- wD..GALS FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT _ DICKSON p ° " "G REV NO DESCRIPTIONP SOUIOIX2A OIOteL «oUOna STA 28 +00 TO STA 35 +35 DATE -1 A. community Intraetmeturo conwltante Nartn Carolina Georgb CONSTRUCTION BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA REVISIONS ^��a.p 03/28/08 South coronna RECO"D Dec. • 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 Horhontd Soda: 1 Indt - JOR. Vartlod Soda: 1 Inch JR. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB--- TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT °� OPI LOG RAMP p—i — LOG GRADE CONTROL a..' o' LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 I lit - - - - - - t 36 35 +50 36 +00 36 +50 37 +00 37 +50 38 +00 38 +50 39 +00 39 +50 40 +00 40 +50 41 +00 41 +50 42 +00 REV NO DESCRIPTION GATE REVISIONS • DR 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27607 (919) 782 -0495 DDICKSON 01hce Lotahona community Infrastructure to hoots North Carolina Gaor,,o South Carolina RELEASED FOR DATE _ JLL RE Oer�ix7nh , PROVALS RIDDNG °� OPI 5043100RA CONSTRUCTION RECORD DNG a..' o' 03/28/W ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 35 +35 TO STA 42 +00 20 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 42 +00 M V.tID d Soda: 1 inch : JOR Vartbd Scd. i klUh JR l 14E d42 42 +50 43 +00 43 +50 44 +00 44 +50 45 +00 45 +50 46 +00 46 +50 47 +00 47 +50 48 +00 48 +50 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS - CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — BOTTOM OF BANK — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT LOG RAMP — LOG GRADE CONTROL LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD EA CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS a 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RELEASED FOR DATE D ,. „µms ' --A. \A /K RAlEltl1 NC 27ED7 APPROVALS ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS —BUILT PLANS g 11 M/2007 YY (919) 7112 -0495 ~°� DICKSON 8IDDIN0 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT _ ° "'" ` "° CONSTRUCi1DN STA 42 +00 TO STA 49 +00 2p REV No DESCRIPTION DATE �R nm w'n�NA community infrastructure csnaultants Z" car°nno c.wga BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA REVISIONS 03/28/08 S°uth C°roli ^° RECORD DYAD • 0 LEGEND �"� �.•'r T - EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — OMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT LOG RAMP _ aY9n e.q LOG GRADE CONTROL RECORD DM LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS H 46 MEFA 2W 49 +00 49 +50 50 +00 50 +50 51 +00 51 +50 52 +00 52 +50 53 +00 53 +50 54 +00 54 +50 55 +00 55 +50 56 +00 56 +50 No.1i.d Sock 1 Ndl 30ft Vtbal scam 1 Ina - SR REV NO DESCRIPTION I DATE REVISIONS • T �"� �.•'r T - 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH 78 77807 (919) 784 -0{95 DICKSON Oil¢e Lacahona can. -Ity hftm —t— — Itonte N«tn Caro9nc 1aw9u SeulA C-1— RELEASED FOR GATE ourVU�m _ w �00] APPROVALS ° " "° �� OR ~ 5041100RA Rut CONSiRUCnON _ aY9n e.q 07/28/08 RECORD DM ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS g FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 49 +00 TO STA 56 +50 20 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 56 +50 Naimntd Satic 1 Inch : 30R. Wrtbal SDdc 1 Inch 3R. LEGEND I aa+t reeRr w EXISTING CONTOURS RELEASED FOR CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — LIMITS OF CONSERVATION SCE EASMENT CONSTRUCnCN LOG RAMP u LOG GRADE CONTROL RECORD OWC LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG cr EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS �1 0 INV, 57 +00 57 +50 58 +00 58 +50 59 +00 59 +50 60 +00 60 +50 61 +00 61 +50 62 +00 62 +50 63 +00 63 +50 64 +00 REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS oDDR Vw� n I aa+t reeRr w 710 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE \ A /� RALEIGH NC 17807 Y Y ^ (919) 782 -0495 DICKSON N.0 C-11 na comTDnily IIIhOltNC1Uf! tonsuRants NwN Corolina Gswgb Sou Cwolmo RELEASED FOR DATE AppROVALS n100RA BIDDING w—_ — n DPI 5041100RA CONSTRUCnCN a.r I" 01/28/08 RECORD OWC a ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 10 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT STA 56 +50 TO STA 64 +00 BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 20 • LEGEND �30 EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT CBON" S"TR` UCTO LOG RAMP u LOG GRADE CONTROL RECORD DMC LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG IV EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS 64 +00 64 +50 65 +00 65 +50 66 +00 66 +50 67 +00 67 +50 68 +00 68 +50 69 +00 69 +50 70 +00 70 +50 71 +00 71 +50 Honzontal Sele 1 Inch JOk Vertical Soule 1 Inch JtL REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE RENSIONS u OR cT .Axm �30 720 CORPORATE CENTER ORIVE RALEIGH NC 7607 5 ( 919) 782 -0x9 DICKSON TC Lteoe mmnity nhStULu oultete N«tM1 Carol G «gb SootM1 Corolina RELEASED FOR DATE � A 08/2007 APPROVALS -DPI Sa3100RA CBON" S"TR` UCTO _ eni�e.q Rai R OJ/28 /01 RECORD DMC •■■■■ M■■■■ERI■\RN /■■\.M. NNE` r■■■ t■\ Sam��► ��■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ \���� ■rl ■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■t ■ ■ \�� ■' '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■' ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ 64 +00 64 +50 65 +00 65 +50 66 +00 66 +50 67 +00 67 +50 68 +00 68 +50 69 +00 69 +50 70 +00 70 +50 71 +00 71 +50 Honzontal Sele 1 Inch JOk Vertical Soule 1 Inch JtL REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE RENSIONS u OR cT .Axm �30 720 CORPORATE CENTER ORIVE RALEIGH NC 7607 5 ( 919) 782 -0x9 DICKSON TC Lteoe mmnity nhStULu oultete N«tM1 Carol G «gb SootM1 Corolina RELEASED FOR DATE � A 08/2007 APPROVALS -DPI Sa3100RA CBON" S"TR` UCTO _ eni�e.q Rai R OJ/28 /01 RECORD DMC ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 11 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STA 64 +00 TO STA 71+50 20 �4 Q2 mini 34 32 LEGEND I EXISTING CONTOURS — CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH u ° BOTTOM OF BANK — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE EASMENT CONSTRUCTION LOG RAMP `J LOG GRADE CONTROL RECORD DWG N LOG TOE PROTECTION .- LOG VANE +� FORD CROSSING U ROOT WAD I CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 71 +50 72 +00 72 +50 73 +00 73 +50 74 +00 74 +50 75 +00 75 +50 76 +00 76 +50 77 +00 77 +50 78 +00 78 +50 79 +00 Harbmtd Sock 1 Inds - 3OfL Vertiod Sock 1 Inch JR REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS N� I 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 2760] WK (919) 792 -0195 �DICKSON OTNCe Loeanona community Infrestmeture consonants No th Carolina Georglo South Corolmo RELEASED FOR DATE u ° '� nmrc o�rz 08/2007 APPROVALS 810 " "` OPI ARM 501]IOORA CONSTRUCTION en�q�e�V PaFmrz 03/29/09 RECORD DWG id ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 12 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT STA 71 +50 TO STA 79 +00 BERTIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2O • C� .01 331 301 301 337 bT LEGEND s EXISTING CONTOURS — \\\ CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH — _'� OO+� BOTTOM OF BANK — — BB — — — TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — \\ J!— 2 �""��� ` II LIMITS OF CONSE VAT10N LCE ,x ✓ DD +Zg � FREER OS +ZB /0 LOG RAMP 6 LOG GRADE CONTROL LOG TOE PROTECTION Itp /��� \� LOG VANE �- Pf' ✓ ✓L ` �� III ( FORD CROSSING \\ /�/ \ \\� ^AJ ROOT WAD �A, CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG z�/ / �� /% \ /I \ \\ \ EXISTING WETLANDS // BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS LQ s a a o 1 b h LOR 40 40 38 38 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 28 26 26 79 +00 79 +50 80 +00 80 +50 81 +00 81 +50 82 +00 82 +50 83 +00 83 +50 84 +00 84 +50 85 +00 85 +50 86 +00 HaAZantd SoDla: 1 tidt � 30ft ll Po SOO, 1 Ind= . 3R REV NO DESCRIPTION PATE REVISIONS • Op 1 pp 710 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27607 (919) 782 -0195 DICKSON 011ICe LDaallone aemmunily InheetNtture toneultontD North Carolina Ceorgb Soulh Carolina RELEASED FOR DATE iwafsT yR 0811 7 APPROVALS -� DPI °_ SOA3100RA e1DdNG CONSTRUCTION n[ w.u[ aetlgnap np R —/28/08 RECORD DWG ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 13 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 79 +00 TO STA 86 +00 20 REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS °r _° T 740 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 47607 WK (919) 784 -0495 WDICKSON Nlth C-11 ne communHy infrastructure eanaultentn North Caratno Gaorgw South Coroena RELEASED FOR DATE y� N R�r�� x08/2 x APPROVALS B1D� "` . DPI ar 50431 OORA CONSTRUCTION e pd,9 w, w.rz 03/28/06 RECORD O-C 3J, , ml 30 301 3O, 30, 30, 331 301 LEGEND t— w Lv EXISTING CONTOURS — tn CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH W BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — TOP OF BANK — — -TB-— — __ '— O LIMITS OF CONSERVATION LCE + EASMENT k —. O LOG RAMP IW -' Oy +16 OO +Z OS+OB 00 +18 _ Z LOG GRADE CONTROL a+oss cnaN /IB LPaI _ / r, OD+06 = — _ — J LOG TOE PROTECTION �® ' \\ O � ax n7 LAN �� -- OS'`� / i �I H LOG VANE O / / Q FORD CROSSING e `\ / \ / p5 +98 00 +68 / / / /i ROOT WAD 00 00 _ '� J y }gB — — — CHANNEL PLUG w +99 2 Os+ 9B OS } B / j WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG J EXISTING WETLANDS 2 4.0 / BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE Q anss gcTwx /le RRN / SMALL WOODY DEBRIS D,,= gcTTOT /17 RPM � LCE LCE LCE LCE � CE LCE / LC£ L LCE LCE LCE n m n a 1 tmL � 80M1 38 38 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 - 28 - - - - 26 26 24 24 86 +00 92 +00 86 +50 87 +00 87 +50 88 +00 88 +50 89 +00 89 +50 90 +00 90 +50 91 +00 91 +50 H d Soda: 1 Itch 30R V.., Vartbal Soda: 1 hilt - 3ft. REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS °r _° T 740 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 47607 WK (919) 784 -0495 WDICKSON Nlth C-11 ne communHy infrastructure eanaultentn North Caratno Gaorgw South Coroena RELEASED FOR DATE y� N R�r�� x08/2 x APPROVALS B1D� "` . DPI ar 50431 OORA CONSTRUCTION e pd,9 w, w.rz 03/28/06 RECORD O-C ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 14 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT STA 86 +00 TO STA 92 +00 BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 20 0 • 0 C� LEGEND CqbD x b> V Iq \ \� D EXISTING CONTOURS — �G� �\ \ = CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH — BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — \\\ %rg �jt fZT'1 TOP OF BANK — — — TB \�� \\ tp to LIMITS OF CONSERVATION SCE EASENT + v LOG RAMP +ap y -/ � — _ _ _ _ N LOG TOE PROTECTION // _ _— — m tAN i / — _ u LOG VANE ! \ \� Or -40 �� � �e FORD CROSSING IIAkd rn �� ROOT WAD CHANNEL PLUG Ul WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG ['�} _ 00 _ / EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS OW N / // SEGIIDN /19 RAN /// aloes gCn p0 L L a m a a I h h -FOR 38 38 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 28 26 26 24 24 92 +00 92 +50 93 +00 93 +50 94 +00 94 +50 95 +00 95 +50 96 +00 96 +50 97 +00 97 +50 Haefmrltd Sodc 1 Inch JOR VartlDd Scdc 1 Mdl � DR REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS I • m W"'� DPI —11:1 yl 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 77607 (919) 787 -0495 DICKSON Norte Lotdtlone canmOnity MheriNtture ceneultonte North Carolina Georges South Corwin. RELEASED FOR DATE in, mu0t 0- 08/200] APPROVALS DPI °°� SOI3100RA 81DdNG CONSiRUCPQ! m[ xua ­4l dv 03/28/08 RECORD DN ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS —BUILT PLANS X20 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 92 +00 TO STA 97 +50 740 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RELEASED FOR DATE o°ON \A/� RALEIGH ND 476D7 ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 1 6 Y Y ^ (919) 7B4 —Ot95 APPROVALS u � FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT DICKSON BIDgNO °'°Ce L°`°L'°"' CONSTRDCRDN STA 97 +50 TO STA 103 +00 REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE „i%,,,,,r - DaJ10MA canmunity InfraMructure canaultante North Caronna Ceorgb BERTE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 20 REVISIONS esr4'e`9 03/49/09 Souln Cmoli^c RECORD D. • � LEGEND ,DD+ 9 +50 __ —_ _ EXISTING CONTOURS CENTERLINE OF EXISTING DITCH — s} — -' — — — BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — f TOP OF BANK — — — TB — — — W �' C� x�! \ \�� LIMITS OF CONSERVATION EASMENT LCE /-_ = — \\ CA /jt <p LOG RAMP � L' O 9 ��� / — — — � LOG GRADE CONTROL Ip / \..� LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE + —_ Y /d/ \ \`�� (/7 (3) 09+L6 \N \� W FORD CROSSING W /� *2o/ � (/J ROOT WAD EA � CHANNEL PLUG OS * `� `� M WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG ['�} CD EXISTING WETLANDS W � Z BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE —� SMALL WOODY DEBRIS U ti Q CE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE a a a o 1 imh � iglt LCE LCE 38 38 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 28 26 26 24 24 97 +50 98 +00 98 +50 99 +00 99 +50 100 +00 100 +50 101 +00 101 +50 102 +00 102 +50 103 +00 Horhontd Sods 1 hoA 30R VrtW Soda 1 Intl JR 740 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RELEASED FOR DATE o°ON \A/� RALEIGH ND 476D7 ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 1 6 Y Y ^ (919) 7B4 —Ot95 APPROVALS u � FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT DICKSON BIDgNO °'°Ce L°`°L'°"' CONSTRDCRDN STA 97 +50 TO STA 103 +00 REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE „i%,,,,,r - DaJ10MA canmunity InfraMructure canaultante North Caronna Ceorgb BERTE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 20 REVISIONS esr4'e`9 03/49/09 Souln Cmoli^c RECORD D. • "I L REV NO DESCRIPTION I DATE REVISIONS • YdM� LEGEND 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 2 (9 -7fi0 K 19) 782 06.97 3 DICKSON Oltice Lolidn eol nity Mf-d uettve eonaltanta Nwtn Carolina 0amgw Sloth Ca'wh. 3b DATE ° �) EXISTING CONTOURS — Z-- F DR CENTERUNE OF EXISTING DITCH — h 3J) BOTTOM OF BANK — — — BB — — — �) \ TOP OF BANK — — UMITS OF CONSERVATION ASMENT LOG RAMP LOG GRADE CONTROL — TB — — — LCE / �a LOG TOE PROTECTION LOG VANE FORD CROSSING ROOT WAD �-- =i.4 == Q' �\ OO+ypt Tp� �V LCE LCE , LCE LCE LCE a m a a 1 (mD � 80R CHANNEL PLUG WETLAND CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING WETLANDS BEDDED LOG STRUCTURE SMALL WOODY DEBRIS It 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 103 +00 103 +50 104 +00 104 +50 HaAxaltd Sods 1 llltll JOR Yartloal Scds 1 NcN � 3R REV NO DESCRIPTION I DATE REVISIONS • YdM� 1 _ sc 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 2 (9 -7fi0 K 19) 782 06.97 3 DICKSON Oltice Lolidn eol nity Mf-d uettve eonaltanta Nwtn Carolina 0amgw Sloth Ca'wh. RELEASED FOR DATE ° 0/2007 APPROVALS Z-- F DR N MDO"` CONSTROCnON n[ AA"c Wdl9d d. lad 03/28/08 RECORD DMC ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS —BUILT PLANS 1 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STA 103 +00 TO STA 104 +71 55 20 REV NO DESCRIPTION I DATE REVISIONS Del r Lwrz 740 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE \ w /�/ RALEIGH NC 47807 YY ^ (gig) H NC 27607 DICKSON NcI C.d . community InkmtTUOture coneultanle Norm C-1— Gwrgio Soum Cardma RELEASED FOR DATE 1 � APPROVMS B0D1NG DPi °Y ei 506}lOOR� IOOR CONSTRUCTION n6.u� n 0 3/48/08 RECORD 0MG ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS g FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT WETLAND CONDITIONS BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 20 0 • r� REV NO DESCRIPTION GATE REVISIONS DR ci f wc150 CROSS SECTIONS 1 -2 RELEASED FOR DATE CROSS SECTIONS 3 -4 /2007 APPROVALS 0 DPI n � a 50aJt00RA BIDDNG CONSTRUCTION �VP6 1 CROSS SECTIONS 5 -6 _ evHy�a.R 03/26 /08 AW1/VP2 g VP8 VP7 VP9 O CG1 AW5 VP10 AW2/VP3 AW4/VP5 VPi AW3/VP4 VP1 ----------------------------- 0 - - - - -- - CROSS SECTIONS 7 -8 CROSS SECTIONS 9 -10 m m ffi >m REV NO DESCRIPTION GATE REVISIONS DR ci f wc150 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27607 WK (919) 782 -0195 WDICKSON 011ice Loectionf eomm Ity inhest tUre —Itmt! z,r Carolina Oewgw Sou Carolina RELEASED FOR DATE /2007 APPROVALS DPI n � a 50aJt00RA BIDDNG CONSTRUCTION _ evHy�a.R 03/26 /08 RECORD O.0 ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS �g FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT MONITORING OVERVIEW BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 00 CROSS SECTIONS 15 -16 VP15 t VP14 Pi -- CROSS SECTIONS 17 -18 ' VP17 /CG2 REFAW1 O REFAW2 O REFAW3 O � P13 CROSS SECTIONS 13 -14 CROSS SECTIONS 19 -20 CROSS SECTIONS 11 -12 1 1 I VP 0 A m >m 1 took - IDOR REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 20 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MONITORING OVERVIEW 20 0 • w0 so. r i - 150 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE \ A /�/ RALEIGH NC 27607 YY ^ (919) ]62 -OA95 DICKSON i Loatlo -unity Mhoaueture nitanfn NWn C «aino ca «gn South Carolina RELEASED FOR DATE APPROVALS oDN JA 08/2007 B' °O"° OR 5O131A CONSTRUCTION eeY do 03/20/06 RECORD DM ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC FLOOGIE AS -BUILT PLANS 20 FLOOGIE MITIGATION PROJECT BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MONITORING OVERVIEW 20 0 • APPENDIX B 2012 Profile and Cross Section Data • 7 47 45 43 a 41 m u� 39 37 35 Floogie Reach 1 -2 STA. 15 +50 - STA. 25 +50 -As -Built -Year I -Year2 -Year3 - Year 4 �Year5 Water Surface + LTB x RTB + + X + y + X X + X Beaverdams X + X X 1550 1650 1750 1850 1950 2050 2150 Channel Distance (ft) X X+ + + k 2250 2350 2450 2550 a Floogie Reach 3 STA. 47 +50 - STA. 65 +00 —As -Built —Year I Year 2 —Year 3 —Year 4 — Year 5 - Water Surface + LTB X RTB 46 44 +X X + +i( + +X + X+ X 42 + 4X >qC X XF X X+ X X+ + X a 40 X X A O _v 38 w 36 34 32 4750 4950 5150 5350 5550 5750 5950 6150 6350 6550 Channel Distance (ft) • • 0 Floogie Reach 4 STA. 87 +50 - STA. 94 +50 — Year I -Year 2 —Year 3 —Year 4 tYear 5 Water Surface + LTB x RTB 42 I 40 + X + X + X 38 a 36 �- u u'7 34 32 30 8750 8850 8950 9050 9150 9250 9350 Channel Distance (ft) a 48 47 46 G 45 d W 44 43 42 Floogie, Cross Section 1, Pool i i I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Bankfull Elevation -As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 -. Year 4 Year 5 • • 0 50 49 48 c 47 0 46 W 45 44 43 Floogie, Cross Section 2, Riffle 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) Flood Prone Area - BankfWl Elevation As -Built Year I Year 2 Year 3 - Year 4 Year 5 80 a 48 47 46 _ 45 a Q 44 43 w 42 41 40 Floogie, Cross Section 3, Pool - _ - -- 0 l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Bankfull Elevation As -Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 • is 0 50 49 48 47 46 45 W 44 43 42 Floogie, Cross Section 4, Riffle i i i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Flood Prone Area - Bankfidl Elevation As -Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 - Year 4 Year 5 0 47 46 45 4~ a 0 44 d W 43 42 41 Floogie, Cross Section 5, Riffle 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) Flood Prone Area - BankfWl Elevation -As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 ---- Year 4 Year 5 • is 0 Floogie, Cross Section 6, Pool 48 46 - -- 45 c W 43 — 42 - -- — - 41 - -- -t 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) — Bankfull Elevation As -Built Year 1 — Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Floogie, Cross Section 7, Riffle 45 44 1 — 43 A 42 41 - 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) - Flood Prone Area - BaAfidl Elevation As -Built Year I Year 2 Year 3 -Y.4 Year 5 • 0 Floogie, Cross Section 8, Pool 45 44 43 — — -- - a 0 42 - — — — 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Elevation As -Built Year I — Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Floogie, Cross Section 9, Riffle 47 46 - -- - - - 45 iC 44 - - - - - -- — - - ? 43 - - -. 42 -- - - -- W 41 -- - - — - 40 - - - - -- -- - - - -- 39 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) — Flood Prone Area — Banldull Elevation —As-Built Year l — Year 2 Year 3 — Year 4 � Year 5 • 45 44 43 d 42 0 41 W 40 39 38 Floogie, Cross Section 10, Pool —_ ------------ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Bankfidl Elevation As -Built Year I - Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 90 IM Floogie, Cross Section 11, Riffle 46 45 ---- - - - - -- i 44 0 43 W 42 41 40 L ............................... 0 l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 Width (ft) — Flood Prone Area — Bankfull Elevation —As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 —°° Year 4 Year 5 • 4 Floogie, Cross Section 12, Pool 45 44 43 PF � I � 42 - 0 41 -- W 40 -- I 39 38 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) — Bankfull Elevation —As -Built Year I Year 2 Year 3 -- — Year 4 Year 5 Floogie, Cross Section 13, Pool 43 42 — -- 41 - 4 c 7 w 40 -- -- - - - - - - - -- - 38 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) Bankfull Elevation —As-Built Year 1 — Year 2 Year 3 — Year 4 — Year 5 41 0 Floogie, Cross Section 14, Riffle 44 43 - 42 - a 41 - V W 40 - - -— _ — -- - 39 — — -- - - 38 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) — Flood Prone Area — Bankfull Elevation — As -Built Year t — Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 is 42 41 40 c 39 W 38 37 36 Floogie, Cross Section 15, Riffle I -I- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) - Flood Prone Area - Bankfull Area - As -Built -Year 1 - Year 2 Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 • Is Floogie, Cross Section 16, Pool 42 41 - 40 _ - - -- - - �R 39 - -- - e .S 38 i� W 36 — -- - -- - -- — - -- 35 - — - _ - -- 34 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) Bankfull Elevation —As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 — Year 4 Year 5 Is 42 41 40 39 e S 38 37 W 36 35 34 Floogie, Cross Section 17, Pool 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) BmMull Elevation -As-Built Year 1 - Year 2 Year 3 -- Year 4 - Year 5 • is Floogie, Cross Section 18, Riffle 46 44 .. 42 - - - c 0 40 -- - -- -..- — �— cil 38 - 34 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) — Flood Prone Area — Bankfull Area —As-Built Year l — Year 2 Year 3 •- --- -- Year 4 Year 5 41 40 39 38 37 W 36 35 34 Floogie, Cross Section 19, Pool - - _ A' — - G 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) - Bankfull Elevation -As-Built Year I - Year 2 Year 3 - Year 4 � Year 5 Floogie, Cross Section 20, Riffle 44 I 43 - 42 - — 41 - 4: a 40 - - - 39 - I - - - - — w 38 37 - - - - - - - -- - 35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) — Flood Prone Area — Bankfull Elevation —As -Built Year I -- Year 2 — Year 3 - -- Year 4 Year 5 APPENDIX C 2012 Gauge Data a • Date Time Water Level mchn On sde Manual Raingauge On -site Auto RG Daily On -sdc Auto Rmagnage Mo.thly Windsor Dad Rainfall dd--yyyy hh mm as FLO AWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AWS FLO AW6 FLO RAW] FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 1 Jm -2012 0 00 00 6 50 -231 -480 462 5 71 -427 1886 -35 50 3145 1 Jm -2012 6 00 00 690 4 59 5 10 500 -65-1 -465 1954 -3502 31 00 I Jm -2012 12 00 00 -4 48 -348 007 257 239 3 28 201 1687 -3661 3250 I Jm -2012 18 00 00 -088 333 329 3 89 268 1708 -3892 3503 2 Jm -2012 0 00 00 -442 001 254 2 58 3 16 209 1707 -3900 3496 2 Jm -2012 6 00 00 686 -202 468 474 559 -425 I8 76 -3821 34 17 2 Jm -2012 12 00 00 599 -078 359 359 443 4 97 1769 -3821 3420 2 Jm -2012 18 00 00 748 -241 503 470 -5 73 408 -1889 38 16 34 17 3 Jm -2012 0 00 00 854 3 11 5 73 5 52 -665 507 1991 -3790 -3391 3 Jm -2012 6 00 00 -1021 460 738 7 10 -808 663 2161 -3742 -3341 3Jm -2012 120000 898 310 594 576 -656 517 -2047 3701 -3299 3 Jm 2012 180000 -1009 415 704 -660 753 6 19 -2144 3542 -3137 4 Jm 2012 0 00 00 -12 14 5 82 8 88 842 937 902 2344 33 16 -2921 4 Jm 2012 6 00 00 -1297 -629 966 890 970 863 -2404 3281 -2884 4 -Jm 2012 12 00 00 1044 343 -672 594 709 597 2167 3334 2921 4 Jm 2012 180000 1046 365 -694 -651 740 640 21 83 3521 -3120 5 Jm 2012 0 00 00 -1124 3 82 7 13 681 760 672 22 16 3649 3253 3 Jm 2012 60000 1144 381 -709 671 773 690 2222 3761 3357 5 Jm 2012 12 00 00 890 1 19 -480 -4 10 523 424 1983 37 16 33 11 5 Jm 2012 18 00 00 .976 221 5 89 -0 88 -620 504 2051 3677 -3277 6 Jm 2012 0 00 00 l 1 87 -406 789 -692 8 14 709 2264 3650 3252 6 Jm 2012 6 00 00 1229 -427 823 711 821 737 2271 3652 -3249 6 Jm 2012 12 00 00 901 —769 -0 73 336 485 -379 1942 3704 3301 6 -Jm 2012 180000 947 4 25 5 23 376 5 38 423 1949 3798 3394 7 Jm 2012 0 00 00 1094 -225 -654 508 -669 -562 2087 38 16 3409 7 -Jm 2012 6 00 00 11 14 -230 -6 79 520 -680 -585 21 15 38 16 3406 7 -Jm 2012 12 00 00 1000 -1 24 558 -4 02 5 71 455 1997 38 08 33 94 7 -Jm 2012 190000 -1025 -1 42 573 405 5 79 -449 1984 37 98 3389 8-Jm 2012 0 00 00 11 81 -2 71 726 536 7 34 -603 2149 36 96 3298 8 -Jm 2012 6 00 00 -1122 1 98 674 476 -677 -546 2105 35 54 31 56 8 -Jm 2012 12 00 00 -1105 1 79 -650 455 -662 -5 19 2091 -34 I8 30 11 8 -Jan 2012 180000 -11 87 244 729 5 13 736 -592 2149 33 82 2977 9 Jm 2012 0 00 00 -1201 240 749 5 10 753 -600 2191 33 68 2965 023 9 -Jm 2012 6 00 00 -11 81 205 728 494 746 -585 2199 3391 2974 9 -Jm 2012 12 00 00 1126 1 -1 60 -644 460 706 -527 21 87 3462 3053 9 -Jm 2012 18 00 00 570 025 252 282 3 45 -277 1905 3599 3190 10 Jm 2012 0 00 00 548 021 275 321 -407 -2 57 1591 3679 3269 10 Jm -2012 6 00 00 565 025 302 -328 461 -268 1586 -3653 3249 10 Jm 2012 12 00 00 533 085 243 2 18 -427 198 1537 3674 3265 10 Jm -2012 180000 794 1 56 485 438 -681 432 1760 3714 3303 11 Jm -2012 0 00 00 788 1 21 456 422 fi 63 73 99 1759 -3692 3289 047 11 Jm -2012 6 00 00 744 -065 397 -369 1 -601 .348 1723 3727 3323 11 Jm -2012 12 00 00 -680 0 12 3 17 -304 5 11 274 1646 3878 3473 11 Jm -2012 180000 055 235 1 21 -062 069 1 31 -533 3646 3735 12 Jm -2012 0 00 00 055 4 17 109 366 5 06 203 —76-7 16 14 -1611 0 17 12 Jm -2012 6 00 00 2 11 1 64 -029 271 4 10 092 155 2030 1665 12 Jm 2012 12 00 00 166 174 025 202 437 141 068 2194 1756 12 Jm -2012 18 00 00 233 068 047 048 332 061 001 -2291 -1848 13 Jm -2012 0 00 00 232 1 10 030 673 3 26 072 0 15 2441 1997 13 Jm 2012 6 00 00 301 037 1 09 -070 229 006 068 2326 1939 13 Jm -2012 12 00 00 295 066 1 01 -059 209 0 11 059 2237 1865 13 Jm 2012 180000 392 -053 1 89 1 71 094 -093 155 2140 1860 14 Jm -2012 0 00 00 434 .073 2 23 -225 0 16 161 2 15 2126 .1973 14 Jm -2012 6 00 00 498 1 18 2 73 294 -068 220 271 2064 -1857 14 Jm -2012 12 00 00 419 -030 192 -214 -0 15 147 201 -2099 -1911 14 Jm 2012 18 00 00 481 1 03 251 -282 -094 2 13 254 -2126 1973 15 Jm -2012 0 00 00 590 202 343 396 F3-9— 337 370 2126 2002 15 Jm -2012 6 00 00 559 1 74 320 366 225 3 19 340 -21 36 2022 15 Jm 2012 12 00 00 -461 -0 72 253 -270 155 233 242 -1949 1865 15 Jan -2012 18 00 00 533 1 42 3 85 -329 243 309 305 1856 1764 16 Jm -2012 0 00 00 736 -337 584 5 28 -465 5 14 506 -18 12 1735 16 Jm 2012 6 00 00 902 3 75 -631 5 81 5 19 5 71 543 -1856 17 81 16 Jm 2012 12 00 00 5 10 -088 326 -3 15 255 294 273 -1924 1864 16 Jm 2012 I8 00 00 5 16 .095 3 24 3 18 261 295 279 -2056 2005 17 Jm 2012 0 00 00 -493 -0 66 299 300 257 287 265 2198 2181 17 Jm 2012 6 00 00 -475 .051 2 63 -263 238 258 244 2345 .2359 17 Jm 2012 12 00 00 353 087 1 39 -128 1 11 1 19 1 17 2496 -2530 17 Jm 2012 180000 370 074 157 1 31 137 1 17 1 18 2656 -2709 18 Jm 2012 0 00 00 385 049 1 75 1 52 1 66 1 30 1 45 272 -28 29 0 10 18 Jm 2012 6 00 00 325 096 003 1 19 .098 0 65 1 18 27621 -26 41 Date Time Water Level inches O"ne Manual Ranig-ge On site Auto RG Daily Oa site Auto Reingauge Monthly Windsor Daily Rainfall dd -tnmm bit m FLO AWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAW1 FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGI CG2 184an 2012 12 00 00 -287 120 -007 -096 -081 010 122 25 75 2181 18 -Jan -2012 18 00 00 449 -064 219 -249 308 180 305 23 84 2101 194an 2012 00000 524 137 291 -320 395 257 386 2292 2159 19 -Jan -2012 6 00 00 -541 1 74 323 -360 428 300 416 2248 2209 19 Jan 2012 12 00 00 366 023 1 22 -185 -244 1 17 229 2269 2289 19 Jan 2012 18 00 00 -5 58 169 3 17 -3 77 4 40 323 415 23 14 23 85 20 Jan 2012 0 00 00 473 -090 225 1 297 347 -270 327 2376 2508 20 Jan 2012 6 00 00 -7-5-557 575 199 357 -412 -461 3 89 434 23 76 2559 20 Jan 2012 318 047 1 47 1 78 230 149 194 23 41 2550 20 Jan -2012 18 00 00 456 .054 2 91 267 334 249 303 -23 10 2579 21 Jan -2012 0 00 00 420 -0 19 205 240 280 233 -271 -2443 2746 056 21 -Jan -2012 6 00 00 367 024 -085 212 203 168 -226 2598 2825 21 -Jan -2012 12 00 00 206 171 034 -0 75 -022 001 -109 -2651 -2625 214an -2012 18 00 00 223 101 -039 -062 -087 001 140 -2377 2297 224an -2012 0 00 00 221 1 85 -0 50 -034 105 045 -151 1266 -1061 22 -Jan -2012 60000 292 129 1 09 -009 226 017 1 76 -1248 1 -1057 22 Jan 2012 120000 -296 091 110 -042 218 016 163 -1222 1081 22 Jan 2012 18 00 00 -287 0 96 -096 -059 2 15 0 12 1 01 -1266 -12 15 23 Jan -2012 0 00 00 286 065 -089 -078 1 95 025 099 1337 1390 23 Jan 2012 6 00 00 -294 1 11 -083 -1 04 1 73 022 1 03 1442 1602 23 Jan -2012 12 00 00 248 165 043 -036 1 97 0 18 053 15 31 1752 23 Jan -2012 18 00 00 2 12 197 -001 004 226 059 0 17 1651 1948 24 Jan -2012 0 00 00 1 80 2 13 024 008 2 36 0 78 007 1704 20 51 029 24 Jan -2012 6 00 00 1 33 245 067 030 254 1 26 023 15 10 1636 24 Jan -2012 12 00 00 142 290 021 085 274 1 27 021 1288 1452 24 -Jan -2012 18 00 00 208 223 -029 037 242 066 023 1301 1594 254an -2012 0 00 00 3 17 1 10 1 27 -093 142 0 53 127 1256 1665 25 Jan 2012 60000 391 035 201 153 052 142 199 1207 1702 25 -Jan 2012 12 00 00 1 97 225 007 054 235 054 002 1207 1735 25 J. 2012 18 00 00 -289 133 089 038 1 16 041 095 1309 1889 26 Jan 2012 0 00 00 -4 12 0 18 200 154 0 is 1 71 2 17 -13 80 2002 26 