HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210102_Supplement-EZ Form_20210514SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE E FUIMSLOADED dikkX46WPE OF SCIVIs: ...... . . ..... . . .. .......... 12 iBioretention Cell 0 13 ;Wet Pond .. ........ 0 14 Stormwater Wetland 0 115 Permeable Pavement 0 116 "Sand 'Filter, 0 17 Rainwater Harvesting (RVVl-1) 0 .... ....... ..... 18 ,Green, Roof 0 19 e L vl Spreader -Filter Strip e , , _(LS-FS) J.-0 20 'Disconnected Impervious Surface (DiS) 0 21 Treatment Swale 0 22 Dry Pond 01 23 iStormFilter j 1 -1 1 0 24 'Silva Cell 25 jBayfilter 0 216 1 Filterra J FORMS LOADED C9_01fication Statement 11 certify, under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision; that the information provided in the form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete; and that the engineering plans, specifications, operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Sign ire De 'gn 3— DRAINAGE AREAS I Is this a h!Rh derTit p No y 2 If so, number of drama areas/SCMs 0 oes thisPE01t9t j2TLej�w d density areas? Yes s? 4 DIf so, number of low den t—V �!PAareas �a22 e_ i i Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule 5 versions? No .. .... ..... Site ........................... . ............ Type of SCM _Entire 5 !Total drains area sq ft 435600 6 Onsite drainage area (sq ft) 435600 7 . ............ 0 ff site. drainage area (sq .. . .......... .. . 0 8 Total BUA i 71776 sf' .... ............. . ........ New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to permitting) (sq..) 58500sf New BUA not on subdivided lots (subject to 10 permitting) (sf) . .. ...... 13276 sf 11 Offsite BuA�sg!!L . ....... .. ' " " - ' " sf ""' . . . ....... .............. . 12 : Breakdown of new BUA not on subdivided lotsParking f.q.it} . .... . . . ...... . ...... f . . ..................... Side(sq ft) sf slk R oof (q I) . . ... . . ...... ... ......... sf . . ............. --Future(sqft) sf - Other, please specify in the comment box !below (sq ;New infiltrating permeable pavement on 13 (subdivided lots (sq ft) sf INew infiltrating permeable pavement not on 14 jsubdivided lots (sq ft) sf Existing BUA that will remain (not subject to 15 'tPe!T5!'ng) �s q sf .1— Existing BUA that already permitted (sq ft) ------ - I � sf 17 .is siin that will be removed..'(sq,P), 18 w�asf ,,,g,BUA Percent B'U'A 01% . . .. ........... 19 Design storm .0 in volume of SCIM (cu ft) c f n method for desigin volume . ....... . ..... ... . ...... ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 2,21drainage"alrela(Is'), ........... LOW DENSITY Swale IYraih�uale BUAervlous Q Slope V,,,,„ V,n,,,Flow depth # 1 Area 0.32 (ae) 0.07 area i C C 0.25 0.43 (ofs) 1.00 M 0.60 (fps) f 4.00 t (fps) 1.12 (ft) 0.50 2 0.44 0.0 5 0.12 0.53 1.70 124 4.00 1 68 0.54 3 3.65 J 0.54 2.64 0.40 9.35 1.24 4.00 2.57 1.02 4 0.29 0,06 0.22 e...0.43 0.91 0.6 0. m 0 4.00 1 09 0.49 5 0.46 0.08 0.10 0.57 1.91 1.24 4.00 1.72 0.56 6 4.11 0.92 .... 3.19 0.43 17.68 2.00 400 3.62 0.87 7 a .,. ._ ,.,.....,t r 8 �. 9 10 m. e � I 12 13 14 15 _._... .. 16 17 18 j ,.... ,. 19 � 20 f 23 24 -., ,,. �,,,,.�,,,, 29 ... �a � - e, _. 26 27 28 ............ 30 ��__._.�.... M.�.. .