HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070996 Ver 1_Site Plan_20070607SPECIAL CONDITIONS: AFTER THE FACT STABILIZATION PLAN NARRATIVE & BACKGROUND PRELIMINARY This Stabilizotion Plan addresses certain specific conditions Establish groundcov~er on oll distrubed areas. z eas. Ground cover W IMPOUNDMENTS This Plon is prepared "after the fact" and is intended t FEATURE PERIMETER AREA and mitigate the existing disturbances outlined in the N Upper Pond 313 FT 5,438 SF (0.13 AC) Violation (NOV) dated April 26, 2007 issued by the NCD Quality Division. Asheville Regional Office. All existing fe luence of Lower Pond 425 FT 6,969 SF (0.17 AC) work, including the house site, driveway, and earthen da nt measures designed by others. The disturbances included the cons Waved by two earthen dams on an unnamed tributary to the Hors St~eambed Total Disturbed Area N 0.75 Acres River, class c-trout waters of the State. The stream h removal, Trout 6uffe~ Zone Oistu~bance = 350 LF impounded at two locations and some off-site sediment rain Total Steam Impact = 485 LF occurred. A trout buffer zone disturbance exceeding te prior to Spillway Pipe Material = HDPE of the total length of the buffer zone within the tract h ided to stabilize NOT FOR and features-of-work. All existing features-of-work were shall be established on exposed slopes within 7 Within 7 calendar ~ the Notice of CONSTRUCTION designed by others. The conditions that have resulted in day days following completion of any phase of use of grading and ~ e NCDENR Water the issuance of the "Notice of violation(s)" by the permanent ground cover shall be established o 1. NCDENR-DWQ occurred prior to the preparation of this Plan. disturbed areas within 14 calendar days followin shed on all W :ing features of By accepting this Plan, you and any others to whom it is of each respective phase of construction. following completion ~ Accumulation of off-site sedimentation at confluence yen dams, were FOR distributed, agree to a strict limitation of iiabili#y for Terry • ~ streams on ad jocent property. Area of sediment me approximately 28'x28'x1.5'. Sediment to be removed construction of e Horsepasture PERMITTING E. Allen PE, T.E. ALLEN ENGINEERING, P.C., and its ~ hand means only (no mechanical equipment). Stream earn has been ONLY employees to an amount not to exceed the fee paid in a and streambank to be stabilized after sediment remo ~ see Detail 3 on this sheet. Contractor shall obtain dimentation has hand. ing ten percent ~ "Right-of-Entry" from adjacent Property Owner prior ho o beginning work. tract has >tained prior to Unnamed tributary to the Horsepasture Spillway Pipe Diameter = 24" occurred without o veriance. Permats were not obtained N River, class c-trout waters of the oc a Depth pipe will be buried below grade =varies (10 FT max) beginning work. Pipe Slope = 3% This Plan includes sedimentation and erosion control me Length of Step-Pool dissipater = 30 Ft minimum improvements to the existing earthen dams to address issues. The total disturbed area is not expected to exc DAM IMPROVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS acres. The trout buffer zone dist~+rba~ce is approximat linear feet. The total length of stream impacts (i.e., tr 1.0 DAM EMBANKMENT disturbance plus off-site sedimentation) is approximatel linear feet. This Plan along with the respective permit 1.1 The upstream embankment shall be constructed at a will be submitted to the applicable permitting agencies. State. ~ Falls -ol measures and U ~ New Silt Fence, typical. See Detail 3 on Sheet C-2. dress dam safety ~ 00 ~ to exceed 0.75 ~ ,~~tox. >ximately 350 ~ HOUSE LOCA11oN New Stone Check Dam (Berm), typical. s i.e., trout buffer ~ ^ z O Stone Construction Entrance, See Detail 2 on Sheet C-2. ..p ~ imately 485 v --i v see Detail 1 on Sheet C-2 ermit