HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070491 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20130212FINAL V� ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT YEAR 1 (2012) TATE FARM (RIPSHIN BRANCH) STREAM/WETLAND RESTORATION SITE ASHE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (EEP Project No. 372, Contract No. 004802) Construction Completed December 2011 Submitted to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh, North Carolina LNR 2 0 �3 - WATER (SUAI QTY L r~ EC )system January 2013 6� -0qT1 FINAL ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT YEAR 1(2012) TATE FARM (RIPSHIN BRANCH) STREAM/WETLAND RESTORATION SITE ASHE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (EEP Project No. 372, Contract No. 004802) Construction Completed December 2011 Submitted to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh, North Carolina Prepared by: Axiom Environmental, Inc. 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 r~ 14,Cosysteni Axiom Environmental, Inc. January 2013 Table of Contents 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 0 METHODOLOGY ..... . . 2 1 Vegetation Assessment 2 2 Stream Assessment 3 0 REFERENCES . ........ . ....... Appendices APPENDIX A PROJECT VICINITY MAP AND BACKGROUND TABLES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Baseline Information and Attributes APPENDIX B VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Figures 2 and 2A -2B Current Conditions Plan View Tables 5A -513 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Stream Fixed - Station Photographs Vegetation Monitoring Photographs APPENDIX C VEGETATION PLOT DATA Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9. Total and Planted Stems by Plot and Species APPENDIX D STREAM SURVEY DATA Cross - section Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Substrate Plots Table 10a -10d Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 1 l a -11 d Monitoring Data APPENDIX E HYDROLOGY DATA Table 12 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 13 Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Summary 1 3 3 3 5 Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (hereafter referred to as the Site) is situated within US Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic unit 05050001 of the Upper New River Basin and is in a portion of NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Priority Sub -basin 05 -07 -02 The project is located in the northwest corner of Ashe County, about 1 mile south of the Virginia state line and 3 miles east of the Tennessee state line (Figure 1, Appendix A) The Site is encompassed within a 61.92 -acre easement located in a tract owned by Michael and Virginia Tate The Site includes an unnamed tributary to Ripshin Branch (UT), Ripshin Branch proper, and associated floodplain wetlands (Figure 2, Appendix A) This report (compiled based on EEP's Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports, Version 14, dated 11/7/11) summarizes data for Year 1 (2012) monitoring The project goals are as follows • Improve stream water quality and ecological function by excluding livestock, restoring pool and riffle sequences, and restoring tree canopy and instream large woody debris • Enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat in the stream corridor and adjacent wetlands • Enhance and/or restore the ecological function of riparian wetlands • Restore the riparian corridor (forested buffer) for watershed and wildlife benefits • Enhance habitat for native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and improve fishery potential • Increase biodiversity of the stream ecology, riparian buffers, and wetlands These goals will be accomplished through the implementation of the following objectives • Improve channel geomorphology toward reference conditions by providing watershed scaled and Rosgen -typed channel dimension, adding floodplain benches where floodplain access is not feasible, restoring sinuous pattern to straightened reaches where possible, and adjusting profile as needed to restore or maintain sediment transport equilibrium • Restore streamside floodprone area where appropriate (increase floodwater access to the floodplain) • Reduce sediment and nutrient loading by reshaping and stabilizing banks, reducing bank scour, excluding livestock, and restoring riparian buffers • Enhance or restore wetland hydrology and vegetation in former pastures and filled wetlands During Year 1 (2012) monitoring, five vegetation plots were established and sampled Vegetation Success Criteria (from approved Ripshin Branch Stream & Wetland Restoration Plan [NCEEP 2007]) includes the following • Survival of planted vegetation should exceed 80 percent after 5 years following planting (minimum 260 stems /acre) • Planted vegetation stabilizing at 20 years with distinct canopy, subcanopy, and shrub layers • Establishment of herbaceous cover over 75 percent of the soil surface in restored wetlands and riparian areas • Plant biodiversity dominated by native species, with minimal ecological impact from invasive species Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina page l Overall, vegetation exceeded success criteria with an average of 332 stems - per -acre across the Site In addition, three of the five vegetation monitoring plots met, or exceeded success criteria of 320 stems - per -acre (minimum stem count after 1 year) Vegetation plots 2 and 4 were below success criteria with 283 and 121 stems - per -acre, respectively Potential causes of the low stem counts at these plots could be excessive hydrology associated with wetland restoration and over competition by sedges and soft rush (Carex spp and Juncus effuses, respectively). A visual assessment and geomorphic survey were completed for the Site The visual assessment indicated that project reaches were performing within established success criteria ranges as shown below The only stream problem area includes a reach of moderate erosion located in the upper 150 to 200 linear feet of the UT Erosion in this reach occurred during heavy rains immediately upon the completion of construction. Geomorphic measurements in this area indicate channel widening with subsequent sediment aggradation This area will continue to be monitored for future channel erosion Stream Success Criteria (from approved Ripshin Branch Stream & Wetland Restoration Plan [NCEEP 2007]) is as follows • Channel morphology retains the design stream type over the majority of the reach • Coarsening of riffle bed material in newly constructed reaches. • Pool /riffle spacing should remain fairly constant • Maintenance of bankfull width at riffles within 10 percent of the design • Maintenance of bank height ratios at 1 1.1. • Bank stability over 90 percent of altered channel reaches • Dimension and profile stability over 90 percent of altered channel reaches • No significant channel aggradation or degradation • Minimal development of instream bars • Biological populations (invertebrate and fish) remain constant or increase and species composition indicates a positive trend Success criteria for stream restoration will be based on stream stability assessed using measurements of stream dimension, pattern, and profile, Site photographs, visual assessments; and vegetation sampling It is too early in the 5 -year annual monitoring period for Site measurements to determine if stream success criteria, in relation to restoration objectives, are being achieved However, the stream appears to be functioning properly and emulates design conditions During Year 1 (2012) monitoring, six groundwater gauges were installed at the Site Wetland hydrology success criteria (from approved Ripshin Branch Stream & Wetland Restoration Plan [NCEEP 2007]) is as follows • Hydrologic monitoring indicates groundwater within 12 inches of the ground surface for 10 percent of the growing season • Increasing wetland vegetation Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina page 2 • Development of hydric soils • Fulfill US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) criteria for jurisdictional wetlands Groundwater gauges were installed in mid October 2012, therefore, no groundwater gauge reporting is available for Year 1 (2012) monitoring Groundwater gauge monitoring will be initiated during Year 2 (2013) monitoring Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in tables and figures within this report's appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly the Restoration Plan) documents available on the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP) website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from NCEEP upon request 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Vegetation Assessment Five vegetation plots were established and marked during the Year 1 (2012) monitoring period Plots were established by installing 4 -foot, metal U -bar post at the corners and a 10 -foot, 0.75 inch PVC at the origin The plots are 10 meters square and are located randomly within the Site These plots were surveyed in October for the Year 1 (2012) monitoring season CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Levels 1 -2 Plot Sampling Only Version 4 2 (Lee et al 2008) (http //cvs bio unc edu/methods htm), results are included in Appendix C. The taxonomic standard for vegetation used for this document was Flora of the Southern and Mid - Atlantic States (Weakley 2012) 2.2 Stream Assessment Annual stream monitoring was conducted in October of 2012 Measurements were taken using a Topcon GTS 303 total station and Recon data collector The raw total station file was processed using Carlson Survey Software into a Computer Aided Design (CAD) file. Coordinates were exported as a text/ASCII file to Microsoft Excel for processing and presentation of data Pebble counts were completed using the modified Wolman method (Rosgen 1993) Eight permanent cross - sections, six riffle and two pool, were established and will be used to evaluate stream dimension, locations are depicted on Figures 2, 2A, and 2B (Appendix B) Cross - sections are permanently monumented with 4 -foot metal U -bar posts at each end point Cross - sections will be surveyed to provide a detailed measurement of the stream and banks, including points on the adjacent floodplam, top of bank, bankfull, breaks in slope, edge of water, and thalweg. Data will be used to calculate width -depth ratios, entrenchment ratios, and bank height ratios for each cross - section In addition, pebble counts were completed at cross - sections 4 and 8, and photographs will be taken at each permanent cross - section annually Two monitoring reaches were established (Unnamed Tributary and Ripshm Branch) and will be used to evaluate stream pattern and longitudinal profile, locations are depicted on Figures 2, 2A, Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina page 3 and 213 (Appendix B) Longitudinal profile measurements include average water surface slopes, facet slopes, and pool -to -pool spacing Seventeen permanent photo points were established throughout the restoration reach, locations are depicted on Figures 2, 2A, and 213 (Appendix B) In addition, visual stream morphology and stability assessments were completed in each of the two monitoring reaches to assess the channel bed, banks, and in- stream structures Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc Monitoring Year I of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina page 4 3.0 REFERENCES Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). Unpublished. Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Projects, Version 1.4, dated 11/07/11. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Available online at http: / /portal.ncdenr.org/c /document library/get file ?p 1 id= 1169848 &folderld = 2288101 &name = DLFE- 39268.pdf. Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Levels 1 -2 Plot Sampling Only, Version 4.2. Available online at http : / /cvs.bio.unc.edu /methods.htm. N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2007. Ripshin Branch Stream & Wetland Restoration Plan - Ashe County, NC. Rosgen. 1993. Applied Fluvial Geomorphology, Training Manual. River Short Course, Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. Weakley, Alan S. 2012. Flora of the Southern and Mid - Atlantic States. Available online at: http : / /www.herbarium.unc.edu/Weakle, sFy Iora.pdf [September 28, 2012]. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina page 5 APPENDIX A PROJECT VICINITY MAP AND BACKGROUND TABLES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Baseline Information and Attributes Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices W ` I , r. d { h _ Vt Project Site I ��--� S x �F � - - -- °� CAI } �_ ✓ J .. a J T"N'° -`�..r rik- Directions from Raleigh: Take 1 -40 West approx. 