HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0047384_wasteload allocation_19950919NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC 0047 3 8 4 PERMITTEE NAME: City of Greensboro FACILITY NAME: T. Z. Osborne Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Modification Major Pipe No.: 001 Minor Design Capacity: 20.0 MGD � 30 D / -4 o NAG D Domestic (% of Flow): 83 % Industrial (go of Flow): 17 % Comments: also include limits for 30.0 MGD and 40.0 MGD. RECEIVING STREAM: South Buffalo Creek Class: C-NSW Sub -Basin: 03-06-02 Reference USGS Quad: C 20 SW (please attach) County: Guilford Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 1/31/96 Treatment Plant Class: IV Classification changes within three miles: none Requested by: Jay Lucas Date: Prepared by: Reviewed by: ,tGV e `-Bob m CN0 ec 0.061-t.C_ Date: r•t j'i(TL4,OY'- -- qv) 3.z.466,5 30 GI) -7; itiails7a 40 M,(04 ��� = HP/3;2- 8.0 4.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* monitor arpm iPd cm E0 c,�, Monthly Average Summer Winter 40 . 40 4.0 2.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* montior 8.0 4.0 6.0 30 200 18 2.0* monitor Dly Max. Wkly Av. Dly Max. 20 5.2 20 5.0 monitor monitor 20.8 1.9 2.1 5.2 • 5.0 monitor monitor 20.8 1.9 Modeler Date Rec. Drainage Area (mil) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): ��o 7Q10 (cfs) � . � Winter 7Q10 (cfs) �(7 30Q2 (cfs) L , feoct �'J Toxicity Limits: IWC � %Inst��ea�n Monitoring:g:Parameters Teamn� ; ,�D . Upstream Downstream Ye-6 Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BODS (mg/1): CBODS (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (4/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Selenium (ug/1): Cadmium (ug/1): Copper (ug/1): Zinc (ug/1): Cyanide (ug/1): Flouride (mg/1): Monthly Average Summer Winter 20 20 11 22 3.0 5.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 monitor 2.0* montior st. atdm Lqui•nm 4.„,vtfr'eAern n Location CVd i 70 Location viciamitArves4 6.0 5.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 monitor 2.0* monitor. 1 Monthly Average Summer Winter 30 30 4.0 2.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* montior Wkly Av. Dly Max. Wkly Av. 5.3 20 5.2 2.1 5.0 2.1 monitor monitor 5.3 21.2 5.2 1.9 Comments: • STANDARD FORM A --MUNICIPAL FOR AGENCY USE l SECTION TST. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • Submit a description of each major Industrial faclllty discharging to the municipal system• using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard industrial Classlflcatlon (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in the% - sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial faclllty into the municipal system. Consult :able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1• Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code Instructions) • (see 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (set Instructions) Product Raw Material 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 401a 401 b 401c 4.0 1 d 401e • 401f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • • Avnerica-n Tel epho hea o.y\d Te1e9ra.pl-i E A T o_.rn d. T b53'7 3-1ud9ea Adams a2oad Wi-seti' G u i I fo rc� f�l o r+h Ga,rolina- 273'77 3(0(01 • EIectroniC Device M an ufacr u�re r • • • • ■ • • Quantity z• 4 thousand gallons per daY (i'zocgss FLOW intermittent (int) Continuous (con) YesNo 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) CA LEN O4.2 yE•A2 1994 qp.,TA 4063 406b1 • • • 4.034 1 Units (Set Table 111) T Parameter Lap2-1 CADMIUM CH R014411Uti COPPE12- N iGvecLe NC CVANID` Name Parameter t 440103141 0102 01042 010(0 7s 010.1. D 1092 00i 2,04 Number we Value • L,05 •G•O1 s15 •o1--I- •05 ►O2� ,o05 • TH 15 FA CI u Ty IS 5 v 13 S E L1" Teo TH Pee p i✓tZ,o L. C.AT E G ogi c.d.. L- . 'p fZE T CtE .eeT M E N 'C'' 5 t .N.1 D A. 2 p s Fo 2 META l._ F t tom! ! S 14 I N C-1 (N E \rJ S DU iaC E") ,040 ep� -17,6. T 4331, 'PAcZ,o. r-1 E -Ere S fZE cU LATED UNDE2 m e 5 e 5 T A H D A d ®S N1 A Q K E D A INI A S --re z (S se._ C) • • GP 0 865.706 I.1 • This section contains 1 page. • • • • • 410 • STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION T7. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL. SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE I • Submit a Cescriptlon of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each faculty descrip• tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw rnaterlal, the flow (in thoi;. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult : ,;hob. 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1• " Major Contributing Facility (sae Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2„ Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys• - tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment ,s provided prior to entering the municipal system 401a 401 b 401c 401d 401e b 401f 402• 403a 403b 4041 404b 405 • • ,a,M P, Sncat'PorafPd • 8300 Teri a.d 'Drive, G1reQv1Sk9OrC °Li\ I for Rio r+ k C c;cro 2:7 40 9 3678 • Electric, Con necfor • a.n of cccl-u..Ves_ r • • 8 • • • Quantity 4Q34 4 a et 4031 thousand gallons par day (PQccss PLOW) Intermittent (Int) aContlnuous (con) tE(Yes 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) C Lee N 0A. 2 Ye. R- 1 9 914 v,aT"A • • 4G6a .40fib • No • • • Units (Set Table 111) Parameter ZING CAOMiVM CHIZ.Ot1tUM COPPER- N IC)LE l- --E� Lp C �IAN1OE Name i 4- Na.,rtnmttee ref of o217* 01o34* oto142�' o loCo1* o1o51 Qt092 ColZQ# Value �.or e.01 •12 .05 •1"7 .