HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201987 Ver 1_DMF Comments_20210514Strickland, Bev
From: Harding, Kimberlee k
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 9:31 AM
To: Coats, Heather
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] SAW 2018-2230 2020/2021 Oak Island Beach Nourishment Project
Hi Heather,
First, thank you for forwarding me the other responses. I suppose I am still the new guy and I am not included in many
email threads.
The NCDMF does not object to the one-time extension until May 22 for hopper dredging with complete demobilization
and equipment removal by May 26.
Thank you.
Kim Harding
From: Coats, Heather
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 8:59 AM
To: Harding, Kimberlee k <Kimberlee.Harding@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] SAW 2018-2230 2020/2021 Oak Island Beach Nourishment Project
Hi Kim,
I just want to check back in and make sure you don't have any concerns regarding granting an additional week extension
to dredging for the Oak Island project.
Thanks in advance!
From: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 8:37 AM
To: Coats, Heather <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: kathryn matthews@fws.gov; Godfrey, Matthew H <matt.godfrey@ncwildlife.org>; Currey, Gregory E CIV USARMY
CELRP (USA) <Gregory.E.Currey@usace.army.mil>; Kelly, David <dkelly@ci.oak-island.nc.us>; Leigh Mann
<leigh mann@fws.gov>
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] SAW 2018-2230 2020/2021 Oak Island Beach Nourishment Project
NCWRC has been continuously involved with the 2020-2021 Oak Island Beach Nourishment project and is fully aware of
the project's details and progression. We have discussed and coordinated numerous efforts with state and federal
agencies, the local turtle monitoring program, the Town and their contracted employees. We concur with statements
made by the USFWS and their amended BO (attached) to allow a one-time extension until May 17 for pipeline dredging
and a one-time extension until May 22 for hopper dredging with complete demobilization and equipment removal by
May 26. We expect continued coordination and adherence to all conditions within the permit and amended BO to
complete the previously referenced project components and forthcoming dune planting. It is recommended that if the
permit extension if granted, a brief meeting is conducted with the appropriate parties to ensure extended monitoring
requirements are understood and implemented.
Thank you for the continued coordination efforts to facilitate this project. Please do not hesitate to call or email if
NCWRC can provide additional assistance.
Maria T. Dunn
Coastal Coordinator
NC Wildlife Resources Commission
943 Washington Sq. Mall
Washington, NC 27889
office: 252-948-3916
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From: Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn matthews@fws.gov>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 4:05 PM
To: Currey, Gregory E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Gregory.E.Currey@usace.army.mil>
Cc: Coats, Heather <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>; Kelly, David
<dkelly@ci.oak-island.nc.us>; Mann, Leigh <leigh mann@fws.gov>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] SAW 2018-2230 2020/2021 Oak Island Beach Nourishment Project
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Hi Greg,
Please find attached the signed BO amendment for the requested extension to March 17 and 22,
respectively. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Please note that I am teleworking almost exclusively. Email is the best way to reach me. Thanks,
Kathy Matthews
Fish and Wildlife Biologist
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
551-F Pylon Drive
Raleigh, NC 27606
919-856-4520, x. 27
From: Currey, Gregory E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Gregory.E.Currey@usace.army.mil>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 10:08 AM
To: Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn matthews@fws.gov>
Cc: 'Coats, Heather' <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov>; Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] SAW 2018-2230 2020/2021 Oak Island Beach Nourishment Project
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Good morning Kathy,
By copy of this email, our office requests to re -initiate formal Section 7 consultation on behalf of the Town Of
Oak Island for the above permit to extend the beach fill placement deadline past April 30th , from May 1 to
May 22, 2021 for hopper dredge beachfill placement, and from May 1 to May 17 for hydraulic dredge beachfill
placement. Demobilization activities would be conducted (during daylight hours only) through May 26, 2021.
Thanks, Greg
Greg Currey
Project Manager
USACE, Wilmington
69 Darlington Ave.
Wilmington, NC 28403
PH 910-251-4707