Jan 2012 6 00 00 -3 82 032 1 73 159 029 1 74 206 -1460 -2143 26 Jan 2012 1 12 00 00 227 197 -009 -005 1 17 -033 051 -1576 2289 26 Jan -2012 18 00 00 -196 1 209 006 022 1 22 003 1 -021 1676 -2471 27 Jan -2012 0 00 00 1 82 1 221 039 024 1 29 006 008 18 14 -2663 045 27 Jan -2012 6 00 00 -1 62 241 045 043 1 18 0 18 .008 2023 -29 13 27 Jan -2012 12 00 00 052 336 1 11 106 2 17 126 033 -1469 -2359 27 Jan 2012 18 00 00 -169 3 07 004 228 262 091 005 1255 -1835 28 Jan -2012 0 00 00 240 2 13 -060 121 232 029 023 1132 -1727 28 Jan -2012 6 00 00 382 072 195 -032 085 121 -149 1145 -18 18 28 Ian 2012 12 00 00 167 293 021 174 293 096 073 1201 -1931 28 Jan 2012 18 00 00 323 l 14 1 26 024 1 18 060 092 1250 2056 29 Jan 2012 0 00 00 296 127 099 045 1 21 054 065 1153 1 20 14 29 Jan 2012 6 00 00 338 1 053 1 33 008 055 -103 1 19 1100 20 10 29 Jan 2012 12 00 00 263 170 -060 091 1 05 052 0 55 1082 2031 29 Jan 2012 18 00 00 -3 14 107 -104 034 034 -1 17 106 -1201 21 89 30 Jan 2012 0 00 00 443 -022 -221 -094 1 15 -253 -236 -1237 -2251 30 Jan 2012 6 00 00 491 -076 .271 158 193 327 -287 -1166 22 18 30 Jan 2012 12 00 00 -282 138 -036 070 001 124 -0 77 -1132 -22 06 30 Jan 2012 18 00 00 -305 1 14 -073 044 -037 161 .106 -11 80 -2297 31 Jan 2012 0 00 00 -473 -051 2 17 120 223 337 -268 -1199 2322 31 Jan -2012 6 00 00 476 -0 51 211 1 17 -239 340 263 1232 -2417 31-Jan -2012 12 00 00 2 15 2 17 048 145 009 075 005 1296 -2493 31 Jan 2012 180000 -191 231 055 192 0 13 052 0 17 1372 2683 I- Feb -2012 0 00 00 269 1 44 004 109 -073 130 069 1398 2754 000 I -Feb -2012 600010 304 1 16 -0 18 062 -122 1 72 1 10 1474 29 16 1 Feb -2012 120000 257 181 037 132 -069 -099 038 1544 3132 1- Feb -2012 18 00 00 254 1 77 027 136 -0 73 71 02 021 1610 32 19 2 -Feb 2012 00000 287 137 004 091 122 -151 -091 1651 3232 016 2- Feb -2012 60000 2 14 193 073 102 0 17 -061 -033 1456 3352 2 -Feb 2012 12 00 00 166 243 046 148 0 40 049 Oil 1220 2871 2 -Feb 2012 180000 256 128 :Y69 070 1 00 -037 097 1168 2559 3 -Fcb 2012 0 00 00 -280 1 098 -099 057 1 30 066 4 31 -1038 -2393 3 Feb 2012 6 00 00 445 -066 260 124 308 250 -299 954 -2322 3 Feb 2012 12 00 00 254 123 067 066 1 19 072 -1 13 972 -2393 3 Feb 2012 18 00 00 359 025 193 -024 2 IS 189 205 1034 -2505 4 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -534 1 63 3 55 213 -4 17 387 394 1092 2646 043 4 Feb -2012 6 00 00 490 -096 273 160 361 65 349 344 1 198 28 74 4 Feb -2012 12 00 00 212 1 81 025 123 -0 79 066 0,9 13 36 30 I 1 4 Feb -2012 180000 253 1 50 -005 087 1 12 100 1 00 1495 32 37 Date T,me Water Level inches Oo sde Manual Raga.ge Ou4ne Auto RG Daily O"i(W Auto Rmagauge Monthly Windsor Dwly Rmofall dd-nurtavyYyy hhnunss FLOAWI FLOAW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 5 -Feb 2012 0 00 00 022 602 132 267 470 2 18 034 -294 933 0 26 5 Feb -2012 6 00 00 130 504 048 4 14 4 87 1 64 1 51 294 845 5 -Feb 2012 12 00 00 1 51 567 027 429 4 72 145 159 2 15 766 5 -Feb 2012 18 00 00 -203 403 -008 361 400 093 100 1 08 724 6 Feb 2012 0 00 00 359 204 153 154 2 15 082 076 0 19 -699 6 Feb 2012 6 00 00 -437 1 09 233 062 1 19 161 155 0 16 732 6 -Feb 2012 12 00 00 230 276 -0 11 238 3 03 048 028 038 778 6 Feb 2012 180000 244 254 -021 207 2 73 029 002 162 936 7 -Feb -2012 0 00 00 283 194 075 139 2 13 025 044 2 16 10 15 7 Feb -2012 6 00 00 3 83 093 -1 80 025 1 06 1 29 1 51 247 1086 7 -Feb -2012 12 00 00 168 309 045 242 308 095 071 224 10 90 7 Feb -2012 18 00 00 268 1 86 -055 130 202 -013 037 -239 1137 8 Feb -2012 0 00 00 416 038 197 -020 035 174 189 206 11 57 004 8 Feb -2012 6 00 00 451 -006 237 -066 -026 -223 241 -2 16 1228 8 Feb -2012 12 00 00 245 205 -0 14 138 1 70 -0 12 026 .292 1327 8 Feb 2012 18 00 00 262 1 67 -036 1 05 1 23 -039 052 -362 1452 9 Feb -2012 0 00 00 308 1 13 102 049 056 1 05 1 IS -287 1452 9- Feb -2012 6 00 00 386 021 1 70 -035 -035 -199 196 -2 12 1467-- 4 69 9 Feb -2012 12 00 00 -259 1 56 047 093 071 -073 070 -1 32 1464 9 Feb -2012 18 00 00 -347 060 135 -002 -0 16 1 74 155 -204 1609 10- Feb -2012 0 00 00 468 048 241 130 154 3 15 279 -191 1705 0 10 10 Feb -2012 6 00 00 -521 -1 01 278 191 2 19 -378 329 -2 53 1830 10 -Feb 2012 12 00 00 -262 1 65 0 it 075 026 -1 14 081 -3 29 1963 10 Feb 2012 18 00 00 -260 1 57 -008 069 003 1 20 070 485 2139 1 t Feb -2012 0 00 00 -287 137 -039 038 -028 -1 44 094 -6 38 22 26 001 1 I Feb 2012 6 00 00 -289 l 10 -059 024 -053 148 1 17 -8 21 24 42 11 Feb 2012 12 00 00 -257 167 -030 062 -0 19 1 00 0 74 -9 11 2608 11 Feb 2012 190000 -3 17 090 102 -009 -097 179 148 896 2653 12 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -444 -045 225 125 2 35 3 11 273 .643 2500 12 Feb 2012 6 00 00 494 1 02 275 1 77 292 390 327 -452 23 92 12 Feb 2012 12 00 00 406 -0 13 163 -096 223 303 244 -370 23 80 12 Feb 2012 190000 404 -025 1 81 -092 225 307 237 432 2458 13 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -637 253 399 3 15 463 545 -460 3 56 2437 13 Feb 2012 600100 -7 25 3 16 474 390 544 637 525 3 05 2463 13 Feb 2012 12 00 00 -323 078 -025 007 1 65 245 133 3 22 2537 13 Feb 2012 180000 295 097 -032 020 152 235 1 18 -424 2662 14 Feb 2012 0 00 00 460 -051 1 80 130 3 10 394 285 -442 2736 14 Feb 2012 6 00 00 4 18 4) 36 145 -099 292 369 259 468 28 19 14 Feb 2012 12 00 00 -272 1 17 -003 031 163 232 1 17 -5 09 3006 14 Feb 2012 180000 -230 163 042 091 1 10 1 84 052 -5 89 3143 15 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -320 074 -043 -004 224 289 154 -5 71 31 85 15 Feb 2012 6 00 W 446 -052 1 53 130 337 -409 274 -5 17 31 84 15 Feb 2012 12 00 00 -235 167 046 074 1 41 .205 067 394 3022 15 Feb 2012 18 00 00 -2 11 185 048 1 17 1 18 -1 81 027 -3 85 30 10 16-Feb -2012 0 00 00 492 -096 209 166 -404 466 3 11 323 2926 036 16 Feb -2012 6 00 00 499 -085 194 168 404 469 3 It 3 68 2959 16-Feb 2012 12 00 00 -342 073 -039 -032 249 322 1 71 5 18 3121 16 Feb 2012 180000 -1 09 264 1 20 076 1 01 006 009 300 3325 17 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -162 325 047 2 62 3 55 1 19 Oil 341 1584 001 17 Feb -2012 6 00 00 -206 247 003 2 19 343 087 022 3 19 1589 17 Feb -2012 12 00 00 -1 76 270 030 206 3 61 109 080 260 1605 17 Feb -2012 180000 -1 73 261 034 193 343 098 1 077 3 18 1714 18 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -330 097 107 025 1 65 060 081 257 1755 18 Feb 2012 6 00 00 3 10 l 19 086 054 1 72 -046 079 239 1847 18 Feb 2012 12 00 00 1 79 247 043 195 2 81 091 056 270 1950 18 Feb 2012 18 00 00 1 88 235 042 1 83 249 069 052 7 19 2137 19 Feb 2012 0 00 00 236 189 -002 1 22 1 95 0 12 005 442 2220 051 19 Feb -2012 6 00 00 -234 1 86 00! 124 1 70 003 005 5 17 2355 19 Feb -2012 12 00 00 232 192 002 1 06 1 37 016 028 530 2437 19 Feb -2012 18 00 00 -001 351 1 15 1 80 3 55 169 052 588 1393 20-Feb -2012 0 00 00 -068 978 075 662 8 63 147 179 437 1039 003 20- Feb -2012 6 0O 00 -198 673 4) 30 501 789 059 094 1 14 -732 20 Feb -2012 12 00 00 -1 56 5 19 042 438 543 1 14 133 1 15 3 53 20 Feb -2012 IS 00 00 -229 342 -032 3 15 3 70 037 040 197 228 21 Feb -2012 0 00 00 450 078 242 042 1 11 187 190 293 103 21 Feb -2012 6 00 00 509 005 283 -046 044 246 251 220 1 54 21 Feb -2012 12 00 00 -239 258 -021 178 2 86 0 12 002 154 1 91 21 Fcb -2012 18 00 00 -137 336 073 267 3 68 1 08 086 203 537 22 Feb -2012 0 00 00 -1 76 283 0 42 2 16 3 25 071 1 050 270 5 86 22 Feb -2012 6 00 00 -1 86 254 0 12 188 3 11 061 1 028 360 -673 0 Date Time Water Levd inches On site Motion] Rmgauge On -sde Auto RG Dady O.-W Auto Ramgauge Monthly Windsor Dody Rainfall dd —yyyy bb minas FLO AWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGI CG2 22- Feb -2012 120000 091 377 1 11 278 407 155 135 A 34 753 22- Feb -2012 190000 1 24 330 079 255 361 1 17 099 -686 990 23- Feb -2012 0 00 00 1 57 275 036 206 3 19 073 052 833 11 19 005 23- Feb -2012 6 00 00 1 78 247 022 165 292 066 037 774 1065 23- Feb -2012 12 00 00 1 00 339 1 13 268 3 81 158 125 -743 -1024 23- Feb -2012 18 00 00 -1 69 248 035 194 301 074 050 764 -1036 24- Feb -2012 0 00 00 -1 34 273 072 —U72 2 13 328 092 093 804 1073 026 24-Feb 2012 6 00 00 -1 22 --F82 206 322 101 092 852 1120 24- Feb -2012 12 00 00 131 275 059 187 3 13 101 085 892 1132 24- Feb -2012 180000 1 63 236 045 1 69 266 059 055 985 1240 25- Feb -2012 0 00 00 1 03 396 055 279 423 150 087 581 894 25- Feb -2012 6 00 00 334 123 161 103 225 057 053 337 -641 25 -Feb 2012 12 00 00 1 98 259 -0 19 199 3 55 068 067 270 -5 67 25 -Feb 2012 18 00 00 241 187 -049 133 295 0 14 032 1 72 459 7Feb 2012 0 00 00 430 -016 228 -081 097 1 73 —166 150 .137 26-Feb 2012 6 00 00 -451 -053 261 126 039 -225 196 277 017 26 Feb 2012 12 00 00 -246 161 -043 067 225 .019 0 16 353 096 26-Feb -2012 18 00 00 235 162 -021 073 2 17 019 025 300 042 27 Feb -2012 0 00 00 -452 -064 235 166 -031 275 202 292 059 006 27 Feb 2012 6 00 00 446 -025 224 1 72 -0 52 277 208 295 042 27- Feb -2012 120000 235 191 -011 066 1 43 671 004 198 -037 27- Feb -2012 I B 00 00 196 224 022 087 1 43 053 031 1 19 137 28 -Feb -2012 00000 190 228 0 19 091 1 41 033 026 079 1 66 28- Feb -2012 6 00 00 -2 18 187 -0 19 060 0 88 075 0 TS 142 100 28- Feb -2012 12 00 00 154 260 048 1 12 140 0 12 058 197 037 28- Feb -2012 190000 -238 175 -035 048 045 100 -021 145 -088 29 Feb 2012 0 00 00 -401 0 17 1 77 1 16 -1 36 —267 1 84 092 137 000 29 Feb 2012 6 00 00 -299 105 -0 75 -020 -047 189 081 -082 3 04 29 Feb 2012 12 00 00 -1 60 2 55 075 106 0 79 041 0 61 3 16 -5 45 29 Feb -2012 18 00 00 1 40 2 71 0 79 1 30 1 01 0 13 0 82 4 88 7 15 I -Mar -2012 0 00 00 128 265 0 75 122 0 91 0 15 0 75 -6 07 828 I -Mar -2012 6 00 00 1 12 266 0 83 139 0 93 0 29 0 86 -6 86 8 99 I -Mar -2012 12 00 00 138 2 52 042 1 14 067 020 0 76 7 09 9 19 1 -Mar -2012 18 00 00 133 242 060 139 0 63 0 19 0 83 736 9 58 2 Mar -2012 00000 228 152 -019 036 -034 089 009 522 741 2 -Mar -2012 6 00 00 221 168 0 18 024 -045 1 12 020 -4 25 -629 2 Mar -2012 12 00 00 1 81 2 19 027 070 0 04 0 61 039 -4 50 -654 2 Mar -2012 18 00 00 191 2 15 0 19 0 56 -oil 072 032 -632 840 3 Mar -2012 0 00 00 1 75 235 0 53 075 008 0 75 047 -7 60 9 70 1 14 3 Mar -2012 6 00 00 091 3 75 1 85 144 226 141 1 27 -698 991 3 Mar 2012 12 00 00 1 84 1292 191 938 12 59 293 3 6l 5 21 820 3 -9ar 2012 18 00 00 -035 774 1 14 625 1 9 76 2 25 267 524 -791 4-Mar 2012 0 00 00 -076 5 57 093 4 54 5 73 1 83 201 542 8 11 084 4-Mar 2012 6 00 00 026 731 1 72 462 569 249 2 05 542 825 4 -Mar -2012 12 00 00 3 56 1401 1 18 1020 13 41 2 15 2 73 457 737 4 -Mar 2012 180000 -074 8 84 0 63 686 1070 1 65 2 85 408 -6 79 5 -Mar -2012 0 00 00 293 4 13 134 2 85 4 59 -047 0 26 1 34 403 5 -Mar -2012 6 00 00 2 75 3 19 105 254 3 20 -034 005 1 18 3 79 5 -Mar 2012 12 00 00 156 3 89 007 342 3 99 0 84 1 12 2 34 496 5- Mar -2012 180000 1 80 3 12 -0 14 295 3 59 0 51 062 161 -0 96 6- Mar -2012 0 00 00 3 13 1 64 140 144 1 2 13 088 0 74 421 167 6 Mar 2012 6 00 00 3 94 051 -2 12 0 51 1 09 1 80 158 594 345 1 10 000 6-Mar 2012 12 00 00 1 86 246 -0 01 231 290 010 029 287 433 6 Mar 2012 18 00 00 2 54 141 -0 73 132 202 079 045 181 3 29 7 -Mar 2012 0 00 00 -3 12 077 137 040 1 24 1 57 1 15 262 4 08 7 -Mar 2012 6 00 00 -322 060 147 0 13 105 167 1 19 193 3 59 7 -Mar 2012 120000 054 3 09 1 23 2 77 3 67 1 09 1 57 172 333 7 -Mar -2012 180000 050 307 1 27 2 56 3 58 0 99 152 -006 1 58 8 -Mar 2012 00000 139 2 19 045 1 57 242 005 0 51 -0 59 1 16 &Mar 2012 6 00 00 1 79 195 0 09 108 188 0 53 0 17 -134 045 8 -Mar -2012 12 00 00 0 76 301 1 11 202 2 93 057 1 23 2 71 100 8 -Mar -2012 18 00 00 090 2 75 1 01 1 89 2 72 0 48 1 18 -0 56 2 79 9 Mar 2012 0 00 00 0 76 287 107 1 76 2 54 036 1 11 -5 22 342 010 9 Mar 2012 6 00 00 0 71 356 124 138 248 0 27 1 13 .6 19 -4 45 9 Mar 2012 12 00 00 048 3 84 137 188 293 1 20 136 433 -2 83 9 Mar 2012 18 00 00 0 73 3 72 0 84 200 339 1 26 1 24 415 -2 55 10 Mar 2012 0 00 00 2 51 179 -086 022 1 78 057 050 2 95 1 29 10 Mar 2012 6 00 00 -2 53 180 -0 83 1 00 1 54 -0 83 051 146 0 25 10 Mar -2012 12 00 00 -1 13 3 21 049 244 289 0 48 083 -026 1 50 10 Mar -2012 I8 00 00 122 3 05 048 234 2 60 029 T 5 73 -0 43 141 Date Time Water Le el mrhes 0 a Maaoal R.. g- Ov- to Auto RG Dady On-site Auto Rmugaoge Monthly Wmdsor DmIy Rainfall dd —yyyy hh mmss FLOAWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 11 Mar -2012 0 00 00 301 1 27 1 19 044 057 1 72 107 014 200 11 M. 2012 6 00 00 -349 068 1 70 -027 -027 256 171 023 195 11 Mar -2012 12 00 00 -074 351 1 13 2 53 245 0 17 118 040 2 12 11 Mar -2012 190000 046 361 1 30 286 245 037 155 124 062 12 Mar -2012 0 00 00 294 1 22 -097 027 -0 17 226 094 155 042 12 Mar -2012 60000 2 95 1 10 -089 009 A 56 251 1 11 191 005 12 Mar -2012 12 00 00 086 335 1 15 222 1 55 U 41 1 12 257 -058 12 Mar -2012 190000 066 330 1 23 241 151 0 34 136 420 225 13 Mar -2012 0 00 00 101 301 1 15 206 094 0 85 0 88 420 225 008 13 Mar -2012 6 UU U0 U 96 3 17 136 195 093 U 73 U 88 424 233 13 Mar 2012 120000 072 335 1 17 2 12 1 UI 0 28 107 473 287 13 Mar -2012 190000 139 269 042 159 0 14 0 73 068 -6 10 412 14 Mar -2012 00000 U 79 325 i 14 2 11 75 7 0 IS 1 IU 570 366 14 Mm -2012 6 00 00 078 323 1 12 1 74 055 0 21 104 582 379 14 Mar -2012 12 00 00 160 261 022 100 -0 23 0 91 040 5 16 3 12 14 Mu-2012 18 00 00 138 269 009 139 -0 17 091 074 546 346 15 Mar -2012 0 00 00 109 3 12 094 1 71 -002 077 087 493 292 15 Mar -2012 60000 1 49 258 063 1 24 -044 144 556 492 279 15 Mar -2012 12 00 00 199 235 007 097 -063 179 031 497 280 15 Mar -2012 180000 149 294 -043 194 T27 1 20 094 -607 396 16 Mar -2012 0 00 00 1 82 247 041 142 -044 1 77 050 553 346 002 16 Mar -2012 6 00 00 162 264 079 1 20 -031 184 067 566 354 16 Mar -2012 12 00 00 263 192 -0 2I 043 -092 246 001 -628 417 16 Mar -2012 18 00 00 304 159 182 045 1 25 300 Oil 720 521 17 Mar 2012 0 00 00 -2 09 236 -087 121 .031 222 062 595 405 034 17 Mar -2012 6 00 00 1 55 279 093 148 045 1 73 094 541 359 17 Mar -2012 12 00 00 .208 242 042 1 14 002 2 17 053 470 276 17 Mar 2012 18 00 00 300 1 77 -090 094 .082 2 74 0 16 5 18 3 17 18 Mar-2012 0 00 00 222 258 -045 1 53 001 228 071 416 209 18 Mu-2012 6 00 00 199 261 043 1 56 027 235 064 442 238 18 Mar 2012 12 00 00 -2 17 246 041 1 50 022 261 051 420 226 18 Mar -2U 12 IS 00 00 -300 1 79 1 Ill I OS .045 3 21 010 548 339 19 Mar -2012 0 00 00 -245 229 -095 1 44 .007 2 87 044 565 354 19 Mar 2012 6 00 00 -246 229 -065 1 34 009 3 12 034 5 74 363 19 Mm -2012 12 00 00 324 192 150 1 12 -027 343 0 13 5 78 376 19 Mar 2012 18 00 00 -328 200 181 144 -0 50 3-35 041 -671 472 20 Mar -2012 0 00 00 -367 151 236 086 -092 -4 17 -035 -631 421 20 Mar -2012 60000 299 2 18 161 147 -001 364 033 -617 -409 20 Mar -2012 12 00 00 -404 1 29 282 080 -086 433 -020 5 77 -3 71 20 Mar -2012 18 00 00 450 079 347 057 157 -483 -0 62 -643 455 21 Mm -2012 00000 -3 46 192 242 148 -038 401 032 564 359 21 Mar 2012 6 00 00 -330 199 240 147 1 -025 414 027 541 339 21 Mar 2012 12 00 00 343 185 270 134 -039 435 Oil 492 280 21 Mar 2012 18 00 00 466 085 383 067 141 5 16 -062 550 3 51 22 Mar -2012 0 00 00 -341 199 281 147 -037 437 021 5 14 3 17 22 Mar 2012 6 00 00 -3 38 193 282 158 -0 13 448 023 522 322 22 Mar 2012 12 00 00 456 109 386 094 -093 521 046 562 3 81 22 Mar -2012 18 00 00 -5 16 068 456 086 148 5 45 -058 -695 509 23 Mar -2012 50000 A l9 1 75 383 154 .041 -4 81 002 708 509 23 Mar -2012 6 00 00 -398 1 79 3 68 160 -0 27 490 002 748 5 59 23 Mar -2012 12 00 00 -5 58 050 5 28 1 061 1 27 5 82 083 805 6 13 23 Mar 2012 18 00 00 -662 -006 -641 044 2 14 621 095 960 768 24 Mar 2012 0 00 00 -523 1 08 5 33 1 21 1 18 5 55 -029 -937 7 55 085 24 Mar 2012 6 00 00 482 145 5 21 139 .082 -5 47 022 991 805 24 Mu-2012 12 00 00 460 132 530 1 16 -1 01 557 -0 49 10 13 822 24 Mar -2012 180000 1 70 281 1 59 163 041 -2 19 032 941 826 25 Mar -2012 0 00 00 010 492 1 67 321 3 74 2 U4 235 852 768 042 25 Mar -2012 6 00 00 00i 455 1 49 391 5 45 267 249 -977 -897 25 Mu-2012 12 00 00 035 396 1 01 332 496 2 19 2 17 990 897 25 Mar -2012 18 00 00 023 399 1 14 333 5 02 2 18 233 1025 9 18 26 Mar 2012 0 00 00 260 840 3 52 502 803 474 388 790 721 039 26 Mar 2012 6 (TO —0-0 5 20 15 18 237 12 12 1593 339 389 798 -676 26-Mur 2012 12 00 00 032 870 139 764 1145 246 433 -722 -627 26 Mw -2012 18 00 00 -0 19 578 1 26 5 48 740 222 309 -6 78 -5 73 27 Mar -2012 0 00 00 254 759 407 758 854 481 526 -394 271 27 Mar -2012 6 00 00 -0 48 426 099 426 5 06 1 74 209 -216 -101 27 Mar -2012 12 00 00 043 407 103 405 479 1 70 206 -1 64 -034 27 Mar 2012 18 00 00 038 391 124 393 472 1 63 224 247 -1 18 28 M. 2012 U OU UO 1 44 2 69 0 33 2 67 3 46 0 42 1 15 2 72 -1 18 28 Mar -2012 6 UU 00 1 43 2 69 0 28 2 49 3 14 023 104 -4 20 -2 59 r Date Tinte Water Level tachra On ette Manual Rain o On- to Auto RG Dad O..w Ant. Raingauge Monthly Windsor Duly Rainfall dd -.