�-1-f .00S PYID/ id1 _ • • TN IS FACII_1d-N IS Sul3TEGT TO THE FE0Erzo.L.- CA"rEGU21 Go.L 'p}ZET2EA.TMENT (5T05-�SDA•2D5 FOB METJsL FiN15t-1(NEW SOu2GO ,CUo CFR Pa2r 4351, Pa2.AM 1=TErzs ZEGuLSTF D U1`1oEcee_ m t=.5E 5 74,1 fl ,6iL D S A u. � r-i,a za4e4:7 w T(-4 N ,45 -rE 2 1 S I-C (*) • • • • G P 0 865.706 • • • This section contains I page. • iso to • • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM FOR AGENCY USEI • • • • • • • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descr,p• Lion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thnt:- sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system, Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) • 1• Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Prindpal Product or Raw Ma terlal (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal Sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. 5, Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. 401a 401b 401c 401d 401e 401 f 402• • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • Aram cue Unit fo r m S e r v i caS • 50 9 Tea9tAe- 5tre2.t Greensboro Gui Ford N o r++) CarcLtno_. • SIM 9218 • Comm earc,i aL Ladtkn cLre • ..413.1101. • • Quantity 30 thousand gallons per day ['P�CESS FLOW o Intermittent (Int) XContInuous (con} ,Yes ❑ No Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) DA,2 yEA2 1 99' 4- "DATA, 4Cre _fib • • • Units (Set Table 111) N I CILC%, LC,a.C7 Parameter Zj t\J C, 30 Li CAPM'um co9na2. Cur2OMIUM Name 01034 01042, 01051 Parameter C I O(or7 00310 O I C9L 01027 Number 4 •02.5 I t •51 4 Value )(02.7 CO' •01-(- 2. 2.5 • 184 .CI mvJL 1 • '"j'I-415 F cLur7 i s t1ot REC,U LaTED 13V A FED612.456.L_._ • CAT Ca0a% C-edsv L PARE -r2EA-TN I Et 3sT" ST1J tV DA.2 A D IS • !- 51GN1PtGA.tCT USER_ DUE art FLIJVia ®NiLYe • • I.1 GPO 665.706 s This section contains 1 page. • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL sr FOR AGENCY USE1 SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard industrial Classification (SIC) Cod• for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in they. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial faclllty into the municipal system. Consult : 3ble Illfor standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1• .'Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name 2 Numbered Street City County State Zip Code Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material • 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge 1s Inter• mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. 401a 401b 401c 401d 401e 401 f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • CxtroLnc Sj-VrcductS 2.04i0 tZ.an d o I p h A v e n u ei E1reexsboro &u115c(d Norifin C&rcLLro.-_. 2`I 4 o to 207 7 • Renderin9 • thousand gallons per day Intermittent (int) mContlnuous (con) ZYes Characteristics of Wastewater (sae instructions) CALEN DArra YEArL 19 9 "-1- "DATA • • • 446 a .40 fib • No • • • • Quantity • 403.4jJ 4 S 3i CMS Units (See Table 111) Z I NJ Cd ti Parameter LEAP N ICCE.L COPPEQ- SOD CADMIUM Car+ROMiUNl / 1 Name 1 Parameter OIO G7 OIO5 ( OIO9L 7 Oi o42_. 00310 OIO2 01034 Numt>er Value • , .Oa . 21 Z 91+7 O 1 .4.02,E .OG 3 •.002E . ►,� / • 14 t S F A CA t.._ t r y IS N o I" 1-2-.E S v L &r E D T3 y ,4 FED E ZA t_._ CA.T E Ca C cz• 1 C.. L. e ePQ-5-- -S'" I-E A,.T M E Nna S Tom. N D A f2 D AND I S S1 Gp1 1i• 1Dus172-k/. USarz 'DUE TO ELOw ONJLeo • • • • GPO 863.705 P11 • This section contain° 1 page. • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL • SECTION ET. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOP( AGENCY USEl • • • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descr:p- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thee. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility into the municipal system. Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1 • Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (s-e-e instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys• - tem in thousand Gallons per day and whether this discharge is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 4012 401 b 401c 401d 401 e 1 401 f 402• 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • -1 CVemot Dvi5ion of GBP Rasourcesj 2410 2andol ph Aver) u& Ca rum,ns bo ro sutord Nor+-CarcLLna-_. 21 4o l0 2893 • Mown Vfa.Gf"UX2r o_F Deriv-hv2s o� fo*s • • 31+ • thousand gallons per day Nintermlttent (int) a■ Continuous (con) )2:1Yes 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) GA. L E 1"--rat a Vet. IZ. l 99 i-4 v i rA 4t}6 s • • • • • Quantity. • 4034 r. 4:3f Units (See Table 1I1) t_EAD 1 ZINC Parameter Co PPeCZ CNtzOMIUM N IerKKEL_ BOO CAOMWM Name Parameter 010 (07 01051 01092.., 01034 o i o 4 Z. o03�o OlD2'7 Number r + 4 ► 1 og G . rt Q • o n S ` Value n t • + CJ 3 2- I (0 . 0 8 • / - 00 • 01+ -nit h. • • T I4 t S fib. C I l_ l Ty IS REULISTF T3 y T>•-f E F W E 2.a L_._ Ci T E C, o t2 t c& L_. 'P 21 = T- R e A T tut 1✓ I T 5 Tp- cal D ,cam R D S Fc 2 o Q. C-� o` N t C. C I-4 a N1 t Cam- LMS, 7'LAST-iCS ANIo Syt1 T' eariC._ FL 6EIZS (OcPS t=) C4CCFQP4ZrIJ • • • GP 0 865.706 IV-1 • This section contains 1 page. • .1 0 • • • b • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION AT. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE l • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each faculty descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product of raw material, the flow (in they - sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system Consult : ible 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) �• Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Cods 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (See Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see Instructions) Product Raw Material 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tern In thousand gallons per day and whether this dischar »e Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6 4012 401b 401c 401d 401e 401f 402 • • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • £ux+s ?ackin3 Ccm'onj • 2 4 I Co Randcpn Avanukt C±ireexSEc(O Gu;lforci IN ref+) Caro LL:n. • 2rl t-i- o (v 201 • M ea.t T'acl<i n,5 p 1 an1". • • z+ • • Quantity thousand gallons per day (PROCESS 1 LOW) Intermittent (Int)'ContInuous (con) Yes ZkNo Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) CAI& SYQ Ob.2. y EA 2 1 9 914 T7A ra 4G6 a .40filz • • • • Units (See Table Ill) T i�1 t CiC E L 1 L. Z 1 NiG Parameter 6 0 D CA D M v CO P p5. CAD C,l"-) 2i�1`'1 I c� N{ I M Name Parameter 0104.2 OIC 7 01031+ 0109L Dt02.'�7 01051 00310 Number 4Value . 359 • 02. G o ! L . 025 G .O0z . 015 4,17(v • "MO iL • THIS FA cILtry 15 Nor f�EE-�Ut_A.TEYD 13Y A FEPE2, %L_ CATS el n Z I co, L 'P RE T ZE,aTN EN Y S T,bN DA. 2D AND j S 5 I G Nl) F I cA•N T I rat D u S T2 k ie. U s E R_ O U E_ To • • • • • GP 0 865.706 • This section contains 1 page. • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL • SECTION LQ. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USr1 • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion, indicate the 4 digit Standard industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product of raw material, the flow (in tnet;. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (sae instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Code (see instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (se-e Instructions) Product Raw Materiat • 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 6. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 4012 401b 401c 4-01d 401e 401f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • c f as Fobrics 0f A rn • 31)2VlckScUnt eictrcie.n Ro a.ci G reen s b ore Guilford Ncve4H CcurcLuna- 214c 225 • Te›c+si Ce, Fac'<< <y • • ■ • 5 � thousand gallons per day Intermittent (int)%Continuous (con) (]Yes Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 77A-2 y EA. 2 l 994 oATA • • 4QS a 4-0 fib • •see- • • • Quantlt" 4034 4031 • gale Units (Set Table 111) COPE2. 1 ji ICI C.E Z-I Ii C- Parameter SOD LE Qr7 CA.Ot"t1UM GNR.OM►UM L- Name 01092_, Parameter 01021 CIO4Z. oIO&7 00310 01051 OIo34 Number Value 139 .092� . •01 .ot �4ccZ .05 I.025 rito /U • Tki-LS FA, a Li r'y is Not «ZE G U LaT E0 13•y A FE.D EZA L CAT EG-ro CAL P ,L, ENT (5 -7-1,660.1 C7A. lab A NI IS A: `S1 GN t P1 CA.s T i NiOUsr2 ►AL USE v To F L o v\el oNI L-yo • • • I v-1 C P 0 665.705 This section contains 1 page.' • • • • STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL et SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE 1 • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each faculty descrip• tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in that; - sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial faculty Into the municipal system. Consult :able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. • Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (set Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge 1s Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. 401a 401 b 401c 401d 401e 401f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • ..e reon S boro rh d u s+ri al. 'PI a�-I-e,r5 [,PIPE 02] l 2 3 Ed w C ri V & Greens boro Caui ►ford K or-frh Carotin a-- 21409 • Sob .Sop E(ectrcpo4erj.: • • 5 ■ • • Quantity 40.34 thousand gallons per day D7 RO CE S 5 FLOv\13 Intermittent (int) ►2 Continuous (con) ❑ Yes • Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 40Sa .4.0 fib CAL-er'4“2A2 YE0 2 !99 VA-YA- • • • Units (See Table 111) Parameter CoPPEIZ. - NICKEL ZINC LEAD CyA.1Q I DE CADMIUM CHROMIUM Name - 4 . . Parameter 0 1 02—� 1 010314 aJ-T 2 t4 01042 010(0'7 ' LflLE H 2. AMEN O (c c (09 Valuemv • 03 21+ . O2.5 31. b z ooS • 03 it, �, 002. • . ie • • • 71_415 FA C I t, l T y is S u E S E C-re To -THE P E Da raD- L C-A.T C--, p tz L lCA • 17rZ. E T f.'E,c\--(M E td T S T,a M D,o► 2.., D S F og._ ELECT-2_0171_,54-eriel •L4o CF 1z P,a. Z T 4131 C' n 2- FAc-tL_tTl E s v SCq- I 4.12 emN C--I LESS Ti-} A NJ 10/000 GT,Dat'P 4.2A,NlErE2.S 2ac-,uL-A.7'ED UNi D E ra. T-i-E5E__ 5-T",o.ND,aa-per A A5TEEAS K (vds • IV-1 GPO 865.706 • inane This section carstslna 1 page. • • • SUS • STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL 011. FOR AGENCY USE 1 • • • SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • Submit a de:scriptlon of each maJor Industrial facility-dlschargin9 to th• municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, th• rnajor product or raw material, the flow (in the". sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 10 Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Numb•r& Street City County State Zip Code Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) • 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. 401a 401b 401c 40 1 d 401 • 401 f 402 • • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • CiuH5ord Mitts 49 25 West- M cz.rK th Street Gireens bo v-o GiUi I cord N orf�, CxrcLna- 2258 • T2x.