HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021345 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 7_20130212T, - I f �Pwa cd(y SANDY CREEK Durham County, North Carolina EEP Project No. 322 Contract No. D08039S 2012 Annual Monitoring Re (Measurement Year -7 — MY7 (2012) — 3` year post- repair) Site Constructed 2003 /Repaired 2008- 2009/Replanted 2011 6z- I345 Fig 1 2 2013 NR . WaM aunuTY January 2013 Prepared for: c� 1;11 stem ll ellf PROGR/1M NCDENR -EEP 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1619 RECEIVED JAN 2, 9 2013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM T Prepared by &%%:Group roup he otena The Catena Group 410B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 919 - 732 -1300 T I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -1 1 1 Goals and Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -1 1.2 Vegetative Assessment------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -1 13 Stream Assessment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -2 14 Wetland Assessment -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -2 15 Annual Monitoring Summary---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -2 2 0 METHODOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -3 3.0 REFERENCES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -3 AppendixA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -4 AppendixB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 10 AppendixC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 19 AppendixD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 23 AppendixE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 26 Sandy Creek Year 7 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 7 of 9 The Catena Group i January 2013 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sandy Creek is a wetland restoration and stream enhancement mitigation site located in Durham County, North Carolina The project consists of 3 13 acres of wetland restoration and 2,461 linear feet of Level II stream enhancement The conservation easement encompasses 22 6 acres and includes an additional 7 1 acres of preserved existing wetlands. Wetland and stream construction originally took place in 2003 Wetlands restoration consisted of grading activities and planting wetland vegetation. Stream enhancement consisted of the installation of log vanes to create pool features to enhance habitat and water quality along 2,461 linear feet of stream. The wetland restoration area was again re- graded between December 2009 and February 2010 to correct final grade elevations to establish proper wetland hydrology Topsoil was added to improve soil fertility for plant growth and the graded areas were replanted with native plant species This monitoring report represents the 3`d year of wetland monitoring after site maintenance and re- grading Stream monitoring has been conducted annually since original restoration activities completed in 2003 1.1 Goals and Objectives Project Goals- * Improve water quality by incorporating log vanes within the stream channel and planting the stream buffer • Improve wetland hydrology with the removal of fill material and the sludge drying beds • Improve in- stream habitat with the installation of log vanes to enhance pool depths • Restore wetland function with the incorporation of woody and herbaceous wetland plant species Project Objectives: • The Level II stream enhancement of 2,461 linear feet of Sandy Creek • Restoration of 3 13 acres of wetlands through the removal of fill material and the sludge drying beds to improve wetland hydrology • Establishment of a 22.6 acres conservation easement 1.2 Vegetative Assessment Currently the vegetation is meeting the success criterion with 759 total woody stems /acre. The success criterion for vegetation is 260 total woody stems /acre at the end of the monitoring period. Based on the CVS vegetation data there are 313 planted woody stems /acre and 759 total woody stems /acre. As a result of the wetland re- grading in December 2009, the vegetation in monitoring plots 2, 3, and 4 was removed, leaving only vegetation monitoring plot 1 intact. The site was replanted and plots 2, 3, and 4, were re- established in February 2010. Warranty planting was conducted in February 2011 to replace trees that did not survive initial