100 miles to US -421 North. Travel approx. 71 miles, then take a right on US -221 North. = - �� After approx. 12 miles, turn left on NC- 194N /US -221 Bus. North. Travel approx. 5 miles, then turn left on NC- 194N/NC -88W. After 2 miles, turn right on NC -194N. _ ' Continue on S. Big Horse Creek Road._ Turn Left on Big Windfall Road. f After approx. 5 miles, turn left onto Rip Shin Road. Site is about 2.5 miles on the right. lid O w j� @ - 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles = Axiom Environmental 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 215 -1693 Axiom Environmental. Inc. VICINITY MAP TATE FARM (RIPSHIN BRANCH) EEP PROJECT NUMBER 372 Ashe County, North Carolina Dwn. by. KRJ FIGURE Date: October 2012 Project: 12- 004.13 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits I ate karm (Riashin Branch) stream and Wetland Restoration Site Mitt at Stream Type Restoration Restoration Equivalent Totals 2106 518 Project Component/ Station Existing Linear Footage/ Reach 1D Range Acreage Reach I (Ripshin Br) 00 +00— 800 08 +00 Reach 1 B (Ripshm Br) 08 +00- 350 12 +00 Reach 1 C (Ripshm Br) 12 +00- 285 14 +85 Reach 2A (Ripshm Br) 14 +85- 785 23 +00 Ri shm Branch -- 518 Reach 3A (UT) 00 +00- 132 01 +24 Reach 3B (UT) 01 +24- 688 09 +12 Wetland UT 0 Wetland UT 1 24 Wetland Ri shm Branch 0 Wetland Ripshm Branch 274 Restoration Level Restoration Enhancement (Level I) Enhancement (Level II; Preservation Wetland Enhancement Creation Totals Mitigation Units Prtortt Approa Enhance Priority Enhance Priority Preservat Enhance Priority EY Yroiect Number 372 Credits Riparian Wetland Restoration Restoration E 3.8 1.99 Restoration Mitigation near Footage/ Ratio Acreage 800 1 2 5 400 1 1 285 1 2 5 815 11 518 15 124 1 15 788 1 1 15 11 124 12 230 1 1 274 12 Pro ects Components Restoration/ y Restoration L ch Equivalent ment E II II R ment E II II R ion P ment E I I R R E R E Component Summation Stream (linear footage) 2003 124 1085 518 3730 2624 SN Riparian Wetland (acres) 38 3 98 778 5 78 WMUs Buffer Comment Buffer (square footage) Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year I of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (EEP Project Number 372) Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete: 1 year 3 months Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete: 0 year 11 months Number of Reportine Years: Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan March 2007 Final Design — Construction Plans Land Mechanics Designs, Inc September 2009 Construction Aug ust 2011 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area Habitat Assessment Restoration Program Aug ust 2011 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area Surveyor Aug ust 2011 Containerized and B &B plantings for entire reach Raleigh, NC 27603 December 2011 As -built Construction Plans Seed Mix Source December 2011 Year 1 Monitoring 2012 October 2012 December 2012 Year 2 Monitoring 2013 Years 1 -5 Monitoring Performers Axiom Environmental, Inc Year 3 Monitoring 2014 218 Snow Avenue Year 4 Monitoring 2015 Grant Lewis 919- 215 -1693 Year 5 Monitoring 2016 Table 3. Project Contacts Table Tate Farm i shin Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site EP Project Number 372 Designer Ecologic Associates, P C Greensboro, NC 27404 Mark Taylor 336 - 382 -9362 Construction Contractor Land Mechanics Designs, Inc Willow Spring, NC 27529 Lloyd Glover 919 - 422 -3392 Planting and Seeding Contractor Habitat Assessment Restoration Program Charlotte, NC 28262 Surveyor Stewart Proctor Raleigh, NC 27603 Herb Proctor 919 - 779 -1855 Seed Mix Source Green Resource Colfax, NC 27235 336 - 855 -6363 Years 1 -5 Monitoring Performers Axiom Environmental, Inc 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Grant Lewis 919- 215 -1693 Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Tate Farm i shin Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (EEP Project Number 372) Project Information Project Name Tate Farm Ri shin Branch Project County Ashe Project Area (Acres) 6192 Project Coordinates (NAD83 2007) 1,037,279 65, 1,234,847,66 Project Watershed Summary Information Ph sio ra hic Region Blue Ridge Ecore ion Southern Crystalline Ridges and Mountains Project River Basin Upper New USGS 8-digit HUC 05050001 USGS 14-digit RUC 05050001010050 NCDWQ Subbasm 05 -07 -02 Project Drainage Area (Sq Mi 2 0 Project Drainage Area Impervious Surface <5% Watershed Type Rural Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach 1 T Reach 2 shin Br. Restored/Enhanced Length Linear Feet 2300 912 Drainage Area (Square Miles ) 2 0 056 NCDWQ Index Number 05 -07 NCDWQ Classification C, NSW, Tr Valle Type/Morphological Descri tion II/BC4 Dominant Soil Series Colvard and Toxawa Drainage Class Well and Poorly Drained Soil H dric Status Nonh dric and H dric Sloe 002 002 FEMA Classification NA Native Vegetation Community Montane Alluvial Forest and Swamp Forest- Bog Complex Percent Composition of Exotic Invasives <5% <5% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Waters of the U S — Sections 404 and 401 Yes - Received Appropriate Permits Endangered Species Act No Effect Historic Preservation Act No CZMA/CAMA NA FEMA Flood lam Compliance NA Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout "DN1_r._ VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Figures 2 and 2A -213 Current Conditions Plan View Tables 5A -513 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Stream Fixed - Station Photographs Vegetation Monitoring Photographs Axiom Environmental. I -ic. Axiom Environmental 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 215 -1693 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW TATE FARM (UT to RIPSHIN BRANCH) EEP PROJECT NUMBER 372 Ashe County, North Carolina Dwn. by. KRJ Date: Sept. 2012 Project: 12- 004.13 FIGURE Axiom Environmental 218 Snow Avenue f� Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 215 -1693 4xiom Ervrcnmertal, lac. CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW TATE FARM (UT) EEP PROJECT NUMBER 372 Ashe County, North Carolina Dwn. by. KRJ FIGURE Date: 2 A Project: Sept. 2012 12- 004.13 Axiom Environmental 