-f-i le. Facet l i -f-y • • • • • • • 3d • • Quantity, 4034' 443i 5 5 I thousand gallons per day C?ROCESS F LOW] Intermittent (Int)4Contlnuous(con) ❑ Yes Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) Cass LEr JDAa aAl2 I99Lia• VAT —Are 406: .40 6b 4 , No • • Units (Set Table I11) � C� D Cal ctoNl l V M tJ 1 CICEL Z1 I�1G Parameter coppe2 G4 D M l V M LEA D Name 4 Parameter 01034 o 1 O l-k2 01021 00310 01092 0104,7 01051 Number 4 drily ItValue • I I c . o i .5.5 .0 � c . 025 cc. oco2 325 • efl tS FA C1LtTy IS t.lo`T' 12EGU LATED 113y ,A. FE.DE2al_ CiorwarEa oat Cam, L PQEYR.E AYMENT S - NDAt2 D Amp IS 1A' S tG1Nt Ft CA1NE1t`3tD UST12-lQ.l._-- US "D u E To P L.QM O N Ly. • • • • GP 0 05.706 Ida l • • This section Conte nc 1 page. STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION tV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE1 • •Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each faCllity descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Cods for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thou. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) • 1• Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (s.ee instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (s.ee instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys• - tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 40 1 a 401 b 401c 401 d 401e 401f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • Gvi 1ford ils - Dndus+daL Eabrics Dvtscr\. LIFDZ to O O I West M K e,+ S-rr2et Sree,ns boro SuSt5crd NQrfK Con; 22(09 • Tex -hi la Fad' I i fy • • • (A • thousand gallons per day intermittent ((nt)EtContinuous(con) Yes gNo • 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 406s 4-0 6b CA LE r 1 p,n. f2. Y 1= A 2 j 9914 17 �-TA- 483c 43Q • • Quantity Units (See Table III) Parameter 130D caokaiNituN4 L1✓4Q ZI NIG ICKaL G.12.or1IuM COPPat N 1 Name 4 r A r Parameter 00310 0 1 0Z7 01034 L 0I (Xo7 01051 01092� O I 0 4 Number Value 4 i.c2s 3JJ Tvcoz G 4060 •O1 •CI .1-1-52� • T 15 FAlcI L1TN/ IS NOT" "FEEGuLATE-D 3V a FEDErz,o!^ C41/47-E Ca O2 1 CA p QETQE6. T"M ENT 5-7-AN DA QD 1 ,LSl CAN) FICA-i sT" INS D UsTQ1 A L USEZ DUE T"O Fc w IT WILL 1P2013.4QL-Y 'F3 1MCvED AS AEI\ 61 1A., VuR1 N Ci '95. • • • • • Gr 0 865.706 TV' nor This section contains d page. • • • • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL FOR AGENCY USE1 to 1 ri 1 SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for sack facility descrip- tion. Indicate th• 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thou. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system Consult : ibis 11I for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Numb•r& Street City County State Zip Code 2, Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material • 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tern In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 401a 401b 401c 401d 401e b 401f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • • Kcntca-N1ainU±JocfUrtflB US , Inc. • <0900 Konica_ 'Dri V& VY h i 1-5 2i-1' Guilford Ni o r VI CoxcLLno 2r] Y1 rT 3861 • PCio-b3raphic, tic M a.n ufactu.rer • e-r- • • ■ • 28 9 thousand gallons par day Intermittent (Int),Continuous (con) :Yes 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) CA LErl046.ra yE.d.2 t 99►-}- DATA • • • 40-6a .406b Parameter Name Parameter Number Value m0 • Soo 00310 2S CA-QM(UM 0102:7 0-1 R.oM I L) M No COP 0i034 0l0 ice . 0 2- • • 0 ► o to `7 mgic .01- • • • • Quantity LEAP 0105 4'.05 4034 4031 o1c�9Z TkI5 FACI iT`1 IS NOT IaBSULA E2 "Sy 76, FE`pE12_,4L-- Cpert cfz t CA L ? 2EF2 An- Mec.JT ST" AI�pA�Lp �t�(p S Sl61f�IFCANile INDUSTTa%AL USA � ~D U Tti FLOW O N1 t_il, • • • • • MEM Units (See Table 11I) • GP 0 865.706 • This section contains 1 page. • • • • • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION BT. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY U5E1 Pi • 1 I Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section iV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in rho; sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility into the municipal system. Conwlt : �bie III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) • 1. • Major Contributing Facility (sae Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics of Wastawatar (see instructions) ,406 s 406b 401a 401 b 401c 401d 401e 1 401f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • Modern M2i-al, Prcduc±s • 350 l H o f f s G h ap a I fZo act. 3ra€n sboro GUi ford N o Caro l,i.n. 2/401 31479 • Medico-i �•CC�SorteS • Fa. b r a ce-. i on, Assembly, o-nd F rij5ki n� • • • thousand canons per day Egjntermittent (Int) ■ Continuous (con) ■ Yes ONo CA. LEN1 W40-12 V EA. Ia l 99 i•-1- D SeT4. • • 41• • • Quantity SIP Units (See Table 11I) Parameter COPPe_2 N i czEL- LOAD ZINC G>isA.NI CSDMIVM CHQOMIUM pe Name Parameter * `72.Qt 0102—D* O10.3s 't 0 1092* OO 01042' cio(o74 01051 Number Value 4.10 .0 .10 • 2.2_. •• 20 zC • 003 .4. •° i a J O • • • F,o. C I L_ t T y is S v i3 S T- TD ma FE D E R A l_._ Ca►T a G C7z! Cies-L- '� fL. T" fZ A�T Nl e iQ T S T,o, NM 12-1:) S FO 12_ ' NA E-1--,cs3/4 Le FIN tS 'Cx-1Srt►N1C-) Sot)2ZCa 040 C_Fta 4-331 41,Z. a j^VA1 RECIULATED UNDE2 TH-CSE STUN D,64ZD 5 c•sl ,4 2><E D WI TR AN) PcSTE 12..1, ; {-c, C4c-) o GPO 665.706 IV-1 • IMP This section contains 1 page. • • • a • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL IP SECTION a. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USEl • • Submit a description of each major Industrial fscility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descr:p• tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thou:. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater dlscharged from the Industrial facility into the municipal system, Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1. • Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) • 3. Prindpal Product or Raw Material (sac Instructions) Product Raw Material 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys• - tern In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pre'reatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (sae instructions) 40-6 a 4C6b 401 a 401 b 401c 401 d 401e 401f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • Morf12x , Lncarp orafie.ci • 2.110 'Po 1 ifrt' Road aree-nSboro GluLtford Nor+ h C o..ro l.Cn a-_- 2`14 03 283 y- • Or9anic chemical_ M a.n u ctcturetr • • 50 • thousand gallons p-er day intermittent (int) Continuous (con) No CA L E Ni t7 A R- y e A-2 1 9 91- "D/---t"A- Par ameter Name 300 CA OM 1 Ut•1 C4ZCMIUM Parameter Number Value -m• 00310 1 01 02'7 4(001 005 1.13 ConeEa. Otc42 • 403C: •sus d • • Quantity 4034 LF'RocEss r-pow] • Olc,7 • • LeA 0IoSI L.025 Z1l4C, oto02, • 30 Units (Set Table Ill) • • T--1 s Pp, C t L l T y (S S U 13.3. E C T -n-at Es C= E D B 2A L- CAT 6-1021 C,aL 192F..._1-2E,AT mNsT STAc3,DA aD S Fog_ ORGAtItC. Ci E Nt I C,a. le-s, -PLASTICS AN-15) S`%N TI-1 Et ESEZ5 (OcPsF) E40 CPR_PA, raT4 I Lis] e - • • • • GP 0 865.706 W1 l This section contains 1 page. • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 1ST. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USEl '1 4 4 • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descrsp• Lion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thou;. sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial faclllty Into the municipal system. Consult : able 11I for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) • • Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (See Instructions) 3. Princ pat Product or Raw Material (s-e•e instructions) Product Raw Material • 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 40 1 a 401b 401c 401 d 401e 401 f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • Oar Ri d q e, T2X-}'6i (es • • 1420I west W 2ndover Arve,nuc 0r2W5 bcrc Guilford N or +ice aoxcLCna- 2T74C7 z2(09 • Te5ch I a Fac:11;t7 • • • • • 4-044 443dt • • Quantity 100 2 thousand cations per day CPWCESS FL0V Intermittent (Int),Continuous(con) 'Yes O No • 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 446 a 4-06b CA LEN D4--12 EA.12 19 9 4- et) A-1-41- • SIMMS Units (See Table III) Parameter I Ni C, CHtZ.OMIUM COP PEra N I G E L 30 D CAQNI UPI L_EAPZ Name r Parameter 01027 01042., 01034 ( 109Z 010<p7 01051 00310 Number Value • 19 . 115 . 01 .02.5 . 19 I (0 1 < . 0 0 2� • • This rig. C I L t T y is N C T E G U L .o, T v o. 2 D 1✓.D ERA.. (^. CAT- a C o Z I cA I_, 1Z.E TIZZAterM G( STA N p,o. 2..1D Ac 1\3 D i S ru1G NIIP.IC.,•O.NT^ INPUS T IZ1A.L • • • • • GPO 665.706 • This section contains 1 page. • L Ito asp • • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL • SECTION LY. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM FOR AGENCY VSEl -1 • • 1 L Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descr►p• tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thoi;. sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system Consult : )bie III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2, Primary Standard Industrial Ctatslfic.atlon Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (set Instructions) Product Raw Material • 4. Flow indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system • 401a 401b 401c 4-01d 401e 401f 402' 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • • 2oxKa M etc -I Fi n i sh't ng • �1 19 W 2.5t L a2 3rc.1Q1n5b crc Sut\ford 4orth CoxcLCna_. 21403 31471 • Sob SRop Flectro•plaf2r • • • 10 thousand gallons per day {] Intermittent (Int) caContlnuous(con) a Yes IRINo • 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 4061 .fib CAL-EN'DAa 5/Cits•2 1994 "DP--c"v • • • • Quantity Units (Sere Table 111O Parameter GQQ Q��, iJ ! Ck i_ LEAP 21 NI C Gya t•11 5 CADMIUM VM Cl-iQO N4tUNt p Name :- Parameter 914 C10142, e( 10 9 Z O l 0 2''T 4 �•MEN�48L. 01 eCor7 010 p tvumtxr Value .0103 OL �. 025 39. 67 - 0z G.o05 - 5 <. Ooz , . tenc/L1 • T14lS FA,C,t Li T�J i S 5 UE,TaGer yo h 1. FEDE1A L CATE � GO2lCAl- ep fzare 2E A `m aNf T- S T"A ts D -4 2 p S FOR_ EL.acwoipL,o,T-tiQ ‘04 0 CEZ 17Aceir 4 151 FOR- 1 L t -rt G-3 -ID IscH,a.ac-�I � l.E S S T i-t ,� tNl t D, 000 � °pd. ��.�r��-1-�izs tz� U�0P-�S evLaTap 42E__ MAZKED WITH N1 ASTE12.16}< 61E). • GP 0 865.706 IV-1 • mow This section contains 1 page. es • • • • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL OP SECTION I.Y. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • FOR AGENCY USE1 • Submit a description of each major industrial faculty discharging to the municipal system, usinq.a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion, indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in thot;. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult : able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2, Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see Instructions) Product Raw Material • 4. Flow indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys• - tern In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 406a :4-0 6b 401a 401b 401c 401d 401e i 401f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • Precision C=abriGS Groin, L►�G. • 301 East M2adowvi21/4J Road. • Greensboro Suit ford Nor+h CcLrcLLvtct_-. 