applications 0 ~ ro 25 FT. TROUT WATER BUFFER ZONE "icies. ~ Q ~ 00 ~ U slope no steeper the 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. The downstream embankment shall be constructed on a slope No work shall begin until all required permits have been been obtained. no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. This will require These permits may include, but are not limited to Secti adding additional fill to both sides of the dam for the and/or Section 10 Nationwide, Regional and General Per entire length of the dam. The material that presently Section 401 General Water Quality Certifications, and Rip comprises the dam is considered suitable for use as III for Buffer arad Watershed Buffer Rules; and Sedimentation & Section 404 / .a ~~~~,s: ~;aa ~;s; . tea:: ~aaa ~:a~IHE!~iM~;aa .e a:a: al Permits; nd Riparian W p 0 00 00 ition & Erosion z I- Z ~ ~ the semi-pervious zones. If this material is no longer Control Permit (including a Variance for Trout Buffer Zo available, proposed III material should be identified and Requirements). fer Zone N ~.Y J ~ 00 00 EXISTING ~R~~W Y ~ QD 25 FT. TROUT WATER • ~ ~O~ ~i BUFFER ZONE subjected to laboratory testing under the direction of tii~ CD M Engineer. z V) a x CD C:) E EXI TING D EWAY ~ ~ ~ wee: ~`e. " ~eee e thew Step Pool. typical. GENERAL NOTES: 2.0 SITE PREPARATION ' ~ See Detail 4 on Sheet C-1. 1. No work to be undertaken within streams or buffers 2.1 Extending the slope of the dam will require adequate October 15th and April 15th or as otherwise specified b site preparation and placement of fill. All existing ~ NCDENR or NC Fish & ~Idlife. iffers between 9 Pied by the zCn ~ ~ ~ ' Existing Water Wheel (designed by others). ` :ea New Principle Spillway. See Oetail 2 oar Sheet C-1. vegetation shall be removed from the dam slopes prior to placing new fill. The toe of slope for the upstream and 2. The features of wa-k described in this Stream Stabii3 downstream embankments should be extended as necessary are intended to address certain concerns with the origi to achieve gradients of 2H:1 V and 3H:1 V respectively. Any within the stream and buffer zones. The Erosion & Sed existing otluvial soi{s of the ground surface in the areas Control features shown herein are applicable to mitigotio between the toes of slopes to a distance of no less than 3 only. The total disturbed area for the work addressed i feet should be undercut to the extent that they exist. In is not to exceed 0.75 acres. All existing features of w addition, the existing dam embankment fill should be designed by others. li! w Q Stabilization Plan original work ~ vP oE13 pC) Existing Earthen Dam (designed by others), & Sedimentation ~ 25' to be improved, see Details 1 & 2, Sheet C-1. iti otion work 5 FT. OUT ~ ATER ~ACK ~ ~ s ~ssed in this plan cn t > of work were z 2 are E N Accumulation of off-site sedimentation in and along along stream removed 2 feet into the slopes. on the upstream and on adjacent property. Sediment to be removed by h means only (no mechanical equipment). Streambed a ! by hand downstream sides of the dam, with the excavation extended 3. All work shall be in accordance with the North Caroti nbed and downward in order to remove any alluvial soils in these Sedimentation Pollution Control Act as amended, North Koval, see areas. After any suspect material is removed. the Engineer General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4. North Carolina Carolina so North Carolina z streambank to be stabilized after sediment removal, Detail 3 on this sfieet. Contractor shall obtain should evaluate the newly exposed soils in order to confirm Administrative Code Title 15A, Chapter 4, and all other prior to the structural suitability. codes. ordinances. regulations and requirements. The shall obtain all required permits prior to beginning work. irolina ~ CD other applicable 50~ "Right-of-Entry" from adjacent Property Owner prior The Contractor beginning work. work. This plan 2.2 After the Engineer has approved the subgrade for X11 shall be adjusted os necessary to prevent offsite sedime sedimentation. placement, the entire subgrode should be covered with o geogrid equivalent to Mirafi BXG 11. This includes the 4. Site Description. The site has a steep sloping topo bottom of the excavation and the vertical slopes created by The site is mostly covered with volunteer heavy, woody the excavation. The initial lift of fill shall be placed over 3 topography roody vegetation. O the geogrid. 5. Adjacent Property. Land use in the vicinity is resid property in located in Big Sheep Cliff Subdivision Cashie 3.0 FiLL PLACEMENT County, NC. residential. The Cashiers, Jackson O vL 81G SHEEP n. _ " mow ~-urr ROAp ~ HWY 107) 3.1 After proper site preparations, fill should be placed 6. All topographic and boundary information was provid within the excavations made to remove alluvial soils firsts survey entitled "Lots 7&8, Big Sheep Cliff Subdivision", d provided bt ~ V v Top-of-Dam .ion", dated Principle Spillway returning these areas to the surrounding ground levels. The 4-13-2007 by L. Stephen Foster, PLS. Verify all topos topos and upstream dam slope should have a bench (terrace) cut into routes in field prior to construction and ordering of mat of material. MR. MANUEL DEJCIAN RESIDENCE Spillway pipe for Water Wheel it at mid-height of the slope. It should be cut into the slope at least 3 feet in the horizontal direction. This is", 7. Contractor shall verify and protect all underground u ound utilities P.O. BOX 2908 Water Wheel ~,F- - necessary to minimize the potential of creating a slip plq~ne prior to beginning work. CASHIERS, NC 28717 between the existing and newly placed III. 828-743-1021 i Existing . 8. Ground cover shall be established on exposed slopes slopes within 7 828-342-8498 Earthen ~ ~ ~ 3.1 Any soils deleterious materials, such as organics or calendar day days following completion of any phase of topsoil, should not be used as fill for the dam. All fill that and permanent ground cover shall be established on all ise of grading on all disturbed Dam . ~ is placed within the dam shall be compacted to a minimum areas within 14 calendar days following completion of ea of 959 of the soils maximum dry density as determined by respective phase of construction. of each y.* LOTS 7 & 8 B1G SHEEP CLIFF'-SUBDIVISION SION ~ CASHIERS, JACKSON COUNTY the Standard Proctor Test. ASTM D 698. All fill should be T NORTH CAROLINA NOTE: placed in 6-inch loose lifts prior to compaction. The 9. This Plon shall be revised and adjusted as necessor moisture content of all fill at the time of placement should prevent off site sedimentation and to prevent increased cessory to ~ 'r"4 O 'eased turbidity in rMM4 r 1 LOT 7 PIN 7572-24-1983 1. The Dam Section for the Upper Pond is similar, but be within plus or minus 29~ of the soils optimum moisture streams and surface waters. The turbidity of surface wa content. Once fill placement begins, field density tests not exceed background (preconstruction) levels at any ti ice water shall n~ U v LOT 8 PIN 7572-25-1144 without the water wheel. any time during ~V should be performed by a qualified soils technician to development. Erosion control features shall be installed stalled prior to 2. Contractor & Owner reported that the existing dams determine the degree of compaction being obtained in the beginning other land disturbing activities. field. were constructed with a compacted clay core. Tn ~ O A SITE PLAN - AFTER THE FACT STAB TABILIZATION PLAN 3. All existing features of work were designed by others. 