HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06902_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD r Fotlaftmsl Use ONLY: This form caw be wed-for single or multiple wells Gri 1.Well Contractor Infmwnation: _ iA Ronald E:Keeter.Jr.. l 1 14.wAZEsZOM "tom TO I DEscilrrloN Wallt:ohhadaxeme _ L ft. ii � • r 29saA .M tt NC WeU Contactor CertiHczboaNumber is OUZES CA.�iG sr�Y4eapd wed ORLiNPQ FROM TO DI SMM• TffiCft1 M MATO AL Southeastern Pump &Well Service Inc. ra. Company Name 16 ECUR TUIMM elua.d FRAMTo DUMErW TMCKNM MATHd" 2.Well Construction Peemit#s �� �43 tt Lid aff applicobk well mnstrrrctton pemrtis(is.Cowry,Stoa,VariatteR etch �tlL R m. 3.Well Use(ehecfcwe0 mar 17 SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DJA&W= SLOT SIZE I TMf!k7QM I MATF.RLAL ❑Agricultural paVpab&c n -M IL ' >d OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ELQj&mfiaj WsW Supply(Slagle) ft. ft. 1d OLadushiWCommeeaial OResidmtial Water Supply(shared) 19 GROM FROM TO MATEB(AL EMFLAQf1MEttT MUBOD&AMOUNT akri m R' Non-Water Supply Well: R ft OMaudonng OR—very Injection W . tt ft OAgmif-Rcaharge OCxoandwalwRemodistion 1 1%SADIDOGBAVELPACSIffamfinaki OAquifetStorageeadReoavay OSalinityBsa FROM TO MATERL L XROI ACI7Y M METHOD Barrier � � OAquiferTest OStamwaterDrsinsge ` OFape immtal Technology OSubsideaw Control ❑GeoUresmal(ClaedLoop) OTraeer Z0.DRIILIIiGLOG attaeisrll/fuanlsiestai FROM TO D ON(to saivraea -sY aft: OGt.othermd(H ' RRCtam) OOther( lain undcr#21 Remark) C�L ft- 4.Date Well ts)Completed: c )� ' 4 I o� R C 5.Well IA on: fL Facility/\\Owa��-Name /t �/ FacilttyMffi(if`ep me _pHcable) IL fL �7A,Jlress, ,and Pe�,�Y X o 2 021 2L BEllfAlrt$B lu�auil t �E?%f1 CN �sSlCe7Unit Cant Parcel Ida tioallo.(PII� 4'Y i�v::; .Oi 1 SL Lad ude and Longitude is degrsealmhrutes/aecoads or dadm d depees: 2L Cerdecatloo: (ifwell one hViong is s�ciea) 'V� . 0 . -t . l5vl W of is aufied Wet Cow ZCW D 6.Is(am)the we9(sp ermanent or OTemporary BY,www this f-M I hereby—f6 A&Nre welf(s)wan(were)cautrachd ii,aavrdmas with 15r NClC MC.V1W or 15d NrAC 02C.02W weft e:onstrvetion Standards and dot a 7.Is this a repair to an e33sdn we0: OYes or o copy of ehtr record has been pwkbd to the waft owner. If ties is a repair,jw.aabwwn weft mmtraction firfaaaation and erplairr the nave of the repmr corder 921 remarksstaboe or an the back of thirfimn. 23.Site diagram or additlooal well details: You may use the back of This page to provide additional well site details or well &Number of wets eomtrneted: e:onshuctim details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Formu►fipk nyeetton or roxwatnmT*we11sONLYwith the nose eaubreaea,you eau srt6sadorrfana 24.Submittal ImtrueHaos: 9.Toed well depth below bond surface: (ft,) 24s. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For=Mple wells lest afl depths ifdonM(armnpb 0V'aW 2(WM construction to the following: 10.Stolle water level beI top of easing: (ft) Dwwb w of Water 1 ,7nformutton Processing unk (f tvaorr level is above carfrr&use"+ 1617 Mal SavW Cmnter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 --1 11.Boeeitok diameoer. (in.) 246.For IntecNon Wells In addition to Bending the form to the address in 24e �/� above, also submit.a copy of this form within 30 days of eompktion of well 1L m Well coemwilms nretbod: \ constrution to the following•. (Le.auger,rotary.cable,direct push,Btu.) Dhdston of Water QuaHq,Underground Injection Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SMTLY WELTS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2769OL1636 132.Yield(gpm) Me15od of test: 24e.Fer Wster Sono de G elm p 1 Wells: Tn addition to oendnsg thef nor to the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dbdnfseflan Vim. ` \ Arno®:: compkbon of well oeustiuctim to the county health depattment of the county where constroctcd. Form GW-1 Nmth Cuohm Depwbmnd of Favaeanmt end NaturW Resources—Division of Watcr Quality Revised Jau.2013