HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061521 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20130212i y_t OAKLEY CROSSROADS STREAM & BUFFER RESTORATION MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 2 OF 5) Pitt County, North Carolina SCO Project Number 050659701 EEP Project Number 273 Prepared for: North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 FIF- 7' J 1 ' / L 0 t3 - WiJER A i'K r~ Ecosystem 111 CIA Status of Plan: Final Construction Completed: 2011 Data Collected: 2012 Submission Date: November 2012 A WQ 1 66 -/ 5� ( RECEIVED �aN k 1 2013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 'k -- (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided pnntmg) -7 Prepared by: 1. I Stantec Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 I- (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided pnntmg) J Table of Contents 10 Executive Summary / Project Abstract 1 20 Methodology 3 21 Morphological Parameters and Channel Stability 3 211 Dimension 3 21 1 Pattern and Profile 3 212 Substrate 3 21 1 Sediment Transport 3 22 23 231 232 30 40 Vegetation Hydrology Wetland Stream References Appendices Appendix A — Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Appendix B — Visual Assessment Data Appendix C — Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D — Stream Survey Data Appendix E — Hydrologic Data Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) 3 4 4 4 5 7 Page i November 2012 L- (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page n Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 __7 1.0 Executive Summary / Project Abstract The overall goal of the Oakley restoration project was to improve water quality and wildlife habitat by restoring a stable stream and riparian buffer system to the project site The objectives of the project were to restore stream stability and improve aquatic habitat, restore riparian buffer along the stream channel, preserve riverme wetlands, establish a wildlife corridor, divert an unbuffered agricultural ditch system from the stream channel to an irrigation pond, and establish native vegetation within the permanent conservation easement The project included 3,789 linear feet of stream restoration and 329 linear feet of stream enhancement Priority II stream restoration involved restoring raffle /pool sequences, the installation of structures, and floodplam grading to improve floodplam connectivity and provide diverse instream habitat Enhancement II stream restoration involved the planting of native hardwood trees and shrubs Also, native riparian buffer planting took place on over 18 acres of the site, and an additional 137 acres of wetland was preserved The project will result in 3,931 stream mitigation units (SMUs), 16 9 acres of buffer mitigation units (BMUs), and 0 27 acres of wetland mitigation units (WMUs) The Monitoring Year 2 [MY2] stem counts within each of the nine (9) vegetative monitoring plots are included in Tables 7 and 9 in Appendix C Located within the Tar - Pamlico River basin, this project was instituted prior to October 11, 2007 and is therefore eligible for riparian buffer restoration credit up to 200 feet from the top of bank of all perennial and intermittent waterways within the conservation easement area As such, the vegetative monitoring plots have been assessed for the vegetation success criteria for both buffer (320 planted trees /acre) and streams (MY3 interim criteria of 320 woody stems /acre) All nine vegetative monitoring plots met the vegetation success criteria for riparian buffers Of the five plots within the 50 -foot stream buffer, all are currently meeting the vegetation success criteria for streams Ecosystems Grading Solutions, Inc planted an additional 5,000 bare roots and livestakes at the Oakley site on January 31, 2012 Several large areas of Murdannaa keasak (marsh dayflower), observed in 2011, have expanded in and along the banks of stream throughout Section 1 in 2012 Areas where Murdannaa keasak was most abundant include between Station 0 +50 and 1 +50, between Station 3 +50 and 7 +00, near Station 21 +50, and near Station 28 +50 Currently, these areas of Murdannaa keasak do not pose a threat to native vegetation establishment or stream stability, but they will continue to be monitored during future field visits to document any changes In addition, the streambanks on both left and right bank were observed to be bare below the Braley culvert, between Station 38 +25 and 39+00 The rest of the site appears to have benefitted tremendously from the supplemental planting in 2012, as there were no additional bare areas observed on the project site Overall the planted woody vegetation has become established and has excellent vigor Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Oakley restoration project were observed to be in generally stable condition The channel's profile and cross - section adjusted only minimally from baseline conditions The channel has good connection to its floodplain Evidence of bankfull overflow was observed during the stream and vegetation monitoring on October 4th and 10th, 2012 Evidence included the presence of wrack Imes and cork above the bankfull line on the crest gauge The dimension, pattern, and profile survey for MY2 conditions for Section 1 and Section 2 were analyzed, and the current shear stress and stream power are consistent with the design intent to reduce sediment transport Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page I Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 An area of aggradation, noted in 2011, was again observed below the upstream culvert between Station 0 +00 and 0 +60 Additionally, one area of minor bed downcutting was observed between Station 35 +00 and 37 +00 The structures in this area are still providing grade control and will help the area reach an equilibrium The areas of aggradation and bed downcutting do not currently threaten the stability of the stream These areas will continue to be monitored during future field visits to document any changes A few relict nutria burrows were also observed between Station 4 +40 and 10 +00, but the livestakes are maintaining bank stability and these areas do not threaten the stability of the stream Callatrache heterophylla (water starwort), a non - invasive species, was again observed in several areas along all three sections of the stream This aquatic plant was also noted to be present in monitoring year 1 and prior to the construction of the restoration project Neither the nutria nor the water starwort currently threatens the stability of the restored stream These issues will continue to be monitored during future field visits to document any changes As per NCEEP's request the vegetative cover of brush mattresses along the entire stream length was also visually assessed Several areas were observed where brush mattresses had less than the required 80% vegetative cover These areas include brush mattresses located along the left bank on the meander bend near Station 28 +00 and between Stations 36 +00 and 36 +50, a drastic improvement from 2011 Refer to Figure 2 in Appendix A for the location of these brush mattresses The wetland preservation areas were also visually assessed during the vegetation monitoring No issues were observed in these areas and existing vegetation appears to be in good condition These areas will continue to be monitored during future field visits Summary information, data, and statistics related to the performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on EEP's website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page 2 Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 4 I- 2.0 Methodology Channel stability and vegetation survival were monitored on the project site Post - restoration monitoring will be conducted for a minimum of five years or until the success criteria are met following the completion of construction to document project success The Monitoring Year 2 survey was completed using survey grade GPS on October 10, 2012 2.1 MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS AND CHANNEL