3.3 It is important that the III not be compacted at the 10. All erosion control features shall be constructed in same level across the entire cross section of the dam. It with the applicable details on this Sheet and Sheet C-2 is important to place od jacent lifts at different heights A 25 foot undisturbed buffer zone is required around all ed in accordance v L 3t C-2. through the cross section in order to help prevent creating waters. and all trout a continuous seam within the dam from the upstream side to the downstream side that could provide a fissure for the U 1 EXISTING DAM SECTION - LOWER PON c-~ {Designed by Others) ' ON D 4~( impounded water to travel through. Not to Scale Trash Guard NOTES Culvert Outfdl gag. utfdl 00 Principle Spillway Riser -Bottom Draw Type w Type to minimize 1. No work shall be undertaken within Accumulation of off-site f-site sedimentation Outer riser temperature fluctuations in accordance with e with 15A NCAC 2B streams or buffers between October at confluence of stream 15th and April 15th or as otherwise property. Area of sedim op-of Dam specified by the NCOENR or NC Fish & approximately 28'x28'x1.5' ~Idlife. be removed by hand mea Existing top-draw spillway to remain and serve and streams on ad jacent STEP POOL DIMENSIONS (d3+2') .0211 sediment measures 06 v L UD Siide Gate Top-of !8x1.5'. Sediment to Minimum Length - 30 Ft (bottom drain) d means only (no Minimum Width - 10 FT (a bankfult width, whichever is Beater) ant). 2. Streambed and streambank to be mechanical equipment). emergency spillway. stabilized after sediment removal. Top-of-Dam Emerg Spilwoy Invert 2 c~,i~t a,tron 3. Contractor shall obtain Header Rode Riser Rim Elev~ ~ ~ ~ `ope - - - - - - - - - - po Existing Dam to be improved, 4~) ~ ~ ~ Q~ wnsf o <e ~~Wnstr~ ~ see DAM IMPROVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS pr perty Owneryp for to beg nn ng work. 1-2 bankfult widths 0 ~ ~ Qs S~oAe ,,;a, . _ Spilirroy Invu3._~ 4. The type and density of L . -2 ft. $ (bottom-of-stream) d~ '~-~C- d3 d2 reestablished vegetation shall match _ adjacent undisturbed areas. Existing Principle Spillway Riser Clay c (inner riser) Principle Spillway Pipe Clay core (impervious) Footer Rode stream bed Vertical Scale: Anti-S Diameter of Outer riser NOTES: OFF-SITE SEDIMENTATION AT STREAM Anti-Seep Collar Step Pool (TO BE REMOVED BY HAt~) (REAM CONFLUENCE AND) Well mixed on-site alluvium NONE Type 2 nonwoven filter fabric to be d3+2ft Reest iproved as described below: Reestablish indigenous aquatic streo nd step pool. All spillway piping to be Schedule 80 PVC zone, bank zone and shrub zone -Reestablish natural 1.0 The earthen dams shall be improved stream bed. 1. No work to be undertaken with streams or buffers between Horizontal Scale: DIMENSIONS 1.1 Install new principle spillway and ste PARAMETER UPPER POND LOWER POND or HDPE. October 15th and April 15th or as otherwise specifted by the AS-NOTED vegetation. Reestablished ~eam and downstream slopes, vegetation in the shnib zone NCDENR a NC Fish do Wildlife. ~8 1.2 Provide additional III on upstream a H1 1.0 ft 1.0 ft ~,3 Add fill as needed to achieve the s H2 2.5 ft 2.5 ft 2. Header and footer rock shall be sound, unweather, non-frocrtured, igneous granite. Header do footer rock shall have the specified freeboard above the spillway invert elevation. shall be by "cutting between -t overall dimensions of not less than 2~x3~x6~ and shall not weigh Issue Date: riprap". The type and density of er Pond is similar, but without the water wheel. The reestablished vegetation shall less than 3 tons each. h 5-30-2007 D* 7.5 ft* 9.0 ft* 2.0 The Dam Section for the Upper Pon earthen dam at both the Upper Pond an d1 18 inches 18 inches herein. >nd and the Lower Pond shall be improved as shown match adjacent undisturbed STABiLiZE STREAMBED & STREA nrt~~S_ STREAMBANK (~to Field Verify) d2 24 inches 24 inches . (HMlD MORK OpLI) d3 36 inches 36 inches 2 IMPROVED D/ )DAM