2'740� 22 ;1Z Tex-H l e Foci l 1 fy • • • t24 • • thousand gallons per day Intermittent (Int)ontinuous (con) (] Yes gNo lug a. rz Y E 2 t 9 T_D,n.-r-,a • • • • • • • Quantity Units (See Table 111) LH ecMttaxi N 1 CV•21_ Z 1 N C- Parameter coPI?aa LeA-c, 3 cP CADMIUM Name 1 Parameter 01092. 01051 Oto42_ 003t0 0102r7 01034 O10Co7 Number Value 4 .01 •0! •02.5 ►08 14'99 •05 .00AL • • T14-1S FA. ct LI Ty IS NOT ZE6U LArEO ISy A. FED 2,d,cAigt-r-E&cizA csaki n•E-nrizEP---rmaNiT- I N D �} N D /.�. 2 j� A- N D 1S S t G t�1 1 F t CAN 'T•' S -na l L US E2- V U E. TO r= LOW O N • GP 0 865.706 • This section contains 1 page. alb • maw • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE 1 • -1 Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for sash faclllty descrrp• tlon. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the now (in thy". sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) • 1. • Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Cod-e 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (s-ae Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) • 408a 406b 401 a 401 b 401c 401d 401e b 401 f 402' • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • 'Procter an d CnrnbLc Max) ufackuri n� Comp ar3 T5winq goad PIczn-C. IUO 5wna Roact' &ransboro 3uftord NI o r+h CctxoLrua 27 4 i o 2.1S3 4 • H-eaneh Can u,nd R 2icu.c' Core Proci u G"� J M a.v, ufa.c-h.u- e,r • • • • • • • • • • • Gri • Quantity "'t" 5 thousand gallons per day [PVZOCESS F Lo Vv Intermittent (Int)laContlnucus(con) []Yes KNo C A L E N 'D a tZ edo,2 t 9 9 L4 17.o-1-46. • • COO Units (See Table 1I1) T CoPnEa 1.1 1C14EL L_EAO Parameter Z 1 NG SQ0 COMIUN1 C4IZOMluM Name , Parameter 00310 01017 C t O S l 0103 4 Ot OCo'7 o I a L+ Z at U 9 2_s Number Value • o3 • 2.59 4.025 . .0 1 . 2.5 3039 c-0o2, • • Tk.I5 Ras Ci LI TV 1S Su Bj EGr To THE F E t C�CATS Ql � �,a � C�, TME NT- s7-4 W DA12-Ps FOBPHARNAAC LI 'M A N U FA CT U Z N1 C -1 L.L40 c � •p A rL-r 3 91. C V A. NI pa ► s - E O N1Ly ^P o L L. u TA, re T R E G U L,art E D u N D G cz r r ens, tQ o A - rap pvtapp T 1s FAC1LITy NEITOE2_ USES OR. G--zatseAi. IV-1 Gro 865.705 • This section contains 1 page. • • fib • • • • • STANDARD FORM A --MUNICIPAL SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE1 • Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a saparate Section IV for each facility desertp. tlon. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in mot:. sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility into the municipal system. Consult : 3bie III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1• Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code Instructions) (see 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 401a 401 b 401c 4.01 d 401e b 401f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • 5kockhosan, Sncorpora*eci Loot a.nd 002,1 240 8 D oc�.12 St'rzet Grans boro &utlfcrd Nor+h CarolLna 2114,0(0 2899 • Crcurnc Gh er-n i caL • Manufact t,Lrer • 2 thousand gallons per day gIntermittent (int) ■ Continuous (con) ■ Yes XNo • • • Quantity 4034. d0 31 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (sae instructions) CALr••‘PA-2_ VEA 2 t 994 7)ism A, (AVG OF oot aND 002 tiabeenas ) 406 a 4.O 6b Units (See Table 111) Z-J Ni C Parameter _Boo L.EA7 NIIGJCa C4 oMIUM CNR.aMUM GOPPg2 Name Parameter c l o ,si-L O 1 o(sir7 01 9 O 1 0 S 1 o` 0 L ce310 O2r7 010 3/4 Number I I _ 1 Value .c•o i Lk& .0a, • o3J 22.35 � .00)L , .o I ' • • 1-14 15 PA G I L I ANN 1 S cz. EC-, v LA T a D '8 y -Ma F E p E2.Cb L- cArarEciofzicAtee 'F RE 1r2E-4671- M Eta t-' S TAB N OA 22 S R. 0 -,A 13 { C. C14 E. M l C.Ar c-S :PLASMC5 ANsD 5Y1QTETtC. tr ( P i � � 2S C.o C pS �� C L>�- � C � � .ate- • • GPO 865.706 IV I This section contains 1 page. • -400 • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • FOR AGENCY USEl si • • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system using a saparate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw rnatarlal, the flow (in thn":- s.and gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name • Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (sae instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (sae instructions) Product Raw Material 44 Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 401a 401b 401c 401 d 401e 401 f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • Tr i ad tntarno4tono-( M a i ni-en Q.n c,2 Corpoax*on [Ti MGo1 Co 23 t-Zad cur Road ereens49oro Ciut\ford N o r+-h CarcLna- • • IMO WEIS 2F7LHO 7(099 • Commercial lei rcra Mai h-EenQw\ ced ct,+n • • • • Quantity 0' thousand gallons per day C.?ZCCESS FLOv�l_ Zlntermittent (int) ❑Continuous(con) Yes ❑ No • 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 40-6 a 4-0Gb Gap. L Er tV P y E 061..2 19 94- • -4034 Units (Set Table 1I1) NI ( CIE 11._E.Ap Z 01092° 1 iN) C i cis Parameter GoPf7 JZ cawr-1 1uM NI IDE CopMtUM O (C(o Mr rT t Name 4 I Parameter * o 0 72.0 c 105I o t o 1-4-2 0102r7 010314.5 Number Value • .017 •03 1.025 .ir11-4- 4•oc5 .c5 .00s my/ L T 15 C=A C 1 L l T y H ,a S M A C:9 'P rZ o C E S S TR-.4T 15 Su S O EcT Td TH• a FeD 2-A; L. can.T G &I Cale Ca "� tz-ETi2E,4TM ENT 5TA -IT72. 2 Ds Fog N E-v\I So u Z.c • • MET,tkL FINIS+-} 1IQC-t C-l-U CF2.11- 4331, P,a,.2.a,rtETE25 REG ULATEp UND Ea -i-}ES F • 3TAt`1D,d(ZDS a-2E M,b 21ce.D w cm A- rN1 A-5 -rJE2 1 5 I�C*) . • • IV-1 GPO 865.706 es • This section contains 1 page. 