HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06893_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For hrteunal Use ONLY: Thu farm m be»ged.for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor In&nn%dtin: 1t WATM ZONES Ronald E:` beter Jr.. FROM TO DEscRlprloN WeilCa�torxmme •_ ti 2960-A n NCWellContiaetorCetGGcationNumber MOUMCASING mukkassdweb p$I,iPip,Q FROM 70 DIAMETM- 7ffiCKNFSS MATERIAL Southeastern Pump St Well Service Inca _ - I la. Company Name I6HN040RCASIPIGORTI7BINGfimetWriand dowel FROM TO DL METW I MCKKM I MATERIAL 2.Well Canter don Permit A w IL is Lid aD app&nble wag eonstructionperrnits(is.Cmsny,Stain.Voris V,em) ft. ft. a. 3.Wall Use Use(eh well mar 17.SCPIZN Water Supply Welh FROM TO DIAMEM SLO s= UUMOOM MATEttt w ❑Agricultural IbaicipaVPablicfL rt. j t DGeothermai(Heating/Cooling Supply) (]Residential water Supply(single) ft. 1O Din Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 18 GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL MAPI.ACEl11ENT METHOD&AMOTINT Non-Water Supply Well: DMm$oring IL fR DItccovery j-ft n Well: n tti DAquif-Recharge DCramdwaterRcmediation RFRAMTO 1DIGRAVELPAt3 I MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD DS DAquifer Storage and Recovery alinayBamer fL DAgaifetTeet DStormwatcrl)ainage Iti F1 DVerimental Technology DSubsidence Control DGoothamsl(Closedhoop) DTracer IL IF 3&DRH,MGLOG atheladdmanl,Mat.if FROM TO DESCRIPTION cnbr sanh wit IVDL grath SUM6 era DCeothamal(H jng Retum) 130ther(cxplak mtda_ #21 Remarks) fL IL " to 4.Date wdk(s)Completed: ft.- f 5.Wen Imcation: Facility/OwrKrNmme FacilityM#(ifapp5=blo) ry b\/0 4,/V C- a?qsg ft. IL r Physical Address,City.and Zip 2L BF.IIlAHStt y -Asing Unit �Y Pmcel2demifieabonNo.(PJIT) �;�i{3:,.civr € „t+011 SL Ladt ide sad Iro mitude is deppeea/ t wisecaads or dedmal deg rem 21 Certification: (ifwellBe1d,arcsufficient) uuff is ( �A /h 075 N 760 01 , 80 W �/ of certilied well co�ee6or D4 6 Is(an)the weH(s): C3Famame or DTemporar7 py dgmg*w fam 1 hereby artily Ow'Me-&a(. vac(rrercl cacsbracard br acsnrdarwe /✓// with 11ANCACO2C.01WorISANrACOZC.0200Wel<Con nStmdardsmudernea 7.Is this a repair to an esisting well- Dyes or copy cf thir record hen been p vvubdto the well owner. if Bra is a►epair,fi0 art known well corutrvction information mid explanr the nave of the repair under#21 renranbsechon or an the bock of thajorm 23.She diagram or addifloaai well details: You may use the bank of this page to provide additional well site details or well L Number of web constructed: canettmetion details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For aadhplairyedionorro,}waarrmWlywellrONUwdh hesaae=vue8en,youcan submit oneJbrm 24.Subndttd Instructions- 9.Total wall depth below land sarfaee: N. (f!.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion,cf well For rmrlliple weIIerat aDdeprhr ifdiffererd(mmrrple-3 r@200'ard 1®1W) conshuctlon to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: `O (�) Division of Water Quality lufornsttion Prvicesslog Unit, w gain&use' 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh. U nice level is above c +' NC 27699-16I7 11.Borehole diameter. , ' (in.) 24h.For Injection Welts: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well comtroedan construction to the following (Le.augery rotary,treble,direat push.etc.) Division of Water QoaNty,Under iln—d'In*don Con"Program 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Ser, Cartier,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Saooh&Geodmnlal Wells:'In atldrtien to,.ding the form to the sddteas(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 136 D63afixtlon type: AtDomrt: eompic-fion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Foan OW-1 North Camlim Deparunem of Eoraannew and Nanaal Resources—Division of Water Quality Revised Jeer 2013