STABILITY 2.1.1 Dimension Dimensional characteristics were monitored at 7 permanent cross - sections (4 raffles, 3 pools) along Section 1 and Section 2 Survey data included points measured at all breaks in slope including top of bank, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg Dimensional characteristics were compared to baseline conditions All monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type Stream channel stability and geomorphic monitoring for Section 3 was documented visually Natural variability is expected, however the system should not experience trends toward excessive increasing bank erosion, channel degradation, or channel aggradation 2.1.1 Pattern and Profile The entire longitudinal profile of Section 1 and Section 2 was surveyed Stationing from the as -built survey was used The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedform features are remaining stable The pools should remain deep with flat water surface slopes, and the riffles should remain steeper and shallower than the pools 2.1.2 Substrate Since the streams throughout the project site are dominated by sand -size particles, pebble count procedures would not show a significant change in bed material size or distribution over the monitoring period, therefore, as per NCEEP, bed material analyses were not undertaken for this project 2.1.1 Sediment Transport As mentioned previously, additional sediment transport evaluations will not be undertaken during the five -year monitoring period However, the dimension, pattern, and profile survey for MY2 conditions for Section 1 and Section 2 were analyzed to determine whether the current sediment competency and capacity is consistent with the design 2.2 VEGETATION The Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 2 methodology was utilized to sample vegetation on October 4, 2012 Nine 100- square meter CVS plots have been established within the project area In each plot, four plot corners have been permanently located with rebar Volunteer plant species (Level 2) were recorded this year and will only be considered in vegetative success determinations for the stream portion of this project As such, volunteer plant species will be recorded for subsequent monitoring years in Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page 3 Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 c- vegetation plots located within the 50 foot buffer of the restored stream Refer to Figure 2 in Appendix A In all vegetation plots species composition, density, and survival of the planted vegetation was monitored This project is generating both stream and riparian buffer mitigation assets Vegetation success for these assets is measured in two ways Stream mitigation units (SMUs) require 260 planted and volunteer native hardwood stems (trees and shrubs) per acre for a minimum of 5 years Buffer mitigation units (BMUs) require 320 planted native hardwood stems (trees only) per acre for a minimum of 5 years In accordance with North Carolina Division of Water Quality Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B 0260 (TAR - PAMLICO RIVER BASIN, Mitigation Program for Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers) `[planted vegetation] shall include a minimum of at least two native hardwood tree species planted at a density to provide 320 trees per acre at maturity " Also, for SMUs and BMUs, the buffer must be at least 50 -feet wide on both sides of the channel The interim measure of vegetative success for SMUs for the site will be the survival of at least 320 3 -year old stems per acre at the end of year three of the monitoring period and 280 4 -year old stems per acre at the end of year four monitoring period There are no interim measures of vegetative success for BMUs 2.3 HYDROLOGY 2.3.1 Wetland Neither wetland restoration or enhancement credit is being sought for this project Existing jurisdictional wetlands as depicted in Figure 2 in Appendix A are being preserved The wetland preservation areas are visually assessed during each monitoring year 2.3.2 Stream One crest gauge has been installed onsite and is located near Cross - section 3 Each visit to the site included documentation of the highest stage for the monitoring interval and a reset of the device Other indications of bankfull flow including the presence of wrack lines, sediment, or flooding were also monitored, and their presence was recorded and documented photographically Refer to Figure 2 in Appendix A for the location of the crest gauge Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page 4 Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 W 3AReferences Lee, Michael T, R K Peet, S D Roberts, and T R Wentworth 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4 2 (http / /cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) NCDWQ 2004 Tar - Pamlico River Basmwide Water Quality Plan North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality Raleigh, NC NCEEP 2010 Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh, NC Version 13, January 15, 2010 NCEEP 2008 Mitigation Plan Document — Format Data Requirements, and Content Guidelines North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh, NC Version 2 0, March 27, 2008 Rosgen, D 1996 Applied River Morphology Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO 6 Schafale, M P and A S Weakley, 1990 Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDEHNR, Raleigh, North Carolina United States Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, United States Environmental Protection Agency — Region N, Natural Resources Conservation Service, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page 5 Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 (This page intentionally left blank for two sided printing) Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page 6 Stantec - 2012 Momtonng Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 . 4.OAppendices Appendix A — Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Appendix B — Visual Assessment Data Appendix C — Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D — Stream Survey Data Appendix E — Hydrologic Data Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) Page 7 November 2012 (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (Year 2 of 5) Page 8 Stantec - 2012 Monitoring Report (EEP# 273) November 2012 Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1 — Vicinity Map and Directions Table 1 a b — Project Restoration Components Table 2 — Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 — Project Contacts Table 4 — Project Attribute (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided pnntmg) l � I` / I I E1D6ECOMBE ; I COUNTY J \ MARTIN C ti rin e Creek 0 y�y30 p ✓ es Ra ^ ^P PITT w Oakley Crossroads Project Site Ra s F ��s -per sa C --ef 'The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation r� easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. BEA Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or COL / along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees /contractors involved in the development, oversight and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by i any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with EEP. Legend Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Local Roads Oakley Crossroads Major Roads Stream & Buffer Restoration Railroads Pitt County, North Carolina - Conservation Easement 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Streams Municipality�r r� I County Boundary St antec Lco`a' toll - - -- -- (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Table la. Project Compone nts and Mitigation Credits Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (EEP# 273) Project Existing Restoration Footage or Stationing/ Mitigation Mitigation BMP Component Feet/Acres Level Approach Acreage Location Ratio Units Elements' Comment or Reach ID Ten foot width of ford crossing removed 00+00 to from total length 152 LF of restored stream Section 1 2,950 R PII 3,637 37+98.64 1 1 3,637 with <50' buffer separated into line item below Total restoration footage 3,637 LF 152 LF of