SECTION(4X) 3 STEAMBANK STABILIZATION K-4~ TYPICAL STEP POOL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE C-1 -Field verify impoundment depth C-1 Not to Scale C-1 Not co some prior to ordering spillway pipe. C- ~ Not to Scale SHEET 1 OF 2 Construction Sequence PRELIMINARY 50 ~ y 1) Obtain pion approval and other applicable permits. - 2) Install temporary grovel construction entnonce. TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWAIER p,5'-~' V~~~ ~ S~TONwE~D ``4 3LE AS dREC7ED BY 1HE ENgNEER Permanent Seeding Recommendations ns NOT FOR 3) Install sediment basin and silt fence at the first construction activity. DESIGN OF i '~.•"s: .`L•'~•, = 4) Construct temporary diversions above proposed grading Seeding mixture CONSTRUCTION V OF SPILLWAYS ~ EXISl1NG SLOPE AIINII~I 10 GAUGE SILT FE AREA WEIR LENGIH~ UNE YMRES ~ S) ~1 RIP-RAP SILT FENCE FABRIC Species Rate (Ib/acre) ~~,i,~;,;,•.'s~:+~ areas. Vegetate disturbed areas within 15 worki~9 days DRAINAGE AREA . a• ti ? ' ' ' :s. " • • • ;~..s: Of CabfldGf dOy3~ Wf11C~1EVEf IS shatter. (ACRES) INSTALLED TO SECOND Tall Fescue Rebel II 52 T~ MINIMUM 12-1/2 GAUGE INIERMEDIAIE MMtES Tall Fescue (Falcon) 52 FOR ~ 5) Clear a~eos that are to be graded. ~ RO/~DWAY ~M~;;, ~ ` : ~ r2-3' ~ Goatee A99re9atd''' ~ 2~ 2 4A V Kentucky Bluegrass (l~eiphi) 9 3 PERMITTING . ; ~s 6) Rough grade site. Construct road beds and pemnanent 3 6.0 8.0 Kentucky Bluegrass (~ndsor) 13 ONLY 'a' channels. Install storm culverts, inlet do outlet protection. 4 • ~~`Y' ~ ~ ~ ~ and any remaining sediment traps and rxk check dome. 8 ~o.o SIDE VIEW ~~.o cam Y.' : ~ ~ ~ . K~ s t ~ ~ 7) Complete rough grading and final grading. Complete ~ DHr1ENSI0NS SMOWI ~ f f ' construction of grass-lined channel along rear property line NS SMOMM ARE MINMIUM Seeding note 6" tiNN TIiICKNESS g~ graded areas including bank cut. shoulders. EXISTIWG SLOPES All work will be carried out by an approved spraying machine, specially used for this work. The contractor shalt submit to the and permanent diversions as soon as it is possible FRONT VIEW Landscape Architect for approval (prior to start of work) a N PLAN VIEW in order to stabilize the site. 9) Install utilities. certified statement as to number of pounds of fertilizer,amounts and types of grass seed, and processed fiber. per 100 gallons of water. 10) Inspect all erosion do sediment control pradices per VAPoES s~ PosT Nurse plants 00 maintenance speci~cotions shown on plan. WOVEN WIRE FABRIC Between Moy 1 and Aug. 15, add 10 Ib/acre German millet or 15 Ib/acre 71) Pove roads end paved pd~r~a~t ~versio~s. 12) After site is stabilized, remove all temporary mecsures and !~]GHT ac IMDiFI OE O BY USE Sid FEN( ONLY (MIEN ORAINA(~ AREA 0.5'-1' paw Tppp~~Y ~,Np DOES NOT EX((~ED 1/4 ACRE AND NEVQt M SILT FENCE FABRIC Sudangrass. Prior to May 1 or after Aug. i 5, add 40 Ib/acre rye. Q _ :..s....•...' SEDIMENT STORAGE REWIRED. AREAS OF CONCENIRA7ED tlOW. y ~ Seeding dates Best Possible z O CONSTRUCTION SPECIFlCATIONS install permanent vegetation on the disturbed areas. W ~ , KEYED RIP RAP KEY R1P RAP MTO 1HE DAM ~ ~u s~o~ Below 2500 ft.: Aug. 15 - Sept. 1 Ju{y 25 -Sept. 15 U 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots, ~ FOR STABIUZA710N. • FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, Mar. 1 -Apr. 1 Mar. 1 -May 10 Z ~P~r) and other objectionable material and properly grade it. c~R~ worms ~i MtASHED STONE us'~ Na 5~ w~~ sTO~ Fat above 2500 ft.: Ju 25 - A~ 15 Jul 15 -Set 30 n w?~?~? sr.~ Four IS ato~CnHC ~Y 9• Y P co co 2. Place the ravel to the s eci~c rode and dimensions STONE FOR CONS11tUC110N ENTRANCE SH11LL BE 6" ~x~ c~~ Mar. 20 -Apr. 20 Mer. 5 -May 15 i shown on the9plans and smooth it.9 TMs ' 2. FABRIC MAY BE ADDED UNDER 1HE STONE WHICH MOULD ADD FRONT VIEW s" ~aNU~ covert Complete seeding earlier in fall, and start later in spring on north ~~T ` and east facing slopes. CZ- 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other ToTn~ u~ ro nee c~or~srnucnoN aalR,wc~. L= The distance such that points A & B W o 0 0~0 0~0 suitable outlet. 