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 215 -1693 Ax om Environmereal. Inc. CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW TATE FARM (RIPSHIN BRANCH) EEP PROJECT NUMBER 372 Ashe County, North Carolina Dwn. by. KRJ FIGURE •G) Date: Sept. 2012 Project: 12- 004.13 Table SA Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID Unnamed Tributary Assessed Length 800 Channel 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1 Aegradation -Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 2 Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture /Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 3 Meander Pool Condition 1 Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth > 1 6) 2 Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 4 Thalweg Position 1 Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 2 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 1 Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Bank 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse 8 1 Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 3 Engineered w'l III Structures 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 3 Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 4 4 15% (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 4 Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1 6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow 8 8 100% 4 4 w'l III 100% 4 4 100% 4 4 100% Table 5B Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID Ripshin Branch Assessed Length 1444 Channel 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1 Aggradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 2 Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture /Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 3 Meander Pool Condition 1 Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth > 1 6) - 2 Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 4 Thalweg Position 1 Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 2 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 1 Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and /or scour and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Bank 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse 1 Overall Integrity 2 Grade Control 3 Engineered Structures 2a Piping 3 Bank Protection 4 Habitat lures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs e control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill lures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull h ratio > 1 6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow 0 0 #DIV /01 8 8 100% 8 8 100% 8 8 r,00% Table 6 rianlea I Vecietatlon Condition Assessment tt 9S Mapping I CCPV I Number of I Combined I % of Planted I1 Bare Areas IVery limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material I 0 1 acres I Brown Line I 0 I 000 I 00% I 12 Low Stem Density Areas (Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria 1 0 1 acres Brown Line 0 000 00% 13 Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor (Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year 1 0 25 acres I Brown Line 1 0 1 000 1 00% 1 Easement Acreage' 61 9 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Easement Vecietation Cateaory Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acrea e Light green, 4 Invasive Areas of Concern ` Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) 100 SF yellow, and dark 0 000 00% pink 5 Easement Encroachment Areas' Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) none Brown Line 0 000 00% 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort 2 = The acreage vnthin the easement boundaries 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the assoaated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i a item 1 2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage Invasives of conceMinterest are listed below The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native young woody stems in the short-term (e g monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree /shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e g 1- 2 decades) The low /moderate concern group are those speaes that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity but can be mapped if in the judgement of the observer their coverage density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems Decisions as to whether remediation unit be needed are base the integration of risk factors by EEC such as species present their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass and the practica ty of treatment For example even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the pro ects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegwm in the herb layer will not likley tngger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree /shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of creating extensive amounts of ground cover Those species vn h the "watch list" designator in gray shade are of intterest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme nsk/threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history However areas of discreet, dense patches well of course be mapped as polygons The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense discreet patches In any case the point or polygon/area feature can be symbolized to descnbe things like high or low concern and species can be listed as a map inset in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the executive summary Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Stream Fixed - Station Photographs Taken October 2012 y. 'Al:. i Z AIfY� t +wy Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Stream Fixed - Station Photographs Taken October 2012 (continued) �y'`I fa• F /M r Photo Point 9 Ph Poin 117 Photo ! Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Stream Fixed - Station Photographs Taken October 2012 (continued) Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs Taken October 2012 APPENDIX C VEGETATION PLOT DATA Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9. Total and Planted Stems by Plot and Species Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Tate Farm (Rinshin Branch) Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (EEP Protect Number 372) Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? Tract Mean 1 No 60% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 Yes Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Protect Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Tate Farm shin Branch) Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (EEP Project Number 372 Report Prepared By Corn Fa um Date Prepared 10/19/2012 9 17 database name Axiom -EEP- 2012 -A mdb database location S \CVS database\2012 computer name KENAN file size 57331712 DESCRH'TION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT ------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Pro j, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Pro j, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc ) Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY--------------------------------- Project Code 372 project Name Tate Farm Description Stream and Wetland Restoration River Basin New length(ft) stream-to-edge width (ft) area s m Required Plots calculated Sampled Plots 5 Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices Table 9: Total and Planted Stems by Plot and Species Tate Farm - EEP Proiect Code 372 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Pnol-S = Planted stems excluding livestakes P -all = Planted stems including livestakes T = All planted and natural recruit stems Current Plot Data (MY3 2012) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 MY1 (2012) PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS IP -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 5 51 5 5 5 5 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 21 4 4 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 21 21 3 31 3 3 3 3 8 8 8 Ilex opaca American holly Tree 11 2 2 2 21 21 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 5 1 1 1 21 2 2 8 81 8 Prunus serotina black cherry Tree 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 Rhus Isumac Ishrub 1 1 1 Viburnum dentatum Isouthern arrowwood IShrub 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 7 7 7 81 81 8 10 101 11 31 3 3 13 13 13 41 411 42 1 1 1 1 1 5 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.124 4 4 4 4 4 4 QO.O 5 2 2 2 4 4 4 9 9 10 283.3 283.3 283.3 323.7 323.7 3237 404.445.2 121.4 121.4 121.4 526.1 526.1 526.1 331.8 331.8 339.9 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Pnol-S = Planted stems excluding livestakes P -all = Planted stems including livestakes T = All planted and natural recruit stems APPENDIX D STREAM SURVEY DATA Cross - section Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Substrate Plots Tables I Oa -d. Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables 11 a -d. Monitoring Data Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices River Basin: Upper New Watershed: Tate Farm XS ID XS - 1, Riffle Drainage Area (sq mi : 1.6 Date: 10/16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson, Jemi an Station Elevation 0.00 58.97 3.37 59.01 5.88 58.94 7.46 58.93 8.28 58.89 9.48 58.48 11.12 57.97 11.85 57.85 12.66 57.79 13.81 57.42 15.01 57.27 16.18 57.24 17.94 57.17 19.69 57.02 21.09 57.51 22.21 56.98 24.49 57.37 25.63 57.59 26.90 57.93 27.71 58.20 29.20 58.41 30.82 58.65 32.35 59.12 34.18 59.04 36.47 59.14 37.52 59.06 39.33 59.05 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 58.9 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 27.6 Bankfull Width: 23.4 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 60.8 Flood Prone Width: >80 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.9 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.2 W / D Ratio: 19.8 Entrenchment Ratio: 3.4 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 Stream Type I B/C Ripshin Branch, XS - 1, Riffle 61 --------- ------- -------------- - - - - -- - --- --------------------------------- 60 59 - - - -- - -- ------------------------------------- - - - - -- - ------- - - - - -- .o 58 w - - - - Bankfull 57 - - - - Flood Prone Area t MY -01 10/16/12 56 0 10 20 30 40 Station (feet) River Basin: Upper New 0.00 6 Watershed: Tate Farm 64.37 xs In xs - 2, Pool i Drainage Area (s mi): 1.6 Date: 10/16/2012 9.42 6 Field Crew: Perkinson, Jernigan 61.27 12.18 6 61.54 13.44 6 61.86 14.84 6 61.87 15.75 6 62.23 H Strea Type B/C Ripshin Branch, XS - 2, Pool 67 66 65 °' -- ----------- ----- ------- --- -- --- ----- - - - - -- - - - - - -- 64 z 0 63 w - - -- Bankfull 62 62 Flood Prone Area 61 ---o- ---o- MY -01 !0/16/12 60 0 10 20 30 40 Station (feet) Station E Elevation 0.00 6 64.24 2.25 6 64.37 4.02 6 64.32 5.59 6 64.34 6.56 6 Station E Elevation 0.00 6 64.24 2.25 6 64.37 4.02 6 64.32 5.59 6 64.34 6.56 6 63.99 8.04 6 64.29 9.42 6 60.94 10.87 6 61.27 12.18 6 61.54 13.44 6 61.86 14.84 6 61.87 15.75 6 62.23 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 64.3 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 36.1 Bankfull Width: 23.2 Flood Prone Area Elevation: - Flood Prone Width: - Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.4 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.6 W / D Ratio: - Entrenchment Ratio: - Bank Height Ratio: - River Basin: Bankfull Elevation: Upper New Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 37.4 Watershed: Area s mi : Tate Farm Date: 10/16/2012 XS ID XS - 3, Riffle t w Drainage W / D Ratio: 21.1 Entrenchment Ratio: ;.. Bank Ratio: 1.0 Station Elevation 0.00 66.18 3.72 66.09 5.36 65.77' 6.84 65.46 8.40 65.23 10.20 65.03 11.96 64.92 13.10 64.66 13.96 64.39 w■+ +J!^r 14.82 64.20 Height 16.29 63.91 17.79 63.91 B/C 19.60 64.10 21.52 63.89 22.7 63.96 Ripshin Branch, XS - 3, Riffle 24.0 63.91 25.6 64.27 70 26.6 64.57 27.5 64.66 29.0 64.99 68 ------------------------------------------- ------- -- ----- ------- -- ---- -- 30.1 65.40 31.4 65.41 4, 32.4 66.13 34.3 66.27 0 66 36.0 66.26 37.3 66.22 L? ---- Benkfull 38.7 66.19 64 - - - - Flood Prone Area --o-MY-01 10/16/12 62 0 10 20 30 40 Station (feet) SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 66.0 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 37.4 Bankfull Width: Area s mi : 1.6 Date: 10/16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson, Jemi pan SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 66.0 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 37.4 Bankfull Width: 28.1 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 68.1 Flood Prone Width: >80 Max Ma: Depth at Banld'ull: 2.1 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.3 W / D Ratio: 21.1 Entrenchment Ratio: 2.8 Bank Ratio: 1.0 River Basin: Upper New t Watershed: Tate Farm JiS ID XS - 4, Riffle Ratio: 1.0 Drainage Area (s mi): 1.6 Date: 10/16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson, Jernigan Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA 0.00 77.63 Bankfull Elevation: 77.7 j y 6.66 77.91 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 23.5 f , 8.88 77.96 Bankfull Width: 21.4 10.34 77.90 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 79.7 11.96 77.66 Flood Prone Width: >80 13.45 77.09 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.0 _ 15.37 76.63 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.1 3 16.80 76.40 W / D Ratio: 19.5 18.97 76.01 Entrenchment Ratio: 3.7 20.98 75.95 Bank Height 22.30 76.14'. 