restored stream has <59 buffer Section 1, 33+00 to on right bank Mitigation ratio is likely to <50 ft buffer 152 R PH 152 —37+00 1 1 152 change once DWQ publishes reduced SMU calculation for areas with <50 ft of buffer —38 +39 to Enhancement - log structures, brush Section 2 40 E Ell 40 —38 +79 1 51 267 mattresses and planting Section 3 289 E EII 289 downstream 2 5 1 1156 Enhancement - planting only .of Section 2 786,258 sq ft planted, 735,728 sq ft of which Riparian are eligible for mitigation credit Area Buffer n/a R 735,728 sq ft n/a 1 1 735,728 removed for areas with undiffuse flow, buffer width >200', or buffer width <59 Wetlands 1 37 P 1 37 n/a 1 51 1 027 Table lb. Component Summations Oakle Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (EEP #273 Restoration Stream Riparian Non -Ripar Upland Buffer Level (if) Wetland (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) BMP Riverine Non - Riverme Restoration 3789 16.9 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II 329 Creation Preservation 1.37 HQ Preservation Totals Feet /Acres 4118 1.37 16.9 MU Totals 3,931.3 0.27 16.9 Non - Applicable Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration EEP# 273 Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete: 18 months Elapsed Time Since Original Planting Complete: 18 months Number of Reporting Years 1:2 Data Collection Completion or Activity or Deliverable Complete De live ry Mitigation Plan n/a August 2006 Final Design — Construction Plans n/a June 2010 Construction (Grading complete) n/a May 2011 Seedmg n/a May 2011 P lantmg n/a May 2011 As -budt (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline) June 2011 July 2011 Year 1 Monrtormg September 2011 November 2011 Replanting (bareroots) n/a January 2012 Year 2 Monrtormg October 2012 November 2012 Year 3 Monrtormg n/a n/a Year 4 Monrtormg n/a n/a Year 5 Monrtormg n/a n/a 1 = Equals the number of reports or data points produced excluding the baseline Table 3. Project Contacts Table Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (EEP# 273) Designer Stantec Consulting Services, Inc 801 Jones Franklin Rd, Ste 300, Raleigh, NC 27606 Primary project design POC Nathan Jean (970) 449 -8615 Construction Contractor Ecosystems Grading Solutions, Inc 6642 Roper Hollow Rd, Morganton, NC 28655 Construction contractor POC Bobby Koone (828) 584 -3018 Survey Contractor Turner Land Surveying 3201 Glenridge Dr , Raleigh, NC 27604 Survey contractor POC Elizabeth and David Turner (919) 875 -1378 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P O Box 1197, Remont, NC 27830 Planting contractor POC Charlie Bruton (919) 242 -6555 Seeding Contractor Ecosystems Grading Solutions, Inc 6642 Roper Hollow Rd, Morganton, NC 28655 Contractor point of contact Bobby Koone (828) 584 -3018 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources Nursery Stock Suppliers Southeastern Native Plant Nursery South Carolina Super Tree Nursery Natives Monitoring Performers Stantec Consulting Services, Inc 801 Jones Franklin Rd, Ste 300, Raleigh, NC 27606 Stream Monitoring POC Tim Taylor (980) 297 -7669 Vegetation Monitoring POC Amber Coleman (919)865 -7399 Wetland Monitoring POC n/a Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration (EEP# 273) Pro ect Information Project County Pitt Project Area (acres) 266 Project Coordinates latitude and longitude) 35 76692,-77 269077 Project Watershed Summary Information Ph siogra hic Region Coastal Plam River Basin Tar - Pamhco USGS HUC for Project 14 digit) 0302010309002 NCDWQ Sub -basm for Project 03 -03 -06 Project Dramage Area (sq mi) 1 71 Project Drama a Area % Impervious <l% CGIA Landuse Classification Cropland and Pasture Reach Summary Information Reach name Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Length of reach (linear feet) 3,799 40 289 Valley classification VIII VIII VIII Drainage area acres 1,0145 1,0147 1,0923 NCDWQ stream identification score 41 405 405 NCDWQ classification n/a n/a n/a Morphobgical description stream E5 F5 F5 Evolutionary trend E5 C5 C5 Underlying mapped sods Bladen Pante o Pante o Drainage class Poorly drained Very r dramed Very r drained Soil h dnc status Yes Yes I Yes Slope 0 -2% 0-1% 0-1% FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Native vegetation community Riverme bottomland hardwood and mesio mixed hardwood forest Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 1 00/0 1 00/0 ]0% Wetland Summary Information n/a - wetland preservation only Rego to Considerations Regulation Apphcabie9 Resolved9 Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes USACE 404 permit Waters of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes NCDWQ 401 permit Endangered Species Act No n/a n/a Historic Preservation Act No n/a n/a Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) /Coastal Aream Management Act (CAMA) No n/a n/a FEMA Flood him Compliance No n/a n/a (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Appendix B. Visual Assessment Figure 2 — Current Condition Plan Yiew (3 Sheets) Table 5 — Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6 — Vegetation Condition Assessment Photos — Stream Stations (S1 -S9) Photos — Vegetation Plots (V 1 -V 19) (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided pnntmg) A t ! J' � r Figure 2. Current Condition Plan View MY2 Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration Project EEP #: 273 Pitt County, North Carolina November 2012 I ;cr?, Stantec Q Crest gage Q Vegetation monitoring plots (VP 1 -9) Stream cross - section surveys (XS 1 -7) Conservation easement 2' contours XS -5 XS-6 '\. Section 1 Stream Restoration Centerline MY1 Section 2 Stream Enhacement II Section 3 Stream Enhacement II (planting only) Other on -site hydrography Non - buffered waterways ® Ponds 0 Ford crossing Wetland preservation �t. Planting Zones Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest Cross - section Pins Latitude Longitude XS1 Left 35.763932 - 77.273188 XS1 Right 35.763715 - 77.273168 a. rays 0 r�P 1 Veg Plot Origin Latitude Longitude XS2 Left 35.764464 - 77.271851 XS2 Right 35.764192 - 77.271913 XS3 Left 35.764990 - 77.270211 XS3 Right 35.764655 - 77.270179 VP1 35.763800 - 77.272727 XS4 Left 35.764086 - 77.266309 VP2 35.764217 - 77.272054 XS4 Right 35.764104 - 77.266513 VP3 35.764550 - 77.272106 XS5 Left 35.763775 - 77.265646 VP4 35.764898 - 77.270463 XS5 Right 35.763637 - 77.265766 VP5 35.764071 - 77.266808 XS6 Left 35.763569 - 77.265016 VP6 IVP9 - 77.267194 35.764591 XS6 Right 35.763546 - 77.265224 VP7 35.764370 - 77.266611 - XS7 Left 35.763388 - 77.264134 VP8 35.763290 - 77.264121 35.762979 Aerial photo: NAIP 2012 XS7 Right 35.763208 - 77.264251 - 77.262949 Figure 2. Current Condition Plan View MY2 Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration Project EEP #: 273 Pitt County, North Carolina November 2012 I ;cr?, Stantec Q Crest gage Q Vegetation monitoring plots (VP 1 -9) Stream cross - section surveys (XS 1 -7) Conservation easement 2' contours XS -5 XS-6 '\. Section 1 Stream Restoration Centerline MY1 Section 2 Stream Enhacement II Section 3 Stream Enhacement II (planting only) Other on -site hydrography Non - buffered waterways ® Ponds 0 Ford crossing Wetland preservation �t. Planting Zones Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) )k 000� 000� - VP4 w.V8 Z VP3 0 10.00 11 +00 VS .V6 8 +00 9 00 • 7 +00 6 +00 S2 • V3 V4 5+00 aroo . __ _ VP2 (V1 $1 vP1 • 0 Xs -1 XS-2 1s +00 16+00 S3 13 +00 ��.