replanting after the Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 7 Momtormg Report Year? of 9 January 2013 wetland was re- graded. Level II of the CVS -EEP protocol was administered for plots 1, 2, 3, and 4, which accounts for natural and planted woody stems Some planted stems are still exhibiting evidence of being smothered by the herbaceous vegetation (i.e Juncus effusus) Vegetation problem areas are sections with low stem densities and invasive exotic species Low stem densities occurred within the immediate vicinity of plot 1 Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), continues to thrive in patches along the adjacent forest margin and throughout the wetland in the vicinity of plots 3 and 4 These areas along the woodland margin have remained undisturbed throughout the monitoring period. 1.3 Stream Assessment In general the stream banks are well vegetated and stable The log vanes are stable and functioning as intended. The log vanes are providing adequate bank protection and generating scour pools, creating habitat The cross section shows little change in stream dimension as compared to previous monitoring data The erosion previously reported around the anchor boulder at the top of log vane 12 has stabilized and has not further degraded. Local debris buildup at log vane 6, station 13 +83, is creating bank degradation issues. There is local erosion that may lead to the loss of a large tree on the bank Woody debris has built up and is causing blockage to the two of the three existing box culverts under US 15 -501 at the bottom of the project. The debris blockage can lead to backwater conditions that may degrade the habitat and stability functions of the structures directly upstream of the box culverts Notification to NCDOT regarding the current blockage is recommended so maintenance can be performed. 1.4 Wetland Assessment The site was re- graded between December 2009 and February 2010. New groundwater gauges were installed in the spring of 2010 at three locations — the reference wetland gauge, gauge A, and gauge C. Gauge B remained undisturbed in its original location. Only gauges A and B exhibited saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for more than 12.5% of the growing season (Table 13). The average annual growing season for Durham County is 222 days (March 24 to November 1). 1.5 Annual Monitoring Summary Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment, and statistics related to performance of various projects and monitoring elements, can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on EEP's websrte. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from EEP upon request. Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 2 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 2.0 METHODOLOGY All monitoring methodologies are a combination of current NCEEP templates and guidelines and previous monitoring reports (EEP template version 1.4 11/07/2011) Level II of the CVS —EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al. 2008) was used for vegetation data collection. Photos were taken with a digital camera. A Trimble Geo XT handheld unit with sub -meter accuracy was used to collect monitoring feature locations and vegetation problem areas. Stream assessments followed methodologies outlined in Applied River Morphology (Rosgen 1996). Precipitation data were obtained from the State Climate Office of North Carolina (http-Hwww.nc- climate.ncsu.edu /services /request php) (State Office of North Carolina 2012). Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas was the taxonomic standard used throughout vegetation data collection ( Weakley 2011) Vegetation monitoring data was collected on August 15, 2012 Stream monitoring was conducted on March 23 and July 28, 2012. 3.0 REFERENCES Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 ( http : / /cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Rosgen, D 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO State Climate Office of North Carolina. 2012. North Durham Water Reclamation Facility Precipitation Data (Jan 1, 2010 — Oct 31, 2012, Daily Totals) http / /www nc- climate.ncsu.edu/services /request php. Weakley, A.S 2011. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas Working draft of May 2011. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina 1015pp. Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 7 Momtormg Report Year? of 9 January 2013 i 4r fZ N LZ rX AL L if 14, 3J4 N, A mil) a IS 3 — S�;7 1 W------- 0- W. T- ....... ..... .... Conservation Easement ' " `- f f r�r ��� ewa PO Dis j f n1 —�7 AA.- lilt'! LO Site Directions: Head west on 1-40 to Highway 15-501. Take 15-501 north approximately 2 miles. Pass under 15-501 Bypass and turn left onto Tower Boulevard. Go approximately 1/4mile and take a left onto Pickett Road. Take a left onto Sandy Creek Road I directly after crossing over 15-501 Bypass. Go to the end of Sandy Creek Road until it ends at the entrance to Sandy Creek Park. A1111 I saimn E C) • 1,00• 2,000 eet Sandy Creek Figure The Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Cateno Site Location Map Group Durham County, North Carolina Osalull Date 1 1a —111clit 1 USGS 7.5- Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map EEP Project No. 322 January 2013 L _--j ---------------- Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site/ EEP Project No 322 c Linear Project a, Footage Segment or H OW or Reach ID Acreage Stationing Comments 2,461 00 +00 to Primarily achieved with placement Reach I EII BFI linear feet 27 +00 of log vanes Wetland Wetland site re- graded and Restoration R — 3 13 acres N/A replanted in Dec 2009 7 1 acres of preserved wetlands are Wetland P — 7 1 acres N/A within the 22.63 acre conservation Preservation easement * EII = Enhancement II, R = Restoration ** BFI = Bed form Improvement, P--Preservation * ** Stationing begins at downstream end of project and increases upstream Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 6 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Protect No 322 Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete 3 years Elapsed Time Since Planting 19 Months Number of Reporting Years' 7 Activity Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan N /A* N /A* Aug 2002 Final Design (90 %) N /A* N /A* Dec 2002 Construction N /A* N /A* Jun 2003 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area N /A* N /A* Jun 2003 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments N /A* N /A* Jun 2003 Bare root seedling installation N /A* N /A* Jun 2003 Mitigation Plan/As- builts (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline ) N /A* Jun 2003 Oct 2003 Year 1 Monitoring N /A* May 2004 Dec 2004 Site Replanting (portions of Zone 3 — Mid 2004 Year 1 Monitoring re-sampling N /A* Sep 2004 Dec 2004 Year 2 Monitoring (Vegetation) Dec 2005 Oct 2005 Dec 2005 Year 2 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Dec 2005 Oct 2005 Dec 2005 Year 3 Monitoring (Vegetation) Dec 2006 Oct 2006 Dec 2006 Year 3 Monitoring Groundwater Gauges) Dec 2006 Oct 2006 Dec 2006 Year 4 Monitoring (Vegetation) Dec 2007 Oct 2007 Dec 2007 Year 4 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Dec 2007 Oct 2007 Dec 2007 Site Repair Period (Re- grading) — — Nov 2009 Site Replanting Dec 2009 — Dec 2009 Year 5 Monitoring (Vegetation) Nov 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Year 5 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Nov 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Warranty Planting Feb 2011 — Feb 2011 Year 6 Monitoring (Vegetation) Aug 2011 Aug 2011 Dec 2011 Year 6 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Nov 2011 Nov 2011 Dec 2011 Year 7 Monitoring (Vegetation) Aug 2012 Aug 2012 Aug 2012 Year 7 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Nov 2012 Nov 2012 Nov 2012 Bold items represent those events of deliverables that are variable Plain -font items represent events that are standard over the course of a typical project *N /A —Data not available 1- Equals the number of reports or data points produced excluding the baseline Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Table 3. Project Contacts Table Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 8368 Six Forks Road, Suite 104 Designer Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. Ph- 919 - 870 -0526 email. bward @wce -core com Mr Greg Kiser Construction Contractor: 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc. Browns Summit, NC 27214 (336) 375 -1989 Mr Greg Kiser Planting Contractor: 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc Browns Summit, NC 27214 (336) 375 -1989 Mr Greg Kiser Seeding