's.• • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL FOR AGENCY USE l • SECTION EL INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • • y • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion, indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry. the major product or raw material, the flow (in tho ;- sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system Consult : 3ble III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1. • Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Numbers. Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Ma terial (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4, Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is inter- mittent or continuous. 5, Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 401a 401b 401c 401 d 401e b 401 f 402• 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • Unfttd M 2 i- a -I F i n i sKi n3 33 C31uBuell Roa.ci eireerisboro Suit ford �l o r-r VI CoroOEna_ • 2 (40(0 3471 • 3?bScp El &Arop 1 ester. (1\1 ew S(iu.rct) • • Quantity 4034. thousand gallons per day CVROCES5 IFL-C w1 ,Intermittent (Int) ❑ Continuous (con) IY e s tD N o 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) C iN. Le J PA-2 y Ea rz 1 9 9 He 'D 4 46 s 40 fi b • • Units (See Table 111) NtoceL, LCAc7 Z..t 14C Parameter CADMIUM 0-472.CM1 Um GOPP1=2 C-YArIvIOE Name O l o42 '� Parameter L 00 rl:l..34- 0105- j Ol OC�� O 7 O t 03 - 0 092r* Number (OL • 4 . 1 Value • r • 01 . 005 . OZ . 005 . 0I5. .025" ,0o5 114 15 F.S. CI [_l TV 1 5 2.e C-IU LA. -rap SY T4 Fep EfZAL. C47"E oat Cam. L. 'P Z.at2Eo.T ENT STAt\J Da.CLt75 EO R ErA L Pi Nil SR I fJ &1 (_Q (Du E [4 0 CF 2 ',4 I2-� 4331 , 'PAtZ-,b.NAEXEZS REGULATED UNPEra T SSE SY4NDAtapS A 2 E- NI A 124C E D v\1 I AN A.,s TE 2.1 S fL C,t.-) • • GP 0 865.706 IV- I • to - This section contains 1 page. i • • • • • STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM • FOR AGENCY USE l • Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descr,p• tlon. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Cods for the Industry, the major product or raw material, the flow (in tno". sand gallons per day), and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1• Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code Instructions) (see 3. Prindpal Product or Raw Material (see Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5, Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. 401a 401 401c 401d 401e 401f 402 • 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 • • • Un i j-e,x Cn e.m i Cat Corporo-hfcvt. • 620 3roonie2 Rcad Srwebo ro Guilford NcrH± CorcLLno- 2140(c 28(09 • O rs 0.r) i G C h e,m et Ca -I M any acfu,r2r • IP • • thousand gallons per day Intermittent (Int) ■ Continuous(con) Yes Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) GQ. t_E~ tv p ,s 2 y a As.fz ` 99 -- 'D A-TA- 4G6s 441 fib • 443414 • • • • • d • Quantity, • 4034 T Parameter 130i7 NI C1GEL LEAD ZINC- CAQMIUM C14oMIuM COPPI'.._(Z. Name , Parameter 010Z7 c o 7 C IO3L4 oio42 00310 cicsi o(O9L Number , Value • ` ° O � � • O + , . 0 .05 ""^ • O • O 8 / 1 ; ,� i �/ air�J i` VV - • TN- I S FACILITY IS S u L3SEcT TO FE D E (7 A- i---- Cp-rE C--i p 21 C /4 L 'P R.E.- T Z. EAT M ErJ T 51-m,-t`1 pA, 2.17S FO R_ 'oitGaNt L Ck4E-MIC,o.Ls, "PLA-STICS ,qEN) D F1 gE-12-5 COCPsF) 040 GF2 17A4.1. • • • IMO Units (See Table 111) • GIP 0 565.706 • This section contains I page. Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # City of Greensboro - T.Z. Osborne WWTP NC0047384 83% Domestic, 17% Industrial Existing Modification (Expansion to 30 & 40 MGD) South Buffalo Creek C-NSW 03-06-02 Guilford Winston-Salem Jay Lucas 7/17/95 C2OSW N Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): IWC @ 20 MGD(%): IVVC @ 30 MGD(%): IWC @ 40 MGD(%): Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) 8329 (A,B,C) RECEIVED .C. Dept. of EHNR AUG 311995 Wi nston-Salem Regional Office 0209505100 1988 41.8 2.1 4.7 6.5 46 93.7 95.7 96.7 Advance tertiary treatment limits (CBOD5 = 4.0 (8.0) mg/1 and NH3N = 2.0 (4.0) mg/1) are based on results of field calibrated QUAL2E model developed for North and South Buffalo Creeks. Toxicant limits for Pb, Cr and Ni can be removed from permit as can quarterly monitoring for organic cpds on list of Priority Pollutants (3 years of data shows no detects). Ag monitoring requirement can also be removed. All metals will continue to be monitored quarterly through LTMP. Please note that one of two downstream monitoring sites has been dropped to eliminate duplication of data. • Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: feaCt /r. er. Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: AAQ-e-v--• • Date: Date: Date: ip2�.,r�t.�� Date: ps RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: Existing Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (pg/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): *Quarterly Average Limit Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BODS (mg/1): CBOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Summer 20 11 3.0 5.0 30 200 monitor 2.0* montior Average Winter 20 22 6.0 5.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 monitor 2.0* monitor Monthly Average Summer Winter 20 20 11 22 3.0 5.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 monitor 2.0* montior 6.0 5.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 monitor 2.0* monitor Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data. Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information Monthly Average Summer Winter 30 30 4.0 2.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* montior X 8.0 4.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* monitor Monthly Average Sumner Winter WQ or EL 40 40 4.0 2.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* montior Parameter(s) Affected 8.0 4.0 6.0 30 200 6.0-9.0 18 2.0* monitor CBOD5, NH3N, DO, TRC WQ WQ WQ WQ EL EL EL WQ WQ (explanation of any modifications to past modeling analysis including new flows, rates, field data, interacting discharges) (See page 4 for miscellaneous and special conditions, if applicable) Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit: Recommended Limit: Monitoring Schedule: Existing Limit, Selenium (ug/1): Cadmium (ug/1): Chromium (ug/1): Copper (ug/1): Nickel (ug/1): Lead (ug/1): Zinc (ug/1): Cyanide (ug/1): Silver (ug/1): Chloride (mg/1): Flouride (mg/1): TOXICS/METALS Chronic (Ceriodaphnia) P/F @ IWC Quarterly P/F @ 90% Renew with existing limit for all wasteflows Jan., Apr., Jul., Oct. Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 5.3 20 2.1 5.0 53 monitor 94 27 monitor 5.3 21.2 monitor monitor 1.9 Priority Pollutant Organics: monitor quarterly Recommended Limits Selenium (ug/1): Cadmium (ug/1): Copper (ug/1): Zinc (ug/1): Cyanide (ug/1): Fle*ide (mg/1): Qw = 20 MGD Wkly Av. Dly Max. 5.3 20 2.1 5.0 monitor monitor 5.3 21.2 1.9 Qw = 30 Wkly Av. 5.2 2.1 Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow New pretreatment information Failing toxicity test Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) X X MGD Dly Max 20 5.0 monitor monitor 20.8 1.9 Qw = 40 MGD . Wkly Av. Dly Max. WQ or EL 5.2 20 WQ 2.1 5.0 WQ monitor monitor 5.2 20.8 1.9 Parameter(s) Affected Se, CN Cr, Pb, Ni., Chloride WQ WQ X Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 4 orn w\o.Jcc4 ` X 4C:4 `Lee s- t e rku INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS co,,,,.,^_ la :c9,fria-. Upstream Location: Old U.S. Hwy 70 Bridge Downstream Location: ) NCSR 2821 (Harvest Rd.) Bridge ) 5 Parameters: Temp., DO, fecal, cond., Cadmium (a.f opt, 4. d our tt °"` ) Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Cadmium should be monitored monthly at upstream and downstream locations (on the same day) due to DEM ambient monitoring showing regular violations of Cadmium std. in S. Buffalo Creek. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? CL ( e Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: (..At n w� e/A6.; <s• Is uey ,t4t I -04 CCS> <it its NA Q.__ -; I 4..e v If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Requirement for quarterly monitoring of Priority Pollutant Organics can be dropped from permit sincew monitoring has shown no detectable amounts of any parameters for which there are water quality stds. Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) Y (Y or N) (If yes, then attach updated evaluation of facility, including toxics analysis, modeling analysis if modeled at renewal, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? Y (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. 1. DO profiles from DEM modeling study reflecting predicted conditions at current permitted loads and after advanced tertiary treatment limits take effect in the Buffalo Creeks. 2. Toxicity test fact sheets. Fig. 20. Greensboro/Cone Mills at permitted limits _South Buffnlo Creek_ • North Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek/Reedy Fork standard C Cone Mills 1 0 H H 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 milopoint • Fig. 23. Greensboro WWTPs at 5/2/6 limits (Osborne 40 MGD; North 16 MGD; no Cone) 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 ammie South Buffalo Creek North Buffalo Creek a 0 U 1 • IMP MID OOP Buffalo Creek/Reedy Fork standard 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 milepoint Facility Name (oreensb&to - 7; 2. 04chorne LJt�i Permit #AkO09738Pipe # (`COI CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 10 % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of ,, fan t AK• .7 .� cj` . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES pemutttd �inal e uent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 1 cfs Permitted Flow AO MGD Recommended by: IWC ca 1 % % Basin & Sub -basin 63 - 06.0Z Receiving Stream 6, AwFvFaio Cr County 00:1-fard • QCL PIF Version 9/91 Facility Name Orecnharo lia17�Permit # pipe # CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina. Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is �0, % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be rformed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of Apr. , mil. at. Effluent.sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 Permitted Flow Li� j IWC Basin &Sub -basin Receiving Stream County Gut f h ifti cfs MGD Cr 9 Recommended by: • QCL PIF Version 9/91 TOXICANT ANALYSIS 1 Facirrry ivame Greensooro -T.Z. Osborne NPDES # NC0047384 Qw MGD 30 7,010s (cfs) _,._.._.._.._.._.._.2:1.._.._.._.._.._.._.. 1 WC (%) 95.68 Stream South Buffalo Reeving Creek Stream Class QNSW FINAL R SULTS Chromium Max. Pred Cw 26 Allowable Cw 52.3 Nickel Max. Pred 65 Cw Allowable Cw 92.0 Flouride Max. Pred Cw 2.04 Allowable Cw 1.9 Chloride Max. Pred Cw 137.2 Allowable Cw 240.4 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable 0.0 Cw 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable 0 0 Cw 8/18/95 PAGE