(`�J1 r +00 - 22 +00 e-• 23+-00 ::.. XS -3 This map represents field conditions as of October 10, 2012 STREAM STRUCTURES Photo points (Veg =V, Stream =S) Count Type Station Condition Failing 1 Log Vane 00 +07.20 Intact, stable, functioning N 2 Log Sill 22 +68.02 Intact, stable, functioning N 3 Log Sill 23 +27.75 Intact, stable, functioning N 4 Log Sill 25 +93.49 Intact, stable, functioning N 5 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 28 +61.89 Intact, stable, functioning N 6 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 31 +53.02 Intact, stable, functioning N 7 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 33 +97.82 Intact, stable, functioning N 8 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 35 +34.81 Intact, stable, losing grade control N 9 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 36 +01.21 Intact, stable, functioning N 10 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 36 +70.73 Intact, stable, losing grade control N 11 Log Vane 37 +66.50 Intact, stable, functioning N This map represents field conditions as of October 10, 2012 • Photo points (Veg =V, Stream =S) 1-\-, Section 1 Stream Restoration Thalweg MY1 Planting Zones Figure 2a. Current Condition Plan View MY2 Stream cross - section surveys (XS 1 -7) Section 2 Stream Enhacement II Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest 2' contours Section 3 Stream Enhacement II (planting only) Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration Project Farm paths Other on -site hydrography Livestakes EEP #: 273 0 Ford crossing Non- buffered waterways Problem Areas Pitt County, North Carolina 0 Conservation easement ® Ponds Brush Mattress <80% vegetative cover November 2012 Vegetation Plot Success (VP 1 -9) Wetland Preservation T Beaver Dam Q Buffer =Yes, Stream =Yes or n/a 0 Crest gage AW Dead Livestakes r7 Buffer =No, Stream =n /a � Log Vane Murdannia keisak lrrny�tem Q Buffer =No, Stream =No Log Sill Feet Stantec Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 0 50 100 200 (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) V„ V12 7/ 25 +00 V13, V14 4� VP7 s +oo _ 2b +o0 27 +00 _ = Vs,v10 VP5 XS-4 Count Type STREAM STRUCTURES Station Condition Failing 1 Log Vane 00 +07.20 Intact, stable, functioning N 2 Log Sill 22 +68.02 Intact, stable, functioning N 3 Log Sill 23 +27.75 Intact, stable, functioning N 4 Log Sill 25 +93.49 Intact, stable, functioning N 5 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 28 +61.89 Intact, stable, functioning N 6 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 31 +53.02 Intact, stable, functioning N 7 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 33 +97.82 Intact, stable, functioning N 8 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 35 +34.81 Intact, stable, losing grade control N 9 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 36 +01.21 Intact, stable, functioning N 10 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 36 +70.73 Intact, stable, losing grade control N 11 Log Vane 37 +66.50 Intact, stable, functioning N 0.00 Brile' yr' Pond 0o f 32 +00 31 +00 ...' kl S5 33 +00 34 +00 35 +00 ss Briley Culvert /Jo 36 +00 XS -5 38+0 V15 V16 37 +00 S7 VP8 XS -6 3s +•6 o . 0 39 +66 VP9 XS -7 it v,a<w 6 q15MWM'8W8'MM Waft / ��� This map represents field conditions as of October 10, 2012 • Photo points (Veg =V, Stream =S) IN—, Section 1 Stream Restoration Thalweg MY1 Planting Zones Figure 2b. Current Condition Plan View MY2 N Stream cross - section surveys (XS 1 -7) Section 2 Stream Enhacement II Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest 2' contours Section 3 Stream Enhacement II (planting only) Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration Project Farm paths Other on -site hydrography Livestakes EEP #: 273 0 Ford crossing Non- buffered waterways Problem Areas Pitt County, North Carolina Q Conservation easement ® Ponds Brush Mattress <80% vegetative cover November 2012 Vegetation Plot Success (VP 1 -9) gj] Wetland Preservation a Beaver Dam Buffer =Yes, Stream =Yes or n/a 0 Crest gage ,ZW Dead livestakes r' Buffer =No, Stream =n /a mw am Log Vane . i Murdannia keisak i 2rnvstcln Q Buffer =No, Stream =No Log Sill Feet - Stantec c -7 Rock J -Hook with Log Vane 0 50 100 200 (Tlus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID Reach 1 Assessed Length 3800 Adjusted % Number Number with Footage with for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Cate o Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Se ments Foota a as Intended Vegetation Ve station Ve etatlon 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability 1 Aggradahon -Bar formation /growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% 2 Degradation - Evidence of downculbng 0 0 100% (Rife and Run units) 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture /Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate N/A 56 100% 1 Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth > 1 6) 56 56 100% 3 Meander Pool 2 Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tad of upstream rife and head of downstrem rife) 56 56 o 100 /o Condition 1 Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 56 56 100% 4 Thalweg Position 2 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 56 56 100% Bank 1 Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and /or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3 Engineered Structures 1 Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 11 11 100% 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 9 11 82% 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 11 11 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does Doi exceed 3 Bank Protection 15% (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance 11 11 100% document) 4 Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1 6 Rootwads /logs providing some cover at base -flow 11 11 100% Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration E P# 273 Planted acreage* 18 Vegetation Category Definitions Mappng Threshold CCPV De ction Number of Pol ons Combined Acreage % of Planted Acreage 1 Bare Areas Very lumted cover of woody material 0 1 acres none 01 0 000/0 2 LowStemDensity Woody stem densities below target levels for stem count success criteria 0 1 acres none 0 0 000/0 Total 0 0 000/0 3 Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of see class that are obviously small given the monitoring year 1 0 25 acres INone 1 01 0 000/0 Total 01 01 000/0 Easement acreage 266 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV De chon Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Easement Acreage 4 Invasive areas of concern Murdannia keisak 1000 SF Magenta line with cross- Ihatches 41me segments —3' wide 1 0 039 01% 5 Encroachment areas none INone 1 01 01 000/0 *Total planted acreage Stream Station Photos Photo Station Sl — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 1 Station 00 +72 - Priority 2 (10/10/12 Year 2) Photo Station S2 — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 2 Station 06 +17 — Priority 2 (10/10/12 Year 2) Photo Station S3 — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 3 Station 12 +59 — Priority 2 (10/10/2012 Year 2) Photo Station S4 — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 4 Station 28 +46 — Priority 2 (10/10/2012 Year 2) Photo Station S5 — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 5 Station 32 +71— Priority 2 (10/10/2012 Year 2) Photo Station S6 — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 6 Station 35 +24 — Priority 2 (10/10/2012 Year 2) Photo Station S7 — Stream channel looking downstream at cross - section 7 Station 38 +71— Enhancement 2 (10/10/2012 Year 2) Photo S8 — Evidence of bankfull overflow — wrackline (10/10/2012 Year 2) Photo S9 - 112 Year 2) Vegetation Plot Photos Photo Station V1 - Veg Plot 1 looking southeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V2 - Veg Plot 1 looking east (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V3 - Veg Plot 2 looking south (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V4 - Veg Plot 2 looking southeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V5 - Veg Plot 3 looking east (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V6 - Veg Plot 3 looking northeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V7 - Veg Plot 4 looking south (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V8 - Veg Plot 4 looking southeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V9 - Veg plot 5 looking south (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V10 - Veg plot 5 looking southeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V1 - Veg plot 6 looking east (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V12 - Veg plot 6 looking northeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V13 - Veg plot 7 looking south (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V14 - Veg plot 7 looking southeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V15 - Veg plot 8 looking east (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V16 - Veg plot 8 looking northeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V17 - Veg plot 9 looking northeast (10/4/2012 Year 2) Photo Station V18 - Veg plot 9 looking north (10/4/2012 Year 2) Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7a,b — Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 8 — CVS Vegetation Metadata Table 9 — CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Stem Class characteristics 'Buffer Stems Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include shrubs. No pines. No vines. 