Contactor: 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc. Browns Summit, NC 27214 (336) 375 -1989 Seed Mix Sources N /A* Nursery Stock Suppliers N /A* 1101 Haynes Street, Ste. 101 Monitoring Performers (MY- 01 -04): Raleigh, NC 27604 EcoScience Corporation (919) 828 -3433 8368 Six Forks Road, Suite 104 Re- Designer: Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.0 Ph- 919 - 870 -0526 email: bward @wce - corp.com Re-Construction: 1405 Benson Court, Suite C Environmental Quality Resources, LLC Arbutus, MD 21227 Tel: (443) 304 -3310 Re- Planting: P O. Box 1197 Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. Freemont, NC 27830 919 242 -6555 Re- Seeding P O Box 91208 Erosion Supply Company Raleigh, NC 27675 (919) 787 -0334 410B Millstone Drive Monitoring Performers (MY -05 +): Hillsborough, NC 27278 The Catena Group (919)732 -1300 Sandy Creek Year 7 Momtormg Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year? of 9 The Catena Group 8 January 2013 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Project County Durham Drainage Area 7.3 square miles to culvert at Bypass 15 -501 Impervious cover estimate ( %) 10 percent Stream Order 3` order Physiogra hic Region Piedmont Ecoregion (Griffith and Omermk) Triassic Basin Rosgen Classification of As -built NA (Enhancement only) Cowardm Classification Stream (R3UB2) Wetlands (PFO1 Dominant soil types Stream - Chewacla and Wehadkee soils (Ch) Wetlands - Urban Land (Ur) SCO #ID 0 10542301 USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03030002060110/ N/A NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03 -06 -05 / N/A NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C, NSW / N/A Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Percent of project easement fenced None Sandy Creek Year 7 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year? of 9 The Catena Group 9 January 2013 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Appendix B Visual Assessment Data 10 Year 7 Momtormg Report Year? of 9 January 2013 The Catena Group Sandy Creek: Wetland Restoration and Stream Enhancement Site MY -07 CCPV Sheet Index EEP Project No. 322 2010 Aerial Photography Durham County, North Carolina Date: January 2013 Scale: 0 50 100 200 Feet I i I i I Job No: 4134 Figure 2 The �e +2s Catena IL - Group Date: January 2013 s Scale: 0 50 100 Feet I I Job No. 4143 VP1 a Title: Gauge B 1s +ss Sandy Creek Wetland Restoration and Stream VP4 Enhancement Gauge A 13 +es Site � Gauge C � MY -07 CC PV EEP Project No. 322 2010 Aerial _ Orthophotography (NC OneMaps) Durham County, Conservation Easement (22.62 acres) North Carolina VP2 Sandy Creek Thalweg Client. Reference Gauge Groundwater Gauges � Wetland Hydrology Met 10 +g9 Wetland Hydrology Not Met O Stream Stations '`rT - Cross Section 1 t ®Log vanes � SySt�Ill (111 1a1>�C'lllt'1� Vegetation Plots �R °6"""" x' -Criteria Met � Vegetation Plot Origin 8 +88 %j;i Vegetation Problem Areas 2012 Figure Wetlands Wetland Restoration (3.1 acres) Wetland Preservation (7.1 acres) Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Not provided as project contains only stream enhancement via log vanes. Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Table 6 Planted Acreage' Vmetatlon Condition Assessment 10.9 Easement Acreage' 14 %of Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Degiction s ea= cre 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres pattern Color 7 _Affev 0.30 2 8"/ 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres Patten and Color 4 0.10 0.9% TOW 11 0.40 11411 3.7% . Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres Patten and Color 3 0.40 3.7 °0 C®ulaflve Total 14 0.80 73% Easement Acreage' 14 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 13 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 %of Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Vegetation Cateeory Definitions _ZULho.Ig ctlon Po ons ea= Acre e 4. Invasive Areas of Concern' Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 SF Pattern and Color 7 0.70 5.0% S. Easement Encroachment Areas` Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none on and PattColor 2 0.10 0.9% 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement. This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as pan ofthe project effort. 2 = The acreage within the easement boundaries. 