— hh inin ss FLO AWl FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAW! FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 28 Mar 2012 12 00 00 0 74 3 42 096 3 28 381 107 193 -664 505 28 Mu 2012 180000 1 21 289 061 285 327 060 155 924 775 29 Mu 2012 0 00 00 0 90 3 15 1 27 291 334 075 176 955 805 29 Mar 2012 6 00 00 -0 83 3 19 131 283 333 075 183 960 797 29 Mar 2012 12 00 00 2 OB 206 .013 1 98 229 -022 099 924 768 29 Mar 2012 180000 2 14 203 1 40 2 16 2 18 -028 1 39 893 726 30 Mar -2012 0 00 00 -184 1 251 -020 1 184 208 0 30 148 733 .563 30 Mar-2012 60000 188 255 035 1 84 183 0 73 125 -671 5 05 30 -Mu -2012 12 00 00 251 2 3I .023 1 74 1 43 -1 19 100 706 539 30 -Mar -2012 180000 262 235 1 49 200 139 1 26 1 31 839 -667 31 -Mar 2012 00000 239 260 -146 1 84 136 1 42 1 17 972 792 000 048 31 Mar 2012 6 00 00 209 271 -107 1 83 141 1 60 1 15 -10 30 -843 31 Mar 2012 12 00 00 222 254 048 151 1 03 199 098 -1105 927 31 Mar 2012 180000 -2 16 236 055 152 087 1 99 071 -1194 1009 1 Apr 2012 0 00 00 0H I 4 01 1 65 248 265 0 41 161 892 735 004 1 -A r 2012 6 00 00 014 1 401 1 27 3 15 261 091 1 182 860 706 I -Apr 2012 12 00 00 -041 3 85 089 3 12 237 084 158 -8 69 713 1 -A r -2012 18 00 00 065 3 55 055 302 2 13 061 1 53 1020 864 2-Apr-2012 0 00 00 042 386 1 15 306 238 063 1 64 1206 -1043 2-Apr-2012 6 00 00 059 361 1 05 2 88 229 030 1 40 1250 -1084 2-Apr 2012 12 00 00 101 3 17 029 253 205 -011 109 .971 809 2 -A r-2012 18 00 00 1 39 3 03 1 37 272 1 72 -0 58 1 05 -926 763 3-Apr 2012 0 00 00 205 2 29 228 165 094 4 68 0 17 -820 .647 3-Apr 2012 6 00 00 251 1 77 2 82 1 18 068 -264 046 7 67 5 80 3 Apr 2012 12 00 00 191 273 -247 2 18 2 13 193 058 -803 6 13 3 Apr 2012 180000 2 18 257 -309 252 227 -219 0 83 79-85 792 4 Apr 2012 0 00 00 158 306 -2 81 268 297 209 106 10 15 8 26 082 4 Apr 2012 6 00 00 191 258 -3 26 219 267 281 047 1130 9 22 4 Apr 2012 120000 332 141 -473 129 197 367 031 1268 1072 4 Apr 2012 180000 134 289 1 94 2 52 297 127 089 1255 1126 5Ar 2012 0 00 00 1 73 276 192 208 286 186 047 1265 1068 5 Apr 2012 6 00 00 196 252 229 200 1 281 211 043 4162 955 5Ar 2012 120000 252 233 3 20 190 274 245 025 .1020 8 14 5 r 2012 18 00 00 354 168 4 85 1 60 227 3 13 023 -1104 880 6 -A r -2012 0 00 00 288 229 456 1 95 255 304 016 -1060 8 47 00i 6 -A r -2012 6 00 00 271 2 36 435 181 256 3 10 008 1068 856 6 -A r -2012 12 00 00 3 12 2 21 504 178 242 -346 0 I S -958 747 6 -A r 2012 11100 00 -425 159 -654 1 60 1 99 417 0 37 949 743 7 -A r -2012 00000 5 81 0 18 830 010 020 -622 2 17 -847 -622 7 A r -2012 6 00 00 -590 030 849 -006 014 670 225 .725 -489 7 A r -2012 12 00 00 5 111 129 8 11 128 159 544 101 .720 480 7 Apr-2012 18 00 00 571 139 908 180 1 78 547 075 -875 -622 8 Apr-2012 00000 730 1 -005 1098 003 002 .747 257 -605 8 Apr 2012 6 00 00 736 -0 10 1145 -033 001 793 287 -659 8 Apr 2012 12 00 00 694 063 1137 1 02 131 679 164 789 8 Apr 2012 18 00 00 8 11 0 18 1326 109 088 741 190 10235 984 9 Apr 2012 0 00 00 775 054 1340 105 082 767 -2 14 .976 9 Apr 2012 60000 824 -019 1460 015 015 882 -308 838 9 Apr 2012 120000 -9 08 -0 69 15 78 0 52 0 57 8 65 -2 78 1009 9 A r 2012 18 00 00 9 97 -0 73 17 25 0 41 9 06 2 90 12 37 10-Apr-20J2 00000 -9 30 0 03 17 46 0 56 9 22 3 05 15-25 10-Apr-2012 6 00 00 -947 -036 1925 009 -1023 394 -1376 1143 10- r -2012 12 00 00 1056 124 1932 -010 -1037 412 -1528 1338 10-Apr-2012 11100 00 1170 1 81 2070 M�O344 -065 -11 21 491 -1776 1642 11 r -2012 0 00 00 1072 -0 99 2071 -026 1134 -493 -17 00 1591 11 r -2012 6 00 00 1074 107 2141 -064 12 12 567 1572 1497 11- r -2012 12 00 00 12 13 244 22 55 -027 103 1279 626 -1621 1633 11- r 2012 18 00 00 1283 3 10 2370 149 13 63 1 693 1621 -1709 12 r -2012 0 00 00 -1339 348 2553 166 -272 15 16 875 1589 1697 12-Atrr 2012 6 00 00 -1300 349 1912 198 -301 1576 939 1554 1687 12- r 2012 12 00 00 -1309 324 -2533 095 199 1465 849 1603 1788 12- r 2012 18 00 00 1368 -3 59 26 30 -080 .239 -15 18 897 1750 1984 13 r -2012 0 00 00 1438 -432 28 38 232 -397 1709 1 117 17 18 1937 13- r -2012 6 00 00 1404 417 2901 279 424 -17 55 It 78 1723 1942 13- r -2012 12 00 00 1427 431 2841 -206 3 51 1673 1 123 -1746 1992 13- r -2012 18 00 00 1534 -497 29 45 -216 -0 17 1764 -1213 -1898 2166 14- r -2012 0 00 00 I S UB -0 89 30 71 2 60 -0 78 I S 46 -1343 -1853 21 24 14- r -2012 60000 14 68 4 65 31 35 -2 96 -5 13 18 95 -14 11 -18 22 2087 14 r -2012 12 00 00 1549 5 17 3086 -285 470 1840 13 63 19 50 2237 14- r -2012 1 18 00 00 1670 609 1 -31 77 1 299 1 -5 48 1 1931 I4 57 -21 98 1 -2507 Date Time Water Level inches On -site Manual Rarrigauge On site Auto RG Dud On -site Auto Raingauge Monthly Windsor Daily Rainfall dd -moult hh mm ss FLO AW I FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 15 Apr 2012 00000 -1547 -087 3199 234 500 -1881 1481 2212 2500 15 r -2012 6 00 00 -1443344 411 3200 2 10 476 -1843 15 It 2225 2500 15 r -2012 120000 -1747 703 3343 428 659 2032 -1654 2309 2604 15 r -2012 180000 -1866 809 3438 453 727 2148 -1765 2500 2820 16 r -2012 00000 -1711 649 3440 339 677 2067 -1779 2495 2791 16- r -2012 6 00 00 -1544 -5 26 3404 276 598 1980 1750 2500 2775 16 r -2012 12 00 00 -1901 -869 3589 552 8 11 2227 -1943 2574 2887 16 r -2012 11100 00 40 41 976 36 69 575 9 19 2346 -2075 2836 31 66 17 r -2012 0 00 00 -1976 783 3606 437 8 32 2237 -2049 28 49 31 62 17 r -2012 6 00 00 1730 -679 35 78 378 771 21 65 -2043 2831 31 32 17 r -2012 12 00 00 2033 1000 3669 -666 9 97 2400 -22 11 2875 3187--- l 86 17 r -2012 18 00 00 --2171 1093 3643 6 75 1 1 03 25 26 -2320 3020 3220 18 Apr-2012 00000 -19 68 -840 3524 468 965 2373 -2239 3038 31 83 001 18 Apr-2012 6 00 00 1884 -769 3537 468 968 -2363 2283 3037 31 62 18 r -2012 12 00 00 -2064 -975 -1002 3596 .678 11 03 -2508 2391 31 04 3187 18 r -2012 180000 -21 53 35 55 -641 11 47 2536 2427 3268 3275 19 r -2012 0 00 00 1992 -675 35 17 197 950 23 16 2427 3295 3275 006 012 6 00 00 11 87 -1 54 35 11 1 70 6 43 1 176 -21 71 32 68 32 92 012 12 00 00 10 90 -1 75 35 46 2 72 6 67 11 76 20 77 31 26 32 58 012 18 00 00 11 04 1 93 35 53 3 11 7 01 12 27 20 27 30 95 33 37 012 ft 0 00 00 10 68 -1 68 -34 83 2 98 6 89 -12 43 -19 91 30 41 33 33 012 6 00 00 10 55 -1 53 -34 19 299 6 BO 13 OS 19 85 3U 32 -33 66 012 12 00 00 1235 333 -35 O4 444 8 12 1445 2075 3073 -33 78 20 r -2012 18 00 00 1482 5 17 -3602 488 958 1672 22 19 3356 3541 21 r -2012 0 00 00 1344 3 70 -3552 402 896 1656 -2216 33 70 -35 25 21 r -2012 6 00 00 1292 327 -3571 399 891 174-5 2234 -3442 -3591 21 AD,2012 12 00 00 1505 362 3630 -617 10 25 18 15 2336 3530 -3649 21 r -2012 18 00 00 1787 771 3623 .690 11 81 21 12 2468 3791 3779 22 r -2012 0 00 00 1650 583 3575 -546 1143 2083 2475 -3804 3754 097 22 r -2012 6 00 00 452 2 12 3563 .036 3 13 -328 1937 34 06 .3837 22 r -2012 12 00 00 1 15 361 2523 033 1 00 042 4 49 -21 05 -2597 22 r -2012 180000 022 469 -0 11 235 297 1 76 230 -1728 -1655 23 Apr-2012 0 00 00 043 403 -036 2 17 251 159 -2 92 1723 1668 005 23 r -2012 6 00 00 042 3 72 107 207 247 1 26 3 14 1723 -1668 23 -2012 120000 062 348 1 39 192 2 11 077 -367 1753 -1726 23 r -2012 18 00 00 091 3 14 -236 159 135 U 19 -0 91 17 2J .1663 24 r -2012 0 00 00 1 18 295 263 1 14 089 041 -565 -17 15 -1609 24 Apr-2012 6 00 00 140 271 3 19 086 031 -1 01 -633 1733 -1605 24 r -2012 12 00 00 1 74 255 399 108 A 13 1 25 7 10 -1889 -1847 24 r -2012 18 00 00 2 15 233 499 103 -092 -1 84 -848 -2070 2058 25 Ap,2012 0 00 00 278 1 85 5 79 045 166 .283 9 59 19 91 -1980 23 r -2012 6 00 00 374 1 14 -677 -0 18 239 -394 1065 -1938 -1967 25 Apr-2012 12 00 00 367 122 761 001 242 -393 1130 -2080 42 00 25 Apr 2012 1 18 00 00 -460 077 960 -022 3 53 457 1281 -2293 2454 26- r -2012 0 00 00 396 1 46 926 025 265 438 1267 -2284 24 17 066 26 r -2012 6 00 00 0 19 399 084 1 52 3 04 055 161 -1020 959 26 r -2012 12 00 00 1 19 2 82 -039 108 1 65 020 -526 -1326 12 51 26-Apr-2012 11100 00 098 306 -0 17 144 1 16 039 -346 -13 75 1305 27 r -2012 0 00 00 082 3 11 -027 141 1 12 056 -347 1344 1259 27 r -2012 6 00 00 086 297 -080 133 063 030 1 -386 -1255 1168 27 r -2012 12 00 00 1 81 2 17 233 1 051 -068 047 -596 1249 1230 27 r -2012 18 00 00 232 1 87 3 14 oil 1 81 1 02 754 1499 1480 28-Apr-2012 0 00 00 1 57 247 272 091 136 087 -7 48 -1374 1338 28 r -2012 6 00 00 168 248 301 072 1 31 1 23 -8 00 1356 1338 28 r -2012 12 00 00 239 221 399 021 203 192 -9 15 1458 1530 28 r -2012 18 00 00 270 2 10 464 0 19 238 222 999 1639 1759 29 A r-2012 0 00 00 250 229 462 054 2 13 234 10 15 1675 18 17 29 Ap,2012 6 00 00 252 229 497 096 226 267 1035 1626 1780 29 r -2012 12 00 00 328 153 -620 064 290 329 1136 16 84 18 79 29 Apr-2012 18 00 00 4 19 108 792 057 3 83 -4 02 1269 19 28 -21 55 30. r -2012 0 00 00 3 55 1 79 779 121 3 17 3 85 1252 -1848 2055 000 30 r -2012 6 00 00 349 1 77 821 136 3 15 -409 12 69 -18 18 2029 30-Apr-2012 12 00 00 5 75 -0 19 11 76 002 500 5 82 1479 -1978 2221 2012 11100 00 -6 76 -059 1435 0 15 6 07 695 1639 23 00 -2525 May 2012 0 00 00 -6 10 035 1393 058 520 641 1621 -23 15 2525 0 13 2012 60000 593 038 1413 060 526 672 1635 2332 2525 2012 12 00 00 764 084 1676 0 01 6 65 8 09 1771 24 83 2700 2012 18 00 00 -888 161 1993 0 12 8 00 983 1977 2749 2967 2012 0 00 00 -0 54 1 20 14 46 1 03 5 63 6 24 1773 26 38 27 17 2012 6 00 00 3 96 1 25 14 47 1 21 5 43 G 59 -17 37 25 93 26 63 • 0 Date T,me Water Level achm O"Ite Manual Rau as On-site Auto RG DMy On-sde Auto Raogauge Mouthly Wmdaor Dad Rau(aU dd numen-yyyy hh mm as FLO AWl FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGI CG2 2 May 2012 120000 582 -036 -1841 031 747 882 2014 2735 2892 2 May 2012 18 00 00 719 -1 25 2181 030 916 1143 2216 30 18 3221 3 May-2012 0 00 00 610 -023 2097 091 841 1103 2210 3026 3221 3 May 2012 6 00 00 -5 47 044 2058 133 -785 1108 2193 -3022 3221 3 Ma -2012 12 00 00 -7 13 -063 2255 070 -905 1293 2308 3043 3209 3 May 2012 180000 -916 196 2497 037 1073 1579 2458 -3259 3280 4 Me 2012 0 00 00 .766 .021 24 09 128 -964 1509 2404 -3467 3439 012 4 Me 2012 60000 -736 013 2429 110 950 1503 -2439 -3445 -34 17 4 -Ma 2012 12 00 00 10 19 2 17 27 I S 008 11 78 1806 2605 -3282 -3169 4 -Ma 2012 18 00 00 1142 2 79 2889 030 -13 11 2099 27 15 3340 -3102 5 Me 2012 0 00 00 869 -061 2857 094 11 97 -1827 -2734 -3472 -3154 006 5 Me 2012 6 00 00 798 009 2757 129 1130 -17 19 2726 -3523 3192 5 -Me 2012 12 00 00 -1067 1 75 3007 022 1331 -2053 2865 -33 16 2937 5 Me 2012 180000 -1170 2 17 31 47 033 1436 22 65 2960 3174 28 11 6 May 2012 00000 9 88 0 77 3107 102 1346 2131 2939 3006 2644 001 6 May 2012 6 00 00 916 002 3098 116 13 10 2098 2968 28 58 2495 6 My 120000 934 -027 3152 103 1341 2158 3013 2878 25 19 6-May 2012 18 00 00 I 1 51 -177 3293 072 1443 2335 3089 2926 2584 7-May 2012 0 00 00 -997 -076 3266 147 13 75 2278 3065 3137 2795 7-May 2012 6 00 00 932 .036 32 53 i58 13 53 2255 3085 3337 2982 7-May 2012 12 00 00 1248 3 13 3500 038 15 50 2495 3238 3257 2914 7-M.5 2012 180000 13 88 -448 35 90 062 1634 2652 3295 33 17 2970 8-M.y 2012 0 00 00 1249 336 3543 105 -1580 2599 3321 -3532 3191 8 May 2012 6 00 00 11 77 291 35 33 100 -15 63 2553 3364 -3649 3292 8 -Ma 2012 1200 00 15 16 -622 3641 -039 -1750 2772 35 11 -3432 3090 8 -Ma 2012 1800 00 16 63 719 1607 130 -1149 2911 3173 -3390 3046 9 Me 2012 0 00 00 -1490 -629 3576 006 -I S 28 2862 3583 -35 88 3238 213 9 Me -2012 6 00 00 -1382 555 3558 016 -1786 -2795 3573 -3629 3287 9 Me 2012 12 00 00 -1675 8 19 3638 112 -19 35 -2945 3652 3464 3114 9 Me -2012 18 00 00 -1080 2 77 3571 078 1636 -27 31 -3601 3422 -3076 10 Me -2012 0 00 00 001 473 007 454 1 45 132 1204 1928 1807 10 Me -2012 6 00 00 001 420 -027 372 1 13 126 12 64 2100 1625 10 Me 2012 12 00 00 -1 04 283 -264 222 -034 018 1546 1847 1492 10 Me 2012 18 00 00 l 24 266 -339 261 1 73 -096 1843 2000 1565 11 May-2012 0 00 00 096 269 -349 223 151 -132 1966 2087 1702 11 May-2012 6 00 00 110 222 -392 187 153 -190 2057 2306 2263 11 Ma 2012 12 00 00 226 074 -6 55 086 3 28 3 64 2269 2540 2274 11 Me 2012 180000 -3 01 -001 -8 58 054 -4 85 -521 24 75 2628 2269 12 May 2012 00000 -298 026 -9 11 067 -424 -5 91 2587 2629 2236 12 May 2012 6 00 00 2 72 055 960 109 -401 6 11 2637 2671 2293 12 Ma 2012 12 00 00 -4 15 1 06 1309 051 -5 65 798 2777 2642 2266 12 Mav -2012 18 00 00 -462 1 81 1524 069 -647 916 -2890 -2574 2195 13-May-2012 0 00 00 3 86 -067 1470 152 -521 892 -2906 2575 2201 13 -Ma 2012 6 00 00 3 95 037 1529 138 4 96 984 -2966 -2674 2287 13 -Ma -2012 12 00 00 6 10 2 85 1910 037 709 1273 -3127 -2638 2274 13 May 2012 18 00 00 692 3 53 2089 061 799 15 19 3229 -2622 -2242 14-Me 2012 0 00 00 661 246 2087 085 740 15 65 -3296 -2605 2230 002 14 Me 2012 6 00 00 617 167 2071 106 -692 15 70 33 29 2671 2297 14 Me 2012 12 00 00 755 3 04 2243 030 799 1699 3437 2650 2291 14 Me 2012 190000 842 400 -2376 045 893 1887 3500 2623 2248 15 Me 2012 0 00 00 757 277 -2364 082 833 1960 3520 2640 2259 001 15 Ma 2012 6 00 00 731 245 2389 076 -827 1963 35 63 -2678 23 17 IS Ma 2012 120000 -916 -0BS -2592 -0U6 961 2039 3651 2647 2273 IS Ma 2012 18 0000 870 -029 2643 037 1000 21 OS 3615 2626 2245 16 Ma 2012 0 00 00 809 3 51 2636 062 -959 2094 3596 -2645 2256 006 16 -Ma 2012 6 00 00 792 3 01 2675 048 -957 2088 3607 .2704 2329 l6 Ma 2012 12 00 00 866 3 75 2803 .018 10 27 1991 3675 -2642 2269 16 -Ma 2012 18 00 00 1018 526 2925 014 11 30 2291 3619 -2632 2254 17 -Ma 2012 00000 9 38 408 2927 025 11 11 22 77 -3608 -2624 2243 17 -Ma 2012 6 00 00 881 331 2937 038 10 82 2254 -3593 2674 -2292 17 Ma -2012 12 00 00 -1075 498 3090 .036 11 98 24 19 3643 2629 -2244 17-May-2012 