2Stream/ Wetland Stems Native planted woody stems. Includes shrubs, does NOT include live stakes. No vines 3Volunteers Native woody stems. Not planted. No vines. 4 Total Planted +volunteer native woody stems. Includes live stakes. Excl. exotics. Excl. vines Table 7. Oakley Crossroads (G) ( #273) Year 2 (04- Oct -2012) Vegetation Plot Summary Information Riparian Stream/ Unknown Buffer Wetland Growth Plot # Stems' Stems2 Live Stakes Invasives Volunteers3 Total° Form 0001 19 21 0 0 2 23 0 0002 16 16 0 0 124 140 0 0003 21 21 0 0 7 28 0 0004 19 20 0 0 5 25 0 0005 10 10 0 0 4 14 0 0006 18 18 0 0 21 39 0 0007 11 11 0 0 1 12 0 0008 17 17 0 0 0 17 0 0009 14 n/a 0 0 26 40 0 Wetland /Stream Vegetation Totals (per acre) Stream/ Success Wetland Criteria Plot # StemsZ Volunteers3 Total° Met? 0001 850 81 931 Yes 0002 647 5018 5666 Yes 0003 850 283 1133 Yes 0004 809 202 1012 Yes 0005 405 162 567 Yes 0006 728 850 1578 Yes 0007 445 40 486 Yes 0008 688 0 688 Yes 0009 n/a 1052 1619 Project Avg 678 854 1520 Yes Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (per acre) Riparian Success Buffer Criteria Plot # Stems' Met? 0001 769 Yes 0002 647 Yes 0003 850 Yes 0004 769 Yes 0005 405 Yes 0006 728 Yes 0007 445 Yes 0008 688 Yes ' 0009 567 Yes Project Avg 652 Yes Stem Class characteristics 'Buffer Stems Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include shrubs. No pines. No vines. 2Stream/ Wetland Stems Native planted woody stems. Includes shrubs, does NOT include live stakes. No vines 3Volunteers Native woody stems. Not planted. No vines. 4 Total Planted +volunteer native woody stems. Includes live stakes. Excl. exotics. Excl. vines Table 8 - CVS Metadata Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration - EEP #273 Report Prepared By Amber Coleman Date Prepared 10/10/2012 15 00 database name STantec _Oakley_2012cvs- eep- entrytool -v2 3 1 mdb database location U \175613016 \project \site data \vegetation computer name COLEMANA -LT file size 59727872 UESCRIION OF WORKSHEE�T�S IN THIS DOCUMENT------- - - - -- Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Prod, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc ) Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROM E CT SU M MARY------------------------------------- Project Code 273 project Name Oakley Crossroads (G) Description Stream and Wetland Restoration River Basin Tar - Pamlico length(ft) stream -to -edge width (ft) •' area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 9 *Bolded hardwood trees are counted toward riparian buffer success criteria. Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Pnol-S = Planted excluding livestakes � y less than 10% P -all = All planted stems including livestakes Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% T = All planted and natural recruit stems including livestakes FWS Ne t, WW by more than 10% Total includes natural recruit stems Table 9. CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species EEP Project Code 273. Project Name: Oakley Crossroads Current Plot Data (MY2 2012) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type E273 -01 -0001 E273 -01 -0002 E273 -01 -0003 E273 -01 -0004 E273 -01 -0005 1 E273 -03 -0006 E273 -01 -0007 E273 -01 -0008 1 E273 -01 -0009 MY2 (2012) MY1 (2011) MYO (2011) Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all IT Pnol-S P -all IT Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T cer rubrum var. rubrum red maple Tree 1 108 7 2 21 1 7 147 Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 4 4 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 2 2 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 S 5 22 22 22 13 13 13 13 13 13 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 1 11 5 16 33 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 Morella cerifera wax myrtle shrub 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 7 7 7 2 2 2 9 9 91 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 13 13 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 5 7 7 7 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 28 28 28 14 141 14 14 14 14 Quercus oak Tree 1 2 2 2 7 7 7 Quercus falcata southern red oak Tree 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 30 30 10 10 10 12 12 12 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 71 7 7 7 7 7 4 41 4 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 11 11 11 141 14 14 13 13 13 7 7 7 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 3 3 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 16 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 ambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub 2 3 oxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy Vine 1 1 Unknown Shrub or Tree 1 1 1 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Totals Stems per ACRE 21 21 23 16 16 140 21 21 28 201 201 25 10 10 14 181 111 111 12 17 17 17 14 141 41 148 1481 339 90 90 90 93 93 93 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.22 0.22 0.22 61 61 8 5 5 9 5 5 6 6 61 7 5 5 7 7 7 8 5 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 8 12 12 19 14 14 14 14 14 14 849.8 849.8 930.8 647.5 647.5 5666 849.8 849.8 1133 809.4 809.4 1012 404.7 404.7 566.6 728.4 728.4 1578 445.2 445.2 485.6 688 688 688 566.6 566.6 1659 665.5 665.5 1524 404.7 404.7 404.7 418.2 418.2 418.2 Stem count size (a es, size (ACRES) Riparian Buffer Success Species count Criteria Stems per ACREJ 19 19 21 16 16 135 21 21 28 19 19 24 10 10 12 18 18 39 11 11 12 17 17 17 14 14 38 145 145 326 86 86 86 88 88 88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.22 0.22 0.22 S1 5 7 5 5 7 5 5 6 5 5 6 S 5 6 7 7 8 5 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 11 11 14 12 12 12 11 it 11 768.9 768.9 849.8 647.5 647.5 54631849.81 849.81 11331768.91 768.91 971.21404.71 404.71 485.61728.41 728.41 15781445.21 445.21 485.61 6881 6881 6881566.61 S66.61 15381 6521 6521 14661386.-17' 386.7 386.7 395.7 395.7 395.7 *Bolded hardwood trees are counted toward riparian buffer success criteria. Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Pnol-S = Planted excluding livestakes � y less than 10% P -all = All planted stems including livestakes Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% T = All planted and natural recruit stems including livestakes FWS Ne t, WW by more than 10% Total includes natural recruit stems (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Appendix A Stream Survey Data Figures 3a-j — Cross - Sections with Annual Overlays Figure 4 — Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Table 10a,b — Baseline — Stream Data Summary Table 11 a — Monitoring — Cross - section Morphology Data Table l lb — Monitoring — Stream Reach Morphology Data (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided pnntmg) River Basin MY O1 Tar - Pamlico River Watershed Elevation Tranters Creek XS ID Station XS -1, Riffle, STA 0 +72 Drainage Areas . mi. 49.05 1.59 Date 150.82 10/10/2012 Field Crew 48.29 T. Taylor, A. Baldwin MY 00 MY O1 MY 02 Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 12.21 49.05 12.21 49.05 150.82 41.25 19.33 48.29 19.33 48.29 153.07 41.20 28.16 46.74 28.16 46.74 155.79 41.11 35.77 46.38 35.77 46.38 158.62 41.01 47.80 45.82 47.80 45.82 162.14 40.79 59.77 45.48 59.77 45.48 166.15 41.00 74.68 45.23 74.68 45.23 168.77 40.84 81.30 45.02 81.30 