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result at encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i.e., item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5. 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. Invasives of concemfiinterest are listed below. The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native, young, woody stems in the short-term (e.g. monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree/shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e.g. 1 -2 decades). The lonhraderate concern gmup are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity, but can be mapped, if in the judgement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems. Decisions as to whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors by EEP such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality of treatment. For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the projects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not lildey trigger wntrol because of the limed capacities to impact treMhrub layers within the Umehnmes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover. Those species with the 'watch list' designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency. Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme rtsk/threat level for mapping as ponds where jsoated specimens are found, particularly eaky in a projects monitoring history. However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mapped as polygons. The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the condnon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches. In any case, the point or polygon /area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or low concern and species can be fisted as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 13 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement Photo Stations Photo Station 1: Log Vane #I (Station 2 + 04) Photo Station 3: Log Vane #3 (Station 6 + 55) Photo Station 5: Log Vane #5 (Station 10 + 99) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 14 Photo Station 2: Log Vane #2 (Station 4 + 12) Photo Station 4: Log Vane #4 (Station 8 + 88) Photo Station 6: Log Vane #6 (Station 13 + 83) Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Photo Station 7: Log Vane #7 (Station 15 + 39) Photo Station 9: Log Vane #9 (Station 19 + 72) Photo Station 11: Log Vane #11 (Station 22 + 66) Photo Station 8: Log Vane #8 (Station 17 + 45) Photo Station 10: Log Vane # 10 (Station 20 + 9 1 ) Photo Station 12: Log Vane # 12 (Station 24 + 20) Note exposed boulder, no change from previous year Sandy Creek Year 7 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year? of 9 The Catena Group 15 January 2013 Photo Station 13 Log Vane #13 (Station 26 + 12) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 16 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 MY05 Aug 16, 2010 Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Vegetation Plot Photos W06 Aug 24, 2011 Plot 1 Plot 2 MY07 Aug 15, 2012 Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 17 January 2013 Plot 3 W05 Aug 16, 2010 MY06 Aug 24, 2011 MY07 Aug 15, 2012 Plot 4 Plot 4 Plot 4 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 18 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data 19 Year 7 Monitoring Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Table 7. Vegetation Plot Success Summary Table Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Vegetation Survival Planted Stem Density Total Stem Density Threshold Met? stems /acre stems /acre Plot (260 total woody ID stems /acre P1 Yes 161 485 P2 Yes 323 849 P3 Yes 364 1214 P4 Yes 404 485 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 20 Year 7 Momtormg Report Year? of 9 January 2013 Table 8. Vegetation Metadata Table Report Prepared By The Catena Group Date Prepared 10/31/2012 11 27 database name database location TheCatenaGroup- 2012- K- SandyCreek_MY7 mdb computer name P Uobs\2008 \4130 -34 (EEP Monitoring) \4134 (Sandy Crk)\2012 — MY -07 file size DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT -- -------- Metadata Prol, planted Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Prol, total stems Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Plots Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Vigor