180000 11 11 2 71 31 82 046 1241 2561 -35 93 2597 -22 13 18 Me 2012 0 00 00 1020 1 75 -3173 106 12 11 -2521 3567 -2608 2220 18 May-2012 6 00 00 9 67 157 32 05 127 12 17 25 41 3571 2653 2277 18 May 2012 12 00 00 1249 463 -3397 030 13 76 2725 3631 2579 2197 18 May 2012 190000 1358 5 61 3487 085 1426 2854 3551 -2568 21 84 19 May 2012 0 00 00 1288 -492 -3529 105 1442 2883 3538 -2660 2275 19 May 2012 6 00 00 1298 -539 3631 010 1533 2965 3634 2662 2283 1 Ma 2012 12 00 00 1525 805 3644 .046 16 30 3060 3629 -2606 2229 H9 19 Ma 2012 18 00 00 1 1688 929 3590 1 -030 1 1729 .3163 -35 83 -26 00 2224 Date Time Water Level inches Oo-site Manual Rain gauge Onsitc Auto RG Dady On -site Auto Rmognage Monthly Windsor Daily Rmnfa0 dd —yyyy hh n mss FLO AWl FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 20 May 2012 0 00 00 1555 797 -35 76 -008 1745 3168 3575 2574 -2195 0 12 20 Ma -2012 6 00 00 1444 707 -35 58 0 14 1730 31 02 -3554 2650 -2268 20-May-2012 12 00 00 1644 883 3629 -095 1837 3241 3623 2617 2235 20 Ma -2012 180000 1397 -624 3596 -0 11 1689 2905 3593 2608 -2220 21 May 2012 0 00 00 1260 528 -35 78 0 12 1623 2753 -3574 2605 -2235 001 21 May 2012 6 00 00 1198 489 35 81 -006 16 12 27 13 -3589 2665 2280 21 May 2012 1 12 00 00 1260 550 36 13 -083 1663 2763 3639 2670 -22 85 21-May-2012 180000 15 78 8 31 3609 1 12 18 17 2983 3646 2609 2229 22 May-2012 0 00 00 1421 630 35 57 041 18 13 2981 3591 26 06 2224 087 22 May 2012 6 00 00 1356 561 3554 051 1792 2964 3586 2695 -23 11 22 May 2012 12 0000 1692 9 19 3645 2 09 1949 31 43 3677 2630 2251 22 May 2012 11100 00 -476 104 3573 052 -F54 12 14 1404 -3611 26 15 2232 23 May 2012 0 00 00 -505 1 25 3554 11 61 13 86 -3590 2636 2254 043 23 May 2012 6 00 00 499 090 3571 081 11 69 1403 -3607 2676 2303 23 May 2012 12 00 00 644 -030 3620 034 12 55 15 84 3652 2702 2,308 23 May-2012 18 00 00 853 195 3642 003 14 18 1921 3673 2628 -2237 24 -Ma 2012 0 00 00 265 1 51 3572 121 11 25 1437 3599 26 27 2227 030 24-May 2012 6 00 00 220 2 18 3527 121 907 756 3597 27 11 23 16 24-May 2012 12 00 00 391 067 3503 050 1047 10 13 3679 2696 2321 24-May 2012 180000 5 17 .027 35 21 040 1191 13 83 3675 2621 2226 25 May 2012 0 00 00 433 053 3377 133 1069 14 16 3580 2634 2245 001 25 May 2012 6 00 00 461 0 13 3368 105 1021 -15 23 35 95 2708 23 15 25 May 2012 12 00 00 -664 .204 3576 003 12 15 -1870 3673 2674 2296 25 May 2012 18 00 00 820 295 3623 008 1340 2205 3650 26 14 2232 26 May 2012 0 00 00 -738 -1 69 3561 070 1253 2194 3590 2627 2247 26 May 2012 6 00 00 -750 -1 56 35 70 0 39 1249 2237 3599 2705 2320 26 May 2012 12 00 00 -968 423 3638 .042 14 21 2464 3665 2689 23 10 26 May 2012 18 0000 11 68 6 17 3637 -068 1603 2761 3664 2639 2266 27 May 2012 0 00 00 1033 455 35 87 -0 14 15 57 2758 3619 -2621 2237 27 May 2012 6 00 00 973 400 35 77 002 1540 2741 3607 2706 2323 27 May 2012 12 00 00 -12 40 7 14 3648 -125 16 89 2920 3673 2680 2283 27 May 2012 180000 1394 846 3636 126 1828 -31 39 3656 2633 2238 28 May 2012 0 00 00 1236 -642 3571 .066 17 96 -31 12 36 11 2636 2268 28 May 2012 6 00 00 11 81 5 80 36 1 I -086 1781 3075 3625 2705 2328 28 May 2012 120000 1481 937 3661 231 1931 3247 3685 2689 2308 28 May 2012 190000 -1703 10 90 3649 266 2103 34 18 3685 -2632 2255 29 May 2012 0 00 00 15 12 865 35 91 1 72 2072 -33 82 36 15 -2654 2278 009 29 May 2012 6 00 00 -1448 793 3602 -190 2091 33 70 3634 -2688 23 19 29 May 2012 12 00 00 1751 1102 -3649 3 52 21 94 3489 3674 -2675 -2303 29 May 2012 I8 00 00 -271 239 109 -0 1O 11 33 -1541 3657 -T6-38 2257 30 May 2012 0 00 00 -234 2 16 299 153 1 109 1487 3608 7 19 -2256 147 30-May 2012 6 00 00 031 342 1 09 205 -027 161 3619 -1873 2267 30 May 2012 12 00 00 050 601 1 75 481 4 89 246 3466 1 85 249 30 May 2012 190000 138 1026 162 7 18 11 02 281 237 106 3 12 31 Ma 2012 0 00 00 -002 557 1 27 5 14 899 239 190 2 16 270 31 May 2012 6 00 00 -019 4 17 1 12 414 5 66 209 160 121 053 31 May 2012 12 20000 -133 249 .075 262 406 093 047 -048 1 79 31 May 2012 190000 -172 206 1 16 1 84 3 33 0 13 021 .040 1 78 I- Jun -2012 0 00 00 -1 03 261 075 225 3 75 Oil 031 -084 245 I -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -101 243 0 88 205 3 44 070 005 368 -627 I -Jun -2012 12 00 00 -2 29 109 1 16 1 11 2 15 2 17 1 05 -634 975 1 -Jun -2012 18 00 00 -245 073 236 103 1 61 134 -641 1007 2 -Jun -2012 0 00 00 -211 093 1 31 1 11 1 28 1 25 509 9 19 2 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -1 68 1 39 0 36 144 1 39 104 8 69 13 44 2 Jun 2012 12 00 00 -2 72 0 08 1 73 1 00 0 20 1 91 -12 70 I8 07 2 -Jun 2012 18 00 00 -3 35 -053 3 43 0 97 -1 15 E33 2 69 -13 18 22 13 3 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 -2 71 0 32 2 83 1 40 -075 2 59 13 57 22 15 3 Jun 2012 6 00 00 2 88 0 38 3 29 1 08 -081 3 03 16 10 22 79 3 -Jun -2012 12 00 00 -0 27 1 07 5 79 009 -2 36 -4 87 1944 22 75 3 -Jun -2012 I9 00 00 -4 86 1 59 7 14 0 00 -3 79 7 18 2024 2208 4 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 -306 023 .643 069 -251 903 766 2069 -22 17 4 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -198 029 .671 074 -227 965 833 2224 2295 4 Jun 2012 12 00 00 -340 160 967 -0 17 -0 16 12 10 1093 25 18 2284 4 -Jun 2012 18 00 00 454 281 1287 -046 -5 83 1569 1426 -2615 2230 5 Jun 2012 0 00 00 -360 1 18 1279 020 -469 1648 -1490 -26 16 2233 046 5 Jun 2012 6 00 00 -3 19 -076 13 16 039 -0 11 1697 1543 -2671 -2280 5 -Jun 2012 12 00 00 497 258 1656 054 -593 1956 1739 2393 2245 5 Jun -2012 18 00 00 084 236 i 0 OS 122 1 34 -4 47 556 -23 84 2226 6 Jun 2012 0 00 00 0 77 2 51 -0 08 184 0 82 -0 65 6 75 -24 06 22 I8 6 Jun 2012 6 00 00 088 235 -007 1 75 0 52 -0 95 7 58 -25 24 22 63 0 Dare Tame Water Level bocW O"ite Manual Ramignotte On sate Auto RG Dmly On,ute Auto Rmngauge Monthly Wandaor Daily Rmnfall dd-ananan- Yyyy bb ss FLOAWI FLOAW2 FLO AW3 FLOAW4 FLO AWS FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 6 Jun 2012 12 00 00 178 125 -174 104 052 643 989 -2642 -2255 64un 2012 180000 223 043 279 096 166 786 -1264 -2591 -2199 7 -Jun 2012 00000 1 51 146 241 142 -081 771 -1307 -2609 2221 7 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -166 125 281 118 -091 844 1381 -2674 2296 7 -Jun -2012 l2 00 00 307 -057 493 014 -272 1121 1591 -2670 2293 7 Jun -2012 180000 403 1 33 -600 -002 404 14 13 1827 2599 2207 8 Jun -2012 0 00 00 -3 19 -003 535 069 286 1450 1838 -2597 2202 8 Jun -2012 6 00 00 -3 14 033 563 062 -2 44 1499 1875 26 81 2296 8 Jun -2012 12 00 00 550 192 900 -077 475 1842 2080 2686 2296 8 Jun -2012 18 00 00 706 334 1195 -099 -641- -2208 2291 72599 2227 9 Jun 2012 0 00 00 631 203 1188 -024 501 2194 23 14 2621 2225 9 Jun 2012 6 00 GO 632 1 51 1263 -027 459 22 12 2383 27 12 -23 25 9 Jun 2012 12 00 00 890 -444 1728 207 727 2478 2569 2680 2293 9 Jun 2012 18 00 00 -1067 599 -2030 -227 856 -2775 -2725 2632 -2243 10 Jun 2012 00000 9 60 436 -1999 -140 759 2749 -2786 2620 -2225 10 Jun -2012 6 00 00 906 354 1997 1 -102 .698 -2703 2860 27 12 -2320 10-Jun -2012 12 00 00 -11 76 -670 23 19 -320 941 -2951 30 50 2702 2314 10 -Jun -2012 18 00 00 8 14 2568 -358 -1097 3191 3227 -2644 2263 11 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 -673 2540 -2 24 -1007 31 31 3321 2638 2250 11 Jun 2012 60000 -607 2549 207 969 3081 3424 2722 2328 11 -Jun -2012 12 00 00 820 2742 -390 -11 29 3238 3590 -2695 22 98 I 1 -Jun -2012 180000 M3526 9 16 2889 3 86 -1234 3357 3653 -2665 2275 12 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 792 2987 298 -11 99 3325 3622 2668 2273 049 12 -1m 2012 6 OU 00 -7 U3 28 94 -2 64 11 74 3277 3633 2675 2293 12 Jun 2012 12 00 00 -549 2897 -206 1141 3165 3640 2671 2291 12 -Jun 2012 180000 -0 06 2333 -089 -656 2404 3635 2652 2266 13 Jun -2012 0 00 00 529 054 2070 -098 --:6-67 2101 36 11 2656 2274 13 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 566 027 -1993 -0 92 704 2105 -36 23 2688 2297 13 -Jun -2012 12 00 00 695 -043 -21 14 -144 807 -2239 3655 2672 2281 13 -Jun -2012 180000 876 141 23 55 -I 62 9 94 -25 61 -3635 2660 2280 14 -Jun -2012 0 00 00 859 1 13 2394 -126 1024 -2676 -3622 2641 2256 14-Jun -2012 6 00 00 836 .082 24 13 -108 1007 -27 13 -3607 2672 2278 14 -Jun -2012 12 00 00 940 -1 71 2561 -177 1099 -2831 -3632 2677 2287 14 -Jun -2012 I9 00 00 10 98 3 30 -27 69 -2 15 1255 -30 45 36 43 2650 2269 15 -Jun -2012 0 00 00 1052 288 -2809 -I 6l 1263 -31 05 -3602 2651 -2265 15 -Jun -2012 60000 10 15 275 2940 -158 1277 -31 14 3608 2682 2293 15 -Jun -2012 12 00 00 12 14 520 3045 -2 84 -13 78 3252 3631 -2674 2287 15 -Jun 2012 18 0000 1438 724 32 15 344 45 33 -3436 3631 2666 2277 16 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 1382 -637 3242 269 -1 S 52 35 13 3620 2656 2267 16-Jun 2012 70000 13 19 -5 89 3263 252 -15 56 -3503 36 19 2684 2296 16 -Jun 2012 120000 1546 865 3438 -419 -16 66 35 77 3639 2650 2269 16 -Jun 2012 180000 -l6 78 967 3549 425 1783 3649 3608 2610 2230 17 Juu -2012 0 00 00 -1559 -8 19 3539 73 06 17 79 3591 -3569 2634 2253 17 Jun 2012 60000 -15 22 7 81 36 01 -3 24 I8 OS 36 17 3604 2675 2286 17 Jun 2012 12 00 00 47 30 1009 -3647 -489 1887 -3641 -3628 2632 2249 17 Jun -2012 18 00 00 -1823 1079 -3603 471 1979 -3605 -3592 2627 2247 18 Jun -2012 00000 1735 964 -3603 400 2001 -3599 .3593 2621 2245 18 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -1693 887 -35 75 -378 20 17 -3601 -35 89 2659 2285 18 Jun -2012 12 00 00 -18 95 -1137 -3608 -564 21 07 -3633 3628 2651 2291 18 -Jun -2012 180000 20 18 12 13 -3605 -5 72 -2227 -3630 -3621 2620 -2243 19 -Jun -2012 00000 19 31 -10 51 3560 452 2228 -35 87 35 83 2604 -2239 007 19 -Jun 2012 60000 18 59 960 -3554 -396 -2235 -3580 35 83 2671 -2304 19 -Jun 2012 12 00 00 1735 909 3630 492 22 10 -3652 3639 2680 43 13 19 -Jun 2012 180000 2057 12 15 3630 -648 23 90 3658 3652 2611 2249 20 -Jun 2012 00000 19 49 1045 35 75 502 2354 3593 T6-0 T 2604 2245 20 -Jun 2012 60000 1870 -960 -3567 471 2342 3591 3577 2704 2328 207un -2012 12 00 00 -2136 1301 3662 -766 2498 3681 3671 2689 23 19 20 Jun -2012 180000 2279 1455 3939 -806 2590 3654 3657 2633 2272 21 Jun -2012 0 00 00 22 15 1275 -3596 -6 40 25 82 -36 18 -3609 2621 2263 21 Jun -2012 6 00 00 -21 55 11 85 -3584 -599 25 75 3603 -T5-9-7 2699 2328 21 Jun -2012 12 00 00 -2360 15 10 3650 -892 2690 -3675 -3657 2677 -2299 21 Jun -2012 180000 2479 1654 -3632 -947 2775 .3658 -3652 2624 -2253 22 Jun -2012 0 00 00 -2431 1489 .3589 760 2763 -3606 -3605 2628 -2254 067 22 Jun 2012 6 00 00 2394 1416 -3601 720 2770 -36 16 -3607 2696 2326 22 -Jun 2012 120000 25 69 17 38 36 71 -10 41 -28 85 -36 ----8-3--T- 3 3679 2657 .2290 224un 2012 180000 2644 1847 3635 1055 2955 3655 3651 2626 -2254 23 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 22 80 11 45 3599 -0 97 -28 04 36 19 36 10 26 OB 22 43 23 -Jun 2012 60000 20 60 10 79 35 B I 564 27 23 35 95 35 96 -26 81 23 19 23 Jun 2012 12 0000 2138 1275 3648 7 77 28 19 36 66 3675 2657 22 85 23 Jun 2012 I S 00 00 22 42 14 11 36 21 8 33 28 70 36 41 3646 1 -2611 1 2237 Date Time Water Les el inches O"Ite Manual Rain gauge Ou-stte Auto RG Dady Ou -site Auto Rmngauge Mouthly Windsor Daily Rainfall dd rannuo-yyyy hh mm.sa FLO AWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGl CG2 24 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 -2203 1335 3565 7 43 2860 3591 3590 2591 2223 24 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -21 77 1306 3554 728 2841 35 79 3562 2666 2305 244un 2012 120000 -2382 1602 3642 1004 2975 3657 3658 2696 2321 24 -Jun 2012 I B 00 UO -26 41 19 02 36 59 I 1 55 30 85 3673 3674 26 12 2237 25 -Jun 2012 0 00 00 -2594 1732 3576 964 3047 .3588 3592 26 15 2238 121 25 -Jun 2012 6000 0 -25 81 16 81 35 77 934 30 47 33 83 3590 2677 23 14 25 -Jun 2012 12 00 00 -2704 1919 3644 -1203 3131 3669 1 3668 -2666 2298 25 -Jun 2012 180000 -27 80 2057 3626 1336 31 85 3647 3656 2604 -2243 26 Jun 2012 00000 7 21 1 68 243 046 1937 2662 3590 2582 22 13 26 -Jun 2012 6 00 00 700 141 284 1 74 1931 -2745 3568 -2623 2269 264un 2012 12 00 00 856 -051 5 79 068 2031 -29 43 36 O8 2622 2261 26- Jun -2012 18 00 00 998 1 84 755 002 2061 -31 29 3595 2581 2207 27 -Jun -2012 0 00 00 962 1 73 785 0 14 1924 3225 3567 -2592 2219 27- Jun -2012 6 00 OU 9 72 -226 899 .011 17 63 -33 12 3574 2666 2284 27 Jun -2012 12 00 00 -11 84 -5 17 1394 147 1774 -3489 3635 2670 2298 27 Jun -2012 18 00 00 -1393 726 1763 -063 18 59 -36 23 3645 2564 2191 28 Jun 2012 0 00 00 -1270 -5 68 1759 014 1639 -3546 3543 2563 2193 28 -Jun 2012 6 00 00 -1278 570 1865 -004 15 57 -3547 3539 2669 2295 28 Jun 2012 12 00 00 1562 -8 98 2,322 -202 167 -3654 3634 2651 2286 28- Jun -2012 18 00 00 -1792 1042 2375 246 18 11 -3633 3608 2603 2238 29 Jun 2012 0 00 00 -1765 9 16 26 12 -158 1772 3597 3581 2592 2229 29 -Jun -2012 6 00 00 -1763 856 2651 159 17 25 35 87 3567 26 88 23 10 29 -Jun 2012 12 00 00 -20 26 11 88 3009 -381 _T9_23 3669 3640 26 86 2298 29 -Jun 2012 180000 -2244 13 73 3247 455 21 07 3685 3637 2659 2267 30- Jun -2012 0 00 00 2257 1275 3293 -378 21 21 3639 3619 2597 2209 30 -Jun 2012 60000 22 18 -1129 3266 --737 20 98 -35 85 3553 2672 2291 30 -Jun 2012 12 00 00 24 12 -1467 3564 4 58 2295 3666 3638 2671 2289 30 -Jun -2012 180000 2630 -1689 3651 -639 24 85 3667 3631 26 33 2256 1 Jul -2012 0 00 00 -2654 1503 36 13 -5 07 25 13 3631 3399 2630 2233 005 1 Jul 2012 60000 26 48 1396 3597 453 25 12 3621 3580 2680 2293 1 Jul -2012 12 00 00 2806 1697 3659 -704 2639 3676 1 3644 26 14 2226 1 Jul -2012 18 00 00 -28 18 1774 3593 -640 2725 -3601 3581 2596 2212 2 Jul -2012 00000 -28 16 1625 3566 5 50 2736 3581 3559 26 16 -2230 2 Jul -2012 6 00 00 2848 -1579 35 88 542 27 88 3616 3577 2677 -2283 2 Jul 72012 12 00 00 -2954 19 I B 36 44 803 2908 3665 3625 2660 2277 2 Jul -2012 18 00 00 3009 .2068 3636 -888 3035 3654 3607 2609 -2224 3 Jul -2012 0 00 00 -2986 .1894 3588 -686 3046 3594 3559 26 10 -22 14 3 Jul -2012 6 00 00 2976 -1785 3589 .642 30 57 -3609 3566 2672 -2277 3 Jul -2012 12 00 00 30 29 -2097 -3648 974 31 79 3661 3635 2664 -2257 3 -Jul -2012 18 00 00 -3023 -2220 3635 40 50 3233 3652 3621 2650 -2249 4 Jul -2012 0 00 00 -2992 -2080 -36 14 864 3206 3627 3599 2629 2242 4 Jul 2012 1 6 00 00 2980 -1972 36 13 8 U I 3195 3623 3589 2666 -2277 4 -Jul -2012 12 00 00 3000 -22 17 3637 -1090 3233 3657 3622 2662 .2274 4 Jul -2012 180000 2996 .2326 3623 -12 OS 32 18 3637 3FO —7 26 05 2226 S -Ju1 -2012 0 00 OO 2939 -2202 35 75 -1006 31 81 3599 3560 26 15 -2225 5 Jul -2012 6 00 00 2945 -2121 3599 -966 31 81 3605 3571 2695 -2296 5 Jul -2012 120000 30 18 -2391 3656 -1328 32 51 3676 3641 2654 -2272 5 Ju1-2012 18 00 00 2987 -24 43 -3624 -1454 3235 3651 3608 2632 2232 6-Jul -2012 0 00 00 -2969 -2337 36 11 43 23 3196 -3619 35 90 2623 -2239 004 6 Jul 2012 6 00 00 2954 -2292 3591 -1276 3190 36 16 3577 2686 -2291 6 Jul -2012 12 00 00 -3025 -2507 3663 -1557 32 57 3678 3637 2666 -2281 6 Jul -2012 18 00 00 -3000 -2590 3644 47 24 3237 3660 3626 26 1 8 -22 35 7 Jul -2012 0 00 00 -2948 -2452 -3588 46 18 31 75 3601 3575 26 24 2237 7 -Jul -2012 6 00 00 2950 -24 11 3597 -15 86 31 89 36 12 -3591 2687 -2296 7 Jul -2012 12 00 00 30 10 -2635 3660 .1845 3244 3670 36 49 26 64 -2279 7 Jul -2012 18 00 00 2993 -2694 -3642 .2000 3231 3649 3632 2644 -2254 8 Jul -2012 00000 29 77 -25 89 3626 -1948 32 13 3637 3599 2640 -2250 U 01 8 Jul 2012 6 00 00 -29 72 .2543 3621 -1928 3203 3637 3603 2681 -22 96 8 Jul -2012 12 00 00 -3000 -2742 3657 -20 91 3244 3670 3632 2677 -22 81 8 Jul 2012 1 190000 -2989 2797 3641 -2240 32 37 .3667 3629 2627 -2238 9 Jul -2012 0 00 00 -2958 -2712 3605 -22 16 31 90 3621 3586 2634 -2254 085 9 Jul -2012 6 00 00 -2963 1698 3599 -620 2729 3619 3590 2694 -2303 9 Jul 2012 120000 -3023 18 19 3654 870 28 81 3667 3643 2675 -2284 9 Ju1-2012 180000 -2995 1888 3643 996 1 3008 3652 3632 2638 -2255 10 Jul 2012 0 00 00 -2958 17 52 3606 792 30 73 3621 3591 2651 -2255 1 76 10 -Jul 2012 6 00 00 -2966 1683 36 19 878 31 33 3637 35 96 2668 2294 10 -Jul 2012 12 00 00 -2995 1726 3641 -10 11 3207 3652 36 23 26 40 2250 10 -Jul -2012 Ill 00 00 911 496 24 TI— -1 12 17 25 36 16 —3358 2644 -2250 11 -Jul 2012 0 00 00 -5 12 529 -6 81 079 19 89 1 -3624 1 -3599 1 2644 .2257 1 014 11 -Jul 2012 1 6 00 00 -550 595 721 006 21 20 1 36 27 1 3585 1 2654 1 2260 • 0 Date T,me Water Level loehes Oo-bne Manual libungauge Ouvte Auto RG Daily Oo s.te Auto Rmngeoge M..thly Windsor Dwly Rmufall dd--yyyy hh numb FLO AWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 PLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGI CG2 1 l Jul -2012 12 00 00 610 -645 8 35 -032 2206 3622 -35 89 2650 22 53 11 Jul 2012 18 00 00 720 -670 905 -080 2135 3627 -3595 2626 2232 12 Jul -2012 0 00 00 790 -672 966 -081 1825 -3601 -3578 2630 2233 001 12 Jul 2012 6 00 00 872 700 1041 -070 1598 3607 -3575 2680 2284 12 Jul 2012 12 00 00 1074 904 1503 146 1595 3654 3639 2647 2256 12 Jul 2012 190000 1189 931 1637 118 15 25 3630 -3593 2633 2233 13 Jul 2012 0 00 00 1223 -8 75 1693 105 1445 36 12 3575 2622 2231 004 13 Jul -2012 6 00 00 2 77 868 1776 102 1394 3605 3573 2662 2267 13 Jul -2012 12 00 00 4 66 1007 2126 180 1443 3646 -3605 2642 2257 13 Jul -2012 180000 42 -3 36 10 58 004 8 32 36 24 3604 26 26 22 32 14 Jul -2012 0 00 00 51 -2 70 1 73 0 27 8 73 36 16 35 83 26 l8 22 37 2 11 14 Jul -2012 6 00 00 28 ro -3 23 2 59 U 43 8 66 36 12 35 75 -26 52 22 68 14 -Jul -2012 12 0000 78 -4 85 -0 67 -016 8 87 36 55 36 15 -26 51 22 66 14 Jul -2012 l8 00 00 0 75 -5 46 -0 82 0 00 8 87 36 45 36 l3 -26 32 22 45 15 -Jul 2012 0 00 00 76 5 08 -481 008 809 36 19 3583 -2633 -2250 15 Jul -2012 6 00 00 11 15 5 09 5 27 000 781 3621 3591 -2677 -2290 15 Jul 2012 12 00 00 -1345 753 89i -072 932 3664 3627 -2669 -2285 15 Jul 2012 18 00 00 -1645 942 11 06 -090 10 83 3651 3621 2627 2248 16 Jul 2012 0 00 00 —TOO -1637 8 45 1086 -054 1019 3622 3593 2640 .2253 16 Jul 2012 00 16 66 805 -1130 -062 962 3627 -3590 2682 -2295 16 Jul -2012 120000 1840 -1048 1604 161 1106 -3654 3626 26 84 -22 99 16-Jul -2012 18 00 00 2023 1206 1994 210 1259 3663 -3634 2644 .2253 17 Jul 2012 0 00 00 2023 1099 2006 146 1195 -3629 3597 2640 2249 17 Jul -2012 "0 00 2035 -1045 2052 146 1153 3622 -3593 26% -2307 17 -Jul -2012 120000 21 83 -1277 -2442 292 1309 3670 -3637 2677 -2281 17 -Jul -2012 18 00 00 2272 1407 2707 3 16 1466 3649 -3620 2653 -2254 18 lul -2012 0 00 00 2302 13 24 2759 256 1467 3630 3602 2636 2251 18 -Jul -2012 6 00 00 23 15 1279 2796 221 1438 36 19 3591 2690 2298 19 Jul -2012 12 00 00 2431 1536 3055 .402 45 92 3679 3643 2666 2279 18 Jul 2012 190000 25 13 1681 3285 423 17 12 36 58 3617 2659 2265 19 Jul 2012 00000 2537 1637 3336 345 1721 3641 3597 2641 2248 19 Jul 2012 6 00 00 -2543 1590 3339 308 1721 3633 3591 2689 2292 19 Jul 2012 12 00 00 2642 1824 3561 5 13 1864 3667 3635 -2688 2291 19 Jul 2012 190000 -27 18 1969 3657 564 2035 3629 2639 2242 20 Jul 2012 0 00 00 -2713 -1835 36 14 440 2027 35 92 -26 34 -22 54 20 Jul 2012 6 00 00 -27 36 18 49 36 08 4 16 20 61 35 97 -26 71 22 87 20 Jul 2012 12 00 00 28 22 20 51 36 55 -5 94 21 63 36 29 -26 45 22 61 20-Jul 2012 I9 00 00 -28 56 21 28 36 19 -6 03 22 77 M36629 3599 -26 36 -22 53 21 Jul 2012 0 00 00 -28 72 -20 59 36 12 5 10 23 14 35 96 -26 22 -22 38 2 1 21 Jul 2012 6 00 00 -28 94 20 41 36 05 -4 59 23 32 35 81 26 76 22 84 2l Jul 2012 12 00 00 -29 68 -21 43 36 41 -5 98 24 04 36 26 -26 65 -22 63 21 Jul 2012 I8 00 00 12 73 1 192 36 03 -004 -6 11 3598 2642 -2254 22 -Jul -2012 0 00 00 019 633 047 525 507 1497 3593 2650 -2247 001 22 -Jul 2012 6 00 00 103 2 15 0 21 320 692 1729 35 87 2677 2284 22- Jul -2012 12 00 00 1 84 097 1 95 1 11 442 -2074 3620 2672 2278 22 -Jul 2012 180000 -2 02 023 279 042 3 58 23 70 36 13 2638 2248 23 -Jul 2012 0 00 00 -1 88 0 44 258 043 345 2545 -3580 2639 2247 004 23 -Jul 2012 6 00 00 208 019 -299 008 3 19 2669 3591 2682 2298 23 -Jul 2012 12 00 00 3 12 -1 47 -5 55 -069 230 2845 -3638 2641 2249 23 Jul 2012 18 00 00 324 -203 546 -028 197 2995 3589 2622 2239 24 Jul 2012 0 00 00 348 -207 -5 53 .039 1 69 3094 3593 2632 2243 074 24 -Jul 2012 6 00 00 3 70 -2 07 5 77 -047 133 3577 2682 -2302 24 -Jul 2012 12 00 00 552 496 956 159 001 3639 2635 2242 24 -Jul 2012 180000 494 459 995 -070 -009 3592 2629 2242 25 Jul 2012 0 00 00 571 -4 12 905 -082 -059 3591 2636 -2248 25 Jul 2012 6 00 00 625 438 986 .094 -0 94 M3526 35 81 26 78 -22 81 25 Jul 2012 12 00 00 8 22 744 14 46 -2 00 2 29 36 1 l 26 60 -22 69 25 -Jul 2012 I8 00 00 10 32 9 03 17 58 -2 30 3 56 36 03 26 39 -22 45 26 Jul -2012 0 00 00 10 62 8 53 17 41 1 88 3 57 35 89 26 40 22 43 26 -Jul -2012 6 00 00 1 104 8 21 17 39 1 73 3 49 -35 80 2682 2283 26 -Jul 2012 12 00 00 1327 1081 2096 329 501 3669 -3625 2662 2273 26 -Jul 2012 I8 00 00 16 l3 1239 2391 352 -675 3646 -3605 2657 2263 27 -Jul -2012 0 00 00 1658 1205 2445 2 80 -643 3636 -3604 2656 2268 105 27 -Jul 2012 6 00 00 16 81 11 83 2479 270 599 3637 3602 2688 2290 27 -Jul 2012 12 00 00 1876 14 17 2735 454 778 3675 3644 2646 2250 27 -Jul 2012 18 00 00 2029 1576 2987 465 956 3627 3599 2640 2251 28 Jul 2012 0 00 00 040 2 78 .093 0 60 2 39 2469 3599 2632 2238 004 28 Jul 2012 60000 0 82 ==42 0 06 196 367 21 47 35 89 -26 68 2280 28 Jul 2012 12 00 UO 1 63 102 1 63 0 62 3 47 23 63 36 17 -26 66 2274 28 Ju1-2012 18 00 00 2 17 -0 28 3 48 -009 295 2657 36 16 1 -2624 -2235 Date T,me Water Levd Inches On-site Moaael Rmagauge On site Auto RC Daily On -site Auto Rmngaage Mocillity Windsor Dmly Rainfall dd -mmm- hh —a FLO AWI FLO AW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AW5 FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGI CG2 29 Jul -2012 0 00 00 167 048 278 0 15 3 19 -2788 3572 2647 2250 01 29 Jul -2012 6 00 00 202 0 13 297 -029 2 73 -2883 3584 2674 2279 29 -Jul -2012 12 00 00 295 1 60 5 51 -105 1 72 3007 3609 2677 2274 29 Jul -2012 18 00 00 379 -3 19 -653 -142 0 71 -31 68 36 11 2621 2235 30 Jul -2012 00000 347 -2 52 596 -092 057 3225 3560 26 18 2230 30 Jul -2012 6 00 00 374 -2 71 -624 -100 0 19 3291 3563 2672 2280 30 Jul -2012 1120000 554 550 963 -243 1 39 -3429 36 17 2645 2254 30 Jul -2012 18 00 00 617 593 —T 1025 -209 -1 91 3495 3597 2622 2237 31 Jul -2012 0 00 00 634 F3 10 33 1 78 iO3 3539 3574 2636 2239 31 Jul -2012 6 00 00 679 539 1061 180 220 35 83 3569 2656 2267 31 Jul -2012 12 00 00 857 798 1400 -300 -3 29 -3648 36 17 2660 2269 31 -Jul -2012 18 00 00 -1052 949 1689 3 17 -448 -3639 3599 2620 2237 I -Au -2012 0 00 00 -1078 8 85 1686 -245 378 -36 10 3571 2632 2235 002 I-A.g 2012 6 00 00 966 756 1577 128 237 -3607 3572 2638 2244 I -Au -2012 12 00 00 968 -669 1445 191 -3 02 3622 3578 2646 2261 I -Au -2012 18 00 00 -1136 799 1668 -238 4 03 3630 3578 26 17 2235 2-Aug 2012 0 00 00 -11 56 779 1700 -208 -3 88 -36 11 3559 2620 2226 2-Aug-2012 6 00 00 -12 14 780 17 57 -204 -3 99 -3599 35 55 2687 2286 2-Aug-2012 12 00 00 1450 1081 2105 .380 5 49 -3672 3625 2636 2248 2-Aug-2012 is 00 00 1616 11 88 2258 -357 -649 3624 3577 2604 2223 3-Aug 2012 0 00 00 1643 -1144 2298 -286 -608 3395 35 51 2609 22 IS- 3-Aug 2012 6 00 00 1670 -11 11 2329 292 591 3597 3561 2680 2286 3-Aug 2012 12 00 00 1861 -1363 2595 -502 4 58 3659 3620 2640 2244 3 -Au -2012 1800.20 1975 1492 2744 479 890 36 I8 -3578 2616 2235 4-Aug-2012 0 00 00 20 14 1467 2799 -393 -851 3605 -3569 2624 2237 4-Aug-2012 6 00 00 2038 1458 2857 -390 -8 42 36 16 3568 2674 2292 4-Aug-2012 12 20000 21 76 1667 -3066 -621 1000 3663 .3628 2651 2267 4-Aug-2012 18 00 00 2262 -1786 -32 18 -629 11 23 3637 -3590 2630 2250 5-Aug 2012 0 00 00 2287 -1729 3236 -507 1121 3622 -3574 2635 2247 5 Aug-2012 6 00 00 2305 -1693 -3241 466 1096 36 17 -35 83 2684 2296 5-Aug 2012 12 00 00 24 18 1908 -3425 -7 17 1226 3666 3622 2645 -2255 5 Aug 2012 190000 24 76 -1989 35 28 -729 1334 3625 -3591 2639 2256 6 Au -2012 0 00 00 2509 -1937 -35 58 -610 1347 3631 -3587 2636 2253 008 6-Aug 2012 6 00 00 2527 1896 _Y95 3560 -582 13 25 3628 3580 2668 2287 6 Aup, 2012 12 00 00 26 14 -3636 .820 1443 3648 -3621 2641 -2257 6-A.g 2012 is 00 00 2192 1752 3606 -105 5 51 36 15 -3592 2634 2245 7-Aug-2012 0 00 00 1874 -1086 -3077 -1 83 537 36 10 3587 2639 2256 049 7 -Au 2012 6 00 00 l8 44 1066 2948 -221 -6 19 3605 3595 2656 2281 7 Aug 2012 12 00 00 18 85 -11 10 -2934 -298 -695 3625 3607 2635 2259 7 Au -2012 18 00 00 1769 -1026 2994 -1 17 5 75 36 16 3599 2641 2257 8 AuR 2012 1 0 00 00 1222 1 -459 2526 -148 405 3623 3599 2654 2262 8 Aug 2012 6 00 00 1239 455 2322 -172 477 36 15 3592 2657 -2267 8-Aug 2012 12 00 00 1300 508 .2270 -198 545 -3633 36 14 2654 2271 8 Aug 2012 18 00 00 1477 -689 23 84 -234 -692 3623 3599 2650 2256 9 Aug 2012 0 00 00 1498 -647 2406 -194 .695 36 18 3583 2626 2241 9 Aug 2012 6 00 00 1530 -647 -2435 -1 79 -699 3601 35 62 2663 -2275 9 Aug 2012 12 00 00 1723 899 2659 73 21 8 35 3645 -3609 2650 2260 9 Aug 2012 18 00 00 1890 -1055 -2851 -335 953 3628 3601 2636 2249 10 Aug 2012 0 00 00 19 10 -1027 -2897 -268 904 3621 .3586 2635 -2243 009 10 Aug 2012 6 00 00 1920 -1005 -2907 -257 836 3607 3580 2669 2273 10 Aug-2012 12 00 00 2040 41 95 3093 -420 979 3646 .3622 2641 2254 10 -Au -2012 190000 21 30 -1301 3230 -3 16 1041 36 19 .3586 2645 2250 11 -Aug 2012 0 00 00 1907 847 3141 -176 775 36 15 3587 2642 2250 1 04 11 Aug 2012 6 00 00 I S 05 775 3121 -204 773 3605 -35 83 2660 2265 11 -Au -2012 12 00 00 1840 861 31 95 -261 8 43 36 17 -3590 2648 2255 11 Aug-2012 18 00 00 1896 927 3242 -239 892 36 16 -3589 2638 2250 12 Aug 2012 0 00 00 036 320 1 27 336 242 1420 -35 79 2645 2244 009 12 Aug-2012 6 00 00 102 231 1 33 247 5 07 1681 -35 74 2642 2256 12 Au -2012 12 00 00 139 1 82 123 1 51 4 82 1 18 84 35 81 1 2651 2261 12 Aug-2012 18 00 00 184 1 14 093 074 433 21 11 -3591 2633 2236 13 Au -2012 0 00 00 094 277 199 1 17 5 17 -754 -3565 2632 2227 13 Au -2012 6 00 00 0 85 2 57 1 69 1 16 4 61 -7 71 -3569 2671 2274 13 Aug-2012 120000 1 56 141 054 038 397 -979 860 2665 2267 13 Au -2012 180000 1 84 077 088 010 345 1321 46 87 -2638 22 45 14 Aug-2012 0 00 00 1 73 1 13 154 008 3 51 1429 -2080 2623 2226 14 Aug-2012 6 00 00 1 79 109 1 47 002 331 15 35 -22 15 2674 22 83 14-Aug-2012 12 00 00 280 067 003 -093 238 1792 -24 08 -2648 22 57 14 Au 2012 110000 346 1 87 150 -105 1 66 21 70 -2573 .2621 -2241 15 Au -2012 0 00 00 3 40 141 1 08 0 74 1 46 2257 -2673 2621 2231 15 Aug-2012 6 00 00 3 49 136 1 27 -0 84 129 23 10 -2767 -2675 1 2279 • Date Tmrc Water Levd mchet Oa31te Mmud R—eauge On-sde Auto RG Dmly Oa-aite Auto Rmugaage Monthly Wmdwr Daily Rmatag dd -- bb —w FLOAWI FLOAW2 FLO AW3 FLO AW4 FLO AWS FLO AW6 FLO RAWI FLO RAW2 FLO RAW3 CGI CG2 15 Aug-2012 12 00 00 -505 352 -025 .203 001 2477 2930 -2646 -2263 15 Aug 2012 180000 601 477 193 -200 .094 26 53 -3040 2630 -2231 16 Aug 2012 0 00 00 -6 13 431 181 -166 .115 2751 -3131 2630 -2231 16 -Au 2012 6 00 00 -661 451 177 -1 65 55 2821 3237 2680 -2268 16-Aug 2012 12 00 00 836 731 3 83 -327 -274 2955 3406 2659 -2247 16-AuR 2012 180000 1063 943 4 59 333 401 31 05 35 14 2592 -2185 17-Aug 2012 00000 1076 822 392 1 216 -338 3142 3523 2590 -21 73 17 Aug 2012 6 00 00 1127 777 3 80 195 -310 -3151 35 11 2670 -2281 17 Aug 2012 12 00 00 13 78 1094 -635 418 499 33 13 3610 2653 -2259 17 Aug 2012 18 00 00 1621 1266 774 432 -638 3407 3587 2624 -2226 18 -Au 2012 0 00 00 46 44 1171 732 311 -566 3441 3559 2610 22 17 18 Aug 2012 6 00 00 -1654 11 I0 740 286 538 3468 3544 2666 2269 18 Aug-2012 120000 1800 12 95 935 458 -669 3590 3602 2658 2260 18 Aug 2012 18 00 00 -1951 1452 1170 488 781 3616 3589 2609 2205 19 Au -2012 0 00 00 -1946 1383 1163 370 730 3577 3550 -2605 22 17 090 19 Au -2012 6 00 00 1962 13 53 1191 -350 -697 3577 3545 2470 2239 19 Au -2012 120000 101 5 85 200 081 2 74 -5 32 2746 -2620 2225 19 -Au 2012 18 00 00 020 345 l 85 3 97 5 25 -151 079 -2605 2225 20 Au 2012 0 00 00 065 279 1 87 250 578 -2 14 079 -26 12 2225 003 20 -Au 2012 6 00 00 .092 248 1 74 153 5 18 -259 0 13 -2622 2232 20 -Au 2012 12 00 00 -082 264 1 92 1 04 482 -241 023 2629 2238 20 -Au 2012 180000 095 242 1 59 082 445 324 080 -26 04 2225 21 Au -2012 0 00 00 090 258 1 87 063 422 377 122 26 15 2220 21-Aug-2012 6 00 00 09i 252 1 85 055 1 3 85 -431 196 000 000 21 Aug-2012 12 00 00 136 185 1 26 009 3 13 -529 000 000 000 21 Aug-2012 18 00 00 167 139 1 27 -014 259 661 000 000 000 22 Aug-2012 0 00 00 138 168 1 86 016 -T5-4- -688 000 000 1 23 22 Aug-2012 6 00 00 1 54 143 1 73 .002 2 27 751 000 000 22 Aug-2012 12 00 00 242 -009 040 -098 1 25 952 000 000 22 Au -2012 180000 233 009 1 32 000 000 000 000 000 23 Aug 2012 0 00 00 220 039 1 80 000 000 000 000 0 00 MOO 001 23 Aug 2012 6 00 00 -2 27 0 15 1 66 0 00 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 23 -Au 2012 12 00 00 23 2012 18 00 00 24 Aug 2012 0 00 00 019 24-Aug 2012 6 00 00 24 Aug 2012 12 00 00 24-Aug 2012 18 00 00 25 Aug 2012 0 00 00 047 25-Aug 2012 6 00 00 25 Au -2012 12 00 00 25 A -2012 180000 26-Aug-2012 0 00 00 028 26-Aug-2012 6 00 00 26-Aug-2012 12 00 00 26 Aug-2012 18 00 00 27 -2012 0 00 00 004 27-Aug 2012 6 00 00 27 Aug 2012 12 00 00 27 Au -2012 180000 28 Aug-2012 0 00 00 28 -Au 2012 6 00 00 28-Aug 2012 12 00 00 28 -Au 2012 18 00 00 0 00 00 6 00 00 �M20012 12 00 00 I8 00 00 30 Au -2072 0 00 00 30 Aug-2012 6 00 00 30-Au -2012 12 00 00 30-Aug-2012 190000 31 Aug-2012 0 00 00 31 Aug-2012 6 00 00 31 Aug 2012 12 0000 31 Aug 2012 18 00 00 I-Sep 2012 0 00 00 1 ?20 012 6 00 00 1 S 12 12 00 00 1 Sep 2012 1 180000 0 EKG 09002 MFMTI „ 0 0 MUZIN mil �'•� viii ��������������� EFEMMUM MFEMME� ME 0 In FM irl IT, --------- - - - - -- APPENDIX D 2012 Site Photos Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Pre - Construction Phase Upstream culvert, Reach 1 at Brown School Road during pre - construction phase. Reach land 2 looking downstream during pre - construction phase. LA 0 0 Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Reach 3 looking upstream during pre - construction phase. Reach 4 looking upstream during pre - construction phase. Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Construction Phase Reach 1 during construction phase. Wetland Restoration Area during construction phase. a 0 0 Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Reach 2 during construction phase. Reach 3 during construction phase. CL Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Reach 4 — Log vane installation during construction phase. Monitoring Phase Upstream culvert, Reach 1 at Brown School Road during monitoring phase. 