HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06901_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ForJnWW Use ONLY: This farm cell be uud•forsiogle oripultiple wells L Well CoubudorInformatien: 14.WATMZOMM Ronald'E:!Keeter Jr.. FROM TO R DrEcaaII'Ttoit We1lCohtaetorNeme '> e. n- 29saA R NC WenConhactaCettificotionNumbor MOAIZRCASING ra14laaadweL ORL1rIP8 FROM TO DIAMETER'- 7HICIQiE36 MATERIAL Southeastern Pump Sr Well Service Inc. ;ti R_ Company Name r�q I I 16I1Ui1 CA.�iGO8TURM fimodwreasi d6.a PROM TO DIAb1 M rffiCK MATEM AL L Well Conrtniction Perrok r fL R 4L - List all,applicable ws0 aurntruction permits(is.Comuy,Sam,Varienes,era) R R is. 3.Well Use(checkwell me). 17 SCRERN Water Supply Wen: FROM To DLIMMIM. IsLor aver Tllrcxivss OAgricullural p b&c R to ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Arrest A r Supply(single) if [t to ❑lndushial/Commeeoial OReaidcatial Water Supply(shored) 18 GODT Ohri ation QEMENl' FROM TO MATERNL teMFLA METHOD&AMOUNT R R Non-Water Supply Well: R R OMmrtaring ORecovay Injectim Well. R R 0AquiferRechatge OCaoandwataRemediation 19LSANDH:BAVELPACB EMPLACEMENT MItTHOD DAgoifer Storage and Recovery OSalinily Bsaic FROM Efl, TO MATERIAL R �, ,/. OAquiferTeat OStormwatorIhainage n 1 OFxperimmtal Technology OSubeidetxe Control 20,DBILLIl�TGLOG attereiadedtorat eCteelylr OGeathamai(Closed Loop) Mracer FROM TO DESCREMON mbr, nuflat str eon OGmthamal9 Retum) QOlher( Lain under#21 Remarks) ft. C`( �a R a Date Wells)Completed: . R R Wee Lora R R R Facility/Owner Name j R FeeibtyM#(ifeppH=bb) G SW � E,- CPl�lr 2LHFATAM COUDLy Parcel Idmlifieafim No. DWIF"section 5b.Latitude and Iarrghude in deg walmim teoZi -ond■or decimal dgpves: 2Z Ca-Mcadion: well fie am a suffrcient) N �� I .'��-f W I DfA ti.L(are)the wer(sr ¢Pt�nent or OTemporary ' of Ceceitied oven Comraemr BY dgnirr8 thirfarrrr 1 hereby mn*dW dw weII(d was(were)constructed by accordwor with 114 AVAC 02C.01W or 13A NCAC Q2C.0200 WiOCanrtnxRon Sh dardr and that a 7.L this a repair to an existing wen: Dyes or o copy cf d&record has,been provided io the well owner. ' If tilt is a report,fell avtArrown well ains6vcfion i#br7na bn acid espbrbt the nacre ofihe repay corder#21 remarkrseetiah or err the boat of thisfonm 23.Ske diagram or additional well deters: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well L Number of wells conshmaed: construction details. You may also atlarh additional pages if necessary. Formdfipk agection or non wamrsupply welts ONLYwOh At sae earasbra8en,you can submit one form. 24.Submittal Instructions: 9.Total well depth below laud smfnee: (fL) 14a. For AD Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For rmaltiple wells her all depths tf different(cam»pls-3@200'mad 3 jW) construction to the following: 10.3mtic water leash below top of cnsiing: 1 m) Division of water Qtta*,Inl'ormadon Proceaioe Unit, {jwatrr level ie about carbi&erne"+1 1617 Mail Service Center,Rokigh,NC 17699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. (in.) 24L For Iniecdoa Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a n above,also'snbmit.a copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: ��l [ n I construction to the following: (i e.auger,rotary,eeb1%d—push,etc.) Dlvislon of Water Qoarty,Undergrouud Lo*dan Coated Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mafl Service Center,RaidgN NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) L Method of test: 24c.For Water Suonh&.^,ate..—�1 We tin: 7n addition to sending the farm to the addrees(es)above, shto submit sae copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dbdnfeetion type: Ate. completion of will ooashudicu to the county'health department of the county where constructed FormGW-1 NcuthCazo DVartnentoEEr,bonmemsodNaturalRaaaees-DivisioaofWaterQoallay Revised Jan.2013