List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc ) Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Damage Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage by Slip List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each species Planted Stems by Plot and Slip Damage values tallied by type for each plot ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY----------------------------------- Project Code 322 project Name Sandy Creek Description Sandy Creek Wetland Restoration and Stream Enhancement Project MY -06 (2010) EEP project # 322, 1st CVS ear for VP 1, VP 2,3, &4 reset in February 2010, River Basin Cape Fear length(R) stream -to -edge width ft area (sq m Required Plots calculated Sampled Plots 4 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 21 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Table 9. CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species EEP Prolect Cade 322. Protect Name: Sandv Creek Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 22 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Currant Plot Data (MY7 2012 Annual M Bans SciemMc Name common Name Species Type E322 -01 0001 E322- 01-0002 E322- 01-0003 E322 -01 -0004 MY7 (2012) MY6 (201J'�7 MYS (2010) noLS P -aU T noLS P -all T PnoLS Pall T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS Pall T noLS P -all noLS P -aU T Ace rnegundo boxelder Tree Ace ne undo var. negund box elder Tree cchar's halimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 5 5 6 6 4 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana var. ca Coastal American Hor Tree 1 1 1 2 2 V22 2 2 2 2 Ce haianthusoccidentalis common buttonbush Shrub 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 5 5 5 ": ' 4 4 Gleddsia triacanthos hone locust Tree Liriodendron tulipifera var. Tulip -tree, Yellow Pop[ Tree i Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 1 Platanus occidentalis var. o4 Sycamore, Plane -tree Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus oak Tree Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 6 6 61 6 6 7 7 3 3 3 Robinia pseudoacacia black locust Tree Sala ni ra blackwillow Tree 4 '' 1 1 ., 5 5,, 5 5 _'' 7 Ulmus elm Tree ": Ulmusrubra slippery elm Tree »ci Stem tou size fares size (ACRES Species c Stems per ACREI 10.02 4 12 8 2 9 3 10 30 12 31 3 7 30 30 6 24 2 33 i 1 1 1 4 4 4 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.10 1 4 4 4 6 6 9 1 i li 1 1 SO 1 1 161.91161.91485.61323.71 323.71849.81364.21364.21 12141404.71404.71485 313.6 313.6 758AI 303.5 303.5 6881 242 242-81 333. Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 22 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Appendix D Stream Survey Data 23 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Cross Sectional Profiles with Annual Overlays Project: Sandy Creek/Project No. 322 Summe 6 MYO NM MY3 MYS M Cross Section: Cross Section 1 Feature We A (8KF) 109.6 114.7 119.7 1105 105.9 107.9 station: 18+25 (OKFj 31.4 31.4 31.2 31.3 30.9 30.7 Date: 7128712 Max d 4.1 45 53 4.2 4.1 4.2 Craw.. ZP, SV Mean it 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.5 3.4 3.5 A 9.0 816 8.1 8.9 9.0 8.7 My06 -2011 MY072012 mvOD 2003 MY022006 pY11132000 1111PY062010 Ration Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Staten Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station 1.00 Elevation Notes 265.02 LPIN Station 1.00 Elevatan 265.09 Notes LPIN 1.00 264.33 100 264.50 1.00 264.55 LPIN 1.00 264.55 LEFT PIN 5.70 254.44 3D0 264.57 2.00 264.60 5.00 264.80 1.00 264.55 1.0D 264.50 8.00 254.20 5110 264.66 4.00 264.69 8.00 264.55 TOBL 4.00 264.66 6.00 264.87 950 263.64 3L8ankfull 7.00 254BO TOOL 6.00 284.78 9.00 263.86 Bankfull Lai 6.50 264.79 8.00 264.69 TOBL 9.90 752.79 800 264.29 8.00 264.47 TOBL 1000 262.72 B.00 26485 3LBsrnkfull 9.00 263.83 10.30 282.40 9110 263.82 3ankfull Lel 8.70 264.24 11.50 261.58 11.00 261.90 10.70 262.21 11.20 281.72 10.00 262.78 9.50 283.84 3anldull Le 12.60 260.06 TOE L 12.50 260113 Toe L 12D0 280.95 12.00 251.12 11.00 261.96 10.00 263.11 17.60 259.84 14.00 260.19 1250 260.05 TOE L 12.20 280.07 Tae L 11.80 261 D4 11.30 262.01 19.00 259.71 18.00 259.87 14JW 259.80 13.00 259.97 12.00 259.54 Toe L 11.70 261.48 22.00 259.85 22.00 259.92 16D0 258.72 14.00 259.99 15.00 259.49 12.40 25(1.37 23.00 259.75 28.00 259.58 TW 19,00 259.86 