0 L J Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Reach 2 looking downstream during monitoring phase. Reach 3 looking downstream during monitoring phase. Appendix D Site Progression Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Reach 4 looking downstream during monitoring phase. Wetland Restoration Area during monitoring phase. 0 9 J Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos SOA #1 - Station 1 +40, beaver dam in channel SOA #2 - Station 3 +50, beaver dam in channel Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos SOA #3 - Station 9+60, beaver dam in channel SOA 44 - Station 20 +00, beaver dam in channel A 0 r] L Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos SOA #5 - Station 23+00, beaver dam in channel SOA #6 - Station 27 +50, beaver dam in channel 0 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos SOA #7 - Station 37 +00, beaver dam in channel Station 0 +00, Culvert at upstream limit of channel a r-� u 0 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Station 7 +00, General channel conditions Station 27 +50, channel at bankfull after rain event. n U Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Station 37 +00, Adjacent flooded floodplain. Station 75 +00, Rock vane performing at bankfull conditions a Lj Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Stream Photos Station 80 +50, Looking upstream on Reach 4, general conditions Station 104 +00, Downstream limit at confluence r� `.J Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #1 Vegetation Plot #2 a 0 J Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #3 Vegetation Plot #4 n u Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #5 Vegetation Plot #6 0 0 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 97 Vegetation Plot #8 r, LJ Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #9 Vegetation Plot #10 a 0 C-1 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #11 Vegetation Plot #12 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #13 Vegetation Plot 414 Cl 0 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #15 Vegetation Plot #16 0 Appendix D 2012 Site Photos — Floogie Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot #17 Vegetation Plot #18 a 0 0 APPENDIX E 2012 Soils Map • C� G0 N Na GoA GoA Ly Project Area Gt Gt ExA Ra GoA Na ExA G0 b 3 - E E Na t GoA ExA A Na = _ _ - L E E' � GoA Na Ly ExA E t � Gt ExA E a Ra E Na ExA ExA SOIL SERIES LEGEND Hydric Soils Non - Hydric Soils GoA Goldsboro sandy loam, 0 to 3% slopes Na Nahunta very fine sandy loam ExA Exum very fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 % slopes Gt Grantham silt loam Ra Rains sandy loam Ly Lynchburg sandy loam WE Wehadkee loam, frequently flooded 2010 Bing Aerial Photography LEGEND Soils Map NCDOT Roads Stream 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet Floog ie Site GoA Soil Series and Phase 1 inch = 1,038 feet Project Area APPENDIX F Floogie Closeout Report LA • Floogie Mitigation Project DENR -EEP Contract No. D06011 Closeout Report Proiect Setting and Classifications Overall Proiect Activities and Timeline County Bertie General Location Windsor, NC Basin Roanoke Physiographic Region Coastal Plain Ecore ion Coastal Flatwoods USGS Hydro Unit 03010107- 160050 NCDW Sub -basin 1 03 -02 -10 Wetland Classification Riparian Thermal Regime Warm Trout Water No Proiect Performers Source Agencv NC EEP Provider EBX -Neuse 1, LLC Designer WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Monitoring Firm WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Milestone Month -Year Construction Bean October 2007 Construction Completed February 2008 Planting Com leted March 2008 Post Construction Monitoring Gauges Installed March 2008 As -Built Report Submitted Aril 2008 1 st Annual Monitoring Report August 2008 2nd Annual Monitoring Report September 2009 3rd Annual Monitoring Report September 2010 4th Annual Monitoring Report October 2011 5th Annual Monitoring Report August 2012 0 0 0 Project Setting and Background Summary This stream and wetland mitigation project was developed to provide stream and wetland mitigation units for the NC EEP full delivery process Previous stream conditions demonstrated significant degradation with a high degree of incision as a result of straightening and channelization performed to promote agricultural activities Historically, a small Coastal Plain swamp existed within the floodplam of Flat Swamp Creek Restoration of the stream included establishment of stable cross - sectional geometry, restoration of planform sinuosity, and increased streambed diversity Wetland restoration included plugging existing ditches, opening ditches outside the restoration area to promote infiltration, restoring microtopography, planting wetlands species, and relocating an existing road outside of the easement While the site has not required supplemental planting to meet vegetative success criteria, efforts have been made to control beaver populations which have been flooding the site in years 4 and 5 Goals and Objectives • Produce a mimmum of 11,149 stream mitigation units (SMU) and 25 19 riparian wetland mitigation units (WMU) to the NCEEP • Maximize the improvements of riparian and aquatic habitats and water quality through ecological restoration Success Criteria Wetland Hydrology Restoration of the water table to within 12 inches of the soil surface for at least 7% of the growing season continuously (approximately 16 days) During penods of low rainfall, the restoration gauge hydropenod must exceed that of the reference gauges, provided the gauges exceed 5% of the growing season, to be deemed successful Stream and Wetland Survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre after the year three monitoring period Survival of at least 260 planted stems per acre after the year five monitoring period Vegetation A maximum of 20 percent of the site species composition may be compnsed of non - invasive volunteers A photo log will be maintained over the monitoring penod and must demonstrate maturation of planted vegetation and volunteer h dro h tic species Stream Bankfull events a minimum of two bankfull events must be documented within the five -year period -monitoring Cross - Sections There should be little change in as -built cross sections Cross sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for "E" or "C" type channels The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedfonn features are remaining stable Bedfonns observed should be consistent with those observed in "E" and "C" type channels will be used to evaluate stream characteristics -Photographs Sampling of benthic macroinvertebrates within the restored stream channel shall be conducted in Year 1, Year 3, and Year 5 of post-restoration monitoring Restoration Mitigation Watershed As -Built Linear Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Units Reach A roach Acreage Foota e/ Acrea a SMU/WMU STREAM , RI Stream 2800 1 1 2800 Restoration R2 Stream 2500 1 1 2500 Restoration R3 Stream 2400 1 1 2400 Restoration R4 Stream 2771 1 1 2771 Restoration IA Headwater Valley 322 1 1 322 Restoration 1B Headwater Valley 356 1 1 356 Restoration WEI,TLAND I .I I rll Area 1 Riparian Wetland 25 19 1 1 25 19 Restoration " P��iiiw,n rnt "at.i 7a1�A- 0 0� v i I L II ,.Mite Y��(01-0 4iW, 'J3{'�"T"UYC aW' A�jl'� a ital� Stream Mitigation Units 11,149 SMU Wetland Mitigation Units 25 19 WMU 0 • o III J - N IJQW MO. 2010 NC OneMap Aerial Photography , Assets Map, Reach 1 and Headwater Reaches 1 ihch =100 feet Floogie Mitigation Site o a r, U �J Table 9. Stream Areas Reauirine Observation ID Station Feature Problem Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 1 1 +40 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 2 3 +50 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 3 9 +60 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 4 20 +00 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 5 23 +00 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 6 27 +50 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* Beaver dam partially blocking channel. Channel is stable. 7 37 +00 Bed Beaver control is currently ongoing.* *Beaver trapping is currently ongoing, beaver dam removal will take place following the removal of beavers. 0 0 E %A. Proged Area SOL SERIES LEGEND Hydm Soils Non-Hydm Soils GbA Gold huo sandy 1pm, Oto3%obpe. N. AWM wy fro senay bem EIA Every 1x Bendy bam. 0 to 2 %sbrr1 01 G—V/ sY Wm R. R—,.*A m Ly Ly-hbw antly Wm WE %Wn dkas A— 6.poer.ly Hooded Im 2010 Bing Aerial Photography LEGEND - Ncoor 10. 1.� 2.m Soils Map ,..„ F`" Floogie Site d°A '°"""""n°' 1 inch = 1,000 feet O • Gm w o- 1i i Ripenen Welland `- ReWaalan Area p„I, ., � " —; j• I, ,� r:��", sueamReataatidn _ r �, �, ExistinyVWUand Boundwy . _ ,..I _ - _ ✓ i w: 1 nd J as L, ..aana.a USGS Quadrangle Map LEGEND "moT fti Floogie Site ft- ny.d M.. 0 60 1.000 7.000 4 .000 FM NMYM RaWt/len 1 inch = 2,000 feet a Flocgie Reach 1 -2 STA. 15+50 - STA 25+50 — A.43uY —Yeul - -Yu.2 —r-3 —T-4 —Y-5 ---W4a Smf.. • LT8 x RT6 47 45 + + IX + * + x BlMf67B15 lillij 11 V� + 141 37 1.530 1650 1750 1810 1950 M50 1130 1250 7110 1150 1550 Chund DiMnn (1) 46 44 41 a � i 39 W 36 34 32 Floogie Reach STA. 47 +50 -STA. 65+00 —A,-Bib —Yml —Y-1 —Yr7 —Yv4 —Y-5 — W.N5�6tt ♦ LTD x RTB )•.�..j. .51.1 3 +•i �� ./ �, .. ).T ..r 'i�'. i- •; �I 4750 4910 1150 5350 5150 SM 1950 6110 6350 6550 Chwd Dimmt (R) Floogic Reach 4 STA. 87 +50 - STA. 94 +50 —Y-1 --Yw2 —Y-3 —Y-4 —f-Y -5 --- Wdw&w4a + LTD x RTB 42 4D 4 X+ X —3g 7X- 34 32 30 5750 8 0 9950 9050 9150 9210 MO Cb*rAr Did (B) a 0 :—X— — or (U) 111P11% tt BY "M 19 Own oroo-a -Omm Ilolkk— :-A— I A— I-OM— -le—UM4— I Up �IJPIA% .WIN iUWINti -Ojj,*-w lm-k— P-A— f-A— Z-,%— I—,k— Willi —1711MYT-11— (voillmil, 'it c 01 I"j •f Ven-s I-A— t-A— foilk%— Volk%— I—A— ~V- (UvqW-A% .R a 0 1 s or 1K Ot it BI MV UOIP4S"w.)'4I*OOH it it zi to to BI fl 'WIN 1, .-Il —11) Ilolkk— :-A— I A— I-OM— -le—UM4— I Up �IJPIA% .WIN iUWINti -Ojj,*-w lm-k— P-A— f-A— Z-,%— I—,k— Willi —1711MYT-11— (voillmil, 'it c 01 I"j •f Ven-s I-A— t-A— foilk%— Volk%— I—A— ~V- (UvqW-A% .R a 0 1 s or 1K Ot it BI MV UOIP4S"w.)'4I*OOH it it zi to to BI F601*. Ciw, Salim 7. RM as 44 Io 4. so Fig n —AIIW* —Y-1 PU"k, Cro Stella - 9, RM ab 42 41 to wuhh'11, —A..tk..k 4 lii as 41 1. W 0 7u Si, Iwalh lm —Vm4 JI F"k. cm. sftl6- 10. Pm sy --u-swu —V-1 —T..' —Y—j —Y-4 —V.—., 1`11111100. Cmu &ad= IX Fed 45 43 I 41 40 33 0 lo 20 30 40 so 60 70 eu Width (ft) —V'—[ —Y-2 —Y-3 -4 —Y-S a FMgle, Crm demo. M Fad u r,i 40 I � I — — I 33 0 10 30 30 40 30 40 11 w�aa ce3 — .a.3YdI33aveld. —AaBWa —Yvl —Yell —Yt3 —Yvd —Yeu3 FN.ra Crap Seedw 15, R e ,1 c 31 'u 0 10 30 70 JO 30 00 '0 wleh (ft) —Flood P—Me — BM%MArta —AdSee saae.Yt3 —7ea1 �Yml - -Yar, —Yev3 FI..W. Cnu S,,tl.e 14, RUM e W M 39 ` is 0 to IQ )0 iU m 60 '0 width tm — FlldP=,A(e — BaAMElefaon —A*BWI —Yrl —Ym3 —Ye,3 -V®4 —Yw Fl"& Mu Swibll 144 l..1 c 39 - E x w 35 H 0 l0 :0 .n ,0 n no 70 wldm cn> — Aaae.Blkra0 —AMW[ —Y� l —YSa3 —TS3 —Yee, —Year3 a Flwl e% CfMt SMIM 17, PM it 61 io m 17 16 3S :I 0 t0 20 70 A :0 60 W ldlh (ft) —61"M 13—ft � Ar l YMI 3 �4r1 �YCrl 11 FboYJs', C.7ass SrrlloA 79, Pool Ploa*q Crm fwGm H. REW !0 2011 2012 U 10 :U 30 60 Width(ft) 70 00 —FlootPU M —Ba lAM � DC VWl —YO1] Yr l —YVi Vw5 CG2 i CG2 11 CG2 CG1 CG2 Number of Bankfull Eve nts it 2 4 a: 6 7 n S --- 2 I NA w � I I 1.6 2.1 2.6 3; V a 0 10 20 30 10 So 60 70 an W IAh (ft) i T- -B�F1r ­BmL —Yarl - -Ym: —1':vl Ymi VMS Fl000l , ('rocs S,,11­ 13, RNflt 2008 Ploa*q Crm fwGm H. REW H 2011 2012 U 10 :U 30 60 Width(ft) 70 00 —FlootPU M —Ba lAM � DC VWl —YO1] Yr l —YVi Vw5 2008 Ploa*q Crm fwGm H. REW H 2011 2012 CG1 CG2 CG1 CG2 CG1 CG2 43 CG2 CG1 CG2 Number of Bankfull Eve nts 2 2 4 a: 6 - - - --- 2 1 NA 11 1.6 2.1 2.6 1.1 a 40 i T- e 3y w p Sa � 3: 6 to 20 10 68 A 60 70 01) v0 M W tmh (ft) —FlwJPMtAlo —6atll Elmbm —ACBWI Yell - - -Yas3 Ywl - -Yw4 War; 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CG1 CG2 CG1 CG2 CG1 CG2 CG1 CG2 CG1 CG2 Number of Bankfull Eve nts 2 2 4 4 6 5 3 2 1 NA Maximum Height Above Bankfull (feet) 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.6 1.1 Parameter Cross Section 1 Pool Cross Section 2 Riffle Cross Section 3 Pool Cross Section 4 Riffle "i Y6 d Y, iLl i "I, JS.,, VIVO[ IL 111.41 uE1''WrJiWmC "iam7iN�xe"I"lu ^wJ�uulWwue9Lw �aIDra az �•i'N�9nE,mr��M'S�rrcm,�l�gE lruf��c�uw�Plormu r�'�whiu�aflicfl iAG vuL1 wIENLLxm.wOGtlul�!sctiWnN�'�u + '�Iw6 11WOV7Yr.Llnlllu�'umunV4. cm,�i muMiVSUm �iy'G�'ll y�rcdlilturon �NVd,+ �w' CWNnauu' VSw !eiw74LIiLN�r�Iw�usvwmnY�lwu� 'WH °EIUI Ir,�luM1�3'TVUWnnno� Dimension Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS BF Width ft 168 169 172 189 198 172 164 190 204 186 178 169 193 188 188 200 189 194 224 199 203 169 176 173 Flood prone Width ft 730 708 709 710 710 710 793 774 769 776 776 776. 775 768 764 770 770 770 727 651 675 71 3 713 713 BF Cross Sectional Area 34 1 339 33 5 346 326 322 187 213 226 209 194 200 490 412 420 407 42 1 419 262 224 219 192 200 21 1 BF Mean Depth ft 20 20 19 18 16 19 11 11 1 1 11 11 12 25 22 22 20 22 22 12 11 11 1 1 11 12 BF Max Depth ft 38 37 37 37 36 1 34 24 25 25 23 24 24 49 48 46 45 45 43 29 26 25 22 23 26 Width/Depth Ratio 83 84 89 103 120 91 145 170 184 165 163 143 76 86 85 98 85 90 192 176 188 148 156 142 Entrenchment Ratio 43 30 41 38 36 41 48 41 3 8 42 44 46 4 0 4 1 41 39 41 40 32 33 33 42 40 41 WettedPenmeterft 189 189 192 209 218 194 172 197 211 192 185 177 222 216 212 224 211 217 233 206 211 175 184 183 Hydraulic radius ft 1 8 1 8 1 7 17 1 5 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 2 1 9 2 0 1 8 ?0 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 12 Parameter Cross Section 5 Riffle Cross Section 6 Pool Cross Section 7 Riffle Cross Section 8 Pool 4u ,o rer' �Cr +^4ha�P,wG!neF.�ill�Sexifi�.' xn4.