45.02 172.16 40.98 87.17 45.62 87.17 45.62 175.62 41.08 93.57 44.59 93.57 44.59 178.75 41.06 98.13 44.87 98.13 44.87 182.20 40.91 104.75 45.09 104.75 45.09 184.20 40.71 125.09 44.10 125.09 44.10 186.59 40.76 137.30 43.93 137.30 43.93 188.93 40.84 148.71 41.64 148.71 41.64 191.29 40.57 150.62 42.20 150.62 42.20 192.64 40.26 160.31 41.00 160.25 41.02 193.29 40.17 173.90 40.96 165.47 40.95 194.00 40.00 186.83 40.62 172.19 41.05 194.43 1 39.82 190.89 40.64 179.93 41.07 194.801 39.73 191.771 40.271 183.19 40.94 195.511 39.64 9756 - 39b3 __1RT40 - 40_Z _ _ 795_74 Oakley Crossroads - UT to Tranters Creek X- Section 1, Riffle, Station 0 +72 46.00 45.00 44.00 43.00 c .2 42.00 M v W 41.00 40.00 39.00 38.00 100.00 SUMARY DATA MY00 MY01 MY02 Bankfull Elevation 40.63 40.72 40.57 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 18.33 8.37 9.77 Bankfull Width 20.80 12.39 15.49 Flood Prone Area Elevation 42.78 41.63 42.41 Flood Prone Width 80.66 1 65.65 78.50 Max Depth at Bankfull 2.15 1.14 1.84 Mean Depth at Bankfull 0.88 0.68 0.63 W D Ratio 23.64 18.22 24.59 Entrenchment Ratio 3.88 5.30 5.07 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 Stream Type C C I C ,fir Sta. 0 +75 Looking Downstream 120.00 As Built MY00 140.00 160.00 180.00 200.00 Station (ft) Flood Prone Area Elevation •••••• Bankfull Elevation MY 01 220.00 MY 02 240.00 (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) s Oakley Crossroads - UT to Tranters Creek X- Section 2, Riffle, Station 6 +17 47.00 46.00 45.00 44.00 43.00 c 42.00 M w W 41.00 40.00 39.00 38.00 37.00 100.00 SUMARY DATA River Basin Tar - Pamlico River Tranters Creek XS -2, Riffle, STA 6 +17 1.59 10/10/2012 T. Taylor, A. Baldwin Watershed XS ID Drainage Areas . mi.) Date Field Crew Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 18.16 17.88 MY 00 MY 01 MY 02 13.16 Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 124.27 12.76 46.91 12.76 46.91 169.00 42.10 Mean Depth at Bankfull 33.99 44.63 33.99 44.63 169.98 41.79 54.24 44.37 54.24 44.37 172.32 41.46 1.00 72.47 43.91 72.47 43.91 175.26 41.16 92.77 43.54 92.77 43.54 178.46 40.99 110.68 43.14 110.68 43.14 181.16 40.77 136.32 43.27 136.32 43.27 184.02 40.67 153.53 42.83 153.53 42.83 187.28 40.50 168.42 42.08 168.42 42.08 190.92 40.49 169.10 42.69 169.10 42.69 193.78 40.41 175.71 41.04 174.60 41.30 196.48 40.49 193.21 40.52 183.93 40.80 199.93 40.52 210.45 40.43 193.68 40.52 205.00 40.50 219.41 40.32 208.61 40.41 208.82 40.45 223.60 40.35 217.46 40.30 213.63 40.35 226.57 40.33 226.67 40.33 217.51 40.31 226.69 40.37 229.04 39.32 221.63 40.32 227.04 40.30 230.82 38.62 224.41 40.38 228.42 1 39.64 231.63 38.04 226.25 40.26 229.95 1 38.99 1 232.76 1 37.70 227.67 1 39.77 Oakley Crossroads - UT to Tranters Creek X- Section 2, Riffle, Station 6 +17 47.00 46.00 45.00 44.00 43.00 c 42.00 M w W 41.00 40.00 39.00 38.00 37.00 100.00 SUMARY DATA MY00 MY01 MY02 Bankfull Elevation 40.35 40.38 40.38 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 18.16 17.88 18.17 Bankfull Width 16.60 13.16 15.09 Flood Prone Area Elevation 42.89 43.06 42.99 Flood Prone Width 124.27 124.27 124.27 Max Depth at Bankfull 2.54 2.68 Mean Depth at Bankfull 1.09 1.37 W D Ratio 15.23 9.61 Entrenchment Ratio 7.49 9.44 A61 Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.00 1.00 Stream T e C C e Sta. 6 +17 Looking Downstream 120.00 140.00 As Built MY00 160.00 180.00 - - Flood Prone Area Elevation 200.00 220.00 Station (ft) •••••• Bankfull Elevation 240.00 260.00 280.00 MY 01 MY 02 300.00 i (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) River Basin Tar -Pam ico River (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) River Basin Tar-Pamlico River Watershed Tranters Creek XS ID XS-4, Riffle, STA 28 +46 Drainage Areas . mi.) 1.59 Date 10/10/2012 Field Crew T. Taylor, A. Baldwin MY 00 MY 01 MY 02 Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 32.58 42.97 32.58 42.97 278.00 37.97 47.64 42.20 47.64 42.20 280.52 38.00 65.92 41.12 65.92 41.12 284.26 38.00 81.03 40.82 81.03 40.82 289.18 38.06 88.43 40.61 88.43 40.61 293.86 38.01 108.82 40.02 108.82 40.02 296.90 38.08 125.06 39.54 125.06 39.54 300.54 38.10 133.82 39.79 133.82 39.79 302.64 38.15 157.24 39.25 157.24 39.25 304.70 38.27 191.12 38.83 191.12 38.83 306.16 37.79 230.32 38.17 230.32 38.17 307.54 37.21 255.76 37.85 255.76 37.85 308.62 36.83 266.56 38.60 266.56 38.60 309.70 36.33 278.21 37.86 278.21 37.86 309.97 35.76 282.75 37.97 281.24 37.759 310.39 35.64 293.74 38.11 290.68 37.881 311.02 35.24 305.40 38.28 300.11 37.906 312.16 34.85 305.58 38.25 305.26 37.848 312.3 35.04 306.89 37.65 307.23 37.095 312.89 35.48 308.24 36.93 1 308.54 36.55 314.04 35.74 310.07 36.67 308.85 36.062 1 314.17 36.4 Oakley Crossroads - UT to Tranters Creek X- Section 4, Riffle, Station 28 +46 46 00 SUMARY DATA MY00 MY01 MY02 Bankfull Elevation 38.24 37.85 38.13 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 20.90 18.22 19.85 Bankfull Width 14.64 13.70 14.70 Flood Prone Area Elevation 41.23 40.54 41.41 Flood Prone Width 367.14 332.68 367.00 Max Depth at Bankfull 2.99 2.69 3.28 Mean Depth at Bankfull 1.43 1.33 1.35 W D Ratio 10.24 10.30 10.89 Entrenchment Ratio 25.08 24.28 24.97 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 Stream Type I C C E Sta. 28 +46 Looking Downstream 44.00 42.00 - - - c d M 40.00 38.00 .... ............. ....... ..... 36.00 - _ -- - - -- -- - -- i 34.00 - - -- 0.00 50.00 100.00 As Built MY00 i 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 Station (ft) Flood Prone Area Elevation •••••• Bankfull Elevation (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) River Basin Tar - Pamlico River Watershed Tranters Creek XS ID XS -5, Pool, STA 32 +71 Drainage Areas . mi. 1.59 Date 9/1/2011 Field Crew N. Jean B.Mazzochi A. Baldwin anon tievauon xauun I uevauon xauon tievation 37.33 26.15 42.13 26.15 1 42.13 281.30 37.19 36.87 42.19 36.87 42.19 285.24 37.29 68.22 41.81 68.22 41.81 289.79 37.33 85.37 36.59 85.37 36.59 294.67 37.29 90.80 34.92 90.80 34.92 299.78 37.32 176.23 35.02 176.23 35.02 303.71 37.27 177.81 35.70 177.81 35.70 306.55 37.23 185.44 38.11 185.44 1 38.11 307.36 37.17 195.27 40.20 195.27 40.20 308.48 37.03 205.06 39.95 205.06 39.95 309.01 36.82 SUMARY DATA MY00 MY01* MY02 Bankfull Elevation 37.26 37.33 37.23 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 29.47 35.63 34.74 Bankfull Width 19.06 29.71 23.49 Flood Prone Area Elevation 40.07 40.98 41.00 Flood Prone Width 289.16 315.10 301.17 Max Depth at Bankfull 2.81 3.65 3.77 Mean Depth at Bankfull 1.55 1.20 1.48 W D Ratio 12.30 24.76 15.87 Entrenchment Ratio 15.17 10.61 12.82 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 Stream Type C C C 214.85 3 39.11 2 214.85 3 39.11 3 310.26 3 36.76 � �;;�'w;;�l;f' s' 229.47 3 38.00 2 229.47 3 38.00 3 311.69 3 36.37 * 245.21 3 37.39 2 245.21 3 37.39 3 312.62 3 36.04�� 262.60 3 37.51 2 262.60 3 37.51 3 314.52 3 35.78 > 281.47 3 38.01 2 281.47 1 1 38.01 3 315.69 3 35.60 288.37 3 37.49 2 289.99 3 37.262 3 316.15 3 35.54' 288.85 3 37.44 3 300.08 3 37.334 3 316.61 3 35.68 • 299.46 3 37.54 3 308.08 3 37.1 3 317.26 3 34.62 304.38 3 37.33 3 313.02 3 36.025 3 317.96 3 34.15 306.65 3 37.44 3 317.31 3 35.866 3 318.95 3 33.71 307.72 3 37.34 3 317.44 3 34.823 3 320.06 3 33.763 1 308.44 3 37.26 3 319.38 3 33.992 3 320.8 3 33.461 IIQ14 - - - -12 f fi70. __.._.32.1...42 - - - -_- 3 3_t41- 380.00 400.00 (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) River Basin Tar - Pamlico River Watershed Tranters Creek XS ID XS -6 Riffle STA 35 +24 Drainage Areas . mi. 1.59 Date 10/10/2012 Field Crew T. Taylor, A. Baldwin 212.76 1 35.87 212.76 35.87 286.34 1 36.79 220.80 38.40 220.80 38.40 298.82 36.79 237.17 39.75 237.17 39.75 306.18 36.84 250.63 39.12 250.63 39.12 310.11 36.79 261.67 38.24 261.67 38.24 314.68 36.85 275.95 37.08 275.95 37.08 316.91 36.83 285.28 36.80 285.28 36.80 319.06 35.85 286.84 37.50 286.84 37.50 320.59 35.53 287.26 36.85 287.26 36.85 320.98 35.25 290.35 36.85 287.43 36.82 321.44 34.10 301.91 36.75 288.9 36.88 322.57 33.28 310.76 36.83 296.65 36.69 323.02 33.22 316.51 36.84 316.45 36.87 323.87 33.28 316.76 36.88 319.93 35.55 324.13 34.34 318.89 