15.00 259.87 17.00 259.79 14.00 260.32 26.60 259.64 (WS. 255 30.50 259.72 GS l WSEI 22.00 259.83 16.00 259.03 21.00 259.82 18.00 280.49 31110 259.93 34.00 258.85 28.00 259.43 TW 17.00 259.86 25.00 259.88 19.50 280.11 35D0 260.02 36.00 259.77 29.00 259.61 18.00 259.83 31.00 259.77 73.00 280.00 37.20 259.75 TOE R 38.00 259.50 TOE R 32.00 259.88 19.00 259.82 33.70 259.71 27,00 259.42 38 AO 262.10 38.50 282DO 35.00 259.65 22.00 259.60 35.00 259.51 32.00 258.52 TW 39.25 262.8.5 brildull d0 40.20 263.84 37.80 259.55 TOE R 23.00 259.72 35.70 25937 36.00 2.58.88 40.40 283.97 41.00 264.04 38.50 262.13 35.50 259.51 IYS elev 37.00 259.27 TW 3B.20 258.76 Toe R 4130 264.41 TOBR 43.00 264.50 R Bankfull 39.50 263.38 Photo of XS-1, looking in the dovmsbasm direction 36.40 259.70 37.90 259.70 Toe R 39.00 262.32 44.00 264.52 46.00 264.30 4100 264.47 T08R 37.40 299.81 Toe R 38.70 262D1 41.00 264.13 T013R 48.00 264.16 RIGHT PIN 48.00 264.10 43.00 264.53 38.40 250.96 39.60 283.09 43.00 254.47 48.00 264.50 RRN 45D0 264.44 39.10 262.08 40.00 263.66 46.00 26438 48.00 264.16 39.70 262.64 41.00 264.11 4800 264.19 RPIN 48.00 264.57 RPIN 41.80 254.18 TOBR 42.00 25435 TOBR 43.00 264.30 45.00 264.35 46.00 264.31 48.00 264.18 48.00 264.13 Cross Section 1 2e5.00 26a.0o 204.00 263.00 W. 262.00 W 261.00 260.00 25900 25900 0.00 10.00 2900 30.00 4900 5010 60.00 Station (Feet) --o-As -Bulk Year 1 +Year 3 tYear 5 Year !B -46•Year 7 --V-BKF Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Not provided as project contains only stream enhancement via log vanes Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Not provided as project contains only stream enhancement via log vanes Table 10a and b. Baseline — Stream Data Summary Not provided as project contains only stream enhancement via log vanes Table lla and b. Monitoring — Dimensional Morphology Summary Not provided as project contains only stream enhancement via log vanes Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 25 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Appendix E Hydrologic Data 26 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Not provided as project contains only stream enhancement via log vanes Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 27 Year 6 Momtormg Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 Figure 4. Monthly Rainfall Data for Entire Year Sandy Creek 30-70 percentile Graph for Rainfall 2012 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 s 5.00 x r d 4.00 — i `s Q 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 ... ..... —� - -T Q E $ E E d p LL 2 t] Ln Growing Season Growing Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (h ttp: //www.wcc. nres.0 sda.go'/Rpref upport/di m ate&edan ds/ne/37063.b(t) —30% —70% 2012 Rain Data: Station DURH (httpJAvww.nc-climate.ncsu.edu/ser,AcesA,equest.php) Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 28 January 2013 Figure 5. Precipitation and Water Level Plots Graving Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) Rain Date: Station DURH (htlp: //www. wee. nres. usda. pwAtproVSUppart /Gimate/wetlandslnc/37083.bct) ( h1tp: Uwww. nc- Gimate ,ncsu.edu/seMees/roquest.php) San dy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 29 January 2013 Sandy Creek Gauge A 5 10 iiuiin 0 11/' - 4 -10 IN 3 � e J .20 ^2 -30 �1 -40 M,�O -50 Date Graving Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) Rain Date: Station DURH (htlp: //www. wee. nres. usda. pwAtproVSUppart /Gimate/wetlandslnc/37083.bct) ( h1tp: Uwww. nc- Gimate ,ncsu.edu/seMees/roquest.php) San dy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 29 January 2013 iiuiin DURH (htlp: //www. wee. nres. usda. pwAtproVSUppart /Gimate/wetlandslnc/37083.bct) ( h1tp: Uwww. nc- Gimate ,ncsu.edu/seMees/roquest.php) San dy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 29 January 2013 Graving Beeson: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) Rain Date: Station DURH (http: /lwww.wcc.nres.usde . govAtproi/ support /dimate/wetlends/nc/37083.b( t) (httpJ/www.ncclimate.ncsu.edu / services/roquest.php) Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 30 January 2013 Sandy Creek Gauge B - Island 10 II 5 �I�Il�gp 0 Ell 11.11 loll 11/' 4 ,o 3 �► c O _20 -2� -30 1 _40 11� mi, 50 - - - - -- -- - in, -- - �1' I --- - - 0 Date Graving Beeson: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) Rain