23.35 75.71 Stream Type B/C 24.51 75.83 25.21 76.33 26.9 76.23 Ripshin Branch, XS - 4, Riffle 27.9 76.62 29.0 77.04 80 30.7 77.31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.4 77.40 33.9 77.83 36.6 77.74 39.8 77.79 78 -------- - - - - -- ------- ------------------- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - -- -- 43.1 77.76 m n Eu W 76 - - - - - Bankfull - - - - Flood Prone Area --�- MY -01 10/16/12 74 0 10 20 30 40 Station (feet) Ratio: 1.0 SUMMARY DATA Bankfnll Elevation: Upper New Tate Fami XS - 5, Riffle Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: q. .s; t River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Drainage Field Crew: Perkinson, Jernigan 1.9 Station Elevation W / D Ratio: 24.5 Entrenchment Ratio: 3.7 0.0 83.1 83.0 83.0 82.91 82.7 > c .a< t11 Y rt 't r, t'.`� ' fi l• :' a s �„ ..,+. �r Y 5.9 9.5 12.6 14.4 18.1 82.2 : h� � 1 20.2 81.9x'3, .j 22.0 81.6 81.5+. ! .., 23.0 24.3 81.4 81.1 ,S 25.7 26.7 81.0 81.3 81.64 Stream B/C 27.8 28.6 30.3 82.03 82.49 82.72 83.10 83.15 83.09 86 ---------------------------------------- Ripshin Branch, XS - 5, Riffle -- -- --------- --- - - - - --- - - - - - 32.3 33.4 35.9 39.7 45.3 47.4 83.45 84.11 � 84 49.2 50.9 85.01 51.9 85.23 e 0 - -_ --- -- - - -- -------------- ---- - - - ---- - ------------ ------- -- - --- 53.5 84.92 55.4 84.46 W 82 ____�nkfull - - - - Flood Prone Area �- MY -01 10/16/12 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (feet) SUMMARY DATA Bankfnll Elevation: 82.9 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 19.2 Bankfull Width: Area s m>t : 1.6 Date: 10/ 16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson, Jernigan SUMMARY DATA Bankfnll Elevation: 82.9 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 19.2 Bankfull Width: 21.7 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 84.8 Flood Prone Width: >80 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.9 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.9 W / D Ratio: 24.5 Entrenchment Ratio: 3.7 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 River Basin: Bankfull Elevation: Upper New Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 17.4 Bankfull Width: Watershed: 0.6 Tate Farm 10/16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson,Jerni�an XS ID Mean Depth at Bankfull: XS - 6, Riffle W / D Ratio: M t_ Drainage Rank Height Ratio: 1.0 p _ _ It. _ 4 ll _ Station Elevation t y F 7 Zr 0.0 80.3 A 3.2 80.3 F 6.0 80.3 7.3 80.2" 9.2 80.0 9.7 79.8 Depth 10.4 79.5 t` i 12.0 79.0 " 13.5 78.8 14.7 78.5` 15.6 78.5 16.2 78.3 T e BiC 17.5 78.4 18.3 78.28 19.1 78.55 Unnamed Tributary, XS - 6, Riffle 19.8 78.72 20.9 78.81 82 21.8 79.15 23.0 79.29 23.7 79.58 25.0 79.81 26.9 80.09 � t 29.6 80.16 32.9 80.66 80 Q 41 � - - - - Bankfull - - - - Flood Prone Area -0 MY -01 10/16/12 78 0 10 20 30 Station (feet) SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 80.0 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 17.4 Bankfull Width: Area s mi : 0.6 Date: 10/16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson,Jerni�an SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 80.0 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 17.4 Bankfull Width: 17.4 Flood Prune Area Elevation: 81.7 Flood Prone Width: >80 Max at Rankfull: 1.7 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.0 W / D Ratio: 17.4 Entrenchment Ratio: 4.6 Rank Height Ratio: 1.0 River Basin: Elevation Upper New 87.8 Y Watershed: Tate Farm X5 ID XS - 7, Pool Drainage Area s mi): 0.6 Date: 10/16/2012 Field Crew: Perkinson, Jernigan t I q 1 y ..s i Stream a B/C Unnamed Tributary, XS - 7, Pool 88 -- -- --------------- -- --- --- ---------------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- ---- --- - - v 5 0 86 v Cc: - - -- Bankfull - - - - Flood Prone Area �- MY-01 8/18/09 84 0 10 20 Station (feet) Station E Elevation 0.0 8 87.8 2.4 8 87.8 Station E Elevation 0.0 8 87.8 2.4 8 87.8 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 87.3 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 14.5 Bankfull Width: 16.0 Flood Prone Area Elevation: - Flood Prone Width: - Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.4 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.9 W / D Ratio: - Entrenchment Ratio: - Bank Height Ratio: - River Basin: Upper New Watershed: Tate Farm XS ID XS - 8, Riffle Drainage Area (sq mi): 0.6 Date: 10/16/2012 Field Crew: I Perkinson,Jernigan Station Elevation 0.0 94.7 2.5 94.5 9.1 11.0 12.1 12.6 15.4 16.0 16.6 17.7 19.1 20.2 22.9 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 94.5 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 8.9 Bankfull Width: 17.4 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 95.7 Flood Prone Width: >80 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.2 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.5 W / D Ratio: 34.0 Entrenchment Ratio: 4.6 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 18001111110 Type I B/C Unnamed Tributary, XS - 8, Riffle 96 lu lu - - - - -- -------------------- ----- -- ------------ ------ - - -- -- - - --- 94 c .IU — — — — Bankfull W — — — — Flood Prone Area t MY -0 1 10/16/12 92 0 10 20 Station (feet) uJci Laic r - uic Reach Unnamed Tributary Station 00 +00 - 08 +00 Feature Profile Date 10 /10 /12 2012 Year i Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation 0.0 77.7 78.3 9.1 78.2 78.5 13.5 78.0 78.5 17.5 77.9 78.5 22.1 78.4 78.6 46.8 78.7 79.0 53.7 77.9 79.0 59.5 78.1 79.0 68.7 78.9 79.3 73.4 78.7 79.3 75.9 79.6 79.8 