��r �*9AN Ok@Elff,tMa,°�SNa�N a�"�tdkw.dZ leil&1M®L"�� 51P�4k585T9, �tuf�, ".,tL_die �iNllyl! "zi'�hfleo� , ^' �_ x eM r.w udrt9P?p_a«- �aLEw,+f,�}' asoiNNIilE Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS BF Width ft 167 165 169 183 174 171 174 181 177 234 208 177 185 203 177 187 195 202 192 200 209 218 209 188 Flood prone Width ft 69 4 662 659 662 662 665 690 669 61 3 673 673 673 622 61 1 576 597 597 597 602 600 594 601 601 60 1 BF Cross Sectional Area 16 4 158 154 137 160 141 288 297 297 300 334 288 167 193 173 175 249 255 260 264 276 278 298 289 BF Mean Depth (ft) 10 10 09 07 09 08 17 16 17 13 16 16 09 09 10 09 13 13 14 13 13 13 1 1 T1 BF Max Depth ft 20 20 19 18 20 18 34 34 34 28 32 32 14 17 16 16 21 22 25 25 24 23 21 23 Width/Depth Ratio 170 171 184 244 188 207 105 111 106 183 129 109 204 214 181 199 153 160 141 152 159 171 248 242 Entrenchment Ratio 42 40 39 36 38 39 40 37 35 29 32 38 34 30 33 32 31 30 31 30 28 28 22 23 Wetted Penmeterft 172 170 173 188 178 176 190 197 193 246 221 217 189 212 187 191 203 209 202 209 220 227 277 242 Hydraulic rad�us(ft 10 09 09 07 09 08 1 5 15 15 12 15 13 09 09 09 09 12 12 13 13 13 12 11 1 1 Parameter Cross Section 9 Riffle Cross Section 10 Pool Cross Section 11 Riffle Cross Section 12 Pool t m uia. wvu ormum Lwow eu nrv,w��mavwwn�u � n� awaavrrwLU� �m��uaiw,wr,uu�wnim n u wu�w�aaimu7ti�wwi wuw,r, w�wai u�nn�Jwunuiirv�Mr�,skrrr, E��.W 1,I11 „,w1,rr U'W"Ar� a t.to »,r amo��umw�wma�e��rv��a�mT � *_ m 4"21 Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width ft 190 191 186 188 185 183 225 217 221 234 191 193 194 198 193 194 199 201 130 158 162 160 196 174 Flood prone Width ft 661 660 660 659 659 659 805 802 806 807 807 807 779 748 688 749 749 749 787 767 761 759 759 759 BF Cross Sectional Area 32 7 295 290 284 254 25 1 40 1 401 41 1 368 305 31 5 21 5 24 1 236 238 232 230 257 274 288 280 330 268 BF Mean Depth ft 17 1 5 16 15 14 14 1 8 1 8 19 16 16 16 1 1 12 12 1 1 09 10 20 1 7 1 8 1 8 17 15 BF Max Depth ft 29 27 1 26 26 24 1 25 38 37 37 34 29 32 27 28 27 27 26 27 39 39 39 39 40 37 Width/Depth Ratio 111 124 120 124 135 133 127 118 119 148 119 118 175 163 158 181 282 244 66 92 92 91 117 113 Entrenchment Ratio 35 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 35 42 41 40 38 36 36 29 31 61 48 47 39 39 43 Wetted Penmeter (ft) 201 201 196, 199 194 19 2 242 238 242 246 201 50-5— 205 206 20 1 216 264 246 153 177 18 1 18 1 21 5 193 Hydraulic radius ft 1 6 15 15 14 1 3 13 17 1 7 1 7 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 09 09 1 7 15 16 1 5 1 5 1 4 Parameter Cross Section 13 Pool Cross Section 14 Riffle Cross Section 15 Riffle Cross Section 16 Pool I Jn ralJZ l ,if+F011`,j -TIa N?T-1 71 'IL drS'% uV'i�V�,nIN _,� , hm9ro 11110Gid OJ Ire -�11lr AY ° I., IBI, r "W 1aE' 1411,tj Apr nI fl, A,,, L fl,jl ,Il X1,1 , I,L, Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 197 192 185 228 225 182 188 184 196 198 195 196 175 170 189 180 176 160 197 239 236 231 225 226 Flood prone ADe 69 8 700 700 700 700 700 638 633 636 634 633 633 668 668 620 666 669 665 608 607 606 608 607 606 BF Cross Sec 264 239 234 272 287 220 243 240 248 234 247 217 159 184 21 9 226 212 176 497 485 626 55 2 512 482 BF 13 12 ] 3 1 2 13 12 13 13 13 1 1 09 1 1 09 1 1 12 13 1 2 1 1 25 20 21 24 23 21 BF 27 26 26 25 26 1 24 22 22 23 20 21 20 15 28 29 29 30 29 50 50 48 46 44 43 Width/Depth Ratio 147 155 147 191 176 151 146 141 155 187 286 177 193 157 162 143 146 145 78 118 106 97 99 106 Entrenchment Ratio 35 36 38 31 31 38 34 34 32 30 24 32 38 39 33 37 38 42 31 25 26 6 27 27 Wetted Penmeter(ft 204 199 194 235 23 1 189 195 191 204 21 3 27 0 20 2 17 9 18 2 20 1 19 3 19 4 18 0 22 3 26 3 25 6 �25 3 25 0 24 7 Hydraulic radius (ft) 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 9 1 1 0 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 8 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 Parameter Cross Section 17 Pool Cross Section 18 Riffle Cross Section 19 Pool Cross Section 20 Riffle �� i 'idl WL "I�11 �, id^, �.,I'wi IVI CIdfl -4d lILL ,i FUNI A12111111111' ' 9eur dd1� I� ��auw IT W�YI I , 9 All I. "�6 �����MY3 ima II i,n- Jnr.��' I'I Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width (ft) 159 165 153 184 182 169 180 170 176 197 190 183 152 151 162 167 170 168 136 144 151 149 151 138 Flood prone Width (ft ) 74 1 710 744 74 1 74 1 74 1 763 76 1 763 769 770 769 816 819 820 816 819 815 972 969 969 97 1 976 971 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 51 1 499 503 55 8 560 527 565 51 7 53 3 593 584 556 463 450 466 477 463 467 325 350 366 397 372 356 BF Mean Depth ft 32 30 33 30 31 31 31 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 29 29 27 28 24 24 24 27 25 26 BF Max Depth ft 50 51 49 54 1 53 1 52 45 44 42 47 49 49 49 48 47 47 46 47 30 34 34 36 34 1 34 Width/Depth Ratio 50 55 47 61 59 54 57 56 58 66 62 60 50 51 57 58 63 61 57 59 63 56 62 53 Entrenchment Ratio 47 43 49 40 41 43 42 45 43 39 40 42 54 54 50 49 48 48 71 67 64 65 70 Wetted Penmeter ft 206 20 8 193 226 229 214 222 213 21 5 244 23 6 227 1-93 188 195 20 1 203 203 161 17 1 178 177 �20 168 Hydraulic radius (ft 25 24 26 25 24 25 25 24 25 24 25 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 20 21 21 22 21 Reach 1 Parameter Baseline MY 1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern Min Max Med~ Min Max Med Min Max Med Mm Max Med Min Max Med Mm Max Med Channel Beltwidth (ft) 3905 8672 6288 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 123 72 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 12372 8494 15825 12T7-2 Radius of Curvature ft 1826 2739 2282 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 2024 3026 2487 Meander Wavelength (ft) 12425 171 16 14770 27587 36482 32022 27587 36482 320 22 275 87 36482 32022 275 87 36482 320 22 275 87 36482 32022 Meander Width ratio 212 472 342 23 42 33 23 42 33 23 42 33 23 42 33 23 42 33 Profile Riffle length (ft) 15 1 1032 390 200 288 200 470 288 20 0 47 0 28 8 20 0 47 0 28 8 200 470 288 Riffle slope ft/ft) 00038 00177 00081 0 001 00118 —6001 00281 00118 00051 00305 00191 00051 00305 00191 00051 00305 00191 Pool length ft 232 13941 526 217 q74 45 4 21 7 87 4 45 4 21 7 87 4 45 4 21 7 87 4 45 4 21 7 87 4 45 4 Pools acing (ft) 33 9 250 8 65 3 29 5 735 295 1558 73 5 295 155 8 735 295 155 8 73 5 295 1558 735 _ 17 'T'SW.TLJ^t..1!�jb J 4 I l +iY��T�• iYL!•ll�l k�l��l�lii it ,9 '(yl�_F'1 _ mVi!Nk''� Q'�Jx'YLal� r ��L1 'li u�t ..� u�IN °ilr L,4 i n�yi�i� r^fi� i 'U '" Iryli y�4�ily ���„�fyii l,N U� y_ if �k��Y4 ill log, l u i�� _1W Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft 15819 7410 7410 7410 7410 7410 Channel Length (11) 2200 10178 10178 10178 10178 10178 Sinuosity 14 14 14 14 14 14 Water Surface Slope ft/ft) 000150 00007 00007 0000802 0000802 0000802 BF slope (11/ft) 00009 000075 000075 000182 000182 000182 Ros en Classification C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Reach 2 Parameter Baseline MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Channel Beltwidth ft 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 3998 8878 6438 Radius of Curvature ft 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 1869 2804 2336 Meander Wavelength ft 12720 17522 151 21 12720 17522 15121 12720 17522 15121 12720 17522 15121 12720 17522 15121 12720 17522 15121 Meander Width ratio 2 12 472 342 2 12 472 342 2 12 472 342 2 12 472 342 212 472 342 2 12 472 342 Profile Riffle length (ft 282 975 491 282 975 49 1 282 975 491 282 975 491 282 975 491 282 975 49 1 Riffle slope fl/ft 00020 0 0096 0 0045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 00020 00096 00045 Pool length ft 194 135 9 596 194 1359 596 194 1359 596 194 1359 596 194 1359 596 194 1359 596 Poolspacing (ft) 352 195 1 1194 35 2 195 1 1194 352 195 1 1194 352 195 1 1194 352 195 1 1194 352 195 1 1194 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft 7568 7568 7568 7568 7568 7568 Channel Length (ft 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 Sinuosity 20 20 20 20 20 20 Water Surface Sloe (ft/ft) 000140 000140 000140 0000802 0000802 0000802 BF slope ft/ft 000075 000075 000075 0 001 0 001 0 001 Ros en Classification C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Reach 3 Parameter Baseline MY 1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern Min ^ Max Med Min uMax MedM Mtn 'Med m 1Min Max Med. Min Max Med _ Min v Maxm Med Channel Beltwidth ft 4106 9141 6623 832 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 832 2171 1526 Radius of Curvature (ft) 19 17 2886 2401 141 317 205 141 317 205 141 317 205 141 31 7 205 141 317 205 Meander Wavelength ft 13092 18030 15551 2219 4988 3256 2219 4988 3256 221 9 4988 3256 2219 4988 3256 2219 4988 3256 Meander Width ratio 212 472 342 20 53 37 20 53 37 20 53 37 20 53 37 20 53 37 Profile Riffle length (R) 195 1958 347 102 570 227 102 570 227 102 57 0 22 7 10 2 57 0 22 7 10 2 57 0 22 7 Riffle slope ft/ft) 00022 00297 00038 00003 00313 00118 00003 0 0313 0 0118 0 0108 00141 00117 00108 00141 00117 00108 00141 00117 Pool length (ft ) 134 1266 546 138 386 228 138 386 228 138 386 228 138 386 228 138 386 228 Poolspacing ft 224 20641 86 1 232 1683 53 1 232 1683 53 1 23 2 1683 53 1 232 1683 53 1 232 1693 53 1 _ 1 X111 MI i 111 III I 1 � V ISM• � 1 _ it i_ I �j I N 1 " IJ - Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 24985 9668 9668 9668 9668 9668 Channel Length (ft 4110 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 Sinuosity 17 18 18 18 18 18 Water Surface Slope ft/ft) 000160 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 001 BF slope ft/ft 00008 0 001 0 001 00012 00012 00012 Ros en Classification E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Reach 4 Parameter Baseline MY 1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Pattern ®Mme Max d� Med Min Max Med Min Max yMed �Min� Max Med m Min Max Med _ Min Max Med A Channel Beltwidth (ft) 279 477 358 279 477 358 279 477 358 279 477 358 279 477 358 279 477 358 Radius of Curvature ft 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 8622 1878 1402 Meander Wavelength ft 368 1 3919 3800 368 1 391 9 3800 368 1 3919 3800 3681 391 9 3800 368 1 3919 3800 368 1 3919 3800 Meander Width ratio 09085 1 5523 06649 09085 15523 06649 09085 1 5523 06649 09085 15523 06649 09085 15523 06649 09085 15523 06649 Profile Riffle length (ft!39 9 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 419 80 1 636 Riffle slope ft/ft 016 U676 00016 00090 00064 00016 00090 00064 00023 0 009 00046 00023 0 009 00046 00023 0 009 00046 Pool length (ft) 4 39 4 157 6 76 34 39 4 157 6 76 34 39 4 157 6 76 34 39 4 157 6 76 34 39 4 157 6 76 34 Pools acm ft) 4 514 1279 884 514 1279 884 514 1279 884 514 127 9 884 514 1270 884 Additional Reach Parameters11 Valley Length (R 6158 6158 6158 6158 6158 6158 Channel Length (ft 6384 6384 6384 6384 6384 6384 Sinuosity 10 10 10 10 10 10 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 00003 00003 00003 00006 00006 00006 BF slope ft/ft 00002 00002 00002 0000766 0000766 0000766 Ros en Classificationi E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 LA Results of 2012 Vegetation Monitoring — Planted Species by Plot Summary of Results -Plot # _r Stems Stems- Year 1P Stems �_ , - Stems Stems Year 3 rear 4 ei .� -.�-� �Stemsper Stems�- ��Aere Year 5 - �Y,'e`ar�5g - etlandPlots(03101acre) W 7 Plot 1 61 55 53 53 51 51 510 Plot 2 60 46 49 40 39 39 *3)q M ' 5 619W 65 81AW9 56 010 14 ` 21 UN"M 58 51X16 57 X1171=18 56 Bald 6 10 4 22 7 10 5 13 5 9 12 4 12 10 11 3 2 Cypress 31 24 19 25 26 520 Plot 7 37 22 17 17 22 22 440 Plot 49 44 43 Green Ash 5 9 27 3 13 33 7 8 4 1 3 17 7 7 4 6 2 6 Hickory Plot 11 1 36 35 34 33 34 680 Plot 12 45 43 42 42 35 42 840 Plot 13 40 Laurel 37 36 33 36 720 Plot 14 51 47 38 41 40 39 780 Plot 15 48 43 41 39 Oak 2 760 Plot 16 49 48 41 42 40 41 1 Plot 17 1 2 28 1 5 22 440 Overcup 10 11 13 7 7 4 2 7 10 5 6 4 2 8 1 7 11 4 Oak Swamp 18 8 4 20 16 8 4 7 4 7 6 9 5 7 11 11 4 Tupelo Willow 10 6 4 12 4 4 7 8 25 7 7 8 7 10 9 9 8 Oak Summary of Results -Plot # _r Stems Stems- Year 1P Stems �_ , - Stems Stems Year 3 rear 4 ei .� -.�-� �Stemsper Stems�- ��Aere Year 5 - �Y,'e`ar�5g - etlandPlots(03101acre) W 7 Plot 1 61 55 53 53 51 51 510 Plot 2 60 46 49 40 39 39 390 Plot 3 70 66 65 64 56 54 540 Plot 4 69 58 61 57 55 56 560 Plot 5 65 57 53 54 1 55 55 550 Average 510.0 Range 390 -560 p an Buffet Plots(O:20 -acre) Plot 6 40 31 24 19 25 26 520 Plot 7 37 22 17 17 22 22 440 Plot 49 44 43 43 42 42 840 Plot 9 45 33 28 29 29 31 620 Plot 10 50 48 1 49 47 47 48 960 Plot 11 47 36 35 34 33 34 680 Plot 12 45 43 42 42 35 42 840 Plot 13 40 39 37 36 33 36 720 Plot 14 51 47 38 41 40 39 780 Plot 15 48 43 41 39 35 38 760 Plot 16 49 48 41 42 40 41 820 Plot 17 30 28 28 27 24 22 440 Plot 18 28 27 26 26 24 24 480 a 684.6 t Ran- a 440 -960 Lj Summary of Hydrology Monitoring Data 2008 -2012 -�° � 9e_ MaxConsecutive�Hydropenod( 2008 200 _ - 2010 � 2011 %) = r_z-r X201 Z= - AW7 26 16 16 13 9 AW2 17 15 8 15 39 AW3 9 14 7 14 8 AW4 22 16 11 15 41 AW5 21 16 12 20 19 AW6 9 t 15 12 19 9 RAW1 19 16 15 20 10 RAW2 15 13 12 15 8 RAW3 8 13 13 13 8 Comparison of Normal Rainfall to Observed Rainfall (2012) __- � Month - - - Averaged - _ - _ z Normalll;imits �r �" --- � 301P,e`rcenf = - _ � -� _70= _ Percent �Wiidsor, ` -_ Precipitatibn- =- January 411 307 490 246 February 337 238 407 271 March 398 296 470 491 April 300 2 12 3 82 233 May 399 253 498 731 June 387 278 453 346 July 537 339 659 393 August 486 274 604 496 September 5 10 250 624 October 323 202 463 November 271 163 1 328 December 330 1 224 397 Annual 4030 5125 Total 4689 1 3207 *Data collected through August 30 2012 Precipitation for Floogie Site 16 15 Growing Season 14 13 12 11 ,—J 0 9 r v .0 8 7 C - - - -- -- -- 6 5 4 - -" 3 .. I - p" 2 -- --- - -_ _ -- -- --- _ 1 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Months Growing Season � Windsor Daily Rainfall - - - - - -- 30th/70th Percentile —6 Windsor Monthly Ramfal EEP Recommendations and Conclusions • All hydrology monitoring gauges recorded consecutive hydropenods for at least 7 percent of the growing season for 2012 • The restored stream channel has remained stable and is providing the intended habitat and hydrologic functions All monitoring cross sections and longitudinal profile for 2012 showed very little adjustment in stream dimension over the previous year • Vegetation monitoring has documented the average number of stems per acre on the site to be 636, with the range of stem density of 390 to 5600 stems per acre All vegetation plots have achieved the success criterion of 260 trees per acre at monitoring year 5 • Benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring will be conducted in January 2013 and the results will be presented m a supplemental monitoring report and the closeout report to follow • The project has achieved success based on stated success criteria and is recommended for regulatory closure Contingencies • Removal of beaver population and destruction of existing dams is currently under way • Remedial action will be taken to control and eliminate the threat of invasive species taking over and or loss of targeted species if needed LI 0 L Example Pre - Existing Condition Photos Upstream culvert, Reach 1 at Brown School Reach 1 and 2 looking downstream during pre - Road during pre - construction phase. construction phase. Reach 3 looking upstream during pre- Reach 4 looking upstream during pre - construction phase. construction phase. Monitoring Phase Upstream culvert, Reach 1 at Brown School Reach 2 looking downstream during monitoring Road during monitoring phase. phase. Reach 3 looking downstream during monitoring Reach 4 looking downstream during monitoring phase. phase. Wetland Restoration Area during monitoring phase. LA