Date: Station DURH (http: /lwww.wcc.nres.usde . govAtproi/ support /dimate/wetlends/nc/37083.b( t) (httpJ/www.ncclimate.ncsu.edu / services/roquest.php) Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 30 January 2013 �I�Il�gp t) (httpJ/www.ncclimate.ncsu.edu / services/roquest.php) Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 30 January 2013 Crowing Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (http: //www.wec.nres.usdo.gmi tpreft uppod /dimatahetlandstnc/37063.bct) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Rain Data: Station DURH (http:/Mrww.nc- climate .ncsu.edu /services/request. php) Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 31 January 2013 Sandy Creek Gauge C 10 5 0- 11P � 4 -10 - 3 c al J -20 C 12 inches Below a Sail Surface 2 Season -30 1 � -40 Date Crowing Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (http: //www.wec.nres.usdo.gmi tpreft uppod /dimatahetlandstnc/37063.bct) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Rain Data: Station DURH (http:/Mrww.nc- climate .ncsu.edu /services/request. php) Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 31 January 2013 IN�II� Crowing Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (http: //www.wec.nres.usdo.gmi tpreft uppod /dimatahetlandstnc/37063.bct) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group Rain Data: Station DURH (http:/Mrww.nc- climate .ncsu.edu /services/request. php) Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 31 January 2013 Growing Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (h dP: //www.wx. nres.0 sda .pov/RpreUsupporGdimetelwetlen ds/neld7l>63.brt) Rein Date: Station DURH (http:/AY,Nw.nc-climate.ncsu.edu/seNcestrequest.php) 2013 Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 32 January Sandy Creek Wetland Reference Gauge 10 5 0- 11 4/29/12 6/28112 8/27/12 lOf26/12 4 ,A -10 3 c d _20 12 inches Below Soil Surface GrovAng 71, 2 Season -30 _40 -50 - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - 0 Date Growing Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (h dP: //www.wx. nres.0 sda .pov/RpreUsupporGdimetelwetlen ds/neld7l>63.brt) Rein Date: Station DURH (http:/AY,Nw.nc-climate.ncsu.edu/seNcestrequest.php) 2013 Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 32 January Season: March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (h dP: //www.wx. nres.0 sda .pov/RpreUsupporGdimetelwetlen ds/neld7l>63.brt) Rein Date: Station DURH (http:/AY,Nw.nc-climate.ncsu.edu/seNcestrequest.php) 2013 Sandy Creek Year 6 Monitoring Report NCEEP Project Number 322 Year 6 of 9 The Catena Group 32 January Table 13. Wetland Criteria Attainment 2010 -2012 a — Gauge installed 6/15/2010 — groundwater level monitored for 139 days of the growing season b - Gauge installed 6/25/2010 — groundwater level monitored for 129 days of the growing season c — Gauge installed 6/14/2010 — groundwater level monitored for 140 days of the growing season d - Gauge malfunction — groundwater level monitored for 203 days of the growing season e - Gauge malfunction — groundwater level monitored for 167 days of the growing season Growmg Season March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (http / /www wcc nres usda gov /ftpref /support/climate /wetlands /nc/37063 txt) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 33 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 I K 2010 -03 2011 MY -04 2012 -05 •� O •� °q y EO y •� y eC y a y CO y C7 QUA Zvi ri U QUA o riQ QUA ern ri U� Ref 65 3% No 29 13% Yes 16 7% No A 31 14% Yes 62 28% Yes 58 26% Yes B 21 9% Yes 36 16% Yes 33' 15% Yes C 7 ° 3% No 38 17% Yes 20 9% No a — Gauge installed 6/15/2010 — groundwater level monitored for 139 days of the growing season b - Gauge installed 6/25/2010 — groundwater level monitored for 129 days of the growing season c — Gauge installed 6/14/2010 — groundwater level monitored for 140 days of the growing season d - Gauge malfunction — groundwater level monitored for 203 days of the growing season e - Gauge malfunction — groundwater level monitored for 167 days of the growing season Growmg Season March 24 to November 1 (222 days) (http / /www wcc nres usda gov /ftpref /support/climate /wetlands /nc/37063 txt) Sandy Creek NCEEP Project Number 322 The Catena Group 33 Year 6 Monitoring Report Year 6 of 9 January 2013 I K