89.0 80.1 80.1 95.2 80.0 80.2 101.7 79.2 80.3 106.9 78.8 80.3 110.6 79.1 80.3 118.9 79.4 80.3 123.5 80.2 80.5 134.6 80.8 81.0 145.9 80.9 81A 151.9 80.0 81.4 154.8 79.7 81.3 159.8 80.3 81.4 162.8 81.0 81.4 172.3 81.6 81.8 185.5 81.9 82.2 195.8 82.2 82.5 214.1 82.2 82.7 100 95 m 90 a n d 85 c 0 .Y d W 80 75 2013 Year 2 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation 2014 I 2015 I 2016 Year 3 Monitoring \Survey Year 4 Monitoring \ Survev Year 5 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Tate Farm Year 1 (2012) Profile - Unnamed Tributary 00 +00 to 08 +00 70 0 100 200 300 - +-Year 1 (2012) Bed 400 Distance (feet) 500 fYearl (2012) Water Surface 600 700 800 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0201 Riffle Length 30 Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0235 Pool Length 21 Pool to Pool Spacing 44.0 600 700 800 Project Name Tate Farm - Profile Reach Ripshin Branch Station 00 +00 - 10 +00 Feature Profile Date 10/10/12 Crew Perkinson, Jernigan 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year 1 Monitoring \Survey Year 2 Monitoring \Survey Year 3 Monitoring \Survey Year 4 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation 0.0 56.0 56.9 2.7 56.5 57.2 Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0247 25.9 57.5 57.8 Pool Length 30.5 57.2 57.8 35.5 57.6 58.3 Pool to Pool Spacing 55.0 45.5 58.4 58.8 56.9 58.3 59.0 73.5 58.0 58.9 85.6 57.9 59.0 99.7 58.5 58.9 110.4 58.4 59.0 119.6 57.3 59.1 125.2 57.1 59.1 131.6 57.6 59.1 135.8 57.9 59.0 150.3 58.7 59.4 166.7 59.9 60.2 181.1 60.3 60.7 187.6 59.7 60.7 197.8 59.9 60.6 207.7 60.2 60.9 226.2 60.9 61.5 233.5 60.6 61.6 242.0 61.3 61.7 252.5 61.2 61.8 270.3 61.7 62.2 288.0 61.0 62.2 298.4 61.2 62.2 Tate Farm Year 1 (2012) Profile - Ripshin Branch 00 +00 to 10 +00 80 75 70 .0 m a 65 C 0 A d W 60 55 50 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance (feet) -® --Year 1 (2012) Bed 2016 Year 5 Monitoring \Survey Bed Elevation Water Elevation 600 700 ts- -Year 1 (2012) Water Surface 800 900 1000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0182 Riffle Length 35 Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0247 Pool Length 28 Pool to Pool Spacing 55.0 800 900 1000 I Name Tatc Farm - Profile 2013 2014 Ripshin Branch Station 10 +00 - 15 +00 2016 e Profile 10/10/12 Riffle Length Perkinson, Jernigan Avg. Riffle Slope 2012 2013 Year 1 Monitoring \Survey Year 2 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Wal 999.9 74.6 75.4 1006.2 74.7 75.4 1009.5 74.7 75.4 1012.2 75.2 75.5 1021.1 75.3 75.8 1031.3 75.4 76.0 1035.0 75.4 75.9 1046.3 75.2 76.0 1049.5 75.6 76.2 1065.4 76.5 76.8 1069.0 75.9 76.8 1079.6 75.8 76.9 1084.3 76.3 77.0 1093.0 76.3 77.1 1099.3 77.0 77.4 1119.9 77.4 78.1 1136.3 77.3 78.1 1149.4 76.9 78.1 1160.3 77.4 78.1 1167.0 77.1 78.1 1177.9 77.1 78.3 1185.0 78.3 78.8 1200.8 78.8 79.4 1215.9 79.5 79.8 1223.6 78.7 79.8 1231.2 78.8 79.8 1238.9 78.9 79.8 1246.5 79.6 80.1 86 84 82 80 `m a 78 C 0 M a a 76 W 74 72 70 1000 1050 1100 2014 I 2015 I 2016 Year 3 Monitoring \Survey Year 4 Monitoring \Survey Year 5 Monitoring \ Survev Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation 1150 Tate Farm Year 1 (2012) Profile - Ripshin Branch 10+00 to 15 +00 +Year 1 (2012) Bed 1200 1250 Distance (feet) 1300 1350 Year 1 (2012) Water Surface 1400 1450 1500 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0182 Riffle Length 35 Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0247 Pool Length 28 Pool to Pool Spacing 55.0 1400 1450 1500 ■■mnq■■■nnq ■■■nugi■�uq■�: `ai�t�i��luq .: ■■ mnq�■■ I�I�q ■■■q�llq■■n�III���Iq�lll�■■muq , ,.. ■■ mnq■■ Illnll ■ ■1811q■ ■I■nllllr./ ■Illllq■ ■1111111 , .. ■■mliq ■■muq■■mnq■■mugr�■muq■■m� . ,.. ■■n lua ■■■glnq■■muq■■nln�■■■nnll ■■mnq .,., ■■ ■nn ■ ■Illllq� ■1111111 ■ ■��'�II ■ ■Inllll� ■1■nq . ■■mnq ■ ■1llnll ■ ■Illnq!!��nll■ ■1111111 ■ ■mn , . , .. ■■ m81 ■ ■Inllq ■ ■111��'i ■mnq� ■mnq ■ ■mIl . ■■n lnq■■■ nnq ■ /�'���1q ■ ■�nnq�! ■milq� ■Innq , ..■ �q■■ u�u ■�i111C�1 ■�lllnln���u��■I�lnq 111 Fiql Size percent Percent .- .. l ' ; ■■ Illnl■■ 1■ n1 ■■Ii1111ii11111,���n11��111111 ■ ■ ■1■ 111■■n lnl ■ ■mllll ■t /�i�i1 ■Illnll■ ■moll ■■ 1111111■ ■11n11 ■ ■ ■Il��illill■ ■11111 ■■mnl ,. , .. ■ ■■Ilnl ■ ■1■nl ■■moll � ■1 ■1111■ ■111111 ■ ■mtll . , ■■1111111■■■11naM-E,M111 I■ ■111111 ■ ■■111111■■EIIII ■■■111III■■IGN 1111111■ ■■111111 ■ ■■111111■■m1111 . �■1111111■�%■nl■ ■1111111 ■1111111■ ■111111 ■ ■mnl , . ■■111111��nIn1■ ■1111111 ■ ■1 ■1111 ■ ■mllil ■ ■m11 , . ■■ID���i!! ■Ii111■ ■1111111! ■1111111 ■ ■mn1 ■ ■mnl , ,., ■■ 111�m■■■ 11��n1oill� ■�M1�a��w� ■�una ■ ■�anl of 1 111 1111 Size percent ,_ In Table 10a. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Ripshin Branch) Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) - EEP Project Number 372 Parameter Gauge Regional Curve Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Onl LL UL E . Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Max Med Min Mean Med Max SD BF Width (ft) SC % /SA % /G % /C %B %BE% 210 240 144 171 230 250 I Flood prone Width ft 35 dl6/d35/d50/d84/d95 60 27 4 0 -12 0 95 25 80 05 3 0 -5 0 BF Mean Depth ft 12 1 3 12 13 13 14 BF Max Depth ft 19 17 19 27 29 Incision Class <1 2/12-149/1 5 -1 99/ >2 0 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 260 290 176 207 300 350 Width/Depth Ratio 185 210 118 132 170 180 Entrenchment Ratio 1 9 26 16 66 1 5 20 Bank Height Ratio 18 12 10 12 Profile Riffle length ft Riffle slope ft/ft 00040 00170 00420 00400 Pool length ft 90 430 110 187 200 700 Pool Max depth ft 36 09 26 3 5 3 6 Pool spacing (ft) 330 2530 257 693 800 1300 Pattern Channel Beltwidth ft 7 80 20 417 29 150 Radius of Curvature ft 10 160 253 185 55 135 Rc Bankfull width ft/ft 04 1 18 59 3 42 Meander Wavelength ft 30 240 975 140 85 365 Meander Width ratio 08 21 68 8 44 66 Trans ort varameter,4 Reach Shear Stress coin a enc lbs/fl Max art size (mm) mobilized at bankful Stream Stream Power (transport ca aci r12 Additional Reach Parameters Ros en Classification B4/F4 /C4 B4 /C4 134 /C4 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 55 4 8- 5 Bankfull Discharge cfs 158 Valley Len ft - - -- - - -- Channel Thalweg Length ft - - -- - - -- 2300 Sinuosity 12 1 1- 1 2 1 1- 1 3 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 0 018 -0 024 0012-0019 0 02 BF slope ft/ft - - -- - - -- - - -- Bankfull Flood lam Area acres - - -- - - -- - - -- % of Reach with Eroding Banks - - -- Channel Stabilitv or Habitat Metric - -- Biological or Other Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Bank, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distributions) Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) - EEP Project Number 372 - Ripshin Branch Parameter Pre-Existine Condition Reference Reach es Data Desien Monitorine Baseline Ri % /RU %P %G % /S% SC % /SA % /G % /C %B %BE% dl6/d35/d50/d84/d95 0 2 -0 3 4 0 -12 0 05 3 0 -5 0 Entrainment Class <1 5/1 5-199/2 0 -4 9/5 0- Incision Class <1 2/12-149/1 5 -1 99/ >2 0 Table 10c. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Unnamed Tributary) Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) - EEP Project Number 372 Parameter Gauge T Regional Curve Pre- Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate - Riffle OnI3 LL UL E . Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Max Med Mtn Mean Med Max SD BF Width (ft) SC % /SA % /G % /C %/B %BE% 180 144 160 Flood prone Width ft 28 02 48 128 442 95 16 80 50 730 1000 BF Mean Depth ft 09 12 Entrainment Class <1 5115-199/2 0 -4 9/5 0- 09 BF Max Depth Lft) 14 17 1 3 14 Incision Class <1 2/1 2 -1 49/1 5 -1 99/ >2 0 BF Cross Sectional Area (f?) 163 176 140 Width/Depth Ratio 218 118 180 Entrenchment Ratio 1 6 66 10 25 Bank Height Ratio 23 12 10 Profile Riffle length ft Riffle slope ft/ft 00400 00170 00400 Pool length (ft 3 6 199 187 250 Pool Max depth ft 14 26 1 9 Pool spacing (ft) 110 800 690 500 900 600 Pattern p Channel Beltwidth ft 12 33 417 35 100 Radius of Curvature ft 25 25 253 40 200 Rc Bankfull width ft/ft 08 18 34 14 Meander Wavelength (ft 50 170 975 120 160 Meander Width ratio 49 29 8 3 88 Transport Varameter4 Reach Shear Stress com etenc lbs4 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankful Stream Power (transport ca aci W /m, Additional Reach Parameters Ros en Classification B4/F4 C4 B4 /C4 Bankf ill Velocity s 5 1 45 Bankfull Discharge cfs 83 07 Valley Length (ft - - -- - - -- Channel Thalweg Length (ft - - -- - - -- 912 Sinuosity 1 2 12 1 0-12 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 002 0 012 002 BF slope ft/ft - -- - - -- Bankfull Flood lain Area (acres)- -- - -- - -- % of Reach with Eroding Banks - - I ! Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 10d. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Bank, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distributions) Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) - EEP Project Number 372 - Unnamed Tributary Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach es Data Desi n Monitorme Baseline 4 Rt %/RU %P %G % /S% SC % /SA % /G % /C %/B %BE% dl6/d35/d50/d84/d95 02 48 128 442 785 80 118 184 730 1000 Entrainment Class <1 5115-199/2 0 -4 9/5 0- Incision Class <1 2/1 2 -1 49/1 5 -1 99/ >2 0 Table l is Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) T.,ta Timm (Rmshm Branch) - EEP Protect Number 372 - Rinshin Branch Table I1b Monitoring Data -Stream Reach Data Summary Tate Farm (Ripshln Branch) - EEP Proiect Number 372 - Ripshin Branch Cross Section 1 Cross Section 2 Cross Section 3 Cross Section 4 Crass Section 5 Parameter Riffle Pool Riffle Riffle Riffle c ..�,4 '•lr- �h .€�. ➢ Mrs ^xJ '�[�.� 'ik 3-0P.X'�5�� :. ots r t e i..` �#'i i - ,. �: � 3. S.� y r "i." �i'• ^E'r � d „I "� Sc"` k-�h:..A'x � a :3'•"+ - � .� t 3...,.s_ is ,s;_ & a ? 3 �:,��' - acvWK' ;��+n S= Dimension MYO MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ BF Width ft 234 23 2 281 214 21 7 Floodprone Width (ft) (approx) 800 NA 80 0 800 800 BF Mean De th ft 1 2 16 1 3 1 1 09 BF Max Depth ft 19 34 21 20 19 BF Cross Sectional Area (It') 276 36 1 --- __�mm 374 ®m--------- 23 5 --- 192 -- -- Width/Depth Ratio - 198 NA 211 195 245 Entrenchment Ratio 3 4 N 28 37 3 7 •� - - -__ Bank Height Rana iii 10 . i i i•• i i i -------------------- 1!0 10 1 0 l 0 d50 mm` 79 2 Table I1b Monitoring Data -Stream Reach Data Summary Tate Farm (Ripshln Branch) - EEP Proiect Number 372 - Ripshin Branch Dimension and Substrate - Riffle r Ratio me Entrench ', --- __�mm ®m--------- --- -- -- - - -- •� - - -__ iii i i . i i i•• i i i -------------------- Radius Additional Reach Parameters water Surface Slope I is : 11 %of Reach with Erodg Bank, i Channel Stability or Habitat Metni, Table l le Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) Tate Farm (Rhishin Branch) - EEP Protect Number 372 - Unnamed Tributary Parameter Cross Section 6 Cross Section 7 Cross Section 8 Riffle Pool Riffle _^a•�z ty �-i+r Fr,, . t , ae'a. ;a.°S• e!. �'� .� y.a x -� �zp i_'��.�. __ �' }- � u,;,, 'S-.KhF .�. -u�: > ^,�d -.0 n '.;i' .:fv .,t� � -^ti rr4 =•._4 ,yam -;o... - �- 'tr..�..= �,2',�`�ru�"C�:i�'�' -1 � •a ___ R_ ,y; ,e ,� rv" s _ _ _ c._�[. fie ^�--a +e•"' t `_ , n .���s �.. , ..2.1�, r�Gy_ x -+ �- l'r.�1�a'"; k�.�.•..`.,�: ��'4 Dimension MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ BF Width (ft) 174 160 174 Floodprone Width (R) (approx 800 NA 800 BF Mean Depth (R 10 09 05 BF Max Depth (ft 17 24 12 BF Cross Sectional Area (fi) 174 145 89 Width/Depth Rati 174 NA BF Cross Se.han"rea(d) 340 Entrenchment Ratic 46 NA 46 Bank Height Ratio 10 1 0 10 d50 (mm) 1 0 Table lld. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) - EEP Project Number 372 - Unnamed Tributary 'Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only'_ BF Cross Se.han"rea(d) Profile - Upstream Rad.m of Curvature (ft, Additional Reach Parameters 1 1 1 Channel Stability or Habitat Metm APPENDIX E HYDROLOGY DATA Table 12 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 13 Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Summary Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (EEP Project Number 372) Date of Data Photo (if Date of Occurrence Method Collection available No bankfull events were observed during the Year 1 (2012) NA NA __ monitoring period Tate Farm (Ripshin Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices Table 13. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Summary * Groundwater Gauges were installed in October 2012, therefore, groundwater monitoring will be initiated during the Year 2 (2013) monitoring year Tate Farm (Ripshm Branch) Axiom Environmental, Inc. Monitoring Year 1 of 5 (2012) EEP Project Number 372 January 2013 Ashe County, North Carolina Appendices