3. 1HIS ENTRANCE APPLIES ONLY TO ENTRANCES OF INDIVIDUAL are of equal elevation e a~Q7ED Soil amendments S~1(Y.E FAMILY RESIDOJ7UIL Il~NTS. 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of C~NSTRUC714N SPECIFlCATIONS follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 4,0 0 ib/acre ground Z ~ Z p co ^+N the foundation in locations subject to seepage or high water table. L B MATERIALS SIDE VIEW agricultural limestone and 1,000 Ib/acre 5-10-10 fertilizer. (D CO -CO MAINTENANCE Mulch Maintain the grovel pad in a condition to prevent mud or CONSTRUCTION SPE sediment from leaving the Borrow site. This may require periodic Use a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of eet of polypropylene, nylon polyester, or polyethylene yam. which is APPIy 4,000 - 5000 Ib~acre grain straw .Mchor mulch by tackin with z ~ of o a ~ )N SPECIFICATIONS certified by the manufacturer or supplier as confor ~Iter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors to the lines and dimensions shown in the plan on a filter fabric foundation. expected usable construction life at a temperature stone section at least 9 inches below natural ground level where the dam abuts Ensure that posts for sediment fences are of 1.33 conforming to the requirements shown in Table 6.62b. Synthetic asphalt roving, or netting. (Jetting is the preferred anchoring met~od bitors and stabilizes to provide a minimum of 6 months of o~ steep slopes. W ~ topdressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall, inspect 1. Place stone to the ~ature range of 0 to 120 F. Maintenance any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove atl objectionable materials spilled. 2. Kee center stone Do not mow crown vetch. Refertilize in the second year unless growth • washed, or tracked into areas that may drain to the pond or off-site. P the channel banks. inks. that steel posts have projections to facilitate fasten fabric, use wire fe~ace with a minimum 14 gauge a eat least i .5 ft beyond the ditch banks to keep overflow water from undercutting f 1.33 Ib/linear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 ft. Make sure ~s fully adequate. Reseed, fertilize, and mulch damaged areas fastening the fabric. For reinforcement of standard strength filter immediately. Z LLJ 9uge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. w 1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 40X 3. Extend stone at le 04000.08 the dam as it re-ent C- Not to Scale ~ z re-enters the channel CONSTRUCTION Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer Amer J z 4. Set spacing betwe same as the toe elev oEwaro~~c between dams to assure that the elevation at the top of the lower dam is the Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength trength or extra strength synthetic ~Iter fabrics. Q w oe elevation of the upper dam. c~ 5. Protect the chann Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does channel downstream from the lowest check dam, considering that water will flow does not exceed 18 inches above the ground surface. Seeding mixture Species Rate (Ib/acre) z over and around the id the dam. Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cu are necessary, securely roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints German millet 40 W n coHCaerE e~a~c 6. Make sure that th oa - 7. Ensure that chon~ _ :hat the channel reach above the most upstream dam is stable. fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with chon~el cppurtenances, such as culvert entrances below check dams are not SuQport standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh with overlap to the next post. In the Piedmont and Mountains, asmall-stemmed Sudangrass may be substituted at a rate of 50 Ib/acre. . z ~ o mesh fastened securely to the upslope side of the posts using Seeding dates ~ 'y ~a subject to damage or cage or blockage from displaced stones. heavy duty wire staples at least 1 inch long, or tie or tie wires. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the Mountains -May 15 -August 15 trench. Piedmont -May 1 -August 15 - 8. Construct the out stone is recommende 2~~ ~0~ aggregate (N.C.D.O.T. the outlet using well-graded stones with a D-50 size of 9" (class B erosion control emended) and o maximum stone size of 14". A 1-ft thick layer of 1/2" to 3/4" When a wire mesh support fence is used, space po .D.O.T. X57 washed stone is recommended) should be placed on the inside face to driven securely into the ground to a minimum of 1 e flow rate. does not require wire mesh support fence. voce posts a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support posts should be Coastal Plain -April 15 -August 15 n of 18 inches. Extra strength ~Iter fabric with 6-ft post spacing SOiI amendments reduce drainage flow TEMP. SEDIMENT POOL Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 Ib/acre ground 2 Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to posts. its agricultural limestone and 1000 tb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. 0 YYIRE St~tEEM C- Not to Scale 04000.06 Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and °F from the bonier. ie and 8 inches dee alon the ro osed line of osts and u slo e MUICh P 9 p p p P P Apply 4,000 Ib/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt. - ~18' netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly O ~ 1' MN Backfill the trench with compacted soil or gavel pla vel placed over the filter fabric. Do not attach filter fabric to straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Irp, e r Y W11( existing trees. pop- t Ca q Pipe Outlet to Flat Area nth q Maintenance Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and ~ WRH CRATE No Defined Channel MAINTENANCE and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. DE~NATERII~G Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tea ado d~ W Replace burlop every 60 days. k and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFlCATIONS se, tear, decompose or become ineffective. replace .t P~omPt~y. Temporary Seeding Recommendations f O f FCI ~ ~ -all 1. Lay one block on each side of the structure on its side in the bottom row to allow pool dramage. The foundation should be excavated at least 2 inches below the crest of Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide pressure on the fence. rovide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce Seeding mixture the storm drain. Place the bottom row of blocks against the edge of the storm drain for lateral support and to avoid Species Rate (Ib/acre) 4=4 washou{s when overflow occurs. If needed, grve lateral Take care to ovoid undermining the fence during cl ~ a~ deposits and bring the oreo to grade and stabilize stmbilized. firing cleanout. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment Rye (grain) 120 support to subsequent rows by placing 2 x 4 wood studs through block openings. abilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly Seeding dates TEM4 o Mountains -August 15 -December 15 rmmo 2. Carefully fit hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1 /2-inch openings over all block openings to hold gravel in place. T 3 STANDAR Section A-A ~ C- Not to s Filter Blanket JDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (40X) Coastal Plain and Piedmont -August 15 -December 30 U U 3. Use clean gravel 3/4 to 1/2-inch in diameter, placed 2 inches below the top of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter and smooth it to t to Scale 04000.01 Soil amendments '""T' °F Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 Ib/acre ground an even grade. DOT X57 Washed stone ~s recommended. agricultural limestone and 1000 Ib/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Road MAINTENANCE S Pipe Outlet to Well Defined Channel Shoulder MuICh ~ Apply 4,000 Ib/acre straw. Mchor straw by tacking with asphalt, Inspect the barrier after each rain and make repairs as needed. ~ ~ ~ Exist. Or Graded Slope netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly Remove sediment as necessary to provide adequote storage volume straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. for subsequent rains. 2 ~ 2 Maintenance Grass Ditch Type: Repair and refertiliie damaged areas immediately. Topdress with 50 U When the contributing drainage area has been odec~uately stabilized,• removed all materials and any unstable soil, and either salvage or Synth do Straw Synthetic Mat or A - w/Synthetic Mat nitrogen in March. If it is necessary to extend temporary cover Straw Netting ~ 5, 6 - w/Straw Netting beyond June 15, Ib/acre of overseed with 50 Ib/acre Kobe (Piedmont dispose of it properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabili2e all bare areas or Coastal Plain or (Korean) Mountains lespedeza in late Febnaary around the inlet. Grass Channel Section, Typ. o~ early March. 4 ~ C- Not to Scale La~ Rood 2. Temporary Seeding Recommendations for r A4 ~ ~ Shoulder Late Winter and Early Spring T 00 Section A-A Seeding mixture Filter Blanket ~ m n ~ Exist. Or Graded Sfope Species Rate (Ib/acre) Rye (grain) 120 2 2 Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and 06 Paved Channel Section, Typ. Coastal Plain Korean in Mountains) 50 Notes: 1) La is the length of the riprap apron. Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend w T Cz ts%m U 2) d+1.5 times the maximum stone diameter beyond June. ~ but not less than 6" 3) In swell-defined chonnel extend the apron up the channel banks to an elevation of 6'° See Site Plan fog Channel slope Seeding dates Mountains Above 2500 ft. -February 15 -May 15 4~) above the maximum tailwater depth or to the xist. Grade Mountains Below 2500 ft.~ -February 1 -May 1 bank, whichever is less. Riprap Channel Notes: Piedmont -January 1 -May 1 ~ Coastal Plain -December 1 -April 15 0 4) A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between the riprap and soil foundation. 1. Line subgrode with Mirafi 500X ~ ~ Soil amendments geotextile fabric prior to placing 2 ~ Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 Ib/acre ground riprap. 2 agricultural Ripr 2. Channel shall be lined with ~ NCDOT Class 1 riprcap. T~"' 5 RIPRAP T ET PR TECTION 6 CHANNEL Riprap Mulch D~ = 12„ Apply 4,000 Ib/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt. Vertical Scale: ~ma~ ~ $ 3' netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly NONE T = 27" be used as o mulching anchoring tool. Permanent Riprap Channel be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Horizontal Scale.- ~NNEL SECTIONS mul h~' immed~iat lyh ~Sfoll w ngyerosionaor otheredamage ~ilize and AS-NOTED SPECIAL CONDiT10NS: C-2 Not to Scale C-2 Not to S t to Scale Issue Date: This Stabilization Plan addresses certain specific conditions and features-of-work. All existing features-of-work were 5-30-2007 designed by others. The conditions that have resulted in the issuance of the "Notice of violation(s)" by the ~~r~nr?io noun a.. a~ ..........~..a:.... ,.c a~.:._ o~.... iN%.vuvrN-vVVW vwu11cu N11v1 iv U IV Ni cNUIULwi I v1 a ~lZo r1u1i. By accepting this Plan, you and any others to whom it is distributed, agree to a strict limitation of liability for Terry ` E. Allen PE, T.E. ALLEN ENGINEERING, P.C., and its C-2 employees to an amount not to exceed the fee paid in hand. SHEET 2 OF 2