35.81 320.76 35.34 324.78 34.72 320.87 34.87 321.54 34.79 325.06 35.20 321.98 34.60 322.35 34.49 325.33 35.24 322.30 34.33 322.78 34.18 326.57 35.65 323.55 34.36 324.04 34.17 328.9 36.67 324.04 34.43 324.79 34.60 330.01 37.14 324.63 34.76 325.66 35.52 327.11 35.78 327.28 35.89 Oakley Crossroads - UT to Tranters Creek X- Section 6, Riffle, Station 35 +24 42.00 41.00 40.00 39.00 38.00 c m 37.00 w W 36.00 35.00 34.00 33.00 32.00 200.00 SUMARY DATA MY00 MY01 MY02 Bankfull Elevation 36.88 36.87 36.83 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 18.91 17.43 19.10 Bankfull Width 17.17 12.92 12.37 Flood Prone Area Elevation 39.43 39.57 40.44 Flood Prone Width 158.46 166.08 160.00 Max Depth at Bankfull 2.55 2.70 3.61 Mean Depth at Bankfull 1.10 1.35 1.54 W D Ratio 15.61 9.59 8.03 Entrenchment Ratio 9.23 12.82 12.93 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 0.95 1.00 Stream Type C C E Sta. 35 +24 Looking Downstream 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 As Built MY00 - - Flood Prone Area Elevation Station (ft) •••••• Bankfull Elevation MY 01 MY 02 (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) River Basin Tar - Pamlico River Watershed Tranters Creek XS ID XS -7 Riffle STA 38 +71 Drainage Areas . mi. 1.59 Date 10/10/2012 Field Crew T. Taylor, A. Baldwin MY 00 MY 01 MY 02 38.00 ition Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 19.24 37.99 19.24 37.99 36.80 38.77 26.11 38.20 26.11 38.20 43.00 38.91 34.24 38.52 34.24 38.52 51.58 38.82 36.95 39.29 36.95 39.29 60.15 38.41 37.14 38.72 37.14 1 38.72 64.02 38.28 39.57 38.72 39.21 38.544 66.96 38.15 46.18 38.72 49.19 38.823 69.41 38.11 57.09 38.53 58.73 38.308 71.14 37.99 63.06 38.20 66.87 37.967 72.73 37.43 66.76 38.14 71.32 37.96 77.16 35.34 SUMARY DATA MY00* MY01 MY02 Bankfull Elevation 38.05 38.00 38.00 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area 75.91 77.93 71.24 Bankfull Width 31.46 36.52 34.07 Flood Prone Area Elevation 44.28 44.01 43.42 Flood Prone Width 132.69 132.69 >200 Max Depth at Bankfull 6.23 6.01 5.42 Mean Depth at Bankfull 2.41 2.13 2.09 W D Ratio 13.05 17.15 16.30 Entrenchment Ratio 4.22 3.63 5.87 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 Stream Type I C I C I C 69.33 38.10 75.06 36.251 79.17 34.57 72.02 37.67 79.92 34.376 79.57 34.2 * REVISED X -SEC DATA 74.83 36.67 81.32 33.533 79.89 33.73 77.89 35.25 82.9 32.353 80.99 33.24 79.27 34.35 84.95 31.993 82.14 32.93 80.79 33.16 87.42 32.686 83.07 32.58 82.34 32.21 88.42 34.553 84.53 32.68 84.27 31.82 92.45 36.186 85.93 32.58 86.46 31.91 95.74 37.49 86.64 33.08 `; !'� Y ?;�• 87.16 33.28 98.99 37.375 86.87 34.26 ' 87.65 34.47 102.57 37.996 86.98 34.41 Sta. 38 +71 Looking Downstream - 8937. -- _-.77-1-A .._.70=27 _ _. 37��7 Oakley Crossroads - UT to Tranters Creek X- Section 7 Riffle, Station 38 +71 46.00 - -- - -- - 44.00 - - - _ - 42.00 - - - - -- -- 40.00 - -- _- - - c 38.00 -- - - ............. R. .�.�.�............ .........�.. m U, I Station (ft) As Built MY00 - - Flood Prone Area Elevation •••••• Bankfull Elevation MY 01 MY 02 (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) 36 35 34 33 32 0 -earn and Buffer Restoration - Longitudinal Profile Station 0 +00 to 38 +79 lonitoring - Year 0, Year 01, Year 02 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) - - - - - -- Year 0 Thalweg Year 0 RTOB Year 1 Thawleg Year 1 RTOB Year 2 Thalweg Year 2 RTOB 2500 • Log Sill ■ Log Vane I .�'• "aft. . • .r ell • � I. h 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) - - - - - -- Year 0 Thalweg Year 0 RTOB Year 1 Thawleg Year 1 RTOB Year 2 Thalweg Year 2 RTOB 2500 • Log Sill ■ Log Vane (Thus page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) Table 10a Baseline Stream Data Summary Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration / EEP Project No 273 - Segment/Reach Malnstem 3,950 feet Parameter lGauge"I Re tonal Curve I Pro-Existing Condition I Reference Reach es Data I Design I Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only LL UL Eq Mn I Mean Mad Max SD5 n Mn Mean Med Max SD' n Mn Mod Max Mn Mean Med I Max S05 n Bankfull Width (ft) 1040 4 780 1120 1460 2 123 1464 1731 2082 4 Fl odprone Width (ft) 1500 4 12000 126 50 13300 2 2400 8066 18263 36714 4 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft ) 1 80 4 070 115 160 2 15 088 113 143 4 'Bankfull Max Depth ft 270 4 160 185 210 2 24 215 256 299 4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2 1900 1 1 4 1 950 11051 12601 1 2 1 190 1 1181611908 2090 4 Width/Depth Ratio 570 4 480 1360 2240 2 80 1024 1619 2366 4 Entrenchment Ratio 140 1 4 1 820 112651 117101 2 1 195 1 466 110551 12121 4 'Bank Height Ratty Profile Riffle Length (it) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 83 35 98 - 5302 4 Rdfie Slope (Rift) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 002 0 003 - 0 006 4 Pool Length (ft) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 47 33 67 - 4445 2 Pool Max depth (ft) 17 2 3 29 2 4 281 312 343 2 Pool Spacing (ft) 5 27 35 67 4 43 525 62 434 6426 9403 2 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 45 725 100 2 62 740 86 3856 5594 8618 14800 Radius of Curvature (ft) 8 128 14 21 4 22 270 31 1924 2781 3628 15600 Re Bankfull width (ft/ft) 05 12 14 18 4 18 22 25 1 11 161 210 5600 Meander Wavelength (ft) 17 75 100 156 4 86 111 135 8546 10392 11861 48 00 Meander Width Rata 58 63 68 2 5 60 7 223 323 498 48 00 Transport parameters Reach Shear Stress coin enc IWf 02 014 0 093 Max part size (mm) mobilized at banldull - - 25 Unit Stream Power (transport capacity) Ibs/ft/s per unit width° 0 25 017 016 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification G5c C5 E5 E5 C4 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 19 17 165 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 30 Valley length (ft) Channel Thalweg length (ft) 3950 Sinuosity (ft) 101 118 128 14 Water Surface Slope (Channeli (ft/ft) 00018 0 002 00014 000 BF slope (ft/ft) 000144 38ankfull Flood am Area acres 4% of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Shaded mils mdaate thin these wdl q pr lly not be filled in t =Tie dsstrbutrona fm these parameters onn include information from both the cross swain suneys and the longitudinal pmfde 2 =For projects with o pmwral USGS Long: mWe%dh the pm3eul much (added bankfll scrtfirstron tine) 3 Utdamg sun m data produce sn atur de of the bankfull noodplam area in acres which should be the ores from the top of bnnk to the toe of the temaee reedslope 4 - Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that am etodmgbased on the visual suney for eomparoon to momtonng data 5 Of.oludneeded onh if then emoods 3 6 Units chmnged from Win' to mood those pm uled in original design. Table 10b- Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Bank, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distributions) Oakley Cro sroads Stream an toration I EEP Promect No. 273 - Selai lenVReach: Mainstem (3,950 feet) Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach es Data Design As- buift/Baseline 'Ri % /Ru % /P % /G % /S% o 0 1 0 - - - -- 'SC % /Sa % /G % /C% 6 % /Be% 0 33 67 0 1 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 'dl 6 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / di' / dig' (mm) 0.14 0.26 0.5 4.4 7.3 - 30 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 '2 `Entrenchment Class <1.5/1.5-t99/2.0-49/5.0-9.9/>10 'Incision Class <1.2/ 1.2-1A9/1.5-1.99,1>2,0 Shaded. ells lndkelethat these Wll lypipally-t be filled in. 1= Riffie,Run,Pool, Glide, Step. SIIVCIsy ..Sand.Graval,CObbl..BOUlder, Bedrock, dip= m- lui —disp =mss subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - AssigNbln the reach footage Into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage In each class in the table. This Will result from the measured cross - sections as,sill as visual estimates 3 = Assign/bin the reach footage Into the classes Indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage In each class inthe lade. This Will result from the measured cross - sections as wall as the bngitudinal profile Ia st —Isrs 2,3 - These classes are loosbybullt around line Rosgan classification and hand ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somei coamer one based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER Mould not be necessary. The intent here Is to provide the reader /consumer of design and monitoring IrAormalion W Ih a good general sense of IN sAwt of hydro to gb containment In the pre- eMSling and the rehalAilated states as Mall as comparisons to the reference dlsldbutio ns. ER and B HR have been addressed in prior submisslo ns as a subsample (cross-sectlo ns as part of the desgn survey). hoeever, these subsmnples have often focused enanely on facilitating design Wtho ul providing a )hero ugh la— sbutiun distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader /co nsumer With a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the teach. This means that the distributions for these parameters should Include data from both the cross- sectron surveys and the longitudinal profile and In the case of ER, visual estimates. For saample. the typical longitudinal pro file permits sampling of the BHR at rifles beyond lho se subject to cro sssectlo he and therefore can be readily integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these pvamelers thereby pro iding the disldbulio nlc overage necessary to pmvlde meaningful comparisons. Table 11 a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters— Cross Sections) Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration / EEP Project No. 273 - Segment/Reach: Mainstem 3,950 feet Cross Section 1 (STA 0+72, Riffle) Cross Section 2 (STA 6+17, Riffle) Cross Section 3 (STA 12 +59, Pool) Cross Section 4 (STA 28 +46, Riffle) Cross Section 5 (STA 32 +71, Pool) Based on flxe_d baseline bankfull ele�atlon� Base I MY1 MY21 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base I MY1 MY2 I MY3 MY4 I MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base I MY1 MY2 I MY3 MY4 MY5 I MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 1 4049 40571 4038 40381 3970 3970 1 3785 38131 3733 3723 Bankfull Width ft 2082 1 1239 15491 1660 1 1316 15091 2058 1 2438 2080 1464 1370 14701 1906 2971 2349 Flood prone Width ft 8066 1 6565 78501 124 27 131 28 128501 248 08 120 86 24410 36714 33268 367001 28916 31510 301 17 Bankfull Mean Depth (it 088 1 068 063 109 1 1 37 1 20 1 79 1 55 166 1 43 1 33 135 1 155 1 20 148 Bankfull Max Depth ft 215 1 1 14 184 254 1 268 261 343 341 317 299 269 328 281 365 377 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area Lft) 1833 8 37 977 1816 1 1788 1817 3686 3787 3450 2090 1822 1985 2947 3563 3474 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 2366 1822 2459 1523 961 1258 11 50 1573 1253 1024 1030 1089 1230 2476 1587 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 388 530 507 749 751 852 1205 496 11 74 2508 2428 2497 1517 1061 1282 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 100 095 1 00 1 100 1 00 100 1 00 095 1 00 1 00 090 1 00 1 00 0 98 100 Cross Sectional Area between end pins ftZ d50 mm Cross Section 6 (STA 35 +24, Riffle) Cross Section 7 (STA 38 +71, Other) Cross Section 8 (Riffle) Cross Section 9 (Pool) Cross Section 10 (Pool) Based on O i x"edl baseline ON Mil elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base I MY1 I MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base I MY1 I MY2 I MY3 MY4 I MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation(datum)used 3687 3683 3800 3800 ®® 11111111111111111M Bankfull Width ft 1717 1292 1237 3146 3652 3407 - 111111110 _- 1111111MIll 11MI Mill _- IIIIIIIII01 1111M Flood prone Width 21 15846 16608 16000 13269 13269 >200 11MI Bankfull Mean Depth ft 110 135 154 241 213 209 ®��- -��� -� Bankfull Max Depth ft 255 270 361 623 601 542 11111110 11111011111 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 1743 1910 7591 7793 71 24 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 9 59 8 03 13 05 17 15 16 30 ®O llllllllt l� lll� i Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio r1561 12 82 12 93 4 22 3 63 5 87 - ® ®� 1 ®��® BankfullBankHei ht Ratio 095 100 100 100 100 _�����- ®� Cross Sectional Area between end pins ft2 d50 mm ® ����_® Illlllll�llllllllellllllll��lli� s���l��lll0� 1 = Widths and depths for monitoring resurveymil be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional /depositional development Input the elevaton used as the datum, which should be consistentand based on the baseline datum established If the performer has mhented the proiectand cannotacquire the datum used for pnor years this must be discussed with EEP If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states "ft is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated glues Additional data from a pnor performer is being acquired to proude confirmation Values wdl be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary" r Table 11 b. Monitoring Data -Stream Reach Data Summary Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration / EEP Project No. 273 - Se ment/Reach: Mainstem 3,950 feet Parameter Baseline MY -1 MY -2 MY- 3 MY- 4 MY- 5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle only Min Mean Med Max SD a n Min Mean Med Max SD a n Min Mean Med Max SD a n Min Mean Med Max a SD n Min Mean Med Max a SD n Min Mean Med Max SD a n Bankfull Width (ft) 14.6 17.31 20.82 4 12.4 12.8 12.9 13.16 0.39 4 12.4 14.4 14.9 15.49 1.399 4 Floodprone Width (ft) 80.7 182.63 367.141 4 65.7 118.7 124 166.1 50.4 4 78.5 183.5 144.3 367 126.9 4 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.9 1.13 1.43 4 0.7 1.1 1.35 1.37 0.39 4 0.6 1.2 1.2751 1.54 0.392 4 "Bankfull Max Depth ft 2.2 2.56 2.99 4 1.1 2.2 2.68 2.703 0.9 4 1.8 2.8 2.945 3.61 0.783 4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 18.2 19.08 20.9 4 8.4 8.4 17.4 17.88 5.37 4 9.8 16.7 18.64 19.85 14.686 4 Width /Depth Ratio 10.2 16.19 23.66 4 9.6 12.5 9.61 18.22 4.98 4 8.0 14.0 11.73 24.587 7.289 4 Entrenchment Ratio 4.7 10.55 21.21 4 5.3 9.2 9.44 12.82 3.77 4 5.1 12.9 10.73 24.966 8.682 4 Bank Height Ratio - - - 1 1 1 1 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 4 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 24.8 35.98 53.02 4 24.2 35.2 - 531 - 4 20.28 30.8 - 55.2 4 Riffle Slope ( ft/ft) 0.002 0.003 0.006 4 0.002 0.003 0.006 4 0.002 10.004 0.006 4 Pool Length (ft) 20.47 33.67 44.45 2 21 32.54 45.21 2 26.76 38.88 51 2 Pool Max depth (ft) 2.81 3.12 3.43 2 3.41 3.53 3.65 2 3.17 3.47 3.77 2 Pool Spacing (ft)l 43.4 1 64.26 94.03 2 42.1 65.2 95.2 2 28.72 64 106 33 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 38.6 55.94 86.18 48 Radius of Curvature (ft) 19.2 27.81 36.28 56 Pattern data will not typically be collected unless visual data, dimensional data or profile data indicate significant shifts from baseline Rc:Bankfull width ( ft/ft) 1.1 1.61 2.1 56 Meander Wavelength (ft) 85.5 103.92 118.61 48 Meander Width Ratiol 2.2 1 3.23 4.98 48 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C4,E5 C4,E5 C4,E5 Channel Thalweg length (ft) 4064 Sinuosity (ft) 1.4 1.4 1.4 Water Surface Slope (Channel) ( ft/ft) 0.00146 0.00145 0.00145 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.00144 0.00139 0.00137 3Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S% 52 48 52 48 - - 52 48 - - 3SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Be% 3d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/ z% of Reach with Erodinq Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross - section suneys and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step, Silt/Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock. dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value /needed only if the n exceeds 3 -, • Appendix E. Hydrology Data Table 12 — Venfication of Bankfull Events • 'r • (This page intentionally left blank for two -sided printing) i -, 0 Table 12 - Verification of Bankfull E rants Oakley Crossroads Stream and Buffer Restoration Project - UP Protect No. 273 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo September 13, 2011 unknown Visual observation of n/a wrack lines October 4, 2012 unknown Crest gauge S9 Visual observation of October 10, 2012 unknown S8 wrack Ines